The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 22, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Thomas Allen Mot Death Under a
Fall of Rock at Wilson Cheek.
Shortly liefmr noon yeMerdny.
I'hoinas Allen had the llf crushed nut
)f him by n fall of look nt 111" W'll
ton '"rook initio. I'otot Vow. a labor
it, who had boon winking with Mr.
Mien, hntl litnt loft his hle ami ai
not more than nri-iit foot uwav when,
the fatal cave oocuried.
The unfortunate man was '' y-'am
Mil and leave a wife- anl falb"i. He
has been a 1IC-1oiik ielclent nf this
ilclnlty anil was fnvoralilj known.
Rev. V A liearhet will c omliit t the
funeral set vices at tlu Second Pies
Dyterlan chuich The tlni" linn not
oren rlxed.
The Cycle club mot tiit nlelu "'
decided to rent the Walt house on ,
Mncnlli avenue. The building will be (
lemodeled to suit the pin poses ot the ,
oiganlzatlon, whleh will take iii"-
flnn os soon ns the woll Is done About
tlxty members mike the dub one of (
the Btrorgest In the 1 lt
The best populin-pileod dramatic
work of the mm-oii has bei 11 done at
the ilraiul Opoia houo this week b
th- Glbnov-tlooflter oennpanv The au
di Mires hae lint hern lame but tltcv
hrvc b"en enthulasth The last
inntlnc-e ot the season will he given
thi nftetnoou when Uzzle Klaus'
fnniotts Fogg' Veir will be. pieot.ted.
Tonight the bill will be the 'T.lpsev
Dancing Girl ' Tin y,( hlovele will be
given nwuv and eeiybodv will haf a.
chance to pet It
1'iof A t' I'eteis pont etenlay
111 .SciHtitou, whole he Is 01 giniUlug a
clas for the study of rieiith.
J. 13. Shannon lias letuined fioni .1
Wlt at Sustiuoliannn
Miss Alke Huffy Is filthiir In
ton Oscar Huilion. of Salem avenue. Is
In New Y01 K
Mr. anil .Mis I. ' Wethfib.v. d. nigh
ter, Mis Wonnneott, and gintnl
daughtei (!lidv Wonnacott who
spent the vvlnt'i In rim Ida .no ex
pected home tm.av
Miss Svlvia Whiting, of K.viacus..,
Is the guest of lier luothoi. M. i:.
"Whiting, of Canaan street
IJev .! V Wninel the uewlj elect
ed ekln of the lone-d lie tustiltt,
will take up his tisltlemc lu this 1 ity.
Mi. and Ml- J' S .lu-dlii will epilet
h 1 " theli golden wedding on
ftei piaei meeting In the loctuie
loom of the Ucioan Haptlt Tabei
naele Thursday evening a business
meeting was called and the legisla
tion Of tllfl pastoi, T. 12 .lepson, foi
mallj iicc opted A laige pulilt com
mittee nils appointed whkli v 111 begin
at ome to look foi .1 in w pastm
Select council met last night 11 ml
passed Hip apptnpi Union oidlnance on
final leading
The puoi bii.ii il nul last night and
open-d bids foi sttwuid ami ni.itioii
of the pool fat in Jeieinlah Chime
and a man named Hev.ins who inns
a meat nunk-H on Cnnaan snort, iwic
the candidates The boanl voted the
sann old deadlock
A blithda.v paitv was temlcied to
Miss rioieme I. Ills at the homo of
bet parents, Rov and Mrs 1, T! 10111s,
In Hlakolv. cston)a afteinoon. be
tween tlu hoins of : and " o'clock In
honor of lu r 1 Ulith l)iithda. Manv of
hei little fliei.ds weie pleasantlv en
tertained lames music and other
enjoyments bdped to pass the bonis
meirilv At r o'clock all voU. Invltnl
into the dinimr loom mil dilntv r
freshmonts who seived bv .Mis j.:iis.
Little Miss Kills was Die leelplrut it
manv pietty irlft.
A foice ol men aie at woik te.uiiiK
down the- building' lefenllv vacated by
V ' RriiKlar on Lackawanna street.
A latBe utoie building: will be nected
on the Kiouml by Goodman & Weiss
The younp people of tile Christian
Fndoavnr M)ciety of the Pre-uytejliin
church will give an enteitainnvnt In
that edifice mt Monday and Tuenlav
evenlnus. The piograunne is as fol
lows: Recitation, Kdward Knlijhton
eonirs, Mls Winnie lenklns Aunte
Jtarkty, llmint Cil)pen, Charlotte
l-'ettlgTevv. dlalosue, " unt Kitty's
Shopping-," Jennie Masnn, Cora Mat
thews, Evelvn Davis, Minnie Mutton,
Over Two Hunched Thousand Trial
Bottles Sent Eiee by Mail.
Uy bpeclal airangeiuent with the
manufactuierf. of that Justly runniM
kidney medicine, Di Vw 1 Id nucdy'.s
Favorite Remedv, the iiudeis of The
Tiibune are enabled lo obtain a tilai
bottle and pamphlet of valuable rud
leal advice absolutely ft -, bv simply
fending their full name and post ot
ficc addres-s to the DR DAVID KEN
Y , and mentioning this paper.
Of course this involves etioimmis
expense to tne nianufactuicis, but
they have iccelved so many giateful
letters from those who hae been ben
efitted and cured of the vailous di
seases, of the Kldnejn, Llvei, Rladder
and Wood, Rheumatism, Dj.spcpsln
and Chronl CmiHtlpation, and all
AveaKnesses peculiar to women, that
thej vvlll willing! send Uiat bottles
to all sufferers.
Upon Investigation It was found
that 91 per cent of those who have
used tho Rial bottle had jecelvecl
such benefit from it that they pui
chased laige Mzcd bottles of their
It matters not how hick you aie
or how many phvslrlans have failed
to help you, send Tor a tllal bottle
of this gieat meeliclne, it touts jou but
a postal caul, and benelit and ture
will most certain! bo the result.
Put porno urine In a glass tumbler
and let it stand 24 hours. If It has
a sediment or If pain or discolored,
milky or cloudy, stilngy or ropy, jour
kidneys or bladder are lu bad condi
tion, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy speedily tuies such danger
ous symptoms as pain hi the back, In
ability to hold mine, a burning fcald
Ing pain In passing It, fteeiuent dehlm
to urinate, cspeejally at night, tho
staining of linen bj our tulno and all
Ihe unpleasant and dangeioits effects
mi the system produced by tho use of
whiskey, wine or beer. Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is fold
at all drug stores for SI. 00 for a laige
bottle; six bottles for J3.00.
an exorcise, ' Ila ingr Croat nranilma."
Jennie (It ay Hllrabcth Crlppcn, Kthel
Mutton. .Te?sto States- four, "flood
Advice." Chnilotte Williams, Jessie
lilille.v, Wlntil" Jenkins. Annie Mar
kov, Kniiuii Crlppcn dialogue "Toiu'h
Pi'iietloal Joki." I .lassie Jones, May
(liav. llaiold .Jenkins: leiitatlon, Kin
Tei vv Hlbsst sour. Nettle Mnon
"MIPS Matilda's School." Miss llattle
Matthews and .lunlois,
lte. 1 J Muiphy I spending a
week In V' w YniU.
T K. Wllll'iin" ot Hhikelv lofl is
teidav foi a l,-hlng tilp to Susiuohati-
na ooutftj.
(' '. Dilouuk of West Scianton
was In low 11 v'ostcidav
Miss .Unnle Wllllaini Is viMtlnR tela
tlvcs at t'lyinouth
Tonight's Conceit Rev. Race Re
turned Other News of Intel est.
What pioinlsps to he one of the best
'i. licet ts of the season Is the one In
be given In the Mithocllst Jliilsccipul
htiich oi old Km ire this evcnlin; under
the iiusnlre ol lb- Youiiir Men's Ulhl"
class 1'iocecds ale o be used to
i" a nl pa.vlnc the debt on the 1 lunch
The programme will consist of vocal
and iiisttumeittal 11111-11 and 11 cita
tions. Talent I mm Taloi Wl 1'itts
1 ton and WjomiiiK unlnan will par
ticipate. 1 The funeial or the kit' Tobli WoNeiw
I Until will ociui tommiow nlteinoon at
'.'.I'D ci'dnik. Sei Vices will bo held lit
the house. Murlal will bo much in tli-1
Piesbvtoi kin conieteii.
Theie Is Meat oolclnff ntuont; the
mt labels of the Slewait Memoiial
Inn ill nt Ittnclhaiu ovei the i. nun !
Hlshop .lovce of the WvotnliiK Metho
dist UptsLopal lonfeieiice, of Tlov. I.
I, Ran lo the above-named rhumb,
which hi has fallhfully and elllc lenllv
eived d'liliu? the ycai. The 1 on
Uiejf.itloi. is t,, In I'otiKiatulatod Upon
Iheli 11111111 lu seellilllK his ei vices
lot aiiiithei vein The pailshlotien
Weie Ullllllllll Uls 111 Hull eltolts mill
Iwcie enchased b a la life numhei "
I Hull lilnicis. Tin iMiniiieKiitlon of lib
1 lunch litis Kiown reiuaikablv dining
I his pastoiate. Riv. Mi. Race Is a
man of genial disposition and plc-asliiK
I )K-is,)tiallty.
Seivlics a the Cahatv llaptNt
'iliiiicli tiinioiiuw will be hold at th"
1 usual bonis I'.istoi. 1!'V In. II II
! Hauls, win ,,tpat. Siuulav sdiool
'at .' o'c 1111 I; All are welcome
I Mi Tallle Thomas of West Vimlaki.
1 vl-ltliisr Idalives in ihis plan
Tavionlllo IimIki. Ni . tiii1!, Indepi nd
'ent Onlfi of c.)di rellnvv, wid meet
1 In thill lomiii this i.venh.s.
Rev. I, R Kostel will pit id at lll
usual bouts at the r'losbj tei Ian chinch
totnoitow. Sunila si hool Inimodlate
lj attei 11101 nlllK sim V l eK
1 .viiiiooaa nine .o. -ii, impmveii in
I dor or Ced Mm will meet at their
moms at 1 o . lock loiioiiow afternoon
I in attend the funeial of theli btotoer,
'John Wels, ntiuth.
I Mm. J. R llowells and clilldnn. of
J this phu .'. havt H'tuiiH'1 home inter
vMtluK lit 1 paimits, Mi. and Mis
Thomas J111110-, ol N'oi ih Scianton
1 A II.ik pnl has br. 1 eioiteii at No.
1 41 honl. s.iiuii Tavloi, fimu which ihe
national oinbloni will Mint to the
'liiiv.' on lnwiv'- dej Mav I
Piuemai V, II Thornton, ot the
I n hhahl colMi'iv and iinploves, bavo
I be "ii busy foi the p ist b'.v d.ivs IlKht
tlm tile folfot lllfs at the llolllll U11
'11 hint vl Inltv
l'ii-t WeNh l!iitlst thin di .sot vices
ii"t Siuulav at the usual houis. The
pastm will pieadi motnlim and evin
luir Sulijoc l foi 1110111I11K sto v li e 'Not
'JVlilllod b.v Adveisiui,...," KitKlish ser
vice lu the evenlliK. subject 'A
Stilloi at Raw Demanding: UN I."kii1
RlUllts" Ot The II ai t (lorn, the Rody
rollowlnir, ' at the close of tin senium
ihe oidlnance of b ipllsni will be ad
niinlsleitd An efloit will b, made lo
make the suvlee of Rii,il intoiest and
enioyable You aie Invited Sunda
si hool at J p 111
"A Wold to the w Ise Is Mitlldtlit"
and a word fiom the vist. should be
Millii lent, but vou ask who 111 e the
wise" Those who know The oil-u-peated
expel lence of tillstwoithl poi
sons may e taken foi Knowledge Ml
W M Terry savs Chambi 1I.1I11 s CoiikIi
Reined tflves bettet satisfuolloti than
an otlier In tlie maiket He has been
In the drill? business ut Rlkton. Ky..
foi twelve veals has sold hundieds of
bottles of this lemody and neaih all
other tough medicines inanuf.uuiicd,
which shows lonoluMvelj that Chain
hei Iain's Is the most sutistai toi to the
people, and is the best Tor sale by
all diiiRslsts Matthews Ilio, wlmle.
sale and if tail agents.
Hetii I'uidv, John Puiil John Wi -tig,
Htophin Cole, Joseph Skklor and
Man AVlttlg lotuined jesteulav morn
ing ftotn Aveiy Island, La.. Wilon
they have been engaged In the cin
structlon of a salt bicakei. Mr, Kings
le.v, bieakei bulldei of this place, was
the contiactoi, and some ihinv car
penters from, this place ami vicinity
weie sent to Avei Islund 10 c ustrin 1
the breakoi. The job is auoii' com
pleted, and owing to a wail m malci
ial ton ot the nn 11 Wile leleiood and
the made tlielr letuin esteida. The
lici s lepott having had a good lime,
and all their spate moinelits weie used
In hunting and flHliing game and. fish
being plenty the hi ing back many
souvenlis of their Southern nip such
as palm, different kinds of vvood.
bllds, mlneinls. The lemallider ot the
paity will 1 etui n about the last of
At a special meeting of 1 mine II held
Wednesday evening Will W. Jones was
made setietniy of Rlakei council
Mm Isaac Cheenev Is 111 with an
attack of theuniatlsin.
Wells f Wainor. the novvl.v appoint
ed touneilman for the Piist waul, took
his seat In council Wednosdu.v evening.
Mrs fieoige Thomas I otlll ni'd
Thuisdav fiom a few das' visit vvltll
her ilaimhter, Mis. J R Rone, of
Ilmu siJhIp
John R Ri.vdou. of Seiunton, foi 111
er manager of the Stonlek Cieek stoic,
was a visltoi lu town esteuia.v.
The employes of the Ontailo and
Illue Ridge coal collleilei. will receive)
their monthly eainlngs this afternoon.
C. II. Reattvs and Joseph Reese vveio
business vlsitois ut Scianton yester
day. Mrs W P. KIllliuiH of Philadelphia,
leturned to her home .vesterday after
spending a few- days with his parents,
Mr. and Mis. William Hell.
The membeis of tho Wilson Fho
company will meet at their moms this
Forest flies are raging ileitoly on
the Kast and West mountains.
Pcekvllle napllst church, Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Sunday services at
10..10 a. in. and 7.10 p, m, Mmnlng
subject. "Sjililtunl Ficudmu;" evening
subject. Lessons fioni the Land-of
Canaan." Tho choir undm the leader-
ore op through
III body, linnet.
I bit; the liver
and Iclilncvs and
mauliiK trouble
e v e r y w li o r o.
Moiimch lilts I
miren Imllirts
Hon nmilyiH
In by doin? mi,
praventi tonsil
pnllon, lillloin
iiMaiitiilnllllter II n d 1; I cl 11 e V
troubles It
makes and keeps
ptopln well.
ship of Piofessoi W W Watklns, will
lepent tin? Raster lliuslt All ate Wel
come Miss llstelle Knlsei, coleblute.d so
piano, and Piofessor 12 J. ftlcliauls,
elocutionist, will give a most Intel ost
itis entertainment at the Methodist
Rplscopal chut di Monday evening",
Aptil 24, nuclei the auspices of the
piano sodetv.
Winahpa Tilbe. Inipioved Older of
Red Men, will hold theli legulai meet
ing tills evening.
The ltineiul of the late It li haul Lau
der will tak plai - toinoiiovv attei
noon, and not this utteiuuou, as st.ueo
At a inn ting ot the couuiCKUtluii of
the 1'llst llaptlst diituh held Thilis
dav evening, the leslgnatlon of the
pa.stol, Rov. It. M l'osteti, vmis acted
upon and uncplcd and a louunitUe
iipiiointed lo diatt leaolutlolis. Uui
tng tie- lout months and a hall tie
pastor has been la-it ho has sue reeded
In laislng .seveiul hundieil dollats,
which has bten ueVuted to pajlug ofl
the chinch debt. He leaves on Man
ila 101 Ruston and totuoiiow morn
1ns vvlll pieaih on 'The Seciet of
Chi 1st s Success as a I'reachoi. In
the evening he wnl pteadi his tait
well pennon.
Rev. i, A Renjainln, pastm ot the
Methodist Rplscojiai tliuuli, vxho at
the lucent 1 oaf 01 elite was assigned to
the Ath' us chute li, will puach at both
seivkes hole tiinioiiuw. Ill the even
ing ho will dollvel his liiiewell ei
uimi Nest week he will move lo his
lit w thaite and will be Mlcitided by
Rev. -Ml. Cuukt.
Tonight will bt tin last lilbht of the
till at Ihe Sac ltd Heal t illllldi and
a twehlv-llve iIoIIji gold pien will lie
di.iin.ed olf.
Mis lohiisou R, niiitt, M . .Mm IM.
et and ilaughtiM. .vllss 1.111 I'ln, Mm.
Thomas Riiij, Mm. iltoigt Readied,
Si . and Mis I, A. (Iieeti weie Snan
loll vHltois jesletdil
Net Thui.sila has been IKtil b.v
the diiint lommlssioiii'is as the lau
of healing apptals inun this buimmn
and Ma Held 1 10m
ptisoual propel tv
A dwelling house
W H Rllte. 011 h
l.llsecl SHV'ellll feet
Ihe state tav. on
, the piopett of
siiiet, was being
highel 1 stetil.i .
iliiiiei the stipci vision
lriilchlugs who had bv
if William
the use ot
Jac ks Just about l.ilsnl it to theiuces height when tho blocking at otio
iiillln gave aw.l rind the bolls,. sd
foi wind lalliu' comidotly oil the
blinking and loiindatlon. The house,
with li was foiniuaiolv uiioi 1 iiilod,
was cotisldeiably daniaged.
Tile einplo.ves of the tiloilwood shaft
at Mav lb hi at llieli lust pa.v conlilb
utid SJTTrt' foi tin Caibondnlo Rnav
f.enc v liospllal ConsldelillsT the Utile
time niaile at the iiillleiv the icititil
liutliin was eMeedluglv go id.
I'm s(.iiai mouths past the side
walk In fiom of John Jciuijn's piop
ett on Main tieet has bnn in a dan
goious 1 findltliin. and although the
ow in I has In ill uolilied bv tilt liul
oilgh aiuhm Itles ami asked to nut II
In lonali, he has s fui nelthei ati
swued the 1 ominuiikalion ot the sec -letai
ol the ill m i 1 1101 lepaliee the
walk We 1110 under the impiossion
that name II a 1. w months ago passnl
an oidlnaine lo covei slmllai cases of
uegUit, ami this paitkiilai e,is. was
eitioetd bv a c olindlliian 111 uiglng tlie
passage of the oidiunue lo give 101111
1 II aiithoiilv t-lt In 1 10 compel theown
iis 01 niuntll themselves have the
walks put In piopei lepah It Is about
thru the boiotigh authmitlos either
comptllocl the ovviiei 01 had the malti r
attended to us the wnlk is teall clan
geious Mis Jolin Woodivoith and thieediil
dien ol Cemteiv stiiut ic tin nod home
.Vtsttlday tlont a visit to Tin imp
li lends
Di I'. C Malik. o Mav Held, was
a Set anion visltoi vesteidav
Joe Jeimvn, of Sc lautou. passed
ihiougli town with a spanking team ot
hot sos .vestelda
Adjuster Cllnger vesteiday sottled
the losses bv 111 o of Louis Cninflup, of
Main stieet. and John liallaghei, of
Ma.v field.
Jim Uatvev .vesteiday enlisted In the
I'nlted Slates infunti.v and will leave
tumonow lor Uoveincii s Island
Mi J Connellv. of Siianton, vlsltnl
f 1 lends hole last ovenlmr
Wind has boon iccelved that Thomas
Lestei and Andiew RasilaKe. who loft
last Mondav lot Vliglnla line both
obialnnl work and aie favmabl lin
piessed with theli now locution.
Diuggist Jones was in Caibondale
Riv. Hall will pieach In the Piiml
tlvo Methodist chuicli totnoitow inoin
Ing on 'Rod's Manifested Hieatness"
In the evening' his subject vvlll be
'Rowei ami How lo obtain It '
given by Hood's Sat sapin Ilia, which
niengthons the net vos. tones tho
stomach and ovetcomos all dspepilc
svmptoms. Vou should n.v It
Hood's Pills aie pionipt and e lllclent.
eas to take, eas to opetate. 2j cents.
Captain Rintison, evangellsi, will de
livei his lite talk In the PUniltlve
Molliodist cliiudi tonight. His llle In
man icspeits has been a lomaikable
one, and will doubtless dtaw a laige
ciovvel to listen to hltn His subjects
for toinotiow will be. at the morning
scivlce at 10 "1) o'clock, "Holiness," and
in the evenlns at 7 o'clock. "The Land
of SI11." Illiistiated bj a chart.
The Ladles' Mil sodetv of the Primi
tive Methodist diuidi will meet at the
home of Mis T C Wllmot, on Lincoln
stieet, next Uednesda afternoon. The
members nie uiged to bo piesent
Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
lias boon used for ovei RIPTV YJIAHl
bv MILLIONS of MOTHLHri for tlicir
Is tho bent remedy tor DIARRIIORA.
Sold by UruselstH In eveiy part of the
world Rei sine and asK for "Mis Whin
low's Soothing Sjrup." and take no other
kind Twrutv-llvo touts a boll In
Some Inside Workings of the Coun
cil and Henegan's Victory George
Smith's Valuable Souvenirs Sev
pngaln's Hypnotism and Other
Amusements for Next Week.
Judge Wooilwurd ycstenlay decieed
that James Honegali, of the select
council, was still a member of that
august body and chairman Langan,
who was lelogiited to the lear bv 1'
F. Joyce, who, by the wav, Decuple
that Important position, lecognbes the
fact that thoe who luugh lat laugh
best. The late chalnnan has been or
dered by the court to pay the costs,
and It tlie council does not mme to
his testuo this Is eaetlv what will
happen. Th" secretin v, not content
with 5SI0 a ear and $120 annuallv for
lent of olllce feu tiansnetlnir an Insui
ntwe liuslness, wants nn assistant, and
this has boon gi anted. His real bust
ness for the city vvlll not aveiago one
bout out of twenty font dallv Then
them is tlie ellv iltoyoi. who has
also boon gtanted an assistant He Is
uigagod In line weather wearing tiros
oft bicydos on the West Side of the
ill ei at that. All these little things
101110 tituler the observation of one who
keeps lils eves open in Hie line of ob
servation, and these oliseivers aie Un
people who pav tin- bulk or the lax-s
Sov engala, who has been In this city
fm the past week and has made 1
lepittatlon lor himself as a hypnotist
by his exhibition in Mulc hall, has
kept large nudleiues gut's-inK by tils
wondoiful pov.ets. Ills audience in
cluded, last night, many of our most
lollned people, and tho apnlause which
gieeteel manv of tin- featilios, was as-
suianie enough that he is a silieess.
Theie vvlll bo a matinee this nfteinoon
and the last peifoiinanco tonight.
Sev engala If propel ly W.iltot R. Mad,
the foimor manager of Music hall
Wilk-s-liiiile. and has mail, a study
of this work toi the past several vtnis,
and bow- well hi-- he succeeded his
pic-enl sucfoss can testlf.
Nev.1 week we will have the Miles'
Ideal Stock 1 oinpanv from Monday
until dav Tin 1 oinpanv I" well
known to the.'.ter-nn-i.s lieie and needs
no lntioiluctioli lo our ptoph Alan
age 1 King is dlplitng good jtidgmont
in his late bookliik-. anl many who
have been lu the habit of attending
pel Cm malices at AllUs-Ruie aie now
Included In a 1'lttston audlem o. This
Is ab it should b" and we are glad to
note the fav ntnblf dianc.
Mis Will McC.uiltv of Wilkos-Rarie
was the guesi ot J.nros , in den and
family, ot Nafus sfect vesteieli
Tin two Jim's, Lot. 11 cl R'like. will
spmel toluol low with ft lends at Lake
Captain liemge Smith 1 is lu his
stud" an autogi-iph lollntlon of
pioininent people, which iiiouev .an
unt buv. and as man-' of those dls
llugulshid eltlcns have pissed to
their lowaicl we publish th-li names.
These aiitogiaphs wtie at eomp.i'dnl
bv piisonal lU-is vvbldi shows that
lb" gniial eaplaln.whiii a little Hung
er tlnn he l now, wa lu tough and
oujoved the lonllihuce and le-speit of
the most piollltllellt people lu this
coiinti Hon ale 'ome ot the nanus.
C S. Hi, ml, James (3 Rlalne, RonH
mln F. Rut ! i. I' 11. Rtltn-non, secte
taiv ot vv.u. M, lllli-m M Rviits, st c
ictaiv ol Stat-. WllUim H J'-lknap,
secictaiv ot win John M. Rl, Sep
linibr. U7.' Thoa as L James pnst
inaster genoial. John . Logan. J ihn
F. Hailianft Janus l.nlleld III
i,iui Ohio Robert T Lincoln. William
T. Mieinian, e'hoslei A Allhui. Houiv
Wilson Rutin i fold R. llavis, Coluni
blis Oliio 1ST, Robe it R I'lgor-oll,
I A Wheeler Rocn . Conking, tub a,
V. Phil Sin-1 Man, O P. Morton
M. R Valte diiof justice, nnel Fred
Ceoige II. simitii, siippilntondout. and
seveial othet olllclals of Ihe Peunsyl
vauli Coal enmpanv. airlved In the
citv vesteida- In a spo lal cat over
the Rile and W.vonung l.lllioad.
On Tltuisilay evening the Ragle nnd
N'lagaia eonipanles weie aktil to bo
in leadlliess lo pioeeed to Set. niton If
theli would be found noee--s.n.v
on the occasion of the liekivvan
na avenue the. Tin- bovs ltspondecl
to a man. biu bappll theie assistance
was not noc i sat. 'Ihis Is tin tine
splilt ot the ge -iiilne tlietnun and ic
inliuls one of tin old times that aie
The Ladles' auxillaiv of the Aurlutit
Ouler ot lltb"inlans, will colohiato
tlit It- nnniul ivent with a baiietuoi at
Koystom hall op May 15 M. J.
Hughes, of the Sinclair house, will he
the eateier ,
The West Side approach to the depot
bildge has been much inipioved bv the
laving of a substantial "tone walk and
lion lonee to the SiiiUdianna line
The Sundnv tialns on the Hlooms
buig load w 1 Ic li will lie put on to
luol low will at Unit manv to S' ranton
I I tun this dtv on Sundays
John cm i.m will .spend tomoiiow
with Vrihbnhl ti lends If it don't snow.
R 11. Jen dan and Thomas 0'Ro.vle
of Scianton, wore in the city yostei
il.i v. In tho Intei est of Hon John Lynch
who is a (imminent (andidate for Su
pieme (outt lueli. They Weie chap
eioncd b Dolph (lleuuon, the Torist
Ciistlo king
(iunlis Law and wife will start on
Tuesday next on an extended western
tnui. The will go -outn UMt, to New
Oilcans, theiKe to Ponvei, Kans.n
citv, Sail Lake city. Vdlow stone Paik
and tho Pacl'lc ioasl
Miss P.achaiac. ot Scianton. hi?
been visiting the Mbscs Roadman dtir" piesent week.
Mis. James On, Mrs. William Dunn
and Mis Chillies Divenpoit, of Scotch
Hill, spent a poitlon of the week with
i tkitlves nt Se ranton.
lohn Hoi an, of Dunmoie, was in tho
Ity yesteiday. nnc1 i-eilousiy thinks
tin town Is growing
Tho liver Is giadually seeking its
ptoper level, and these individuals v ho
tan tell good fish stmles are getting
tlulr 'leioutrenients for thdr Hist en
nui rf the season.
Mis Mai.v Heap gave r. ddlghtful
lundieon vesterda afteinoon to tln
oung ladles who vvlll bo the bildes
innidH at ihe Rohan-Reap wedding,
which will occur on Tutsday nest at
high noon at St lohn's chinch. Tiny
am the Misses Smith, of Norfolk, Va ,
Clarke, of Seranton, Murphy and Mil
lonev, of this city. Tho Maid of honor
vvlll be Miss (Race O'Mulley, a niece
of the bilde.
Chalnnan MiDouougli of the com
mo -.council who wis bin rod tn the
Schdoley shaft iw i weekh ago was in
a precarious condition yestcida
Miss Susan Dickinson, ot Scianton,
Nervous Exhaustion
is rolrvod by
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Take no Substitute.
was omonirst the visitors here yester
day. You could not do much better toinoi
rovv than attend the afteinoon service
for men at tin.' hall of Hit Youiik Men's
Christian nssorlntloii.
Rev Dr. Simpson, who have been
here for four years, and about to ie
move to .Seranton, illicit the doctor
will become tlie pastoi of the Asbtiry
church, bus been kindly lemcmboicd
by his late congregation and Compnny
I. of whli h lit- was chaplain The lat
tfi piestnted him with a gold-heeded
cane, and the former with a junse of
The following gives the exact condi
tion of things up In Diirvea: A busi
ness man up there has to piotect his
piopeity lu this manner: At th tenr
of tlie store Is a cot and tnbl". On Urn
latter Is a doiible-baireled gun and two
revolvets. loaded and leaiiy for use,
while unilei the table lies a laige and
savage dog. He said this was the way
he was compelled to proleet hi" ptop
tit. Twice the front of his stole has
be-n eaud In with stones, and on one
occasion a do"en shots weie exchanged
He intends to hold th" foil against nil
lotneis legarilleps of the (onseqiitni-e"
It Is some time now since that loettlltv
has furnished a muidei, lint It Is pay
dav up there tod.i and something1 In
Shoitly before 11 o doc k list night
a flic was dlseoveied In .he icar o' ,
Kichaltssci's hotel at tlie Junction
Tlie Nlugaias and Ragles icspondeel j
promptly and extinguished the llanvs
befote muih damage was done. The
loss w in be about $lon
The Juvenile Ordtl, Sons of
(ieoige. vvlll meet In their iiionis
mm tow mm nlng at 10 o'clock to
tend service at the P. M. church.
A ball for the benefit of Mis. Frank
Reainlsh vvlll be held In Saislleld opeiu
house on Monda evening.
The funeial of Moses Smith tool,
plate mi Thuisdav afteinoon Sei
v Ices nt the house note condudel bv
T. R Wilson Inteiment was n aib
in Moupi's lemeteiv.
Mis. Pace anil daughter, Din.i, (,f
Aslcani, weie guests of Rev and Mis,
L R. Van llueseii yt-steidav
Tin- funeial of John Clalk tool: pla o
vesteiday alleinoon fiom the fainil;.
ltsidciue In Mooslc. Sol vices ,vo0
conducted lu St. Mar's t-huidi In
teitnent was made in St John's c e mo
iety Mis. Matv McMillan Ins lcini'-l
home at it i a tvv weeks' visit wllh
hoi son, John llowaith, or Piiannm
Stotllng, the sl-c-veai -old son of All
and Mis. Alexandoi Conke ol li-e
Ninth Rud. is iiltlcally 111 of pn -it-lunula
Miss Alexandei has le.uinod
home ntttr a few da.vs' visit in Cn
bonelale. The funeial of Thomas Dobson took
place esteiday afteinoon fiom th
family icsldenie on the West Side
Inteiment was made In St. Mais
e emotet v
Rov. Ml Hallev, loientlv appointed
pastm of the M. R chinch at Mooslc
Is a giaduate of Dickinson college
Dining the past few oais lie has be, n
pastor of the M. R diuidi at Centte
nioioland Rov John llutnphiev s has
bet n anointed to a chaise In Rioome
county, N. Y
$100 Reward $100. '
The it-.iiltis of this pspe-r vvlll lit- pliunn)
to It .n n that llicie Is at least cine dieail
ed dlstastf that scli-nte has bepn able to
cine in alt Us siagr" nun nun is aiariu
n.iiis ciitiinb cum is tiiu oniv positive
iiire Known to the fr.neinltv
Calan li being a eo11siltutton.1l ell-ease i.
oi.iicx a 1 oiistlliitloiial trealnii-iit nails
t'ntairb due is laluil lauiiwllj, acting
dlioitn upon llle miiuu aiuc line ous sui
fni es of tlie hvsieiii. Ilieiehv clfsiiovlng
the louuilatliui of the dlseuse and giving
tlie patient strength bv building up Hie
constitution anil istliig nature in ln.
lug its work Thf iiiopilnnik have so
much tilth la lis imallve powcis- that
tluv otfei One lluiiilioil Dollars foi ,inv
i asp th it It tails to 1 uie Send for list
of tectimonl lis Addiess
V. J. (MinNDY X e'O, Toledo, O
Sold liv Diuggist 7.'
Jlnll s Tamil Pills ai- the best
Ai em ding to a PIttston c oriespoinl
ent. Cliatle-s S Lie. geiu-ial passeugor
agent ot the Lehigh alley, Mated
win 11 In that dtv tlie other
with tin- Muv Hihodule would be put j
011 the mad a passengei tialn leaving
VllKt -Uane tin TuiilchanuocU .it
about T a ni. lieie it will turn about
and, leaving this station at about s 1
a in, It vvlll go thiough 10 Jeisev
Clt.v This will gieatly Impiove tha
p.'isse-ngol servIic between this ; lac ,
mid Alilhes-Haiu. but will nol nllovc
the situation fui iher up the mad -
TunUll.innocK New Ago If the nluiV-j
Item pinves coriect, It Will be Mill" -thing
for the TuiiKhantirc't peopl ta
be tbauKful fm. as they v,'U then bi
able to get down the loud, tian'i.icl
their business and leturn on the nam"
dav. but it leaes the Woiulng countv
people further up the load In as bad
shape as befoie They vvlll not be
able lo get to the county seat bcfui
A nun ilnge llnnse was isspul up
Wednesclaj on Ihe llitnsi i l,t of
Charles liiiidlier. justice ol the peace,
of Kactoijvlllo limotigli, to Htvl-i T.
Hidclloman and C. Alma Wilson, both
of Factoi.v villi-.
In tin- estate of is. A vl hii-man,
late of Noxen township, deoeased.
JaiuoK V Pllitt will Hit as audliot lo
illslilbute the fund In the hands of i:.
Muv eefiitor, at bis ut
ile e In Tiinkhannoek liorough on K.ii
utday. Ma.v 20. lS'i'i, at 11 o'clock a. in.
Com I vvlll convene on Saturdav af
teinoon at 4 o'clock lor the pin pose f
appointing audlteus nnd the ttaasae
t Ion ot otliei business that was. loreul
to laj over bv tin- tulcsi of uunt until
that time.
Willis S Miller, eni , has'be"ll en
gaged foi the last few das ill lion"
feuing his llbruiy, Uunltuie, ete.tiom
the utllce In the SleKlei block ti the
utile c ejver the Paul Hillings Co of
Ikes on Wniren stieet. l'-Judg John
A Hltlhei will have his ollke with tftr.
Miller and Chat lea K. Ten, es'i.. who
has lecently lemoved to 'Wllkos-H.uie.
will also use this olileo In dealing up
his matieis of business hem
The (irund Aimy of the llepubllc
have extended an invitation lo com
pany K. X. J I', to in
the teremonles to be observed on Me
morial Dav. The Women's ItulleC c n fis
wll hilso be Invited,
The loninieiirenunt exoulses of the
Noith school, whli h was held Tues
day evening, Apill IS, was u gianil
sine ees. A ciy pleasing and ciiioi
talnlug pi ogi amine was leneleied. Pro
tceds. Jl"
Mis Sllsbte. who has been living In
Moscow during the winter, moved back
on her farm lor tho glimmer this week.
Miss Saiu Pecker Is III with eiy
slpelas. Mis. Kate DoPcw Is 111 at her homo
on Urovvn stieet.
Mis. .lames .Shannon, ftf Toblianna,
Ilev. H. G. tjnowden left heio on l-"il-
or Two Prominent nnil Well
Known People.
A Caliiri'li Cure Cures. '
Some .Scnsonnble Spring .Siijlnp
SprliiKtlnjo has come at last, and now
Is the time for all (-atari h suffeieis to
begin a svstematlc couise of tieatment
for this disease. The gieatest difficulty
In the way of treating' cluonlc catarrh
Is that th- patient Is o lliblo to catch
cold during the tieatment and thus de
lay the cute. This liability at this sea
son of the ear is. In a gteat nieasuie.
lemoved, and no one should nogket the
oppottunllv to begin treatment
Miss Dade Sti-ginall, stipellntondont
of the Chicago North Side 'Woman's
Club, of Chicago, In a lecent letter tn
Dr. llnltmau, spouks of 'IV iii-na us
follow s;
ClilniRo, Jan. 21, una
Pc-ru-iia Ding M f'f, Co.Coliimbiis.O :
Gentlemen Pe-rti-na has often been
used bv the mem
beis of out club In
i uses of stomach
tioublp n pd general
debllllv--u 1 Hi le
cently in e uses of la
gilppe and always
with the most bene-
uv 11 e I in y tesults. 1
i think a great deal of
r3fr"Pe-iu-na often iet
5V ommend it lo my
friend m, and am
, Dade Stegeman. glad to say all who
j hale tiled it speak a good woid for
It. Youis imlv,
I Dade Stegeman.
j Send for fiee eataiih book Addiess
j Pe-ru-na Dtttg Mnnufacttuing Co, Co
lumbus, Ohio
Columbia Chain Bicycles
I Hartford Bicycles
I Pierce and Stormer Bicycles
Juvenile, 20, 24 aud 26 inch
",..- w
0k j9 Sr ttm
I'hese wheels are the best that money, science and brains can produce.
iS'mv York Announcement.
SPRING 1899.
Horner's Furniture.
lH-oau.-e iepicseiiiliiij; tlie pi otitic
lions of the be-a iiinkersoulv. Other
advaiUimos sue the unequalled ns-
" . , . ,,
aortlllOHIS lit till lilltii, VVllCtlier
minted for oily or country houses,
and the ven moderate prices at
which the goods aie marked.
The completeness of our assort
ineiits can host lie understood from
tho fnut that we cany In Steele, and
exhibit, 111010 than tuo hundred and
tU'tU dhthirtlu different JSedroom .Wa
in oveiy rnriety of niatotlal, as vr ell
as oiidless lines of Parlor, DrawlBR
Hoom, Titbraij- nnd Dlnlusr Room
1'uinltuio, lunging fiom tho mod
st and inexnensivatotuemostelab
otatoly carved and inlaid.
In a wore), eveir iirllilfl roqiilred for use,
i comfort ruJ mloinment In the hoiisohold
can belud vylth its plnlnly niHrUed moeleiat tin) Oust 111 nit uie Emporium of
R.J.Horner & Co.,
Furniture Maker and Importer,
6 1 -65 V. 21UI SI ., Now York
(Adjoining Men Mnaee.l
Harnar V Co ttahlWhmut ii out sf tb.
lslit..(Vw York Neiiio)iir Cenom.Ll,
The Gieat File Sale Now Going on
at 225 Lackawanna Avenue Will
Come to an End Today, at 11 p. m.
lu oulcr to dispose of the Mock of
clothing hits and gt nts' furnishing",
which Is left, bv tonight the man
agement has dee lded a tin ther le
ductlon of .'I per cent, on the entlie
stock. If Jim value money you can't
alfoid to miss this chance to secuie
some ul out gieat baigaliis. Heniem
ber, today Is positively the lust da.v.
Men's line vvoisted oven oats, $.' M
This coat Is wnitn Jl 00 Mens lino
spilng nnd summer oveiooaio in silk
and satin lining, tfl ', This coat is
leally woith $-'0 OUO. Men's e.tta linn
satin lined, spilug and hiiininei over
coats. t7 s." posltlvel woith
$.'.-. 00.
Men's lino spiing weight pants
line iiualltj, leall woith $100,
stvle and vei.v liandoine.
Men's evli.'i line suits Jt! SI
$b S." suit is tin- tlnest uiateiial
gi ade
stle, well made and posltlvelv
J.'O.OO Ask lo see It. High
goods wealing equal to the
cm. illt v custom woik. and over
cllffeieut suits, in silk and satin lined.
All must go leulillofS ot cost
llovs and children's suits, fiom "S
cents up. Hovs' knie pants 17 cents
Hoys' hats, woith $1 It), foi Ki cents
Mens hats. 7'iienls, woith $1 SO Hood
lliilldkei chiefs, . cents, woith 25 c e-nt.s
SocKs, 5 rents. Men's fine undeiwein,
l.'i cents pei suit, woith $.T,0 l'lne
silk suspendeis, S cents, worth 75 cent
and a thousand othet unities we have
no span- to mention heio
We have thousands of men's and
boss' suits which for want of span- we
e annul mention heio Also etia slzi
suits tor large and stout men
L'JJ I.atKawnnna avenue between
Kjanhlln and Penn n venues, a few
doois fiom Peun avenue. .Siianton, Pa
Don't be misled by any sign which
othei moichauts nia dlsphi look for
om sign a large ied sign Pa.v no nt
tentlon to any othei. Stole- open even
ings until 9 o'c lock.
day for his now appointment at .S'hli
ols. N V.
Mis. riaiilc Kill good, of Now Voik
city, visited ft lends In town this week.
Oeneial S. S. Yoder.
Notvvltlislandliig that a gloat number
of people have boon fined of chronic
catatrh by taking Pe-ru-tri cluiing tho
past i-otil season, yet It cannot be denied,
that the told.i wot. stormy winter has
retaideil many i ures, and lu somes
cases actuallv prevented a. cure.
(leneial s. S. Yoclel-, ox-Member of
CotigicsH from Ohio. In a recent letter
to Dr Hartinan, speaks of Pe-ru-na a3
AVaslVuton, (D. iC.
Pe-ru-na Drug M'f'g "' Jolumbus.O :
Cfcntlemen I desire to fay that I
Bnve found Pe-m-nn to bo a, ivonderful
lemedy. I only used It for a short time
and am thoioughlv satisfied as to its
merits, i cannot find words to express,
my giatltlcatloti for the results obtain
ed. As a catarrh cuie 1 shall uladly
rtsJpriimend it to all sufferers.
Youis Tiulv, S. S. Yoder.
Chainless Bicycles $70
$25.00 and 35.OO
$25.00 to 75.00
Wyoming Avenue
! Ill's IS
Manufacturers o!
43SH45S Hi S, Sffllll, Pi
'telephone Call, 2333.
M.inuhictuicd by
Ask your grocer for It.
ltooms 1 nnil '.M'uin'llli BTd's
Mining and Blasting
ilHilonl Moovio nnd Huslulalo Worm,
l.lectrle ll.nteilos, Klei-tilu l;iploMr,
lorexplocUns tluti, .-safoly 1''uij au4
Repauno Chemical Cs's
I '