The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Jolin Lloyd Injured by a Fall of
Cool In tho Cayuga, Samuel Davis
Had His Foot Injured in Cayuga
nnd William Bowen Lost a Finger
in tho Samo Mine Samuel Howell
Injured in the Storrs' Mine Ser
vices in tho Wayne Avenue Church.
Notes About People.
John Lloyd,, of Spring street, an em
ploye of the Cayuga mine, was severely
injured yesterday by a. fall of conl
striking him on the bade and seriously
injuring him. lie was taken to the
Moses Taylor hospital.
Samuel Davis, of Margaret avenue,
met with a painful accident yesterday
nt the Leggett's Creek mine. Ite was
lifting a large piece of coal,
hroke nnd fell on his foot, cutting and
bruising It severely.
Samuel Howclls, of Margaret ave
nue, received a painful Injury In the
Storrs' mine yesterday by a fall of coal
falling on his foot, bruising and cut
ling it severely.
Willie attending his duties In tho
Cayuga mine yesterday, "William Row
mi, of Wayne avenue, had his finger
crushed. It was necessary to ampu
tate it. Dr. Donne performed tho op
eration. A USEFUL- DEVICE.
D. D. Jones & Son, undertakers and
cmbalmcrs, of North Main avenue,
have just Invented a novel and useful
device which has been u long felt
want to undertakers. It Is an appar
atus to he used In lowering colflns.
It consists of a wooden frame which
Is placed over a grace, two large can
vass straps form a resting place upon
which tho coflln Is lowered Into the
grave. The strops aro fastened to
rods running tho entire length of the
grave, and as the lirako Is released tho
coillii is slowly lowered. It Is a very
useful device.
Tho service at the Wayne Avenue
Raptlst church will he dispensed with
tomorrow morning on account of the
association at Taylor. Bible school at
2 p. m. In the evening at 6 o'clock a
preaching service will be conducted by
ministers atendlng the association.
Tho second degree will ho conferred
nt the Celestial lodge of Odd Fellows
on Monday evening.
The musical entertainment held at
the Welsh Methodist church, Wayne
avenue, last evening was attended by
a large and appreclatlvo audience.
Henry H. Davis, tho chairman of the
evening, gave a brief address, after
which some excellent solos and reci
tations were given. The prize for "He
Llveth" was awarded to the choir of
Yes we haves It.
Atlantic Lend, Pure Linseed Oil,
and Ready nixed Paint, Varnish,
Putty, etc.
I 01 SMaln Avenue.
An Early Summer Sale
Of Early Summer Fabrics
Words are unnecessary to impress
on our readers the importance of this
sale. It comes at the right time and
offers a money saving opportunity to our
friends at the moment it will. do. them
most good.
23 pieces 40-inch fancy mixtures,
cheviot, checks, covert cloths, silk and
wove weaves, etc. A great cleaning up
, lot comprising goods that sold at ST'ic,
45c. and up to 65c. a yard.
Cleaning up price, 25c
15 pieces 40-lnch all-wool vlgoreau,
suitings, light weight and very line.
All the beBt shades. Our leading SOc.
Cleaning np price, 37c
10 pieces 45-lneh cheviot mixtures. A
Jtrictly high grade suiting. All the
best shadings, with lots of quiet style
In it. Last week's .price was 09c.
Cleaning up price, 49c
10 pieces DO-lnch all-wool French
storm serges, black and navy only. A
genuine 75c. cloth. We've too many
on hand though; therefore tho
Cleaning up price, SOc
All the novelties of the season now open,
awolting your inspection.
Globe Warehouse
fl -vj i ia and it's bound
OlOy UP to overflow
una make
a rfiver
Clog up tho blood and tho kldnoyf,
tho liver, tho norvos every organ In
tho body will suffer It's only natural.
If you want to bo well try purifying
tho blood, ami you'll find your lotig
uamed diseases departing. For n
blood-purifier nnd stomach tonic,
thero's nothing to equal
Clears the skin. H0St?ttcr,S.
Brightens tho eyes Stomach
Quiots tho nerves. Bitters
the Welsh Congregational church,
Richard Lewis, leader. The adjudica
tors were Henry R. Davis and Prof.
Mrs. Margaret D. Williams, of Mar
garet avenue, who was taken to tho
West Side hospital few days ago, had
an abdominal surgical operation per
formed yesterday by Drs. Donne,
Hums, Williams and Paine.
Edward Smith and Lewis Harris,
who nttended the convention of tho
Grand Lodge of Ivorltes held In New
York, will return home today.
Mrs. Harriet Carter.of Wayne avenue,
returned yesterday, after a few
months' visit with friends In Pitts
burg. Miss Hattle Drown, of Delaware
street, returned yesterday, after a
week's stay with relatives at Falls,
Miss Sadie Kelley, of VonStorch
avenue, Is entertaining Miss Mary
Smith, of Carbondale. ,
Miss Grace Dewey, of Pitlston, Is
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gillespie,
of Summit avenue.
Mrs. Ambrose Stonier is visiting rel
atives In Tunkhannock.
Mrs. .1. C. Wright, of Atlantic City,
la visiting friends here.
William Cooper, of East Market
street, has returned from Hald Mount,
where ho was visiting his father, Dr.
II. S. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Farnham, of
Rrcaker street, are entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Willis II. Shultz, of Denver,
George Mulgerson, of Deacon street,
left yesterday for Bridgeport, Conn.
Revs. T. T. Grimths, of Lansford.and
D. I. Phillips, of Shenandoah, aro vis
iting Rev. W. F. Davis, of Wayne ave
nue. Miss Sarah Courtney, of Freeland,
is the guest of Miss Nellie Kelley, of
Deacon streets.
Miss Bridget Shields, of Wllkes
IJarre, is tho guest of friends here.
Miss Annie Price, of Amelia avenue,
la the guest of riends at Carbondale.
Miss Agnes Merrill, of Montrose, is
visiting the Misses Jones, of North
Main avenue,
T. T. Phillips, of Peckvllle, spent yes
terday with friends here.
Rev. D. E. Richards, of Slatington,
Pa., spent yesterday with Rev. J. A.
Evans, of Putnam street.
Patrick Mellugh, lately of Porto Rleo
and a member of Company L, Eleventh
Infantry, has returned to his home on
Wales street.
Miss Albright, of Weston place, left
Thursday for a three months' tour
through Europe.
Harry Palmer, formerly in tho gro
cery department of the Mulloy Triple
stores, is now with Cowles in tho hard
ware business.
10 pieces 46 inches whip cords, new
two tone effects. Extra weight for
tailored jacket suits. All tho good
shades of the season. This line was
Cleaning up price. 9Sc
10 pieces 46 inches, all-wool Jaerpiard
Suitings, solid colors with satin polka
dot effects. This weave ranks as onu
of the high novelties o the season.
Rest former price $1.00.
Cleaning up price, S!e
Special lot of Fancy Novelty Suit
ings. Late arrivals that must be
slaughtered because of their tardiness
in coming to hand. A great half-dollar
Cleaning up price. 37e
A complete line of 45-Inch all-wool
whip cords In solid colors. Including
new blues, greens, greys, tans, browns,
garnet, etc. A rare bargain at the
Cleaning up price, ()c
15 pieces 45-lnch Mohair Rrllllantlnes
In small brocaded effects, and fine
make, silk finish. Shades navy and
grey only. A $1.00 cloth.
Cleaning up price, 69c
Services Held at the Family Resi
dence on South Main Avenue.
Entertainments at the Allis Mis
sion, Simpson Church, Y. W. C. A.
Branch and Miss Grass' Homo.
Return of tho Welsh Prize Singers.
Webster Society Meeting Notes
and Personals.
The esteem In which tho late George
Benorc was held in this city, was at
tested by the unusually large attend
ance nt tho funeral services yesterday
afternoon, which were held at tho
house T3n South Slain avenue. Long
before 2 o'clock the avenue was lined
with carriages, and the spacious resi
dence wus Inadequate to accommodate
the large number who attended. Tho
services were begun shortly after 2
o'clock, the Rev. Rogers Israel, of St,
Luke's Episcopal church, and the Rev.
K. J. McIIenry, of St, David's Eplsco
pal church, being In charge. A quar
tette composed of Mrs. G. I?. Dlmmlck,
Mrs. Rogers Israel, W. M. Bunnell and
Mr. Stokes sang several hymns.
Ruslncss and professional men from
every part of tho city were present,
an'd tho members of tho Builders' Ex
change, with which deceased was close
ly identified, attended in a body. Mem
bers of Hyde Park lodge, Free and Ac
cepted Masons; Scranton lodge.Knlghts
of I'ythlas, nnd Lackawanna council,
Royal Arcanum, were also there, not
as representatives of tho orders, but
as fellow workmen in the different or
ganizations. Tho pallbeareri were:
George W. Jenkins. K. E. Smith, Evan
Jones, Clarence Shryer, Joseph Ansloy,
Ilayden Ashley. Morris Haupt and
John W. Walker. The flower bearers
were Frank Manileld and Harry P.
Decker. David ,T. Davis acted as usher
at the house. The remains were borne
to Forest Hill cemetery, where the Rev.
Mr. Israel said a short service prior to
the interment.
Tho junior members of the Young
Women' Christian association branch
entertained a large assemblage in their
rooms In the Banner block last night.
Miss Anna Muuson was in charge, and
was assisted by the ails? es Rent, Jones,
Kdwards, Fellows, Thomas, Ellas,
Dickson, Oliver, Lance and Lewis.
The participants In tho programme)
were: Hertha Carson, Laura DeGru
chy, Muy James, Llla Evans, Mario
.Kellow, Ellen Jones, Anna Wclsenlluo,
Jennie France, Mumle Wosler, Jennie
Davis, Irene Phillips, Ethel Allen, Hel
en Lewis, Mabel Thomas, Mabel Spen
cer and Olwen Jones. A social session
was held after the entertainment.
Tho Simpson Social Circle of the
Methodist Episcopal church gave a
pleasing entertainment last evening In
the lecture room of tho church. Tho
feature of the affair was the exercises
by the pupils of tho Mt. Pleasant kin
dergarten. Other entertaining fea
tures were piano selections by Blanche
Thomas and Ethel Bovan. Miss Bes
sie Frounfelker and E. A. Morse play
ed a mandolin and guitar duet, and
Clara Haas gave a whistling solo.
Miss Mattle Hughes recited and
Lewis Blair and the Misses Anthony
gave vocal and instrumental selec
tions. A social followed the entertain
The celebrated Welsh Prize Singers,
who are so well and favorably known
In this city, will give a grand farewell
concert In tlu Jackson Street Baptist
church on Monday evening, May 22.
This will be the last opportunity to
hear these famous artists before their
departure for homo, and it is expected
the church will be filled to its utmost
After tho concert a farewell recep
tion will bo tendered the singers, at
which an opportunity will be given to
meet them personally, as so many peo
ple are nnxlous to extend greetings
once again.
The members of the Luther League
of St. Mark's church held a social at
the home of Miss Lillian Grass on
North Hyde Park' avenue last evening.
The Anthracite quartette sang several
selections and vocal and Instrumental
numbers were given by William James,
Bessie Dlehl, Joseph Atherton, Mrs. A.
L. Ramer, Mnrgaret Thomas, Benja
min Hughes, Kate Steinacre and Wil
liam Gaul gave a whistling solo.
A large number of persons were pres
ent, nnd the evening was very enjoy
ably spent by all the guests.
A concert for tho benefit of the build
ing fund of tho Allls mission on Keyser
avenue, was held last evening and well
attended. The Epworth League quar
tette sang several numbers and reci
tations wore given by Bessio Sloat.
Instrumental selections were contrib
uted by W. It. Stanton, Fred Glnader
and Miss Grnce Acker. The vocalists
participating were: The Misses Eliza
beth Reiser, Edna Saxo and Mary
Itower, nnd Lewis II. Jones and Wil
liam Long.
A large delegation from the Epworth
League of Simpson church attended,
nnd the affair was In charge of Super
intendent W. II. Crawford.
The regular meeting of the Webster
Literary and Debating society was
held at the home of Thomas Evans,
!U A 4-U
Dou'fc givo thorn tea or coffee.
Ilavo you tried tho new food drink
called GIUIN.O? It h delicious
and nourishing and takes tho place
of coffee.
Tho nioro Grain. O you give tho
children tho mora health you distri
bute through their system.
Gralu.O is made of pure grains, and
when properly prepared taste like
the choice grades of coffee but costs
about as rauoh. All grocera cell
it. 15c. anil 25o.
Initit thtjonrgrocrnliesTouanAIK-0 9
Accept no imitation. 0
When the System
is broken down from climatic
causes, or from too close an appli
cation to business toll, try a
bottle of
Duffy s Pure
Malt Whiskey
Take it as a medicine according
to directions, and you will be
astonished at the marvelous change
it 'will effect in your strength of
body and heallhfulness of mind.
Authority, in the person of the
Government, and Science, in the
person of the Medical Profession,
recognize it as the only medicinal
'Do not, then, when ailing neg
lect to use it, for it is always
on Rock street, last evening. Tho
following olllcers were elected for the
ensuing term: President, Watkln Wil
liams; vice-president, William Ellas;
secretary, George Martin.
Tho literary exercises consisted of
two-minute Impromptu speeches and
an oration on the subject "Is a Man
Known by the Company Ho Keeps?"
Tho next meeting will bo held at the
homo of Forbes Eaton, on Tenth
Tho remains of the late James B.
Reilly, of S01 Keyser avenue, weto
taken to Sugar Notch yesterday for In
terment. The members of Plymouth Congrega
tional church will meet on Monday
evening to take a final vote on tho se
lection of a pastor for tho church.
Rev. D. E. Richards, of Slatington,
will occupy the pulpit of tho Bellevuo
Welsh Oalvlnistlc Methodist church to
morrow. A very enjoyable mothers' meeting
was held In Miss Alice Evans' room
in No. 19 school Thursday afternoon.
A lengthy programme was given by
the children, and refreshments were,
Ripple division, No. 45, Sous of Tem
perance, will hold an entertainment af
ter tho business session this evening.
The closing social of the season was
held by the Young People's Dancing
class in Mears' hall last evening.
Tho Old Folks' concert, which was
so successfully given at the Bellevuo
Calvlnlstlc Methodist church, recently,
will bo repeated In Weber's rink,
Taylor, next Tuesday evening.
The Industrial mission of tho First
Baptist church will meet In Ivorite hall
this afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Tho report of the Baptist Young
t'enpie's convention held at Taylor yes
terday, will be found In another column
of The Tribune.
Tho seventeenth anniversary of tho
Christian Endeavor society of thu
Plymouth Congregational church was
observed last evenings. Miss Gladys
Joseph presided and A. B. Eynon, John
R. Thomas and Mrs. Medway made
short addresses. Ice cream and cake
were served.
The gospel meeting nt the Y. W. C.
A. branch will be held tomorrow af
ternoon at S.1S o'clock. Miss Rachel
Jones will lead and Mrs. Randolph
Jones will have charge of the singing.
Miss Vie Jones will sing a contralto
solo and Miss Marlon Hutchinson will
preside at the piano. All young women
are cordially Invited.
The funeral of the late Robert Body
comb will be conducted at the home,
1223 Hampton street, tomorrow after
noon at 3.50 o'clock. Interment will
be made in the Washburn street ceme
John M. Edwards, of West Locust
street, Is in Hanisburg.
Bryce Lyman, of Forest City, is vis
iting friends hero for a few days.
John Jennings, of Van Buren avenue,
is visiting friends in Freeland.
Miss Christina Martin, of Plttston,
spent last evening with friends on
North Bromley avenue.
Dr. T. W. Thomas, of Wllkes-Barre,
president of tho Lackawanan and Luz
erno Dental association, and William
H. Thomas, of Algoma, McDowell
county, West Vlrglna, president and
manager of the Algoma Coke and Coal
company, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William R. Williams, of 311 South
Main avenue, last evening.
Pea Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. B.
Sharkey, 1014 Cedar ave. 'Phone 66S3.
John Schroeder, of South Wyoming
avenue, experienced a narrow escape
from death yesterday. He is a paint
er by occupation and was at work on
a dwelling at 1003 Prospect avenue.
In moving about on his ladder he
missed his footing and fell, pitching
through a window. His left hand
was lacerated by the glass and ho was
bruised by the fall. Dr. John J. Walsh
attended him.
Miss Emma Fritz, of 1016 Maple
street, was arraigned before Alderman
Lentes last night on a charge of as
sault and battery. Frank Lesslng. the
prosecutor, alleged that Miss Fritz
beat his daughter. The defendant was
held in $300 bail, which was furnished.
Mrs. Joseph Hahn had her liusband
brought before the Eleventh ward
magistrate yesterday. She accused
him of committing assault and battery
on her. The defendant was discharged
on promising good behavior.
At tho Sunday afternoon meeting of
the South Side Young Women's Chris
tian association tho Rev. August Wel
bel, of New York, will speak. All
women and girls are invited.
Tho Court street Epworth league will
celebruto the tenth anniversary of tho
Epworth league, Sunday evening, May
14. A. V. Bower and Rev. G. C. Lyman
will speuk to tho young people.
Miss Hattle Post has returned from
a few days' visit In New York.
The funeral of tho late John Fltze, of
North Main avenue, was attended by
Camp 177, Sons of America. The Rev.
G. C. Lyman preached the funeral ser
vice. Tho Methodist Episcopal church
choir of Park Place sang tho follow
ing hymns: "Thy Will Be Done," "I
Will Give You. Rest," "Jesus, Lover of
My Soul," "Looking This Way."
Mrs, William Finn has returned from
a visit to Stroudsbunr.
Programme That Has Been Prepared
for the Occasion Funeral of tho
Late Patrick Haggerty Coroner
Roberts Inquired Into tho Case of
the Death of Cyprian Van Gorder
and Decided That an Inquest Was
Unnecessary Services In the
Churches Tomorrow Other Notes.
The members of the Epworth leaguo
chapter, connected with tho Methodist
Episcopal church, will celebrate their
tenth anniversary In the auditorium of
the church tomorrow evening. They
have prepared with great care the fol
lowing programme to be rendered on
that occasion:
Organ voluntary; singing, "How Firm
a Foundation," congregation; repeat
ing In concert tho twenty-third Psalm,
short prayers, closing with tho Lord's
prayer; song, "l'leyel's Hymn," congre
gation; Scripture reading, nineteenth
IPsalm, Miss Lucetta Miller; anthem,
choir; recitation, "Anniversary Day at
Pearly Gate." Garfield Angwln; offer
tory solo, Miss Margery Eden; notices
of Importance; address, "Department
Work," Philip Davis, president of
league; address, "History of League,"
John Wert, secretary of league; sing
ing, "Walking In tho Way," congrega
tion: Juniors Repeat first Psalm, chant
Lord's prayer, reports of departments,
by president, secretary and treasurer;
singing, address, "Spiritual Aim," Rev.
G. i!. Stone; address, "Mottoes," Rev.
A. J. Van Cleft; singing, "He's Coming
Bye nnd Bye," congregation; consecra
tion service at the altar, singing "I'll
Live for Him;" singing, standing, "I'll
Go Where You Want," congregation;
benediction. Rev. G. B. Stone.
Followed by a largo concourse of sor
rowing friends and rclatlvcs.the funeral
of the late Patrick Haggerty, of East
Drinker street, Sport Hill, who wns
killed Wednesday afternoon while at
his work at the No. 1 washcr.v of tho
Pennsylvania. Coal company, took place
from his late home.
After the remains had been viewed
by those who had assembled to pay
their last sad respects to the departed
friend and comrade, they were con
veyed to St. Mary's Catholic cemetery,
whore Interment was made In the fam
ily plot. Captain DeLacy conducted
the G. A. R. services.
The funeral of Margaret Walsh, tho
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick H. Walsh, of William and South
Blakely streets, occurred yesterday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of
her parents, after which Interment was
made in Mt. Cannel cemetery.
Coroner Roberts arrived In town yes
terday afternoon to Investigate the
cause of tho death of Cyprian Van Gor
der, who dropped dead on Apple ave
nue, Thursday afternoon. After hear
ing evidence, especially that of tho de
ceased's relatives, who were satisfied
that death was due to heart failure, he
being subject to It, the coroner did not
deem it necessary to hold an Inquest,
Funeral Director T. P. Letchworth
has prepared tho body for burial. Tho
funeral will take place Mondav morn
ing from tho homo of his daughter,
Mrs. George Weber, of East Drinker
street. Snort Hill, nt S o'clock. Inter
ment will he made at Holllsterville.
Services at the different churches to
morrow nre as follows: At the Dudley
Street Baptist church. Rev. R. M. Rod
erick, Ph.D., pastor, preaching service
nt 10.30 a. m subject. "Why Some
Prayers Are Not Answered;" Sunday
school at 12 o'clock (noon); Junior
Young People's Christian Endeavor
society at 4 p. m.; Senior Young Peo
ple's Christian Endeavor society at C.30
p. m.: evening prpachlng service at 7 30
o'clock, subject, "Judas Iscariot, or tho
Traitor." The evening subject Is the
sixth of a series of sermons on Queer
Characters of the New Testament. All
are welcome.
At the Methodist Episcopal church,
Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, pastor. Morning
sermon, subject, "The Betrayal nnd Ar
rest of Jesus," 10.30 o'clock; class meet
ings, 11.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2.;;o
p. m.; prayer meeting, 6.30 p. in.; at
7.30 p. m. the Epworth league will have
charge of services. Programme else
where. All aro welcome.
At the Presbyterian church, Rev. W.
F. Gibbons, pastor. Morning sermon at
10.30 o'clock. Sunday school at noon;
Junior Christian Endeavor at 3.30 p.
m.; Senior Chrlstlnn Endeavor at 6.30
p. m.; evening sermon at 7.30 o'clock.
Morning subject, "Choosing the Best
Things;" evening subject, "Drawing
Near to God." A cordial invitation is
extended to all to bo present.
Charles Krona, of East Drinker
street, Is suffering from a painful In
jury to his left knee.
All members of the Curfew club are
requested to meet In their rooms this
evening at 7.30 o'clock. Business of Im
portance Is to be transacted, and every
member Is urged to be present.
The Rev. and Mrs. R R. Bulgln,
Misses Florence Robertson and Freda
Ludwlg, who have been spending a few
days at Philadelphia, returned home
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Michael, of
wiiKes-Lfarre, are the guests or friends
on Cherry street.
Misses Nellie Rankin and Jennie
Young, of Carbondale, called on Miss
Frances Edwards, of North Park, yes
terday. Prof. Davis will take the pupils of
tne nigh school for a day's outing at
Bald Mount today.
Mrs. William Rosser has opened an
Ice cream parlor on Jefferson avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Bone, who have
been spending their wedding tour In
Now York city, returned home last
evening. .
Thomas Henwood has started in busi
ness at tho stand formerly occupied by
Edward Washer, at the "Corners."
Mrs. Robert Young, of Dudley street.
Is able to be around again after her
recent illness.
Tho employes of the Pennsylvania
Coat company and Scranton Stove
works will bo paid today. The No. 3
men will be paid at 4.15 p. m.
The ladles of tho Missionary society
of tho Baptist church held a very in
teresting meeting Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. T. F. Olver, of Honesdalo street,
Is slowly regaining her health, after a
severe stroke of paralysis.
The members of the Asbury Metho
dist Episcopal church gave their now
Do You Need a
Sines 1P03,
immediate lasting
Sold at All Druggists Evarywharo.
1 Mb Mm
p Ketnprators
i At Halt Price.
J II you can get a refrigerator
V that is twice as good as the
5 cheap kinds at the same price,
ej is not that equivalent to buy-
p. ing them at halt' price ? You
J can get this bargain if you buy
X Its eight walls and air tight
O locks will keep ice and food
twice as long as the cheap
Jj kinds.
JJ Mcars Building, 110-112 Washington Avenue.
H Wednesday and Thursday, May 17 and 18.
The Elks' Minstrels
100 People Participating. Bauer's Full Baud. 25 End
Men. "The Elks' Sextette" Fred. C. Hand, J.
Evans, John Jones, Phil. Warren, Dave Ste
vens, W. J. Alles. Magnificent Song Re
citals by Fred. C. Hand, W. J. Alles
and the Great Lyric Tenor,
Mr. John T. Evans.
The Great Elks' Cake Walk
Mr. diaries Hartley, the Wonderful Ventriloquist,
Al. Itceres, the World-Famed Banjoist and Comedian.
The Dnrktown Swells' Initiation.
A Satire on Lodge Initiation.
The entire petformance positively the most sumptuous
production of a like nature ever attempted in Scranton by
amateurs. Note Reservation of Saats begins Monday
morning at 9 o'clock Bauer's Band and Elks' Parade
Tuesday, Hay 17, at noon.
pastor a reception last overling. Music
wns furnished by the Asbury orchestra
and ice cream and cake were served
by the ladies.
The Green Ridge Stars will play the
No. ?.Z school team this afternoon at
1.Z0 o'clock.
Amos Olver, of Iteech Lake, Is the
Kiust of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. L. Olver, of
Honesdnle street.
The cinder path has been extended
from "Woodlawn park to the Country
Club house.
Only Williams' Ice cream used with
soda water drawn at Manner's drug
The Odd Fellows Initiated two can
didate. on Thursday evening.
The Creen Rldgo boys riding "red
headed" Spalding wheels, will take a
run to Klmhurst Sunday.
A party of the Green Ridge Wheel
men will run to White Haven tomor
row. Mrs. K. M. Koenc, of Elmhurst, has
returned home, after spending a week
Rev. F. C. Rallentlne has erected a
large tent near the Country club,
where he will hold meetings.
Miss Elmira ForUham, of Montrose,
who wns visiting her niece, Mrs, II.
M. Cole, of Carouse avenue, has re
turned home.
Nothing but the purest of fruit Juices
and rock candy syrup used In soda
flavors at Manner's pharmacy, 920
Green Ridge street.
They Were Examlued Yesterday in
tho Election Contest.
The following voters wore examined
yesterday In tho arbitration room, be
fore the commissioners In the lang-staff-Kelly
election contest:
Taylor D. A. Williams, Willard
Sweet, Renjamln Williams, Fdmund
Williams, Corner Jones, David K.
Jones, John Rarker, AVIlllam W. Row
ell, Charles Masten, James Morns,
Kvan !-. Davis, Thomas J. Davis, Jacob
Robblns. Ivor Thomas. II. H. Harris.
James K. Watklns, John ABhton, John
Rlnkely David U Thomas, Gomer
Parrv, Edward Parry, Dan Morgans,
John" T3. Metiers, William J. Davis.
Harry Mttters, Samuel Reese, Andrew
Ronnie, Joseph II. Williams, Edward
C. Thomas, Ira Goodrich, F. R. Mitch
ell, W. W. Jones, Edward Evans, jr..
William H. Hemmelrelch, William M.
Owens, Alfred Young. William II.
Willi, John Owens, John Taylor, Wil
liam F. Nichols, Edward Williams,
Penjamln James, John T. Jones, Allen
V. Hartman, Thomas Day, Gwllym
Kvuns, William Rerkhelser, John V.
Davis, Reese Charles, Hugh Orllllths,
Frank Lewis, S. P. Mitchell, Harry J.
Williams, Frank Hlmpson, George M.
Rarwlg, John Reese, Joslnh J. Evans,
John A. Evans, John R. Williams, Wil
liam Gill, F. D. Thomas, Georgo Doug
las, Edwin Maelay, Frank Rennle, Ed
ward J. Williams, Evan Reese, Ren
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Signature of aZTUcuAt
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