THE SCRANTON TRIBUiN MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1899. 8 EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON ADDRESS ON LABOR'S DEMANDS BY REV. MR. DE QRUOHY. Was Dellveictl in the Jackson Street Baptist Chuich Secretary Peaisnll Led the Epwoith League Meeting in tho Simpson M. E. Chmch Ser vices in Some of tho Other Churches Thomas Quinn Iujuied in the Hampton Mines Peisonnl Mention nnd Minor News Notes. Hev. Thomas dp Cinch, ji.istor of tho Jnckon Street Baptist chinch, took up the cause (tf the workman at lift evening's service and spoke upon the subject of "Labor's Demands." Owing to tho int leniency of the weather u small audience was In attendance, but the address was very lntuiestlng. The speaker. In part, said: "Many will doubt tins propriety of bringing this subject Into 111" pulpit, but wheie does the limit of Christian ity end'' flu 1st tame Into the world to educate, eultivnte and men. and he was the poor man's friend. He said. Come unto Me nil ye that labor and arc heavy laden and I will give ou rist "Chi 1st is the answei to nil the per plexities and Ills of humanity. Tho ilch are getting richer and the poor poorer In Anitiiiu Cod fosteied tho liberty and equality of every man and only through agitation has anything been pained by Him. Let the winking innn agitate for lights. Capita! and labor are not so lav invoiced as in lormer The Intelligence ot America is enshrined In the working man. "The caue of all the tlollble Is tho inhuman treatment of wealth. Men liave souls lrom Ood. and It Is about time the corporations knew it and rec ognized their needs. The woiklngman lias bettered his condition tluough strife and strikes. He had to do It or starve. All the vvtongs ot the working men are not .vet redu"-ed, and they ought to receive a fair daj's wages foi his labors that he may bilng up hl children and educate them n well as the rich. "There is no state in the Union as prolillc as the state of Pennsylvania for the encouragement of ti lists They seem to spiing up like mushrooms, and unless laboi stands shoulder to should er they will not be successful against this mighty agency that is usinping their employment. Capital Is like the southern states, it has to be whipped into line, and intelligence must be biought to bear to bring capital and labor together Fnles" this Is done theie will be no muic in the Industrial world, but there, must also be lovo and sympathy combined. "No man ought to work more than eight hours a day. Ills time should be so divided that he can spend It equally at hume. In the shop and In rest. There Is a tide of prospeilty com ing and the laboring man ought to feel It as well as the capitalists, and 1 be lieve tho worklngmen of Sei anion are .Instilled In their demands for nn eight hour day and Increased wages. "There are wrongs In the Industrial win Id that must not bo made public, but theie Is one thing I want to refer to In conclusion, and that Is ipgardlng many dims In this city who are pay ing starvation wages to their female employes, and thus driving them Into temptation which cannot named from the pulpit. They ate compelled to dies.s beyond their means, nnd really ought to be In school ond be educated for the positions in life which will lit them to become the wives of Atnciican wotknien." THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should bo Gnrofully Guldod in Early Womanhood. AT THi: SIMPSON Clll'HCtl. Seeietnry Prank W. I'euisall, ot the Young Men's Ctnistlan nsso clatlnn, led the l'pucuth league meet ing nt Simpson Methodist Hplsenpnl elan eh at 0 o'clock last evening, and also occupied the pulpit at 7 o'eiork. Mr, 1'eaisnll chose his texts from Deuteionotny. "He brought them out that He might bilng them In," and "Ye have compnswfd this mountain long enough to go northwaid,' refenlng to tho topography of Fgypt and speaking along those llne, where Christ brought the people out of Hgypt that they might walk In the light of Canaan The talk was vei.v Inteiestlng and attentively listened to by a good-sized audience. Next Sunday evening the pastor. Itev. J B .Sweet will pi each n special seiinon to I'let trie command ci j, Knights of Malta AT Pt.YMOFTH CON'flUr.GATTONATi CHl'ItCH. Itev. W U. r.vans ot the Pilgrim Coiigiegatlonal church, of PI mouth, occupied the pulpit of the li mouth Congregational chinch at both sei vices yesteidav. In the inclining commun ion services were held, and Itev. Fvnns took his tet fiom the lxty-thltd chap ter of Islah, and the flist veise. his theme being "The Coniiueroi of 15(1 rah." List f veiling he spoke upon ' The Stiengih of the Church." taking his tet fiom the seventh chapter of Kings and the tweiily-llist and twenty-second verges. Ttev. 1'v.ins Is a pleasing speaker and gave two excellent sei mons vesteidav. Itev. Heese Hcec of Blosslnug, l'a.. will occupy the pulpit nest Sunday morning and evening What suffering frequently results from a mother's ignorance; or moro frequently from a. mother's neglect to properly lnsttuct her daughter 1 '1'radlt ion says "womnn must suffer," nnd young women nro ho taught. Thcro is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman suffeis beverely sho needs treatment and her mother should see. that sho gets It. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion; but no mother need hesitate to vvrlto freely about her daughter or ' herself to Mrs. Pinkharn and secure the most cluciont advice, without chnrgo. Mrs. l'inlcliam's address is Lvnn. Mnss. The following letter from Miss MxniK P. Johnson, Centralia, l'a , shows vv hat neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. l'inkham helped her ; "My health beenmo so poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all tho time, nnd had dreadful pains in my side and back. I was also troubled with irregularity of menses. I was very weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed. My mother, vv ho is a firm believer in your remedies from experience, thought per haps they mjght benefit tne, and wrote you for advice, i follow cd the advice you gave, and used Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as vou directed, and am now as well as I ever was. I have gained flesh and have a good color. I am completely cured of Irregularity." DAY'S DOINGS IN DUNMORE BOROUGH ACTING ALTOGETHER TOO REAL ISTIC TOR DERRIO. Cures a cough or cold in one day I It is the Dr.BuES's " - - Z i'-st cougn remedy lor C niltrll SVt"linclllllre"' Curesvvlioop "wUUgll OyrUPjnfj.couHi, ami croup without fail I Doctors recommend It. i'ricczsc Prescriptions Coinnoutulcrt Carefully And with puiest drugs at the drug store of GEORGE W. JENKINS Cor. Main Ave. an J Jackson St .ST MAHK's! CHFRCH Seivlets in eieiman were conducted at St. Mink's Lutheian rhurilt v.stoi- dav afternoon at '2 ",0 o'clock, and in the evening He v. C. F. Cooper, of Muhl enberg i ollege. Allentown, occupied the pulpit . At tlie morning sei vice the pastoi, Hev. A L. IlJtuei, took for his theme, "He that Is of Ood. heaieth Cod's wo id. ' The Lutheian Pastoi al association will meet at 1 o'clock this afternoon In the Hbr.ny of Hev. A L Hamei's lesi denee, on South Lincoln avenue. The evening will be devoted to an nddiess on foielun inlsMou woik in India by Hev. C. F. Kuder. Badly Cut While Doing a Scene with Edward Milnci Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Mntsh Entertained Friends. Unveiling of a Statue in St. Mary's Catholic Chuich Fair of tho Ash Street Methodist Chmch Was a Success Services in the Christian Church News Told in a Few Lines. From pretense to reality is often but a step and Pntilek Dei rig and Udvwird MUnei, both well known young men It ie, are well nigh eel tain that this Is a, fact. They were taking part In the entertnlnmont irivtn last Friday night by the members of DlvlMon No. ! Ancient Old 'i of Hibernians. Their part wis tiaglc, for Mllncr was sup posed to stab Dei rig. The latter was, of coiuse, to ifl7e Mllnir's wrist and fru.sti.ite tho stabbing business Both worked tit to the ollma in ex cellent style and ended as brllliantlv, but entliely too leallstically for Derilg, for he seized the knife Instead of the wrist and bis thumb was slashed Its whole length. The rest of the "busi ness" was abiuptly "cut out" and Der rig left the hall to hnve his wound dressed. It teiitilied several stitches to close the cut. It Is said that next time the knife will be u, "play" knlfo too. j&tM)m MILLINERY, 413 Lackawanna Ave. Spring Opening Wednesday, March 22 Thursday, March 23 Friday, March 24 We bid you to a feast oflovcliness surpassing any exhibition of the kind cvei held in this citv. A Symposium of the very newest Paris Fashions in Trimmed Hats and Bonnets., Also, charming ideas in Trimmed Millinery of our own. They're a revelation in Millinery Art. Spring Fashions in Straw Shapes-l:ZS71fZ own designing, made over our own blocks shapes which other stores cannot get. Prices under everybody's. FlnWPnS nnH Fnliant There's an indefinable "something" in the tints and mike-up ot the i lurrvi o ailu i Uliayz, 'lowers this season which makes them true to nature, down to the tiniest wrinkle. Big velvet and silk Poppies, big Fiench Roses in all the new shades, Violets, Pansies, Daisies, Lilacs, Grasses and Poliage of every description. Everything in Ribbons that Fashion dictates. Millinery accessories of all sorts. Beautiful lines of Applique Laces and Gauzes, Chiffons, Nets, Crowns, Ornaments and Galoons, Velvets, etc. Mrs. M. L. Blair, on South .Main ave nue, tomoiiow afternoon and evening, for the benefit of the mortgage lund of the chmch The afternoon liouis will be fioni 4 to ti o't lock, and the evening houi from 7 to 10 o'i lock. An admission fee oT 13 tents will he ohatRed. and Ice eieam and cake will be f-eived lree of chaiKC. The fiiends of the chilielt alf coidlally invited. HNTIItfUlNKD ''ItirNDK. Mr at'd Mis. A. .T. Marsh entertain ed a party of tnei: ounc- fiiends at their tesldenco on .Cast Pine trcot, Fri day evening The Riicits were provid ed with suitable dlveit-lons for their enjovmunt and Mis Marsh pcived io lreshments. T1iof.o present vvete: Mios es Myitle Watrou", Mable Watrous, Uelli Watrous Mary I'owell.C'ella Vln tersteln. Ilusslu Marsh, Jlrn. C. U. Wat rous: Mers riayt"n I'oltei. Joe Wat iou, Telle Mai li, ltrj Slj and Hoy Mai ill. RCCIU'TION AT MI'S. HLAIlfS. rins-i' No. 4 and -11 of the Simpson MethodNt Sunday heliool will keep open houe nt the le.-ddence of We Have Pleasure in Announcing Our Annual Spring Exhibition Of Correct Millinery Feshions for Wednesday and Tlursday this Week, rt'NnrtAL, A.vxorNcnMnNTS The funeial of the late Mis. Vein.i Lo-hey will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will be held at the house. 17 Noith Van Ihircn avenue. Inteiniont will be made In Waihbuin .stieet cemetery. Sei vices over the lemalns ot the late .Mis. Delia McGiaw were held Satuulay alteinoon at -.20 o'clock at the family lesldence, 2011 bureinn stieet. and in teiment win! made In the i.ithedial eemeteiT. Shott hervlces weie held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ubby, "26 Xoi th Fllmore avenue, veiterdav af tiMiioon at 2 o'clock, over the lemalns of IMith, tlulr Hlv-muntha-nld c hlld, who died re entlv. Huii.U was made in AVaslibuin slieet cimeter.v. A high mass of lequhm will be cele brated at St "Patrick'? Catholic clinic h thli mornliiK at :i o'clock at the funeral services of the late Patrick Cannon. Intel ment will be made In the tatlie dial cemetery. PXVKIUNO A STATUU. In St Mai.v's Catholic I'hurch last nlicht theie w.ib ir. Impiesslve service and blctMlnpr of a statue of St. Joseph, which was ireaentrd by a member of the coi'Kresatlon. It Is an Imported statue and veiv be autlful. Xotwlthstai.diinr the eiv uuple'v-'tnt we.itlier the ehurtli vas crowded. The mi mon In connection with the unveil Ini? was preached by IUv. A. V. IJiod erlek, of V'c-t Sci.inton. lie took for his text the voids found In Matt., III:-1S-21. He bewail his discourse liy ,i his toiy of the devotion to St. Joseph nnd then crave tie nason foi Catholic devo tion to St Joseph. The father of the Savior ot M-iii, he said. Is the model ot what the head of a household should be. Follow inr the sermon came the bles Itrj and unvcillut; of the statue and the benediction of the blessed sacrament. The Leading flillinery Store, 413 Lackawanna Avenue SOUTH SCRANTON. Peter Can oil, of Vilke.Harrc, Is the guest of fiiends on Pittston avenue. Tliolii.ii Btiliw, of l'ltt"tnn nveiiii", has ieturned home jfte- a uhoit stay at Pnll.idelphla. The ennuul ball of the v.meriran So. cial dub will be held at Uennanla lull Am II 10. Jiimo" Cnlidn received an Injuty to his eve. vvhll' at woik In the South mill Satutday. Charles Cannon vNited fiiends at Plttston jesterdny. The remains oC Cntbeilne. the ten-montliH-nld cnlld of Sir. und Mi.s. John Sha, of 74S Itiver street, wtie Interied in the Catheilinl cemetery yesteidav afternoon. .- u vices weie held at tho house at -' o'clock. Pea Coal Dellveied, $1.25, to South Side, central citv and cential Hyde Paik. Addies oiders to C. U. Sharkey, 1914 edar ave. 'Phone 60S3, ARGUING FOR A NEW TRIAL. I'P.P.SOXAb I'AHACJPvAPlIS. Miss Maud Mill. r. 01 Wilkes-M.iue, Is the fcuest of Mi und Mi. Heniy Hudson, of Xoith M.iln avenue JIis. John Weber and two soiw, of Denver, Colorado, ate visiting Mis. Weber's Hlster-lii-lavv, Mrs. Mai tin Weber, of Xorth Uiomlev avenue. JUs. Wright Ilroadbiut, of Xoith lhoniley avenue. Is vidttm her son, Shei man liroadbcnt, at Xaaieth. Pa. Miss Mle I'litchaid, or Washl.uin street, Is lmpiovliiR nfti r a .seven weeks' Illness. Mrs. Henry I. Jones, of West Locust stieet, is veiy ill at hei honi Mis. Elizabeth Tllson, of South Sum ner avenue, has sulllcieiitly receive! ed to leave the hospital after a lumf illness. Extreme novelties from the most pet feet de signers in Paris and London will ba shown, but our main effort has been directed to making a worthy and elaborate display of modified styles embodying all the essentials which fashion demands, but illum inating these wild fancies which look well enough in fashion plates, but are impracticable, because hardly one lady in one hundred could wear them. Common sense and the proverbial good taste of American women demaud styles that are becoming to them as individuals; thus, while Paris may set the pace and suggest the pattern or design, its decrees are no longer arbitrary. In a word, we accept the good, reject the extremes and create new patterns ot our own. The Display on Wednesday and Thursday Will include Trimmed Millinery of every discrip tion. Every thing in flats, shapes and trimmings that will be worn, Veilings, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, etc. All Visitors Will be Welcome on Show Days. Globe Warehouse MlXOIt NEWS XOTUrf. An l'aster Monday social will be In Id in connection with the Tripp Paik Sun day school Tills will be the (list so cial event held In Tilpp park and will be an elaboiate affair. The ladlis of the Sunday school will meet next Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mi-. II. A. Tewksbuiy, on Uulwer street, to make arrangement. Tho Joint committee ot the dllferent temperance soeletles Inteiested in the criming quattuly convention of the Total Abstinence und Benevolent union will meet this evenlni: In the looms of St Uiendcn's couuell, Y. M. I., at 7.S0 O'lllK k. Thomas Quinn, a driver in the Hamp ton mines, was qui ezed between the car and the 'rib" while at work last week nnd suffered very painful Injur ies. He was removed to his homo at the cotnei of Fifteenth and I.ireme stieets, nnd Dr. Comegvs was called. Vnon examination It was learned that his collai-bone was dislocated. The cais on the Xorth Main avenue line will not run hevnnil Providence squaie heieafter, making a betUr ser vice for the patrons along thut line. The membeis of Company F, Thir teenth r'-glment, Pennsylvania volun teeis, will hold a meeting In St David's hall this evening at 7."0 o'clock to make airangements for paitielpating In the parade on Thursday. Hvery mem ber is tequestcd to be present. The ladles of the West Side who aio Interested In the movement to estab lish a branch of the Young Women's Clulstlnn association here, will meet at 1 o'clock this afternoon In Plymouth Congregational church. All aie In v ited. The Joint committee of tho Paiher Mathew's, Pt T.eo's. St Paul's and St. Cecelia's ladles' societies held a meet ing yesteiday morning in St. loco's hall and talked over the arrangements for holding the eiunitirly convention on this sld on Sundav. Aviil 2. Ilrnnch 41. of the Catholic Mutuil Henoflt nfsoclntlon. nttended holy com munion In a body at St. Patrick's Catholic chuich yesterday morning at 0 o'clock. A large repiesentatlon was present The Chi T'psllon society of the Wash bum Stieet Presbyterian church will hold n regular meeting this evening nt o'clock. ) The special religious meetings which were so successfully conducted In the Washbuin Street Presbyterian church last week will be continued through out this week and good speakers will be In attendance FAIR A SUCC KSS. The fall which was being held In the vacant building at the miner of Mill and Smith tieels, by the mem beis of the Ah Stuet Methodist church since last Thursday evening, came to a i lose S.itunlay night and pi oved to be a gland success. 1'x.eil lent enlei tnlnnients weie stvn each evening and a beautiful display of fancy and useful nitidis weio an.anged In booth". To the committees in chaise fompilslng M. II. Fine, ehaliinan, It. H. Planning, secretai. Thomas John, I. Stone, M K. Smith, general com mittee, and Hev. W, S. Crnndcll, chair man. William Fine, and the Missea Gertiuele Mitchell and Kate McLine, soi lal committee, di serve considerable credit for their eftoits. The serving of supper also netted good letutns. Satin das evening the ai tides remain ing on hand weie disposed of In lots Tho successtul peisons were. Pallor lamp, Mrs. Joseph Cnop. robe, Mr. John Mr Kane: Miss ndlth Smith, of Poit Jervls, a handsome doll, belt, Mr. James Grant: rocker. Seldon I.arui: lamp Hev. W. S. Ciandell: inipet sweeper. Mis. II. Mc I.ane; grip. Thoiu ns John, towels. Mis. Pe-ter Selgle; doll, Miss Geitrude Jones, of Peckvlllc; coflee. Mis. D. M. Collins; wringer, Mrs. S. S Stone; Miss Kate Mcl-ane, Mrs. S S Stone and Mrs. II. McLnne, a cako eaeh. Suit of Mrs. Ellen Taylor Against the City of Scranton. Aiguments for a new tilal weie heard before Judge John G. Love, of Hellefonte, in court mom Xo. 2 Satur day In the case of Mrs. Kllcn Taylor ngalnst the city of Sci.inton Mrs. Taylor sued to lecover for dam ages icsiiltlng to her pioperty on XInth street fiom the grading ot Robinson street Dining the trial it develop, d that Mrs. Taylor came into possession ot the propel ty after the alleged dam ages took place. City Solicitor McGin ley contended that Mis. Tavlor was theiefoie estopped lrom claiming dam ages and Judge Love sustained the con tention. M. A. McCJInley argued for the cltj, and Attorney I. II. Uuins foi Mis. Taylor. TO TURTHER ARRANGEMENTS. General Reception Committee Will Meet This Afternoon. The geueial leceptlon committee in charge of th" leceptlon to the Thli teentli will meet this afternoon at '' o'clock at the d of tiade moms to ltirtber the plans for Thursday's tele biution. Many of the details of the aiiange ments will be attended to at this meet ing. Including tho progiamme for the parade. ELEVENTH BOY ARRESTED. William Tate, an Alleged Biass Thief, Taken Into Custody. Another bov Implicated In the br.ts thelts was corraled yesterday morning He is William Tate, of the We-st Slib . aged 18. and a biother of George Tat , one of the iirst ciuai tette aircted list Wediusdaj. Knowing that the police weie look ing for him, ho kept aviav from his home and usual haunt" l.aily yester day morning Seigeant D"lter nnd Pa trolman Sloat were Informed thet two bos were seen to sneak into the Ar cade on Wjomlng avenue They made a "eat eh of the place and In p toilet zoom on the second lloor found two lads nouehed on the floor, enjoyins a. sleep. On of them proved to be Tate The othr was recognized as, John Gilswold, a South Side lad, who has been fre quently arrested for pettv offenses. Tete Is being held for a lvmlng before Alderman Millar todav. Gilswold was given a henilng In police court bv Al del man Knsson and sent tip lor thirty days for vagrancy and trespassing. Tate is the eleventh boy in rested In connection viith the brass thieving. THERE WAS MUCH WEATHER. AMUSEMENTS. ACADrCMYOF MUSIC, HUR'iUNDI.It & KKIS. Lei jeel II R L'NII. llauiJr. Holiday, Tuesday and Wednesday. t irnt 1 Hue Hero-I'lin Itollleklnx L'p to-Date Kmce, A RAGTIME RECEPTION Funny Fun. Musical Music. l.iui','h Ik Coming to Von Lverv Mlmits. V t ompiiin of! ucntv-l'lva, Including GUS PIXLEY AND CHAUES H. PHILLIPS "You (et Ml Unit Ui omlni to au.' Mntlnrel'rlciM -'luei.liy nnd vv edne'.liv, l"n:iuil 'Jfp.'. i:ening Prices I, isc, J&c :1.1c nnd V)c OBITUARY. A SENSIBLE MAN Would une Kemp's Ualfnm for the Throat mid Lung. It Is i uriiiK mora cases of Coughs, Colds, Aiitlunu. Dionehltls. Croup and nil Throat and I.ung Troubles, tlrnn nny other medicine. Tho pioprlctor has nutliorUed nny ilrugRlHt to give you u. Sample llottlo Free to convince vou of tho merit of this great remedy. Prlco lv. nnd We. KHOKTint PAUAGIIAPIIS. A ceitain young man is being care fully watched whenever he Is seen at any nubile gatheilngs heie. Last Sat ui day night the fellow was seen at tempting to pick it lady's pocket, but noticing that he was being obs-erved, be sneaki d away without accomplish ing bis wcuk This loung man should bo mom c.ueful as to his actions or he mav be ai rested, sevesal persons belnjr deslious of catchins him red handed. The sei vices at the Tripp Avenue Chiistlan church during the week nre as follows. Monday evening, song, prayer and praise: Tuesday evening, Sunday school entertainment In honor of opening the kindergarten depart ment: Wodnisdav. Thursday and Fii day evenings, revival services at 7.S0 o'clock. The executive committee of the Twentieth Centuiv Dancing clnss will meet at the homo of William Hrower, on West Drinker stieet, this evening at 7 45 o'clock. The presence of each member Is leejuested. Following the regular business meet ing of the Friendly circle of St. Mark's Episcopal chinch, Tuesday evening, a peanut social will be held. The pro ceeds will go towards earning on tho society's work. Sldnrv Stone, who was rjulte seveic ly injured n week ago, while attending to his duties ns jatdinaster of the I'rle and Wvomlng Vnllej rallioad, has re sumed his duties Michael Logan was broimht boforo Huigess Powell yesteiday morning on a charne of being drunk. Ho could not tell wheie his lesldence was or his age. He was given one hour to leave the town and did so The I,adl s' Aid society of the .Metho dist Hplscopal church will conduct a social at tho home of Mrs. Daniel Powell, (,n North niakelv stieet, Wed nesday evening. A piogramme Is be ing ai Kinged for the occasion und will consist of vocal nnd Instrumental so leetlinis and rcoltntlins. Mis. Geuige Allison, of East Drinker street, left here for Montana Saturday, where she wilt make her future) home The board of trustees of the Metho dist Episcopal chuich will meet at 7 30 o'cioi k this evenlnff. v The sexton's committee of the Pies byteilnn chinch Is requested to meet at the munse, on Elm street, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Misses Chailottn Oir and Adeline AndiewH nio the guests of relatives on Union street. Misses Myitle and Mabel Watrous, of Ash stieet, are, vlsltlue at Holllfter- I Villi'. Frank Stelter, a well known hotel keep er of Xorth Main iivvnue. West, Set uiituti. died nt his l.omc nt J.u'i o'clock jesteidiy morning after a long lllne-s fiom pneu monia. Deceased vns u! vears of age, and was bom In hurhiu, ticini.ins. He came to Ameilca In WH, locating In .New York city, and two jears later it moved here, wheie he his since lesldcl In H'2 Mi. Sletter ciifcuged in the b.iker and hotel business and has sucecssfulb con ducted both since that time He was a member of tho German lUneilcial asso clulon and for many cirs was lilentllled with the Odd Fellows' lodge His vvlfo. threo sons and two daughteis survive him. Tho aio Mis. William l'rmser, Kllzabeth. William, Harry and David Stet ter. all of this city. The funeral eriiees wfll be privately conducted at the resi dence Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock owing to tho illness of Mrs. Stelter. Friends desiring to view the rem ilns may do so Wednesday lutvveen the hours of It a. m. and 1 p. m interment will be privately made In Foiest Hill cemeterj. A general falling owing to advanced ngo culminated In tho death of Alfred Mahon, Friday last at his residence at I.nko Wlnola. Deceased was over SO sears of ago und formerly it sided hero during the earlj forties. He wus born in Albanv. N. Y.. in 1S0J, und moved here In 1SI0. For the last tlftv years Mr. Muhon had resided at hake Wlnola. Ho followed tho occupation of a farmei and led an ex ceedingly Industrious as welt as an honor nblo lite Ills wife died ubout seven years ago at the ugo of SO. Ho Is survived by twelve children, who nre residing in dlf feient parts of tho United States Thrto of his sons reside In this section: Dr. .1. 13. Mahon. of Wtlkes-Harro. Dr. Will lam Mahon. of Nnnticoke, and Clmilcs Million, of Plttston. The funeral will bo held fiom tho residence this afternoon at I o'clock William r. nrusmnn. a former lesldeiu of this citv and well known here died at his homo" In Siena M.idte. California, ThiiKil.iv. Mnrch 111. Deceased was 111 ill health for scvtral veais and lett this citv for that uason. While heie he wus an nss.iytr nnd chemist for the Lackawanna Iron and Steel coiupanv Since lea' lug heie he bus fedlowed bis profession III Texas. New Mexico and California Ho was born in New Yoik elt and grudu it id from Columbia college Ills wife and two daughters tun vivo him . .. .. ii-j - ' Sunshine, Rain, Wind, Snow and Freezing All in One Day. About every old kind ot weather the bureau If wont to deal out vwes served to this neck of the woods yesterday The day opened with a flood of sun shine, then came a, drlzzllnir i.iln con tinuing intermittently until early after nooon when a veiitable huiricane of wind and rain set In fiom tho north west. This lasted for two houis and was succeeded by a heavy snow sloim which in less than three hours had cov eted the earth with as inanv Inches ot snow. With nightfall, the thermom eter wa? well clown towaids zeio nnd by 9 o'clock everything was frozen hard. Sunday sei vices in the afternoon and evening suffered seriously In the1 matter of attendance as a result of the storm but further than this no terious conse iiuenees weio reported The full of snow, which was of the heavy, damp variety threatened both, r to tl.e street ear men but just ns the depth had about reached the danger line the stoim ceased. BURGLARS MADE A BIG. HAUL. Entered the Clothing Stoie of Emil Hubshman at Peckvllle. The clothing store kept by Kmll Hubshman, ot the east side of Peckvllle, was entered by burglars early Sunday inclining and some live huuditd dollars' worth of clothing stolen. The thieves gulned entiance to the stoic by cut ting the putty fiom a laige pane of glass and removing It entered the store Fifty suits of read -made clothing weie taken besides a large quantity of other goods. There must have been at ( least a half dozen of the thieves or elsi thev had a horse and wagon to assist them In taking the goods away. Mr. Hubsh man has no suspicions as to who made the wholesale robber. He did not close his store until after midnight and did not retire until after 1 o'clock 3 Nights and 2 fintinces. Commenc ing lliursday, March 23. Hie N, Y l.inpbo riieato: &uoivn. Sowing ths Wind niPute.UceiiEiiliist s x timum. ptcsented wltli the siiniH i-oiiiptinv thin mis ap- ponroil'ln notbiil. hut htgli-ptlcsil 1 liei. th, I'lut time In nny olt nt thee pile h phici.s-kvi:ninc' PMCl'S-MATlNIJi: ONE SOLID WEEK Commencing Monday, Matinee, March 20. tVlatt J. Rynn's BIG SENSATION BURLESQUERS Double sIjoh White and truolo Aitlsls iJ5 IU)l'LL- MJT-TlirecJasonl The Mcrr V id ot liurlequM, nltli Oeorge Dixon In scientific punchln; exhibitions Commenc ing AlunJa) , March 27 Kills In the uppei i.ut of the yard dur ing Saturday and was leturnlng to tho mill foi the last tiip when 'the acci dent occuued. GRAIN-0 BRINGS RELIEF to the coffee di Inker Coffee di inking is u habit that is unlveisall Indulged In nnd almost as unlverH ill In'urlouH Ilaio Vou tiled llrnln-O? It Is almost Ilk" cof fee but tho effects r.ic Just Hie opposite Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins the dl uestlon ufteets thr hi an and disturbs tho whole nervous system. (Iraln-O tones up tho slomach, utds illgeKtlon nnd sueiiKthens the neives. Therci Is noth ing but nourishment In Ginln-O. It can t bo otherwise, J3 und K. pel package. GEORGE KEEPS THE DIAMONDS. Suit to Recover tho Value of Wick enhoffcr's Stealings. Through Attorney Nathan Vldavur Is. B. Levy & Brother brought suit against tho Adams Kxpress company to recover $500 for the value of the dia monds for tho stealing of which their agent. George Wickenhoffer, Is now spending nine months lu the county jail. The Express company will have to leimbuise the Levys, and then the com pany will fall back on AVlckenhoffei's nineties, a New Yoik guarantee com pany. Wickenhoffer insists that he did not steal the diamonds and knows nothing about them. If he bus got them, as a juiy unhesitatingly said, they will nicely relmbuise him for his time at the county Jail INJURIES CAUSE DEATH. Peter Weller, of Palm Street, Run Over by Cars at the South Mill. Peter Weller, of 515 Pear stieet, em ploed at the South Steel mills, was serlousl Injured at the mills late Sut uidcy afternoon, and ns a lesult died jesterdny afternoon at 4.55 o'clock, lie was thrown from one of the small eais used to carry rails on and soveuil of the eais pased over his left leu. The Injuied man was removed to the Mines Tii lor hosultal, where it was found necessary to amputate Hie leg Just above the knee1. He rested well during Saturday nlgh but eluilng jesterday began to sink until death came. Ho Is a mauled man and Is Miivlvod by his wife and seven children. Deceased hud boon at woik with a gang ot men unloading COUNCILMAN NORTON ILL. Is at Ptesent in a Critical Condition from Typhoid Fever. Thomas N01 ton, councilman from the Twentv-llist wutd. Is erlously 111 at his home on Jackson btieet. He is suf fering fiom a severe illness with ty phoid fevet Mi. Norton's physicians have forbid den nnv one to visit him, and oideied absolute lest for the patient. Fiom present Indications, Councilman Nor ton will be unable to attend the re in ganlzatlon of councils next month TO ESTABLISH HEADQUARTERS. SciantonCoal Company Leases Larga Office Building. The Scranton Coal company has leas ed the l.n if e building nt the coiner oj I' nn avenue nnd Vine street, formerly Used by the Dlekfon Manuf.acturins company, for its store room and oliice.i, and will establish theie- a general store, the company olllccs, engineering de. partment and the like. The woik of renovntlon Is to com mtiice at once. GRAND JURY MEETS TODAY Constables of the County Will Make Their Returns. The grand Jury will meet this niom ing and will be charged by Judge Arch bald, who will have chaige of It during Its dellbeiatlons. The constables of the county will albH make theli leturns toda. Inspection at Potto Rico. Piinci. I'm to Itleo. March l'l.-lnspertor Breckinridge, of tho Vnl.d Slates army, will Inspect all the inllltaiv posts lu Porto Hlco, reviewed the tro.ips at Pernio vesteiduy and proceeded to. ilav to the Y.iuco district. Piesident of Pan Americans. Hutfulo, Miueh I11 At a meeting of na dlrectois ot the Pan American Bxpol. linn compute jesteiday John G Mllbuiu, of lUilfalii, wus t let-led piosldein Casev & Kellj'i throe. ear-old Bo. 3 Heer on lap today ut all ilist-clal hotels A spring ili-t.ner Is alwavs looked for vvuid to at this time of the year and Mjo's Hamiparllla Is the lust. It not nalj cleanses the. Hsictn of all Impurities urn Invigorates the sjstem. miikos gcod blood nnd Inciease-s the appetite. Largo slz bottle, '.He., at MnnnerV No, JSO Grcu llldgo stieeU