The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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    KJ'Jl' 4'iJiM'MP
SEARCH 2 J, 1899.
Meeting of Committee
to Investigate
1 Charges.
Will Be Made in Alphabetical Older.
The Questions to Be Propounded in.
Each Case Speaker Fan, Messrs.
Dempsey, McWhlnney, Manning
and Others Called Mr. Adams and
Mr. Engler Hear of "Boodleis."
Haitishutg. I'll.. Mnich 21. The com
mittee to Investigate the charges of al
leged biibery In connection with the
passant' ol' the McCnnell 1)111, mem
bers were called In the looms or tin'
house municipal corporations commit
tee The muinbeis will be called In
alphabetical otdei, and it will require
several tluvs to heat the 204 leprcsen
tattves. Tim nipinbeis of the commit
tee weie examined l)fmo the meinbeis
of the house weie called. Chulrmun
Fow was the Hist witness and was
ashed b Mr. McClnln, of Lancaster,
tin following questions, which
hae been piepand by the committee
and a ill be asked e cry member of the
lti-t Move on bpnii nppioitehed, of.
f' ud nr ! clved, or cor.( nti'd to rtcclie,
clltictlv or imllrectlv, foi joitrsflf or fur
.neither fiom any poison or corpoiatlon,
iitiv nx'tn . oflke, appointment, employ
mi i t testimonial reward, thing of uluc,
oi enjovmeitt. or the peisoml advautago
ot iuonii- thcipnf, for your vote,
.n ilun, oi for withholding the same, or
with tin understanding, express or im
plied that 5 our vote or olhclal attlim
Miould lie in any way Influenced theicby,
on "owe bill No. S, known as the
C'ainll 1.111 upon any of Its pags.ige or
upon iinj motion or t evolution", directly
or Indin i il. affecting or relating thereto;
or vour ulllclal aellon with tefeienei to
the pi "nut selection or a L'nJtcd Mutes
Si n itoi
Kiiund- Have ou been apinoichi'd, of
fend oi iitelvtel. dlnctly or ftitlliectly,
for L'tiiitr If pi anolnto. from any pi.ou
or corporation, iinv monp, olllce, appoint
ment empldMiiPiit. testimonial, rew ml,
thing in v. due or cnlovmeiit, or the pii--onal
advantage or piomiso thereof, for
Man ote tit In r for or against the Sir
Cnrrell bill, or for any mdldate of thi
1 nlted States donate, with lelerelito to
nn political pal t nutlng iigictmcnt, or
nn p.irtj pledge written or verbal af
fecting or Intending to affect jour oftlci il
action with referuito to the L'nltod Stat -j
Third Hae sou hi en thrcitpned, co
erced or lutinildated or attempted to be
(ocrced or intimidated l oi with the tear
of tin l"s oi the withholding of iuv
mom j testlmonlil. prlvllage, itclv-aiitiigo
or jm foment, by any peison or corjuna
tlon to influence vour olllelal action as
refeireil to in the pieredlng question.
Foutth- Have ou anv pcisoniil kncwl
edge cither In oui admission oi othi r-
wlse of any number or tut notice naviug
been approached or nficrrd. or received
nn money or ahuble conslile ration as
inquired of vou In the lirst question
Fifth Have ou any knowledge of anv
person, not a member ol this house, or
corporation having itiPawfulb appioached
oi offered anv nionej or thing of value, to
am number nf this house to Intlucnco his
olllilal aitlnn as refened to in the
Other member.', of the committee
were Mcssis. M' Taln, Lancastct;
Kreps. Franklin: Youngs, Tioga; Voor
liees Philadelphia; Koontz; Sonieiset:
Ttandali. Chester, Tlghe, Lehigh, and
Dixon. EIX Thu testimony of the
members of he committee showed that
the had no Information, as suggested
b the questions, except that gained
from the testimony before the com
mittee Ellas Abrams. of Philadelphia,
was the 111 st member of the liuu-ii
called The next was Ebenezer Admits,
of Philadelphia, who, after reoljlng
to the question, isuggested to the
committee that the public press bo ex
cluded trotn its sessions. The pro
moter, refused to consider the sug
gestion Othei members of the house
called to testify weie Messrs, Alman,
Aokorrnan, Allen, of Philadelphia. Mr.
Hoy of Clailon. was called out ot
cudei to allow him to go home Noup
ot these could give the committee a.iy
Information on the charges and r.n
hwered the ouestlons In the negative.
These members were then cuPed l'i
the order named, anil In tespom-o to
the questions answeied In the negatlva.
.Messrs Anderson, of Schulklll: Uald
wln, of Delawaie, Hariuw, of Hunting
don and Bnjli. nf Iueine.
The committee nt this point tool: x
recess, until 2 c tloik-
Afternoon Session.
The committee let-mned its session
this afternoon In the innm of tin1
hous URllenlUHa! commlttef. Peeial
membeis weie called unci asked Urn
formal questions tn all of which thry
lejillei) in the negative. No informa
tion whatevu was obtained fiom those
wltnosfi h touclilng on tlm In Ibery
chai ees
Mr. AdaniH, of StiMiuehanni, testllinl
that Ueprosentativo I'ojkIi r. nt lAemu
Ing. told him bcfoie tin eomi ilttc - was
appointed that he was a'duonilud at
his noun, b) Michael J. foxtcllo, of
Philadelphia, on the IkCun'l bill. Mr.
Jhigler did not say anything to the wit-nes-s
that an offer nf nioucv had be -n
made to him by fotello to volo Cor
the bill or to leconstdir It.
Mi ('iivtiicr tehtlded that tin dty
aftci Mi. ihiglei Is alltiil to have
ilMUd i .Senatoi Coyle at tin laiehb 1
hotel he minted out Custollo, who was
In the ho;. and said theie W the
" 'Uoodlcr' who iipproached me "
'ej tiu taUi-n to Washington foi
the purpose of influeiiclng your tote
nn the senatoi lal contest." Chilriuuu
Fow asked Thomas Orown, of Clarion,
when ho tool; the sUml,
"I n not." he replied.
It'initlnued on l'a'e 2.
The UnTtnown-Deatl List Incieased
to Nine.
New Yoik, March 2?. Xlnetiui chad
nnd tlilrl.-four mlsilng Is the neoul iti
far of the Windsor hotel Hie on Fil
cliu last. One more bodv was found lo
da.. This btitw the llsi of unknown
dead to nine. The fragments weie dug
up about 2d hot west of the anneT on
the roitv-seventh street side In a part
of the mine wheie no other bodies or
bones have been found. The lemalns
ioiisst "Imply of a poitlou ot a spinal
lolumn with mine of the libs nt'a'lud,
a piece nf the skull and -onu small
bones and ilinrnil tteh. The remain'
weie taken to the morgue and number
ed "l'.ody numbei ." Identlllcutlon in
this case, as in the large majoiity of
the other bodies at the morgue, will
be Impossible. It is not llkelv that any
of the bodies et to lie- found will be
Tin woik of dealing uwa.v the debris
pimeeds slowly. The meat mound of
debils In Klflh aenue srems to pmw
larger each day. though It was said to
day that llfy cans were engaged In
hauling It uwav
Many persons lallid at the moiguu
anil the cast Flfty-tirt slret station
today, the funnel III the nope ol Iden- (
tlfvlng some of the bodies and the hit-
ler, imiMtlv women, to claim lost citl- i
cles to pi.'-ene as ktepsak' s. The1
sinich continius to icveal small at tides
and personcl projierly.
Pleasing Foims of Amusement Of
"fered at Thomasvllle.
Thornasvllle. (in. Mauh 23 - T'resl
dent McKinley spent piett much the
whole of todav in open ail, as did Vic,
l'tesldent Itobart This outdoor llfo
in a tnlld and div climate Is doing
much to tone up the system of cadi
and toda tacit showed an Impiotlng
state ot health. The president's jito
giamme alter lucakiast Is to sit In i
rocking chair on the porch until time
to dispatch u little business with As
sistant Secrctaiy Corteljou. This was
followed bv a drive.
Todav this took the foi in of a tallv
ho paily, the whip In ing Chailes Chap
In, Senator Ilanna's nephew. Piesl
dent McKlnlev, wealing a blacl; del by,
Instead of the accustomed high hat,
occupied the box with him.
Otheis of the paity weie the Vice
President and Mrs Ilobart, joung
Oairett Ilobart, Senator and Miss Han
na After a light lunch at the house,
a diive to the countrj club followed.
Here the club, whlih is the iccognlzed
social one In Thomasvllle, entei tallied
the pattv. Tonight the piesldetit
signed appointments and nansaeted
other necessary business. The .lekvl
Island ttlp having caused repot ts of a
confeience there and that Speak, r
iteed would be nominated for vite
piesldent on the ticket with Mr. Mc
Kinley nt the next Republican conven
tion, It can b state! author.itlvely
that politics vieie tabooed at Jekyl Isl
ands. Speaker Heed declined a vice
presidential nomination nt the last con
vention and no thought of a change
of view on his part has ever been
Moreover, the statment can be made
that the tloset and most coidlnl rela
tions, ptrional and political, exist be
tween Messis McKinley, Uobatt and
Hanna. and that for some time they
have had a dc Unite undei. standing that
If Mr. McKinley was jenominated his
ntnnlng mate would be Ganott Ilobart,
Tomoriovv the party leaves here for
Talahassee, where thej hope to escape
all tlaboiate functions, and so notllled
Governor Bloxham. Monday, prob
ably, will end the president's stay and
he will start for Washington on that
Vice-President Ilobart and Senator
Hanna will remain herp.
High Officials of Twer y-rive Rail
roads at Wnsi ngton.
Washington. Match 2J The pi (si
de nts, general managers or other lep
rtsentatlvcs of about twenty-live nill
und companies, comprising almost the
entlte ttunk line set vice between Chi
cago and Lake Michigan and the Ohio
and 'Mississippi ilveis nnd bevond, were
In executive conference tlnoughout to
il ly with the Inteistate commerce com
mission. The result was a veibal as
surance on the pan of all the represen
tatives present to maintain the traillo
rate as at piesent. This committee will
meet with another commission totnor
invv morning. The general conference
closed after being In session fiom 11
o'tlock this mot nlng till 6 o'clock to
night, and most ot the magnates have
returned home.
At the meeting tomotrow d finite ac
tion mav be taken looking to Insuiing
as far as possible against possible)
futtue contingencies which might pie-
cipltnte demoinlUatiou In rates.
Bam Destroyed bj .Tire Early This
At 1.13 this nioi nlnz a barn owned
by Lieoige Mcf'aithv in the nut of "21
t'apouso avenue, was destiojed by lire.
horse valued at $1&0 was bin mi! to
death and niiiiiess, hay. cte to the
value of anulhei 7100 was also de
stroyed The barn adjoined the sieeiiliousos of
Marvin & Mull, and was rented by
that him, They owned the hoise, har
ness, hav, etc., destioyed.
The oilgin of the fire Is a invsleiy.
John ilcagle, the caietaker ot the
gicnhouso and bain visited tin place
at midnight and found everything all
The lire was i vtlnguli'lied bv the Na
Aug Cliemli al company.
Maritime Impiovement Compony.
Titllton N. J, Mauh 2.:.-Aitel,. of
Iiit'iirpor itlim were lib J tudu by the
C'hlif Miiitlnie Iinpiovenieut conip.iuv
and an uuthotlzed caiiltal of iZ.uu Ov). The
company h authorized to tontruit cuiml
wharv h 'ulictiii light and gus ilnnts
and to put up Hliur.ioU and telepli me
lines TIih lutoipoiuiois alo Cliailes 1
Crump, Philadelphia nustnve l.lntln n.U,
New Yoik. C. X. Uutlon Ann. 1. Harder,
New Vnrls and Charlts H Hill. Nevwuk
'Young Grlffo" Insane.
Chlcaito. Mutch 2J,-Albcrl Oillllth. the
Austiallan puglllnt. known us "Young
ill Iff u," was declared Insuiie todai by n
Juty of plivslciaiiH. Ilo wus sent to Jef-
foi miii iisjliim. I.ittle hope of hlj ;e
nuveiy U tuttrtatned.
A Bond Measuie Calculated to In-
i,.- o...... t I
giea50uiBOiiBUmOuu,UUUtle following bills with a favorable
Annually Tax on Beer, Alo and
Potter A Bonus of One-Thiid of
One Per Cent, on Chatters and
Upon Ineiease of Cotporation
llanlsbuig. I'a.. Muich
-lu the
senate this moining several bills were I
lead In plai e anil pioperiy leieinu.
Among them was one by Ml. Mitchell,
of .lefterson. authoilzlng thi emjilo
tncnt of male lulsoneis of the Jails
and VMiikhousts on the public loads In
the counties In which the.v are
cetated. The bill ninendlng the present pool
law was defeated on final pnssage by
a vote of 25 to 1C, not the necessaiy
two-thltds alllimatlve vote.
Aftei the Joint convention the si n
nate n-convened and Mr. Chlsholm.
sicoiided by Mr. Wentz, moved that
the vote bv which the pool was de
feated be ie-consldcred This was
agieed to, und upon motion of Mi.
Muelil Bronner the bill was placed on
the postponed calendat of bills on lln
al passage
Uy a vote of 11 to 20. the bill grant
ing power to councils to re-adjust the
number and salailes of oilleeis, del Its
and employes In the scveial municipal
depatttnents or I'hlladelphla was di -renifil.
A deleiratlon of Philadelphia
eounellmen came to Hunlsburg and '
advocated the passage of the mca.suie.
The chief opponent was Mi. Martin,
of Philadelphia.
The House Pioceedings.
The older of business in tile- house
today was the consideration or rev
enue bills on second and ilnal leading,
though several bills weie lead in
The following levenue bills passed
Providing foi the pament of bonus
upon bonds which coipoiatlons (except
corporations of the Hist class) iup au
thoilzed to Issue. P.v this measuie all
coipoiatlons (except eoiporatlons of the
til st class) existing under the laws ot
this state aie requited to pay a bonus
of one-third of one pel cent upon all
bonds that thfj aie now authorized
to Issue and no lorpoiations pan iwiie
bonds or ineiease Its bonded indebted
ness until it has i)n Id the bonus ot
one-thlid of one per cent. H is esti
mated that this will lncieas-e the state
levenue $200 000 annually.
Taxing all beer, ale and poitei man
ufactured or brtwed within Ibis com
monwealth Ily this measuie a tax
of thlee-foutlhs of one per i cnt. per
gallon Is levied upon all beer, ale and
poitp' manufactured or brewed In the
state. This measuie lequlres a uul
foimlty of taxation upon all the biew
erles of the state
Cndci the law of 19" the- small brew
er brewing less, than one thousands
ban els paid a tax of twenty-live cent J
a ban el and the biewer blowing 200,
000 bairels paid a tax of 1 2-3 tents a
bauel This legislation is eoireetcd by
the bill passed this moining, as It
places a unlfotm tax of thtee-fourths
of one tent a gallon upon all beer, etc.,
manufactuied In the state. The esti
mated annual amount of levenue that
will be deprived fiom this bill Is $M!!,ri.l0,
or $307 3'0 moie than the state1 now
receives. This measure leppals the ait
of s&7, taxing brewers, etc
Ptovldlng foi the payment of a bonus
of one-third of one tent on chartets
and uiion the authoiized Increase of
the capital stock of toinoratlons.
At the afternoon session the houe
resumed consideration In committee of
the whole of the Creasy hill, which was
framed by the Pcnnsjlvnnla State Tax
confeience. The tlause taxing the cap
ital stock of manufaetuilng cotpora
tlons called foith u long discussion and
the clause was stricken out. The bill
then passed finally by a vote or l.U to it,
Chairman Fow, oi the biibery com
mittee, offered a resolution which was
adopted, that the time for fillnc the
lepott of the committee be exten led
tiom Monday, March 27, until the fol
low lng Monday.
The dhett inheritance tax bill wa-s
defeated on flunl parage. The bill tax
ing manufacturing- coipoiatlons was
also defeated.
Order of Business.
Mr Stew at t. of Philadelphia, lopoit
ed from the i tiles committee th" fol
lowing resolution, priscilding the or
dei of business, which was adopted.
That hereafter, until otherwise or
eleied, the following shall bo the Older
of business after the utital, dally oi
ders. For Tuesday moining and nfieiuonn
sc.sIon, house calendar bills en thlid
leading and linal passage
For Tuesday evening sessions. Hist,
levenue bills, (list leadings; second
le.-rnue bills, second reading: third,
appioprlntlou bills. Hist reading;
tijiirth. apprcpiiation bills, seconel
reading: lltth, Rtntitil calendar bills,
second reading.
Foi Wednesday morning anil after
noon sessions, lirft. revenue bills, (list
reading; second, U'vemie bills, second
reading; thlid, revcniie bllpi, third
reading and linal passage: fourth, np
propilatlen bills, third leading and
Ilnal pasfnge.
For Wednesday evening sessions,
first, uppioprlatlon bills, second Had
ing; second, local nnd speeial bills,
second itailiii7.
Foi Thinsdaj nio-ning, aftei noon and
evening sessions. III ft. appioprlntlou
bills, thlid reading, and final papsago
setond. loeul and special iillls. third
reading and dual passage, thlid. gen
eral calendar bills, nn second reading
That no bills shall bo naei In place
after Thuiselay, Mirch 10. except by
unanimous lousent ol the lioitre
Evening Session.
Kills on second rending again occu
pied the attention ot the house this
evening. Thu proposition to reappoi
tlou the legislative dlslilcts nf the state
was overwhelmingly defeated, while the
bill legalizing the sale of nlenmat gar
ble when it Is not colored met with
the upproval of the chamber.
Tlii.ui. 1,111.1 v ..!. film lAnil Till1 t ti .. ..tin-
Jond time:
i:ccpttng the application of the ac
cumulative' system of voting in tin
elections of dlitctois, managers and
tiustees of lellgious, charitable und lit
erary cot potations.
To enable foielgin eorpoiiUlons en
gaged in this state In the publication
and sale ot books, uewspapeis mid peri
odicals, to hold teal estate in this com
monwealth Chairman Matshull. of the nppiopila-
t'ollS committee
thls evening reported
Noiilstt vwi in-vlum, $i,u) nativille th
lutn, $Tn"W Wan tit asvlilin. VlD.Mj
chronic insane. i inersvllle, i5.ti; iU
tPlrmy lm'b.uit li i-al.t, two jcuih, ZIM,
w), earo and treattntnt indlteut Insane.
St.&eowo, Western Pennsjlvmilu Instltuto
fieble mlmUd, Polk J2W). training III
speech dial children MT.mO. Moigausoa
lefoim si hcul, tWKiiKi. Jliintmguoii le
frmaloij, smoo, Meicei hifpltal, $'),
CotitnllbVllle. hospital, 113 n."X) . Phlltlpshuv
hospltnl. $1"tKi, lilcwsburg liuspital, $1,'.
ihi lloxiiltaj tnjuied IMsons middle Held, $to,onn, hrspitnl Foutitiilu i
Ktiilncv AkIiIiiiii SR.t. ItVl lllt'l'll til 111-'
t. 1104 (mo. West em Pennsylvania
penile utliirv 4H26.IKM), Wictcin Pcnnsjl.
vaiiln liistllutti ji blind 45". W. Working
Home Hlitid Men I hllndc liililu, ;23W,
'Deaf und Dumb, l'hllndelphla. $210 000:
Peiuisvlv inla Onil School, di'i.f Ser niton.
IM.'hW, Feeble Minded TJlw Ml. Jle t0;
I liotisf of nluge, l.i n eJlun Mills l."0 000,
Milillet Oipians liidiistrlil mIuioI, 1 A -'it.
National guaid and niival lolti. $77",
en); state tlsli ct mmlsslou, .j,e,"J. state
bond of lnnlth, M-.tmo. emeigenej fund,
suiiuresloli of enideniles. $')IK, Inaitg-
' uial i xim uses, Jii.j'is'ri, elieilon of sol- in nn- iieiu ..-.. ........ ... i"m
f i oiio, boarii oi puonc
. ItnHl ..u ipt)l- Ins, nil lvllOlilllICK millO
Inspector, litigation ' '00; state college,
J$ioS"l'M, di-lltleiitj llsli commission, lo-
pavtnent of lunds advaiie-ed by citizens,
SiH'Tii'Im. Peniisvlvinlu Institute Instrui
I tlim ot blind. PlillatUlplili. S4elO. nor-
giiiil7.itloii of National Riiard, equlpiilng
I same, $ris,wO.
i Mr Tow ler arose to a question of
peisonal privilege
and charged that
some of the newspaper i ot nspondents
were constantly tnlsieprespntlng hltn
and bis fellow-mpmbeis In the news
papers the lciiresrnted He added
that he woti'd nfk the house to expel
fiom the floor any and nil cotiespon
deiits who were guilty ot such a prac
thc. A bill was intioduced bv Mr. Pev
tnoii to limit the sate bv distillers of
the product nf theli dlstllle ties to quan
tities of ovet live gallons In a package.
Tne house adlourned until lO.'JO
o'clock tomotrow moining.
Hairislmrc. March 23 The ilfty-sixth
ballot today resulted:
fiili ST
.links 71
Dili-ell j; 0
Stone 3
IlllfT 7
lrvln 4
Widoner , 3
Kltcr 1
Ulce 1
Smith 3
Tuhbs 2
i "now 1
Maiklo 1
Total vole
Nitisar to a choice
voting, 4S; no election.
101: palnd or not
Piesident McKinley Recognizes
Washington, March 21 Admiral
Sampson has lecelveel fiom the ptesl
eh nt, the following reply to his letter
of March f, 1S53:
i:crutlvn Mansion W'nshlnrtuii, L C,
Ma i eh 1J, l'e)
M Dear Sir- 1 am In receipt ot oiir
vtrj consleleiate letter of the 'Jth Hist ,
In which jon t a desire that, with
out rcterente to vour own Interests, thn
ntlnr naval otllcers wlio lendernl surh
e onsplcuous si i lie in t lie naval coinpilgn
la the West Indies ni.iv have the .ni
valin meat v.hleli ou iicommendeel for
tin m, and In which vou i-sk iiolliing for
jourvelt r hlghl) cimmend this disin
terested action on oui- part. Let me ns
suto Jim that 1 have the highest appie
elatlon of our seniles as commander-in-chief
of the Atlanllf naval torus during
the Spinish wai, in blockading Cuba, co
opeiatlng with the niiny, directing tho
move in nts of the gieat uunibii ol ves
sels under youi oulirs and at last, after
the most effective preparation, consum
mating with tho valiant olllei rs and men
under your command, the destruction of
the Spanish fleet. It was In leeognltlon
ot vour ei vices and of vout greet skill
that I iiiommcniled you to the spnato
for the advancement, which jou had
e ained. Very tiulv joins
William McKinlev.
Item- Admiral W. T Sampon IT S, N.
comin'inder-ln-chlpf I' S. naval foices
Ninth Atlantic htatlon I' S Flagship
New ork, Havana Cuba
Between Fifty and Sixty Witnesses
Have Been Summoned.
Philadelphia, Maieh 21 It was an
nounced today that the commonwealth
has subpoenaed all Its witnesses In the
tilal nf former t'nlted States Senatoi
(Jttav and his son, IUcltaid It. Quay,
which begins Apill 10. lhitvvcen fifty
and sixty persons have been summoned
to tcstlfj foi the prosecution It Is said
that Assistant District Attorney Clem
ent personally attended to the sum
moning of two Plttsbuig bank cashlens.
The Uial Is expected to take place bc
foie' Judge Heltlei
Physicinns Regard His Condition as
Santiago, Mare h 2.1 Mi Sheimaii Is
feeling vry much better this e-venlng,
and his ph.v sic Inns legnid his condition
us much Improved Uuilng a part of
the nfteinoon he sat on the deck of the
steamer Pails, viewing Santiago.
The Cnlleil States ciulser Chicago Is
expected lieie by elaybre-ak lomouow,
and Mr. Sherman will be Immediately
tiunsfi-iTed to her. The anxiety of his
lelatlves on the Pails Is now v It mull j
at an end,
The Much Di ended Anthiax.
Towaliela, Pu.. Miiieli 23 -Hi W O.
Iliee, Hie lepl' seutathe in liinilfoid
loiint ol the i.iuie Hit sunk Minlluiv
boaid toila loiauletul nn pxninlniitlon
In I ho ciiPC of live cow bilouUliK to it
lainier at Moiuoeii vvn, nnd lu has pro
mniiiecd the dlscaso to be the niueli
eb-euded anthrax, Five animals died rluee
March VI, each llvius but a shoit time
after liecomlng sick.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Washington. Mauh 2S. This IMinsji.
VHiila petiidon has ben Insiu-i: Louis V.
Chinch, Sus'iiK-hi'Mui, )1.
Seven Blacks Known to Have Been
Lynched and tho Woik Is Not Yet
Done Bodies of Mob Victims
Dangle fiom Limbs of Trees.
Guilty and Innocent Suffer Alike.
Two Aie Whipped Coloted Fam
ilies Fleeing for Their Lives.
Texaikana, Atk., March 23. A lace
war Is on lu Uttlo Ulver county
und dm lng the last forty-eight hours
a huge numbei ol negioes Have met
theli denth at the hands of the w liito
population Seven aie known to have
been 1 nulled and the- wen It is not yet
done. The boelles of the victims ot tho
mob's vengtiiuee aie bunging to the
limbs of lues In various pints of the
eotiiitv The country Is lu a state of
most exe Itement. White men aie col
lecting In mobs, heavily arineel and ele
tei mined. The negroes are lleelng for
theli lives. The exact number of ne
groes who have been summarily deult
I with may never be known. Seven bod
ies have been found, and othet victims
,, .,.,. .,,., ,, , , u,,i
" "K"t. nuiiHuiiiiu ........
Inr fate when mn to eatth
i in- juiu ii
dead to date are
'Ueneial" Puckett, ndwln Ooodwln,
Adam King, Joseph Jones, Henjnmin
Jones, Moses Jones, and an unknown
Joe King and John Johnson were also
taken in hand by mobs and whipped.
They weie afterwatil turned loose and
have dlsappeaied
Little- Illve'i countj Is In the e-xtrem-
southwestern part of the state, hinder
ing on the West Indian tenltory and
on the south by Texas The negro
population Is laige, and for a long time
has pioveel very tioublponie. Fre
quent liitinleis have occuired and the
lights have become common uffalis.
A Plot Discovered.
One en two negioi-s have ptevlously
been severely dealth with when the
people found It necessary to take the
law Into their ow n hands, but It was
not until Tuesduv that thp tiouble as
sumed a soi Ions aspect. It then de
veloped that caiefully laid plans had
been niaelp bj a number of negroes
to piecipitnte- a race war nnd that
many white men had been marked for
vie thus. It Is learned that twenty
thtee negroes weie implicated in this
plot and the whites nte now bent on
meting out sununniy punishment to
the entile coteile of consplrntois. Sev
en have been killed and the work of
wiping out the entile list e-ontinues
without it luxation All Implicated In
the plot aie known, and pintles of
while men. vaiylng In number fiom
twenty-five to fifty, are scouring the
count! y fot them "Wherever one Is
found he Is quickly strung up, nnd his
body perfcuated with bullets. The
work of despatching the lit st two or
throe was an eas matter. Hut the
news oon spend among the negroes,
who. Instead of making the resistance
and offering the battle they had threat
ened, became panic stricken and be
gan getting out of the community as
eiulckly us possible. Two whose names
woe tin the list of consplratois got a
good start und succeeded in leaching
tin Texas state line before being over
taken. The citizens are gieally eniaged. Joe
King and John Jones were taken to
the wood and whipped, but yesteid
the wholesale lynching began.
In the gang that was plotting for
a lace war weie twenty-three negioes
and it Is probable that near this num
ber have been killed. The negioes
an- i.eeelng from the district. Today
three wagons full ai lived at Texar
kana, having ciossed the Red liver at
Index last midnight.
Philadelphia Will Be Obliged
Drink Mud for Some Time.
I'hlladelphla. March 2a. The ordln
ume appioprlatlng $3,200,000 for the
Improvement and extenplon of the vvat
ei supply of the city failed of final
passage In select council today by thre
voles shoit of a ntcessaiy two-thirds
vote. The ordinance oilginateel lu com
mon count II and icientlv passed that
body aftei a long light. Befoie today's
vote was announced a member fnvor-
Ing the bill changed his. vote in order
to move for lecnnsieleiatlon at the next
sesHltn but tho genet al opinion Is that
th-io would be no further water leg
islation on large lines until after Mayor-elect
Ashbrldge takes his scat on
Apt II 3
Tho subji-et of better water for the
city has for some lime past occupied
the attention of lending trade, business
and sclentlUe associations.
It Is stated by a number of council
men that the opposition to the ordin
ance Is based upon elllterences between
some ot the inimbeir and Mayor War
wick s administration, and that It Is tho
desire of tKise niLinlnrs to postpone;
action on the water question until the
installation of the new mayor
Digby Bell Bankrupt,
chleiuo. Mutch .M-Dlghv Hell, the ac
tor, lib d a pe tlllon In bankruptcy today
In which ho asks to be relieve el of lia
bilities iihKU gating J.'7 0i. He Ktutis that
he haH no assets, except an inter st 'n
a Judgment for $'.", given rcuntly in
Ni w Yoik. The llllni, ot the petition Is
hiild to havt betii Induced by lUo icfiilt
ol an unsuccesetul season which loscd
in Chicago Sunday night, when the ac
tor's latest play. 'Joe Iluisi GiMitleiiiau,"
was talon off the boards and the com
panv disbanded.
Pennsylvania Complimented.
Now olk. M.ueh i The Peiuisvlv Bill i
railroml and other trunk linen leading
from New Yoik are lu lutelpl of a luttir
from Assistant terniaster Gene;! il
A S. Kimball, t'nlliel ritat.H aim), is
piessllig his appleclatloti of the excellent
serilee rendu id In the mm lng or troops
dining tin last
Famous Tlioioughbred Cliloiofonned
Lexington, K., Mulch 2.!. The famous
American thoroughbred stallion. Ilun
over, 11 vears old, bj Hindoo, dam Helle
was put to death today h.v chlotoform.
(iangieiie uf the left fore loot resulted
III the killing. Milton Young has dec lined
ofteis of UJ.ifcH) end l7f,cio lot him.
Weather IniUmtlcins Today:
Ot iienil The .liny Hill Ketimilluii
llattlu of Hollo.
Work of the sJtate I.nvvni lkers
Mini) Negioes Killed tn a. Hate Wat
in Aikanuas.
! CSetiernl Jiny Hill Sensation (Con
eluded). Financial and
(leiieml Wllltliev
Wfiklv N'fwj
News mid Comment.
l.nral Iteciptlou and P.uade In Honor
of the Thirteenth Ucilinent.
Local Hecppt Ion nnd Parade (Con
cluded). Local Common e'oitnell Licked n
l.nckawanna Steel Company al Leb
anon. Supremo Couit DrcMim of Local Im
port Local West Sciiinton and Suburb in
Local Court Piocpidlncs
All Questions of War Depaitment
Authority Are Settled by a Recent
Washington, March 23 The follow
ing oidei has been Issued at the war
Headnuiuters of Hie Armv, Adjutant
flfneral's Olllce
The following decision has huen made
and is published for the Information unci
guidance) of all concerned:
War Depaitment
Washington, .March 22 Is"?.
Ordci eel That hen after no chief or act
ing chlif of staff corps shall be detailed
or oidtri'd to any dutj by an autlioilty
without tho nppioval of the sccretnrj ot
W ir. H. A. Alger. Secretary of War
H command of Malor (lenrral Mites.
(Signed) II C Corbin.
Adjutant OcnraI.
This ordei of Secretary Alger Ins
been Issued to set nt lest all questions
as to who Is supreme autlioilty at the
war department.
It Is an old tontioveisy dating back
to the time when Jeffeison Davis was
secretary ot war and (leneral Seott
commanding general of the armv. The
last time the matter was brought ptoml
l'.ently to the attention of the- country
was dutlng the administration of Pres
ident Atthur. when Seeietary Lincoln
wiote a very caustic letter to Lieuten-nnt-Oeneial
Shetidan, stating that the
staff corps of the war department.
with the exception of the adjutant gen
cial's and the Inspector general's coips,
weie under the dliectlon throughout
and subject only to otdeis by the sec
retary of war. Tho ordei of Secretary
Alger will hereafter Include the chiefs
of those corps under the sole eon
tiol of the seeietary Cienernl Miles
has held tho construction based upon
the letter of Secretarj Lincoln. The
cause of the Isssulng of the older was
a iecentvorder ot (Jeneral Miles tn
Lieutenant Colonel Gal Union, ncliiig
chief of the Inrpertor geneial's coips,
during the absence of General Bieck
inildge to Aillngton to visit seven al
points. This order does not refer to
General Urecklnildge's piesent duty In
Cuba, as he Is at ting under oidets Is
sued by See rctnr Alger.
Thinks the Gold Bug Unfit to Pose,
as n, Jeffersoninn.
IliiinitiKhnm. Ala.. Man h 23. W J.
Bryan spent today In IJItmlnghnm nnd
was enthuslastlenllv rectlvid Not
only the cltl'.'ns of Birmingham alone,
but from nelghboilng cities and town',
many came to hear him talk on the
e urrency eiuestlon.
"Just as a good Christian vvnili ie
volt at having the saciament admln's
trateel b an InlUlel, a good Democrat
objects lo having a Jeitorson binquet
pipfclded over by Peity Belmont," vva.-i
the manner In which Mr Bryan te
ferreel to the much talked of New York
When Mr. Hiyan was shown the le
spatch stilt out fiom New York to the
eflect that Mr. Teller was conspiring
with Mr. Bran to vvoilt tH'cord in the
Democratic party, he said he had noth
In? to say. that he would await till he
iceelved Mi. Bilinonts book when he
will endeavo." to point out at length
some ot the- itllfi rentes neiwcii i;ei
inont iit'd Jeffeison.
Tonight at the Auiuul he addietsed
ovei 6.000 people.
The Pontiff Continues to Disregard
Doctors' Preset iptions.
London. Mai eh 24 Act oi ding to the
Monte coruspundent of the Daily
Chronicle, Dr. Lapponi the Pope's
physician, has been ill tor two dais.
He Is sufteilng fiom an attack of Inon
chltls, and will not ipsiime his atlcnel
unou tiuoii the Pope until ho has fully
The conespoildeiit fuither sust that
the Pope Ignons his doctor's pieaciip
tloiiH and follows his usual occupations,
though he Is so let hie that It is doubt
ful If he will be able to hold the next
conteience. The question of a i onclave
Is the subject of much sectei negotia
tions, English Officer Killed.
Calcutta. Meieh Ji A ib ipat. li Horn
Peniawur. Cupttul of the Punjab division
of that name, on the Afghan tioutlir.
H.i that two Alagahl-etaUN have shot and
kllltd Llitllenaill Cnlniiil II. H Le Mar
ch .lid. of ill. H.impr-hlie ii-glineui The
muiderers liuvo bet n rureMeil
Their Wages Advanced.
Vminghtiiv a. ej Muich Jl -Todav all
Malinl In, vnlltv inaiiiitncluitis voluii
tttrllv advauiul wi.gei. ul laboi, rs tt nn
JI r.'to tl 2" " 'lav fifteen hundred men
will be belli lllttfl bv ill" lie lease
Famous Palntet Dying,
ileilln. Martli Ji'Mleliutl Mlatua tin
famous painter, who litis been sieluded '
In u hospital for the Inxaui at llonn for
mote Hutu two tais, is dlng
Died nt 101 Yeais,
S.natoga N. Y., Mutili SJ. Mis Ann
lltij es Aloxwnder died todaj at West
Cliiiltuu. aeed 101 ears.
General Miller Reports
That Fifty Rebels
Were Killed.
Riflemen from Pania, to tho Numbeu
of 400. Were Engaged 100 ot
Them Wounded Ameilcan Loss,
One Killed and Fifteen Wounded.
Repoit of Casualties Made by Gen
eral Otis Narrow Escape of n
Manila M.ueh 25 Details rtf thft
fighting at Hollo on March 1G show"
that 400 lebel riflemen from Paula,
were met by seven companies of tho
Eighteenth leglment of United States
Infantr.v and a battalion of thf Ten
nessee volunteers. As supports, then
troopa had two-Inch Hotchklss guns,
under lieneial Miller, north of Jaio,
at ross the- i Ivor.
The Amei leans were met with 'i
heavy lite. One man was killed and
llfteen were wounded of the Eigh
teenth regiment and theie weie several
cases of sunstioke.
General Millet- estimates that fifty
rebels were killed and that 100 ivett!
Report of Casualties.
Washington, Mutch 111. General Otis
today lepoileel to the war department
the following casuulltlcs-
Murch lti, near San Pedio, MacatI,
wounded. Klrst Idaho. H. C. A. Bene
dict, forenrm. Match 21, near Marl
qulna. wounded. First Colorado, E, Ai
tlllcer Aichle A Aldtich, aimplt, mod
erate. .Match 1C, at Juro, Panay, killed.
Eighteenth Infant) y, n. Private Louis
Weill, wounded, Eighteenth Infantry,
H. Joseph Dalj thigh, Theooide Burr,
chest Preston Savage fotcarm: Wil
liam III 1st like, chest, L, Tax limine,
forearm C. Joseph R. McCreary, hand;
William Lohmann: thigh; John E. llod
gcrs, thigh, William Blxman, leg; II,
Rllev G Cnllnghan scalp; William It.
Khoete-nhergei, hand, K, William
Matkwood, leg. E William Buster,
leg. I, Cm penal Chailes E. Bates, toot;
First California. L, Private T. A. Mar
low, shoulder
The Photographer Wounded and
Tortured by Pilipino3.
San Kranelsto. Match 23 A letter
fiom Captain Mctjuesten. suigeon of
the Twenty-eighth legulais. now at
Manila, tells of the leleuse ot A. 15.
tPeteib, a photograph-r. who was cap-
tilled and toi tilted by the Filipinos.
Petus was made ptlsonet while taking
pictures outside the lines. lie waa
tin ust Into a Itlthv Jail, wheie he wu
vlslted by a nitive captain, who tested
his HWtiitl on his bodj nnd thieatoileit
to kill hltn The le hel e hlef then called
In a ntinibei of naked savages, all
aimed, who executed a war daneo and
made passes at Peteis, one of whom
wounded him In the aim. The next
mot nlng ho was taken to Malolos.whero
he found eight Amei leans, two Eng
lishmen nnd a Spanliud. From hero
he flnall seemed his icleaso through
the intervention of American nfllrl.iK
"The savases who attacked Peters."
continues Cnptolu McQiiPSten, "weie of
the tribe known as head hunteis and
cannibals. Thev live In the Interior of
the Islands and will not show any
meicv after this to any unfortunate
white man who may fall Into their
The Hutchinson Muidoter Signs a
Statement of His Crime.
MePherson. Kun.. March ii John
Moore, the Hutchinson murderer, to
day make a signed statement of hH
hotilhle crime. Mooie muidered his
five ehiktre-n with a hate-hot and knife,
then bunted the houe over theli heads.
He mid his wife had quuni'led and
he claims thej weie about to scpnt-ate).
In tin-statement Mooie sus:
'I had been leellnsr pretty bail for
the past two oi tin re ilu.. Tho chil
dren weie all In bed aslpep. I tunu d
tin lamp down and went to hod. f
then had one of my wot it spells nnd
my head huit me awfullv and evorv -thing
teemed intr befoie mo ami
the next thing 1 lemenibei after this
was In trlug to get out ot tho house.
I have a lecollei Hon ol going through
a snuggle like a dienm that I half re -mpinbPi
All the i I'collec tlons l havo
about this Is that 1 would rather spo
ni ihlldtiii dcnel than leave them In
the hands of my wife's people It
was like a elieani t me- I had
done something to the children, but
I ilo not ive olh'ct using tho knlfo or
hatfhei I loved my children and I
lived fot them,"
Mr. Reasoner's Successor.
.-.viaeiisc V Y Miirvh 2u. Supeilni'nd
oni U el. Unsft II. nf Hie Kome, Watei
town and OFdenshurg railroad, who has
In en offei-eU the MipeilutinclPiicy ot tlm
JIuiiIh iiihI IJ-m x dlvlslnii of the Drl.i
wure, UicK.iuuimii slid YMi-iu ratlrond,
will iittept
Oldest Woman Dies of Giip,
Mlirnd np i ei. Mmli 21-"Aint"
K itle Hnciiirn mi tll'ii todav of thu gilo.
.irfi'el 'it! Ji.iix Sin V ax lite oldest V'o
m.iii In ihe Wtiiuaii's llellel eciipm.
mt 4 t-f
f NYinthlngtoii. Muich 2-1. Forecast
f feir Frlduj : For cmstcrn Peiinsj'l-
- vnnlii. fair; brisk nut Uteri' wind. -
V -