The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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11 lllIlrf'''"
'J 19 1 ii
The Georgia Lyncbings
Are Condemned by
Bishop Walters.
Undoubtedly Killed Ctanford to
Avenge the Death of rive Negioes
Slain by n Mob Led by the Mur
deied Man The Story of Outiago
Mnnufactmod to Justify the
Shocking Toituie Inflicted Upon
Hose A Compaiison with Cubans
and Filipinos.
Jusey CJt, X. J., Apt II 20 The Ni w
Jeisov annual confeienco of the Afil
can Methodist Hpiscopil Zloti thuith
was opened today in this tit. Plshop
Alexander Walters, IJ I)., prtslded In
hisiiddtess Bishop Wulti is blttc Hj de
nounced the Georgia Ivnclilngs, He
"Tlie civilized wmld has been shocked
by the uiipiei'i'ilented hutohu anil
burning of Samuel Hose (colonel) up tr
'Palmetto (5a . on Suiuluv, Apill .' ! The
llundlshness of tin eilnie hoggins de
hcilptiou He was chained Willi kill
ing Alfnd Ciantoiti and assaulting
d ant old's wift It is slid ho confessed
to the killing of e'lanfoid, liut detitfd
to tin last the assaulting of his wife.
It is gctitiulli believed bv the fnil
mlinltd that 11 Hose did kill Cianfoid
It was to avenge the killing of live
toloied men bj a mob said to have hern
led bv Cranford at l'almetto, Maicll
ftei l cfen Int.' to nispapt r oom
ni. nts tint Ilosi outiaged Mis Oi un
fold tht bishop aseiteil tint the
.hnig of assault was mauufat ttiretl as
a iijstltltatiou tot the lv nthing. adding
that within a foitnight his statement
would he lirefutnbly established. ' If,"
Slid Hlshop Wallets, 'the good white
pc unit of the north aie not disillu
sion's! and do not put a stop to this
swti pint? tide of lawlessness, it will not
Ik long befoie they will be again (filled
upon bv a Hod of Justin- to give tin It
in st blood to pav the penalties of the
(lines ol the south.' Continuing,
Ulshup WalH is
'Tin. Cubans and rilipinoH, whom we
havt spent so mtuh money and shed
mi in mil blood to fiee liom Spi.nbli op
pKssion. wk never treated so bir
li.itiouslj in time of peace by gov
ernment as some negioes linve liei n
in the states of Ai Kansas, Tonus Ninth
I'aiollni, South Cuiollni and Gootgla.
"It Is t.ithti amu-ing t, intelligent
Afto-Amei Ii ans to read In the groat
dallies and vveekltu, of oiu toiintiy of
the eifoits of Amei kans to give to the
Cubans nnd Filipino, an cxiiitih1e ind
beiielleient government when they aio
poweilets to even secure life and lib
eitv to llieli citizens nt home.
"The greatest pioblem of Amotion
todav is not the turrtiuv ttuestion tioi
the colonial possessions, Inn how to
avoid the i.iolal war at homt. You
cannot foievcr keep the ncgio out of
his Unfits Slavery made a cow at d of
him: for two hundred and fifty
lie was taught to fear the white man.
Hut he Is rapidly emerging fiom
slavery fear and eie long will contt ml
for his lights as bravely as .inv othtr
"One of two things must be done in
order to avoid ttouble. The negio
must bo treated fairl.v oi furnished
with .sufficient money to ictutn to the
land tiom wheint his awestnrs weie
htolen It would be a burning Miame
on the boahted Christian tivillation of
America to be obliged to court ss befote
the nations of the wotld that she was
unable to ovcuome h"r piejudiic
agalnbt the nogio and theioloie. ex
patriated him.
Those who .peak lllppmitlv of om
extermination will tlntl when that hoi Is
Is begun that all the white people ot
Ameiica will not be against the negio
any moru than they wete during the
Civil war.
I'Why will not the Intelligent and f.u
seolns white people call a halt to these
injustices before It is too late" Have
they so poon forgotten the hlstoij of
the Dnsf It was the policy of ((med
iation nnd the condoning of the bin
of slavery that led to the loss of sn
much blood ntid tieasuie Well did
Thomas Jefferson hav befoie tlu ion
filet in speaking of the Injuhtues of the
white toward the blacU.s: 'I trenibli
for the future of mv country when I
romembci that God Is Just
'The first Sunda In Juno has been
itt apart as u da for fast In,; nnd
praei to almighty Ood for uld in this
hour of dlRtress b the bishops of the
colored .Methodist chunhes und min
Istcis of other coloied tloiiomlnatlons
throughout the countrv
"Wo appeal to all white mlnisteis
wild I'hllsllan.H who bellow. In fall play
to unit with its In our position"
WahIiIiikhiii, Apdl x I'lnkr tiMlay's
rlHto oils, bun inrwuid'-rt fiom
MHtiita to the tiJIiitunt stcneial the fullow
ing nddiloniil U. at Mllid
Hospital iinpti. Apill il Private Hoi.
Inml I Lutillrr Ulisi huuih Oakota,
Wagoinrt .Mm I line i Itowtii c niporql
A'kkai K JohiiMiu PiUatoH cIi.iiIok
Htulti and .lanwi A I.yoK, s-,th Corpoxil
Harvey M llrrid I'rlvati h c'liailes m. r.
Don flnv .loiic, James A i unci Hht.
ley Do Jean Hut Nibi kn, Pijv.tic
Jinny McCrirt. Utah Attllleiy I'rlv i.c
Max Madlhon 1 loj-)ilti.l roips, Private
Paul Ooniportz
Transport McPherson Anlves.
New Ytuk. Atull -Tlie Ctillul statth
timiHpoii McPhciistiii ni lived hhIuv fiotn
San limn Ponot and Siiill.isni Among
the pacHHiiBitrv wile Uvliuiul i". D, Uxalit,
wife unci Hturt.
Mis. Jnno Tettatin and Her Four
Children Aie Slain.
St I mils Apill SO A special In tlio
Pot Despatch fiom Maiden, u small
village In southeastern Mtssiiiitl, snvs
.Mi j. Juno Tettatin. widow ot Wash.
Tettatin a prominent nian o( that seo
tlnii and her four chlldicu weie unit
deled lust night. The bodli'S wen'
purtlnllv iniltieratod in tholi norm
whli h mih set tm tit o by the nuiideioi.
J J I. Tettatin, a son of Wash Totta
tln liv his first wlff, Is under attest tor
tln i time
J II. Tettatin ns tin- administrator
ut the law estate ot his fatliei, had
In en at law loimorlv with "Mr. Tetta
tin owing to propcitv- disputes but
.ostorduv u bisls ot s. Moment had
hf on agreed upon.
Tettatin went to hl stopmothet's
lmine lat tilijht to ndju-t matter and
that vwis tli last "ten of tin widow
and hoi chlldicu illve. About ! o'clock
mlghbois siiw Hint the Tettatin home
was on llrt ami m lenhlng there thev
itlscovoteil til bodies of the Ile le
thus in the flume. Vigorous efloits
on the pait nf those in f stut saved
tliem ftnm tot il destiiictlon. As It wan
tlu bodies wiie liuineil p ist leeogni
tmn Oik of the elilltlun a bullet
wound in th' lie. id and half the moth
er s skull was gone J 11 Tettatin
ui found in the van! with thirteen
ktilli wound' n the liead and f.ue
apparcntlv nut oust lous. His wounds
mil tilllmg.
The Gennan Ambassador Holds a
Satisfactoiy Confeicnce with Piesi-
dent McKinley.
Washington, Api 11 '.'(1 The case of
Captain Coghlan may be lonsldcied as
finallv tlosed The (.Sernuin uinb.i
sadoi, Hi. Von Hollcnbon, called at
the white hoiii-e this uf tot noun and had
a confidence on the subject with the
prtsidint ot such a satlsfiu tory nature
that the mattei was u guided as set
tled Thy pit sklent explained Ithe
course the navy depaittuent had taken
In atlminlsteilng a loprlniniul to Cap
tain ( oghlan It was also pointed out
that the otlitei s eplanatlon of tin in
cident stated that his utterances had
been much exaggerated. On the patt
of the ambas'-ador then- was evct
disposition to deal as lightly with the
niattei as possible and not to permit
It to become a souiee of fi lotion
Uming the cla the navy dopaitmont
adinlnistc'iod to Captain Coghlan the
Kpiimanel wlileh had lieen (lctt nuliitd
upon vesteiday. as stated In these dis
patches This was in the form of n
ltttel fiom Hteietaij Long to the olll
oei. It is stated at the depai tnitiil
that the letter will not be made public
befoie the olllc ei has iceciwd It and
piobablv not then.
The depai tint nt made n brief state
ment of the contents of Captain Cogh
lan's letter in answer to Societal v
Long's request tm nn acknowledge
ment of lesponslblllty for utterances
neilbc(i to him, but the contents wore
moii' fully stated in estcrd,i,s Aso
clitid l'loss despatches. The state
ment is as follows
'Captain Coglilan has leplled to the
depai Uncut, stating that the newspip
or.s have not lepoited him with sub
stantial accuiat. Also tint he .n-
ti licit d no dlitspect ortontempt to th
fleiman Hag and Is txticmelv sonv
that anv suoh Intel pretation vjjs put
upon his icmaiks 1'iopei lepiimtn!
v. Ill be sent and such action taken Pi
lespeet thcietii as Is pitiptl."
Reports Aie Received of Despeinte
Encounteis Between Fiiendly Na
tives and Rebels.
Auckland, T. 7.,, April 1!7. Adxitts
lust Helved here fiom Apia, Samoan
Islands, dated April l!, repot t that
t-cvcic lighting has taken plate be
tween huge bodies of friendly natives
and the rebels.
The casualties. It was thought, would
not exceed twenty and Euiopeans were
among the Injured.
Colonel R. E. Mosely Will Take Caie
ot the Remains.
Plttsbuig Apill JC The bod.v ot Kid
Lavolle, the coloted pugilist, who died
from the effects of his encounter with
John Cavanaugh at Homestead, on lust
Kildii) night, still lies In the moigue
unclaimed by it lathes ot fi lends. Al
though Coront'i Jesse M. Mclioaty Im
niodlattlv after the death of Lavolle
sent word ot his demise to Chcstet,
I'u , where the dead fightei Is siald to
have a wife and sister living, no woid
has been received fiom lelatlves o
frlentls icgatdlng the disposition of the
Colonel It 11 Moseley.I.av olio's hack--r.
Is still in J ill. but savs thit upun
his lelease he will sn tbut the ie
mulns ate takin eate- of. Moseloy
see ins to be the only friend the dead
man has who shows interest In the.
burial of the bod.v
PitUslmig. April L'l'i The coroner to-
da held an lniuest Into the death
of Kid Lavelle, the coluiecl puglllht,
who was knocked out by John Cava
naugh In a, fight Friday night last
and dltd fiom the elficts of u blood
clot on the bialn. After luailng suv
eiad wltnessoa, Hip foioner adjourned
the oasi until Kiiditv and umiudtd
Cavanaugh. Mason. Mtnele.v. Heunlger,
Kenivdv, Uerwlii mid Coutes to Jail
on tho haig( of inurdi'i.
Facts to Bo Brought Out at a, Sensa
tional Trial in Bexlln.
lurlln. Aphi 2f -A sensation trial
will begin tomoriow at Itieslau vvhon)
a man uanud Heimuun Is cliiiiged with
mm dt ting hU thieo wives and twelve
ohlldien of his ttn ond mnriiagt. He
Is also thaigPd with a. whola seiles of
oi her tnuideis.
It Is allegeti that Heiiuanii after
miuilcrlng hU vlo", walled their bod
les In the collnt of his house. Tho
I'hlltliou nil died young and It Is an
, . 1 " , -
rtl tho.v woie poisoned with cnaldo
of jiotassluni. )
The Cruiser Raleigh Will Take Pait
in the Exeiclses Attending tho
Unveiling of the Statue of Geneinl
U, S. Giant at Fail mount Paik,
Philadelphia President McKin
ley to Attend Military Display.
Philadelphia Apill 1'ti The eiuiser
ItulelEh. which Is to take put In tho
eeioiiumleh incident to tho unveiling of
the Grant monument In Paltmoitnt
paik on Thuisdav. leached lit r anchor
age off Hat e snoot w barf at !! "0 o'ohn k
this iitteinooii Aluoi Ashlnldge. coun
cils committee on tlu unveiling and i
numbti of illstiiigu!hotl cltlzt ns. on
bouitl the police boat Stukel, mot tho
famous fighter below the cltv and i.i
c oiled ht r to the nnchoiag( S luue
lleet of excursion boats, rteameis and
tugboats followed In Mi" iae. blow
ing their whistles KiiiMtantlv to wh'eh
was added the welcomes from fac tin v
bells and whistle" on both rides ol the
Dulawaie river When the mucins on
leaihed the League lsln'nl n v j jaid,
the Halelgh's guns foith n
salute of fifteen guns- to Adniltnl Casev.
tommandant of the vjid to which the
navy jard lesponded with a rulilte to
Captain Coghlan brief 'top was
made during which tn" UiUlgh's com
maudei vxent ish no and tu'.d his ic
spects to Admiial Cdoy and Captain
Cl.uko, inptaln of the yard
Tho ariangoments fot the unveiling
ceiemonles have all been completed.
-Mis C.iant nc comp mlt d bv hoi gland
daughtei Miss Kotmarv Sirtoils, and
Miss Coffev ai rived hoie tonight Tho
piesident nnd paitv will iiiiivc tomor
row morning Pollow lug the unveiling
the president will attend a banquet at
the rnlon l.eigue and latei In the
evening will ntt-nd a public meeting
at the Atademv ol Music. He will
make no h
'I he mllltaij dl)iliiv totnonow vlll
consist of tin National nuaid or IV nn
svhanla. the oieu ()f the Haleigh,
maiints and sallois from League Island,
several Now Joisey leglments and a
number of private nillltaty otganl7a
tlons On Fildav theie will bo a dem
onstration on the llvet, whin Iiel
dent McKlnlcj. In lionoi of the Haleigh
and her eiew. will pav a visit to Cap
tain Coghlan
The Grant Party Ai lives.
Mis Giant hi lived hole shoitl.v after
7 nc link She was ai comiuiiled bv
MI'-s Hosoinaiy Sirtoils, who is her
gianddaiight( r and who will unveil the
statue, and Ml-s Coflij. Thev weie
mot al the Hioml stitot station of the
ll'eniisjlvanla iiillioad bj a ladies' le
ceiitlon (ommltlie ot which Mis.
'.'batlos C Hniiison wife of the pro-
vost of the UnlVdsltv of Pennsvlvanla,
sihaliman Aftei the Infoimal giet t-
scnaii man aiipi me iniotmai gie( t-
lugs wou over the entire party wis
dilven to the Hotel Walton. Mis.
i. unit being somewhat fatigued b bet
jouiiiej. i eui (ei 10 net mom soon after
,. ......
lioi anival at the lintel Soon nfter
Major Ashbiidge and councils' com
mittee boaided the ISaleigh today while
the gallant little vessel was op her wa
up the liver The mavoi and the coin
mltttu wtnt Into Captain Coghlan's
cabin, wheie the captain the olllceis
ami the new were fotmallj welcomed
to Philadelphia b the majoi
In lespondlng Captain Coghlan ald
Mr Maoi nnd membets of the com
mittee we apptecHte the spirit in
which jou gieet us and thank vou foi
It I do not peisonallv nttd to be told
of the kindness of the people of this
city for I lived bote several jeais and
lemember formei kindness The Invi
tation to take part In tho unveiling of
the Giant statue Is giatlfjlng. and as
to the celebration of Dewej dav, we
will legaid that as a prhllem', for we
feel that we aie almost pan of Dewey.
As to the Invitation to dine tonight
with the committee, we aorept that,
not because we want the dlnnci but
because we want to lie with juu"
Captain Coghlan and all his office is
came ashoie shoitly alter 6 o'clcn k.
The commander of the Raleigh was
dilven to the Htiatfonl hotel, whele he
gioeted his wife and shoitlj after
waitls Joined his ofliceis at the Hotel
Walton wheie they weie tendeicd a.
dlnnoi by councils' Rulolgh iccepilon
committee Tho entile putty later on
attended a thtatre Captain Cochlan
spent the night at the Stiatford und
the ofllcers sltpt ut the Walton
The Result of Taxiing and Feather
ing of Hairy Anderson.
Cape Ma. Apiil .'ii The grand Juiy
todlj Indicted Hobett Ciatk. Wesley
Hhutp, Hlwood Sutton, Wairen .Smith,
Heiuv Kalbaik, L'dwaid Pkketlngand
John .Mart, separately for assault and
battel, and collcitlvely for ccinspii
acy All ate residents of Ocean ft and
aio dunged with tuning and feather
ing Ilan Anderson last Oetobei nnd
ui lving him fiom the pluce for ulletreil
Immoral c onduct. .Some of those con
nected with the. case turned .states
o hit nte and vwie not indicted. The
lubt grand July iguoud the caie. Those
Indictments ate all well connected.
Stennibhlp Anivnls.
New "tilk Apill 2b Cleared runt
Hill tier Giusse Iltniieu via Houtli.imi
ton Sailed. Ntw Villi, Southampton;
KtiiMngloii. Amwcip, Cymric, Livtipnol
Arileeil: Ni)(iiill,.nd, Antwcip QtiiMis.
lowii Airiwd Teutonic, Nfw Yorlc.
South imploii Ai ill id: l.ihii, New Veil:
for lliemeu: ParW. Niw York Chei
boillg Sailed KaUer Willie Im tier
l! Itrotmui and Suuthuinpton for
New ork Kottt id im Arrlwd. Htittn.
Uam Now Ymk ill Hnnlorfiip Amstar
dam Arthed. Wcrketitlam, Neir 'ioiie.
Big Pialrlerite.
Mltrhill. S U April J'. A inalrln iliv
smith ot hoi" has liitiuul oiei liomi inns
of fai in land and it Mill spn ailing. Uinlik
Howard ami Al Smith lost their lives In
an ut tempt to save piopeitv.
Will Sail for Manila.
San I'rniiiltKo Apt II '.'! Tito Thllttentli
United Stilton lulHiiliy arrlwd lieu tuil;i
i mini ,vi ion. en nuiie in .iiuiiii.i. no
ngimuit will wn in a lew d,ib cm thu
I tratupurtH Seiiatot und Ohio.
fmni M u wni. en loutt to .viunlla. I In
Tiuo Bills Against Mnik L. Davis
nnd E. D. C. Hegemnn.
Duvet, U(l April J6 Attoiinv Grn
otal White toUa presented to the Kent
count.v giand Juiv Information in le
gal d to the nttemptod bribery of legls
latois and the tamperlne? with bills
before 'lie- late I' rlslature Subsr
tiuentlv the giand Juiy returned a true
bill against Hoprcstntatlve Mark 1..
Ij.iaIs and two true bills 'lira Inst IJ.
M. C ll'geinaii. axslstunt tleik of tho
liavls is tliaigFst In the Indictment
with olToiing a bilbe to Assemblyman
Iiittonius to vote fot I. IMward Aci
dities lot United States sdiatot. fine
of the liulktmeiits against liegeman
chaigis him with tampering with
what wa known as the late tiack bill
nnd vvblt Ii, when It leached the gov -ernoi
piiKtiiallv piovlded for the II
c i using of lmr-f lacing pool Hng
and lottciv schemes upon the pajment
ol ','M The other Indli liiitnt ehaiges
ll'geiniin with loigtrv In iiiiineclioti
with tin elirnlliuent of the bill.
The Tiouble with Von Diechich
Seems to Have Existed Only in
the Newspapeis.
.Sow York, Apill Jf! A oopjright
cable to the i:enlng Woild tiom
Manila April 26 sajs
' Admiial Dewey was "ten toduv by
the Wotld cot respondent on the Cogn
lan Incident
"The admiral Is still uniu qualnto 1
with the details ot the famous speem.
but he detlarod that bis telitlotis with
Cnptaiti Coghlan are most cordial
"He lecelved a cablegram fiom thci
captain of tint arshlp when he
leached Algleis. congiatiilatlng the on bis promotion
"Admiial Dewey Is ceitnln that
Coghlan could not have said unv thing
c ileiilated to place the admiial in a
false position
"He showed the Wotld correspondent
a littet fiom Admiial Von Dlcdilcli,
or the German nav. e onKialulat'ng
hltn on iw th'sirvtd promotion' ind
also his leittr In leldv which close!
with the woids 'all otu tllfft rtliies were
ol newspaper iniiiiufiii tuie
Admiial Powcv also sivs that ho
Is on the mo t friendly terms with
I'llnce lleniv of Prussia who suet ei cl
od Von Diettiic h as (omtii inder In thief
of the Gennan fleet In Chlncie wale."
An Association Composed of Gradu
ates of tho Catholic Coiiege.
l'hlladrlphia. Apill -'C The annual
meeting ol' the Alumni ol tlic
Uiopaganda at Home was held here
todav The Alumni association con
sists of tlu giaduates of the Catholle
cnlloge In Home The meeting tod ly
was bilef and was followed by ,vlnn-
.nni 1 tier Ttiiiiortt tfni lit.
a ,, deoRatei .md Alch Hishop Hjan
,10,(, UPtpt,in a,.. Dl. jnmes F.
,10,(, UPtpt,in a,..
,aUBll),, of
,,, lHoco.t.f lving the e
Jri i.rmphlln will tomoi
the Phllatlel
guest of honor.
I rnH Ii.. Imy ef .
,ji. .....if....... ..... ......... .- .. ... .... -
ed with the inonslgi.oratc at the cathe-
thal Tonight Dr Latighlin was ten
tltitd a tetiptlon by the arh tllotesan
nailing eirele union
The follow lug mtmbeis of the alum
ni weto ptesent at todav s u union Ht
Uev. tklw.ud Qulgley, bihop ot liuf
falo: Ut It' v John Shuiiley. bishop
id Unigo N M Uev. rather McGlInn,
Uev. Uallier Iiurt7ell and Uev Dr.
Siw-ont v, of Vow Yoik Uev. Dtan
Cannon, of Lockpott N Y and Uev.
In Swceiit. of Mount saint Mmy's
colic gt. of Hmmlttsbutg Aid.; Uev.
Hdwuid J. nnn, of Mt. Vetnon, N Y.:
Uev l.tnits P. Keiman nf Uochtstor,
N. .; Uev James Cotiigan. Uev.
James J Mt''iiskei and Uev Janus H.
I.nth, ol New Y'ork: Uiv. W
Hohinil, of Tin onto, Uev W. P Hai
lls Canada Ut. Ue. John Mooie, St.
Augustine, ria.
The Repoit Will Be of Consideiable
Washington April 20 The Wade
court of Inquiry continued the piepar-
atlon of Its tepoit todaj and when nd-
journment was had comparatively little
woik on it remained to be done The
cllffeient membeis of the eourt have
made sepaiate Investigations of the
.testimony and thev wire today en
gaged in comparing notes The", find
that about J00 witnesses weie exam
ined dining the Investigation. The tt s
tlinuiiv alone t ovets J 000 pages of t pe
wiltten matter.
The upon, theiefote. will be of con
sideiable length. There has beta no
lectnt change In the conclusion ot the
membeis of tho eouit. The teport will
unanlniou.'-U sustain the udiulnistta
The Jury Will Piobably Be Charged
Canton. O. Apill 25 Tin elosng ar
gument In the tilal of M'is Geotgo was
in piogioss when itiurt adjouintd to
dn. Piosoiutlng Attorney Pomeriiiu
lit gnu his aigument shortly after '
o'cloi k and will stint lude tonuurow.
It is now thought the Jury will 1
t bulged Immediately uftet the noon ie
ces.s on Thuisda,
Mis Geoige sat all da with down
cast eves and vwis occasionally mow ..I
to te.ns as the stotj of her life was
narrated. The court room was thronged
and many who could not gain admit
tunic stood in the iiiiritlou.
Railroad Men Injured,
lluwiliii, Apiil 2'J AlesHi. ilulT and
Uillliigti who iiu in ChIi.i In the inter
est of the l'ell'o-vlwillia colll
pi.uv i( baillv, 11 lull not strioudly
it'Jiiltil by the blowing uut of a c.vllndcr
head of a locomotive on the Bongo rall
loail Senoi Gruvti inaoiigei of the line,
hud his leg liiokin nnd the Cuban piu'l
neer had sew nil libs lirok-n Ik., Ides Ue
Inif ludl scalded
Mr. Hobart Sits Up.
Wlihhiiululi. Atull .ii-lci I'lenlilent
Ileihiiil sat up twice during the d iv und
Is now able to go fiom one loom to the
othir on the ilnoi on which his iooiu Is
loeiiled The plivslclau, Ihiubwt. still
enjoliis potiHlileiatloii of any huslnoss
i n 1 1 t s t ,s and liixist on ab.ulalu epilet and
The Cigni maker Accused of Having
Apptoached Aldus C. Hen Dep
uty Internal Revenue Collectois
Aie Scorning the Countiy for
Bogus Stamps.
laiiuastel, Pa . Apill JC W T. Keli
dlg. one of the piiuclpals In the gn-at
counterfeiting scheme, wtnt to Plilla-
tlelphla this morning and prim to his
dcpartuif In speaking of the alleged
ot nnec tlon of Ingham and Nt wilt with
the gang said the Inst bilbo mone v
paltl out was to those two and that the
amount was $1,ouo.
It was dh 11 1 god today thai Jacob
bail made an unsuccessful attempt to
bilbt anothei Internal levinite eollec
tot befoie approaching Downe.
Aldus C. Heir was foimeiH a tltik
fot Jacobs, km. bet ante suspicious that
ewr.v thing was not tight and icslgned.
A eat latex he was appointed a deputv
enlhetoi Jacobs called on him nnd
aked him if any stciet seivloe men
weie In Lancaster and proposed that
Heir should keep him posted If nnj
oiime and as ninth as possible of their
pin pose The deptiu said. 'Mr Ja
mbs you must remember I am a sworn
olllecr of the law." That endesl the
episode as far as Jncobs wax con
1 1 rnt'tl, but Mr. Iletr lepoi ted his sus
plt Ions to the iiillictcii, and then
hained that Jacobs vas uniler bur
velllance So far r.OlMiOO of W. M. Jacobs cigars
bearing' bogus stamps have be on seized
In l.aneastei Today 11 II. Toy &
Companv notified the levenue olilicis they had -'I.POO Al the Pt nn
sjh until railioad station 40 dilO weie
m letl. Deputj Collector Herr today
solxeti o at Holt Hiotheis' fttote,
Goidonvllle, ii ml 7,4iO have been con
fiscated at Chambeisiiutg Wlmor,
Hcliwmtr X Coinptnv, of Haiilshurg.
have uotifieil the collectot of having
"OUOO of lacobs' olg.iKs in their posses
lnii Boston's Quota of Bogus Stamps.
Huston Apiil Jii The entiio fotee of
deputy Internal revenue colli ctots un
der a spet ial agent aie scouring this
eltv for clgais beailng the bogus labels
of faitoiv i.DH and 4'0 of the Ninth
Pennsylvania, district About 100 0(10
have been gatheied In within the past
Jl bonis In lioston and I.vnn
Sviacuse N Y, Apill Jt A deputy
United sautes Internal revenue collec
tor has seized 1000 clgais in boses
"lamped with alleged counterfeit In
ternal revenue stnmps in Hinghamton
and expects to tind mnnv moio in Wav -etlv
Owego and other towns In outh-
ei u New Yolk
Both Majority nnd Mlnoilty Opin
ions Are Received.
Albanv, N Y . Apiil 2 Majotitv and
mlnoiltv leiKiits fiom the Maet In
vestigating eommlteo weie submitted
to the assemblv toiho. The former
asks for mine power in the scope of
Investigation and uiges that tho com
mittee be ciiipoweied to sit nil libitum
timing legislative vacation, the latter
uiges the futllltv of fuither Investiga
tion and piajs the as-embly to ells
e Inn go the committee
At Lompanlng the maJorit report
vwis a I ('solution empoweilng the com
mittee to Investigate county as well as
eltv officials and departments
The majoilly lepoit was adopted i'i
tn fi
Fatal Fall of Slate In Easton
Uaston, Pa, Apiil 2. Tluee men
weie killed bv a fall ot slate In the
Pen ArgI tiuairy. Pen Argvl. tvienty
miles fiom this city at ! o'clock this
morning Two hunched tons of slate
and dirt tell Into the hole nnd Helward
Hauling and Joseph D. Geiman were
bulled under It, with no hope of re
covering their bodhs inside of two
das A thittl man, an Italian, was
cut In two.
Harding was 50 yeais old, He
leavoH a finiil) of 11 ihlldien. Uot
liiaii was 41 old
An Explosion of Gas in Avondnle
Colliety nt Plymouth.
Wllkes-Ilaire AprlT .Ml Six men
wete badly binned by an explosion of
gas In slope No J of the Avondale 10I
lltty nt I'lv mouth this afteinouii
James Gillespie, mliiei, and Samuel
Llotl, miner, weie probably fatally lu
Juied. The other tout men villi re
oov or.
The ixploslon was caused by the
caielessncss of one of the laboteis. who
st t flic to a bod.v of gas with his
naked lamp.
i i
Three Hundied nnd Fifty-six Sol
diois on the Ciook.
New Yoi k. Api II 20 The United
States tiauspoit Ctook ui lived today
fiom Pome. Santiago and Guaniuunmo
with 3'ti bodies of soldleis and mailnes
who were kilted In battle or died in
Potto Hieo ami Cuba
The passengers ate nuclei taken who
went out In the ttansport to dlsintet
and ship the bodies The Ciook an
choied In the bay olf Llbett Island.
Got It in the Neck.
Alltiitown Pa April -u -Judge Albllght
tenia;, ltlustd Ui grant a new lihil In tho
case of I'lnuk Kiainie .who was found
gulltv of miiidti In the Ibst digue ful
the killing of Magglt Guth lit tin Ccdir.
villi' hntil on Mauh ' lai lie then son
lout ttl tilt ptlt-ouei to be huiui d As
Kiiiiim' was being I til I ind to jail Wai
di n Kiv tiskul him what the usult wax.
In liiiliuoitutl i.pll'1, 'i;li, i not it In
the neck '
Fatal Gas Explosion,
llerlln, April Jo-A i'h,ntih fiom Odessa
pais throe iion-comnilssionei) ollkiis. an
olllioi and four prlvatts liavjo litem kllbd
b) a gus cMilcifliiu s lile.ii oecuriwl In
out) of tht luriHcks;. In ailJIilou
i men vino injmcil.
Weather InJICatloni loJai
1 (iriieial Atui'i kalis Cjptiiie a l'ortiol
of I'lllllllll It
All Iran Mt tlimllst'. UintiiiiKn the
lleorgla l.xiichliiHs
Mote Light on the I'oimli Holt ("use
Plop iratloni fin tin cjiant Unwllliii;
i Hast Hill News and Coumieiit.
I"lnamli! tind Coinniert lnl
3 J.ncal-Tilal Mt for Com t lleglnminj:
Monil iv, Mnv i"i
1 Editorial.
Coinmt nl of the 1'iec.
fi Ht(ii--"t5ii Tlml."
i l.ouil -Intt nit w with Van Horn
Judge ciunstei'H !.( Islcm ill tho Trail
dent Meich mt Case.
7 l.ooal-l'lat lug Teh phono Wins Un
til igniund
I 'lie Chief I lie kt v lli-iio-tel.
S Iiciil Wist St l i litem anil Sliburbati
s Newt Hound Vboiil Sninton.
10 Local Court I'rot s dings
Susquehanna County Citizens Object
to Interfeienco with Death Sen
tences of Eagau and Shew.
Haiilsbuig Apill SI The case of
Patlpb Win back of L im astei undei
"enteme to bo hanged Mu IT, was
he aid todav bv the buatd of pirdons
Wliebnok shot und killed his I uidlord,
David H Landls pri sldent ol tht Cott
ostoga National bank Ills i oittivel al
lege that he was Insane at the time o
the killing and ask tluil his sentoin e
be i unlimited to life liiiiiisoiiliu lit. Ill
opposing the application, Dlstilcl Al
lot ni ISrovvn tlalmiil th it W liebat k
veils pi'iectlv I itlon il at tin thin of
the shooting and th it he is ft Ignlng In
sanltv. The pilsunoi s attoints asked
the liom d to have theli own cpeit paus
upon the prbonei p mental toiiilltloii
befoie taking filial action In the case
The applications foi a commutation
to life Imprisonment In tht cases of
Anthony MiGownn, of Alb glion ; J.
James Hasan and Cornelius W Shew,
of Susquehanna and Joseph llolllngei
of Dauphin, who are undei seiilent e
of death fot nun doi, wete also aigucd
todlj nnd held under advisement
The bond will met t In exot utlve ses
sion on Utldaj to eonsldor tho capital
cases on the calendiii A petition sigiu d
bj 2,000 citizens of riusqiu huiiiia i oun
tv, together with lettus fiom slxtv
tluee postni isleis and foi tv -live Jus
tices ol the peat e was Hied asking that
the boaid do not intiileie with the
death stnteiicos of Hagjli and Shew.
He Is the Guest of Honor at Banquet
of Pioduco Exchange.
New Yoik, pl II ' Senatoi AVil
lli'iit P. 1' of Maine, chalimau tif
the somte eonunlttte on ttunmeico,
was given a tpnutr tonight at the Wnl
iloi t-storia, as a testimonial foi his
clfoils in obtaining loi N -w oik eltv
tlu Impioveinents allowed In lilt letont
liver and hailmr bill passed bv con
giess The diniiei was given bv tht)
Ptoduce Uxchange the steamship In
terests, Cotton Ilvohane Chambei of
Commoice Mntltlme HNohangi , Mei
t hunts' e(i( iatlon. Un ird of Tiade,
Uoaid of Marine Undei wi hens Na
tional Iioanl if .Mlilne Untlet wiiteis,
Cofite txthangi. Metal evchune and
tlu "stoc k et hange.
Nearlv TOO guests snt down at the
fifteen tables In the giand liaiuiuet hall.
The room vv i lesiileiitlent villh 11 igs
nnd 'liiwois Goveiiiot Uoo"i velt was
c halt man Tin following leiu i vwis
lecelved fiom the jiiesldetu
Executive Mansion Waslili gton. Atull i'i.
While the luossnio of utibllo business
pti vents an aett pi nice of Ibe luvltatlcm
to iitteiitl the biiiquet tills evenliu I am
glad to ni gtatlllcalioii that o
tiotiible oppoi tiinltv Is presented fot the
disc iisslon ot tho gnat questions of tiad
nnd commerce mii Ii lute u h.inge of
thought on tin so topics c innnt but have
substantia results and will In lp to tiialii
latn and advance oiu pnstlge hi Hie imi--kots
of the win Id You hiveinv ver liet
wislus loi a tnoit vitccte-sful anil ln-qli-ing
uathtrlng und I big that jou will
conw v to the giu-t ol honor of the even
ing Si natoi Uiw mi tongratiil illons
upon tills pleiidid uicgnltlon ot his do.
votioii to tin oouimtitlal nnd Industri il
intfiosts of the count r.
tSlBiiecll Wllllim Mi Mnlev.
Governor Uoosevelt opened the
speaking, eulogllng Senatoi Pije
J. W. AmbioM' told of the s.enn tor's
effoits for the linpiovement of New
York baibor. W Uavaid Cutting and
""Senium Thoinas C Piatt paid tllbutes
to the .senatoi fiom .dame
ine guebt of the evening was then
lutrodiiied Senator Uive was loudly
Wilkes-Bane und Wyoming Lines
Sold to Eastern Capitalists.
WllkiH-Hano. Pa Apill 2ti The
Wilkes-Hine unci Womlng Valley
Tine lion conipanj has been sold to
New Yoik, Philadelphia and lioston
capitalists The entlie capital stink of
the company Is $." ooo.ouo The now
s ndli ale nuu based a toiitinlllug lu
ll test ut HI pet shale
The mad eonipilses slxlj-lhite miles
ot tiack and is well iquippod Its gross
oiitnlngs last joar weie ovei half u
million dolluis.
Bums Defeats Bulge.
'Yotingstown u pill -ii Ctlilb limns
ol Dt Unit, deli mod Wallet lliirpe of
Ni w Yoik In tin stwli rmiiiil or what
was to have In.-, n a "il-wniild colltisl ln
lult III' i uUllbMlliVVII Athletic i tub 111
night Hulge fiaciurcil Ills lefi mm nnd
vvui. (ompellid to I elite the decision be
ing nKTifdid to Uurns Tin fount r wint
on In the nbninoi ot Kd Ktnnedi, of
I'lltHbmg. who luiltil loupptai.
Qitninntiue Physicians,
llitiilsliurg April 2b iiuwincii Mono
IihIiii appointed i -St nutoi lleniv l
lleliet of I bltt new II Noi t ll.llll )101i
ctiuiit niiaruntine phvhliliin of tin Phil
adilphla purl, vli Dr lluii C Hoen
uliiff of Phfktdtlphl i. leiuow'd
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Washington Apill M p. nskui eerilll
i atis. Iiirriin.-IVtc'i .Motrin Montrose
Hlisiuthamiu. t1 lo HI. Levi SthinaU,
l'lttstoii r. to Jlu, iimir Tuinur. sub-
I11IV1UII1J, It to J 5,
Movements of the United
States Troops Attended
with Difficulties.
The Filipinos Show Gieat DetermN
nation in Defense of Calumpit.
Using Artillery for the First Time.
Indications That the Rebels Con
sider This City tho Last Ditch.
Rapid File Guns Biought to Bear
on the Enemy General Lawton'a
Pi ogress Much Impeded Our
Losses Cablcginm. fiom, General
Otis Is Received at Washington.
Washington, Apiil 20. Tho following
calilogiaui vwis lecelved at the war tie-,
paitmeut late this evening:
Manila, April '.K.
Ailjuliint General Washington:
Liwtou at Noiznguav anil Angit, Ills
tov eolunins united have driven enemy to
nut tli ami wist. Slight t j-siialtlos, namc-i
not repoited. Onl means communication
MacArthui his taken portion nf Cal
umpit, smith of riser. Movement attend
ed with difficulties on account of Jungle, mid jaiong inlienchmctits. HU
i tsualilis xestoidi.v llin e Wiled, eleven
wound! d
Developments thus f t ntlf ti tory.
Eneigetic Defense.
Manila pril 26 Aguin lido's inrajr
tod ly Is tletent'.lng Calumpit onergetlc
ullv. 'I'his is ild to Indicate that thu
lebels aio mul Ing tint place their last
illtth. m stand, which the Amerieins
expeeted tlieui to make at Malolos. For
lite Hi f.t time the Uillptnos are fmplov
lug aitllleiy. They brought two uui
Into action in the tt cliches todty be
foie Calumpit. filing modern shrapnel,
vhiih buint over the heads of Guncial
Wheatons men without effect.
inning the nlghl the mciicun engl
neeis tepiiied the Uagbig blldgc, thus
enabling our Hoops to eioss tho tlvti.
Geneial Wheatons hilgade atlvancod
ill t Mended oldei. with the Kanns
icglmont lo the west of the l.tlhoal
and th Moiituiui leglment to tho east
uf It, and took up a position eovcilng
one and ball miles on the fcouth bank
ot the Ulo Giantle. On the opposlt
binl weie toitilitd tienchc-H from
which a few Vinoiienn soldieis vwmll
have bun abb to defy thousands, so
slionglv wete they c oiiHtiucted.
The Ameiliatis found the ttcnchesi
on tin south bank of tho liver dc-ert-ed,
width fuinlshed them with cover,
liom which liny could pick off, Filip
inos win uev or one of them slitHwd hid
When the rebels began filing, two
pints of smoke, blniultaneouslv, from
the lunches on each side of the x.ilN
load tiatk. showed they weie utin
t allium, which was a genuine suipil'e,
lo llm Ameikans. Seve-tal shells butss
elosn to Geneial AVheaton's staff, buB
It seemed that Ihe Ullipiuos failed to
m.istei the muchlnetv of model n shells,
as they weie unable to get thu right
Yotiug'H 1 lull batteiy was ottleied
Into position, in tho centre of the legimc'iu. to silence the rebel guns,
and at 11 o'clock tho i.iptd-llto guns
had been feu led aciosi the river and
came Into line.
At noon the lebels wete still penning
i heavy Ihe In the cliiectlon of thu
Aineihaiis, who letutnetl It spliltedly.
Two Amen leans weie killed and seven
wete wounded
At about this time General HaleS
brigade was advancing e-ast of the line,
appaienlly t" tioss the liver and at
tack the icliel tieiithes in flank, US thu
A merit ans did yesteulas.
. Many Obstacles.
Geneial Law ton Is meeting with the
Biwitest obstat les in the t hnracter of
the ouuntrj Ills tioops have only bid
a few skliinlshes thus fai. losultlng In
live of his men being wounded. Hut ho
has been foi ceil to put his men at vwulc
building loads, and tho tinnsport si
vho Is giving much trouble, bullocks
thing of tin heal and exhaustion and
Chlnunioii having to be oinplo.vcd in
pulling some of the cults. Theiefore
tho geiieinl has been unable to cow r
the gioiind he hoped.
The tlutlVe the hi fine the expedi
tion, but the swarm bat k to tb lr
huts (13 soon as the Amellenu tin qn
have pan-oil A few Plllplno shin p
shooteis aie huiasslng the Alllerhau
Hanks. The oiinnilssarv dupartinent is
piopaiing to send nuiie i at Imis, under
a stinng I'seott, to the fiont.
ttt "tt t t t
- -
t i ( liiMitm Apill -i t'uueant -f
tin ThurMl.u I'or iiistiin 1'uin- -
e.vhanla full. viiiIhIiIo wlad; "tTrl- -
t ln full md vwu m
tttttMtttttlttt t
i i