THE SCKANTON TRIBUNJO-THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1899. i i 1 1 Jj M 'I Connell Building DESIRABLE OFFICE HULL PRIVILEGES OF Law Library APPLY TO J. I, HUNNlLL. Room 302 Council liulMIni:. in i Thousands of Homes Today The piano stands silent the greater part of the year, only uwjkci'ing when Mm miieli of Homo musical ft lends Mis Uio linusc with unaccustomed melody. tf In these homes the rf OK CHKSTHAI, wero Inticduied It would bo PossIIjIo at any time to enloy nut only nieh music iih the average performer ran produce, hut the nobler i lassie com petitions, Impossible of rendition by any but skilled musicians. The AXOlM.t'S Is not an automaton. It pimply ninstets the illlllcultles und allows the performer to i;lui tueh tlmo and expreheloii which ho may de hire MuMcal people are rharmed with thM most excellent Instrument. We Invito yon to call and see and hoar tlio AN OKM'8 any time. We will take pleasure In entei tabling jou. Perry Brothers 205 Wyominj Avj. E M P SELLS lODAKS And Photo Suppliers 103 Wyoming Avenue. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Kye, Kur, Nose and Throat ( lllreJlour-Pn.m. to 1' p.mj -J tod. Williams liulldiiis, Opp. I'ostollico. XK PCTTMrais fw I CITY NOTES MUUTING TOXH.UT. The Yuuirr 'Un's ussi ciatlon Win Iters' .fid vs 111 conduct i'i meutlng at tho IIcpcuc mib&lun tonight, DIACKAM OPi;.-Tli. duiginm lor nsiiud stilts for conecri "In a I'eislui (indeii" is open at Powell's unities more n Washington avenue. T1IJC SI'AIX UKPOUT. -The Unlit and and water cc.mmlltie of select council will meet tonight to co;.lder tho .Spain report of test of the aio lights. TSCTTim KXOWX AS I.fiTTIK-Thn John Xalli u who wis Tuesday morning and lined $1 liv Major Molr in better known ;e "Lottie" Xallen, of S mill Washington avenue. BIHI.i: IlKAUIXO.-All are welcome, to attend l'rofestor 11. ,s. JiillcrV Wide readimj olass at ,' Adams aveiiuo tins f eiilng at 7.M o'clock. The ..ludv is Kphesl.ins, mcoihI chapter. rinsTTo auiuvj:.-juiiiw Kuoii. out fielder of llvnnsvllle. Ind., and CI force 13. Allm. pitcher, ol Wllll.imi.port, veto tho lb st of the Seranton team to arrive. .Mr Ivnnll Is .leionipanled bv iiK wf,.t lmlng hi en man ltd only tho day bolorc having home. nOl-fillliHTV KlKIJA!,Tho (u. iniul of the lata Klcliard lioiu-heitv will take place Satuiday morning fioiii tho residence of his sister, Mrs. Kute liurKe K1S Penn uwnue. Services will bo con ducted at St. Petei's cathedral and In-t-rmeut will be In the Cathedral ceme tery grAKTUHl.Y SU8SIOX.-A iiuiiiuly cor'viulpn of tlm eeral tiuxliiarkii to the Anrliiit Older ol H.beriiiaus was held TuesdaJ evi nlng In Si. Thomas' col 'ge lull, Miss Catbeilie O'llur.i, c-uiuilj- piesiuent, presided. .Mm-h loutlne busl ness was transacted. Hi. iji. itlhop loban nddrtMLil the s-eilon. SAVixns rrxu.-i'oiiowhii it :i i,t of tho deposits of school No. a jur ,ia. week cndlrg Monday, April 1: Miss l'Moienco K. C'olvln, pilnrlpal. J, I:, MiSb Louise Haines, J.70; U,., AdiUa Wutrou". Jill. Miss Henrietta Suit , SAW; Miss .Mabel Watrous. Jl W; .Mls Mary, .!)l; Miss Hannah Uiu. ris, UCI: Miss Myrtlo Wutrons, o centb; total, 2u.Wi. Mil. ATHIIUTOXS SIJCClISSOn.-Tie next meeting of the bo.ud of dlieetors of the Delawuio and Hudson itullruad com pany will. It Is OMiteteil, bo held at A.1 baiij'. X. Y., ApiU M. in addition to otlur business, the board will In all piobablllty select a successor to the late II. P. Ath erton, pajmuster. At ptcsent Mr. AtliT t n's (.ons and his iisulstuiit. William V. Gates, aro train-acting thu affairs of the olllce. jIKHGATISAU TOXKJHT.-A tesular m 'etlng of tho Seranton lodge of i:iks. Xo. lis. will ho held tonight lit thur rooms on Krunklln avenue. At the con elusion of tho business a re hearsal for the coming minstrel khnw will bo held. Tho Hlks Intend to surpass all previous amateur events of tills sott hero. Two perfotmances will bo given hero Anil one In W1lkes.-Ilarre early next month. FUNURAI, OP MH8. U IIKKMiJIL-Tho funeral sctTlees of Mrs. Mellsm AVheeler ut Grace Protostunt J.'ptscopal cliurch, Jtonesdule, yeuterday afternoon, wero at. t nded by a number ot telatlves and 'ilendsi roni Seruntnii. .Mr. Ambrose Whseiur, Mis. Wlvelcr'n hunbatul, was ono ot tho fouudvrj of Giaco parish In tho early days of Iloucsdalc, nnrt es trymun of the church until his death, a fow years ugo, PAY-DAYH. Tho Uolawuto, Lackn wanna and AA'eitern company will pay tho employe lit the l'ync, Taylor and lloldcn collieries today and this will complete, the "pays" In this section. Thn lxlawnro and llmlfon company paid tlm employes of tho Cuulbrouk und Wilson Creek .wineries yesterday nl Curbon dato and at the .lermyn at Jermyn and collieries Xo. I and :i und 1'owdcrly ut Cnrbomlulo Tuesday. 110X1) OltUlXAXCi:. - At tonight's meeting of common coimell an ordinance will he Introduced providing for u bond Issue of 1 to,O00 to establish a mtmlclpil electric light plant. Select Councllinnn T. C Melvln, of tho Eighth ward. Is tho father of tho measure, but as tho law provides that all bond ordinances shall liive their orlKln In common council ho will compelled to tlnd for it a foster father. Who It will be was not decided upon last evening. OFKICKRS - Kl.l'.CT INSTAM.r.D. Grnnd Captain lleneral T. Viiink Pen nian, assisted by Knights Andrew II. Holmes and Arju Williams, Installed tho ollleeri-cleet of Coiur do Iilon command cry. Xo. 17, Knights Templar, List nlnht ut Musonlo temple. Many visiting knights from other Masonic lodges and coin, mamlcrles witnessed tho beautiful cere mony. Tho officers seated wero: Emi nent commander. W. S. Mcars; ueneial Isslmo. ,T. James Tavlo'i cnptaln general, Walter T,. Hcnwood; treasurer, K. P. Kingsbury; Iteccrdtr, Edward I. Hack. I'ROF. JAMES COUSINS MARRIED Miss Margaret Davis, of Wayno Avenue, the Happy Bride. Jllss JInrguret Duvls. ufWayne .ia--mte, was united In marriage to Pro fessor James cousins, of Peckvllle, at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. John Hughes. A host of fi lends wit nessed the ceiemony, which was per fonned In tho profusely decorated par lor of the residence. Hev. V. T. Thom as, of Xantlcoke, olllelnted. The wed ding march, ono of Professor Cousins' own compositions, was played by Miss Casslc Jenkins. Miss Mary A. Powell was bildes muld and Philip Cousins, of Peckvllle, brother of tho gloom, attended him. Tho bride wore a pretty gown of pearl gray trimmed with white satin. Miss Powell was attired In a becoming cos tume of satin with silk trimmings. At the conclusion of the ceremony con gratulations were tendeicd, followed by the serving of a bountiful post nuptial repast. Professor and Mrs. Cousins will visit Xcw York city on their wedding tour, and upon their re turn will occupy their own home on Green street. Mrs. Cousins Is a charm ing young lady and Professor Cousins Is a musician and composer of some ability. SUBSTANTIAL BEDUCTION. Price of Arc Lights to City Cut from Twenty-two to Twenty Cents. The following letter was received yes terday by Mayor Molr: Seranton, Pa., April 12. iy. Hon. James Molr, Mayor of Seranton. Dear Sir: In view of the Increased number of llshtH tho council are con sidering, 1 take pleasuro III notlfjlng you that on and after May 1 nest, our rate lor all night street are lights will be twenty Oh cents a lamp per night. In stead of twenty-two C22) cents, as nt present. This shculd enable the cltv to run. If desired, i-.iy fifty-eight more lamps than It Is now doing without any lucrni-o of Its electric stieet light bibs. Yours truly, W. W. Seranton, President. On Jan. 1, ot the present year a re duction of one cent a lamp, per night, was made. There was also a previous reduction of two cents and piior to that it charge of twenty-eight cents a lamp per night was the rate. There will be a big rush on tho part of councllinen to secure their shtitp of th electric lights Ibis i eduction will make possible. TKAINMEN DANCE. Moses Taylor Lodge, No. 120, Begins a Series of Annuals. Wnh unique decorations composed of ralltoaders' l.mtouib, excellent dance music by Pnuer's oichestiu. ,t large and happy crowd of daneeis, and a beautiful souvenir programme, the first annual ball of Moi-cs Taylor lodge, Xo. 420, Hiotlierhood of Railroad Trainmen, wab ushered In last night at Music hull. ' The daiKes nuinlieiecl twentj'-four and eeial were encored. Thoso n charge were: Master of ceremonies, John J. Munay; ussistaat master of ceremonies, 1 lei nurd J. die; floor committee, Thomas ltuiino, Mar tin Qtiinn. Hugh P. Doherty. John IiaxtiT. Charles O'Connor, Ildwi rJ JJoucher, Thomas Timlin, Anthony J. McDonnell. Potey W. Cut, Wlllla a Gallagher, Hobett Klynn, Hugonc M I.non: reception committee, John J. Costello. Austin Uiiffj-, Levi Holler, Fied Owens. William and J:an Fiau cls: committee on attangetnents, Jl. a Gllllgan, T. F. l.iukln, T. J. Huel--ley, A. J. McDonald and George W. Hurt: pioinptet, John P. Mm ray. WAS IT AN ACCIDENT? Anthony Lally Says Now That He Did Not Shoot Himself. Anthony I.ailv, tin- account of wiw" wounding by a gunshot appeared ex clusively In The Tribune yesterday, is; yel ut the Lackawanna hospital and in n favorable condition. His story Tuesday night was to the effect that Ii.j shot himself act Identallv. Y -sterday he admitted that he was wrong and icninrked that "anyhow, It was an acidi nt " P yy iip V"j iii m iiii sy -.. - -r. jt. .v . , .it (. Dogs Yub Hasi Acfoer Are your uervea weak V Can't you sleep weliv I'aln In your luck? Lack energy? Appetlta poor? IJlgojtlou bad ? jlolUor rlmples? These are butfomoof tho ri'iults of coi)tli!itlon. If the contents of the bowels arn not reuiOTud from tho body each cby, as nature intended, poison ous cutist.mces are sure to buab torlicd into tho blood, alwajs causing bulferingand frequently taulu) severe disease. iueru is a common-s?ase euro. They dally lnsuro an easy and natural lnnpmpnlnf thnliFfits. fl lTlce,s!.alioi:, All ilrugcitts. Ayop's SaraanarUla with the piltawilllustoarecovery. Vilte the doctor tint how you r uffrrlng. You il reocWo tho belt mJlol ad1co wldiout coit. 4 J up.. J. v, AYUt, Lowell, Mail. ifcMi at. iJiiiiincr vhvvth niteii. n- Mrs Bjpp fe THE FIRST DAY OF THE CONFERENCE BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT THE THREE SESSIONS. llev. J. B. Sweet WnB Again Hon ored by nn Election to the Office of Secretary of the Conference. Standing Committees Named A New Committee This Year Looking Toward Enlarged Work Among Men by Menus of the Brotherhood of St. Taul. The uiinual sessions of the Wyoming Methodist conference opened yesterday morning in the Methodist Episcopal church, Kingston, with the Sacrament of ttye Lord's supper, conducted by liluhop John P. Newman und the cab inet of presiding ciders, Plshop Nov- inun has been seriously 111 and Is ex ceedingly feeble. Indeed his condition does not win rant the severe sltain of presiding over a huge conference, and It was announced that today Bishop Joyce would be present to assist. The Methodist church, In which the conference is held, has recently been remodeled and Is a large, handsome edifice. The tine new organ tills tho rear of the auditorium. The sessions are unusually well attended and a large number of clergymen responded to their nams nt roll cull. Rev. .1. H. Sweet, the popular secre tary for the past two years was re elected without opposition. Assistant S?cretaries John V. Nicholson, ot Wuverly, X. Y.: T. M. Furoy, of Mountain Top; statistical secretarj', C. M. Olmstead, Castle Creek; treas urer, CI. Parto Stone. Forest City as sistants, C. C. Vroomnn, W. W. Wat rous, A. D. Puud, J. S. Custard, Clark Cullender: del ailed missionary report, D S. MacKell. r. Dr. John II. Race Introduced a res olution weleomlng P.ishop Newman, which was unanimously adopted. Thn lilshop gracefully responded, In which h" thanked the conference for Its en thusiastic greeting, as three of tho bhhops are Incapacitated by illness he found It necessary to come, although he was not really well enough. Ho had crossed the continent nine times In oleven months in Kplseopal work. Ho believe, it possible for even a Metho dist clergyman to travel too much. This conference has a glorious histor ical record, may It have a new bap tUm and may Its evangelical element never die out. OAVHL PRESENTED. Rev. O. L. Severson, of Plymouth, then presented the bishop with a gav el and n dressed stone from n house In Plymouth where the first preaching of Methodism in the valley was held in 17i,'J. The house was built In 17SS and Is still used ns a dwelling. The gifts are, at the close of the conference, to pas Into the custody of the Historical society. The stone aitKan found It difllcult to repress the ruggedness in the Mone but two sides are smooth and thus is represented the hard and rugged woik of those early days of the saints whose religion was smooth and beautiful. Rev. Dr. M. S. Hard responded elo quently In ncceptlne; tho souvenirs for the bishop and then Introduced lllsbop Newman's wife to the conference, af ter which he spoke of the fact that the bishop had Just celebrated his fiftieth anniversary In the ministry and that one of the members of the conference. Rev. J. M. Wells, wai a classmate of the bishop. Among others who ante dated his sen lee In the mlnlstiy were Revs. Parsons Uartlett, L. W. Peck, 1. W. Lencoek, S. G. Stevens and .Stone. The .subject of the method to bo ob served in reporting mlslonniv collec Uoih occasioned a prolonged discus sion, which was followed by animated argument over the one per cent, as sessment of lnlnisteis' falaries lor the Mtpormiuatos' fund. A resolution to abolish the tnx failed to carry. It was stated that thirty-three meiitb. rs of the conference had neglected to pay their percentage. Rev. Dr. Mcrrow, the general secre tary of the Ulble society, was Intro duced and gae an address In the In terests of his work. A list of standing committees were reported The last Is a new one recommended by Dr. Hard and looking towaiel enlniged work among men by means of the Brother hood of St. Paul. The committt"'s are: STANDL.VO COMMITTEES Auditing Committee l. H. Pumice, II. X. Van DeUM'ii, V. j;. Cnhi.iiie. Illble Causi C. C. Vrooman, Albert Clark, 11. (i. llurnud. A. M. Colrove, A. '. Ilrukenhury, X. J. ilawliv. Church Rxtiiision-ri H. uooil, H. K. Wliciler, H. i:. Pence, S. K.-Hunt, Will 1 mi I'llsbj, J. X. Lee. hureh Music P. U. lUckiimu. J. U '1 nomas, J. W. Johnson, j. is. Sumner, f. C. Jacobs. A. J. Niff. Churches and Parsouageb-C. D. Shep nerd, J. S. Custaid, C. H. Ik-ntv, O. F. Ace, L. D. Palmer, W. S. Wilcox. Coiit'ciiiicu Collection S. II. lion-, J. L. Race. (j. I.. Williams, U. U. Wllbou, .. II. Jlojce, F. X. Smith. Conference) Relations J. It. Wagner. II. 11. lleneellct, C. M. Olmstead, I. C. Estes, K. Kllpalikl.. I. J. Smith. Education J. II. Race, S. Mooie. O. A. Place, 11. C McDfiinoti. R. M. Pumnik, M S. ILiid, A. V. Deckel. Thomas roun, S. O. Snoiideii. J W. Xlcliolbon, U !.. Slinigue', C. .AI. Ollllti. J. R. Sweet. W. II. Peaice, William Connell, Profe.s.-or S. 1. I.andon. Dr. A. J. Simons. Uplseopal Fund J. V. Davis, David Kiili, C. E. Sweet, S. A. Teu'J, 11 il. Arnistiong, Isaac Jenkins. r.pworth League G. II. Prentice. X. II. RlpVv, 11. A Uutnibj. 1 C. Murduek, C. II Xiwing, R. W. Toiiriiej. FitediiiunV Aid and Southern IMue.i lion Sim I. tj -(!. X. I'nderwooct. 1. 1J. Wilt-on, E. 1.. Santeii. J. C. Johnson, M. L. Aadiiil. .-. . J. W. Woohlle. Pieoehers and Postoltlcei- P. F. M.a.l. A Wilglcy, J. SI. Couvll, W. W Wtitioiii., T. J. Vaughn. C II. lievnolds j Mi niiilrs L. C. Flovd, W. S. Wlko'C, W. J.. Thorpe. F. II. Parsons. ,1. . Smn- '. Samuel Moore. Gunrge Porsvth, L. c MudrocTs, II. P. Ripley W. H. Penic I Missionary Cause w. A W.,giim, A. ID liivld. J H. Ciompton. J I!. Cook. W. I i! Siiiipmjii. H. W. Dresser. Mln-si rial Support -0. It. Stone II. A ' T. R. Wurnock, C. M. Surduni. 11. I. M rv. II. A. Williams. iieiiatlon of Ollirerr for Cunfoteneo , n ! in i r. C. Ramos A. F. Piown, ii'iim loiiiiMiiiw. i4. ii. anvocri, . it. lo i'. A. J. Van Cleft. Observance of the S ibhath 11. O. Heers. F. (Imulall. C. I. Tlfl.inv. . w, Liwry. I. X. Stcclman, C II. I'ersoneus. Public Worshlp-I. C. Jlurdock. A. Orlf flu Publication of the Rook Concern W. Ticlblc. Charles Smiih, T. llarioun, S. Human, F. 11. Parsons. W. H. Stung. Receiitlon of Members I. X. Shrlpman, J. F. Jones, I,. S. Sanford. M. S. God shall. H. L. Ellsworth. William Edgar. Resolutions R. U Claik, C. A. llenja. inln, A . Olver, J. IS. Davis, C. E. Mogg, AV M Hlller. Stewards A. W. Cooper. C. J I. Sach et t A. J. Cook, X. J. Hawlev. .1, H. Tlovee, L. Jennlson, A. C. Tollev. J. O. Rowt. John Seacord. W. M. Hllleir, Wag ner I'letcher, 8. J. Slark. Sunday fchools J. 8. Cromptriii. Jnmes Peliofleld. William Edi;nr. D. 1,, McDon ald D. L. Meoker. U. C. Slmnklns. Stato of tho Church-M. D. Fuller. O. L. Reverson. II. Tucklej-, W. T. Rlalr. J. A Newell. E. X. Sulilll. State of tho Country Frank Geudall, P). R, Olmsteml. F. D, liartsoek, J. E, Pone. AV. J. 11111, O. A. Cure. Subscription for Minutes Thomas Eva, R. N. Uutts, AV, S. AVIlcox, E. 11, Singer. 8. O. Galpln, F. P Doty. Temperance and Prohibition E. tl. D. Rrlggs, A. J. A'an Cleft, II, P. Ripley, D. P. Howard, AV. II. Miller, M. V. Will iams. Tracts E, D. CavuuuliRh, J. Ilrundlo. S. R. Kceliey. J. AS'. Price. A. O. Austin, J. 11, AVIIson. Brotherhood of St. Paul Dr. Henry Tucklo.v. C. M. Olmstead. G. A. Place, If. C. McDermott, J. II. Custard, C. E. Mogg. ELDER GRIFFIN'S REPORT. Presiding Elder A. Grillln's report wns called for nnd a committee named in the ense of (1. T. Price as follows: J. O. Lencoek, chairman. C F. Hrown, F. H. l'ursons, J. II. Llttell, J. R, Sumner. C. M. Surdum, II. M. A'nn Deasen, E. Kllpatrlck, II. II. AVllbar, E. 15. D. Rrlggs. II M. Crydenwise, AVIIIIatn Frlsby, Stephen Jay. Tin' AVyoming National bunk and tho AVyomlng Seminary extended cour teslen that wore accepted by resolu tion. IV. J. B. Sawyer, editor of tho North ern Christian Advocate, made a brief address, as did ulso T. S. Hunt, agent of the Western Wisconsin Conference, speaking In the Interests of a minis terial Insurance compuny. A com mittee was appointed to consider the matter consisting of A. D. Decker, Thomas Harroun, A, J. Van Cleft, AV. J. Hall, T. R. AA'artnun, L. L. Spragtte. Re Ir. l. L. Sprngue presided nt the afternoon statistical question. Ilov. C. V- Arnold conduraedf Jthe devo tional exercises. Secretary j. B. Sweet called the nnmes of all the past ors of districts and the statisticians, C. M. Olmstead. Q. G. MacChesnej-, G. K. Stone, D. S. MasKellur, AV. S. AVIl cox, P. T. Meado and D. L. Meeker, took their places and recelvi'd the re ports. At the conclusion, Rev. J. F. Jones, of Ringhamton, offered prayer and Rev. G. A. Cure delivered the mis sionary sermon from the text I Cor. 10:9: "For a great door nnd effect ual is opened Into me and there are many adversaries." STANDS NEXT TO CHRIST. The speaker said that In his opinion Paul will stand next to Christ in his kingdom. Ho was one of those who regarded opportunity as a call. Spain lias stood in the way and tho sword of America has opened a door to mis sionary work in the islands of the sea. God had ulno taken the British nation as a rod of iron this year In sending General Kitchener with the forces of civilization to the Soudan. Lord Kitchener has also originated the Idea of founding a memorial college on the !pot where Gordon, who was a thous and times more a saint than a soldier, fell in death. Russia will keep her hold on China and ns long ns sh- keeps that hold, 'England will also keep hers. Roman Catholic. countries across the water sided with Spain In the Cuban war. There was much anx iety at one time as to what stand the Roman Catholics In this country would take. To their everlasting cred it be It snld 'that when it came to a question of loyally they stood by their country and resolved to hold up Amer ican Instltulons. In this country that chinch must with the Protestant church stand on its own merits. Said the speaker: "I would not have that magnificent organization destroyed for the world, but I would bring it up before the light of American clvilzation of today and thus make it the mightiest power for good on earth." He gave a A'ery optimistic view of the future of Cuba, and Philippines and spoke earnestly of the vast field now open to mission work. Rev. Marcus D. Ruell, T. D., dean of Boston Theological seminary, gave a lecture on the exegetlcal study of the Philippines. Dean Buell is a forcible speaker nnd his I o'clock lectures promise to be Intensely Interesting. He gave many practlcul Ideas regarding the study of the Bible, asset ting that It Is of pmcticallj small A'nlue to read without unclei standing who wrote the passage under consideration, the cir cumstances and the place. He said tint In rending the letter to the Phllipplnns it is necessary to know four things: First, about that gift from Phlllppl to Paul, second, How Paul's arilval in Rome affected thu people: third, The division in the church: fourth. The two typos of false teaching of which Paul spoke. It Is necessary also to comnr'hend the strange and providential waj- In which Paul came to Phlllppl. the unleiue In terest thev took In his work and the particular conditions AVhich surround ed Ulm. Th- fuet that Paul followed in his preaching Christ the bloody footprints of those whom he had formerly perse cuted was emphasized, THE EA'EXING SESSION. Dr L. L. Sprugue presided ut the evening hi'ssloii, which was the Mis sionary society annlversur.v. Rev. Dr. A. J. Palmer made the address. Dr. Palmer was a soldier In the Civil war, and has a famous lecord. He has a son in the We'Slejun L'nlveislty Glee club. He spoke chiefly on the manner of raising and expending money for for eign lands with U.iiSl nutlve woikor3. There are I!9,0u0 American mission aries in foreign lunds, with 3,nsi nntlve workers. There arc 5,000 hemic mis sionaries. The collections last year have been slow; Jllii.OOO more money was raised thun before. The Buster programmes weie very popuhu, 47S.OOO copies hav ing been sulci, incidentally Dr. Palm er spoke of the Pacific, coast, and said that the reason of the comparatle in activity theie is because ot the high price of fuel und that the facilities for conveying it thither also amis a hin drance to the missionary tocletA'. This afternoon will be devoted "o the Historical society witli an address by Dr. T. II. Fearce, and a lecture by Dean Ruell. This evening the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educntlonul society will be in charge AVith an address by Dr. Mason, the colored Mpeakur. Bnse Ball Note. All members of the Slldus base ball club uio rcduckiid to tepurt at head eiunrcois, K. A. Trnpp's, 113 AVashlngKm acnuc. KiUlny night. Apiil II. ut 7.V o'clock. SW'KF.T. KKFHnSHINO sleep Is given by Hood's Snrsaputllla, Avhlch strengthens the nerves, tones the btomach and overcomes all dyspeptic bymptoms. You should try it. Hood's Pills aro prompt and pfllclent, eusy to take, easy to operate. 23 cents. Smoke Tho Pocono Cigar, Sc. A Card. 'p, the tindornlgnetl, do hereby agieo to rufund the money on a 60-cont buttle of Greenes Warranted Byrup of Tar If it fall to euro your coukIi or cold, We hIro guaranteo u "u-ccnt bottle to pi'fio Hutls. factory or money lofundcil. J, o. Hone & Hon, Duimiore, Pa,; John I. Donahue, Seranton, Pa. WORKMEN HAD A NARROW ESCAPE PLATFORM THEY HAD BEEN WORKING ON GAVE WAY. At the Time Tills Occurred They Hnd Left the Platform and Were Standing on the Bunting At First It Was Thought That a Carriage Had Fallen Down tho Shaft For tunately No One Was Injured by tho Fall of the Platform as No One Was at the Foot, The night force ot men employed in widening the main shaft of tho Belle vim mine had a thrilling escape from Injury and probable death while nt woik last night. The Avork Is being pushed upwnrd from the foot of the shaft, and Is in progress on both sides of the double opening. A largo platform had been erected midway between tho surface nnd tha foot, upon Avhlch the workmen staid and cut the rock on cither side. Tho men had been at Avork somo time nnd were engaged In luying cross-beams from the "buntings." They were all standing nt different points In the "buntings" when suddenly a loud crash Avas heatd. and the noise sounded like tho falling of a carriage from the head to the foot ot the shaft. Upon investigation it Avas discovered that the platform from which they ascended Into the "buntings," had gU--en aAA-aj' and Avns dashed to pieces at the foot of the shaft. Fortunately no one was standing on the platform or near the foot. WILL GO TO CUBA. Sergeant ricgg, Aho has charge of the recruiting station here, yesterdny sent aAvay five more men for the regu lar service. Four Avere for the cav alry, being dames ,T. Median, Seran ton; AAMlllam MeAvov, l'lttston: John McClymi'r. Dunmore, and AValter SlmpMin, of rjuryca. The latter served ten years la Troop C, Second caA'alry, and more recently Avas a member ot Company 11, Ninth regiment, Vennsl vanla Infantry. Frank Przyullskl, of Puryca, Avho herveil ono enlistment in the artillery, Aas sent ns an Infantry man. Tho men were sent to Fort Coluinbu", New A'orlt haibor, Avltere they Avlll Join the others sent on since last Saturday. On Saturday next a largo number of the lecrults now stationed at Fort Columbus, Avill be taken to Cuba ond assigned to the infantry or caA'alry there. The men to be sent away today and tomorroAV will be included in the above ttip. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mrfu&x They Wear for Boys, Guaranteed to be the best Stockings on earth, 25 For Sale MEARS&HABEff DON'T HMinnnn'G nin nniw Gnir ,wife II ILL lull J u u iiUiivJL UI LLi Afew t , lftlL..MiM Si Rain or Shine, 1 r WmxmJp J u 1 No Trust for Us 1 w Iixccpt thai ti list given to pood people, on the usual busi- cj g ticss basis. We Want your trade in Dishes, especially Haviland gb ijj & Co.'s French China, and will give you your money's Avorth S pa every time, and furthermore will give you a little more for your fc g money than yon can get elsewhere. STAR.T NOW to get a & nice set buy a fcAV pieces at a time, and you will be surprised S Ba in what a short time you will have a set. We have twelve 2 Open Stock Patterns that you can buy in this Ai-ay. CVuarVlaA . Millar & Peck, HrSrT naBBtfnMMMMMMMMBBMMAMO. naanBmM nk The Fashion 308 Lackawanna Avenue. Millinery Everywhere you go you hear people talking about the handsome display of Millinery at The Fashion and the low prices asked for same, and no wonder, for in variety and richness it surpasses all our previous displays. Ric lly Trimmed Hats, Toto'oSS $2.98, $6.50, $10.50 Swell Jackets At prices that can't fail to find favor. Women's Tailored Jackets, made of Vene tian Cloth, in new spring shades, lined through 'out, at .' Women's Tailored Jackets, of Tan Broad cloth, satin lined throughout, stitched seams, tight htttng, each at. GOODS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. The Great Fixe Sale nt 221 Lncka- Avanna Avenue, are Hushing Them Out. If ever In your life you wanted a bargain, that bargain aAvnits you at this sale. The stock is simply being ! slaughteied in otder to settle the question of Insurance. All kinds of clothing going for a mere song. 22 I,acl;awanna avenue. Smoke The Popular Punch Cigar, 10c. the Longest - Triple ite IfATHER Stocking l&iiOSHA, )Hake Haemal i',r?rLrJ& o- c pair. Only at 415417 Lackawanna Ave, FORGET. iSk cfasas 2W-4 A' Cusick's Old Stables, Washington Avenue. flf- 134 Wyoming Ave, 3 'A-ilL U -Mr4 Lnl Miinr4 " - $3.75 $9.95 SlilERlNE, IE EYE SPECIALIST 3'2t Lackawanna Avenue, Up Stain Over l.auer & Marks. There are liljuiiems glasses Avhlch are to be avi'lded ns much as the helpful ones are to be sought. The best thing to do is to consult SlM'KIlSTONr:, the eye specialist. He Is able to do you good. Many persons hnvo greatly im paired vision because they do not in tend to their eyes In time. Silverstone. the eye specialist, 1ms a lecord of S.OOD different names, to whom he can refer you for reference for his good work. The lowest prices charged for specta cles and eye-glasses. He soldeis frames ond duplicates lenses on short notice. lleniember the name und pace. SILVERSTONE, TUB EYE SPECIALIST .121 l.ucka. Ave., 0er Lauer & .Alnrk.v Spring Weather Suggests riedium Weight All Sizes from 30 to 50 in Merino and Natural Wool GONRADS 305 LACK A. AVE. "TAKE TIME Br THE FORELOCK." Car loud Just arrived. All htyles, nnd prices th lowest. AVorkmunshlp guaranteed eAen on THE CHEAPER GFUDES. Keep us In mind and you won't re Ktot giving us your pan onago you aaIH get goods ns repiesented giving you our eaf-y terms of payment or very lowest prices for cusli. immense stock uf Hotifcehold Goods Stoves, Carpets, Iron Beds. etc. Plvo largo floors full to the celling at Thas Kelly's Stons, ..rAv It Beats "Em" All FLOKEY cfc BROOKS, TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS. but mm m ami i LP'' m-p