The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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Not Considered by Judge Biddle as
Proper Evidence in the
Quay Case.
It Was Not Found Among- the Books of the Bank
at All Lawyers for the Defense Disappointed
That All Books Were Not Excluded Argu
ments on the Manner of the Introduction of
Bank Books A Point in Quay's Favor,
Philadelphia. Apt II 12. Senator Quay
gained u paitlal advantage In c-ottit
luilnj bv the appaient letusal of Judge
Blddlo for tin- present at least to ad
mit as evidence against him tho lu
nioiis "red hook." which has Itemed
soptomlriently In the trill and which
Is alleged to contain the key to the
i use of the commonwealth. This book
was found In the desk of Cashier Hop
kins of the People's bank, alter the
Institution had closed Its doms, and
that Indhldual had taken his own life.
It Is an ordinary da -book about
twelve Miches long und eight Inches
wide with about two bundled pages.
Twelve pages ate deoted to what the
proseiutintt ehntges Is Hopkln'.s record
of his inuiMiL'tloiib in nionej deposited
b.v Mn state treasurer for the nd
antage ol Senator Quay. It contains
entiles eteiidlng oer seve'ia! oais
and Ugutes ate written in it whkh
nppatentlv show the calculation of In
tel est on sums of money
lug the slate deposit, less vet tain de
duetlons foi the benellt of Senator
ejuav These tlgutps, the pioseeutlon
alleges weie "posted" ftoni the ted
i,...i. -. .i ... . . .
Munis in me leguiat leoger oi tne iiank
containing Senator Quhj's nccouiu. In
passing upon the question of the ,id
misslbilitv of the led hook Judge iild
dle said
It does not strike nie that knowl
edge ot the book has been brotic-ht
home tr Senntoi Quay It was not
found among the books of the bank
at iiP It was, loiind in a diawer, not
In the ouleilj shape In whlih books
of i public Institution aie kept, but
crowded In with a sort of rubbish, nnd
an investigation ot that book revealed
these figures J , not ..itihtu.,, theie
foie that this book has been made
competint evld. me against Senator
This decision was pan ot an dial
"Pinion b the judge In which he es
tablished the point that the
books of the bank weie admissible -ls
testiinonv Ulstilct Attorney Bother
me (tulcklj saw the disadvantage the
Inttei pan of the opinion placed him
In nnd hi sprang to his feet to nssuio
the comt that he had not aigued foi
the admission of the ted book, had not
loimatlv otfeu-d it in evideme and
might not tlnd It necessaiy to make
such ofter Judge Diddle leplled that he
had undei stood the aigument ot es
terdaj and this morning to be on the
idmls-dnn of .-J 0f the books and pa
leis, but in Mew ot Mr Uothetmel's
statement In would withhold his e
ilslon on chin book until it is legulaily
off -ied and the question nigued. Coun
sel for Mr Quay seeing their advant
age Insisted that they hud Included
th. led book In their aigument ng.ilnn
the admission ot the books, hut the
Judge dismissed the matter fin. the
Commonwealth's Claims.
Tl'e ummonwealth contends that al
though the ied book was kept by Cash
let Hopkins in a sepaiate (dmpait
meat aiuij tiom the e.ves of the other
emplojes t was ne.ess.uily a pan of
the bi.okk.eping sjhtem of the banl
nod it will have to bo submitted to
corioboiate and explain entiles In Sen
alor (Jun s account In the ledgei
The law vers for the defense wci evi
dently disappointed at their falluio to
seeuj-e Hi. ex. Union of all the books of
tu ' md thus pi actually destroy
tin eas. f the piosecutlon It Ins
lrell iiul.,., 1 .1... . ... ""
i.i-eem.; . , " '. . .. " r ". l,l"ou s '
' "" VillMJ IIS IOI I
" ui miiKiiiK a light against the
books All of the evidence piaetkally
ageinst Scutot Quay is docuiueiuniy
n th -hope of letlets and book en
r.e.s and the attitude of his counsel
ins ei ,-ij indicated a puipoo to fight
t" he uei end against the Intio
iiiiilm i-i such evidence-. Their fail
ure I. this uspect was not complete
le.wev.-i ,es they have appnienlly se
ctiu'd the exclusion of the vital evi-den.-e
..iiuiined In the little menior
iindum ' nl; known for purports of
idtntitl. ati.m ns the "ied book." which
gains Its title fiom the fact that tho
-ompiuatle.ns of Intoiest In It weio
mado In led ink b Hopkins. They
were unsuciessful in the eftoit to keen
out the letteis and telegrams wilt ten
by Senatoi Quuy to Hopkins, dliecllng
him to make certain tiansai-iions In
clocks These weio mi m,i(U, pujlIc
ut tho time of Senator Qiuv'h piellm
lnaij heating In October UM.
Tho letters aio In Senator Quav's
handwriting with ono or two excep
tions VII of ihls afternoon the lawveis ar
giud at cioss putposes on the manner
i' th . Introduction of tho bank books.
Th' distilct attorney wanted to avoid
th physical inconvenience' (f bringing
Into eouit seveial wagon loads ut ltd-
gcis and accounts books, asking that
they be Idontllied In a lump and sep
al ate books bt ought into coutt as need
ed. The defense would not consent
to this and the matter was still under
discussion whtn coutt adjourned until
Judge Biddle Not Satisfied That It
Is Evidence.
Philadelphia. Apill 12. When lourt
opened for the thlid dav of the tllal
of e-Senator On.iv. tlu.e.. nu ..,. t..
dieation on all sides that the oiitlcal
point In the nimin ,n,.,,n. i. ,.i
been reached, namely the question of
the admission of the books of the I tank
as ivld. nie. and espe( allv those doe-
timenls found In the ptlvate desk of
Cashtir Hopkins The masterly lo-
leal aigiimpnls made vesterdav bv j)1-
vld T. Wat-on, counsel for MT bu-i'v
in opposition to their aclnii-slou cen-
daily, and specificalb to the piivato
letteis wiittcn by Quay to Hopkins,
which were Identified bv Teller Tabor,
wn the subject uppeimost In the pub
lic mind A decision in favor of the
defeiisi vlttuallv means the lollapsc
of the tiiul, while the admission of
tho books mnv piove a seilous blow
to the defendant.
Distilct Attorney Itothermcl began
his ieply to .Mr. Watson, uiglng the nd
nilsdou of i he books ot the bank. Ills
lifbt point was that all manner of crim
Proven by eh etinisUintia; evidence. ' "o '
inal tlintges were stab ished mul
cilme of conspliacv being frequently.
piovm in this w.ij.
Mr. Itiitheimel bore slionglv on lho
continued iia.vment of inteiest on -the
commonwialth's deposit in the Peo
ple's bank to Senntor Quav. lie of
fered to prove by letters and telegiams
that Mr. Quay was hot rowing money
fiom the bank for the pui chase of
'tock and that he paid no Interest on
these moneys. This continued loan
ing of money, Mr Hotliennel contin
ued, was in fiiitheiaiue of the con
spltaey between Cashier Hopkins,
State Tieasuier Havwood and Senator
Quay. He took up the petlod for six
months ending October, 1SU7. when tho
commonwealth's deposits varied fiom
$.-.20,000 to $5C0O00 During this time,
he said, Mr Quay had a loan of $ls.",
ooii and paid no Inteiest, Ho pro
posed to show by the wilting on one
of the bodies, the now famous "ied
book. that Hopkins had caiefullv
computed interest on the amount of
this deposit not used by Quay, which
Interest was divided into tlireo r,!iit I
... . .- ' 1
two or which weie deposited lespec-1
lively to the credit of Havwood and
Quay, the remnlnlng patt going, Itwni
alleged to C. M. McKee. or Pittsburg.
He inouosed to show the verv scheme,!
he said, which was ado'dod to c m-I
ceal the opeiatlon fiom the other I
clerks of the bank.
Quny Indebted as an Endoiser.
Mi Rothermol said he would show
that on Oct 1. 1S9T, Mi. Quay was in
debted to the bank as endorser for
his son In the sum of $100,000, and how
that debt was created. Ho would show
that the dheetois agieed to discount
the note provided a ceitnln letter was
obtained fiom State Tieasurer Huv
wood guaranteeing the deposit of an
cqunl amount.
This letter Is ono which tho distilct
uttoiney Is endeavmlng to have ad
mitted, and hopes by It to prove tho
existence of the alleged w llful conspir
acy. It is geneially legatded as the
most damaging pleco of oviden-e
"Bainst lllchuid It. Quay
Continuing Mr. Itotheimel said he
would piove Mr. Haywood leeelved In
teiest on that $100,000.
On the question of books not being
competent evidence because entiles In
them Involving Senutor Quay was
made by thlid parties. Mr. Hothermel
maintained that such entries mndo
contemporaneous with tho acts they
stated to can be admitted as clicutn
stantlal evidence All of tho entiles
wore made by cleiks on tho direction
of ('ashler Hopkins, nnd wero theie
foie piactlcally made by him fiom llg
uies euteied by Hopkins In the "u-d
book." All the entiles were Indisput
able evidence of the i.Ulllcatlon of tho
conspiracy between Quay, Haywood
und Hopkins Hopkins acted, he said,
virtually under tho direction and con
trol of Senator Quay, and the books
of tho bank thercforo become, for tho
purposes of proof of conspiracy the
books of Quay himself
Quay as the Bank's Depositor.
When Mr. Rothermol concluded
Judge Biddle asked.
"Mr. Quay was a depositor In tho
bank, wah ho not?"
"Yes, sir: but these tiaiiHactlons are
out Inly outside of his deposit."
Continued on Pago 4.J "
Hosack Bill Falls on Final Passage.
Scheme on Foot to Amend the
Constitution BUI to Create an
Assistant District Attorney Falls
to Pass Appiopiiatlons Reported.
Harrlsburg, Apt 11 12. The first half
ot the morning session of the house
was consumed In discussing the Ho
sack bill amending the general corpor
ation net of 1ST4 ho ns to authorize tho
formation of corporations for any law
ful putpoe not otherwise piovldtid foi'
b the net. Mr. Hosnek could not es
timate the piobable revenue It would
raise, but stated that It It had been u
law for n year past, tho state treus
ui y would liuve been a half million
dollnrs richer. Ho knew of two Penn
sylvania cotporatlons which had gone
to New Jersey for chai tors that w ottlil
have paid over S.'oo.nno bonus Into tho
state treasttiy. Mr. Hosack said theso
cotpoiullons Fecure a chatter olse-
wheie and then operate In Pennsyl
vania while
from either
the state gets nothing
their capital stock or
bonds, the counties only locally tning
tlieir plants. Mr. Bliss, of Delawat ,
insisted that the measuio was not la
revenue bill ond had no right on the
calendar as Its real purpose was to
luciik down the corpouitlon law ot tho
Kate. Tho bill was laid aside to take
up several bills on special oider. The
following passed finally:
Annuitizing the employmttit of male
prisoneis of Jails and workhouses. S
hours a day. except on Sunday and
holldas; extending the provisions of
the net of June 2, sst, relating to the
condemnation of turnpikes, toads and
hlghwajs, so us to authorize the con-
lemn.ulon of anv turnpike, road or
highway in whole- or In part located furnish smile lent money for all charl
lipcn tho line dividing two counties tins.
and to assess the damages payable to : The governor appioved the bill
the own"r or ow tiers thereof equitably granting consent to the acquisition by
beiwiut such two counties; amending the United States of land at Wilkes-
t',PUrt of I""0 s-"i relating to man
eiamus, etuiiigmg the common pleas of
county in which the -eat of gov-
I f'imn"nt '" ,r ma bt' loiated to l.s-tte
wr,t, of ,mi,ll'1,"lf'-
The TJaldwIn dluet Inhetitance tax
,'1" as nint-'mUHl R as to limit the
't'B't0' f"cs to not more than 20
' u,"n nny ptitat0 nl"1 tll" Pas-ed thlid
'eaiimg. i ne ijosuok bill was again
taken up nnd after a shoit sneei h
against It bv Mr ir.isfui. of Venango,
it failed on jiassnge.
To Amend Constitution.
Speaker Fair uuiiouikcm) the appoint
ment of Messis Palm, of t'lawfoid;
AVadsworth, of Philadelphl.i, and Rich
mond, of McKeun, as a committee on
the patt of the house to confer with
similar committees fiom tho legisla
tures of oth."- stutes with n view to
bringing about an amendment to the
tedeial constitution to provide for the
!t'?. , V"' Licsldent
ami United Slates .senator by a direct
The Keatnr .11 to pi event the pollti-
tlon of the water supply (Jf cities of I
me ium miss passeu unany at tno af
ternoon session of the house.
These bills also passed finally: Re
pealing the fiist and second pioviso9
of the elec tlon section ot the act of
April 2, 1S0S, i elating to the fees of
ceitaln olllcers, piovldlng that "the act
shall not applv to the counties of Alle
gheny, Lancaster, Montgomeiy, Phila
delphia. Washington and Heaver, be
and the same aie lieu by repealed."
Authoilzlug election assessors in cltles
of tho Hi st class to take a census of
school children at least once a jear
In older to enlorce the piovlslons of
the act of July 1.1, ISO", relating to the
distilbutlon of public school fund. To
tax all oulers, checks, dividends, coup
ems, pass books or other paper repie
sentlng wages or earnings of an em
l'loye not Paid In cash to the employee
'" ,nel",ur of his family, to provide
" a report to the auditor geneial of
.1, n cn.nn n .. .1 fr .1. ( .. .
iov name twiu mi uic 1UI1U1C lO UUlhe
The bill to piovide for the punish
ment and prevention of cruelty to an
imals was defeated.
These bills also passed finally: To
allow medical colleges to confer
diplomas In public health; amending
tho net of Juno 20, iS')j, relating to
boulevaids, to reduce the minimum
road bed of boulevaids from SO to !0
feet; relating to re-Insurance and the
tiansactlon of business by lite Insui
nnce companies or associations other
wise than through lesident ngents. to
authoiize county commissioners to
build bildgea or to furnish money to
aid In building bridges In boioughs,
ho erection of which would require
moi o expense than It Is leasonnble
that tho boroughs wherein It Is to bo
located should bear; to provide that
the itreabuieis of the several counties
or city co-extenslve with a countv,
shall transmit annually to tho state
tieasuier the one-fomth part only or
such portion only ns tho common
wealth is or may be legally entitled to
letaln of the tax collected on property
subject to taxation for state put poses;
making unlawful the wilful Injury to
or obsti action of side paths, declaring
such injury to bo n misdemeanor.
A bill creating tho office of assistant
district attorney In all counties hav
ing a population of less than one hun
ched nnd fitty thousand inhabitants
and exceeding seventy-five thousand
Inhabitants and piovldlng that where
the court of quaiter sessions is of tho
opinion that such nn offer Is necessary
he shall be paid from tho funds of the
co'inty for which he Is nppolnted was
dc fcated
The house concurred In the senate
wolutlon authorizing tho governor to
appoint thirty commissioners to tho
Paris exposition.
Appropriations Reported.
Tho following nppropilatlon bills
wc-io reported: Wat ten Emergency
hospital, $1,000: St. Mary's hospital,
Philadelphia, $1,000; Lock Haven hos.
pltnl, 2.000; Lackawanna hospital,
Sorantou. $3,000; Mercy hospital,
Wllkes-Bnrte, $5,000, Meoclvlllo City
hospltul, $1,000; City hospital, Mead
vlllc. $3,000: W. V Powell, second lleu
tppnnt, Co. I, Ninth regiment, for disu
tility Incurred nt the Hazlotou riots,
$"".0: Children's Aid society, Went
nionlaml, $2,000, Todd hospital, Car
lisle, $1,000: St. Trancls hospital, Pitts
bvrg, $3,000; Wagner's Free Institute,
Philadelphia, $1,000; Charles N. Rob
inson, Seaman, for Injuries received
at Sim Francisco, $150 to Investigate
dineasrs of domestic nnhnals, $8,000.
Mr. Fow then rose to a question of
personal privilege, and stated that he
was convinced that the resident clerk
hid tlu authority to print the repot t
of thii bribery Investigating committee)
In tho ah'ence of the thiol clerk, who
Is away 111, nnd again offered the reso
lution. Speaker Farr declined to make
a ruling on the resolution and submit
ted It to tho house.
roll was then called to ascertain If
theie was a quorum and showed tho
presence ot 111 members or moie than
a quorum. A roll was then called on
the Fow resolution and It was adopted
by a vote of 90 to 9. All further ac
tion under the call of the house was
surpended and on motion ot Mr. Stew
art, of Philadelphia, an opponent of the
Vtre bill the house adjourned until S
Metcantllo Tax Bill.
The laildwln mercantile tax bill
parsed the senate on final passage tnls
morning by a vote of 3b to 0. A motion
was made by Mr. Miller, of Uirks. to
pi no tho Cieasy revenue bill, which
was negatived by the flnnnce- commit
to, on tho calendar. ' In smnmrt nf
' the motion Mr. "Washburn declared
that a majority of the people of the
state tnvored the bill and In his oplu-
ion ne tnougnt it right to be placed on
, the calendir nnd falily consldeud. i
, Mr. Merrick also supported the mo- i
"on. He said It would do no harm to
' oi.slder tho bill. "If this bill does not I
ptoduce mote revenue than the law
under which we are operating."
said, "then I will oppose Its passage;
but bv all means let us consider this
bill out in tin open."
In opposition to the bill Mr. Grady
asserted that a dose calculation show
ed that Its passage meant a loss of
$1. "00.000 teventte annuallj. Fuither
than this, he said, there weie lovenue
hills now before the senate that would
I anv foi the erection of n postotllce.
tnetc House tppmpilntlon bills were
, oneurreit In by the senate: State asy-
'"m for the chronic Insane. $"i000- for
,,,L' 1'ioteition and propagation of fish.
2 '.000; refonnatoty at Huntingdon,
SKO.soO- Pennsvlvnnla Oral school for
i the Ueaf, $31,500. for cnie of the In-
j dlg"tU Insane. 1,.-.00,000.
'"f nouse rerusea to concur In the
senate amendments to the mercantile
tax bill. The bill now goes to a con-
lerence committee. The hou.e then
adjourned until tomotiow a.t 10 o'clock.
DariNliurg, April 12 -l-Congisman W. Stone-, ot Wairen. vins i.itnl
for by the unci Quuy Itepublicans at to-
; do's Joint ballot for I'nlted States s. ua-
toi. Ah Ston repieauited the W.iricn-
e'inngo-.VIcKean-e'aint.'iou dlstrh t In
loiigiiss until Inst November, vviun he
. was beaten for n-ekctlon bj Joscpli u.
Sililev, of Franklin. He has also vCrcd
in the state -enuto as lieutenant ov-
einor and secietary of lommonwr alth
I under General Beiver. He whs hii un-
sUiMisslul canilldati) for governor before
the lam Republican convention S. na
tio c'limmlngs of Warren, and hi i ol
league, Representative Parsluill, who
have been voting for Senator (Jimv slnco
the beginning ol tho seuatoiial ek-adlock.
refused to desert their oilglual chclco
for the local candidate. Tin le are emu
Republican senator and three meiubeis
from the Stone district and all ot theso
veitiel for Mr. Qu.i.v Tho others ale
Dumocrats anil scpportPd (Jeorgo V.
Jcnks. Tho voto follows:
Qu iv if,
Jcnks e.
Stone. ,",j
Xecessaiy to choice
voting '."i, no election
... . 221
p lired or not
Desperate Band of Burglais Sent to
the Penitentiaiy.
Gaston Pa, Apill 12. A desperate
hand of butglais that has been operat
ing In this section of tho state and In
New Jersey, has. It Is believed, been
eifectuully broken up.
In the court today three members of
tho band which was known as the Pan
Handle gang, were sentenced to long
terms of Imprisonment nnd "Scranton
r.ieldy,' the lender, pleaded guilty to
vat ions crimes and will be sentenced
tomotiow. William Smith was sen
tenced to three and one-half ye.ns:
fames Mai tin to ten oais, and James
Killed by a Txam.
Philadelphia, Apill 12. Mrs. nilza
Haurey, aged ol yearn, and her s-yeai-old
grandson, C. Walter Knmenzlrrd, were
Instantly killed by a train on tho Penn
svlvnnla railroad In tho northern out
skirts of the cltv tcnlav. They wero
gathering dandelion sptouts along tho
Hacks when lho New Yotk express ran
them down.
Shot His Brother.
Fort Wavue. lad. April 2 At a vllln,
twenty rnlle-s north of this city, this
morning, Walter Goodrich, aged 11, tilint
i his brother, Wallace, aged Si, and then
I blew Ids btalns out The biothers had
Uiuarrellcd over whr should hitch up a
hortio and the shooting was the
The wounded lnotlur will not 11 o.
Steamship Airivals.
New York. April 12 -tinned. Work
emdnni, Amsteulam, Iliilunnic- Havre.
Genoa Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm II, fiom
New- York vl i Giliialiar and Naples.
Cherbourg Sailed- K.elscr I'lledilch,
Bremen via Southampton for New York.
Queonsieiwn Arrived: Majestic. Now
Yoik for Liverpool.
Idle Furnace in Blast.
Reading, Ph., April 12 The ttmdlng
Iron comu ury today put Into blast the
Bmuus furnace which Inn been Idle a
long time Tho tut trace has n i-npiirltj
of sOO tons weekly. Hv reason of this
resumption of opcrntlcmu the compiuy
vvlll glvo empto) incut to ISii additional
Fatal Collapse of a Dock.
New York Apiil u -One inun was
killed nnd fouitii-ii others had uariow
cHcapos ihls afternoon through the col
lapsing of a aovvly liullt dock ut Port
Richmond. Stiiteu Island. Tho nun killed
was John llulao, aged 21.
A Spanish Gunboat and Vessels Cap
tin ed Rebels Near Malolos Driven
Ten Miles from the Railway Line
by General Wheaton Our Casual
ties Slight Spain to Evacuate
Washington, April 12. Tho following
cabligiam liu been iccelved fu.m
Geneial Otis:
Manila, April 12.
Adlutnnt Ucnrnl, Washington:
Yeateidiy in tho lake region Law ton
pursued Insurgents eastward from Santa
Cruz, dispersing them. Captured all tho
linger vessels used In the lake irado and
Spanish, gunboat. He is now endeavoring
to pass them from river vvheru concealed
Into lake
Wh'.itnn diove ercmy ten miles to east
ward nf l.illwuj line of cnmmu.ilc.Uious
with Miilolns Law tun's nnd Whcaton's
casualties few and slight, un enemy tinile
no stand
Notified by Spain that she will evae
Uitc Mlndrta and Polo soon. Otis.
It I" mote than likely that the wotd
"Polo" In the above despatch should
read "lolo," which Is the designation
sometimes given the Sulu group of
Islands. Spain has had a gatrlson at
Mlndor.i and Jolo, and It Is probable
that she is now ready to lemove her
Resistance Near Santa Matia.
Manll i. April 12. General Wheaton
staitcd ut daylight, with the Tenth
Pennsylvania and the Second Otcgon
teglmetils and two guns, to diive the
jebels fiom the American right llnnk,
betwien the iniltond nnd the foothills.
ne mei wun siiitu res stance near
' Santa Mnrla, and had one man wound
ed. Hut the enemv bolted when sheileil
by the aitlllerv, and burned and aban
doned the town of Santa Maiia, where
a thousand lebels weio vported to
have been concentrated. Dining the
Ji"t of tho day the enemy was In full
letrent toward the mountains, binning
tln villages behind tho retreating
fotce. Oeiailonnlly a few of the rob-
Is iltopped to tho rear and filed at
the advancing Vmericiin troops from
, th Jungle, nppari ntlv with the lde-t
that this would check our advance and
, cover the reti cat of the Filipinos, nut
finding these taetlc ineffectual, thesu
'ebeis scrambled after tho main body.
I T'se Ameiican guaid ulong the rail
rcvid has been mnteiiallv stremithoned.
i "td It a not llkelv- that tho rebels will
succeed In gottiinr in the futuie to ns
clnse qtiaiters as they did yesteiday,
even It they lettnn fiom the moun
Grave Apprehensions Among Offi
cials at Washington.
Washington. Apt II 12. The acute sit
uation in Samoa gave rise to giave ap
prehension among enllclals during tho
earl.v dav in AWi'-hlngton but the con
clusion was reached when the depitt
ments cloi-ed that the situation is nns
that will vield to sensible and cool
tu. itinera, if all the parties to the Ber
lin tieatv aie sincere in an effort to
prevent fmtlier trouble
As put bv n cabinet offlcei, the kill
ing of the sailors has not materially
changed the- general problem, though
it has undoubted! added to tho dllll
culty of dealing with the specillc situ
ation. Polh the Piitlsh and Oct man embas
sies hero tonight iccelved long cable
grams from the-lr fotolgn offices report
ing on tho developments in Samoa.
That tiom London was trom tho Brit
ish e-onsul at pla and said that tho
casualties were one British otllcer kill
ed and two or thtee American off'ceis
killed and five American sailors
wounded with two Rtiglish Milieus
w landed. The put pott ot the Geunati
dispatch Is not known.
Indictment Is Dismissed by Justice
Water town, N. Y April 12. Justice
Williams tonight handed down his de
cision In the motion made to discharge
the Indictment against V,a and B Mo
ineaux, charged with sending poison
to Harry Cornish, which caused the
death of Mrs. Adams, In New York,
last December.
ausuce vvriiinms Dismissed the In-
creel by the grand Jury and directing
that tho case be recommitted to the
grand Jury now sitting, or to tho next
grand jury that shall sit In New York.
Executivo Committee Fails to Elect
Successor to Sexton.
Philadelphia, April 12. Tho execu
tlve committee of tho national coun
cil of administration of tho Grand Ar
my the Republic tonight failed to elect
a successor to the late Juntos A. Sex
ton, coinmnndci -In-chief of the Gtand
Army There wns a deadlock on tiro
names of Colonel W. C. Johnson, of
Cincinnati, and General John C. Black,
of Illinois.
Colonel Johnson will continue) to net
ns acting commander-in-chief until tho
encampment heie In September, when
a commander will bo chosen.
Decision for Everhatdt.
.Memphis. Term. April 12. The twenty
round contest Lctweeii Jack Bveu.iudi,
of New Oi leaps, and Charlie Bums, of
Cincinnati, tonight , resulted In a decl.eljn
for Bvcrhnrelt because nf a foul blow cle.
live red by Bim.s in tho twentieth round,
ho hitting Bvciluirdt while tho latter was
on his knees
Wrote "Old Homestead."
Now York, April IJ. lb rijiimln Rjrr,
son of George W. Itycr, who wrote tho
play, "The Old Homestead," committed
suicide today by shooting jjo W(IB a
theatrical manager und Jo jcars old.
De Oio Still Leads.
Chicago, April 12. At midnight dlic
score In tho pool match was. Dc Oro, SI;
Keogh. 1.11. Grand total: Do Oro. PI:
Ki'OElr, 117.
Weather Indication! Toitnyi
General Progress of tho Quay Con
spiracy Trln 1.
Anglo-AmoilifiiH Ambuscaded in
Work of tho State Legislature.
Making It Warm for Filipinos.
Genera 1-N'cwH of Plttfton Cltv.
Financial and Cotnmi rclM,
Ixcal-rirst Day's Sesslun ot Wvo.
mlng Confeience.
Mlno Workmen Have a Nnirow 1.
Locnl Omi Life Loot In Throop Tire.
A Sanitarium for Cousiiniptlves.
Ical West Scranton and Suburban.
News Hound About Scranton
Local Work of tho Couits.
Dunmoie Doings
Mr. Quay Will Stay in the Fight ns
Long ns His Friends Will Con
tinue to Support Him.
Philadelphia. Apill 12 The Ledger
will totnonow publish the follow Inc
special dispatch fiom rittsbuig
"Thomas Diuce. or this city, a vvaiin
poison frleml of ex-Senator Quay, to
day received the following letter from
Mr. Quay, written under date of yes
tcid.iv at the Hotel Walton, Philadel
phia: " 'Theie need be no apprehension that
I will wlthdiaw fiom the senatotlnl
contest as long us my fi lends support
me.' "
Edvvnid McKay and Geoige Schlen
derbeig Aie Befoie the Industrial '
Washington, April 12 j:dwaul Mc
Kay, of liuena Vista, Va, a member
of the executive- committee of the Unit- I
ed JHno Wot leers' association, and
Ceotgo Schlcndeibeig. a Pittsbuig coal
operator, who employs 2,000 miners,
were the witnesses befoie the Indus
tiial commission todaj. Mi. McKay
Mid the association had si own from
10,000 membeis In 1877 to SO.OuO In IS9J,
had obtained a reduction In hoin.s tiom
10 to s, and an increase of wages of
20 pur cent The trouble In the Pitts
buig distill t dining the past live je-ars,
ho said, could be traced to the New
Yotk and Cleve'land Ga.s Coal company.
They emplojed non-union men, he said,
and did everything In their power to
pi event union men from coming lit
contact with their employes. This
complin . he said, was i sponsible for
the i eduction of the wages ot 43,000
men, though It only employed 1,000.
Mr. Schlenderbeig said his remem
brance of labor unions in the coal re
gions extended back thirty ears. At
that time the unions were overhearing,
but of late vears they had been more
satisfactory, especially since theie had
been closer lelatlons between them
and the mine opcjntoi.s Ho -aid his
ptiuclpal objection to unions was that
tiny weio not able to enfoice condi
tions In competitive dlstrli ts where the I
pioduct of the mines eomptteel with
theirs. In ome caes opuatuis weie
able to produce coal mined with the
pick cheaper than they weio able to i
pioduco it with maehtneiv. This placed
l hem at a gieal disadvantage and he- i
thought It unfair. He drpiecated
stilkes, which, ho said, weio Injurious !
to the opciatur, miner and community.
Unorganized minors (nought on moie !
trouble than union men and since the I
operators and union hud been woiktng
together less trouble has been exper-
lcnceu. tie- lliougut eompan stores
were ptoper If the emploje could get
his goods ns cheap from his eniplovers
us from other stores and as cheap .is
outsleteis bought for cnsli lie- thought
tnlneis should tarn not les tl an ?2
per day.
Do they eirn it"" risked Mr. Bate h
foid. 'On an aveiage In our district they
mlno 2'i tons at W 2-.'. cents a ton."
replied Mr. Schlendeibeig. "That Is
not two dollars, but u miner who mines
less thnn time tons a day has missed
his vocation."
The miners lived better now than
they did T" years ago Oiganlzed la
ho, ho said, had helped to hold wa-jes
up nnd had helped to raKe the stand
ard of the men.
Laige Number of Delegates Present.
Sessions Are Seciet.
Wilkes-Bar: e, April IJ. -The seventh
annual convention of tho mhiu Amer
ican Protective association Is In ses
sion in this cltv. State President A i!.
llolfman. of Hast Stroudsbuig, Is pn.
siding. The sessions nie enet. A
huge number of delegates are repnited
present. Superior State Secretary John '
T Taylor gave it out that tho national
order has now tluee million membeis,
and Is In a very prospe-ious condition.
Pennsylvania has 7Sii,uoi) membeis.
At tenia 's session the resolution to
estubllsh a beneficial and unie-ial fund
came- In lor a good deal of discussion.
Secretary Taylor the establish- I
merit of such a fund would menu an
inerca-re in the state of ,
,JU'0W- I
Count d'Aicos Spanish Minister.
VAitHhlnglon. April 12 Th- appointment
ut Count d'Atcos, us Spanish minister to
tin I'lilled Stal -s. is accented em hi tile. I I
ill llioso diplomatic quarteis having full-
est information, and It is understood
that positive HtntPinilitH to this etfeet
have aliuidv eouiu tluoiish ollle lul clu.ii.
"Gicater Chicago" Project.
Spilngflelil. 111.. April 12 -The "Great
er Chlnigo" prnjec-i, having In view the
cciusollilallcni ot municipal and count
governments In that dlstiln was de-fiat
id fu the house tnclan. As the leglsla
tmo will adjnuin l'iida It Is not like!)
the mr-usuro will enmo up iiiuilu at this
Hospital Ship An Ives,
Washington. Apill 12. General OtU has
nnnounceel th nrilvnl at .Manila nf the
hoKpltal ship Relief with all well aboard,
An Anglo-American Force
Are Surprised by
Three Oftlceis and Eour Sailors
Killed Bodies of tho Ofilceis
Mutilated The Expedition En
tiapped on a German Plantation.
The Manager Arrested Accused of
Having Uiged on the Natives.
Two of the Officers and Two of tho
Sailois Killed Weio Americang.
The Leader of the Expedition,
Lieut. Ficenrnu, of tho British
Ciulser Tauranga Among tho
Doad Ensign Monaghnu, U. S. N.,
Shot While Seeking to Rescue Hl3
Auckland. N. ',., April 12. Despatch
es leeelved here trom Apia. Samoa,
under date of April 1, say that a part
of WiAmeilcnn und British sailois was
foiced to letteat to the beach, after
having been caught In an nmbuh on
a (let man plantation that day.
Tin- expedition wits lad by Lieuten
ant A. II. rieoman, of the British
Ihlul-elass cruiser Tautanf,a. Lieu
tenant Kie-eman and Lieutenant P. L.
Lunsdale, of the United Slates e-iulscr
Phil ulilphln, nnd Hnslgn J. K. Mon
achal., of the 1'nlti d States c-iul'-er
Philadelphia, were left dead on the
II. Id.
l-nlgn iloiinglian remained to assipt
Lieutenant I.auscl.ilo, and shot in
retiring Four sailors were alo killed.
The natives engaged were some of
Matnafn's warriors. They Fevered the
lunds of the British and American of
11c -.-s killed. Priests of the French
m'sslon after ward brought the heads
Into Apia.
The manage! of tin German planta
tion has be en arrested and detained on
bond the Taru-anga, on affidavits do
cknlng he was
e-en urging the tebrls
to light
In a pievinus cnsr.igement twenty
seven Mataafa's wairlors wete killed,
ami there weie no casualties among
tho Liiropenn for-p.
It is estimated that about SiXl war
rl"ts attacked the Anglo-American
prrrv fiom ambush.
The Victims.
Lieutenant Philip Lanhotn Lansdale
was born In the Distiie-t of Columbia,
Feb. ID. IS.", and enteied the Naval
academy June 6. 5S7.:. llo giaduatcd
In 1S78 ami was promoted ensign In
lSl. After duty at tho Washington
navy ard he was transferred to the
Philadelphia in June 1SP0, and was
maiic; lieutenant, junior guide In 19.!
IJ" us ' c hargo id the Columbus cat -
neis ,ic in- miners eair in Liucago,
and after receiving his full lieuten-
uncy vas, for ti shoit time, on tho bat
tleship Massachusetts. In June, 1S90,
he was ordered to the Philadelphia.
Hnslgit John 11. Mtmaghan was ap
pointed tu the Naval academy as a
i adit fiom the state of Washington,
entering Annapolis on Sept. 7, 1S91. He
won giaduatcd and was made an en
sign in July, IS'.iT, being assigned tu
j the Philadelphia, to which vessel ho
I was attached up to tho lime of his
I The nav.v cUpartmint records of tho
service of the two sailors killed at Apia
I arc as follows-
James Butler, seaman, enlisted nt
Boston, .Mass. Bum in Duncarvan.
Ii eland. Next of kin. Mis. Kate But
' ler, Spiing Mount. Dungarvurr, In -I
land. Has had no previous naval ser
vice. Norman Hckley IMsall, ordinary .sea
man, enlisted at Toledo, Ohio, "iioni
i Columbus. Ky, Next of kin, Bessie H.
Eelrull. sister, Giecnville, Mich.
Admiral Kuuts's Report.
Washington, April 12. Tho following
despatch fiom Adinital Kautz has been
Auckland N. Z April 12
Secret!!! of Nnv, Washington:
I l)n Apill I, while tho combined forces
'of the UrltMi and I'nlted States under
i Lie uti mint 1'ieeniaii, British nivv, vver
leaoimoiieriiig near Apia, tnoy wero am
bushed. Deeply u-gret to announce tho
death of Llintii.ant Philip B. Lrnsdale,
Ihtstgii John It. Mouaghan, Coxswain
James Butkr, ordinal seaman. Norman
Bdsdl, and live nie n wounded, belonging
to tho Philadelphia. The British loss In
Idlli'it. two men and Lieutenant l-'rce-
Mr. Hobai t Improving.
Washington, Apill 12 At Vio I'rccl
deni Mohan's residence It whs stated
this overling riuit tho Improvement r
tho past few dajs had continued through
out tile day.
Cassius Law Hanged.
, , ,, .,,..,
l X" dol
day Law- killed Ills bweetheart last
Christmas morning.
HAeir tiatt
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 9; jfop.
tieal, ei.
At Philadelphia I'nlverslty nf Peiinayl-
vama, ii oniciisi, ii.
At Princeton-Princeton, 21; Columbia,
college, 1,
I At Baltimore Baltimore. Is: I'nlv.'Uliy
of Alar laud, n.
At New iluvcn Yale, 1; Wesleyan, 1.
WiiHhhigion, April 12. -Forecast
Tlmisday. I'm custom PemiKyl
vnnla, continued fair and warm
Thursday: westerly .winds becom
ing v hi Iain: Friday fair.
t HHti-itt ntttft