TITE SCR ANTON TR1IUJN15-MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1899. 1 Connell Building DESIRABLE OFFICES FULL PRIVILEGES OI- uaw Library APPLY TO j. L. CONNELL, Ituom :0'2 Connell ISiilliliit'x. HOUSES FOR SALE AKD BENT We have .1 big bargain in two Mngle houses ot 6 rooms, with large lot, at the low price of $1,000 each. Homestead street, Dunmore. Drnker street cats within fifty yards of houses. Come quick. House, 706 Prescott ave. 82, soo. Some fine cheap houses at Lin coln Heights. Higher priced homes on Jeffer son and Clay. $1,800 buys a nice single all im provement house with big lot, Court street. Weolfera fine lot, 80x110 feet, comet of Clay and Myttle. Mag niticent location. I-orrctit.it $1:, $15. $20, $28,$;o TRADER'S REAL ESTATE CO. trader's National Bank buildlnx, Lhns Sch lager, Mqr. Phone, 3741. E M R SLLS ODAKS And Photo Supplies 130 Wyoming Avenue. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1 11 ecllouts Oa.m to 12.30 p.m; 2 to 4. illlums Hultdins. Opp. I'oatolllco Z S MD --- -. CITY NOTES iii i v mis r.. - V.M. 1 V - 4 - tt t-tf mim 'piyi! PiiKTi'nv ' 1 in rirk t h.iuunieju.1 cnelo r.itetli g has beun post- uuiie-U foi two weeks. . .rT7T77. ,,.1 , t lll'li.l lllin JIUIl.'l.'ii-iiiu o.m. ui M.,t Dr the John l)uv enu iteminl at, tlii' I.)ceum Wednesday nlMit opens at ilin tin lti'i bu. utile o this morning. RKD RinilCN'" e'orriJH A elemein hti it. on Jt the merits of "Hod U.bbon" toltev will be given throughout the! week .it (joleisniltli's llKiiar. uiidei the dine tlen of Mr. David I'tltjli.trd, lepicicnllng Ruts . Well .t t:o., ot New York eity. womun's ci.rn mi:i:ting The teg- 11l.11 meeting of the Wonu n'b club will bo held this u! If! noon 111 the imlcih of the Green Uldgo Prcbj teilan elnifli at .1 ) o'clock, at which the members are ie Uiiested to present their membership tlcketb. Ff.NlUtAr. THIS MORNING -The fu neral of tho lite John Swei'iiev will take place this morning fiom his late home, loll Not th Washlnston uvenue A .solerun lequlem high muss will bu eelebiateel nt in o'clock In St. Paul'n Catholic chinch. Green nidge. Intcuncnt at At'hluld. CLEARING HOL'Sn nXCHANGKS. riro clearings for the Sciuntou Clearing Ioumi assoclarion lor the week fueling Marin IT, aie as follows: Mondav. March M 2.17GC. TucMlnv March 21. $:5i. 7cl 27: Wedne'.sday, March 2.' JKi,9H.w,. Thurs. 1.15, March 23, J."'S,JHj 21, Priilav. Muich Jl 151.iOI.U7, Saturday. Mniih 21, liW, 431 (M grand total. Jl..:i7.H9 0C. CITY CIA'Il API'AIR-C 1) Si oti ten dered the members of the citv club a pleasant affair by means of one of 1MI son's largo phonographs Saturday even ing at the club rooms on Spruci stie't. Mull) members vveie la attend mei! The i-c'lectioii.s were numerous and well ar langetl and the he ucrs thoroughlv en lojed the tieat. At the conclusion of tho concert, refreshments wero served. MINISTERS' JIKKTING At the mee-t-Ing of tho 3Iethodlt ministers to be held ut nim Park ehureh this morning, a p.ipr em "The Apostolic ge" will bo read by tho Rev E E. Santee, of Old Forge. At tho Baptist ministers' meeting In the Pcnn Avenuo Baptist church, the Rov. G W Welsh, pasteir of the Clival Re formed church, will ri'.id a paper on "Tho Refoimatlon " WHEELMEN'S CONCERT -I'lie rhllo inel ejuaitette will give a conceit uiidei thr amnlces of the ornuii Rhine Wheel, men on Thursday oviiiiug, Mnrrn if at the club hoasei of the kit1"!' 1 ivuimsutron, corner of Saudei-'ori nvi'nue mil eiecn IUiIkp srreet Twenty-live cents admis sion will be chaiged, and nil fi lends of tho club or epuiitette are Invite el 10 attend Refreshme Ills Will b selVeel tiee of charge aftor tln concert. This will l the recond similar nftalr given, b rhe wheelmen tend will be will worth attend ing not only for the concert but for the onjovmeiit of tho evening In 11 social way aH well ROSENTHAL CONCERT.-Thi con-, rt to bo glvein at tin Ljcoum on AlUll 12 by Rosenthal, tho gientest living pianist, Is under tho mannnemi nt of the Hcrnnton Conservator of ilusle A tuibscrlpilun list of Hats upon thi lloor Is being rupblly made up. 1'eellng that It Is of tho highest Importance) to nil nmslc-Htuilents to hear tho finest muRio Interpicte'd by tho great, est artists. Sir. Pennington will open tho cllagrrfm pf tho ntlro bilcony to sttulentii of musla nnd their escorta on "Studen's" Day." Thuisdav, April C. Th' dlagr'Uir of tho floor and unsold sents In tho bal cony -will 1 o'len to subscribers on l'rl dax and Saturday, Aiirll 7 and 8. T JM JLJTl 1 ' SERMONS FROM MANY PULPITS DR. L. W. MUNHALL GAVE A PURITY TALK TO MEN. It was the Feature of Yesterday Af ternoon's Young' Men's Christian Association Meeting Special Ser vices In. the Providence Piosby terlan Chuich Seimon of the Rev. Mr. Grant Obseivnnce of the Feast of the Passover Palm Sun day at St Peter's Cuthedial Sei viccs During Holy Week. Dr. L. W. Munhall, of Philadelphia, tiilkcd to nn uudleneo of men yesterday ut the Lyceum meeting, which almost ethuusteel the seating cnpiclty of the auditorium. The subject was 'A Pur ity Talk to .Men" and ho followed his saibjeet. lie Is u tall, heav n't man, with a, commanding nppe'niurice. UN I. bully face and tho striking plalniii's mil ttuth of his word uei-ninplNhed much moif than oiatory. lie himself Is j living example ot what tho truth' he tulkM of can do for a man. It tho man himself will, and th.it er noi sonullty has brought power to the m.my, tnuny uddresscb ho has inudo In this bioad laud. The address of vesterday was con sidered from the view of that parage of Scriptures found in Hccleslastlos l-9. Mr. Munhall treated his topic under threo cllffeieiit elates, heait, sight and result. UN main thought was that man, being u flee agent, could do as ho pleaK'd He might tollow the desiiPH of his heurt and sight, be It for good or evil, but the Judgment wa sine. lie told of the evil effects ot the liquor habit, the terrible disaster whlih follows always In the wake of the lust of tho llesh. In lefenlng to pub're opinion as bearing upon the young man and oung woman, the speaker mid "that the mind, judgment or spirit which condones In the oung muu what It condemns in tho woman Is of tho de ll He paralleled thedestr uctlonof Sodom and Gomorrah, Pompeii and Horculnn eum and told of the doi av of Fi.uit'. The nimMll was threatening Aiucrlc and the ilghtoousness of the oung men mu-it be Its salvation The man who.se conscience .i clear, who was light with Clod and kept hU name fiee fiom taint was better by far than all others In any walk of life, for It was the satlsfvlng plo.istties to come which would bo his rewaid. He concluded his talk with a reminisce nt sketch of his own life dining the tnily days of his young manhood and he tlvn Invited the men present to alter their mode of living If It was not tight and leall." the henefltf. of being "light with God" as he had done. About lltty men responded. The Young Men's Christian associa tion orchestra assisted in the s-ci ir cs and ri. C. 31. Glflln offered pr.ier. Palm Sunday at Cathedral. Palm Sunday, the beginning of holv week, was observed as usual at St. Peter's cathedral. Tho palms vveru blessed by Bishop Hobarr and after wards cll-tilbuted to the congregation to bo bin ne dining the service and the until o day in commemoration of Chilst's entry to Jeiusalcm. The ser mon was also delivered by the bishop, being a brief explanation of the gospel of the clay and the significance of the ceremony. Thurseluj at 9 .!0 o'clock a. m. Bishop Hobun will bless oils that tire to be used during the year In the udmlul' tratlun of the .acramenls An extra nose win ue niesseci anu carried 111 nro- cession to a repository at the side altar, where It will be expohed for public feneration Tho festival ot Hoi' Tlllll vilnv I .""'"" s in commemoration of the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament. At the cIofo of tho mass the commem oration of the passion begins, the altar being divested of Its ornamentation anil tho bells and music bushed In token of the 1 lunches' morning On Friday ut S o'clock tho mass of the pre-banetltleel will be celebrated. It Is so called because the host use 1 In the service N the orre consecrated tho clay before and preserved in t'n repository Public veneration of tho eioss follows the mass. On Holy Saturday at 7 o'clock will oc cur the blessing of the lire, holy water nnd paschal candle, which Is lighted during the t calling ot the gospel fiom Holy Saturday until Ascension Sunday, typifying Christ's Instructions' during the thirty days remained on eaith with his apostles after his resurrection. Dur ing the mats the altar Is stripped of Its somber draperies, the "Gloria in i:.eelbis" Is sung and the bells and music aie again heard announcing tho gloi loirs Haster lime, Providence Presbyterian Church. The services at the Ptovldorioe T'ro bterlan church esterduy were of a special natuie The pastur pi cached two able sermons and tho elioli, In charge ol Choi Ister C. V. Whlttemoie, sang selected nnthems at both m 1 vices At tho close ot the evening service. Ptof. Ge'oige Walkcnshuw. of Glasgow. Scotland, who Is visiting here, played selections from Wiley, Bach, Schubert and Handel. Tho themo ot tho pastors. Rev. Continued on Page t. They 'vc imitated everything else! but they 've never been able to imitate the quality of Sarsaparilla Catarrh of Stomach, bowels, or bladder, is cured by the Cailsbad Sprudel Salt. It is also a positive remedy for coiibtipation, liver and kidney complaints. Carlsbad Sprudel Salt contains the same curative properties that have made the Carlsbad Springs famous ior five centuries. To hibiier & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents for the Cailsbad Spiings, New York. Gentlemen, I have been suffeiing lrom disorders of the livei and stomach foi the last six years, and tried almost every remedy recommended to me with out nn lin more than temporary relief at the best, until I was ad vised to iiM.- the imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. I ocv.asion.Uly added teaspoonful of the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to the first gobletful of water, which I took early in the morning. My improvement was most marked. At the end of three weeks my liver was reduced to its normal sie, and the pain in it had entirely ceased. I have gained in flesh 16 1-4 pounds, and feel that I am permanently recover ing. I am so grateful for the benefit deiived trom the use of the Carls bad Sprudel Water, that I permit you to use this statement as you may see fit. Sincerely yours, H. H. Mason, Law Clerk, Clerk's Olnce of the U. S. Ciicuit Court tor the Southern District ol New York. Write lor pamphlet. Eisner & iMeiuielson Co., bole Agents, New Y01L WEST SIDE HOTEL FIRE. Building on South Main Avenue Bedly Damaged. Tie Patagonia hovel building at SOI So ttb Main aveii'ii was almoj-t com pletely cleMi ived bl a midnight file James Iiis, tin pi opt It-tut' was ruining dcvti stairs with t lighted k in- in lamp wh n h tiippcd and fell. Tin- lamp bloke on the lloor and exploded .'tilng Hie to the l.alh.ay. 31i Davis escaped Inlui-y but had to oeiimpct Itv ly to beat the names up 1 the hallway. Tin fire eoinpinii-s made a quick re sponse to an til.ii ni trom bo 3J. but had to be content with creveiitlng thu j flanus fiom spiemllirg to adjoining I """" " "f,"'"" "ie -i .n..u i-eiuiiiua-bulldlngs j 'binors. Hx-Ali'eimiin T. T .Morran owned The eomniNsloners app'.iled. and be the building It was worth $2 000 and cause of the flit Hint all juiois who was partly insiiri-d Mi. D.ivla -rvcd ' could be called to try the case must only a poi linn furnlturo. of his dwelling and hotel ST. JOHN'S SOCIETY OFFICERS. Were Chosen at a Meeting Held Yes terday Af tot noon. At a meeting of St. John's Total Ab stinence and Benevolent socletj of Pine rtrc ok yesterday aftcmoirt the following others were 1 lmson after a spltlttd contfst. Piesielcnt, Timothy Buike vice-pti'vident.Jcihn J. O'JIalley; tlnanelal secietcry, John Dempsev: 10 coidtng M-eictaiy, IMwaid Havers; treauier, Michael 0'3lalley; serge.int-at-aims, Joseph Joyie; trustees, John Jo co, John rob- and Anthony Mcl lod ; delegates to diocesan convention, Mle haei O'Malley and John V. JIaloney. The enntet for taking in new mem bers will close net Sunda Tho de feated members will tender the vie toilous iine a banejuit at a elate to lu selected Intel. On Haste 1 Mondny night the toe lit will conduit a .smoker. HIS TAMILY ARE ANXIOUS. Aged Patrick Sullivan Seems to Have Suspiciously Disappeaied. For sevvial days tin- family and friends of Patrick Sullivan, who is oet 70 yeai.s of age, have been Ineiuiilng concerning his whereabouts. He left his residence1 on Cnuga street etrily on Tiiday last and has, not been home since. He Is a, veteran of the Civil wai and a pensioner. j.o diaws his pension once every three' months and had cou sldeiablo mone on his poison when ho left home. It wus thought Satiitday that he might have gone down to Old Point Comfort to tho Soldiers' Home, as ho has often done befoie, but In quiry failed to lot ate him as having bought tUKets at an ot the lallioad ticket ollbes He is graj halted med ium sized und woro a daik blue suit when ho left home'. WAS WELL KNOWN HERE. Tho older residents of this cltv and Archbald and lllakely will no doubt 11 eall tho Rev. I). H. Wycoff, who wus pastor of the Prcsb terl.ru chinches nt Hlukely and Atchbald about twenty ears ago. He troejuontij pieaelud In this city during his pastorate In thi vulley. He illed at Philadelphia a few da8 ago at a llpe old age, man years of which was spent In the mlnlstiy. That which piobably atttaets atlcntlun to tho reverend gentleman's death Is tho fact that he is the fathei of Pi of Walter Wyckoff, of Princeton college1, who made himself famous and earned his title and chair at Princeton b his writings on "Tho Workers," which ap peal eel In Scrlbner'h In hcilnl form last year. TWO NEW PARISHES FORMED. Afier Easter a number of additional changes will be mudo ainoriL' the cath olic eltgy Sumo of these hirvo been announced but not all have as yet been definitely decided upon by Bit hop Hoban. A now parish Is to be established nt Montrose with Ile,v A. T. Brodeilek, iiiw of st. Pntili'K's, WVst Scranton. In el'iuge. Je.shiip. now a part of oiy phant parish. Is tei be made u parish and placed lu e-haige of Rov. Father Laffertv, no v of Aubiurr. Be v. J .1 .McCain, of tho South Side, will likely Micived to the Atlbuiu p.u Uh Rev. (-hat les Munlev, now a,s.slstant priest at Jermjn, will be transferi"d to Havre, as assistant to Rev. Father Shiiiili). - - t - sew T. B. McClir.tock, Hie lloilst, will upen today at P2S Siuuee street with a full line of Easier plants and novelties. DIED. WU.SON.-In Scianloii, Jlurih 2c. li, Miss Mnry Parsons Wllwon, 22 veurs of uge, nt tho tiHldoiii'R. ;r.M Webntnr nf nue. Funeral sen Ices this cvmilnu nt 7'0 o'eloek ut the rctldutiv. liilimeat Tuesday at Tritium, N. J. IMPORTANT CASE IIEADSJODAY'S LIST WYOMING COUNTY COMMISSION ERS ARE THE DEFENDANTS. They Ate Charged with Having Paid nn Excessive Pi ice for the Erection of tv Soldiers' Monument and for the Construction of a Bildge at Eatonville Number of Prominent Wyoming County Men Hcto to At tend the Trial, Which Begins To day. Heading the we-ek's list in common picas coutt Is the novel and iuteiestl lug cum! from Wyoming county grow ing out of the' eree Hon of the soldiers' and sailors tuonutm in undui the- re ceiit act enipow cling the eiunty com missioner 8 of uny count to I'lecl siuh a monument at the expense of ihe county upon proper petition und the approval of two successive grand jur ies. The Wjomlng eountv soldiers' and sailors' monument was contracted for by County Commissioners Charles Wheetock and F. II Chase and Michael lit own at Tunkhannock on May C, 1S97, much us contracts have been lot In that eountv for ninnv vetir The contract was made with TMward Galla gher, Jr., of Philadelphia, repri'sentlng the Pennsylvania Jlonument company. The monument was ere'Cteel and duly unveiled und the eountv auditors came on to lev lew and pass upon the ac counts of the commissioners and thflr llmllng was ro the ctfeel thai the com mls'donerH had paid an excesrlvo amount for the same, viz: $9 000. Fol low lug that decision thev sui charged the commissioners the sum of 512 000. COMPARISON OP COST. It was shown before the board mat a llki monument, bovvu feet less In height, with base In four plei'es. and a le-i- amount of bronze woik, had been elected at Ifolldajfibuig. Pi, for Blair I county, for which $12,000 had been con- .sldciod a fair price. The evidence ad eluced before the auditors is said to I have lnon upon letter' and ot a char acter not admissible m a court of te eonl without Identification, at loast There1 was also a O'l-pute civei the price of a bridge eiortcd at Latum llle and I some money wa claimed to have been oveipald the1 dlbtilct attorney, making a lotal cif $1 cot). This amount was surcharired and ,l ludgtnont entend of iccord on that "nciing ur ruvor ot tno .-ouniv ot v v- of uecejislt be int"tcsted parties ap plication was made ami a change of venue gianted to this county. For the county auditors tX-Dlstlict Altoinev James H. Fie u of Tunk hannock, and Charles Dawson, of Scranton, will appear For the county e omnil.sslonerh. Hon JJdwaidJ Jordan and James W. Piatt, of Tunkhannock, I and Ge'oige Wat-on. of this city. This ease will be called before Judge Arch bald this morning. COMMISSIONERS ARE HERE. The county commissioners, Charles Wheeloek and F. II. c'liuse came on ehterday atternoon and at" registered at thu Hotel Rudolph The are ac companied by 3Iajor II. W. Bardell. lion Frank H. Piatt. Sheriff Alvlra G Or error, Colonel Eugene S. Han elrltk, Captain Samuel Hawke of Com pany L, Seventh regiment. Edwaid E Mentzer, Miltorr Unwell, Hon. efeorge W. Cooke and Jeiseph Wood Piatt, of Tunkhannock. At thr St Charles ho tel is County Commissioner 3II hael Brown and he has with him County Clerk Frank S. Harding. Perry Grlllln L. R. Alery, Snrnile'l Hess. Edw.ud Phlnney, Joseph B. Welch and Hon A "M 1 011 Eastman Attorneys James W PI itt and E J J ni dan, of Tiuikhunnock, who represent the count commissioners, are regis ter ed at Heitel Jerm.vn There will b thirty or forty Wyom Ing county men here an witnesses and It Is expeeted tho tiial will last thiee days. APRIL 10, 1899. N. Y., 0. & W. Excursion to New Yoik; Tickets Good to Return Up to and Including Apiil 10th. Low Rates. The "Ontario" excursion Will provo n dlveision. From our toll and dall eaie, So pack up om gilp And take in the trip Avail our.seIf of the low faio. T. B. McClintock, the lloilst, will open today nt I2S Spiuce stieet with a full line of Easter plants and novelties. Finest wines and 20 Spiuce stieet. clears at Lane's. CASTOR! A Pot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of 0&&ffiUcdU " TAKE TIME SV THC FORELOCK," BY cir$"i M1B ftM Li T u.tA K-XfohtM liririi,cii'.jiT (MW? Car load Just .rr lived All sl!e, and prices the lowest Workmanship gum ante ed oven on TH; CHEAPiR GR ' DES. Keep us lu mind aud ou wiiit io giet giving us your pattonugi ou will get goods us represented giving ou mil easy terms of payment or very lowest prices for cash. Immense stock of Household Goods Stovos, Carpets, Iron Beds. etc. Flvo lurgo floors full to the celling at This Koly's Sions, rill COMMON COUNCIL CAUCUS. Luther Keller for Chairman; Hugh A. Jones for Clerk. Tho eleven Republicans who will be In the next common council mot In cau cus after Saturday night's meeting nnd unanimously selected Luther Keller ns candidate for chairman. Hugh A. Jones was chosen for tho clerkship over T. R. Jackson by n vote of seven to four, as follows: June -3lessri Nagell, ftiltnth. Wat kins, Walker, Smith, Keller and Hece 7. Jackson Mesne. Harvej, Tewkesbury, Zlylcrmin anil 3lorrls Mr Jones N a lcsldent of Decker's court, on the West Side, and N a clerk by profession The Democrats have not as yet called a caucus. It Is llkelv that 3Ir. Grier will be their eatulldate for chairman If they have one, but there is quite- 'i sttoirg possibility that Mr. Keller will be endorsed Will V. I.ynott, of IProvI denci is tho most prominently men tioned llomociatle candidate for the clerkship The Republicans of select council are scheduled to caucus Thursday night on the chair ma nshlp. Next Tuesday night the Republicans of both branches, will meet to select a candidate for city solicitor. 3Iayot Ralley Muted yesterday to 1 Tribune reporter thut he had received word that he would be1 recuioated to call a joint convention of councils for Thursday night to till the vacancy on the board of ievlson and appeals. A FAREWELL RECEPTION. Will Bo Given Tonight in. Honor of F. W. Pearsall. At the Railroad Young Men's. Chris tian association tonight a farewell re ception will In' given to V W. Peat hall, the retiring secretary, who goes to New Yoik city to take up an Important work In connection with the Railroad Young 31en's Christian association theie. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. s i t v u t. iirtt n t r. ; fc' ft' tC K tt jV 5? ti s; e a." x &" &' & V IV rV a tt fc' Trimmed hats Unparalleled showing: ery exemplification of style in this jfrXi n . r -tin it. fc' K ti it Si li t; a tt v a u V ti V jV a tt v V V & tt Si ti j; Si tt u ti tt tt X ti ti ti ti V ti rV ' rvrrvLX z ,-. ,v ,-.,,- . Extraordinary offerings in tiimmed hats at pi ices far below those asked elsewhere eaily in the season Special sale today in flowers and shapes 1.00 black nnd colored of every description, in chip and fancy straws, regular puce si.oo. bpecial sale at 19c violets at IOC One lot of white iiOc flOWCl'S at 2.1c Large bunches violets, laige bunches, worth iqc, very A including violets, pansies. lilacs, roses, special bargain at I UC daisies and foliage, worth soc Rare Easter offeringswomeiVs top coats and tailored suits. everything we sell offeiings that compare to our advantage with the best induce ments made anywhere. a.' a ar )V v ti ti ti ti tt ti ft' ti ti X ft' ft' ft ft X X X ft X X X ft' ft ft X ft ft' X ft' ft' ft ft' T j L than you can well expect for the same money .and positively more than you ever got for the same price anywhere. Women's and misses' jackets from $3.98 to $18.98. Five very special items in muslin underwear Excellence of quality in all these is assured and quantities are great enough for all demands. An aftermath to our great underwear sale of February. Very special On the following items in women's chemises price has been specially reduced for today : ft' ft" ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' V ft' ft' ft' ft" X X X X X X X 15c chemises at 20c Of good quality muslin, yoke ot em broideiy and tucks, trimmed with cambiic ruffle ."9c Chemises at Hi).' Of fine quality muslin, with yoke of solid embroidtry trimmed with edging to match 50c ROWllH lit 2Tc Good quality muslin, mother hubbaid yoke, tucked and trimmed with cambiic uiffle l)c muslin sowiis at 19c Excellent quality of muslin, hubbaid yoke, trimmed with cluster of tucks and lowa of cm broulei v inset tion OSp, muslin conns nt mother hubbard styles, eight dilferent designs, all handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery n v, . k k n k . k n, k n k k k k k Minr $? Ppr!r ,34 Wyoming Avenuo millCU 4X iCIV, "walk In .nd look around." Bicycle Perfection Has at last been reached iti the production of tlie 1899 MODEL GHAINLESS SPALDING We would be pleased to have you call aud examine it. FLOREY & BROOK J. R. Sweet, of the Simpson 3rethodlst TIpIscopal church, George G Malt, sec retaiy of the Young 3Ien s Christian association; Altoinev A V. Itower, It. F. McKentui and F. P Bryant. The Orpheus club will furnish music. The nubile generally and 31r. Pe.irall's many friends In paitlcular ait Invited to attend nt.nK..KKKn.nK.,.,. Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming: Avenue. -. 1 and untrimmed mi!Hnery Choice and correct creations exclusive effects unapproachable newness and the all here at prices obviously entire city. Combining great lowest prices at all times, even in the height of the season, has made this store the center of the most wide-awake shoppers and the most careful purchasers, and many are the compliments we re ceive daily as a result of our caretul planning and world-wide search for extraordinary values. EAS TER MILLINERY EXTRAS abound everywhere here Paris patterns of every conceivable kind and fancy in fact, the greatest showing of its kind that has ever been seen here. $2 Mmpcs at 19c One great lot of black and colored The best ideas of the woild's best designers ments that combine style with lowness of pi ice fVn OK veiliin 111 lllKvfu.' lUpL'PIQ $3.98 good quality covert cloth with double stitched seams, newest cut, positively tailor made and worth as much as a thud more. a a ao for ST value iii women's Jackets all silk 4)4. 9o lined; stylish velvet collar, the proper cut, ex cellent quality of whipcoid, positively a seven dollar gar ment, fr-c for & al!,e Jn somen's SUllS in black and .p5.9o blue cheviot, jacket lined throughout with sat in, skirt made in the newest fan back style, lined with per caline and bound with velveteen. In all of the above do not judge by the pi ice alone. Read descriptions and note that all gar ments advertised contain more favorable points Oflc Of line duality muslin, empire .. . . n . n . . . n . t v. n n k k For Receptions and Teas A fine effect is obtained, where Candles with beautifully tinted shades shed their soft radiance. Ncrcr were they more popular than now. Never was our assortment so laige. We have nil the latest effects in Silver Candehibias, Combina tions of Silver and Cut Glass. , We don't ask iancy prices. 211 Washington Ave. Opp. Court House. THE DICKSON M'FG CD., tScriinton unci Wllkos-llnrro, ci. Mtiiml".icturerof L0C0M0T1VES.STATI0NARY ENGINES Holler, tloMtlnz an J Pumplnz Ma-iilnfry, General Otllce, Scranton, Pa. 3 x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X t X X lower than at any other store values with shapes 49c 25c -gar-as in niacin nl to 7H3rW Women's strictly tailor-made suits $5.98 to $24.98. the t Jrt5- -r?.. v 29c 39c 27c mother 49c .V4-: Yii0f i i.. r -.- iWM'rxKi V4f T --ir7i4 i m or x OyC n trr- Ji. -M iJHVj 1 fi rz3f aiMlltV. ( 'I . r. n n . . v. - f- - -"-y- X X V V n X X X X X X X X X X X X X X t X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X t X 1 X t X s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X