8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUJME-TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1899. jrVAB Baking bsoiveeiyure Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome WANT TO RETAIN THE COAL LEASES ACME COAL COMPANY HAS IN VOKED THE EQUITY COURT. Suit Is Being Heard Boforo Judge Archbald -Witness Who Wore on the Stand Yestorday Bonds of Constables Approved Opinions Handed Down by Judge Qunster. Meoting of Grand Jury and Re turns of Constables Rohearing Refused in Banfleld License Case. The quarterly term of equity court bfKnir yesterday, with Judgo Archbald on the bench. Only one case was taken up yesterday and it will probably con sume the time of the court for the greater part of today. The Acme Coal company Is the plaintiff and Jacob W. Strlnd and George V. Chamberlain de fendants. In 1&93 the defenilnntH leaded to At torney V. 1. Boyer, of this city, the coal under a tract of land In Fell lownshlp and the leases afterwards passed Into the hands of the Acme Coal company. This company did not pay the minimum amount of royalty re quired by the lease and the defen dants took steps to have the leases forfeited. The Acme company baa invoked the aid of the equity court, to prevent this action, holding that they have already paid for all the merchantable coal un der the land covered by the leases, al though they have mined bat little of It. The witnesses examined yesterday on behalf of the plaintiff were K. D. Caryl and Charles Wallack, toal In spectors, and William Grllllth, of West I'lttston. who has attracted a good deal of attention by his statistics with ref erence to anthracite coal. He Is a stockholder of the Acme company. At torney y. H. Price appears for the Acme company and Attorneys W. A. Wilcox and John P. Kelly for the defendants. Tive Opinions Filed. In an opinion handed down yesterday .Fudge Gunster dismissed the dmurre'.' to the bill In equity In the case of Daniel M. Stlnson, sole surviving ex-oi-iitor of the last will and testament of Willard Parker, late of the city of New "Y.-uk. deceased, against Theodore G. W olf and Kverett Warren, surviving ext utors of the last will and testament ii Dr. Benjamin It Throop, deceased. Th" bill in equity was (lied Jnn 11 and in it the complainant asked the curt f r ar order to compel the defendants "tu come to a just and fair account with the plaintiff for all moneys receiv ed by 13. H. Throop on or account of the sale or leasing of any part of the surface of three tracts of land In Dun more between and including the years ISM and 1S97, and that the defendants be required to pay the plaintiff aueh amount as upon account shall appear to bo due the plaintiff." 73 and 7."5 Public Squao. WlbKKx-IJAURE. IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS OF COS' TUMES ANO SELECT DRY QOODS. A Pre View For Easter Delightful bits of Paris are these spring suits with their sweeping skirts, smothered in over draperies on which deft hands have wrought artistic finishes. And the jackets shorter than last season, and most jaunty, in their spring time fresh ness. Good, just to look upon, and and for that reason you'll want to peep among the new things which Paris and our own New York have prepared for your appreciation. And there's a word about the tailor ing, which our suits have bestowed upon them, that deserves your at tention. Whether it be on the $11.98 sorts, or those at $69.50 there's an evidence of expert knowledge even .to the lesser de tails those details which the mak ers of most costumes scimp for the sake of economy. But there's no scimping here; neither in the mater ials, in the making, or the finishing. But be an eye witness to these facts come and see. Just a hint at how the prices range. At $II.95-A plain Covert, highly tailored. Fly front jacket, silk lined; skirt flaro flounced. At $2o.00-A Mode Colored Venetian Cloth suit, tight fitting jacket, flaring skirt, finished with lapped siunis and lined throughout with i'arme Violet tnffeta. At $04.50 A light gray broadcloth with full circular skirt over drop skirt of purple. tulTota with tluted rullle. Has 'tnn jacket with Rujal Purple Velvet faced collar and rcvers with cut steel pnssmentilo trimmings. Purplo taf feta silk lined and further embel ished with white taffetu shawl front, fastened with cut steel buttons. And Little Suits Those for the girls, with just as much style and elegance as is gath ered into the garments of older peo ple. Yet there's a becoming youth fulness in the jauntiness of the jacket and in the hang of the skirt, which adds, not years, but grate and beauty to the youthful wearer. Sizes for girls from 12 to 16 years ISAAC LONG. HlkES-BARRE, PA., IAROH SO' '. IsaacLoog Powder To this on Jan. 19, the defendants lllod a demurrer which gtattd unions other things that "by the plaintiff's own t-howlng by the said bill that he bus a full, complete and adequate rem edy at law." After considering tho matters raised in tho demurrer Judge Gtinster dismisses them and makes tho following order: "The demurrer is overruled and it is onlered that the defendants answer within fifteen days from the service of notice of this order on them." John Carney was successful in the' equity proceeaings which he Instituted against Michael Carney, Jr. In his bill the plaintiff psktd "that the alleged deed from Michael Carney, sr., to Mich ael Carney, .jr., dated Muy 22, mS, be declared null and void and that tho said Michael Carney, jr., be ordered and decreed to recover the interest or share of the plaintiff undur the inter state laws in all the estate and ptein Ises in said deed mentioned, to the Plaintiff in fee. "Tlint a receiver be appointed to take charge of the property mentioned there in. That the said Michael Carney, jr., be roaulred to state an account of all rents and income received from the property aforesaid and of nil taxea and repairs paid on account thoieof, and to dispose of the same asdho court may direct." Judge Gunster, in his opinion, says he Is of tho opinion that plaintiff should havo tho relief prayed for and made the following order: "It is ordered that notice of the filing of this opinion bo forthwith given by the prothonotory to tho parties or their attorney, and that If no exceptions arc hied within thirty days aft.-r ser vice of such notice, a formal decree will be cntereJ and counsel arc request ed to prepare1 and submit a formal de cree at tho expiration of said time." The properly In dispute Is located in West .fe'cran'.on and is worth about i'i.DOn. Judge Gunster yesterday mad" abso lute the rule to open judgment in tho case of D. 15. Keplogle assigned to David T. Williams against Agnen J. Carey and William C. Carey. The or der in the case follows: "The rule is made absolute and it is ordered that an issue be mart'.1 up by the judgment en tered standing as a declaration with a plea of non-assumpsit, payment with leave, etc." Jn the case of Annie Chapllupkl against Louis Vesneski, administrator, Judge Gunster yesterday filed an opin ion discharging the rule to reinstate a rule which was made absolute July 0, 1S9S. The rule to open judgment was dis charged in the case of Marie I Jerry against Sarah M. Shoemaker in an opinion filed ycsteiday by Judge Gun ster. Constables Bonds Approved. The bends of the following consta bles were yest;rday approved by the court: John D. Spiegel. Gouldsboto; Martin J. Spiegel, M. H. Helkr. Mitelies. William Kessler. Chiton: Chailes Kcss ler, George Ke.sslcr, sureties Henry Dlerks, Second ward, Dickson City; Mrs. Margaret Dlerks, Guy Dicrks, John Fressmuun, bureties. J. G. Caller, Lehigh township; Rarrctt Vllct. M. J, ttalirr. sureties. James Curtis, Third waid, Blakely bo rough; Sylvanus Smith, George Monies, sureties. William Bradley. Carbondale township; John Gallagher, Janus P. Qulnii, jr., sureties. Willis A. Northrup, Glonburn; James E. Ddwatds, surety. William Rowe, First ward. Jermyn; James J. Edmunds, Harry Gilbert, sureties. John Jay, Second ward, Jermyn; S. D. Davis, J. H. Wheeler, sureties. W. 13. Carpenter, West Ablngton town ship: A. L. Ross, Jacob Stnntuu, suiittios. D. H. Thomas, Spring Brook township; William Thomas, surety. George Patersen, I.aPlumo borough; W. W. Paterson, surety. John II, Chase, Nineteenth ward, Seran ton: Conrad linn, Dotils Henncforth, sureties. William II. Evans, Elmhurst borough; Romeyn Snyder, surety. Charles W. Noack, Thirteenth ward, Seranton; R. T. Jayno, John J, Jollier, sureties. O. A. Sherman, Waverly borough; Sam. mi Whaling. N. C. Mackey, sureties. A. M. Coon. North Ablngton town ship; A. R. Franklin, M. L. Hopfer, burettes. J. W. Clark. Eighteenth ward, Seranton; John Nlland, John F. Regan, sureties. W. T. Robinson, Greenfield township; S. 13. Wcdenian, surety. Samuel Rodman, First ward, Archbald; Andrew Degutls, John J. Dougher, sureties. Richard Barron, First ward, Dickson city: Albert Cleave, John Pressman, sureties. R. S. Davis, Third ward, Dickson City; Dald W. Davis, Gcorgn Coggins, sureties. Andrew Pace, Second ward, Dunmoro; W. C. Burke. J. K. Swift, sureties. John St. John, Lackawanna township; Michael Gibbons, surety. James Hoste, Third ward, Jermyn; Pat rick Loughney, Patrick Bloomer, suretli j. 13. J. NVary, Second waul, Caibondale; James Barrett, surety. Eugeno Noack. Madison township; Chnuueey Noack, surely. William Reese. Fourth ward, Olyphant; Thomas B. Brown, William J. SchubmchI, Burettes. 13. W. Carter, Second ward, Taylor; Da vid J. Thomas, hiiret. Michael Strlne, Fourth ward; Tayl'or; Henry Niagley, surety. William Goyne, First ward, Blakely; S. W. Arnold, surety. Jtimes J. Kelly, Third ward, Winton; Michael Gullagher, John J. McAndrew, sureties, Frunk Be.nnlc, Second ward, Blakely: Andrew Bonnie, E. J. Williams, sureties. Kdward J. Murray, Second ward, Win ton; John E a grin, MMhncl. Gallagner. sureties. Philip Hoffman, Third ward, Dunmoro; August Wahlers, Philip P. Wagner, sureties. Fred J. Addison, Old Foige township; Fred Noylar, Thomas Piekrell, sureties. All of these constables also scribed to the oath of office. sub- Iteport of Constables, Only two constables of tho county reported violations of (ho liquor law to court yesterday on tho quarterly return day. They nre Constable. Mathew Ream, of Old Forgo, who returned John Ileyden. Frank Gragago and Stephen Danfulla ns sellers of liquor without having a license, nnd selling It on Sun day; and Consdnblo Bernard Davis, of tho Second ward of this city, who je turncd Mngglo McArdie as selling with out a license. Tho constable of Goulds boio reported that the borough council fulls to designate tho mime of roads by signboards. When Constable Michael Murray, of the Twentle.th ward, came up after court adjourned In tho afternoon to make his report Judiw Archbald said: "I won't nsk you If any liquor is sold In your ward without a license. I know there Is" Tho conrtablo made no re ply. Grand Jury Mot. The grand Jury for the April term met yesterday morning in the main court room and was charged by Judge Archbald. George W. I-inn.of this city, was named im foreman and later the Jurors Felected Miles McAndtew, of Archbald, as their secrotary. Only unimportant assault and battery und malicious mischief carea wero con sidered yesterday. From the number of bills now on hand for the Jurors' con sideration It is not likely they will complete their work this week. Rehearing Is Refused. Attorney E. C. Nowcomb ycstoulay morning made nn application bclore the three Judges for a re-hearlng In tho case of Kdward Hanlleld, who was last wei-l: refused a license for tho hotel adjoining the Odd Fellows hall In Dun more. Inasmuch :is it was an old bouse Mr. .N'ewcomb argued that tho court ought to permit a full hearing of the facts before finally denying the license. Court took the papars and In the af ternoon Judge Archbald announced that tho application for a rc-hearins had been refused. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. John J. Corey Olyphant E.llth Uowden Olyphant Arthur C. Twitcholl Seranton Frances A. Winton . Scran ton ' Court Hous,e News Notes, n.ml.l V..IU- VK.li.n1nt- 1n nn .if. ' tlon in trespass against the city of Seranton. Hannah Tlplady yesterday applied for a divorce from Joseph Tlplady. The couple were married April 2, 1SS3, and lived together until March 3, ISM, whtn Mrs. Tlplady was compelled to leave her husband because of bis cruel treat ment of her. THE TIME IS EXTENDED. Donations by Envelope Will bo Re ceived Until May 1- Names of Contributors to tho Convention Fund, The following lettet has been issued by Major W. S. Millar, chairman of the finance committee of the Letter Carriers' association: We desire to estmd our warmest thanks for the liberal contribution al ready made to the convention fund of tne National Association of Letter Camera who will hold their tinth annual meet ing In our city September I to 10. 'iiu committee being unable to becure enuuj-li coin envelopes to meet tho demand, and having learned thai many aie unable to comply with our miacst to send In their contributions by March SO. tho finance committee have decided to extend tho timo until May 1. This wtll give ample time for all desiring to atsiM the cltizi im' committee in their efforts to uphold tho good name of our city and enteitaln our visitors In a mannti that will be an ever lasting monument to the hospitality of the metropolis of the nn'liiaelte resl"l. Trusting those who have not sent lu their contributions will do so at their earliest possiblu convenience. W. S. Millar, Chairman Finance Committee. Letters have been received by the committee from the carriers at Sun bury, llethlehem. Lebanon, Etvt'in, Passaic N. .!.. and Boston, Mass., mat ing that they will take part in the car tiers parade here on Labor day noxt. Following are the names of additional contributors to the fund: Mrs. Fred Durr, Mrs. Jacob Iielmer, Mrs. C. L. Foley. Mrs. D. S. l:an, Mrs. Dr. L. II. Gibbs, Mis. 13. G. Hughes. Mrs. H. II. Bamford. Mr?. T. J. Wheeler. Miss Margaret Thomas. Mrs. Burnley Wlll lamH, Mr.?. S. T. llamnicnd, Mrs. Hector Campbell, Mrs. S. J. Jennings, Mrs. G. W. Cjiieton. Mrs. William Hughes. Mrs. Wil liam Wurman, Mrs. Elizabeth Carey, Mrs. Ann Bristlcy, Ml.'s Margaret Bristiey, Miss Jessie Bristle-, Mrs. Willard Lan nning, Mrs. F. 13. Shelton, Mrs. R. L. Jones. Mrs. Ed Leach. Mrs. Joseph Spclchcr, Mri. G. W, Manley, Mrs. Mary A. Hogan, Mrs, Andrew Reguln. Mrs. Thomas Gerrity, Mrs. L. 13. Reynolds, Mrs. A. D. Huphes, Mrs. J. F. llammes, Mrs. T. M. Miller, Mrs D. C. Phillip., Mrs G. A. William. Mrs. George Fire stlnc, Mrs. D. I. Phillips, Mrs. John I.ong, Mrs. W. B. Morgan, Mrs. A. J. Plko, Mrs. Benjamin Gllllltlis. Mrs. J. Von Welsonfluo, Mrs. 13. J. Wolfgang, Mrs. F. F. Adams, .Mrs. S. W. Finn, Mrs. Henry Conrad. Mrs. J. II. Vail, Mrs. J. A. Fluke, Mrs. Mary Raub, Mrs. John F. Armbrust, Mrs. Lizzie Penna, Mrs. Captain Corwln. Mrs. Huttle Shirer, Mrs. Dr. Anna Law, MKi L. Wade Barnes, Miss Mary Barrett, Mrs. William Vohrer, Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Mrs. Jemima Glse. Mrs. A. Kotzwlnkle, Mrs. Sarah A. Mayock, Mrs. L. II. Zlramer, Jr., Mrs. M. V. McNally. Mrs. Rev, H. F. Lisse, Mrs. James Needham, Mrs. Albett Haldeman, Mrs. J. B. Delgleman, Mrs. Thomas E. Evans, Mrs. A. Lenta, Mrs. Charles Parry, Mrs. Hannah Anthony, Mrs. John E. Jones. Mn. G. P. Schaefer, Mrs. Emma Hus.lnger. Mrs. Martin Reif, Mrs. G. P. Kramer, Mrs. Julia Kramer, Mrs. John Frlchttl. Mrs. John J. Noll, Mrs. 13. Herrman. Miss Mary Harrison. Miss Hannah Kelly, Mrs. C. W. SJIcgl r. Mrs. Dr. Gullck. Mrs. R. I. Roberts. Mrs. Aro gaining favr lapnlly. huskies, men and travel lers carry them In vest roeUeti, Ivllei mrrjr them 'n r11"', luiiel:pipr ktdp them hi hmllfine '' - r. nn 'If' rr 'nf wtvU ' ASKFOfcTHEBSSKLEIOtf GIVES TttL And !5A&59IUTEiy SAFE TOR SALB BY THE QORANTON STATION. iJ 5 i r Fills pQTOURN nil F. W. Reynolds, Mrs. William Hcnsol. Mrs. D. K. Mnrberger, Mrs. F. CI Dan lei, thu Misses Ollmuro, Mrs. Alex Dunn. Mrs. M. K. Faust, Mrs. F. J. Amsdcn, Mrs. W. S. Coleman, Mrs. A. K. Adams, Mrs. 8. 8. StamatiH, Miss Tllllo llawley, Mrs. C. W. Northup. a friend, Mrs. Ij. D. Vlckory, Mrs, W. F. Urady Mts. W. M. Weaver, Mrs J. II. Grltlln, Miss Anna Sanderson, Mrs. W. F. Stone, Mrs. J. F. Lelblg, .Mrs. X. Cornish, Mrs. J. J. Hob. blns, Mrs, F. II. Gerlock, Mrs. M. J. Col llgitn, Mrs. J. JcnnlncH, Mrs. V. J. Con way, Mrs. II. A. Ulrtley, Mrs. Catharlno Evans, Mrs, D. D. McFarlnnd, Mrs. T. N. Thompson. Airs. II. J. Hall, Mrs. O. G. llurbotir, Mrs. W. 13. Perry, Miss Cath. arlno Droller, Mrs, Fannie Wallace, Mrs, W. A. Lush, Mrs. C. T. Uoland, Mrs. Jacob Keesler, Mrs. Charles Flint, Mrs. M. J. Hums, Mrs. J. Schottel, Mrs. J. W. Hlclnman, Mrs. T. U. l'olcn, Mrs, Ocorgo Howell, Mrs. F. Arlgonl. Mrs. 13. Warrick, Mrs. G. F. Kellow. Miss Maggie Mar tin, Mrs. A. Pagan, Mrs. J, Nealls, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Mrs. A. Ablimalp, Mrs. D. G. Davits, Mrs. It. C. Powell, Mrs. W. F. Crook, Mrs. W. 15. Uvans, Mrs. J. M. Carey, Mrs. N. W. Howard, Mrs. II. 1C Carllng. Mrs. H. Walther, Mrs. J. I. Phil lips, Mrs. J. H. Shaffer, Mrs. T. J. Jones, Mrs. Mary Morgan. Mrs. George Jonkins, Mrs. James Donnegan, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. M. Powell, Mrs. F. t,. Hoover. Mrs. ICllen It. Williams, Mrs. IJarniiart. Mrs. John Ded erer, Mrs. it. C. Wills, Mrs. R. M. Gold smith, Mrs. Henrietta France, Mrs. Vic tor Koch, Mrs. M. Drown, Mrs. Traugott, Mrs. J. 13. Jodry, Mrs. 8. U. Tripp, Mrs. K. Kelson, Mrs. John House. Mrs. R. A. Holly. Mrs. A. J Wurster, Frca Warner, Mrs J. 1,. Hull. Mrs. J. D. Morrell, Mrs. P. J. Morrell. Mrs. 13. R. Moirls, Mrs. F. O. Wolfe, .Mrs. F. C. Hand, .Mrs. Rutty, Mrs. P. . Hlg- ; gins, Mrs. Ada Rone. Mrs. Jacob Kelper, I Mrs. B. D. O'Rcllley, Mrs. W. U. Cul- Benedict Kraft, Mrs. J." G. Millar.' Miss Jennie Duffy, Mi?s M. Reitly, Miss Kntlu Duggan, Mrs. John Cawley. Mrs. Will- '.""" """" ""!'""" V" " U. F. Rolllson. Mrs-. M. Murmluy. Mrs. W II. Dntmcr, Misses Levy rind Wltte, Mrs. A. K. Walker. Mrs. M. N. Jones, Miss ResMo Jones, Mrs. Fred Tuess, Mrs. II. A. Tewksbin-y. Mrs. Weston Wllklns, Mrs. J. J. Snyder, Mrs. Peter Zang, Mrs. Rarney Forster, Rev. Peter Christ, Mrs. Kllza. Kelly, Mrr. Jacob Hnefner, Mrs. iJ. Bohm. Pennsylvania Pensions. Washington, March 20. Thoo Penn sylvania pensions have been Issued: Orig inal Harry I.. Kiigbaum, Seranton, IS. Increase Mitchell O. Stark, Nicholson, Wyoming, $14 to $17; Nicholas Warmuuth, Larksvllle. Luzerne, 10 to $30. Original widows, reissue Mary A. Kvans, Seran ton. $8. I suffered with Kczcmi of tho worst kind, my fico and neck dorcn to my shoul Jcrs wcio one Inflammation, was not ablo to see out w my eyes for quite a while, and was unalno to sleep for wtclu, oa account of the severs pain, which nearly drovo mo Insane My faro and neck were swollen and made mo look hideous. HadthrcodoctoraatdlEerenttlnies, and not one of them could relievo mo of tuy pain, swelling, and blotches. I used three bottles of CcncDr.A Resolvent, lour boxes CciictntA (ointment), thrna catea of Cot: ciiu Soap, and ray friends and one. of thn doctors arc sumrised,and asked, " Who cured you?" and I tell thsra quickly, " Cimccw. nrarnira." J.V.KArKA, March -1, IM, 3.1 Schol.-j PL, Prool lyn, :. V. F-M thrrartmit thn TrnrM. Pi. vkt D. ni! "or.- fj..'. ,-nj., I n.tftf !'---'- ' BUY NATIONS' PRIDE CONDENSED J1SLK Manufactured by SCRANTON DAIRY CO Ask your groc:r for it. NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Brotdway and Eleventh St, New Yrtt Opp. Grace Church. Burtptaa Pits. Rooms $1.00 a Vtj cad Upward. Jn h morfatt and nnobtriistvs w thftra ara fr vr better conducted Sot;l in th ntropoU4 man wio bi. inun Tho great popu arllr It bat aequtrad 0o road 11 y b traced to its unlqui) location, lt iioraehKK ntmointirre. tha poculiir aicaUaae lis IK inhere, tba of im cuishio and aarvica, and ill Try no4aj or u cuisu at price. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOU Cor. Sixteaath St and Irving PIicj, NEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, lay nnd Upwards. EU HOPE AN PLAN, Dy nnd Upwards. $3.30 Per S1.50 Per I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. m-:;'-:K":":-m-X'":'w :$. For Business Men In the heart of the wholesale disti let. For Shoppers 3 mluutc-s wnilc to Wanamnlcers: S minute to SlcRet Cooper Ills Store. r.auy ui access ia me jjreai wry lioom Store. For Sightseers. One block from U'way CaM.eivinL'fnsv MAi4uutiuu tuiiii jiuuiiaui nurii'ri, l Hotel Albert,! NEW YORK.1 COK. llth ST. St UNlVIJKhlTY 1T.ACK, V J Only One nioclc from Ilroadway. t' ROOIllS. 1 III) HESTAURANT .' kx:-:"Xx-:::":M"X-::xX": MBLE TO SEE FROM WESTM Red, J.I 1 1 Connolly &W 1 27 and DESIRE For perfection has led us to employ every means known for producing the very best flour on earth. "Snow White" I the result. Wo use only tho best wheat, have tho moat mod ern machinery and employ mill ers of lonK and varied experi ence. AVe believe it has paid us to do io and the public poems to aercp .with us, if our constantly Increasing sale3 aro any criterion. All sroccra sell "Snow White." 'We Only Wholesale It." THEWESTONMILLCO hcranton, Carbnndal;, Olyrhatit. t Hi OF SCRANTM Spcclnl Attention fJlvento BmN ness and Personal Account). Liberal Accotnmmlatlrtiu lix teiuled According tu Ualuuces and Responsibility. Jil'cr Cent. Intcrait Allowd on lutcroat Uspoilti. Capital, Surplus, 5200,003 400,000 WJI. CONNELL, Prcsiaont. IIKNRYBKLIX.Jr., Vice Pre?. W1LL1AJI U. PEOK, Cashier The vault of thU ban'c Is pro. tectcd by Holme' Electric Pro. tectivu aystuin. THE HiC POWDER CO, Rooms 1 nnd '.MWlth IVI'd's. SCRANTON, CX Mining and Blasting POWDER Hade ut .Mooilo and Ilusbdale Wot it I.APLIN & RANI) POWOF.R COM ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrlo llattorle. Kleetrla KxploiUri toreiptodtui: blmti, Kifccy Kins unl Repauno Chemical Go's uxiSvkj AA A,l,AAAA4ufcAA AX Washington Avenue: White and Blue Buntin For poses with the event of the week, the Thirteenth Regiment Jubilee will be found here in great quantities and at our usual well-known low prices. 129 Washington Avenue. : f ft Spring I' 1899. ) 1 m Our new lines arc now tnauy exclusive novelties not Carpets Wilton Axminster Velvet Body and Tapestry Brussels Ingrain Interior WINDOW SHADES ' 5 s Williams LACKAWANNA LUMBE ElAHUFiCTURERS OF fl E Oil Dill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Aline Kall.i mtved to uniform length constantly on bund. Peeled Hvnlocli Prop Timber promptly t-'urnlahed. MILLS At Cro Fork, Potter Co.. on tl4 Buffalo and Susquc hanna Ituilroad. At Mlna, Pottor Countjr. Pu on Condors port, und Port Allesany UailrOAd. Capacity iOO.000 feet per day. GENERAL OFFICE-Board o! Trad Uuildlng, Seranton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. I The Last Call & This is your last chance to pick up shoe bargains at the closing out sale of the STANDARD SHOE STORE Footwear goes at the smallest kiud of prices this month. Your Last Chance is limited to a Few Days Only. We shall positively J Tuesday, March 28. Now is bargain I Standard HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITY WHEN IN STRONG A6AIH ! 4.W f (&SfA If VTPj 00 i .. .1.. .i.At kln liu..l.i.rfl..t.t,f. rh.fV.k ,iM.iMftv. IJaleftl tialtenlt are rropetly cured, thnr condition olten worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed, Price ti perboa) 0 bones, with lron,ld If eal cuarantee tocure or refundthe nouey.fj.oo. Send lor tree bock. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0. mm ror Kiilc liyJOUN II. IMIHLPS, unu bprucc bircoi. decorative pur in connection allace on exhibition and embrace to be found elsewhere. Lac? CMains Renaissance Irish Point Brussels Dresden Nottingham WALL PAPER cAnuity Decorators. sell no Shoes after time; don't put it off. Shoe Store, 217 LACK. AVE DOUBT, TflY They hav tcod the ttit o( yer. aria hava cured thousands of C ol Nrnoul Uiieaiti, luco ai Ucbilily, I)imes. Sleepiest' neks and aricocele.Atrophy.&c They clear the brain, strencthen the circulation, make digestion rcriect. and imnirt a healthy l'liuriuiicWt, cor Wyomhig avenue I rapfc I r i