The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Increases Appetite and Digestion
Dr. L. J. Schofleldi of Warrensburg, Mo.,
writes: " I have been using Johann Hoff's Malt
Extract In my practice and like It very much.
It gives renewed and Immediate strength, while
Increasing appetite and digestion."
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
City Fathers Hold Extra Sessions to
Dispose of Uuslness.
Both branches of councils held spe
cial nicotines last coiiIiir. The upper
house passed on third leading- the Pike
street sewer ordinance and the ordi
nance granting franchise to the Cui
bondale Steam Heat and Power com
pany. It passed on (list readlnc the
ordinance fiom. the commoners annex
ing certain territory to the Flint sewer
The mofct surprising thing; the com
mon council did was to table for future
referenco the franchise ordinance of the
Steam Heating company. The vote was
as follows In fanr of the motion to
table MesBis. Brink, Van Gorder, Col
well, Sahm, Williams: opposed, Messis.
Kennedy, Swlnglo and Campbell. The
telephone ordlnatire passed finally and
is now ready for the mayor's signatute.
Mr. Campbell wanted to amend this so
the poles would hao to be kept paint
ed, but the sentiment was In faor of
a general oidlnanee covering the point
and the amendment was nut ptesed.
The Tianklln Literary society will
hold their regular fortnightly meeting
this afternoon, when the following pio
gramme will be given Song, "Penn
sylvania " lecltutlon liuth Thomas,
essay, Anthony Slulhearn. harmonic,
George Myers; reading, Jennie Patten
burg, quartette, Vlnua Wall. Minnie
Phillips, George Meyers, Willie Ken
nedy pen plctuie, Georgia Poll, oigan
solo, Mamie Hoberts, reading, William
Gardner; lieutenant toll, Susie AVIU
lams, mils Koulei, Hannah Murphy,
Delia Baker, ilnme Loughney, Hlmer
Fowler, Geoige Hauls, Ueitiude Davis,
Sumner D.nls, Michael Monuhan
The f uncial of Mrs. Mary P. Walker
was held at St. Rose of Lima chuich
yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev.
J. J. Griffin preached a sennon full of
consolation for the beieaved ones. The
pall-bearers were: James Bradley,
William Walker, James Qulnn, James
Pldgeon, I'atilch. Kane and John Cos
tcllo Interment was made In St. Roe
The mid-week stoic of the contest
ants of the 'Cjclo club's pool tourna
ment follows:
Won. Lost.
Van Dermark 4 0
G. A Singer 4 o
James :: n
Smith I n
Hcerly :: 1
Johnson ;: 1
Roberts ". t
Spaeth " 1
Gllhonl U 1
Van Gilder " 2
Harribon J! 1
Purdy 1! 2
Marshall 2 2
Briggs ...... l
F. J. Moon 2 i
Day 1 2
Purtoll 1 2
Knapp , 1 1
ITulkerson 0 2
F. A. Brown, of Wayne street, Is
entertaining his brother, R. 11. Brown,
of Honesdale.
Miss Lizzie Maxwell has gone to her
home in Jermyn to nurse her sister,
The Daughters of Naomi will give a
supper and social at the home of Harry
Morgan, of Grove street, Filday night.
The foot bridge over the Gravity
track at the Western union office was
torn down yesteiday.
Mrs. J. J. Sands, of Hospital street,
Is ill. o
Teacher Kate Walsh Is confined to
her home by illness.
Professor A. P. Peters Instituted an
other French class last night. Among
the members are Misses Maule, Wheel
er, Freeder and Shields.
Miss Grace Tallman Is spending a
brief vacation at the home of her
father in Jackson.
Mrs. John O'Malley. of Hospital
street, Is entertaining Mlss Teiesa Mc
Gee, of Scranton.
Mrs. K. Fox, of Powderly street, is
visiting Scranton friends.
Ralph W. Giles has gone to Scranton
to work.
MHs Mary Nealon, of Pike stieet,
has secured a situation at Fellows'
Mrs. Philip Berryman and children,
Weak Men
Who are Willing to
Pay When
Convinced of Cure.
K iclentlfic combined medical and
mechanical euro breu uncov
ered for " WeaVnesi of Men," The
proprietors announce that the; will
' send it on trial remedies and appl I
aace without advance payment -to
any honest man. II not all that
is claimed all you wish send It
back that ends It-pay nothing I
this combined treatment cures
quickly, thoroughly, and forever all
effects of early evil habits, later ex
cease, overwork, worry, etc It ere
atea health, strength, vitality, sus
talulnir powers, and restores weak
and undeveloped portions of body to
natural dimensions and functions.
Any man writing iu earnest will
receive description and references
- iu a plain scaled envelope. Profes
sional confidence. No C'.O.D. de
ception nor Imposition of any nature. A na
tional reputation backs this offer, Address
rie Medical Co.,Buffale,N.Y.
of Klghth avenue, will leavo next week
lor Now Haven, Conn , whero Mr. Bor
rymuti located soma time ago.
The time for John Devaney's funeral
has been changed to Satutday morning
at 9 o'clock when a lcqulcm mass will
bo celebrated In St. Rose chuich.
At the regular meeting of the Lu
eietla lodge, Daughters of Rebecca,
Tuesdny evening Mrs. S. N. Bayley, of
Canaan Htieet, was elected a delegate
'o the state convention which will he
held at Allentown In May.
Mrs Flaheity, of Wyoming street,
eulei lalned her Baptist Sunday school
class at a muslcale last evening.
Funeial of the Lnto Robeit Mooio.
Reception to Soldiers News of In
tel est.
The esteem and great lespeet in
which the late Kobett Moore, sr , was
htld was lully demonstrated esterduy
mumlng by the laigo gathetlng to pay
their last tribute. A requiem of high
ma-s was celebtated at the Catholic
(hutch and was sung by the pastoi,
Rev. Father Mollttt At the close of
the .set vice the lomalns vveto borne to
their last resting place in the Mlnooka
Catholic cemetery foi interment by
Tuneial Dliector Timlin
Tajlor Pyne and Holden collleiles
were paid on Tuesday.
The membeiM of Lackawanna Valley
Council, No. SI, Junior Order United
Ameilcan Mechanics, will tender their
members, who have been away with
the Thirteenth regiment, a reception
this evening in their looms on Main
stieet An excellent progiamme has
been ananged by the committee.
Among those who will take part are.
Professor David H Jones, address,
Louis Relnhaidt, song, John F. Tubbs,
recitation. Bayatd Giimths, duet,
Messis. Nicholas and Gtlfllths. t,olo,
Professor D. V.. Jones; duet, Messrs.
Tubbs and Joned. mjIo, T. D. Bdwards,
declamation, Arthur Stone, tolo, Hvan
Davis, solo, William Jones. Refresh
ments will be s-eived.
Contractor J F. Taylor Is making
some noted Improvements around his
Main street property.
Mr and Mrs. William Hewitt, of
South Scianton, woie the guehts of
friends In this place on Tuesday.
Mrs Patrick Judge, of Duijca, visit
ed lelathes in this place csterdaj
The Chilstlan Endeavor socletv of
the Welbh Congiegatlonal church held
a ribbon social on Tuesday evening,
which was well patronized.
The performance of the meny milk
maids on Tuesday evening was well
Next Monday evening will occur the
ralile tor a mining machine foi the
benefit of Mrs. ciiniles Guaid at Jamei
Powell's lesldence, ot North Main
street. A laige number of tickets have
been sold.
Larkawanna Council, No. M, Daugh
teis of Poeohontas, will meet tills eve
ning when election of ollleeis ha
held. All niembeis ate requested to be
The funeial ot George, son of Mis.
Llewelbn. Hvnns of Greenwood, will
bo held tomonow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Burial will be made In the Fote&t
Home- cemetery.
Mr. Hugh Hughes, of Plttston, was
a caller In this place vesterdav
Maud, the bright child of Mi. ,,ml
Mrs. RHhu Day. of Noith Taj. lor, died
jestetday moinlng after ,v brief Ill
ness Burial will be made this aftei
noon Interment will bo made in Foi
est Home cemetery.
Rev. 13. Edwards, nasinr nr tt,n v.,
llsh Baptist church at Mlncrsvlile Pa
when suffering with iheumatisin,' whs
ndvlsed to tiv Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. He savs. "A ten- n,,,uoir.,..
of this liniment pioved'of great ser
vice to me. it subdued the Inflamma
tion and lellevcd the pain. Should any
sufferer nioflt bv clvlnir Piir. ii,i. .,
trial it will plen-o me " For sale by ail
urugsisis. .-uaunews Bios,
and retail agents.
The funeral of the Into ai. m,iu
will take place Thutbdav morning at 10
Mrs. 13mm-t Mllhaus i nu-i mlnoel a
number of ladles at her m..i, ,. xtoi..
street Wednesday nfterr.oo..
Miss Kate Klnback and 'irr fiiond,
Miss Hattlo Myeis, ui-- pteMnt nt
the arrival of the Thirteenth uvlment
Private William Klnback and wlfu
the guests of the formpr'u .-,,
on Main street.
Mrs. James Caw lev. nf Art v.nn..
street, was hurt while at woik Wednes
day moinlng.
Harry Peck, of Riverside, linu ,.ui.,.
cd his position and has gone to tho
viorgan store nt feckville. Mr Peck
has many fi lends who will mlrs him
Joe Miller and Fduani k-ii,. ,n.w
on friends in Scranton the foiepait of
the week.
Mrs. P. Hstruth and elnii'rhfnf a.,,..
weio vit-ltors nt Scranton duiitig tlw
Mr. Robert Sharpless was hurt very
seriously while nt work v..i.,a.i....
afternoon in the White Oak mine. Dr.
Von Doren dressed his wounds.
LI3ARN TO SAY "NO" when a deal
er offers you something "Just as good"
In place of Hood's Sursapaillla, There
can be no substitute for America's
Gteatest Medicine.
HOOD'S PILLS cute nausea, sick
headache, biliousness and all llvet in3
Prlco 25 cents.
J. J. O'Mulley anil XV. T. vai. .. i,
were appointed by the Excelsior Hose
company to solicit subscriptions in the
Second ward to pay olf the Indebted
nebs duo on the hose carriage, have
inudo their le-nort whlnh is nu fnii,
J. W Sweeney & Son, $15; W J
Schubmehl. J10. Mrs. William Mahon,
J5; J. W. O'Btlen, J5, D. G. Jones, $2;
W. J. Evans. SI: A. .1. Atnvli ji. u
V. Doughor, J3; Mary O'Brien, II; w!
ji. weisuerger, i; iuiy Bros., $1; V.
J. O'Donnell. f,0 nontu- Tir Pmno r.n
cents; J. Brltton & Son, JI; M.' P.
O'Malley, J2; J. M. Morman, JI; I. L.
Kelly, CO cents; Soo Hoo Kce, 25 cents;
3rk J. Lavln, 2; P. F. Jordan, J5; C.
M. Hathaway, J5J T. L. Williams, JI;
Matthovv Mackey, JI; A. J. Shultz, JI;
J W. Patten, JI; T. W. Watklns, CO
cents; C. W. Houser, JI; A. M. Ather
ton, J5; Charles Blockberger, CO cents;
S. SI. Snook, JI; John Ferguson, Br., JI;
D. W. Harris, JI; Patrick Hannlck, JI;
Mrs. Murphy, Delaware street, JI;
Thomas Gllmartln, CO cents; Charles
Thomas, 25 cents; D. E. Lewis, JI; J,
J. Cutnmlngs, J2; Mrs. Mary IX Lynch,
J5. The total amount collected was
J8S CO. There Is yet a balance of one
hundred dollars due on the can Inge.
John Pettlgrow and Joseph Marks col
lected a total of $11. HO.
Mrs. J. J. Cutnmlngs and Miss May
Ferguson have returned from Now
Many from heie attended the funeral
of David L. Owens at 'Prlceburg yes
terday afternoon
After a short funeial service nt the
house, the remains of Ruth, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sutton,
who died on Monday, vveie tukeu cs
teiday morning to Plttston, where In
terment was made. The funeral was
Mis. Ann Jones, of Bieslan, is the
guest of her slstei. Mis. Thomas Pat
ten, of Susquehanna stieet.
Attorney II. D. Curey, of Jermyn, was
a caller In town esteiday.
The meeting legardlng the location
ot a silk mill which it was thought
would be held tomoirow evening has
been postponed until next Monday
night, the committee not being able
to obtain the use ot the hall befoie
that date. In teply to a question as to
the nature ot the proposition made by
the Htm Attorney II. D Carey, chair
man of the committee, stated last eve
ning the town can secuie the throw
ing and silk weaving factory by donat
ing them five lots, exonerating them
f i om taxes for a pel lod ot ten j ears and
advancing the monev for the election
of a three-story brick building esti
mated to cost $22,000 Tho Aim will
secuto the money by first mortgage
bonds upon the property, paying G per
cent. Interest maturing 23 per cent. In
five years, 2" per cent, in seven years
and CO per cent. In ten years. Tho
flim now have a large plant In Patter
son, 3N". J., and the proposed plant for
which they aie seeking a. location will
be a branch of the Patterson factory.
In the latter place they employ 40')
hands, and the new plant In sturtlng
out would give employment to about
1B0 hands, mostly hoys and girls. While
the amount of money needed appeals
to be a largo mm, other tow ns aro
making Blmllar offers and it now rests
with tho people of the boiough wheth
er they will accept the proposition and
secure the Industrj. The committee
aie anxious to have a large attendance
at Monday's meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis and family,
well-known former residents of this
boiough, who for the past few jeais
hav e been residing at Forest City, hav e
again teturned to town and taken up
their residence on their propeity on H
it was stated last evening that the
Dc law ate and Hudson breaker will be
Idle foi the remainder of this week
after today.
.Ml. and Mrs John Ree,e, of Thlid
stieet. Mis. Ueesp and dauehtei. Mis,
Segar, and Mrs. David Elklns. of West
Ma field, attended the funeral of the
late Mi. Owens, at 01 pliant, vester
dav Mrs Watklns nnd datightei. of Cai
bondale, was esterday the guests of
Mm Davis, of Second street
Ex-County Detective Remolds, of
Scianton, was In town oMeidHy look
ing up a mimbei of votet In the Kcllj
Langstaff pi oc codings.
There Ih no Impiovement in the con
dition of the little child of Mi mil
Mrs. William Bergan. of Mavlleld. wno
bus been ill some time of bionohltls.
and his condition Is said to be aulte
Geoige S Dunn was n Scianton vis
itor entoiday
A child of Mr and Mrs. John Foi h
ner, of Main 'tteet, Is suffeiing with
congestion of the lungs.
The funeial of the little Shager child
will take place this afternoon, inter
ment will be made at Peckville.
Jeweller J. Banett has had a number
of his blooded chickens kilhd by dogs
lately. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Bauott
caught a dog in the act ot killing a
chicken and he promptly shot the do
William Yvarfielq, who has been
spending u few davs with relatives at
Beach Lake, Wayne count, ie turned
homo yesteidaj.
Mr. It. R. Stewart was at Unlondalo
jesteiday on a business trip.
Mrs. W. A. Dennlson. of Morehnnt
vllle. N J., Is the guest of Mis J. 15.
Sic kler.
Miss Lizzie Robinson, of Prompton,
who has been visiting Mrs. Willis
Searles loturmd home yesterday.
The St. James 'Jtamatlc company,
composed ot local talent will rroduco
the gieat American milltaiy dn-nn,
"The Confederate Spy." at St. James'
oiera house, Jcs.iup on St Pattick n
night, Match IT. A social will bo held
after the play
Harr Robuts, of the film of Rob
erts Bi others, met with a srtlous acci
dent yesteiday moinlng that carne nar
depilving him of his eye sight .Mr.
Robeits was n the basement of the
store. The furnace fire was nearly out
and to start it up more quickly he used
kerosene. Thcie was enough fire in
the furnace to Ignite it and nn vnin.
sion took place. The flames caught
mm tun in tno race, burning his fico
and hands in a painful manner. It
Is not known at the present time to
what extent his eyes are injured. Ho
suffers great pain, as tho burns aro
quite deep.
How's This P
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any caso of Catarrh that can not bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
I'. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O.
Wo the undersigned, have known 1'. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 jears, and believe
him perfectly honorable In nil business
transactions and financially nble to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O
Waldlng, Rinnan & Marvn, Whoelsalo
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous
surfaces of tho sjstcm Prlco 75c. per
bottle Sold by all Druggists. Testimon
ials free.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best
nr. p. n. went-m
TSkESTRed Label Special
14Tiil))B1 aV-wlPd VltAllnm
'wCyPor Impotenojr.Loss of
YwMr .UW..M AOfclUBHIOOa. i
LsTl HierilltV OT llnrrAnnt I
"yibtl a boxt tsix for 25. with
W"""?" xuurunicfcEJiiwW
fll- Innimnl ITIiln,. A.- IF? 1".V V
UBrOREof by mail. AFVEn
Win. Q. Clarke. 336 Peon ve Scranton. Ia
Valuable Real Estate
MARCH 31, 1595.
By vlrtuo of sundry writs of Fcrrl Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni B
ponas, Issued out of tho court of common
pleas of Lackawanna coutty, to mo di
rected, I will exposo to public Hate by ven
due or outcry, to tho highest und best
bidder, for cush, at tho court house, in
tho city of Scranton Lnckawantm eoun
tv, on Flday, tho THIUTV-rillST DAY
OF MARCH, A. D. U3D, at 10 o'clock in
tho forenoon of said dny, all tho right,
tltlo and Interest of tho defendants hi and
to tho following described lots, pieces or
parcels or land, u:
No. 1 All tho light, tltlo nnd Interest
of the defendant, John Slatteiv, in and to
all tho surfaco or right of soil of oil that
certain lot, pleco oi parcel of land, sit
uate In tho city of Caibondale. County of
Lackawanna, state of Peunsjlvanla, be
ing lot iiiimhei three hutidicd and
twentj-onu (u'.l) on a map of lots of tho
Delawuio &. Hudson Canal company,
on tiact of land In tho wnrrnntoo imino
of Mary Bojcr, slid part ot plot con
taining llftwwo thousand und eight hun
dred Htiuaru feet or theieabout, and being
bounded and described as follows Begin
ning nt the Intencctlon of tho noilhcrly
nnd westerly lines ot two Inegular Innus
being distant nineteen and four-truths
feet on a courso of north ono and three
quarters degiees wewt from the north
easte'il corner of out lot No 525 on .ild
tiact heietofore convejed to Thomis Col
lins. Thence by biild northerly line of
lano notth olghty dcgreis, west nlneti
Mk feet to a coiner, thence b mhei lands
of tho Delaware and Hudson Canul com
pany north eighteen nnd one-half (le
gless, east rifl-llve feet, noith thlrtv
eight and tin ee-quai tela degiees, west
twentj-ono and one-half degiees, east
ninetj-vlx and three-tenths feet notth
threo hundred und fifteen and one-tenth
tcct, and i-oiith eight) -tin cp and thiee
ciuarters degrees, east ono hundred and
eight and five-tenths feet to tho afore
said westerly lino lane Thence b) said
lino of lano Fouth eleven degrees, east
thlrl)-sevcn feet, south twenty-four de
grees, west ono hundred and llfU-iho
feet, south nlno and one-half degrees,
west one hundred and ninety-two feet
and south ono and three-quarters degrees,
cast fifty-eight and one-tenth feet to the
placo of beginning. All Improved with a
two-story framo dwelling house with
other outbuilding? thereon. Being tho
same pleco or parcel of land conveed by
Thomas Padden, et n . to John V Slat
tery bv deed dated the eighteenth dav ot
May, In tho year of Our Lord, one thou
sand eight hundred und nlnoty-two, und
recorded In tho ofllco for the lecordlng of
deeds in and for Lackawanna count), in
Deed Book No SI, nt l'age oTl, etc
Seized and taken In execution at tlin
suit ol the People's Mnrket compinv v
John Slattcr) Debt I1TJ 1" Judgment
No JC3, Mutch Teim ISM
No 2 All tho rlplit. title and Interest
of the defendant, tho Throop Stove com
pany, in nnd to nil tho suiface and light
of soil only of and to the following lot,
piece or parcel of land situate ljlng and
being In Pilceburg Lackawanna eountv,
PentiH)lanlj. In Uiock No Li and flout
ing on Wolkor street, described as fol
lows. Beginning at an Oik tree at the
Inten-eatlon or tho northwest line of
Walker street with tho line ot land ot
tho Delaware. Lickawnnn,i and Western
Railroad compnnj : thenee extending
north CI degrees, ;o minutes eust along
the ndrthwest line of Walker street CM
feet to a point; thence north 18 degrees,
10 minutes west 2Cft feot to u point, thence
south M degrees ,"0 minutes west &,2 feet
and fi Inches to Hue of said Rillrond com
pany's land, thence south 41 degiees, 1,
minutes eat along tho nme L'i,l feet to
tho placo of beginning Containing 5 fil
li ncies runic or les. nrc online: to n
plan or map entitled 'Mooics Man of
Kxeeptlng and rcsoning howeet lor
publle road 4 feet In v Idth along tho
line of sitd Delaware, Licnvvanna and
Western Ilulhond company's hind foi
the contlnu itlon ot Storrs stieet
I'oal and mineials cseepted and res, rv
ed In the Mime manner and to the same
evtent us the s.mie aro excepted and le
"frved in Deed from li 11. Throop to the
Ihronp Nocltv fion M.iiiitfnctuilng com
Pin lieirlnp the date of the 0th dav of
Febiiiniv A I) 1ST, nnd recorded In the
ofllco for term ding deeds In ami for
L. ikiiwinuu eountv In Deed Mnoh No
IK l'age m2 et, Ark September F.
1!'i7 ltee Scptembei .11 1S0T liupioved
with a two und ni.p-hair htorv fi imo
dwelling, n fiame ioumli) nml two-stot
store building nttnc lied aone-stuiv biick
inttein shop a olllce building,
fiame Imn and wagon slKd-
Seized and taken In oviullou at tho
tult nf Wolf &. Wan en, eseeutois of B
II. Thtonp deicased . vs Throop Stoo
(onipinv Debt $l7W?t .liidgiuent N.
4:". March Teim, Vj0, 11 fa to March
Term IStiO
No 3 All the iieiit title and interest
of the defendant, J. Blllott Boss, In und
to all that cettalii piece, pircel or tnct
of laud situate iu the Sixth ward of tho
borough of Dunmore, county of Lacka
wanna and f-tato of Ponnsj Ivania, butted,
boimdcil and dei-crlbeil as tolloww, to wit:
Being lot numbei twenty hi vpiaio or
block numbei tbli ty-four and situated
upon street called and known ns Thir
teenth street at custerh coiner of Marlon
iiveiiuo upon the pint of Sanilcison's addi
tion In said borough recorded, called and
knuwn as CSreen Hldi,e Said lot Is rec
tangular nnd Is sixty-fom feet In width
nn said Thirteenth street nnd one hun
dred und (-event) -one nnd ono-emarter
feet In depth The mcahuiorncnts of tho
depth nnd width to ronirience ten feet
fiom tho Inside nf tho hldewnlk on tho
stieet nfore-ald The party of the secnnel
part having tho rihht to enclose occupy
and uso said ten feet for cclluiw.i), poich
Rteps, veranda or shiuhber), but not to
emt nn) buildings thorcon noi shill any
buildings bi elected wl'hln foity feet
fiom tho fiont fence line on faid street or
avenue Being tho same piemlses eon
vc)cd by Oeoigo Snndeison and wife et
nl to J Billot Boss mortgagor herein by
deed dated the thirteenth dav of Augint
A D. 1SS7. nnd lecordcd In Lucknwunna
county Deed Book No ID, page 21". etc
Improved with ono two-story and nttlc
framo dwelling houso and ono small
frnmo barn and outhouses, etc
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Robert Alexander guardian ft nl
vs J. Elliott Ross. Debt, $2,S10 Judg
ment No C.s November Term, ISO'S Lev
fa to March Term, 1S99 Also at the suit
of Rnbeit Alexander guardlin, et al vh.
J Blllott Ross Debt, $1,47). Judgment
No. CC7, November Term, 1SDS. Lev. fa.
to March Term ISM).
No 4 All tho right, tltlo and interest
of the defendants, John Cadden and Wil
liam CacTden, admlnlstiators of Mary
Cadden, deceased. In and to all that cer
tain lot, pleco or parcel of land, with tho
Improvements thereon, situate in tho city
of Scranton. county of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, and bounded and
described as follows- Beginning at a
point on Marlon street, CO feot southeast
erly from the corner of Wyoming ave
nue, thenco In a southeasterly dhectlon
along Marlon street 40 feet to lot of Paul
W. ZiirflucU; thtnee along lot of Paul
W. Kurfluch at right nngles with said
Marlon street. 152 fcut to a publlo alley
(12 feet Inside), thence along said alley
In a northeasterly dhectlon 40 feet to
lot of Hannah A Roche, thence along
said last mentioned lot one hundred and
fifty-two feet to tho placo of beginning,
with the right to Inclose occupy and uaa
ten feet In front of tho front lino of said
lot on said Marlon street for yuid, vault,
poich etc Coal and mlnsiuls roservoel.
Being the same pleco of land conveyed to
the said Mary Cadelen by Charles Tropp
and Frevlnlck Bchelde?!, executors of
Catherine Bchadt, deceased, bv deed bear
ing date 10th of December lKeJ, nnd e
corded In Iickawuiina county, Pennsyl
vania. In Deed Book Vol U7, Pago Ml
etc.. the said lot being In tho Thirteenth
ward of tho said city of Scranton and
a part of lot numbors seven, eight, nlno
and ten (7, h, 0 and 10), In square or block
number three hundred and twenty (320),
upon tho plot of Mylcrt'H addition to
Heianton with tho uppurtenunccs.
All Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling houso and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the ,
suit of James Fitch nnd Myron Kasson,
executors nnd trustees of O. II, Loomls,
deceased. Debt I2.C07.M. Judgment No.
278. March Term. 1891. Lov. fa. to March
No. C All tho right, tltlo and Interest
ot tho dofendant, John B. Owens, In nnd
to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel
of land, sltuato In tho village ot Dalton,
In tho county of Lackawanna and stnto
of Penns)lvanta, and bounded and de
scribed as fellows. Beginning at tho
southwest corner of Miles nnd F.lm
MreotB, thenco along tho westerly side of
Miles street south 7!4 degrees, west ono
hundred feet to a cornei ; thence north
U',4 degrees, west two hundred feet to n
corner on tho easterly sldo of Mos-sengcr
street; thonco along the easterly sldo of
Messenger street north 7'i degrees, east
ono hundred feet to n corner on Blm
street; thenco along tho soiithorly sldo
of Blm street south S2Va degrees, eust
two hundred feot to a cornel at tho placo
of beginning; being u part of tho tract
of land known as Corny's addition to tho
villago of Dillon. All Improved with a
two-story framo dwelling houso and out
buildings. Seized and taken lit execution nt tho
suit of James Fitch vs. John U. Owens.
Debt $1 loo Judgment No. Iw. March
Teim, 1S'J3, 11 fa. to Mureh Term, 1SW
No 6 All the ilcht, title nnd Interest
of tho defendant. Frank Orambo, In nnel
to nil that pertain lot, pleco or parcel
of land, Rltuato In tho city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna ninl Htate of Penn
sylvania, bounded nnd described ns fol
lows: On the southeost by lands of J.
Sehumatker, southwest bv Plttston ave
nue', northwest t,y lands of N Flsch sr
nnd on the northeast bv a public nllev ,
being foify feet wide In front on Pittsto'i
avenue, the snnie width In tho icnr, and
ono hundred anil nlin-tv feot in depth
Being knuwn us lot number ten In squaro
or block number fourteen on plot of Ilia
Pawnee Coal compan). Coal and min
erals leserved All lmproveel with a two
story nnd bnsement finmn building, used
as storo and dwelling a bain and otlu r
outbuildings In tho roar.
Seized and tnken In execution at tho
suit of Ceiman Building Association. No
t v Frank Chumlm. Debt $noo. Judg
ment No 733 Miy Teim, lSOt! fl tn to
Mnich Term 1S91 HANNAH,
Also at the suit of Getmnn Bidding
Association, No. 8. vs Frank Orambo
Debt J2ew. Judgment Xo. 711. Match
Term, 1SP9, fl fa to March Term, lws
No 7 All the ilcht, title nnd Interest
of the defendants Mary Ann Chilton and
John Chilton, In and to all that certain
lit .piece or parcel ot land sltuato In
tho borough of Blal.elv. In the county ot
lncknwunnn and stute et 1'ernsvl' unla.
anil bounded and described as follow
Being the castei l ono half mrt of lot
No twentv-nlne (29), In sqv.nie or block
numbof threo (!), as shown on tho plot
or ihnp ot tho tract of land known us
Hull's A.Vlltlon to Blnkclv Said
land Is tw ent)-flvo (23) feet in front n
Second street the same width in the rear,
nnd is one hundred and fifty feet In
depth from front to iear. Being the same
lot of laud conveved bv Hairlct Williams
and Joseph Williams to Mitry Ann Chil
ton, one of tho defendants In deed dated
February 1st, liS Coil nnd minor ill
reserved All Improved with a two-tory
fiamo dwelling houso and outbuildings
Seized nnd tnken In execution nt the
suit of Ocrman Building Association No.
S vs Maiy Ann Chilton nnel John Chilton
Debt JnchI Judgment No 270 Mai eh
Teim, !Sr'i, fi fn to Mnich Term, 18'H
I No S All the right, title nnd Piteiest
of tho defendant Man H.immltt aelmln-
I Istiatilx of George Ilainmlt, deeeusod,
In nrd to all that certain lot piece or
I p ireel of land, situate in the Fourth ward
of Scranton eountv of Lackiwann.i, stito
of Pennsvlvanln, bounded and described
I as follows, to wit- Iteglnrlng nt a point
on the northwesterl) side of Rebecca
avenue on tho ellvlslnn lino between lots
1 " and C In b'ock Mxteen on the plot of
I W Swetlnnds estate In Il)ele Park,
thenco along said division lino north CO1,
I degrees west F.21.. feet tn an nllev thenco
. along said ullc) north TO1, degrees east
lift) (30) feet to a corner of lot No 4,
theme along lot 4 south a', degrees e-nst
132' feet to Rebecca avenue, thence along
i Rebeeen avenue south "!s'i degrees, west
llftv CiO) feet to the place of beginning
being lot number live (") In block sixteen
i (IC) on W Swetland's plot all lmpioxoil
with a two-stor) frame dwelling houe
and outbulldlncs thereon
Solved nnd taken In execution nt the
i suit of Lael.nwnnnn Building and Loin
Association vs Mar) llimmlt, adminis
tratrix of George llammlt, deceased.
Debt $1 soO Judgment No. 73". March
Teim, iS'i, lev 11 to Maich Term 1W.
No 9 All the right, tltlo and Interest
or the defendants. Mary J. Thomis and
Thomas Thomas, In and to all tho follow
ing described piece, parcel or lot of land
with tho mesuages and tenements there
on erected, situate, I) lug and being In tho
village of Jessup In the borough ot Win
tnu, county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, known, designated and de
scribed ns the westerly half nf lot num
ber ono hundred und thlrt)-8tx (liO),
upon street called -mil known as Church
street, upon the Map or Town Plot of
.Tissup bald half lot being tv.cntv seven
27) feet In width In fiont on tho said
Church meet twcnty-secn reet (27) In
ie.u und two handled (2o0j feet In
depth Being tho snmo premises which
George Fejler and wife, et nl , granted
and torn o) ul to Mniy J Thomas, by
deed dated tho Jlst dav ot Jul, A D,
1S1I. nnd recorded In the Recnidcr's of
fice of Lackawanna eountv, In Deed Book
119, Pago 11 Coil and minerals reserved,
as In said deed All Improved with a two
stoiy dwelling house and other outbuild
ings. Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of CltlznH' Building and Lnnn A"-n.
cintlon vs. Mar) J Thomas. Debt $I7
Judgment No 630 Fi. fu March Teim,
No 10 All the light, title and Inteiest
of the defendant, Michael McDonnell, In
nnd to all that certain lot, pleco or parcel
of land with the Improvements thereon,
situate In tho borough of Archbald, coui.
tv of Lackawanna, state of Pennsvlvnnla,
nnd bounded and described oh follows
Commencing at a point on Salem load,
thence noithvvestcrly along said load ISO
I (I'LL I I llll'i 1L III1U9 Ul U1U JLlinillU
and , dsuii Canal company, thenco
noittiensteriv nlong sntu land 120 feot to
othei lands of said Delaware and Hudson
Canal company, thenco southeasterly
nlong said land ISO feet to lands of Frank
Severn; thenco nlong said Severn's land
120 feet to the placo of beginning. Con
tabling 21.C00 squaro feet ot land, bo tlia
same moro or less, all tmpiovcd with
a two-story framo dwelling houso, ono
summer house ono framo barn, fruit
trees, etc., thereon.
Seized and taken lu execution nt tho
suit of Ilannnh A McDonnell vs Michael
McDonnell. Debt J"2. Judgment No Sll.
November Term, 189S, fl, fa. to March
Term, 1591)
No 11 All tho light, title nnd Inteiest
of the defendant, William Kdglnton, m
and to all those certain lots, pieces or
parcels of land situate, lying and be Ing
In tho Fifth ward ot the city of Scran
ton county of Lackawunna and stnto of
Pennsylvonla, known as lots Nos 20, 27
and 2S, in Block No , on "Price and
Fancoasi's Addition to tho Clt) of Scran
ton " map whereof la elulv recorded Iu
tho office for recntdlng deeds etc In Lu
zerno county. In Deed Book No. 121 Page
312, ote Bach ot said lots being twenty
five (25) feet In front on South H)de
Park avenue nnd about ono hunched nnd
thirty (130) feet lu depth. Being tho
samo property conveyed to said William
Kdglnton by R W Luce, ct ux bv deed
dated February 11, A D 1S79, recorded
lu the office aforesaid In and for Lack
awanna eountv. In Deed Book No 1,
Pugo 33S, eto This salo being made sub
ject to nil exceptions, reservntlonn and
restrictions contained In last mentioned
deed, referenco to which Is hereby mado
Improved with two framu singlo dwell
ing houses, ono framo double dwelling
house and framo blacksmith shop thorn
on. Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of i: C. Spauldlng is. William Kei.
glnlnn. Debt JW0. Judgment No 665
March Term, 1S09, fi lu. to Mnroh Term,
1S09. T. F. WKLLKH
Attorne) . ,
No. 12 All tho right, tltlo and lntorest
of tho defendants, Bdmund W. Green and
Weldy M. Orccn, In and to all tho sur
faco of tho following described lot, pleco
or parcel of land, to wit: Being located
on n plot of lots of Robert B. Hurley and
Kdward B. Bturges, sltuato partly In the
city of Scranton nnd partly In the bor
ough of Dunmoro. county of Lackawanna,
RtiUo eft Ft nnsylviinla. designated ns
North Park, which said plot Is Intended
to bo recorded In tho ofllco for recording
deeds, etc , in paid Lackawanna county.
This lot Is hi the borough ot Dunmoro
and Is marked on said plot as Lot No.
twenty-two (22) In Block "Q" upon street
marked on said plot as Qulncy avenue.
Said pleco of land Is forty feet (40) In
front on Qulncy avenue ami ono hun
dred and sixty-threo feet (1C3) In depth,
to nn alley In tho icar, sixteen feot (IC)
in width for publlo use. Bxteptlns coal
and minerals.
Seized and tuken In execution at the
suit of Lackuwuuua Snfo Deposit com
pany is. Bdmund W. Green and Weldy
M. Green Debt $310. Judgment No.
1042. Mnreh Term lb93 Lev. fa. to March
Term 1S99. C. 11. W'KLLKS,
No. 13 -All the light, tltlo nnd Inteiest
ot the derendants, W. G. II. Bvcnit und
Minnie M. Everett, in and to all that lot
of land in the city ot Scianton, Lacka
wunna count), stuto of Penns)Ivnnli.
described as follows: Beginning at a
corner of now or Late James Phllbln on
Hampton street, nrsalng thenco along
said street twenty-four nnd one-half
(21ii) feet, thence In a northerly direc
tion parallel with Phllbln lino ono hun
dred and thlrty-thrco (131) feet to lino
of hind now or late ot Miller; thenco
along said Miller's land twenty four and
a half feet to said Phllbln land, thenco
along suld Phllbln lund to tho placo of
beginning on Hampton street Being part
of Lot No 21 In Alfred Hnnd'H addition
to the city of Scranton. Improved with
a twoitoiv frumo dwelling houso und
outbuildings thereon
2 -All that lot of land Iu the lirt
wind ot Scianton. Laikuwanna count)
Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 10. In Block
"K" on plot of John II Jonlau, ct. til.
Said lot Is OT feet wide on the Boulevard
in front and 112 feet In depth or length
fiom lront to tear on ems sldo und l.i'j
feet on the other side, being pa it of a
tract of land conve)eel by tho Pcnns)l
lunla Coil company to John It .Ionian,
et ul by deed elated May 2.1, lS'rt. Re
corded lu Deed Book No lul, Pago 22.
Coal and miiu-rulH excepted nnd leserved
Improved with a two-story frame elwell
lng houso and outbuildings thereon
Seized and taken In execution ut the
suit of P. Mulherln vs W. O II Kor
ett nnd Mlnnin M Kverett Debt $2 ."00
Judgment Nn. 737. March Term 1S9 Lev
in, to Mnrch Term, 1S99 DKAN
Attorne) ,
No. II All tho rlfiht title and Inter
est of the defendants, Bdmund W. Gieen
nnd Weld) M Green, In und to all that
certain piece or parcel of land, sltuato
In thu Thirteenth ward of the city of
Scranton, eountv of Lackawanna and
Ktato or Pennsylvania, described us fol
lows: Beginning at a point em W")onitng
avenuo at the boundary line between lots
No ono hundred and seven (107) nnel one
bundles! nnd nine (109) In squall en block
No eleven til) arcordlng to a map or
plot of lots formerly of Thomas Dlckroa
said point being em the tonthensteilv
side of Wjotnlng uvenue ono hundred
nnd twent) (120) feet northeasteily fiom
Delaware street, thenee In a southeast
erly direction along tho division line le
tween lots No. one huuilicel and
seven and oie bundled and nlno
(107 und 1"U one hundred und
twenty-ono nnd three-tenths (121 1-10)
feet to a point: thenco at light angles to
suld last mentioned line In lino tunning
parallel with W)omlug avenuo oiith
westerly fortv (40) feet to a point, thenco
b) lino at right angles with Wyoming
avenue northwesteily one hundred and
lwent)-ono and three-tenths (1213-101
feet to n point on W)oming avem. ,
thence by lino of Wyoming avenue north
westerly forty (10) feet to the pluce of
beginning Being forty (40) feet in front
on Wyoming uvenue, same width In the
rear, and ono hundred und tw cut) -ono
nnd three-tenths (121 3-10) feot In elrpth,
together with right to inclose oceup nnd
use ten (10) feet In front of the front lino
of said lino on V)omlng avenuo for yard
nnd shrubbciv. but for no other purpose.
Improved with a two-story fiumo dwell
ing and barn erected theieon
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Lackawanna Trust and Safo De
posit Compan) vs. Bdmund VV. Greeno
and Weld) M Green. Debt $2 21 It
Judgment Nn 1011 March Teim, lbDS,
Lev fa to March Term, 1891
No 13 All tho right, title and mtereist
of the defendants, Amelia Vlslnskl and
John Aislnskl In and to nil that certain
lot pleco or parcel of land, situate, ly
ing and being In Providence, In tho city
ot Scianton, county of Lucknwunna und
stnto of Pennsylvania known nnd desig
nated ns lot number sixty-seven (07)
on Theodore street, on a certain prop
eity entitled, "Klectric Clt) Pails." ac
cording to a survc) of the same undo in
Aucust, A D, 1R92 b Lewis Van Duvne
engineer, a map of which Is lecordcd In
tho Recorder otllco of Lnckawunnu
county, In Deed Book 111, Page 1. Said
lot being twenty-five (2j) feet In width
In front nml rear, and 114 31 feet In depth,
fronting on tho north sldo lino of Theo
dore stieet, and lying nt right angles
therewith nnd extending back 11151 teet
to the middle of an nlle)wuy, and tho
east sldo line thereof Is distant westerly
ono hundred (100) feet from tho west lino
of Return street. Being tho samo land
that John Vlsueskl granted und conveved
to tho said Amelia Vlsnoskl, by deed dat
ed Deccmbe-r lCth, U97, and recorded in
tho Recorder's ofllco nt Lackawunna
count), In Deed Book 150 Pago 329, etc
All Improved with a two-story tiamo
dwelling houso and other outbuildings.
Coal anil mineials excepted and rcscrwd,
as In previous eonvc)ancee of the samo
pie mix's1
Seized und taken In execution ut tho
i.ult of Citizens' Bullellng und Loan As
soclatlou vs Ameli i Visneskl and John
Vlneskl Debt JMIO Judgment No. 619.
Match Term, 1W fi la to March Term
No IC All the right, title and inteiest
of tho defendant. T. F. Donlln lu and
to all that lot of land In tho city of Scian
ton, Lnckawunna county, state of Penn
svlvnnla, describeil as follows- Being lot
No 23 In block No 7, and situate upon
stieet called and known as Cedar ave
nue, upon tho plot of Scranton, said lot
being forty (40) feet In fiont. forty feet
In rear, and ono bundled und forty (140)
feet In depth Coal and minimis except
eel and reset veil.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
suit of Mulheiln .e. Juilge is T. F. Don
lln Debt tl.41"). Judgment No 67v. Jan
uary Term, lbOtJ. Ii fn. to March Term,
No 17 All tho right, tlllee and Interest
of tho defendant. Henry Poehl, In anil
to all thoso certain four (4) lots, pieces or
parcels of land, situate, lying und be
ing In the city of Scranton, county of
Lackawanna nnd state of Penns)lvanl.a,
bounded and described ns follows, to wit.
Being lots numbers 1 2, 3, mid 4, In Square
or Block No, nine t -two (12), according to
the Pawnee Coal compan) "s plot of lotH
In the city of Scranton Said lots being
each forty (40) feet In width In fiont on
street called and known us Gravity Lane
tho same In rear, and one hundred and
olghty-ono Oil) feet In depth Kxcept
Ing and reserving tho coal und minerals
underneath tho said lots. Being the samo
lots of land which Frederick W. Gunstcr
and Margaret Simon, executors of Fred
erick Simon, deceased, granted und con
ie) eel to tho sold Henr) Poehl, bv deed
dated tho 13th day of August, lSJil, and
recorded In tho Recorder's ofllco of Lack
riwunim count), In Deed Book iss Pirb
292 All Improved with a two-stoi) frume
dwelling houso nnd out-buildings.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
KUlt of New Germanla Building and Loan
Association vs. Henry l'oehl Debt $777 lu
Judgment No 751 Alaich Teim 1VI9 fl fa
to March Term, 1399 ZIMMKRMAN
No IS All the light title nnd Interest
of the defe ndant, Georgo Gear) or Gurry,
of, In nnel to all that certain lot, puctt
or parcel of laud, sltuato In the Fourth
waid of tho city of Scranton, In tho coun
ty of Lackawanna, and stuto of Penn
sylvania, bounded und described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a point n
tho noithwobteily side of Rebecca ave
nue, and on tho division lino between
lots threo nnd four (3 and 4), in Block
slxteon (IC), on the plot of William bvvot
Innd's estnto In Hyde Park; thence along
said division lino north HHy und threo
fourths (Wit) degreos west, onu hundred
nnd forty-two and ono-hatf (142V4) feet
to on alley; thenco along said alley north
thlrty-nlno a!,d ono-fourtb (39V!) degrees
east, llftv (50) feet to tho corner of lot
No, two (2) In said block.thenco along salil
lot No. 2 south fifty und thrccfourths
(ton) degrees cast, ono hundred nnd forty
two and ono-hnlf (142V4) feot to Reboccn
avenue, thonco along said Rebecca ave
nuo south thlrty-nlno nnd one-fourth
O'i) degrees west, fifty (50) feet to thei
pluco of beginning. Containing soven
thousand one hundred nnd twenty-five
li,l"3) squaro feet of surface, be tho samo
moro or less. Being lot number threo
(1), In Block sixteen (IC), on tho plot of
William Swetland's estate, recorded In
tho olllco for tho recording of deeds, etc..
Ill Lackawanna county, In Deed Book
2.i, Pago CIS, etc. lining tho samo prop
erty which A. II. Dickson, attorney in
fact for tho heirs of Carollno Pottlbono,
ct. nl , granted nnd conveyed to tin
paid Kdwnrd Gurry, who vviltes his nnma
Geary, by dceil dated tho twenty-first
day of Jul), IbSS. ami recorded In tho
Recnidcr's olllco ot Lackawanna count),
In Deed Book CI Pago C',9 Improved
with two two-story dwelling houses a
large barn nnd other outbuildings thcro
on, Belred nnd taken In execution nt thi of Luther Keller vs Kdwnrd Gcarj
or Kdward Gnrrv. Detrt $1,000. dudg
nient No. 77S. Jnnuaiy Term lb9S 11. fa
to Mnrch Term, 1S99. AIo nt tho suit ol
Mathlas Stlpp is. Kdwaiel Geary or Kd
waid (lurry. Debt J18I 09 Judgment No.
3311, Sept. Term 1,9S Vend. ex. to March
Term, IVK).
MAN, Attorneys,
No 11 -All the rlsiht, title nnd Interest
of tin d fendant, James Budgets, In one)
to- First A lot of land on Gordon
stieet (fuimeilv Biook stieuti. In the
city of Scranton. county of Lickawnuni.
Pennsvlvnnla eleslgn iteel us Lot No
29 In Block No 4! upon the Lackawanna.
Iron and Coal company's plot of lots Be
ing tho same land cniivnied by said com
pany to Jutnes Rodgeis bv deed elated
Match II, l-M) and recorded In Luzerne
coiinn Deed Book No - Piu,e 47 Im
proved xv llli two tvvo-stmv l une dwell
lugs, ono In front und one In tlu ui.i unit
other otttbul1dlnr
Second Threo coiit'Ki,ous 'o o" the
lioitheily comer o tin- iun-.i .( iloii of
liospeot avenue and Fig atieet l'l tho
'twentieth mud of the elt) of Se-nnton
designated as Lots 38. 19 and 40 In Square
or Block No 22 upon tho Lutkuwunii.i
lion .V. Coil compan) 's plot of the eltv
of Scranton Said lots being eich 20. U
feet wldo In front and leur and 110 feet
lu depth Being the same lots sold and
convejed bv George lihcr to J lines Rog
cis by deed riionled hi Lickawanna
eountv, Dlc-iI Book 23 Page Mi. etc Im
piovcd with a two-story ft rime building
used for a store and dv vllug and a f ram
bain Also a two-stor Inciting und out
buildings. Thlid A lot nt lam n the northwest
erl) sldo of Gordon s. ct ipposlte Lot
29, In Block 41 Said lot beina luiiiuled by
Gordon stieet on tho Soiithcj-i. 1 tin
Delaware and Hudson Railroad on tho
northwest and b) land of P. F and -f T
llowlev on the northeast
Seized and taken Pi execution at tho
suit of Bridget Rickey vs James Rogers.
De bt Vi)i: Judgment No 121s Sept.
TcunlW. 11 fa to Match Term. ISm
Attorne) s
No 20 All the right, title nnd Interest
of i ho defendants, Patrick Lnrklu and
Bridget Larkln, in und to all that cer
tain piece or parcel ot land sltuato In
tho borough of Dunmore, county of Laek
avvanin, stnto ot Pennsylvania, bounded
and described ns follows, to wit: Being
tho front p.ait nf Lot No fifteen (13) in
Squaro or Block No threo and fronting
upon tho Drinker Turnplko nnd being
about slxtv-elght (CJ) feet In width and
on tho easterly side 218 feet deep and
on the westerly sldo 217 feet deep, accord
Ing to a plan or mav entitled Parker and
Throop's Allotment of tho Shorwooit
T'nrm All coal und mineials reserved.
Improved with a two-story frame dwelling
houso with kitchen attached und out
buildings, fruit trees, grape lines, etc.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of M. J McDonald is. Patrick Lnr
klu nnd Bridget Larkin. Debt J1PCJ7.
Judgment No 2."s Ncv Term. 1891 Vend.
ex. to March Term, 1S99. GARDNER.
Nn 21 -All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
ot tho defendant, Louis Warnckn, In and
to nil thoso two certain pieces or parcels
of land situate In the city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna, statu of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit First piece Being lot No.
twenty-flvo (23) In Block "F" upon Prcs
cott nvcnuo ns shown on that part of tho
map of tho city of Ser..nton known ns A.
B SIlkman'H Addition Being rectnngu
1 ir In shape, foitj (10) feot in front on
pnld avenuo nnd eio hundred and fifty
(150) feet In depth. Improved with a two
story frame- double dwelling house and
Second piece Beginning at a stake on
Irving aveniu thenco southerly one hun
dred and lift) (150) reet to nn ulle-
thence easterl) nlong paid nllev fortv (40,
feet to a stuko corner, thenee northerh
ono hundred nnd fifty (I50i feet to r
lug avenue, thenee nlong sold lrvln? ave
nuo foity (40) feet to tho plnco of begin
nlng It being I,oi No r!cen (Hi li
Block "F," ns shown on that part of
tho map of Seranton known as A B
SUkmnn's addition to Scranton Improv
ed with n two-story frame sin-0 elwell
Ing iu float on Irving nvenue mil a two
story double frimo building In the rear,
and outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt thu
suit of K K Southworth vs. Louis Warnr
kn Debt KTM Judgment No 71
March Term 1S99 fi. fn to M-mb T i
No 22 All tin i. ii. till and lnmet
of the defendant In and to all the fi,
lowing tlescilbed pleco of land sltuat
in the bo'out'b of .Tcrmjri, count) of
Lackawanna, ntate of Pei-nsylvanla be
ing part ol lot No. thhtien (11) In see.
tlnn twenty-one (21 1. on tho map or nl.ui
of building lots on l.ineK of the Northern
Coal and Iron company, In said borough
of Jermyn being forty-live d") feet 1
fiont on Main stieet, meusuilnr from
comer of If street and ono hundred i" p
feet In depth nlong H street and reetan
gulnr. Coal and mineral i reseived tn the
legal owners thereof by sufficient term
In law. All Improved with threc-stor
wood, fiame hotel and outbuildings thet
Seled nnd taken In execution nt th
suit of C D Winter A; ronipanv vs G r
Avery. Debt 27S 7G. Judgment No li'
Sept. Teim 1S93 fi fn to March Term,
1S99 wooDRirrr
Sheriffs oiliie, Scranton. Pa, Mnrch
9th, 1&99
Chlclitittr' rn-ll,h Dluaond llrtnS.
fi.i, .,.., .
Jwrv f" e!i niUUd l.diis ii.
lefc'MpifsjS"' la Itr4 tl e,ij to.i.luoVViy
i " -Tiri1"" ' "''H ribbon loleVBT
" Vnolhrp, Rffuu J jna-rou, ul,ft u V
- ((lotu-piillnllall.iu Mlriilli,oM44-.
Z K ,..,?!.P.r,,,!t..r .5.!".B'l'!. . "A-??--1.. -
-! a -. i.i w.,viA.r . Artii,, uif
AKiMia ran j in icra to 1 e,(,,J roiuluo
lienor Tar I ir."flcri,r li prtnr
IlllL 10,000 tnl noMlls X,,onir.
hi l.-r Chemical Co.,Mlm l.aitra.
' i-iiii.vii,I'
Call r7 ill linn'
IIUAUI'lirNl'UIlt l-onolBllf
ffrLurmrr Tht jo aril tnl ittomof
lif ru tie I rfJto y u Th vc y
-ui(i .-- jvi,iitvuiii ifrnuiiyir
b-olMici cur I hy J-hRKlOTO
TAIILFI U.U.Terro.up.rclit-r.ul!.
0 nm I ft lull ill? nisienr nii.i I hit tita
' Deldrtlnor wtal tt)vi.inruited by
JiiJicre(ienorfciitof cAily )
I mil a rt. fee tcrtw ar4 .tftifH t-.jibt, fn-,
lion PifttcoptneayitcM uiw er,C bloom to lie
fh"1---- t0 ot frriiuni or old
On60e ti rcnrwi vlUl tfrgy lIO k-oiti al
l lOftcampUttiruarftnttriirura VTrwor i.ienev rf
Untied, tan b carried iu t r p-cUt BoM
effrytiei or raatirl in piU wrtrptr on ircflnt-fr
pnf by Tin ikumir iu., C"i-t wi.. (iifih
Sold In Scranto'i, !a . by Matthews
Bios. and McUaruh &. Thomas, drussisU,