The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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landlord Bill Leach ft Candidate for
Sheriff Best Ono Hundred Mile
Run on the Eric An Elopement
Prevented at Ararat Two New
Post Offices Summer Boardeis
Are Arriving.
Spcclul lo tho Si i. nit nn Tubulin.
Susquehanna, Atnll 2... Tin- ini-ft-1ns
of the .State liourd uf I'aidons was
postponed until this vcok, when the
races of lCaRcn und Shew will lit"
lieurd. In the- e-ac' of Hhe-vv, It will l
tirRi'd tlmt IiIh inlnil Is weak, mid Hint
lie wan easily led to commit murder.
ThotiiHH J. iJitvleM, esq., of MoiittoHP,
will ippicscnt Kanon liefure the boiud.
ficoiKc 1 l.lttle, i"f. of Muntrose, will
appear for Shew and foiiucr DlHtrlrt
Attorney V. I). H. Altu-.v, of Monliose,
will appear for the commonwealth.
DepoMtlonx weie taken In this pluro
.Inset week. In the meantime, I'.ikpii
and Shew are cheorful ami hopeful.
.They aie taking on llesh and In splen
did health.
The Uile liontm bill has paspil both
houses of the leglslatiue and will pio
lialilv he signed by the sovetnor. Hy
tho provisions of the bill, the $10.1100
annually paid Into the state treasury
bv the Erie railroad company, In lieu uf
taxation on Its propeily In the coun
ties of Susquehanna and l'lke, will
hereafter iciert to the tieusmiles of
these counties, the shaie of Susque
hanna county amounting to $7,000.
A Xleholson yotniKSter who had his
brafn filed by blood and thunder
novels. Whitney's Susquehanna letteis
and other vvnikx of Motion, has stalled
out to lead the life of a footpid.
Tunkhaniux k New Age.
Landlord '11111" I.each of Ar.uat
Summit, who teeently annihilated a
gang of tiamps, is n Itepublican can
didate lor shei Iff. He would inn like
a forest the.
lUnur 1'ounty Suiveyor .. Uciin
Uenscm, of Neath .Jackson. Is slowly
recoveilng from a seeie attack of ty
phoid pneumonia.
The Focond session of tile Susque
hanna Counts Summer Normal School
lll open at .Mnuttose on .Monday, .May
IS and close m Fiiday, June IC.
11 I-. Fianklln, fonneily piopiietor
of the v llnine In .lackson, lias
icniovfd to I.ini.i, Ohio
meeting of the executive commit
ti i of the li oil i 1)1 1 Ion p.uty of Susque
hanna louuty will be held In New Mil
fold la 1
The annual meeting of the Su(iie
hanna County Medical society will be
held In Monti os,. on Monday, May 2.
The toph foi discussion will be "l-.i
Otlppe" and l)i. Samuel Itlrdvnll, of
Susquehanna, will lead a paper on the o oning the discussion.
II.illMi ad's leoigaulzed cornet band
ihsins to take the name "Thlileenth
It. glnitnt Hand."
somi: sun: issues.
V n t . . 1 1 Miilng f,.icr gets a nun.
Wliiil Ml.'nue tlllliKs come m pass,
II. Minns enough lo rlile a when I,
ilnt not io mow the glass.
It was a niie man who said; ".
woman Is neer nlrald to marry a man
w ho likes cats."
The limit season has commenced,
mid iiu call catch a two-pound tmut
with a 200-pound liar almost any day.
The indulgent father spates the lod
and lets Ids sou go llshlng.
In the line for the eailjl Fining
meats, the ancient sheep is In ought as
a lamb to the slaughtei.
why this Qi'iirrrni:.'
Is it not about time for the annual
dlscoveiy of gold, llvei, coal, oil en
oilier valuable substances oer in
AVajne county? Wayne louniy is al
ways discussing something', (! only
alleged rottenness in matteis political.
Hut for dun- old Wayne, life In this
corner of the commonwealth would be
weary, stale and unpiolltable
little locali:tti:s.
Silas Wilson, fonneily an old and
esteemed resident of the Oakland side,
died a few days since at Ubeity. N. Y.
A laige number of city people, at
tracted by the wonderful plctuiosque
ness of this section, will summer here.
To the geneial satisfaction of his
church and of the community, the
"Wyoming confeicnce 1 etui nod Rev.
Chniles H. New lug to the Susquehan
na Methodist chinch.
The Laneslioio residence of Silas J.
Benedict was on Sunday completely
destroyed by ilio, together with a
portion of the contents.
The operetta, "Merry Milkmaids,"
Is being rehearsed by local talent.
One of the new llaldwiu lotoino
tives a few days since pulled train J
fiom Coining to Susquehanna, loo
miles In 104 mlnutis, and made four
legular stops. This Is said lo be the
best 100-mlle run on the Eile
In Uagan opeia house, Jlay 2, Tim
Hurley, of Susquehanna, and Dick
Mooie, of St. Paul, will spar 20
lounds. Suiley lts training lu this
place and Moor." lu lllnghapituii.
Momoe Curtis lodge, Hiotlieihoud
of Railroad Tialnmen, will hold its
annual ball at the Staiucca house, on
Friday evening next.
HC.'t avandi:rino son.
Mis II. J. Drew, ot Wllkes-Harre,
2 Until a bet
ter shoe than
. "Easefelt" the perfect shoe for I
J women - - is made and sold for j
& less than $4,00, wi'l a new stand- f
J. ard In women's fine footwear belt
established. Every palrof '-Ease- 1
a kelt" sold wins admiration, v
Lewis, Ucllly ii Duties,
114-nfi Wjomlns Ave.
r- r---.r-.njir
J B . 1$ is toe i
Jv e$k SHOE i
it vk for 3
Ek v$v W0MEK i
t. s "A fh n no-
was In town on Thursday, In search
of 11 long-lost son. In 1897, V,'. II.
Drew, n professional chiropodist, who
had been plying his vocation In this
place, left here for lllnghamton about
Sept. 15, since which time nothing has
been heard from him. Mr. Drew, If
alive, Is 2!) years of age. Ho Is of
medium height, has large brown eyes,
brown hair and moustache. The
mother Is going fiom town to town
In search of her son.
iiniu: AND theri:.
Tho llrle will this season run ex
cuislnns to beautiful Karvlew, on the
Mooslc, one of the most enchanting
spots In Pennsylvania.
Tho county court ground out a few
dlvolces this tenn. There have been
mlsllt marriages ever since mankind
posesed pure cussedness and poor
Two new postolllccs lime loccntly
been established lu this lounty one
lu the Welsh settlement and one at
film Ulll.
The illslilct attorney eldentlv did
not llnd evidence enough to cause the
an est of the parties said to haw iiius
iil tile death of the late Mis-. Tlbblls,
of East Main street; but, If reports
aie collect, it would seem that theie
Is enough evidence at hand.
An liate father and a shotgun 11 few
days since prevented an elopement In
Ami at. "The man In the case" Is
running yet.
Moody Post and itellef mrps are
making Initial ariaiigements to ob
serve Memorial Day in a fitting man
ner. Susquehanna newi foigets her
soldier dead.
Forest City still has a soulful eain
for a county bildge. She ought to
have one.
llallstcad feels the need of a town
hall and expects to have a paint mill.
The quai telly meeting of the Past
Sac hem's association of Susquehanna
loiint.N, I O. Red Men, was held In
(.ileal Head on Satuulay ewnlng.
Jiuiii's .1. D11 Hols, t'nited Suites
consul genual to Switzerland, und
family, will lake up their lesldeiue lu
llallstcad for the summer, June 1.
Piece woik is being hugely Intio
cluced ill the Elle shops.
St. Amliew's coinmaudeiy. No. Tfi,
Knights Templar, on Fiiday evening
weie publicly instullcil by Division
Commander Thomas F. Penman, of
Sir.inton. A banquet followed.
A Degice of Pocoliontns will lie in
stituted on Thursday evening. Visl
tois ate expected fiom Itlnghaniton,
(licit Head and olhei places Follow
ing the installation leiemonles there
will be a banquet at the Canawacta
Tiavellng athultis patties have com
menced to 1 limb the tnoimtnins
I'p to date, tiout llsheiine?fcie get
ting little except e.viei'-e. 'Jneie Is
ice and snow nater In the stieams.
The f uncial of a young daughter ot
Mi. and Mis. R.u tlielomew E. Stein
beeliet, 01 curled this afternoon.
The Eile shops men will lecelve
their ducats on Thursday. They will
lecelve the hugest amount in any
one month since the clll wai.
There Is at piesent a light coal Unf
ile on the Jeffcison in audi ol the
I hie. Whltliej.
They Can Be Obtained at the Scinn
ton Post Oflice.
List of letteis lemalnlng uncalled tot
al the Set aiiton post oillie, Lacka
wanna Count! , Mai eh 26, is'i'.i. Per
sons calling for these letteis will please
saj adviitlsid and glw date of list.
Jiiinis 1). Aillej c.'i, Miss M.ia Arnold
M. I' lii.rst. Miss .Margaret limiuii.
Miss Mm j lianuon Miss Marx lfi.xki,
Mis K. Riihiiiir, Will liogut .Mis .lane
Mi. lib Amol liolv.iU. V ('. HjiIiu, .I11I111
D Howe, .Miss 1'H.i lit isi.
Miss I'-Hille ''i.iinlal "Ilss Plan-Is 'J'heinas Caxiiii.iugli. Allss Mi.
gaiel I,'. Cumuli. Mts Retla Cliutih.
Ilany Y. 1 -1 Inker. D.ixlil Mrs.
lliixxley Duiunoie, Mis Sarah Dilulic.
M. A. Exai.s.
P. ter J. Km nil.
Knil II (latis, II II. illlio.x. m,-h ,l,,lin
J. (Ireaxiy, Maigaielte (ill ex, Thomas
(iall.igln 1, Alls ilmiiLi, i:uiesl
(iinlisei, Pelel (Jcllil;.
John llairiMin, W. llhllnp-ci, AIM 1 llar
le, .1. T. Il.itten. .Mis. .I.uie Hodge,
James lli.ile). John Hill, D.ixlil lluck,
lloffniun Club, Miss N na llallock, O. A.
E. 1.. Jewett, Miss Vim le JdiMlis,
Pauline John
Mi J. S. Killy, agent tin Kim hi ,i
Mihpatilek PiiIpIIsIiIhk ci irpan,x : lr.
keatlng, Anna E Klngslc.x, Cluiilcs IlI.
In mail. P. E. Kelly.
Patrick I.angan, Miss Laymen, A. L.
Li x is
(i. Mlllir, Pluley Mai tin, Miss Jennie
MeiiMiiigir, Augustus MiiMim, it. Man
i, -I. MiTighe. Annie M'C.Kg.u.
James Not ton, Elwcll N. Noble.
Nilll ODoniull, !.. II. fj'lhn, Miss
Hlldgi t OMnlley.
Tlieo Piisliing. Miss Lucy Pinckney,
John I'nli k, lh u Mo Parti e, Albeit IVirj.
Miss .Marg.iiet (ulntoii.
Charlts C, Hwiilheig, Lldy Shiffer, Mis.
Knlheiliif Sullivan. M. L. Smith, S Sol
omon. Mis. II. K. Stiicklui. . Slu'iu.
Mis. Elmer Thomas, Dr. Chirle-s n.
Twitthell. Miss Lmv ToraplUas. Mis.
Mleliacl Thiimi son. Mis. Lizz.Il Thomas,
John L. Thomas.
Samuel Viirlsc. II L. Van Nujs, D. I).
William Williams Philip Weiss, u-.
James Wiuld", 11. S. Wlggln", Mrs, W,
J Walter.
Mnnslci Antoni Xerfsslir.
Names of the Witnesses Who Weie
Heard Yesteulay.
lu the aibitiutlou 100m yesteidav
the following witnesses weie examined
lu the Langstaff-Kclly election con
test: Caihomlale Julius Spaeth, Pi .ink Haul
Icor, Chailes Sneillior, CiiailPn Cratt,
I'rank Iirtclitel, William llalgh, E. 11,
Dow, .Moses Mxcrs, Robert Camp, Jauiei
Holes. Ilenrv 13. Wllblll.
Old Korge James Tax lor, Philip
Swartz, Ellis Wilson, Atul Jones, J.inn.s
Tlbbs, Reesi W. Itcese, William Repp.
Thomas E Cirilllths, llumv Welsenlluli,
lli4ain Williams Thotniis Hawkins,
John Jones, jr., Hi a Le vl. Thomas M i
son, Aiulrexv Ilooxcr. William 1 In beat.
Frecleiitk Repp. CuriiC) Long, Hlcliurd
Hoxxell, John Morgans, IMuanl Mason,
I.oieazo Conienzo. Ainldln Clinpe, James
Clabillo, K K. Wilson.
Kcranton Patrick Drown. James Mman.
Lackawanna townshlii E. II. llueber,
Ocorgo Hither
No Definite Plans as Yet Regaiding
the Paull Block.
As yet no plans have been definitely
settled upon by the represeutatlX" of
the Paull estate as to leplaelng tho
block on Spiuce street buined icsl.v
day morning.
Theie Is a question as to whether or
not tho Insurunce adjustors xvlll prefur
to lepalr the building or tonslder. It a
total loss, rntll this is settled tho
lepiesontatlves of the estate can pot
Concluded from Pago 3.
First All Causation Is mental. Sin
Is tlrst In thought, then In act, after
wards Its effects appear in the body.
Sickness Is tlrst either In the conscious
thought or In the unconscious or sub
conscious mind. (Physicians and
physicists call this, icalm Involuntary
motion or latent lire ) Nexi It appeals
as a defined feat or perchance mani
fests itself In the bodily functions
without warning. If nil Cnusatlon Is
mcntul, and the ptlmary life or fence
back of all matter conditions Is Mind,
then disease can he healed only as the
mental caupe Is destroyed. Drugs and
instruments can effect no permanent
cine wheie the dltect cause Is in con
sciousness Second Natuie. or the not mill condi
tion of all things Is a universal condi
tion. Heme a natuial euiatlvo Is one
thut Is unlveisal. (Jood Is a unlveisal
iiiiiitlve for evil. Dixine Mind. Natuu
or tlod Is unlxei-sal Thorefoie Mind
can be utilized as a unlveisal panacea
or ciiratlxe agency. As the scientific
application of the laws of mathematics
will conect any mistake so the pioper
application of Christian Science Mind
Healing xvlll cine any dliease On this
basis all disease's ate eiiiall abnoiinal
and the same Piltulple destioxs both
sin and sickness Thus the whole bodi
ly system Is hi ought under the control
of coniniim sense or u normal state of
Third Title player to Clod Is mental
communion xvltli divine Mind, or the
universal Pilnclple which Is Law. Hood.
Truth, or I.ox-e Such prayer tefonns
the bad man's iiatuti- thiough tli
tiansfoimatlon of his mind. I e. .le
sites This same piaei, ociiiiiiuiiiImh,
mental mode, 01 habit thiough Chiis
tlan Science bilngs man Into nutmal
hnimony xxllh the Parent Mind Na
tuie. or Coil. This tyne of piuwr is
scientific, evict, temedlal. and of In
finite powi-i Can au.x e-aithlx element
or body of peisons make such mcntul
action a matter of legislative prohibi
tion? Can human law gi.xun a man's
thoughts? Shnll leglslatois to'l us
how we shall think?
In Pm. was published the 111 st edi
tion of the Chiistlau Selene-" text
book. At the close of the vear ISIS
this book had reached its one liti''
dieelth ami sixtieth edition of a thou
sand copies each.
Tlie magnitude of the xvnrk "f Maty
Raker Eddy as li-fiium r. Teacher,
and Religious I ' mini T cm best l,e
obsetved by a Inlef review if the
gtoxxth of the inoxeinent which she
founded ami so wisely led through
spliltual dlseei nuieiit and soilless la
bia oxct a pet lod of thli t.x-thr -e warn
At the uesenl time Chiistlau Silence
has spiead thmughoiit Cliilslendoni.
It has oxer live bundled thousand
ax owed ndheients and upxvaids of a
million bpllex-eis The Molhei Chuiih
In IJoston Mass, founded by Mis
Eddy, in 1S7U. has a geneial inetnbei -ship
of about 13.000, a residential con
gugatlon or over 1.200. and has ne.uly
.100 brant lies In Clnistendom. At the
piesent time the mox-emeut ls"enjo,x
Ing nun ked growth In England. Scot
land, Krnnee Italy, Ci-iiiiany. Sw den.
Noiway, South Afileu, and In the
Isles of tlie Seas The inoxeinent has
its oxxn Publishing House In Huston,
Mass. and publishes a regular month
ly organ tin- Cliilsthin Science .lour
mil, a weekly nexpapr the Cb'is
tlan Silence Sentinel, and a s'iic.s er"
Quaitorly lllble Lessons for the
1 linn lies of the denomination. It also
issues a vast amount of miscellaneous
lltei.ituie relating to Christina Sci
em e.
During the year ISIS tho Massachu
setts Mi'taphxsical 'Allege, of whli-l,
Mis Eddy Is President, x-ns united
xxlth tlie Mother Ciiuir i ol i'hiisilau
Silence in Huston, Mass. The Na
tional Hoard of Education for the ex
amination of Chiistlau Science' teach
ers x as formed and met for the Hist
time In Boston. The Intel national
Hoard of Lectin ship of the Mother
Chinch of Clit 1st inn Sc ionic, composed
of clown Dlllclal luetuiets, xxas also
established elm lug the eai. This
Hoaiel is conducting a series of public
lcctuies on the religion und theiapeu
tlcs or Chtistlan Science Tlie lectuns
aie being gixen in all paits of the
I'nlteil States and Canada, and pin
1sloi1 has ulso been made for Euro
pean Lectiiislilp. Croat thiongs of
people aie attending these In tines, in
some Instances tlie audience's number
ing oxer live thousand peisons These
gatheilngs are thotoughly icpiesent.i
tlve, and aie hugely attended by phy -sb
inns, ileigvmen, authois, lefoini
eis, and the thinking classes, together
with gieat multitudes of what can
be tiulv called "the masses." It
Is authentically stated that upwaiels
of a million and a hall of people have
been healed of hopeless disease's dur
ing the last eighteen yeais thioiign
the instiumcntality of Chilstlan Se'i
ence. These facts, togethci with the body of untold benefits xvhlch
neither tongue nor pen can accurate
ly lecord, bear abundant testimony as
to the piactlcabillt,v and giandiur of
the xxoi k and spliltual leadeishlp of
Mary Hakei Eddy.
As tlie lellglon of Jesus In Chiistlau
Selenep needs no defense, so Mrs Ed
dy's great xxoik is Its oivn pioof of
genuineners Tlie xxldespread loyalty
to Mis, Eddy as Tcnchei and spliltual
Lender, which is so evident among all
Chilstlan Scientists, is nothing 11101
or less than common sense honest
giatltude allied to scientific aut'iouty
reasonably leeognized Can It be that
the world has become so used to
wholesale Ingratitude to Its gieatest
benefnetots, that It mistakes giatetul
loyalty, for hcto-woishlp an 1 abject
mental silt render to so-called i.utn
cratlc despotism'.' Common seiis -.ells
us that tile world ot science is not only
sentimentally elefcientlal to sclen'IPe
ellscoveiei.s and foundeis, bu is si'leii
llllially loyal In following the iK'iiion
suable deductions and rubv laid doxvn
by tliese scientific icad-.s and f jnd
ers. The rational and mental obedi
ence and folloxving uccorded the vluxxs
of such Individualities as Euclid, Nexx
ton, or Roentgen, cannot be classed
with heio-xvorshlp or blind obedience.
In folloxving the truths levelled and
demonstialed by these scientists, pii
sonallty Is not being folloxxed, but
lather Impersonal truths xxhlcli tliese
men have made clem and t educed to a
A man xxhoso common sense Is well
developed will not attempt systematic
disobedience to tho moral code. Dis
obedience and penalty go hand lu hand.
Cause and effect Is a law that Is never
suspended. Health is as much a pait
of lellglon as is molality and spliltual
Ity. lu tlie lecord of Clnist's lite there
were thirty -six conspicuous events
xvhlch huxe been wiongly denominat
ed miracles Of tliese txxenty-tlve xxere
Instances of physical and mental heal
ing xxrought by Jesus without eliugs or
material means. Healing the sick
without chugs Is lecorded In the Old
Testament and Cod Is spoken of theie
In as the poxver that forglxeth iniquity
nnd healeth disease What would the
woik and lite of Chilst and Ills fol-low-eis
lie sepal ated fiom tlie general
healing x oiks xvhlch accompanv His
footsteps' Remove from Tlssot's
gland collection of ptctuies lepresenta
tlve of the llfo of our Mastei. all those
paintings and sketches which poitiay
Ills healing xvoiks anil ivhat would be
the mactlcal slgiilllcance of the ie
maliilng poitlon? Would nut the veiy
henit and soul be taken fiom tho whole
collection? Yet Chilstlanltv dfvold of
i tills element is what popular 1 elision-
Paine's Celery Compound Has Driven
Out All the Old-Fashioned Cure-Alls.
;W';-ftX''rvyvV-.. "'W WvsTCVv vAvMwVxT 1 III
'&-.7vi - :". TfessKSM' Mill
-2?3l5-TXr'Z?"- rt'.&fg rMn-rrffl?iSlSj?5JV-jNsS
Tlie old-time tonics, sarsaparlllas.
nervines anil haphazard leinedles of
our toielalhers won't do In the spring
of 1S6D
Your gieat grundmother didn't take
t'alne's celeiy compound any moie
than she used the eleetilc light 01 tlie
Hut her children and grandehllilien,
the gioxxn-up men and women of to
day, are taking this gie-at model 11
spilng lemedy and getting ild of dis
eases that the old. unscientific piepar
atlons maik no lmpiesslon on and aie
making no Impression on today.
Paine's celery compound has as little
in common with any of these obsolete
remedies as model 11 life-salng anti
septic surgerv has xxlth the piactice of
a fexx yea is ago xxhich xvaa attended
xxlth so fearful a death tate Tile half
a centuiy that has elapsed slm-e these
old-fashioned lenipelles xxere formulat
ed has been the most fruitful yeais In
medirnl dlscoxeix. it has wltlli-ssid
the dlscoveiv of the most effective
UHilUIiic the xxoi Id has ever knoxxn.
As a lemedy for blood anil nerxvs
Paine's celery compound has he-en wel
comed by physicians, presciiboil nnd
publicly lecommeneled No compound
has ever appioached Paine's celery
compound lu its xx-ondeiful success
xvlth diseases and ailments due to ner
vous debility and Impure blood
Paine's celeiy compound is as unlike
any lemedy that has gone befoie It,
and as supeiioi to its neaicst rival,
as the gieat seaicblight Is to the tallow
dip. It is not a men- Impiovenient nor
a development of any of the old-fashioned
lomeelles It Is a totally new
Ists xx ant us to accept as the lellglon
of Jesus. The heuling of the sic k
thiough dixine or mental power xxas
hugely, if not entiii'ly. the cause of
the gieat gtoxvth of eailx Clulstlanity .
It was the downing gloiy of the ...e
of Jesus The Scilptuies tell us that
Jesus came to destioy the xvoiks of the
dcx II. He spent His time in lefoinilng
the' sinner, In healing the sick, and In
raising the dead. Common Sense,
theiefore, atlirms that sin. sickness,
and deatli are the xxmks of the devil,
or the tiinltailan errois of human ex
istence and materialism, to oe gi actual
ly eliminated from the life of man bv
a light iindei standing of his immortal
sinless existence.
Chilstlan Science healing Is the ex
act autlpode ot faith tuie, mind cine,
animal magnetism, piayei cure, auto
suggestion, suggestive theiapeutics and
hypnotism. Mental therapeutics is an
exact, lational, and normal system of
dixine Mind healing. If spliltual, na
tuial, and haiinoulous mental com
munion with divine Mind, alias tlie
Oxei-Soul, or Supieme Relng, that w
call Cod. can be leimed in .1 vol. then
Chilstlan Si ience prnyei Is of this suit.
The ge unlnatllig giound of disease is
In xxhat is known as the sub-conscious,
or unionsclous mind. Animation, force,
eneigy, cuiihilousuess. life and move
ment uic mental, not phxshal li.
hcrltance, prenatal Impiesslons, psych
ic moods, tempei anient, Inlluence of
eaily envllontueiit, lellgious mind
training and disposition ate the books
of life which should be consulted lu
the uie of disease Matter of itself
can .alginate nothing
Sue h scientists and thlnkeis us
rianklln, Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer,
Clifford, Ilneckel, Allan, Hlxby. I lei
seliel, Kelx in anil Oswald tell us that
back of all the mateiial evidences of
life Is Mind foice. Christian Science
therapeutics deals xx holly xxlth Mind In
the ptcxention and cure' of dlsemso
There is no such thing in Scleme as
physical causation What Is known as
a physical effect Is the result of an au
leiioi cause Christian Science is the
exact utideistandlng of mental causa
tion It utilizes cei tain unlxeisal laws
of Natuie. Its opoiatlons aie based
upon an exait Piinc-lple. It resolxes
matter Into Its primaiy elements nior
tal or human mind. It thus bilngs the
lealm of the physical under the contiol
of the mental It dominates tlie mate,
ilnl with the spliltunl. the lower with
till' higher, the negative With ihe posl
tlve Hy this method it lueiitallv ills,
solxes a e-ancer, heuls diseased bones,
elongates limbs, elestiens piogresslxi'
paiaiysls. restores the wasted tissues
of the body, and tlie decaying sub
stance of diseased oigans, dlssolxi'S
cataiacts. and cuies deafness and Ini
palied xlslon.
The oilglll of all disease, the con
tagion ot lci-i'is. smallpox, c Indent,
and grip. Is the opeiatlon of mental,
not physical forces. We ate now told
that the mil lobe Is one of natuie's
scavengers, and that It is simply a low
foi 111 of animal HIV feeding on a still
loxxer form.
Nausea tells us that lu Cieeiilaud
there) nto no such things as colds. Tliese
widespread luxutles, ho says, were left
as a part of the Noith Tempeinte zone.
In China physicians get no pay when
they fall to cuii'. The dlsiuises known
to one Louutiy lite unknown to an
dppartuir In the ruio of blood and
! none diseases ami illles xvheie other
remedies fall, because It embodies tlie
newi'St inxesilgutlons into tlie somen
ot these diseases
Slid that Is the toason xxhv Paine's
celeiy compound Is the most siueessful
temedy In the wot Id
The folloxving lettri fiom Miss Lou
ise Wolcott, one of the olllclnls of the
Daughtets of the Ameilean Revolution,
shows the estimation in which Paine's
celeiy- lompound Is held by peisons
xx ho haxe used It-
New Yolk. Pel) 21. IVjl'.
M"-iis Wells. Ulehaidson & Co
Ceiitleinen- Having foi several yeais
been subecteu to heavy stialn on my
norvous system and feeling utti'tlv
woin out and ellseourng"d, after con
sultation with mv physician I began
taking Paine s celeiv eompciund, and
am only too -;!ad to add my testimony
o the inanv thousands you all cad v
have of Its ellcai y In rebuilding the
nervous svsti m. I now feel like an
entilcly dlffeient peison
e-iy tiulv youis.
Were it possible to keip the nerves
alxvayj sttong nnd in calm working
older, few peisons would know xxhat
It is to be ill; but with the changes
in climate, woik and woiry and the
shut-in" life all winter, nerxous dis
01 del s, more or less serious, aie un
avoidable. Paine's Celery Compound
should be in pvery household, that
there may be no delay in legulatlng
the nerves xxlien they Income In It
able, poorly nourished and aie xx ear
ing out the stiength of the whole body.
other. Medical students fiequently
have all the symptoms of the diseases
that they aie studvlng. 1-Yal kills
people, slops the ac Hon of the heart,
and tin ns the hair ot the head giay In
.1 single night Jealousy, lleenllous
tips, hatied, and quick temper, cioato
liiilidieds of lccogniiscd diseases. Mor
bidity. Introspection, fear, and selfish
ness evolve and pcipetuate countless
dlsoiders. Rut a pine mind means a
pine body.
Christian Scientists icspeet the hon
est opposition of physicians and sili
con physicians whoso education and
piactice have been along lines cllamet
1 U ally opposed to metaphysics. This
class of opponents vv 111 be honest In
Inxestlgating .mil accepting the higher
method. When called upon to admit
that medicine, either allopathic or
homoeopathic. Is a science, Scientists
politely lefuse such admission.
John Mnsoii fioiiil. M D.. F. R. S . of
London, England, savs: The1 effects
of medicine on tlie human system ale
III tlie highest degii'e imceituln. except,
Indeed, that they have destioyed more
lives than xxai. pestilence, and famine
combined" Di Oliver Wendell Holmes
deelaied that "mankind hail been
drugged to death and the voilel xxould
be better off If tlie contents of everx'
apothecaty nho weie emptied into
tile sea though the consequences to
the fishes would be lamentable'." Sir
John Forbes I'Vllow- of the Royal Col
lege of Physicians, London, saxs: "No
systematic or thooietlenl classification
of disease or theiapeutlc ngents over
yet promulgated is true, or anything
like tine, anil none can be adopted as
a safe guidance In practice"
Christian Silence piactltloneis diag
nose' eveiv dlsi-ase mentnlly. In order
to llnd Its true cause They study men
tal, not siiuctural anatomy. They
spend years In deep leseiuch and pi ac
tual demnnstiatlon In the lealm of
mental causation and In tlie theiapeu
tics of menial healing. The allopath
deals almost entirely with physical
cnusatlon The homoeopath takes
mentnl symptoms hugely Into account.
The Chilstlan Scientist deals entliely
xxlth mental causation and tempei a
mcntal conditions. Results In Chris
tian Silence piove tile scientific basis
of its modus ejinaiull. for It heals
thousands of cases that the practition
ers of both allopathy and homeopathy
have pioiioiinceel hopeless.
The following cases of Chiistlau
Silence healing nie oifeted as illustra
tions of tho scope and possibilities of
the system. Continuing details of
each case xxlth logulai medical confir
mation, xx III bo gladly furnished any
sinceie Inquirer.
First. A case of locomotor ataxia,
or piogiesslw pai aly sis, attended
xvlth lmpalied vision and tonsillitis,
hud taken medicine foi over tlnee
yeais, tiom one to ten doses a day.
and had grown steadily xxoise; had
had xvlthout successful u-sults some
of the best physicians In Chicago. 111.,
and Rutfalo N. V., was eiitlielx heal
ed by Chilstlan Science 111 a few
Second. An Instance of what had
been pionouuced an luciiiuble cancel
of tlie nose, pionouuced such by a
medical on pelt, ueated by Christian
.Science and healeel In tlueo mouths;
afterwaid examined by same special
ist, who admitted thp comph'to cute,
but alllimed his complete failuie to
master the modus opuiundl of the de
mousuatloii. Thlld. A liilli) gill buUuilug fiom
The Store
Tlie Jonas Long's Sons' principle of business is to
never refuse the exchange of an article that proves un
satisfactoryor the refund of your money if a satisfac
tory exchange cannot be effected.
By an experiment of thirty-nine years standing we
have found this to be the only safe policy of merchan
disingour public must be satisfied with what they
buy here.
This store rule applies universally. The little tot of
a half dozen years is as safe to buy as the aged and ex
perienced. A store law that is no respecter of persons.
MenTailored Garments
Yesterday's 1 espouse to our announcement concerning the
Manufactureis' Sale of Tatlor-Madc Suits, Jackets and Skirts, was
even greater than vc anticipated. An eager, buying throng
many going away happy in the possession ot garments bought at
half their actual worth. Not too late today.
Prices on Suits start at $4.98; on Jackets at $2.98; on Skirts
at qSc this foi a verv pretty one of figured mohair. Prices on
Capes stait at $1. so -an all-wool material, lace and ribbon
Important Sale of Silks
Not Silks that will wear like a sheet of steel (for such do not
exist) but silks of honest value that will exceed your expecta
tions for goodness at the unusually low prices named. Certainly
much less than you'll pay elsewhere for qualities that arc inlcrior.
Five prices will give you some idea to go by :
Pine Corded Wash Silk-; very rare value, yard.
Ilest Corded Japanese Wash Silks all coloring, yard,
All SilU Taffeta m Mick onlv but kind, vard
n-lmh BlaJt GrosOraln Silk. i as KI11J, yard ,
rmest Printed I oul.irds anJ CorJed Taffetas, yard .
For the Graduation Gown
"Commencement Day'' is just around the corner. The essay
is piobablv ready. How about the gown ?
Our showing ol White Goods, including India Linons, Per
sian Lawns and Organdits has no counterpart in this locality and
all fairly pi iced.
'I hen there are the new White Piques.. I2j4c to 50c yard
never so stylish as this season.
Why not send for samples todav ?
The Royal Worcester Corsets can expend $4,000 for
one announcement in the Ladies' Home Journal witness the back
cover of the Mav number out today.
Of course we carry the Royal Worcester in all its styles. The
"Dowager" one of their models, designed lor stout figures, has
no peer at any price.
onas Long's Sons
oplleptlc- llts h.ivlimhad the s-uine from
birth, ut tin- tlnio hhe liecmn tieutiwnt
was lmviiiK foit hii.imuh u d.i. en
tliely hi'iiled In loss than six montlw
Fouitli. A i.ise of eoiifeumiitton of
tho lulls'! In tho second stiiee. of that
iIIm'um', ai-cniii!anled with ureal pain,
lassitude and cither attendant symp
toms of that dlsouler, healed in less
than sown months
Fifth A ease of typhoid fever In
an ndv uncoil stape when (.'hrMian
Science- tieatment bewail. Tieatment
was tairlod 011 thiough the- absent
method a common method unions
metaphysical practilioneis. The pa
tient was In Pails und the piaui
tltioner vwm In Now York. Cables ie
cordliiK tlie piosiess of tlie case were
ecliaiiKi'il, anil In live dujs complete
lestoratlon took place.
Sixth. The ease of a boy seven
jeiu-H old who had been eliowned Af
tei the body had trolie down tlie third
time und was f.f-t tloatini? out to sea
with the ebb-llile. ill II tint,' some seven
leet beneath I he Sill face of the bay.
it vwis liniusht to the- sin face and
without unv attempt to ustoie arti
ficial lneiUhliiK. or manipulate the
bod. complete lestoiatloli was effect
nl tluoiiK'h mental theiapeiitiis ,lft
was made manifest In less than two
minutes: tlie patient was out of dnn
Ker In about iltu-eii minutes, and In
thiity minutes was entliely featured
tluoimh lontliuioiis treatment. The
vnmlllliK some turty minutes after the
water left the stomach by natuial
ili"t tieatment was kIvi-ii
Seventh A case of curvature of the
spine and coulinctlon of the eoids of
till' teet, toes eliawn under so tlmt the-y
could not be stinliihtcned. ace onipaniecl
with Intense suffei Inn. in six. weeks
complete stiemjth and health was de
ineinstiuted, the soluu made stialKht
anil loiilinitiou of coiels entliely de
stroyed. KlK'hth A 1 use of a lady about 40
yeais of aire who had since her fifth
yeai been under medical tieatment for
oiKiinlc valvular disease of the lie-ait.
A number of physicians had pro
nounced tlie case luciiialile At the
time- she cons'cnted to try ('hiistlati
Science she was confined to her room
and tnklni," sixty diops of digitalis
duib.wlth a liberal allowance of stimu
lants, lu less than thiee months she
wns entliely cuied and aide to tjo am -wheie
and 1I0 any reasonable thins
without any ununtuiul phvsleal elfe t
IteKiilar me-dleal continuation "f
cages two, thiee. four, five and elshl
will be furnished an honest nkentlr
The pliuc-ipals lu eases one, fix aad
seven inn be 1 ommunlcated with ie
lallnpr to the authenticity of all de
tails cited.
Common Si use and Chiistlau Silen-i
file Hvuoiiv moils teims I'lulsttnu
Scientists the world over have enlist
ed lu a e-ainpalKii for me establishment
of coiittiKlous In tit th. noiinnl streiiKth,
and Individual iloinlnlon, thiough sele-n-lllle-
law, over slu, mnteilalism and dis
ease'. In their innks aie- to be tutuiil
thuusnnds of funnel- invalids, hiinduds
of toimer nsnostlcs, inaleiluliHts. He
biews. iclluloulsts. evaiii;elli-iil and lib
eral Cliristlitiis. Religion and heallni;
have bee omo one. the undivided imi
ment of inlmltlve chi-lstluuliv has
iiKaln come Into the iiossesslon of moil
em Chiistlaus, ami tatloualltv, loub .
Scriptural coutlimatlon and lesults aie
ull 1111 the side of I'llllstlan Scleuce
PmoUu the Populat Punch Clsrar. in.
New York Announcement.
is the subject of this announcement
The term stands for everything that
is reliable and fashionable in Furniture,
in both the simple and ornate lines,
whether wanted for town or country
homes. Two other important feat
ures are the moderate prices at which
the goods are marked, and their un
equalled assortments.
Dinincj-Room Furniture In all finishes of
Antique, BelKian, riemish and English,
with Tables, Dining Chairs, China Closets
and Side Tables to match.
Bedroom Furniture in all the various woods
and finishes, including special lines for
country homes. Brass Bedsteads in over
70 patterns from 515.00 upward. Enani
eled Iron Bedsteads from $4.50 up.
Latest designs in Parlor Furniture, Library
Furniture, Hall Furniture, Venetian Carved
Couches, Settees, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Mor
ris Cltairs.DressingTables, Cheval Glasses,
Writing Desks, etc.. etc., all in unequalled
assortments, and all prices.
Your inspection cordially invited.
Furnllum Maker and Imptrttra,
61, 63, 65 W. 23d 8t., New York.
(AdJolalnc Rdm Milt..)
We Would
Be Pleased .
to show you the most
complete and up-to-date
stock of
Cut Glass
which cati not be sur
passed for quality of
glass, style of cutting,
and finish and at prices
no higher than others
ask for interior goods.
I3O Wyoming Avenue.