The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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of Now Wall Decorations
are now ready for inspection.
We invite your attention
to seo the beautiful Novelties
(70 havo for your consideration.
Choice American, English
and French designs and colorings to
match the new carpets and draperies.
We have selected the "Cream" of
the patterns from the mills that
mako the Finest Wall Decorations.
Our selections are exclusive and
cannot he had elsewhere In tho city.
You are welcome to see them
and not he under any obligations.
We will cheerfully and gladly
exhibit our specimens to all
who desire to see tho new ldoas
in interior decorating.
Any contemplated inside decoiatlng
can bo done in cold weather
as well as in warmer, more quickly
and at less expense. Wo furnish
competent workmen on short notice
and at reasonable rates.
We suggest an early consideration
to avoid the usual spring lush.
322 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
32 S. Main St., Wllkes-Baire.
2 See Our Greot js;
-oi - S".
1 Fine Pictures .
: - - :'
a" ' I
200 vvyominc Avenue. js;
Fresh Pure Milk
5c a Quart.
35"327 Adams Avenue.
STccialilcs Surgery, Diseases of Women
Oftlcu llom.1
II t id a in
1 to :i ii. ui
At Itegidence 7 to 8 p in
OITlec-W Illlanis 1 tn II dl n lt, Opp. 1'ostollke
Itc&ldence '21 o SoulU Muln Avouue.
Chas. McMUHen & Co.
Hive opened .i General lnsui
.into Olllcc In the
Traders' National itank Building
Best Stoik Coinpimli
Large lines especial!
phone l3
.olii itrd Tolu-
Plumbing, Stsatn and Gas Fitting
Jobbing Promptly Attended to. eoruar
of Pen i Aenuo and L mien btreet.
Under Ths Windsor."
For Liquor. Dmnna Tobacco Oifrases.
Tamphlet free. I HI2 KIII'I.RY INSTITUTK,
728 Madlion Ave., SCRAM ON, PA.
I3aEgago called for and deliveiccl da or
Office, 100 Lacka. Avo. Phone 525
jo8 Penn Asnus A II WAKitAN.
Colonel II. M. Holes Is (biting in New
ork city.
Hon. I". P. Smith, of this city, lb In
New York city.
Hon. and Mr. E. f. Willaul, me Un
iting In Now York city.
ICty Controller Edmund J. nobint-on is
In Punxsutawney on business.
Attorney A T. tie irlc, of Honcsdalc,
called upon friends hero jesterdaj.
He. George J. Lucqh, D. D. of niosv
burg, Tioga county, viMted heio jestcr
clu. Mrs Jcrumluh Co, ot Uochcster In tho
guest of her slbter, Mrs. O. L. Pleld, of
Adams aenue
Mm. Edwant Morrllielil, of Wjoming
atnue. is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
II Blackwood, at Washington, D. C.
P.e Pollln A Sawjer. of Trinity
church, ("arbondule. will speak at the
Church of the Good hhepherd, Giecn
Itldge tonight
The many friends of Mr. Perlco Jervls",
tho pianist, will itgfret to learn that on
account of sudden Illness ho will be un
able to lslt ticrantnn this week.
Captain E J. Dlmmick, of tho Plist
leglment of Illinois, who gao Inipoitant
and convincing tbtlmony beforo tho beef
investigation board Monday, Is Edward
J Dlmmick, formerly of this cltj.
Invitations huo been Issued by Walter
Edvwud Chase to lhn marriage of his
daughter, Ollvo Mcintosh, to l)r Hiirrj
MacVcagh Uriwn on Wednesdns, April
5. IS03, at noon In tho Plrst Presbyteiian
Colonel A. 8 Moulthiop, of Dubois, and
Adjutant Itobert E. HopMns, of Milton
line omcers of the Eastern vPcnns lm in
division of the Bons of Vetoraim, wei ,,io
guests of J. 8. Parties, of the Hrunswleit,
Millinery Opening Today
and tomorrow, Dougherty & Thoman,
Wyoming avenue.
We havo several small lota ot Key
West Havanast wo wish to close out
For a tlmo wo nfCr them at factory
prices. Clarn&y, Urown & Co.
It Will Bo Olvon on Next Tuesday
James Whltcomb Klloy will appear
nt tho Lyceum next Tuesday evening
In n renellne of choice selections from
his own works, In which will ho In
cluded n variety of numbeis outlined
In Chat actor Sketcht", Annals of the
Poor, Rhymed of Childhood and Hooilcr
Verse. Thope people who fancy that
Riley Is only a dialect w titer may ho
assured If they hear this entertain
ment that his verso frequently rises
to the sublime holKhts of poetry not
often reached by the singers of today.
Among the organizations, representa
tives of which are pleased to Rive their
Indorsement to his coming are Ynlu
Alumni association, I'llnceton Alumni
association, Lafayette Alumni associa
tion. New England society, Women's
Club, of nreen Ridge, Scranton Bicy
cle club, Lackawanna Bar association,
Excelsior club, Scranton Cllcs club,
Scranton High School Alumni nf-socla-tlon,
Quety club, Urownlng club, Gieen
Hideo Civics club, Fcllowcraft ilub,
Anthinclte club. Twentieth Centuty
i-lub, Xoith End club, Thursdnv Morn
ing club. Scianton Country club,
Young Men's chtltlati association.
ShakcMpeaio club, Monday Moinlng
club, Young Men's Forum, llallioad
Yiiung Men'H Christian association, Ko-
lew club, Young Women's Christian
association. Home Study club. Elm
IMik C'hnutauiiua Circle, Impeilal
Chautauqua Circle, Y. W. C. A. Chau
tauqua Circle, Columbian Chautauqua
Circle, Electtlc City Chautauqua Cir
cle, Young Men's League, Tho Bohem
ians. Cornell Alumnla association.
Individual endorsements ate given bv
Hev I) J. MncGoldilck. Colonel H M.
Holes Colonel E. II. Ulpple, L S Illch-
I urd. editor Pciunton Tilbune. ,1. E.
Hdiielt, editor Scianton Ttulh. E. J.
I Lnett, ulltor Krt.inton Times. U. M.
Scranton, of the Sci.tnton;
I He Di. C At (illlln. Prof. C5eorge
I Howell .uperlnteiulent public schools;
Pi of (ieoige W. Phillips, Mr. Thomas
.T ristr, of the School of Mines; Hon.
P.. Atchbald. Hon. II. M. Edwutdt,
Hon E X. WlllaiJ, J2. L. Puller, Solo
mon fioldstnlth, E Ii Sturgcs, Louis
Kramer Aaiun Goldsmith, James Arch
bald, Hon L A. Watres, Hon. Alfred
Hiind. Luthei Kollel. C U. Jones, W.
A Mu, It. J Poster, Joseph O'Ht len,
T E Joins, c i) Simpson.
The s.ile of seatb will optn ut tho
i Ljeum bo olllee tomonow moinlng.
I Bold Robbery Committed in Dun-
mote by Thieo Tramps.
Albeit Jenkins, of 310 Uutler Mieet,
J D ii nil ioi e, was the victim of u dullng
, lobbeiy Inst evening
lie Is in chin go of the Pennsylvania.
I Coal companj'i fauns, and jeterday
I ilioiv his month's salai I'pon leaeh
1 lug bis house tlueo tramps het upon
him, und while two of them held liini
a tlilid lllled liis pockets, lellcsing
bin; of $1WJ
He was mm tilled tioni making an
outcry by one of the assailants hold
ing his hand over his mouth.
The Snuiiton police wore notified to
be on the lookout tor the tobbeis. One
was a l.irce man with black mous
tache, dark clothes and daik hat. The
second was an oid'nary-slzed, liglit
complexloned man, wearing daik
ilothes and a blown hat. The thltd
was a &niall man with light mustache
and light ilothes and hat. Their iloth
lng was falily good tor ttamps.
That Is, the Difficulty at the Caibon
dale Collieries Is Settled.
Supeilntendenl C. C Hose, of the
coal depattment of the Delawaie and
Hudson railroad, went to Carbondale
steiday and met the disaffected etn
plojes of the Wilson Cieek and Coal
litook collleiles and the dlillculty,
which seems to have been brought
about bj a misunderstanding, was soon
arianged on an amicable basis. In all
likelihood tho men will leturn to work
this moinlng ab usual.
Fiom an official source It was learned
that the whole tiouble oio&e tluough
the mlsdiiected efforts of a few men.
Theotheis. not understanding tho true
state of alfairs, hlmply quit. The rum
or that the trouble was caused by false
weighing or untitle scales does not
sem to be founded on fact.
Motel Brothers Lead the City in
Easter Flower3.
At Motel's Floral Garden, on East
Market street, jou will find the finest
display of Easter lloweis in the city,
Including hydrangeas, Clncai arias,
Easter llllleb, hyacinths, tulips and oth
er Eabter supplies. Our hyacinths are
the finest ecr offered foi sale m this
section of the state. An examination
will conUnce you that what we say
are plain facts and our prices will com
pare with the quality ot our Mock,
All oi del d for chinch or pilvato decor
ations given piompt attention by com
petent workmen. Telephone 9840.
Comes to Attend tho Welcome Homo
The following Associated Press dis
patch was sent out from Harilsburg
last night'
"Governor Stone and staff will c-j to
Scranton on Thuisday to participate
in the welcome to tho Thliteenth volun
teer regiment "
D. & II. R. R. Excuision to Scianton.
On account of reception to Thli
teenth regiment, Pennsylvania Volun
teers infantiy, Thuisdaj, March JJ,
1899, grand parade at 2 p. m , 10,000
uniformed men In line. Governor
Stone nnd staff will also bo present.
Special low rates on the Delaware and
Hudson as follows
Adults. Chlldrpn. of train
W'Darro r.O
Plttston 30
Avocn SO
Oly pliant ... . 20
Peckville 23
Aichbald 30
Jermyn .13
Carbondale .... CO
Ilonesdale ... 1 00
40 12 30
23 12 40
2.1 12.54
1.1 1 00
20 1 03
25 1-J.o'l
SO 12.51
40 12.4.1
71 n n. m.
The Ct Vital Laundry yesterday ie
calved one of tho laigost and latest Im
proved mangles In tho city.
Mis. Winslow's Soothing; Syrup.
Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS
bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS for thoir
Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA.
Sold by Druggists In every part of thu
world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins
low s Soothing Syrup," and take no othtr
kind. Twenty.ilve cents a bottlt.
Stovo and Tablo tho Only Articles of
Furniture in tho Houso -Father
and Mothor and Thoir Fivo
Daughters Sloop on tho Floor.
Girls Havo No Shoos Ono of
Them Is Nineteen Years of Ago.
Board of Charities Will Act at
Onco in This Matter.
A rocital of the awful manner in
which tho family of William McKcnzte,
of Cuslck avenue, North Scranton, llvo
tht tiled the members of tho hoatd of
charities with horror last night. The
story was related bj Mrs. AV. I!. Dug
gan, the agent of the board.
Yesterday afternoon she visited the
hovel In which they live, and found the
father and mother and their live daugh
ters thcte. Tho only furniture In the
house was a stove and table. All the
members of the family sleep on the
floor. There was nothing In the house
In tho way of groceiles or provisions.
the windows were Innocent of gmss und
In one loom piles of snow ornamented
the cornei s.
All of the girls were haiefootcd and
one ol them looked as It her foct were
badly frozen. Tho oldest daughter Is
19 eais of age One ten yonri of age
was quite seilouwly 111 Hoth father
nn.l mother tire1 dissolute, Mc Kens'le
lining been hefoio the couit it number
of times. Last fall he was lonvlcted
before Judge YerUes, but on account of
his family sentence was suspended af
tei he had taken the pledge In c r n
He pusltlvelv icfuses to woik oi imiKf
anv proper punlslons for thy cine of
his daufchtei. His wife Is as Indlffer
erl to hit responsibilities a.s 1 ti hua
The mcmbtis of the boaid decided
that the present condition of alfalis
tannot olst another day,
will be ralhd in und the suspended hon-
tence Imposed and some provlhlors will
be mndo for his wife and daughteis.
Tho girl who is 111 will be taken to ths j
hospital, un account of tho persistent
neglect and 111-tieatment of the patents
they will have to ui.deigo a peiiod of
brightening up heroic the will have
the ublllly to Income wage eameis.
It was tho jegular meeting of the I
horn d and was held In the postmaster's
loom nt the postofflce. Attorrev C II. I
Welles and Kiios Flynn. two new inein-
beis. made their '.list appcai.mcc on ,
the board. Othci niembeis present j
weit Colonel E H Elpple. W. Ciyloid
:"K'n.!1": " -,.I5.?".V...T- fj ;V
l VlUil.tMb, " .- w.. .
Cohen I
The repent of Mis. V. 11. Dimgau, the
agent, showed that dunug the month
the boaid had 111 applications for re-
lief, of which 57 were Investigated. Tor- .
t-nlnu woif found woithy and weie
assisted In villous ways.
The agent then called the attention j
of the braid to the action In a number
of cases Willlum Motz, of Emmet
htiect, age 12 yeais, was arrested at
the instance of his fathei who says
the inntli is incoirlclble. Ho Is now I
In the county jail Mrs. Duggan thinks
the boy Is not natuially bid and be
lieves the bov's stepmother Is In a
measure to blame. A man and woman
named Hums descited their three chil
dren who weio placed In St Patilck's
The atlo-nllon of tho poor houtd will
be called to the case ol X'aul Dumlsky's
wife and family. He is in tho county
jail and they aie stmving In this city.
Thev are- cliniges on the r.ansom poor
district and the poor board will be
nsked to ha,,e that dltiict cam for
The agent icported havli.g taken
Mary Miller, of Wilkes-Earre. and Vir
gil Daly, aged 15 and I" yeais, respect
ively, from No IS Lackawanna, avenue,
wheie Mrs. Davis was conducting an
Immoial resoit. It was the belief of
the meinbeis that Mis. Davis ought to
be piosccuted. The sir's ate now In
tho House of the Good Shepherd.
The report ot the acting-treasuier
showed that $4 had been tecelved since
the last tepoit. Time Is now a bal
ance on hand of $filrt.20
The annual report of the board ha3
been issued in pamphlet form tnd wns
presented to the membeis last night.
Following Is a bummaiy foi the v. oik
of 1897 and 1S!S
Total number of applications 4 .'10
Number of cases Investigated 1.J17
Number found worthy and as
sisted I.OjS
Number found not in need,
frauds, etc -"
Tempoiay woik found for Hii
Permanent positions found for... IS
Transportation found for HJ
Children cared for
Homo for the Friendless . .. 11
St. Joseph's Foundling Homo. It
St. Patilck's Orphan Awlum. 11
Sent to Industrial School for
Hoys 7
Iteferrcd to Soldiers Associa
tion 7
Oases referred to district attor
ney Cases leferred to chief of police U
Cases refeired to boaid of health 2
Cared for nt Hospitals
At Lackawanna hospital . . 10
At Hahnemann hospital . . Ii
Courseu's Fresh Creamery
Print Butter delivered every
morning', will be found the
sweetest, firmest and most
delicious butter made. When
used on bread made from our
"Wheateu" Flour you have
the strongest and best food
Our 3 and lb. boxes are
less expensive, and are sold
this month at cost of produc
tion to introduce this make.
I Sent to Plorciico mission ... 1
Sent to House of Uncut Riuphrrit. Ti
Sent to St. LuWa Mimm r liuine 12
Medical old for . Trt
Legal ndvee free- of i liurjto I'l
Sano persons to Hillside home 2
Insane persons to Hillside home 5
Adults pieMntrd fiuiu begging 15
Children prevented from begiilng .... 9
Palso addicsscs Klveti 1"
Arrested for abusing family 7
Cases from outsldo authotltles re
ferred to proper authorities 47
Pninllica transfeircd to butter entai
lers, 3.
Lodging and nicnls fiirnlKlieil to P7 by
Itescue mission, police department, Emer
gency hospital, Jordin's hotel, St. Mar.
garet h guild, St. Vlntent 1 Paul i-o-ciely
and prlvoto cluirllles.
Transportation furnished by dlrrctoi,
St. Vincent do Paul t-oclety, Erlo and
Wyoming Valley lallrcad (Ueorgo II,
Smith), Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad t. P. Hallstead). A
soclated Chnrltles and private clmrltlrs.
Employment furnished by street com
missioner, vnrioUH cral and other com
panies, stores and prlxato families.
Answered letters fiom utrlous chat I-
ties, r.
Total number of applications for llvo
J ears, 9.S1I
Total number of cases lawstlgatid In
IKo years, 4,0ii;
Has Become Pait Owner of
and tho Beanstalk."
A thratilcal transfer cf great lm
puitanee, In which the greater pait of
the capital and 'imlns Involved are Sy
i acute capital and btalr.s, has jnst been
consummated. Klaw k Erlanget, one
of the largest and most allluentlal man
ageilal conccins In the country, lelln
qulsh all right, title and Piterot to
tho e.tra agunzn "Jaik and the P,ean
Btalk" to Wau en II. CJIrvln, llonry J.
Oinibbee and John Ken, of th's city,
and E .1 Goodwin of S' ronton, P.i.
The consldeuitlon Is -ild to be elo-e to
JJO.Oi i0.
Jink and the Ueanstalk" Is one of
the most tlabotnle and evpeuslvc pro
I ductlons on the, hat, noveilhcle1,
It has been one of the most successful
1 ol attractions. The piesent Is Its thlitl
! season of existence, It has ioered
comparatively lit tl fnltory, end tho
pike paid for It In the onteipilslng
I men. who haw now become Its owneis,
will be eon"ldeied In theatrical cltcles
a low flgiiie.
1 Mr. Ken, who ha bad jcais ol ox-
pi-rlem e In thsatrlcMl matters, will liava
geneinl supervision of the nectssary
, pnllinli niles. He will do the booking.
attraction N piopeily laumhid. Mr.
l ll.ll- IIIV IUIIII.UIj, ..v. h...
Onrsbep and Mr. Goodwin will tiavci
with the company, looking after lis af
l'ali.s on the uvid, while Mi (ltrln will
give the ben- lit of 111" extensive busi
ness epeilenc' and advice, toMng no
active pari In Its management
-svi a-
cw-e Hi mid.
- -
Company K. Members Select a New
Sot of Commissioned Oflicois.
The membeis of Company K. Elev-
!.,. X'
G P . met in their
(.'111 II I (illlll'H.,
mom In the urmoiy last nicht and
elected olllceis to fill the vacancies
caused lv the resignations of Captain
James O Dlmmick and Phot Lieuten
ant E M Gee Second Lieutenant
Geoig" Wlith. was elected captain,
First Seigeant liurson liovau was
Hindi" Hi st lieutenant, and Second Ser
geant C. E Scott, second lieutenant.
The flections worn unanimous
The above elections leaves two ser
geant vaca'ncles to be tilled bv appoint
ment, and it is expected that Captain
Wlrth will name his non-commissioned
olllceis In a week or two. The newly
elected officers aie all old National
gtiatd men, having seen service In the
Thhtecnth regiment They aio thor
ough soldleis and have the respect of
theli men
Decided That United States Senators
Should Be Elected by Diiect Vote.
The Foium lub held their regular
meeting in the Guernsey bulletins last
ewntng. The .subject for the debate of
the evening was icsolved "That Xlnltcel
States Senatots should be elected by
direct vote of the people "
Messrs Pi Ice, Haker and Walter
spoke for tho affirmative, and they
w el o opposed by .Messrs Wilbur, Kauf
man and Dodge The Judges gave their
decision In favor of the affirmative
On Filday evening the club will ten
der a banquet nt the Hotel Randolph
to tlnee of Its membeis; who have ie
turned fiom camp. They are 'Hu
man A. Sin dam. Company D, who Is
with the Thlid National bank; George
Walter, Company D, with the Colliery
Engineer company, and Mr Carter,
Company A, who is with Wlllard, War
ten & Knapp
Was the Father of Mrs. F. L. Phillips
of This City
Wold was iccelved In this eltv yes
terday of the death of Robeit F. Oiam
at Lakewootl, N. J , Monday
Mr. Oram was a icsldent of Dover,
N. J., and was the father of Mis y. I,
Phillips, of this city. He was well
known here, especially among the old
er icsidents. In 1S.17 and up to 1SG.',
he, together with a man named Duv Is,
operated the old dilfts near MlnooKa,
which were later gotten control of b
Congiessman Council. He became In
terested In laigo leal estate deals In
New Jersey and left here. He was
closely connected with Dovet's giowth,
but his gieatest work was tho found
111." of Pint Oiam, about two miles
fiom Dover. He reclaimed many acres
of swamp land and now Poit Oiam
Is a thriving town of close to 7,000 in
Camp, No. 8, Sons of Veterans En
tertained Last Night.
Colonel A S Jloulthrop, ot Dubois,
Pa , and Adjutant Robert K. Hoplclhs,
of Milton, lino ofllrors of tho Eastern
division of I'ennsjlvnnla of tho Sons ot
Veterans made an otllclal visit to
Camp No s, Sons of Veteiansi, here last
night at the Ezin, Giiflln post rooms on
Lackawanna avenue The camp, which
numbers over two hundred, had nearly
every member piesent and there weio
several visiting Sons from Carbondale,
Easton and Wllltes-Harre.
Uoth of tho guests of honor made ad
dresses anent the order and Its general
condition. They urged tho camp hern
to continue In Its progress. Other ad
dresses weio delivered by the visiting
Sons and the local membeis. A smoker
followed tho bUHlnosH session.
Smoke Tho Pocono Cigar, 5c.
The Student QrlU. If youwlsh to
make your wife or your mother your
sweetheart or some other, the handsomest
and most useful present possible write
lie Buuseu-Rumford Co. Scrantou, Pa.,
fo- Uooklel of The Student Grill,
City Club Gives a Reception to
Colonel II. A. Coursen at Its Quar
tors on Spruco Street Crystal
Hose Company Banquets Its Sovon
Soldior Mombors at tho St. Charles.
Anthraclto Wheelmen, of Green
Ridgo, Give a Smoker in Honor of
Their Representative!) in tho Wur,
Welcome-homo leceptlons by nilous
oiganlzatlons to brother membeis who
weie out with the Thirteenth regiment,
stilt continue. Last night had more
than its usual quota, the City club, the
Cijstal Hose company and tho Antlua
elto Wheelmen nil giving entertain
ments In honor of their .soldier-members.
The Cltv club affair was In honor of
Colonel H. A. Coursun, who waa one of
Us most active membeis. It was held
nt the club's luxurious home, on Spruce
stieet, und was delightfully Informal.
Speeches music by Hauor's oichestra,
n l tinning lunch and mlllturv punch
weie among the entertnlnmetit fea
tures W. S Dlehl. piesident of the club;
C E. Chittenden, Major T. F. Penman
and Major W. S. Millar did tho speech
making, extending n welcome to Col
onel Coursen and eulogizing him and
his command for the highly creditable
manner In which they repiesented this
Colonel Com sen fUtliiglj lesponded,
und duilng the com so of his remarks
said that he hud as good a regiment as
tlieie was in the whole army, both In
the niatte-i of discipline and esprit du
corps. They weie dissatlslled that they
did not see active heivlcc, but they enn
rontont themselves, at least, the colonel
salel, with the inflection that they saw
severe soivicc and underwent It like
the tine soldier
Among the meinbeis of the ilub who
gathered to do honoi to Colonel Com sen
were Piesident W. S. Diehl. Vlce-Piesl-clent
C. W. Matthews, Treasurer W. .T.
Wcl-h. Secietary W S Millai, Man
uget A. P. Hcdfoid, Major T F. Pen
man. A. U. Win man, V. M. Vandllng,
Captain E E. Chase, I'ledeiick Cou
ncil, Frank Connell. John Pelllo, Rob
eit T. P. iiman, Dl. G E. Hill, O W.
Guustei. Walter L. Matthews, Di. W.
I! lU'tiwood and John Moirls
The house was tasteully decorated
with palms, lings and bunting.
The Ci.vstal Hose company's celebra
tion took the form of a banquet It was
held at the St. Charles and was at
tended bv bKly members of the com
pany. The Cistals have tho distinc
tion of having conti United more mem
beis to the Thirteenth than any two
other companies of the departmest.
The in Seigeant Major W S.
Gould, Coiporal John Games, Company
U, Pilvate Chat lex Illness. Company
15; Pilvate Chailes Hamilton, Company
15, Pilvate Kail Gunster, Company C;
Coipoial George Uobltng, Company C;
Hospital Orderly J. L Mosei Tho
latter two weie not able to attend the
baneiuet, the fntinor on account of Ill
ness, nnd the latter on account of his
being on a visit te Easton
IX J Newman, piesident of the com
pany, acted as toastmaslei and made
the address of welcome. The i espouse
was made by Seigeant Major Gould.
Others who made bilef speeches were
Alderman Howe, W. J. Welchel,
Charles Tiopp. J. R Feibei P. W.
Costello. James Fleming, Dr P F.
Gunster. Dr. John T MrGrnth, J. J.
l.oftus, Leo Coyne, Daniel Slowe, J. J.
Paclden, William Einerich and II. R.
Long. The Lawience oichestra furn
ished the music
Those who attended were: President
D. J. Newman, Vice Piesident J. J.
Padelen. Foieman II It. Long, Secre
tary AV. J. Welchel. Financial Secre
tin y G. F Becker, Henry Hlnes, L D.
Hush, Chailes Slantz, W. G. Ferber,
D. J. Slowe, John J GUlen, William
Martin, Robert E. Wlllard, Edward
Cooley, J. D. Feiber, Thomas Not ton,
Stephen II. Rice. John J. Loftus, Dr.
P. F. Gunster. James Fleming, Wade
M. 1-lnn. Aldeiman John T. Howe, P.
W. Costello, Dr. J. T. McGiath. H.
E Rlker, Charles E. Tropp, II. P.
Thomas, E J. Coleman, Loo Coyne.
Tho Anthracite Wheelmen tendeied
their icturned war membeis a recep
tion In their club rooms, on North
Main avenue. The guests of honor
weio: Acting Hospltul Steward II. L.
Glllesple, Regimental Clerk II. A.
Smith, Charles Constantlne, of Com
pany H: Thomas Davis, of Company
H., John Owens, of Company A, and
Richaid Thomas, orderly to Geneial
J. P. S. Gobln.
The affair was In the hands ot the
teceptlon committee composed of Les
ter Losey nnd W. C. Saunders En
teitalnment was furnished by John
Payne, Hovvaid IJenJomln, Alvin Deck
er nnd Tred Farnham. Miss Minnie
Stair acted as pianist. Dancing and a
luncheon weie other features of the en
tertainment piogramme.
Thosp piesent were Mr. and Mis.
Pert Sheiman, Mr. and Mis. Dlckerson,
Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Mr. and Mrs.
IJ Cures constbiit cough.
oOolvIll Wi.",,,,! .,,v, hiii'.
Cough Syrup as;
use Dr. null's Cough b rup qui! be cured. Jjc
Sp,e0c,ial Easter
Made in Sterling Silver and
with beads of
Jet, Garnet,
and Coral.
Also Pearl Chaius, Neck
laces Belts and Collar Buckles
and Silver Novelties without
I3O Wyoming Avenue.
Under War Kcvcmie Law Only 'ne hH'iey
la Iaxcilas n Medicine.
I'nder tho new Revenue Stiuop I w
whiskies mo exempt fiom tnxntloc ' i
medicines cie tn'ecel it Is a tiotittib i
in connection with tills truth tlut i
Is one whlkcy which Is ncknowi.
bv the Government to bo a me li,il
whiskey and which Is, therefore, Mumped
This imusunl exception is made In the
case ot Dairy's Pure Malt Whlskej, the
Government recognizing Its medicinal
eiualltles, which do not belong to nny
other whiskey. It Is a complete confirma
tion of what has been known to tho med
ical profession and scientists foi many
j eats, nnmelv, Duff's Pino Mult
Whiskey Is a medlclnil whiskey, ns illf
fcri'iit from other kinds ot bottled whis
kies us strong lncellclnul waters uro elif
fcrent fiom ordinal y vvateis, us different
fiom other whiskies ns a medicinal pte-
paiation can bo dirfcieut from a pieni- i-
tlon containing no eii.r.lltle s.
It Is Riatlfylng to know that pcoplo v. ho
aio not slow to tnke advantage of i II
tint is meritorious arc using Duffy's Pure
Malt for medicinal purposes and 1 hut It
continued to accomplish wonders
George Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. E,
Smith and the Misses lleitha Saunders,
Jennie Smith, Anna Losey, Charlotte
Rosoiicraiis, Pcrulce Congei, Miss
Clifton, MIm Lewis, Dcssle Rlel, Win
nle Martin, Margin et Vipond, Hannah
Davis, Done Davis. Anna Edwauls and
Hello Win ten, and Messis Joseph
Convvell, John Payne, Lester Losey,
Will Rolls, Aithur Peny, of New Yoik
cltj , Oscar Payne, llany Danvets,
Haiiy Vipond, Unity Ilumgniduci, Dr.
Honneywell, Di. Jenkins, Ilanv Smith,
Howard GiHUn, Hetijamln Davis, Heit
Galr, Howanl Benjamin. W. C. Saund
ers, John Davis, Ilaiold Gillespie and
Geoige Keifer.
Tonight the Scianton Rlejcle club
will enteitaln in honor of Its soldleis.
Colonei T. J. Keenan, oT Plashing,
national piesident of the League of
Ami'tlcan Wheelmen, will also be n
guest. Colonel Keenan Is a momht i
of the governor's; staff and ionics bete
pilmailly to paitlclpate In tomonow
icceptlon to thu Thliteenth.
Injunction Made Perpetual.
In open court yesterday Judge I..I
wards gianted to Garney, Hinwn i
Company a perpetual injunction
against David Spiuks, restraining him
from placing on the maiket the 'Jei
myn House Ileitiquct Clgnis" In imita
tion of theli well known biaiicl. 'Hotel
Opening; at S. C. Ward's, 110 Wash
ington Avenue,
Thursday and Filday, when she will
display exquisite Fiench hats and bon
nets. Miss Wnid devoted special at
tention to children's huts this season
nnd sho lias nchleveel distinction In
them, us It can be truly said such
a goigoous display has pewi been
bhown outside of New Yoik
Millinery Opening Today
and tomonow, Doughetty & Thomas
Wjomlng avenue.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. How loy.231 Wj omlng ave.
The W ilkes-Rarie Retold may bo had In
Scranton at tho news stands of Itcis.
man llrcs , 401 Spruee and Ml Llndt n
street. Muc , LaiMcawanna iivenue
For Infants nnd Children.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears tho
Signaturo of
Car load Just arrived All style,
and prices the lowest. "Woikmanship
guaranteed even on
Keep ub In mind and you uon't w
Kret giving us jour pationace you
will get goods as lepnsunted giving
you our eai.y terms of payment 01 very
iovvebt prices for cash. Immense stock
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets,
Iron Ileds. etc. rive laigo floors full
to tho celling at
Th3S Ke'ly's Slorjs,
i u ivnel 1:1 i
ranlin Avenue
To uraer q
CniiKisllng rif nine ami ill n I. ( h.
Twecils und Mixture ma-nt 1 full
orcd and tilmmcd to jiciKctlon.
lo Your Miasure, $IUJyJ
Mnelo In flno KnglUh Ceiverl ClnMi M nle
to lit vou perfectly or no e ! il
lastH until Saturday nlsht. Von t inisu
jour chance
We also make a specialty of l.adici Tallorlrc
The Tailo"
433 Sprues
Manufactured by SHORT & Ii
m mWm no-mis
At 77&V.T!Si'W.WafA.
av ,
rV& "iW4&
mrwxxr- jr
mm;s. m .
"'i yapx
141 to 140 Nbrliilai
PAINT DEPARTriENT.Purc White Uad, Colora
and Varnishes. -
1115 .,
c20 Lackavanai Au, Scranton Pl
Wholesale nnd Retail
Ready nixed Tinted Palnta,
Convenient, Kconomtcal. Uiuab.
Vnrnlsli Stains,
Reynolds' Wood Finish,
rppcolally liesigncd for InUdu Wort
Marble Floor Finish,
Durable und Drlui cjulccly
Paint Varnish and KaN
somine Brushes.
S 53(-'miMli
i 3
Neu) Shapes,
Neu) Patterns.
On the Square 203 NV asltingtoni Ave !3
Th3 Rich-ait & Santasjn Oil Go,,
si.i 1. im:
lnsl-t on ijcttiiii It Mndo putlml) front
ilia 1 lonii 1 raelc
lligli ClraJc l.ulirlotlnz nnJ ISjrnlnj Oils
e.f every elescription. 1311 CAt'UUjli AVI-
After o
a Hat?
Then et a S00
one it pays.
Ar1 Icp-notch
li.'-e.'.cellene. '
'I I.eir wonderful
wearing powers
malic tliern tho
best li at -investments
Graceful new
styles fcr Spring
Cl.'ff on,l !nff llltc
9 LasKawiiai Avl
4- - 4 4- 4- 4 -f f -f-f - :
I Our Subject t
Is Two-Fold t
Saftty foi'
ths Baby x
an" Relief I
ior Mother l
Wo ask vou whether or ni 0 ir
Daby Walking ami rvursory Chii-
are not one of tlu hest assistants .1
mother cm have. A srwus ilan.;cr
menaces every housjeluld wnarj baby
is at lir?e and Is cjnstantlv witclie '
anJ with one of our "tenders" babv 1-,
protected from these darners wh'-li
threaten them and incuhntly ths-.
relief to the mother irom caio Mi ap
prehension at such Vr.Ki jl-, she c ui
not attend pcrsoiullv to th the chili
stvle lllustrttifj above of harJwooi
Oak or Mahogany hnisli
Other thin-" for haby are
j tffil
- r.
w y u a vv-' -re. . . , ;,ir
'ti t 5. .10 t.i iA'-"w:: y
225-227 Wyoming Ayo.
HRI l! to uiit ill tnn bier, "llli
lloiusl.ccpcr. OulJt " Write for eop)
4-4 44444444444-444444-
" " . l
, uilvS, JMo. oT Lackawanna Ave.
Slrji, SjhiIji, ?i
' V3 M J I J
?'?) r fa v
A t
, ipy-j. r':':21X