THE SCRANTON TR1BUNK-TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1899. Connell Building DESIRABLE OFFICES HULL PRIVILEGES OF Law Library APPLY TO J. L. GONNELL Room .'102 Council Ruihllus;. Bargains in Real Estate . . . A simile house with large lot, Court Street, at $1,800. Terms easy. A big bargain. A large single house, eleven rooms, No. 635 Adams Avenue, very cheap. A fine lot, Linden Street, facing Clay Avenue, sixty feet front at S7-50O. Single house, No. 706 Prescott Avenue, eight rooms, all improve ments, $2,500. Single house, Pine Street, near Prescott Avenue, $2300. For Rent . . . Houses at 11.00, $15.00,$ 18.00, $20.00, $28.00, $30,00. TRADER'S REAL ESTATE GO. Trader's National Bank Building, Chas. Schlager, M(r. Phone, 3742 E M R SHLLS .ODAKS And Photo Supplies ijn Wyoming Avenue DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. ye, Ear, Nose aud Throat (llice lloiire.-!) 11.111. to l'J.30 p.m; 2 to 4. minim lliilldlii Opp. Pciitotllca " 4- """- I CITY NOTES -f -t- -f FEELS BETTER. John Shannon, the. wounded burglar at tho Jick,i.uma bus. jiitol stated that lit felt very much bet tci yusteuUi). l.Ee'TFRE FRIDAY NIOHT.-Protes-sur Winchester's, lecture at the Jllcj olo i lull Tuesday ovonltiK Is the much talked of event ol the wtck. CL1 11 RECEPTION. -The member.-, of the "Cit club" vs ill tender Ctilnml Cour yen nn reception tonight at the club room. The colonel Is a number of the 'club." HISTORY OP THE MASH.-The leatllro oi tonlbht'i. meeting of the Catholic Ills, turlcnl society will be tho leading of tho Hist Inhtiillmcnt of a paper on "Tho His tory of the Mites." TATK COMMITTi:D.-VIUi.ini Tate, brass thief, No. 11, wus committed t tho county J.ill jpstetdny by Aldeiinan Millar in default of : ball. The Bland jury will hear the matter Fildaj. ROARD OP CIIARIT1ES.-A meeting ot the llo.ud of A-iotlateci Charities will be held this evening 111 tho postmaster's loom postolltee building, livery mem but Is urgently requested to attend. APPEAL DAYS. Anneals were henrd bs the boaid of revision and appeal jes tcrdav from the Thliteonth and Four tetnth wards. Toda Uip Fifteenth and Hlxteinth wards are scheduled for a heal ing welcome to colonel mocl- THROP-Evciy member of Camp S, Sons of Veterans, Is requested to attend tho metuing tonlnht. Colonel' Moulthrop, di lson commander of the late, will be pres-ont NONE APPEARED. Yrfterd.iy was the time fixed tor the met tine of tho i redltura of J. O. Sanderson, hut as none lippenrcd Refcioo Van Wormer dosed up the enso and forwarded tho pjpers to Pittsburg REMAINS AIII1 IDENTIFIED.Tho man killtd by a Delaware and Hudson train n,t Oljphnnt 8undu was identilled ns Mithuel Wllasknlck, of Jo-sup. A coroner's Jur' yesteulay exonerated the trainmen from blame. TEMPERANCE VNION.-A regular meeting of tho Women's C'nrlMlan Tem perance union will be held this aitcrnoon ut 3 o'clock in Guernsey's hall on Noith Washington avenue. All persons iuter rsted aro invited to uttend. ATTEMPTED m'RGLARY.-Jewclcr W. J. Wclchel found evidences yesterday The Student Gf ill.' n An up-to-date Oas Cooker available in home or apartment. Are ou iutttrested in good t:o)l.c:y e-isiiy and cheaply done? Write for BookUt TtwBunscn-Rumfordc. Scranton. Po. morning of nn uttempt having tccn mndo during tho night to burglarize his burned out utoro In tho Valley House block, Tho attempt was n fruitless one. 80LDIER 11.1a Poter llorkmann, of 1105 South Wnshltmton avenue, was re moved to the I,nckn wanna hospital yes terday suffering from appendicitis. Heck man is n well known young tn.m and was a member of Company li whllo It wan In service. WILL, INVESTIUATE.-Coroncr ltob. rrts proposes to know all that enn bo known in ti fore-nee to the small Infant whoso body was said to havo been found in tho Dunmorc cemetery unlnterred but since burled. Ho has otdercd tho body exhumed and will conduct an Inquest today. DRIVER HOY INJURED.-John Moriin, 16 years of age, had his right hand terri bly crushed jesterday afternoon while nt work In tho mines of the Forest Min ing company nt Archbald. llo was at tempting to block u loaded car uiul got his hand caught between the wheel and block. GOVERNMENT JOINS IN.-Thmsday will bo observed iib a holiday nt tho post olllce Postmaster Rlpplo wiotc to tho department for permission to close the of lice on that tiny and received an answer ji'stordiy grunting tho desire el pertnls slon. Tho letter curlers forthwith be:;an to arrange to pattlclp-ito in the parade. DR. LANSING'S LECTL'RE.-Tlio lec ture on "Tho Land ot the Lidy of tho Lake," Rlcn under tho auspices of the Green Ridge Women's club, which wns postponed by reason of the storm two weeks ago. will be Riven tonight In the chapel of the Green KIcIrp Presbyterian church, This announcement Is for the benefit of those who hold Invitations to the lecture. CHANGE IN OFKlCrAI.S.-Aiinouncc-lncnl Is mado that Richard MnlnwnlrlnR, of Wilkes-Harre. formerly In charge ot tho Mount Lookout mid Babylon Coal col lieries of Shnpscn & Watklns, will heio ufter have charge of nil tho outstdo work and Inside machinery at the four Temple Iron companv colllci-les down the valley. Gilbert L. Jones, of Plttslon, will lmu charge of the mining. J. L. Cr,iwford v 111 continue as geneial supeilnteudent. PAINTERS' TNIONS IN EARNEST. A Joint Jpas'lon of Painters' union", Nos. US and SIS, wa held last night at A. O. 1. W. hall. P. V. Holton presided Wth tho exception of two lek members thtro was a lull uttendanee ami the sessl.m was nn puniest one. Several committees were appointed to see the several con tractors and ascertain what tliej Intend doing In reference to the unions' demnii'ls. Another Joint session will be held Sun ilav mornh g, Apill J, at 10 o'clock In .Mr. Holton's otllee on Lackawanna, uveuu, and tho committees will report. MAYOR BAILEY'S MESSAGES. Auditing Committee Would Not Pay for Printing Them. A hill of $fi7.C.r for pilntlnp anil blndlnir Mayor IJallev's live messaged te council wns disapproved by the au diting I'oinniittcM Inst night. I:piis Eros' plumbing bill of 57y" 2fi, and the North End Lumber company's) bill of J3IM.7"; for tin vvorl- on the rttinbcila.ii(l Hose house ve'iv laid over. The original contract for the construc tion of the- building was fSHS. 15111s ag gregating $ have already been presented. The appioprlatloti vvus J1.000. II. K. Peiber's bill of r0 for the n.o of a dray wagon for three years for ox prci'lng the Hook and Laeldei", anil a 1 bill for stenogiaphlc work on the nnuttil rejiort of the sccictary of tho boaid of health were also laid over for limner investlzntion. FIVE HUNDRED MEN STRIKE. Think tho Scales on Which Coal is Weighed Aro Not Fair. Five hundred miners employed In the Coalbrook ami Wilson Creek eellloilea at Caibondale, went on stilkc yester day. Their grievance is that tho scales ate not giving thorn credit for all tlw coal the mint. The minors waited upon Superintend ent Cutter, who furnished them hU heart j suppoit in an effort to satis factorily adjust matter.. As .soon ns tho strike occutred notices, were posted that the mines would be idle a couple ot days. In all probability the men will be willing to tpturn when thpy are wanted as Mr. Caiter will have the Fcale-s tested to their ratlsfaction. PAVE ORDINANCE TO PASS. Assurances That It Will be Approved at Tonight's Meeting. The promote! s ot the Providence pave ordinance say that they have re ceived assurances that the opposition to the measure will be withdrawn and that the necessary three-fourths vote, will bo forthcoming when It is up for final passage in common council to night. A merciless slashing of tho estimates ordinance will be attempted In select council, but a canvass of that body In dicates that the attempt will be fiitllo. MARRIED. AR1LLO - TOMLINSON. - In Scrantoa, March 20, lsJfl. Mrs. Mary J. Arlllo, of Scranton, to Nicholas S Tomllnson, of Dunmore, by the Rev Richard Hlotns, at hlb residence, K2 Gibson street. DIED. ABEIj. In Scranton, March 20, Leonard S. Abel, aged 4J years, at his home, liU Tripp street. Funeral this moinlng at o'clock Tho u mains will be tnki n on the 10.05 ti.tln to Slioudsbuig for Intfi' ment. DELANEY.-At Port Griffith, March 1, 1MJ, James W. Dei.iney. MITCHELL. In Dunmore, March IM, lS'.it". Jailus Mitchell, 00 years of age, at tho lesldence, 111 Jefferson avenue. Funeral Wednesday aftetnoon. Intei metit at Holllstenille. NEI.SON.-ln Wllkes-Earre. Maich 10. ISS'.i. Mrs. Reuben Nelson, relict of thei lutu Rev. Reuben Nelson, D. D , trn years of ngo, at tho residence, on South Franklin street. Funcuil tomorrow af ternoon at 3 o'clock. ROIHNSON.-In Scranton, March IM, ISA Arthur Churles, tho Infant ton of Mr. and Mrs. August Robinson, of IK Noith Seventh street. Funernl (private) Wed nestlay afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment ut tho Forest IIIII cemetery. ROAST DUCK VERSUS OUR OWN CHAUNCE7 nOARD OF TRADE MEN PREFER GOOD THINGS. Slimly Attended But Vory Busy Sos olon Resolution Adopted Urging Councils to Haston the Passage of tho Providence Pave Ordinance. Action of the Secretary and Presi dent in the Piano Factory Matter la Approved Col. Boies Reports on National Boaid of Trade Meeting. Fully one-thltd as many members of tho board of trade attended last nlglit'H meeting ns did the meeting of a month ngo. The advertised at traction last night wns nn nddress by Colonel II. M. Doles on the recent meet ing of the nntlonal board of trade, nt which he leprespnted the local board. At tho previous meeting the attraction wns a roast duck luncheon, served gratis and In abundance by the promo ters of a now cooking machine. Though the attendance was meagre, the meeting last night was not want ing in Interest Secretary had intended to make It exceedingly Interesting by presenting a resolution "filled with fire and written In blood," dealing with the action of councils in the Providence pave matter. Assur ances that the ordinance would pass llnnlly tonight pinmptcd the secretaty to desist fiom his puipose. In Its .stend lie Introduced and the hoard adopted a mild mannered resolu tion approving tho paving project and put neatly requesting tin- city legisla tors to hasten Its passage'. PIANO FACTORY SECURED. Secretary Atherton reported that President Keller and himself hnd clod up the deal with the Keller piano fac tory nnd that It would soon be le moved from Rildgepoit, Conn., and established In the building on C'apousc avenue fonneily occupied by the Collins-Hale Furnltttip company. The capital stock was subscribed through W. W Van Dyke, formerly of the Col-llno-IInle company. Ilinghninton and Scranton were both looking for the factory. The proprie tor was waveiinp In his decision be tween tho sites. Bltighamtou tele phoned to Pioprletor Kellei at the Jer mn here that It had all the stoek subscribed and would pay the freight on the macblnerv. amounting to $100 "We'll do the same,' said Presidit KellPr and Secietaiy Athetton. "Tne factory Is yours," ald the piano man. This notion was approved by Mio board last night. A special appropri ation will be made to pay the freight The factory will employ fifty skilled mechanics at the start. The Ki Her piano sells for $200 and piesent cutlers can not be lllled by the tactor.v ul Bridgeport. The manufacture! s' committee cu i mltted a report recommending the "student grill" as a profitable inveit ment and urging a full attendance it the conference with the bolt and ir.t people, WAS FAVORABLY RECEIVED. Colonel Roles' report of the nntlmal board of trade meeting was brief and Informal. The Connell national gu.irJ bill was very favorably received, he said. An application for membeishlii was made by Colonel Geoige M. Hnllstead and the resignation of H J3. Paine wns received nnd accepted The boaid seconded the protest against the bill to pi event mercan tile agencies from giving a person a latlng unless tho peison rated appiovs of it. The consldeiatlon of the bill repealing the fellow-employes' liabil ity act was referred to the committee on legislation and taxes, with pow- r to act. The sentiment of the bo i 1 vi as against the repeal act. but It wis deemed impiudeiit to take sumrvniy notion on the matter In view of . e fact that the boaid is made up mal'ily of cmployeis. NEARLY REACHED A HUNDRED Jairous M. Mitchell Dies nt tho Age of Ninety-Six Years. Scranlon's oldest resident, Jairous M Mitchell, died yesteiday afternoon nt 2.1," o'clock at the homr of his sou, M. J. Mitchell, 111 Jefterson ivenue, Dun uiiit'i. He tint aged UO years-, ." months an I 12 days. Dp vvus born In Salem township nnd llvd there continuously until a f-v years ago, whn he came to Scranton to pass the- last tlnvj of his long life with Ms sons who now reside heie. IJefore the days of railroads in this region he cairled mall thif.ugh Wayne. Monroe and Pike countb-s, having a mute a handled miles long. On the occasion of his nlnetv-fouith bltthday, Oct. S, R!i7, he furnished The Tribune with nn Intonslitig interview In which he vividly deseiibed incidents of trips he made when a boy with grtst fiom his father'3 farm In Salem to a tn, II that was situated along the Lacka wanna between Durvea and Plttston. Nine sons and daughteis survive him. The funeral will take place tninuriovv. Shoit son Ices, will be conducted at noon nt the hniuo and then the 10 mains will be conveyed on the 2 21 p. in, Eile nnd Uyoming Valley train to Hollistervllle for Internum. Fmther services will be held at the Hollister vllle Haptlst chinch, SOLDIERS TO BE BANGUETTED Crystal Hose Company to Do Honor to Their Returned Mombors. At tho St. Charles hotel, on Ponn avenue, a banquet will be seived to night by tho Ctystal Hose company In honor of the safe return of their members who were away with tre Thlr. teonth regiment. Elaborato ut range ments havo been made for tho affair. The guests eif hon r will be Semap; W. S. Gould and Corporal Oeoige Rob ling, of Company C, and Privates Char les Hamilton, John Gnlnes, t 'Initios lllnes and J. L. Moser. ot Company U. Geo. H. Sccord, the well known con tractor of Tovvanda, X. Y savs: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Hom ed' In my fumlly for a long time and have found it supeilor to any other. For Hale by nil druggists. Matthias Uros,, wholesale and retnll agonts. " Finest wines and cigars at Lane's, S20 Spruco street. A Card. We, tho undoi signed, do horebv iijtroo to refund tho money on a fW-ceut bnttlo of Greenes Warrantee! Syrup of If It falls to euro your cough or cold, Wn nIho guarantee! a 20-cent bottle to piovo wiUn factorv or money refunded, J. Q. Rone S bun, Dunmoie, Pa.; John P. Donahue, Scranton, Pa, DYSPEPSIA Is yonr appetite poor ? Doos your food distress yoai And aro von losing Btreufita men take n thor ough course of trcatmont with It tales oat nil the poieona from your blood. It eIvci power to tho stomach to dlgc3t your food. Diges tion becomes natural. Your blood is ell fed. Anil your whole tem prospers. $ All druggists. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. TWO CUSTODIANS IN CHARGE Board of Control Supply Room tho Scene of Rivalry. The ilvnl factions on the school boaid arc at war over the oirtce ot superin tendent of the siipplv loom. It. A. Carllng, who filled the posi tion before the wai, presented himself at the supply room on Washington ave nue jesterday morning nnd announced that he had been dliected by Chaltman Dennis J. Roche, of the supply com mittee, to resume his former place. R. D. Jennings, whom the board ap pointed to succeed Mr. Cnrling. did not care to surrender the custody of the property in his chnige In this informal way and declined to vacate. Chaltman Roche upon learning it . . to , v. vv ttf.ftiK! , tats are But will be lost sight of and of our own creation woik of our own skilled of the hats produced by rooms are direct copies from London and Paris, excluded all such that MI lljpr i istiyi sm v Pmc 5&sS(Ti J j'NX .iuu, x7f,nr sir and Ml flBtoSk New VorK 8ilix3ili tesque, ana nave seieaea oniy wnui must niciy to suit the public fancy. and better suited to Paris Still, the public wishes to see both so here they are. Com pare them at will. Compare them in beauty and price. Tl difference in the former, tage in the latter. Tuesday and Wednesday, this week', are therefore designated SHOW DAYS days on which there is a standing invitation to all tl dies of Scranton and vicinity to call, to inspect and to compare. T days invented for the purpose of getting your bearings days on w are afforded ample opportunity to decide as to what the Untnmmed millinery; nex will be occupied by most amazing display of will be greater than ever, A U 'A ' 'A 'A 'A A A t 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A A A A this, visited the supply room to en force his orders, but Mr, Jennings maintained that he had been engaged by the board ot control nnd did not ptopose to have any single member of tho board, or tiny committee for that matter, throw him out unceremon iously. The consequence Is that the supply room has two superintendents nnd their respective friends are getting' In shape for a bnttlo roynl nt the next meeting. Mr Jennings Is a brother of T. J. Jennings, Inte candidate for mayor be fore the Democratic convention. Chair man Uoche is a brother of Hon. John E. Hoche, late Democratic candldute for mayor. OBITUARY. Mrs Robert McICtnna, wife of Robert McKcnnu, superintendent of the Dcii wnre, Lackawanna and Wester car shops, of this city, died t her home, 318 Madi son n venue, at 3 o'clock vcrterdny after noon after a lingering Illness of over three months' duration. Slio was first pros trated by tin nttack of grippe and other complications followed which resulted in her death. Mrs. MrlCrnna was a woman of a lovclv Christian character, fondly cherished by nil who knew her. An oven disposition endeared her to her large clr cln of friends upon whom her loss will fall heavily, while, to her Immediate family her death win. leave a vacancy which can never be filled. Mrs. McKenna'a maiden name was Ann Ferguson. Sho was born In Dcnnstone, Perthshire, Scot land. May li, Klb. When only eight years of ago she enmo to this country with her father and settled in New York city, whero she resided until 1S70. March 13, 1S57, she was married to Mr. McKenna. In 1S70 they moved to this city. Mr. Mc Kenna having been sent by Mr. Sloan, late president of the Delaware, Lacka wanna nnd Western Railroad company, to take charge of the car shops here and they have since resided In Scranton. Mrs. McKenna has been an active member ot tho First PresbytPrtnn church for the past twenty-eight ve.irs. her kindness, benovo lenct) and many charitable acts making her an Invaluable member of that con gregation by which she will ho sincerely inotirrtil. Her husband and three tlnugli ters. Mrs John 11. Luce, Miss Jean nnd Miss Knto McKenna. and two sons, Robert and David McKenna. sutvive Iter. The funeral sen Ices will bo held at the n.n,ntHitK',Hr.r.Kr.KHi,ii Scranton Store 124-126 Wyoming Ave. LLINERY OPENING year as in a thous the handi- milliners. Many our own work of expensive models bin in these we have are unbecoming and gro- , ,... : . ,..,.. V "-lm r w i i . ii en . .ssreasw w t&&mM3Bmmmm && iptp. xSmmmmw w VvVKr-"-:5czj'' ff i&fi Sffl &r pjsf' Paris hats are often extreme than any other part of the globe if any, will not be worth the millinery alone, and where shirt waists were formerly sold you will now find the flowers. Special efforts will be made this season in untrimmed millinery. Stocks and some rare bargains in flowers and feathers are promised. A A A A 'A 'A A A A A A A 'A 'A A 'A i'AA 'A Hints to Wise People You probably intend moving this Spring if not, to clean and fix up where you arc. Nice dishes add to the furnishings. hSU f -"j-vea !i sTT-Mud ,&fyKltfK, eyC3sitvSSC?V 0"feJil iJjjWjCi "-s i7 WSGwm By making a list of your actual needs, and a visit to our store, you will be surprised (or how little money you can buy them. P. S. We guarantee cverv piece. i M'tUftf & Prk 134 Wyoming Avenue IVMlldU X fCCiV, "Walk In and look around." family residence, S18 Madison avenue, at 2.9) o'clock Thursday ufternoon. Tho In terment at Dunmoro cemetery will bo private. James W. Delaney tiled at his home nt Port Grlillth on Saturday night after a brief illness. Thursday night he retired apparently ns well as ever, but during thp night ho becamo HI and on Friday morn ing he was tn a seinl-consclous utatc, re maining in that condition until Saturday afternoon, vhen he ifgnined consclJu.e upss and pnrtcck of the sacraments of his church. Tho end came at about 11.MI o'clock. Death was probably duo to a paralytic stroke, Mr. Debuiey was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and emigrated to this country in lit'1. After a short rest denco In Vermont ho enmo to Plttston. 1'p to tho tlmo of lils illness he was en gaged as timekeeper ft No. It bleaker and merited the confidence of his employ ers. When he tlrst came to Plttston hi ran cars on the gravity road for tour ears and was later promoted to coal In spector and welghmastur, respectively, for tho Pennsylvania t'tal romp my. When No. 14 breaker was put In opera tion Mr, Delaney was transferred to that places Ho was In the employ of tho company about forty-nlno years. To know Mr. Delaney wns to esteem him. He is survived by his wife and tho fol lnwnig children: Justlco M E. Delaney, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22. THE first showing of spring millinery of 1 899 m tlls store sllould be a deservedly grand oo casion. Since the opening of this department four years ago, its growth and prosperity has been marked each by mile-stones of success that to its claim on the attention of transpired, too, that the amount by this department, is six times what it was then, and is now the largest and brightest department of its kind in all Scranton. The new 's us could view xIP Afm vy disadvan Easter hat should be like. as vs3 V&V .- X 1ST , r., rrtn'V ' mm iRl mlvr''Wif v mUeA leW J ft'rs? xiilt 'LV mi fr iiariJXvX'N.rr.Hu: iyvkm i vT ix . u x'n v w msmmsmrK OTf -iL $Mrmrr 774.V S -.?J.'i---eV..- (.VsV- ftLvM"'1 vSXW7W.lsvaacrx m .,m$muwm ymz&JL SHBBW WM 4W.1 A tFff irT17f'r r. V - bfecSW&-URVM' iv tela- W fM SUW hey are f "f SS 'hich you Wym In order to be able to accommodate all our spring orders we have been compelled to move our shirt waist and infants' wear department to the center of the store. The entire an 'A 'A 'A "A "A 'A 'A A A 'A A A 'A A A A A A A A Our open stocks of which you can select such pieces as you need and add to at any time, arc now coirmlete. Whv not net a food set y buVnfi a fpW pieces at a time. You do not have to pay any more fhr them in the end. John J., Miss Katie. Martin and Thomas, of Chicago, Mrs. Connellv, of Scranton. Miss Agnes, of J. J. Mangtm's store, and Edward, ot Plttston. Arthur Chailes, the Infint son or Mr. and Mrs, August Robinson, died yester day at tho pnrentnl residence, ITS North Seventh street, after a short Illness. Tim fuucial will bo held tomorrow nftcrnoou nt o'clock. Interment will bo made at the Forest Hill cemetety. SmoUe The Pocono 5c. Cigar. On Account ol Repairs And alterations to be made soon, we offer FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One Laiw Kerrlgerator, One Butter Ucrrtecrnlor, Oyster Bar, Fish Boxes, etc. W. H. PIERCE, MARKET 110, 112, 114 Ponn Avenue. r leave no room for doubt the public. Thus it has of space now occupied Easter hats All that human skill and artistic gen conjure together, with a to producing beautitul headgear for women is here for your inspection these days. It is a wonderful" ly complete exhibit, ncluding all that is ashionable i n toques, bon nets and large hats O feSw A A U A 'A A 'A A A A AA 'A A A A A A A 5 .t ft X .V .1 if X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,v X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .1 X X X X X X X X X X X X