The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Connell Building
Law Library
Itoom 302 Council Building.
Border to close out
Our second hand Organs and
Pianos wc will make the lollowing
exceptional offers:
p4U Organ, two sets reeds and
couplers, guaranteed; $10 down,
65 per month.
& 1 nrk Wi" bl,y a R00tl sluare
P I )) Piano, new strings, new
finish, good tone, action in best
condition; $10 down, $5 per
tf Will buy a $70 nicklc-in-
35 the slot Talking Machine
with one dozen records. Terms,
The Ladies' Picture Contest is
piogressing. The first prize for
prettiest picture is Si in gold, the
second, $. worth of Musical mer
chandise; third prize is a Music
Roll. The picture will adotn our
new song.
e m p
And Photo Supplies
103 Wyoming Avenue.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
fifilcoIlciurH to 12.I10 p.inj 2tol.
WUIImiuh Iliilldlng, Opp.l'OBlolllce.
4-f4 -4 -
OPKNINO SAliK.-Tliu i-.ilt or bC.-us
fur thu Klks' mtiixtnlx npins this mora
ins at the I.jwutn l nillie.
HOY COM.MITTKn.-Wllllum Soiihill.
mi lucorrlKlhlo boy of tin South Snk
wus committed to tin? JIiiiittiiKilnn ii'.
formutory by Jucltre Edwards Saturday.
POTTS VI MJ3 l.iailT Tltl.'ST.-.Scruu-ton
partltH nrv tii'uott.itlns for the nur
I'linFo of tln I'lrctrlc lltrht mid pas plant
at Pottsvlllr but thus fur nothing dullnlto
ii.ib been ncconipllhod. Jlhicra Juurnul.
PXION HXKHCISK.S.-Tlie City 1'nloii
ol tho Kpwnrth Ioiiruo chapter:! will con
duct Himlwri-ary ixeu'li at tho Klin
Park Methodist liiuriii next Krlday f-ven.
liiK. An elulinn to jiiyikI'iiiiiiuo Is being
at ranged.
Afkrr, or the South Side, was arr'
liHt pvcnlnR at tho ingtnmv of his
brother, David Ackei. on tin- cimr;o of
Hteallns a watch. Jlo Is In the iutr
street police attttiun.
TI1K WUKK'S -M:a1UX(JS. - Tho
Krriiiitnu Lieniii.R houno ripori for last
w-pK Ik as follows: Holiday. .lMi,l:3.;S;
' -day. $l4,0iJ5.10: Wednesday, $ll!..
X. Thm-Mluy. $152.l:'.Ml; Friday. $I1S..
' ' Satiiulay. $9l.3tiS.79; total, $sl.!).U.W.
n vISTHHS' M'RKTINO.-Itpv. I). J.
tdluims, of Hlakely. will read a paper
in "Tho UemonoloKy of tho NVw Testa
ment In the l.lKht of Jlocpiit Srlcntlflc
Invpstlffatlon" at the mcetliut of tho
Baptist ministers' confpienco this morn
ing. BOAHD OP CONTROL -The board of
control will meet In ndjotirntd h ssim
tonight to pava upon the plans for tho
now Xo. n and Xo. HS buildings. Obicc.
tloni- are expected to hi- raised to the
erection ot a new building to oilpplunt
Xo 0.
CAIX J'OSTPOXIin.-'i'he boaid of
directors of tho Lackawanna hospital
postponed Its regular meftniR from Hat
urday afternoon until como day Hits
week, announcement of tho day to he
mndo InUr. The meeting was llrat sched
uled for lust Friday.
KKQI'IHM TUOlf JIAS3.-.V mon.h's
mind high nuns was untiir at St. Peter's
cathedral .Snturduy fur tlio'lmppy rcposn
of the soul of tho at- Mother J'aiy, ki.
jiprloross of the ronvi-nt of the Immacu
late Heart of this city. n,.v. o. J. M.ic
Ooldrlck was celebrant of tho mas .
fiTKAMXO nKAHS.-C'liai'lin Mluli
ell. aired 21. was airefted by Patrolmen
Walsh and I'Vcney at tho Dodgetown
hrldgo at 2 o'clock yesterday morning as
he waa trundling iilon? with a wheel
barrow load of brass. He refused to trll
where he got It. Mayor .lolr held him
In JMO hull for court.
THK FA fit l'I.OHi:i).-Thc fair of (5t.
Paul's cjiureh congregation ot Ureen
rtldKe. closed temporarily Saturday night.
Krom any and every staifflpoint It was
tho banner night. An excellent poi trait
of Kev. P. J. McMnnus, pastor of St.
Paul's church, was won bv Msb Kate
IVrRtt'on, of Xcw York state
Bicycles! Bicycles!
Call and wee the Victor spin roller
chitlnlcss blcyclo. The lineBt bicycle
undo without a chtttii.
w, J. U. Williams & Iiro.,
3H Lackuwanna avenue,'.
All Over tho United States Exer
clo'.r. Were Held In Commemora
tion of the Organization of tho
Ianguc Those ut the Elm J?urk
and Simpson Churches Tooic the
.VI nee of the Regular Evening Ser
viceThe Exercises Were- Elabor
ate) and of a Very Interostjrij
Ten years ago today from Methodism
thorp wns born a branch which today
Is a marvel tunontf those subordinate
dements which tend to strengthen anil
upbuild the church lts"lf. The name
of that btttnuh hi Epwtirlh league and
its motto, faithfully adhered to. Is
"Look Up and Lift Up."
Ywterduy all over this broad land
wherever nn 1C worth leaguo limpler
was organized, the tenth anniversary
of the birth of tho league was ob
served In a larger or lesser degteo.
At the Rim Park church the obser
vance by the Kim Park chnpter was
substituted for the regular evening ser
vice. The church auditorium was well
lllh'd and the service proved to bo very
enjoyable. Ah the opening1 selection,
Prof. J. A. Pennington played an or
gan voluntary. During the service
the Kim Park quailette sang several
anthems, Mlxs .Margaret Jones sang a
contralto solo and Miss Thomas and
Mr. Wooler sung a duet. The respon
sive readings were led by the pastor,
Kev. f M. lilflln, 1). D,
Hrh t" addresses were made by the
pastor and J. (5. Khepperd. The latter's
address In part was as follows:
"The Kmvnrth league dates its birth
back lo May 13. 1KSH, and tonight w
arc celebrating Its tenth anniversary.
What a phenomenal, If not marvelous,
growth it has had! Chapters have been
formed in every state and territory in
the t'nion, and, as a result, tonight we
number a host of more than l,r,00.000
'iung people banded together lo win
the world for Christ.
"It Is bard to conceive the vnstness
of our membership, but could we bring
our members Into one line, with the
hand of one clasped In the hand of his
neighbor, a line could lie formed that
would reach f-iT Augusta, Me., to San
Francisco, Cal.; from the lakes cm the
north to the. gulf on tho south one
mighty continuous line of earnest, true
hearted ChiiHt-lovinp young men and
women stretching across our entire
"Then, after forming this line, you
would have a large enough number
standing around waiting for a place to
form a city the sine of iPlttsbuig on the
one end and a city with the population
of Washington on the other end of the
line: or If wo should take ITtah, the
last state to add the lustre or Its star
to the beauty of our noble tlag, and
with it its sister states. 'Wyoming'.
Idaho, North Dakota and Montana, and
to these add New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Indian territory. Arizona and Nevada,
and then for good measure include the
territory of Alaska with Its vnstness,
adding our own glorious slate of Penn
sylvania, we would then have a terri
tory whose population is equal to the
combined membership of the Knworth
'in squat e miles this territory Is
larger, omitting Russia, than all the
continent of Kurope.
"Our plan of woik Is to divide tlvj
league Into four departments, namely,
the Spiritual. Mercy and Help, Liter
ary and Social. During the paul year
avc have had an average attendanciV of
fiom K.O to L'OO young people at every
service of our devotional department,
and each service has been one of re
vival power; the Mercy and Help de
partment has been enabled to send sun
shine into many a darkened home. One
hand-maiden of Cod In this depart
ment during the past year made seventy-three
visits upon the poor unfor
tunate families of our city anil sup
plied a number of such families with
food, while systematic calls have been
made at the public institutions: of our
city and the conversion of two prison
ers are reported In the work of this
"As Cheat ISritaln could not rule the
seas without the red of the Union Jack,
or this great republic come to true
self-eonselousness without the Red,
White and Hlue, so we as Epworth
leaguers have chosen the colors of red
and while, voicing a great Ideal of a
call to heroic action.
"Wear, then, on your breasts and
your shoulders the blood red sign of
Illin who died that you might have
salvation. Wear It ns a token that his
help will never fall you; wear It as a
pledge of a vow which cannot be re
called. Oh, what a banner with our
motto Inscribed, 'Look up; lift up; tho
world for Christ.' "
Dr. Olirin took as the theme of his
talk "Look Up." in substance he urged
that all leaguers should look up and
go up, that plodding nlong in the same
old rut would not do. Each should
be aggressive In the cause. Seek for
an opening or make one. Take in the
view Cod has given us and believe In
yourself and your value ns one of God's
Lift up your heads so that you can
cwwwwwwww-www-ww i
S !
J When the liver's (
( wrong all's wrong. )
j Pills j
f m;Kc wrong livers ?
look up. Oct the Inspiration of a lofty
Idea. I.ook up and truRt God, you can
not do without Ills help. Help the
league, It will help you. Look up and
get God's grnco and strength and He
will direct you,
Tho Simpson chnpter of the Epworth
Ic.'isuo observed the tenth anniversary
last evening In a littlng manner. The
singing was under the direction ot
Lou H. Jones and Miss Grace Acker
presided at tlm organ.
The church was decorated with red
oml white streamers, the colors of the
lpagtie. Prayer was offered by Wil
liam It. Crawford and Miss Margaret
Hughes led tho members In tho re
cital of the Kpworth code. Miss Mar
garet Crawford led the Junloru In tho
recital of the league pledge. A cornel
solo was played by William II. tftan
ton, jr., with violin unit organ accom
paniment. Afterthereadingof the one hundredth
psalm, the Kpwotth lrugu? quartette,
Misses Elizabeth Helser, Edna Saxe,
Messrs. Lou 11. Jotu" and William
Long, sang a selection, "Toll Me Once
More About Jesus."
Secretary M .1. Sutton lead the nn
nunl rejiort of the chapter. This was
followed with a solo by William Long,
with violin and organ accompaniment.
The report of the Junior work was read
by Miss Margaret Crawfotd. William
Parsons made a short address on tho
"Spltltual Alms of the Epwoith
League." and the quartette sang an
other selection.
Miss Margaret Hughes made brief
remarks and Mr. Parsons closed service
Willi prayer. There was u large at
tendance at the service, and much Ih-t'-res't
was manifested in the event.
At the Providence Methodist church
L. F. Bower addressed the anniversary
meeting. The other exercises were
appropriate. At the majority of the
other Methodist churches exercises
were held by the chapters of the league
ut those chut cites.
Shake-up on the D., L. & W. Is Still
Going on P. J. Langan Suc
ceeds Joseph L. Medway as
roremnn of Machine Shops.
Ileglnuiug today, Patrick Langan will
be foreman In the Delaware. Lacka
wanna and Western machine shops In
this city, succeeding Joseph L. Med
way, resigned.
Mr. Langan has had charge ot tho
air brake department of the shops and
Is considered one of the leading men
In that particular line, besides being a
thorough mechanic. The fuel that
much pneumatic- machinery Is h'ing In
stalled In the shops has not a little to
do with Mr. Langan's selection.
He is a comparatively young man,
but possesses a genius in the line of
mechanics that more than makes up
for his lack of years. Tho appoint
ment Is it popular one with the men
at the shops.
Mr. Langan represents the Eigh
teenth ward on the hoatd of control.
His predecessor, Mr. Medway, is a
Dunntnre school controller.
W. H. Lewis, master mechanic at
Klngsland, N. J., on the Morris and
Essex division, hns tendered his resig
nation to Superintendent Fltzglblxm,
to take place June 1. No successor
has been announced.
P. A. Reeves, superintendent of ma
chinery at the Pettebone, Woodward
and Avondalu collieries of the Dela
wate. Lackawanna and Western com
pany, has also handed In his resigna
tion, to take effect Juno 1.
The following notice tva posted Sat
urday: On and after this date, all ear repair
bills which have heretofore been liandb d
bv W. V. Itunyon, car repair account
ant, will be handled through this otlb-e,
and all business relating to same should
be addressed to master car builder. The
olllco of car repair accountant is hereby
abolished. L. T. CantUld. master car
builder. Approved: W. F.,
second vice president and general man
Firemen's Fair Had a Very Large
Two features combined to make Sat
urday a pacemaker for the firemen's
fair, now one week old and In full
swing. In the afternoon the armory
was Invndetl by a host of children,
pupils of the public; schools.
In the evening the members of the
Nay Aug Chemical company made
their appearance and King Mirth
reigned for hours. Previous to going to
the armory the Nay Augs paraded and
the Crystals, Phoenix and Hook and
Ladder companies turned out to add
to the spirit of tho thing. Lawrence's
band headed the column.
During the evening Schubert quar
tette sang several selections. Tonight
Is the William fnnnell Hose com
pany's night, and a great time Is ex
Mandamus Directing Them to Ap
prove the Vosburg Bond.
The court on Saturday granted a
writ of peremptory mandamus to com
pel the members of select council to
meet and accept the bond of City
Solicitor-elect A. A. Vosburg.
The application was made by Attor
ni ys Torrey and McAskK It Is stat
ed that the members who remain away
will be guilty of contempt of court.
Beard of Trade's "Asphalt" Meeting
Promises Pun.
' -f..A.. "l..l. .I'll) ..t.u.i.l ,,.nlnl.,'.. ..t.l
zens' meeting to be held under the
auspl'-es of the boaul of trade to dis
cuss the paving question.
The West Side board of trnde will
send a delegation to protest against the
i-arher contract and urge the erection
of a municipal asphalt plant.
Smoke The Pocono 5c. Cigar.
CLARKE. In North Srtantoii. May 12.
IfeW, Mrs. Charles E. Clarke, at the re.s
dence, :xw'i lloulevaid avenue. l-'um-ral
announcement luter.
FAUST.-In Orecii Ridge, May 12. lvj-i,
Michael Faust, aged ft vcurs. j-'uueml
from tho home, l"ll Mousey avenue,
MouJay afternoon ut S o'clock.
HARDING. In West Hcranton. May JJ.
19D, Emery Harding, aged ta vears, at
residence of John I). Knight. 1511 Jack
son street. Funeral services this even
Imr nt S o'clock. Interment tomorrow
In Clifford.
.STORM. In Dunniore, Slay 12, 1S.M, Mis.
Margaret Storm. 57 yeats of age, at the
rcbldenco cm South Ulakely street. Fu
neral this afternoon at Houth Caiman.
Contractor Burley Agrees to Take
tho Job Off Dunn Bros.' Hands if
Allowed a $3,000 Bonus to Cover
the Increased Cost in Materials.
At a Citizens' Meeting a Subscrip
tion Fund Is Started and One
Sixth of the Necessary Amount Is
The energetic and public-spirited cit
izens of Houlh Scranton are nothing
If they are not determined. Notwith
standing the many deluys and thu va
rious obstacles that have confronted
the commencement of work on the
Seventeenth main sewer district the
leading men say that the sewer will
be built this year, and as a mark of
their sincerity and determination In
the matter a permanent organization
was fanned at Storrs' hall Saturday
night and nenrly ft.'oo was raised by
popular subscription to push the agita
tion to a successful conclusion,
The ptoperty holders along the linn
of the mucli-d-layed and greatly-needed
sewer were notified by postal Fri
day that a meeting of citizens was
called for Satuiday night to devise
ways and means to have tho sewer un
der way by the Fourth of July. lix
Cotinty Auditor S. S. Spruks signed the
call for the meeting. Shortly after S
o'clock the hall was crowded and Mr.
Spruks opened the session.
He made u lively address and said
several pointed things with referenco
to the actions of some persons who
have ligured prominently In the much
discussed sewer.
At the dose of bin address, Mr.
Spruks asked for the nominations for
u chairman for the meeting. On motion
of John J. Cordon, the hustling con
tractor was unanimously chosen chair
man. Jncob Clclgor, Jr., the cigar
manufacturer, was elected secretary.
Later In the meeting, when the perma
nent body was formed. Messrs. Spruks
and rSelger were re-elected to their re
spective olllees, and Select Councilman
John J. Schneider, of the Eleventh
ward, was honored with the post of
The organization did not take on a
title, deeming It sufficient for all con
cerned to know that they were banded
together to build the sewer. Air.
Spruks informed the gathering that W.
F. Hurley, of Dunmore. will build the
sewer for $:!C,f)00, which figure meets
the estimate of the city engineer, and
Is $3,nun higher than the bid Dunn
Hi os. placed when the contract was
given to them. The extra Jli.OOO will be
raised, and Messrs. Dunn will he asked
to sub-let their contract to Mr. Hurley.
In a recent letter to City Engineer
Phillips the Dunns said they were will
ing to turn the contract over to a re
sponsible party.
Mayor Jlolr, who was present, made
an encouraging address. He said It
was a burning shame to the city that
South Scranton was without a main
sower. The mayor urged the advo
cates ot the ltnnrovement to ralo the
$:),O00 over Dunn Bros.' bid that Mr.
Hurley asks. To re-advertise for new
bids would mean much more cost to
the property owners and a long delay,
the mayor said. To substantiate his
assertion, the mayor said the prices of
terra cotta pipes had advanced twenty
live per cent, since Dunn Pros, made
their contract with the manufacturers.
Hon. John J. Scheuer, Attorney C. O.
Donovan, August Remer, Fred. Murs-ch.
ex-Alderman Peter Holding. August
Schneider followed Mayor Jlolr and en
dorsed his suggestions. Then the men
were asked for their subscriptions and
J19:i was raised. Another meeting will
be held tonight at the same place and
Big Event in Golf Circles Postponed
for a Week.
Though there were many persons out
to participate In and witness the open
ing of the golf season at the Country
club's links Saturday, the event was
postponed on account of the heavy
shower which fell about I p. m.
Up to Saturday the links were in
lirst-class condition, and there were
many cutties, giving promise of an in
teresting series.
In announcing the postponement,
Captain Hrooks of the club team stated
that on next Saturday, the weather
proving kind, two additional features
would be provided, a "guesser's" con
test and the annual meeting.
The prize cup offered by T. H. Wat
kins is of the latest design and about
nine inches In height. On the obverse
side Is engraved the Country club's
monogram. A second prize will ho
given for the successful lady golfer.
F. P. Woodward Will Address the
Workers Band This Evening.
Th" Wurkt-rs' band of the Young
Men's riirlstlun association will lioM
its meeting as usual tonight at 8 o'clock
In the Young Men's Christina associa
tion rooms. SKI Washington avenue. F.
P. Woodward, of Dunnioie, will speak.
This band was organized a little over
a year ago In tho old Faurot House
with only eight membeis. To duy It
ban about tlfiy mimes, enrolled and at
several meetings over fifty have been
U Is hoiKtl that the heut of the sum-
i ini-r will not cause u falling off in nt
I tendance, ns many helpful meetings, nro
: looked forward to.
WASHINGTON. Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania
On account of the National Peace
Jubilee, to be held at Washington, I).
C, Muy 23, 21 and 2.", the Pennsylva
nia Railroad company has arranged to
sell excursion tickets from all stations
to Washington at rate of slnglo fnr
for tha round trip, except tint the
intes from New York, Phlliidelphii artl
Haltlmore will be $3.00, $3.00 and 5?.ua
respectively, with proportionate rales
from Intermediate and adjacent points.
Ticket will be sold Alay 2 and .'3.
good to return within ten clays irnii
date of sale when properly validated'
by the agent at Washington.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F, & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
ii - i
Smoke the Pocono clsur, Cc.
Block of Eighteen Houses to Be
Erected in Green Ridge.
Out In Green Ridge the suburb of
pretty residences, In tho course of a
week or so, a novel departure In the
line of residence building will be In
stituted. Recently F. a. Kruegermnn,
of the Scranton Iron Fcnco works,
hnd plans drawn up for an eighteen
house block, and expects to begin the
work of excavating for tho foundations
In a few tluys. Tho block will be locat
ed on Penn avenue nenr Larch street.
The material used will bo brick, and
the block will be two stories high.
All the modern features, Including
those of lighting and heating will bo
Introduced. There will be three rooms
on each lloor, the Idea being to pro
vide a cosy residence for small fam
ilies. Smoke the Pocono cigar, Oc.
S m i v v
Closing Out Stock
of the demons, Fer
bei O'Mallcy Co.
House Furnishings with
an infinity of Bargain
If you have a summer
homcto outfit, you have
our assurance that every
required article for use or
ornament, can be procured
at this sale for less than
manufacturers' cost.
The Bric-a-Brac the
China and Glassware the
Cutlery the Silverware
the House Furnishings of
all kinds Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, Jardinieres, Flow
er Pots, etc. Mexi
can, 15 feet long 50c
Baby Hammocks .... 30c
Dinner, Tea and Toilet
Sets half price.
Lamps, all kinds, half
Fire Polished Hall Gal
lon Pitcher 8c
Berry Dishes.9 inches 8c
Covered Butter Dishes 8c
13-piece Berry Sets.. 20c
Wax Tapers or Gas
l.ij-liters, per box 4c
Cuspidores. . ..5c, 8c, 10c
Pepper Boxes ic
Wringers $1.00
12-in Decorated Stipled
Gold Platters 10c
io-in Decorated Stlpled
Gold Berry Dishes- 10c
io-in Decorated Stipled
Gold Oval Dishes 10c
1 i-in Decorated Stipled
Gold Cake Plates 10c
Jumbo Decorated Stipled
Gold Coffee Cups and
Saucers ioc
Halt Gallon Decorated
Stipled Gold Pitchers., .ioc
P. S. Please remember,
that when the stock is sold
it is not replenished, as we
must close it out as rapidly
as possible, so come while
it is complete.
Successors (0
flpmnni Fpphpp
. ",;;,;... ;."w"
u ma 1 ley 10.,
422 Lackawanna Ave
More Interesting Than Ever
Pll.lcJO 1 c rC n1 nnnnr. .'. ...I I . m f Iia ifr,. f- nilHAhnPa t-llrt nf1Aof l11Y1111(i
yv i uuu,-iuuu3 ui auuiiuuio 1.1 u v u 1 1 I; bill: akirii. lv iui.uov. Law ti.itb wtu iuiia
X that are put upon the counters daily. Hundreds of more lines have been reduced.
T Mill further price cuts have been made. Here arc interesting offerings :
Trimmed aud Untrimmed Hats
at less than halt price.
Ladies' Trimmed hats that we figured on
getting $?.5o and $4.50. Your 0
choice l.yo
Children's Trimmed Leghorns.
Special low .ptice cut. Each 75C
Ladies' and Children's Straw Sail
ors of Jumbo braid and fancy straw. y,
Each 69C
Clovers, Bluets and Natural Roses t n
per bunch I (JC
! 308 Lackawanna
The Great 4c Store
225 Lackawanna Avenue
Coffee Mills
Large size, were 34c.
Sale price
Toilet Paper
1,000 sheets large size,
were ioc. Sale price oC
Meat Choppers
Two blades, were ioc
Sale price 20-
Window Screens
Spring ends, large size, t
were 25c, Sale price.... 1 OC
Screen Doors
Any size, in oil finish, were
$1.25 complete. Sale price. 5C
26 Lackawanna Avenue.
Grand Special Sale
124 Washington Avenue.
KELLUM & CONRAD, 243 Wyoming Ave
Fire Sale.
Fire Sale of
Salt and Pepper Shakers
Were iC and ioc. t
Sale price 1 C and 2C
Berry Dish
Carlsbad China, were
5?c. Sale price 1 OC
Cream Jug
Carlsbad China, .
were ioc. Sale price 4CandOC
Fruit and Pie Plates
Carlsbad China, .
were ioc. Sale price 2Cand4C
Bohemian glass, were ioc
Sale price OC
Oriental Rugs
and Carpets
We have the largest and finest assortment ot
Oriental Rugs and Carpets; also the choicest de
signs ol Wilton and Srryrna Rugs and Carpets.
It is a real treat to see our line Rugs, and for Bar
gains, no better will ever be offered.
Hartford Bicycles, $2& and
Pierce and Stormer, $25 to $75 y.
Juvenile, 20, 24, 26 inch,
These wheels are the best money,
science and brains can produce.
ndms and Repair Work a Spaci
Suits and Skirts
A complete half price cut this week of
Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Children's Dresses.
The Suits.
$6.00 Suits will be $2.50
S, 50 Suits will be f .08
1 y so Suits will be 7-50
The Skirts.
soc Crash Ski us will be 25c
$1.00 Trimmed Crash Skirts will be.... 50c
3.00 Wool Serge Skirts will be $1.50
10. 50 Silk Skins will be 5.25
Children's Dresses.
7;c Wash Dresses will be 39c
i.,o Wash Dresses will be 60c