TEE SCRANTON TlUBUNK-TITrnSDAY, MARCH 23, 1S99. 'p NORTON'S SPRING SELECTIONS of Now Wall Decorations aro now ready for inspection. Wo Invito your attention to see tho beautiful Novelties wo havo for your consideration. Choice American, English and Trench designs and colorings to match the now carpets and di aperies. We havo solectcd tho "Cream" of the patterns from tho mills that make the rincst Wall Decotatlons. Our selections are exclusive and cannot bo had olsowhere in tho city. You are welcome to see them and not bo under any obligations. We will cheeifully and gladly exhibit our specimens to all who desire to see tho now ideas in intci lor decorating. Any contemplated insido decorating can bo done in cold weather as well a3 in warmer, more quickly and at less expense. We furnish competent workmen 0:1 short notice and at icasonablo lates. AVe suggest an eaily consideration to avoid the usual spring rush. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. 32 S. Main St., Wilkes-Uarre. :g See Our Great : EASTER I g DISPLAY g j& -or- t?i J Fine Pictures 1 THE GRIFFIN ART STUDIO j ?ciu Hjonilng Anciiiic. jj WE DELIVER Fresh Pure M 5c a Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 325.327 Ailami Avenue. - -Q, DR. A. A. LINDABURY. Snc'altlES Surgery, Liseassi of Vomea Ofllco Houn. . :ttiloo.m 1 to II ). 111 At ncBirtence 7 to H p. m entire llllunn Ittilldl'isr. Opp. 1'ostofllce. Residence--.'111 utli .Main ciia Chas. McMiillen & Co. lime opined a General Inbur unco Ofllco In tho Traders' National Hank Building Best Slock Companies leprosenteil. J.arRp lines especially Follelteil Tele phono 1SW. R. J, REAP, 'nig, Stsam and Gas Fittine: Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Corner ofPenu Aenuonml L mien btreo.. Under Mhe Windsor." E lorL.lailor. Unit nnd Tnli.irrrt cIkm... Pamphlet free. 'I HE KHI'I.RY INSTITUTE. 728 iHadlion Ave., SCRANTON, I'A. SCRANTON TRANSFER CO, B.iggaeo calleil for and delivered day or nitjht. Office, 109 Lacka. Ave. Phone 525 AGK'AWANNA "IHB" AUNDRY .ob I'enn Atcnu:, V. 1$. WARrtAN PERSONAL. W :ilam A. AVrljht, of this flt Is Is. i in,; In Afton N. Y. Mr. and Mis. '. C. Hand, ot Mtilbeiry uteet, aro lu Now York city. Mrs. S. G. fimltli, of Ho!,toii, Masr , Is Miltlns her son, V. C. Siultli, ot Summit nvcnue. General Manager llrni.- Welmitii. r.f tho I.a'knuaniM. Iron and StcU oump.ui, ! In Huffalo on business. The pntruemcit ol Ml I'cio lltck sor: and Dr. Georjro AV. ninnelurd hol.'i of this city. Is aiimuiiicid William Lees, of l'lillaitrlpiini. lios re turned homo from visit with nla rous.u, ?.lt& Josephine U. Loed. of QiUaon tAieet. Miss Ada Von Stolen, of Market struct, ana Mrs. M. D, Famlmni, of Ilreaker Kt-"et, huvii Just rtlmned fiom J.'ew YoiK city I. At. Eolian, ot J-rlee mi net, laft hero l.ttit rilKl.t for liutto C'ltv, :iont.. wl-.cro ho -. 1 1 1 Join his con, Frank, who 1ms been thtio blneo last fall. Jcsrph AVasner. nctluc ni' pmale sec rctaiy for Alderman Millar, has joined tho Unltid Stafp' engineer fenlce Ha seued In the l'lrst Voluntior eorps itt I'oito Woo during the luto SpnuUh ttouble. Mru O M ll.illstoad v 111 enteitaln Mn. Stone this ovenlnc" at dinner and will havo u box patty later '-.hleh will Include a number of lr.dlet who will bo present at the tcceptlou. Mrs. Stone will probably also bu preront at the i option to bo clvon thl-j afternoon by Mm i: I. 1'uller. Leiderltranz Entortalnrncnt. Tonlcht at 8 o'clock the (treat play. "Her Pfar.-or on Kit enfold," will b3 produced by society. After the ploy dancing. Tickets au bo line nt tho door for 23 cents each, We have several small lots of Key West Havanan wo wish to clone out. For a tlnip vo ifir them at factory prices. Garney, Hi own & Co. PURITY TALK TO MEN. Will Be the Subject of Dr. Munhoirs Lcctute at the Sunday Meeting-. Among tin host of evangelists unJ lay worker who hao attraotti public notice In tin last quarter of a cen tury representing a movement which Is Riving way to other form of Clalitlan wotk, no man has had a mote com manding pctsonallty, except perlinp Mi Moody himself, than IiIh Intimate friend iiricl eo-woiktr Ur L. W. Mun hall, of rhlladclphln A man of keen Intellect and splendl 1 education, lie ruo himself at flint to Young Men's Clulsthm niJoclatlon wotk, as a busi ness man, senlnir an president of til" Indianapolis nssotlatlon, aftct wauls iih ptcsldcnt of the Indiana state associa tion, and seven ycais as mate -leoiPtary In that state. So tuceemful was his evangellstlo wotk that he was persuaded by Mr. Moody lo abandon his profession mrl give his whole time lo i'vivol woik. So wise and conservative have been hK methods that ho W et in tho full tide of his usefulness, while many of his coiit'miporarle" have hern dropped by falllnt- to take correct bearing0. With r"canl to their lelatlnnshlp to the pastor3 and churches who'll thiy wro a!!"'l upon to feive This famous i-vanicliit. undei whom more than tvvcnty-Jlve thousand yoiing m'U ha'.c bten led Into ChrMlon life and chinch l'ullowhlp, will addiehs the men's meeting at the Lyceum on Sim da v at "130 p. in , and will give a con fidential lalk to young men. Note that the doms aie to be shut at ".! p. m. and thoio who are admitted at all must b thei before that time. THE RILEY RECITAL. Sale of Seats Opens at the Box Ofllco This Morning, 'ih" tile of i,eatH fot Jainei W'ltlt comb Hllej's nppearaner opens this mornliif nt the Ljceum. There Is every Indlcuiloii of a great house next Tues day night for probably no poet cm attract bo l.uge an audience of real admlrcis as this writer who has some thing to ca to eeiyone. tho humblest woikman, the most lultuivd scholar, the most fastidious ladv, the poorest child. Tils audience laughs and weeps with his lealistlc pttscntutloii of tho tender litimoi, the swift pathos, for often his is the story of days gone by, u itory that touches every heart. O tho davs gone by! O tho days gone b ! Tho music of tho laughing Up", the lus ter of tho cc, Tho thlldlMi faith In fairies anil Alad din's magic ling Tho "tmplt, bou! renoslng faith In o cry thing When llfo was like a story, holding urlthui sob nor sigh In the golden olden glory of tlio davs gone. b. A line vocal pi ogi amine will be ron deitil by Mrs. O'lJiion, Miss Tlmberman and Mr.irillljni". of Wilke&-n.uio, with Miss Hichinond as accompanist. KELLY-LANGSTAFF CONTEST. Many Ca:boudale Witnesses Before the Examiners Yesterday. The following pevsons were yester day heard by the examiners in tho Kellj-Langstaff election contest. The sessions weie hfld In Carbondale. and tho witnesses weio all icsldontb ot that city: H 15. Nicholson, Howard Olver, Thomas Horner, John Swlnglehurst, II. D. Mitchell, VIlllam Ikirtholemew, Joseph Hull, Cliailes, Gates, John New ton, J. It. Vandeiford, Aaion Fowler, Robert Whitfield, John Ilooth, Joseph Whitfield. William Anderson, Samuel Foster, Reese W. Pi ice, Ch.ulcs It Kase, Thomas Couittight, Rice V. Price, Trank WlllUim.s, John Robeits, Aichiliald Watts, William M. Hunter, William O. Hunter. Robert D. Runlet. Chester Wilght, A. Mlttun, Benjamin Watkln, Thomas K Jones, Joseph Wil liams, Andrew Mitchell, Caleb IIow iitd, Oeoip1 ',rllliams, Jolah Evans, Welby Puk, Edward Thompson, John Kans, Thomas Evans, John Phllpot. Ean Wllce, Ilany Modoek, Thomas Williamson, Thomas Phillips, Frank Ktosaivlsh, Thomas Lewis, George James. David Rolls, Wells Rurdiek. Gcoige Hammeile, Homer Smith, Iow Is Correll, David Evans-, Rlchaid Fluel lon, Henry Stratton, Thomas Moigan, Mlehad G Walsh. Ren Mlltoh, AVil 11am rarrell, Thomas Evans, Joseph Walls, Samuel Miller, Frank Stevens, Nlcholan Moon, Thomas Peters, George W Hull, John Doudlcon, Austin Gavin, Mike Gaiin, Patiick Horan, Anthony Walsh, Geoige Butts, William Cole. THE LEADER'S OPENING. rinest Millinery Display Ever Pro duced Lebeck & Corin. Yesteiday and day bnfoie were the first show davs of the millinery d pattmc.it at The Leader Incidental!" the whole store ls In holiday at ire und the bitu'y of the cstlbule Is t'lu sub ject of much admiration. Each win dow Is ii plctuie in ltjelf and all She exhibits aio to artistically carried out as to form a stion- object lef-on ot the value of that greatest of all modern retail business propelleis. with the ex ception of newrpaper adct Using fine display windows. Lebeck & Corin ha.e alwas pild consldetablo attention to that blanch of thtlr business, but tut until within the ldbt foui or live months have they had the proper oppottunlty to give theit Ideas In that line full bvvlnr. Since the adoption of their new cstlbule. ftont last December the-e have been many notable window dls Plajs In that store, but none that can begin to equal tho show that is btti g mailo at thlr opnlur Tho Intel lor of tin. Mote is beauti fully decorated throughout, and the height of decorative mt Is i cached in the millinery department, where a thousand trimmed hats add addltlDnal zest to the fcklll of the decorator. In fact, tho Eaator hats ate the veiy en ter ot alt tho attiactlons and to ju1t,e fiom tho attendance on tho first dtv, It woh olio that was thoroughly uppv. ciattd. At the Griffin Art Studio You can get tho 50 cent Platlnos for 23 cents, tho J1.C0 nlzes for 81.00, hun dreds to select fior.i. Prlecii on mould ings almost cut In half. See oui Easter dtpplay. "Eye Openers." When you find them a necessity, nark our word, Its time to consult the Keeley Institute, 7:'8 Madison avenue. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Has boen used for over TITTY YEAIIS bv MILLIONS of MOTHKKS for their CHII.UHT.N WHILE TIIUTHINU WITH PKKTECT Bt'CPESS. It fcOOTUL'3 tho CHILD. SOTTENS th OHMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CUHES WIND COLIC, and In tha bBt remedy for DIAIUUIOEA. Sold by DrugwlHts In every part of tho woild Bo sure and link for "Mrs. Wins low 'h Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five centi a bottle. BICYCLISTS HONOR SOLDIER BRETHREN A RECEPTION WITH A VERY VARIED PROGRAMME. Scinntou Blcyclo Club Gives an Elaboiate Enteitalument in Honor of Its Nine Membois Who Served with the Thirteenth Thirteenth Regiment Band Makes Its Flist Appearance Heie Banquet, Bowl ing Match and Vaudeville Were Among the Featuies. One of the most elaboiate eutoitaln ments ever Blven at the Scrunton Bi cycle club house was last night's wel come homo leteptlon to the memberH ot tho club who son id with the Thir teenth. Evei vthlng wns red, white and bin from the b"lt boy's uniform up uiul down. Including tho spit It ot the occa sion, wilting a la Crane. If variety is spice the prosiammo was all of that. It emluaeed about every conventional thing that n well-ot doted stag-party is wont to enjov and sumo things that It would not be Justice to cull conventional. A bowling match between two teams led respectively by Colonel II. A. Cour feeii and Lieutenant F. W. StMlvvell, and won by the latter was the opening number. Then came two boxing bouts between local amateur, Daniel Costello und John Connois at 103 pounds, anil Will Mack and Fred Relnhnrdt, nt 12. pounds. The Thirteenth regiment band made Its first local appeat ance and a most faorable Impression, and Set gcant Tom Miles, lis chief musician, lendered a cornet foIo. There wete piano solos by Professor Perry, Ii. L. Van Woriner and D. 15. Atherton nnd la.-it, but by no means least, a, audevllle entertainment by the "Hag Time Reception company, now playing at the Academy of Music. FOU THE INNER MAN. Ptocedlng the vaudeville hov a ban quet was served. It was one of Han lov'.s i holiest The tables were ar ranged In llu- foim of the figure "15," and were decorated In tho pcrvadln;? p itrlotlc colors Frank D. Watts, chilr man of the reception commlttee.presid ed. Major W. S. Millar made an address ot welcome to the guests of honor and the response was made by Colonel Courscn. The soldler-membeis ot tho club In whoso honor the affair was given are: Colonel II. A. Coursen, Lieutenant Col onel r. W. Stillwell, Major E. D. Fol lows, Captain II. P. Decker, Lieuten ant W. S. Freeman; Adjutant W. E. Gunster. Corporal G. G. Mlllett, Cor poial E. C. Koons and Regimental Clerk W. E. Decker. It is noteworthy that every one of these received some promotion during the recent tour of duly, including Colonel Coursen, win, It will be lemembeted, was a brlgai'o commander for a considerable period. Major Walter A. Wood and Captain John JCntnbcck, of Compny B, wero also guests. Colonel T. J. Keenao. cf Pittsburg, ptcsldent ot the League of American Wheelmen, who was expect ed to bo present, telegraphed his ie grots. He will be In the city today, however, as an aide on the governor's staff. Tho committee which ai ranged the leceptlon was composed of Frank D. Watts, II. C. Wallace, R V. La Bar, F. C. Waidell, C. A. Kiesel, Fiank J. Leonard, F. C. Whettllng, II. T. North up, C. H. Bare. THOSE WHO ENJOYED IT. Those who nttended were: B. 1. Connolly, F. L. Brown, E O. Wordcn, C. E. Coursen, George M. Sllk mun. Jack Connolly, John Bailey, C. A. Van Wormer, L. L. Van Wormer, H. C. Wallace, G. A. Gardnet, A. J. Gard ner, Ed. C. Deans, W. M. Ford, Oscar W. Payne, J. W. Pentecost, K. N. Jones, W. P. Kennedy, Richard J. Beamish, John II. Brooks, Geoige II. Wlnans, AY. K. RIchart, Robot t Simpson, C. H Genter, E 'E. Ptyor, W. C. TunstaM, Dr. L. II. Glbbs, John D. Boyle, Major W. S. Mlllai, A. J. Stone, C. M. Pi Ice, Geoige O. Shatps, Charles E. Cioth amel, Frank Fold, R. S Ruth, George M. Mulley, Cliailes J. Post, Clarence F. Seward, Lawrence B Fuller, A. B. Waiman, Colonel George Sanderson, Tied. C. Hand, Wallace M. Ruth, F. S. Godfiey. Charles E. Scott, A. D. Ev erett, John II. Ladvvlg, George W Whettllng, Dr. G. E. Hill, V. E. Arnold, F. Cromwell Hand, Dr. P. r. Struppler, George Watres, Jr., George J. Bairovv mun, John Taylor, Harry Houck, W. J. Northup, Roscoe Dale, U. N. Ptiry. Ed ward Barnard, E. M. Tevvkeshuiy, A. F. Klzer, John W. B. Coleman, William F. Bojle, C. R Bedford, P. A. Godfrey, E. C. Dean, F. W Edwards, G. M. Vandllng, P. D. Yoder, II. D. Buck, A. R. Whltmoie, W. A. Kemmetei, M P. Cailer, A. M. Athetton, II. C. Haak, Dr. J. J. V. Corser, Colonel Geoigo M. Hallstead, A. V. Powell, Thomas Han ford Dale, D. B. Atherton, James Oaul ner Sanderson, L. N. Boyle, E. M. Beyea, ot Scranton. II. Laurent, New Yoik: Dr. Myer, Old Forgo. W. R. Olney, Rome. N. Y ; C V. Rulhciford, Baltimore; John B. Hoyt, Carbondale; L. II. Lelghtnn, Springfield III , G. 1 Armstrong, Pitts burg JI J Simpson, Rochester. Dr. S. C. Snyder Will Move, hit. well know dental olllces on Aptil 1st to Masonlo Temple, -1J0 Sptuce itiuet. GILT EDGE Coiusen's Fresh Creamery Priut Butter delivered every morning, will be found the sweetest, firmest and most delicious butter made. When used on bread made from our "Wheateu" Flour you have the strongest and best food known. Our 3 and r; lb. boxes are less expeusive, aud are sold this mouth at cost of produc tion to introduce this make. E, 0, GOURSEN, FOUND DEAD IN HER CHAIR. Was Seated Before the Stove in Which the Tile Was Out. Mis. Ellon Mefsltt, un iiged woman i eliding on Oak Htreet, In Tnjlot, wns found dead at 7.10 o'clock yesterday mout'iis Hontitl In her chair beioto the idovu In which the l!-e hud huruM ou. The dlscovcty was irmdi by her sou, Iattick Contictton, wh is cr. I loeil ns llretnuu on the nlijht tu.n ot tho. Council rolllei). In South i-'cioi ton He spoke to her nnn tec-lvmg n j i"ionse, took hold jf lur hand, which wns cold. She must have been dead several houis, and heart failure! Is supposed to have caused death. She was apparently In good health w hen her sou loft the houso lo go to wink at -1.30 o'clock, and neighbors were calling upon her up to 9.S0 o'clock rho night before. Deceased was well known and had resided In Talor for over eighteen years She was i"3 ears of nso and Is Btirvlved by ono son. Patrick, mid two daughleis, Mis. James McCarthy and Miss Mniy, loth of Dm yea. Coronet Roberts was notified and went to the residence, where he ion ducted a post moitem. He found the lungs to be in it congested condition, caused by the heurt trouble which ter minated In death The coroner deemed an Inquest unneeessaty. WALCOTT AND JIMMY JUDGE. Are Matched to Fight in Toionto on April 5. ' One of the best matches made for Toronto, or, In fact, for this part of the eountiy In many months, was consum mated Saturday when Tom O'Rourke on behalf of Joe Walcott, tin? Barba does Black, accepted the tetms I sent him for a contest between his cham pion welterweight and Jimmy Judge, the Scranton welterweight, who fought Mysterious Billy Smith twenty-llvo rounds of what Smith told mo himself was the fastest fight he cvet put up. Walcott has been defeated by Smith nnd went twenty rounds with that whirlwind," says the Buffalo Express. "The bout Is to take place In Toronto April 3, and will be the opening bout of the new Empire Athletic club of that city, which shows that It will be tho strongest laetor In boxing clubs In Canada. Joo Walcott has never up pearcd In this pait of the eountiy or In Canada at all In a boxing show, and a largo number of Buffalonlans will at tend. "Jimmy Judge Is now being managed by Eddie Whelan. who was formerly proprietor of the Batnapo club of this city. There will bo one pnllmlnniy bout of twelve rounds nnd tho Audi torium In that city will not be biff enough to ncoommodate the groat crowd which will take in the contest." THEY DO NOT KNOW. Who Placed the Infant's Body in the Dunmoro Cemetery Saturday. The coroner's Jury empanelled to In vestigate the circumstances surround ing the placing of an unknown infant's body In tho Dunmoie Catholic ceme tery, where It was found last Saturday lying in n basket near f-ome laurel bushes, met in the arbltiation room at tho court house last night and after hearing the testimony of several w It nesse.s, rendered a verdict to the effect that "the body was placed In the ceme tery by pet son or persons unknown, who were thus trjlng to dispose of tho remains." Mat tin Healey and John Hnlpin tes tified that they weie In the cemeteiy Saturday trying to find a lost pigeon, and noticing the basket, picked It up and found the Infant's body In it. They told O. P. Biglln nbout It. Mr. Blglln was called and couoborated what tho boys had Fald. J. J. Taylor, a grave digger, told how he had bulled the le inains in order to pi event mutilation. The Jurors were W. J. Hall, H. M. Bone, A. H McDonough, F. E. Bllck etis, JI. J. Holleian and W. L. Purcell. CHANGES AMONG THE CLERGY. Caused by the Retirement of Rev. Charles E. Kelly, D. D. The following appointments have been made by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban to fill the vacancy caused by the le tlroment from the charge at Towanda, Btadford county, ot Rev. Charles E. Kelly, who had charge of that parish since 1876: Rev. J. J. Coioner, of Fot est City, succeeds Dr. Kelly at Towanda. Rev. Rlchaid Walsh, of Moscow, succeeds Father Coroner ot Forest Cltv; Rev. Daniel A. Dunne, of West Scranton, succeeds Father Walsh at Moscow, and Rev. John Ruddv. late of the dlocesj of Etle, succeeds. Father Dunne In West Scianton Dr. Kelly left the Jesuit older In 1ST3 to labor In the Scranton diocese under Bishop O'Hai i He proposes to re turn to the oidcr and spend the le malnder of hi.s life In the seclusion of some of Its eiulte lotreats. On East er week ho will sail for England, where ho will spend two yeais lu a novitiate ut Eoehampton - - JAIROUS MITCHELL'S FUNERAL Held fiom the Residence and Was Largely Attended. A large concourse of friends and rela tives attended the luneiul yesterday ot the late Jalrous Mitchell, who died Monday at his lesldence, 131 Jefteifon avenue, Dunmoie, at tho advanced ag3 of US vlmiv The services were conduct ed ut the l culture and the Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor of the Green RUlge Bap tist chinch, oillciated. He preached an eloquent t uncial seiinon A nuaitettj sang the livmn selections. At the conclusion of the sen Ices tho remains were taken to Hnllisterv llle, Ma the Erlo and Wjomlnnr nlloy Mil road for interment. The pallhearcis were Emmet and Elmer Mitchell, Pal mei Jltdlhtej 1 nnd Heniy Hockerfol low HAS HAD ANOTHER DREAM. Susquehanna Tianscnpt Man Is at It Afjain. It Is lepoited that the D. I. - W. inllroad fhops will be moved from Hi ndi a lo Hallstead With this object In view, the company has placed a ban upon all piopeity along their oids, und, In Hallstead, property which has heietofoio been offered for sale cheaply by the com pany and other pioperty holdets is now hold In reserve, In levv or tho con templated changes, Susquehanna Tianscrlpt. ' J ho Student Grill doc not coc,: ic cook, but it doe cook tho food wi ' al excellence; aud you can go t hurch or matinee, visit the sick, nttc conveutiou, or read a French Novo 'i Icit Uhciugdone. Write forStudcrt ri!' Booklet to the Bunscu-Ruinford Co., -'u-antou, Pa. CAPIAS ISSUED FOR ! WILLIAM M'KENZIE1 HE SPENT LAST NIGHT IN THE COUNTY JAIL. His Five Daughters Were Removed fiom the Miseiablo Hovel They Called Home and Spent, the Night in the House of tho Good Shephord. One of Them, Ago Ten, Is Setiously 111 McKenzle Will Tiobably Be Called Up Today for Sentence on the Perjury Chaigc. The lommltlee of the bottld ot asso ciated I'hmltlcH appointed ut Tuesduy night's meeting tu take lgoioU8 hteps In the tae of William McKenzle, whose futility was found In a deplorable condi tion In u hovel on Cuidck avenue Tues day afternoon by the agent of tho boird, went to woik with u will jes- terday and by night fall, all of the Mc Kcnzle's had been removed One of tho fltst bteps was to dispose of the head of the household who Is Intoxicated the greater part of his tlm und absolutely refuses to Mipport bis wile nnd five daughtets On Dec. IC, 1S"8. he was convicted of peijury befon Judge Yeikes, of Bucks county, but In consideration of bis tak ing the pledge sentence was suspended llo has broken his pledge repeatedly since and therefore the eoiut has a Just cause to call him In for sentence. Yesterdnv the facts in the ense were presented to Judge Arehbild by AV. Oaylord Thomas, the attorney of the boatd of charities, and a capias was promptly Issued for McKenzle ami as promptly served. He (.pent lost night In the county Jail and today will probably be called up for sentence. Last night Mrs. Duggan accompanied by Patrolman John Saltry, went to tho hovel of tho McKenzlcs und took tho five daughters nnd made them comfott able for the night at the Homo of the Good Shephetd They will lcmaln there until other ptov Islor.s can be made for their care. The fato of Mis McKenzle, who seems quite as neglectful of her daugh ters as the father, nan not yet been decided upon. The daughters are 10, 18, 13, In und 7 years of age. Tho one who is 10 j ears of ace is quite seti ously III owing to the hardships she en dured In her miserable apology for a home. LETTER CARRIERS' FUND. List of Contributors Who Yesterday Answered Their Appeal. Tho following named persons yester day sent In contributions to the letter cariiers' fund, which will be used for the proper entei talnment of visitors to tho National Letter Carriers' conven tion: Mrs. S. It. Jones, Mrs. Dr. P. F Moy lan, Mrs. Dr. M. J. AVllllams. Mrs. AVIU lam Ii, Thomas, Mrs. Dr. J, .T. Sulli van, Mis. AV. E. Jenkins, Mrs. G. A. Blgelow, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. AVI11 lam T. John, Rev. John Kovvala, Mrs. Fred. AVelsser, Mrs. Henry liortcher, Mis. Tred. AA". Herman, Mis. Mary Scliunk, Mrs. Christian .AVIrth, J. F. AVardell. Mrs. P. AV. Costello, Mr?, James Drown, Mrs. Tt. F. KIrchener, Mrs. AA'. J. Morgan, Mrs. J. F. rnhren holt. Mis. II. J. Gunster, Mrs. Joseph Mack, Mis. John Flaherty, Miss Lizzie Needham, Mrs. James AV. Reese, Mrs. J. K. Smith, Mrs. L, E. Penman, Mis. II. 1'. Adams, Mrs. AVllllam MeClave, Mrs. Margaret Clark, Mrs. A. C. Houck, Mrs, A. D. Holland, Mis. Chailes Lof tus, Mrs. AVllllam Tate, Mrs. Mary Muldoon, Mis James Goodall, Mis J. Hetzel, Mrs. AV. AV. Ounlock, Mis. P E. Spellman, Mrs. D. J. Campbell, Mrs. M. Miller. Mrs. Eliza Davis, Mrs. N. Pino, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Miss AVInnie F. Haggerty, Miss E. A. Reese, Mrs. Loftus, Mrs. M. AV. Finn, Mis. II. AA Duescnberry, Mrs, AVllllam Connell, Mis. J. II. Ludwlg, Mis. Thomas Har rington, Mrs. Mahonev, Mrs. J. C. Clark, Mrs. August Astringcr, Mrs. Thomas AV. Caw ley, Mrs. Joseph Medei, sr., Mts. George Smithing, Mrs. Ezra H. Fein, Mis. Abda Abdella, Mis. J. J. Dalley, Mrs. M. J Regan, Mrs. Julia AA'ulsh, Miss U. AValsh, Mr. Thomas. Currle, Mrs August Bohr, Mrs. F. E. Ehrhardt, Mrs. Adam Neuls, Mrs. Eliza DaMs, Mis. Geoige Carr, Mrs. C. H. Cut veil, Mis. Robert Ralne, a friend. COUNTERFEIT QUARTER. It Is Not a Dangerous One and Is Easily Detected. A new counterfeit piece has found Its way Into circulation. It Is sup posed to represent a cpuarter, but beais on its face no btamp aud has no milling on its edge. It Is simply a round .smooth pleee- of metal that passes very ic.idlly for twenty-five cents. It is easily taken by merchants who make change lu a hut iy,and think, fiom Its binooth tace, that It Is a well wotn quarter. A way to detect the piece and to dis tinguish it fiom a eoln ot tho tealm It to look for the milling or little nolthcH mound the edge. The face of ti coin wears o.way nulcke.st and tho suprlous piece tan be readily dis tinguished by the edge. Tho new piece, which is evidently of nickel or Geinian Mlver, is a trllle nai rower than the genuine auarter. FUNERAL OF MRS. SCHULER. Held Tuesday Afternoon fiom the Residence in Dix Couit. The funeral of Mis. Emma Schiller, iims Fii'Old. wife of Philip SchultT, was held Tuesday afternoon trom the resi dence. 1030 Pl couit. The services we-te conducted by Rev. C. G. Spleker, o tho Holy Trinity Lutheran church, abslftecl by Rev. Mi. Zlzehnaim if Zlou Lutheinn chinch, who tuntlimed decea&ed thlity-one jears ago. The choir Horn Holy Tilnity Lutln -t.n church Kai.g seveiul selections The pullbeaters weie- MesM.s llhe, M.i teiinrtn, Xleineyer, Kara hT, Pen y and (iiindlock Tim flower In' in i wuj AVllllam Hammer. Many fritud .h tended and the floial olfeilng veio very beautiful H i ii ANOTHER PARISH FIXED UPON. Will Be Carved Out of the Cathedral Paiish. Ut. It-v. Bishop Hoban has divided to establish another parish In South Scranton and after Pastor the work of organizing tt will be taken up It will be caived out of the cathedral UP Dull S'umr"u- bVoncbitU, CoupIi Svrunsthr,"roatoruuf'f ""'S'1 Jlul'fectlon without fall. V ou cau alwuj s rely ou it. Trice only 35 cents. parish nnd will hi) bounded on the north und west by the Roaring biook, on tho fast by the city line and on the "outh bv tho line now dividing 1lf I'Hthedrul iiuilkh from St. John pui Ii!.. The exact silo of the church has no' been definitely decided upon, but prob ubtv will bo within the next few weeks. AS ltbln the lioundutles ot tho proposed palish aie about -too Catholic families. The erection of this nnilsh Is coiisldir ed netesary to lelleve the over-crowd ed condition of the cuthediul. At the T and S o'clock masses each Sunday tho cathedral Is not huge enough to ttc lonitnoilale the congiegatlon. PRESS CLUB BALL. Wilkos-Bauo's Big Event lo Take Flaco April T. The im ball of the AVllkes-Batie Press i tub wilt be held ut the Ninth Regiment uiuiorj In that city on Fil day, Apill T. As they huo In joins pist a number ot ScruntonlatiH will at tend, and the club baa made uruinge mentH to reserve tlnee boxes for box parties from this city and a nuuibei of reserved scats Tho muslo will be by Alexander's band and Oppoliholm's orehestiu, which will comblnn In a concert be fote the ball und then pluv ulternately ho that dancing will bo continuous. The decorations by Fuhtman, of Scran ton, will be chaimlng, and tho ball will piove the biggest event of Its kind In this part of the state. Tickets admitting gentlemen nnd two ladles, $2; extra ladles, CO cent-', boxes, $25. Orders for tickets can be ent tu the AA'llkes-Buno Press club DONATIONS TO DATE. Giateful Acknowledgment by tho Sister of the Good Shepherd. The Slstet of the Oood Shej'herd wish to thank tho "friend," who .sent the $1. This Is the only donation le ceivecl this month. Also to thank Mr. AV. O'Mnlley. of Providence for a bar rel of flour, Mr. M. J Kelly, a ban el of cinckeis, box of cakes, alo Miss Seahlll, of Providence, for bioad, two baskets of buns, doughnuts, etc, whoe charity and kindness are deeply appie ciated, AVe would be most grateful If our kind frlcnd.s when purchasing ham nnd eggs for Easter would leinember our poor ones. They Would Like to Know. The backcis of Michael Kane, of MInooka, would like to know if John TIguo Intends to accept their challenge for a twenty round bout to take plac nny date suitable for any amount of money. Conditions, if both men are ou their feet at the end of the twenty rounds there is no dec islon. They want to know as soon as possible. Seldom Late. The Lake Shoie Railway trains are almost Invariably on time, Mnco It car ries the malls for the United States government, and puts up a forfeit for every five minutes the trains are lte Passengers on tho Lake Shore Railway may be sure of 1 caching their dcstlui Hon on time. Smoke The Pocono Cigar, 3c. Tho AVllkes-Barro Record may bo had In Scranton at tho nevvf, stands of ltel mnn Brcs,, 404 Spruce und 7M Linden street; Mac, Luckavvunna avenue. For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of 2! ON Friday, Har. 24, Saturday, Mar. 25 ANU- Monday, Mar. 27 We invite the ladies ot' Scranton and vicinity to call aud inspect the New Spring Styles, Our stores will be closed after 12 o'clock today. wt SjZrjT - VW .. M. MI GRAND Hilary Opetii UidlftuDlUd I Manufactuietl by SHOlti1 Sc IliGUt:, r'o .JT Lackiuvamm Ave EI OIL MD TELEPHONE 622 141 to 149 Msridlai Sw SjnilJi, ?i mm lie lo PAINT DEPARTriENT. and Varnishes. Ill II, 20 Lackawantu hi., Scrantsj ?i Wholes ilu a tut Retail DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZING, Ready Hlxcd Tinted Paints, Conveulcnt, Kcononilcnl, Darubl. Varnish Stains, rioiluclnsrvrfoct Imltntlouar ICtpamtTi WooiU Raynolds' AVood Finish, Itupcclitlly Designed Tor Inslilj Wori Marble Ploor Finish, Dmublonnd Drtoi ejulolcty Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PIR: LIN5IE3 0L f.:iD TUSPEHTI'lS MIIECIEI3EISSIICSZIBEEgSllSEIIISE!eillIEllC I SPRING ! New Shapes, NevJ Palferns. I HANDS PAYNE, a On the Square 20.1 WaslilnRton Ave S Tli3 Riohart & Said3is)n Oil Co., SI, I I, Jill CULEiBRATGD IIONA SAFETY OIL, Inslit on Bettlni it. Miulo entlroly fiom Uiu Iionii e iiiilu llltfli (lra.lc I.ubrlcjtln uia Iljrntni; Oils of every description. ijji CUUlJsU AVh. After a Hat ? Then pet a good one it pays. Stetson Hats Are (cp-notch in liat-e::cL Hence. Their wonderful ivenrliiT nnwrrs kjS make them the best hal-invest-mcnli obtainable. Graceful new styles for Spring Stiff and Soft Hats ON SALE NOW AT T7 r C J1) -J .tS Laoxavau Ayj. 4- -f 4- --- --- Our Subject X -t- Is Two-Fold Safety for iiie Baby and Relief for Mother m-i fy.W:!.l t "f" crats-n 7 -J We is- iou whether or in' oor Hiby Walking anJ Nursery Cli.urs are not ono of tho best a-sit.iuti i mother can hae. A serious ilaner menaces every household wherj luby is at large and Is constantly watcheJ, and with one of our "tenders" babv i-. jirotected from thesj dangers which threaten them and incidentlv Rises relief to the motlier from cue and jp prehension at cuch turn.- a- she cm not attend persuna'lv tu th tlio child Stjlc ilhistrati'd .iliove of lurdnooJ OaK or iUahoany iin.'.h $2.50. Other Ihlnsi for baby aro CfinniJGESQND GO CARTS, SEE OURS 4- 4-4- 225-227 I PI l. to out of lonn tiijcri. "Til J " Mnu.tiecp:r4 flulJe " Write liiroop f 4 -t 'r -r f' r R MP QUO? rN . u 4i n n. jt 9-m D n U t n i B B " j BJ f h 4 OH " SI " flu IM iwa Ml mn L U N II II 11 . e- (. I , 1 i 4- Wyoming Ays. mz&ss'Z&m4M w J V rtrf hI Z ' 'Ss .ZAi IMOFIICTIIIIilG CO. - Pure White Lead, Colors BRIGATING OILS, A A .