THE SCRANTON TlUBUNii-THUJKSDAY, 1UAHC1I L'3, is:rj. L --.-'' - DAY'S DOINGS AT HARKISBURG Concluded from Paso 1.1 ecopo of the aforementioned reiolutlon which deflrcd Its power un.l Whereas, Precedents huvo been cstob llshed 1)V this houso for n all of the members of the houso to appear nnd Give testimony berore committees nppolntcd for slmlla- purposes, o wit: Tho com mittee appointed In iv'. to Investigate charges of corruption in connection with the bill known ns tho "Plttsburij riot bill" ntnl tho comtnltteo appointed In 1SS1 to ln vcstlKatc tlio ehurfics of corruption In conrnctlon with bill known ns tho "boom hill," and Whereas, It I the desire of this com mittor to lenin the sense of the hon.f. In nwiiit to calllt'i? each member of the houso for tho purpose of etvlng testimony, therefore, bo It Resolved, That the committee is hereby uuthorlzed and empowciod to summon each member of the house of repicseu tiitlvos ns their mimes occur In alphabet ical order on the roll of the house, to appear beforo tho said committee and make answer under oalh to Mich ques tions ns the ci mmltlee may i"ectn proper nml pertlnenl in tli" siiblcet mailer iiu ler lnvetlKutlon. piovlded. however, that ii nv member who Is desirous of uppenr Inu voluntarily before the committee shall be pel mil ted sr to do. Mr. Tow I or. of Forest, snlil the vast majority of the members of the house me honorable men and they tiuqht not in be drugged before this committee. Tho resolution Is a slur on tho house mid It otmht to be voted down. I'hnli'innn Fow said tho resolution was prepared by a suh-commltteo of ill- committee consisting of Messrs. liKnn nnd McClaln, nnd handed to him ,1ust before It was offered. Mr. Skin ner, of Fulton, was perfectly willing" t ii rii before the committee, but ho thought every member shoiiid not '.ie ailed before It. Me moved to nmena the revolution to give the committee power tn summon before it any mem bers whom It may desire to hear. Mr. Adams, of Philadelphia, said the resol ution was an Insult to every member of the house. Mr. MeCluIn, of L.'iu Lister, dee'ared the committee had no desire to "wltewnsh" or "blackwash'" anybody and that this resolution wim offered In Justice to Itself and for Its future guidance. Completely Vindicated. Mr. Young, of Tioga, a member of the committee, said the resolution was offered to ascertain the sense of the house as to the future course of tho committee In the Investigation. Mr. Towler, of Forest, said everv member of tho house on whom suspicions weio i asl by the press has been vindicated by the testimony adduced by ihe com mittee. Mr. Young replle.l that tlio i ommltteo wes not after any member of the house, but after the persons who approached members of the house. Mr. DlNon, of 1'lk, a member of the com. mitler. In rt ply to Mr. Adams, said the ommltteo had no Intention uf Insult ing the members of the house The resolution was offered because there wn a difference In the minds of the lommlttee as to whether It had the tight to call every member of the house and It was for Instruction and direc tion from the house that the resolution was offered. Mr. Konntz, of Somerset, n member "f tho committee, said It was a gieal mistake to sav that all the evidence was furnished UN- the press. Two membeis of the house, whose honor and Integrity cannot be Impeached. have com" before the committee nnd i-v"ie that thy were corruptly ap proached to vote for the reconsidera tion of the McCnnell Jury bill. When two members of the house have come before the committee and told their story why should the other members net appeal' before the committee, and like Honest Ensler and Cliste tell whether they were conuptly ap proached. Mr Skinner said as a mutter of iniirtesy to the committee and to le brve It fiom any responsibility in the nivoMlgatlnn he would withdraw his amendment. He would give thu house a chance to place Itself on record ns in how the Investigation shall con tinue. Mr. Baldwin, of Delaware, re-offered the amendment as offered by Mr. Skinner. The amendment was defeat ed by a viva voce vote. The resolution was then adopted by a viva voce vote. Bills Approved. llutrlfcburg. March ii. Governor Stone todav approved the following bills: House bill making constables of bor iiglis nnd townships ex-ullleio lire, irame and fish wardens and prescrib ing their duties, tlxlng their fees as wardens and prescribing their punish ment for falluie to perform their duties. Senate bill appropriating J1T.50U Tor lie payment of the deficiencies In the pprnprlatlon to the I'.sh commission tor the venr beginning June 1. 1S97, and iillng .Miiv 31, 1S!W House bill authorizing the state Mvasuter to give credit for or refund lain taxes erroneously paid Into the -tuto treasury. Senate bill abolishing boards of health In cities of the first-class. Senate bill establishing bureaus of b'-iilih in cities of the ilrst-class. Evening Session, llurilsburg. March 22 -Revenue bills mi second reading occupied the ntteu Hon of the house this evening. The act pinvidliig revenue by Imposing a taj; on beer, ale and portei was read for tho -eond time and met with no opposi tion. Such, however, was not tho case FINANCIAL. LaBAR & FULLER BROKERS. OUcst KstablislieJ Mouse In the City. Dealers in STOCKS. COTTON, OKAIN and PROVISIONS, on margin o.- lordellvory. OPPICU: Rooms 309 and 310 Hoard of TraJe Iluildlnz, tcranton, I'.t. L. G. LA BAR. L F. FILLER Our Removal Sale Cannot List much longer because we take possess. on of the Rexford building April i. There is an immense stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS yet to be disposed of. No legitimate offer will be refused. Do not delay if selection you may make ;in be stored by us iu our lir. for 30 days, nnnTIimnr 0 Cit rKlllnrnllr Al llll. IOAMQC iW,hl,n.n, unnnn I IIU I llhllVb V Wll UT'IUU llfDIIIIglUil hlOIIUO with the Creasy bill when it wan called up by Hit author. The Hectlon taxing tho cross premiums of foreign Insur ance companies doing business In the stntc four per centum per annum, met with no little opposition. Mr. Creasy moved to amend by making tlio tax two per cent., Instead of four per cent. He thought that a tax of rmtr per cent um wns exorbitant nnd that If it was retained in the bill, other states would retaliate on Pennsylvania's insurance companies. This opinion wan also voiced by Mr. Olareno . who added that after all tho insured could even tually pay tho increased tax or eUo It would drlvo foreign insurance com panies out of the state. Mr. Ullss took an opposite view of the subject. He said that the four per cent, tax iron not too high nnu he de clared he hoped no member would bo Influenced by a "pnld lobby or by ad vocates on the floor or the Poure of Insurance companies." Similar asser tions were made by Mr. Baldwin, and after some additional debate, Mr. Skin ner moved to further amend by malting the tax on the gross premiums three per cent. This was voted down by a i a voce vote, and Mr. Creasy's amendment tr reduce the tax to two per i cnl. also met with defeat, thu nays beir.c; 7 and tho yeas 53. These bills among others, also passed second reading: Levying a direct inheritance tax on personal property; nn amendatory act authorizing the function of corporations for any unlawful purpose not other wise specifically provided for by act of assembly. The following bills were read In place: .Mr. Moore, of nutlr, requiring auction eers In counties having a population of less than 73,000 to pay an nnnuul tax of 3," a year. Mr. Meals, of Dauphin, npproptlntlng $200,000 to the Pennsylvania state lu natic hospltnl. The house adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. BROWN CREATED A FLURRY. Senator from Westmoreland At tempts to Solve the Deadlock. Hurrlsburg, March 22. The vole for United States senator In the fifty-fifth ballot today was ns follows: Quay ... Jenks .. Dalzell . Stewart. Irvtn ... Stone .. Huff .... Hltcr ... Wldenor Tubbs. . Smith .. Markle . (Trow .. IS I Total 21ft Necessary to a choice, 110; paired and nut voting, 34; no election. Alter tho vote had been announced Senator John H. Brown, of Westmore land, created a Hurry by offering a resolution, which if adopted M47.ild have speedily dissolved tho senatorial dead lock. The resolution provided that commencing today the Joint assembly shall on Tuesday nnd "Wednesday of each week have two Joint r.essions i rlnllv nml fe.mi nnd nftni- iwlnv 1-1. , name of anv candidate other than fhoso nnnit oi an caiuiui.ue otnei tnan tnos. mm iippi-tuiiii, uii me journal snan noi be ViUed for. nnd at the close of each ballot the name of the candidate hav ing Hie lowest number of votes shall be dropped in their order from the list of candidates until the mimes of only two candidates shall remain on the list and the ballot shall thus continue until tho names of only two candidates shall remain on the list and the ballot shall thus continue null! a United States sen. utor shall be elected. Representative John II. Fow, of Phil adelphia, raised the point of order that the resolution was out of order because it conllicted with the act governing the election of a United States tenator. Before Lieutenant Governor Clobin had a chance to pass upon Mr. Fow's point a motion to adjourn was carried and this ended the matter. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. "Sowing the Wind." Those who witnessed the perform ai.e.. of "Sowing the Wind" when pre sented in this city last season will no doubt avail themselves of seeing it iitrnln nt the Academy of Music lor the remainder of the week, be ginning today. One Is apt to asso ciate with the name of Grundy every thing that is prim arid prudish. But "Powlnc the Wind" Is a play In tho wilting of which "Mrs. Grundy" was evidently not consulted. The play deals with a delicate subject. It Is one of the mollis of the play that It duals ivlth a delicate subject without being indelicate. It is most thoroughly hu man. 1 Is so human that Its interest is Irresistible. To appreciate them one must fee It acted. Rosenthal's Appearance. Musicians and society people of the city will no doubt be pleased that Man ager Long has been ahle to llx upon April 12, the week following Easter, for the appearance in Scranton of tlio great pianist, Rosenthal, who ha3 cre ated a furore In musical circles of New York that has not been equalled since the palmy days of Paderewskl. As Rosenthal will accept few engagements outside of the largest cities, it Is prob able that the seating capacity of thi Lyceum will be taxed to accommodate the audience that will be gathered t'loin the city and surrounding towns. To Cure a Cold in One Day take. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if It falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. PILES- ITCHING, BLIND AND BLEEDING-CTRED In three- to six nights. Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is peer less In curing. One application gives In stant relief, it cures nil Itching ami ir rltutlng hkln diseases, Chafilng. Lcze. ma, etc. 35 cents. Sold by .Matthews Bros, and W. T. Clark.-C3. u wish to save money. Any 1 to have them stored, cau stock room, free of charge Furniture Manufacturers, THE MARKETS. Wall Streot Review. New York, March 22. Tho stock market hud n highly professional ap pearance today, with marked Irregular ity In the specialties where, interest centered and moderate. Improvements In tho railways, which were comparative ly neglected. An easier tendency ap peared early, sympathetically with London quotations, nnd prices moved nervously In the general market, while among the specialties fluctuations were In many cases sensational. Sugnr, after a slight rally, broko to IBS and then rallied, moved about aimlessly and llnnlly Jumped to 109, eased off but re tained (jifc points of Its ndvance. Brook lyn Transit dropped off sharply, but recovering, left off fractionally above yesterday's figures. Manhattan was lifted over 3 points. Third Avenue re gained much of Its loss of yesterday, closing 8 points higher on the day. Con solidated Cns dropped 7 points, half of which It regained. Continental To bacco and American Tobacco declined 4'H and 2U respectively and left off at the lowest. New York Air Brake plunged down 14 points on small offer ings and recovered only ;i. General Klectrlu broke over .1 points, although a slight rally followed. American Steel and Wire was strong and Federal Steel was sympathetically so to n lesser ex tent. The anthracite coalers, particu larly tho Headings and Jersey Central, made material progress upward until .eallzlng in the Headings caused nn (as.'ngoff from the best. The grangers showed a somewhat hardening tend ency and the market closed strong. Total sales were 053,100. Oood support was noted in some quarters of the bond list, but there was liquidation In other sections which caused some Irregularity. The in creased case to call money Influenced more general buying of the better known semt-speculntlve mortgages. Total sales were $2,750,000. By J. n. I.. Can Ington &. Co. New York.. March 22. The market opened fractionally higher and fairly strong. Sentiment seemed to he some what mixed, traders holding oft to sos what tho movement In Sugar nnd tho other speculative fancies were likely to be. before taking n firm stand on the market, Brooklyn Hnpld Transit opened off at a decline of 2 per cent, but quick ly recovered Its loss. After the first 13 minutes, buying In (he coalers, American Steel and Wire and the Grangers start ed a sharp upward movement which ex tended pretty well throughout the list. London did very little at opening, trading In but 2,oi)ii shates selling their specialties for the must part.. They bought some I'lilon I.iclllcs, selling Ontario and West ern, Heading preferred nnd Atchison preferred. Steel and Wire has shown quiet absorption for the last four or live (lays by lnsldr Interests, and while It may sell off a bit from present prices, pur chasers who will hold, will llnd the stock selling in the eighties long before the year Is past. The company Is doing a large business nnd on Its merits tho stock Is very much too low. Money was quiet up to the noon hour lending ns high as 0 per cent, and ns low ns 2'2 per cent., affecting the list very little. Tho market was unsettled, during part of the day by u sharp break In Gen eral Electric which wns affected by spe dal cause. Air Power, which wo called your attention to yesterday was particu larly strong tn the outside market nnd we make the prediction now that It will .-.ell above ISO within the next three months. The stock Is very closely held bv people nituuiieu wun me company ami oi tno very highest financial standing and as un Investment to hold, we know nothing to show such appreciation of value as the ' Mock of this comnnnv. Around the noon I hour, the market appeared somewhat dull , ma shoved an underlying strength which. considering the adverse conditions is most encouraging. We think, ourselves, that the market may sell off somewhat from present prices. It Is apt to be unset tled and the movements except 'n spe clal Instances somewhat erratic, until af ter the middle of next month, but there can be no question as to the ultimate outcome nnd purchases of Burlington and Oulncy, Coalers. Union Pacific, Federal Steel, common and preferred and Steel and Wire and Tin Plato If hold will show large profits. Pennsylvania railroad wo desire to call your attention to specially. The stock Is not uctlve nt moment and Is steady around 132. If It can be purchased any where near 130. It may be bought with full nssuranco that It will sell above ICO be tween now and early summer. It Is by far the best security selling anywhere near Its present price and Is undoubtedly both In physical nnd financial condition and as to management the greatest rail road In the country. Its stock Is ridicu lously low, considering the outlook and Its merits. The feature of the market In the lust hour was the continued strength In Brooklyn Rapid Transit and Manhat tan. The strength of the former was at tributed to rcnewid buying by Flower In terest: to the latter to covering of shorts of which there Is considerable. The coal stock continued active and strong up to the close. The balance of the list being dull and Inactive. Market closed strong. Quotations furnished by LABAR & FULLER, stock, grain and cotton brok ers. roins 209 and 210, Board of Trade building, Scranton. Pa. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. tn?. Am. lot. un asj Am. Sug. Reg Co ..tfil Atch.. To. & S. Pe .. 21U A.. T. & S. F.. Pr .. 3'J'J '7ii 109 2i; 210 Lis 20'i 207H 173 20'S 60' i 2i)7'i ils la1. 3s 117 Am. Tohacco Co 210 Am. S. tt W . Brook. R. T. .. Can. Southern N. J. Central . ('lies. & Ohio Chic. A- G. W . Chic. & N. W Chic. B. & Q 6'jn. bT 021,4 .107-1, 1011'h I03I4 5s 57?i 117'i. 115 ...115 27 2-1 2' i.v; is'; 1: H7?i 147'f. !' .... 15 ....147'!. .'' ....1411 IIP', 140 140 Chic, Mil. & St. P ..127?i V2 127?i lLS'i Chic. R. I. & P 1171; m 11 117U ( inc., Kt. i'. .m. .- u. :i: ! 92 9.; C. C. C. A- St ssu r.s4 5s r.s Con. Gas Dehiujio & Hud V.. L. v. W N. V.. 1.. E. .1 W Fed. Stffl, Pr .. Fed. St. el. Com . Gen. Hleetilo ... 212'- 212'' 2oi; 210 115 IPi'I 113 110 107 IIS 107 ItiS IHi 141. 14'i lPi S7 S 87 87' i 52 53 1 i 52 025, '-"a 117 117U I13i 0.K T4 Ci 1151'j Louis. & Nash (13'i Manhattan Ele 107'i IIOU 1n7 11oi M.., TM.rtln Cft ' "V.1 "".11. '".? "-.II:. M. K. A- Tex., Pr .. :K 3Si; '.IS'; ZS'i ass; 4.-V; Mo. Pacific 40 40 Nat. I-ead N. Y. Central Out. & West Nor. Pacific Nor. Pacllic. Pr ... Paclllc Mull People's Gas Phil. & Rend P. & R.. 1st Pr Southern R. It.. Pr. Tenn., C. it Iron ... Texas & Pacific ... Union Paclllc ... . 331 2 501 1 7S 17T :;p-, 135',s 2S I MU 7S..5 45',; 2H4 07' 3 I')', 52-13 21'. 4H'j 81 SlKj 3HJ 135'j 274 50'i 7&V, 47';, HS'i 21 Wli 40 52' 3 2H4 41114 SO1! 50'1 71J 214 53'i 135 Vk 27',-j 50 7S 47T lis',; 23, IBU is5; 51 'H "I'd 4fiU W' 501; 71 21M IIS3, 21', 5'J 23',! 111", S0V ml 71 i 21 1 pi'i. Union I'.ie.. fr U. S. Rubber U. S. Leather. Pr . Wabash. Pr West. Union ii". 9.V, CHICAGO BOARD OI.' TRADE. Open- High. Low- Clo lug. est. est. Inc. WHEAT. May duly CORN. May July OATS. May July PORK. May July L ARD. May July ii' Wz ii" GSli i,!i 1 V Set '.m 2ii :ii 9.05 9.17 5.50 0.12 35', 3C'J 20i 2Pi 9.00 9.17 5. 30 5. 12 .HJ4 SPi 2 Pi R.95 P. 15 6.27 5.12 2P4 f.OD 0.15 5.50 5.42 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. . ,8J9CK.5- nid. Asicd. Hcrnniiin .v i-iiiBion jmc. en. Klist Nullonal Bank Elmhurst Boulevard Heranlon Savings Bank Scranton Packing Co Third National Bank Throop Novelty Mtsr. Co Scranton Hallway Co Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank Economy Light, Heut ie Pnw- er Company Scranton Illuminating, Heat & Power Company Scranton Forging Co Traders' National Bank i.ui'ku. Lumber Co 2") So0 ;.: m 235 ... ' 5S5 . . . W 30 2iH) ... IS S5 ... 100 130 ... . 150 150 ... ... 11514 80 Lack. Trust & Safe Dp. Co.. MooU- MountiilnCom Co i Scranton Paint co . The People's A POPULAR CLEANING HOUSE for tlio IJoiuIlt of All Who Have Houses to Kent, Hcnl Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help These Sntnll Advertisement) Out One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Arj In sorted 1'Yee. FOR RENT HOUSE 1'Olt HENT-NO. CU N. WASH Ington avenue, 11 rooms and bat'i room, largo yard: will be put in lino order. Apply at 637 Linden street. VERY DESIRABLE EIOHT-ROOM room houso in tho 600 block Madison avenuo; ull improvements, luqulro 122 South Seventh street. voli iu:nt-5os jefi'erson avenue. Inquire R. W. WALKKIt, !.. I" W. depot. FOIl RENT-TWO ELEGANT KIVE room flats; all modern Improvements: steam hint; possession April 1; rent $11 and f 17 per month. Inquire nt DoWltt's I'lioto Parlors, 433 Spruco street. i '()MS: MODERN IMPROVE i on' rent, 1020 Capotise avenue. 1 . (J f.KT-KIGUT ROOMS AND .nil, new furnace. Near nil (icpois No. lla Mullierry. C. 1.. Jlercernu Wyoming avenue. 130 FOR RENT TEN-ROOM SINGLE houso; Improvements; 518 I'lno streot. Call at O. H. Jadwln's. FOR RENT-LARGE HARN; CAN AC commodato 52 horses. Inqulro of Moses Hros. & Co., 316 I.ackawnnnii avenue. DARN KOIl RENT - AIH't.Y DR. I.tickcy, 511 Washington avenue. I HOUSE FOR RENT INQFIRE OF HAH ry Spencer at Stevens' Cash Store, Dunmore. FOR RENT-HOUSES NOS. 330 AND 332 North Wf shlnglon avenue, below city building. Suitable for physicians' olllces and residence. Apply to Henry llcll:i, Jr., 401 Council Building. FOR RENT-STORE ROOM. NO. 207 North Washington avenue, lormerly occupied by J. W. Guernsey. Steam bent, elevator, rear entrance. For terms apply to Jones Hros., 311 Lackawanna avenue. FOR RENT TWO FLOORS iOxfO; heat Included; centrally located; low rent. Inquire 137 Penn avenue. FOR RENT -HOUSE C21 MADISON avenue; steam heat; every conveni ence. Apply Owens Bros., OU Madison avenue. OFFICES IN COMMONWEALTH Building; single rooms mid suites for term of years with vault". One suite of six connecting offices with three vault or three suites of two mllees, each with vault. Modetate prlco. Hellnlshed to suit tenants. Inqulro at room COD on Cth floor. FOR RENT-DESK ROOM OR SHARE of olllces. second floor, front. Coal Exchange. Call at room 15. FOR RENT Qulncy. SECOND FLOOR, 701 FOff SALE FOR SALE-BED ROOM FURNITURE, in line sircei. FOR SALE-MOSLER SAFE, NEARLY new; double doors; a bargain. 323 Washington avenue. MEAT BUSINESS FOR SALE AT A sacrifice. Address A, Tribune otllco. FOR SALE-PIANOS AND ORGANS AT Guernsey Brothers' rooms, 7-S Burr building. Goods the best, prices the low est, terms the easiest. A call will con vince all. DESIRABLE LOTS ON COLFAX AVE nuo. For particulars address Box 315, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE-TEN R-I-P-A-N-S FOR 5 cents at druggists. Ono gives relief. FOR SALE OR RhNT. FOR SALE OR RENT-SINGLE HOUSE. C05 Qulncy avenue; city steam; selling price. $i.5mi; rent. S10 per month Including steam heat. G. F. Reynolds. Clark & Snover Co,, Com Clark & Snover Co.. Pr Carson Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scr. Iron Fenco & Mfg. Co ... BONDS. Scranton Pass Railway, first mortgage, due 1)2') People's Street Railway, tlrst mortgage, due 191S People's Street Hallway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co ... Lacka. Township School 5.. City of Scranton St. Imp. h Ml. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works Scranton Traction C70 bonds... Carson Coal Co 4on 125 100 SO 100 115 ... 113 ... 115 100 102 102 S3 1U0 105 ino Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, March 22. Wheat Firm and lc. higher; contract grade, March, 71U7P4C. Corn Frm and ic higher; No. 2 mixed March, 3S',4a3SVic Oats Firm; No. 2 whlto clipped, 35a:(i',sc. ; No. :i do. do., 33a3'l".c. ; No. 2 mixed, do., 33a32'i:C. Butter Film and '-c. higher; t.mcy west ern creamery, 22c. ; do. prints, 23c. Eggs Firm; fresh, nearby, 13'..c. ; do. western, 14e. ; do. southwestern, 13i2c. : do. south ern, 13c. Chcesi Unchanged. Refined Sugars Steady. Cotton Firm and 'e. higher; middling uplands, ii n-ltic. Tal low uQlet; city prime, In hogsheads, P411 l'ic. ; country do. do., barrels. 4'4c. ; dark, do., 4e. ; cakes, 5c; grease, 24a.5lae. Llvo Poultry Dull and easier; fowls, Hal2e. ; old roosters, 7aSe. ; young chickens, 11a 12c: ducks. Hal2e. ; geese. Dnliio. Dressed Poultry Firm: fowls, choice, 12c; do. fair to good. Uall'te.; old roosters, 8c; young chickens, cholco 12a 13c. ; do. fair to good, OalOc. ; turkeys, choice to fancy, 12al2c ; do. fair to good. S.UOc; ducks, choice. 10a 11c: common, do.. tuSe. Receipts Flour, 2.000 barrels nnd 3.000 sacl's: wheat. COoO bushels; corn. l.l't.oOO bushels; oats, 21,000 bushels. Shipments wnent. i..i"o lnih els; corn, 37.0m) bushels; oats, 17 0A bush els. New York Grain nnd Produce Market. New York, March 22. Flour-uQiot but firm and held above buyers' figures. Wheat Spot llim: No. 2 red, Sl-V-. ( o. b.. afloat to arrive; No. 1 northern Du luth. M'.e., f. o. b.,; options opened stronger but later experienced a setback; the market closed rather linn. However, with a late recovery at 'alc net advance; on the curb May jumped to 75c. on fur ther active buying by shorts: Marih closed !tsic: May, 74'ic; July. 7.1a,c. ; Sep tember, 71c. Corn Spot steady ; No. 2, 42',4a43'jiC., f. o. b., atloat: options opened strong and was under control ull day; closed strong at 3c. nut advance. Stay closed 40'ic; July. 40c. Oats Spot tinn er' Non. 2, 323,a33c: No. 3, 32'4c; No. 2 white, :Bjc: No. 3 do., 34'ic; track white. 35a3S'sc; track mixed, western, 32'j.a.'!lc; options dull. Ruttei Firm: western creamery. 10i2n22c. ; do. factory. 12.iHc; Elgin. 22c; imltntlon creamery, Piija 10i.;.a22c Eggs Firmer: stntc and Penn li'ic. ; state dairy. HuSOe. ; do. crenmery, sylvanln, ItHc: western fresh. lPje.; southern. 13al4c. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago, Morch 22. Fresh buying torlnv In consequence of tho unscnsonablv cold weather and the Increasing belief that thu whiter plnnt has suffered Injury strengthened wheat. Ma .lomd with a gain of lulUo. Corn Improved sjp. and outs '.yo. Pork rose 5e. and laid and ribs loft off a shade higher. Cash ouotatlons were as follows' Flour Bettor demand and stendler; No. 2 spring wheal, 67iit.'ii. ; No. a do. do.. U.!nfi7'vc ; No. 2 red, 70a71c; No. 2 corn. ;:iKn"4i4c. ; No. 2 yellow, SPic; No. 2 oats. 2714a2Sc; No. 2 white, 3n.i:MP.e.; No. '! do., 2B'vii30e. ; No. 2 rye. lc. ; No. 2 barley, 3ulfc; No. flax. l.1: N. W., 1.31's; prime timothy seed, $2.10;. mci-s pork. JS.MaS.90; lard. !5.!7tnfi.20: short lib, $l.40n1.W: dry salted shoulderds, l'i 4'e.; shoit clear, Jl.15ul.95; whiskey. 11.20; pugars, cut loaf, S5.S3; granulated. $5.23. New York Live Stock Market. Now York. March 22. Beoves Fair; prices generally .steady; bulls llrm; me dium to good steers. $l.75a5,25; tops. J5.05; oxen und stogg, f2.50al; bulla, J3.50at.l0; Exchange. WANTED. WANTED - SIX OR SEVEN ROOM housu with Improvements; privilege of terminating leaso on 30 days notice, providing tenant inovts from the city. Hyde I'ark or Green Ridge preferred. Address immediately with particulars, 'Tenant," care Tribune olllce. WANTED-CASE OF HAD HEALTH thnt R-I-P-A-N-S will not bcncllt. Send B cents to Rlpans Chemical Co., New Yoik.for 10 samples nnd 1,000 testimonials. HELP WANTED -FgVT A LE. wantedgTrTTT work. Address Git Cherry street, city. YOUNG GIRL WANTED AT IDEAL Lunch Room, 107 Wyoming avenue. LADIES TO EMHROIDER-GOOD PAY- lng. easy wotk sent to your home; write for sarnplo and materials. Fiilqiio Embroidery Co., 102 Fulton St.. New York. REAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU PROPERTY FOR SALE OR exchange, stocks or goods to dispose of? List with J. L. TRACY, real cstnto exchange, Waverly, N. Y. FOR SALE, CHEAP-VALUABLE Bus iness property on Marlon street, be tween Cnpouse and 1'enn avenues, con taining about 115 feet frontage, with meat market, barn, shoo shop nnd leo house. If sold possession given at once. L. P. Wcdeman, 227 Washington avenue. FOR RALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 2.ri Colfax nvcrue; Just ci mpleted. All modern Improvements. Herdwood finish, sanitary plumbing, electric lights, etc. Prlco reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Broadway, New York city. FURNISHED FllONT ROOM FOR rent In uulet house, ono or tivo chil dren. Address, W. 1. S., Tribune olllce. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GEN tlemen. 410 Adams avenue. FOR RENT-PLEASANT F'tNlSHED rooms; conveniences. Rooms from 'I.jO up, 522 Mulberry street. BOARDING. GENTLEMAN CAN FIND BOARD with private family. Homo comforts. 213 N. Main avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY "SAFETY fN SPECULATION"-$100 IN vetted by my "Safe Method" In Grain or Stocks has paid 91.000 profit within 30 days. References furnished. Write for particulars Immediately. Richard Oliver, Hanker and Broker, Chicago Stock Ex change, Chicago. WANTED-PARTNER WITH $500. LEGI- tlmate manufacturing business; no competition, no risk. Orders on hand will net $745 prollt. Address W. Riley, Tribune. TmTSCRANTON GAS AND WATER Co. nnd tho Hyde I'nrk Gas Co.. tn ac cordance with tho policy of these com panies to reduce rates from time to time as may bo warranted by Increased con sumption, notice Is hereby given that on and after April 1, next, Ihe prlco of gas will be one dollar and ten cents per ono thousand cubic feet consumed, subject tn the following discounts: Five per cent, on nil bills where the consumption for the month amounts to less than twenty ilvo dollars: ten per cent, on all bills where tho consumption for tho month amounts to twenty-live dollais and up wards. Provided tho bill Is paid on or before the 20th day of the mouth In which the Mil lt presented. By order of the board. G. B. HAND. Secretary. LEGAL. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET lng to authorize Increase of capital stock. Thcro will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the llawley Elec tric Light and Power company at the of llce of the company, on Monda. May 15th, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of voting for or against an Increase of the capital stock of the company. MARK K. EDGAR, Secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-BY A BOY 10 old, willing to work In office or store; can furnish ricommendatlon. Ad dress. Blight, Honest und Willing, In care of Tilbune. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OUT BY the day washing or cleaning, washing and Ironing taken home. Call or address L. II., 5.11 North Sumner avemn. SITUATION WANTED-BY A GOOD girl at general housework. Call at 1501 Mousey uvenue SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged gardner or any kind of work. Can care for horses. Address (Jus Schmelssncr, 411 Hickory street, city. YOUNG MAN OF STRICTLY TE.MPER iile habits and good morals di-olrcs a position of trust und responsibility. Verv best of references. Address Homer D. Pease, 03!) Washington nve. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING. Ironing or any kind of house cleaning bv the day or will take washing home. Mrs. Lee. side door. 420 Franklin avenue. SITUATION AVANTED-BY A YOUNG man, bus had three years experience In the grocer?' business. Would like to collect and take orders or travel for .1 re liable cigar linn; can furnish reference. Address Hustler, 1424 Capouso ave., city. A MIDDLE AGED LADY WANTSA situation ns nurse girl in family of two or three children: can give besl of references. Address Mrs. C. u. It., 910 Union street, city. cow S2.15al. Calves Mnrket actlvc; steiidv to 23c. higher: poor to prime veals, J4.50a7.50; choice. J7.C2'.ia7.75; tops. JS; ted calves, J.1.50al. Sheet) and Lambs Market active and firm; good lnmbs, 15c. higher; common to choice sheep, $3.a.i3.23; culls, $2.75a3; good dipped sheep. J4.10; unshorn lambs, j5.50uii.75; prime clipped do., 5.75; dipped cull. Jl; spring lambs. J3a 7.50. Hogs Slow but llrm at l.15,il... Chicago Live Stock Market. Chlfjigo. March 22. Cattle Excessive! supply and prices averaged Ku . lower; choice beeves excepted, they buing scarce. Fancy en t tie, J5.80.ui: enolce steers. J5.5Ca"i.7": imdlum do., Jl.75a5; beef do., $3.90.-11.70; stockers and feeder;., J.'1.50a 4.75; cows and helfeis, $:i.U)a4.2H; cjles, $'laV)a7.15. Hogs Trade active with pilcr ruling !'(. higher. Alter early strengtli a weaker feeling developed and the Im provement wns nil lost. 1'nlr I ehnlee, wna:i.92'j: heavy packing lots. $i.5HaJ.7"Ji; butchers, $3.i;5a3.W; light. $3.Vi.i3 S2'.: pigs, J3.23ii5.70. Sheep Good demand desiilto continued llbern.1 offerings nnd prices rose rapidly i-howlng ndvance of We In two days. Sheep brought 11.2a5; l.un.i.:. $l.50al.90; chiefly. 5t.5ft. and clipped wcm eru lambs, W 2l. Receipts Cuttlf. Wm head; hogs. DO.ciV) head: sheep, 15.tHj head. Buffalo Llvo Stock Market. East Buffalo, March 22. Ciiitle--;-ti'id-. Hogs Active; good to choice Yorld rs and light mediums. $1.10; roughs, J.i.."iiia.i.t.O; plgH. fair to choice, J;.?.VU. Sheep and Lambs Easy and lower; lambs, cholco to extra. $"!afi.20; culls nnd common, H.5o.i; heep, choice to selected wethers, $l.Wu5. mils and common. Jlal.V,. Oil Market. Oil City. Ph., March ','2.-Ceilll bal. ances, $1.13: certlflcatoH closed Jl.ll'u bid lor cash; J1.12 bid for April delivery; shipments, 09,017 barrels; runs, 95.M7 bar rels; average shipments, 77,5o0 barrels; average runs, 70.560 barrels PROFESSIONAL. AnCHITECTa EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Comioll building, Scranton. K. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of C0i Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce Bt., cor. Wash, nv., Scranton. FREDERICK L. HHOWN. ARCHITECT. Price building, 120 Washington uveniie. Scrunlon. T. I. LACEY Ai SON, ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Hank. dentists' ' DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRt vate Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. I REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUHACII. 115 Wyoming nve. WELCOME ('. SNOVER. 3.11 Washington avenue. Hours, 9 to 1, and 2 to 5. HAT MANUrACTUnSR. TOLLES. 403 SPRUCE STREET.MAKKS your hut to older and they lit. MOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FR.vNIC llu avenue. Rates reasoi able. P. CEtQLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR U., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted 011 the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. f.WVEflS FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Couiiscllor-at-Law, Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington r-venue. WILLAHD. WARREN Sc KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue. Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at Law. Commonwealth building. 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Rooms 514, 515 nnd 610, Board of Trade building. D. P. REPLOGLE, ATTORNI'lY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears' building, corner Washington avenuo aud Spruce street. JAMES J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. 301 Commonwealth building, Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 901-MI, Jth floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRES. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. P)2 Board of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building. Scranton, Pa. PATERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Hank building. C. COMEGYS, building. 9-13 REPUBLICAN A. W. HERTHOLF, Mears" building. ATTORNEY, PHYSICtANS AND SUrtQeOVS MARY A. SHEPIIERDrM. D." HOME opathlst, No. 22s Adams avenue. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WAS1I Ington nvenue. DR. L. M. GATES. BOOMS, 207 AND COS Hoard of Trade Building. Olllce hours, 8 to 9 a. 111.. 2 to 3 and 7 to S p. 111. Resi dence, 3n9 Madison avenue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST 'N Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Ollleo telephone 1303. Hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUN. OFFICE KW Washington avenue. Resilience, 131S Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys nnd genllo-uiinar'y or gans a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. 111. W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR genn. Horses. Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 121 Linden street. Scranton. Telephone 2C72. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business, opens Sept. 12. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thom as M. Calin. LL. D., Walter H. Buell. A. M. sceos G. R. CLARK &- CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 110 Washington ave nue: green house. 1330 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 72. WIRE SCRUCNS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Who Screens. MICCZLLWVEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings und concert work furnished. For terms, address It. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ivenue, over llulberi's music store. MUGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplk-s, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Wnrehotli-e. 13(1 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. MRs!'l!"t. KELLER. S'VLlTmCAT bent. 50c; sli.impoolig. .Mie. ; facial massage, manlcuiliig. 2... ; ihitop.idy. 7dl (ii!lne . CITY SCAVENGER A.B. BH1GGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess poois, no odor. Improved pumps used. A. IlKIGUS. Piopnetor. Lcavo orders 1100 North Main avenue, j or Eicko's drug store, corner Adams and 1 1 ..II.a..i. irli,lilinnn O'.ill RAILROAD TIME TABLES LcliiRli Valley Ksillroa.l. Ill Ell'eet Feb. .". iSWl. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For li.nadellihla and New Yoik i.i D 11. R. R. at T..I5 a. ill. and 12.u.i. 2.1. I .7 Black Diamond Express, and I1.:w p. ni. Suiulavs. D. 1 II.. 1.34. 7.1 p. m. Fur White Haven. Hazlelon aud inin clpal points In the coal regions la 1). .v. II. R. It., ii.43. 2.1S and 4.27 p. 111. For Pottsvllle, 0.45, 2.1-. p. m. For Bethlehem, Knstun, Reading, lisburg und piluclpal Intermeiiiate -ti-tlons la D. - II. R. It.. C.15 a. m.. 12": 21S, 4.27 Black Diamond Express. 11. 'in Sundays, D. It . 1.5S. 7.11 p. m. For Timkhannoek, Towuuda. Ehnlra. Ithaca. Geneva und principal Interm.dl- nte stations, via D.. L. & W. It. It., b.DS .. n, er.r. nml :v:. 11. 10. Uor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo. Nlng- urn Falls. Chicago nod all points west via 1) & 11. R. It.. 12.03, S.33. Black Diamond Express. 7.4s and 11.20 p. ni. Sundays. D. tc II.. 11.41 a. 111., 7 Ii p. 111. f'llllinnn panur mm nu-noun or i.enign Valley parlor cms on ad trains between Wllkex-Biirre und New Vork. PJilIadel nhta. Buffalo and Suspension llrrdge. ROLL1N H. WILBUR. Gen. Supi.. South Bethlehem. P.i. ('HAS. S. LEi: Gen. Pass. Agt.. 20 Cort land street. New York. A. W. NONEMACIIER. Division pass enger Adept, South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply "09 Lackawanna nve., Scranton. Pa. Your Advertising mi, 1 re.uit the ptople wlnw trade K worth luviiv. if you place It in the woluniiis it the SCRANTON TRIBUNE. THE RETURNS Coiist.tntlv beiiiK received h user. of Till: TRlni'NC "Want ad" columns .iris unexcelleJ. II vou have .uiythmi; Tor Kent, Sale or Uxcluime, or il vou want anytlilna. try one uf Till: TUIHUNITS Miit-a-wonl advertise ments. They do the trick, and cost but a trifle. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. M Sclieduleln I'U-ct Atav 10. iSal Trains Lcavo Wllkos-Barro ns Pol. Iowa: 7.30 a. m week days, for Sunbur Harrlsburg, Phlladalplila, Baltl. more, Washington, and for Pitts, burg and tlio Wo st. 10.15 a. in., wook days, for Hazloton, Pottr.vllle, Roadlnfr, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrlsburc, Phlladelohla, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burR and the West. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris, burg. Philadelphia, Baltlmoro, WanhlnRton, and Fittsbur and Ihe Wost. 6,0 p. m., wook days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburrr, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. , J. . WOOD, Oen'l PaM. Asent. ' l HUTCHINSON, Oeneral Manager. 'Jul.. Laclvii. aud Western. iv 1 ,,Jfv'i't Monday, Nov. II. 1893. n 'I r ,civ" Scmnton us follows: Ks 1 11 o..!"'-;Nuw Vork d all points cast. 1. 1". 3.W, 0.10, b.00 and 10.05 u. m.; 12.55 and 3..v! p. ni. .,iift1'ro,!7' or EuKton. Trenton, Fhiladol 1 i".1l ,h. south, 6.10, fc.UO und 10.05 a. "';,, '" and 3.33 p. m. i'v,'.5.'. """!il accommodation, CIO p. m. niii-n' 7'?J f.or Ui'lPliiimtoii. Oswego. 31 A r,,iS'!ri,,","f' I!at' Dnnavllle, Mount 1 -" " ,n,r' 1 Unffiilo, 12.10. 2.33, 9.00 a. 111.! ;. nnu f,.o I,. nl miiklnir elohn ronnec- linrVL'!1 ,.,"fral "" POilllS 111 tho WCSt, northwest nnd south wist. ! 11. in. umt i.r,.-, 1, in Ithaca. 2.-:,,, $.m n. ,. nn( 1-BS p, m ,,i "' .''rthiuuberlaiul. Pltlston Wilkes iinrro, Ilj mouth, llloomsbiirg and D.111 ,, , !' milk!'iK close connections at Nortb "n'berlniid fur Wllllamsport. Ilirrlsburg, Baltimore. Washington and Iho south. Aorthumbeilniul aud Intermediate stn Uoiis, b.00. 10.05 a. m , and 1.55 and 0.10 p. "'''itlci'kc and intermediate stations, u.os and 11.10 11. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.35 and 8.50 p. m. For Kingston. 12.55 p. m 1 ullmnn parlor and sleeping coaches on nil express trains. I; or detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith. DIs triet Passenger Agent, depot ticket cf flce. Delaware nnj Hudson. On Sunday, Feb. 6th. trains will leave Scranton as follows: For Carbonilalc-0.20, 7.53, S.53, 10.13 n. m.: 12 noon; 1.2.1. 2.20, 3.52, 5.23, C.25, 7.57, 9.1... 11.00 p. m.; 1.I6 11. in. 1'or Albany. Saratoga. Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. G.20 n. m., 2.20 p. m. . For Honesdale-G.20. lft.13 n. m.; 2.20, 0.2.1 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 6,43, 7 f. S.41. 9.3S, 10.13 n. m.; 12.03. 1.23, 2.1S, 3.33, 4.27, 6.10, 7.4S. 10.11, 11.rn ,,. m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-0.45 a. ni., 12.03, 1.2!-, 1.27 p. in.: with Black Diamond Ex press, p. m. For Pennsylvania Railroad points, C.15, 9.3N 11. m.j IMS, 4.27 p. m. For western points, via Lehigh Valley Railroad 7. H 11. hi.: 12.01. 3 55. with Black Diamond Express, 10.41. 11.30 p. in. Trains will arrive In Scranton as fol lows: From Carbond.ile and the North fi.40, 7.1.1. S.31, 9.31. 10.3S. 11 r,S a. m.; 1.23, 2.13. H.25. 1.23, 7.43. 10.31. 11.27 p. in. From Wllkes-Barre and the South C.15, 7.1S. S.1S, 10.0S. 11.35 n. m.; MS. 2.14. 3.4S, 11.20. 0.21, 7.53. 9.05. 10.05 p. m.: 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Cnrbondale 9.07, 11.33 p. m.J 1.51, 3.5.'. 3.53. 9.53 p. ill. For WIIUes-Barr--9.4S. 11. n. m.; 1.5S. 3.2S. 3.43. 7.4S p. m. Lowest rates to nil points in United States nnd Canada. J. W. HURP1CK. G. P. A.. Albany. N. . II. W. CROSS. D. P. A., Scranton. Pa. Central UailroaJ of New Jersey (Lehigh nnd Susquehanna Division. Stations In New Yoik Foot of Liberty street, N. It., and South Fciry, Whitehall street. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 20. 1S9S. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston. Wllkes-Barre, etc.. nt S.30. 10.10 n. m.. 1 2'). 2.3T, 3.20. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m . 1.00, 2.15. 7.1') p. m. For Liikewooil end Atlantic City, 30 For New York. Newark and Elizabeth. S.; (express) n. m., 1.20 (express). 3.20 (ox pres) 11. tu. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving t 20 p. m.. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, 7.02 p. m.. and New yolk. 7.05 p. 111. For Mnueh Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem Easlon nnd Philadelphia, 8.30 a. m , I "1) 3.2ii p 111. .Sundays, 2.13 p. m. 'For Baltimore and Washington, and points fotith nnd wot via Bethlehem, f 30 11. in . 1.2") P. m. Sundays. 2.15 p. 111. For Branch. Ocean Giove. etc., nt S.;:o a. m.. 1.20 p. in. For Heading. Lebanon and Ilarrlshurg, via Alleiitovn. " a. in.. 1.20 p. m. Sun dn 2.15 p. in. For Pottsvllle. 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib ert V it i et? North River, nt 4.00. 9.10 (ex press) n. m-. 1.50 (express) p. m. Sundays, ,;i0e"vc"'New York. South Ferry, foot Whitehall street, at 9.K. a. m., 1.23 p. m Pissengers arriving or departing from this terminal can connect under cover with ull the el-vnted railroads. Broadwav eilVle iai. and fetrles tn BrooklMJ and -Aiiten lsl.indf. making quirk transfer to and from Grand Central depot and Long TenvohHaaelphlu. Reading 'Terminal. i 1 m 3.(io P. m. Sundays, 0.15 p. m. Though ticket- to all points East. South and West at lowest rates nt th Mj'1 'iToLIIAT'SEN. Gen Sunt. '" r-.ii nnf T X n.,.i Once A vt II. 1". ItAI-il-M l., Mill, i "as- '-o' J-ileairJ Wyoming Valley. Vii-lVe-it Sironmn from aoovo points nt ',!!:: .1. in. aaJ : 1 "'' "0b p. m. srit.v.vrox in vision. In liffcer Ocfolier ilOlli. lhllH. I North ltound ' -. . .. Houtli Unund, "J1 I ' H , 3 1 '.'Oil 'i V. 1 Stations igS5 a u 3 I- 11 Arrive l.eive 7 sN Y. Franklin rtt. 7 10, West iita btrect r 00 Weehawken A II 7 40 . Ty . sin.. r Arrive I.eavel r Mr m in. .1 ""inn accommodation. 3.10 p. m. iniighnniton and way station, 1.05 p. m. jMilioison nccommr elation. .1.10 p. m. 'Xprcss for Ullen nml fllrhllclil Mnrliies. I I Time Table In Effect Sent. 19th, 1S9S ' t' iVtoii' Scranton for New lork. ! sbuf ll l..t-'te!lutopolntoi. i.... lallioad. also lor Jiuwiey uimwj-.w l'-'e '""' ...:; . .....1 " ..-. n m Trains 1 nrtostn Hancock HiuilUiit Preston Park Wlnwnod I'oyntella Orson 1'le.isant IP. t'nlondale Forest Ctty t'nrb mdale White lirlUaa -Maj tlcia .lermyn Arcliltiald Wluton recltvlllo olvpliant l'rlccburg i liroup ProvMciire Park l'luco 2 1 Si i-V It II 4 3M 2 22 4 4.1 S 31 4 3.. J 411 (.0 SMIlt 2iS 6K1 IKS, 6 3.' 3 09, 6 34 3l. 6 41 US! Bt4 13 33 I ill 10 40 D VI .H 45! 8 01 SBli 6 0Q a Mi a u a yx e 16 iOli SSI 4 01i 6 21 4 10 6 -T 4 14 63 14 17 6 4 20 G 2i scianion u Leave Arrive r up m , f. Hutidnyonly t (.Unlfiis that trains atop on signal for r&s eenr.ers '1 ratiio 20'. and w Sunday oiily. other trilna . dtllv except t-iuiOay. hccure rvH ui uutario a wcatera ueiora purchasing tickets and buve tiioney. luoui.'U WHttier oufTet s'.pfr and free re clining chair car New Vork to ciilcif-o nr.hout change. Pit icnircr fctijj Mvdcccd tu t'WoCeiil I i-r.llllr. J.O, An Jtrcon.Oen. Pass Afft. T. ritlorott, Plv. Pus, .Kt,boratOD, Pa. 10 1.1 I I IS) into .... in'i 10 31 .. ism 10 81 .... 14 41. 1015 ... 12 10, 1001.... r.'2-. 9M).. I-' 14 8 43 .... 121.'). 9 ".... 11 59 92'. .... 114(1 U 10. .. 1134 07 fir.0i 911).... II1SV S5S... ,11 8 63.... 11 IS 8H0.... 11 l H40 .... II 11 M 11 07; M.. MllV US'. II 01 813 .... 1100 8 3J . .. fl0f.7 b so .... 10 v. 1 ul a a