THE SCRANTON TRIBUTE- SATURDAY, MARCH 2o, 3 899. "IDOMYOWNWORK." Bo Bayo Mrs. Mary Itoohlotto of Lladon, Now Jorooy, la thla xiiaYcfcs RELIGIOUS. Lottor to Mra. Plnliham. c Lent Is drnwing to n. nnd tlio tehurches arc actively engaged 1" mak ing their preparations for tlio Easter festival. Cholrmastots nnd choirs nie busy rehearsing tho oluburoato pio gramrnes of music which they will en chant to those who uttciul tho servi ces In honor of tho risen Saviour. To morrow Is Palm Sunday nnd is suc ceeded by holy week, tho solemn peilod that markrt the dose of the unison of Llcnt and prepares the way for tho u- Eurroetloii. i Much interesting Information enn cernlnB the growth of ritualism 01, nt least, the wipe adoption of enrichment In the Pieslivtctliiu church, la glv-i n out hv the Picsbjteilan Church Hex vice society. Thlw society was funned two jicnrs ago along the lines of the Church Service Society of S. otland. which foi Its object the beuutllv Ing and clutching of the e.y pi .In service. The nssocintlnn In this conn tr began Its wntk by making n can tho churches In 1'eninviv.inin, Now Jcisey. New Yoik and Ne-v dig land, having a membeiship of nnuo than 2i0. The society holds that dig nity and symnietty nu to be aimed at and that the singing of the Oloilu Pntrl and Gloria In Ei-clis, lespun slvo reading of Psalms or other -Viin-tures, the let Ration of the Apostles' Creed, the emplo.ment of Did and New Testament lemons and the kiic-ellug benediction arc enrichments. It v ,t.i on these points that nnsweis vote so licited. The result of the cam .up shows that Prcb teilan congiogntlons nie In clining tnwnids a num elabotuto form of worship and that this Inclination Is more in, n kid In New England. New Jersey ami New Vol It Mate outside of Manhattan and IliooklMi, than It I" In those two dWtili ts. Although thoo mi el.iboiiitlon In most all of tin -ei-Mces lepmted, theie was'lc ,ill no uniformity About ten pei tent, of the pastors oppoM-d anv change In tl gcneial fonn of public vvoishlp, but m otheis warmh advocated si change. Some asked for the adoption of Dr. Shields "Honk of Common Travci." The Picf.liytcii.nis of New .lew.-y seen to be most uchnuccd It is le.irned bj the American boatd of foreign missions that the tumbles nt Doslilslia unlveiMty in Japan ate about to mine to an end. Itofoteiiee to these ttoubles has been nude In this column several times. The tinlveislty has been perveited fiom tho purposes of the board and of Its founders by i eat-on. In part, at least, of Japanese jealousy of American Inlltience. The institution was founded by the Itev. Joseph Nees hlma twenty jenis ago. When a bov Neeshlma tan away from home nnd shipped on a vessel belonging to Al pheus Hardy, of lioston. .Mr. llntdy took a fancy to the boy and had him educated for the minlstty. He then sent him back to his people In Japan, as a missonat Doshlsha was established as ,1 Christian university, where native, ministers might be educated, but It alto contained an academic couie. One of the Japanese piofes"ois was made president. when Mr. Neeshlma died nine eals ago and undei his admlnistia tlon there has been a good deal of backsliding In the faculty. Several membeis of this body hao abandoned the Cluistlun religion, while lellgious Instruction has almost wholly ceased. Other Important changes octuned. These conditions weio finally brought forcibly to the notice of the Anieilc.m boatd of foreign missions and lenion trani es weie made, but to no effect. The board then threatened to w Mi di. iw the endowment and withhold all support. After a long controversy the trustees of the university hae icsigned without earning the matter Into eouit, as they at llrst threatened to do. Foi tunately, the boatd found it possible to select the new "trustees wholly fiom among the Japanese. It Is epeeted that the constitution of the university, which the tecent tiustees radically changed In man paiticulurs, will be complctelv lestoied Theie Is no lea son whv the piospeilty and usefulness that emee belonged to tho Institution Kid Gloves We give the best possible attention to our Kid Glove department quality, flexibility and lit are prominent here. At $1.50 Ladies' Dress Kid Gloves. At $1.00 Our M. & H. Gloves are superior to all others sold at the price. At 75c We have a surprise Glove iu all the Spring shades. UptoDate Neckwear, Scarfs, Ties and Stocks In Point de Sprit Mulls, Lawns, Liberty Silks, Mous lin de Soie, Etc. Collars Ladies' Linen Sporboro Collars in all the new shapes, 2, ooo Fine Linen, (no better made) 12Jc Dress Trimmings Exquisite new designs iu Applique, Alloon Chenille, Bow Kuots, Butter Flies, Set Pieces, Mohair and Silk Bands and Braids. Silk Waists Special attention is invited to our display of fine Silk Waists. They will surely please iu style and fit. Satins, Taffetas, Peau de Soir, Stripes, Plaids, Biaderes aud Plain Colors. MEARS El HAGEN should not return under the new man agement. The Itev. John Lewis Smith. D. P. whose death recently occurred nt his home In Valparaiso, Intl., wns distin guished ns tho oldest Methodist minis ter In Indiana. Ho was bum In Vir ginia In lMt and was one of the first of the lnmous oldtlme eltcult ildeis. He was licensed to preach In 1S"7. Thteo jcais later he entered the In diana conference. Iletwoen 1GJ nnd ltiS he a-ted us rollcctor of Internal revenue, being appointed by President Lincoln. Two jenrs later lie wns up. pointed tluanciil agent of Te Patnv university. He wns the author of a book on Indiana .Methodism, contain ing 1 nc Idents and sketches of l eoplu and prcuc-hcrs in the stale. ( pn paratlons are miking In De troit for the Christian Endeavor con vention In that city next Julv. It li thought that no less than OiVXIO mem bers ol the association will be pies cnt A letter which has jus-1 been Is sued by the pieu committee announces that the convention will be li d by the two new featuies the cm ploMiietit of a higher guide of music than foimerly and loetuios ujon socio logical Ucstlons ard other pioblems of the day. The latter mo 1 design ed, hnvvcvci, to supplement, which has ulw.-ns been tho gteat chniacteilstlo of the conventions. It Is possible that theie will lc a split In the congiogntlon i f tho I'rol I'stant chinch of tile Holy Cross In Jersey Clt.v on account of th establishment of the (rnfcsslonal In that (hutch. Several members of the ongii'gatloli .lie decidedly opposed to uuiltulnl onfesslon, but the entile ve-tiv aripeat.s to be In nccetd with th rectoi, the Itev. Augustine Elmendotf. The oonfis.-dnnal. as established by Mr Elnicndoif, Is ontliolv voluntary and f. v. II anv, r.uostlons ate nked. It Is said that Mr. Elmcndoif iciflved much e in ourngement fiom the lemniks of a New oik minister who conducted a mission at the Chinch of the Holy Cross a few weeks ago. Accoidlng to icpoit. this eleigvman declared nt oti" seivl e that It was absolutely e,csentlal to confess before continuation and that hose who did not would not be likely to have their piayeis d by 'loci, lint even stub encouragement would not have been of much value probably. If the reverend gentleman had not the support of the gieater pait of his con gregation. The "oi vices at the Hailroid depntt ment Young Men's Christian :i-socl-tlon tomon ivv will be a mNslomry seivice. The male eiuattette of the Simpson Methodist Kpicopal ihuuh will sing. A collection will be taken for the foreign work of the associa tion. This will be Secrotaiv Pe irsall's last Sunday In this citv. All i.illtoad men ate coidiallv Invited to attend. Meetlnr; begins et 3 I" p. m. Net Tlnitsdiy the annual meeting of the 'Woman' Homo Misslonaty sci c letv of the AVvomlng district of tho Wvomlng confeience, will be he'd in the Simpson Methodist Kpiscopal chinch, West Scranton. Eeligioiiss tos Notes The Feast of the Annunciation will bo obsuved today at the cathedral. Three masses will be cilebiated nt C IJO, 7.30 and !. a. m. The Sunday schools of tho Second Piesbterlan church will hold a union session at the chinch on Jcffeiron ave nue. Sunday, Mare h UG. at 2.K0 p. m. The Methodist Mlnlsteis' association will meet in Him Paik chinch Monday at 10 30 a m. The Itev. H. I. Santec, of (lid Porge, will give a icvlew of Mc Ollfurt's "The Apostolic Age." On Wcdnesdny, Thursday and Friday cvenlngh there will bo special services at (Since Lutheran chinch general sjnod. Holy communion will be ml inlnlsteted on Haster morning, when 415-417 Lackawanna AYe. "I was bothered with n. low which would bo quite nnnoylng nt times, and at othcrn would almost stop. " I ubcdnroscrlptlonBirlvon mo by my nhvslclan, but tho came state of nftnlrs continued. "After a ttmo I wns taken with a flooding, that I vhib oblltred to itcepmybed. Finnlly, In despair, I r.ivo np my doc. tor, and befrnn taking-your modi- cine, nnd have certainly been greatly benefited by its use. "tjydin.K.l'inkhnm's Vegetable Com pound lias indeed been a friend to mo. " I am now ablo to do my own work, thanks to your wonderful medicine. I was as near death I belicvo as I could be, so weak that my pulso scarcely bent nnd my heart had almost given out. I could not liavo stood it ono week more, 1 nm sure. I never thought I would bo mj grateful to any medicine. " I shall use my inllucnco with any nno Etiffcritiff as I did, to liavo them use Lydia U. 1'inkham's Vcgctabla Compound.'' Uvcry woman that 13 puzzled nbout her condition should securo tlicsympa thetlo advice of a woman who under stands. Write to Mrs. 1'lnkham at Lynn, Mass.. anil tell her your Ills. also new members will be leeched. Tlio choir Ik mnkiUR elaborate uirnuRementM for i:.--tcrtliln. The Suntlaj vhoolvvlll hold veivleis on leister cvrnlnp. Thi'io will be a muilenlc at th- Xorth St tnitton blanch of the Voting Women's ChrlMl.m a'-xoi latlon on Monday cven hiff at s o'clock. All women nnd gills nie coullall.v Invited to attend. At tin- Kaptlst MlnlsteiH conference next .Monday morning. Uov. Ci. AV. Wi'Nh. jiatnr of the- Calvaiy Reformed church, will it-ad u paper on Th" ltefuimntinn. and Us Beat Ins on Re cent Phases or Chtlstlnnlty." Net Sunday moinlnt; ("ienernl Ilal llnprton Booth of the I'nlted States Vnl- uiiteer movement will pi each at 10 CO In the Jackson Stieet Baptlt church. Tather Bat leer, as the eneiable cler Kyman Is known, has been conducting a series of services this week In L'lm Bark e hutch, which In some respects have been remarkable. He Is one of the old-fashioned soit ol Methodists, ia fervent and earnest and has had tin "epei lent e" which manv envy the saintly man. He is eighty veais cd . Itev. John Iluntlncton, who was In Scranton last jeai and vvlm N plcas antlv reincmbeied, will be at St Math's, nuninoie, todaj. antl next week until Wedneday. The flist ser vice, for children. Is this afternoon at I o'clock, lollowetl at J o'clock by one for adults. Bveiy moinliifr nnd even incr nt S o'clock until "Wednesday oven lnfT these sennons will be continued, rather Huntington will also make ad dresses at mid-day at St. Luke's dur ing his stn. Tomotow's Services Episcopal. Saint T.ukc's parish Tlev . Borers Israel, lector. Kev. n J. HaiiKhton, enlnt cuiate- Kev. M. !. Nah. junior cuiate. Suin'av before i:ntor. St. Luke's ehuich Tnn a. m.. Holy fomniunitn; 10. "0 a m, mornlns prav ei ami -.emion T 30 p. m , evenlet; pi ay or and senium, 9 15 a. m.. Sunday hi noni anil iiinie classes. St. Mdik's. Ditnmou S a. m Holv Communion; lO.'IO a. in , mornlnpr pray rr nnd "crnion anil Holv Communion; 7.?0 p. 111 . eviuliiB piaver and eimon :: p m., Sunday school ami Blblo elas-es. Bast Bnd mission, Brecett avenue -". l). m Sunday schoni and Bible 1 lassos; T 20 . m., evening prayer antl sermon. South Side mission, T'lir stiet 10 p in., Suinlay school anil Bible classes St. (ifnigvs OH pliant J,;i0 p. in, Suudiy school nnd I'lble classes; i.ji) p. 111, evinliiK pieer and sermon. St Davids ehuuh, Bdwatel James McHenry. rector Sunday next bofoie Bnster. Celebiatlons of Holy Buchnr 1st at 7.20 and 10.20 a. m.; Sunday school at 2 20 p. in ; ev ensoiiK at 7 ".0 p. m , set vices dallv at 7 .SO anil -1 p. 111 ex cept Bildav, Friday at ft a. 111 . 12 and 3 p m . celebtatlon of Holy Buchailst dally extept Friday. "Wednesdaj, even sons at .x o'clock Chapteis, St. Asnes. Sisters of Bethany. Boys', Men's and Ladles' Aid. Iuelustilnl school, Bastor evenluK at 4 o'clock, baptism. Evangelical Lutheran. Tho Evangelical Lutheian raimSun dny. (lospel, Matt , 21.1-9 Epistle, Phil., 2.5-11. Vt.-tment color, violet St. Maik's, "Washburn and Four teenth streets. Bov. A. L limner. Ph. P.. pastor Seiv lies at 10.20 u. m. anil 7 20 p. m.; Luther league at C.:0, Sunday school at 12. MoinlllR subject. 'Who is This'.'" Evening subject, "The Ala baster Box of Ointment." Confirma tion of lathechumens at mnrnlnK ser vice. Services every evenliier duilnij holy week. Holy Trinity. Adnms avenue and Mulbeiry sticet. Bov. C. ;, Spleker, pastor Services nt 10.20 a. m. and 7.20 p. in.; Sitnda school at 12 111.. Luther lenRtie at fl.30. Set vices eveiy evcnlntr dm Ins hob week. .Ion's, Mllllln avenue, Bov. P. F. .bolmann, jiaslor Services nt 10.30 a. in : Sunday school nt 2 p m St. Paul's. Short avenue, Itev. "W C. L. L.Uler. pastoi Sei v lees at 100 . m. and 7.20 p. in.; Sunday school at 12.20 p. m. Sei vices every evening dur ing holj week. Clulst.Cedar avenue and Beech stieet, Ilev. II. F. Llsse, pastor ilervices at 10.20 a. m. and 7.20 p. m.; Sunday n I100I at 2 p. m. Continuation at mornlni servlce St Peter's. 1'iescott avenue. Bov. .1. W. Randolph, pastor Services at 10. :o a. m. and 7 20 p. m ; Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Confirmation of entlicchumens ut moinlns set vice. TTmanuel. Boose stieet. J lev. John Kowiiln. pastor S01 vices at 10.30 ,1. in, antl 7.20 p. 111 ; Sunday school at 12 p. 111 Ci ace Lutheran Lhtiuii of tho irenoinl 8iind, corner MudUnn u venue and Mulbcriy stieet Bov. Foster l Gift, pastor. Ferv Ices at 10.30 11. in. and 7.BU p. nt. Sabbath school at 9.10 a. in. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0.30 p. m. Methodist. Elm Park church Love feast at !i o'clock, pieachliisr ut 10. '10 a. in. and 7.20 p. in., bv Itev. John Paiker, of New York East conterence Sunday school nt 2 and Epuorth LeiiKiie at C 30 p. m, Simpson Methodist Episcopal 1 lunch, J, H, Sweet, pastot MornliiB piayer service at 9.30; prenehliiK service at 10.30, sermon by tho pastor; Sunday school at 12; Junior league at 3; younc; w mffizz i ta I 1 '1-- tat I V l Uk - It captures you at first glance. More graceful lines lighter narrower tread, and x 5 stronger and better You appreciate a beautiful and scientifically constructed Bicycle. Then come and see this. It's the '99 Bicycle. There won't be any question about it. HOD 1 AAA Pi i 1 r A VOIR VvATlBTBlA I AmI iJpb niBO n Oaf 0 bMi.lilIIIICL JL w yJ U rJf vJJL JB.iL JUL 3 I tilnAiXri 1 11 f iW FCvNHIi'YTYin.'a.VfJ.VV .ll C . JMv In Tjjj7.Jjrf jjm .i: - - Factory mens meeting at 4- Epworth league. E. L. 'W'arnei, baelei, at f. preachlmi heivlce nt 7. At the evening sen It e the pator will picath by Invitation to the KulKhtH of Malta. Elcctrle lodtro. with invited Kuots. will attend In a bndy Spcelal mu.t. MKs lirlttaln, of Heading, will she t violin belettion. All seats free. A i ortlinl uptcome to all Hampton Stieet MethodUt Uplscn pal chinch It -v. James ncnnliiKer, pastor. Services tnmoi row- as usual. I'ltnchli.K at 10.S0 n in. and V.S0 p. m. by Itev. V. J. .lucid, of Cranford. X. .1., a formet paMm. Clus at 11. Jo, Sunday school at -' p. m Junlois .it " p. m. Epv.oith;uf at C.JD p. m A eortllal welcome to all. Providence Methodist Episcopal chilli h Itev. William IMrar, pastor Qu u teily metlnfr tomon on murnlnp Love feast at 'J.M u. m. Hervlce at 10.10 a. m. with an apiuopu ate address. At 1' p. in the Kund.iv Mhool will hold Its annual missionary meeting. An Intel c&tlnir pU'Krinunp will be lcndcreil. Epworth League nt fi.-Ci. In the cvetilrf,' the iM.stor will continue the seiies of sciiiiohh n Kible fU"?tlons. .Scats fiee. All ate wel come. t' Avenue Methodist Episcopal chinch F P. Dot v. pastor. The pas tor will preach at 10 30 . in. nnd at 7.10 p.m. Junior eacue at ." 110 p m , Mik Doty. supeiintHident. Sunday school at noon. Epvorth Lcarruo at G.'M p. m. Strancer eoullally vvcltome. How ai d Place African MethodlHt Episcopal clninh. Uuv. H A (, P. J)., pastor 10.30 a. m , suhject, 'Uo.iHtlnK." -"0 p. m.. Sunday school. 7 p. in , subject. "N'ot Peat e, hut War." Aftei senniin, conreciatlon meeting Mocovv Methodist EpWcopat t hureh--S. "Jav Snow den, 11. I), pastor, no a m. Sunday school; loin a. ni pie.ich Inif by the pastor, snbjpct The Ti 1 umphal Entty." 1J m, e lacs 3 n. m.. Junior League: 7 p. m, piea-hlng bv the pastor. S p m., Eivvoith LcnKtic Vildiiy, 7 30 p. m fiend I'rlday sei -vices. Prcacliliiff bv th- pastor nnd Holy Communion, rimhurst, Sunday 3 p m : Splint; ProoU. Tuesday, S p. m Methodist Episcopal e hurch, t'l.irH's Summit Itev, Frank V. YouiiR. pas. toi Sunday school, 10 a. m. ltd bv the Kuneilntendent. S. II, Isliv I3p wotth League at 0 1". p. m., led liy Dr. C E. McnlU. The pastor will pieneh at 7 j0 p in. on "Tho Soltller's Wei ecme." There will be no moinlni: picnchlnf? on account of the Fourth tiuatteilv nieetliiR at Chinchilla, In tiie afternoon at 30, nt which motliit; Uev. Di. A. 'oiltlln will pveach. Presby teilan. First Presbyterian chinch Set vices, 10 30 u. m. antl 7.30 p. m Oi. Me Ieoi will preach. Special sei vices will ha held foi ono hour every evening next week except on Satuidny. The Second Pi esby teilan church Hev. Chillies E Uolilnson, 1") D., pas tor. Set vie es 10.30 a in, L'.SO p. in. The pastor will pi each Iu the nioinliin Theio will be a rally In the t lunch at 2 30 i. m. ot the "lunch Sunday school, the Hraiuli and the Volunteer Mishlon school. Tilda will ho no evenlns het lm. Presb) teilan e Impel. Adams avenue antl New Yoil; stteet Itev James Hushes, late of South Afilta, will pleat h. Hifliject, "The Conveislon of Oneslmus." Time of sei vice, 7.45 p in. Providence 'I'leshj teilan chinch, Itev. lleoiKo 1. Guild, pastoi .Sunda.v licfme Easter. Service at 10.30 a. in., theme for sei moil, "Who Is This?" Special music by the choli. At 7.30 oMtul; the aeivlco postponed fiom last Sunday will take place. Special sei moil foi men; subject, "Mun's Self W'oith." Spe cial music by the choir. Ladles as well as men me Invited. Sunday school ut 12 o'clock: Endeavor meeting at CIS oVIoek. The seats of the chinch aie f i ee Wnsdilnii n Stieet Pi eHbytei Ian church, Itev John P. Moffat, pastor Services at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m ; Ullile school at 11' m , Youiib: People's Christian En deavor nt C.'O p. in , consecintlon ser vice: prayei meeting Wednesday at 7 30 p. in. The .Snciaments of tho Loul's Supper and infant and adult baptism will ho ndmlnlstered nt the monilnn service. New membeis will he received. , Thero veil! bo no sermon lu the morn- Scranton Manufactured by Us, Is Now than ever before. ELS A and B, ELS C and D9 s How on ) Sundries, Repairing;, Nickel Plating;, Carriages Rubber Tired, Iron and Steel, Wagon makers' and Blacksmiths' Supplies and Warehouses! For Men, Women, Boys, Misses and Children, at Prices Impossible to Other Houses. 307 Lackawanna Iiir. In the evenlnp the pastor wl'l preach. All cordially Invited. Baptist. Penu Avenue llaptlst chuich Preach liiK at 10,"0 a. m anil 7.30 p. m. bv pas tor, Itev. Hohert F. Y. Pleice Sundav rchool at -2 p. in., Y. P. S. C. E. at t; 30 p. m. Sunday sthool at Ameinutn mis sion nt 3 30 p, m First llaptlst chuich Rev S. F. Mathfvvs, paslor. The usual pi caching services at the Flist Welsh llaptlst (hutch. 11.30 moinlns: nnd 7.30 fvcnliiR Sunday school L" 30 p m at the Ply month chinch, Dr. Heddoe, superin tendent 15. Y. P. t. prayei meeting fi.'O j). in,. Ivoilte hall Irdustrlal sthool 2.30 p. in. Satuitlaj. Ivoilte lmll. Weekly praer meetintr. 7 30 p in. at AVelsh llaptlst chuich Wednesday evcnlntr. All aie cordially Invited Xoi th Main Avenue E iptlst church Itev. Y. O. Watklns. pastor. Evan uellst Ncal hns been piev ailed upon to it main ovr tomoriow He will, there foie, coiidtitt three services, as fol lows .Pteachlncr at 10 30 a. m Hlble readlnir at 130 p. in and pieachltnr iiKain at 7 30 This will be the last op- ! portunltv to hear Mi. Ncal lu this i Itv. Untitles theso services theie will be also a. prayer metlnpr at 10 a m. and i C E. inetlnff at fi.Su p. m., Tho ordi nance of baptism will be administered and Mi. Willis Leonaitl will Muff a tenor solo nt the ci enlnt; seivice. Dudley Street llaptlst ihuich Sei vlces at 10 30 a. in. and 7 30 p m. DaiiKhteiH of Ameilcn, of the Junlni Older United American Mechanics, will attend the evenlns: seivice In a liotlv, postponed from last Suudii) nlfiht The Junitiis aie Invited to attend with the DaiiKhteis. A pntilotlc set v lee Sun day school nt 12 in.; Junior Younff Peo ple's Chilstlan Endeavor at 4 p. m : Senior Youm; People's Chilstlan En deavor at C 30. Good music. Seats fiee. All welcome. hlloh llaptlst chinch, :o' iv.iur stieet Pi eachlnt; 10. (0 a. m Sunday school 2 p. m , YotiiiK' Peope's union 7 p. in. In the cv enlnt- Eev, 1) C Thomas will pi each a seiinnn fm the (lunch. All me Invited to come and henr him. Itev J. H. Hell, pastor. Jnrkson -itieet llaptlst cliunh Moinlnp pnver meolinff .it It 10 llmth er Eibeit Holly, lender. Pienclilm; service at 10 30, the pastor, Itev. Thom as do fiiuthy will preach, topic, "Th Dylntr Need of the Chuuh" Sundav school nt 2 p. m Alfred Itnbrrt, sit perintentlent. Evenlna; seivice ut 7 shnip Pralso nnd rouk service: ex cellent music will be icnrtcrrd bv the choir The pastor, vv II jireaeh a shoi t sermon, tuple, "The Defense of i Klnsr. or the Cost of Tnklnff Sides with the Oppressed Against the Oppressor." Thte public Is cordially Invited to this popular evenliiK service Oieen nidff Haptlst church Uev AV. J Foul pastor Services at 10 30 a. m and 7 10 p m Subject In th morn ing, "DtllffhtliiB In Ood's Law " iu tho cvenlntr, "An Example of Woman's Devotion." Sunday; school at 11.45. Young people's prayer meeting at 6.30. The New 1899 $50.00 $35.00 Exhibi on 126-128 Franklin Avenue. of JUC15 lUi 0 The Cheapest and Busiest Shoe Stores, Avenue. Branch Miscellaneous. Gi ace Reformed Episcopal chuich. Wjomliiff avenue . below Mullitiiy stieet. liev Geoise L Altlch. pastoi Piajer and prulse stiviee at 0 30 a. in divine woishlp at 10.30 a. in and 7 30 p. m. Pleaching by the pustoi iu the morning, Luke, 4 H-1.1. evening, Dan, U.10-J0 Sabbath school at 1J m.: Y. P. S. C. E. nt 0 30 p iu Seats uie all free. Sti angers aie eoullally welcome. The special services for the week bil lowing aie- llllile study on Tuesd.iv afternoon nt 4 o'clock, pieachlng anil (oinmunlon on Thuisdny evening nt 7.45 o'clock. Kegular moinlng sei vice on Filtlav morning at 10 30 and the Hlble (lass for lesson studv on Filday evening at 7 IV All ate invited. Flist Church oT in 1st, Scientist, Bl'i Attains nvcnu- Sundij setvicrs. 10 30 a. in., subject i'nrealltv " and 7.30 p in. subject. 'The Onlv v'nv to Know the Doc ti lun of Clulst Jesus." Wed npstlav evening meeting nt S o'cloek. The People's Prohibition chuich Hev. Dr. Illid pastoi Theie will be iegu lar pica- hlng sen lei on Sibbath even ing at 7 3(i p m In Co-opemtlvc hall, X 12ii N'oith Main nvenue Hvde Park. Subjed "It Satnn Should Leav Seiuntou" All nic welcome The I ice Methodist, the JUv. John Cav nnnugh. of Wnveilv, Pa. will pieach lu Swingle's lmll, Dunniore. Sunday at 2 10 and 7 o'cloek. All nie welcome. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS. Have Given Their Mite to the Mali Cnnieis' Convention Fund. The following additional (ontiibii tlons have been made to the tiiud for the enteitaiument of the delegates to the Letter ( 'unlets' convention: Mis. A P. Hedfoid. .Miss Elizabeth Joseph. .Mis II. A Kaufhold, Mrs J. A lthotles, .Mis William Jackson, Mi. T. F. Welles Mrs. W. W. Phillips. Mrs.. Clm lies Thompson. Mis. m p rnrn htiin. Mii Ella Manse. Mis Thomas Spiague, Mis Chailes Seele). .Mis, O M Itellly, Mis 1 J. Fole, Mrs. John Lavelle, Mis. Muriy Kitcullen, Mis. Joseph flulpy. Mrs. A. .M. Toemie. Miss 51. Mannesy, Jlrs P. Smith. Jllss An nie J Council, Mis M. ti Atkinson, .Mis. A. W. liaise, Mrs. J H Fuhilng. er, Mrs. J. Flitch. Mis. 51. E Tow lei, A Filentl. Mis Pat (lav In. ,Mlss El len Cleveland, Mis. 51. O 5letcnlf. 5lis I! 51. ltamsey, 51is. J, Long. Airs. Miles, Mis. Lynott. .Mis. A C. Criiii bell, Miss G Lettciman, Mis J. J. Hut lis 5Irs J J Hoomherja, 5lrs Thomiis 51cHugh .Mis Dllllab T. Evans 5Iis II. V. Snnford. Mis. Ailolph Itilch. 5lis. fleoige L. Pei k, 5lis D. D Joius .Mrs. D. L. Jones. 51is. W. N White. 5lis nichaid Hodeilck. 5lis T tl Kilght 51 is II. E Welles, Mm E JI Stiong. Mis H. L ltu nolds, .Miss Sat ah Kiesge. Mis i:ilas Williams. Mis. Charles ltaynor, Mrs. P It, Kimble, Mra, II, Knoepfcl, Mrs, William Bicycle Ready. Store in Pittston. Knoepfel, 51is. M A. Collins, Mrs. A. Fiounfelter.5Us Norma Williams, Jlrs. J. D Phillips, mis D. n Hand. Mrs. L Tien hlenbug, 51iss VIoI.l Carlev, Mis. Dr. Thomas X. Kay. Mrs. P. F. Callahan, Mis. Jefl Ficemen, Mi.s. l'hll Ip Kelleininn, Mi. 51. Vornoy, Jlrs. Young. Jlis J. Selden Blair, Mis-. H. P. A llcox. JIis. E. Jlatthevvs, JUs. C Jlllisll. NEW MILrORD, JIis chailes Jay has returned from Elmii.i. where she hns boon visiting lelatlves. J. II. Gleason and wlfo spent Sun day and Monday in lllnglmmton. The fuuesal seivlces of Henry II. Ilrndley weie eondueted from his resi dence on Chun h street Thursday after noon Mr. Hradley was ono of our oldest ic-sidents and one who stood high iu tho estimation of all who knew him The marriage of Homer Tlngley and Jllss Eva Tennant. both of tho town ship. I annouiiiecl to tuke place JIaieli ."J. 1S9S. Jits Anna Coughlln. who has llv.-l with her daughter. Mrs. Jt. J. Crane, iu this place, died Sundny morning. The funcinl services were e ouducted in si Patrlt k's chtiivh, lu lllnghnmton, on Tuesday inoiiilng. l-'iank Dean, of JIuson, visited hi-. btother Fred, in tho township, la t vv ee'e The Ladles Jllsslonary society of the llaptlst chuich will conduct tho sei vlces ut the (hurch net Sunday eve i Ing. Theie will b recitations, read ing mid shush. All nie Invited. 51 J. Ci.uie mid inmlly have up turned to their remodelled hnuso whith was dainnged bv lire pome tlmo ago Jllss Jennie 5loore spent Sunday with friends lu Nicholson. Jllss Jennie llusenernntz visited her mothei, .Mis. 1). W. linger, the tbst of the week. pittston" The icvlval meetings in tho First Jlethndlst Pilmltlve ctiun h mo well nttonded nnd gootl Interest H being shown 51 any have been converted. Evangelist Shellhorn Is an entertain ing speaker anil a good singer. Sunday will be his last Sundny here, and nil should hear him Sunday evening. Ho will in each his fatevvell sermon at 6 45 p in Come eail to get a good seat Mifc. Wlnslovv's Soothing Syrup. Hoh been Usui fur ovi t'H'TV YEARS t.v .MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their ciiii lmr.N while teetiiinh with IMUU'EeT HI C'EtfS It bOOTUES tho CIIII. II SOFTENS ill. Ol'JIS. ALIAYS all PAIN ci RES WIND COLIC, nnd Is the lust lemetlv lor DIARRHOEA Hold bj DuiRKlsts In eyciy part of thn world Ho Btiro anil imk for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Sjrup," and taka no other kind. Twenty-Uvo coats a tottU. . g nftt AT I JL 1 AJU mvuivv Shoes 1