The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Affair Wns Held at Their Resldetfce,
124 Tenth Street Alderman John
Presented with a Handsome Office
Chair by His Son Marriage of
Miss Rebecca Evans, of Prlcoburg,
and Oscar Ayer, of Olyphant Tug
Breaking Exercises at Simpson
Church Funerals of a Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac .Swallow, of 121
Tenth street, gave a phonograph par
ty to a number of friends nt their new
homo last evcninir. The Kelectlcns wens
given on one of Kdteon's Improved pho
nographs, operated by n. A. dllllng
ham, and were very entertaining. TCe
freshments wen1 served during1 the
evening and n most enjoyable time was)
Those propent were. Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Swallow, Mr. and Mr?. It. K. Gll
llnghnm, Mr. and Mrs. George Jncoby,
Mr. and Sirs. Klmer Hughes, Mr. and
Mrs. Wllllum Brunlng, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Polhamus, of Clark's Summit;
Mr. and Mrs. llurrls. Mrs. M. K. Keller,
Mrs. Sarah Ackerly, Misses Jennie
Lawrence, Margaret Van Camp, May
Ackerly, Agnes Davis, MUInu Oawes.
May Faton. Helen Long, Jennie Mor
gan. Messrs. Charles Webb, Frank
Clark. Vathnn Kvnns, Mr. Kurly and
Mr. Alexander.
At the Jug breaking exercises at the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
tomorrow evening, the following pro
gramme will be given:
Srl'-ctimi Epworth League Quartette
Kultiitlon Marjorlo I'll
I'lnno Solo Uliinch" Thomas
Recitation licssle Mayo Stoat
Adilrujs Selected
Vin'iil Duet.. Elizabeth Ilelser. Edna Saxe
3'laiin Solo Ethel Hev.m
ltciilatlon Chuiles Altemus
Posing Ucsfcle lluyo
Selection Mandolin nub
Pluno Duct..I.ols Fellows. Bessie Phillips
The money thus collected will be
used to defray the expenses of the
Owen P. John.alderman of the Fourth
ward was agreeably suriirlsed by bis
son. Alfred John, yesterday, whr-n be
was presented with a hundsome high
back ollco chair.
Mr. John Is one of the most popular
magistrates in the city. The presen
tation was a total surprise to him, and
lie appreciates the sift very highly.
J Is the licst remedy far
S bronclillit It relieves
VUU1I OJ'l UJI expectoration ami
cures in a few days. 1'ricc 25c. at all druggists.
rrescriplions Compounded
And with purest drugs at the
drug store of
Cor. .Main Ave and JacKsoi St
Ladies' Spring Attire are now complete, and
during the balance of this week we will be
pleased to welcome visitors who wish to in
spect our purchases. Every possible effort has been put
forward to make this exhibit worthy the attention of the
most fastidious dressers in Scrantou, and the advancement
as regards perfection in labor, selection of materials and ex.
cellence in cut and finish is so marked that it now appears
as though nothing was left to be desired. In fact the pru
dent woman of moderate means who fails to take advantage
of the opportunities offered for perfection of style, certainty
of fitting and practical economy that are now to be found in
a really first-class Cloak and Suit Department does so be
cause she does not fully understand its real benefits.
We had intended saying a word or two on fashion's
uew ways aud fancies, for they are all here; but on second
thought think it is better you should see them aud form
your own conclusion as to their merits and adaptability for
your personal use.
The display now being made inc ludes the latest nov
elties in Ladies' aud Misses' Costumes, Skirts, Waists,
Coats, Shirt Waists, etc., and we are safe in saying that
the revolutionary changes in fashion's decrees since last
year will surprise you.
Everything is now ready for your inspection, A call
from you will be esteemed a favor.
Globe Warehouse
Store will close Thursday at noon in recognition of fes
tivities in honor of the gallant Thirteenth.
The present Is In keeping with the dig
nity of the alderman, and he took gicnt
pleasure In exhibiting tho chair to hid
many friends yesterday.
Tho funeral services over tho remain
of the late Frank Htetter wcro largely
attended yesterday nfternoon at tho
residence on North Main nvenue. The
services were In charge of lie v. Jacob
Schoettlc, postor of tho Chestnut Street
Herman Piesbyterlnn church. The
Simpson male quartette, comprising
A. W. Jones, Thomas Abrams, Harry
Wrlgley and Will Whitman, sang sev
eral selections. Many beuutlful floral
offerings were placed upon tho casket.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Will
iam Klesel, William Gutholnz, John
Frank, George Cook, William Trostel
and Charles Knssner. The ilower
bearers were John Slants and Albert
Carson. Members of the German Bene
ficial nssoclatlon were also In nttend
unce. The remains were borne to For
est 11111 cemetery, whore interment was
Kov. Zltr.lemunn.of the Mlfllln Avenue
Lutheran church, olflclatcd at the
funeral of Arthur Charles, tho Infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. August lloblnson,
ut the homo on North Seventh street,
yesterday afternoon. The services were
held at 12 o'clock. Interment was made
in Forest Hill cemetery.
The funeral of Edward, the ti-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. John Finnerty,
of Cameron avenue, was held yester
day afternoon. Interment was made In
tho cathedral cemetery.
The special religious service at the
church were ugalu resumed Monday
evening and were well attended. Ilev.
S. F. Matthews, of the First Baptist
church gave an Interesting talk.
Kov. Ebenezer Flack, of Plymouth,
was the speaker last evening and
It Is expcited that Rev. John W. Blse
ho"f, of I'pper Lehigh, stated clerk of
the Lehigh Presbytery, will give the
addresses on Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings.
On Friday evening the pastor, Hev.
J. P. Moffat t, will conduct the services,
which will be preparatory to the com
munion exercises next Sunday.
The church orchestra is establishing
a. reputation for clever playing. The
members are George- Waters, llrst vio
lin and director: Herbert Waters, sec
ond violin; Miss Anna Waters, bass
viol; Lester Morse, cornet; Arthur E.
Morse, saxa phone; E. A. Cruttcndon,
flutist; Antonio Itullano, trombone;
Miss Daisy Poole, pianist.
Pi of. C. 13. Derman. the chorister of
the church, Is making elaborate pre
parations for the Easter exercises. A
double quartette Is rehearsing the mu
sic for the services and the usual high
standard will be maintained In the pro
gramme this year.
All members of Washington camp,
No. 333, Patriotic Order Sons of Amer
ica, are requested to meet at their hall
on North Main avenue nt 1.20 sharp this
afternoon to take part In the parade.
The members of Company F will meet
In front of St. David's hall on North
Main avenue at 2 o'clock this afternoon
to form for the parade.
Members of Uniformed rank, No. GO.
Knights of Pythias, will meet at their
headquarters at 2 o'clock this after
noon to participate In the parade.
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Williams, of
for our Opening Display of
Keeps People Well
After Ilostcttcr's Stomach Hitters
puts ft man's body in n healthy con
dition, an occasional doso will keep
it there.
Hitters nt
pcoplo need tho
most ns much
as the sick
This remedy
maintains good
d lges t ion, and
bllllousness anil
453 South Tenth street, parents cf Wil
lie Williams, the 13-year-old boy who
ran nwny from his homo on election
day. and whoso whereabouts wcro re
vealed through the columns of The
Tribune, have sent word to Chief of
Police Isaacs, of East Mauch Chunk,
to send the boy home.
In conversation with The Tribune
representative yesterday tho parents
made the statement that the boy, who
Is Incorrigible. Will bo sent to a. reform
atory, where be will be kept until he
Is cured of his desire to run away from
A very pretty wedding was celebrat
ed at the residence of the Rev. James
Hughes, on Lincoln avenue, yesterday.
The contracting parties were Oscar
Ayer, of Olyphant, and Miss Rebecca
Evans, of Prlcoburg. Tho bride was
neatly attired In a traveling coituria.
Tho couple were unattended.
Shortly after the wedding ceremony
was performed by Rev Hushes. Mr.
and Mrs. Ayer returned to Olyphant,
where the couple were tundoied a le
ceptlon by their friends.
The remains o the late Mrs. Mary
Fecney will be borne from the house,
D31 Third street, to Holy Crosd church
this morning, where a high mass of re- ,
qulem will be celebrated by Rev. W. P.
O'Donnell. Interment will be made In
the cathedral cemetery.
The members of St. Bronden's coun
cil will hold a debate at their rooms
over Jenkins drug store this evening.
The Columbia Hose and Chemical
company will tender n reception to tlu fr
soldier members this evening.
Electric City castle. No. 375, Knights
of the Golden Eagle, will conduct a
stag supper at 214 North Ninth street
this evening.
Tho mass meeting under the auspices
of St. David's Men's chapter, which was
announced to he held ut St. David's
Episcopal church this evening, has been
postponed, owing to tho celebration In
honor of the soldiers today.
The drug stores of West Scrantou will
be closed this afternoon between the
hours of 2.S0 and 5 o'clock, and the
barber shops will close at noon. It Is
expected that all the other business
places will be closed also during the
A birthday party was tendered Miss
Jennie Thomas, of North Fllmore ave
nue, on Tuesday evening, by a. large
number of friends. Tho affair was
very enjoyable.
At tho regular meeting of West S'de
Conclave, Improved Order of Hepta
sophs, last evening, an address was de
livered by Daniel W. Phillips, princi
pal of No. 14 school. Several matters
were acted upon.
The committee of twenty-five of St.
Brenden's Council, Young Men's Insti
tute, held a meeting last evening and
made arrangements to cnll upon the
merchants of the city for contributions!
to their plum tree festival, which will
be held In Meat's' hall on Thursday
evening, April li.
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of HI
berlans, have decided to run t.n ex
cursion to Harvey's Lake on Saturday,
August 12th.
Mrs. Theodore M. Hawkins, of 313
North Sumner avenue, entertained a
party of her friends at her home last
Lenten services were held in St. Pat
rick's church last evi nlng. Rev. A. T.
Uroderlck was In charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Acker, of
Falrvlew avenue, entertained Mrs. Car
ney nnd Miss Grace Boughton.ot Kings
ton, yesterday.
Miss Hnttie U. Eynon, of North Hyde
Park avenue is seriously 111.
Mrs. Haydn Ashley, of South Mnln
avenue, Is visiting relatives in Mauch
Miss Eva Roberts, it student at
P.Ioomsburg State Normal school, Is
spending her Easter vacation at her
home on North Garfield avenue.
Mrs. John Marsh, of Noith Rebecca
avenue. Is sintering from nn attack of
the grip.
John Jones, of Harrlsburg, Is the
guest of Edward Harris, of North .Main
Archie McDonald, of Washington, D.
C, i visiting friends on this side.
Mrs. John T. Richards, of Tenth
street. Is sufterlng from the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Thomas, of
South 7Ialn avenue, have returned
from a visit among friends In L'i7eme
Miss Mary Jennings, of Railroad ave
nue, Is recovering from a sis-weeks
illness of the grip.
David Phillips, of Jackson street,
who has been contlned to his homo tho
past throe months with an attack of
rheumatism, Is able to be out again.
Gomer Reese, of Lebanon, who Is em
ployed by the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company at their mill there, Is
visiting his parents on Jackson street.
Thomas Bevan, of North Muln ave
nue. Is contlned to his home by sick
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Polhamus, of
Clark's Summit, are visiting friends
on this side.
Passed Through This City Consigned
to F. S. Potts, Philadelphia.
Thero arrived In this city yesterday
via the Erie and Wyoming Valley
Railroad company an elk's head with
the largest pair of antlers yet seen by
residents hereabouts. Tho antlers were
fully four feet from tip to tip.
The Wells, Fargo Express company
are shipping the head and while It was
being transferred to tho Delawure and
Hudson railroad was viewed and ad
mired by crowds of people. Tho ani
mal was killed In Utah by a party of
hunters and tho head Is consigned to
Frank 8. Potts, of Philadelphia.
Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond
tho reach of medicine, They often say,
"Oh, It will weur away," but In most
cases it wears thorn away. Could they bo
Induced to try tho successful medicine
called Kemp'H Ilnlsam, which Is sold on a
posltve guarantee to cure, they would im
mediately se the excellent offect after
taking the first dose. Price Z3c. and 60c.
Trial slxu fraA, At nil druinrlsts.
Which the West Rldgo Coal Com
pany Has Built in the Airway
Beneath North Main Avenue Tho
Work of Filling in tho Holo Is
Practically Completed Manager
Clark's Statement General Phin
ney Engine Company Elects Of
ficers News of Various Churches.
Tho cave-In on North Main avenue
near Green Ridge street caused by the
roof of a return airway falling In, Is
now practically a thing of the past.
The West Ridge Coal company in
whose workings the airway runs, have
rapidly repalied the damage. Steel
braces have been put In nt certain
distances apart and from and across
the tops of these were run heavy tim
bers, thus making a very securo and
substantial roof for many years.
Anent the proposition of building a
stone arch, as was suggested by City
Engineer Phillips, Manager Clark,
when asked about It yesterday, said:
"We will not put In a stone arch.
The way we did Is all right and Is n
matter of protection for ourselves. Tim
roadway is the city's lookout."
The General Fhlnney Engine com
pany of the Scranton Fire department
held a business meeting Tuesday even
ing, nt which olllcers were elected
for the ensuing year. The ofllcers
elected arc: President, A. R. Sim
roll; vice-president, J. W. Llsk;
recording secretury, W. H. Lewis;
Ilnancial secretary, George 13. Bailey;
treasurer, H. A. Altemus; fore
man, K. H. Long; plpcman. G. W.
Reynolds; llrst, second nnd third as
sistants, F. Goodwin, GeorKo Lutz and
H. G. Hemic: Moker, F. W. Andrews
director for five years, M. IT. Blesecker;
drivers, George E. Bailey and J. W.
The Junior Wesley league is working
hard to make the annual missionary
effort a success.
The Senior Wesley league held a
pleasant affair on Monday evening In
the lecture room.
Three new members were received
Into the church on Sunday.
The Green Ridge Knights of the
Mystic Chain will attend service next
Sunday morning to listen to the ser
mon on the 'Weeping Patriot."
The pastor Is giving a splendid serifs
of sermons on the "Bible Weepers"
which are intellectual and spiritual
The Wayne Avenue Baptist church
will conduct their services In he
Christian edifice on North Main nve
nue this evening, when several young
people will be immersed. The Rev.
W. F. Davles wilt presled.
A grand organ recital will be held in
tho Presbyterian church Monday even
ing, April 3, when tho widely know.i
organist, W. C. Carl, and the celebrated
soprano, Miss Shannah Cummlngs,
both of New York city, will render a
programme of choice selections.
Peter Cavanaugh and Mr. C. Berry,
who have for months past been work
ing in the gold and silver mines of
Butte City, Montana, returned home
Tuesday. They will visit relatives
here for a few months, but expect to re
turn west. They brought with them
many beautiful souvenirs of the m!ns3
and surrounding country.
The Eastern Star Commanderv, No.
221, Knights of Malta, will hold a grand
concert In the auditorium Thursday
evening, April 13.
The business place of this end will
be closed this afternoon In honor of
the returned soldier boys.
Miss Jessie Lees, of Archbald, and
Miss Lena Matthews, of Olyphant, are
the guests of relatives hero.
The North End Stars are arranging
for their basket ball team with the
team from St. Leo's, West Scranton.
to be held In tho auditorium, formerly
the armory.
Every member of the Father Whlttv
society who Intends to parade will
please meet nt St. Mary's hall at 1 .".0
sharp In order that tho society may
proceed to tho central city In a body.
The following stores In Providence
will be closed today from 2.30 i, m to
.)..i0 p. m., on account of tho parade.
G. W. Davis two stores, C. Henwood
& Company, H. E. Grlflln and William
I). Davis.
Pea Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city nnd central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C B.
Sharkey, VAt -edar ave. 'Phone CCS3.
At the banquet to be given this even
ing in honor of tho soldier members of
the Century Hose company, each mem
ber will be entitled to bring two ladles,
such having become the wish of some
of the members.
Lenten devotions -were held at St.
Mary's German Catholic church last
evening. A sermon was preached by
Rev. F. Stopper.
Tho trustees and elders of the Hick
ory Street Presbytorlun church met in
regular session last evening.
The Welcome Dancing class met at
Germanla hall last evening.
Misses Mnyme Coyne and Gertrude
McGee. students nt Stroudsburg State
Normal school, returned last evening to
spend tho Easter vacation at their
homes on Cedar nvenue.
The Saunuolt silk mill nnd the Lack
awanna Knitting mills will observe the
half holiday today, owing to tho re
ception to tho Thirteenth regiment.
James Connell lodge of Odd Fellows
met ut Storrs' hall last evening.
Mid-week services were held at tho
Hickory Street Presbyterian church
last evening.
Washington camp, 430, 'Patriotic Or
der Sons of America, will hold their an
nual ball at Muslu hall, Easter Mon
day night.
The St. Aloyslus Total Abstinence so
ciety will meet In regular session this
evening. All members are requested to
be present. All necessary arrangements
for tho society's ball, which will bo held
at Snover'H hall, Easter Monday night,
will be completed at this evening's
H. H. Sprukn has sold his handsome
residence on Plttston nvenue to his
father, John Spruks, of Alder street.
The transfer was made Monday.
'Messrs. W. AV. Scheuer and John
Freuhan, of Cedar avenue, have re-
yK"l'.'''''-NM! Mrwrt1
WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASF the customer receives a coupon. When
their purchases amount to TEN DOLLARS (10 coupons) they will re
ceive 14 barrel of Joyce's Best XXXX Flour Free.
Joyce's Best XXXX is made from the choicest varieties ot Hard Sprinp
Wheat, carefully selected. It is the HIGHEST PRODUCT of modern milling
science, and ABSOLUTE in all desirable bread-making qualities. It is put up
under our own special brand. One trial will convince the most skeptical of its
superiority over all other flours. REMEMBER You get a 50-1)01111(1 suck of
this Hour FKEH.
The position and reputation which we luve Rained by our LOW PRICES ON HIGH GRADI3
GOODS, as the leading grocers wo fully Intend to maintain. All lines of Groceries have been
marked down and will be s,old some at less than half their value, making this sale and offer one
of the most sensational ever conducted by any grocer In the city. It's not Intended In this adver
tisement to mention a general line of Only a few. Hundreds more Just as good.
Joyro'n llent XXX, I Vo k Mate Warranted Fresh,
$4 22perbbl ' 75c per bu. I 2 doz. 25c
IZSTillaii P. Joyce,
Cut-Price Grocer,
718 and 720 West Lackawanna Avenue.
fflMlUHFAItllf '
S -Ml Mm- nthvli
turned after n short stay at llarrlsburs
and Philadelphia.
Misses Nellie Holland and May Caf
ferty, of Philadelphia, arc the guests of
Miss Nellie Sullivan, of Maple street.
Tho Manhattan Social club will hold
a grand entertainment and social at St.
John's hall, Easter Monday nlqht.
Peter Alsworth, of New York city, Is
visiting frlend8 on Prospect avenue.
William Joyce, of New York city. Is
vlsltlnjr at his former homo on IPUt3
ton avenue.
Miss Mollle Granahan, of Hazleton, Is
visiting friends on Cedar avenue.
T. II. Davey, of Niagara Falls, re
turned home yesterday after a pleasant
visit with his sister, Mrs. T. E. Bush
nell, of Jefferson avenue.
Fred. Stevens has accepted a posi
tion as assistant chief electrician of
the Hubbell Electric Lamp company.
Rupert Walsh, of Adams avenue, Is
ill with tho grip.
Mr. and airs. Clarence Rogers, of
Kentucky, arc the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Rogers, of I'enn avenue.
Miss Myrtle Stevens, of Ross nvenue,
entertained a few of her friends at her
home on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Seld will com
mence housekeeping on Monsey ave
nue, next week.
Mrs. Georso Loomls, of Oil City, Is
the cuest of her sister, Mrs. Frank E,
Spencer, of Arlington Heights.
Mrs. A. F. Law and daughter, Miss
Grace, of Adams avenue, will leave
on Saturday for a trip to the Bermuda
The business places of this place will
he closed this nfternoon In observance
of the half holiday.
A spring cleanser Is always looked for
ward to at this tlmo of the year and Man
ner's Sareaparllla Is the best. Jt not only
cleanses the system of all Impurities but
Invigorates tho system, makes good blood
and Increases the appetite. Largo size
bottle. oOc, at Manners' Pharmacy, No.
920 Green Itldge street.
At the last meeting of the council,
borough bonds Nos. 3 nnd 4 were called
In. So far the holders of the bonds
have paid no attention to the decision
of the council. Treasurer Engle has
stopped the interest on the above bonds
and wishes them leturned nt once.
A very successful social was held last
evening at tho homo of Mrs. Daniel
Powell, under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist
Episcopal church. Several young peo
ple carried out the ontertuinment for
the evening, which was as follows:
Vocal solo, Prof. Joseph Grey; whist
ling solo, Oscar Ludwlg, Jr.. accom
panied by Miss Emma Ludwlg on the
piano; recitation, Miss Marie Van
Cleft; recitation, Miss Sallle Price;
vocal duet. Misses Annie and Bessie
Powell. Refreshments were served.
The members of the Arlington iloulilu
quartette are practicing a song en
titled "As the Boys Camo Sailing
Home," and will produce It on Dewey's
Day. The song was composed and set
to music by Richard Parfroy.of Throop.
who dedicated It to Admiral Dewey and
his men.
Burgess H'owell and Prof. Joseph
Grey will leave hero this morning for
a visit at Pittsburg.
Miss Gertrude Beers, of Hawley, is
the guest of Mrs. Fred. Mitchell, of
Butler street.
The following letters remain un
claimed at the post olllco for the period
ending March 18, 1899. Persons call
ing for these letters will please say
udvertlscd in Scranton Tribuno: Mrs.
2 Does Coffee
I Agree with
C If not, drink Graln.O niado from
pine gralus. A lady writes: "The
first time I wwlo Grnln-0 I did not
liko it but after u;lug it for tine
week nothing would induco mo to
go back to coffee." It jumri'dies
nd feeds tho system. Tho children f
can drink it freely with great bene- Q
ill. lb l lliu BireuHiut'utuK onif-
7 stance of puro grains. Get a pack-
2 ago to-day from your grocer, follow
tho directions In roaWug it and you
will havo n delicious and healthful
2 table beverage for old aud youug.
15c. nud 25c.
ZlntUtlliatyourerotcrglvMjfonOIlAIN.O J
Accept no Imltatlou. f.
How Wc Save the
People's Money.
No Lottery, No Favorites, No Disappointed Customer. 1-4 BARREL
ft jijivy i ilyW
James Fahey. East Drinker street; Ag
nes H. Loftus, 104 Electric avenue;
Henry Parfrey, 104 Brook street; Vlto
Mrs. Bridget Guy, widow of the lute
Robert Guy, died earlj yesterdny morn
ing at her residence, Cl'J River street, af
ter a short illness. Deceased was welt
known and Is survived by tho following
children: Wllllum, Matthew, John J.,
Mrs. Frank Rutledgo and Mrs. James
Larkln. all of this city. The funeral will
bo held Saturday morning at 0 o'clock.
His Wife's Savings the Means of His
Weathering a Financial Gale.
From tho Detroit Free Piess.
"I don't suppose you have forgotten
the panic of '03," said Dodson. "I
certainly havo not, for I had that un
lucky year impressed upon mo in a way
that I will not soon forget.
"You remember how money disap
peared when tho crash came? Banks
that were fortunate enough to escape
going down In the general crash hoard
ed their money and refused to loan a
cent, even upon the best security.
"I have always made It a, rule never
to talk business with my wife, and she,
poor woman, never knew at the time
the many anxious dayi, that I had
passed, for I tried to conceal my hope
less condition.
"At last It came to a point where I
waq even without a hope and I stag
gered home with bankruptcy staring
mo in tho face. I had made the tight
and lost, nnd then, seeing all the sav
ings of a lifetime swept away. I gave
up like a doomed man to die,, and
knowing that no fate could ward off
the blow.
"I knew that my wife must be told,
so I took her In my arms and broke It
to her as gently as possible.
"For several minutes she said not
a word, and 1 began to fear that the
shock had been too much for her. I
had told her that If I could only raise
a small sum It might see my through
the worst and enable mo to get upon
my feet again.
Finally she spoke 'John.' she said,
'I have always had a presentiment that
some day something might happen, and
whenever I chanced to have a little
money that I thought I would not need
I put it away in one of Willie's dis
carded toy banks, I haven't the sllphit
ust Idea how much there Is, but I have
been adding to It for years. I will get
it and we will count It together.
"I never knew until that incment
how a man feels when he Is reprieved
from under the gallows.
"She placed the bank before me and
I dumped the contents upon the table.
There was a total of 7!l cents, mostly in
"It was so comical that I had to
laugh. But that laugh saved me. It
drovo .away the gloomy thoughts which
had surrounded me and I took courage
as?aln to look the situation In the fico
and finally won out.
"1 am still paying my wife her usual
ullowance; but I haven't the face m
ask her if she Is again putting nsldu
for a rainy day."
Paris Not Always First.
The European edition of the Now
York Herald has a long article (repub
lished In New York Herald of March 5)
on the jelatlve nwrlts of China and
Ceylon lea, and how tea Is steeped In
Paris the city which is popularly sup
posed to lead the world In fashions' and
matters of taste. Tho article in ques
tion says:
"China, tea has a coarcer taste, and
you might, under similar circumstances,
think It stronger, but in reality It is
not. It is perfectly certain that Ceylon
tea Is better and morn popular, nnd
can be made stronger than any other
kind u though for ordinary
tastes you would have to uso a Jess
quantity to make a strong cup of tea.
"Ceylon tea. does not require to steep
more than three minutes, while China
tea takesi four minutes. To make tea
nt home, the proper way is to havo
two earthenware teapots, heating oii-
llrst nnd then putting the tea In, pour
Imj freshly boiled water on it, and
steeping as above. Then pour off Hie
tea into the 1 ther tea pot. having the
latter hot and dry. Tea thus mud'
may stund ns lrnifus you like, nnd It Is
always good. Sleeping tea loo long re
leases the tnnnln, which gives the liquid
a pungent, sometimes a bitter tlavor."
This Is given ns a new departure in
the art of tea brewing In gay Paris.
For years "Five o'clock teas" have
been n popular and pleasant social
function in this country, and not only
thero, but at tho dally meals, tea Is
brewed that way. The dainty nnd fas
tidious American ladles learned the art
of "How to make tea" long before their
j5."K ill
y 'I'lflta
x -1" BURUUNUER & RI1IS. Lesisei.
It. R. LONtl, Manager.
3 Nights nnd a rtatinees. Commenc
ing Thursday, March 33.
The N. Y. Emplro Theater Success
Tho great sex ueultist s x drama, presented
with tba sains company tbut tin up-
pe.irecljln notlmli but high-priced
lliCdtwiK, Kint tlmo In nny
city at tlicie prlc :
PRICES-EVENING. 13. L"j, 30, 50.
-lw RCI5 & BURU11NDI!R, Lc5isei.
11. R. LONO. Alanassr.
Tuesday Evening. March 28,
James Whifcomb Riley
Assisted bv oonio of tho UH Mtislrlium
In Scninton, will npneiir in u variety
ofnoleotldnn rrom his own works.
HI11 poems and sketches pre
sented In t'ie following
programme :
1, Annals of the Poor. 2.
Verse. 3. Character Sketches.
4. Rhymes of Childhood.
Tho advance sale of seats at popular prices
will bes'n at t e box oflloe Thursday morn
lug, March 2!!. Amnne the chief society
and literary oveali of the year Mpucial ex
cursion rates for literary clubs from neigh
borlns towns
Klaw A KilaiiKor's, l'' mous Operatic
E.itrnvaiiUji and spectacle.
So People, brilliant ballets, gorgeous costums
Commencing AlonJay, Matinee, March 30.
Matt J. Rynn's
Double Sliow White and Creole Artists.
NliXT Three days only. The Merry Wid
ows lltirlMquers, with Oeorge Dixon In
.scientific punching exhibition. Commenc
ing Monday, .March 27
Parisln r sistTS, and they are now
showing then, "What tea to make" by
tho way they are appreciating the teas
from Ceylon and India, from which Is
brewed the most .seductive and charm
ing f all hannlet beveragt-M.
Thomas Brown was u buslneri visi
tor in Wllkes-Barre yesterday.
The Hillside collieries at this plm-n
will be idle today and Saturday. They
will work three-quarters of it day to
morrow. Sirs. Sarah Waters, ot Jermyn, is the
guest of her sons. James C. Alfred and
Kdwln Waters.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist church held n social at the home
or Mrs. W. J. Pentecost lust evening
that was socially and 'financially a
eiy successful affair.
Enterprise Hose company will hold
Its regular semi-monthly meeting at
tue lire rooms on Center street tomoi
l't.w evening.
The olllco of the Hillside Coal and
Iron company was broken Into by
burglars uu Tuesday night. Nothing
was taken, but It was evident that a
search for booty hud been made. The
work of the cracksmen reemed to In
dniue that they were not professionals.
Access was gained by a window.
A notice has been put up warning
loafers that they must not make the
poHtolllee u place of assemblage, nnd
that In tho future smoking will not be
The council will purchase two hun
dred and titty feet additional hose for
the uso of the Kntwnrlse Fire com
pany. A meeting of the olllclal board of the
Methodist Kjiiscoyal church will be
held In tho church edlllce this ove-
Houhen Williams, of Scranton, who
wits formerly n resident of this place,
will again take up his abode here. Be
ginning about April l ho will bo em
ployed by Martin Muchlk us a bar
tender ut tho Forest City house.
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