THESCRANTONTRIBUiNK-THURSDAV, Al'JUL 20. 189!!). EVENTS OF DAY IN WESTJCRANTON EDWARDS BOY SAYD nE WAS MISUSED. His Case Roported to tho Board of Associated Charities and Assistant District Attorney Thomas Was Asked to Mako an Investigation. Supper Given by Ladles of tho Plymouth Congregational Chinch. Fire on the West Mountain Fun eral of the Late James Hendrew. Several yeatsngou family named Kd vvurds teslded In Nnntleok. nud com prised the father, mother and flo chil dren. They moved to Plymouth, vvheio tho mother died and the father was hilled In the mines. Two of the chil dren were cued for liy families In Plymouth, one went to C.ubonilule and two came to this cltv, the latter being tr.Krn In ehaipe hy Mr. and Mix. John Hum, of a',', Vnttli (iurllild avenue. Thcv were two bejs. whoso nges ate now about IS and 11 lespeetlvely. The foinier lived with the famllvuntll about eighteen months as", when he irn fined einplovment with Charles Kimf man, propilelor of the Metropolitan dining rooms on law kau anna avenue. The other bov. who has been emploveel In the bleaker at Uilggs' shaft for the lat four yeuis, remained with tho family until Monday of this week, when he dlsappcatcel. K.nly Tuesday meaning Outside foreman Thomas G. Mnignn found him In the engine loom at the shaft The boy stated that .Mis Mum had loin his clothing and dilvcn htm from the house Mi Moigun gave him some nioney to buv f( od. The boy was sent to the oential elty, vvheje he was as.IM'd by his broth) r. He returned to the hhitt later In the day and "-aid he was afraid to go home, ns ho was malt looted. William D. Williams, a i evident In tlu vicinity of rilinore aemie and L.tfivotto .strei t. took him in hnrgc. and l now callus foi him. Mr Moignn leprntcd the ease to Mis Duggau, the agent of tho Uo.nd of As sociated ChitillcH and the m tltei was taken up at the iivming Tuesday i-ven Ing and ifftiMl to A-Ntint District tloNuvV Gavbud Th nisi who will in. ike an line Mig itlnn of tin case. The men around th mine s wheie the boy Is emplov n that mativ davs duiinr th. id'l nit of th winter Julius 1 dwnid w is s ul to wxiKwith Contort, BEEGKAIS'S lUUU'l .5CIUK, Vi'i If 4) Biliousness, i irsil3 f oicxi.enat.cnc, ) wanttoi . urcd in ncn, woiien or 0 ccnl S 25 crnts, J ctrldren, tiered by at drim stores. X w-H-K44 UEEDA (.ooi) rorwii .svuur TAKC Dufour's French Tar. I en; s vi, h vr dl.OKCI. W. .11 NKINV, oi S .'Main Ave 'lie TfiP Ct A- Season Atjain and, as usual, wo'ro ready to meet it with a match less lino of tho season's best productions. Yes, Waists Are Different This Year Very much diilereut, but full of common sense ideas, backed by a dressiness that was entirely wanting last year. Even thrift wasn't lost aight of when the up-to-date waist was plan ned, for all of them will wash and launder up again to look as good as new. Cambrics, Ginghams, Piques and Corded Batistes Are tho most popular waist weaves in vogue, white stripes of all sorts running m every direction that fancy seems to suggest aro first i.tvorites as to style. Of course, plain shades are much in demand also, in such colors as Cadet, China and Rjyal Blue, shades varying from Pale Lavender to Deep Purple Pinks, Pulo Giccns, Salmons and New Brown Tints aro also shown. As to Making And Fashion's Designs We may say that every Shirt Waist leaving the Globe Ware- houso is as properly made .is perfect workmanship can make it. As to designs sleeves, yokes and body modeling, aro rut to fashion's latest domands. Tho sleeves are clear cut, but easy enough to bo comfortable, while tho deep pointed yokes, with diagonal cords and tucks, lend smartness to tho effect and trimuess to Iho figure. Tho fronts to many of our waists aro cut full from tho yoko, but aro not dowdy or tho least slovenly appearance. Ladies with full figures will appreciate this feature at its true value. Somo of The New Shirt Waists Are Elaborately Trimmed Hamburg lusortlngs, Edging-i, Laces and Cord Work being used to great advantage. We have all tho novelties in Ladies' White Shirt Waists also, thoso later. Globe Warehouse . Indigestion and Dyspepsia u n o li o c I; e il o re oi tbrougli Hi i bo ly, unot ting tho llvor nml kldnejmitid miming troilb.o o v o r y w ti o r o. 9B CEIEBBATCD V! i, 11 oh i tit ter' n T? 41 1. I II ! P M llllllt?tfl- '" tlflll llllllllVll-'l- ' l--liy lining o, praMMil lonHtl- li.'lllOD. MIIOllS- liennnilullll cr n n a kidney h,. STOMACH . mi SITTERS a n it u i u h ii ke it id keeps ople well. scarcely any clnthltiR on his body and a crust of bread In his dinner pan. The bov earned vvugos varvlnK from $10 to $jn a month, which he turned over to Ills foster mother. Tie said he received but one suit of clothes In two years and was abused and 111-treate.t on various occasions. Mis. Iltun has four children of her own . Her hus band Is employed as an engineer at the Alt. l'lea-ant mine. SrHl'KIt AT PLYMOCTH CHUUCII. The ladles of the Plymouth Congre gational ihuiih, whose names begin with the lettets A, 11, C and D. MUVed an excellent supptr in the lecture room of the ehuuh last evening fiom 0 to 9 o'clock. Three tables wete hot and pre sided over as follows: lablc No 1 -Mrs i:un 1' Davis and Miss Annlo ("lemons 'I able No 2 Mrs illlum Campion and Mis V (' Hut dick Table No "I Ml s Jennie Dinlcla and Klirilicth Davis Tiny were assisted bv Airs John I.. J.imcs, pii-ldent of the Ladles' Aid so ( let.v . Mis Mot gun P. Dunli K Mrs Thomas Allen, Alls Gomel Pi lee. Mis. V T Davis and Miss Aljra Cook. During the evening let cream was seived, and a geneiul social time was enjojed bj a large assemblage. anotiiku ohjkct ii:ssox The navsengers on an east-bound I.auul Hill-Tailor tair at 1.41 o'clock eteiday afternoon were bomewhat tiightened when the iar teathed tho Wtbl l.aekawanna aveiiuo crossing and tho power gave out just us the eai v.ns ivlthln n few feet of the main tiael; Conductor John Nicholson and Alotoiiiian John Denlke reallzeil the pull ins position in which the car was placid and their loolmss prevent J any seilou. nun of iiffali! A ft eight ttaln was appioai hlng Just abovt the cio.slng and the nun In (barge ot the ear signalled Uuteinun Thomas Connlft to ling tin tialn The powi i was tin tu d on by this time, and the eai eiossod In t,afet The oe iiineme was slmnlv anothei illusti.i tion ot the necessity of a viaduct over tlti traiks. JL'AIPING ON THi: CAItP (!-). ir-old boy named Clarence s, while plajlug aiound a La-f.ivitt.- e.u n ni Hvetett avenue, hid n nnrinvv mniio ttom belnt tun over Tin -day evening 'li Jumping on the cars a they p.iss! and wab tin own under and cai 1 1) d along with the eai some distance. The bo.v sustalnid Injuiies about the Iliad Condiutoi Toby (.laidner anil Mntotni.ui 1'uiy Chuk were In charge of tin r.u. GDNl-HAI. N i:Vrt noti:h An imruls passenget on u Ta lor car Tut so ij i veiling was ejected at the 9930 but thoro'a timo enough to talk of tj5j5arxvTSii .SmmAzAiX W&&tgmjnmH6M Wast corner of South Alain aveniio and Lu zerne street, and began hurllnE stones through the windows of tho car. The occupants were frightened but unin jured. The ouender is known and will be arreted Tho nnnunl social and entertainment of Alartha Washington Chapter, No. 3, Older of tho Eastern Star, will ho held this evening In lvorltu hall, lil and l!fl .South Aluln avenue, commencing fit 8 o'clock. Alls. Maggie Lannlng is ut the head of the committee In charge of the nffali. A young blcvcle rider who was prac ticing on South Alain avenue at 1 "10 o'clock yesterday afternoon, ian Into a heavy wagon and was thtovvn from his wheel. Ho esc apod lnjuty but the wheel was damaged. Ooidon Hums, son of School Con tl oiler Ullas 13. 13vans, a pupil In D W. Phillips' room at No. 14 hcIdoI, read an Interesting paper jestetday on the events o. hlstoiv In tho month of Apill. The compos tlnn tefencd to the notable bltths and deaths in the cal endar. llev. James Hughes will deliver a lectute in the JurUson Stuet Haptlst chinch on next Wednesday evening on "The Stiongest Man lit the Woild." A mnsnuiiado bill will bo given tn Mears' hall this i veiling under the di rection of several well-knwn 5oung gentlemen which piomlscs to be mi I'loboiato affair. The Twentieth Centuiy Dramitle club will celebrate Devvi v's liy, A'ay 1, with an entettait'iuent and sodnl at St David's hall Tho Haptlst Young People's unlo'i of the Jackson Street Haptlst lunch will hold ,v social session alter the regular meeting next Tuesday evenhiT Aldemmn Aloses of tho fifteenth waul, held John Thomas under 1u0 bill yesterdav for assaulting ex-Pa-tiolirnti Thomas V Lewis Late Tuesd.'v night some unknown pel bou tute down n show' case from In front of Clatke Ut others' gents' furnishing store and lemoved the con tents, ii bout $" vvoith of eollais and cuffs The case was found jehterday morning In a vacant lot across the sticet The members of the First P.aptlst church will hold ,i meeting In Alor S.i n s hall this evening. A supper will be solved at Simpson Alethodlbt Kplscopal church this i ve iling from C to S o'clock, and -in on teitalnniont will follow. The affair will lie In charge of the ladles whose names begin wltn the iolteis A. H, C, U and 13. Th young men of Hippie division, No Cj, Sons of Tempeiance. met at the home of John Low Is on Hampton strut, Tuesday evening and niganlzed the 13in Hippie Debiting society. The Revs' chanter of St. David's chinch will meet this evening The Glee club fiom St Brendan's council, Youn-i Men's Institute, will sing at the fall In Oteen Itldge tomor tow evening. The funera' sei vices over the remains of the Into James Hendrew- will be con ducted at the reside e of deceased's hitter. Mis Ch'iiles P. Ashleman. ll"fi Hock st net, tonionow nfteinonii at 2 o'clock Intel ment will be made In the eemcteiy at Liekawannn. The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply month Cotisiegitlonal church held an all-day session jebteidoy, at which much woik was accomplished. The lemaliis of the lute John Ale A licit evv, whose death occuried in Pal tlmoie, ai lived here josteiilav morn ing and were taken to tho home of de otasid's mother. Alls Aliugaret AIc Andtew, l."J South Grant avenue The will occur tomorrow afternoon at J o'clock choit oi vices will be held in St. Patiick's ('hutch, and Intel ment will be made In the cathedial ceme tei y. Mis. Ann Thomas, ogid TO j ears, was picked up by the police on South Alain avenue last evening. She was deseited bv a woman who accompanied her fiom Kingston to this city j, estci day. She is seeking admission to the Hill side Home. Pea Coal Delivered, SI. 25, to South Side, central elty and central Hide Pails. Address orders to C. 13. Slim key, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phone 6CS3. SOUTH SCRANTON. Annual Banquet nnd Dance of St. Mary's Glee and Dtamatic Asso ciation in St. Maiy's Parish Hall Nubs of News. In St Maiy's parish hull, on Hlek euy sticet, last night the eighth annual bariiUit and ilanee of Ht Maiy's Glue and Diamatic association, was held. It Is the custom of tho soclet to ohservc us annlvcisaty every year In such iv manner. -... event of lust night was the most tuihpicuous In every detail in the hlstoiv of tho association. The society is composed of the jounjjer men of St. Maiy's congiesatlon, and is one of the most estlmuhlo uuxlllailes of that piogiesslve (lock. The laig- hall was hundsomelv dec oiatcel tliioughout, the staii and stilpes picdouiluatlng. The guests wcie seated ut tour lung tables lim ning lengthwise to the end of thu hall. The tables piesented a beautiful scene. Anshoit Intel vals were bauiiuet lamps shedding luys of brilliant light. Feins and cut lloweis weie conspicuous in tho table dccoiations Key. Peter Christ, the pastor of St. M.uj's congiegatlon, occupied the seat ut the head of the (list table. To his light sat Itev. Father Crehl, of Pitts ton, and Hev. G. J. Stopper, of St. Maty's church, occupied the seat to the left. Promptly at b o'clock tho guests tool; theli seats and a hit go coip of waiters served the banouet. At the conclusion of the eouies the post prandial evrelse.s commenced. Itev Fathei Clnlrt offered piuyer, which he followed with u stirring ad dies He paid ui uloejuent tribute to tho membeis of tho enteitalnlng so cietj'. Father Chilat temlnded the young men of their dutlew to God, thj,r country, their cnuich uad to them selves. Futher Uii'hl and Father Stopp'-r weie culled on nnd made Interesting And tlmelj oddrepse3. Pmfessor Jnlm lon, the Glee club, John Eldi u, Einl! Hcrbster, Plenty J. Helf and F J Ilelder gave thu muslial uumberr, all with the exception of Piofessor John con rendcilng pleasing vocal solos At tho close of the piosjrummo tho ,toor was clenred and dancing eomnien. "d. Tho committee In chars., of last night s affair was compilse-il of Joseph THE HOMELIEST MU IN SCRANTON An well ns the handsomest, and othen are Invited to en 1 1 nn anv dinyglat und Bet a free trial bottlo of Kemp s llalKhtn fur tho 1 hroat nnd laiugs u remedy that ! guaranteed to euro and tellnvo all Chronic and Acute Cough's, Aslhtnu Ilronrhltls und Consuiuptiun. Prlco Kc and Wo BARRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Tilnl llottles Sent Free by Mail. Hy special airangcmcnt with tho manufacturers of that Justly fumiui kidney medicine, Dr. Dav.J Kennedy's Puvorlte Tlemedy, the leaders of Tho Tribune are enabled to obtain a, trim bottle and pamphlet of valuable Med ical advice absolutely free, by simply sending their full name and post of Ilce address to the Dlt. DAVID KEN N13DV COIIPOHATION, Hondout, N. Y and mentioning this paper. Orf courso this involves onoimous expense to tne manufactuteis, but they have received so many giatetul lettets from those who have been ben elltted and cured of tho various dl fciases, of the Kidneys, Liver, Uladdor and Mood, Hheumatlsm, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, and all weuknessen peculiar to women, that they will willingly send tilal bottles to all sufferers. Upon Investigation It was found thut 91 per cent, ot those who have used the trial bottle had received such benefit fiom It that they pur chased largo sized bottles of their druggists. H matters not how sick you are or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottlo of this i;reat medicine, It costs you but a postal card, and benefit and cure will most certainly bo tho result. Put tomo urlno In n glass tumbler and let It stand 21 bouts; If It his a sediment or If pale or dlscoloied, milky or cloudy, stringy or iopy, jour kidneys or bladder ate In bad condi tion. Dr. David Kennedv's mvorlto Kemedy speodllv cuics such danger ous sjmptonis as pain In the back, In ability to hold urine, a burning scald ing pain In passing It, fioquent deslie to minute, especially at night, the staining of linen by jour urlno and all the unpleasant and dangerous effects on tho sstem ptoduced by the use of whiskey, wine oi beet. Dr. David Kennedv's Favorite Itemedy Is bold at all drug stores for $1 00 for a large bottle: six bottles for $3 00. Kramer, Joseph Keif. F P. Klos, John Dulles and William Dluege. WITHDIIHW HIS ACCKPTANCi: Itev. II. C. Schmclder, of Xew York city, who a week ago was elected h the co.igiogation of the Christ Lutlio. un chin ( li to succeed Itev. II. II. Lisse, who retiies from tho pastorate Sundiy next, bent a telegiam josterday reo til ing his letter of acceptance bent eaily in the week. Itev. Pehnieldcr's congiegatlon con sidered him ti o valuable a man to loose, and in consequenc e made such llatteilng olfeis that he decided to re main with his clnige At the Christ chinch Uev. Ir. Llsse will m each his farewell cimon Sunday morning net, nnd at the evening seivico Itev. Jacob Nlttlko, of liiidgepoit, Conn., a young minister, will preach He will be a candidate lor the pastorate at the elec tion w hlch w HI take place after t1 evening sen vice. P.ov. A. Hoi petit, who Is In the cltv, and was a caiiell duto agilnst Itev. Atr. Schmclder, his not decided that he will allow his name to bo piosented at Sunday night's meeting. NUIJS OF Ni:VS. At Uei mania hall last night tho Ynune People's socletj of the Clni.-.t Lutheran church conducted an enter tainment and social. It was a high!.' successful and laisely attended aftali. Tied IJuntz, of lllich stieet, will un cle rK" nn opeiutlon this moinim; for appendicitis at the Suanton 1'ilvute hospital. Dr. D. A. Webh, his phv.s iclan, will perfoim tho opeiatlon. The Star Social club will meet to morrow nlKht at MlrU hall, on Pitts ton avenue. The ne" Iv elected of Ilceis will be installed, which ceiemuny w III be followed by a social session. Mrs. Clnlstian rickus, of Cedar ave nue, who hus'becn seriously ill, Is im proving. GREEN RIDGE. V. H. Hall will leave here next Tues day tor a visit in England. Attorney C. L. Haw ley, of Monsey avenue, who has been at Old Point Comfoit foi a few days, has leturncd home. The Women's club will hold a jreneial meeting next Monday afternoon in the chinch pailots. August Iloinnr, of West Virginia, I a guest ot Moses Honour, of Deacon stteet. Itev W. S. Vy'ileox and wife, of Cher ry i:ld?e, spent Tuesday evening with Mi und Mis I. H. Stevens. Miss Josle Stalk, of East Lemon, is v biting fi lends heie. Mis. William Tilpp, of New Yot'c stieet, I, recovering trom a seveie ill-no-s Mrs. 1. M Yoight will lead the meet- ing of the Women's Christian Temper unci union this uttcrnoon. The sub ject will bo 'Our Unlhoad Woik" The saving.) tunc! collections for No. 2S school this week weie as follows: Plof Luidlek,.s room, 53 cents, Miss Hicks SI cents; Miss Smith. $1 m Miss Mollutt, J2 43 Miss Smith, 0 cmts; Miss Perrj", fi-' cents; Miss Nelmejer, $2 ", Miss Fowler nnd Miss Glbbs, $1.31: Miss Tuller, $1 9 : total, $12.11. Miss Floience Jenhins entertained a few of het friends with a party at her home on Capouse avenue Tuesday pouse. avenue Tueduy evening Dancing and music weie en Joved Thosj present were the Mi'-ej Gi.ico TJutns, Inls (lurns, Lou Wade. Nellie Pllss, Anna Jenkins. Iaju Dim ml U, .Tesfie Canoll, Mary Oieelej, Giaee Jenkins, Minnie White, Jean Mitchell, I.aui.i Melaruni, Lizle Pal mer. Helen Luce, Iluttio Jaekyon, Dalsj Peiry, Hthel Shoemakei, Dei tha Jenkino, and Messis. Hobeit Hull, Hobeit Luce Willaid Jenkins, Dudley Gladding, James Muttcon, Allison Klngslej, Joseph Chapman, Audiew Fine, P.nymond Sanderson and Leo Jenkins Mis. James Hennlgan, of Rochester, N. Y., und Mrs. Thomas Kcnnj, of Oswego, N. Y., nro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connolly, ot Capouao avenue. Miss M iry Doughcrtj'. of Cfcoen llldgo ?ticdt, lt visiting filends in Cnibun dub Mr and Mis A 13. Giant, of Monsey a. emu left jesterday for a visit with lelutlvos tn Now Yen it. Thomas Thompson und ftimllj, of Cupouse avenue, Ittt Monday for New Yoik cltv and today they will sail for London. Knglnnd Tho Men's Union of tho Green Itldgn Vrt-sbvterlan church will meet this evenlni: In tho church parlors. Dill rors will be elected anel other Impoi tunt bUHlnons transacted. Tho Flnost of Trult Syrups are used In llivois for Boda Wutor ut Manners' Pint mac j, HIO Giccn KIdgo btrcet. HAPPENINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON WILLIAM CA30 HAD A NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Brilliant Anniversary Celobiation oS the Knights of Pythias in tho AdUorltnn Making Preparations for tho Celebration of Dowey'Dny. Notes of a Peisonal Nature Welsh Chinch of Wayne Avenuo Will Hold an Entortnin nient on May 8. William Cabo, a clerk with I'vu.'ir & Dlckerson, had a veiy narrow es iapo from death yesteiday. Air, Cabo was driving on South Washington ave nue in a buggy and was ciosslng the Dclavvaie, Lackawanna and Western liilhoad when the gates were let down on him, cutting and biulslng his head boverely. Ho baiely escaped being run clown by a train by turning the sharp ly, upsetting nud smashing tho buggy. Up was taken home, whetc Dr. Jen kins dtcssed his wounds. ANW'IVintSAUY CHLUBRATION. The most brilliant banquet and en Icitnlnmeiit of the year was hold last evening In tho Auditorium, when the Knights of Pythias held their first an niversary. The hall was handsomely docoiattd for the occasion nnd ptu sonted a most beautiful appearance. Tho national colors were strung In gieat profusion across tho hall, while the balcony was draped with pink and iiKin green, v uuuiDcr oi small col ored incandescent lights added plc tiitcsqueuess to the scene. The supper was excellent, and tho entertainment all that it should be. The annlvetsary was a big success In , every patticular. CONCERT TONIGHT. All an angemonts for the concert to l given at the Couit Stnet Methodist chinch tonlcht hnvi. boon mndr. .ml ' it Is expected that the expectations of sue ces will be realized. ' At the con clusion of the conceit refreshments will be served In the lecture loom. rollowlng Is the pingrnmme tor tho concert: Selection Wakefield's Orchestic. Piano Solo Miss Hi.imlt Solo Mr. Pud Terwllllgor Piino Solo Ml"s llessie Iteel Recitation Allm Jissle Sloans Piano Duet . Mls Wolf. Air. 1'. Iieiijaniln Character Song . Mr. Charles Tervv llller Alaudolln nml IMino Duct, Oeoigo Haw ley iinel P. rtonlamla r.ocltatlon AIlss Steal lis Vntal Duct Miss Plnn. AIlss Slckler Selection Otchestiu Aihnlsslou 10 and 1j cents. PEUSOXALi NOTES. Ml-s Margaiet Moran, of Wc3t Mar ckt stieet, lias letuined after a week's visit with filends in Caibond.ale Mrs. J. H. How ells, of Taylor, Is -visiting iclatives on West Mniket street. David itlehauls, of Taj lor, visited Mr. James Thomas, of Edna avenue Mis. llnchel Jones, of Pittston. ! seilously 111 nt the home of hot daugh ter. Mis. Itoss, of Noith Main avenue. Miss Jennie Pilco and Miss Dora Evans, of Plj mouth, are the guests of fi lends on West Matket street. Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin Iiinoks, of Cllf loid, Susquehanna county, who hnvo been vlsltlntr Mr. and Mrs. William Gieen, of Amelia avenue, for the past week have returned home. Mis. Patrick O'Malley, of Pittston, and daughter Mni" weie visiting filends on West Maiket sticet jestei da Miss Grace Tlmbeilv, of Washing ton, D C, Is visiting ft lends em West Market stieet. Mis David X. Lewis and daughter. Mis. William Powell, of Tavlor visited iclatives on Spilng stieet jestorilaj'. Mrs George Joell, of Patker street, visited filends In Taylor yesterday Miss Lizzie Thajnc, of Margaiet avenue. Is entcitaining the Misses Mai If and Maud Fairell, of Montrose. Miss Martha Daniels, of Foi est City, Is visiting Mrs. Aaron Jones, of Sum mit av enuo. Miss Maiv Boland and Miss Mary Claik. of Carbondnle, are the guests of the Misses McCaithj', of Noith Main av enuo, Mrs. Anna CI irk Is ciltlcally 111 at her home on West Market stieet Miss Helm Muller, of New Yoik cltj". has accepted a position In the city goods deputment of Chnppell's store. Alfied Moigan Is seilously ill at his homo on Chinch avenue. Miss Maiy Paennnn, of Kingston. Is visiting Miss Maiv MeMuhon, of West Maiket stieet. SHOUT PARAGUAPIIS The Maniuetto council. Y. M. I held n regular meeting at their rooms on North Mnin avenue Tue-alay evening, at which a large amount of Impoitant business was transacted A geneial committee of three was appointed to act In conjunction with a like commit tee of the Father Whlttj's to anailge plans for the celebiatlon of Dewey Daj. May 1. The Welsh Piesbvtoilau church of Wayne avenue will hold an enteitaln ment on the evening of May 8 at the church A pilao of $4 will be given for I !l (loublf1,.fl1ua,te,tt.Mrt"Tt, WB I be"1 --nmi;n of 'He L vcth L t Monday evening HeyO. P. Iiionson, the weeping evangelist, will give his lifis tall; at S o'clock in tho 3:ast Matket Stteet Pilmltlve Metho ellst church. Ni-t Mondaj evening the Junior league of tin Hast Market Street Pilml tlve Methodist church will hold a pea nut soc The Taj lot Dancing class will hold a gtand fcoi lal at the end of the sea son which will end Apiil 2(3, nt O'Mal le a hall." iNrorvcsJCJCorsJCO I Does Coffee I Agree with You? It not, drink (irun-O niado from jujro grams. A lady writes: "Tho tlrsttiiuo Itnido (iiniti O I did not liko it hut alter using it for ouo week nothing would in luce mo to go back to coflne." It nourishes 2 nnd feeds the Mstoni. The children cm drink it freely with great beuo 2 lit. It is tho streUKthe'iiiui; sub. utauco of jmro grams. Get ii pic!.. no to-div from your groteu follow y thoilirictlouiininaldiiK' " ' it will hnvo a dilidous nnd lionhlitul 2tublo beviriijo fur old nud jouug. 15c. nud 25c. 7 InIt that our crocc rgli c you (l ItAlX-O Accept bo iiuUallou. CS3 CNJI CV3 CVS CO CvJ CS C-JI IV, Tissue Dr. J. V. Littell, of Lafayette. Ind., writes " I have prescribed Johann Hod's Malt Ex tract and find in It all the requirements of a true nutritive tonic and tissue builder," Th world' f-TcUe-it tonic inj -strrtiKtli ulrr. Johann Hoffs OLD AND TEETH 1)K HILL cV SON PTTT.T. Rr.T IV iSil.i rti-p-pTTT itrTTwnTT'T' PT.ATT.R art nn will do all kinds or teeth extracted free Denial work at TL" nos. 750 . SILVER FILLINGS 50a lower prices tlinn amalgam fillings 250 llll nllll'l- llfllf 1st in Q0LD crowns s?u.oo to t?5.00 iiiijiMiiii iiuiiim ill 0THEK CRoWNS S1.00 each bClMllIOIl. VITALIZED AIR 25c Wo have been In Scran ton over 10 ".i-jr. we are here now, we Intend to stuj hen Our business Is not ii mere etu Wo will not do work to day that you cint call us to r.ecount for tutnor tow. We compete with the cheup .iilveitiuing dentists who are hero to d.i y and gone tomotrow, but vvc do not compare , our work Is a conlriiht So do not nuke a mis. take, nil out opemtors 4'"" 'H' suufents' experts ot skill and nee, una not mere) :s. Still our oiloes ero lower than tne low est. IJcwnro of lmrcbters and charlatans who can affi rel to ruin your tieth In raise they nre not llnnnclallj responsible llow can vve do better tlinn thcv? The aiswer Is easy: We have a dental oflh o In neurt, even city In the 1 nltnrt 4t.,tPl fim! WO til.V OUT MllOnlloq 111 e hnl.,4illn WIP i,iwl Mn , m.nn n.n ton rive better prices tlinn unvone else. Ds pcrlenco counts ulso. and vvt have expe ! ilence bebides our diplomas. Don't be buncoed: get the best, tho most lelluble. the most comfortable and tho most durable. The newest methods! Tho latest appli cations' Tho best materials! these are attractions worth considering He bides, nervous people and thei-e with heart weakness can have their teeth tilled or I crowned with absolute sifetv and posltlveh without pnln We nro the only J reallv up-to-date Dental estnblMimont In N'nrthc intern Pennbjlvanlu Teeth ex ttactlng In the morning nnd a new set furnished In the afternoon Is nn old prac tice of ours Wo are the original, all others inators of vitalized alt ALBANY DENTISTS, Over First National Bank THE "LEONARD" CLEANABLE Is a Perfect Refrigerator. Economical of Ice. Easy to Clean. Alade of Ash. Prices Start at $5.50. WE ARE SHOWING Foote & Hears Building, 140 AMUSEMENTS. T YCEUM THEATRE, J UUS & BURUUNDUR. LeiJe:i II. R. LUSH. Managcr Thursday, April 20 WM. HfWESPS (Formarly of I'rlmroia A West) B1C MINSTREL JUBILEE -INCLLDINC- CAKROLL JOHNSTO.. R. J JOSn. 10MLBVVIS, TIIDURUAT TROVOLLO -ANU- SO OTHERS SO PItICES-23. 50, "5 and J1.U0. Saturday. April 22, Alailnee and Gvenine. The merlcau HloKiapli, Owned and (iper uteillivtlie Vmerieiii Mlteiauopa Com pany, of Nw York Inveutlon of llcrinun Culler. Beautiful Views of Pope Leo In ills l.tll Life About tho Vutlcau liunlous War Views. .Miscellaneous Views Prtees for Matincr Chlldien .iilulls W cents livening pi lees i'i ei n i DUNMOEE. Miss Caroline Conl.llng oi the Si ran ton Conservators , n.sted hj JIls-cs Lmm.i Hone and Ituby Yost and Master Oscar LtulvvlE. will give an evening of liudlngs and music In the Methodist ipltcopal church tomoiiovN evening unde r the uus. pices of the Lpvvorth league Letters lenialnlng uaclahned foi ni the postolllce. during the period ending April 1", issn I'emons calling for thos.i letters will pleae sav advertised In Scran t n Tribune Mis Maiv Coniu Ilv M'i Iiviiiff nveeue. Thorn is iluviis 311 Spencer stieet P W. Ileulev, corner Cluj avenuo nnd Moom sticet, .Mrs. Conrad Schueld-'i, 1017 P.ldgei stieet, J J Fallon. John Gal laghel. J T Grub. Mis Muly U'lleli. Miss Minnie Mjcrs. J. II Murphy. Mls Maggie Ollora. Gulpeppe Slmone, An tonio Gronilano, Oulseppe Sgallo fu Gul Keppe lto.a RunuUll The Men's guild of St Milks Kplsco pal chuich will conduct a social at the home of Mr Jacob IlroiiFon, on Klti street, next Wednesdav evialng. All will be welcomed and a good time pi omitted It was not the fault of the auditors th it tho school lion id elld not meet Tuesday evii'ng to tnineact the business of the spielal meeting, but tho fuult of the di rt etors Met-si-H llronson and Webbe hi Ing prew nt Tho llllng Workers of SI. Murk' cluirch held a Gvnsy tea tu the parish house last evening Scveinl booths were In roiiBplcilous places, win re funey and useful articles were dlspot-ed ot 'I'll a little one were liand-oinelv diesned In true Gp stvle A luige number weie nvsent Tin pioeieds will go townrds the current expenses of tho church The I.nUb h' Ti mperance socle ty hel 1 i social In Washington hull last evening. Tin lare lull was well tilled throughout the evening A neat sum was icalUed Horn To Mr. nnd Mis. John Gllligan, of Webster av enue, n soti, The Infant child of Mr. and Mis T. II McCllniock, of Jeff oi son uvenuei. Is t-erl-ously 111. Mr, and Ml 3. JumcM Kimball, of Mos- BuIBder MALT EXTRACT RELIABLE, See the Low Price. Full Set, $4. Full Set, $4 Albany Dcn.l.sts. Tni - TII R nnn aro mero imitatots. We uro the orlg- Eight Walls for Insulation Solid Zinc Lining. TWENTY - EIGHT STYLES Fuller Co - 142 Washington Ave. AMUSEMENTS. A CADEMY OF MUsSIC, Xi- KUROUNI)I:r & Rills, Leneei II. R. LUNU, Managir. .nnllnnVJn Monday, April 17 The Clever Little Actress KATHERINE ROBER. Iu a reportolro of populur pUyn. riii Ai'n:n.vco- THB CLKMlnNCRAU CASE TON Kill 1'- TIIE MYSTERIOUS MURIIER. Dime Matinees Daily, Beginning Tiiexlii). Evening Prices 10, SO, 30 cents. 3 DAYS ONLY 3 Commencing Thursday Matinee, April 20 ROSE SYDELL'5 London Biirlesqiiers, -WITH KARINA The Great French Cinnsnnettc. cow lulled upon Apple ttreet tric-nda jesli MIhs .Villle Hlch.uds. of Peekvllle has lett.rneil home after a with Mti.s Katie ftlehaids. of Kabt Drinker street Missis C.nniv nnd Iliovvn. of 1-orest City wre 111 iiltenilancK at tho social In Yvas.liliiKli.Mi hull last evening. FOKEST CITY. living Uus. hon ot T J I1iim wda Mrimislv Injilied nt No. J Miufl jeter il,i Hi w.ih enililinid as dooiboj hut ul the lime of the accident win engBged In diivlug two mules iittnchnl to ,t trip of cats Ills lUhl went out and In hoiiiu nmimer he HtimihlKi iu front of the ears lie tccilvul a seveie t-culp wound and llH Idft aims was biilj Incciated Dr Pnur liiund It neeessarj to make elglu cell stltcheH to elo-e up the wounds Tho little follow was 11 ulliig cpilte comfore nlih Inst eveiihu; luit at this time It is dilllcult to determine what tho result ot ih- lUituii will he Laige iiuaiitllli h rf Hilckois ore being caught at tin Stillwater tenervolr hut h vet iiiiKlcis foi trout have met Willi poor surcei-s. George S. Dunn, of Jcinijn, was In town jcHleiduv. The Iculles of the Methodist Kplscopal 1 lunch made Hev. Mr. Stone a very plnis aut leception on his return from Ktugiito'i coiitcrtnco last evening, ""9L s. &