The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 06, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Jjf MR
W. I". E. Morss nnd Nicholas Peters
Pass Into the Great Beyond.
V. P. E. Morss died nt his Church
sureul homo yesterday morning. Satur
day he suffered a paralytic stroke and
Fault gradually until the end came. He
was seventy-two years old and was
horn In Windham, Greene county, ". Y.
Mr. 'Morss came here in his youth
and trew up with Carbomlale. Ho
was a mine superintendent for the Del
ware and Hudson company until 1S91,
when 111 health forced him to resign.
He is survived by one daughter, Caro
line, one son, William, and onu sister.
Mrs. "W. II. Richmond, of Pcranton.
The funeral will be held at the resi
dence tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock.
In the death of Nicholas Peters this
city has sustained the loss of another
of its oldest lesiilents. Mr. Nicholas
succumbed to heart failure. He was
Bcventy-three years old and Welllng
erothe, Germany, was his birthplace
He foucht In two German waif and
tn the American Civil war, being en
listed with the Third Pennsylvania
Heavy Artillery. He acted as guard
at Fortress Monroe while "Jeff" Davis
wns a prisoner there and had an en
viable military record. A wife, live
daughters and one son sunive him.
The daughters ate Mesdames Alex
Messenger, William Selgle, I'. A.
Rlvenburg. A. F. Thompson nnd Anna
Peters. 'The son Is Henry Peteis. Fun
eral set vices will bo held Filc'.av af
ternoon at two o'clock at the house on
Wayne street. Interment will be
made in liroikr.ldi! cemetery.
Frank Lesh Thinks He Was Shot
by the Same, Gang.
Frank I.esh, of Honesdale, was In
this city yesterday to attend the fun
eral of Peter Krantz and he sought out
Constable Neary and had him detail
the robbery of the Maytleld power
house. Mr. Lesh was shot twice liv
a gang of robbers win n chief engineer
of a brewery in Danville last Decem
ber. Judging from the modus oper
andi of the desperadoes captured at
Aiarat, ho said he believes he was a
Victim of these men.
Mr. Lesh has a scar on his forehead,
where a bullet struck and glanced off
without fraetuiiiig the skull. When
he received that wound the robbers
left him for dead, but ho got out for
help and when he leturned he was
shot In the thigh by a 2S calibre re
volver. He said the methods employed at
Maytleld tally In every particular with
the manner in '.hlch they overpowered
tilt? brewery force of which he wns a
member. On this occasion the gang
was obliged to leave empty handed,
though there was a safe In the build
ing containing more than $2,000
ProfesKo. Peters, who bus been
upending -veral days In New
York city and Paterson. N J., on busi
ness, has returned to his Fiench. Ger-
HeaEih and Happiness
kiplaceof g33QSisiBEigitaiif 3f
FREE for iho asking.
Suppose you are con
vinced that life's best en
ergies and functions have
begun to decline: is that
any reason you should
give up in despair? One
thing we do urge: seek re
liable advice. Write us
and we will help you with
our spcciul Trial Treat-
' AVflwrnent, Io money in ad-
quackery, no scheme. A
plain, honest offer to hon
est men suffering with
nervous debility und de
cline of vitality. Ourconv
pany is reputable and re
sponsible. Our specialists
are professionally honored.
Our remedies have cured
tbousauds and our treat
ment will cure you. Thirty
days on trial, with a most
wonderful appliance for
development. Wrlu ua for
Invaluably ferviccable Infor-matlon-TJlKK
to MEN,
man and shorthand classes in this city.
Luncheon was nerved by the Women's
Guild of Trinity church nt the home of
Mrs. Patrick Neary, of Belmont street,
yesterday afternoon.
The casli store on North Main street
Is closed to day, owing to the death of
Mr. Reese's mother.
Joseph Brynnt and W. Y. Yarrlng
ton, Jr., are In Wllkea-Uarro on busi
ness, Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Is 111.
Miss Florence Grltman, of Belmont
street, is entertaining her cousin, Miss
Anna Hortree, of Jerniyn.
MIbs Mary Helms has returned from
George Walsh, of South Main street,
Is the guest of Susquehanna friends.
Frank Collins has returned homo from
Dr. Wheeler's 'Private hospital. The
skin-transplanting on his leg wns suc
cessful and a complete" cure has been
affected. His friends will be glad to
learn that the use of his leg will bo
fully restored.
One of ex-Mayor O'Neill's last ofll
clal acts was to afllx his name to the
ordinance granting franchise to steam
heating company.
Mis. Theodore Elmer, of South Ter
race street, , gave an old fashioned
maple sugar party last evening.
The minstrel performance given In
the Watt building by the ladles of Trin
ity church last night was very funny.
A large attendance enjoyed it.
Prof. Oakley, gave a five cent magic
lantern exhibition of Civil nnd Spanish
American war pictures at the central
school building yesterday.
"A wold to the wise is sufficient"
and a word from the wise should be
sufficient, but you ask, who are the
wise? Those who know. The oft-repeated
experience of trustworthy per
sons may -e taken for knowledge. Mr.
W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy gives better satisfaction than
any other In the market. He has been
in the drug business at Elkton, Ky.,
for twelve years; has sold hundreds of
bottles of this remedy and nearly all
other cough medicines manufactured,
which shows conclusively that Cham
berlain's is the most satisfactory to the
people, and Is the best. For sale by
all druggists. Matthews Bros., whole
sale and retail agents.
The linn of silk manufacturers who
are expected here to select the site
for the proposed new silk mill have
not yet arrived. There aro several
sites which the committee regards as
suitable. Slla.s H. Hills thinks the lot
on which his shop stands Is the most
available, for the following reasons:
First, on account or Its nearness to
street ear line; second, on account of
a sewer already built, leading under
Ontario and Western railroad to tho
river: third, because there is an abund
ance of good spring water coming from
under a strata of rock at least twenty
live feet thick; fourth, because of its
nearness to the Ontaiio und Western
railroad, where it is already graded
for a switch, where all tho goods to
and from the factory can be shipped or
jnloailetl. Fuel could also be dumped
right from the cars Into the tiro room,
thus saving the expenses of a team
ster, horses, wagons, etc. There 's
also plenty of room on ground and ov
erhead. Willi such advantages. Mr.
Hills ought to be able to Impress the
llrni to locate here.
Misses Kvu May, Hcssle Booth, Min
nie Sampson, Mattie Decker, Jennie
Hlne and Rena Boucher und Messrs.
Andrew Nlchol, John Patten and Mel
vln Tnppan, of Carbomlale, were
pleasantly entertained nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barber, of South
Main street, on Tuesday evening.
Hairy Gilbert and Andrew Richards
were yesterday awarded the rock con
tract In the Delaware nnd Hudson col
liery. Charlie Potter has moved Into
Runt's shop on Main street. M. r.rlt
toii, of Olyphant, will open up a gro
cery mid meat business In George
Walters' shop, out of which Mr. Potter
has moved.
Mrs. I. S. Graves, of North Main
Htieet, was a Peckvllle vlstor yester
day. Mrs. Frank Barber visited her par
ents at Aichbald yesterday.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Me
Dermott. of the KaM Side. Is quite 111.
NINICTY PI3R CRNT. of the people
have pome kind of humor In the blood,
and this causes manv diseases. Hood's
Saisaparllla cures these diseases by
expelling the humor.
Hood's Pills are non-lrrltatlng and
tho only pills to take with Hood's Bar-
At Tuesday night's meeting of the
board of trade a constitution and by
laws wero adopted. Tho following ad
ditional names were enrolled: A. M.
Atherton & Co., Rev, II. F. Hammond,
P. T. Dougher, James W. O'Brien, J..
W. Harris and B. N. Kennedy. The
time for accepting charter meinberj
was extended to thirty day. John A.
l.ennon wns elected llrst vice piesl
dent and C. M. Hathaway second vlco
president. The appointing of tho stand
ing committee was deferred till the
next meeting. A proposition was rea.l
from n silk manufacturing concern de
siring to locato here, stating the condi
tions required. A committee consist
ing of F. M. Lynch, W. J. Schubmeh'..
and . D. Kdwnrds wero appointed to
Inquire Into the responsibilities of tho
company. Another meeting will bo
held on Monday evening, April 17,
Mrs. W. R. Lloyd, of Poultrry, Vt..
Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, William Mason, of BWUely.
Mrs. Mary Hvans,' of Hyde Park,
who has been visiting Mrs. T. P. Jones,
has returned home.
Mr, nnd Mrs. D. L. Berry and chil
dren have gone to Carbondalp, where
they will reside.
F. K. Bittenbender, of Nai'tlcoke,
was a caller in town yesterday.
Tlie Knights of Pythias celebrated
their twelfth anniversary with an en
tertainment and social In their rooms
In Edward's hall Tuesday evening. The
programme previously publl.d.o 1 In
Tho Tribune, was carried out In full,
nfter which refreshments were served
and a social time had for a few bouts.
There was a very large attendance of
members and their friends.
Large crowds have been In attend
ance each evening at the Father Mat
thew society's fair, which Is being held
In the Father Mathew hall. A num
ber of articles are chanced oft every
evening. A social Is held until 11
Thomas Hanahoe has accepteJ a
position as bookkeeper with the (.My
phnnt Ice company.
George Chubb and family have
moved to Dunmore.
Robert Llnny, of Dickson, has taken
possession of the Lackawanna housi
at this place.
C. M. Hathaway and Leo Lynch le
turned to Ynle college yesterday uft;r
spending a week's vacation hero.
J. J. O'Malley nnd W. J. AVhee'er
attended a social at Dunmore last eve
Kdltor of The Tribune.
Sir: Tho contested election ot the
writer has, ot course, many advocates,
nnd many who favor the action 1 have
taken, both In Olyphant and other towns;
but there are some pcoplo who seem to
think It a wnste ot time and money, and
that the result Is not worth much, which
ever wins. To the people outside of Oly
phant It Is of very llttlo consequence,
but to the taxpayers here It Is of some
concern. Themfore to those who arc In
favor of the contest, and those who aro
against It, 1 wish to stato a few facts.
I received nothing llko Justice from the
election board on election day, and yet I
am convinced that I have a nice majority
of the votes cast, and that tho election
offlcers counted ballots for my opponent,
which should have been counted for me.
Tho manner In which tho board conduct
ed themselves during the count, leaves
no room to doubt their intentions. I be
lieve tho board deliberately counted me
out. Now, believing the abovo to bo cor
red, I was satisfied to accept a recount,
and submitted tho following proposition
to my opponent:
Anthony F, GUespie, Ksq., Olyphant, Pa.
Dear Sir: In order that the citizens of
Olyphant, and especially those of the
Third ward, may be fully satisfied that I
have done everything In my power to
avoid tho proposed test between us, and
that I do not wish to place any expenses
upon tho borough (they have enough now
to pay), If it can be avoided, and it can
bo avoided if you consider the proposi
tions I offer reasonable. A contest is to
be deplored at tiny time, but If nlX rea
sonable propositions fall, it is nil tint
Is left to be done.
Now I am perfectly satisfied to a re
count of the bnllotx, and will do every
thing possible to have It done. You know
that tho law will not allow the ballot
boxes to be opened, except In the usual
way, but by an agreement between the
contestants It can lie done. If you con
sent to the recount of the ballots, I will
promptly pay all expenses regardless of
tho result of the count. You know tho
correct count, and It you have 91 votes in
the First district and 3 In the Second, or
91 in tho ward, you have nothing to fear,
and ought to be willing to accept tho
above. In the Second district I received
3 and you 3 votes, yet I do not anticlpat
liny clinngo In the vote If it Is recounted,
although you claim a false count was
mado there.
If a recount of the ballots proves that
you have a majority, and that I have re
ceived credit for all the votes cast for
me, I willingly will apologize to the elec
tion officers, and will reimburse you for
tho expense I have caused you In retain
ing lawyers, car fare, etc., to the extent
of $100, Therefore If the result of tho
lecount proves that you aro elected you
have nothing to lose. Now this seems to
me to be very leascmable, us It gives all
the privileges you could expect, and re
lieves the borough from any cost, and ilie
voters from annoyance, and the court
from troubles which usually follow a con
test. If tho above Is not satisfactory to you,
then pleasrt make any kind of a proposi
tion which will immediately decide the
I hope you will alvo this mutter the
consideration It deserves The public will
be anxious to hear from you on tho above
proposition. Martin & Donovan nre niy
attorneys, whom you can consult and
offer any proposition In reference tn Iho
above. Very truly youis.
.1. A. Lennnn.
Th'1 above Is p!i.ln enough tn bo under
stood by tho tnpoycrs, and I hone It will
convlnco them that 1 have done every
thing In my power to avoid another bill
upon tho borough. This contest will cost
tho borough (at .v minimum ostlmute) $.V,
and I don't think thero Is a voter In the
town whose services uru worth $V) to
Iho borough as n councilman ; but a can
didate, has a right to have counted for
hltn all tho vote.! ho received. My oppo
nent would not accept the above propo
sition. 1 also had the following proposition
made In open court:
In re: Contested election of Anthony
F. Gillespie to the office ot member of
horiiKh council from iho Third wnid of
Olyphant. No. 372. April session, 1S93, In
the court of quarter esslons, Lacka
wanna county, Pennsylvania.
John T. Martin and C. C. Donovan,
counsel for the petitioners, and for John
A. Lennon, the contestant In the abovo
ease, respectfully beg to file and submit
for the consideration of Anthony F. Gil
lespie, the respondent, tho following
proposition to wit:
Thnt on or before ft , m. Wednesday,
the 5th Inst., counsel for tho respondent
Join with counsel for petitioners und con.
testntit In the signing and submitting for
tlie upprovril of the court, an agreement
that the result of this contest bo deter
mined solely by a recount by the court
of the ballots cast at siild election In said
ward for sold ottlce. mid that upon such
1M 11 'rtl MJflMl
Your nerves need food. Use
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
laue no nuusuuue.
determination, paid John A. Lenn:n
agrees to pay tho cost regardless of tho
result of said contest,
John T. Mnrtln and C. C. Donovan.
Attorneys for Petitioners nnd Contestant.
April 3, 1S99.
My opponent's counsel refused to agree
lo tho above.
I don't sco anything left but to fight It
out In the regular way. Yours truly,
J. A. Lennon.
Olyphant, Pa April R.
The following licenses were granted by
tho court on Monday. Brulntrlm town
ship, Fred S, Hols, l.nceyvllle, hotel,
I.aceyvllle; John Mlngos, Hotel Allngos,
Lnccyvlllo; Corey W. Decker, Tablo Rock
House, Skinner's Kddy. Clinton town
ship, A. D. Sherwood, Depot hotel. Falls
township, U. At. Van Auken, Falls hotel,
Falls; Newman Fitch, Mill City hotel,
Mill City. Forkston township, Lewis C.
Vuughn, Forkston House, Forkston. Fur
toryvlllo borough. K. 1'. Smith, Slsk
House. Lemon township, E, A. Martin,
FcrnellfTo hottl; John II. Jones, Spring
Orovo House. Mesheppcn boiough, Geo.
L. Keniiard, Kcnnard House; J. 11. Red
ding, Riverside hoted. Monroo township
M. W. Newboriy, Plntt House; C. V. St.
John, Beaumont House. Mehoopnny
township. M. N. Rceser, Mehoopnny
House; John AV. Gaylord, Jennings Home.
Noxen townshlp-Sefernls llitwke, Star
hotel: T. L. Dolan, Noxen House. North
niorelaml township. J. 11. Shook. Shoo
House, t'entermpielaiid. Nicholson bo
rough, John A. Nlver, Nlver House. Geo.
S. Hlneklle, Nicholson House. Nichol
son township, Albert 1. Rodney. Pierce
vlllo hotel. Overfleld township, Clark H.
Frear, Wlnola House. Lake Wlnola.
Tunkhannock township, O. O. Shafcr and
J. II. Hadsall, La Grange House, La
Grange. Tunkhuunoek borough, Peter
McOee, Wnrrer. Street hotel; Martin
Schlatter. Wyoming House; Ktta Stev
ens, Stevens House. D. C. Oraham, Hotel
Graham; Jabez Lee, Kceler House, W.
N. Reynolds, Packer Rouse. Washing
ton township, Leonard Champion, Lehigh
Valley House.
In the matter of tho license for tho
Lake House at Mill City, which was de
stroyed by fire slnco the filing of tho pe
tition, the court will withhold tho license
until tho hotel Is rebuilt.
The Scovell IIouso In Monroo township
fulled to show the necessity for a hotel
and license wns refused.
In the matter of tho license for tho
Noxen House, nt Noxen, T. L. Dolan, pro
prietor, In which there was n remon-
trfuice, the rcinonstrnnco was with
drawn and license granted.
In tho application for license for the La
Grange House, where there were two ap
plications for the same house. Mr, Smith
withdrew his application nnd license was
granted to Shafcr & Hadsall.
C. S. Knapp and C. N. Kinney, of Skin
ner's Kddy, wero In Tunkhannock on
II. C. Reynolds, esq., of tho Lacka
wanna county bar, was In Tunkhannock
on Tuesday,
At tho mctlng of Triton Hose company
held on Tuesday evening, the
routine business was transacted. Reso
lutions wero adopted thanking the ladles
who assisted at tho recent fair of the
company, especially mentioning Mrs. F.
II. Piatt, the very clllcent chairman of
tho executive committee: a vote of thanks
was also tendered to F. P. Avery for
work done for tho company at various
times for which ho refused to tako pay.
Tho fire alarm committee reported prog
ress. Various plans In regnrd to the Five
County Volunteer Firemen's convention
were discussed and a committee of three,
consisting of President Aaron Brown, the
Bargain Seekers Have a Harvest.
The Greatest Crowds Ever Turned
Out All Buying at This Great Fire
Sale Hundreds Could Not Bo
Waited On.
Did you ever In your life visit a
store where they actually light to get
In for bargains. Such was the case
the morning the great fire sale which
opened Its doors this u. m. could nut
begin to wait on all. The way this
stock Is going Is remarkable. No won
der, look at the prices, that tells tho
The Insurance company, nfter look
ing over the stock, decided the same
was nut so badly damaged as claimed
by the Insured clothier, and falling to
ngree as to the loss, have taken the
stock and will turn It Into money in
order to make a settlement as speedily
as possible.
As the store has only been rented for
TEN DAYS, everything will go rapld
y. This is tho first Fire Sale of this
kind that lias ever occurred in this
city, and may never occur again. In
order to prove what tremendous sacri
fices will be made, we mention a few
of the extraordinary bargains that will
be offered, and bear In mind, thero are
20,000 different articles we cannot men
tion here. We advise you to save this
and bring it with you so that there
be no mlstnke, and that you get ex
actly the goods mentioned In this doc
ument. Remember, no postponements; this
FIRE SALE will close In TEN DAYS.
Just think of the following proposition
and remember that all goods priced In
this document can be brought back
any time during the sale It not con
sidered worth the money nnd not
Men's fine Worsted Overcoats. $:'.8.
Thin Coat Is worth $15.00. We allow
you to keep It home four days, and If
not soiled you may return the same
and we hereby agree to return the
$L9S. Men'f fine spring nnd summer
Overcoats In Silk and Satin lining,
$0.1)11. This coat Is really worth $20.00.
Men's Extra Fine Satin lined Spring
and Summer Overcoats, $7.8.1, posi
tively worth $25.00.
A splendid suit of .Men's Clothe,
$2.89. This suit Is positively worth
$13.00. Keep It home four days and
If not soiled return and we agree to
refund the $2.flS. Mens fine Spring
Weight Pants $1.29, fine quality, reully
worth $S.00, latest stylo and very hand
some. Keep them homo four days and
If not soiled return the same and we
hereby agree to return the $1.29.
Men's Extra Fine Suits $0.S5. This
$0.85 suit is the finest material, latest
style, well made and positively worth
$20.00. Ask to see It. High grade goods
weailtig equal to the finest quality
custom work, and over 10,000 different
suits, In silk and satin lined. All must
go regardless of cost.
Boys' and Children's Suits from 78
cents up. Boy's Kneu Pants. 17 cents.
Hoy's lints. 75 cents, worth $3.50. Good
Handkerchiefs 5 cents, worth 25 cents.
Socks 3 cents. Men's lino L'nderweur
43 cents per suit, worth $2.50. Fine Silk
Suspenders 8 cents, worth 75 cents,
Silk I'nibrelhiH 49 centH. worth $3.50.
and a thousand other articles we have
no fepaco to mention here.
Wo have thousands of Men's and
Boys' SultB which for want of space
wo cannot mention here. Also Extra
Size Suits for Large und Stout Men.
225 Lackawanna avenue, between
I' rankllu and Penn avenues, a few
doois from Penn uvenue, Scrantou, Pa.
Don't ue misled by any sign which
other merchunts may display; look
for our sign, a large Red sign, Pay no
attention to any other. Store open
evenliiL'u until 'i v. in.
When He 18 Suffering With Piles.
He Can't Eat, Sleep, Can't Get Com
fort Any Way But One Pyramid
Pllo Cure Will Cure Him; Give In
stant Relief.
.lust a llttlo jialu muy so distract n
Jiinn's life that It will cost hltn hun
dreds of dollnrs. Life Is a battle. To
succeed ono needs all his energies and
nil his brain force to apply to tho ques
tion at hand. Even a corn will make
him Irritable, cross, ungry and an nn
rcry man seldom succeeds. The trilling
puln of u corn Is a pleasant fooling be
sides the agonizing nchp of piles. Tliait
Is a pain which seems to pervade tho
whole body. It communicates Itself to
all parts near the Font of the trouble
und brings on a henvy dragging feel
ing In the perineum. Those who do not
so suffer do not know what It means.
It rocks the nerves, provi.nts sleep,
prevents concentrated thought nnd
makes n man lose llesh as fast as he
would with n violent fever.
And yet piles nre looked upon as a
little thing. They aro neglected al
lowed to run on from month to month
and from year .to year. By and by
comes a surgical operation. Maybe It
cures maybe It kills.
There Is only one sure, saf? and quick
cure for piles. It Is the Pyramid Pllo
Cure. It Is a recent discovery and Us
properties nre such that it clcnnscs,
soothes and heals the Inflamed parts,
reduces the Inflammation at once and
with continual treatment, removes nil
swelling and all trace of disease. It
puts the membranes in a heulthy active
condition and cures completely and
From C. F. Collins, Gurnett: "I com
menced using the Pyramid Pile Cure,
but my casa was no bad that I was
afraid the remedy would fall, but be
fore I had used two-thirds of a pack
age I began to feel much better nnd I
can honestly say I am entirely cured.
It is the quickest and surest remedy
1 have heard of."
From Joslah Roberts, Port Oram, N.
J., "Just one-quarter of a package of
tho Pyramid Pile Cure did wonders for
me and I have lost no opportunity of
recommending such n wonderful rem
edy." From Wm. Mcllale, Rockport, Mass.,
"Oiie pack.ige of Pyramid Pile Cure
hns helped me more than anything I
have vet used."
Pyramid Pllo Cure Is sold by drug- j
glFts generally. If your druggist doesn't
keep it, he will get it for you If you
ask him. Book on cause and cure of
piles sent free. Address, Pyramid Drug
Co.. Marshall, Mich.
foreman. G. O. Skinner, nnd J. Wood
Piatt, tho secretary ot the association,
wero appointed to look after tho pre
liminary work. (The meeting adjourned
to meet on Wednesday, April 12,
Guy II. Fuller, of Jamestown, N. Y
visited in Tunkhannock over Sunday with
L. F. Camp, Mr. Fuller wits on the rtnff
of the Tunkhannock Republican back In
the 70s.
A. A. Sterling, of the People's bank,
Wllkes-Barre, and A. H. Sterling, of tho
firm of A. H. Sterling & Co., of Meshop
pen, were In Tunkhannock on Tuesday.
Jerome B. Welch, who on Monday re
signed as tipstaff at the court house, goes
to Berwick, Pa., to take a position In Iho
Jackson-Woodln car shops.
Miss Marion Metcnlf. who has been
spending tho Faster holidays with her
parents here has returned to her school,
tho Elmlra college.
On Tuesday evening Esther Assem
bly, No. 16, A. O. IT. XV., of Scranton,
entertained Assemblies No. 39, Degree
of Naomi, of Avoca, and Rebecca
lodge, of Prlceburg. The feature of the
event was the conferring of the third
degree on Mr. McArthur, of Scranton.
Tho ceremonies aro of an elaborate
order and the robes worn by the In
stalling ofllcers represent a large ex
penditure In that line. The officers in
service on Tuesday were: Mrs. G.
Heggleman, past commander; Mrs. K.
Acker, commander; Mrs. A. Van Hous
ton, vice commander: Mrs. II. Bon
stein , conductor; Mrs. M. Mlchler,
chaplain; Mrs. Annie Keers, guard;
Mrs. J. Ilammess, sentinel. Tho fol
lowing members from Avoca lodge
were present: Mesdames Phoebe Llew
ellyn, Mrs. E. Rlcheus, Lizzie Llew
ellyn, Nellie Weddal, M. J. Bo3ley.
Jennie Clark, Elizabeth Davis, Rachel
Williams, Rebecca Robinson, Lydia
Vanscoy, Margaret Graham, Agnes
Gillespie, Kate Frederick, Myra Wed
dal, Mary Maine, Nellie Nahlln, Jane
Hunt, Mary Caulderwood, Elizabeth
Gilchrist, Elizabeth doom, Minnie
and Viola Dommernuth, Thomas Ilen
urdlne, Scranton lodge served rofresu
ments. Mr. Williamson, of Scranton,
chanced off a beautifully decorated
steeple cake which was won by Mrs.
M. J. Bosley. of Avoca.
Poter Clark, sou of John (.'lark, ct
Mooslc, sustained u broken leg in the
Old Forge colliery yesterday afternoon
where he was employed us driver. He
was removed to Plttston hospital.
The following nre the newly appoint
ed policemen of the borough: Mrst
ward, James Ryan. James Doran. Ed
ward Murphy, John Rldgelly; Second
ward, John Hoban Benjamin Webb, P.
W. Reap; Third ward, Thomas Row
lands, Patrick Dougher, Thomas Hhb
klus. Mrs. T. F. O'Donnell and Mrs. John
Kenny, of Parsons, spent yesterday
with friends In town.
All members of tho Sons of Temper
ance are requested to be present at
the meeting this evening.
Mujor A. I. Ackerly lian moved hack
to the old homestead on the farm.
Mr. A. (i. Wheeler will occupy the
house Just vacated by A. I. Ackerlv
and owned by Mr. .1. S. Wagner, on
Summit street.
J. S. I.utsey and wle and son, Prank,
spent Sunday with the formers par
ents, Mr. and Mitt. Kduaid I.utsey.
Mlss Julia Huber, of Danville, Pa.,
Is visiting relatives here.
Tho ladles of the Methodist church
announce a quilt nodal to bo lld m
the church parlors on Friday evening
of (his week, when the quilt will lm
given to the successful bachelor n
celvliifc the highest number of votes,
'l'lie folio win? subjects ure mibfmlt
ted to tho patronage of the commun
ity: T. S. Parker Is represented by
Miss Hessle "Mulllnox, XV. P. Coon is
represented by Miss Carrie Wells, Os
car II. Stone Is represented by Miss
Anna Kibble. U. C. Stevens Is lepie
puntei! by Miss Carrie Harlan, F. H.
Green is represented by Miss Helen
Harlan, who will solicit your patron-
nu 5, . 119 Cures a cough or cold
Pr.Ollll Sl "uedayl" It is the
rr " " , r" best cough remedy for
Cough Syruphdcaunra'cvr,o
1 without fxil I Doctor recommend it. i'riccijc.
J t l. K , tj( , a n it it KKKKKK
Trill Pr f Evfl'IEI?)
Scranton Store, 124-126
Millinery supremacy
You will find in this millinery department all that
tiie word "supremacy" indicates. Supremacy in
styles as well as assortments and last of all, supremacy
in low prices. There is no other place where vou
can trade so satisfactorily as here.
We invite the in
spection or our un
rivalled stock of
trim in c d hats
togues, bonnets
and large hats the
very height of lash
ion all at marvel
ously low prices,
$1.98, $2.98,
$3.98, $4.98
all the way up to
19c Roses at 10c Unusual ottering in rose bou
quets of the 19c quality in tive different shades. t
Special 1 JQ
A jacket offering
The first lot of jackets we speak' of here were
purchased much under their real value and consti
tutes one of tlie most remarkable offerings of THE
most remarkable offerings ever made so early in the
season in goods that are absolutely new "and just
from the tailor's hand.
Women's $5
silk lined
jackets, $2,98
Made of all wool
covert cloth, with
tight fitting back and
straight fly tront,
silk lined through
out. $2.98
(f Ty "
( M
Other good values in women's and misses' tailored outer
garments Jackets and Suits up to $25.
Women's knit underwear
All goods offered in this department are of the
first quality, no matter how low the price may seem.
All goods advertised here at special prices the lowest
for goods of equal value read the descriptions :
Women's 10c
jersey ribbed
Yests, 4c
With tape around
neck no sleeves
real value ioc. Spec
ial price,
Women's 25c lisle thread vests at 17c In live diflercnt
styles, handsomely trimmed with lace and silk ribbon, real lisle
thread vests that were formerly marked 2, cents .
now while they last ,. I C
)l 'A ' 'A 'A ' ' "4 ' "4 ' " '" ' ' '
age. Vote early and often. Vote to
close ut 10 o'clock p. in. on Friday
Mr. and .Win. O. Chapman entertained
all their children on Sunday last.
At 10.30 o'clock Sunday morning Hev.
J. J. H. IVeley, ut St. Peter'H cathe
dral, Scranton. will nay mass at
Clark's Summit.
Willluin Vdiidcrvnort was a Imxlit.-s
caller at Stutrucca yesurday.
At Urn council meeting Slonduj even
lug the resignation of Mr. V. M. liloes
was accepted. Mi U. Wademan and
Welles C. Warner wero nominated. M
Warner was rhoieu to fill the v.milio-
Seeretary R. J. Thomas, of the borough
council, wln collect all money dw on
electric lights. The collections .uc to be
made on the llrst of c.ic'li month
Odd Fellows hall will be tilled to ot-r-tlitwing
this evening when the Ued Men
of Warapha trllif. No. 211, and tin lr
wives, also the members 'f Pocahontas
and their husbands assemble to do justice
to the banquet royal gotten tin by tins
Ited Men. Tlieni will be a jolly good time
in general. Local and out of town tal
ent will provide a short but ver infer
estlng programme, which will be wn
dercd previous to the banquet
Chief of Police K. I. Craig was a Scn.ii
ton visitor yeslenlay.
Aldcu Hammond, of lllcuorj sucei, i
moving Ids household effects lo Ids pl.,
at Canaan. Wiiyno county, where Mr
Hammond will neldo and work bis large
A meeting of the borough council
held on Monday evening Willi Piisldent
Jones in the chair. Members McAndrews
aud Price Wcie abenit. Pills uggregat.
Ing $jO0 weic road and ordered paid. Dr.
Van Doran. tho health officer, read his
report for tho year. It was received and
placed on file. Tho doctor then called the
attention of the council to the fact that
his term of oflleo had expired and wished
them to appoint his successor. A resolq
tlon was Introduced empowering the prctq.
dent of tho council to appoint health of
flcers. Clarence Sampion bus moved his family
to tho West Hldo In Scranton, ho having
accepted a situation with the Scranton
Traction company.
Among those from town who were on
the Delaware aud Hudson train that was
I wrecked at Diamond crossing worn T.
. K K . . . , , v. f. : . V, t n
Wyoming Avenue.
Verv special of
ferings in chil
dren's trim med
ha ts tri m med
with (lowers, quills,
ribbons, etc. any
ol them worth up
to $2.50.
$1.25, $1.50,
$1.98, $1.48
all the way up to
Si 0.00.
Misses' $6
covert cloth
jackets, $3.98
Made of very good
quality ot covert
cloth, with double
stitched seams
straight tly front
jacket, value 6.00.
Women's 19c .
jersey ribtciT ;:
yests ai 12 i-2c
In ecru only. Tape
around neck no
sleeves. Value iqc.
'8 'A "" A '"" ' "A "" ' rt ' " " ",
Mooney, N. Ille Hum- .. : Nolo Price, the
latter being on lur w:i lo l'hll.idelphlu
Thomas Mooney retinoid In Phili
delpllla after spcntliiisr eiai-lir with h:S
family here.
$100 Reward 9100.
The leaders of this paper will be please. I
to ieam that theie N at least one
ed disease that -cience lias been able i
emu In till Its stages, and that Is I'atiirru
Hall's C.itallh t'mv Is the only postflm
cure known to the trntcnilu.
Catarrh being a disease r
quires a constitutional treatment. Hall
Catarrh Cure Is taken Intrrnall), acting
directly upon tlie blood ami miieoiis am
faces of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of tho disease, and glvlnjr
the patient strength by building up ilio
constitution and assisting nature In do
ing its wmk Tlie proprietors have so
much faith In Its euratic powers, thai
they offer One Hundred Delhi! s for anv
case that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials Address
F .1 CHKN'KY fc CO Toledo, U
Sold b Drngglstf. "ic
Hall's I'amilj Pills are the best
DLLLSlV! I H Tablets and Pills
1 his Complexion Treatment
is a guaranteed specific, per
fectly safe and sure in its ac-
) tion, for the removal of var-
'. ious disorders of tho skin, viz
pimples, uiotches, Freckles,
Sunburn, Dlscoloratlons. Ecze
ma, lilackheads, Roughness, Redness, and re
stores tbe Bloom ol Youth to faded (aces.
Uoxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c:
30 days' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5.00
with positive written Guarantee to produce the
above resullt or cheerfully refund ij.oo paid. Sant
by mall on receipt of price. Seud for circular.
Nervlta Medical Co., ctlaioa&JacktoaSts.
Sold by all Druggists Cblcip, Illinois.
Sold by MrOairaii Thomas Driuj
gists, IMi Lackawanna u . Scranton, Pa
fttrLontfrr' The JoimrtJ ftintittlotit of
lift rtn bw irtlurrd to inu, Th nor
woriUMf! Neryoua lhtlltr r
l aUoluttlv ouretl by IMlRFtXTO
.'1'AII bK I . Olf prompt rlitf lo In-
ornnlft. falliQiT mi tnorv nd th wait
' nd drain of Ul poverv.lnruiitd by
tmllarrciioiiioreircMfiuf tftily )iii,
linnftrtvivarsiriLliior ntvtii . fun.
(Ion Utte$ oplh yitem. Uiv aa. bloom to tb
rhrvkt and tusir to the of ryouiigoreld.
OnWK boircnfwiriui ntrt7y flljO boin at
f!.0fte9raplttKUftrntedrurTrftTf or moory i.
funded Can b carried In veil Uf pocket. BoM
erywbtr,or mailed la plain wrapper on itcrli'.Jt
vrirt t7 Tri i rkkruno tv,, on feu, oiM,r
Sola In Scranton, l'u by MntthM
Bros, und McGarruh & Thomas, UrucKlsU,
V- tfhJti
wS 'Slffll