The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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Accompanied by Fatal
Results in Phila
Three Poisons Seiiously Hurt and
a Score of Others Moro or Less
Injuied The Explosion Was Tcr
riHic and Caused the Wildest Ex
citement A Woman nud Child
Badly Burned Loss Ovei 100,
000. Philadelphia, April i Ily the oxplo
(Inn of Tf. gallons of benzol! hi the
lihoiatorv oC Frank It. Fleer i Co.,
iniiufiH Hirers of chewing gum, at No.
il! und L'.i-Ti Callow hill street, today,
two men eu killed, thiee person1
seiiously hint nnd over a score of oth
ei s wen- moio or loss Injtned by II) -Ini;
debt Is. The dead tire:
AVAIlKIt MAN.WAIUNU, nssls.ant mi-
petlntemli nt.
Of those lnjurtd llany rtnndall, an
omplow-, and Mis. Hut ah CJivIson and
her one )iur old child aie the most
m ilously hint.
The eplosion was a tenltlc one and
for a time calmed the wildest excite-lin-nt
No le- than one hundred build
ings in the vicinity, of them veiy
"null dwellings, weie damaged. The
laboratory building was a two-doiy
stiuium- At the time of the explo
sion there were only four men woiklng
in the building, who were piepailng a
mlxiuic lor the making of vaiillllne.
Tin doom to the loom in which they
v u woiklng were closed, but the
fume 1 1 tun the bensoll In tome man
lier i em hid the furnace in the next
mom and the i ploson Instantly lol
lowul Walter M.inwaiing was In
stantlv killed and chniles McKinlt v
ivas .so badly hint that he died several
bonis Liter in a hospital KandaH's
escape was leinaikablc He was blown
thtough the loof and landed on an
ndloinlng building. At thst it was
thi 'lght he was di ad, but aftei treat
ment In the hospital he i drained 1011
uliuMiipos. Although badly hurt he
wi' iifoliT, Cecil ?e Council, the
font th i inployi In the room escaped
Willi n few soveie luulses
Woman nnd Child Burned.
As ii.s. Civisou with liei child on
liei nun ,i huiiledly leaving lur
hump whli h was dliectlv opposite the
hihoratoty, In i chess caught Hit? fiom
a "yln-v i mbei nnd she and the ihlld
weie badly binned. Theii leioveiv Is
The explosion was o tenlllc that the
building" ud1iinliiK each side of the
laboratory weie completely demolished,
tin both sides of the street for u
whole scutate the e.ploslon vvmught
destruction. Windows wile bioken,
IWtuies weie smashed and walls weie
cracked. File added to the deM nation
In a liuiiiliei of the places", but the
llann s weie nulikly extinguished lie
fore they did any conslileiable dnnnge
Tile scoie ol prisons injllletl wen all
tenants of the mnnv dwellings and
weie In no way ionnectd " Itli the
luboiutoi) Some weie seveiely nit b)
glass, while ninny of them weie stiiuk
b ilylng debits
The inoiie) loss is estimated to bo
eousldeiable oer ?1WJG0
The Alleged Poisoner of Mis. Adams
"Befoie Justice Bookstnvei.
New Yoik Apill i:., Roland H.
Molincaus. the alleged polsonei of Mis-.
Katherlne .1. Adams, was hiought into
the supioini- court befoie .lustlie Hook
stacr this atteinoon on habeas ecu pus
proceedings Mollneaus. s loimsel, ll.u
ton S Weeks, declined that the cciion
t s conimltnient was old, bemuse he
bad lefused to continue healing the
case and that the eoioiioi had been
ousted fiom jiiilsdictlon liv the ds.
ti let nttnine) Ml Weeks held that
uiidPi the decision of Justice Williams,
declaring the Indictment to ho fault .
Molli paux n as be inipilsoned In din it
continvf ntlon of his constitutional
rights. "Theie Is no Indictment
against him" said Mi Winks "and
he should b lelc.ise ii. Hull) l'oinluh
was the man who was chained with
having administered ilie poison and if
anybod) should have been atiesiei) it
was he "
'oI.iiipI fJfudlllei i lalllied t Itrv t the
ouIt of Justice Williams elearl pio
vi I d Cor th re-submlssion of the In
Hi tment to the Apill gland Jtnv oi
' tin- May gland Jury llo said the
di hid not hi en signed until after
1 Spill grand luiy had been dis
. lunged and that the Mu gland Juiy
was not )ct convened, The new in.
dirtnitnt, he Plalmed would lie sub
mitted to the .Mnj Juiy in due uunse.
Justice linokMnvei said ho would le
oMve tulefs on Thui.sdaj and adjoin ned
the hearing until Mondnv next.
Steamship Auivals.
New Yolk Apill " - iid. ill nil- a.
Itii-mi-n mid omuli mitituu denied:
Kensington Aiuw rp New York. South
ampton S.lllnl l llKT Kiledilili lit u
nu'ii l.i .i)uth(iuiiUin nnd ('licibiiiinr.
Aniweip- Aillviil .souiliwnik New
YfiiK, IIouloMie- An lied Mntenil.iin,
,N-w Yoik for Itutli ulfiui (illiuilim
fi.illpd Jhiis fiom tSonni and Naidis for
New ork Isle of lain I'.ism-iI: l'n
torla Ilnmbiiit; l Xliiiiliiunu foi ."'
Ynik I.Uiril Pashed- l.iilin New York
for Southampton nnd llu'iinu
Pennsylvania Pensions.
WaKliliiKlon, pill a. I'mmtim ceitlli
ritrtj ItioriKiMo lluiili McCain. Noiih
Home, Hraflford. to tV) wld.
ws ctr. Isabel mil, Urcenvllli. t Mmv
llilrku, AtchbAld I.uelinuriiinn f. l.- i
Coi slut, Adrian ArnwirutiE, is, KlUuUvth
Klntnsr, BtrouJaburt;, Monroe, jb.
Edward Oswald Kills Wife and
Daughter and Attempts Suicide.
C'.iiiideii, X. ,1 , April 23. IMwiud
Oswald, an Instrument maker, used T
j eats, early this morning stabbed to
death his wife, Mniy, uged 26 yeatfl,
and thill" 0-year-old daughter, ais'l"
at t It Ir home, OGJ Jeffersion nvenU",
'Yntieilllc, ti stibuih of this city, lie
then nit his tlnuit and wan taken to
the rooper hospital, wheiu he is not
epei ted to live.
The tiagedy was the most stunl;liiB
that IniH occurred In this city in years.
The louplo tame to live heie (iho'it
tin oe weeks uro fiom riilladelphla,
wliere the husband was employed. Ap
parently their domestic lelatlons weio
happy. About '1 o'clock this mornlm;
a next door nelRhbor heaid Mis Os
wald scieam. She was liaiiRliiR half
wuy out ot n window witli blood llo'
Iiir from a wound In liei bieast. She
said her husband had attacked 1pm" and
her two chlldien with a bread knife,
but that one of the latter had escf ped.
the door was Inoken open nnd Mis
Oswald i an out with her dead child
In her aims and fell dead as she
lent lied the sidewalk.
I'pon enterliiR the house Oswald was
found under the bed w. a Raping
wound in his throat. He leslsted ai
iest and was be.itin into submission
and remowd to the hospital. It is be
lieved he beiame suddenly lunatic dur
ing the night.
The Colored Leader Says That Edu
cation Is the Only Remedy for
Mob Violence in the South.
Philadelphia, April 25 JSookcr T.
Washington, foundei and pilueipnl of
the Tuskegpp Normal nnd Industilal
Institute In Alabama, who anied here
todaj, was uuestlonid legaiding the
Georgia luiehlligs. He said.
"I would like to speak at length
upon even Georgia, oieum-nccs
and otlieis of n, like untitle whiih hnvu
taken place In iccent yenis, but in
lew of my position and hopei In the
Inteiist ot the Tuskegi e insi.liito u
Alabama, and the education of our
people, 1 feel consti allied to keep sil
ent and not engage in any contiueis.v
that might load upon the wo- to
which 1 inn now lending my elforis.
"I think 1 can be of mote sctice to
the lace by giving my time nml
stienRtb in helping to lay the founda
tion for an education which will bo
the peimnnent itue for such outrage-i.
"I do not mind adding," said thp
speaker, "that 1 am opposed to mob
lolemo under any and all clicuin
stance.s. Those guilty ot ciim. should
bo t.urel, swiftly and ternbly pun
ished, but by legal methods. As .1
nil? the men gullt of there outrages
.no Ignorant Individuals who hy. had
no oppm tunlty to seiure an education
oi pi.ictiie moral self lestialnt
"The solution of out piesent dlllicul
tlcs is to be found in the thoiougli
mental, lellRlous nnd industrial edu
cation of both laces In the South. It
is an em ouraglng fact to note that of
the hundieda of colored men who hae
been educated In the higher institu
tions of the South not one has been
guilty of the ciime of assaulting a
woman "
Mi. Washington tonight at the Acad
emy of Music addiessed a large audi
iiui" in the luteiest of the Tuskegee
Institute. His only refeience mad' to
the Geoigla lnehings was in the In
tiodiKtion to Ills addi ess when he said:
"In the lntei est of the moio far
i caching and fundamental woik which
we nie tijlng to do Hi Tuskegee. I
shall icfraln from any direct and de
t.illid discussion of the lecent out
l.iges In the South, which I kn nv aie
uppeuuost in join minds and health
and makes us bow oil! heads In spd
ness. The only pennant nt le ned tor
Mich cilmes ns have been recent I v per
petrated In Geoigla nnd the nnl' pei
nianent lemedv for mob violent j Is In
tile thoiougli educnllou of all the : i
ple In the South education that shall
i each the head, the hand, the henrl.
so that In dlsi usslng the idueatlonal
needs of my people this evening, uftc-t
all we aie consldeiing the piob'em
which is fundamental in the salvation
ol . .i- whole South "
Mnyor Caiter II. Hairison Rejoices
in Etin's Triumph.
Chicago. Apill J"i Jlavor Cuter H.
Haiilson ncelved the tollowlng cahle
giani today telatlve to the establish
ment oi local government in li eland
ill aiioidatue with a leieut act of pat
llanuiit: Local govpriiiiiuit h.ippllv ootab
llsheil. lielantl waits your message on
her match to home mle.
(Signed). IMitol llish ltldeielideiil
nulilln, lieland
The leply of the mnor was ns fol
lows. Rejoice In lieland s tiiuinph. Full
freedom must follow
(Signed). Caiter H. Haiilson, Major.
Rios Wnnts tnformation.
Miiihld April 2h-'Xhe govpinment his
rttiived u ilt-nintcii fiuni tieneial liliu,
Sp dn'H lummindct In tlm J'lill
Ipplties, ilSM-itlnii Unit Majoi Gcnei it
Otlt has iKpiestiil hltn not to tvithJrtnv
the Up inlsh tioups lrom the Island of
.Mindanao until the nnlval of the Ann-it-
i Tin foice of occup ulna Geneinl Hii
usk-s tii Koveiiinunt whin he nii loiu.n
to Spiin.
Child Actiess Dead.
HmIi Iiii I: Mats. Apill '.'i-Ollvo llo
maiiB. v,ll known as a i hlld ucliess
dUd ut lur Inmie Iiuip todaj. llor per
ronn.uiip of J Ittle ,ord I'liunllerov In
Uip ihunmtlzitiuu of Mis HurnetfH
Moiy won in i ieat fame. She was about
2U )inid of ugi
Cavnhy nt Clinileroi.
HitisselH, Am II 23.-fpiui the tippllca
Hun nt the Kiivfinni" or the pioviiue of
llalnault, thin upMiirons of leavtilry
have biun dhfntchfd to ("harlernl and
hoiivime In maintain oulpr iinioug the
strikers In thoci cities.
Mr. Hobait's Condition.
WasliliiKlon. April 2".. Nice I'rfsdiknt
Iloliait contlnuns almost tlm same, pre-
uut (oiulUlonu InUlcctliig a hlow imiuove-
Iloldeis of Jacobs' Cigais Will Prob- )
.ably Be Allowed to Retain the
Goods by Kestniuplue the Boxes.
Revenue Ofllclals Continue to
Make Selzuies.
Wiisliington. April 2". Th& Intel mil
leveuue buteiut has In tourst? of prep
aration u circular lettei to eolluetuis
In which they uru dhected to forvvaid
to the bureau all application1 for te
ller fiom innocent huldeis ot 'gars
slumped witli cuunttifeit stamps and
put chased fiom Jacobs, th" l.uucaster,
I'a , cigar manulactuiei lecently at
lested bj set let seivlco ollkets. It Is
ptooable that llinoci nt thai
luive actuallv paid for the ilmus wld
be pel mil ted to letaln them on conill
llon that they restamp them I'lcats
not paid for will be sold and the pin
eccds tin in d Into the treu'-tnv
Lancaster, Pa, April 23. Ai exam
ination was intuit today of Yi M.
Jacobs' books, and it was found Hut
he had defrauded the government out
of about $123,000 with his bogus lev
enue stamps, the bouks showing the
tllffeience between the number ot
i Igars. iiiltiallv pioduced at the factoiy
and the number that Jacobs repoited
to the levenue otllee as having been
Chlel Wllkle and Deteitlve liuins
wete help this afternoon vvoiklng on
the case, but letusul to talk.
Shaitiokln, Pa, April 23 Internal
revenue olllclals heie today ulscovuii'l
In scveial wholesale stoics 3,000 cU'ais
In boNcs beating alleged counterfeit
levenur stamps tioni the Jacobs
toiy In huiuastir. The goods vvcip
innllsi atnl
Lock Haven, Pa., April 23. Piftepn
bundled elgnis weie selped liv Dopntj
Hevpiiue Collector Uiosius from dif
ferent dcaleis beie todny bearing th
bogus levenue stamps ot the Lancas
ter mnnufactuiris
Poston, Anril 23 Internal Hevenu'
Collector Gill, of this city, today seized
S.000 cigars untie In the Jacobs fac
toiy at Lancaster, Pa, nnd Inn In?
cnunteifelt government stamps on Un
boxes. Twenty Thousand nt Syiacuse.
Svincuso, N. Y Apill 23 Internal
olllcers tod,i seized JO.tiOO cigais )e.u
ing counteifelt stninps.
Tltusvllle, I'a, Apill 2" Flftei n
thousand c ignis weie seized heie to
day bearing alleged Jacobs ,t Co,
Lancaster, Pa , stamps One thousand
weie seized in Wniren Pa
Philadelphia, April 23 -The Intel nnl
levontio olllrers totlaj selzeu 23,000 ad
ditional cigais, bearing the bogus
stamps of the- Jacobs countei felting
gang. The n-veiiuo ofnceis or this city
now have umsldeinble over 230,000 of
the clgius in their posspshtm
St. Louis, Apill J", One bundled
thousand cigais In boxes bearing bogus
revenue stamps and manufactured nt
the factory of W. M. Jacobs In Lan
i aster, have been sels-ed by the fedeial
authoilties In St. Louis Uevonue Col
lector Grenner sajs he thinks possibly
ti minion cigars may be confiscated
Savannah. G.a., April 23 Uevenue of
fice! s seized hpre today 230,000 cigais
from Pennsylvania mnnufactuiers.
Fifty thousand fiom faitoiy No. .1,741
at Lancaster, Pa., wen- confiscated
outright ns the fiuudulent stamps weie
positive!, ldentilled. One hundiej anil
fifty thousand are held pending In
ttuliy. -
Walcott Rendeis Cieedon "Dend to
the World" in Thiee Minutes.
New Yoik, Apill 23 Np.uly 3,000
spoits nssemhlid at the Lenox Athlet
ic club tonight in the hope of seeing
a l.ittllng bout between Joe Walcott,
the ncgio boxei. and Dan Cieedon, the
Austiallun They wiip matcheil to go
twenty intindb at latch vvpights-, but
nltliough Creedon vvt-iglud fully twen
ty pouiiiN moi e than his opponent the
m gin made shoit woik of lilm. With
a left and two light smashes on the
Jaw Willi ntt (looted Cieedon tin Ice.
'Ilu- thliil time tin- Austiallan wmt
down lie was "dead to the vvrnld" and
"Willi oil was declared the winner amid
the clieets of bis backet, who won a
jiut of money on the icsult
The bout lasted only a minute and
fifteen st ootids and as the opening mill
vvns ended with a knockout nl-o In the
first lound, the club pulious Imd the
veiy unusual expeilence of seeing two
pair of big boyeis settling their iiign
menls In about thiee minutes ol ui lual
Iuvltntlons for the Piesident.
Wiivliliigluii, Apill 23 A
lrom Ke.iilln.i; I'a lieadcd Ij M i n
Adiim II l.i uili r and I'epiesutatlve ijr.
iiieiitrnut. iiillnl upon the picalduil m
dav ami luvittil lilm lo atUnil the m.
biatlon to he given Julv 7 In commemo
ration ol the urn hiindiiil and liitv-llixt
iiniilveriiii of the fountllui, of t lie town
ol lb tiding Tlm president was uiiuti'.i. io
give a definite ipapunsn at this time
Buffalo at Qiht altar.
Glbralt.i, April 2'. 'I U Inltid Slates
.irmul tiiiUhpou Hulialu whlih aiilvi-d
lieu this mm Hint" fiom Manila on lur
way to New York with ofllens uml in. i
lrom Vilmu.U Dpm-v"s fleet, whosi time
has ixplied nnd with a iiuinlur oi In
vulldii. loalcii help Indtiv .mil sailtil Ih s
cvuilliK The condition of nil on Poind
v..i8 repoileiJ sitlsf.a Urn.
Ten Yeais for King,
Ntvv Yoik. Apill S.-P.ttiliU King w ti
todii Mutinied to ten inipilsi, i.
ment nt Slug Sing prison. lie pleaded
guilt in live luillciiuentB for rorgei an I
jiuild laiccuv. Thert nie twont-four
othei compltilnts against Klui, In this
eltv ami it was said that Ktiu, vmim want
ed In IMttsbiiiB. HoHton. Washington It tl
UiiHiie anil Chicago
Negro Lynched.
(inlcnn Kan . April 23 -Chailes Wil
liams, colon d was shot to dwnli In tlm
city Jitll today by a mob of negioes.
Williams klllid Laura CanaliiN, u iidIcmx,
etteidiiy. The mull composed of alu ut
twenty-live masked negioiHi went to tlui
jail and loui gaiiinl uu ciUI'hik by
bitoikliia' thu duel.
Natives of Keystone State OrganlEe
nt Wnldorf-Astoiln.
New Yen It, Apill 23 Natives of
Peinisylvi.nla now living In New Yolk
met at the Wnldorf-Astoiln hotel and
founded the IVnns lvanla toclety,
elected olllteis nnd dined. About
sevent.v-llve well known New Yorkers
weio pit sent Aftei adopting the con
stitution tin se offcers were elected:
Piesident. Ulshori Henty C. Potter.
Hist vke-pieslilent, Henry C itoblli
son; second v lie-piesldent, Ileiir Gal
biulth Wind spcietiliy, llaile IVmh;
lii-asure, Joseph A. Goulden: chaplain,
Dt. Samuel S Mi Conned; i ouiu II,
lltiii C. Ilnkewell, Wlllliuii niHphatn.
Andiew Cainegle. H. L Hoilon, Soveto
Mullet-Pievost, Colonel liobei t C.ilei
Monroe, 11. C. ORtlen and H. Harmon
A baiuutel followed tin ileillon
Hoiace See, chairman of the oiganM
ation meeting, presided. The spenk
eis weie Pnlttd States Dlsttlit At
tory James M Hei k. of Philadelphia,
on "The State nt Pennsv lvanla;" Fietl
ot lik W. Hollls, of New Yoik, scue
taiy of the Ameikiiii de legation to the
peace confeipiiie at the Hague on " The
Penns lvanla Soilet," Jleiii (!al
bnilth Wind of New Yolk, on ' In
dustiy and .Manufactures," Severo
Mallet-PiPV'ost, of New York, on "The
Har;" Hcv. Dr. J. H Carson, of Biook, on "The Cliuiih." an.l V J. Gib
son, vice-president of the Cnnnillnn so
ck ty, on "Kindled Societies."
Ho Disclaims Any Intention of In
sulting the Gei man Emperor or
Admiial Von Diedrichs.
Washington, Apill 23. At tin- cabinet
meeting today the recent uttciances of
Captain Coghlan, of the ctulser Ra
leigh, weie informally discussm Scv-n-taiv
Long said he had iccelved a h t
tet on the subject fiom Captain Cogh
lan. 'I ne laptalu disclaimed .an in
tention of insulting the German eia
peior or Admltnl Von Dledilchs. anil
his lemaiks on the occasion of t li -I'nlon
League club banquet weie made
In the most Informal manner in the
compan of friends without nt.y
thought that they would be repoited
In the public piess. As they did np
pear, lie said, they weie exaggeiated
anil distoi Ud and Iip was made to sa
things wide li he did not utter. Ho
claims that under the ilicumstnnc-s
his lemaiks should bo rcR.irded as
pi 1 Hi-Red After the cabinet mee'iiig
adjoin ned Senetary Long and Secre
tary il.i lemalned a shoi t time vvlth
the president to luitlier discus? the
It is undeistond that the captain will
soon letlio from the sei vice tlirougp
tin- tegular channel, and It Is thought
tbnt in view of this faqt nnd further
that lie n-ndi-ied ilistlr.R-uIshed service
nt the naval engagement at Manila
the authoilties will show lilm as much
consldei ntlon as is lonslstent vvlth
naval discipline Anoidlng to annnge
ments made some duj.s ago for the
piesident s visit to Philadelphia he will
go abioad the ctulser ltalelgli next
Pilclay moinlng as a sneilul conipU
inent to Captain Coghlan, whether un
der the clHiimstanies, this p.ut of tin
proginmine will be changed iiiniiot
now be stated.
Commander in Chief Johnson, of G.
A. R., Issues Letter.
Cincinnati. Apill 23 The Hist two
otders of the acting comma ndci in
chief of the Gtand Army of the Ite
publlc. W. C Johnson, the senior vice
commnndei In chlel, have hi en Issued.
The first lecltes his tempoiaiy assign
ment to the duties ot uoniinander in
chief and the othei is the annual or
der concerning Memoilal da Mny SO.
The oi dei calls attention to the pio
vlson of the thirtieth annual etuiimp
inent, thnt I'le-ldent Lincoln's Gettys
buig be made a feature of
Memoilal du eM-icises mid directs
coininandeis ot posts to have It n-od In
coiinei lion with the- exenlses of the
The acting commando savs- 'The closing with the net Memoilal
day has added new stieugth mid povy-t-i
to the nation and new honor to the
flag The woitb and the tamo of the
Anieilcan soldleis and sailors have been
glorlousU advanced. The achieve
ments of the "das of the .sixties' still
I emain and have lendeied possible the
gloilous vie tulles won In the luteiest
of llbeity and humanity '
Thomas McGownn, of Clutstinun,
lias Been Appointed.
Haiiislnug Apiil 23 Hevenue Col
lector Heishev toda appolnti d Thomas
MiGowun, of Christiana, a deput lev
eiiue iiillee lot tosuiieedS H Uowiiev,
who wns aiiested last night lor al
leg, d oinpllili In the l-im aster coun
tei felting scheme. Deput) Collector
Adams was notified today b) Whit
man .v. Schwace, wholesale gioceis of
this c hv, that the) had on hand ?0 000
of ihe Jacobs ilgais bearing counter
feit stamps Theilgais will be .eizec!
In the moinlng bv .Mi. Adums and told
fot the benefit of the government
Collector Htrshey says that he has
assessed ngalnst Jambs' factoiy nt
Laucastei .1130 OfiO. whiih repiesents tin
amount of bogus stamps used lie has
dliect.-fi the eonllsi ntlon of n Inigo
niiinbt-i of cigars held bv de-nl-ra In
this city.
Industrial School fot Oiphans,
Haltlinore. Apill 23-Itiv Dt II M
What ton, the will known 1-il.lmun di
vine, pat. Issued an appeal foi f,'M
with which to estnini-di a hnun, larni
and Inchisliliil sihool tor tin oiphans of
the Knldleii. uud sallois who have lost
tin li lives in the SipniiMi-Aiucrlcuu war
anil the lesnltlng coutllclH In the I'hlllp
pines The home Is to be located mar
Washington. I C and m to be com
posed uf Up (uttiigCH wlih "inntheid"
with all the iiilvlltges ot a tamlli
Pennsylvania's Claim,
Washington, Apill 2'. Tin sicietniy of
tlm tieiisui) lod.i) dinw his warrant.
M'it.OvI, In favor of the. govciuoi of Die
state of I'oiuis; IvnnUi In sitllenient of
the ilalui of thnt state for expenses hi
ruining 1 1 oops lot the vvai with Spain.
Tlm win mill will bo mailed to the gov
uiuur at Jlunlsbuig.
Governor Tunnell Thinks the Pro
ceeding Would Be Useless.
Dover. Del. April 23. Governor Tun
nell, In nn interview today on the ptob
ubllltv of his following the example of
Goveinoi Stone, of Pennsylvania, and
appointing a United States senator
ft om IVlawnre to succeed Senator
Geoige Gray, the leglslaluie having
adjoin ned without electing his succes
tor, said:
I have ulven the matter no consldcrn.
Hon and there Is no probability of my np
polnlliii, u senator 1 lmnllj think It
would be win th while to lake such iictlon
foi tin- reason that If I should appoint n
suuitor hi untlil on!) seive until the next
si-slon ol congress and would thin have
to tun his Unifies of being; scitict or
tumid down. So fjr as gov mint Stone,
or Pi ansv lvanla, establishing a pneeili nt
m loneeiiiiil t do not think It will hold,
a" .decisions rei.ilered on this point li ive
hi c n in vnguu for man) pari and II is
Imrdli pmhiilile thut the senate will nenv
leViiMi Its opinion in this pailicular
oast. '
Dilvcs Tivo Hundied People fiom
Their Homes.
Omaha, Apill 23. The i Ise of th"
Mlsouii ilvi-r at ibis point has re
sulted In diking 000 people from their
homes nncl the submergence of twelve
seiuare miles or bottom lands. The
vvalei" continues to lisp slowlv. Watei
Is In tlie Ice house of Swift & Co. nnd
the South Omnhii company, and is do
ing much damage. An the nianu'ie
IuiIiir plnnts on the bottoms are
flooded and the V'nlon P.acillc and
Ti-imlnnl compan) 's tracks cannot be
A force of men armed vvlth vv Inches
lets putiol the- dike on the north side
ot Hnst Locust street to pi event a
possible attempt to out It The water
Is now within about four inches of
tho top of this dike, which piolects
thousands of dollars' worth of rain ml
property Hveiy building on tho bot
torn is Hooded, the water being half
way up to tho caves of many houses.
The tlver probably will begin to fall
tomoi low
The Attorneys Make Extended Ad-
diesses Review of the Woman's
Canton, O., Apill 23. At the adjourn
ment of couit today the aiguments In
the tiial or .Mis. Geoige weie little
mine than half completed. Mr. Welty
and Mr. I'omeiene, who dose for the
defense and stnte lespectlvely, will oc
cup) toinoriow's session The judge
has unolllolally galel that his chaige
will not bo lengthy and it may be do
llveieil tomorrow evening.
At the opening of couit Attorney
Steiling began the opening address lit
defense ot Mis George. The Harber
ease dwelt on by Mr Grant, ) ester
day, Mas flist taken up. Mr. Steillng
disputed the position of the state that
the te-stlmoiiy ol Mis. Geoige's gik-v-anees
against Saxton could only be
conslileieil In connection with an Im
plied confession and then only In de
tetmlnllig the degree of the cilme. He
said the wrongs of the accused weie
offered and should be uccopted as
showing the circumstances and condi
tions sutiouiiding the threats which it
was sought to be proved she nnd made,
f.nter Mi. Steillng took up a review
of the testimony and in his summing
up of tin testimony diverged to pay
Ids lespects to Saxton and the other
people connected with the case. In
this llnp lie piesented Saxton in the
most unfavotable light and dwelt up
on the alleged wiecklng of the George
Mr Sterling continued to talk dining
two liouis of the afternoon session, re
viewing and summing up the testimony
and isspiciall) nttae king the testimony
of Mis. Hckioate, the eye witness, on
the giound of her alleged excessive
use of morphine and the contention
that by teason of the daikness It was
impossible for uuv one to have bet n
leiognlzed undei the admitted condi
tions. .Ml. Welty, who Is closing foi tho de
fense, had spoken but a little mon
than an hour at the adjournment He
cited additional authoilties on tho 1p
gal pioposltlons. He then began a re
view of the life of Mis. Geoige so far
as It has been Introduced in evidence
In this case, upiespnting bet us an
unsophisticated couutiy woman, a no
vlie in Ihe wavs of the woild until
she (nine In contact with Saxton. Hei
fall he dese tiled ill detail and was
lust enteilng upon a lev lew of the
events which ((institute considerable
volume of the evidence und the e-li-eumstanies
unihr which they vvern
made when adjournment Inteivened
Result ot Di inking.
Sivalinah, G.i . Apill 23 l.i on lid M
Siiiiiiu I piisimaMit at Samuel. Ga , to.
du) shot and klllid .lames Powell, a pros
pilous lamer at It-ale II, i, tin county
suit or Win in countv. The men had been
dilnklng anil n dispute uinse Tlm lie
was pn-sid and shots followed. Suinnir
shot three times, nun bullit piercing the
he ait. or Powell, who fell dead
Owing to a Debt of S700.
llbnc.i, N Y Apill ii Owing to tli
lualillllv ol the base ball management to
ilUHt tils debt nt $700 with the pioceids
ot tin 1'ornPll-l.afavette game- last S.ittu
duv the nihil tk iouuse.1 has tcfUsid lo
allow the gnme with Li lugli and Lafiv
. it,, whli h wen- scheduled tor this week,
in In plajxl Coincll will ptiiv Plllice
inn IniwiMi nl I'lhicctiiii on Sntutdu)
rainier Commits Suicide.
IP Ih font' Pa April 23 -I tn i her thin
siniici ulal on tin- clinigc or liiciinllarlsin
Iteubcii I'lnnl, n )onng farmtr of Nmlli
lovMlhlllli, shot liluwelt Just befoul the
opening of court toda). lie will ptnbably
die. Hiiibiii am! Ids hrotlin, .Tnlin were
airestid mi the ihurifi- or liaru Iiui lilnr
mid were under hail loi trial
Copper Tiu&t.
Tnnton, N. .1 . Apill 23 .viUcid U( in
inlpoi.itliin weie Died lud.iv ulcli the sec.
leliii) of state tor Uu- 'iVmiemirn Coppfll
cniupaii), with all ailtliui'iK -el cupltal Of
Don Carlos Heaid riom,
Mitdild, Apill 25. Don Callus, tlio pto.
li nder, In said to have sent a flush nmiil.
likto to Ida adherents.
The Insurgents Put Up the Mosf
Desperate Battle of the
American Troops Perform Brilliant Achievements
and Display Remarkable Bravery Colonel
Fnnslon Leads a Handful of Volunteers Upon
a Hazardous Expedition The Filipinos Stub
bornly Contest Every Inch of Ground A Mod
est Hero.
Manila, Apill 2", 10 30 p. in Oeneiar
McArthui's dlvlson fought lis wa) to
the Filipino trenches befoie Calutnplt
todn), advancing torn miles, mostly
thorugh woods and Jungle and dossing
the Hagbng lhet. This was accom
plished at a lost to the Amei leans of
sl killed nnd twenty-eight wounded.
The llrst Dakota leglnient being the
heaviest losei.
Aftei folding the llvei the South
Dakotnns pursued the Insurgents to
the otitskltts of Cnlumplt, but the town
wns found so stiongly ptot-etcd that
Oenetal MacAithui deemed It brot to
wlthdiaw the Hied lighters and g Into
camp for a night's rest befon mak
ing the Una! assault. . The Impost
buildings In Cnlunipit weie being find
by the Filipinos while the Amei leans
weie crossing the liver, fully a mile
awa), indicating the eneni)'s Intention
to abandon the place
The Insui gents seem to have adopted
n settled polio of tetlrlng fiom (im
position to another, aftei inflicting the
gieatest possible damage upon the iu
vnncing arm). Theli forces today
weie well drilled. Kveiv foot of the
giound was tenaciously disputed bv
tlioronghl) organized troops, who stood
leninrkably dim before artilleiv.
The enem) had planned to wieck our
artillery transpoit tialn. This at
tempt wns a failure, but a span of the
lion inllwny biidge ovei the ilvei was
destio.vecl, hampeiing the Amcilian
tianspoitntlon for some time The
Filipinos cut the glideis intending to
have the stiuetuie full with the tiain,
but It collapsed tuemutuiely or Its own
The Dagbag liver, which Is about a
hundied yniels wide at that point, was
splendidly foi tided nnd the Americans
weie compelled to nppioaeh aeios an
open space from which the rebels lmcl
ileared evei) obstiuctlon to slglit Tin
bank of tin- tivi-i, a high bluff, was
surmounted vvlth tienches. capped with
rod.s loop holes and pnitly hidden by
Oeneral Wlipatnn's bilgacb- up.
pioached the river along tin lallioncl,
leaving camp bevoud Malolos dtv.
C.eneial Hale's, which staited M-tci-day,
was eiulici on tin- maich, and
sweeping westwaid tow. ml the mil
load The armored tialn was b"lng
pushed bv Chinamen, the Twentieth
Kansas leglment advancing In eti tid
ed ordei on the bit and the Flist Mon
tana leglm.'iil. with tlie L'tah light ai
tlllery on the right.
The Ball Opened.
Thp lopld thing guns on the tialn
"opined the ball' at 11. ill a. in., about
a mile from the liver, their popping
alternating contlnuoiudy with the boom
ot the s- pouudeis.
The Montnna leglment onl tlie l'tah
artllleiy battel les nt tin ..nine time en
teied the jungle Mom vvhhli the insur
gents who wen- oc-iup)lng a large,
sttuggling village ot huts, pinned
lie.iv) vo11p)s In tin poiusp of nil
hour the Amei leans had foi ceil a pas
sago thiough tlie woods to the open
space in Mont of 'lie llvei .mil the ai
tilleiv Immediate 1 on uluellug into
the open, began shelling the Filipino
tl cliches
In the meantime ''oinpni) K, Twen
tieth Kansas led by Captain Knltvvood,
pit foi med one of the most luilllant
aehlevcmeiils of tlie i amp ngn. Tho
leglmPiit was being held in lesei vi
and Company K chniged a dlstaiuc of
a iil liter ot a mile nv'ti a nun field
to the bank of tin ilvir. near the
biidge, whin the innugents fiom a
tieneli weie pi ppe ring the niinoied
VVi-jtlu-r IndUatiuni loilay
1 eii in iiil-Auuilii us d am lug on tho
I'illliiuo lleadauinteis
rami uud jlsasiioiisfci:tdoslon In a
Philadelphia ejuin Knetoij
It, ,bf foi" lnnoimt I'lin-hasM" of
Cigar with Cturteifelt Stiinipsi.
. iii-iie i. d Spurting N( vv und Comment.
Klimni ml and
ii l.oeal-l.ei lur by Cam! Not (on mi
CtilUlInn Science unci Coinmun
4 IMltuiInl.
Coiuiiiiut on the ejuiiy Venllil.
Oelli'tal WUItuey's
Wee My
ej Local-Clt) In-iuunce itcunl
l)eoi(iat,o Amount of 1'ollcti
Ucalli or Hon. J. H. Van nergi-n
7 1 .oral -Yun Horn's Hope I In Van
ished. IIH vile Tux and Side Paths
t I. ooiil West Sornutnn and Sutmtbaii
9 Nows Itounil About hcruntun.
1U Local Ua)'s Woik In Ulliulual Court.
Main then about two hundred yiidi
down the ti.ick. Tin- tompuiy found
shell- r in a ditch.
Colonel riedeiiek Funston cnllecl for
volunteeis to itoss the river nncl tho
colonel himself, Lieutenant Hall, a ptt
vate of Company K, n pilvate of Com
pany II, Tiumpeter H.uslleld and Cor
poial Feigusou, of Company 1, crawl
ed along the lion cliduis.
While this was going on the men of
Coiupnnv K fiom the ditch were fusll
adlng the tienehes in th" endeavor to
divert attention, but tlie Filipinos got
the taiige fiom a trciuh down the liver,
and theli bullets soon spattered the
vviter under the stiurtuie.
Having t cached the bioken span, the
small but valoious paity of Ameiicnns
slid down the- luisson, swam a few
.vatds to the shoie and crawled up tin
iiank. the little colonel leading the way
to the ti cliches icvolver In hand, whilo
the few leiualnlng Filipinos bolted.
A Modest Hero.
Colonel Funston said aftervvaids. "It
was not much to do. Wo knew thev
lould not shoot straight and that our
bo)s would attend lo them while ve
wete i Kissing
Ocneiul Hnle's troops, on the li' t
had the baldest lighting. The) rol
lowed the north bank of the ilvi'
neuiest the town, fiom the east. v. I'll
the Flist Nebiaska regiment on flu
id t and the Fiisl South Dakota and
the rift) -111 st Iowa beyond. The coun
tty to be tiuvu.sctl was mostly jungl
but the Filipinos sto id their ground
even In the open spaces.
(b-ncial Il.i'e's light Joined fieneril
Wheaton's left soon after noon, i
cuivc In tin- ilvei enabling the Amei -leans
to pour an cnlUnding the into
the enemy's tn itches
About this time- the eheeis of Ihe
Kansns tioops announced that lla
Amei leans had unssed the ilvet. (Idi
eral Hale's men began to fird tl e
Chlio. a biiim h of the, str-t' h
Ing to the noitheast. The
found himself plunged in up to ..Is
neck, ami the tegiinents, nil eu"'"ylng
flags, lloundeied aeioss the stream. Tin1
guns of l'tah light battery wen
chugged ovei uit and I'onneil into an
i-Meuded line, to ndvauce upon the
tieni lies lieloi e Cnlumpil, fiom which
the Flllpiiuis wen- pom lug contlnu ms
The ainioicd (.ir had one man killed
and two wounded. The Kanas icsl
nient had tin i o woundetl dining tin1
(hinge, nnd the l'tah light attlllei.
one killed and two wounded. Most rf
the other casualties befell tin South
Dakota leglment
It Is ilillicult lo estimate the insui -gent
loss,., lmt they had no fewer
ih.ui sevent) killed, many of them Ut
the ai tllleiy
Will Take Passage on the Ameiican
Liner New Yoik.
New Voik. Apiil ' ItlPhnrd Cnik-r
will sail tomoiiow on tin- Aiueili ii
lliii-r New Yoik for Southampton. 1 1
has engaged pasngo for himself, his
slstei. Mis Samuel n. Warren nnd
her daiightoi
Mr. Ciokei will have as follow" vti)
ageis on the New Yoik the llritisli
ambussador Slr.Iullan Kaimeefote. and
his fainilv. Speaker lb-id and his fam
ily. -Mine nninia Kaiues Stoiy. Lady
Miny SiKkvllle, Sir Tattnn Sykes and
A. II. Wenswell, the aitlsl.
Piopeity Valued at ?15,000 Is
llrinesdale. V.i Anill 2, Thn vlll.iim
of WnlliKlil. ten miles fiom llnnexdnli.
suTi-rid ii disastious fire this morning.
The laigt- general sime oi uoboit nat
ion and Pleisoifs iieaniprv. vee-io to
tally destioj -d and John Hupperi's ami
.. A. vvounacoits stoics wete budly
JiUyt) about $Fi.)iii). paitlally insuted.
Stilke nt Spokane.
Spokeine. Wukll, Apill Sx A l)I,j strlkfi
of inliiei In tin- Coeur d'ATPin countii
oeeiiried todin The Mini ' union
eulltdout the, eniiloes of the Hunker Hill
and Sudwuii minis at Waiilmr and 'bn
miners uf tin Last I'hauco mines also
wnlkul oui 'I lie nn ii id mum! Xft pec
day all iiioiin I and leiosnitlou or llm
union The di maiids will he tislstecl by
the einplo! i
WaNhlugtiiii Apill i'i -Foipcast 4
f for WedneMl.i) , Foi (.istitn I'din- -
f s)lv.iiila fall, luiiuleil bv bhow -f
cis vntlahlo winds; Tluusday fair
nnd vvnini. -f