THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEARCH 21, 1890. PITISTOOEWS. Burglars Aro Successfully Working tho City Tony Parkor Agnln on His Musclo Tho Bloomsburg Plttston Basket Ball Oamo, and a Column of Llvoly Local Nows from the Black Diamond City. Tlint this city nt the present time Ir burbot Ine, alttiouBh unintentionally, some of the light fingered gentry, Is ciy much "Yldent by some of there i mining work wnlch was discovered yesteidny morning. A week ngo wo mentioned how tills Bans was scared off wlille attempting to enter the fur nishing store of Anthony Hpucllno, on Noith Main street. This did not pre vent them fiom repeating the visit on Sunday nlRht, when they were more successful. Thry cut out one of the Inige panes of glass from a front win dow unci, gaining tho Inside, proceeded to select from tl varied stock Just what they wanted, and this was con Mdeiablc. Prom here they went up Mill stieet to what 1" known as Frog town ami In tho same manner onteii'd the building' of Mrs Nick IIolll?. In this building the pioceeded with their weak lelHUit'lv They did not disturb hoi but made a thoiuiigh seal eh of ihe ptcmlsc and succeeded in sccut ,ng si-veta! dollais in (ash and a large iiiimber of articles of value. Tony I'.irk'-i Is peihap the onl.v In llvldtial of (he tnlni'-d persuasion who nas sutvlved aftet having his Jugular M-veied by tln usuiii raaot In the bands of hie molt" successful suitor In ii love uffnli This hnppenrd several i lonths ago and the phstcluns at the hospital nuuV Mich u good job upon Tony's laryn that Unlay he is a bet id until than liefon', at least he thinks o. Tonv has been employed at the Wyoming alley House for some time in manuf.u luting steam .mil esterdav lie sueieeoed In getting mixed up with a bully Hungarian named John Cosco, who tips tin scale at two hundred and fifty pounds, and the result was the settling of an old grudge and It was settled light theie and then when Ton.v landed a blow on i'osco'k eve that closed It loi some time and ialsed a lump ib largo a an exhibition Kaster egg. TMiker was at oiae placed un Ui arrest and befoio Aldeiman Uar i'tt the iltfllctlltv and wlu. caused Its "inmeiieeiiient was thorough) alted The tesult was that I'aikir was glad in srttle for sv iiollais and keep out of jail J. I'. Hovle Uciuldated foi him. .ind now while Tony will have to work -tr.i time to cancel the amount of the fine, Coco went oiie-ee to the hospital to have bis optic dressed. Theie was a large audience at Phoen i hall Inst night to witiu-s the best ' untested btsket ball game seen in this city between the champion team f the HloMiisbuig Nonnal hchool and the tlrst team of the Young Men's I'lnlstlan association. There was some oiv elevei playing on both sides and tor home time It was thought that the i hamplons would meet their Wntelloo, hut at the conclusion of tho last half iho visitors were the victors with sev- lal points to spaie The YVyoming Seminal y second team and the Y. M. A. second team attei wards were pitted against each other and after an cltlng battle with the pig skin Pitts ton was vlctoiious 1 he funetal ot the late William Car penter took place estenlay afternoon, .nd besides the laige number of lela tlves end fronds present, th'ie was iNo the moinb- of Thlttle lodge, lu 'lependent Order of Odd Kellows, the it dec of Jied Men. and No 4 Shaft Ktg fund Kov. John BurrK of the F.pls- FINANCIAL. LaBAR & FULLER BROKERS. Ollot i:stalilisheJ llojse In the Cit huwers in STOCKS. CO rTO, OK AIN and PROVISIONS on niir,'ln o- fordolivery. til I ICIi: k'ooitu 2ur and 2io Uoard ol Trade ISulldliW, .'crantcin, Pa 1. Ci LA BAP. 1, F FLLLHIl Anthracite Coal Leases. Delaware & Hudsoi Canal Company I.KbM'.Ls , Murray, Caney & Brown of I) ii ii mo tr. hi. i.i:ssi:i:s PIJIUWII V. IIARM'TI & CO., Auctioneers ill .oil .u auctinn Ii onler of Clinrbs I lienieiitt Assignee nf Wlllard P.irktr the Ileal Htati Salt"roi m. No 11 J iiinitdw.iv Ni w Yoik ('It:, at 12 o clock loon, on Wednesday, March 22, 1899, 1 WU-NINTHS INTHItr.ST In a leaso niailo b) Wlllard Paiker to tho Dcla-wnic- and Iluclton Canal Company of nil oal In a ti ict of lln nries of land in tho CITY OP Ht'KANTON. PBNN.SYL VANI knewn us the .Miller tract TWO-NINTIIS INTHUl'sr In a leaso iiuidi) b Wllliud Puiker to the Del i vvuri and Huilton Cai ul fompinv of all iho coal In u tiaet of 11G acr.M of Ian I til the CITY OP Sl'KANTON. PKNN SYLVANIA, known as tho Spencer oNL-SlXTH INTBltFST in a lease maU by H II Tin oop of Si r.iatiui, Pa. and the Jlxecutors of the Usiato nf Wlllard Paiker. dectused, to l. J. Murray A I Mm i in John Carney Mid Tliomis llrnwn, of Dunmore, Pa of the coal In a tract of ISO acres ot land In the Borous'i of Dunmore, Pennsylvania, known is the Sherwood rami The roj allies from tho nbovo leases ere paid monthly. Tor copies of leases, statement of ro. allies paid, and other Information, np- I'lIAl'lLFS H. PHMKniTT. Assignee. Mi! Brondwa), New York City, or to tho Auctioneers. WILLIAM 13. McNinCfi. Hsu... Attorney for Assignee, 1W Uroadway. .New Yo-k City. Our Removal Sale Cannot last much louger because we take possession of the Rexford building April i. There is an immense stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS yet to be disposed of. No legitimate offer will be refused. Do not delay if you wish to save money. Any selection you may make and wish to have them stored, can be store 1 by us iu our large new stock room, free of charge lor 30 days rsnOTUrnnC O. flft Famitura Manufacturers, ntUIBILhUL Ci W,5 134-136 Washiighu Avenua copal church, conducted tho services and tho Interment was made In the Tlttston cemetery The deceased was well known among our Kngllsh and Welsh people, nnd the numerous at tendance at tho obsequies attested to the estimation In which he was held by them. He leaves ono son and two daughters, his wife having preceded him Just ton years ago. Mrs. James Muldcrlg, a lady highly lespectcd and well known In this vic inity, died at her home In Urowntown yesterday morning, after a lingering Illness. Tho funeral will take place to morrow. Joe Burke and "Will Hossard won down to Vv'llkos-Bano last evening, and represented tho glass manipulators of this city nt tho nntutal event of the county seat organization at Landnes scr's hall. Tho select council will meet tonight In regular session and Htnegan will be there to occupy the seat which was de elated vacnnt at the last &e?slon. If there Is onlv half the time realized that Is expected, It will be a very Interesting occasion On Thin Mia evening "Kaust" will be piesetited by White's excellent com pnny nnd those who like to see a play replete with spectacular and scenic effects should not miss this oppor tunity. Benjamin Bowkley has gone to Brown University In Connecticut, where ho will take a course In steno giuphy A pane of glass 10x10 feet, 2 Inches wns placed In ftont of tho Drury build ing yestcrdny. It had to be brought from the factory on a Hat car. The mother of William C. Pilce. our popular druggist, who resides In Plains, was not expected to live last evening. Joseph 1-otz mnde a Hying trip to New Yoik on Sunday and returned lesteidni morning. He visited the mills ot the Windsor hotel. MIfscs Winifred Hlgglns nnd Mary A. Hoinn, of Cnrbondale, who have boon the guests of Miss Delia Lough ney, ictuincd home yesterday. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. "A Hagtirno Reception." A company, of which Gus Plxley Is one of the features, ptesented "A llag ttmc Heceptlon" at the Academy of Music lost evening. It is a farce with out any pietenso to a plot, but Is filled with bright, entertaining specialties front beglnnlm; to end. fius Plxley did his famous whistling tramp specialty which won lotind after louiid of ap plause. The song.-, of Henir Lautent were wilt inly applauded as were those of fJertrude Fort. Several clever dnnci numbers were introduced during the performance, which has many things nbout It to recommend it to public fa vor. The performance will by repeated at tho Ai ademy this and tomorrow af ternoons and evpnlns Big Sensation Show. The Big Sensation Double Show, In cluding white and neole nitlsts, made a good Impression nt the Oaletv yester day. The company, under the direc tion of Mntt. Flynn, and headed by Mile. Xitella, has been tiequently seen In Scianton, but never presented a bet ter programme than uurlng the pre sent engagement, which will continue during the entire week, with matinees dally. The opening sketch, "A Joke In High Life," gave, both the white and Creole artists an opportunity to display their particular talents in a musical way, and among the most pleasing ws an operatic duo by Klla jii'derson and George Hammond The olio embiaced some excellent spe cialties by Baker and Lynn, the Ger man sketch artists. Bryce and Inman, character comedians, Llna nnd Vina, the Huropean acrobats, tho great Itastus, probably the most tnlented colored acrobat on the road, and the Grundys and Murray, who gave a mar velous exhibition In dancing The pro gramme concluded with a burlesque upon the Philippines in which the en tile company of white and creole beiu ties appealed. The costumes were driz zling, the music was catchv and, the scenic effects were handsome and nr tlstslc throughout the performance. An Impiovement could be made In the pro duction by a less lavish use of gun powder and blank cattrldgcn, nui.-h of the good music which people vvcio endeavoilng to catch yesterday was marred bv the continuous popp'n;; of shooting Irons, which were iloutlshed throughout the peiformanco without any particular justification In the way of situations. "Sowing the Wind." ' Sowing the Wind," the best play we i have had from the pen of tint most , Interesting of rngl.ih playwrights, Sydt.ey Grundy, Is a dianm that has pet haps been a source of tnor discus sion than any dram itle production seen in late years It Is In four acts nnd has for Its main theme the sodal Inc. quality of the loxes, namely toe unlim ited Held for man's moril diversion, and the small world In which oiu wo man must live, to ktip in tni' good graces of society This play Mil bo presented here with n stio"g,t at the Academy of Music tin- e nights commencing Thuisday, March ;.!, Of Mr Giundy's masterpiece It is not nee cssary tc wtitn nt length. Its Intense ly human story Is familiar to must tho-ater-goeis. To Cuie a Cold In One Day take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All diusglsts return! the money If it falls to euro. JSc. The genuine has L, B. CJ. on each tablet. APOPLKXY -Dr. Agneu's Cuie for tho limit la equally ttTrcllvo in apoplectic sjmptoms If yon have unpleasant Ul zlnchs. lightness or sudden rush nf blood to the head, tuko piecauticiiis against a recuircnco This great iimcdy will re move tho cause. The piess ol tho land has dally a long list of sudden deaths which would not be chronicled if Di Agneu's Curo for the lleuit wne liked. Sold by Matthew Jllos. and W T Clark -61. -s ! THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, March 20. Tho stock mar ket after a sensational movement In Sugar nnd tho local transportation shares closes weak with mixed net changes. Interest centered largely in Sugar, In which tho transactions were over 191,000 of a total of about 900,000 shares. Sugar opened with nn ad vance of about S points, ran off 3V nnd then touched H2 with a suluequent plunge of 18 points, closing with a net loss of nbout 8 points. Tho extraordi nary movement of this stock had u wide influence In other directions. Brooklyn Transit was lifted over 0 points and then lost much of tho gain. Pronounced strength appeared In the Vandtrbllts, Union Pat ltlc. Northwest ern, the coalers nnd Chicago Terminal preferred, while some of the Intern.i tlonnls mnde n show of strength In tho early dealings in sympathy with tho higher range In I-ondon. The Tobacco stocks were extremely feverish, Ameri can Tobucco brolto G, rallied 9 and left off with a loss of 2; Continental To bacco slumped 1494 and was oft 3 points at the close. Tho liquidation in theso stocks was attributable to the reported lot motion of n new opposition tobacco company. Manhattan retained the gt eater part of a four point rise. There was a disposition of the professional element to let commission house pur chasers have stocks and subsequently while.' Sugar was tumbling and call money l cached 9 per cent., prices were freely offered down. Standard stocks, while easing with the drift of the mar ket, receded In nn orderly manner nnd the reaction In those securities from the best did not exceed two per cent except in special rasps. Total sales were 908,400 shares. Pond prices todav wero ialsed gen erally, considerable activity developing In tho St. Louis southwestern Issues, Texas Pacific seconds and Wisconsin Central firsts Total sales were $3,130, 000 By J. n L. Carrington & Co New York, March 20. The market opened with a "whoop' and u "bang" this morning, Sugar being up S points, Urooklui Hnpld Transit u and the list generally at an advance v.trilng from lructlons to sevcial points. Tho high prices brought In quite heavy realization dining the tlrst two houis and there was some set-back throughout tho whole mur ket, but lulling of very pcisistcnt char acter In HtooklMi Itapid Transit, riugai, Manhattan. I nlun Pactllc, Northern l'a c Itlo and Heme of the specialties, held prices at high tlgutes and Inmost cases scored advance above opening prices. To bacco was weakened In the shaip decllno In Continental Tobacco, hi which there was considciuble realizing b traders and the absenco or insldo support, tho stock selling down 10 per cent, with a quick recover! on the execution of stop orders Tho whole market showed evi dences of great strength and begins to look as If tho upvvuid movement mlghe be under way again At samo time, to dai's advance was very sharp and there seems no question but what tho list hould react somewhat before continuing veiy much hlghet Generally speaking the sentiment continues bullish and the leading houses aie looking for higher piices this week Tluie seems to be verv little question but that Sugar will sell ver;- mucn nigner aitnougii tne uuctua tiom In It aro so violent as to mako trading somewhat of an open proposition Market during last hour showed tho ef ltct of the tremendously heavy dealings during the b-ilanco of the day and be came somewhat dull, although retaining Its strength. Sugar brnko sharply below Saturday's dosing prices weakening the whole list fractionally but nsldo from this, there was no movement ot any magnitude. Wc believe the market Is a piuchaso on all weak spots and wo have repeatedly said, think thero is no better purchase than 1'nion Pactllo stocks on all declines. The common will soil at very much hlgh'r prices before the end of this vear, and if token now and held It respective of tho momentary uflctuatlons will show a largo profit. Money leaned as high as 9 per icm. .-miiHfi I'uiseci irregular Dill strong. Quotations furnished bv LABAR rULLBIt. stock, gnin and cotton btok eis. roms SOD and 210, Board of Trade building Scranton Pa Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Cot. Oil ... -wn sui set ''fil Am. Sug Re'g Co . .ITS'", is: 1M C1 Atch , To & S. To . 2P, 21V 21 i A.. T. & 8. F. Pr .. COH clU C0U ffli Am. Tobacco Co ... 209 212'4 203' 2i'3 Am. Spirits .. . filJ, r. W1 M'i Btook H T 107i 110' J 05 KVi'i Can Southern R7 TA' ",7 V! N J. Central 1U m ii ipp, Ches & Ohio ... 2C; Zk 2G; Sl'C I1!0- ' 1V r,5 " Chic. & N. V .. .. 117 W 117 11(. Chic, B & Q .. lllij iu4 lTe",, uflij Chle., Mil. & St P .V'Vi 12'i'i 127", 127H Chic. R. I & P . .117 H7 ucs, nriT Chic . St P M. & O. OVu MS. t UV c. c. C. & St L . "S Wi 5S nsJ Con, Gas . ....217 217 21" "1" Deliwato & Hud ..11" 11" 1141- 110,4 Ted. Steel, Pr fc7. x ST'I S71J Ted. Steel, Pr . ra &3t r,2 R24 Grn Blectrle ....117'j IW5 117 117K I.ouIp & Nash fil C1U. f.T'j Mnnhattan Blc ...WVSi 101 if)"." 107'i Met True tlnn Co . . i" 2.',7'i 2.",! 2.77'i M K & Tex , Tr . iw: j' si', ,w Mo Pacific .... 4t"Vi K -IVS, 1"J N'nt Lead IB, ,&. SPi vi Phils . nead . . 2T4 2!S 21'i 2T, I- 1- II., IH IT . Ik', I,liiJ ev !" Southern 11. 11 , Pr . w it -li 4'ii; Tenn , C ,t lion . M r.T, r,1'i ri"H I'nlon Pacific . ; kv r,t, 4r,t, I'ninn Pie Pr . 7i, ? 701, wni I'. S Hubber . fins, r.7K, rw M'i V S Leather, Pr 72 72 " 70t 7JU Wabash. Pr ... . 21 2li 214 2l'i CHICAGO BOABD OF TRADK ..,,,., Open- TllRh- Low- Clos- WIIBAT. ing. est. est. Iiik Mav GS KU 1175: f-Ti J,rta C7'; "77' " " M0' 2I' 2IV4 .1P1 ."ti .. 1, central isi Jw jii 1T.V1 Ont & West ;7tJ 2 27H 27ie, Nor T'oeltle . . fJUfe M'i 11'd ro1! Nor Pacific. Pr . . 7 7i", 7R 7S'i Pacific Mull 4v. w4 t-3 ,-v People's Gns .. AW 1191 list! iicv J,T.;q-; "' 3-.I h hv". May 25 fi 25 jw JtdV 24 S 2I'4 2IU POltK. Mnv no; '10-1 s.s; S12 Julv 907 107 907 807 LAUD May ,r,32 R.S S 22 f, 2", July G.1D 5.IU r, (! 5 10 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS rilfi Bio.,i Scranton ft Pittston Tiac. Co. " Plrst National Hank rki Klinhurst HoulFanl joo Scranton Savings Hank 25 Scranton Packing Co '-, Thud N'atlonnl Hank j5 Thioop Noeliv JHg Co o Scranton Hallway Co no Dlmo Dep & RIs Rank . ... ) i:conomy Light, Heat ,t Pow er Company 43 Scranton Illuminating, Heat Sr Power Company Scianton Porglng Co pv Traders' National Hank . Lack a Lumber Co irJi Lack Trust & Safe Den. Co.. no Moosle Mnunt.rin Coal Co . . inu Scranton Paint Co 8) Clurk fc Snocr Co.. Com 4Cii) Clnik H Snnver Co, Pr 125 Carson Coal Co j'i Scianton Axlo Works 0 Scr Iron Pence & Mfg. Co ,,i BONDS. Scianton Pass Hallway, first mortgage, due lli 115 People's Street Ftullway, first mortgage, clue WS uu People's Stieet Halluay. Clen- eial moitgage due 1921 . .. . 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co ., tort Lacka Township School 0. Wi City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 . 102 Jit Vernon Coal Co s.-, Scranton Axle Works Pn) Scranton Traction C omuls... lt5 Carson Coal Co loo Philadelphia drain nnd Produce. J -n'yfflacrfm.? .'MiVSK The People's Exchange. APOPULAK CLEARING HOUSE for the Benefit ot All Who Hnvc Houses to Kent, Real Estntc or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for l'lve Cents a Word Kxccpt Situation Wanted, Which Are In Hcrtcd Tree. FOR RENT KOn HUNT-TWO rJLUOANT KIVI5 room fiats; nil modern Improvements, steam heat; imsscsalon April 1 1 rent und 17 per month. Inquire at DoWltts Photo Parlors, JM Spruce street. FOIt HUNT-HALF DOl'HLU TKNE mont houso; latest improvements. DID Pittston avenue. SIX IIOOMB; MODHHN IMPUOVK. ments, low rent, 1M Cupouso avenue. TKN-ROOM iioi'sn. MULHHHIIY ST ; lino locution for doctor. Tor pat Ilea lars call on M 11. HOLOATU. PHOTOOHAPH GALLHUY KOlt HUNT; established ten jenis; finest locatlo.i In the city. M. II IlOLClATi:, Common wealth building. TOR RKNT-A SINGLK HANDY SIX room houe, rent moderate; nlso 11 pleasant furnished rcom with bath, gas nnd steam heat. Call at C10 Washington avenue. HOU8I3 TO LP.T-niaiIT HOOM9 AND bath; new furnace. Near all depot". No. 112 Mulberry. C. Ij. Mercerau, I'M Wjomlng uenuc. FOH UENT-FURNlSIinn 9-IIOOM hoiiHe; modem Improvements 731 Mndlson avenue. References required. FOR RENT - THN-ROOM SINOL1J house; Improvements; 518 Tine street. Coll at C. 1'. Jadwln's. FOR IinNT-LAROn HARN; CAN Ac commodate) r2 horses. Inquire of Moses Bros. & Co., 316 Lackawanna avenue. BARN FOR RENT APPLY DR. Lackey, 6i1 Washington avenue. IIOl'SK FOR RENT INQUIRE OF HAU ry Spencer ut Steens' Cash Store, Dunmore'. FOR RENT-HOUSES NOS 150 AND 1i North Wrshinrlon avenue, below city building. Suitable for phslclais' otlleei and residence. Apply to Henry Belln, Jr., 401 Connclt Bullellng. T'OR RENT-STORE ROOM. NO. 207 North Washington aveliuo, formerly occupied b J W. Guernsey. Stcini heat, elevator, rear entrance. For trims npplv to Jones Bios., 311 Lackawanna avenue FOR RENT TWO FLOORS tWO; heat Included, centrallv located, low rent. Inquire 137 Penn avenue. FOR RENT -HOUSE C21 MADISON avenue, steam heat, everv conveni ence. Apply Owens. Bros.. C1 Madison avenue. OFFICES IN COMMONWEALTH Building, single rooms and suites for term of vceu-s with vaults. One suite of Mx connecting otllces with three vaults or three suites of two nillces, each with vault. Modeialo price. Rcflnlshed to suit tenants. Intpjlro at room C03 on 6th door. FOR RENT-DESK ROOM OR SHARE of offices second floor, fiont. Coal Exchange. Call at room 15. FOR RENT Qulncy. SECOND FLOOR, 701 FOR SALE TOR SALE-MOSLER SArE. NEARLY new; double doors, .1 baisaln. C2J Washington avenue. MEAT BUSINESS FOR SALE AT A saciiflcc. Address A, Tribune otlico. FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITS AND carpets. 61S Adams avenue. FOR SALE-PIANOS AND ORGANS AT Guernsey Brothers' rooms, 7-S Burr building Goods tho best prices tho low est, terms tho easiest. A call will con vlnce all DESIRABLE LOTS ON COLFAX AVE nue For particulars address Box 315, Scranton. Ta. FOR SALE TEN R-I-P-A-N-S TOR 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. FOR SALE OR RlzNT. FOR SALE OR RENT-SINGLE HOUSE, 605 Qulncy avenue, city steam; selling price JC.500; rent JI0 per month including steam heat. G F. Reynolds. 73a73Mc Corn i4o. higher; No. 2 mixed, March. 37Ha-17c, Oats Dull and barely steady; No. 2 white, clipped, J5.i!5c; No. 3 do do ? 33a33VjC . No. 2 mixed, do , 31a 33l:c. Flour Urchanged. winter super, 2.15n2 4'); do. extras, S2G0aS7l, Pennsvl vanla roller, clear. 10ja3.25; do. do straight, J123a1.45; western winter clear, H05.i.i.2."i, do do straight, $3JeaJ50, do. do. patent, S?ri0a3.75; spring clear, $21"ia 3 20. do. straight $3 &0at.70. Bullet Firm and t;c higher, fancy western creamery, 21c ; do. prints, 21e, Eggs Steady , frch, nearby. 12Vac; do. western, U'sc; dr southwestern. U'.c , do. southern, l.'c. Cheese Firm Refined Sugars Dull and No 12 of tho soft grade wns reduced l-1Bc. whllo Nos. 13 to Id, Inclusive, declined 'c. Cotton He. lower; middling uplands. C 7-lfic. Tallow Firm; city prime, In hogs heads. tUalc. ; country do. do., barrels. 4'4C. ; dark, do. 4c ; cakes, fe , grease, 2' alic. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 2.1 13c, old roosters, Sc. ; spring chickens, 12a 12'i.c. ; ducks, Hal2e. ; geese, lal0c Dresaed Poultrj Unchanged, fowls, choice, 12c ; do. fair to cood. HallHc : old roosters. Sc : spring chickens, choice, 12iHc. , do fair in goon, uaieio. , lurKejs, cnoice. to rancy, 12al3c , do fair to good SalOc; ducks, cholco to fancy, lOallc , do common and g-ood, 4aSc. RecelptH lour, 2 00) barrels and 4,Ok Racks, wheat v hushels, corn, 2'i.000 bushels, oats. SOJ0 tiushels. Shin- inents Wheat, 1 200 bushels, com, Ib.COO ousneis; eiais, zj.vm nusneis. NawYorkQrain and Produce Markot. New York, March 20. Flour Quiet but more firmly held Wheat Spot sternly ; No. 2 red, SO'hC fob afloat to arrive, No 1 northern Duluth, SOUc. f. o b , antlat; options strong until late after, noon when thero was 11 sharp break, closing easy nt '-tlc net advanco; Maicii closed Mc, April. 74'c; Mnv, 7Pc; Juiv, 71T.C. ; September, 70c Corn Spot quiet; No. 2, 4U1al2e , fob, afloat, options steady and closed firm nt a partial He. net advance: May closed D9V1C , Julv. 3Te. Oat Spot tlrmer; No. 2 3.'a32'4e. , No ;t, 31a31ic ; No. 2 white, ""io . No. 3 do. .tl'ic. , track mixed western. JRiiiSS'c. , track white 35a3S(.e ; options dull But ttir Steadv, westein creamery, lfa21c, ; do. factoi). 12al4e ; Elglns, 21c . imitation creamery. 13al7Hc ; state elaliy liable ; do creamerv, 14a21c. Eggs Steady; state and Pennsvlvanla, IV , westorn fresh, 13c; southern, 1-V.alSc. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago. March 20 Owing to dimin ished loeelpts today and unfavorabli, weathre, wheat ruled lirm; May closed with a gain of 'lav. , corn and oats ad vanced t'nc; pork declh ed R.iTio. , lard, 2lti5c , and ribs left off unchanged. Cash quotations were as followh Flour uQlet and easy. No 2 spilng wheat. (jiaC7''.e. ; No. 3 do. do . C2aC7c , No 2 red. Mn7(V ; No. S coin, 33f;c , No 2 vellow. -KifcaSJe ; No. 2 oats, 27c , No 2 white. SOSaTrtc. No 3 do, IWiaSsUc, No 2 rye. Mie, No 2 barley. V,a4Sc , No 1 llax, 91.171. N. W.. J1.S0; ptme. timothcy seed )."tl, mess pork, J75aSSO, lurd fi 1 shoit ribs, $1 "at 1.5, dry salted shut. ., ih, 44a 4'c.; short clear $1 SO, whiskey, Jl 20; sugar, cut loaf, "S3, granulated, (5 cj New York Live Stock Markot. Now York, March 20 Beeves Mark"t fair; steers opened firm, closed vunk- Relief at Last Pralied t7 tbouiauil nr latUOeJ ladlrt 'i ol. ways rrllutila and without anrnunl. AikdrUKKUtfor Dr. Ilartel'i French 1 entile llllt In metal box wlili k'r.'nch Flair on ton In lllup. White anil Red. Inilst. on unvlnic the genuine. "Rellff fnr Wnmtn "mnllrri Klll'Klnil!iniiiiil,,t ltttrrwlth ti,llnioullikniliarllcuUr Adilreu, rntnvn unuu uu jui ana ouj rem oi.,n,i, d? MflRT?Cs FREHCH WANTED. tVANTEn-PAHr; nr iiati health that R-I-P-A-N-S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Hlpans Chemical Co , New Yotk.for 10 samples ahd 1,000 testimonials. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTED for citv and vlclnitv. '112 Washington avenue, ut Stationery Store. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. 1Tli,lll,lligBrfrf-MM-'"'VI"'rfw"'' GIRL WANTED - FOR GENERAL houework. Apply Mrs W. W Davis, 205 South Hyde Paik avenue. YOUNG GIRL WANTED AT IDEAL Lunch Room, 107 Wjomlng avenue. LADIES TO EMHROIDEH-GOOD PAY- Ing. easy work sent to jour homo; write for sample and materials. Unlqtio Embroidery Co., 102 Fulton St.. New lurk. REAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU PROPERTY FOR SALE OR exchange, stocks or goods to dlsposo of? List with J L. TRACY, real estate) exchange, Waverly, N. Y. FOR SALE-IN GREEN RtDGi TWO slnglo houses with Improvements, at a sacrltlco If sold befoio April lt Inquire No. fl Cherrv Place, near Scranton Dairy Co., Green Ridge FOR SALE. CIIHAP-VAliuABLE BU3 lness property on Marlon street, be tween Capouso and Penn avenues, con taining about 115 fcot frontage, with meat market, barn, shoo shop and Ico house. If sold possession given ut once 1, P Wedeman, 2J7 Washington avenue. FOR SALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 23i Colfax avenue. Just cc inpleted. All modern Improvements Hardwood finish snnltory plumbing, electric llghta. etc. Prlco reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Broadway, New York citv. FOR RENT-TWO FRONT'ro6mS, furnished All conveniences, 7J1 Jef ferson avenue. FURNISHED THONT ROOM FOR rent In unlet house, one nr two chil dren. Address, W. P. S Tribune olllco LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GEN tlemen. 410 Adams avenue FOR RENT-PLEASANT FTitNISHED rooms; conveniences. Rooms from M 50 up, 622 Mulhcr-y street. BOARDING. WM VOGELSANG'S riHST CLASS Boarding House, 1103-1:03 Prospect avenue. Scranton, Pa. Meals served quick at all hours GENTLEMAN CAN FIND BOARD with private family. Home comforts. 213 N Main avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED-PARTNER WITH S500, LHGI- tlmato manufacturing business, no competition, no risk. Ordeis on hand will net $715 profit. Address W. Riley, Tribune. SPEJCJjAJLJOTIC ted scranton gas and water Co. nnd tho Hjde Park Gas Co., Ill ac cordance with tho policy ot the-e com panies to reduce rates from time to time, as may bo warianted b increased con oumptlon, notlco Is hereby given that on and after April 1 next, (he price ot gas will be ono dollar and ten cents pei one thousand cubic feet consumed, subject to the following discounts Five per cent, on all bills where the consumption for tho month amounts to Icsi than twenty live dollars; ten per cent on all bills where the consumption for the month amounts to twenty-tlve dollars and up wards. Provided tho bill Is paid on or before the 20th day of the month In which tho hill Is presented Bv order of tho board. a B HAND, Secretary SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged gui ilner or any kind ot work. Can care for horses. Address Gus SchmtUsner, 414 Hickory street, city. YOUNG MAN OF STRICTLY TEMPER ate habits and good morals desires a position of tioitt and responsibility. Very best of references. Address Homer D. Pease, C3D Washington avo WANTED WOHK OF ANY KIND BY a voung man 10 vears of age Addrcst F. L. B , Hamllnton. Pa SITUATION WANTED - WASHING. Ironing or anv kind of house cleaning bv the day or will take washing home Mrs. Lee, sido door, 420 Franklin nveniie. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG mm, has had thlco je.irs experience in tho grocery business. Would llko to collect and tako otders or travel for a le llable cigar linn, can furnish reference. Addiess Hustler, 1121 Capouhu ave., city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A GIRL 75 sears old as second or nurse girl. Ad dress Ivy Mo-.s Genctal Delivery, Scran ton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING, Ironing or any kind of bouse cli ailing by the cbi MRS KATE CRANE, rear 420 Franklin avenue SITUATION WANTED IN A PLANING mill by an all around machine band and molding maker with lljears oxperi- nco Address box 432, Stroudsburg, Mon roe county, Pa. A MIDDLE AGED LADY WANTS A situation as nurse clrl In family of two or threo children, can give best of references Addicts Ml. C B R, 010 Union stieet, city. bulls, steady, cows, steady to lCc hlghe-; nullum to cholco htoers, flMiiSto'i oxen and stags, iSai.V), hulls. $3al, cons, (2 25.ll, calves, market active but 2'..iVie lower, veals. JI50a7"ii) choice do, $7f0, llttlo r.nli.s it Shtcn UinlSc. IiIlIicI . lambs. luuSSc higher; eununon to lair sheep $.'M) nl.VJ, choice wetherv $5,25, medium to choice lambs. $5S7'm(t. mainly $i lo.i ilfiO cllpjied sheep, SI, do limbs, 5a 5 W. Hogs Mailtct lower at $1 10.i1 25. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago , Maxell 20. Cattle- Good do mund for the better kind which wero hcaice; common and medium droiea weio tairli active but week to int lower: fancy cattlu biought I'lMlau, choice steers J3 10a 6.75, medium steers, SI , leet do , $t'iiJa4li5. otockert. and feeder" flSOali, chows and heifers, KM. Hogs Good dt-inand and maikct ruled siead ut pre vious prices, sales luigrh at f 75a' K, common lots selling at t Wiiti 1 and the best hogs at $3S7..a3!iO Sheeiv Active demand and the iniulut mood tho strain nf tho big supply olfeicd remark ub!) well although lambs showed some weakness Poor to prime shieji brought J2 M cblell) l with ver) few trades below S3.S0, jeaillngs, SIS'LT' mid lambs, J4 2".iS!. largel) SnalKI Hetelnts-Cat-tle, 1.C0O head; hogs 3s0tl hind, sheep. -'I -OuO head East Liberty Cattlo Market. East Liberty. Pa. Match Sn-Cnttp HIuIut; extla, S5 fWS 75 , prime, S" o.i'iVi, roinmoa, Jl Ii5a4.10 heav) bogi Jlat.iA. heavy Yorkers. JlalOu, light ork.'is, JTHUIfl'i, pigs, J3 7iMJ!l, rciUKlis ti'tMW Sheen Active higher, cliolei wiitliers, JliniaS, common, S75a3. 73. eholce Inmbs $5'Wib, common to good tlR0nN3 veal caives. to.i.iai cupiicu laiuun, i ,i'.ij. Oil Market. Oil city. Pa., March BO.-Ciedlt bal ances, Jl.13. ccrtlilc-ntes, no bid; ship, ments, 131 W2 burels: runs. &S.KII bairuls; average sblpmuuts, 7S 505 but ruin; aver.tco runs, 75,01b b.urels PROFESSIONAL. MMMSMIWtMMWWWMMwMMWWvAMA AncHirecTB EDWARD It. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell building, Scranton, E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of wo Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 43.1 Spruce st cor. Wash, av., Scranton FREDERICK L, HROWN, AUCIUTEfT, Price building, 12H Washington avenue, Scranton T. t. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' Nntlonal Bank. DENTisra ' DR. I. O LYMAN, SCRANTON PHI vate Hospital, cor. Wjomlng and Mul berry. DR. II. 1 REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. BR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming avo'. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 311 Washington avenue. Hours, to 1, and 2 to r. HAT MANUFACTUnCt. TOLLES, 40) SPRUCE KTHEr,T.MAKKS jour hat to older und thev lit. HOTELS AND RCSTAUHANT3 THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Hates reasm able. P JCEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR U., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop LAWYCn FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-it t-Lnvv, Burr bullellng, rooms 13 and II, Washington p venue. WILLARD WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornejB and Counsellois-at-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building Rooms 1, 20 nnd 21 JAMES W. OAKFORD ATTORNEY-AT-Lavv. Rooms 514, 615 and "lu, Board ot Trade building. D, P. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on ical estate sieuiily Mears' building, cornet Washington avenuo and Spruco street. JAMES J. II HAMILTON. ATTORNEY. nt-Law 301 Commonwealth bulletin;. Scranton. EDWARD XV THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms 903-001, 3th floor, SIcnrs building. L A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ii2 Boaid of Trade building, Scrantoa, Pa C R PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. PATERSON & WILCOX, National Bank building TRADERS' C COMEGYS. building 0-13 REPUBLICAN A. W. HERTHOLF Mears' building. ATTORNEY. PHYSICIANS AND SUR3EOUS MARY A. opathlst. SHEPHERD. M. D., HOME No. 22S Adams avenue DR. W E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH lngton avenue DR. L. JL GATES. ROOMS, 207 AND 20? Board of Trade Building. Ortlce hours, S to 9 a. m , 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Resi dence, 309 Madison av enue DR. C. L FREAS SPECIALIST rN Rupture Truss Fitting and Fat Re duo lion. Ofllco telephone 13M. Hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4. 7 to 9 DR. S XV. L'AMOREAUX, OrFICE !30 Washington avenue. Hcldence, 131S Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kldne.vs and genlto-urlnaiy or gans a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in XV. G. HOOK VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattlo and Dogs treated Hospital. 1"1 Linden s'tctt. Scranton Telephone 2072 SCHOOL? SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton Pa Courses meputatorv to college law. medicine or business, opens Sept 12 Send for catalogue. Rev. Thom as M. Cann, LL D. Wullci H Buell A. M. SEEDS G R. CLARK & CO , SEEDMEN AND Nurservmen, store US Washington ave nue; green bouse 1350 North Main ave. nue, storo telephone, 7kJ. VJWC SCREENS JOSKUETTEL REAR 511 L,ACK wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa , manufac turer of Wire Seieens. MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA- MUSIC FOR balls, picnic parties receptions, wed dings und concert work furnished Kor teims. address R J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjomlng ivcnue, over Hulbert's music store1. MEOAROEE BROTHERS PRINTERS supplies c nv elopes paper bigs twine. Warehouse Washington avenue, Scianton Pa MRS L T KELLER, SCAM' TREAT bent 50c , shninnuiiliig 5Uc ; fuel il massage, inunicuriug Jie cliliopod) 701 Qulne) CITY SCAVENGER A.B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULIS and cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used. A BRIGGS Plopnetor Leave onlcm 1100 North Main oventt. or Elcke's drug store, coiner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone 9510. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vallev Kalh-o.i.l. In Effect Feb 5 bri9. TRAINS i.EAVE SCHAJ'TON Tor Philadelphia and New Yoik via D & II. It It. ut 0 4 111. in and 12 03 2 IS 1.7 Black Diamond Expiess. and 11 Jo p. m Sundays. D. II., I 5s 7 Is p. m Por White Haven lluzleton und irln clpul points in the coal regions via D t H R R, 15, 2 1S and 4 J7 p m. For l'ottbVllle. h4i, 2 Is P 111 For Bethlehem, Elision Headlnif, liar. rlsliuiL- and pilncipal Intel mediate st 1- I lions vU D - U R U t 15 a 111., 12 u I 218, 4 27 iflicK uiitmonci i;xness, ii 11 Sundajs, D - II 1 3S 7 4 p in. For Tunkhaniioi K, TowmiuIii Elmtri, Ithaca, Geneva and prlncipil Intermedl ato stations, via I). L & W. R R, SOS a. m . 12 5.. and 1 .'5 P ni. Tor Geneva Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng nra Falls, Chicago anil nil points west via D ,t H It R. I-'"! 13J Black Diamond Express, 7 1S nnd 11 10 p m Sundays. D & II , 11 11 a m , 7 1 p in Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cam cm all tialns between Wllkes-Hairu and New Ynik Phtladct nhla. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. HOI.LIN II WILBUR G. 11 Rupt . South Bethlehem. Pa. CIIAS S LEE Gm Puns. Am . 2u Cort land street Now York. A NONEMACHKR Division Puss, enger Agent South Bethlehem Pa For tickets and Pullman reservations apply SC.I Lack ivvaniia live Scranton, Pa. A REAL ESTATE MAN Who has uscd the columns of all the local newspapers to advertise his business, said, in relating his advertising ex perience i "the returns i re' ceiveo from the scranton tribune are best in everr RCSPECT." RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Scliedulali I' Mar in. isnt. Trains Leave Wllkos-Barro a Fol. lows: 7.30 a. m wook days, for Sunbur HarrlsburR, Philadelphia, Baltl. morp, Washlnc-ion, and for Pitts- n iurR nnd tho Wos, IO.IG a. in,, week days, for Hazloton, . r!' e loading, Norrlslown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburs:, Phlladalohla, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burR and tho West. 3.12 D. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris burK. Philadelphia, Baltlmoro, WanhlnKton, and Pittsburg and tho Wost. '0 p. m., week days, for Sunbur. Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. 1 11 iiiix..,f'J'0Dl 'n'l Pa"-Actent. J. II. HUTCHINSON, (leneral Alanazer. Del., Liicktt. und Wcsturn. Trni.l:fcct Mnndaj-, Nov. 14, 1S3S. nrL. is leAVo Scranton as rollovvs: Ex- 1 4n i il!"V w York nnfl ,l11 folnts cast, i 11 .. ' B,W sw n'"1 w-03 " " l"'" -mJ P. m. ni, in : . . .. ' (-asion. irenton, I'tiuauci m iVmI tl!p south, 5.10, SOO nnd 10.03 u. i' 1 V nnd 3 33 p. m. 1 oil) haima accommodation. 6 10 p. m. mlrnP ,?' fr Bliigliiimtnii. Oswego. 31 nr,'i0t,(JrnlnR' ""'h. Dansvlllo. Mounl 1 53 .,iU1Kul,I,ulTal0' 12'w- 3-.. 9.00 11. m.i tiolis ni ti'rr", m" mtklng close connec ticirMiul .uirn, t0 "" I'olntH In thu west, 'l ,Vst umI southwest. Tiu., "B,." oecommodaticn, 3.40 p. m. ijirh ,iai,,lon nn'' WHV stations, 1.03 p. m. iNtcliolsnn ncionimcdatlon. s 10 p. m o i.xpres., for utlca and Richfield Springs. ""tii1- ni- "'"'I 155 p m. rnr xl' 2,:.5' B0 " nn'x ' P- " n.,rrtV,r,hu"1,!e"n,u1' Pittston Wilkes. vmrc, l,h.r01,h, Bloomshurg and Dan. timi,'nJ?l'lk,lnK close connections at North. Vffii ani1 ,,,.r Wllllnmsport. Harrisburg, Uxr''m,01evWn,'hl,"'," ,""1 ,ho south iiAi,. rtn,,!m,3S,la"l "id Intermediate stn Uons, 000. 1003 n. ni , artl 1 55 ind 0.40 p. ,antl,rp.Vr' "f1'' Intermediate stations, ,i5,n.'' " 10 " "' Pljmo.ith and Inter mediate Ktatlons, 3 r. and S 50 p. m. For Kingston, 1J55 p. ni J unman pirlo-- and steeping coaches on all express tialns I pr detailed Infoimnttou, pocket t'me- it, T. t,,','- ami,-v ,n JI K. Smith. Dls. trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket cf- Deliivvaro and Hudson. On Sunday. Feb Rth trains will. ii.uuuu as louows. For Carbond.ile 8.20, 7 53, 8 53, m ; 12 noon, 121, 2.20, 3 52, 5 25, C 9.15. 11 00 n m . 1 in n , . For Albiui), Saratoga Montre-J cent, iM'w lingiand points, etc 4i .u p m. .For Honesdale fi 20, 10 13 n. .'.2 p. ni. FOl Wllkp-Tt 1 r K A". 7 JC DJl ft-J 10 4' a. m , 12 03 1 23, 2 IS J 31, I 27, 0 lo! 7 4S 10 11. II rn p m For New York. Philadelphia, etc, Ma J.ehigh alley Hallroad-C 15 a, in, 12 03, 123. 4 2. p m.. with Black Dlumond Ex piess, lino p ni Fr Pennsjlvanla Railroad points 0.13, 9 33 a. m ; 2 18, 4 27 p. m lor western points via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-7 4S a in 12 03 3 33. with Black Diamond Expiess. 10 II. 11 30 p m. Trains will arrive In Scranton rb fol lows From Caibondalo nnd tho North 0.4", 7,41. 8 33, 9 31, 1018. 1153 a m ; 1 2J, 2.15. 3 23 4 21. 7.11 10 T3. 1127 p. m. From Wilkes-B.irre and tho South G.15, 7 4S, S4S, 10 03 1155 11. m.; IIS. 211 3.13, 5 20, C 21, 7 51 9 05 10 05 p. m : 1 13 a m SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 9 07, 1131 p. m.; 1.53, 3 52. 5,51 51 p m. For WIlkes-Bairc-9 IS, 1141 a. m J 1.5s, 3 2', 5 41 7 43 p m Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada. J AV BURDICK. fl. P A.. Albany. N. Y. II. XV. CROSS D. I'. A . Scranton. Pa Central Rnilroad or New .Icrssy (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division. Stations In New York Foot of Libert) rtreet, N. R . nnd South Fciry, Whitehall street. Anthraclto coal used exclusively, Insur-. Irs cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV 20, 1813. Tialns leave Scranton for Pittston, Wllkcs-Bniie, etc . at S 30 10.10 a. 111 , 1.20, 2 15, 120, 7 10 p m Sundays, 9 00 a. m , 1 Oil 2 15 7 10 p in For LtiL"Wood and Atlantic City, 8.50 a m. For New Yoik. Newark and Elizabeth, 8 30 fexpressl n m , 1 20 (expiess), 3 20 (ex press! p m Sundavs. 2.15 p m Train leaving 1.2U p. m.. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, 7.0? p. m., and Now York. 7 05 p ni For Munch Chunk Allentown, Buthle hem. Easton and Phil idelphia, S 30 a. m., 120 3 20p m. Sundavs, 2 15 n m For Baltimore and Washington, and points south and west via Bethlehem, s "0 a in , 1 .0 p m. Sundays. 2 13 p m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc , at 8 30 a. m , 1 20 P m For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentow n, S "0 a m , 1 20 p, m. Sun day, 2 15 p m For Pot tsv tile, 8 "i n m 1.20 p m Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 4 00. 9.10 (ex pretsi a m . 1 20 (express) p. m. Sundajs, "i.ea've New York. South Ferrv, foot Whitehall stieet at 00", n. m, 1,23 p. m Passengers nnlvlng or departing from thin tcimlnnl cm connect under cover with nil tho elevoted rallmads, Broadway table cars and ferries to Brookljn nnd St iten islands making quick transfer to and from Grand Centtal depot and Long Island railroad Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, n n m . 3io p m Sundays. 8.15 p m ' Thi'ough tickets to all points East, South nnd West at lowest rates at tho H,J l jT OLHAUSEN Gon. Supt. H P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. llric and Wyoming Valley. Tlmo Table In F.r'cet Sept. 13th. 1M Tialns leave Scianton foi New York, New burg and Intermediate points tin Liltt lallioad, nlMi for Hawley and local noli its at 7 0) a m and 2 25 p. m Trains 1 live nt Scmntoii from above points at 10 2 1 a m , and 3 la and OOs p m. scii.wi'o.x m isin.'M. Ill lllfecl Oclotiir ilOllt, 1H0S. North Hound. Mouth Ilountf. 205 'JO I 9U4i2bO t il-. P Ml ) fg Bt&tlons L 'K SOS A-!! i' .Arrle Leave a m 7iiN Y Franklin rtt .... 749 . 7 in West 4Jnd street ... 7H 700 Weehawkon .... 810 .... am ! 11 Arrive Leave r u r 11 10 4S 1 srtosu 2 oTTaii 104U .. ifl'i Hnnrock .... si nt 4 ss 1031 .. IS'ff StnilU'tlt ... tuui 10 Jl .... L'lti! 1'iestou I'ttik ... 1131, I f. 10 IS U40, Ulnvrnod ... 24160. lOOi '.... I'.'SV 1'oyntl'llo .... SM 614 d'O .... 12 14 Orsoo . IBS Si) 943.... 1:11.x rieasant lit ... see 6?o SO.... 11 M Vntoiidnls . 3C9 oil .' .... 11 I'll lorestClty ... sis Md fin .. 1181' Caibmdaie .... 831 5(4 tU7 . . (IFO, lnte llrldtfe . ,. 13 88 5 ft, 90i. . tllitil JJayneld .. is IS1 6 n K.'.S... ill .a, Jennjn .... st 6C3 863.. tils Archibald . . a si, cm 860.... 11 ni Wlnlon .... iMiu 848. 11 11 l'eckvllla ... 8 WOKS 8 4V.. 11117, oirpliant ... 404 ttt 84i)....llUV ITIcebure .... 401821 8SS . 110.1 Thrnop .. 410 6 v7 8tt.... Ill"1 rrovlilenee . 4 It1 68 8.1.'.. jlio:7 J'ark Place .... 14 It 8S0 .... 106i her anl on .... 480,63.) a 11 a MLearo Arrive t iV n f Sunday only f slKiilib s that trains stop on elgnal for pas. aengeis 1 rains 20 and !Oi Sunday onlr. other trains ' dallv excrpt huuday. crcuro rates via Ontario Western Utor purchasing tickets and iave money. VNagaor DutTtt slprr aud btt re clIuintrcbalrcarNeiT York to cblciro nf bout chance. Pu'eiiirer K.ioj Mw.3KCCI to i'vvo Ceuta i er .11 lie. ... Jp.Andcrton, flen.ra As, T. rutcrott, Ulv. l'rsa, , et.bcranton, ra.