The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 20, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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    ' t
Produced the Famous
"Monroe Head" Sil
ver Certificate.
Chief Wllkie's Men Corner n Gang
r ' the Most Skillful Counterfeiters
Ever Appiehendetl at Lancaster.
They Made a $100 Sliver Certifi
cate That for a Time Baffled Ex
pel ts Also printed Internal Rovp
nue Tobacco Stamps in Lingo
Quantities A Well Known Phila
delphia:! Is Attested on Chat go of
Attempting to Bribe the Govern
ment Detectives.
Washington Aim II 1') I'ioIi iblv Hip
Tiiot important iptiun In the hlstuiy
of tln spcict sen Ice n made yestet
da" in Philadelphia b.v Chlct John II.
Wllkie and his agents when the at
tested Ai thm T.i lor anil Ualdvvin S.
l'.ieeldl the make-is of tin- ruinous
.iiintei t fit Monioe head" one bun
dled ilollir lhei nitliltate. 'these
.uresis weie followed today b the cap
ture tiuiaj in Laueastii. I'.i , of Wil
liam I. Jacobs and William 1, Ken
dig two piomlnent i igur inanufuctiir
eis ind James Linns who was in
.Iamb-, cniploj Tin j al-o cup
tiud tin oilginal plati fioni vvhlih
tilt sllvoi (Oltllll ll"S WPe IllUllt .1
new bundled dull n lountiifeit plati",
a now '0 plate and nl-o thin i ts of
pliti" loi the pi luting ill (oiinicifclt
ti niii siami s mils otliPi piiuphti
nallii and ibmit thi tons of pipei mil
a huge amount ot count! licit stamps.
'J In Minimi- hind" pine and also the
stamp plitis mil tin other m.itciials
v "ic lound in Lancaster, when- the
pilnllnc was dope The plati s tm llu
now noi, and the $".o note weie
toiind it I'hlladilphla The nfllclali
Irni tuktii possession ,,f tin. facilities
of the dgniinnkiis and hnvt also nt
i.olinl th"lr hank ai fount Tnlor
llll I 1-1 1 (llll it Is Mid weie (qptlllnl
v I ib- aitu.ilh at woik on tin new
plates Thi' aie young nun whowei -unplovid
in l'hlladlphlu b.v dllfiint
Inns, but sometime ago statted In
huslin ss toi thPuiMhis The aie
said to be ppiii engiaveis and never
hi fou have been undei stispli ion The
men will he hi ought he fine the I'nltccl
Sintes oiiinusonei and undoubtttllv
will he liioiu'lit to tuil at the i.tilicst
possible uiouitut Tin aie said to
have ( loda thai It ss than
$10 ono ,,f th . fatnmis notis weie put
Into pluulatlon
The sllvoi eeilille ale, which was fhst
discovered a Mar .171 last fall, by an
olllcial of th subtieusuiv at Philadcl
phla, was pmbabl. the most dan'eiom
counteitc-lt ppi put in c Initiation and
en the oxpeits of tin kiiu innienl lor
.i long time vv-ie uudi tided as t
Mhi tin t the note was gi nuine oi i oun
tdtelt Attei a most catdiil senith,, a ilistlnguls-hlng maik was
dlseoveud which dei Id. d the iniestlon
.mil enibltd tin olllilals nulllv to
distinguish th- genuim In m the spill
lou Snietai G igi h-i oni.ed the
u ;ii.ii daugpi of this luw note
and Hi i nu lallnl in tin entlu Issue
if ii nnv millions of uollai.s At the
Kann Hum he sent warning to all p.uts
ol Uu uniiiti lull diu, rlbliiK the iiiite.
This pmiupi .n Hon bilkul the cottn
ttlfelLls it tin iiv beginning Al
though less than an hundinl notes
Weie Issui d, mil) about twentv-slx
Iiiim In n (11m "i i i d 1M ins wi ip si t
ill to tin ipiiiliPUd the eiituiti ifi Hi is
nnd acting on tin edvhe of sstunt
Sfiotiuj aniUilip, Mi John 1:
W ilKIt a m.spipii man of ("hie at,",
who was known to bae done some
vis i'evii detective we rk, Was suit
f ii and plated in chaige nl tin Hint
hiivlep buiiau. lie lminoellateh laid
bis plans and nil Feb 1, sji, found
In din whlih ii suited In j.ostonl.u's
and toibu's must Imp ut.ini taptuiix
I'loni the ir til Mt appc.inuiie of iln
notcs, S'riiPt.tiv Oare aid Assistant
SitiPtnj VandPilIp liase takin kii it
Intetmt In tli eaptuie of the iuIjiiHh
nnd din Ins; the hint fourUui months
lnp b a in 1 1'ise touch with eery
iiiom that Iiiih been iimdu and hac
miUeiiallj uslste(l I'hlef Wllklt in hU
.out; hunt.
Entetptising Cigai Deuleis.
lxiiHiiHtti, I'a , Apill lit 'the wai
luntH for the ai 1 1. st of .lambs, tils
two bo lltktepi is, IKnij Hi.illlfr nnd
.Simon KlelnordllnKei- W I. KendliT,
am. his foi eman, JameH liimiH. "John
Dm and II r, trdiu,' wtie Hwoin
out bj Unltud .statpn Coininl'sliuiLi'
Henr F IJdmuiidx, of I'hllailelphla.
Seciot Sertlte AKent John V Will It, bj u doen "etiet ,S(?ilce
ilttectlefi, came hue nils morning
Chief Wllkie llihtisbueu utt.uhmeUtKiiu
the Fulton National bank the Funn
els' National bank and the Noithern
National bank on the deposits of
Jacobs' In thttif liiHtltutlmis. nniount
intr to .'5.000 .latobs was then placid
under nrrest, and latei all thorn, named
aboM with the exception of 'John
Doe" nnd 'II F Kenlipi" thine hit
ter nuni undout)t(dl helnt; tlPtltlnut-.
Tin i iken before 1 niteii .States
C'omii Iwioner H T. MiinlKnniHiy uml
wulvi d a heailiiK'.
The commlsslonei tued JaeohH' bad
at 13,000, and that ot Ki mlli, an 1
limns at $25,000 each
Kendlg wns teleased on ball toniht,
but Jacobs nnd Hums wpih sent to
Jail nnd will bu taken to I'hlladelnhla
tomoiron moinlni; The sceret ei vice
oJllceis found over u ton of Rovein-
input paper in KiMiiligN wni chouie,
also the Monroe hcud of the $100 silver
eertlllputt'. This was turned over lo
t'hlpf Willtlo by Kcndlif. Tlipro 'weie
other paraphernalia, for the manttfan
turn of u cnuntprfplt $100 note and on
for a note Neither of the platts
for these notes had evpr been used
No tonntPrMtln ease In the history
"f the Rovpinment has Riven the pcret
si i Ire men so much trouble as the
nip Just btotiKht to u focus. The eoun
tulelt I'liltnl States sliver certllleute.
soi Ins of 1S')I, rheck-letter "f." por
Italt of Jnttno Monroe, was lltst dls
covered at the Philadelphia sub-ttens-uiy.
So iierfect vas the
In eveiy detnll thut for a Ioiir time
banktts and cxpeits refused to believe
It was a cotintPifpIt and insisted It was
pi luted from the ri nuine plate. U
was tinned over to the seerot service
division and nftei a tareful inspection
It was pronounced a counterfeit. It
was tniiiid that the notes Irtd been in
( Initiation since June, 1SS7. When
I'hlpf John 11, Wllkie nssumtd cliui;t
of the srciet selhe division III Pi b
l H9 he took up the matter and
asslKiied tlip liivpstlinllun to William
f. Imins, of the WashiiiKton ollli e
IJvcty cnmitcr in tin- T'nlted St.itis
Ut was tompitteiit of p"rfoinilnK thp
voik pontnltn d on thp counterfeit ( cr
tilliat" vvas plat id under suneillutii e,
'I lie only ilefp' t In the original toun
titfrlt was that the cpitlfleate notes
weie ptiuttd on piper made by pasting
three liltcc- topi tin r nnd placimr lh
silk fibre betwien the llrst and second
plicis. To ovpiconip this defect the
(onspliatots, it Is alleged, built th"
muhlneiy and opened a plant for the
m inutnctuie of papei
Tlie Attest of Newitt
IMillailelphla, Apiil 19 A Fonatlonnl
airist was made in this dtv tonight
in connection with the capttue of the
countPifeitiinr K'inij. Haivey K New
itt. who was assistant 1'nlted States
dlsti It t attorney In this city dm Inr; the
administration of l'nsiilint I'airison,
was tnkm Into ciistod b seeiet sei
viie men on a wairant tworn out by
Chid Wllkie. (haisrhih- him with biib
Iiik Deteethc MiMjiuis, of the T'l'Ma
ilelphl i olllcp. He wits Klven n prlxat"
he mini; before United States Tommls
.sloner rdmuiids and held In $lr, ono
ball, whli Ii was furnished b a wealthy
trlind It was shown at the healing
th it on March t Newltl K.nt McMumis
$"0u as a Inlbc and on Match S. T00
mole. This inonev was tutn"d over
to Mi. Wllklt .is si on as It was ie
tthed Aceordinir to tin stoiv told
b one of the otlleei, Kendlif, of f-an-lastct,
huspeeted i.ulv this vear tint
he and his i ontedi intts weie I). Ins
vviitched by scent s(.i(p men In
eaMei He came to this tlt and e n
K.iKed Newitt as a no-bi-tweeii to hi lb
Oilieeis Uurns and McManu, vho
weie woikim; on the oi-o Hums
was not hid but Newitt saw
MiMnnUh and the lnttei offotd lo at
ctpt the lulbi All the meetings be.
twten Newitt and McM.uius weie wit
nessid li membpis of Mi. Wllkie's
feme and th evidence ugilnst him Is
h.tld to be most positive.
Newitt l well connected and has
piaitiiid law heie since letlilnir fioin
tie I'nltnl States district .utoinej s
olllee. He has also been piomlneiit in
polities and was auieed upon us the
tandlekite of Hip antt-admiulstiatlon
fai timi of the Ht publican part In this
(Itvlast viai foi i ee elver ot taxes He
had been put In the Ibid bv the fac
tional opponents of Dav hi Mai tin, who
had eaptured the convention and nomi
nated bis biother-In-lnw, A illlam J.
Honey, foi the olllee Ilefore election
da howevei, a tempoiaiy tiuce was
patched up and Newitt was withdrawn.
It was stated bete tonight that
enough counteifeit stamps weie cap
tuitd bv the detectives in Lancaster to
cover 410 million cigars. As near as can
be learned, about $140,000 vvutth of
bogus stamps have been iiskI on cignis
this tai sent out from Lancaster. Much
of the money tealled has been spent
on experiments In manuf.ictuilns;
"scattetcd llbic" paper, sui h as Is
usi el bv the government.
As detailed in the Washington dls.
patches, Arthur TuIor and 11 S. 15ie
lt 11. ot tills tit, were ane steel and
given a healing, charged with tountcr
feltlng. They weie held in $10,000 ball
for a fuithet healing One of the two
men Is said to have told an Intciestlng
stor of the mamiei In which the paper
lor the counteifeit $100 sliver certifi
cates was obtained This was done bv
splitting $1 notes, bleaching the paper
and then pasting the two halves to
getliei Upon this sheet a $100 bill was
in luted whii h o nearl tesembled the
g nuine tn asm v note as to dttclve the
most cxpett pe
Volunteeis.' Return Will Commence
About May 5 Philiplnos Build
Hopes Kebels Much Scatteted nnd
Demoralized Our Tioops in Good
Health nnd Spliits.
Washington, Apill l'i The following
cable has Just been lecclvcd fioin flen
eial Otis-
M.'lilla. April U
Aeljiitiint (leneial Waslilngtun
Law ton returned fioin Lake Country
lTlh Inst, bihiglng captured essds In
siirj,..nts much stalteicd. ittreat befu.o
our forces, uvv.xlt opioi tunlty to attack
ilitaehmentH Jiette I class of ppi,pu tired
of win, iltblio peace Hncmj liulld hupo
on nturn of om volunttiis to United
Stalin lis nuny Is much demoralized
niiel loss by desertion anil deith lnb'o
Will pioliibly prosecute rfiierllla waitiro,
looting and burning count! which it
occupied Health and spliits of tioops
good Volunteers' rotuni will commence
about Ma I Will n udei willing sir
vice until totutn transports avallible
Lmbiikatlon will continue through Juno
and Iul Itcpons from VlMan Islands
contlnuo cij encmiraglliK. Iuter-lsiaud
coimnorco htavij, ciiHtoms tecelpts in.
cruisliiif otls
Obsexved by the Sons of Revolution
ot Boston.
HoRton, April 19 -The Bona of tho Rev
olutlun obnurved Pati lots' Uuy today by
the iiiivelllng of n tablet placed upon tliu
tomb In Kliif, s chapel IiuoIiik grounds
which marks the resting place of Will
lam Dawes whoso during midnight tide
of Apill 1S-10, 1775, vvus of tho same char,
ucter as tho rldo of Paul Huvure.
The ceremony was followed by a Inn
etuut at tho Hotel Vcndomo at which Son
at or Hoar and former United States
Minister to Spain llannlu Taylor were
the piluclpal speakers.
Mr. Grady and Mi. FHnn Indulge In
Side Remarks While Lieutenant
Governor Gobln Raps in Vain for
Order The Resolution Calculated
to Cast rurthor Opprobtlum. Upon
Senator Quay Receives Only Six
llariisburg, Apill 19. The Nyce reso
lution calling upon the attorney gen
eral to piosecute all those, Including
ex-Senator Quuv who had been cliaiged
with leeelvlng lute I est on state's
money, precipitated a heated debate in
the senate this morning It wns u bit
ter tight between the two factions, and
linallv the resolution was laid on the
table b a vote of it to Ii The fit st
speaker was .Mi. Uradv As he began
to speak, Mr I'llnn made ide lemiuks
to him, and Mt llraely told him to
mind his own business Meanwhile,
Mi Ileiity demanded the question and
Mr. Tliovvu, of l.awience, tinned
mound nnd said to him "We elo not
pioposo to vote for a lie "
Mr. Giad piocteded dechnlng that
the tender of suth a lesoliitlon while
the trial of u great cause wns pending,
was In bad taste and an attempt to
prejudice the case He asset ted that
time was no ix cuslou to Instinct the
attorney geneial.
Following Mi. rSiady came Mi.
lit own, of Lawrence He said theie
was but one truthful sentence lit the
whole lesolutlon and that was the lino
declaring state funds to he tiust funds.
Tor one, he felt that the procpedimrs
weie uiipiecedeiitid. monstrous for the
leglslatuie to pa's Judgment on a in in
whose llbeitv was now at stake in n.
couit of Justice
'I have th" wend of Senatoi Quay
himself" said Mi. Hi own "that he
never received a e ent ot Interest em
state moneys and 1 take his statement
as against all the vile- libels of the
lvlng malicious hounds who have been
hounding him tot veais"
Mi Mel i Id;, of Tioga, also opposed
the resolution and charged that Hie
men lighting Mr Qunv weie gueirillas
and that the object of the lesolutlon
wns lo pieludlce the minds of the
lui in s In the Qua i ase The proceed
ings wen Intel uipted by one ot tho
most exti inrdluntv .scenes evtr wit
nessed In the senate Mi. Fllnn walktd
civet to Mi. Meiikk, and Klnticed over
the eopv of the lesolutlon To this Mr.
Merilck objected and .Ml. Hiaely ie
marked "Vh don't von let the
speaket nlone?"
"Why don't von mind vom own busi
ness'.' ' said Mi Fllnn angrily.
'That Is ni business," lejolned Mr.
Lint It Is mit, leplied Ml. Tllim
"You tend to oui own business, foi
I will have1 no Intel fete in e fioni vou"
All this time Lieutenant Governor
fiobln, who was In the chali, was tap
ping foi order. Finally he called upon
Hip sprgennt-at-arins to put himself at
the bar. Theieiipon Mi. Fllnn began
to walk ovei to his
"We will have oii seated" said Mr.
Glad, vvlioye face was cilmson ftom
"Hut on can't do that " was the
i eply
' I don't want to " said Mi. Giad.
"That Is a matter between vou und
the sergeant-at-arms "
Mr. FUnn took his seat, and Ml
Osbomn aiose and said
I will offei a resolution censuring
Mr. Fllnn. I nevei saw such a scene
in my life lu the senate of Pennsyl
vania "
"Well, offer the resolution," declared
Mr Fllnn
Willi this the inc Ident ended
Order having been rcstoied Mr.
Henry denied that the te was any eflort
to ptejudlce Quay Juimen, und that
the i evolutions slmplv contained a
buslntss pioposltloti He was followed
by Mr. Fllnn, who made a similar
statement and wound up bv mov' g
to strike out Mr. Qun'.s name fioin
the resolution
Mr. Hi own of Lawrence, moved to
fui ther amend bv killing the prcnmb'3,
but Mr. Cochiun moved to lav the "p'
olutlon upon the table. This w is
ngteed lo, the yeas being 3!, the navs
Ii Those voting In the negative who
Messis. rilntt, Heni, Miller (Heiks);
Wishbuin. Weiss and Wellei.
Mr. .Martin was pieent but elld not
v ote.
Effoit to Extend Sessions.
Attei this Mi. Fllnn, by resolution,
made an effoit to extend the session
of tho leglslatuie until May 4 Th"
lesolutlon stated that the legislature
had not passed sutlleicnt levenue bills
and moieovir that It had falltd to
elect n United Htati s si nator In his
opinion nn e.xtia session might hdvo
to be railed.
Mr (Study opposed the lesolutlon. H
said that It was not jet too late to
i also enough revenue for the states
needs. Mr Me Curell was anothtr op
ponent ot the resolution, and he Invit
ed the anti-Quay membeia to come
over to the Quayltes anil elect a United
Stntes senntoi. "I am delighted at the
political situation In the state," said
Mr. Cochnn. There Is every Indl ,
Hon thut we will have two Republican
parties In l'ennslvanln, and I am op.
posed t the resolution."
Mr. I'llnu stnted that lu hi? Judg
ment Qu.i's name was wiped forever
fiom the roll of the United States sin
uto, und he attneked the Republican
organization In the state most emphat
ically. Tho lesolutlon, which requited
Ihiity-four votes for Its pissuge, wns
defeated by a vote of SO to C, the nf
fltmatlvo votes being: those of Means
Crawford, Fllnn, Henry, Losch, Scott
(Luzerne) and Weiss
To count the votes of the election
of tho next state trt'isurer, tho senate
elfcted ,"srs. Washbutn. Neely,
Hummel and Stlneman The sennto
coiicuued in the house resolution that
the hour of final adjournment tamer
row be nt noon.
The senate this afternoon passed fin
illy two revenue bills and killed three.
Tho Kow multiple storo tax bill was
defeated on Until pnssaeo by a vote
of 14 to 14 and by a vote ot ii to 9 tho
net Imposing upon foreign corpora
tions, limited partnerships and Joint
stock associations, a. bonus of one
third of one per cent upon the capital
actually employed In Pentisvdvunia, fell
by the vvaSlde.
The bill placing a slmlar tax on
Pennsylvania coiporations also failed
to go through finally, the jens being
17 und the nays 14 The levenue bills
that passed finally were these-
Providing for the payment of bonus
on chntteis and upon the authorized
increase of capital stock of corpora
tions piovldliJT for the payment of
bonus upon b mils which coiporutlons,
except coiporutlons of the Mist class,
are nuthoilzcil to use.
These house nppionr'atlm bills were
concuired lu by the sen ite. Chlldten's
Aid society, of Westmoreland county,
$3,000, Wagner Fre Institute, Phila
delphia, $.',000: Hu'iueniunn hospital,
Set iinton, $,U00, W.ttren Uinorgen
hospital, $.',000. Weitern Pennsylvania
hospital, 'Pittsburg, $10 000. Altoona
hospital, J0.2CI. Altooni hospital, $10
000. Pemislvanla Museum and School
of Industilal Ait. Philadelphia $10
000. Klttannlng hospital M.OOO. Hile
Home for Filendless, $",,000, Wllkes
HaneClt hospital, $.''i.00i) Saint rrnn
ds hospital, Plttshuig. $j,000. The
anieiidatoiy act ptovldlu,; that vinegar
mule wholly fioin giatiis.' apples or
cithei fielts shall not be lequlril to
contain an acidity of fmn pet vent or
one and one-half per cent, ol nillels,
passed linallv
The senate udjoili ned until S If' o cloi k
this evening
National Gunitl Bill.
The senate bill to piovlde for the in
orranizatlon ot the National Guard
was taken In the house this morning
on a special older and passed llnally
bv a vote of ",J to The bill has
passed the si nate and now goes to the
gov oi nor foi his appioval
A eoneuuelit lesolutlon wus olferel
by Mr. Tow oi Philadelphia tlxlng 12
o'cloi k noon tomotrow for the tlnal ad
journment, the oiigimti n solution not
Uxlng the hum.
Senate bill to em outage pen sons who
lnve been convicted of eiimo to re
fill m. which was defeated istetday
and then recousldeied and postponed,
was called up and defeated, atte I which
the house udlouined to billot for
United States senatoi
The lipoit of the c'onfc ic-iu i iiim
mittpe on Hip bill pioviding foi tin
electing and commissioning ot sipai
ate instil es of the peace In and for
eadi of the winds Into which botoughs
located within the counties containing
not less than 150,000 inhabitants was
i ejected The opposition to the lepoit
was led bj Mi Polity, of Luzeine, who
was a membei of tho eoiifprencp com
mittee and ih lined to sign the leport.
The Mudilbiounei pool bill, which was
defeated list nlsht and then recon
sldeied und postponed, was taken up
lor tlnal passage Mi'ssis. Adams, of
Phlladedphla, Randall, of Chester, nnd
Alman. of Philadelphia, uiged tho de
feat ot the bill on the- plea that it Ipi.p1
le gambling (in the tlnal passage of
the bill It failed by a vote ol 7i eas
to vi navs
The geiirial nppi epilation bill as
amended bv the senate was taken up
this aftiiiioou and Mi Coiay, of Lu
cerne, ealbd attention to the fact that
the chaiifis made by the senate weie
not In Italics us t equine! b the tules.
He moved to nnn-cnuciit and the mo
tion was adopted and the bill will go
to a committee of conference
Mi l S.u In. of Delawan tullel up
the tonteienie repoit on the meican
tile tax bill Mi Cieas of Columbia,
opposed the repoit, which was adopted
bv a vote of l !! to Jl. The bill to vali
date convivunces and othei Instill
incuts which have been defectlvel ac
knowledged passed llnall
The House Leader Will Leave Con
giess and Practice Law.
New Yoik Apill 19 Thomas 11
Heed, speaker ot the houe of repre
sentatives, this morning detlnltel con
cluded atiangements foi retliing fioni
congiess and entering into the practice
of law In this city He has become a
member of the film of Simpson,
Thathei i Hat mini, of 10 Wall strict
-Mr. Reed will go abioad lu a few das,
to be absent about two months, and
Immediate! upon hid return will net
Ivelv begin vvmlc In connection with
his new legal associates. So much Is
authoritative! announced, though
many details leg.udlng the speaket 's
new lelatious l cumin to be settled
While in Washington last week, Mi.
Reed urrunged his atfails then so that
he would not be obliged to letuin
thither for an length of thm To
fib nils In Washington he has said that
he Is a poor man and thinks It high
time he should muke some money,
which ho cannot do If he lemniiis in
congiess. While the announcement of
Mi Heed s decision to ic-tlie fiom eon
guss comes as a suipiise at this mo.
nnnt something of the kind has boe n
hinted at seveial times of hue Tho
piesldent vsas advised of It and when
Mi. Reed was entei tallied at dtiiuei by
the Republican membei.s of tho New
Yoik congtesslonul delegation sonio
weeks ago he Intimated his decision to
ii tire.
Mr. Biynn a Guest nt the Gland Cen
tral Palace.
New Yoik, .pi II 19 The second of
the "one dollar" Hiyan dlnneis, under
the auspites of the workingmen, wni
held tonight at the Grand Contial pal
tu e. The dinner was not as largely
attended as the one glvtn ! the Cm
eago platfoun Demounts hist Satni
da night, tnough th'ie weie 1,""0
guists. Rack of the rpt-akeis painted
on a largo cunv is wnt. the following-
'A sBtem ol political economy will
et dawn which will peifoim as well
as piomlse, which will tain the riches
of n.uuio Into the laps of tho statvliis
poor "
Colonel William .1. Hryan entered the
hall soon after 7 o'clock und was te.
celveel with npplane A levee foi
lower Mi. Hrnn's entrance nnd hun
dicels shook his hand, including many
Tho menu was of the simplest. It
wus Vegetable .soup, haddock, egg
sauce, pickles, lee cienm, cakes and
co flue
When Mr. Hryan arose to spruit the
assemblage uNo ntose and yelld nnd
cheered for suvernl minutes, Mr. Hi an
had to wave his bund many tlmoj
befoie his ndmliou. would give way,
and then they did so only when tired
Couit Adjourned In Order to Give
the Defendant's Attorneys Oppor
tunity to Piepare a Case Meyer
Goldsmith's Testimony Relied
Upon by the Ptosecutlon Director
of the Mint Henry K. Boyer on tho
Philadelphia, Apill 19. t'nexpeeted
ly to almost every pel son interested
the prosecution lu the tilal of ex
Unlted States Senatoi Quay for con
spiracy closed Its case toda after nine
das lull of argument, clashes of coun
sel, and testimony, luigely ot an ex
pert nature. The geneial expicsslon
of opinion has been that tlu tilal
would drag thiouglt niany mor" elas,
and jvhen District Attuiney Rotheimel
announced that he had conclude 1 ther
weie expiesslons ot surmise fioia all
paits ot the couit loom. The end enine
at 1' o clock, Just one hour betcne the
usual hour of adjournment, und after
a bilef consultation among counsel for
the defense and Judge Riddle, the lat
ter adjoin mil couit until tomorrow in
older that Mr Quay's I.ivvers tnlgh'
have time to consider what steps tin y
shall take with tespect to the pie
SPiitatlon of their side It was stated
that the question of enteilng le
luutrci.s to the ptoseeutlon's evidence
or pioceedlng with the taking of te.i
tlntunv will be decided by the dpftnee's
counsel tonight
riom the evidence iilieadv presented
It Is npp.uently evident that the com
monwealth depends largely for coml'
lion upon the testimony of Its expert,
Miyer Goldsmith, ns to his Intel pie
tatlons of tho accounts In the 'ml
book, and other books of the People's
bank, and upon the Jury's opinion of
the books papers, letteis. telegiama
and cheike offered in evidence As to
what extent the testimony of the dc -folic
e'.sexpe it should he bp called ma
offset Mi Goldsmiths testimony i
innlns to be seen The contention of
the deft in p In aigument and cios
examination has been that the calcula
tions of Mi Goldsmith aie not borne
out b the books, but on the other
hand show that Mr. Quuv did not lis.
state ninnc tun receive Interest en
state deposits, and that whatever loins
he received wen inaele In the custom
ary manner and b ic ked by sutllclei.t
No Sensations,
TodajV piocoedlngs were devoid of
sensational feattiits. The diy niiitine
of flguies and Involved explanations
f in counts look up most of the time.
Mr. Goldsmith's cro-s-cxuminatlon win
concluded and le-dlrnt examination
was begun bv Mr. Rothermel. The
points biought out bv him were that
the cash account nnd Interest account
of the bank weie deficient by the
omission Of r m tn ill sums lecplvo.l ,,a
inteiest, that It was custom trv to de
signate call loans by Initials Instead of
names. Upon the question of llr.
Qunj's bilnnce in the deposit account
ftom Mnv, 1 'if, to October. 1M7. Ml
Goldsmith s(lid-
' In l'ir,, on Inno :n. the bilnnce was
$-' r.. on Nov Jl, $2,777 f,C; on Nov. 2i,
again 1V,, In 1S'J7. on .Ian 7 iliev
cents; on Oct. iC, $10 000. "o, and on Oct
27. fil'tv cents, at which It lemiilnml
till the end of the month. Thneo n
all vailntions ftom prll 30, li, to Oct'
n, l'jr "
Director of the Mint Henry K Hoyer
was on thp stand and after testifying1
to paving interest In October isii7 ..
a loin call, asked permission to make
a statement In teply to the district nt
tornev's allegations In the coutse of
testimony, that he lecelved interest on
state money while statp treasurei from
May, 1S5' to Muy 1891. Ills request
was not allow (d, but the coutt stated
all teeoiels of replies to thosp questions
were stricken out under the courts rul
Incidents of the Ninth DayMr.
Goldsmith on the Stand.
Philadelphia. Apill 19 The ninth day
In the tilul of ex-United States Sena
tor Qua began this morning with a
request from the Juiy to Judge niddle
that he eMenel the adiourninent each
el ty beyond 3 o'clock. With the excep
Hon of a bilef outing last Satuiday
und Sunday undei the espionage of
mint otlleeis the Jut Is being strictly
ponllned to the juiy looms on the sixth
tloor of the elt hall, adjoining the
couit in which the trial Is in progress.
Judge Riddle (ltolliied to giant tho
nquest Up sympathized with the
Jurors on their enfoicc-d absence fiom
theli homes and business, but sild the
Issues of the case weio ot the L't.ivest
Impoitnnce and theie shouhl be no un
due haste-. After .1 o'clock, he said,
counsel In the case bi gins the hat debt
part of their labois and nn extension
would be too much of a stialn upon
Meer Goldsmith, the ex-pert account
ant for tho commonwealth, was ralleel
to the stand and his cross-examination
was continued bv Mi. Shields. Ilofoio
any questions wete asked the district
attorney said the defenso Ind agreed
to admit true ceitaln foimal evidence
ns to the terms of olllee of state treas
ures This was dono to permit wit
nesses summoned fiom different parts
ot the state to go home und le shorten
the tilal to some extent
Mr Shields icfenlng to tho allega
tion of witness that In August. ISsfi,
$100,000 of state mone was ileiosJtfd
In the People's bank on which Interest
was paid, asked If theie was any entiv
to show such pavment Mr. Goldsmith
said theie wus no single entry. Tho
question wus not pressed any furthei.
Initials to Indicate Boiiowois,
The loans of state money alleged by
the witness to have been made to moie
than fifty peisons nnd on which Inter,
est was paid was then wna into. Tho
questions coveied a "vide line of in
quliy and resulted In some legal spar
ring. Mr. Shields dtew from the wit
ness that the nitiiis of these loans did
not contnln any names of iiersons but
simply initials.
Continued on Pago 1
Weather IndlCJitliini Today!
1 General Important Arrest ot Counter.
State's Kvldenco All Heard In tho Quay
Senatorlil Hnttle Riiils Without an
Heated Debate In the Stnto Senate.
2 Uiso Hall
rinnnelul und Commercial.
3 Local Mluooka Lionizes One ot
l)ew('s Mini
President Will Attend the Letter Car.
tiers' Convention.
I Hditoilal
Hvlile'iicu In Quay Case (Concluded.).
3 Local Asphalt Repair Contract lias
Husv D.iv loi the Lackawanna Pres.
ii Local West Sc7iiiton and Subuiluu
7 News Round About Seiantoii
S 1 ocal Piimlral Court ProieodltiKs
Matters Relating to Teimlnation of
Contracts of Opeiators with Rall
toads Are Discussed
New York, April 19 A meeting of
the Aiithiaclte Coal ciperalois' asso
ciation wns held hen- toda. to discuss
m.itteis relating to the teimlnation ot
the eoutiacts of opeiutots with the
lailioads The meeting wus not to lx
prices, the association having no i ou
nectlon with the coal ugi nts, who met
.1 few ilavs ago Theie appealed to
be a decided opposition to the leiie-w-al
of the eoutiacts with the transput t
lng l.ulioads on the present b isis The
present eoutiacts give the nillioaeis i
ceitaln ppuentage of the tidewater
pliee of eoal as the price of transput
tation The opeiatoib. cunsldei ilns
peieentage too laige and the illlceis
of the assoe Intlon will act as a com
mittee to ttv to get this leduied
Nothing definite was done at today's
meeting, and no time was lKid lor
the next meeting, although one will
be called soon M S Kenuneiei of
Mauih Chunk, pii-sided
Among the opeiatois puent wi te
P D Simpson, of b'tianton. Fiank i.
Patteison, of Phlladdnhla: J Jerni.
of Scianton. T M Rlghtm of Alt.
Carmd: L. A Rile ol Philadelphia,
W. i J'ajiu of Wilkes. Ham, and V..
II Stilt ges, or Sc i iinton
Will Be Held at Hanisbuig on June
14 State Leadeis Oiganlze
Harilsbuig, Apill 10 The- IVino-
ciatle state central committee met in
the Sunn me conn looms at noon to
day lot the pin pose o onjanling and
ileetlim a state c hall man Toi the en
suing veai State Cl.nunan John M.
(.Sai man was in the chil- and Matt
Savuge. ol Cleailleld, acted as seie
tai A committee of thiee was ap
pointed to Investigate the contest tor
state committeeman between ltldiaul
Htane and Thomas .Mul'en, of All -gheii.
Attet the loll i ail Mi. Caiman
made a Inlet speech in w hi h he pn -
dieted that I'tfll) would vltnes a bitter
national snuggle, and he hoped that
the ptopei kind of nitn would be sent
fiom Pennsylvania to the Democratic
national convention.
"Theie was much tuasoti in our
pait two eais ago." he i ontiniled
"Some of the nun now seeking to s( .
cine the Democratic Humiliation lor
Supreme couit Justice told us fun
that they could not support Hi van but
In letlting to piivate life oti may
lest nsstiiecl that there Is at least one
tellow who will nlwuS piotest agati st
ipwuiding suth men unlis thpv hive
genuinely icpented of theli sins in op
posing Hi an "
Nominations lor stati (
WPie then aniioumed to be in oid. r
and Joseph How lev of Pittslup,- -cuilng
the Hoor, declaied that many
Demoeiats of the vvestein pa it ol the
state had asked him to become a r.iv
elldnte for state c hail man "l?oss!sn
is Just as reprehensible lu the Demo
eiatlo partv,' said he, "as it Is In
toe Republican pal t , and foi t'l s t i
son I decided to be a candidate, know
ing that a .seciei eliort was afoot to
send an autl-Hian clelegatlon to tne
next national eonyentlon. but I be
lieve that John S Rilling, of die.
whose name has been mentioned foi
statP chairman, will wear no ma ;'s
collar and that he will he fall and lm
p.utlal. I theiefoie plate him In nom
ination for state t hail man
J. R Keuinii, of Westmorland si p
nnded the nomination, as did Magis
trate Chailes P. Donnelly ol Phlladd
phl i, who divs ago announced
I his candidacy foi state choli man Mr.
Donnelly paid n glowing tribute to fo.
oiieI Guffe, ot Pittsbuig, the leadei ot
I the paity In the state
I Mr. Riling was then elected state
c hnirinan b uidamation. aftei which
be was inttodueed to the committee.
Ho then thanked the members tor the
I honor contorted upon him.
Resolutions congtatiilatlng tho De m-
I o. rallc membei s ami senators upon
their com so in the legislature and com
mending Colonel Gufley, ns the party's
leadei, were adopted, and It was de
deled to hold the next stuto enuven.
Hon In ll.u ilsbuif; on Tunc 14. although
WIlkes-Hatte made a bid foi the con
vention. Steamship Anivals.
N v Yoik, April l'i Sulled Pails for
Southampton Westi iidund, Amwup
'teutonic Liverpool Arilveil. Kalsei
Frlnliilch Huiueu. Hi c men- ultd
Kulsei lllic'hn dt Giuh- fiiim Nun
Yoik via Chtrboutt,- and Soutluinipton.
Southampton Sailed Tiave, fiom lire
men for New Yoik Airlved. Si Louis,
New Yolk. Llaald Passtd Amstei.laui
New Yoik for Itoulegiie und Ruttorel.ini
Sale of Iurnnces.
Hi ailing. Pa. Apill 11 The two llenr
Cla furnacis of this rlt) and the Top
ton tui nme all nvvuid bv the Hekerl
fuiiill, of this (lit) weie sold todav to
the Ihnplie Iron and Steel company foi
$ V,o09
Lacrosse nt Bethlehem.
Ileithleheni, Pa., April 19 ,ehlgh easily
elcftiiteel Huivard In liit'iosse this utter,
nuua by 11 goals to o
The Batlle at Harrisburg
Ends Without an
The Seventy-ninth Joint Ballot Olveg
Quay. 03; Jenks, 85, nnd Jones, 00.
The Tight Which Has Been Dis
tinctly Quay and Anti-Quay Will
Bo Canied Into Eveiy County in
the State Until Suptemacy Has
Been Established.
Haiilsbuig. April 11 The incut bu.
tie fm I'nlted States senatoi ended to
day without an election, an I unless.
C.oveiiioi Stone mils un extia session,
nt which theie should be nn election.
Peniishuiilu will have only one lep
lisentatlve In the Cnlteil States sou
ale In the next two euis After the
liking ot the ballot In the joint con
vention a motion was offered by Ml.
Cow. of Phlladplphl i, and adopted.
Hint a -vote ol thanks be tendeiecl tho
olllcprs nnd Hut the convention ad
join n sine ih. The leglslatuie will ad
join u tliuill ai noon tomoimw and
under tin law the rouvontinii must
ass,.nible at that houi. hence; the mo
tion toadjoiiiu linallv Theie Was no
i Image in today's voting, the friends of
ex-Senilor (Jimv standing by him anil
the antl-Quav Republicans, by H I
Joins, of Pittsbuig while- the Deimi
iiats east Hicli vote for George A.
lenks. who has been tilth candidate
since the deadlock began. The ballot,
which was the seventy-ninth In the
Joint convention lesulted as loltovvs:
.limes . ,
Nn i ".in to ji chofci
voting ii, no i In Hon
121, p died in not
The senutoilil mutest began on Jan.
17 On Hint duv Senatoi (Juay lecelved
his hitthest oie, ivj senators and iep
ttsentatlvis easting their ballots toi
him Thi was thliticn less than the
nilmbei nee ess u v to a choice, and he
nevei i ante neater an election eluiing
the mint than three months of tho
snuggle No such blttei political con
test wus posslhl ever befoie waged lu
this lountiv The tight hns been dl-.-tlnetl
on (iuut and anti-Quay lines
and both sleli u had numerous lepte
sentatives hen- ul all lime keeping a
close watch on the inemlieis and on
inch othei Hoth tides piomlse that
tin- contest fm- supicmaiv will be cir
ileel intoeviiv (ount 111 tin stale and
waged Iuiissanth until final siipiem
my is nssuied The next tight will be
on Hip thali niaushlp ot Hip state poiii
iiiittci Alt-i that will mine the battle
toi the ciuitiol ot the stale ((invention
which will nominal.- u landldate lor
slute ticusiiiei
Measuies Made Law by the Signn
tuie of the Goveinoi.
Haiilsbuig Apill pi The following
bills weie appioyed toela.v by Govei
nor Mom
Amending lie act nt .Miuch i., IsT1!. ip.
lining lo the .-i, ol leronler of (lei lis lu
comities contiilning mine than 'miuoj pi
liililtauts, ami ndlug the .list b. etlon nv
llxlllg the lees to be Plunged tor lecord
Ing and i X(inpilf.vlng tiiHliuments of
writing ii pi din? ilip act of Apill 2X lvS'..
extiiiillng Un lioioliKh ot Athens, Ulul
Intel cniinty mi fai us tin same applies
to the Island opposite the boiough In Hi"
Siisiiiieh limn rlvei , nuihoilliis tho ns
iiitalnmcui avyanl. Uvy, assessment and
(olli'i tlun ot tin i osts damages ami ex
penses nt municipal IiiipioiPimnts, In
cluding tin opening widening, straight
ening, i xti'iidliig guiding paving, nun -ailiimlliik,
iiiblng in oihciiylio tnituot
bu, of sii. e Is lam s, nil -vs oi pirtsthem
ot lompli tul in in cnuisp of complotlnii
Piny tiling for tin as-ertulmiieiit Ii vs un I
i oil. tlun nl damages and benefits tin r,
loi fiom propei t peculiarly benPli'ed
while under existing livvs or oidluiiuers
piivato pmpeity could not be asbosxed
loi special beiiellls, and constlliillug suc-h
In in tits a lieu upon I In propel llett upon
which they an ussi km d, and iiithoiizin
tin c ompb Hon of sin li Improv cments now
in pmgiess iiniiiullug Hip ml of July 1".
U'lT lelatlnr' tn Un dlstiibuilun of tun
public school fund to piovldo that tho
e casus of sdioul chtldiiii In i Itles of lh
first diss shall be t iki n b the election.
uSMSsnrs, uinallim tin ,u t ol April "!,
Antl-Qimyites Will Enjoy a Banquet.
Peimnnent Otjjanlation.
Ilinrlsbtiig, Apill VI -The anti-Quay
Republican memle'is of the leglsiiture
at a meeting this inoinliig dec Idrd tn
accept the Invitation of Senatoi riinn
lo be his gmsts at a banquet In Phila
delphia on Mav 2, at which time tho
committee appointed tu duift a con
stitution and by-laws foi tho otpanl!:-
atlnn will 1 1 pint A eommltteo was
aWo appointed to cliuft an address to
the Republican votms of Pentifr Iv.inla.
upon the policy of the members of th"
I glshitute who have opposed the re
let tloti of Senator Qu.iv.
The tlnal tin ting fm the ptecnt of
tho iintl-Qunv organisation will beheld
toinoirow, when this addiess will bo
ftttt-rttttr f
t- Wn.hin'tnn piil 1!)
- lm 'lliursdii Col eisteill Pi nn-
-f hvlvanla, unsettled w cat lieu and
- posslbl shuwus fieisb to brisk sv
f easterly winds; Prleliy fair and -
lf t ffttt-rtft