The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Closed Up Aflnirs find Sold Furtil
turo Saturday Evening.
The Tickawanna club, which has
held forth In the three most desirable
rooms of the Municipal building for the
pant six years, met and disbanded Sat
urday night. Such articles of furniture
ns wore desired by club members were
sold to them and the icmalndcr will be
offered to the 'Cycle club.
About ten membcra will also apply
for membership In the 'Cycle club, but
they will enter ns Individuals nnd not
ns a club, ns was at first talked of.
Amonff them will be the well-known
whist players who frequently have
contested with experts from down, the
valley. Two rooms will be fitted up fn
the new club houso for their special
benefit nnd the conveniences will sur
pass anything they have heretofore
Tho remodeling of the Watt house
has been completed and tho wiring will
bo done today. Tho 'Cycle club expects
to move In Wednesday. Many appli
cations nre now on the board for mem
bership nnd the club Is expected to soon
number ono hundred. It Is fast be
coming a strong organization, and Us
membership embraces the representa
tive professional and business men of
the city.
Tho painters' strike, which has been
expected to occur this morning, may
not materialise. It was given out yes
terday afternoon that some of tho mas
ter painters contemplate ncccdlng to
the demands of their employes, as they
have much urgent work which cannot
be postponed without groat loss. It W
hoped nn nmlcublo arrangement can
bo mnde.
T. J. Simons, who was operated on
'or appendicitis last week, was in a
anngerous condition last night. His
pulse nnd temperature had rien and
hopes for his recovery which were on
tertalned n couple of days ago vanished
again. Within a few yeais this un
fortunate man has suffeted fractures
of tho leg and severe bodily burns sus
tained In a mine nnd which nearly
ended his life.
Frank Van Gorder has secured a sit
uation with tho Delaware and Hudson
Two hundred nnd fifty dollars were
realized on the dollar social given at
the homo of Mrs. D. W. Humphrey for
the Methodist church.
C. II. Rogers paid Scranton a busi
ness visit Saturday.
Ira Hums, esq., of Scranton, was In
this city on professional business Sat
urday E. E Runnell, of this city, Is entor
tnlnlng his mother, of Honesdale.
Mrs. Nellie Lewis Is entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Ackley.
Major and Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrlck and
Mrs. Patrick Gilligan have returned
from New York city.
J. J. Hlggins spent Sunday in this
J. W. Altken Is In New York. He
will sail in a few days for Cuba to ex
amine tho mineral nnd manufacturing
resources of tho Island.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gnughan nnd son,
Donald, spent Sunday with Hancock
Henry Slebold Is seriously 111 at his
homo on Seventh avenue.
Mrs. J. W. Edwards Is confined to
her homo on South Church street by
M. O. Abbey Is nblOjto be out again.
Rev. Mr. Chaffee officiated at the
funeral of Mrs. Hannah Iewls jester
day afternoon. Tho obsequies were
largely o'iended.
The funeral of the late James Wynn,
nn old and esteemed resident of the
East Side, took place on Saturday
morning. At 9 o'clock the remains
were taken to Sacred Henit church,
where the pastor, Rev. M. E. Enott,
celebrated a requiem high mass In
terment was afterwards made at Arch-
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and
Effectual Cure for It.
Catairh of the stomach has long been
considered the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompan
ied with sour or watery llslngs, a for
mation of gases causing a pressure on
tho heart and lungs, and difficult
breathing: headaches, fickle appetite,
nervousness and a general played out,
languid feeling.
There Is often a foul taste In the
mouth, coated tongue and If the in
terior of the stomach could be seen It
would show a blimy, inflamed condi
tion. The cuio for this common and obstl
nato trouble Is found in a treatment
which causes tho food to be readily,
thoroughly digested befoie it has time
to ferment and Irritate the delicate
mucous surface of the stomach. To
secure prompt and healthy digestion is
the one necessary thing to do and when
normal digestion Is secured tho catar
rhal condition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Hnrlanson the
jafest and best treatment is to use
nfrr each meal a tablet, composed of
DlaBtase, Aseptic, Pepsin, a little Nux,
Golden Seal and fruit uclds. These tab
lets can now be found at nil dtug
stores under the name of Stuart's Dys
pesla Tablets and not being a patent
medicine can be used with perfect
safety and assutance that healthy ap
petite will follow their regular use
after meals.
Mr. N. J. Kooher, of 2710 Dearborn
St., Chicago, 111., says- "Catairh is a
local condlton resulting from a neglect
ed cold in the head, whereby the lining
membrane of the noso becomes In
flamed and the poisonous discharge
therefrom passing backward Into the
throat reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrh of tho stnmnMi m.ii.
cal authorities prescribed for me for
tnree years for catarrh of the stomach
without cure, but today I am the hap
piest of men after using only one box
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I can
not find appropriate words to express
my good feeling. I havo flesh, appe
tite and sound rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the
safest as well as tho simplest and most
convenient remedy for any form of in
digestion, catarrh of the stomach, bil
iousness, sour stomach, heartburn and
bloating after meals.
Send for little book, mailed free, on
stomach troubles, by addressing F. A.
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tab
lets can be found at all drug stores.
bald. Tho pall-benrers, who were se
lected from the Miners' and Laborers'
Benevolent fund, were William West
Ington, Thomas M. drlfllths, Patrick
Loughney, Michael Muldoon, Patrick
Collins nnd John T. Williams.
Some of tho men engnged In digging
the sewer ditch nt tho South End had
quite a narrow escape from Injury Sat
urday afternoon. They had completed
n. section of tho ditch, which was near
ly eight feet deep, and were about to
lay the pipe, when ono sldo of the
ditch fell In, almost filling a yard of
It. William Kllpatrlck felt tho side
shake and managed to step back Just
as the fall came.
Three open street cars were put on
the road yesterday and It Is hoped the
management will get others out ns
quickly as possible.
Alfred Waters, of Forest City, was
a visitor hero on Saturday.
Archie Martin and daughter, May,
spent yesterday at Moscow, the guests
of hh 'brother, Prof. It. II. Martin.
Miss draco Vail, of Fourth street,
spent tho past two days with Way
mart ft lends.
Michael Irving and Jnmcs Edmunds
have secured the contract for driving
tho long mnnway at the Delaware and
Hudson shaft.
Miss May Kllpatrlck, ono of the
teachers of the Carbondalo public
schools, took tho pupils of her room,
numbering nearly forty, to the Pot
Hole on Saturday. They came here
on a street car and walked through
tho woods to the Pot nolo.
John Santon, who lies at the Car
bondalo Emergency hospital with a
fractured skull, is recovery rapidly.
District Attorney John K. Jones
passed through town yesterday on his
way to Crystal lake.
Services at tho M. E. church were
largely attended yesterday morning
and last evening. At both services
the Rev. Mr. Cook, tho new pastor,
oillclatcd, and by his fluent and forci
ble addresses made a very favorable
Impression upon tho congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hill were visit
ing In Wnymnrt yesterday.
A large gang of carpenters worked at
tho Delaware and Hudson breaker
jestenlny, making alterations so that
the breaker can continue In operation
while tho remaining part of the old
stiucture is town down and rebuilt.
There was but little chance in tho
condition of Mrs. Harriet Russell yes
terday. She was regarded as slightly
better last evening.
In Honor of Dewey Funeral of
Richard Knight Notes and Per
sonals. Groat preparations have been made
for the exercises at tho various schools
of our borough today, Dewey's day,
when each school will be presented
with n flag by the school board. At
No. 1 school on Grove street, Messrs.
Jobeph Davis and James Price will
deliver addresses. Mr. James Maple
son and Mr. Thomas II. Griffiths will
be the orators at No. 2 school on North
Main street. At Feltsvillo school
house, Talllo W. Jones will be the
ptlnclpal speaker, while John T3. Reese
will give an address at South Taylor
school and Horace J. Daniels will close
the exercises. The unfurling of the
flag will occur In tho morning.
The funeral services over tho re
mains of the late Richard Knight took
place from his late home yesterday af
ternoon at 2 30 o'clock. Short services
were held at the home, after which
the remains wero borne to the Metho
dist Episcopal church where the Rev.
Francis Gendall, Rev. Dr. II. II. Har
ris nnd Rev. L. R. Foster spoke feel
ingly of the deceased. The floral offer
ings were very beautiful. The Metho
dist Episcopal church quartette sang
seveinl beautiful selections. At tho
close of tho service tho remains wero
borne to the Forest Home cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lewis, of Provi
dence, were tho guests of the latter's
mother, Mrs. David Lloyd, of this
place yesterday.
Druggist Charles Wntklns, of Oly
phant, called on his mother, Mrs. W.
W. Watkins, of Grove street, Saturday.
The Wnnegoes, a newly organized
base ball team of this town challenges
the Oiloles, also of this town, to a
game this (Monday) afternoon, at 3
o'clock, on tho school house grounds.
Let uh know as soon ns possible. Wil
liam Jones, manager.
The borough schools will not be clos
ed today.
Tho funeral of Helen, tho 4-year-old
daughter of Piofcshor and Mrs. James
r. Foley, of Rendham, occurred from
the home of the paients on Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was
mnde In tho Mlnooka Catholic ceme
tei y.
The borough fathers will meet this
evening in regular session. Rusiness
of much Impoitance will be transacted.
Messrs Thomas A- and Talllo
Thomas, former residents of this town,
but now of West Virginia, who have
been visiting lelutlves here, will leave
for their homes today.
The congregation of the new Catho
lic church will run nn excursion to
Mountain Park In July.
Miss Gertrude Culver, of South Tnv
lor, Is improving from her recent ill
ness. Dr. E. E. Westen, of Pittston, was a
caller on friends In town yesterday.
Mrs Chnrles Emery and daughter,
of Kingston, spent the Sabbath with
her mother, Mrs. Nichols, of Depot
Mrs. Walter D. Edwards and mother,
Mrs. Curtis, of Bollevuo, visited rela
tives in this place yesterday,
Mr. John Ludgate, of Pittston, spent
yesterday as the guest of his mother,
Mi Ludgate, of Main street.
The Orioles base ball team accepts
the challenge of tho Wanegos to a
game on the school house grounds this
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. W. D. Ed
monds, manager.
Thomas Ayers, who responded to the
call to arms ono year ago, and who
took active part In the campaign, Is
expected homo on n furlough today.
Mr. Ayers is a Rendham boy and the
people nre preparing to give him a
rousing reception on his return from
Porto Rico.
Many old soldleis now feel the effects
of the hard service they endured dur
ing the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of
Rossvllle, York county, Penn., who saw
the hardest kind of service at tho front,
Is now frequently troubled with rheu
matism. "I had a severe attack Icte
ly." ho says, "and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's 'Pain Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
f what you would charge mo for one
dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted
it both for his own use nnd to supply
it to his friends and neighbors, as every
family should have a bottle of it in
their home, not only for rheumatism,
but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and burnB, for which It Is un
equalled. For salo by all druggists,
Matthew Bros,, wholesale and ratal!
Mtriul l'ailo'"
Marvelous Results In Cases of
For Sate at All UrujruMn Everywhere,
Portraits and llndoraementa Tree.
Marlanl&Co. 5a . 13II1 Street. New York
Dewey Day will bo very generally ob
served In this city today, and par
ticularly so on tho West Side, whero
tho borough officials nnd tho school
board and also several organizations
will carry out nn appropriate pro
gramme, which has been In prepara
tion for several weeks. Tho schools
will bo closed nnd tho scholars will
tako a prominent port In the pro
gramme. Let everyone hang out Old
There was a largo audience In Phoo
nlx hall Friday evening, when the in
vited guests and members of the Father
Mathew battalion listened to ono of the
most successful and well rehearsed
progi amines that has been enjoyed
hero in borne time, and tho young peo
ple w ho took part aro entitled to much
credit for tho very successful termina
tion of their efforts. Tho programme
consisted of recitations, vocal nnd In
strumental muslo and several selections
on the graphaphone.
Jack TIghe, of Scranton, has secured
quarters at Davis' resort In Wyoming
and with three trainers will get him
self In shape to meet "Spike" Sullivan
at Stamford, Conn., next month.
Harry Sinclair, who for several years
has been tho treasurer of Music hall,
will this week become tho advance
ngent for Svengall and his hypnotic
entertainment. Harry Is a bright and
capable young man, nnd ho has the
best wishes of a score of friends for
his future.
On Saturday afternoon Joseph Mol-
len, the 2-year-old son of Jacob Mellon,
of Port Griffith, met his death in a
peculiar manner. Ho went out to tho
barn, and when missed search was
made, and after some time had elapsed
he was found under a counter which
had boon stored thoTe. Ills life had
been crushed out, and tho sight pre
sented was a shock to tho parents.
The little victim must have been killed
Instantly as I1I3 neck was broken and
his skull fractured. Tho funeral oc
curred yesterday nfternoon.
A large membership of tho Primitive
Methodist church of Avoca visited the
cheerful and domestic homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Moore, in Pittston township,
south of Smlthvllle, yesterday nfter
noon and conducted a cottage prayer
Alec Murdock, of Wyoming, while
driving across the Erlo nnd Wyoming
tracks near Cork Lane, on Saturday,
his wagon was struck by a passing lo
comotive and completely wrecked.
Murdock and tho team escaped Injury,
but his escape was a miraculous one.
Miss Williamson, of Olyphant, is vis
iting friends on Williams street.
Sevral base ball contests and a cock
fight wns among the Sunday amuse
ments witnessed In tho city suburbs.
YOU KNOW that tired feeling Is ex
ceedingly disagreeable. What Is far
better, you may know, by a trial, that
Hood's Sarsaparllla entirely cures It.
Hood's rjll cure nausea, sick head
ache, biliousness, Indigestion. Price
23 cents.
Davis House Destroyed Inmates
Have Barely Time to Escape.
At 3.43 o'clock yesterday morning fire
broko out in the bath room of tho
Davis house, a large three-story build
ing situated on tho corner of Main and
Center stieets, and so quickly did the
Mames spread that the inmates barely
had time to escape. The firemen nev
er responded moro promptly, but the
building and Its contents nre a mass
of ruins. Thomas Duck, foreman of
tho rnterpriso Hose company; Walter
Lake, clerk in J. L. Morgan & Co.'s
store, nnd Frank Brown, clerk In Wll
denbergor's Jewelry store, wero arous
ed too late to save any of their effects,
upon which there was no Insurance.
Charles Crandall, who for tho last
two years has conducted the dining
rooms nnd sleeping apartments of tho
hotel, is also a heavy loser. The only
furniture saved was from John Fran
ko's barber shop on the llrst floor.
Frnnko had no Insurance. He esti
mates his loss at $75. Tho Davis houso
was built about eleven years ago, nnd
was owned by T. C. Manzor. Tho
amount of Insurance could not bi
learned, but It Is nuthorltatlvely stated
that In consequence of tho very high
rates of Insurance In this part of the
town tho amount was light. It has al
ways been conceded by insurance com
panies that should a lire originate
within tho vicinity of tho Davis house
that it would be dlsastious for tho
town, but once more our lire compan
- r flJ.111 m K . a ar aiC- B
v $ ImJB I Ji JfJ I SB Jf
4- I
t krv 'See
- 1 f m. mm v
4- fsrJLfiiE V . T7L ,m
t jb rrrurim?ri
v r JmIAwaJ M Si A-r
4- u XlrV W.tV-
f 4
ies have demonstrated that they aro
competent to cope with any fire that
may originate within our borough lim
its. Eighty-six In the shade was tho stato
of tho weather here yesterday.
William and Joseph Jennings and
Stanley Evans, of tho Hillside Coal and
Iron company's office, Scranton, spent
yesterday here with their parents.t
Martin AVescott, who was a private
in the Eleventh Infantry and spent '
some time at Porto Rico, has received
his discharge from tho regulars and
Is now at homo with his parents.
Landlord J. II. Cunningham, of the
Torest House, who for several days
past has been lying dangerously 111,
Is slowly recovering.
W. H. Leek, who for several years
was a prominent business man, of For
est City, was In town yesterday. Mr.
Leek Is now engaged in the lumber
business at Horton, N. Y.
Howard Homan, who has been oft
duty on account of Illness for several
days, will today resume his position as
clerk In T. J. Pentecost's store.
Stito of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
Countv, m
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
tho senior partner ot the firm of V. J.
Cheney & Co.. doing business in tho City
of Toledo, County nnd Stato aforesaid,
nnd that said Arm will pav tho sum of
and overy caso of Catnrrh that cannot
ho cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day ot December,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally
nnd acts directly on tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CIIUNEY, & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, "De.
Hall's ramlly Pills are tho be3t.
ft yfcw. ucniiiiy ana m i;ompu
jlU v cations, euch aa wcAkurra,
rl .! wfiv anxiety, hopelcsincss, decline
cured forerer by our cxclu
siTO treatment, which we $nd
you on approval. If not a
sticeov, return It at our ex
pense and 1'ay Nothing,
rull account mailed sealed;
no charge.
-r -M---
These Shoes
They combine style,
comfort and durability.
Just the proper thing for
warm weather. We have
all the various styles in
russets, vici kid, enamel
aud patent leathers.
7$GKs I
-H f
$50,000 Stock of Dry Goods,
Millinery, Etc., Damaged by Fire
and Water.
Sale Commences This Morn
ing, May 1, at 9 O'Clock, at
Manufactured by
Ask your grocer for It.
Manufacturers of
Telephone Call, a333.
CblehtiUr'i EojUih Dlunooa Urtad.
Ortftntl and Otlr OmuIoh
rt. aJt; rlit tU. udiii tilt
Unifilii fer ChUhuttrt Snpluk Dii .
imendBrtni la Ild nt Oofj mtullia
lavxti iraiMl wiu DIO TIC DOB fke
ther fift d&natrout uhttitu
'ttonamud rfmffflanj itniniflin
la tmpi for rtrtluUri taitlmoittU o4
--trun ir maiftxnittur y rrturm
Mall. 10.000 Irvtiaiotlila jTmh hm.
BoM fcj til Uctl Urugiliti, 1'IIU. DA., i'X
JXLA'rMUi I)leaf Falling Mtov
017. Impoteaci BleeplaMiiMi, etc , c&a2
bj Abut or other Ficet&es tod IndU
ortloni. Th0 quickly and turclu
restore Loat Vitality lo olJor joDDg.and
Cta mu foratudr, buf Ineu or ranrrUce
i'revent lutanttr ana Ooniamptloa If
taaD"ia ttLDe. Tbelrnte tUowe immediate improre
rnnntnncl affftota ft CfJUE where all other fail In.
1st opott battna the rnulao AJax Tablets
ut cpoa Having trie genuine Ajax if Diets, llioj
rbletf. Thgj
pare ourea toouianai eoa will on re r oa
itlre written guarantee to effect care
pare ourva luouiiaui iu( win Darn rua.
raokausj orsU pages (fall treatmeutl for 92K). Vj
mail, la plain wrapper, upon recalptof price, ('ircalii
For sals In Bcrantcn, Pcl, by Matthews
Bros, end 1L C. Bandtrrcn, druggist.
1 &HF
t- tr-'vrn
t jasmin
v f I
i)it hill
r. ftV PULL SET TEETH $.300
will do all kinds or teeth extracted fbee
Honliil wnrk nt G0LD EILLINQS 75c
lower prices than amalgam fillings 250
nny oilier Dentist in
Wo have been In Scran
ton over 16 jears, wo uro
here now; wo Intend to
stay here. Our buslnoia
13 not a mere experience.
Wo will not do work to
day that jou can't call
ns to account for tornor
iow. Wo compete with
the cheap advertising
dentists who aro hero to
day and cono tomoirow,
but we do not compare;
our work Is a. contrast.
So do not make a mis
take; all our operators
aro experts of skill and
experience, nnd not mero
students. Still our prices
nro loner than the low
est. Dewaro of Imposters nnd chnrlatans who can nfford to ruin your
teeth because they are not Jlnnntlally responsible How can wo do better than
thc ? Tho nnswer Is ensy: Wo havo a. dental ofllco In nearly every city In thu
United States, and wo bi.y our mppllcs at wholctalo for cost. No wonder wo can
glvo better prices than nnone else. Kxpcrlenco counts also, nnd wo have expe
rience besides our diplomas. Dont bo buncoed, get tho best, tho most reliable, the
most comfortable and tho most durdble The newest methods) Tho latest appli
cations! Tho best materials! These, ure attractions worth considering, lie
sides, nervous peoplo nnd theso with heart weakness can havo their teeth tilled or
crowned with absoluto safety and positively without piln. Wo aro the onlv
really up-to-dato Dental establishment In Northeastern Pennsylvania. Teeth ex
tracting: In tho morning and a new sot furnished In tho nfternoon Is nn old pi ic
tlce of ours. Wo nre tho original; all othcis aro mero Imitators. Wo ate tho orl3
lnators of vitalized air.
ALBANY DENTISTS, Over First National Bank
.fc W 0 rfr m
Columbia Chain Bicycles
Hartford Bicycles $25.00 and 35.00
Pierce and Stormer Bicycles $25.00 to 75.00
Juvenile, 20, 24 and 26 iuch 25.00
These wheels are the best that money, science and brains can produce.
Mount Pleasant Coal at Retail
Coal of tho best quality for domestic use and of oil flot-, Including Ituck.
wheat and Jllrdseve, delivered iu any part of tho city, nt tho lowest nrico.
Order received at the ofllco, Counell building, room S00. telephone No
1762, or nt the mine, telephouo No. '2'i, will bo promptly attended to. Deal
era Hupplied at tho mine.
BoBeMaMDediartllrflf,nioDthl7.rgoUUiiz mulletse. Qulr hralMt34
Ut partit drugs ihould nBtsd. If oa wut th but, gat
Dr. Peal's fF&nrayroysaB PlISs
Thar trm etemet, nl cd MtUln laCSralli The (.alius (Dr. Fwl'a) D6Taz41UM
c.lnt. east aajwhare, 11.00, JMmtXXl.UuioimC., OeTUcd,0,
For Salo by JOHN H PHELPS,
Spmoo atroot
Sec the Low Price.
Full Set, $4. Full Set, $4
Albany Dentists.
GOLD UKUVVJMt) ijii.uu 10 ipa.uu
Chainless Bicycles $75
Wyoming Avenue
Pharroasiat, cor, Womlng avenu eftd