THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1899. R aVA aiBSOJUJIELY'PURE Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome koyi Bmwa rowcin OPENING DAY OF ARGUMENT COURT BEPLOdLB MATTER CAME UP FOR CONSIDERATION. Charges Made Against Him Aro Denied Depositions Will Be Taken and at the Next Term Arguments Will Be Heard Mr. Scragg Wanted Another Delay in the Poor Board Case .Number or Kules Disposed of Forthwith Cases That Were Argued. Tho regular term of argument court opened yesterday morning and before 1ho list was taken up the charges against Attorney D. B. ltoplogla weic considered by the court. One week iigo yesterday Mr. Kcplogle was Charged with unprofessional conduct ,1y Attorney K. C. Newcomb, who al leged that ho had retained 1300 belong ing to a client, M. J. Norton, and re cused to give It up. This was stoutly denied by Mr. Ro 7logk who says ho had extensive busi ness dealings with Mr. Norton and that there Is a dispute between them ns to who Is entitled to the money. It was decided to hear depositions with reference to the matter and have It come up at the next term of argument court. The following cases were argued yes terday: Thomas 13. Gordon against tho city of Hcranton, rule for te argu ment ; George Wlnans against L. M. Xtunnell, rule for new tilal: John W. Kilpatrlck against the National Ex press company, exceptions to the re port of refeiee: Michael Huddy, ct. nl. ugalnst city of Scranton, exceptions to report of referee; Michael Drennan against Charles Benson, exceptions to report of referee; E. G. Wortlcn against E. G. Petws, to open judgment. The following cases were reported settled and weie stricken off the list: Peter Mostzar against "Mary Mostzar, rule for decree in divorce; E. G. Wor den against Martha J. Evans, et. nl., certiorari; J. M. Knowlton ugalnst V. AV. Scott, certiorari; Lewis & Sons against Susan Eagan, exceptions to altldavlt of defense and rule for judg ment; Southern Building and Loan as sociation, D. A. Carpenter, receiver, against James McCool and others; Lally Brothers against W. II. Camp hell, rule to open judgment; u. L. Potter against G. V. Beemer, rule for judgment; E. A. Tiffany against Hat tie Schroeder, iuIo to open Judgment: John Carney against Michael Carney, Jr., exceptions to opinion of court. Bules were discharged In the follow ing eas,es: AValter Gorman ngalnst Patrick IJatchfotd, rule to strike off judgment; Frank Samonski against the Moosic Mountain Coal company, rule 1o strike off non-suit. These rules were made absolute: Jackson Merry weather ngalnst Scranton Savings Bank and Trust company and others, mle for substitution; E. Sweet against saacLoo Welle' Duildlng, Fublto Square WILKES-BAHUK. IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS OP COS TUMES AVD SELECT DRY QOOOS. This is especially written in the interest of The Girl of the Class of '99 Not the least part of our early bum mer attentions Is directed toward the interest of the GP.ADUA.TING GIRL. We have followed this bent for so many years that it has become a spec ialty with us; yes, arid n perfected bpeclalty. We have first studied the Inshlons that pertain to theso wants. During the past few years our Paris connections havo aided us by sugges tions' and models for correct wear, and today this store stands alone in North eastern Pennsylvania as the greatest lepository of feminine wants for CLASS DAYS and COMMENCE MENTS. Not behind any former year In point of assortment, goodness of materials and supremacy of styles, is this year's gathering; from tho gown with its trimmings and ribbons to the hosiery, gloves and tan. AH graduating girls, oven those of limited moans, when arranging for their gowns for theso supreme occa sions, jdan for an attractive enrcmble. This is a helpful store. Whether your ttwto he hampered with a limited purse or not, you'll find her just what you'll need, and nt Just tho prices which you have planned to expect. Wo Bald this was a Helpful store. As proof, we have prepared a little bock let on Fabric for Graduating Gowns which not only dwells on its title sub ject, but hlnt3 at tho trimmings, etc., that aro charming and stylish. We are not only Fashion sellers, but we are Fashion Writers we thereforo think this little booklet and Its accompany ing samples of correct FABRICS will Interest vou. A postal card request and the post man will bring it to you; and we thank you beforehand for even that limited opportunity of serving you. ISAAC LONG. WILKES-BARRE, PA , MAY 1, '30. Baking Powder eo new vomc. A. P. Lewis and others, rule to strike off satisfaction. The writ of certiorari In tho case of John McGulrti ngalnst It. F. Aswoll was quashed. The divorce case of Grace U. Cltor against Hansom F. Geer was submitted without argument. Attorney John F. Scragg asked for a continuance of the n.uo warranto pro ceedings against the Scranton poor board, on the ground that he did not have HUfflclent time to prepare tho ar gument, but Judge Edwards said he had gone over the case fully before and refused to continue it. Attorney John M. Edwards, repre senting V. II, Thomas, withdrew tho motion to quash the contest instituted by Thomas Walsh for the oflice of con stable In the Eighth ward. Olyphnnt Sewer Trouble. The Olyphant Sewer Drainage com pany yesterday began equity proceed ings against the borough of Olyphnnt nnd P. J. McNulty, burgess, to restrain them from interfering with the com pany in Its work of constructing a sewer In the streets of Olyphant ac cording to the terms of a franchise granted Feb. 27, lSHt. In the bill of complaint it Is set forth that tlie company has purchased a large quantity of pipe and on April 17 began the work of oxcaatlng, but was stopped by the burgess. It Is desired to resume the work today nnd to pre vent another Interruption an Injunction was asked from the court yesterday. A preliminary Injunction was qmnted nnd made returnable on Saturday. Remonstrants Will Appeal. Major Everett Warren, of Wlllard, Warren & Knapp, counsel for the re monstrants In the matter of the In corporation of the borough of Old Forge, yesterday petitioned court to stay the filing of the final order and decree that he might have opportunity to carry the matter to the superior court. The decree, as prepared by John M. Harris, attorney for the borough peti tioners, iixes May 13 as tho date of th first election. Judge Archbald took the papers in the case under advisement. Bacon Secures n Divorce. Court made a decree yesterday granting a divorce to Charles Bacon from Emma Bacon, whom he was forced to marry at Oxford, N. J., on Deo. 7, 1S9G. The circumstances lead ing up to the marriage are still fresh In the public mind. The divorce was asked on the ground of unfaithfulness. It was shown that Mrs. Bacon has within two years been an Inmate of houses of ill-fame in this city and Wllkes-Barre. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. George Joseph Jockll Scranton Merca Fekany Scranton Joseph Lbanovltz Mlnooka Julianna Wanclofskl Mlnooka Michael Salanik Scranton Annie Hocko Scranton Court House News Notes. William Baylor, of Benton township, yesterday brought on action In tres pass against Loren G. Stephens. The examiners In the Langstaff Kelly election contest did not sit yes terday. They will hold a session In the arbitration ronn today. George D. Mitchell yesterday began n trespass suit against the Pennsyl vania Coal company to recover dam ages for Injuries sustained. Bridget Kenny Is plaintiff in an ac tion brought yesterday against the Midland Life Association of Omaha, Nfb. She desires to recover $1,000 on a policy in the association on the life of Thomas G. Kenny. John F. Donnelly, of Madison ave nue, yesterday filed his answer in the equity suit brought against him by Ellen C. Kelly. He denlps that he has appropriated any of ner land or is electing a fence upon it. Eugene Evans yesterday began pro ceedings to secure a divorce from Mary Evans, to whom he was mar ried March i!8, 1891. They separated April 22, 1S9U. Unfaithfulness is tho ground on which tho divorce Is asked. John Moran Is named as co-respondent. In the election contest against An thony F. Gillespie for the otllce of council in the Thlid ward of Olyphant, the court yesterday appointed M. F. Sando, commissioner, and George H. Bice, stenographer. In the contest against Thomas Hcnnlng for school director, and Michael Stenn for justice of the peace of Fell township, Loul3 Giamer was named as commissioner, and M. J. McAndrew, stenographer. DUNM0RE DOINGS. Quiet Observance of Dewey Day. Tiremen liaise Flags New Odd bellows' iJintaing JNeaitng Completion. Dewey day was observed In a very iulet manner here. Hero and there cannons were fired by groups of hoys, indicating that the enthusiasm had not yet diminished. Karly In the morning the members of the Independent and Neptune Hose companies of the bor ough tiro department swung to the breeze to handsome silk national flags. There were largo numbers of people present on both occasions. Mr. Victor Durschell hoisted the flag at the Inde pendents and Mr. Josh Warfcl at the Neptunes. Several affairs were held during the day and evening nnd were pleasantly enjoyed by all present. NEW ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. The new Odd Fellows' building Is rapidly uearlng completion. Carpen ters and painters are hard nt work giving the finishing touches, The post office already occupies one side of the ground floor. On the second floor, whero the public hall will be, many Important changes are being made, tho most noticeable being that of tho stage, which will be placed at the east sldo of the hall. The third floor will be nrranged simi lar to that of the former building, ex cept that tho celling Is two feet higher. Tho members of the society are work ing hard for their opening which they hope to celebrate on Wednesday even- Ing, May 17, when a programme will be rendered, followed by tho dancing. SOCIETY MEETINGS. The Christian Endeavor society of the Dudley Street Baptist church will conduct a social at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Watrous, on Chestnut street, tomorrow evening. Tho pub lic Is cordially Invited. The Ladles' Aid and Women's For eign Missionary societies of the Metho dist j.piscopal church will meet in the church pallors tomorrow afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock. The Ladles Aid will elect ofllcers for tho coming term. Th Ladles' Aid society of tho Pres byterian church will meet at tho homo of Mrs. James Skeoch, Sr., on Clay avenue, Thursday afternoon. A good attendance Is desired. All members of the High School Alumni are requested to meet In the high school building this evening at 7.30 o'clock rharp. The meeting will bo an Important one and all members are urgently requested to bo present. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. George, the Infunt son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David J. Michael, of 929 East Drinker street, Sport Hill, Dun moiv, died yesterday, after a short Ill ness of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will bo made at Peckvllle. Tho Co-operative society, limited, Is now located In the O'Boylo building on North Blakcly street. The society was formed several months ago and started In business on a small scale. Their business has Increased at such a rapid rate that It was desired advisable to secure larger quarters. The Young Men's T. L. and 15, Soci ety Dramatic company are rehearsing a drama entitled "The Golden Joint Mines," which will bo produced In Washington hall, Tuesday evening, Mny 30. Hotel Depue, belter known as the Exchange Hotel, is undergoing many changes. Tho interior is being entire ly lumodelled. Mine Foreman Peter Plnkney has broken ground for a new home on Shoe maker avenue. Contractors Keller and Capwell have charge of constructing the place. This morning at 7.30 o'clock a solemn High mass of requiem will bo celebrated In St. Mary's church for the soul or the late Mrs. William McDonough, of . estnut street. Tomorrow the formal opening of Laurel Hill park for the summer sea son will take place. Many changes have been made which will add to tho beauty of the place. Ih Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate Hood's Pills NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New Ycrfc Opp. drace Church. Durepean PLuu Rooms Si.oo a Day and Upward. In a msdeat and unobtruslva way there are few better conducted aotela la tie aetroDoll than the St. Denta. Tho treat popularity It hoi acquired ou readily be traced to Its nnlque location, 1U homelike atmosphere, the peculiar ezeelleaoo of Its culalas and asrvice, and Its Terr mo4M ate prieea. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. L Cor. Sixteenth St and Irving Plaw, NEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Day and Upwards. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. Hx-i-:"C":-Hx:x- For Business Men f In the heart of the wholesale district. V $ For Shoppers $ .'. 3 minutes walk to Wanamokers. 8 ! .'. minute to Siesel Cooper's Big Stqrc. A A liasy of acccs to the great Dry Goods A A Stores. J For Sightseers. $ ) One block from B'way Cars, giving easy X ,i, transportation to all points of interest. A ! Hotel Albert,! k LMirw vnDi k ' "-" vrvivi ? , COR Uth ST. & UNIVERSITY FLACK, Y Only One Clock from Broadwav. i'n ,r :.::.' ? ,J. I i9 g t" PRICES KtHtONASlt A :xx-w:X"X"M:xxxX"X' OLD AND WESTMINSTER TEETH 1)11 HILL & SON FULL SET TEETH $.300 in i V, . . , - TEETn WITHOUT PLATES S3.00 will uo all kinds of teeth extracted pkee Dental work at G0LD fillings 75c , " "m Iv lU SILVER FILLINGS 50c lower prices than amalgam fillings 25c any othor Dentist in G0I,D crowns ?.oo to $5.00 iwij Ullltr ULUllbl 1U 0THER CROWNS T .SI.OO each hcranton. vitalized air T ssc W o havo been In Scran, ton over 16 yearn; wo uro hero now; wo Intend to stay here. Our bualiioai is not a mero experience. o will not do work to. row. Wo compete with tho cheap advertising dentists who are here to- ay nna cono tomoirow, t,. W($iSl7ren uui ve iiu mil compart.. "in wurif is u cuiurrtHi. nit I co uo not maKO a mis. ue i nro experts of skill and (.tiiricnta Stilt nur nrittt nrn lmvr limn thn lnw- est. Uewaro or impostors and chat latans who can afford to ruin your teeth because they aro not financially responsible llow can wo do better than they? Tho ouswer Is easy; Wo hao a dental olllco In nearly every city In the L lilted KtateS. Illld WO buy OUr HIintlllOH 111 whnli.unlr. tn -nt Mn tvnnil... ., nn Klvo better prices than anyono nine. Kxpcrienco counts also, and we havo oxpc rlenco besides our diplomas, Don't bo buncoed; Bet tho best, tho most reliable, tho most comfortnblti and tho most durable. Tho newest methods! Tho latest upnli. cations! The best, materials! Thpno aro attractions worth conslderinp. no sides, nervous reople and the with lieait weaknrss can havo their teeth tilled or crowned with absolute safety and positively without pain. Wo aro tho only really up-to-datt) Dental establishment In Northeastern Pennsylvania. Teeth ox. trading in thf mornlnn nnd a now set furnished In tho afternoon Is nn old prac tice of ours. We aro tho original; all othors aro mcro imitators. We uro tho orig inators of vitalized air. ALBANY DENTISTS, Over First National Bank TV Good Av v for lCj7 T Itching fwra Backs MOTHERS I Mothers I n hot bath with Cctti. ccr 80At when followed by ft Rlnglo application of Cuticuiu. Ointment, tho great akin cure and pnrcst of emollients, 'will alTonl themodtgratofutandcomfortlngrcllef In the severest forms of Itching, burning, and ncaly ckin nnd scalp humors, rashes, and irrita tions, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical en to when all other remedies and cren the best physicians fail. MdtVrihotthw-M. 1'oTTlt DimajoCiik. Coir., Projn .lloiton. Ilo to Cur. Itching llnmori.frn. Hopeless Sufferers "Hope Deterred Mnkctli the Heart Sick." In a city like Scranton there must be many hundreds of disease-stricken mortals who, after having been buoyed up by unfulfilled promises made by unskilled or catch-penny doctors for several years, have al most resigned themselves to their fate, and grown sick at heart in despair. Cheer Up Suffering Ones Do not let hope die. There are no two physicians in this state that have had inoreexpcrlen:e or more thorough insight with every form of disease that flesh Is heir to than the undersigned have had, and while we cannot cure in every case, we stand ready to prove that the per centage of perfect recoveries to our cred it is phenomenally large, and we will at least be honest enough to tell you at the outset whether or not we can cure your case. Consultations and Examinations Absolutely Frco And Strictly Conlldcntlnl We have every modern appliance known to medical and surgical science at our command, and examinations made by us are thorough and searching. J. D. W00D,M.D., LL. D. ALICE C. WOOD, B. S., M.D. Office Comer Larltawtiunn and Wyoming Avenues. Kntranoaon Wyoming Avenue. HOURS 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evening 7 to 9 p. m. jZHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimmniiiimiiimiijg BICYCLE 1 5 Is the acknowledged leader, S and standard, by which all J other bicycles are compared. m g The reason is because IThe I Spalding Is the S WEST S 5 ICYCLE S L-JruiLT. S Call and examine our handsome line js S of the best bicycles money can buy. s " i S3 1 FLOREY & BROOKS, I an Washington Ave., Opp Court House S BlIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllAlUllIIUli At Retail. Coal of tho hest Quality for ilomestio use and of all Mzcs, Including Hucliwheat and Uldteye, delivered In any part of tho city, at tho lowest price, OnJra ncelvcd at the office. Conncll building, Room 00; telephone No. 176?, or at tho mine, telcphono No. 272, will bo I.romptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine T PLEASANT COAL CO RELIABLE, See the Low Price. Full Set, $4. Full Set, $4 Albany Dentists. ffKif x)wiix3wjAE3' 'T 1 i -w vFb!!& W l I li &JwdJ, I I a . hi I .fc XkMiWS'Vlli1 5-ffl-t fiX 5 j,,fzS JZ'ZMJWfifoY7i MOUNT PLEASANT COAL ?k WtfMJHs' (Vrmollu J2-7ATOl2ttnta For Men A. remarkable lot of night shirts came to us from a maker who was obliged to realize on his stock quickly the same old story he accepted our offer and now we place them on sale, the dollar night shirts for 59c each. They form a miscellaneous lot of styles, but all of a goodness that you will quickly recognize. Ask for them at the men's couuter, the 59c NightShirts. Ladies' Cycling Suits An exceptional opportunity to buy good cycling clothes at little cost. The rcasonv We bought fifty suits of a maker at joe on the dollar suits you know are not much sought for, most ladies preferiug to' buy the separate skirts, but you can buy these suits and discard the jacket entirely aud still own the skirt at less than the cost of manufac ture. The jacket to match the skirt is convenient to have it costs you nothing. The entire purchase divided into three lots, $5, $10, $15. We also have about twenty-five Separate Cycling Skirts which we offer at one quarter less than usual ruling prices. Silks. Silks. Silkse At 75c yard a silk after an inspection of At 50c yard robin's egg, yellow, cadet gray, white and cream. The CONNOLLY SEED OATS Natural Oats. Recleaned. Bright. Heavy EVERY GRAIN WILL GROW. THE Scranton. Carbondale. Olyphant. L OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to IlnsN ncss nnil Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodation Kx tended According to Balance nnd Responsibility. SPcr Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, $200,000 400,000 WJI. CONNELL, President. HENRY UELIN, Jr., Vice Pres. WILLIAM II. PECK. Caslilor The vault ot this bank Is pro tccted by Holmes' Electric Pro tcctivc System. THE MQOSIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTd'g. SCRANTON, t'A. Mining and Blasting POWDER .Mudom Mooslouml UuslidiUa Wuril LAH.IN & RAND POWDER CD'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrlo Ilattorle, Blectrlo Kxploilart. loroxplodlns t.uit Sufoty Fata nut Rcpauiio Chemical Co's t"Svr. !U)allac Today A very special offering of rich printed twilled Foulard Silks, several shades of blues, greeus, Niles, pinks, lavenders and fancy effects many a projected cotton dress will be turned into this exceptionally strong line of Corded Washable Silks genuine Shanghai goods, woven with a draw string to pucker or shir up in a hundred fancy forms, They come in a multitude of colorings, such as blue, pink, blue, Rembrant red, navy blue, castor, brown, beicfe, new bine. variety of plaids, checks and & WALLACE, Spring 1899. q March ushers in the spring season, the busiest time in all the year. New stocks The early buyer has the cream of the stock to select from. See the new novelties in CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels, Velvets, Axminster, Savonierrre, Wilton, Rugs. 0 0 WINDOW SHADES 0 0. Williams & McAnuity F r S3i hMt Columbia Chain Bicycles $50.00 Hartford Bicycles $25.00 and 35.OO Pierce and Stormer Bicycles $25.00 to 75.00 Juvenile, ao, 24 and 26 inch 25.00 These wheels are the best that money, science and brains can produce. SUNDRIES AND REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. KELLll & CONRAD. BUY NATIONS' PRIDE CONDENSED niLK Manufactured by Ask your grocer (or It. Foulards. stripes is very large. wasminqton avenue 1 are here in all their beauty. CURTAINS Renaissance, Brussels, Cluny, Tambour, Irish Point, Dresden, Nottingham. - Cliainless Bicycles $70 243 Wyoming Avenue '$$ U Lager Brewery Alanufacturer3 of OLD STOCK LSNER m urn si., sciia pi Telephone Call, 2333. iprina j spring WALL PAPER ran