The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Norton's Wall Decoration?,
Paper Hnnglngs, Llncrustu-Wnlton,
Burlnps, Anyglypta,
Wood Mouldings,
j- the choicest product of American
and foreign artists and mills.
Wo have all giadcs of stock
tor the mansion, the cottage,
j e country house, business places
cljurches, public halls, hotels, etc.
AnieYlcnn El8- Trench, German
deslfU13 and colors for all tastes.
We make specialty of
interior Decorations
nrid odd things for walls.
Very large variety at right prices.
Vlndow shades, all sorts,
j-endy-mndo nnd to your order.
Wo Invite an Inspection and
' comparison of stock and prices.
ii uviriCPTf-'iivi
322 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton.
32 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barro.
X Sec Our Great S.
VS -
S Fine Pictures
aoo Wyoming Avenue. jj;
Fresh Pure Milk
5c a Quart.
.1.l7 Adumt Avenue.
SfccialiUs Surgery, itoasei of Women
Cniff Hours !toIOn. m
l to :i p. m
MRCMddnce - ..-."to up. m
Olllue -JUt Conni'll IlclidlDi;. Kcridonce
JlD'-uutli Mnln .Yenue.
Chas. McrtUIIen & Co.
llnvo openl n Genera! Insur
ance Olllci In the
Traders' National Hank Building
IJp-l Stock ('cmr-iilr" ii'iro.pnt"d.
I.arRt lines opi.H--lu.Uy tolUlted. Telc
plioia IStjJ.
Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting
JolililnR Promptly ttondrd to. Comer
ofreun A ven no ami .Linden Street.
Under The Wilndsor."
l'or l.louor. Driitr nml Tob icroui waits.
Pamphlet free. 1HIJ KI2i:L.SY INSTITUTE,
728 Modljon Aye., SCRiiSIO.N. lA.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
IIU.1I1 J. KEENAN, .Mix.iajcr.
I'lioi-.1 Inrjiice dnoct from resilience to
my in I "I" t lie I tilted. Mutes.
(Illk'c 10!) Lacki:. Ave. 1'lionc H25
W. II II in
A . 3
A Neat,
Clean Laundry
If Mill turr l or our liinlih
miu Mill M-iiil mu- Rimm-iils
to ii l.miulli l paiilou
lui In tlit li' im-iliDiW nml um
um- In ilnlnj; llnlr iwiiK. AVit
h.tH n t leu n l.unnlrv tuni iln
ii'ii t, c.ireful woiU.
It 11
. I'enn Avenue. A. li. . ARrtAN.
In Ji. pli limp of 1'iU.sti'ii, mi n
K' i.i nit n vHltot ytKttiiltiy. '
Mi mill Mr. JJeliman Levy, of Mnn
i muiif, uio ils-ltiiiR filptidh In Syiti
i i
Slu I'IoiikU- WViUh, of llli sli.iininn. t
ic pitf-bt of MIm In-ne IUjiiuUls. of .Ma.l.
I- ill nMIIJi'.
Mi nnd Mr. Wllll.iin Mi-.NuH). of STj)
ll.ri.luilv blit'ct, i i'o t'liliTtuliiiiiK iltn. i.
t nit O'llimv nml i-0llr, of Poit J('l'l.
N A . '
j'liui II. vs'i'bxii'i, who lui In en in
c mi'.' hi tlio V.vW nillroiiil olllci In IhW
i ij i,n bu trauttft.'ni'il to liltiglutiutim
Tin- rnKnct iiioni of Mr. l.mils l.oiifr, of
tilt 'irm of JotlliH I.UIIK'H Suns, to .Miss
:!.. lilun. of N'w Yoik, was annouiiL'wl
In that iitv wHinnlny.
CianuT B. 'irllllllii', nl Tat lor, linn none
! '. Mexico to uc'cepl a position wltli
liir Improvement compauy at .Mamngnrtlu.
cunt tolled by rtimim &. Watliliif, of tills
IM J. '. I nf WIIUoB-Jinrrr, foi
inub of J'oii'i'i t'lly nml well kmiv.ii
111'). . Ii.ih rftnovfil to Now Yoik rlty. Mo
ll rolitlliilo tile publlf'.ttlnu of the Opi'n
l.ttK'i .tnti Mill be Incttoil at II I'ink How.
John J (iiinlnn, nl The Tiilitinu, who
imilerntiil nn op' union for nppfittllultlH
tit thn Rcraiiton J'rlvnto hofplttil a tiny
wet'ki aao. wu' mnowil to Ills homo
jt-Htfi'ilay tuni ixptrtH to lid out in &
wit'K or Imi. '
Mtk Ali'Xiinilrlii. of WilkcS'llutii'. anil
.MIkmi.'i Anna l.ubinstelli ami llrrtlut
Nfrl of fl irilnbuiK. were the Kuonts
jcfi'iitly of Mih. J. I. iJrnybcll, of Marlon
itlit'ct XIls- N'fi It y 1h u, (lanulitcr of
fitnto Benntnr NVoly.
Tin inniilnKf oi' MIsh Katluilno A.
Slieii. of WiiHhlttKton, to Mr. John A. Me
Nntnam. of llt tston. Ih aniiiiiinceil to
occur lit Ht. 1'itrlck'H churrh. WuhIiIub
ton, D. (. April t, at IiIkIi noun, the
lt"V. Dr. rltafforil, of that chinch, nlhVUt
nu. Mlm Hht a Ih tln only iluuirhtrr of
Colonrl'ThnniaK .Shea, of llto tommlHsaiy,
I'pltcl HtutoH army.
Smoke The roeoin De, Cigar. "
Mr. Kelly, of West Market Street,
Objected to Being the Target.
"Your honor. 1 only old It for fun
and meant no liaun," quoth one l'eter
llerrlty, it loshlent of the Third waul
and iMiinituljlo-iMcrt, uccotdlni? to stn
llutlt". He addressed tlu rr-markH to
Aldermnii Saltty. who u-iu'enonta Miss
Justice In that bailiwick.
Anyhow, I'll hold ou In $300 Intll.
and you can tfll thn cotirt thf fun you
hud," tut Id Alderman Sultry, and Will
lam Cuslek furnished tin lenulrod hull.
Tlio above liropcrly IntiDilnci'S tin
story of Oct rlty and James Kelly, of
West Mmkut Btrcet.
Coimtahle-olctl (Jet lily, fully alive to
lilt probtthlo demands. that hlfl luos
licetiVf ofllce would irmko upon him.
imridiased u pair of nlpiu'frt. Ot cotirso.
ht- would not ilati- attest any person
until In was cllrcelrd so to do. but
surely a little qui' t praitlco would ho
Itcnsonlng much uloinr thesf llncw,
the next step was naltnnlly that of
llndlnp a "mnik" who would not mind
holmj nipped, espi'iially when it inlRltt
porfoet the eonstnhlo In tin devious
ways of tin wutd sleuth. It Ih llnht
heii that Kelly enters Into the story.
Wediienlay hi had Oerrlty arrested,
iharsed with assault and hnttery. That
Is why (Jertity Is tinder bail at piescnl.
Kelly nveis that tioirlty Hied the
nlppci' came Metal times on liliu.
inn "In h'l l B at thiil," until th last
time uiidfthen II didn't look like fun
and he not hint In the lurmitu. His
anus, espe-lully the rlpht one from tin
irlst mi. weir swollen. Jicslilc!. f!et
ilty had said it was Rood pruetlee
In him ami that ended It with Kelly.
Nonstable Cole uriesleil tJeitlly with
out the aid of nlppef.
First Step Toward the Reorganiza
tion of Company D Taken Last
Night Twenty-Fivo Mem
bers Were Present.
The members of Company 1). Thir
teenth regiment, Pennsylvania A'olttn
teer Infantry, met lust iilsltt and tle
cldeil to reotprnnize as Company 1.
Thirteenth tOKlment National Guard of
About twenty-five men attended tho
meetlns and two-thirds of them ex
pressed their vlllln!;nes to line up on
the lvformlnw. The others were In
favor of tho movement hut wish U
eonslder tiefote ilecldlmr to ro-enlist.
Captain (iiltvan, wlio pieitle(I at the
m etlnff, stated thai as many as were
piesent had expressed themselves n.s
ftuorable to the Idea nnd In expected
that tlure would he little or no tumble
in scr-urlnir a fine fompniiy
This company teturncd from Cami
MaeKeti7ie. after beim; mustered out of
the United rit.ites Volunteer perviee,
with a total muster roll of nlnetv-one.
The new company will comprise llfty
llve men at the outside nnd therefore it in t seem that any serious dllll
culty will be experienced In re-formlm;
a Company 1, Thirteenth rer.hnent,
Nrtlnnal Cuard of Pennsylvania.
L'ndeilyln!,' the movement of this re
forming. Is the idea of preserving in
tact th Thirteenth, which during a
year past has nddud lustre to Us al
teady fair name.
Captain Oilman -wishes to state thnt
any men who formerly belonged to
Company D, at any time, and wish
to go In again will be welcome, provid
ing ho can pass the examinations. Tin
company expects to be organized in
time to be inspected by M'ljor "W. H.
.Millar, when lie inspects the companies
tif tin Seventh lesrlment here.
Defeat Flttston Elks with Compara
tive Ease.
Thf Elks' bowling tfaniwent to Pitts
ton last night and defeated the V.Hi
team of that place In a four-game tour
ney nt Kelly's alleys.
The Scranton team was made up of
Charles ri. Fowler, Phillips, CJeorge
Koch. Emll sk'himplf. What ton and
Madenspaeher. iittston was ieprf
sentetl by 31uri.tY, Clbbons. Connots,
Ijoftus. Thompson ami Jones.
SiT.intun won each of the four games
by the following scores: lwi6 to ST:', U.i'J
to ST;, 41 to S37 and !(7S to 951.
The highest Individual store, 206. was
made by Siiilinpff. AVIiaiton made the
highest average, 1SI.
At tin loncluslon ot the came the
visitors wete entertained nt the rooniH
of the Pittston i:iks. A return game
will bo played lure, April 11.
Finnl Move to Secure Promised New
Tho mnuufaetuieis' lommlltee of the
board of trade will meet lu tlio recre
tarv's olllce at 3 o'clock this afternoon
to close up the deal for a big industry
which the boa id has been nfter for a
long time.
Every member Is urged to bo piesent.
as ilnul aetion must come today.
- - - -r
Boyle & Mucklow.
the popular lothleis, are distributing a
handsom fashion pamphlet among
tluir lrlends. Tho pamphlet contains a
number of tine llliittiatli.ns of places of
Interest, also some line cuts ol the lat
est stylo ot clothing which that popular
linn have in stock.
1 will dispose of my entire stock ot
dlainonds.solld silverware and valuable
art display at auction this week.
Thomas C, Parker,
Wilkes-Harro, Pa.
On April 17
Prnllieino & Co. -will open their new
stoio on Iwickuwnnnu. avenue. They
will roiitliiuo their removal s.ilo until
the nbove dat..
Easter Flowers
for Holy Thuifday at Clark's annex,
20.". Washington avenue, old Guernsey
Uv. Taylor, Dentist, will move his
olllco to lesltlenco, 1760 Sanderson ave
nue, Monday, Apill 2.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been usetl ror over PIl'TY YUAHS
by MILLIONS or MOTIIKItrt for Iholr
ciui.niu:N wiiii. i:tiii:tiiin'u with
pkuI''i:ct Hi'cci:s. it soothes tii-
nil PAIN; t'UHKri WINI) COLIC, and
Ih the bfnt teinpil.v for DIAItHHOEA.
Hold by DruKlllHtu In eery pnrt of tho
world. Ho suto and ask for "Mrs. Wins
low's Hoothlng Syrup," and tnke. no other
kind. Tncnty.llv) cents a. Ijottls.
Cummings Was Under Arrest in
Monioo County but Was Released
Becauso No Evidence Could Bo Of
fered Against Him Kelly 13 Not
n Resident of Ashley, hut Has an
Intimate Knowledge of the Place.
Find Made by William Loach's Son
at Ararat.
.Ir-mrs Kdlv and James Cuiuinlnes.
the burglars who were shot at Ararat
Summit Monday morning, had a large
number of cai!"is yestunlav. Onu of
them was T. !'. Welter, chief of police
of ytroudsburg. Jle is positive that
C iminlngs is a mini who was under ar
rest at u small village near Strouds
Intrg about Inn months ngu, but was
teleased because thole was no positive
proof to comifct him with a number
of buiglaries committed In that vicin
ity at that time.
DetoclHc Trescott.of the Lehigh Val
ley company, identlllod Joseph Leonard.
ho Is In tin toimty Jail, as n member
it'a lawless gang at Hiizleton that gave
the police of the Mountain City no end
of trouble. 17. C, iuitt, an lion and
Coal oillcer from Alahanoy City, mw
the two nun In the county lull and tho
two In the hospital nnd is positive they
answer in a genet jl wav the descilpllon
of men mixed up In the muIouh smfu
blowing cntctpilses In Sthuylbill coun
ty during the winter months. Crum
could not identify any of the men but
he was so impressed by the way they
tally with the descriptions of the
Sihuylklll bttrglais that ho is going to
send up men who were bound nnd
gagged In places entered by the bur
glars. They will be able to state posi
tively It tlvy are the men.
It hns beet, proved that Kelly Is not
a resident of Ashley ns he stated. Por
seven ycatst at least he has not been
n resident of tbe.t pine. Ho has nn In
timate acquaintance with Ashley, how
ever, which is tcvealed in the way he
talks about It. When the chief of po
lice o" thPt place was tit tho hospital
for the purpose of Identifying Kelly
the latter aslietl him how Ofllcer Cav
anauu'h Is gettlnt; along. Cavanaugh is
one of the Ashley cllleers. He is com
Irg ii)) to SCO If he can identify Kelly.
The chief of police ot Ashley believes
that Kelly was In a gang of a dozen
tiuinplsh-looklng Individuals he found
loitering on a bridge one night. Ho
compelled them to move. That night
two safes were cracked in Ashley and
Hie trumplsh-looklng fellows fellows
were seen no more.
It Is the opinion of the authorities
that tho great amount of safe-blowing
and other desperate work in this part
of the state since last fall was tho work
of two gangs who were acquainted and
had an understanding. The men now
In custody are believed to be members
of one of the gangs. AVhether or not
they were mixed up in the Corcoran
murder will lie known within a day or
Kelly felt better yesterday thnn any
day since ho was shot nnd the hospital
authorities are beginning to hope for
his recovery. Cummings suffers groat
pain from his shattered arm. It may
have to be amputated, and it tho sur
geons succeed in saving it the member
will be ctlppled.
Leonard Is evidently feeling a little
nervous. He assured the Jail author
ities vesterday that he cannot bo con
nected with tho Corcoran affair for the
reason that he can provo nn alibi.
Yesterday a son of William Leach,
who shot thieo of the robbers at
Ararat Monday morning, found a sil
ver watch, gold chain nnd linger ling
and a revolver case In the hollow of a
stump not far from the scene of the
tatal shootins- Thou Is no doubt that
they were placed there by members of
the bold gang subsequently captuied
The articles are being held by Lenoli
tor the authorities who may find them
valuable in the pioseeutlon of the pris
tine! s.
The following Is from the Cnrbondale
Xtnim "The Willlnnisport police are
of the opinion that the man who was
killed at Ararat may bo Paddy Brooks
who Is accused of highway lobbery
anil burglary. Tho description of the
man tallied with P.iooks save that
rirooks' body Is said to be covered with
tattoo marks while not even a vaccin
ation mark was found on tho dead
burglar. Another point of difference is
that Hrooks' teeth nie said to bo badly
worn. The Atarat man has sound
teeth In good condition. Photographer
Poster Is preparing sets of photo
giaphs of tlio fellow and they will bo
illstiibuteu among detective agencies
and police readquarters. It is hoped
In this way he may bo Identified."
The Wllkes-Hnrre Times of Inst
night contributed the following to tho
"J..C. Kelghron, one of the shrewd
est detectives in Northeastern Penn
sylvania, and a member of Herman
Darling's foico of sleuths, vas in
Seianton yesterday and called at tho
Lackawanna hospital to look over the
burglais. Cummings nnd Kelly, who
were wounded timing Hit recent
trouble nt Ararat.
"Detective Kelgluon said he met thu
Will buy Fancy Fresh Sardines,
18 ilsli to tin; limit twolvo tins, to
lluy.s largest Jordan Almonds.
Jluys Courson's tJum Flour ;
will bako tho bust bread mul
inoro oi' it.
1 8c per doz.
IJuys our fancy "Jcr&oy J,'gV
I! days laid,
bttrplnrfl in the western part of tho
state. When a reporter asked him If
Kelly and Cummings had given their
correct names Mr. Kelghron paid they
had not, though ho politely declined to
reveul what their right names are. Ho
also ptefcried not to express nn opin
ion one way or the other as to wheth
er ho susvcted them of having been
Implicated lu tho murder of Michael
P. Corcoran at Duryea sevcrul months
C. B. Mncquivey Will Havo Chnrgo
of tho Firemen's Fair.
At tho regular weekly meeting of
the executive committee of tho fire
men's fair committee In Chief lllckoy's
ouico yesterday Charles D. Mac
qttlvcy was engaged as general mana
ger of tin fair. Ho is to have full dl
let'llon of nil matters pettainlng to tho
fair nnd from this time out will devoto
his whole attention to It.
The committee again discussed tho
question of changing the date of the
annual parade and Inspection from
September to May 8, tho opening day
nf the fair. Tho mutter will bo re-ln-tioducril
In tho new councils anil an
Influential committee will be charged
with tho duty or lobbying It through.
A report from tho committee on ho
tel accommodations lenoited that tho
city hostulrles can easily entertain
1,500 truest e.
Ho Is the Now Superintendent of tho
Plnnt of the Scranton Electric,
Light Company Some Other
Changes Made.
William P. Carr, who has been su
perintendent of the Scranton Electric
Light company's plant for tho pust
twelve years, was succeeded yesterday
by Henry X. Webber, the master ma
chinist, who has also been In tho cm
ploy of tho company for about twelve
Cur, it Is alleged, neglected his du
ties and was unpopular with tho men
employed by the company. When a
Tribune representative culled at his
homo on Scronlon street last evening,
Carr was not there, but Mrs. Carr vol
unteered the information that her hus
band's health has been bad fcr some
time, and that he had tendeted his res
ignation and Intended going out West
Yesterday at 11 o'clock tho following
was conspicuously posted In the power
March 50, 1M.
HE.N'HY X. WEBHEIt Is hereby given
chnrgo of ptatlon, m.ichiuety and all men
employed therein.
1IK.NHY KiNdSLCY Is given charge of
lilies and linemen.
ALUEHT J. CAHIt is qlven charge of
trimmers and Inspectors and is general
All this till further notice antl takes
effect tit once.
VV W. Scranton, President.
The report of Prof. Spain regarding
tho condition of tho city's lights may
have had some effect upon Carr's re
tirement, but this could not be verified.
While no other changes apart from
those mentioned in the above notice
were made, It is believed that others
will follow.
Proprietor Manley's Removal Plans
Interfered With.
Wednesday night about 10 o'clock a
well-dressed, modest-appearing girl of
about twenty years, applied to the
Globe hotel for lodging, saying that
she had no money but would only im
pose on their hospitality for one night.
Proprietor Manley was not taking any
lodgers because nearly everything in
the house is packed up or being packed
UP, preparatory to moving, but sooner
than turn a poor unfl friendless girl
into tho streets he had a bed flxed up
and gave her accommodations.
Yesterday morning Mrs. Duggan,
agent of the Board of Associated Char
iltles, was called to tho Globe hotel.
She brought with her a bundle con
taining among other things a long,
nanow white dioss. When she came
away she carried with her tho name
and addiess of a young man which
was given to Alderman Millar.
Proprietor Manley will not move all
his furnituto ut once.
Mayor Intends to Approve Sander
son Avenue Pave Measure.
Mayor Palley will sign tho Sander
son avenue pave ordinance this morn
ing, so he stated yesterday.
This Is tho last of the ilfteen days
allowed him for considetlng tho ordi
nance. When it camo to lilm it was
accompanied by a communication fiom
City Clerk Lavello requesting him to
withhold his signature until releases of
damages had been sei tired from two
property holders, whose properties it
was feared might be affected by the
change of gin do.
These pioperty holders have not for
warded the releases, but on account of
the general clamor for the pave tho
mayor has decided to Ignore council's
request and sign tho, ordinance. The
possibility of damages ever belngsnught
is. at all events, very slight, tho mayor
lias been Informed.
Tho appropriation ordinance has not
as yet como to tho mayor. Prom his
present knowledge of the measure ho
Is disposed to sign It as It stands.
overcome by Hood's Harsarparllla
which purines tho blood, tones the
stomach, strengthens tho nerves, nnd
makes tho whole system vigorous and
A vegetable cathiutle that can bo
relied upon to do Its wotk thoroughly
Hood's Pills.
A Wealth of Bloom
At our Annex. Hon't fall to sc-o them,
i'o'. Washington nvenuo.
". It. Clark & Co.
A Most Attractive Assortment
of Hresses, Reefers nnd Eoys' Presses
for Easter, at llnhy Jlajsaur, "12 Spruce
Easter Cards.
Honkloti ami Novelties, rtoldlcman
Urn itookmitii,
Smoke Tho Popular Punch Cigar, 10c.
Tho Student Grill. If you wish tc
i'.-.q your wife or your mother youi
vcth cart or some other, the handsoinesi
d most useful present possible vvriti
.e llutuen-Rumford'Co. Scranton, Pa.
i Booklet of The Student Grill.
Formal Answer Has Been Prepared
and Copies of It Are to Bo Sent
to tho Secretaries of tho Local
Unions Contractors Say It Is
Their Duty to Thomselves, tho
Public and the Carpenters to Re
fuse tho Demands That Havo Been
Made Upon Them by the Men.
Some tltno ugo tho carpenters of tho
city made a demand for $2.40 per day
of eight hours beginning Juno 1. At
present thoy uro paid Ji.23 for n nine
hour day. To this formal demand the
Mnaler Carpenters' Association of tho
Builders' Exchange ban decided to
make tho following reply:
Tho Master Carpenters' Association of
tho lluiltlcrs' Exchange.
March SO, 1S09.
Dear Sir: At a. regular meeting of tho
above association tho following resulu.
thin was unanimously adopted:
"That after fully considering tho de
mands of tho Journeyman Carpenters as
set forth lu their pt luted circular wo feel
In duly bound to the public, tho carpen
ters, as well as to ourselves, to tiKiiln re
fuse all ot their rules except rule No. 5,
which has already been granted to them
und further
That a copy of this resolution bo band
er! to the secretiirlcH of tho Carpenters'
unions. Very truly.
Tins Master Carpenters' Association of
tho Iiullilers' Exchange.
No. r rule referred to has reference
to a seml-montnly pay which was
granted by tho master carpenters live
or six months ago,
Conducted with the Usual Solemnity
nt St. Peter's Cathedral.
The Holy Thuisday services at St.
Peter's cathedrat, yesterday, were as
usual of great solemnity and were at
tended by n congregation that com
pletely filled tho auditorium and gal
lery. Over one hundred priests were in at
tendance, every parish thnt could do so,
sending one or more representatives ac
cording to an ordained custom. Tho
blessing of the oils used in the admin
istration of the sacraments was a part
of tho ceremonies and after the mass
they wero distributed among tho
The moss was celebrated by Bishop
Hoban. Rev. X. J. McManus, of Prov
idence, was assistant priest; Rev.
Peter Christ, of South Scrantcft, deacon
of the mass; Rev. J. V. Hussle, of
Plains, sub-deacon; Rev. M. F. Crane,
of Avoca. nnd Rev. J. P. O'Malley, of
Kingston, deacons ot honor; Rev. J. J.
R. Feeley, of Nicholson, and Rev. P. C.
AVinters, of Hawley, masters ot cere
monies: Rev. T. F. Klernan, of Par
sons; Rev. J. . Moflltt, of Taylor, and
Rev. J. V. Moylan. ot Honesdale, chan
teis. Two hosts were consecrated, the ex
tra one for use In the mass of today,
when in commemoration of Christ's
death, tho transubstantlntloni Is not
enacted. This extra host was borne In
a procession to tho side altar which
had been most beautifully embellished
for Its reception nnd there It remained
In its temporary repository exposed for
public adoration during the entire day.
This morning it will be conveyed back
to the main altar to ba consumed in
the mass of tho pro-sanctlfled.
Tho host was carried in the proces
sion by Bishop Hoban, walking beneath
a canopy supported by M. J. McCollIg
an, J. C. McAndrews, J. J. Brown and
.1. .1. O'Boyle. All the priests joined
in the procession carrying lighted
Moses Taylor Council Greets Their
Fellow Members.
First Lieutenant E. E. Berry, corpor
al C. D. Smith. Private Arthur War
ner, Company P.; nnd Privates Henry
Melnzer, Ell Whetstone and Charles
Clark, of Companies C, F and H re
spectively, wero tendered nn informal
reception last night by their fellow
members of Moses Taylor council. No,
131, Junior Order United American Me
chanics, at tho conclusion of the regu
lar meeting.
Geoige T, Harvey acted as chairman
nnd Attorney John G. McAskle made
the address of the evening. Tho six
soldiers recited tales of camp llfH with
tho Thirtee-nth regiment. Earl Held
played several selections on tlio har
monica with guitar accompaniment.
Oscar Henopp as pinnlst, nml A. M.
Spraguo with a phonograph, also as
sisted In the exprcises. Cigars were
passed around. The committee of ar
rangements e imposed G. F. Harvey,
A. F. Blitz nnd George Elleuvvood.
Drivers for tho Scranton Dairy Com
pany Have a Grievance.
The Scranton Dairy company havo
been given a Pholco of reinstating
without condition two drivers recent
ly discharged In Green Ridge or havo
it smnll strlko to deal witlh. Matters
came to a crisis yesterday and a law
yer Is being consulted by tho men as
to tho possibility of collecting the
wages duo them should they decide to
strike. They have banded together and
state that they will act together.
Tho grievance Is said to havo arisen
from tho alleged discharge) of the two
men becauso they refused to furnish
bonds to the company. Tho men were
then Instructed to teach substitutes tho
routes. They refused and wero dis
missed. You Know.
very well that "chenp" thing are rare
ly really cheap but when high merit
Is combined with low price, then, in
deed, come tho piudent buyer's oppor
tunity. Our Spilng lino of clothlm;
contains merit and low price.
Boyle & Mucklow,
410 Lackawanna avenue.
Easter Beauties
That will cheer tho home, at Clark's
Annex, 203 Washington avenue,
Dr. S. C. Snyder Will Move,
his well know dental ofllces on April
Ht to Miisonlo Temple, 420 Spruce
Tho Wllkcs-tlarro Record may bo had In
Scranton nt tho news staniU of Itula
ln.oi llie.s,. 401 Spruce anil KM Linden
Httcet; Muc, Lackawanna avenue.
ff The best remedy for
S whoopliiR.coHBh. Oive
' .1... A 1 1 .1 tZ ii. .in..
LfHKnl Svnin -'0lShSyriip,rellefwlll
vullgll -V l,l' come at once uutl ths
sufferer will eocu be cuicd, nice only jj cts.
Our Custom Department
Is winning new friends who appreciate,
high merit with low price, combined
with perfect lit clothing.
Boyle & Mucklow,
'" 16 Lncknwnnnu nvenuo.
I will dispose or my entire stock of
dlamonds.solld silverware nnd valuable
art display at auction this week.
Thomas C Patker,
Wllkcs-Harre, tPo.
Eastor Flower Exhibit.
Free to all, nnd all nro welcome. A
wealth of bloom. Mnke your selection
early beforo the rush nt our Annex,
20." Washington nvenuo.
" a. R. Clark & Co.
Hot Cross Bum
nt Huntington's, 420 Spruce street,
Friday. Place your Easter orders
Hmoko The Pocono uc. Clgnr.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
DAVIS.-At Pittston, March 2"!, 10). Ed
vvnrd Davis, (iii years ot ago. Funeral
announcement later,
MANDEVU.LE. At Wilkes-Carre, March
23, 1S09, Mrs7T0. Mandevlllo, 63 years
of age, at tho icsldcnce on Academy
street. Interment at Hnzleton today.
The Trailers
National Bank
Pays Liberal Interest
on Time Deposits.
Every body contemplating
having Dental work done,
to note this space next week
announcing extraordinary re
duction in prices of
Artificial Teeth,
Gold Crowns,
Bridge Work
And Fillings of all kinds
316 Spruce St, Adjoining Hotel Jenuyn
A Fine Upright Grand Piano, el
egant rosewood case, cost when
new $600. Our Trice, $250
$10 Per Month.
The Best New Upright Piano
ever offered in this city, fully guar
anteed, $223. Easy Terms.
One Elegant Briggs Grand Piano,
in perfect condition, $130. Easy
Get the latest music "First Of
fense March, "Gibson Girl March,''
"Mollie, I Love You,'' song and
thousands of others, 23c eacli, at
Perry Brothers
205 Wyoming Av3.
Bell & Skinner,
Hold Jermyn Building.
PftsH' rWM-S
' In --.- ;"'"" '""" 11 1 1
Mnuufftctiuerl by SHOUT a HIGOIfJS, Ko. 07 Lncknwanna Ave
141 to 149 Marldlai Stmt, Sornhi, Pi,
M1 A I 1 ua ft li Art
illlU Vullllallii,
20 Lackawanna Am, Scrauloa Pt
Wholesale nnd Itcttitl
Rcnily nixcil Tinted Paints, '
Comcntcnt,, Durabla.
Vnrnlsh Stains,
rroduclng 1'orfoot Imttntlouuf Bxpjartv
Rnynolils' Wood Finish,
Especially Designed for Insldo Wort
Mnrblo Floor Flnlsli,
Durablonml Drlci i,ulakljr.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
5 Have Arrived.
Kj On Hie Square, 203 Washington Ave 3
Is f no account unleu It Is
Mililo toy tnilors who set cooil whs 8 for their
labor, und tho mini who pwi u $14. so,
S1S00, $ii 00, $25.00 fnrn. Hint gets iho tall
worthoriil imnuv. WZ FITtho "hard to
lit" or no pay, honor tnan many high prloo
tailor do, nt at Htnn I o mi, und wo carry a
variety of styles to milt tho molt exacting
We also make a. specialty ot l.cdles Tailoring
& New York
Spruce S:reet, Opp. Commonwealth Bide-
Tfi3 Richart & Santos Oil Co.,
Insist on settlm It. Made entlroly from
tho'i'lona Cruele.
High (Irade Lubricating and Burning OIU
of every description. 1331 CAI'UUJU AVE.
t The Clima:
There is no
which can so diJ
nome or oe so p
so much comfort i
ment to the Jamil-,
Awnings at tin
They have, hoJ
tofore been madl
only, and required j
of an expert to put!
practically been k
ODiain tiiem in sol
remote trom the ml
everywhere the cosl
so Rieat as to be
The Climax Awnil
Is not onlv fiisiJ
ii (lUtiiiHlv "Hlf oil
not only possesses .jflRf 1
lures of an AmB,fJ? i
, i .... .w "liide to i
upon and adds to ttiem. It i.J
It can be put up by anybodv '
without tools or experience il
and guaranteed to fit.
For Sale Only af
f. no
t 225-227 Wyoming Ave.
f4-f4--f--4--f-f4-f-f-- H
- Purc White Lead, Cole
' A
wi f I H H rf
11 III
II I 0 "
In ft tw
I L U m
1 H "
I U ft wi
fl I
Mil I CD
Em nt I Jam r ---mMyii iuim. "T
'S&fifflBHSKr t