The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 15, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    B -r Wl7
Transacted Routine Business and
Talked of Plans for the Putin e.
Mr. Fein Passed CIgais in Honor
of His Birthday Anniversary.
Miner Seriously Injured in the
Capouse Mine Many Affairs Being
Arrnnged for St. Patrick's Day.
Personal Jottings and New Notes.
The West Side board of Uncle met In
their rooms over the West Side bank
lust evening, with President A. P.
Holmes in the clinlr. Other members
present were Secretary Joseph Oliver,
IS. G. Morgan, John rem, Jenkln T.
Jleete, Hector Campbell, II. I. Jones
nnd Dr. I. V. Strujuder.
The minutes of the nrovlous meeting
were read and unproved, nnd Jenkln
T. lloese reported iirogres for the
library committee. Several bills were
ordered paid and orders drawn for the
President Holmes urged the ntceslty
of keeping up Interest In the board and
requested the members liferent to speak
with the other members nnd encourage
them to attend the meetings. Ills sug
gestions were enthused by Messrs. II.
1). Jones and Jenkln T. Keese.
Secretary Oliver spoke of the neces
sity for action on several municipal
mattois, which are pending In council,
and said It was n fact that the city's
reenues were Insudlclent to liquidate
the Indebtedness w hleh has been in
curred. He also urged a good attend
ance at the next regulnr meeting, when
the unnuul nomination and election of
olllceis will be held.
The secielniy was instructed to
notify the members that u smoker will
be a feature of the next meeting, and
to request a full attendance.
John Kern, outside foieinan at the
Oxford mine, passed clgais on the occa
sion of his birthday nnnlveis-nrv and
was warmlv congratulated by the
St. Patrick's day will be observed In
Hellevue Friday evening. An enter
tainment and lecture will be given in
the basement nf Holy Cross Catholic
church when an elaborate programme
will be given. Si lections will be ren
dered by the Junior eholr of the church,
and a mandolin and guitar duet will
he played b) Misses Lucy C'oggins und
Mary Conner j Hk John Lynch,
Misses Marie nilgallnn and Margaret
O'Donnell and William A Lvnott will
5 Po.itivcIyciircscotiKln,
J6iold. in the chest or
f, . -. lungs onu lnciplcn
1 .mifvh Svi'imoiisuniptiotii Aiwav
llMKrti ft. it lain!.-!.. .
...,.., urn. IllhllllVlll
"-j -V I' reliable1. It l pltuilij
for children. Tastes good. Dosisaiesmall. 2,c.
Prescriptions CoiniioiiiKlcd
And with purest drugs at the
diug store of
Cor .Main Ae und Jackson St
The hues of rick silks may be gorgeous aud the
shades of fiue woolen weaves beautiful, but wheu it
comes to a question ot simple loveliness
The Dainty
Creations in Wash Goods
Are incomparably uew, chariniug and appeal to the
fancy as nothing else in the textile art world can.
This week we are making our first formal display
for the forthcoming season of
Imported and
Domestic Novelties
From every famous fashion ceuter the world over.
In the aggregate, it is a fascinating collection, an art
so exquisite iu its simplicity and delicacy as to lie
beyond the power of description or criticism,
During the
Opening Days This Week
You are cordially iuvited to look over the exhibition
at your leisure. You will find it interesting, instruc
tive and delightful to look upon. The display con
tinues all of this week.
Globe Warehouse
A common expression is:
"The human race is grow
ing weaker and wiser."
That we arc growing weak
er is proved by the large
number of pale, thin and
emaciated people.
That we arc growing
wiser may he proved by
overcoming these disorders
with the timely use of
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with Hypophos
phitcs which gives strength,
enriches the blood, invigor
ates the nerves and forms
joe. uxl J1.00, all druggitU
bCOrT A: llertVNU, Chemists, New York
sing solos, and a lectin e on "Ireland
nnd the Irish" will bo given by Attor
ney W. K. rihean.
A recitation will be given by Harry
Millett und a dialogue entitled "Our
Kntertnlnment Committee" will be par
ticipated In by Mnsteis Thomas I.ena
lmii, lklmund Irvln, Hlchard llosle,
Joseph O'Connor, William De baccy,
Joseph Iloban, Francis I tines, John
Royle, George Hughes. Martin O'Toole.
James Klannngan, Daniel O'Malley,
Misses J. Flynn. Catherine O'Connor
and Oeitiude Holland. Miss Hose Con
way will be the accompanist.
Lackawanna Council, No. 1133, ltoynl
Arcanum, will celebrate their tenth
anniversary on Friday evening net.
The event will bo held In Ivorlte hall
and will be in charge of n committee
consisting of Victot H. Latter, chair:
man: John J. Davles and David
L. Morgan, who hae arranged nil ex
cellent piogramme.
i harles II Acker, secretary of the
soclct, will preside at the entertain
ment and make a rhort nddiess, and
selections will be glen by a quaitotto
composed of Philip H. Wan en, David
Stephens. Thomas Heynon and John V.
Jones. An historical address will be
give u by John J. Da les and Professor
George Howell will speak about "Co
operation In Life Insuianee." Ilemarks
will also be made by several other
members and isltors.
A social session will afteiwatds be
helil, at which i lgars and refieshments
will be passed. An imptomptu speech
contest, at which Tiofessor 1'. A. Crut
tenclen will be the judge, will also be
held. Invitations are being sent out
to many fi lends of the council, and a
large altendanie is assuted.
mkktinc, of wih:i:lmi:n
The Kleetiie City Wheelmen held a
meeting In their new quaitets last
evening nnd a large number weie pres
ent. W. S. Means presided. The huue
committee tenoned thut the imiitovo
ments on the building are fast Hearing
completion and It Is expected the house
will be read) for occupant y by the Hist
of April.
Twenty new members weie admitted
last evening, and fifteen applications
will be piesinted nt the net meeting.
A committee comprising Samuel Mc
Craiken, Fiank i:. Depuc, John Itob-
erts and Will Lewis were nppolntcd to
take charge of the bicycle contest which
has boon Inaugurated, and other mut
ters pertaining to tho club were passed
Tho members In chaigc of the contest
to Incteaso tho membership of the club
nro wot king zealously towards that
end, and the followers of tho orungo
and purple are determined to outdo
each other nnd win tho special prize
offered for tho work.
Llewellyn Jenkins, employed as a
miner In the Capouse mines, met with
a serious accident yesterday morning
while at work. His car was loaded
and he desired to run It down a short
distance from the "face" of the cham
ber. He braced hlH baek against the
front of the cur and eased off tho block
which held the car.
Tho weight und incline were too much
and tho car ran up onto the block
and was derailed. Jenkins was throun
down and beneath It. His ankle and
ji lib were broken and he was severely
bruised. Tho Injurtd man was re
moved to his homo and Dr. G. IS. Rey
nolds attended him.
Tho members of Washington camp,
No. 17S, Patriotic Order Sons of Amer
ica, will tender a reception tomorrow
evening to their membcis who have
been awny with the Thirteenth regi
ment. J. Archie Jones will be chair
man and Walter Dccklenlck and others
will render solos. Musical selections
will be given by William Held. Mesm
Hughes and Reese. Addresses will be
made by D. W. Phillips and the soldier
Tire Young People's society of tho
First Welsh Haptlst church will re
ceive their soldier members Friday
evening. A programme of vocal and
Instrumental selections nnd addresses
will be given.
The members of Division No. 1, An
cient Order of Hibernians, and Rranch
No. 1, Ladles' auxiliury, Daughters of
Krln, will hold a Joint bunqttet at
Meats' hall, Friday evening, March 17,
The nlfnlr will be conducted on an elab
orate scale, und will Include a pro
gramme of literary merit. The supper
will be first-class In every respect, and
the music for the evening will be fui
rrishid by the Star orchestra.
Addressvs will be delivered by Rev.
A. T. Hrodetlck, of St. Patrick's Catho
lic church; Rev. E. S. Phllllpr. ot Hassle
ton, and Attorney M. F. Corny, of this
Miss Mary Morgan, a pupil in No. 11
school, has undertaken the task of con -piling
an historic calendar of the nota
ble births and deaths for the different
months In the year. The papers are
read irr the school loom and posses
inanv points of historical value and re
rearih. In the current paper Miss Morgan, te
lates facts concerning the oiigln of the
name nf the month, anil refers to tho
eminent men born on different rtite.
Her papers are well prepared and very
Intel esting.
Th services at tho Washburn Street
Presbvterlan chinch lest evening weie
in chaise of Rev. J. J Fletcher, of
West Pittston. Tonight the pastor.
Rev J. P. Molfatt. will .speak.
The meiubeis of the Ladles Auxiliary.
Division No. I, Daughters of Eiln, met
In St. David's hall last evening and
completed the arrangements for the
hatiiiut t to In- (riven at Minis' hall n:st
Friday evening.
Morris Thomas and Thomas Thur
burn, niemb-Ts of the Thirteenth regi
ment, will be teriduid a leeei tlon at
the lioUevuo Mlsrlon Sunday school
this evening. A literal v programme
will be it ndi red.
The boutd of levKlon and appeal
will pass upon applications fiom the
Fourth ward at the i ity hall today.
The Men's Guild of St. David's- Epis
copal eirurrh will hold a mass meeting
this evening
Pd'iooUu Tribe, Order of Red Men,
will hold arr election ot ofhcer.s at their
wlgwum tonight. All member.-- are ie
qucste'd to be present.
The lelathcs and fi lends of Owen
and John Huvjpes, members (1f the Thir-
leemn legimtfit, tendered tnern a pleas,
ant surpilse at thrlr home on North
Sumner avenue Monday venli.g.
St Leo's Glee ehtb will paiticipate
ill an entertainment it I Itent'ham Fri
day evening, under the auspices of Di
vision No. 32. Ancient Order of Hiber-
The annual supper of the Hampton
Street Methodist chinch will he held
at the above cmitch next Thursday and
Friday evenings. The affair will be in
charge of the members of the official
board of the chinch,
The members of the Willing Woi Iters'
Rnnd of the Flr-t Haptlst church will
conduct a "birthday" party at the res
idence of Mrs. Randolph Jones, 103
Jiu kson street, tomorrow evening. Atr
excellent programme has been piepared
and will be "atrled out. Refreshments
will be served.
A Wnshbuin street car became dis
abled yesterday near the corner of
South M.dn avenue and Washburn
stteet and deluvid Unfile for some tini".
The drawing for the Eiiterson piano
at Clarke Htos.' stores will take place
this after noorr at 4 o'clock.
Deputy ChmlP Leldenbeiger, of
Muhanoy City, arrested Joseph Paskey,
of North Main avenue, yesterday on a
capias Issued some time ugo on a seil
ous charge. The prisoner will be taken
to Pottsville today for a hearing.
Specifications were piesented at tho
meeting of the mimbeis of tho First
Haptlst church last evening for the pew
church building on South Main avenue.
Palmer Williams, of South Main ave
nue, who has been in camp with the
Ihlitcenth lefiment will resume the
study of law with Fleltz & Cainentcr
In a few days.
Miss Lena Owens, of South Sumner
avenue-. Is visiting her patents at South
Mir. rhlllp II. Warren, of Ncvth Lin
coln avenue Is spending a few days in
Now York city.
Mr. turd Mis. "William AVagstaff, of
South Main avenu", have as their guest
Joseph Fold, of Concord, N. II.
Joseph Cramer, of South Lincoln
avenue Is visiting hi sister at Hazle
tern. Mr Schwendemnii, of uquehinna.
Is vlsltlrg at the home of John Reuch
len, on North Lincoln avenue.
Would uso Kemp's H.ilmm for tho Thront
and Lungs. It Is cm int. more fatten t
C'oiiBliH Colds Akthmti llronchltls Croup
iinil all Throat and Luna riuubluH, titan
any other niedli Inc. The ptoptUiur hit-
aimionzeu nu uruijBiai 10 j,ivo you a
Sample Rottle I'm to cuiiviiko jou of
the merit of t!iU gK-ut ivmedy, Price SCc
I aud Wc.
Warrants Issued for tho Arrest of
Hotelkeepern Who Have These
Money Makers In Their Places of
Business PioRTammo for the Old
Polks' Concert to Ho Given Next
Friday Night Now Base Ball
Team Organized Marquette Coun
cil Will Debate Personal Notes.
Tho moiheis ot some of our young
boys hove wondered for some time
v h re the bovs spent to much ot their
pay before reaching home on pay day.
Mattel s eamo to a crisis Saturday
when Patrick Shields, Joseph Murray
and Patrick Hart came home without a
tint of their wages. On a close ques
tioning they stated that they had been
playing the i:lekel-ln-thc-slot machines
for some time and had kept losing
and on Patufday they had expected to
win It back with their wages, hut luck
was agalmit them.
The mothers bandid together and had
warrants issued for several hotelkeep
ern on the charge of keeping gambling
machines. John Lukens, proprietor of
i hotel oir Oak street, Is the one whom
they are making things Interesting for
as this was the place? where the threi
boys lost their money. One claims to
have lost $11 on Saturday night at one
time. Constable Merimtd Davis could
not locate Lukens at a late hour last
night. The mothers express their de
termination to push matters to tho end.
Atr "Old Folks' Conceit" will be giv
en at the i.elsh CongreEatlonal chinch
on West Market street next Friday
evening nnd nil of the participants
will be elderly persons. The Slocum
Hollow and Razorvllle Union band, led
by Captain Jubal Smythe will assist.
J. Thomason will preside and S. Keller
will act as conductor. At the conclu
sion of the eoneer t, which begins at
7.30 o'clock, refreshments will be served.
Following Is tho programme of the
concert :
Adihcss .,
A'ldtnss ..
Selection .
Select lull .
St. Jolrr"
....Who Hand
Mulgvrvn Molr
Meredith Itliys
Chalrni in
Sam intlie Smythe
Vi-Itlng Hand
Madoc Citcndovr
Si' lb own
Caleb Wo-itheibv
"Par Avvij PllMlm"
Matlhu "vValiIiirloa's rand
Loan Mnrutiw.;
Matv Morgan
and Tavetn Ketpir's Wife
Selection ...
liibtt omental
Si lection ....
Rec Itatlon ...
Heeltatlotl ..
Selection ....
Sdtctlou ...
Ri citation ..
Si lection ...
H'rnlel and S. L uif,morlati
M Ma n. I. SiptUrs
A Visiting Hand
Hezekla Wutklns
John l.ongsliiiiks
The second of the Wednesdav eve
ning set vices with special features for
tire month of Match In the Providence
Presbyterian chinch will be held this
evening. These special set vices thus
far have been very Inluestlng and
largely attended
The tuple tills evening Is: "Helieveis
What Were Wo'.' What Are WeV
What Shall We ReV" The pastor. Rev
Geotge E. Guild, will give the opening
addtess. A brief addtess also will
be given by Thomas S .Morgan on
I the subject "How Is the Change
I Wt ought""
in addition to the united song ser
vice Mts. Howell Gabtiel and Miss
Susie Fisher will sing a Gospel hunn
In duet. The set vice begins at 7 30
n't lock.
At a meeting of the Lenox Athletic
club a base ball team was otganl7cd
for the corning earon. The following
aie the nams of those that compose
the team. Eugene Cannon, lateher;
Pattiek McMannmarr, pitihet: William
Moftatt. short stop: Peter Regan, flist
base; John Gallagher, second base and
captain: James McGovcrn, third base;
James Murray, left Held, John Rurn.
center Ikld. Michael Wells, light Held;
manager, Patrick Moran.
On Thuisday April li, tho new dub
will hold a social and entertainment
In St. Mary's hall to raise itinds to
ptocute unlfotms.
Dav id Jones, page at tho capltol
building at Harilsburg, has returned
to his duties after a few diys' visit
with his parents here.
Mrs c. J. Gillespie has returned from
a visit; among HonesUale friends.
Mr. John A. Jones, of Rock street,
has sold his ptoperty to the Ontario
and Western railroad. The now Key
ser Valley branch will cross on his
R. J. Richards and C. W. Renlamln,
of Chappell's store, have been appoint
ed by couit to appraise the stock of
goods in the Ostcrhout stou.
R". A. Kampras, of North Main
avenue. Is spending a few days in Phil
adelphia. Miss Kiito Clatk has resigned her
position as bookkeeper at George Mc
Uuiro and Company's stnie.
Peter Goodilch, of North Main ave
avenue, who was called to Rrldgeport,
Conn , by the death of his father, has
rem mod home.
Miss Carrie Lewis and Miss Anna
Pike, of Ptlccvllle, uie visiting friends
on North Main nvenuo
F. F. Hendrlckson, of North Main
avenue, will leavo tomonow for n few
day.s visit among lieiwlck and Dan
ville friends.
Emilyn Jones, of Ednc avenue. Is re
co"erlng from his recent llln' ss.
George Gardner, of Weston Place, Is
confined to his homo by an attack of
Fred Stevens, of Maiket street, Is 111.
Hurry llushbeck. Inside foreman of
the Von Storoh mine, is seriously HI.
Miss Susie Barnes hits returned from
a visit among Moscow friends.
Will Meredith was the guest of Mos
cow friends Sunday
John S. Grown, who has been attend
ing Hlritn college, Ohio, has graduated
w Ith honors und In spending n few
days with ftlmds In this section.
Mrs. AV. C. Price, of Pittston, Is tho
guest of Miss Grace Hendrlckson, of
Nor lit Main avenue.
Mtss y.Hird Mondson, of Wllkes-narre,
is tho Ktiost of Miss Mnttlo Uuntbinan,
of Nay Aug uvenuc-.
lirldget Jones swore out n. warrant
Mrs. Pinkham
fering from
Backache is one of the most common of
woman's troubles and one of the most
It is not an acute pain, but a most dis
tressing, wearying sensation, making work
almost impossible and indicating disease
of the feminine organs.
A common mistake is to treat backache
in women with local external applica
tions, calling it "a little spinal irritation "
... . n i , II
or a "toucn or rncumatism.
Do not be deceived ; your backache
means serious trouble for you unless
the cause of it is removed.
All uterine and ovarian diffr
culties are relieved by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Such relief
progresses in almost every
case to a complete curo
With relief of these troubles
backache disappears.
Mrs. M. E. MULLER, 16 Franklin St.,
Providence, R. I,, writes :
Deah Mrs. Pinkham: I have been
using- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcpctablo Com
pound for backache. The puin was bornotliing dread
ful; at times I could not walk straight. Now I am nil,,
light and enjoy pood health. I feel like a new woman.
You do not know how thankful I am that I have pot
my health back, und I have you to thank for it. Your
medicine is tho best that I have ever used. I udviso all
ladies to try it. and I am sure it will give unbounded
batisf action. I will recommend it to every friend I have.
niss LIZZIE KOELLA, 529 Tecumseh St.,
Toledo, Ohio, writes :
DnAn Mr.1). Piseham: I cannot praise your Vege
table Compound enough. For nbout a year 1 was
hick with the backache. I could not work, could
not sleep nt night, and did not caro to live. About
two months ao I saw jour advertisement iu a
paper, and thought I would try jour Compound.
To-day I feel like a new person. I am just enjoy
hit,' health ; never felt so good in my life. I have, recommended your Vegetable Compound to many
of mj friend;,, who arc now usinj; it, and think ir is. jutt splendid.
A woman of experience in these matters understands women, and
jhs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass., has a wider experience than any physi
cian, male or female. She offers you her counsel free of charge, and it
is a friendly, sympathetic counsel. No man sees your letter or its
answer at any time, and to secure the best advice it is necessary that
you should be perfectly frank, this you can be to one of your own sex.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
A Woman's Remedy for Woman's IlJs.
for Iter husband, Morris Jones, vester
dav, charging him with aM,iult 'ind
b.t'terv and non-suppoi t. At a he.u
in.? hefore Aldi iman Huberts last ev til
ing he w.t8 found guilty mid held in
b;il for his apixuinnce at court.
The fourth debate ot tv series to be
held by the JIatiiuetto eouneil. Young
Men'h Institute, will take place on Muti
dav evening, Maron 27. in their rooms
on Xorth Main avenue. Tito .subject
of the debate will be "Itesolvud, That
the Philippine Islands Should be An
nexed to the United States." A choice
nuts-leal programme has been iiirangid
and a roclal will follow the debate.
The Liberty hose compare , No. -. is
again In service, after having bun
out a week, owing to the lameness of
one' of the hurses.
All anangements have been made
for the entertainment which will be
given tomorrow night at the First
Welsh Maptlst t hureh. "Tom Thumb's
Wedding" N the title of the enter
tainment which will Include novelties
nnd phonograph selections. Many
tickets have already been sold.
Mr. O. K. Miller, of Ilonesdaie, who
has been visiting his brother, Mr. Clatk
Miller, of Ureaker street, has leturned
Mrs. William Mayuaid lias returned
fiom a visit among friends In Jeimyn.
Miss Bertha 'Cole, of Cnrbondulc, is
tho guest of Mrs. Warren Kimble, of
Monsey avenue.
Whllo lighting the gas under his vul
canlzcr jesteiday. Dr. Walter Tord
ham had his face badly singed by tho
explosion of aecumuluted gas.
("aids nro uut announcins the ap
proaching marriage of Charles Slade to
Miss Nettie Hurdlck, of Larch street.
The cetemony will take place at the
home of Mts. C. lluidick, of Larch
stieet, on Thuisday overling, March 2!.
Mr. Iless, of Capouse avenue, will
move his fumlly to Patk Place this
w eek.
The fair of tho Primitive Methodist
church, which the Ladles' Aid society
worked so hard to make a success, hits
passed all expectations.
Miss Clara Uenedlct.who has been tho
guest of Miss Oraco Peek, of Mousey
avenue, has returned home.
At a meeting of the Clreen ltldge
Wheelmen last evening the following
nominations for olllces were made. Fur
president, M, D. lhown and O. W.
Pa) no; vice-president, A. M. Fine and
Friend Cavelle; captain, Fiank Schroe
der, U. W. Bevans and Wultcr Jones;
If not, drink Oraln-O mnele from pttro
grains A lotly writes: "Tho first time
1 made tlraln-O I did not like It hut
after using It for otto week nothing
vm old IntUieo me to en back to coffee,"
It nouilshes und feeds the hjbUiii. Tho
children can drink It friel with great
benefit. It It tho elte'itgihenlng sub
stance of pute grain?. iei u pick
ii,tf toclai from )our gtocei, tollow
tho directions in making It and )on will
h,it n dullcIoiiH and liiitlthful tnblu buv-
crauu for old aud oung. 15c, und $c.
s. .'!. '5. ."V .""v '. .V ."""v
speaks earnestly
this discouraging
Xpw York Announcement.
is the subject of this announcement.
Tiie term stands for everything that
is reliable and fashionable in Furniture,
in both the simple and ornate lines,
whether wanted for town or country
homes. Two other important feat
ures are the moderate prices at which
the goods are marked, and their un
equalled assortments.
Dining-Room Furniture in all finishes of
Antique, Belgian, riemivh and Lnglish,
with Tallies, Dining Chairs, China Closets
and Side Tables to match.
Bedroom furniture in all the vai ious woods
and finishes, including special lines for
countiy homes. Brass Bedsteads in over
70 pattetnsfromSiS 00 upward. Enam
eled Iron Bedsteads from 54.50 up.
Latest designi in Parlor Furniture, Libraiy
Furniture, Hall Furniture, Venetian Ctrvcd
Couches. Settees, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Mor
ris C!nirs,Dressihi;T.ibles, Cheval Glasses,
Writing Desks, etc , etc , all in unequalled
assortments, and .ill prices.
Your inspectioncordlally invited.
Farnlturp Makvri and Irupvrtrt
61, 63, 65 W. 23d St.. New York.
(AdJuUilnr len,)
dliectors, J. N. Walker, Pied. Warner,
II. T. Jayne, Edward Whlttrey. T. S.
llutllng. II. W. Davis, W. P. Woiehel
and Charles Cur. 1. lection of olllieis
will bo held tho second Tuesday In
Mis. Taylor, of Adams avenue, was
taken 111 yesterday w Idle attending lite
funeral of her sister-in-law, Mts. Pen
Jamln Jeffrey and was removed to her
homo unconscious. At a late hour lust
night her condition was reported some
what linptoved.
Newton Croft, of Washington avenue,
I has returned from a visit ut Iliirgham-
ton, N. Y.
Charles Paulman, of New Yoik street,
left Scranton yesterday for Albany, N.
Y whero he has accepted a. position.
Attorney Walter Urlggs, of Adams
avenue, will soon occupy his handsomo
new residence on Jefferson avenue.
Walter Mayo, of Wilkes-Dane, called
! on his friends In Green Itidgo yester-
! day.
I Pilvato Charles Itoss, of Adams ave
nue, Is visiting in Augusta, Georgln,
uniting friends.
At a meeting- of tho citizens of Green
nidge and vicinity, held recently. It was
unanimously iimeed Unit Manners Krnul
Hlnn nf foil I.lver 1)11 was tho llnest nren-
i nratlon of lis kind on tho market, unci
ono or mo ucsi remedies ror an piumon
my dUeiiseH, coughs, colds, ttc. Also
tho nneit lung strengthener und -tonic ,i
convaleseuct Known, and so reusonablu
In prlco none need deny tlicmsolvop. Horf
ulur dollar slzo 60c. nt
SS) Urecn Itldsu ijtieot.
YiUrw if
T If
to women stif
i-lv HUUOUNDr.K & Rl'is, Lesei
It K. I.OMI, Atanajer
C0!KB.M March 1 3
The Pitman
Stock Company
Supporting tho Sterling Attlst-.,
.Miss Anna K. h
Mr. Fmlcrlcli Ucrjng.
A carload of special scenery,
eighteen carefully selected artists.
Up-to-date Speclaltie.
PRICES 10, 20 and 30 CENTS.
Dime Matinees Commencing Tuesdiy
II. K. LOStl, Manajcr.
Special Wednesday Eve., flarch is
I". Icsfi'ld Comedy Company.
Ah ceen for over '.Mill nlchtn nt ttia
Manhattan 1'tieatrj, N, Y.
Tit- Creature of Pt.
qiiiint I enoa Knrltt
sl.AI' SAI. be.ln
Moudaj, March l!l.
i:vi:.NiNG pHii'i:s-ji -a . jiw, n ).
Commencing Monday, Matinee, .March u
Harry W. Semon's
Ona cel commeiiclttj', March 30.
IP ),
Tin a "rou jtriNT"
'CS r "CS 'KtfH
EfiPHiliil !-''
ill M
ill I V
kg J 1 n
a m Hi 1 SSi 9 Hi