The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 11, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Hon. E. E. Hendrlck May Soon rut
It on the Market.
Tilbuno readers uie fumltlnr with
tho transaction whereby Hon. K. V.
Hendrlck, picsident (it the lirndilek
Manufacturing compsn.v, came Into
control nf the Pendleton Hobbln com
pany; nlso with the fart that the
metallic bobbin ninntifnctuicd In thin
ty did not icplncc the wooden bobbin
silk tnltti thinughtiut the country
as it pionilsol to iln Mr. lMidrlck
hns been txerclslng his mechanical
genius for the past yeui mi n wooden
bobbin with metal nils and him con
Mdcrnhle imchliitrv inatK' which un
til rerentlv has boon oC nn ccpcilmcnt
Bl tpe. The dcvlc Is now npproach
Ing u state of perfection and In the
near future Itn manufacture will bo
commenced Valuable patents Iiavb
bon obtained and ere Ions a bobbin
works will nguln be one of the city's
thriving Industries.
Palestine Commnndeiy, No. 14, to
Hold Public Installation.
Palestine CVmmandery, No 14, Tree
and Accepted Masons. hae decided to
hold a publl- Installation, concert nnd
leceptlon on the twenty-sixth of April.
A committee in now making arrange
mentH for thj event The ofllcets-eleet
to be Installed at that time are
Eminent eommandti, Sit Fiank
Iloemmclmcyer, generalissimo, Sir
Hobert ,M Vnnnnn captain general.
Kir Joseph P. Vanillin, tieasurei, Em
inent Sir S D. Davl leeorder. Emin
ent Sir Henry H Wilbur.
Postmaster John 11. Thomas has
been veiy active since he assumed con
tiol of the local postal department,
lie has announced his Intention of us
ins his besteffoit to hai n couple of
caniers odd"d to the mi vice that res
idents of the nutl.vlng districts who aio
now lnadeqti itelj. set veil may enjoy a
more fieiiuent dellveiy of mall matter.
He Iris also had anothet Sunday mall
added It will be a pour h from AVilkes
Barr?, bilnglng mail fiom points South.
Mis. Harvcj. of Richmond stieet, is
com alescent.
The Mioses Ann and fiiaee qulers,
of Chinch htieet. are the guests of
frlords In Philadelphia
Vr D L. Hailey has returned from
the Metiopolls,
Mi's. Charles BIN-, of River street,
is entertaining Miss Xclflc Dunn, of
Emplojes of No 1 and Powderly
mines were paid esterday. Those of
Coalbrook will be paid today.
Engineer Jeclah Van Dermark Is ill
at his "Washington street home-.
Mis. P. J. Cole lias returned from
Mis. V. liiur has returned fiom a
Scranton visit.
Archie Mcrarland, of Halley, Idaho,
is the guest of John Potter, of South
AVashlnpton stieet.
J. T.ariy Ilowlson, who has been se
riously ill with Blip, is convalescent.
Messrs. Stephens and llairle, who
hae been working in this vicinity in
the Intel est of the New York news
paper sjndlcatc, have completed their
labors and will leave today for other
Mayor O'Neill was elected attorney
for the poor boaul last night The
deadlock is still on concerning the
steward for the poor faim.
"Whoie Was the Peckville lluiglary
Planned'" will be the subject nt the
Presbi 5erlan church tomoirow even
ing Dr. S. H. Moon, pastor. All are
cordially invited.
The programme committee of the
Union Temperance League la getting
up an enteitalnment for next Wed
nesday evening, to lie held In the Pies
biterian church. Bring your friends.
Admission free.
Sci vices in the Presbyteilan church
tomorrow- at 10.10 n. m. and 7 p. m.
Subject in morning. "The Servants of
God," evening, "Where Was the Peck
villo Robbery Planned?" Young men
especially invited In the evening. All
welcome. Rev. S. II. Moon, D. D., pas
tor. Mrs. Abraham Reyonlds leturned last
night from a week's visit with rela
tives' at Albany, N. Y.
A hoise attached to a delivery wa
gon, the propel ty of Samuel Weiss, an
East Side gtoeer, creattd no llttlo ex
citement esterday afternoon by j mi
ning away. The wagon tipped over
near Huleshuian's clothing store,
smashing it into kindling wood The
horse escaped injuiy.
Services hi the M. E. church tomor
row as follow h. Preaching morning
and evening by the pastor. Rev. S. C.
SImpklns Theme for the morning Her
man, "An Impassable Barrier to
Christ's Manifestations," evening, "A
Christian View of the 1'utuie Life." A
cordial Invitation to all.
Peckville Baptist chinch, Rev. J S.
ThomaH, pastor. Set vices tomorrow at
10.30 a in. and 7 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Hiait Enlargement," evening
subject, "An Invitation on the Whs."
Sabbath school at 11 SO a. m. All are
w elcome.
Mr. William Budd has lonttd the
store building formely occupied as a
grocery by T. A. reck and Is engaged
in moving the milliner depaitment and
his household goods to the new loca
tion. Regular meeting of Mniahpa Tilbe,
No. 211, Impioveii Older of Reditu n,
will be held this evening
I There is a
1 Class of People
Who are injured by tho two of cof.
E fee. Recently there has lieeu placed
lu all the grocery stores a now pro-
s paration called GRAIN-O, mada of
pure grains, that takes tho place of
Tho most delicate stomach ro-
5 erWca it without distress, nnd but
few can tell It from coffee.
Z It does not cost over i m much,
s Children jenay drink it with great hem-
eflt. J5cqnt3and25crntspcrpack.
age. Try It. AsWor GIUIN-O.
; Inilftthtyoor(rrocerglyouOPAlN-0 3
Z Accept pojmluuloa. S
The lecture to be delivered on Marc h
20 at the Presbyterian chutch of Arch
bald by A. V. Bovver, esq., will bo one
of the most Inteiesting lectutcs ever
given In that town. The story of this
wonderful city Is n most thillllng and
romantic one. It was ontlicly covered
tip by the volcano Vesuvius over eigh
teen hundied jeais ago nnd Is now
being uncoveied. The furniture, orn
aments and household utensils ate
found Jvt as the people left them w h n
they iled from the elty for theli lives.
The illscov cries are remarkable nnd
it Is as if one were hurled back over
eighteen centuries of time and entered
a city of the Jlist eentuiy. Mr. Bovver
explored the city and most of the views
ho shows wore taken under his per
sonal Hitpet vision, and, thetefore, ho
speaks ftom a personal acquaintance
with the fart. The lectuto is not only
Interesting and Instructive, but It .a
filled with Incidents that leally bolder
on the romantic. It will be IllustrafJ
with one hundred stereoptlcon views,
thrown upon u screen bv one of the
best lanterns made. The prlnclpil
Items of Interest that will obtain the
nttentlon will be home life and the
Roman theater, games of the amphi
theater and" the marvelous frescoes
on the walls of homes and temples
This leetuie has been delivered In some
of the finest Y. M ( A courses In t'te
country und is one of the standard !e
tures In tho list of the Stai l.yceirn
Bureau of New York cltv and the peo
ple of Archbald are certainly fuvotcd
In having this opportunity of hearing
a lecture of this kind light in tin Ir
own town.
Some time ago the Intel natlonnl Tia
ternal Alliance- of Baltimore city went
Into the hands of a receiver Several
of the local policy holdeis placed their
elalms In the hands of Attorney Carey
for i ollectlon The receiver has passed
favoinbly upon the claim and on Thurs.
day the attorney received a cheque
for small dividends on each claim. Tills
society, which was one of the "get ilch
quick" older, captivated a large num
ber of business men and others in this
horough when oiganlzed several eais
ago and promised at the end of seven
yvais to pav seven hundred dollars
lo each member who during that time
would pay the monthly assessment of
two dollars and a half As the jeais
llevv on and tho last jear was In sight
the assessments Increased to such pio
portlons that many weie unable to
keep up and dropped, thinking by this
eouse they might possibly get what
they paid In Tor some time past the
members here have given up all bope
of lecelvlng an thing and the cheque
sent to the attorney on Thuisday was,
therefore, a pleasant sutpilse
Thomas Harris, who several years
ago, In partnership with Al. Buttci
worth, of this borough, ran a hotel In
Mav field, and who subsequently moved
to Poit Jervls, N Y, lias been ap
pointed game warden of New York
state, with a salaiv of $.,500 a year.
Tommy has a number of friends heie
who will be glad to hear of his good
Tomorrow the annual missionary ser
vices will be held In the Primitive
Methodiat church. Appropriate ser
mons will be delivered by Rev. T. C.
Bache, missionary secretary and e
presldent of the Primitive Methodist
conference. The offering at the even
ing service will be for mlsslonaiv pur
poses. Theie will be communion nt the Plrst
Baptist church tomonow morning. In
the evening the subject will be "Mark
ed Men" Stereoptlcon views will be
used for hymns and sl.x pictures in the
life of Chi 1st.
Rev. C. A. Benjamin, pastor of the
M. E. ehuich. will pieach tomonow
morning on "What the Splilt feilth
Unto the Churches." At the evening
service the topic will be Oates Unto
the Kingdom, or Nan ovv nets In Relig
ion Rebuked."
Tommy Smith, who has been absent
fiom the borough for some time, came
back last evening. He sajs since here
last he made a tilp on a cattle steamer
to England.
Mrs. I. Fuller, of Bacon street, was
visiting in Carbondale estcrda
Dr. and Mrs M. J. Shields and family
returned from their southern tilp last
Geo. B Set old, tho well known con
tiaetor of Tovwuida, N Y, s-avs "I
ha-e used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in my family foi a long time and
have found it superior to any other.
Tor sale by ill eluuglsts Matthews
Bios., wholesale and letail agents. "
Tho success of the Epwoitli League
at the home of i; J Chapman of l'ii
elaj evening lust has phut 1 , nevt sum
tow aid tho deserving elm n piopcty.
The oath of olll'e was a Imlu't ur. d
lo the town ollli i is-elee t bj Jiuilrc
of Peace R. K. AUeilj on Mnudiv last
Bonds of Supeivlsois Ueinge Vu-.buig
and O. B. Jones were appio'.td bj aj
dltois on same da.
E. A. Mott ha3 been .pe inline the
winter with Is patents and v ill leturn
to Ncwnik, N. J, to icsuii- IiujIiuvs
there this wee-k.
H. N. Mott mid Ills sls'er, Mis. J.
Fletcher, of Nebiaskn, nu Visitl.ig
friends In Caibondale.
Tho Epwoith League will give a
social and lltei.uj ent italiuneiu n
the Methodist chuuli here on Tuesday
evening. Maich Jl, with an admission
of ten cents at the door Proceeds to
be used in defrajlng chinch expenses
The uudltots of the township will
convene foi the ti ansae tlon of business
In the election loom at Claik's Clieen
on, the 13th Inst, nt !i o'clock
a. in
Tho installation of the oflleeis-elect
of tho W. I. Rogeis' Kiicnnipmem,
No. 221, 1. fi. n F, will take place
on Thuisday evening, Mai eh 10. i:.
ciclses will be followed by an ojnter
Mis. Aithur La .Mont, of Seianton,
hpent Thursday heie with h r pirents
Mr. and .Mrs V. S. Eince
Mrs J B. Austin Is eouvaest Ing
from her recent illness.
Mrs ii Wells is somuwhut indlHpo-ed.
A maple sugui social whh h waKln-ld
at the home of Sir nnd Mi s. I- lj.
Wheeler on Thuisday eveung was
well uttetideil ami was a llnam Ial sue.
cess Pioeeeds for tin- benedt of the
Baptist Young Peoples sot let.
A pleasant suiprire paitv was given
at the home of Mi and ?Irs, James
Wallace on Thuisdav evening In honor
of their son, William's, olghieenth
birthday. An enjoyable time was had
by nil und nt 11 o'clock ivfioshmonts
wie seived Ameng those piesent
weie Mls Maggie Jones and Mls
Helen Smith, of Seianton: Ml. Koger
Mood, Thomas Davidson, David
Woike. of Providence; Mr, Frank Paris,
of Pilcvburg, Mlssi Emily and Nettle
Menstruation, tho bnlance wheel of
woman's life, is also tho bano of exist
ence to many because it means r time of
great suffering'.
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical palu, it docsnotscemtohavo
been na
ture's plan
tlint women
should suffer
so severely.
ham's Veere'
fable Com'
pound is
tho most
thorough fc'
male regula
tor known to
medical scl
ence. It relieves the condition that pro
duces so much discomfort nnd robs men
struation of its terrors. Here is proof:
Dt:xn Jlits. Pihkiiam: How can 1
thank you enough for what you have
done for me ? When I vv roto to you I
was suffering untold pain at time of
menstruation; was nervous, had head
ache all the time, no appetite, that tired
feeling, and did not care for anything.
I have taken thrco bottles of Lydia E.
Fiukham's Vegetable Compound, one
of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Liver
Pills, and to-day I am aw ell person. I
would like to have those who suffer
know that I am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
Mies Jennie 11. Milks. Leon, Wis.
If you are suffering' in this way, vvrlto
ns Miss Miles did to Mis. Pinkham at
Lynn, Mass., for the advice which she
offers free of vhargo to all women.
Steed, Cleo McDonald, Sadie Ward,
liena Wallace, George Wllllims, Al
beit Priest, Aithur Watd, John Ben
nle, Leo McDonald, Ilnivey New kirk,
Ira Wallace, John Eggleston, Harold
W. P. LarKln, of AMmvvood, Wayne
county, Is the guest of fi lends in the
Peter Walsh, who conducted the hotel
recently destioyed by fire near the Erie
depot, has had his license transferred
to the W. J Maxey building on Main
street, which he has tented and where
he will do business In tho future.
Bev AVIlliam Jennings will conduct
services In the Welsh Congtegatlonal
chinch tomoirow.
'Infant Baptism" will be the subject
of discourse at the Piesbyteilan church
tomonow morning. The evening topic
w 111 be ' The Light of the World."
Mr. and Mrs. Chailes W. Van Meter,
of Giand avenue, who have been resi
dents of Potest City for about thiiteen
jeais, will move next week to Hoin
ellsvllle, N, Y., where they will lesido
with their daughter, Mis. Matthew
A local teachers' institute will be held
at the giaded school building In this
plae this afternoon
Theic is a piospect that tho Erie will
eieet a now depot building heie, as tho
otllc'als aie Investigating ceitoln facta
laid before them In a receijt petition
forwarded bv citizens of-tho boiough
The piesent ltucture Is probably as
poor an apology for a ilepnt as exists
In any town of a like size In the United
States. The building Is ramshackle In
appeannce, the v.altlng looms small
and dingy and no conveniences In any
wnv modem exist. Yet, it is said, the
passenger and freight business done
heie is $1,600 per month
On Wednesday evening next the
oung people of the Flist Baptist
ehuich will hold a chicken supper nt
the home of R. E. Hnndnll, on Noith
Main stieet
living Pentecost, a student nt Mans
field Noimal school, Is homo on a two
weeks' vacation.
The olfieeis chosen by the council for
Hip ensuing vcai aie. Picsident, J.
Pi cdeilek Wellbs ock, secietuiy, John
McDonald; tie isuier, John I" (Inllu
gher; nttoine.v, James MeKinney.
Pi auk McCloskey has been ie -appointed
stieet commission,?! ,lnd O r,
Cojle, janitor. With the c one un ence
of the council, the buigtss has ap
pointed the follow Ins sp-ilal police
men: Chief, M. J. WaMi, Pi .ink Mc
Closkey, John Maxev, James Johnson,
Louis Zaiveis, Cornelius Kelleliei,
Jacob Ktetchlk, Nathaniel Deaile, John
D Jones and Patilrk Boache
Hi an amendment to an oidlnanee
enacted by the council, the Caibondale
Ti action company will lie piMiultted to
ue IS-liu h teira cotia pljie for sluices
between South ptiitt ami the iinulhiu
let minus ot Muln stieet, Insti ad of Jl
ineli pipe, and Is also permitted to use
the IS-lm li pipe nt ca h eiost, stieet In
eonstiiietlng smices to eutry off water
that miv accumulat"
The membeis of the Welsh Congre
gation it ehuich will si,. Mijipei in
the ehuich basement on Filday even
ing, Match 1".
A warm Ftigar social, tho Jlist pf tho
season, will be held nt tho Methodist
Episcopal chuieli next Tuesdaj even
ing. Ida Cut ley. of Great Bend, visited
her sister. Mis. Leo D'Witt, the first
of the week,
Chailes blown, our popular young
batbei, has pin chased a bather busl
ness in Nicholson unci will move to that
placu soon.
Fiank Moxley, of Dalton, called on
lelatives In town Wednesday.
Mrs. L. G. McCoILim Is in Siacuse,
visiting her sister.
Itev W. J. Cleveland, ot Susquehan
na, will conduct U"i vices at tho Epls
coppl church Sunday at 10 JO
Ernest Davenpott of New Yoik,
visited Ids patents, Ml. nnd Mrs. David
Davenpoit, the llrst. of the week.
Miss Jennie Mooie sing at the bind
eonieit In I'ufoid Monday evening
Those having occvslon to tiavel our
countv to ids icpo't them as being
made up of Immense snow binks, nnd
bale ground, tepiil paits.
How's This ?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Itevvatd
for an caso of Citunli that cun not be
lured b Halls Catiurh Cuie.
P J. CHENEY A- CO , Pi ops., Toledo, O.
Wo the nuclei signed, have known P. J.
Cheney for the lust 13 icurs, and bellovo
him perfectly honorablo In all business
tinusiiLtUiiH and llranelnll) uble to can
out any obligations irirnle by theli tlrm
West & Tnmx, Wholesale Diiigglsts, To.
hilo. O
Waldlng, Klntian & Mann, Whoolsalo
nrugglslH, Toledo Ohio
Bull's Catarrh Curei is tuken Intirnally.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
sui faces of tho sintem Prlco "5c. per
bottle. Sold by all Duiglsls. Tostlnion.
IiiU lice.
KiiU'h Punllv PllU are the best.
?SL fcifr3 "TY." 'LJ S.
T9 ? "f j?lirH-nr jOOV I-
The services in tho Methodist Eplsco
pal church during the past week have
been ver Interesting and quite a largo
number have professed conversion. The
Sabbath day services will bo ot special
Interest Bev. II. D. Smith will preach
at 10 SO on tho "Baptism with the Holy
Ghost." In the evening the subject will
bo "The Bewnrd of the Blghtcous and
tho Doom of the Wicked." The ser
vices In tho Sunday school will bo ot
special Interest.
The dcatli of Michael Judge, a resi
dent of iPncker street, occuircd yester
day afternoon nfter a brief Illness of
dropsy of the heart. Deceased was 46
years of age, and spent nearly all his
life in Mlnooltn, being for several vears
a piomlncnt politician of tho county.
During his residence In Avoca he hnd
spent a quiet and retiring life. Be
sides his wife nnd sister, Mrs. Michael
Dunn, of Mlnookn, seven stepsons and
one daughter suivlvo him. Tho funeral
will take place on Monday morning,
with a requiem mass at St. Mary's
church Interment will be In Mlnooka
In Snrsfletd opera house on next rrl
day evening tho following priSgramme
will be rendered: Opening address, M.
J. Dixon; comic selections, rather
Mnthew Dramatic company, of Pitts
ton; song, Clara Schlnger; recitation,
Iona Robinson; song, William Golden;
recitation, Josle Osborne; song, W. F.
Donnhoe; clog dance, N. Owens and
J. McAndrew; song, Lizzie Hlnes, reci
tation, Will Jennings; violin solo, Jen
nie Wilson; song, Mary Burns; song,
Mary Gllioy.
Miss Nettle Fear, of the West Side,
Is suffctlng from a severe attack of
The Sacrament of Baptism will be
nlmlnlstered In the Langcllffc Presby
terian church tomorrow morning at
10 30 o'clock services.
Mrs. Lee and daughter, Mrs. Mary
Got man, and Mrs. Thomas English, of
Plttston, spent Thursday nt the Web
ber lesldenee.
Tho silk mill employes will be paid
T B. Sturdevant left jesteiday for
Pittsburg, after several weeks' resi
dence heie. Ho has been engaged as
elect! iclan for the Avoca Light com
pany. Mrs D. J. Brown, of Peckville, spent
Thursday at the Christian residence.
Miss Maiy Burns Is making pur
chases of millinery In New Yotk city.
A chicken pie supper will be held in
the Independent Order of Odd rtllovvs'
hall, Wetlnesdnj evening, March 15,
under the auspices of the following so
cieties. Ladles' Aid, Daughters of Re
bekah, Women's Chilstlan Tempeiancc
union and Woman's Belief corps. Sup
per serv ed from 5 30 o'clock. Tho en
tertainment committee has arranged to
hold a county fair timing the evening.
The exhibits will Include live animals,
poultry, fruit, fancy work, etc. Musle
by Miss Holllster's orchestra. Pro
ceeds of supper and fair for Methodist
Episcopal church. Admission to fair,
live cents. Fair opens at o'clock
Prof. R. II. Martin spent Sunday with
friends in Jermjn.
Master Frank MoWadc left Saturday
for Buffalo, where he will attend an
Industrial school.
Mrs. Sarah Leo, of Clifford, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs Isanc Bleseeker.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will hold their regular meeting
this afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Mis. Frank Boston leturned home
Tliuisday from Hamilton, where she
has been visiting her parent e
The Midnight club surrounded tho
house of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Swaits
on the evening of the 7th Thej bom
baided it with pork nnd beans and
tin illy made a chatge on the house, led
by the picsident, Mr. Johns, and cap
tuied a table full of mush and milk,
to which all did justice Alter eon
giatulatlng Mr. and Mrs. Swarts on
their bold teslstance, they departed,
amid a blinding snow storm
Miss Fiances Savie letutned home
last week, nfter making a short stay
with fi lends at Tob.vhanna.
Dr. Chailes Hutchins Is visiting at
the pat nonage
Rev S. G. Snow den left on Monti ly
for Kingston, Hniiisbuigr and Ciillle,
wheie lie will spend a few dais.
- m
taken Hoods Satsapaillla nic uald to
have stood the long matches much
belter than their companions. This
medicine gives strength and endur
ance Il'iOD'S PILLS cuio nil liver Ills.
Mailed for 2Z cnits by C. I. Hood &
Co., Lowell, Mass.
The funeial seivlces ot Joslah Sib
ley was held at the Bilck church on
Thuistlay attemoon The scr Ices vveio
conducted b llu Bev s, Dnvin and
Funk Interment was made In Maicy
lemeteiy. The palt-beaiers were Will
iam Hairlson, James firaj, Joseph
Nlel, Fiank Prke The lloral ofeiings
who many and beautiful. Tho tie
erased was a blight and Inteiesting
boy He had always attended school,
and was a faithful canier for The Tri
bune until recently, when he piocured
a position ns elilve-r boy with the Penn
sjlvanla Coal compan, where he met
ids death by being run over by a tilp
of loaded cars. He was loved by all
who knew him.
Miss Agnes Oljnn Is Improving after
a seveie Illness
Mrs E, L Santee has returned from
a visit with f i lends in Shickshinny.
Mr. Alfied Averv, of King's Terry,
N. Y., Is visiting with fi lends in town.
Mr. Button, of Factoryvllle, will oc
cupy the Baptist pulpit on Sunday at
3 o'clock.
Mr. and Mis. Charles Dallev have
returned trom a visit at East Lemon.
Miss Vina Justin will spend a few
dab with friends at East Lemon next
w c ek.
Mr nnd Mis Fred Stone will attend
the funeral of Rexfortl, the little son
of Mr. Trumnn Vail, at North Ablng
ton, today.
Mr. and Mrs, Tiumun Ackery, of
Justly, Pu visited D, Smith and fam
ily jesteiday.
Mr. Bouben Kimble is on the Flck
Hrs William Justin visited at West
Nicholson last week.
Mrs George Baiton hns returned
home from a few weeks vlblt with her
daughter, Mrs. II. Parker.
Mrs. Winslovv's Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over FIFTY YEAilS
by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their
Is the best rrmctly for DLUUtHOEA.
Sold by Druggists In every puit of tlio
world Bo suro and ask for "Mrs Wins,
low's Soothing fijrup," and take no other
Kino, uvveniv-nve cents a oottie.
A Well Planned Joko nnd How It
Worked on a Blnghamton Would-
Bo Jcsso James Several Deaths
nnd Funerals, nnd a Column of
Local News.
Tor several weeks there has been
employed at the Sinclair House a young
man named Mutphy, and hailing from
Blnghnmton. He was a dapper llttlo
chap, active about his duties ns a bell
boy and could spin jams to bent tho
band, was clever in cultivating ac
quaintanceship and with these facul
ties ho was not long In becoming In
gratiated into the confidence ot tho
boys about town. Among other things
he narrated many of his exploits and
In such manner thut his new found
companions became convlned that lie
would as soon play the role of Jcsso
James as go to a circus. A scheme
was hatched to test his ability In this
line and It went Into effect last night
at midnight. Three of the bos named
Boyle, Mullen nnd Callahen told Mur
phy that they knew where a bag con
taining JS0O was buried down in the
enclosure of tho race track and that
they wanted his assistance In procur
ing It. A large bag filled with poker
chips and scraps of lion was fixed up
and about 11 o'clock the quartette made
preparations for the trip. Murphy di
vested himself of all books and papers
and everything that might disclose his
Identity. Tho others did likewise, and
nfter ornamenting Murphy's features
with a coat of lamp black they all don
ned masks nn- started for the place
which was supposed to have concealed
the booty. Callahan led the way and
proceeding across the Water street
bridge they arrived at the race course
on the outskirts of the borough on
the stroke of tho midnight hour. Mur
phy was given his position as lookout.
Callahan entered the enclosure to se
cure the bag, while Boyle and Mullen
assumed the same duties as Murphy.
In a few minutes ..allahan emerged
with the suppose treasure and show
ed It to Murphy. They were suggest
ing a way to divide thespolls when
there were sevral shots fired In rapid
succession by one of the "watchmen"
and Bojle dropped to the ground nnd
cried out he was shot and done for
and told the other boys to run for
their lives and they did so, especially
Murphy and, as no has not yet put
In an appearance it is supposed he Is
still mnning with Blnghamton as the
tlrst stopping place.
Frank Wilson, of Nafus street, will
on April 1 remove to a farm In tho
vicinity of Lake Ariel.
The funernl of tho late James Pat
ton took place jesterday afternoon
from his residence on Wyoming ave
nue, and was very lnigely attended.
Bev. Dr. Simpson ofllciated, while a
quartette from the Methodist Episco
pal church rendered several anthems.
The interment was in the West Pltts
ton cemetery.
The Eiie nnd Wyoming employes
were paid jesteiday and the Pennsyl
vania Coal company will pay their
men a week fiom today.
Robert C. Owens, one of our very
progressive citizens, has consented to
become a cand la'e for county com
mit s'oner.
United States Maishal Bacharac yes
teiday anested Charles Moser. on sus
picion of being an accomplice with
otheis In the manufacture of spurious
coin. He vvaj brought befoie Commis
sioner Ilnhn, of Wllkes-Bane, and
placed under bail to appear befoie the
United States toutt
The bill-board In front of the Sinclair
house may be a good thing for those
who elected it, but the council should
see to its speedy temoval. An obstiuc
tlon such as that is at that paitlcular
locality neither useful noi ornamental.
Piosident McCue, of the Pittston
township school board, lefuaes to sign
an oidcr for fuel, and in consequence
one of the schools in that locality is
The school teachers of this cltj were
paid their mouthlj wages last eve
ning bv John II. Toy, who Is acting
treasuter In tho ab.sence of M. W.
O'BojIe, who Is at piesent In New
Mexico Daniel Biadj'. foieman of the But
let eoule-j, suffered the loss of one
of his tlngeis jesterday by getting the
same mixed up In the machinery In the
engine room
Evvpii and No 8 collieries of the Ponn
svlvanla Coal company will be idle all
or nt t week. All otheis will work.
The Rev Dr. Fulton will conduct the
services of the Young Men's Chilstlan
association tomoirow afternoon in the
lectin e loom of the East Side Piesby
toilnn church, and all young men are
cordially inv Ited. The meeting for boj-s,
which has litely btren Inaugurated with
much success, will be held in the asso
ciation parlois
A little son of William Haggerty, of
John stieet, died jesterday. The
fune-al will occur tomoirow afternoon.
It Is now certain that Music hall will
have one of the Inigest nudlenres of
the season on the occasion of Denman
j Thompson s "The Sunshine of Paradise
Alley" eompafij, which appears on
next Mondav evening
AVord was leetlved here yesterday
announcing the death of Mrs. M. A
Labar, mother of J E. Labar, of the
West Side, end the only sister of the
late Isaac Everett, who died several
months ago, leaving an estate of near'y
a quarter of a million dollars, nnd to
which the deceased was one of the
II. D. Judd and son, Ray, of tho West
Side, have removed to Biooklyn, wheie
i they will make their future home.
The funeral of the late William R.
Davis will take place this afternoon
from the home on Parke street, and
the services at tho Welsh Baptist
chinch on the East Side.
Yesterday at noon occurred the death
of Miss Lottie M. Davis, a brl-jht nnd
Interesting joung lady, aged IS j-ears,
at the home of her mother on Mercur
nvenuc. The funeial will bo held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment in the Plttston cemetery
George Walker, who was bncllv
scalded In the collision on tho Lehigh
Valley "cut-oft" several weeks nfo, Is
improving nicely, and will bo able to
be out next v.eek.
There vvn tho usutl Lenten service
at St. John's ehuich last evening and
tho large auditorium was filled to Its
capacity and the able sermon dellveied
will, It Is hoped, be of much benefit to
many of the joung people present
The Younr Men's Chilstlan nssocla
tlon first team goes down to Blooms,
burg this afternoon nnd will contest
In basket ball with the Normal school
team In the evening. The team will
spend tho Sabbath in that town.
will this evonlng serve an ox-trn grand
lunch, and you are cordially invited
to call and sample it.
J this morning nt 10 o'clock and tonight,
Mrs, Brewer, of Rhode Island, Well Known for Deeds ol
Kindness and Philanthropy.
Leading American Ladies Talk About tho Merits
of I'c-ru-na.
Mrs. Lizzie M. Brewer Is well known In Rhode Island, Long beoro Pe-ru-na
was advertised in that State, she had discovered the merits of I'e-ru-na
and was recommending It to her friends and neighbors. Her frequent calls
for advice and attendance from tho sick made her recommendation of any
medicine of special Importance.
As a consequence, when I'e-ru-na came to be advertised, it found a great
many people who had already tested its merits. It had already made many
cures of chronic catarrh, la gilppe, ooughs, colds and consumption In the
State of Rhode Island. When It Is considered that, In tho Atlantic States,
more than half the people suffer from the effects of catarrh, tho Import
ance of tho discovery of a cotunh remedy becomes apparent.
iPe-ru-na cutes catntrh This hns been well demonstrated This is on
of the certainties ot medlcnl science. It cutes catarrh of the head, stomach,
kldncjs, bowels and pelvic organs.
In a letter to Dr. Haitman concerning the merits of Po-iu-na, Mrs.
Brewer writes, among other things:
"Westerly, It. I.
"Dear Dr. Ilartman I find It a suro cure for all catairhal affections so
common In this part of the country. It cures a cold at once. There is no
cough medicine that can ut nil equal Pe-ru-nn. As for la grippe, there Is
no other remedv that can at all compare with Pe-ru-na.
"I notice In medical journals, and from the testimony nf my neighbors,
that the doctors seem quite unsuccessful In treating la grippe, especially In
removlog the after-effects of la grippe. From personal observation In many
cases I know that Pe-ru-na is a sure specific for these cases.
"I am among the sick n gteat deal in our city nnd have supplied many
invalids with Pe-ru-na, simply because I am enthusiastic in my faith as to
Its results. I have never known It to fall to quickly and permanently re
move that demoralized state of the human system which follows la grippe.
"In all cases of extreme weakness I use Pe-ru-na with perfect confidence
of a good result. In cases of weaknesses peculiar to my sex I am sure that
no other temedy can appioach In good results the action of Pe-ru-na. It
meets all the bad symptoms to which females are subject. The irregular
ities and nervousness, the debility and miseries which ailllct more or less
the women fiom girlhood to change of life, are one and all met and over
come by this excellent remedy. I wish every young lady In our city could
read joui book, 'Health and Beauty.' Mrs. Lizzie M. Btevver."
Mrs. J. A. Eashor, KnoxvlIIe, Tenn.,
sajs: "It gives me much pleasuie to
it commend to the pub
lie such a valuable rem
edy as Pe-ru-n.i. My
I.. .t.i. .. .. ...ini..
j ji uill n tn ijuiiii'ie'ie'ij'
VsyAia inoKen tiown ana nati
JiW li.rtri fnH nl.Tirtt. n . ait.
f V.WrfV I could not rest day or
w" ijys night, but suffered con
""" ' stantlv untold misery.
Mrs J A IJasbor. Tried remedy after
remedy, but found no relief until Pe-lU-na
was lecommended to me by a
friend I have taken one and a half
bottles and am today well and hearty.
I shall alwavs praise Pe-iu-na, for I
feel It saved my life."
Mis Hoslna Homing, River Basin,
Mich , saa. ' Last summei I was trou
bled with female
weakness. 'Pe-ru-na
helped me nnd now I
can do my own work.
I believe that I will
get thiougli with Pe-ru-na
and Mnn-a-lin,
with find's help. Sev
eial years ago I got
liver complaint from
the grippe. I took
Mis Roslna
both homeopathic and allopathic medi
cines: still I did not notice much lm
ptovement. I got the gilppe again.
After I recovered I was not strong
enough to work. Several weeks pasticci
by without any Improvement. I wor
ried and wondered what would help
me; till flnully I heard of Pe-ru-na;
how it had helped so many. I took
Pe-iu-na and Man-a-lln and the towel
bath prescribed by Dt. Hurtmau, and,
Every housekteper ought to have somo of Dr. Hattman's free books.
These books give valuable Information on all medical subjects of Interest to
the funilly. C.itanh, Uie bano of th- United States, becomes each year a
more dangerous enemy to the household. It manifests Itself In t oughs, colds,
bionchltis, la grippe, dvspepsla, kidney diseases and the like. The change
able weather of winter Is especially favorable to the pioductlon of catarrhal
dlreases Pe-ru-na does not cure everything, but It does cure catarrh nnd
catarrhal diseases. All letters should bo addressed to Di. Harlman, Colum
bus, Ohio,
Bock-wurst nnd Bock Beer, the first
of the senson.
will hnvo something very nppetlzlng
for Its customers t' night, nnd you nre
invited to call and test it
tonight, you will want to taste a tooth
some lunch In Delmonlco style and
quality. Smith's celebrated palo cream
ale will bo on draught.
Airnisned nt Media for Murder of
Mr3. Ann Leonard.
Media, Pp.. Mnuli 10 Minus De
hmcy. colored, was put on ttlnl today
for the muicler of Airs nn Leonard,
at Chester, on Sept CI, 1&0S. All morn
ing was consumed In jeeurlnK a Jury.
The commonwealth's chief witness vvns
Too Brown, tho alleged accomplice of
B"lane. Ho said that he and Dclancy
went to the Leonaid cjbln at midnight
and stolo two chickens, then when tho
old man and his wife enme out Dc
lancy knocked Mr? Leonard down and
tho witness struck her husband.
Peter Leonard, who vvus left for
dead etnted positively that Delanev
struck erd killed his wife. The cuso
will h concluded tomonow.
""r"" w the troulilriiomecoiigU
Cough Syrup SLlliSS
cures in u few days I'rlce jc st U druggUU
thanks to Cod that He sent me this
remedy, It has done me so much good."
Mrs. Benolt, 131 Pleasant street, Cin
cinnati, Ohio, wtltes: "I have been sick
since Inst fall The
doctors said I had ea
tairh. I employed
three physicians, but
thev did not licit) mo
. n t i.,ii,. -,. i-jiifowfcs
up doctors and began iWSVil
to take medicines I X'Nj. T"
saw advertised, but I Mr3. Benolt.
continued to glow wotse. I was so
miserable I wished I was dead. Life
had no pleasuie for me. At last I saw
Pe-ru-na advertised and got a bottle.
Half a bottle helped me, and after I
had taken four bottles I was well. I
am stout and well and feel years
1 Mrs E. Rlkor, Cedar rails, la., writes:
"I am now quite well, doing all my
housework for sit In
the family. I have
not taken Pe-ru-n.t
for two weeks now.
rrf s?
I praise the blessed rff&!&gL
TAtit -nn v lint n n T iY7.t tv "JniKPl
ha re the opportun- It'jfiiW'iV6'
ity. I think and f't '
to 1)0 found It has Mrs. E. Rlker.
done for me what four doctors and five
different medicines failed to do. T walk
seven blocks to chinch every Sunday
and feel icfreshed at the end of my
walk. And such sweet, refreshing sleep I
I often tell my hush md that If tho
house was cairled avvav and mo In It
I wouldn't know a thing about It."
.s a preparation of the Drug by which It
Injurious effects are lemoved, wrUlo thq
valuable mecllc. nnl properties are re
tained. It posscFscs all the sedative,
anodyne und antl-spumnodlc powers of
Opium, but produces no sickness of tho
steinath no vomiting no costlveness, no
headache. In acute nervous dlsordeis It!
Is an lnvuluablo remedv, and Is rccom-,
mended by the best physicians.
17 Ps.'rt tt.. New York
MADE P'iE a mm
AJLJuZtti'oua liisen3Va.tii Moo
crj. IuipoUnf, t ivioieru4, otc cuuboJ
bj AbJ or other KjossoJ en 4 India
crutianij Thu mtichly nrf iretv
r,r,v fc Loit iiftlitv in ola or Tonne end
Vv J uinaUudyt bj Uwor xstrrUcf
irffcr i i ei la'tnttjr en Cociutnilon if
i&tn Lniiiun Ifafiriiit wuowa in nidlata laiiron.
meiunud t?itcto a VIUZ uhcre fill other tail In
i in upon liMinc tho cnuino Mat TaUcU They
r ATOcamlthoLi'Mnuun 1 mlUuroyoa Wonl-rmpo
UlTjwrlitinfinfrttPteo to effect a cure HJ fit iu
-rehecoor ielua4 the eicncj iikoOU Ulipr
icL'i; or Lis iHRta iiuu trjftt:ntt cr fCW, lit
mil, iiiplalu wtiii ner itrflnrotnipiof prir i ircalac
Tor snlfs In Bcrantcn, Pa,, by Matthews
Brni and H (' Banderrcn, druggists.
(t&L iTItes liny Cupanlr ar y""
AXut n hours Mjiliout
ta oivonlcnri.nlti rtimial
r - v . "- "..:.!
ItcbvitnJ Intei !tnn full.
.lyuirn m mmum i