-apri(rrfwrHHyfvf tfwfrrrV-1" HIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 15, 1899. . ? wjmpvv ii - 71 3 t IfES PLAYED IN ATLANTIC LEAGUE SORANTON LOOSES TO NEWARK THROUGH ERRORS. Richmond's Loss to Lancaster Sat urday, Places Wllkes-Barre at the Top of the Atlantic League List. Rain Prevents a Number of Satui c'ay Games Wllkes-Bano Won from Pateison by n Good Score. National Loague Games Postponed. Other Results Diamond Gossip. Saturday was a bad day In thp At .antlc league. The Kcranton-Paterson, Wllkes-Bairc-Newark and tho Itead-lng-Allentown games were all post poned on account of tain. Lancaster downed tho champlonB by a narrow margin. Richmond's defeat Is credited to Umpire Merger and poor base run ning. Hy Richmond's defeat, Wilkes Harm now lead1 the bunch, but Rich mond It hot on the trail. New Yoik and Washington seem to be on the downward slide. New York was shut out by Philadelphia In Sat in day's game by it good score. Washington was defeated In both mimes on Saturday by Brooklyn, and St LouN was beaten bv Cincinnati. Yesterduv's National league games woio postponed on account of rain, Percentage Table, w. Wllkts-Huiie 11 Richmond 11 Heading 8 Newark 't Sor.intim S l.ancasti't 7 I'.iti ion ." Ulentovvn IS 1. PC. 4 .731 i .b&S e fij 8 .529 8 .'M VI .412 12 !?i4 io .-mi Where They Play Today, fccriinton at Richmond. Wllkcs-Hano at 1'atcrson Lancaster at Allentown Niwark at Reading SUNDAY GAMES. Sciantou Loses Through Errors. New. nk s. .1 SIa 14 Newark broko a low. stictch of defeats by defeuting Suaiitini today. The mnjoiltv of the n us vroiid liy both sides were mado thiuiigh ciror Scoio NEWARK. It. J I. O. Klopf, SS 0 I! 1 Hatdtsty, cf 1 0 2 Sclufllcr, If 1 0 1 Wl-e, 2b 2 3 1 Wcddlge, 3b 2 0 1 Held lb 1 1 'j Cog in, rf 0 ! 1 (Suuon, c 0 l '. Hrown, p i) 0 0 A. E. 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Totals 10 SCRANTON. It. 11 O A. I". Knoll. Lf 0 12 0 0 l.lppeit, if 3 0 1 0 0 rvimi, lb 10 7 10 Eag.in, If I i 1 n Puberty. 3b 0 1 I ." 2 O'Connell, 2b 0 1 ii 0 0 Aileu, 2b i 0 I 2 McM.ihnn, SE 0 12 0 1 llnckara, o 0 I fi o 0 Wslov. ii 1112 0 Totals r. 10 .M 9 5 Klopf out, hit In batted ball Newark 1 2 0 .". 0 (I 0 0 X t ' Scranton .. . i o l o o o J, u 03 Twii-bae hits Wise, 1'leld Klopf, Thiickata Stokn bases Sehefllcr. Wl"-e, Knoll, HMe.v, Lippert, p Lett on hises -Newark, 7. Scianton, 10 Struck out Hv Risley, 1, by Drown, 7. l'lrst on ball Off Brown, 5. olf RMey. 4 Hit by pitched ball lluiiltst-, Allen I'mplrc MrDcimott Time 1 4"i Wllkes-Barre Wins fiom Patersou. Paterson May 14 Wilkf-llarie out oatted and outllelcled the local team to da and had no dldlctilty In -winning. Iloth sides made nian brllllan plays, tho featines belntr tine e.itchos bv Gct tlnger and Odwell and a magnificent stop nvei second base bj Oochnaur. Jlmeson was wild, but us the locals could not bit him his baes on balls did not count. Attedance, 1.2u0 Score. PATERSON Hilt v, ss 12 110 Ladd, If 0 1 I 0 1 Thornton, II 0 0 11 2 0 ("amp, .lb 1 1 ii .1 0 Duncan, c 0 o 2 4 o Gcttlimn, rf o 1 1 II il Goc)inatti, 2b o o i, l riiinau cf i o l o n I'owen p (i j j j o Totals 21 1, WILKI'S-UAHRJ. It. I J. O A. E ('ISlllCI, SS 1 0 J I o Odwell. If 2 2 10 0 JIuIIIriiii if 2 1 , ii 0 Goeckol, lb I 2 17 0 0 lhertiin, 2b 0 2 2 6 0 likhtei. cf 0 ii 2 0 0 'oughlln, 3b 0 2 10 0 iloiidlng, c ii l ii 0 llmc-on, p 2 2 0 4 0 Totals 7 12 27 Pi 0 P.itorsnn ,. .. 2 u 0 n n o 0 0 02 H Ilkcx-Harro. ... .1 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 x 7 named inns Wllkcs-Uurc. 2 Two. Ijso hits Gcttliiger Athertnn, 2. Cough Uu Sacrifice hlls-Ladd, Odwell Stolen banes- Riley, Camp OcUull, Mulligan. Left on baeo Wllkes-Uane, 6, Pater--nn 7 Klrst on balls Off I'owen, 3, off llnuiisoit 7 Jilt bv pitched ball-Cly-mei wild pitch Row en Passed ball li-inain Time 1 17 1'mplre Hcnder son RAIN CAUSED POSTPONEMENT. Last Gamo of the Series Could Not Be Played. Tho game betuoen Scranton and Paterson was postponed on Saturday owing to ialn Tho Paterson club had Just arrlcd on the field and were assembling for practice when It began to rain. The attendance wus fairly good, conrldering the weather. Had It been a pleasant dav, no doubt thero would have been a large rrowd of "fans" to witness the Pnal game of the series. The postponed game cannot be played until Paterson comes to Scran- SIDEBOARDS We are showing a fine assortment of Sideboards from $12.00 to Our Thirty Dollar PRQTHEROE & CO., ton, which will not be until July 13, 14 and 1. On which of the three dates the post poned game will bo played Is not known. The condition of the men and the weather has a great deal to do with the situation. Scranton's trip abroad will be one worth following, owlnc to tho differ ent standing1 of tho various clubs of the league Tho route, as scheduled, Is as follows: Richmond, May 15, 1G, 17; Heading, May 18, 19, 20; Lancaster, May 22,22,24, Allentown, May 23, 20, 27. Richmond Defeated. Richmond, May 13. Lancaster defeated Richmond yesterday. The score by In nings was: It.H.E. Richmond 0 110 0 0 0 0 0-211 1 Lancaster 00000120 a 3 1 Uatterles Pfanmlllcr and Hess; Minor and Wcnte. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percentage Table. W. L. l c. St. Louis 10 C .727 Philadelphia 17 7 .703 Chicago If. 7 .C90 Brooklyn 18 S .067 Cincinnati II 7 .'t7 Roston 11 '0 3W Haltlmoro 11 U .4"? New York 9 n ' Louisville. 9 11 ,W3 Pittsburg 8 It .Ihl Washington 4 20 .107 Cleveland 3 19 " Sunday Games. St. Louis, .May 14 The attendance at toduv's game, 26,000, beat all rccouls. Score: IUI H. St. I.ouls 00100 13000 16 9 1 Cincinnati J 0101000000 5 19 1 Uatterles Powell and Crlgcr; Brelten steln and Wood. Saturday Games. At Philadelphia R 1111. New York 0 0000 00 000 7 2 Philadelphia 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 1 ! IS 1 Ratterles Coakley and Grady; lTdeld and Douglass. Umpires Swartwood and Warner. At Brooklyn First game R H.E. Washington 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 01 7 2 Rrookljll 0 0 2 2 2 1 3 2 -12 11 1 Uatterles Mcr.irland and McGuire. Hughes and Tarrtll. Umpires McDonald and I'msllc. Second game Washington 10 0 0 10 10 03 4 Ilrookljn 3 0 0 0 3 t 0 0 7 7 3 Ratterles Baker and McGwire; Hughes and Tarrell empires McDonald and I'mslle. At Boston R-II 11. Baltimore 0001000001 4 1 Boston 1000000012 7 0 Batteries Kltson and Robinson; Willis and Bergen. Umpires Gjtfncy and An drew b. At Plttslmrg - R.U E. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 n on o 0 0 3 3 Pittsburg 2 1 10 00 20 C 12 3 Batteries llughey and Zlmmer; Tan nehlll and Uowerman. Umpires Hunt and Conuoll. At Cincinnati- R U.K. St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 S fi Cincinnati 5 0 0 0 10 10 0-7 7 2 Uatterles oung and O'Connor nnd Crl ger; Damman and Woods. Umpires O'Day and Brcnnan At Chicago Louisville Chicago . Batteries Griffith and and Smith. R H.I. no i on ono o I io 7 .. ..2 0 0 2 0 1 0 - 5 7 1 Cunningham and Powers; Donohue. Cmpltes Burns OTHER LEAGUE GAMES. Sunday Games. Eastern League. Hartford, 0, Montreal, 2 Western League. Kansas City, 5, Milwaukee, 4. Columbus, 1. Indianapolis, 2. St Paul, P; Minneapolis, o. Interstate League. Grand Rapids. 8. Multifield, 7 Fort Wajnc, 2, New Castle, 1 MARYLAND-PENNA. LEAGUE. A New Six-Club Interstate Base Ball Organization Formed. A new base ball league was otgan Ized here today by Chailes U. Scog glns and other Raltlinoreans. It Is called tho American League of Base Ball clubs, and will bo under the regulations of th National agreement. Mr. Scogglns Is the presi dent. Theie will be six clubs, located Ir Harilsburg and York, Pa,, Cumber land, Frederick City, Hagerstown and Baltimore county, Md. ShouM Presi dent Young refuse permission to locate a team In Baltimore county the uan chlse will bo transferred to Wilming ton, Del. The schedule arranged piold."3 for a season of thtee months, bcgirnlns m June lu. Kach club will play Plrht"en games with each of the other live i lubs nine at home and nine abroad. President Scogglns sas the giound lias been thoim lily canvassed In each of tho smaller Mai viand and Pennsyl vania towns where clubs will bo lo cated In each case local men w 111 have entire charge' of tho team, and tha peo ple seem anxious for the games t be gin. Harrlsburg has had no team In a tegular organization for five years, and neither has Cumberland, Hagers town oi riederlck. Philadelphia In quirer DIAMOND PICK UPS. Hartford hat- released Plank Bonner to Washington ioi il.OOO. Shortstop Hulen has been icleai-ed. Paterson Is expected to gn Gilbert, the outfielder. Gilbert fields well, but Is weak at tho bat, and a little slow on bases for Manager Swift It Is repotted that Gallaghet, the Scran ton bo who plajed Mich a good gamo on Prida for Scranton, will be turned oer to ntrhbiire AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. The high tchool and the School of the Lackawanna will play tho second game of the series on Situiday, May 0, at tha Athletic park Tho scries Includes three games One has been plajed and the high school was dufeated. If they suffer defeat on Satuidaj the story of tho series will bo told Both teams are much btroncer than they were during $125. Sideboard is a Gem. Manufacturers of Furnltura, 303 Lackawanna Avq tho trial of tha first tamo and a hotly contested game Is expected. Tho Lackawanna did not play Car bondale Saturday owing to tho rain. Tho postponed game will bo arranged to take place within a few days. Tho well known Sliders met tho St. Thomah' reserves on the James Ilojs' giounds last Saturday. At tho ond of the fourth Inning the game was called owing to rain. Tho bcore was 8 to 2 In favor of the reserves The postponed gamo will bo plajed as soon as arrangements can bo made. In the presence of about 4,000 people yesterday tho I'ureka baso ball team won their second gamo of tho season on tho Carson City ground Tho South Sldo team, their opponents, were, defeated by a scoro of 14 to 7, The features of tho gamo was the heavy batting of tho Ku rekas. Martin Kelllher covered second In Gallagher's place, tha latter halnj elgned with the Fltchburg team of tho Ntw England state league. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. The Spooner Company. The rlopular Spooner company, head ed by tho clever and versatile artists, Enda and Cecil, will open a week's on lingemcnt at tho Academy of Music this evening, presenting an excellent repertoire of etnnditrd nnd high class comedies and dramas, together with tho finest lino of now nnd un-to-datc specialties ever offered by any popular price company. All of tho performan ces given by this company arc contlnu cus. The specialties for Monday night will be Kdna May Spooner'a now and beautiful Illustrate pongs. Cecil Spooner In songs and dances, the prince of entertainers, John A. West, In his musical sketches and monologues and n series of views by the moving picture machine. The opening bill will be tho beautiful Mexican romance, entitled 'Inez." Special attention is called to the elegant costumes worn In this pio ductloii, which are historically correct of that date The bill for Tuesday ii inee will be n dtumatlzatlon of Longfellow's well known poem entltlsd Maud Mullet," and for Tuesday night Mr. C. T. Unzey's great sensational comedy, "The Old Lime Kiln." Ladies' 15 cents exchange tickets have boon dlsti touted throughout tho city, but tin -i falling to secure tho required number may do so by calling at tho Academy box olllcc. THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Review. Bv Associated Press. Now oik, May 13 Speculation opened lu a highly demoralized condition today owing to the announcement of tho sudde'n death of former Gosernor Flower. Gen eral news was aetlo but many rumors connected with tho properties identified with the lute financier wero circulated. The flood of liquidation ordeis und bear acilUty after tho Initial break carried all of thu Flower specialties down at a terrific rate. Tho extremo breaks In these properties as compared with yes ti.r day were Air Brako e- points Brook ln Transit 18"i, People's Gas, 18, Inter national Paper UN, I'ederal Steel, lli, Rock Island 4'i and Atchison preferred 4. The market this week suffered two vio lent declines, the first on Tuesday, when agitation as to tho probable i ffect of tho l''ord tax bill worked havoc with values. This was followed bj an irregular re covery until tho announcement of tho death of ex-Governor Flower today gave i shock to the inaikct resulting In a. dip below the tlgures of Tuesday lor his specnltles and bringing tho general prico ncailv down in the low'i r level estab lished earlier In the week Total sales, 757,000 shares By Cairlngton &. Cus.ick. New York, May n Tho market during wetk has been ei ratio and almost entlre lv a piofisslonal on. Tha sudden death of ex-Gournor Flower caused a panic at tho opening, and tho flist puces showed declines ranging from 3 to 18 points. Naturally the Flower specialties wero the principal sufferers, B. R. T. selling down to par, and People's Gas to 101 Tho miikot rallied lmmedlatelv after opening, nnd In many cases lingo recoveries wero made On account of Mr. Flower's prominence on the bull sldo his death Is llible to havo a disturb ing influence on the market for a time but tho general Impression Is that hU holdings are In good hands and the mar ket will bo supported by other Interests. Tho bank statement, although comp lra tivelv on excellent one, was up to expec tations, and after its publication the market declined sllghtlv. Tho discount ing of tho statement nnd apprehension until some definite Information Is le eched fiom Mr. Flower's associates may have a tendency to put prices down again next week but the worst Is over, and we do not 'ook fot nnv considerable decline from tonight s closing. We ad vise bujlng on all weak spots and taking sinati proms iiunni. ttie coming ween. It Is rumored that JWOOOOOOO was offered Flower & Co this morning, nnd n Stand ard OH man bought 10ffl0 shares of Riookvln Rapid Trinslt "In honor of tho namo of Roswcll P. Flower. Mr. Anson R. Flower authorized tho following state ment "The governor had no lluo of stotks on hand, but Investments which were paid for will not come on the mar ket There Is nothing In his death which should cause anv special dlstrubance to the stock market beyond a mere senti mental effn t Properties in which ho was u dliector and Interested hsvo merit nnd he hn-l great faith in their future. Most of them ire on a dividend pivlng basis, and those which nie not will be there in a ver- reir future' Quotations furnlhed bv HARRINGTON .t CL'SACK, stock and bond brokers, rooms 410 and 411 Connell building, Scran ton, Pa. Open- High- Low- Clos. Inir est est lntr Am rot ton nil Co . &, 3,"i T,a, .114 lit 171 i 52v, 9VU r.Pi lOhL. .. 112 21- r.' 1'.2 J"V1 Am S R CO..H&U-H7 V'i 14!i Atcnlson . . . 17'i AtchNon, Pi 52i'-5Pi Am, Tobacco Co. . m Am S & W . Ti-M-Brooklyn R I" .110-100 isu 17 31 inn 1,2 110 r..j 11? 214 14 ii.i r,l 100 S31 JO',5, uannua soutn .. . "-s of N J. ..Uu Ches. & Ohio Chic &. C. W .... II 14 Tl'i Chic N V. . . 1IH 1211 IMS UI1IC, HUH A Q . 12SV, 131U 12i 131U riilc, Mil X St. P. 121 1231' ii Hhlc R 1 fi Pac. 10s UOi! C . C . C & St. L . K5 Stt! 1071i ii'i M UU Con G 13 lM I'Vi 1ST 1M-K llU'l D i II Canal . ..117 117 llf. Fed. Steel, Pr ... 77 7S 73 Fed. Steel. Com.. Sfi-"Vl r.s 50 General Dlectrle Co U3'i ll.Vi 115 ,,4 "3'd UP cn 21i 23U 4Pj 31', fii 131 2'"i iV 7"iVi Wl 112'i )--, in ri"i 41"', 7-.u fii 21 iil Louis d Nash C.V- f5 "3S Monhattan . ion Met. Traction . ..215'j M , K A T., Tr . . r.iu Mo Pacific . . 12 Nat Lead Co . TiWi Norfolk, Pr . Mi N. Y. C & Hud .. .r,0ti lOiVj in, 222 2ISti n t It 31; 411'. .-.o-J r,r,n bi nii iw; N Y.. O & W . 2iH 241 5 Nothern Pac .. 41 4'Hfe Nnith Pac , Pr .. 7i "fi"! Pac. Mall S S Co 4Si 'A People's Gas .. 112 101 Hfl ritll. & Read . lii 11' Phil & R 1st Pr. . Dl r.-u Southern Rv , Pr . . 4'iii ri'5 Fnlon Pacific . IliJ 42 Tnlon Pac Pr . 7IS 7r.i I S. Rubher Co 4, 1S V S Leath. Co, Pr ro rv. Wabash, Pr 20" '1 Western I'nlon ... SU 0li is 101 v 61 4? 403 7l'i 4si (Wi 20-i 81 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Open- High- Low- Clos Ing. est, est. Ing. WHEAT. July September .. CORN July September . OATS Jtilv 7"j 70? fti: 711 70 7014 34i St'i eo'J 33i 21". 20T StO 8 50 4 17 5 22 CO',' 3.3". r.'.u 2.13: S43 8 67 R10 31 31 23" i 231 September 21'4 21'i S 42 8 37 10 B22 I'UlllV Julv 8 til September 8 SO LARD July una September . ... 5 22 Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Pnr of 100. STOCKS. Rid. Asked. Pcrunton & Plttston Trac. Co. . 20 First National Bank 800 Elmhurst Boulevard 100 The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING IIOUSC for the BenerU of All Who Hnvc Houses to Rent, Kcul Estnte or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or HelpThese Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for rive Cents u Word Except Sltuutlonj Wanted, Which ArJ In serted Free. WANTED. WANTKD-A SKCOND-IIAND STKAM or Hot water boiler, uapacuy, Ji', room house. Steamtltter, care this of. flco. WANTKD-CHRISTIAN MAN OR WO man to qualify for permanent of fice work. Salary $900. Uncloso refer ence und sclf-addrcsscd stamped enve lopo to Director, caro B 1W, Tribune of fice. WANTKD-CASE OF RAD HKAI.TH that R-I-r-A-N-S will not benent. Send C centB to Rlpans Chemical Co , New York.for 10 tsamplos ond 1,000 testimonials. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTKD-A GIRIv TO DO OnNERAL housework at 218 Spruce street. WANTED - GIRI, FOR GUNHRAli housework, apply with reference at No. 1011 North Main avenue. Tripp a Homestead, LADFKS TO KMBROIDER-GOOD PAY- Ing. easy work sent to your homo; writs for sample and materials. Unique nmbroldcry Co., 102 Fulton St.. New ork. WANTED-TO EXCHANGE. WANTBD-TOXHATltJXFTNB upright piano, first-class make, but little used, for good horso and buggy. Address P. O. Box 247. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY VANTRn-PARBirONVI"ST' IN a good manufacturing article at once, for particular call upon II. F. Lowe, Scranton House, city. MONEY TO LOAN. MONHY TO LOAN IN SMALL SUMS of $50-1 upward, 44 to fi per cent. James Gardner Sanderson, Me-ars' build ing, Sciunton. Scranton Savings Bank Scranton Puoklug Co Third National Bank Throop Novelt.v Mfg. Co Scranton Uallwaj (Jo Dime Dep d Dis Bank Lconomy Light. Heat A: Pow er Compau Scranton Illuminating Heat & Power Company Scranton Forging Co Tiaders' Notional Bank Lacka. Lumber Co Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co. Mooslc Mountain Coal Co. ... Scranton Paint Co nark & Snover Co, Com Clark & Snover Co,. Pr Carson Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scr. Iron Fence & Mfg. Co BONDS. Scranton Pass Railway, first mortgage, due 1U20 .. People's Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 1D1S ... ..... . People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 19a Dickson Manufacturing Co .. Lacka. Township School ur". . City of Scranton St. Imp. 0. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works Scianton Traction 0 bonds... Curcon Coal Co 235 Coo 93 SO 30 ... 200 ... 15 a . . 100 130 luO 130 ... 11514 SO 4(i0 123 100 M 100 113 115 ... 115 ... 10O 102 ... 102 S3 100 115 100 New York Grain and Produce Xfl.ark.ot New York, May 3. riour Dull and low er to weak; winter patents, J3.71al, win ter straights, $ 3".iJ W, Minnesota pat ents, J'sunl, wtntei extras, $2.t0iJ 1"; Minnesota bakers, $2',a.i.lu, winter low glade's, $2 4a2 3o. Rv c 1 lour Dull, goOl to lair, ln3 1i, i-holco to lane 13.20a 1. 10. Wheat-Spot weak, JSo. 2 led, S1c., I. o. b, ntloat and i7e cl.-vator; No. 2 red, Wc , to 111 rive fob afloat, No 1 noi thorn Duluth, 7'Jc ,1 o b , afloat to anlve-, optiuns easier on deinorall7iitloii m stocKS nur pioinpu lecovereu on drouth news from Routnani.i und cold weather ill Uie nurthwisl, in the lust half hour tho mtrkot broke again on rutnjrs of lalns In Roumnnln, closing weak at '$a "'ic net deiline, May closed 7b"c; July, 71'"ia75'3C., rinsed 74A.C , Soptcmber, 73"ia 74'iC , closed 73ile. , December, 71'a73Uc , closed 7lae. Coin Spot weak; No 2 40"it., f. o b , afloat to arrive; options opened steady, anil was inelinod to show llrmmss but an absence ot clllng preis use, the market finally eased on" vlth wheat, and closed weak at 'a"c. de cline; May, 36aS&?8c., clo-ed 3ic. July, W a39c. Oats Spot dull; No. 2. 3H4c ; No. 3. 'JVs.c ; No. 2 white, f3c ; No J white, 34c; trnck mixed, western, 3la31c: track white, 34a3?c; options dull Cut Me its Steadv ; pickled bclltes, 4.Vafic ; do. sohul ders, 4H4ViC , do hams, 7aS'$c. Butter Strong; western rr'amcry, 13a!Sc ; fac tory, Hial3c ; Imitation creamery. 12- 14c Cheese Old, steady, largo white, ll'fec ; small do, llHc.; largo colored, JIHc ; small do., HHe ; new encese, steady; large flHa958c ; small, do . fl!a like Eggs Strong: western fresh, Fa 14o.; southern, 12al3c, Petroleum Dull; rcgned at New York. 6 : Philadelphia and Baltimore, JO 90; do. in bulk. SI 40. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia May 13,-Wheat Weak and 'io. lower; contract grade, May, 7)a 733c. Corn Steady, No. 2 mixed, May, SM&bc. Oats Firm; No. 2 whlto clipped, 33c ; No 3 whlto clipped, CJhaJlc ; No 2 mixed do., 32ViaJ3o. Butter rim; luiiLy western creamery, ls'sc , do. prints, 201 Eggs Firm; tresu, nearby, 13al3iac ; do wt stern, lS'.c. , do. south western, 13al3'iC : do. southern, 12ijc. Cheese Firm. Refined Sugars Un ehanged. Cotton Steady. Tallow Quiet, unchanged, cltv. pilmo in hogslieads, 4 l-16c. ; country pilmc, In bands, 1e ; dark, do, 2e cakes oc ; grease, 2'ii J'ic. l.tvo J'oum j hteaav , towis. iiv-a 12c; old roosteis se. , spilng chickens i8 a21e ; ducks, li'H.c Dteced Piniltiv Firm; fowls, choice 3'j to r.'a pounds, 21H 33c , small and infirloi do., &1LP0. Re celpts Flour, 1 7mi bands and 4,()0 saiks: win at, 8,vm bushels: corn, 01 MS bushds; oats, 3'dOO bushels. Shipment'" Wheat. 1400 bushels, com, 113 000 bush cla, oats, i 300 bushels. Chicago Gialn nnd Ptoduce. Chicago May 13 The wheat market today ruled vvi ik and lowir. owing to tho slump in Wall mi cut nnd favorablo crop news fiom abroad July wheat clofcd with a loss of , t'ie Corn di (.lined "saVc. and oats ,ja-,c Poik 'id iinced 10al2tc , laid 10c and ribs 7-c ash quotations wcu- a follows. Flout Quiet: winter patents 130u3C0, strals'it", it 20 t3 30; cU ins. l(3a,l 10, spring specials, SI 10, patents, 3ai,i3 7o; do stiaights, $2S0a3.10: bakers, 2 20a2 40; No 2 rprlng wheat, CD''C ; No. 3 do., CilaCSc; No. 2 red, 71',ia72c ; No. 2 yellow coin 33"-,c ; No. 2 corn, 31'ic; No 2 oats, 2"fe.iJ7c No. 2 White, 30c No .1 white 2SVi2&V; No. 2 OC fDc ; No. 2 barley. 3"' .ate ; No. 1 flax seed, $1.05; northwest. SI 07, prlmo tim othy seed, J2 25, mess pmk, 1'29ak), laid, riOiVtllSO-i! libs, SU-alSO, shoulders, boxed, Pia4i;C ; shoit dear sides, J4:Oa5; whiskey $1 2C, clover contract griulc, M.35; sugars, unchanged. New York Live Stock Market. New" York May 11 oBei es Foellng Steadv; no trading, calves firm to 23c. higher; poor to nilme veals, laO.SO, city dressed veals 7111100 pi-i pound Sheep and Lambs Sherp firm, lambs, 3al0c. higher, prlmo clipped sheep, $'"0, im. shorn lambs, ! Sr.uV 12's, cllppdl do 010 nil 70, spring limbs, nominal Hogs Higher at $4,20al.'0, choice fat, hogs sold l.ilo at SI CO. Chicago Llvo Stock Market. Chicago. May 3. -Tho fctnall supply of eattlo teielved todav vveie quickly dis posed of at former prices. Theie was n lively local and shipping demand for Iiors nnd the limited offering was readily tnken at 21a5e. advanto; fair to cholcn. SlR"a4; heavy packers, S3COn3.S2ia; mixed, S3 7O.a3.S0; butchers fJ70a3P5, lights, $tt,3 a3.00; pigs, S35"ii3Hi. Theie wtio not enough sheep oifered to make a market and prices ruled mostly nomlnnl. Rn. colpts Cattle 130 head: hogs, 11000 head; sheep, Coo head Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, May 3. Cattle Fulrly ac- FOR RENT FOR RUNT JUND lst-S-ROOM HOUSC, 213 Madison avenue, between Dela ware and Green Rldgo street. All im provements; lovely location. Inquire II. D. Jones, next door. HOUSR FOR RDNT--23 ADAMS AVH- nue; modern Improvements: rent, 126.00. Inquire Dime Bank, Mr. Zurflleh. HOUSF. FOR HUNT INQUIRK OF HAR- ry Spencer at Stevens, Cash Store, Dunmoro. FOR RDNT-STORi: ROOM, NO, 207 North Washington avenue, formerly occupied by J. w. Guernsev. Steam heat, elevator, rear entrance. For terms apply to Jones Bros, 311 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE FOR SALH CHHAP-ONU 150-HORSI. power locomotlvo boiler, In good con dition. Insured for 100 pounds working prossure. Oswego Boiler Works, Oswego, New York. DnSIRABLD LOTS ON COLFAX AVfl nuo. For particulars address Box 315, Scranton, Ta. FOR BALD TRN R-I-P-A-N-S FOR 6 cents at druggists. Ono gives relief. FOR SALE OR RhNT. FOR SALT! OR RIlNT-SINGLn HOUSD. 003 Qulncy nvenuo; city steam; selling price, Jb,600; rent, $10 per month Including steam heat. G. F. Reynolds. FURNISHED ROOMS. rRNTsTTnDlolaT'oirTuNT Womlng avenue. Inquire nt Crow ell's, 401 Spruce, corner Wyoming. FOR HUNT NICELY FURNISHED 100ms; use of bath; desirable loca tion; gentlemen only. Rcfercnco re quired. Address P. O. box 12S, city. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent in quiet houso, one or two chil dren. Address, W. P. S., Tribune office. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 235 Colfax avenue; lust ci mpletcd. All modern improvements Hordwood finish, sanitary piumblng, electric lights etc. Prlco reasonable. Address Frank T. Okoll, 220 Broadway, New York cltv. PERSONAL. INFORMATION REQUIRED CON cernlng tho whereabouts of Benjamin Sutcllffe, ago about 40, sandy complexion. Left Haslingden, Lancashire, Englxnd. July 2Sth, lSiti, nnd palled from Liverpool on 23th July, 1SS6. Was bust heard of trorn Scranton, Pa., V. S. A on Apill 20, 1SSS and trom Chatham. Now Jersey, on April 18, 1S09 Communications regard ing abovo to O. II. Sutcllffe, 6 Trinltv St., Oswaldtwlstle, Lancashire, Englana NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had In Scranton at the news stands of Relsman Bros , 403 Spruco and 503 Lin den; M, Norton 322 Lackawanna avenuo; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruco street. LEGAL. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS WILLIAM A. STONE, T. L. FA'RE. Governor. Superintendent. L. G. McCAULEY, Auditor General. JAMES S. BEACOM, State Tioastuer. PROPOSALS OR FURNISHING ST V tlonery, Fuel and other Supplies. In compllanco with tho Constitution and the laws of tho Commonwealth of I'cnn svlvanla, wn herebj Invito sealed propo sal", at pilcta below maximum rates llxed in schedules, to turnlsh stationery, fuel anu oiner supplies ior tno several de partments of tho Stato Government, and for making repairs in the fcvcral de partments and for tho disttlbutlon of tho publio documents, for the year ending tho first Tuesday of Juno, A. D., 1900. Separato propsals will be received and scparato contratts awarded as in nounccd In said scheduUs. Each pro posal must bo accompanied by a bond. With at least two sureties or one surety company, approved b 11 Judgo of the court of common picas of the county In which the person or persons making such proposal may reside conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and addressed and delivered to tho Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings befoie twelve o'clock in., of Tuesday, the fth day of June, A D, 1SS9. at which time the proposals will bo opened and published In the Reception Room of the Executive Department nt Harrlsburg, and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as practicable Blanks bonds snd schedules containing nil necessary Information can bo obtained at this Department T L EYRE, For tho Board of Cotnmlssloneis of Public Grounds and Buildings. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED WORK AS PORTER, DRIV er or housework of any kind bv col ored man from south, sober and willing to work 422 Lee court city. FIREMAN WANTS SITUATION-WILL work at anything It F Barr, 1422 N Wjomlng avenue SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMPE tcnt girl foi cmcral housework Ad dress J. L , 439 Phelps street, Scranton SITUATION WANTEDDOING WASH Ing, Ironing or any kind of houso cleaning by tha day or will tuke washing homo. Mrs. Ie side door, 420 Franklin avenue. WANTED-FOSITION BY LADY STKN ographer of long experience Address X . care of Tribune. A GOOD COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER vvWlus a situation In hotel or private family without mlstnss preferred. Call or address 15. L. Whatte, Smith street, Dunmoro, Po SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNa woman at washing or olllco cleaning. Addrets. Mis. Louis Snjdei, fJ3 Hlekory street, City. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN ENfT llsh woman as housekeeper; good cook. Addiess, I" J., Tribune otllce. SlTlVTT6N"wANTEb-BY AOUNO woman at housework In private fam ily. Only those wanting help tluouun tho summer need reply. Address, M (', Tribuno olllce. tlve Hogs Fairly active; good to choieo Yorkers, $3.50al 10. roughs, S15"a3 50. pigs, fall to choice, iu4 03. Hheep and lambs, fairly nctlve; lambs choice t extra, SB 50 a6 10; culls and common, fa 16 lr., sheep, wethers, 5 2.a5 3, culls and common, S3 76 1 1 C. East Liberty Cattle Market. East Llborty. May 13 Cattle steads . extiu, $"i.'Ou3.35: prime $3JO.i5 30, com mon S3 50a4 Hogs Active und blither; mediums, $4 10a4 15; hcavv hogs, Slo.vu.lO; best Yorkers, $4 0a410, light York-rc. ta 4 05. roughs, 2 50i3 50 Sheei Steidv; choieo wethers, JSn 1: common, tiri,i ?. ro choieo limbs, JO IO.16 20; spring lambs, S'laS, vial calves, iiao.7"i. Oil Market. Oil City, May H Credit balinccs. S1.13; ccitlflcatis, no bids; sales. 2,'MO cash at Sl.12'1; shipments, 50.0G7 b.urels: nverage, Sl,l92 barrels; runs, iu,9t baircls; aver age, S1,4!S bands. SPECIAL NOTICE. IN ORDKR TO DNCOURAOH TIII1 U8I3 of gas In stoves nnd ranges, tho prlca of gas for that purpose Is hereby mado subject to a discount of 10 per cent, from the regular rnto of $1.10 per otto thou sand cublo feet consumed, provided tho bill Is pild on or beforo the 20th day of the month In which tho bill Is presented, A scparato lni t r, furnished by tha com pany is necessary. By order of the hoard. O. II. HAND, Secretary tho Scranton Gas and Water company and tho ll.vdo Park Gas com pany, April 21th, 1S1". CITY SCAVENGER AWi A.B. RRIGOS CI.UANS PRIVY VAUMS and cess pools, no odor, Improved pumps used. A. B. BRIGGS, Proprietor Leavo oidors llOO North iMalu nvei, n. or l.lckes drug store, corner Adums d Mulberry. Telephono 010. SCALP TREATMENT. mrs. l. t itnLLrnrscALPrmiAT ment, EOe. , shampooing, 50c; facial massage, manicuring, 25c, chiropody. 701 Qulncy. PROFESSIONAL. ARCHITECTS EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Connell building, Scranton. E, L WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of COO Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce st cor. Wash. nv.. Scranton. FREDERICK: L BROWN ARCHITECT, Prico building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. OFvrsrs DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI yate Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR II, F, REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 113 Wyoming avo. "WELCOME C. SNOVER, Coal Exchange. 2nd floor. Room D. Hours, 0 to 1, 2 to 0. HAT MANUFACTURER. TOLLES, 409 SPRUCE STREET MAKES your hat to order and they fit. HOTCLS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 rRANK. lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. 5'EIGLER, I'roprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D . L . W, pasci get depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYER'S M. J. DONAHOE, ATTORNEY AT law. Olllces, C12-61J, Mcars Bulldhu- FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTOKM'A .V Coumellor-at-Lavv, Burr building, ro, 13 and 11, Washington avu ue WILLARD, WARREN" fe 'APP I tornejs and Counst lbis-ai w Re publican building, ashlngtou avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth building. Rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 614, E15 und 510, Board of Tiado building. D. 1. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate secuilty, Mears" building corner Washington avenue and Spruco street. JAMES J II HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Lavv. 301 Commonw faith bulldln,j, Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER ATTORNEY. Rooms K3-90I. nth flour Mears building. L A. WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. '02 Board of Trada liulbllng, Scranton Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth bul'ding Scianton, Pa PATERSON & WIL'-OX. National Bank building. TRADERS' C COJIEGYS, building 9-13 REPUBLICAN A W. BERTHOLF, Mears' building. ATTORNEY PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS MARY A. SHEPHERdTm"d.,1IOMe" oratl.lst,, 6P1 Linden street. DR. W E ALLEN, 512 NOKTH WASH tngton avenue DR. L M GATES, ROOMS 107 AND 08 Board of Trado Bunding, Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m , 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p in. Resi dence, 309 Madison avenuo DR. C. L. UREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture Trus Fitting and Fat Reduc tion Office telephono 130J Hours. 10 to 32, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 DR S W. I.'AMOREAUX OFFICE .'"9 Washington avenue Residence. 1318 Mullierrj. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart kldnevs and genlto-urlnary or gans a speelaltv Hours, 1 to 4 p m. W G ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon, Horses rnttk and Dogs treated. Hospital, 121 Llndin street, Scranton. Telephone 2C72. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa Courses preparatory to college law. medicine or business. Opens Sept 12 Send for catalogue. Rev. Thom as M. Cann, LL. D , Walter II. Buell, A. M. SEEDS tTR CI ARK .CO., SEEDMEN AND Nuiservmen. storo 116 Washington ave nue; green house. 1330 North Main tcvo nue, store telephone. 752 WIRE SCREENS jog. "kuettelT rear .mi lackv- wanna avuuio, Scr. nton, Pa . manufac ti.rer of Wire Scmns MISCZLL'NFOUB BAUERS ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, panics, receptions, wed. dings und concert work turnished For term, addrtss It J Bauei. conductor. 117 Wjomlng avenuo, over Hulbeits muale blore MEOARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes paper bags, twine Warehouse 1"0 Washington avonue, Scranton, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lcliigli Valley llallroa.l. In effect Mav 11 lr'" TRAINS I.EWH SCRANTON Foi Phllndcliihla and New "tori; via D. & H R R . ut 43 a m and 12.03, 2 IS, 4 27 Black Diamond Express, und 11 30 p. m. Siuulavs, D ft H . J 5S. 7.4S p. m. I'or Whlto Haven, Hazleton and piln elpal points In tho coal regions via D ft II. R It., 6 13. 5"fc n"d 4 -7 P' m For Pottsvlllo, 0 15 2 UP. m. For Bethlehem Easton Reading. Hnt rlsburg and pilnclpal Intermedlato sta tions via I). A. H R R 0 43 a 111., 12 ot, 2 IS (1 27 Black Diamond Express). 11 30 Sundays, D ft II , 1 5S, 7 48 p. m. For Tiinkhannock, Towsnda, Elmln, Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stations via D, L ft W. R It. SOS a m 12 "3 und 3 33 p m Fur Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo Nlag aia Falls Chicago and all points wesi vl 1 D & H. It. R 1203, (P33 Black Diamond Express), 7 4b and 11 0 p in. Suudajs, D ft H. 11,13 a. 111. 7 4S p m Pullman parlor and sleeping or IOhlgh Valloj parlor cars on all trains between Wllkcs-Hirro and New Yotk Philadel phia Buff ilo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II WILBUR Gen. Supt , South Bethlehem, Pa. ("HAS S I EI5 Gen Pass. Agt . 23 Cort- landt street, New York. A. W. NONE.MACHLR, Division Pass- ongor Agent, South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets und Pullman reservations apply 3oJ Lackawanna avc, Scranton, Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ScheJulel't nffsct May m, 189S. 7.30 n. m., week days, for Sunbur! Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltH more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burg and tho West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazle ton, Pottsvlllo, Reading, Norrls town, nnd Phllndolphia; and foa Sunbury, Hairlsburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd the West. 3.18 p. m,, daily, for Sunbury, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, nnd Pitts httrg nnd tho West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and. Pittsburg. J.B HUTCHINSON. (Literal Manazer. Del.. Lucka. and Western. nrr f2A'JXo rn,lUon follows: Ej ?10 -r.ftVCJor1' ""' 11 uoln' Cist, 3.33 P m ' ,ln'1 10M u- m,i 12 a anc- nt!pT.f,f)r J-08'0". Trenton, Phlladol ri"",1,n.,Ia th, smith, G.1C, 8.00 and 10.05 a. i-vUnnn,a neeommodatlon, 610 p. m. inln i'a 1 '-'K'ltiiniun, uswego, 11 llOIthwesVnnl' ' .L .'L""l pi. 1 1Bton necommodatlon, 3.40 p. m. vinS ,'lm,on nmI w'y stations. 1 05 p. m. "ictiolsoii nccoimnod-itlon. 510 p. m. o i.xptcss for Utica and Richfield Springs. 11. m. nnd 155 p m. cir 2.?. 8 a. m. and 1.63 p. m. nrJL N,n,r'hlimbcrland, Plttston, Wilkes in ' ''smouth. Bloomsburg and Dan nmi,' tnilVn C0H0 connections nt North ViniiT. an1 r,,r Winiamsport, Harrlsburg, vi'"11oro' Washington and tho south. .,Z T'bumberland nnd lntcrmedlato sta Uons, C 00, 10 05 a. m and 1.D5 and G.40 p. i?Ja",'cn,ko and Intermediate station. "if11 10 a m. Plymouth and intcr rrfno. . stntlons, 3 33 and 8 50 p. m. For n?'0"' 12 K P- nit f.. an Porlor and sleeping coaches on nil express trains ,nV?r Metalled Information, pocket tlmo. t?iiVshc,c" npplv to M- L. Smith, Dis trict iassengir Agent, depot ticket of- Dclnw.irc and Hudson. f5?unHy', rcb- 6tn' tralns will lcavu Bcrnnton as follows: I or Cat bondale 6 20, 7 53, S 53, 1013 a, n J? noon, 1.23, 2 20, 3 52. 5 23, 0 25. 7 57. 9 15. 11 00 p. m ; 1 15 a m. . or..A1bany Saratoga, Montreal, Boss ton, .,w Lngland points, ttc-6 20 a. m. For HoncsdaIe- 20, 10.13 a. m. 2 20, 0 2j p. m. ,.v"r Wllkes-Rarre 6.43, 7 4S. 8 43. 9 5S i. J3 "": 03. 123, 2.18, 3 33, 4.27, C10, .4K, 10 41, U 30 p. m. . -."".f York, Philadelphia, etc., vU -,b''h Valley Railroad G 45 a. m., 12 03, -. 4 27 p m ; with Black Diamond Ex-. Pi cs, 11 -j) , m I or Peniixjlvanla Railroad points, 6 43, 9., 8 a m.; 2 18, 4 27 p m. tor wostorn points via Lehigh Valley Ranroad-7 48 u. m.; 1203, 3 34, with BlacU Diamond Express. 10 41, 11.30 p m - Trains will arrive in Scranton us foU lows' Ercmi Carbondnlo ond the North 6 40, 43. S3S, 9 31, 10.38, 11 53 a m; 123, 213, ";. 4 23 7 4!, 10 38, 11.27 p. m. from Wllkes-B.arro and tho South-61", .48, 8 4S. M0S, 11.53 a. in ; 118. 2.H, 3 43. 5 20, ti 21, 7.53 9 03. 10 03 p. Ill ; 1.13 a. m. RllVriAV TIIA1W For Carhondalo 9 07, 11.33 p. m; 1 57 52. 5.5!, 9 53 p m. 3 52. or wm-is-Uane-9 48, 11.13 a. m : 1 5J, 3 28 5 43, 7 4S p m. Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada J W. BUPDICK. G. P. A., Albany, N. Y, H. W CROSS. D P. A , Scranton. Pa. Central Knilro.wl of Now Jcrasy (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division! Stations in New York Foot of Liberty1 stieet, N R, and South Feriv. Whitehall street. Anthracite coal used exclusively Insure in." cleanliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 14. 189J, Trains leave Scianton for Plttston, Wllkcs-Hario, etc, ut 8 30 a, in,, 1.2"), 4 00 P m Sundnvs, 215 p. m l'or Lakewood und Atlantic City, S .d a. 111. l'or New Yoik, Ntw.atk and Elizabeth, k 30 (express) a m , 1 L0 (express), 4 00 (ex press) ji m. Sunday 2 13 p m Train leaving 1 20 p. 111 , ut rives ut Philadelphia, Reading Teimlnal, 7,03 p m, and New York 7 03 p m I'or Mmch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlos hem, Easloti and Philadelphia, 30 a. m, 120 4 01 p. 111. Sundajs, 2.13 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8 M a. 111 1 20 71. m Sundays, 2 15 p. m. Foi Long Branch, OceunOrove, etc., a & 31) a. in and 1 20 p m. For Rending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg. via Allentown, 5 30 a m , 120 p. m. Sun day, 2 15 p. m For Pottsvllle, s 10 11. m., 1 20 p. m. Returning, have New York, foot of Llb erts "treit. North River, nt 4 00, 910 (ex press )a. 111 , 1 w (express )p .in. Sunday, 4 .0 a. in Leave New ioik South Ferry, foot Whitehall street at 9 03 a. m., 1 25 p. nu Pasengeis ai living or departing from this terminal can connect under cover with all tho elevated ralltoads, Broadway cable cats nnd ferilcs to Brooklyn and Staten Island, making quick transfer to and lront Grand Central depot and Long; lsl ind railroad. Luivo Philadelphia Reading Terminal, 9 21 a m J Ol p m. Sunday, 615 a. m. Through tickets to all points East, South and West nt lowest rate at tho btatlon. J H OLHAUSI5N. Gen Supt. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1'ric and Wyuiiiiii-; Valley. Time Table In Effect Sept. 19th. 1898. Trains leive Scranton for New York, Newbuig and lufrmedlate points on Erie railroad, ulso for Hawley and local points, at 7 01 a 111 ond 2 25 p m. Trains arrivo at Scranton fiom above points at 10 23 a. in , aud 3 13 and 9 OS p. m. MJKAivroN nivisio.st, lu i;ffectOcliier :iUlli. lBUS. North Hound. 2UE t 201 ei n. . sutioas U M A U r m Arrive Learei ;N Y rrantlln s: 7 10. West. 4ind street 7 00 WeebaTTken p u Arrive I.e .rei A U 10 is 10 40 1 15 1C 12 '6 1 J 41. W40 12 2., 12 111 radosia Hancoclc Starlight 1'rejton Park Inwnod Poyntelle orsoa riea-unt Ut. Unlnndale l"oret city C'arb ludale White HrlJ? Ia field Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Peckvlllo 01 pliant Prlcfbiirg '1 hi oop Provklenco Park Dues 111 31 10 SI 10 15 1001 6! 9 40 1JC3 11 . 1149 9J wi 8', 9 11) 907 S I 1 41 1131 W M flldO 1112, 90 8 58 8 63 8 SO 11a ills 1115 S4S en II 11 no7 8 40 ti ov not lionl gas 833 8 i! 111X7 StlO.... 10W hcriniou A Wl k u Le&ve Arrive t Sunday only I slguiu that trains stop on tljml tor pas. lentrtrs '1 1 alns 20.", and 20a Sunday onlr Other train daily except Sunday. hecu-o rates via Ontario wxtero befor purcUaalnt tlckeu and ears rnenff hiouwh Wftgaer ouSit Keeper aad troe re- clInlncihalrcarNew "tOrttto Cblav0 "vfhaut change. Vnwmarr HwtJJ ndeced to two Ccillii I er Illr, J.O, ADdercon, OecuFaas As. T. nitorott, l)lv, l'csa, tt't. berantou, pa. - '! J11I1I2. l-.lfli llanelillla MMinff tlonsn 5,"?1 '": i""!'B. ?0 "? l 111 IIIO WCOlf South Bounds iifStbA esi 4--4t sei IS C'jl rt-Ct) so: ee tu --. MkiS h t--' 4tfet: t j r 5 '