THE SGKAOTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1899. 9 CARBONDALE BILL AGAINST COUNTY. Councils Wnnt $110 for Rooms Used for Election Contest Heatings. Select council held a Rpcclnl meeting last evenlnir nml Mr. Thompson Intro duced a. resolution dlrecttns that u bill tor $110 he sent to the county eomnils Klunorn on nccount of the LniiBStaft Kelly election contest. The council chambers were used for henrlng"' In this city nnd the solornt think tlmt u fair nmount for rental. The lesolutlon tvrta udoptod. Two petitions vveu received from i esldents of Fnllbrook street One asks for two lire hydrants nnd the other for two nrc stteet lamps. Council uiiojitect a icHolutlon Intro duced by Mr. Hwlgert lnBtructlns the Joint vvnter committee to wait on the ofllcers of the Crystnl Lake Water com pany nnd ascertain how much the will charRc the city for water for an un limited number of fire hydinntx. At present the cit Is pitying $15 u hydiant per annum and as some of the hvdrants have never been opened nnd probably never will be, tho councllinun think it Is too much. The ptopooed change has the favor of every membet. Tho ordinance leduclnir tho cltv en gineer's salary from $1,200 to $700 passed flnul leadlntr The telephone franchise oidlnunce passed the llrst two readlnus The behictmen expressed their disap proval of the manner In which com moners ullotted tho lnsuiunce on city property liy defeirlne action on the resolution frpm the lower lipuie. The cltv clurk vvns Instructed to ad crtlso for twelve tire hydrants. The hulldliiK committee recommend ed that $520 he paid ex-Postmaster Nealon for the furnishings which Post master Thomas "needs In his business." The recommendation vvus adopted. Council adopted a i evolution Intro duced by Mr. Nealon transferrins' $35 to a fund for tho board oC te vision and nppeaK The body adjourned to meet Monday night. POOL SCORE. The mid-week core of the pool tourn ament Is as follows: Won. Lost. Van Dermaik t 0 O. A. Singer " 0 James ' " lleverly ' 0 Johnson " 1 Davis 2 1 Roberts - 1 Spaeth 1 Derby - 1 fillhool - 1 Van Gilder - 1 Harrison - 1 Purdy 1 Smith -2 0 Wright 1 2 Marshall 2 1 tfilggs .1 1 F. J. Moon 1, 2 Day 1 3 Purtrll 1 2 Manners 2 Knani) 1 0 Fulkerson 0 x DIED IN" CUBA. Mi. and Mrs. Gavin Cialk, of Gil beit htreet.havo leceJvcd a second let ter from Walter Raker announcing the death of their son, James Crnlk, w hlcli occurred in the hospital at Tuerto Prin cipe, Cuba, on Feb 23. Deceased en listed In this city Nov. 21, 1S93, In the Fifteenth United States infantry. Ho went directly to Cuba. He was twenty-four jears old and had resided hero up to the time of enlistment LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. William Clum and Miss Stella Peck weie in Tompkinsville yes terdav, where they attended the fun eral of W S. Peck. D J. Stevens, of the Metropolis is in this city representing the New Yoik nowbpaper syndicate. . Miss Mar O'Neill, of Brooklyn street, bus returned from Wilkes-Banc Hairy Van Kueren, of Blnghamton, Is the guest of friends In this city. Delaware and Hudson Despatcher W. F. Njc Is visiting Tunkhannock friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Dermark, of Washington street, are entertaining Mr. and Mis. Frank Stein and son, of Portland, Pa. Henry Isgar Is seilously 111 at his home on Wyoming Btrcet. Miss Mary O'Grady and Miss Sarah O'Boyle will leave today for New York city. Dr. A. Nlies Is able to be out again. Miss Sallie McQuillan has returned to Philadelphia. Mrs. Henry Gllbeit, of Seventh street, has taken up her lesldenee In Scran ton. The Delaware and Hudson company Is negotiating for the the purchase of Mre. A.. Battle's property at tho Look out, for the extension of Its yard In that Vicinity. The situation of Western Union oper ator at Hotel Anthiaclte, vacated by 11. L. Chapman, has been filled by Miss Mary Oliver, formerly an employe of the Pohtul company. Mrs. P,od Case has returned from Wnyinart. Word has been received In this city of, the death in New York of William Heath, a. formei resident of this place. He reached the good old age of 90 yeats. Mr, Heath was a vetoian of the lebel llon, having served In tho Hist Penn sylvania volunteets. Miss Myrtle Blackwell. of Kingston, lealih is Wealth, DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND. BRAIN TREATMENT THE URIti.NAL? ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Uiold under poslthe Written Guarantee, bytntboritftd ecenU only, to earn Weak Memoir, Uizzinest, Waketulnos, m, Hrsteria, Quick. d8, Mfjlit Loties, KtII Dreimfl, Tck ot Conn. denes, KerrouBneei, Lasoltnao, oil Drains, Yontb. fill Errorc, or Eicooelvo Uco of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which Utdt to Mieory, Cousumptlon, Intanitr and Death, At etore or by mail, $1 a box; aix for f 5; with written guarnuteo to cure or roruua money. Hamplo puck Bge, containing fivo days' treatment, with full instructions, 25 cents. Ono aamplo only sola Ut eacn person, ai sioro or Dy man. tarncd Labil Special i Extra sirennih. i "For Imnotenc!'. Loea ot I uwni, jwb luamiuuu, V Btorility or l'nrrennessi. tf i R Don six ior iJ, wiiiiir, written ciiarantftrd 7jZ.Jg,. tocuroinMdajs, At storoW'Jaj-v JBFOREorbvmell. AFTER PorSatebv Wll lam (I. Clark, jio Penn Km P--lsn, l. UvmCI P) -"V ' Bfr 1 1 -lfSsl 7-Mijsl 4lS&T.MU entertained iv few friends Wednesday evening nt the homo of her sister, Mrs. KuRne Wonnacott, on Darto avenue, whero she Is visiting. Games, music nnd a graphophono made n pleasant evening. IMieshments were served nt a late hour Among those present wero MIfsis. Floremc Jndwln, Helen Alex ander, lMlth- Fowler, Ulnc Vander Mark, Messis. Fied Perry, Charles llumphiey, Albeit Rutherford, Albert Ulrkott. Dr. Chnrles Stenson Is 111 with grip. TAYLOR NEWS. Hose Company Elect Olllcers Seri ously Injured Minor NewB. The annual meeting of the Lawrence Hose company, No. 1, for election of olllcers was held on Tuesday evening ut their toonis In Old Forge, when tho following olllcers were elected- Presi dent, John 8 Willis; Ice-president, John W. Jenkins, tteasuier, Itudolph Gottwals; reeotdlng secretary, Thomas Cox, iinauctnl socretiiry, John Mad dock; toromun, Jacob Itohlaml, llrst nsslstant foiemiiu, John W. Thornton, second assistant foieman, Alex. Hob land, plpemen, John Telford, Net t SimnioiiH npd William lleynim, tins tees, John Ruiher, David Uorthwhk and Thomas Plekiell, Mr. anil Airs. William lMen and chil dren, of Dunmore, hac returned lioim, after lsiting at the homo of Mi. and Mis. Frederick Cox, of Old Foige. The choir of tho Calvary Uaptlst church will reheaiso "The Muiiy Milk maids" this evening Piofessnp Daid K. Jones, diiectoi. Pattlek Mcllugh employed as n diiver In the Archbald mines, met with a toil ous accident jesterday afternoon The oung man was c might between a tiip of cais. He was taken to his home in Mlnooka. John M. Harris, esq, will deliver an itddiess In the audltoilum of the Old Forge High school this evening. All nic Invited. Lectuie ftee. .Miss Aila and Master Roy Davenpoi t, of Lawrencevllle, weie the guests of lelatlves hero the forepait of the week. Mr. Charles Leuthold, the popular Main street bather, has launched Into the laundry business, connecting him self with the Crystal Lanndiy com pany, of Scianton At the last meeting of the council It was decided to change the meetings fiom the third Filday to the third Mon day. For the pabt few evenings the assess ois of tho different wards in the bor ough have been kept quite busy ad justing exoneration lists of the ear of 1S9S Invincible commandery. No. 252, Knlnhts of Malta, will Install office! s nt tills evening's meeting. District Deputy Welch will officiate. All mem bers ale requested to be present. Mr. John Mooie, of West Mountain, was the guest of relatives in this place on Wednesduy. Mrs. Walter Rdwnids, of Rellevue, was the guest of relatives In this place esterday. David Davis, who was injuied In the Archbald mines a week ago, has fully recovered. Messis. David and llenjamln Rich aids, of Old Forgo, left for New Mex ico the foiepart of the week to reside. Chambeilain's Cough Remedy. This remedy Is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough nnd inllucnzu. It lias become famous for Its cures of these diseases, over a large pait of the civilized world. Tho most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good woikt, of the nggravatlng nnd per sistent coughs it has cured; of severe coldb that li.i. o yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dangetous attacks of croup It has cuied, often saving the life of the child The exten sive use of it for whooping cough has shown that It robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. It Is especial ly prized by mothers for their chll- dun, as it never fnils to elfect a speedy cure, and because they have tound that there is not tho least danger In giving It, even to babies, as it contains noth ing injurious. Sold by all druggists. Matthews Bros, wholesale and ictall agents. m i. i i JERMYN AND MAYEIELD. A firm of silk weaveis were In town yesterday. They are seeking a loca tion for their Industry and employ four hundred nnd fifty hands. The commit tee appointed at a meeting some time ago met the gentlemen, and after giv ing them all the information at their hands legarding the borough, took them around town. In leply to a question last evening legarding tho possibility of securing this Industry, one of the committeemen said that they had not piovlously been In com munication with the flint und their coming jesterday wns unexpected. The committee were very much taken up with tho manner ot the gentlemen, who had plenty of money, but who, of course, wanted Inducements to locate i heie. The Arm had piomised to put in writing Just what they would requlio the boiough to do, and he had not the slightest doubt If the local people would meet tho requirements Jermyn would secure what, In his opinion, appeared to bo the most desirable of any of the Industiies thus far seeking a location here A monthly Institute of the teachers of the public schools was held yester day In the high f-chool building, when the following papers weie read: Child's Study," Miss lloberts; "Pil mary Heading," Jllss Mulherln, "Num ber Woik In I'rlmaiy Grade," Mlsa Mullen All the papers showed evi dence of careful pieparatlon and con tained many points of help on teach ing tho subjects. Miss Cora Davis, who was down on the programme for a paper on "Busy Work," wus unable, to lespond on nccount of her absenco through sickness. The next Institute, which will be held In April, will be a, district one, at which the public will be Invited to attend. The St Agnes guild of St. .limits' church ma jesterduy afternoon at tho iector mi Cemetery street. The Delaware and Hudson Colliery employes will lecelvo their month's pay this afternoon Mrs John Davis, of West Mayflcld, who Is piepailng to leave the borough to take up her resident, with her hus band ui Nuntlcoke, was given a pleas ant surprise by a number of her friends on Wednesday evening. Tho vlsltoin had a thoroughly enjoyable time, und at midnight refieshmeuts were served Those present wero. Mesdamcs Wll. Ham Duvls, George Usher, Evans, Lewis, Penrose, Jones, Gieenslade, Nlchol, Lander, Itosemorgy, WIgnall, Chesterfield, Wasley, Itobeits, HarrlH, Murtln, Pciry, Merrltt and Miss Iluth Men lit. A Hungarian butcher from down tin valley tried to beat the toll jesterday by driving at n rapid late through tho gate. Juko Van Sickle hitched up his 2.20 speeder nnd overtook the man In this borough, who, to avoid arrest, paid tho toll ond Jako's trouble for pursuing him. District Deputy W. V. Handrlck, of Bcranton, was in town on Wednesday evening and Installed tho following of ficers of the Jcrmyn Conclave, No. 3!0, Improved Order of Hoptasophs: Arch on, W. J. lierganj provost, Peter Spelcher, secretary, W. II. Tennis; fin ancier, Benjamin Morgan; treaauicr, Joseph Tennis. Mis. John Mellow nnd Mrs. A. V. Gebhardt were Scranton visitors yes terday. Rev. Father Got man, of Ashley, preached In Sacred Henit church Wednesday evening. County Supoilntendcnt J. C. Taylor will spend today visiting tho local school" MIsfcs Kmma Pedrlck and Irene lloberts are visiting friends at Provi dence David Hodycombe, of Olyphont, foimcrly a Jcrmyn resident, Is link ing a visit with old friends here, William Logan, of Scianton, man ager of R. G. Dunn & Co., was In town yestetday. Miss Klla Coon, of Main stieet, li'is accepted the position of bookkeeper nt Simpson & AVatklns' store, at MayfleM. OLYl'HANT. The new council met last night and transacted considerable bublnet-s. Rill of the various department weie paid, as follows: Borough account, 'JS6; electric light plant. MOO; police, $90. H Street Commissioner Nenlon's claim for $S5 for unpaid salary van tabled. Mr Marks rvriotteil that he had seen the water company In icgard to G. A Piokopovltz' claim for damages, and stated that the company would inves tigate. Uuigcss McNully repotted that Mi. Osthaus, the auditor, who lu" been appointed to determine the indebted ness of the boiouch ndvlhed that all oidcis or Judgments against the bor ough should be presented nt Mi. Os thaus' office at Scranton. A claim for damages ito the umount of $S was made by J. M. Mollale, of Archbald, who says that while uiuiing over a small bridge near the depot his wagon went through and was damaged to that ex tent. It was referred to tho street com mittee. Burgess McNulty then read his annual messago. He cougiatulated the council for the excellent sewer system which has been established and the paving of Lnckawanna street. Ho urged the laying of sidewalks on Dun more street nnd that tho borough should establish a police fund and do awn with tho voluntary contiibutlons from citizens He uiso spoke of tho elcctlic plant and tho fire dcpaitinent. In icg.ud to the borough prison, ho lecommended many Improvements. As Janltress, Mrs. Wheeler was re appointed. The salaries of the various of'lcers of the borough were placed at the same flguics as last year. The sec letnry bond was tlxed at $1,000 and the treasurer's at $30,0)0. President Van Sickle named the com mittees for the year as follows: Stieet, Gillespie, Robinson, O'Brien undLawlcr. rinance, Marks, RoblnBon, Lawler and Foley. Lights, O'Brien, Marks, Nealon und Robinson. Printing. Marks, Neal on. Lewis and Howard. Building. O'Bilen, Gallagher, Lewis, Gillespie Auditing, Robinson, Lawier, Foley and Burke. Police, Lawler, Nealon, Maiks and I'urke. The legulnr meeting night in the futuie will be the second Mon day of ench month. A meeting of the Excelsior IIoe vim pnny will be held tills evening Mi. Charles Lewsley and son, Al beit, are -visiting relatives at C.ubon dale. Miss Libble Mills, ot Providence, Is the guest of her sister. Mrs Frank Simpson, of the West Side. W. C. Moonie, ot Scianton, was a caller In town yesterday. It Is a No. 1. Brodhcadsville, Pa Match 1, 1S91 Harry G. Smith, of this place, fays- "I have used Hood's Satsapaiill.i for yeurs and It Is the best medicine I ever took. It Is No. 1 for biliousness and as a blood purlller it can't be beaten." 1'ECKVILLB. The bullet-scarred Delaware and Hudson depot at this place is of no little Intel est these days, since Tues day night's battle at thut place. Near the waiting room door, wheie thu thieves made their exit, three bullet holes show, while in neat by buildings can be found many others deeply em bedded in the wood. How Agent Droad, Chief of Police Craig and Dlkeman es caped injury from the tenillo shooting of tho burglars Is a mjstery that they themselves cannot explain. A pretty wedding was solemnized jesterday morning at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. IMivnid 11 Harber, of Peck vllle, when their daughter, Miss Grace Barber, wns mnrrled to Uliner J. Barth old, of this place The looms were at-tractlvelj- dceoiated with plants and flowers. At 10 o'clock the bridal party entered the pailor nnd In the presence of a company of friends tho ceremony was performed by Itev. Mr. Blair. Tho brldo wore a stylish gown of brown cloth, trimmed with white silk. Sho was attended by Miss Minnie AVerner, who was slmllaily attlied. C. W. Housor was groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony congiatulatlons were extended the newly wedded couple. A sumptuous wedding dinner was then served. Mr. and Mis. Barth old left on the afternoon train for Philadelphia, whero they will spend their honeymoon. Tho groom Is a pios perous merchant of this place. The bride la a highly esteemed young lady of Peckvllle. On their leturn they will reside In Peckvllle. Those who at tended from here were: Mr. nnd Mrs. II. B. Matthewson, Mr. and Mrs. F. U Northup, C. W. HouBer, George Beny, Mr. Dershlmcr and Miss Gertrude Dearie. How'a This ? Wo offer One Hundred Dolluri Rewind for any caso ot Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENI3Y & CO . Props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 jears, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and financially cble to carry out any obligations made by their ilrni. West U Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. Waldlng, Klnnnn & Maivn, Whoelsulo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Prlc 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Tchtlmon lals free Hall's K.mll Pills are the bei.t Full strength, health, tone and development to every Tiortlon of the bodv. Effect of dliqase, overwork, worry, k the follies of youth and ex cesses of manhood quickly 'cured, Appliance and rem edies seul on trial. An monty n adianee. Sealed particulars free, corre spondence confidential. BRIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N.Y. TO ALL! SHERIFF'S SALES. ItlKltlFFS 8AI.11H. -OK- Valuable Real Estate -OS- Pill DAY, MAP.CU '11, IvfiO By virtue of sundry writs of Forrl Ku clas, Lcvurl Fnclus and Venditioni V. ponus, Issued out of tho court or common picas or l.HCKawanna cour ly, 10 me ui rected, I will expose to public sale by ven due or outcrv, to tho highest and best bidder, for cush, nt tho court house, hi the city of Scranton. Lackawanna coun ty, on riilny, the TliIKTV-KlItST DAY OF MAPtCIt, A. D ISO, nt 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said dny, nil tho rlghf, title nnd Interest of the. defendants In ulul to tho following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vt No, 1. All tho llnlit, title und luteicit of the defendant, John Slatterv, in und to ull the suifuco oi right ot soil ot all that certain lot, piece oi panel of land, sit iiato In tho city of t'nrbnnd-ile. County ot I.uclutwauna, state ot l'uinsvlvunlu, bu Ing lut numlicr three hundred und tw nt.v-ono tU.1). on u mnp of IoIh of tho Duiawuia A: lludxnti Canal (omp.riv. on tiact of land in the vvmruuUo iiiimo of Moo lloer, Mild part of plot con taining liftj -two thoiisuiid iyid elulit hun dred Kqiialo feel or thereabout, und being bounded nnd described as follows Begin ning ut the Intersection ot the uortheilv und westeilv Hues of two lrrtgulur lanes being distant nln. teen und tour-tenths feet on u (ouisu of noith one and tliico quaiters deiiit'CM, west from tho north i.isteily corner of out lot No SJ1 on said tract hiretoiore coiiveju to Col lins Thiiiee by nld nottlu-il) lino ot jailo north clslltv degiees WuKt lilnetv lv feet to n comet, tin m e bv other lands of tho Deluvwiiu anil Hudson com pany north eighteen ulid one-half de gress, east fifty-live ftt, north thirt elght nnd three-quarters degries, west twiiit-ono und one-half decrees, east mnet-wix and three-tenths feel, north throe hundred and fifteen nnd one-tenth feet, and south eighty-three and three- quarters degrees, eust one hundred und eight and live-tenths feet to tho afore said westerly line fane Thcnco by said lino of lnnu Fouth eleven degrees, east thirty-seven feet, south twenty-four de grees, west ono hundred and llfty-flvo feet, south nine nnd one-hnlf degteis, west ono hundred und ninety-two fe-et and south ono und three-quarters degrees, cast llfty-i-lght und one-tenth feet to the place of beginning All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house with other outbuindlugii tin icon. Being tho nme piece or paied of land e'onveved by Thomus l'adflen t u to John V Slat tei by deed dated the Ightoonth day of May, In tho ear of Our Lord one thou sand eight bundled nnd ninety-two, nnd lecoidtd In the otllce for the letordlng of deeds in and for Lickavvauna couut. In Died Book No S.'i at Page li'l, etc Seized nnd taken In exirutlon ut the suit of the iVoph s Mai Hot conipnnv vs. John blatteij Dibt $1"J5j Judgment No ltjj. Mnrcli Teini. 1VW T. J Dl'l'PY. Atlorncv ALSO No 2 All the light, title and Interest of the defendant, the Throop Stove coin pans. In nnd to ull the surface and' light of oil only of nnd to the following lot, plero or pireti of land, Ituiite, lying und being in PilcidHiw Lackawanna lountv, lViiiisjlvunlu, in Block No. 21. nnd front ing on Walker stieet, described as fol lows: Beginning nt an Oak tree at the liitersciitlou of the nnithwost line of Walker street with tho line of land of the Delaware, Iickavvunnd nnel Western Billro.ul cnmpaii) , thence extending north 51 degues, io minutes cast along the noithwcst line of Walker street iM feet to a point, tin nee north 2S degrees, 10 minutes west 2CA feet to u point; thence south r,l degices, JO minutes, west r,C feet and fi inches to line of said Ilallroad com pany's land, thence south 41 degrees, 13 minutes east along the same 2i,l feet to tho placo ot beginning Containing 1 91 101 nereis, moio or less, according to a Plan or map entitled "Moore s Map of li U ebuig i:cc pting and r. serving however for public road 40 feet in width along the line of said Delawaie, I.acuwunna and Western Hnilroad comiun's land for tho continuation of Storrs street Coal nnd minerals exccpteel ami rcseiv ed in the mine manner and to the same extent as the same nie excepted and tc- served In Died from B II. Throop to the Throop Novcltj lion Manufacturing com panv, bmrlng the date of the lRth d.iv of IVbiuarv, A D UTi nnd ncoided in the otllee for leeordlng dieds In and tor I ick'iwanna coimtv hi Deed Book No. Ui I'ago 10.' etc Aik September 13, 1S07 Bee September 20, lsT Improved with a two nnd oi.t-half stors frimo dwelling, ,i frame foundrj und two-storv store building attained, a onc-Rtoi brl k pattern shop, u fiumo oillco building, li.imu hum and wagon sheds. Seized nnd taken III execution nt the uult of Wolf iV; Wurren, executnis of B II. Thioop, deceased, vs. Tlnoop Stove company Debt, $17,013 3S Judgment No. 4J3, March Term, JVi, fl. fa. to March Term 1)' WILLAUD WABUDN &. KNAPP. Attoiuev s ALSO No 3 All the licht. title nnd Intel est of tho defendant. J. DUIott Boss, In and to nil that certain piece, pile el oi ti ict of land situate In the Sixth ward of the boiouch ot Dunmoie. county of Lacka wanna nnd state of Pennsylvania, butted, bounded nnd diserlbcd as follows, to wit: Being lot number twenty hi sqiuie or block number thlitj-four nnd sltuuted upon stieet called und known as Tlili teenth street nt caste ilv corner of Mai ton avenuo upon the plot of Sinderson's addi tion in said boiouch icconlcd, (ailed und known us Green Bldge Said lot is rec tangular and is sixtj-rour teet in wldtn on snld Thirteenth strict nnd ono hun dred and suventy-one und one-qii titer fee t III depth. The measurements ot the dipth nnd width to lomtmnce ten feet from tho Inside of thu sidewalk on the stieet nforesuld. The part of tho second pan having the right to enclose, occupy and uso snid te n feet for ccllurwuv, porch, steps, veranda or sluuhborj, bui not to elect any buildings thereon nor shall any buildings bo erected within forty feet from tho front fenco line on snld street or avenue Being tho same premises con veyed by George Snndcison nnd wife et al to J Dlllot Boss murtgngor herein, by deed dated the thirteenth dav of August. A D ls&" nnd reeoriled In Lackawanna county Deed Book No 41 page ilri, etc Improved with ono two-story and attic frnmo dwelling bouse nnd one smnll framo barn and outhouses, etc Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of Robert Alexander, guurdian et ul, vs. J Blliott Ross. Debt, ilfiW Judg ment No. Wis, November Term, law. x.ov. fa to March Term, 19'J. Also at tho suit of Robert Alexander, guardian, et nl. vs. J. Dlllott Ross Dobt. 1 473. Judgment No CC7, November Term, IS'js. I,ev. fo. to March Term 1691. WATSON, Dli:ilL & KDMMERKR. Attorneys. ALSO No 4 All tho right, tltlo and Interest of tho defendants John Cadden and Wil liam CartMen, administrators of Mary Cadden, deceased, In and to all that cur tulr. lot. pleco or parcel of land, with tho Improvements thereon, situate in tho cltv of Scranton, county of Lackawanna nnd state of Pennsvlvunla, and bounded mid ricstrlhedl us iollows' BeKllllllllE' lit a point on Mai Ion street, 50 feet southeast erly fiom the roinur of Wyoming ave- i rlv nue, thence In a southensteily direction ulong .Marion sireca eu ieei to ioi oi rum W. Kurlluch, thence along lot of Paul W. Zurfluch ut light angles with suld Marlon street, 152 teet to a public alley (12 feet Inside), thence along said alley in a noithensterly dliectlon 40 feet to lot of Hunnuli A. Boche, thence along Bald last mentioned lot ono bundled nnd flfty-two teet to tho place of beginning, with tho right to, occupy und iisj ten feet In front of tho fiont line of said lot on said Marlon street for yard, vault, porch etc Coal nnd minerals reserved Being the Fame piece of land conveyed to the snld Mury Cadden by Charles Tropp and Frederick Scheldt), executors of Catherine Schudt, deceased, bv deed bear ing date 10th of Decembci 188.', nnd ie corded In Lackawunna county, Penuuyl vunlu. In Deed Book Vol 07. Pago lt, etc., the said lot being in tho Thirteenth ward of tho said city ot Scranton and a purt of lot numbers seven, eight, nlno and ten (7, 8, 9 and 10), In squaro or block number three bundled und twenty (320), upon tho plot of Mylert'n addition to Scranton with the appurtenances, All Impioved with u two-story flame dwelling house und outbulldhifis thereon, SHERIFF'S SALES. Seized und taken hi execution nt tho suit of James Fitch and Myron Kasson, exocutots nnd trustees of O. 11. Loomls, decoased. Debt J2.C07.60. Judgment No. 27d. .March Term, 183D, Lev. fa. to March Term, lO'J. WKLLKS & TOHRDV, Attorneys. ALSO No. 6 -All tho right, titlo und interest ot tho defendant, John B. Owens, in niut to ull that certuln lot, plcca or parrel of lund, sltunlo in tho vlllago of Dulton, In thn county of Lackawanna und stuto of Pennsylvania, and bounded und elo scrlhcd an fellows. Beginning ut the southwest corner of Miles and Llm st toots, thence along tho westerly sldo of Miles street south TVS degrees, west ono hundred feet to u, corner; thenco north fi2V degrees, west two hundred feet to u corner on tho easterly sldo of Messenger Mreet, tlienco along tho easterly smo i Messenger stieet north 7Cj, degrees, enst ono hundred feet to a corner on Dim street: thcnco along tho southerly Bide of Dim street south SJ'i degrees, last two hundrcil feet to a corner at the pIhco of beginning; being a pint of tho tract of laud known as Coray's addition to tho vlllago ot Dalton. All Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house and out buildings. Seized und taken In execution nt the suit of James Fitch vs. John B. Owens. Debt J1.200. Judgment No. TO'J. Muich Tcim, lVTi, fl. fa to March Term, 1VI1 H. M HANNAH, Atloinej. ALSO No. 0 All the light, tltlo nnd inteiest of tho defendant, Frank Oiuinbn in nnd to nil thut ceitnlu lot, piece or putcel of bind, situate III the city of Sctnnton. county of l.i.ekawumia and state of Penn sjlvntiln, bouiuleel and descilbcd us fol lows: On tho southeast bv lands of J. Schuinucker, southwest bv 1'lttston mo bile, northwest b hinds of N Kiseh, si und on the northeast bv n public nllev. being forty feet wide In front on Pulsion uvenue tho same width in the rear and ono bundled und nlnctv feet III depth. Being known nH lot number ten in squaio or block number fomtieii on plot o' tho Pavvneo Coal compnnv. Coal and min erals reserved. All Improved Willi a two stoiy und basement liuiuo building, used us stmo und dwelling, u bain and other outbuildings In the nut Seized nnd lanen m externum ni ioe suit of Gel man Building Association, No 0. vs Frank C.iambo Debt $100 Judg ment No. 733 May Teini, W. II fn. to March Term 1KN HANNAH Attomej Alto ut the suit of Gel man Bulding Assoclition, No X, vk, Frank Gnimbo. Debt J',200. Judgment No 711. M-irch Term, lVfi. fl. fa to March Turn. lSi'J HANNAH. Attomej. ALSO No. 7 All the light, title und Interest nt the defendants, Mary Ann Chilton and John Chilton, In and to all that certain lit .piece or parcel of land, situate In tho borough of Blukely, In the county of Lnikawanna nnd statu cf Pennsylvania, nml bounded and described lis follows. Being the cnsteilv one half part of lot No. twenty -nine (21), In miiiiiic or block number tluee ( !). us shown on this plot or map of tho tract of hind known us Hull's Addition to Blnkelv boiough. Said land Is twenly-llvo (23) feet In tront on Seiond street, the same width in the rear, und Is one bundled und lifts feet In depth from front to lenr Being the same lot of land conveyed bv Harriet Williams nnd .Tnsenb Williams to Stare Ann Chil ton, ono of the delcndints In deed dated Fi brimry 1st, l'S Coil and miner lis reserved All lnuuoved with u two-toty frame dwelling house und outbuildings theleon. Seized nnd taken In execution nt the suit of Geimnn Building Association, No S vs Mniy Ann Chilton nnd John Chilton. Debt $vki Judgment No. 27". M.tich Term, 1S03, 11 fa to Muich Term. iv)i HANNAH Attorney ALSO No S Ml the right, title nnd interest of tho tlofeiidint, Mnrv Huminltt. admin istratrix of Geoigo llaintnlt, tleeeused, In and to all that rcit.iln lot. piece or parcel of land, situate In the Fouith word of Scranton, countv of Lnckawnnnn, state of Pennsvlvania, bounded und di scribed us follows, to wit Beglnrlng at a point nn tho northwesteilv side of Roboeci nvenue on the division line between lots " and 0 In block slxlien on the jilot of W Swt Hands estate in Hvde Pari-, tin nc along said division line north 503i degrees, west 1'2'i feet to nn alley, thenco along slid nllev noith 3lrti degrees east fifty (30) feet to ii corner of lot No 1, thence along lot 1 south 30i degrees, east lfij'4 fee o Rebecca avenue- tin nee along Rebecca avenue south SOW degices, west flftv CM) feet to the place of beginning, being lot number five (3i In block sixteen (1G) on W. Swctland's plot ull Improved with n two-story finme dwelling house and outbulldlnss thereon Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of Lacknwnnnn Building and Lonn Association vs, Mary llamuilt. adminis tratrix of George Dammit, deceased. Debt $1 "00 Judgment No. 733 March Tcim, 1S31, lev. fl to M.uch Term 1W. S'l OKr.S Attorney. ALSO No. 0 All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant. Alary J Thomas and Thomas Thomas, In and to all the follow ing described piece, paicel or lut of land with the messuages und tenements there on erected, situate, lying und being in the vlllago of Jcssup In the borouuh of Win ton, countv ot Ldfkawanna and state of Pennsvlvania, known, designated nnd de scribed as the westerly hnlf of lot num ber otic hundred und thlrty-slx (l"i3), upon Mreet called nnd known as Chuich street, upon the Map or Town Plot of Jts'tup Sail half lot bilng Ivuulv seven (27) feet In wld.h In front on thn said Church strept twentv -seven feet (27) In ii nr. and, V o hundred i2oo feet In depth Being tho same premises which George Fcler nnd wife, et al., granted and conveyed lp Alntj J. '1 nomas, by deed dated tho .list dav of July, A. D , 1WI, nnd lecorded In the Recorder's of fice of Lackawanna county, lu Deed Book 119, rage 41 coil ami minerals reserved, ns In said deed All Improved with a two. story dwelling house and other outbuild ings. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of Citizens' Building and Loan Asso ciation vs. Afnry J Thomas. Debt $173. Judgment Nn. fi30. Fl. fa Match Term, IWJ. ZIMMERMAN, Attornei . ALSO No. 10 All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Michael McDonnell. In and to nil that ceitaln lot, pleco or parcel of land, with the tmpiovcments thereon, situate In tho borough of Archbald, coui. ty of Lnckawanna, state of Pennsvlvania, and bounded and descilbul as follows. Commenclnc at a point on Salem road, thenco northwesterly along said road 10 feet to corner of lands of the Dclawaro and Hudson Canal company thenco northeasterly along said land 120 feet to other lands of said Delaware and Hudson Canal rnmpanv ; thence southeasterly along said land ISO feet to lands of Finnic Severn; thenco along onld Severn's land 120 feet to tho place of beginning Con taining 21 COO square feet of lnnd, be the same, more or less, all Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, one slimmer Iiouhc ono frumo bain, fruit trees, etc., thereon. Seized und taken In execution at tho suit of Hannah A. McDonnell vs Michael McDonnell. Debt $U Judgment No 811. November Term, IMS, tt. fn. to March Tcim, 1SDD. WDDDAIAN & MANNION. Attorneys. A1.EU No 11 All the rlRht, title nnd Interest of tho defendant, William Ddglnton, in and to all thuso certain lots, pieces or pnieelH of land situate, lying nnd being In tho Fifth ward of tho city of Scran ton, county of Lackawanna and stato of Pennsylvania, known as lots Nos. 20, 27 and 2S, lu Block No, 1, on "Price and Panconst's Addition to the City of Scran ton," map whereof U dulv rccoided In the office for recording deeds, etc. In Lu zerne countv, In Deed Book No 121. Puge ni, etc Bach of said lots being twenty llvo (23) feet lu front on South Ddo Park avenuo nnd about ono hundred und thirty (130) feel In depth Being tho sumo property eonvejed to snld William Kdglnton by R V Luce, ot ux , by deed dated February 11 A. D. h7'J, recoided In the oillco aforesaid lu and for Lack awanna countv, In Deed Book No 1, Pugo 353 otc This salo being mndo sub ject to nil exceptions, reservations und restilctions contained In last mentioned deed, refeienco to which Is hereby made, lmprove-d with two frame single dwell Ing houses, ono framo double dwelling house and frame blacksmith shop there on. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of J: C. Spaulding vs. William LM glnton. Debt $300. Judgment No. COG, March Tcim, 1WJ, II. fa. to Mureh Tcim, U09, T. I'. WBLLFH, Attaint;. SHERIFF'S SALES. ALSO No. 12 -All the right, title and Inlet est of tho defendants, lidmtiud W. Green und Weldy M. Ureen, In und to nil tho sur fnco ot tho following described lot, piece or parcel of land, to wit: Being located on a plot of lots of Robert D. Hurley und Ddwnrd B, Hturgcs, situate partly In tho city of Scranton and partly In the bor ough of Dunmore, county ot Lackawanna, stiltci itf Pennsylvania, designate l as Nortli Park, which said plot Is Intended to bo tecordnd In tho olllce tor recording deeds, etc , In said Lackawanna county This lot Is In tho borough of Dimmoro and Is marked on sold plot us Lot No twenty-two (22) In Block "Q" upon street inarkoil on said plot as Qulncy uvonilo Slid Pleou of land Is fort feet (40) In front on Qulncy avenuo and one hun dred nnd sixty-threo leet (IG) In depth to nn alloy hi tho rear, sixteen feet (10) In width for public use Dxcoptltig coal and mlneiuls Seized and taken In ixciutlou at the suit of Lacknwaunn Sife Deposit cotu puny vs Udmvnil W Green and Weldy AI. Gieen, Debt $310 Judgment No 1012, Miuili 'jeim hill Lev. fit. to AInicll Term 1S91. C. H WHLLLS, Attorney. I.SO. No. 1J All the light, title nnd Inleiest of the defendants W. G. H IheiPtt und Minnie Al. Kverett, In and to ull thai lot of land In tho city of Siiaulon, Lacka wanna county, state of Peiinsvlvuni.i descilbcd us follows Beulnului; at a c inner of now or lite Jimu-H Phllbln, on Hampton street, running thence ulong said street twenty-foiii und one-halt (2l'ij) feet, thence In n nortliPtlv direc tion parallel wltti Phllbln line one hun dred nnd thlrtv -tluee (lib feet to lino of land now or late ot Miller, thenco nlnni; sulci MUlci's I mil twentj-four and n half lcet to s dd Phllbln land, thcnco ulong snld Phllbln land to the place of beginning on Hampton street. Ueing pan of Lot No. 21, in Allied Hand's uddiiloii to tho cltj of Scranton Iniprovid with a two-stoiv framo dwelling house and uutbulldtngx the lion. .'All thut lot of land In the First vvntil of Scraittou, Lackuwuiitia countv, Piuiisjlvanln, beine Lot No 10. In Block "i:" on Dint (if .inhn 11 Jordan, et. nl sl.ihl bit it M fed ulilc nn the llollblVUld In fiont nnd 1IJ feet III depth or length I Horn ftoul to mir on om sldo und Ut1.- . fict on the othel side, being palt of ul Unit of land eonvejed bv tho Peniisjl-' Minla Coal conipunv to John II. .Ionian. et. nl , by Heed iluti it Alav .'1 l" u. lie cordis! in Died Book No. 101, Pugo 22. Coal and mlneiuls excepted und reset veil. Impioved with a two-story frame dwill liiu: houso mid outbuildings theioon. Seized and taken lu execution at the suit of 1. Mtllhcilu vs. V. G It. F.ver ett nnd Mlniilo Al. F.verctt Debt $2 300. Judgment No. 737. March Term lvi'i Lev. fa. to Alaich Term lift DBAS' Attorney. ALSO. No II All the light title and Inlei est of tho defendants, Bdmuiul W. Gieen and Weldv Al. Gieen In and to ul! Mint certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the Thirteenth ward ot the city oi Scranton, countv of Lnckawanna und stato of Pennvlviinin disc illicit ns fol lows. Beginning at u point on Wyoming avenue ut the bouiidur line between lots No. ono bundled and seven (107) nnd one hundred and nine (100) in square or block No. eleven (11) according to a map or plot of lots foimcrly of Thomas Dleksoa, said point being on the southeasterly side of Wyoming avenuo one hundred and twenty (120) feet northeasterly flora Delaware streit, thence In a southeast erly cllicctlou alow.- the division line be tween lots No one bundled and soven nnd one bundled and nlno tlu7 and loji one bundled and tw cut J -ono und ihrie-tcnths (121 1-10) feet to a nolnf thcnco at ilKht ntiKles lo said lust mentioned Hut by line running paiallel with Wyoming uvenue south wustcily foitv (Wj feet to a point; thence by line at light angles with Wyoming avenuo noithwesteilv one hundred nnd twenty-ono und three-tenths (121 3-10) feet to a point on Wjomlng uvcnui ; thcnco by line of Womhig avenue north westerlv foitv (10) feet to the place of beginning. Bi lug forty (40) feet In fiont on Wjomlng avenue same width lu the rear, and nni hum red nnd twentv-ono nnd tluee-tent lis (1213-10) feet lu depth, together with light to inclose, occupy and uso ten (in) feet in front of tho front line of said lino on Wjomlng avenuo fin .ird and shrubbery, but for no other purpose. with n two-stcuy framo dwell ing and barn erected thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution nt the bull of Lai kawnnna Trust and Safo De posit Cempunj vs. Bdmund W. Gieeno and Weldy AI Green. Debt $2.200 3.1. Judginilit No 10I1. March Term, l!9!, Luv. fa. to Aiarcli Ttrm, 1ST) (J, II. WBLLBS, Attorney. ALSO. No. 13 All the light, title and interest ot tho defendants, Amelia VIslnsM und John Vt'lnskl, In nnd to all that certain lot, pleco or parci l or nnd, situate, ly ing und being In Providence, In tho citv of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsvlvania, known nnd desig nated ns lot number sixty-seven (07) ou Theodore stieet, on a ceitaln prop erty entitled, "Blectrlc City Paik," ac cording to u survey of the same mndo In August, A. D.. 1SD2 bv Lewis Vnn Duvne engineer, a map of which Is recorded In tho Recorder s oillco ot Lackawanna eount In Deed Book 111, Page 1. Said lot being twmty-fivo (23) feet In width In fiont and tear, and 114 33 feet In depth, fronting on the north side line of Thco doro street, und lvlng at right angles therewith, and extending bnck 114 5" feet to tho middle of an alleyway, and tho cast sldo lino thereof is distant westerly one hundred (100) feet from tho west linn of B 'urn street. Being the same land that olm Vlsneskl granted und eonvejed to tho said Amelia Vlsneskl. by deed dat ed December lbth, 1S17, and recorded in the Recorder's office ot Lickawantia county, In Di ed Book 130, Pago 321, etc. All Improved with a two-story trame dwelling house und other outbuildings Coal and minerals excepted and reserved, ns lu previous conveyances of tho same premises. Seized nml takPn In execution at tho suit ot Citizens' Bull ling nnd Loan As sociation vs Ami Ii i Visniskt nnd John Vlsneskl Dibt tudo. March Term KH II .liniiniK nt N'o i.i.i. fn to Alnrch Teim ISM. 7AIMURMAN, Alloinej, i ironi on .nam sueei, iiumsiuiuk iroin 1,30 I corner of II street nut one hundred ( i) i fi et In depth nlong II stieet und rei tan No. lo -All the light, title nnd interest I gtilar Coal and minerals leseived to tho of tho defendant. T. F. Donlln In audi legal owi'.rs thereof bv sufficient turns to nil that lot of land In the cltv of Scran- , In law All Impinvtel Willi three-story ton, Lacknwanna i aunty, stato or i-enii-svlvuulu, described as tallows: Being lot No 25 In block No. 7 and situate upon street called und Known us ceanr ave nue, upon tho plot of Scranton, said lot being torty (40) fiet In front, forty feet in rear, and ono hundred und fortj' (110) feet in depth. Coal nnd minerals except ed and reset ved. Seized nnd taken In execution at Hie suit of Mulherln & Judge vs T. F. Don lln. Debt $1,101 Judgment No. C7s Jan uary Term, 1S9C. Fi fu. to March Term, 1809. OBAN, Attorney, ALSO. No 17. All tho right, tltlo and lnteiest of the defendant, Henry Poehl, In and to all thoso certain tour (4) lots, pieces cr parcels of land, situate, lying nnd be ing In tho city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, nnd state of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to wit: Being lots numbers I 2, 3, und 4. In Square or Block No. ninety-two (12), according to tho Pavvneo Coal company's plot ot lota In the city of Scrunton. Suld lots being each forty (40) feet In width In fiont on street called and known us Gi.ivlty Lane tho samo In rear, and ono hundred and elghty-ono (ibl) ieei in iiepiii j.,ctiii- Ing nnd reserving tho coal and minerals j underneath tne saiu huh. hchik mu nuuo lots of kind which Frederick W Gunstrr and Margaret Simon, executors of lied crick Simon, deceased, granted and con veyed to tho said Henri Poehl, by deed dated tho nth day of August. 1V0 and recoided In tho Iteconlei ' olllce of Lack awanna county, in Deed Book 13S, Page 2'J2. All Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house and out-bulldlngs Seized and taken In execution nt tho suit of New Gel mania Building and Loan Association vs He my Poehl Debt $777 lu Judgment No 731 Alnrch Ten m Wll II fa to Alnrch Tei in, IS.')) .IMMI3RMAN Altiiinej', ALSO. No. IS -All tho light, title und Interct of the defi nduiit. Georgo Gearj or Gurry, of, lu and to nil that curtain lot, pieco or parcel of land, sltuato In tin Kourih waul of tho city of Scuinton. In the eouu tj of Lackawanna, nml state of Penn sjlvanl.a, bounded und described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly side of Rebecca uvi uue, and uu the division lino between lots three and four (I and I), in Block sixteen (10), on the plot of Wlllluni Swet liuul'H ustuto In Hyde Park; thence along said division line noith fifty and three- SHERIFF'S SALES. fourths (30) degrees wost, ono hundred und fortv-two und one-half (1I2Cj) feet to un alley; thence nlotig snd nlley north tblrty-nluo add nnc-fouith WU) degreo'i east, lltty (i'iO) feet to tho corner of lot No. two (2) In snld block, thence along said lot No. 2 south flftv and thrco-fourthH (ft)!) degices cast, one hundred und forty two und o;ie-halt (H2'4) feet to Rebecca avenue; thence ulong suld Rebecca nve nuo south thlrtj-iilne und one-fourth Wi'i) degrees wist, lltty (W) feet to tho Plato of beginning. Containing seven thousand one hundred mid tvvrnty-nvo (7,123) square feet of surface, bo tho sninu morn or less, Being lot number threu CD. In Block sixteen (P.), on tho plot ot Willlnm Swetlauds estate, recorded In tho oillco for tho leeordlng of deeds, etc.. In Lackuwnnmi county, lit Deed Boikj 20, Pago Kit, ete B'Jug the snmo prop el ty which A II. Dickson, attorney lu fnet for tho hell a of Curollno l'ettlbonc, ct. nl grunted und lotivoyed to tho snld Ddvvard Gurrv, who vs rites his namu Geary, bv deed dated tho twentv -llrst dav of Julj. liisS, und n corded hi tliu Recorder's oillco of Lickuwnnna county, 111 Deed Hook 51 Page 339. Improved with two two-stoij dwelling houses, a, laige b.un und oilier outbuildings there on Seized und tuken In execution nt tho suit of Luther Keller vs. Bdwnrd Geary jr Ldward Guuv. Delft $1,000. liudg- ineut No. 77S Jnniiaiy Term IMS II fa. In Muich Tel in. hfi. ANo ut the suit of Mnthlas) Stlpi vs. lldw.ud elcarv or 1M wnrd Gurry. Debt Jlol r.J Judgment No. 1311. Sept Term IMS Vend. ex. to Mulch lVim, lfli'i LOWKBY, STRKKTBR A: ZIMMHU- JIA.N, Attoiuus ALSO. No 11. All the light, title and Inleiest of the di fendunt, James Rodger. In and to. Flisl. A lot of land on Gordon stteet (formerly Biook stieeti, lu tho city of Scratiton, county of Lnckawanna, Pennsvlvunln, designated ns Lot. No 2J lu Block No U upon the Lackawanna, lion nnd Coal coinpali.v's plot ot lots. Be ing the same land conveyed bv said com pany to Jnines Rodgers bv deed dated Vl.iirh II, IMl and iieoulul in Luzeuio countv Deed Book No mi Pago 47. hu mmed Willi tun tuo-stuie flume dwtll- iirs, one In front und ono in the und Othel Second Three lolit'guolis lots on tho uoitlinlj corner of the interest ctlon of Plospect nvinuo and Fig street In the Twentluth wunl ot the city of Scrunton. eh signaled us Lots 3s 33 and 4'J lu Sipi'iio or lllock No 22 ilium Hip L.uK.iwiiuii l lion & Coil oompanj's plot of tho cltv ot Sctiintiiii. Said lots being each 20 -12 fi et wldo lu front and rear und 110 feet In depth. Being the same lots sold and eonvejed by tiioige I'lsher to James Bog ers lij dull leiorded In L tekawaiin.i county. Died Book 2.1. Page 50'!, etc. Im proved with u two-storj- frame building used for u ston and dwellng and a fiainei barn Also a two-story dwelling and out buildings. Tlilnl A lot of land on the northwest erly side of Guidon stieet, opposite LoC n In Block 13 Slid lot lit lug bounded bv Gordon street on tho Southeast, bv thu Delaware- ami Hudson Itnihoad on tho northwest and by land of P. V. and AI. T. Howlej' on the northeast. Selzi d and tnken In execution nt tha suit of Bildgct Hlekej- vs James Rogers. Debt JfilO'l!. Judgment No. 12l. Sept. Tcim M 11. fa to Alnrch Term, 1&?1. WILLAUD. WAURDN KNAPP, Attornejs ALSO No 20 All the light, title ond IntcresB of the defend mts, Patrick Larkln anil Bridget Lnrkln. in and to nil that cer tain pieiu or p ireel of land, situate lu the boiough of Dunmore, county of Lnck awanna, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and disctlbed us follows, to wit: Being the ft out part of Lot No. fifteen (13), lni Suuaie or Block No three and fronting upon tin, Di Inker Tuinplko and being about slxtv-elght (CO feet in width nml on tho caste rlj side 21S feet deep nnd on tho vvesteilj- side 217 feet deep, accord ing to a plan or may entitled Parker and Throop s Allotment of the Sherwood Farm All coal und mlneiuls reserved. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house with kitchen attached and out buildings, liuit tiecs. grapo vines, el", thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt tho suit of AI. J. McDonald vs. Patrick Lar kln nnd Bridget Lirkln. Debt JIM 57. Judgment No. 2".S Ni v. Term, 1SDS, Vend, ex. to Alnrch Term, lS'O. GABDNCR Attornev. ALSO No. 21. All tho right, title nnd lntcresh of the defendant, Louis Warneka, In and to nil thoso two certain pieces or parcels of land situate In the city of Scranton, county of Lickuwannu, state ot Penn sylvania, bounded und dc"-erlbed ns fol lows, to wit Fit st piece. Being lot No. twentj'-llve (231 lu Block "V" upon Pres. cott avenuo ns shown on that p irt of tho map ot the eltv of Scrj.ntoii known ns A. II Sllkmnu's Addition. Being lectnngu- - In -i n. f, ru (HI) fret In front on said avnue and ono hundred and flfty (,150) feet In depth Improved with a two s.iiin ii. inn tumble dwillliig house mil outbuildings Secontl pli co. Beginning at a stake on living nvenue thinio southerly one hun dred and flftv (IV)) feet to an alb : thcnco easterly along said alloy forty (4 o feet to n stuke corner, thence northerly one hundred and flftj- (111) feet to lr Ing avenue, thence nlong snld Irving nve nuo fortj (10) feet to tho placo ot begin ning It being Lot No cloven (11) i-i Block "F," as shown on that part ot! the map of Scranton known as A B. BHkman's addition to Siianton, Improv ed with a two-storv fiamo single dwell ing In front on Irving nvmue and a. two story double framo building in tho rear, und outbuildings Seized and tnken In execution nt Cm stilt of 13. 13. Sonthwotth vs. Louis Wain -ka Debt f2 3cHi Judgment No 7'i. Alnrch Term lsn fl t, . to Match Tei a CAPWBLL Altorucv ALSO I No 22 Ml the right, tltlo and Interest of tho defend mt In and to all the fol lowing di"-cilbed pleco of land, sltuato In the bornuph of Jermjn, county of Lackawanna, stale of Pennsylvania, be ing p.ut of lot No. ihlllecu (131 In sec tion twcntv-one (211. on the man or nlnn I of building lots on l.inii.s or the xnrtlv in . Coal and lion companj. In said liuiouuli I "t jcrmyn, neing loriv-uvc no icit i wood, framo hotel and outbuildings tlv ic on. Seized and tnken In tyccutlon al iha suit of C l Winter & Companj vs G Ti. Aveij Dibt $27S7iS Judgment No ni. Sept. Term ISM. II la in March Term. 13.3. W UODIU'FF Attorney. TERMS OF SALE. riFTY DOLLARS C.SII WHEN PROP. FRTV IS STRUCK OFF AND BALANCQ IN CASH IMMF.DIATELY AFTER SAL0 IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR COSTS, COSTS MUST BE PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVB TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL B0 RESOLD BEFOIIB Al). J0URNMENT. CLARENCE E. PRYOR, Shorlffff. Sheriffs olllii, Snanton, Pa. Al-.rch Dth, lM'J MADE ME A MAIM AJAX TABLETS TOSITIVKLY CURE ALlJtrous J)Jeav lulling Liu si' ory. ImDQteiiCT. hlben1pinnefl. etc . ciuftfxi IV I L7 Abiuo or other Txcesaea and In-itf . -rrttu crottunt), ineu quickly ana surety Lwvs restart! .Lost Vitality in olJoroon and vV- ft amaaforitudj1! bu tnessor xnrtUc, )TWa4H Vs eat Insanity am. Coajumrtloii it taken iu tiina. Tbolrnia sucma irxmedlata fro prim meat and olfucta a CUItR where all other till In nui uloo bftTlnq tho gennlne Ajkx TnHeti They iavecara thousand and wlllcaroTou Vectapoe tire written Rairai.trxi toeffoUacuro Cft PVQ ' emchemteor ret und tho monuj, Price ww U I wiper ncckaiet or lx pkiM (full treatment) for &!.W. Uy adl, lu I lain wrBpner, upon ruteipt of rrice. Circular aJax remedy co., HSu"?,;'""'-' For Kile In Scrantcn, Pa , by Matthews Bros, and II. C. Sanderrcn, druggists. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS. 1