THE S01UNTON T1U13UNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1899. NORTON'S SPRING SELECTIONS of Now Wall Decorations tuo now ready for Inspection. Wo invito your attention to sco the beautiful Novelties wo linve for your consideration. Choice American, English imd French designs and colorings to match the now carpets and draperies. Wo havo selected the "Cream" of tho patterns from the mills that make tho Tlncst Wall Decorations. Our selections are exclusive and cannot he had elsewhere In the city. You are welcome to see them and not bo under any obligations. Wo will cheerfully and gladly exhibit our specimens to all . who desire to sco the new ideas in interior decorating. Any contemplated inside decorating can be done in cold weather as well as in warmer, more quickly I and at less expense. We furnish ! competent workmen on short notico and at reasonable rates. We suggest an early consideration to avoid tho usual spring rush. M. NORTON, 3122 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. 32 S. Main St., Wllkes-Barre. -2 S5.' c See Our Qreot ; 1 EASTER DISPLAY ov- 5 Fine Pictures 0 .. THEGRIFFIN ARTSTUDIO 1 ,jj 3oq WjnmlnK Avenue, jjj WE DELIVER Fresh Pure Milk 5c a Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO .15 -J J 7 Adams Avenue. DR. A. A, LINDA3URY, SrccialUis Surgery, Disease of Woiusn CHlce-lloun ! I III a. in i to :i i. in At itrsidence . "Id Up m Olllce- William llullcll'ii., Opv 1'oilollli.c lTihlUence- ui o SoiUli Main A omit-. Chas. McMiillen & Co. Have oni lied a ijineial Insur ance Other in the Trailers' alional liunk liuihliiii; Best Hunk Cora'.uiif ifU fronted. l.aiRi- lint s tHpci lallv -nlicltid. Tele phone 103. R. J. REAP, Plumlhg, Stsam and Gas Fitting lolihli Prom .tlj Mteii'leil to. ( unier ol 1. .i euiHMiiiil 1, mien S-tiee uider "Tile Windsor." ORE armor. Ilrmr ami TobacrndiKpnsm. Pamphlet free. 'IHU KHKI.KY INSTITUTE, o miuiaun au., oiKAmu.-if, 1'A. SGRANTON TRANSFER CO. I5nsrsiKO ealletl loi and UflH.U'd day or nlRht. Office, 100 Lacka. Ave. Phone 525 AGKAWANNA "IMF." AUNDRY ;i8 Penn Avenus A. II. WAKrUV PERSONAL. Mi. and Mis. Charles Depue. ol Noiih Lincoln avenue, were In Mo-cow joier lav. JrorBC Williams, of New York city, li visltlim his cousin, Attorney c. A. I'at-tenber-r. Aldetman Knsson was abn-nt fioni IiIh fltlcc yesterday ovvIiik to illness, but will bo thcro ns Ubual today. State Prebblent A. .1. Colboin, uf the Patriotic Ordor Hot s of America, lioinc from a week'n tour of tho lower part of Hie state. Cards havo been Issued lu the marriage of Miss Olivia Macintosh to Dr. I limy MacVeash Hroiui, tho ccitmouy to take place at tho Finit Presbyterian chinch Weilcnsday, April 3, at noon. William Johnson has teslRiicd his por tion as chief eiimneer with tho I.aciui .nnmi BrevvuiK company to accept a sltiii ar position with Mr. Uertois. of Syracuse, fo will be Hucccoded lj Jonn Hoyle, of Vest Scratilon. Mr. anil Mrs. Uyron Manning Winton lave Issued cards to tho inanhiKO of their lauBhter, Frances, to Mr. Ailhur Clem ents Tnltclivll. on Wednesday, April 5, Ht the Cirecn IlldKO Presbyterian church. At the conclusion of tho ceremony a breakfast will be served at the homo of he bride's parents on Sanderson avenue. Allan Lavvionce. of Lawrence's band, ia ictelvej word that Udward CunnliiK lain, who foimorly played basso prof undo tor him nt tho Academy of Muvic, in 'owly recovering at lloston. Mr Cun tmsliam was nlven up by physlel ins horn lid In Uostnn invl Is now t.ikln- tliu "hvlstlan Bcloiico treatment, lie vrcM .lio letter Hmsolf and la able to fit -i M. A. I'rledlander & Co. nnounce their urand Uamor oponlns of Hnts nnd Honnuts Wednesday and Thuivday, March it and 2,?. MO Spruce itivrt. opposite Court HniiM Vfc. havo sovcra! small lots of Koy 7est llavanas wo wish to close- out. for a time w offer tliem at faotory )rlces. Garnsy, Hrvwr. & Co, KE Fort FUNERAL OF MRS. EDWARDS. Hold at tho Moscow Mothodist Church Yesterday Morning. There was a largo attendance of friends and rotative- nt tho funcinl of the late Mis. John M. Kd wards, which was held yesterday inoniliif,- from the residence nt Moscow. Many attend ed from this city, Wilkes-Dane and Ctrvcrton. Tho services were con ducted at tho lesldcncc by tho Itev. Guy Snow-Ion, pastur of the Moscow Methodist church, and the remains were thou homo to the above church, whore futhor services were hold. At tho church the Scripture lostum was road by tho llov. Mr. Snowdon and prayer was offered by the Tlev. F. A. Kins, of Parsons. Tho latter, In accordance to nil oft expressed wish of tho deceased, preached tho funeral sermon. Hu chose his text, but spoko words of comfort and consolation. Ho touching!? inferred to tho day over twenty yoois ago when lie had united tho now separated couple In tho bonds of matrimony. Tho choir sang several selections, i-neli being a favorite of the deceased. The members of tho II. IX Hwartz Division. Women's Relief corps, No. 37, of which deceased was an ac tive member, also conducted the beau tiful funeral ilto of the corps. Itev. Mr. Snowdon inndu u few appropriate concluding lotnai !(.. At the conclusion of tho servhes the i "mains wcie viewed and later borne to the Methodist cemetery, where In terment was made. The pall-bearers weie sent by tho Urotliorhooel of Loco motive Fiicmeu, of which Mr. Udwards is a member, and wore William Hur llngton. Hlchni-1 C.llllnnham. Charles Simmons. Jonathan Thomas. Harry C.iRllzer and C. Dennis. The llovver bearers were Charles Depow, of the Iliotherhood. and Oilbeit and Chailes ISdwmds, nephews of the deceased. ! I WILL FIGHTTHE TRUST. M. J. Kelly. Propriotor of The Lack awanna Steam Bake.iy, Will En largo His Plant and Make a De cided Stand Against His Unfair Competitor, the Trust-The Public Should Aid Him, M J. Kelly, propiletor of the Lacka wanna Sit-nm Uakery, Is making exten sive iinpiovements In his mammoth baking establishment on Capouso avenue. Heielofore Mr. Kelly Las been making rrackeis only, but as soon as his Improvements arc completed, ho will alio in.inuincturu a superior lino of fancy cukes. The recently oigunized tiust, which hns absorbed about all of the Impor tant bakeries in Ibis locality, except the Lackawanna Steam ?.ikeiy, and hopes to stllle all competition by foil ing the Independent manulncturers out of business. Is doing all In Its power to Injure Mr. Kelly's business, but In stead of selling out at the dictation of the Trust, he has decided to enlargo the capacity of his plant and thereby place himself in position to successfully compete with his gigantic competitor. It will be to the Interest of tho con sumers of crnckois, inkes, etc., to In sist on their grocers and bakers giving them goods manufactured by tho Lackawanna Steam Jiakcry, and there by matcilnlly strengthen Mr. Kelly in li.s light, vvhli h will benefit not only home industry and labor, buL the con sumer as well, Inasmuch as the Tiust will certainly ialse pi ices as .soon as they have the consumer entlrel) at their mercy. Tho goods mnnul'iu lined by ilie Lackawanna Steam Bakery uiv fiist chiss In every lespect, and tho people of Northeastern Pennsylvania should embuiie this opportunity nt patroniz ing a "not in the Trust" concern. Ask your dealer for gonds made by the Lackawanna Sieain Uakery and Insist on getting them. NEW DEPARTURE BY ONE OF THE OLDEST OLD-LINE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. In the bu; strides recently made in Lite Inuinncu. the Union Mutual, of Poulond, Maine, steps to the front with Its new pulicv. Payable In Gold, abso lutely Incontestable froip date of Issue, and with no ititiii Hon as to travel, residence, occupation, nvmnei of life or cause ol dpnth. Should the iusuied fail to pay his piemiuni, the company keep?, his insur ance In force for the full value of the policy for fiom one to forty-four years without any deduction for back pre miums when death occurs. Thirty days of grace, without Interest, Is given for payment of premiums Is given. The policy-holder Is privileged to convert the entire cash value and surplus earn ings ot his policy into paid-up Insurance without medical re-examlnatlon. Th policy grants paid-up insurance, cash surrender values ami iicmlts the loan of the entire cash va'u- .it ." per cent, without deducting Ii.i . -i or an addi tional year's premljni i. advance, re instating the policy in the event of lanse. aii oi inoso iidoiui reaturc-s are granted without any Increase fn prem ium rates. The agency torco of the Union Mu tual for Fustern Pennsylvania is un der the management of Mr. A, C. Otis, 530 Walnut street. Philadelphia. Arthur T. Uaynsford and Robert Tf. Jessup. (OS ''"onnell building-, are the genet al agents for Scranton. D. & H. R. R. Excursion to Scranton. On account of reception to Thir teenth regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers Infantrj, Thuisday, March J3, 1RM, grand parude at i p. m , JO.OiiO uniformed men In line. Governor Stone and staff will also l present. Special low rates on tho Delaware and Hudson as follows: Time Adults. Children, of train W'Barre 50 40 Pittston .tO 23 Avocu HO 2." Olyphant 0 J5 Peckvlllo Si :n Aiehbald CO 25 Jerniyn ?," CO Caibondale .... 50 40 lloilrldale ....I On 75 52.30 12.49 12.5! 1.03 1.03 12.W 12.51 12.45 Ua. m. Notice. On account of removnl all tho furnl tuie of Hotel Anthracite, conducted by Jones unit .N'oitoii, No. Ill Wyoming avenue, will bo exposed to public sale on Tuesday. March 21. Sale to com mence at 10 n. m. and to bo continued until all goods arc disposed of. Jones & Norton. A. Strong, auctioneer. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Has boen usid Mr over FIFTY YKAIig bv MILLIONS it MOTHKilS for their CHlI.llUlCN WHIM TI'KTIUN') WITH PKHFISCT 8l'tvj:SS. It SOOTHES the CHILI). HOFTHNH tho Ol'MS. AM.AYB all FAIN; CUUUS WIND COLIC, and Is the bent remedy for DIARKHOKA. gold by Druggist In every part of tho 'Mirld. Hw sine and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing riyiup." and take no kind. Twenty. five ivnU it bottle. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE BIG RECEPTION MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Chief Murohnl E. H. Ripple An nounces tho Programme for tho Parade Ninth Rogimcnt Will Como Up with Sovon Hundred Men Govornor Stono and Staff Will Bo Formally Received Pro visional Guardsmen from Easton and West Pittston Will Bo Hore. Arraiifioments for Thursday's cele bration In honor of tho Thirteenth reg iment were furthered to practical com pletion at yesterday afternoon's meet IniT of the general reception committee. There weie present Captain AV. A. Mny, Colonel K 11. nipple, Malor W S. Millar. Coiirud Sehroeder, D. 1J. Atherton, F. M. Vnndllng, T. Jl. Dale, l C. 12. Daniels nnd Luther Keller. ' Colonel Hippie, marshal of the par- ! ado, announced the following as tho prosramme: OHDI3II OF CI11DF MAUSltAL. Thu puiudn In lienor of tho Thirteenth icglmcnt, Pennsylvania Volunteer liitttn tr, will toko place on Tlittrsdjy. Marc.l 3. The column will movo at 3.S0 p. m. sharp. At 3.W p. m. the bugler at head of column will sound tho "assembly." This call will bo taken up by the buglers at the head of each division at whleh tlio marshals of the seeiul divisions will sco that nil gaps In their lines are ctoM-d up and that their divisions aro closed to pioper distance from preceding divisions. Intervals" of "ii feet will be nbscnud 1 o tween divisions. Headquarters of chief marshal will be established at corner of Lackawanna ami FranMIn avenues at 3 n. in. First dil-I Inn will assemble on Franklin iiveiuic, i right resting on Lackawanna avenue. Marshal, A. I. Stevens. Post !. U. A. It., Department of Peon- ! sylvnnl.1 Post fll'i, a. A. It.. Department of Penn sylvania. Other Posls, Department of ronnsylvnuii. Camp v, Sons of Vcteians. Veterans of Thirteenth Regiment, N. O. I Republican. Tho vote, as It now np 1'.. Fscoiting ! pears on tho record. Is Gillespie, 1)9, Thirteenth Hegltnent. P. V. I. John A. Lennon. SS. It Is contended by ... . '"!h R?Klmc2t,,.P; ', 1 Mr. Lennon that In reality ho received litst Regiment, U. S. Vol. Dnslneei". .., ,.,, inn vnl.. ntul Mr r.lllesnle not Other Sohllers nnd Sailors ot Late- War. 'lt 'cast 100 ot..s unU Ml. l.lllisple not more than 70. SnCOND DIVISION State Military. On Linden stieet, west of Franklin ave nue, facing east. Fluvtnth Regiment, N. G. P., Dscorllng Cairiaites containing His i:ccllency, Win. A. Stone, Governor. Gen. J. P. S. Gobln, Lieut. Governor. Hon Golusha A. Glow, M. C. Hon. William Connell, M. C. lion. Morgan U. Williams. M. C. Hon. M. B. Wright, M. C Staff of tho Governor. THIRD DIVISION. On Linden btrcei. tost of Fiaukliu ave nue, facing west. .Marshal. T. H. Jackson, Km. Patriotic Order Sons of America Ouler of Cnlteil American Mechanics .lr. Older 1'nltpil American Mechanics FOURTH DIVISION. civic Societies. on riauklln, ilKht on Linden, fining .south. .Marshal. W. Ga.vlord Thomas Address, Republican Kulldlng FIFTH DIVISION. Temtieranee Sni letlcs. On Mulhu-ry street, east of Franklin ave nue, facing west., R. A. Malouey Address, l";u llrlek avenue. SIXTH DIVISION. Scranton Fire Department On Mulbeiry stieet. vvett of Fmiikllli iivenuc, facing east. Maishal, P. J. lliekev, chief ol Siinntoii Firo Di'pattment. shi:nth division 'ariiages and Horsemen. On Finnkllu avenue, noith of Mulbeii). Marshal, Jocepli J. Jcrmjn. Address, Wyoming avenue. The route of march will bo up Lnik-i-wamia to Jefferson, to Pine, to Wasli lngton, to Linden, to Adams, to Spruce, to Wyoming, to Lackawanna 'and dis miss. Marshals will see that their divNons do not break unlil the) aiilve al tliu point of dismissal. The governor will review the column at the Intersection of Vine slieet anil Washington avenue. Tho chief marshal will it-view tho eol umn at tho intersection of Washington avenue and Spruce street In the third, fourth and fifth divisions, tho societies will parade double sets of fours front, closed to half distance. Bicycle aides will be assigned to eneh division. Persons desiring Information umei ru ing placo of any oig.inlzatlou can com municate with the marshal of the division to which It may belong or. if he cannot bo readied, with tho chief marshal. Matshals and aides will appear In the imiiorm or tne organisation to which thev may belong, llv order of Fzra II. Rppl.-, Chief W. S Millar, Chief of Staff. AIDES OF DIVISION MARSHALS. The chief marshal's aides will bo an nounced later. Tho division marshals will chose their own aides. Colonel Hippie reported that from in formation already at hand, ho calcu lates that tho parade will requite at least an hour to pass In review. The transportation committee which has In hand the matter of bringing here tho out-of-town companies of the Thirteenth wus not nble to mako a final report. The Ninth regiment, It was announced, will bring up seven hundred men. They will be served with lunch after the parade. The Ninth will arrive here over tho Dela ware and Hudson road ut 2.20 p. in. GILT EDGE Coursen's Fresh Creamery Print Butter delivered every moruiug, will be fouud the sweetest, firmest aud most delicious butter made. When used on bread made from our Wheateu" Flour you have the strongest and best food known. Our 3 and t; lb. boxes are less expensive, and are sold this month at cost of produc tion to introduce this make. 1 ffiBfe M HI HMI R-MRI BB bk ki Company 1, of West Pittston, and Company 13, of liaston, of the Seventh reitlment, have accepted Invitations to tnko part In the parade and will inarch with the Mleventh roulmunt. Tho ilrst event of the day will bo the reception of tho Kovernor and his stafT. They will arrive over the Dela ware, l.acknwamui and Western road nt 12.38 p. in., and will be met with carriages by a part of the leeeptlon committee nnd Colonel I A. Watros and staff of the ICloventh regiment. The governor and party will be enter tained at the Jerniyn. Major W. H. Millar, C. 13. Daniels and A. I. Bedford, of tho programme committee, will meet In tho board of trade tooms at 11 o'clock this morning to nrrange tho order of exercises at the Lyceum and prepare the souvonlr pro gramme. Sergeant Tom Miles will go to Hall stead today to assemble the Thir teenth's band and have them prepared to como here "Wednesday night. Ho has secured the loan of a full set of Instrument! for tho occasion. The letter carriers are arranging to participate In the parude. It. A. Moloney, president of tho Cath olio Total Abstlnenco Union of tho Soc ond district, who has been appointed marshal of tho fifth division, has Is- sued an Invitation to all temperance societies to join In the parade. They are requested to report to him as early as possible, that they may be assigned places In the line. TWO MORE CONTESTS. Offices in Disputo Aro Council in Third Ward of Olyphant and Constablo in Eighth Ward of Scranton. Tin1 two additional election contests, of which mention was made In The Tribune last ween, wore nogun yestur- lay. Tho ofllces In dispute are council In the Third ward of Olyphant and constable In tin Flghth ward ot Scran- ton. In tho Third waid of Olyphant An thony r. nillosplo. Democrat, was re turned as doited over John A. lennon, In tho bill of particulars It is set ; forth that In the First district ot tho Third VMird many gross Irregularities occurred In conducting tho election. Persons not on the registry list were allowed to vote- and ballots cast for Lennon were counted for Gillespie nnd tegulnilv chosen election olllcers were not allowed to perform their dutle3. When counting the returns the election board stopped several times to consult with Gillespie, in whose hotel the elec tion was held, accepted cir7ais and whiskey from him nnd allowed him to enter the room where tho ballots were counted, although they refused Lennon a like privilege. A rule was gi anted it quiring Glll"S ple to nnsw ?r mxt Monday nnd Attor ney M. P. C.iwiey was dliecteil to se cure the ballots ins't In the Thltd ward at the election in question ana nun them over to the cleik of the courts for safe- keeping. Mi. Lei.non is repre sented by Attorney John T. Martin and C. Donovan. In the contest for the ollii of ion stable of the Fighth vi aid Attorney Vt. J. Reedy filed papers for John 13. Walsh, who alleges that Thomas was not legally elected It Is alleged that altogether (2 Illegal votes were cat for Thomas Thirty-eight defective affida vits lt Is said we:e Hied by the men who voted for Thomas. The latter Is directed to make answer to the ie.ti tlnn nil Apt II 3 at 9 o'cloi I; HEARTLESS CRUELTY. THIS. Shivering Children Follow Drunken Father from Saloon to Saloon. About a week ago a (5-year-old girl named Rose KHowsky nrayod away from her father wnlle on a visit here. She war. picked up bv the police ami sent to St. Joseph's Foundling homo, ller father, accompanied by his broth-er-in-lnvv and S-year-old daughter cam" up last night and got the child. Thev also got drunk When Se'geant RUlgeuny and Patrol man Feeney picked them up at 10."0 o'cloe k tliu children were shivering from the cold. The fnther and undo wore lotked ur and little ones sent to St. Joseph's home. Mi' i key McDonald was lined 1 In police court yesterday tor an exactly similar offense The child he thus abused was a 4-year-old boy. Central Railroad of New Jersey Ex cursion to Scranton March 23d, 1800. Fiom Aside). Adults tiOc, chlldun irte.; Trains leav- S 40, 10.21 a. m.; J2 m.; 1.57. 5.45 p. ni. From, adults .Vie., chil dren 10c, trains leave S.IO, JO, '3 a. m.: 12.07, 2.07, 5.02 p. m. Fiom Parsons, adults 45e., children 40e.: trains leave S.32, 10.10 a. in.; 12.11. 2.11, 5.5C p. m. From Miner's Mill, adults 45c. children 10c; trains leavo S 5C, 10.53 n. m.; 12.13 2.11, CCS p. in. From Mill Creek, adults 45c.. childien lOe ; trains leave S.57. 10 45 a. in.; 12.11, 2.1(5, 5 50 p. m. From Taylor, adults 10c. children 10c: trains leave P.24. '11.13 a. m.: j: 13. 2.4P, (5.2S p. in. Returning Leave Scranton 1.20, 3.20, 7.10, 11 p. m Celebration of the return of the Thir teenth leglment, P. V T. Governor Stone and staff, as well as the Ninth regiment, P. V. 1., nnd Seventh regi ment, N. G. V., will ha present. Parade and entertainment, In the ar mory, In tho afternoon. Eve-nlng en tertainment In tho Lyceum theatre. The Scranton fire department. Klks. Knights of Pythias, G. A. It., and sev eral other so ietles nnd labor organi zations will For further Infor mation call mi ticket agents C. R, n. of N. .1. The numbers of Schiller lodge, No. 315, F. and A. M.. aro requested to at tend the funeral of our deceased broth er Henry Dlinler. from his late r'-sl-deuce ITOD Vino street, on Wednesday, Match 12, 1S09, at 2 o'clock. Msmbors ot sister lodges tiro respectfully re quested to attend. Ily order ot Oeorge D. Iliandt, W. M. Attest: Chas. S. Oelbert, Sec. Try Casey & Kelly's Hock Deer; Its tho best on tap. Smoke Tho Pocono Cigar, Co. m i - Tho Student drill dow not cook the cook, hut it does cook the food with royal excellence; and you can go t" church jr matinee, visit the sick, attend a convention, or rpad a French Kovcl while it is being done. Write for Student Orill Ilooklst to the Bunsen-Uumfoid Co., 3craUou, Pa. SCHOOL BOARD CASE TO BE RE-ARGUED APPARENTLY A DEADLOCK AMONO THE JUSTICES. Number of Times tho Merits of This Caso Has Boon DiscusBcil Boforo tho Supremo Court Solicitor TJ. J. Reody, of tho School Board, Takes tho Ordor for a Ko-Argumont as a Hopeful Sign for tho Board of Twonty-Ono Nothing Known About tho Timo for Re-Argument. Tho supremo court at Philadelphia yesterday handed down an order for u reargument of the school board case. This would Boom to Indicate that thcro is a deadlock among tho judges about the ense, the court having but six mm- boiH since tho death of Justice Wll Hams. These six were on the bench j wuen mo nso to arguou ai I'liuiiuei- phla on Feb. 20. ' Hollcltor D J. Roody, of the hoard of control, belleies the desire of the court to hear the ease reargued Is a. hopeful sign for the board of twenty-one. as they have ull along betm arguing In tho face of a supreme court decision In an almost parullel case from Pittsburg. Theie aro nlso four common picas de cisions against them. It Is not known nt this time when (he supremo couit will hoar the re argument, but In nU probability it will not be before May, when tho court meets at Knrrlsburg. When lt Is next argued an effort will be made to havo all tho cities Interested In tho dechlon submit paper- books These dtlcs aro: Pittston, Eaton, Hazleton. Lebanon, Tittisville. Meadvillo and Harrlsburg. The merits of the matter under con sideration have been argued before tho supremo court twice In the Pittston case, onco when the Scranton case came up for a general hearing and twice when the matters growing out of tho writ of supersedeas were under .-onsid-oration. SWORD FOR COL. HALLSTEAD Prosented to Him by a Mumber of II i3 Friends. A beautiful sword was presented to Colonel Oeoige M. Hallstead Saturday night, when a number of friends as sembled at his home on Clay avenuo and surprised him with the gift. Among those piesent were Major Kv erott Wntren, Major T. F. Penman, J. T Richaids, John Gibbons, Garrett Hogart, S. D. Stillwell and others. Mnjor Warren made a most happy presentation speech In which he wrought congratulations upon being a member of tho governor's staff and tho pride in which the honor Is hold by Colonel Hullstoad's li lends. In tho course- of his address he paid a grace ful tribute to the- citizen-soldiers and their work in the volunteer army if the nation. After a bilef but appreciative iv sponse by Colonel Hallstead, tho re mainder of the evening was devoted to seicial chat and a discussion of the week's festivities In honor of the Thir teenth regiment. BAND WILL PLAY. Finn & Phillips Provide Bandmaster Mile3 with Instruments. I'lnn & I'hllllps, tho local music pub lisher anil dealeis in musical insttu ments, have kindly offered Hand Mas ter Thomas Miles, of the Thirteenth ruglnitnt band, the use of a oomph te set of Insli mucins for Thuisdny's par ade. Mr. Miles has accepted their offer, ami consequently the regimental band vv 111 be a feature of the parade which would otherwise have been missing, as their own Instruments had to be re turned to the government when tho band members were musteicd out of service. A BEAUTIFUL TROPHY. Presented to the Firemen's Fair by Col. E. IT. Ripple. Chief Hlckey yesterday icceived a donation fiom Colonel V.. II. Hippie for the III omen's fair In the shape of a trumpet made of eoal and studded with sulphur stones. John Cunningham, of Summit Hill, who makes a specialty of this kind uf vvoik, manufactured the trumpet at Colonel Hippie's special order. It will likely be offered us a prize to be contested for by the different flic com panies. OVERTAKEN AND CAPTURED. Made Off with a Horse and Carriage i, :z", Horn Throop. James Sullivan, of this city, und John liiemum, of Jessup, took a horso and carriage fiom tho barn of Charles 1'llKer, of Thtoop, eaily Sunday morn Ins. They were overtaken near Wnverly and mudo an unsuccessful attempt to escape into the woods.. Constable Coons, of Waverly, brottcht them to the county Jnll yesterday. The WUkis-Hatro Itecord mny be had In Scranton at tho news Hands of Itels- man liny,, stieet, Mae 404 Spruce und 5U Imiilen I.neltaiwinna avenue. Dr.BuirsSs,nl:r " ;-X" w Carts ut outc couh. Cough Syrup Z, broucuilisandiucipicutcoii'.umiitiou. rncc-je. ROSARIES 5pial Easter Made iu Sterliug Silver aud with beads of Amethyst, Topaz, Jet, Garnet, Crystal, and Coral. Also Pearl Chains, Neck-, laces Hells and Collar Buckles and Silver Novelties without end. MERCEREAU & CONNELL I3O Wyoming Avenue. BLOWN FROM HIS TRAIN. D., L. and W. Paasongor Conducto Is Boriously Injured. John TewsburjTa Delaware, Lacka wanna nnd Western passenger con ductor on tho Utlca division, was blown from his train near Norwich, N. V.. while It was going nt a high rato of speed yesterday morning and so seriously Injured that his lifo Is despalted of. Ho was passing from one conch to another when a gust of wind swept him from tho platform and hurled him down tho embankment. Ho was taken to his home In niughnmton. Jolly Good Follows. Passengers on tho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway may be sure of tho company of courteous and pleasant follow travelers. The Lake Shoio railway Is a favorite with drum mers and commercial men, who are conceded to be a very Jolly class of men. You cannot go wrong in follow ing tho example of commercial travel ers, for they always pick out tho quick 03t uml nost colntortaWo roaUs, nnd therefore recommend tho Lake Shore, M. A. Frlcdlander & Co. announce their grand Faster opening of Hats and Honnets Wednesday and Thursday, March 22 and 23. 510 Spruce street, opposite Court House. CASTOR I A Por Infants anil Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of ytf$z& The first one of these macnlficent Omerson Pianos was won by Mrs. H. R. Stevens 226 North Ninth Street of this city. Airs Stevens the fortunate winner has wo young daugh ters who are over joyed vith their hojJ fortune. Remember That we are going lo give two more ol those beautiful Pianos. The next one will be given Wed nesday, April 26th, and the third Piano will be given away on Wed nesday, May :24th. STRICTLY FRESH EGGS , Car load Just airlvcd. All styles, and prices the lowest. Workmanship guaranteed even on THE CHEAPER GR4DES. Keep us In mind and you won't ie gret givlns us ,our patrona-jo you will get goods as represented glvlnij you out easy terms of payment or very lowest prices for ensh. Immense stock of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets, Iron Ueds, etc. Five large floors full to tho celling at till nn,l :ll l'raii:;lln Avenue Thos Ke'ly's Storjs, SUITS .Order $1450 g of nine and lllaek Chevlon. und MiMores. materfull t.itl- trimmed to peril 1 lion. JCOATS fl eft r Measure $ I 0. -JU 1 flno :nBllll Covert Cloth. Mnl mi perfectly or no p.iv t'.il.i To Order ronitlnir of nine and lllaek Chevlon. ltte.ils ami SUMurex. maieriuu 1.111 oreel and trimmed to perlniion. OVERCOATS To You Made In lo fit von lasts unlil Saturday nlytn. Du.i t mi.-j your chaiiee. We also nuKen specialty ol Ladies Tailoring MILLER, The Tailor, 435 Sprue? St mAUl.n.'"' r'Ti "SZ.S WW S3 it nzm KrKiifsiSJJsii v t A-V Per W Vllj R JP lJozen yi TAKE TIMC BY THC FOnCLOCK." I g B nnntl nnnninrnHnn nnnnr, UU 4&&fiswv& .1 Our Subject srsLr 15 Two-Fold 1tSs ;t fib. ioKVBB5sasftN I &&" : lSSeaSY WA ! Mimmim mX??Z''''S'' 'Sj'j''J'Sjrj'' s - r - y Manufactured by SKOltT & HIOIEY IS!- HID TELEPHONE 022 141 to 149 Marldlai Str2i, Simln Pi. mum M PAINT DEPARTriENT.-Pure White lycad, Colors and Varnishes. iIlIu liiUa, li 20 Lackavniui Ava, ScnntojPi. Wholesale unJ Retail DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZINC. Ready nixed Tinted Paint, Convenient, 1'conomtcat, Danibla. Varnish Status, rioeluclnsl'errect lmltiitlouor UxpsailT Wood. Raynolds' Wood Plnlsli, Kipeclally Deugncdfor Itiildo Worlfc IWarbls Floor Finish, Ptiriiblo and Drltn 'iulclcly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PIIH" LI5iE3 OIL AM TURPENTINE. SHHIi!IE!!Utl:E!Si:3;iIIII!liIt;iIEUU 1 SPRING ! tm m f I Net) Shapes, 1 Neu? Patterns. 1 ma "i ftM II rj . - I HANDS PAYNE, I On the Squire. 103 Washington Ave S EBllBElEeXSaiSSSES2II!IE23:E3SaEEE!I!SaESI Tin RictHil & Sandarsin Oil Co., NI'.U, THU I CELEBRATED MONA SAFETY OIL IiiRliit on getting lt. Mudo cntlroly from the Tloua I'raaio. Illifli Oral; Lubricating: etui (Sarnlns Oil of every ttcicrlpiioa. 1,321 CAI'CUili AVIi. After . a Hat? Then r.ct a CJ one it pays. , Stetson Hats m mm Are top-notch in liat-e::ccllcncc. Their wonderful wcarinr; powers mal:c them the best hal-invest- ments obtainable. Graceful new styles for Spring Stiff and Soft Hats, ON SALE NOV AT iiitHSJUf Avi, - - 4 4- 4 - t Safety for lie Baby 1 mm and Reliet ,Y- for Mother : Wo aik vou whether or no our Haby Walklin; anJ Nursery Chairs are not one of the lest assistants .1 mother can have. A serious danger menaces every liousj'vil.l vvlun luby is at lartje and Is constantly watchsJ, and with one of our "tenJers" baby N rrotectea from tne?o janKors which threaten them and InilJently gives relief to the mother from care and ap prehension at such tunes as she can not attend psrioiullv to tlu the child. Stvle illustrat above of lurdvvoaJ Oak' or .Mahogany nnisli . ' )- . t I . $2.50. Other thin?; for b.tby are t oc.WIIJ T -., . . . T (T' J-$2fcr j T S" .g ti rfffiHt ! & tj, V&?$ v Jef'-ip' T" s' --- CWaiiGESn'aCOCf.lTi.SiEOUaS !- - 225-227 Wyoming A?e. I Rl'l. ta out it tiwn hieri, 'Tin Ifnuj.''i.'rt lluld;." Write lurcoiy 4- VA4-'f-f-lt'44444-f44'f-f4't--f I T ,. . fSSJi&X"-'. ' '.'. r . S. ,j,.'. , .', f. S - - - .--r - lOtrlAi, io. !ie' I r.ckiuvajiiia Avo. II! MUPnp7Ein!;in rn nmr'H! 4 ti iiR ) a lULiVAtf UVt iirm11 tWV1 W f LUBRICATING OILS,