The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Worth Talking About.
The atmosphere of Easter pervades the store. The
brightness of the flowers, the beauty of the stocks all
lend added charms. Store system is nigh perfect. Ev
ery facility for your comfort and enjoyment. A
big and active selling force for this busy week prompt
delivery service to your homes. An Easter store indeed
in every true sense.
The Show of riillinery ST.J'tiffi
Such Millinery his never before been seen in Scranton. Gorgeous,
brilliant, beautiful and all so popularly priced, too. You buy
Trimmed Hats here just as you buy Dress Goods or Dry Goods;
no fancy milliner's prices are added to make up for odd seasons.
The Show of Coats and Suits l'Str5 i?
garment bears a touch of stvle even in the lowly priced. And
on any of them we can save you a third or more. Tailor-made
Suits at $ to. qS, equal to the $i "j kind elsewhere, Come and seethem.
The Show of Infants' Wear iS'S
made in Scranton. 1 he smallest tots can be outfitted to perfec
tionand at very moderate cost. Children's White Dresses as
lowly priced as iq cents; some as high as Sio in price. Pretty
Reeters as low as q8 cents and up to !?(. Silk Bonnets,
Cloaks and Haster Hats bv the score.
Prayer Books and Hymnals
clean lor Easter Gilts. Catholic prayer books in English, German
and Polish. Episcopal prayer books and hymnals, Also the fa
mous Nelson Bible with concordance at onedollar.
The Show of Easter Gloves 'KST
ing. Our dollar glove has no equal hereabouts. It is not a "$1,50
glove for Si. 00," but is built on its merit and sold as such. Then
there are the Trefousse Gloves for which we are exclusive city
agents. They represent the highest standard of glove making.
Two or three clasp, selling at $1.75 pair. All the new shades.
The Show of Dress Goods KS
gown? You'll have to luirrv now lor the days are numbered. A
great assortment o( pretty things to choose from here many ol
them exclusive weaves and patterns. Look them ovei today.
I Iitktffl10 1 AilS'V V l
elUUtia JWilC 3 tXPUd
Pretty Wedding Ceremony in Ban
quet Hall of the C. M. B. A. Notes
and Personals.
Miss Jeanetta Kvans, the duupliW-r, ot
Mrs. Thomas J. Kvans, of Main street,
was united. In marriage to Dr. .Tames
K. Thompson, of Peckvllle, on Tuesday
evening at the residence of the nriile.
Jlany relatives and friends from this
place and out-of-town were in attend
ance. The ceremony was performed in
the tastefully derorated parlor, and th'.
llnv. William Frlsuy. of the Methodist
.Episcopal church, ollclnted. TIip wed
ding marches were played by Miss Sal
lie Williams. At the hour set for the
dding the bride, rattended by Miss
Ida OourtrlRht, ius bridesmaid, en
tered the parlor and was joined at the
loor by the groomsman and his best
man, William Thompson brother of
Hie Kroom. The bride wore a hand
some costume of drab satin, trimmed
with white satin ribbon, and carried
a bouquet of carnations. At the con
clusion of the ceremony a icceptlon
n,is held. Dr. and Mrs. Thompson left
on a mldPlfrht train for Now York and
lialtlmore, mi a v.vddiiiff tour. On their
return they will reside In Peukville.
Among the out-cf-town guests were:
Mr. and Airs. James Thompson and
daughter, Jean, of Dunmwe; Mr. and
Mrs. 13enjamln Ilclburn, of Vittston:
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrott, of Peckvllle;
Mr. and Mrs. Gus -Viugle and daugh
ter. Miriam, of Plttston; Miss Thurza
liarrett, of Peckvllle; Mr. and Mrs,
Kdward Thompsor and daughter. Ma
lic, of Pittston: Dr. and Mrs. Burling
ton, of Duryea; Dr. K. I.. Leet. of
Scranton; Itobert Thompson, of Pitts-
secure treatment
on approval
Confidence wins whether in
love, war or sickness. IfKiino
Utile concern without reputa
tion or ability wero to ofler its
useless treatment, you would
do right to reject it you d
know there was a trap some
where. Ilutwhen veofferour
treatrnenton trial andopproval
full thirty days' medicine,
and a most wonderful Instru
ment for developing, toning
nnd building. You men who
are sufferers from Declining
Vitality and wasted health re
lourcci, how can you refuse?
No advance pay. no C. O. I).;
no treatment on honor, the
pay on honor; or If dissatisfied,
return all pay nothing. In
quire about us. Yon will find
our reputation and responsi
bility fully indorsed. Our
ipecialist.s are trained experts.
Our cures aro hy thousands.
Dur treatment home-like and
:errain Our methods thoae of
honest physicians with honest,
patients. Send for letter of in
raluablo information. l-'RIiK.
ErlflMsvH!. Rwffpin.H.Y,
I fiU!TflArs8ncBeau'y1
LLflVl I H Tablets and Pills
luis Complexion Treatment
is a guaranteed specific, per
fectly sate and sure initsac-
f. tion, for the removal of var
ious disorders of the skin, vis:
jji uupit.,, iiiuiiiics, rrciKics,
Sunburn. Dlscolorallona. Pe.
ma, Ulackbeadj, Roughness. Redness, and re
stores Ibe Bloom ol Youth to faded faces.
Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c;
,30 days' treatment, $1 .00 ; six boxes $5.00
with" positive written iiuarantee to producs the
bov results or cheerfully refund H.oo paid. Sent
b mail on receipt ot price, Send for circular.
Plervlta Medical to., Clinton & Jackson Sis.
Sold'bjr all Druggists Cblcijo, llllocle.
krfold by i Tliomus. Drui;
t's 200 Lackawanna aw., Rcrunton, 1'u.
tofc 'i
Is an
J .
in great
assortment arrived
and are new and
ton; William Thompson, of BucUwll
university; Miss Annie Harris, ot
Pittston; Attorney (Jllroy, of Scran
ton, and Gomer Kvnns, of Scranton.
AIlss Ida Davenport, of Lawietice
vllle. was the guest of relatives In this
place on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pell ami Mrs.
Joseph Pell, of I'eckville, have return
ed hume after visiting at the home ot
Mr. and Mr.s. W. M. Hell, of thin place. I
tiomcr. son of Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Jones. si. died at the home of his par
ents on Main street, yesterday, short
ly after V: o'clock, after a lingering ill
ness. Deceased was well known in this
town, and was well liked by all. The
funeral announcement will In innda
A. J. U'tlsh, of Jl'ijleton, was a vis
itor In this place on Tues-day.
The Ladles' branch, No. 442. Catholic
Mutual nenrvolent association, of this
place, are making extensive airange
ments for their supper, which Is to be
held at Weber's rink on Easter Mon
day and Tuesday evenings, for the ben
efit of the congregation. It is expected
that a larg,- number of people from
South Scranton will attend the supper,
as the pastor, Rev. Moflltt. wns former
ly a resident of that place, nrd was
held in high esteem by his parishioners,
Taylor castle, No. 2rt7, Knights of th-s
Golden L'agle, will meet this evening
In lleese's hall.
Mrs. K. R Weston, of West Pittston,
was the guest ot lelatlves In this place
on Tuesday.
The schools of this borough will close
on Friday.
Lackawanna Valley council, No, SI.
Junior Order United Amerlcun Mechan
ics, will meet this evening in their
rooms In Van Horn's hall.
Taylor colliery will work tomorrow
An Italian, whose name could not bo
learned, was Injured nt the Bowen
washery on Tuesday.
Geo. 15. Sccord, the
well known cou-
tractor of Towanda.
N. Y.. savs: "I
have used Chamberlain's Cough Item,
cdy In my family for a long time and
have found it superior to any other.
For sale by nil druaglsts. Matthews
Bros., wholesale and retail agents.
The Citizens' band, under the leader
ship if William Roberts, met last
Monday evening in their hall for re
hearsal. All members of said band aro
requested to meet tonight ut the samo
place and bring their Instruments. An
there uro several vacancies to be filled
all wls-hing to join are i.ivlted to be
present this evening.
The services being conducted In tho
P. M church by Captain Bronson aro
drawing larg,- congregations every
fjolrten Chain Lodge, I. O. O. F., will
hold tiu-li regular meeting this even
Ing. Th- house of Fred Meniger, on tho
corner of Main nnd Jackson streets,
Is being enlarged and fitted up for
saloon business nnd will bo conducted
by James Logan, who will reside there
commencing April 1.
$100 Reward 100.
Tho readers of this paper wilt be pleased
to learn that Uici-h Is at least one dread
ed disease that sclenco has been able to
cure In all Its bUiges, anil that Is Catarrh.
Hull's Ciitonh Curn Is tho only posltlvu
ure known to thu medical fraternity.
Catarrh being h constitutional disease re-
qulre a constitutional treatment. Hull's
i aiurni mm .i i.iKeu internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstein. theivhv ilnmrnt-im,
thu foundation of tho disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up tho
i oi.niiiMituii tiiui usBiniiiiK nature in clo
iiik u worn, i no proprietors navo bo
much lalth In Its curative powers, that
iiiuy iiiii-r uno itunureii uouars for any
case thut It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
, , F. J. CIIENKV & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold jy Driigglstr, 7Be.
Hall's Family Pill are the best.
4r H
A Bill Authorizing Insurnnco Com
panies to Insure Against Burglary,
Etc., Is Also Passed in Senatu.
Mr. Anderson's Bill for Protection
of Antliracito Miners Is Recon
sidered and Passed Finally Ap
propriations Made.
llarrlsburg, March 29. In thu sen
ate this morning Mr. Muehlbronner
called up tho bill permitting pool Bell
ing. This bill was placed on the
postponed cnlendar ten days ago. The
motion to proceed with the considera
tion of the measure was agreed to.
Thereupon Mr. Henry, while opposing
the proposition, said that If pool sail
ing wns n good thing three months
In the year It was good all the year
lound. The bill passed finally by n
vote of 28 to in.
Tho following bills a many others
passed finally:
Making wholesale und retail lluuor
licenses personal property and as such
subject to pledge ns security for debt
and sale upon execution.
Providing that nssessois
shnll make the enrollment
Creating the ollleu of four additional
factory Inspectors.
The senate mot this afternoon chiefly
for the purpose of acting on the con
ference committee'! leport of the load
bill. The bill was slightly changed by
the chamber, the minimum rate of
luxation being made :i mills. Tho
measure with the amendments was
laid over to be printed.
The bill authorizing Insurance com
panies Incorporated for the purpose ot
insuring banks, bankers, loan compan
ies und county treasuters against loss
o,i' duinago lesultlng from burglary
and robbery to transact business in
Pennsylvania, passed finally without
opposition. Adjourned until tomor
i ow.
In the House.
A bill was introduced in tin' house
today by Mr. Creasy, of Columbia, by
request, to make women eligible to the
office1 of judge In courts of records. Tlv
measure provides ' that women learn
ed in tin- law are and shall be eligible
I to the ofilef of judge of all the courts
of record in this commonwealth and
j when elected or appointed thereto shall
I Me entitled to all the rights, powers,
privileges nnd emoluments pertaining
to the office und subjei t tn ttc duties
and responsibilities."
j Mr. Skinner, of Fulton, introduced a
I bill appropriating $2.",000 to the soldier's
orphan 'ndustilal school at Scotland.
Mr. Ilosaek, of Allegheny, introduced
a bill to provide revenue oy imposing
a tax upon all vinous or spirituous
liquors manufactured or distilled In
this commonwealth. Mr. Hosack says
that this bill Is introduced for the pur
pose of making an equitable tax on
whiskey. Under the act of 1S97. the
small distiller paid $2 a. barrel and the
large one only 1," cents a barrel. This
makes a uniform tax and in addition to
thin will increase the revenue "i7.25i)
annually mote than under the act of
The hill Imposing a mercantile tax on
venders of or dealers In goods, wares
and merchandise passed finally
Chairman Hoack, of the ways and
means committee, made an earnest ple.i
for the passage of the bill giving onr
thlrd of the personal property tax to
the counties and the balance to the
state under existing law the state
retains one-fourth of the tax and re
turns three-fourths to the counties.
Mr. Hosack raid that if one-third Is
given to the counties nnd the balance
to the state It will Increase the stulo
revenues $1,000,000 annually and make
no Increase In local taxation.
A motion was made by Mr. Skinner,
of Fulton, and defeated, that the bill
be postponed for the present. The bill
creating a civil service board in cities
of the second class for the examination
of firemen nnd policemen was taken up
on ii special order and passed finally.
Two Nov Clerks.
Senate bill creating the positions of
two clerks to senate committees, four
clerks to house committees and a jani
tor of the elevator was taken up on a
special order and passed. Tho bill
goes for concurrence In the house
When the house reconvened after the
recess for the Joint senatorial conven
tion, Mr. Hobb. of Allegheny, moved
to reconsider the votu by which the
house lefused to postpone considera
tion of tho personal property bill.
Chairman Hosack, of the ways nnd
means committee, und Chairman Mar-
shall, of the appropriations committee.
appealed to their colleagues to recon
sider the bill and allow it to remain
on the calendar until after the senate
had disposed of the revenue bills sent
over to the house. Mr. Dixon, of Kile,
In opposing tho motion, suggested that
an attempt was being made by outside
Influence to force the bill through tho
house to give the Fenate a chance to
pass It and defeat the Creasy revenue
bill framed by the Pennsylvania State
Tax conference. Mr. Hobb said ho
was opposed to tho bill, but It was
due the chairman of the ways and
means committee to place It on tho
postponed calendar so that It could be
taken up In an emergency. The mo
tion failed by a vote of C.I to 100, after
which the bill was defeated on final
Mr. Timlin, of Lackawanna, Intro
duced a bill providing for tho pay
ment ot fees, of alderman, Justices
of the peace, constables nnd witnesses
by tho county commissioners in all
criminal cases where the ball Is for
feited. Mr. Duttera, of Adams, re
ported from the judiciary commltteo
with n negative recommendation tho
petition of 500 citizens from Lacku
wanmicoitntypraylngfor the Impeach
ment of Judges Archabld, Gunster und
Fdwards, of Lackawanna, for alleged
unconstitutional acts In office.
To Protoet Miners.
On motion of Mr. Anderson, of
Schuylkill, tho bill to provide for the
care and treatmfnt of employes In and
about anthracite coal mines was re
:Yljor to the whole belnc. All drains
AQ 0 fMfA
jvuik rvuiHt
are urupcrijr tuicu, mcircouuiiioii uuen worries tucuiiuio inianuy, iuuuuipuuu cr ucaiu.
Mailed scaled. Price ii pefbosiO boxes, with iron-clid legal cuarantee to cur a or refund tho
money, $5.00. Send lor free book,
For Sale by JOHN II. IMIBLI'S,
nnd Spruce street
considered nnd passed finally. Mr.
Slater, of Philadelphia, called up sen
ate bill fixing tho tolls to bo charged
by pilots in the Delaware river nnd
Delawnro bny and It passed finally.
Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, pre
sented tho following resolution from
the rules committee, which was unani
mously ndoptcd: That hereafter the
house meet on Friday morning nt 10
o'clock nnd that tho order of business
bo senate bills on second reading, and
that no member be permitted to speak
more than once on the same subject,
and the time be limited to five minutes.
Mr. Hosack moved to reconsider the
bill tuxlng manufacturing corporations
one mill on their plants nnd five mills
on their capital stock. Mr. Bliss, of
Delaware, opposed tho motion and said
that the house should pass no more
revenue bills until the senate has
passed the bills taxing beer, ale and
potter. He predicted that there would
be no money for hospitals and univer
sities If the sennte did not pass the beer
bills. The motion carried and the bill
was postponed for tho present.
These bills posted finally:
Appropriating $1,000 to provide for
the preparation and publication ot the
names and records of 'Pennsylvania
volunteers In Spanish-American war;
$350,000 for the support and mainten
ance of the soldiers' orphan schools;
$18,000 to the Pennsylvania Oral school
for the deaf at Scranton; $.-,0,000 tn bo
used as an emergency fund for the sup
pression ot epidemics; appropriating
JS3.100 to the Ashland hospital.
Evening Session.
The three slate capltol building bills
were on second reading In tho house
this evening. When the JIasson bill
was called up, Mr. Hobb, of Allegheny,
moved that the name of C.eoige y, Jtc
Kee, of Pittsburg, be added to the pie
sent commission and that the appro
priation be Increased from $2,000,000 to
$2,K00,000. This was agreed to and
the hill as amended passed second
The Adams bill, providing lor the re
tention of the present commission and
mi appropriation ot $1,000,000 in addi
tion to the sum already expended on
the capltol, passed second reading, as
did the Hnrrold bill, providing for a
new commission and tin appropriation
of $4,500,000.
Mr. McClaln stated that as theo
capltol building bills had passed sec
ond reading without amendment,
every effort would be made to build
up a satisfactory measure out the trio
of bills. He hoped that on third read
ing there would be a free and a fair
discussion on the several propositions.
Included in the other bills that
passed second reading:
Authorizing the appointment of a
board of trustees for the management
of almshouses In counties having a
population of fiOO.OOO and over and
abolishing the olllee of director of the
poor In said counties.
Authorizing county commissioners
to borrow money and Issue bonds for
the purpose of building, improving and
repairing public roads and highways
In their respective counties.
The house adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
Word has been received from Will
iam Benson, who is undergoing treat
ment In Wills eye hospital at Philadel
phia, that the surgeons have had to
take out his Injured eye. They have
Hlven him assurance that his sight will
lie restored to his other eye after the
cataract has been removed.
Joseph Huberts, of Second street, a
miner In the Delaware and Hudson
shaft, had his ankle painfully Injured
while at work on Tuesday evening. He
was carried to the mouth of the drift
on the mine stretcher, but with assist
ance wns able to walk from the drift
to his home. "While the Injury Is not of
a serious nature, It w ill confine him to
the house for several days.
Kxcelslor council. No. 171, V. M. 1.,
have moved Into their new quarters on
Main street, adjoining the Windsor
hotel. Their new quarte-s, which con
sist of two front parlors, a meeting
room, committee room, as well as a
bath room and gymnasium, are com
fortably furnished and carpeted and
such cosy quarters will, It is expected,
bo the means of adding many names
to the membership.
Adolph V. Burke, of Mayfleld, who
several months ago enlisted in tlt
First United States infantry and who
has been In Cuba, has returned home,
having been discharged on account of
Mrs. John Jermyn and Mrs. Frank
Jermyn, of Scranton, were yesterday
tho guests of Mrs. H. A. Williams, of
South Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Spettlgue nnd
daughter Mary, or Cemetery street, are
vlsltliifj Wayne county friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jay and family
moving troni Bacon street Into
Peter Mullen's house on Second street.
Today being Maundy Thursday, there
will bu service and celebration of Holy
Communion In St. James church this
overling. Tomorrow morning service
will bo held at half-past ten and a
three hours' continuous service of
prayer nnd mediation from noon until
3 o'clock.
Lost Between Sherwood's bleaker
and Dr. Davis', a $3 bin. Finder will
please return to Lewis Plzer.
Some time ago a local board of trade
was organized under flourishing condi
tions and many have waited patiently
for the outcome. Land was donated,
promises of exoneration from borough
taxes and many other first class in
ducements were thrown out as an In
lucimnt for manufacturing concerns
to locate within our borough borders,
but up to date we have failed to hear
anything encouraging from our local
board of trade. Meanwhile, our
neighboring towns are hustling nnd at
the present time negotiating with con
cerns, with the result that they will
no doubt lund the prize they seek.
Would It not be a good plan for the
president of the local board to call
another meeting nnd hustling things
Miss Myra Hnffeoker Is visiting Airs.
M. S. Shaffer, of Wllkes-Barre.
The entertainment given by tho
Young Ladles' Industrial class at Led
yard's hall last evening was largely
attended. Tho programme proved to
be very Interestln. A neat sum will
bo realized by the society.
Theyhave stood the test cf years.
and have cured thousands of
cases of Nervous Diseases, such
as Debility, Dimnejl, blecplcis
nets and Varicocele. Atrophy. Jic.
They clear the brain, strengthen
me circulation, mate uigettion
bcrfect. and imnart a healthv
and losses are checked Vrwjt,r7y, Unless patients
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
IMiarnituUt, cor Wyoming iivenuc
Wearying, ceaseless backache.
Dull, exhausting and constant pain.
No comfort by day. No rest at night.
Aches in the small of the back, pain low
down in the side. No spirit for any task, no
hope for relief. Great numbers of women arc
not free from backache from one year's end
to anotner.
, I "
tueru is iionu more uumpiuiu uiua
that over backache, and the evi
dence of thousands of
women prove that she
is its conqueror.
Airs. C. Klenk, of Wells,
Minn. (Box 151), writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I
suffered for years- with a"
long list of troubles, and I
want to thank you for my
complete recovery. Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a wonderful
medicine for women.
"I had -severe female
complaints, causing terrible
backache and nervous pros
tration; was dizzy most of
the time, had headache and
such a tired feeling. I now
havo taken seven bottles of
your Compound and have
also nscd the Sanative Wash
and feel like a new woman.
1 must say I never had any
thing help mc so much. I
have betterhealth than I
ever had in my life. I sleep
well at night, and can work
all day without feeling tired.
I give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound all
the credit, for I know it
has cured me of all my
troubles. I would not do
without your remedies
for anything."
When a woman
has severe back
ache she has some
serious trouble
that will sooner or
later declare itself.
Mrs. E. Furtoni of ilcadc,
flich., found that her back
ache was caused by a
tumor, which three
bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound expelled.
This is Mrs. Furton's
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham
Two years ago I was
troubled with constant
backache and headache.
and was very nervous.
I resolved to try your medicine and took two bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and on
taking the third a tumor was expelled. I was a
little frightened and sent for the doctor; and he said that it
was fortunate for me that it came away. I got quite well
after that and have your Compound alone to thank for my
recovery. "t
The safe way to guard against trouble is
to get Mrs. Pinkham's advice when the back
ache first appears. A letter to her at Lynn,
Mass., describing your case fully will receive
a prompt reply without charge.
" Your Rfladicino is a Frlsntf to Woman"
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I wish to tell you the great good
your medicine has done me. I do not feel like the same
woman. I have suffered terribly. Had womb and kindey
trouble, leucorrhcen, very severe pains in hips and sides
of abdomen, headache, was nervous, menses were irregular.
I have now taken four bottles of your Vegetable Compound,
and the backache has left me, menses are regular, can sleep
well, and awake in the morning feeling much rested. Your
medicine is indeed a friend to women. I wish that I could
tell every woman what a wonderful medicine it is. I cannot
praise it enough." firs. Anna J. Fenstermaker Pine
Summit, Pn.
j0 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound A Woman's Remedy
k for Woman's Ills.
Bicycle Perfection
Has at last been reached in the production of the
We would be pleased to have you call and examine it.
i jtt -f..
1 . .1 n n ' r.r vi n ,-u- p
IT: fer
m MdmmMMm
SVbmWwMRWWAtim , Ask your grocer for it.
wSSmmSmm, i Lager
aHMNBP i Beer
gp Drewery
.PPryw Manufacturers of
QrTurair I old stock
S-g&r'' '" VJsJJJpIIJbj. ij ; Telephone Call, 233.1.
211 Washington Ave.
Opp. Court Hams.
Don t Worry
And Fret
Because your prcscut ten
ant is going to quit your
house on March. 31st.
for a new one in the "For
Rent" columns of Scranton'a
best "Want Ad" medium, the
Scranton Tribune
And a new tenant will no
doubt move in on April 1st.
Rooms 1 and 2, Com'llh BTd'g.
Mining and Blasting
VrfSV N FJ K.-33
Made ut Mooslo and r.uahdala Worlcs.
Klectrlo Uatterle, Kloetrlo Uxploilara,
lor exploding, Safety l''uso ual
no Chemical Ca's Bx.'"Ss.vn3
fc'crunton mid Will;oi-llarr9,tA.
MaiufiictuteiM of
Holler.-, liulatlm a 11 J l'uni?lni .Mi;iu:r y.
General OI!lce, Scranton, Pa.
KxS terlA ng,r' ll.e Jom an J stnMtlona of
JV, tifr cn t rr forrdtrt -u The ery
"fSj tMoiuttiy cured b li:iIFK:0
.5 . f t II )T1'r I'll,, npnn.l r.ll.r min.
"rSlii "'" faiuatr memoiy and tnr at
af arm drain of Wtal pcwL'rw.iniuiifd Ly
ZttKy.v tn lti( reditu orMOiiriofiailr vaii
v $fty import iior and potency toMcry ltm
tlon F.iftCf uptu i.iatfcin. Uive g,v tluom to tao
chek and limr to ll.e y e of ?7VOiiiiir.Toia.
OnttVJc boi renr vital nrf t7JJA toxt at
fj.t.i)acJ:ip,teiftjaiaiiTtvdc'-it0f ny or rcmty r
umUd Can L tarrltd In vi --' pocket SnM
kytfnrwri. or im i In tUta wrapper on it-cip'JK
Hl.' by Ttlt rtlUUir IU., taitwu KltfM Uli,'
Sold In Scranton, l by Matthtw
Bros, und McCarruh & Thomas, druggist.
A i-.YtvM.i tw mj I'at'lBg Mi si
t)V,iui! Gtbut), t 1 uiKit,(ntiii, tto causal
v f tmbu vt o-.uur t suwuBs Biia jum
v; j
inacLund ffw't & (".Jill: u'hio nil oilier In
rUt ui'Ca L,..i 112 ll.o r"nuin,t .j..l 'iol.laU. Tboy
uATecuifiiiiui u.una.api wnicur&OU. vauiqqi..
UIio written ruariuMtj mlxuuiru tj fVtf In
.luchiissaor r.tuitU tiiou y. lilc4AJI U S Oirf
ikcLtit or tlK til.u.s lit, I tr.tiilrdntl tnr M l.u
.n,TnrUinir'ri w. "in ri'iitu(i'rlri. rlrcntar
A.JAX KKMiDV CO., 'VbT,r."i'.,
For cbI? In Scrnntcn, Pa., by Miuilitj
llros. unJ U i fandcrrtn, uiuggists.
'7 , THE
tOTV rivi", 'it-tit ,unUu ami turrt 1
Y'l ri r ijnlr ilii iu olJor
"iS-J. Ii-1- n JuiorstuJjr, l.u la,cr marrlnc
ttWSpruv..(( I suui'y en Caneamittou it
tnkoit in ti 1 ... Tl elr i,mi .h. r la minHata t:atroTL