ira" "-' THE SCRANTON TRIBUN Er- THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1899. z AN ENEMY ","! 5stract TO ANEMIA Dr. E. A. Thoman, of Cleveland, Ohio, write. " I desire to add my testi mony to the efficiency of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract. In Anaemia, Chlorosis of young women, Convalescence after wasting or long-continued disease, It has no superior. 1 am using It now In my family and In my practieo almost dally." ...Johann HofFs Malt Extract NEWS OF THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL WORLD DIG DIVIDEND OF THE CALUMET & HECLA COMPANY. Largest in tho History of American Mining Operations Production of Bessemer Steel During Year 1898. Bnltlmoie nnd Ohio Snlel to Have Seemed Contiol of Other Roads. Scheme on Toot to Manufacture Caibons for Electric Light3 at Wilkes-Bar i e. The (Vlunv'i & H.-pl.i company lust wi-i'k declared a ill Itloml of $10 a mir a.-omiiranlfd by an extra dlvl '! nd of to i i-hnio. ThN makes a to il payment oi; or adding: tho Ihldcii'N pievlously paid It makes $",- iiOidOO paid during the company's ctit lnit fiscal year. The rite Is 2S0 per rnt. on tho company's capital stock I "52 "iW.OOu, taken at par value: but it li onlv about S per cent, on the cur i r nt rolling in ice or the stock, which Is tudnv s.'iO lev-dividend) on th' par Milue or $2' n share. The payment of 51,000,000 at oneo is. v- I)e1lee. I he UiH"rt cash dividend eer paid bj .m Anicilcan mining com It In cue or the laigest If not the inmost -.n-'M- paid by a mining ninpanj anywhere. Certainly It is the 1 u-gest ever paid bv such a company nut of curiam earnings. ru:ssi:ain stkkl production. The Aniorlian lion and Steel associa tion's llcurcs havo now been collected nnd It Is announced that tho production nl Ucmemer steel In the United States In 1ST! i cached the great total of C,C09, 117 long tons!. This is by far the largest utput ever rf ported: It exceeded that of 1S97 by J.1S3.702 tons, or 2C.7 per . .'lit., and that of H by 2,GS9,m tons, m CS C pn -out. The extent of tills output may be further lealized when ray that last year we made neatly as much Bessemer steel as wo did of iMg iron in 1S?4. Pennsylvania continued the chief maker (it Hestimer steel, having turn rd out .1,402,'Jll tons, or over half the total Ohio reports 1.4S9.115 tons, and Illinois tons. These three states made ')( per cent of the total. That K the steel was made chiefly In the district '.hieh uses Lake Superior ors, and this again shows that as long as those ores constitute our main leliance. the Hff-semer process will con tinue to hold the leading place In our trade. The figures of production of open hearth hteel are not yet complete, but there was a laige increase In pioduc tion, and It is quite sure that our total output of htetl in 1SDS win 8,000,000 tons: in nimbly over rather than under that IlKiire. AXLES OF OAKS AND ENGINES. Steel axles are made from bessemer steel, although open hearth bteel is much better but its cost prevents its ii"o only In special eases. The steel Is poured from the converter to the ingot molds, taken to the rolls and formed into blooms seven inches squaiu. The bloom Is heated and pounded to the collect shape and size in a similar manner to the lion axio The objection to the steel axle Is basd on Its liability to contain blow-holes, formed duilng the pouring, and which lannot be taken out or discovered un der the hammer. There are several patent methods of treating steel for nxles that It Is claimed lemoves the effect of the blow-hole nnd toughens tho .steel, but the. methods ate so e pen.she that theli use has not become general. Fieiglit and light passenger eais have foil i axles to a ear. Heavy uaches and sleepers havo s-lx. with i diameter of live Inches. The center f an nle Is slightly smaller In dia meter than the wheel lit, car hullders laliulng there Is less btraln on the "liter than the wheel lit. Car nxlP'i ' elgh from ".",0 to 4T0 pounds each ai.d i e from 7 to S feet In length, uecoi ti ng to the size of the Journal. Lo;om tlvu axles aie larger and heavier than mr axles, weighing trom 750 to Sfd oounds and having a diameter of 7 or Inches. The axles commonly hreaks it tho journal, or wheel lit, nnd tarely 11 the centei. OUTLOOK CONTINUES nitlGHT. All the collieries operated heieabouts y tho Delawine and Hudson company no at present working steadily on ,i hreo-quarter schedule as a geneial erage. The demand for coal, a nat iral result of tho recent period of cold M'athcr, continues strong and ship nents are -very l'irge especially for this niiiod of the year. The outlook for a continuance of this ondltlon of affairs for sometime longer - veiy favorable enhanced as It Is by he fact that the coal Is going direct it the consumer large and small. Lit lo If any storing at yards or docks is a reserve Is being done. IUG DEALS REPOUTED. It l believed by those who know loniethlng of Ilattlmore and Ohio af- WAIT WAIT FOR MARCH 6th. We are going to move to the Rexford building, 303 Lackawanna avenue. Our en tire stock will be closed out regardless of cost. Sale to Commence Monday, March 6. PROTHEROE & GO. waShUton,6Ave i falls that the nnnunl meeting of stock helders, which lias been postponed till March P, will show that the Baltimore and Ohio Intel ests have becureel con trol of both the Ohio Hlvor road and the Wheeling nnd Lake lMe. Information was sent out from New York that tho control of the Wheel ing had changed hands. Among the many big deals now on in railroad properties tho one of tho Vanderbllt IntPirwtt for the Lake Eric and West- em urn urice roan, is saiu to nave boon closed. NEW WABASH LOCOMOTIVES. i Th,. wbL.i.1, hni n.n..ici ir. m, ' Iialdwln, the JSIchmond and tho Hhodu Island works a contract for forty new locomotives. Thirty of those will b" used in the freight service, four for switching nnd six for fast passenger service The passenger trains will have S7 ltifh driving wheels. The extension of tho Wabash to Buffalo lias called for Increased rolling stock. Tho results of operation of the Uuffalo division hao far exceeded tho expectations of the management. THIS AND THAT. To build a modern, fiist-class loco motne It requires COO"! perfect p.'itts, G. C. Winans, of North Main avenue, this city, wns recently granted a pat ent for a pmcess whtieby glass can be shrunk on a metal pipe. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. "A Milk White Flng." That dainty llttlo actiess, Mary Mat ble, Is featured as tho "orphan" In this season's spectacular production of Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag." There aie fifty people In the supporting com pany, Including a large chotus of hand some girls. Tho scenic equipment and costumes are entirely now and the comedy has been revised and brought up to the limes. "A Milk White Flag" conies to the Lyceum tonight. Creston. Clarke. The mere announcement that Creston Claike was soon to appear in this city aroused a veiy positive Interest among local theatergoers and Indicates that Mr. Clarke will be greeted by crowded houses on the occasions of his appear ances at the Lyceum next Friday and Saturday nights and Satuidav mati nee, when he will be seen in "The Fool's Revenge," "Tho Last of His Race" nnd "David Ganick." Mr. C'laike's supporting company remains this season practically unchanged, a fact that will be greatly appreciated by all those who have seen these ex cellent playeis. MIsa Adelaide Prince, whose talent needs no pialse here and whose beauty and charming grace of manner are well known, Is still Mr. Clarke's leading support and Is during the present season winning the highest pialse every wheie. Each play will be given heie with special and very hand some costumes by II. Millar, of Phil adelphia, and New York, and an ade quate and competent stage setting of more than usual beauty. Mr. Claike's engagement piomises to be a social and as well as a dramatic eent. At the Gaiety. Mile. An! and her big builesque and vaudeville show will be the attraction at the Gaiety theater the last three days of this week. It Is seldom we have a combination with so many clev er artists; In fact, there aie enough head-llneis with this attraction for two shows. The long and varied progiam contains tho names of sueh sterling ar tists as Mile. Flora, sensational dancer; Fields and Saline, acrobatic cake walk ers; Edwatds and Conley, tho real Irish comedians, James Whltely, America's best boy vocalist tim charming Mulllnl slters, expert musi cians; Mat-on niil Ooilnne, comedy boomers; the staiiscope; Mile. Ant and the new burlesque, "A Hot Pickle." Gibney-Hoeffler Company. The Glbney-HoelPer company, which open" a week's engagement at the Ac ademy Monday, present a novel per fcunance In the way of a continuous show. High grade specialties are In tioduced between ucts, making It con tinuous from start to finish. Phi opening bill will bo "Angle, the Country Girl." a play on the order of "Shores Acres " Other plays to be produced here are: "The Black Flag," "Her Husband's Sin," "Camllll," "The Gvpsy Dancing Girl," "A Prince of Llnw," "Life tor a Life," "Fogg's Fer rj." and otlurs Ladles' half tickets ate offeied for Monday and dally mat inees will begin Tuesday. The Grip Cure That Does Cure. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets re moves the cause that pioduces La Grippe. Tho genuine has L, B. Q. on each Tablet, 25c. NEW HOPE FOR THE DYSPEPTIC -Ur Von Stan's Pliieupplo Tablets are the Dspeptlu'H hacn of ust and euro. Tliej contain no Injurious drug or narcotic, won't hurt thu must dellcatu and sensitive hiomuch, aid digestion, stop fermenta tion ot tho food, good tor the blood, good for tho nerves, good for the brain, make IIchU Increase, cure tho stomach, ffi cents. Sold by Matthews Ilios. and W. T. Clat'c. -U OLD rOHUE. James Shoemaker, of Nichols, N. Y was visiting his sister, Mrs. Georgo Drake, Jr., tho past week. Mrs. George Fletcher and datiRhtcr, Mary, spent Sunday with relatives In Jcrmyn. Miss Matilda Drake, of West ritts ton, Js visiting relatives In this place. The npworth Lcairuo of tho Uriels church will hold a dime social at the homo of Mr. D. C. need on Friday evening, March 3. Everybody will ho welcome Mrs. Charles Dolph wus a visitor In Prlceburu Monday. The Misses Marparet and May Ilrod head fipont Saturday with friends in Wyoming. Mrs. W. G. Funk Is confined to hei homo by Illness. diss Klla Drake was a visitor In Wllkes-Bnrro Saturday. Mrs. 13, L. Santeo Is able to bo out after a severe Illness. Mrs. John Wilson, of Plymouth, was visiting her patents tho past week. FACTOKYVILLE. Nov. Abel Wrlgley, of Lehman, Pa., wns calling on friends here yesterday. The Lndlei' Aid society of the llap- tint church met yesterday afternoon. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold a matrons' contest at the Methodist church Friday evening, March 3. This entertainment will bo something entirely new for this town. Six well known mattons will recite Vocal and lustiumental music Is prom ised. Admission only 10 cents, nnd for the benefit of so worthy a society, a full house Is expected. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yotk, March 1. Stocks today again opencjj up and then worked low er with some rallies. Dealings were on lather a less extensive scale th.i'i of late. The specialties displaced ex treme Irregularity and tho standard ftocks showed weakness most of the day. The opening rise was assocate.l with the mote favoiable aspect of the Philippine situation, due to German s withdrawal of hei uuisor, suppose I' lessening the change of complications. Tho $23,000,0(10 in dividends and .Inter est which was payable had but little appreciable effect upon tho money mar ket. Atchison pieferred and Burl'tig ton had an early appearance of strength, but a large volume of selling orders appeared which, rightly or wrongly, wns attributed to some of tho leading bull interests that had been conspicuous purchasers for two mouths. The same Interests appeared to be sellers of the standard stocks. As tho market ran off, stop loss or ders were reached in some eaS's, w hlle the London market was a source of support, taking about 20,000 olviics on balance. The effect of this pur chasing was reflected In a weaker tone for sterling exchanges. Prices after the extreme decline rose on modeiL'e dealings and then waveied downward and upward in a sluggish manner, thete appealing little pressure of o! feilngs or uigent demand. The spec ialties which were conspicuous In the Initial advance were about equally prominent on the decline. The profes sionals weie in control of tho most of the day and some of the large Interests were not very active, giving the bears confidence in their angles, sive tactics. The market weaken' I up toward the close, the activity bein at the expense of values, with coi. sldeiablo selling of the gt angers, and tne market left off with fractional net Iossps in most stocks with the tone weak. Total sales were 070,400 shares. Tiadlng In bonds today was consid erably mixed, weakness and strengtn developing In Important Issues. Total sales $4,670,0(10 liv J. R. I,. Cnrrlngton & Co. Now York, March 1. Tho market opeueu nt a general iictery above closing prices, duo to the Paclllc attitude of Ger many lu regal d to our position In Manila and Samoa Alter execution of oppnlng orders, however free liquidation of com msslon houses started a decline which ex tended from small li actions to 2 or 3 per cent., the greater sufferers being Uuillng fn and Qulnc. American Steel and WIip and Atchison preferred. Following this decline, howoer, covering of shortH b traders and quite flee buying by London of Ontario and 'Western, and Atchlsona and l'acillcs again rallied the list so that p to iiidilsi no mateilal change In prices hud Liken place. We have been warning ou persistently i tor tno past monin mat tiicro was a ukc- lilli'iiu ui muue) iieeuiiiuiK unufi tuiu mm morning one of the prominent Institutions udvanci'd lates for loans to all customers liom i to 1 per cent., according to col lateral. In our opinion the heavy intei ests In the street uio pretty well out of stocks and while we nny have sharp ral lies vet until the wholo situation Is clear ci, we do not advise purchases except on -very pior.ounccd declines. Money In our opinion, will continue to woik closer, tho heavy committments duo to tho Heating Industrial combinations :n udilttlon to the moM ment to the Interior Is gong to lock up funds for the next two months to such an extent as to make 't extremely dllllcult to carry nnv but the bi ht securities at otdlnary iate. TliH will BUlllco to check the opt rations of 'he' public In tho specialties nnd as the 1. ill load list is not In a condltoa at the mo ment to move upward to nnv extent we think that tho courM) of pi Ices, tempo, i.ully at least will be towards luwer allies. It Is extremely dllllcult to wilte free in this way without creating the Impussl .n that wo ate bears on the whole situation. This Is not so. In somo was tho gen Hal situation is better tod.n than it was at the height ot the great "boom," but It bus changed In this respect that whllo the ralhoads are at their helsht of pios perlty the trado combinations are Just bPRinnlng to appreciate the alue of the new commons. Tho market In the Inst hour developed renewed weakness and although tliw declines wi ro not verv larne tne failure to tally prices doling tho dav Kfems to Indlcato a continuance of the reaction Money ruled somewhat closer lending as high as 1 per cent., although tho mnjorltv or loans was made below r,. Tho closo was Irregular and unsteady. Quotations furnished by rrLLKR. stock, crnm nnd LABAR A I ri i.i.i.u. siock. crnin nnu cotton litoK. irs. luuius 'v hhu .iu, liuiiei oi Trniio building, Scranton, Pa. Open- Illsh- Low- Cloi- iiib. est est ins Am. Cot. Oil m. Sue?. Re'g Co A tch , To & S. Fe A, T. U S. F., Pr Am. Tobacco Co ., Am. S. St W Am. S. fz W., Pr . llicok. H. T Can. Southern ... N. J. Central CheH. tt Olio Chic. & O. W .... Chic. & N. W Chic. II & Q ,. ai'i, ..IV, . . & . c: IVj .. Cl'i ..VH i'1' .. 5S .1011 .. W . V, ..ll ..112'i ..12"7 3tTi 314 34; HSU C2 1S7'4 (-1 101 'J I'd 1M. 137',i 22. 22 W-4 filh 101 iooiJ rs .,s s 10'1'i 10734 IO7I4 :s 27i, 1', j 27M. l.-iis 1I7',J 141 12"! 151- lis IH'i inui chic. Mil. &. St Chic. R. 1. & r t hlc. St. P M. P BS4 llilj 117'i & O. 02 ': C C C & St L . Con Gas Delnwuie Hud N. Y , I.. E. & W Fed. Steel, l'r . . Fed. Ktcel. Com . Oin. Elect ilc .... . 57'fc 5S 2VISi 210 .H2"j 112'; 57H '-; iWl 215 (J 11; 1J w ll II'- 14U .. 8SJ4 .. t2 S75 art, S7I .IP, iri'4 OlS UK, 212"!, 11? 52' J .,ii;5 112V 1.UIOB. (V .-41CSU thVl Manhattan Kin 112li fS'i Gila 112J 111 2ll'i 5I2'4 Jrti. n.n. A!et. Tinctlon Co .. 241 M. K. ei Tex.. Pr .. 40 Mo. Paclflo ir, 'it. Lend '', V Y 'Antroli lSe-'v 401 mi 4IT4 iluln W14 sen ,SI7i n 1&.K ll'rt-j 83 8 ' I Out. & Wwrt North. Pnclflo tSTi Nor. Parlllc, Pr .... 70 Paclllc Mali 50U People's Gas llSMi Ejy, mh r.2 79 7S 73 61 W 60, IK'H 112 1124 Phil. & Reud 221 Wi i'l ii i Phil. At Rea'GH.bsooe8on tlwkll wrk mbmb P. & It., lot Pr CI C3 61H n?i Houthern II. 11.. Pp.. mi 40 4SS 41 23 47 7 80 70 21i 93 43 T?mi C. A- Iron .... 4lji Toxns & I'ncilo 23 Union I'nclllc 47 Union l'ac IT 70 45 as 47 M m 71 MU MV4 m 47-Vi 70 & 22 03 V. H. Kuhlicr U. S. Leather, Pr .. 71 Wabash. Pr 5.2 West. Union 9IV4 CHICAGO P.OAIID OF TRADE. nnpn. Itlch. Low- (.-ton. , WHEAT. May July CORN. May July OATH. May in, rut. eat. Ing. ,:i 73 71 7114 37 2s 26 0.30 .U 5.12 EM 71 72 37 37 2S 26 9.02 fi.lO D.M 71 37 -7 2SW S7 07 2ti'l July PORK. May July , LARD, Mav , July , 9 4 9.U2 9.CJ 0.32 0.50 r, 40 Bcranton Board of Trado Exchango Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Fciantnn & littstoti Trac. Co First National Uanlc Llnihurst Houlevard , Scranton Savings Pr.nk , Serantoii I'ncklng Co Third Nntlonnl l'nnk Tliroop Novelty MfB Co Scranton Hallway Co Dime Dep. & DIs. UanU ...... Ecunomv L.ght Heat & Pow .. Cnninnnu lid. Asked. 20 800 ... 100 235 95 SS3 SJ no ... ISO ... 45 5 ... ... :oo 130 150 150 ... Jisvj. 80 4"0 123 ... ... 1M 9) ... 100 Scranton Illuminating, Heat fi. Tower Company , Ir-l I itlllUII lUih'i'h - " ' ' TmilorH' National Hank , Lacka. Lumber Co . . ....... Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co Mnoslc Mountain Coal Co ... Scranton 1'atnt Co Clark & Snovcr Co., Pom.... Clark & Hnover Co.. Pr Caron Coal Co Siranton Axle Works Scr. Iron Pcnco & Mfg. Co UOND9. Scranton Pnsi. Hallway, first mortgage, duo 1920 " re-ple's Street Hallway, first mortgage, duo IMS 115 rcople's Street Hallway. Gen eral mortnsc duo l'.i.i .... 11 Dickson Manufacturing p I.ncka. Township School 5 10) 10. 102 S3 100 ioo city of Rerunton St Imp. 6.. Mt Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works "crnnton Traction r, bonds .. Carson Conl Co 105 Philadelphia Grain nnd Produco. Philadelphia. March 1. Wheat -Unchanged; contract giarte, Mrtr!;'V ',!.,' Corn-No. 2 mixed. March. , ac. Oats Firm; No 2 white clpped. -Cynic., No 2 do. do, 3.'ia3Rc; No. 2 mixed, do., rma35c Butter-Dull and 1c. lower; fancy western crenmerv, 21c ; no. ptlnls, 22c. Eggs Dull nnd 5c. lower; freh, nearby, 21c; do western, 21c; do south western. 23c; do southern, 22c Cheese Firm Refined Sugars-Unchanged. Cotton-Steady. Tallow-Quiet unchanged; city prime, in hogsheads, 4"iac . coun try do. do., barrels 414c.; dark, do., 4c , enkes, Be.; grease. 2-:a3ie Live Poultry Steadv: fowls. DalOc; old toosters, ic. . sprng chickens, SalOc ; ducks, Hai'c. ; tur kevs. lOnllc; geese, OalOc Dressed roul tryUnchanged; fowls, choice, lOUOHc. ; do. fair to good, Mnl0c ; old roosters a 7'Ac; spring chickens, choice, llnl2c; do. fair to Rood. SalOc; tuikjs choice to fancy, 12al3c; do fair to good, 9allc ; ducks, 9allc Kecelpts Four, 4 000 bar rels and 17.000 sacks; wheat, 31,oncl bush els; corn. 132 000 bushes: oats. 11,000 bush els Shipments Wheat. ?7,000 bilsheH, corn, 200,000 ljushts; oats, ls.iwu ousnein. New York Grain find Producs Market. New York. March 1. Flour Exceeding ly dull with no feature save steadiness; Minnesota patent $3 W.i4 23 Wheat Spot steadv; No 2 red, SGnS7c f. o. h atlnnt to -trrlve and spot No. 1 northern Duhith, 8'ii.4C., f. o. b afloat spot; No. 1 hard Manitoba, S5c , t o b., auoat spot; op tons opned steadv and unvveikeiicd In the forenoon by beiiiNh Thoman leport, weie fairly well supported on cable news, Ar gentine rumors nnd irop compalnts. ihe late inatket was Inactlvo nnd rather weak, closing He. net lower; March closed Mc. . Julv, 7C'4e. Porn-Spot steady; No. 2, 4l"ic, f o. b afloat spot for new ; op tions opened steady with wheat but cased off under realizing in face of rain picdlc tlons and big clearances; cosed unsettled nt "4c declno to Uc. net advanco. May closed 41oKc. : Julv. 42'ic O.ats Spot quiet; No. 2, 3'c; No .(. 34'te ; No .1 white, Sl'iC, No. 2 white, -"''.c ; truck mixed western, T.ailifce. ; track white, 37allc ; options quiet. Butter Firm; western creamery. ICaSlc ; factory. 12al4'ic ; Elglns. 21c ; Imitation craemery. 13'2alSc; state daliv, 1 !a2"lc do creamery. Ib"a21e. lcgs Easy, stete and Pennsylvania. 231in2lc ; western fiesh, 23'iiO.; souhern, 2L'ia2c Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Match 1 Selling by shotts, owng to Thoman's estimate of over two hundred million bushels stell In farmers' hands to bo delivered held wheat down to dav and May closed 'Ja'ic lower. Corn left off a shade ower i.nd ots unchanged. Pork advanced 7'jalOc; lard, Ec and bs f,a7'te. Cash quotations were a follows; Flour Moderate demand and steadv. No. 2 spring wheat. i'.1a71He. , No. 8 do. do b"a 71c, No 2 led "JHa'le.; No. 2 corn. 30c ; No 2 vellow. 3G'ic :aW-e.j No. 2 oats, 273 i2c ; No 2 white, r0'ic.31c ; No 3 (In . 2,t'i a30'4c. ; No. 2 rye. CCc; No. barley, 12 1 52c: No 1 flax seed, H.uaiH'i. N. w JllSallS'i; piimo tlmothv seed. $2 42U; mess polk, $0 2'iat 30; nrd, $5.2.a." 27',; short ribs, $4 5oal.73; dry salted shoulders, 4' 1 4"c; short dear, $(Ma5(,1, whiskey ?1.2G; sugars, cut loaf, $3.70; granulated, $",.20. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Match 1. Heavy export cat tip film; others slow, innc v cattle. $3 73a 5 00: choice steers. $3 33a3 70, medium do, $1 05al.S3, beef do , $l4i,i40. stockers and feders. jlfjil'S"; bulls, L"vn4iM- cows and heifers, $)20a4; western frd. do. !ll"i n3 70; Texas do, $3011.1 17V calves $3.5i)a7. Hogs Firm: fair to choice Jt 72',a3.M); packing lots $t7),i3 70, mixed. $Xr)a3.73; biitchprs, $3..r,.-,a3); light $1 5nn3.7A; pigs. $;20a1t,0 Sheep Active; Inferior to iholco Micep, $.' (in. vcarllngs, $1 30a IM), lambs, $IS0il!i Receipts C.T tie, 15 000 head: hogs, 37.000 head; sheep, 15.000 head. New York Live Stock Market. New York, March 1 Be eves Demand fill-, steady for steers and cows; bulls, vrak: ste,-rs, medium to eholce, $1 75a5 '',0, extra, $"73; oxen and stags, Jl.lOalSO; bulls $3 15allO; choico fat do.. $ i fVi ; rows ii 30a4 Calves Slow and lower; veals, lommon to prime, $la7. choice and extra earlv, $7 23a7.50 little calves, 2'.0ati, fed do. 3a,tf,0 Sheep Steady and In light supplv , lambs opened stendv to lower, closed weak: common lo pilme sheep, 3a 4r,5: selecteil wethers, f3, ambs. $3 23a"i.'. Hogs Lower at Jl.l0a4..!0; Inferior south em pigs, $3.73. East Liberty Cattle Market. East Liberty Pa.. Match 1 Cntte Steady extra $3.4na(iM; prime. ')20a3 40: common, $ir).i4 Hogs Wry dull; prime inciiiuinH, iai.u.i; nenvy nogs, $j Vinson; heavy Yotkers $lS5a.T0; light do.. $J S0a W; good pigs, 1.7rta.l.7.'; common to talr pigs J3.13 50; roughs, J2 50a3.50. Sheep Firm; choice wethets, 4C0a4t"; common, $2 30a3 5u; choice lambs, Jj,20a5'!0- common to good, $4a5 15; veal calves, t7a" a. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo N. Y . March 1 -Cattle Slow. Hogs Slow; good to choice York ers and light mediums, iJ'i"u4; roughs, $1.30,13.50. pigs, fair to choice. Mj. Sheep nnd Lambs Fairly nctlve; lamb", choico to extra $3.10.15?); culls and com mon, 75; sheep, choice to RPlerted wotheis, $1; culls and common, $2,75 a3.C5. Oil Market. Oil City Pa , March l.-Credlt balances, $1.13; certificates, no bid or offering; ship meats, $9,997 barrels; runs, 129 572 barrels. FINANCIAL. LaBAR & FULLER BROKERS. Oldest IHtubllsluJ Reuse In Ihe City. Dealers In SIOCKS. CorTOV, (JKAIN and I'ltOViMONS, on mnrjlu o- lor doljvery. urPICU: Konmsiog unit 110 Hoard ot irade llulMIn, scranton, I'u. L. li, LA BAR. L. F. FULLER, The People's NNMAAA POPULAR CLEANING IIOUSC for the IJonem of All Who Have Houses 'to Kent, Kcul 1'stato or Other Property to Sell or Lxcliantie, or Who Want Situations or Help These r Small Advertisements Co-it One Cent u Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word lixcept Sltuatiotu Wanted. Which Arj In. sorted Tree. FOR RENT HOUSH FOH HKNT INQUinn OF HAH ry Spencer at Stevens' Cash Store, Dunmore. FOH HLNT - SECOND AND THIHD Hoots. 2J Lackawanna avenue. 1'ossvs slon given ut once. Apply to Thomas 11. Urooks, Trndcts' Hank llulldlng. FOH H13.NT-HOU8E CONTAINING 11 rooms and bath room, l.nge yard, or. COO block N. Washington avenue. Apply nt 0J7 Linden stlect. FOH HENT-SEVPHAti HOUSES NEAH Moses Talor Hospital, all Improve ments; $15 rer month. Apply to J. H. W ouisey & Co., 312 Forest court. FOH HENT-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE, Oil Harrison avenue, ! rooms and bath room, $1S. Apply Thomas ltusscll, cor ner Harrison and Pine. FOH nENT-DOUHLi: HOUSE; STEAM bent. 710 and "12 Adnms avenue, lrom April 1st. Apply to M. E Henley, -IS Wy oming avenue. FOH nKNT-TlHKD I'LOOH 240 PENN avenue Eight looms and lnth room. I'. W. Stokes, ntty, 130 Wyoming avenue, Foil KENT-STOKE NO. 2.t LACKA wnnna avenue, Scranlon. T. I'l Ito ban, attorney, 12'5 Wyoming avenue. FOH KENT-HOUSES NOS. S30 AND S32 North Washington avenue, below city building. Suitable for physicians ofllcos and residence. Apply to llcnrv Uelln, Jr., 401 Conncll Hulldlng. FOIt RENT STOKE KOOM. NO. 207 North Washlr.Kton avenue, formerly occupied bv J. W. Guernsey. Steam heat, elevator tear entrance. For terms apply to Jones itros , 311 Lackawanna avenue. FOK KENT - TWO FLOORS. 40xSO; heat Included; centrally located; low rent. Inquire 137 Penn avenue. FOK KENT -HOUSE C21 MADISON avenue; steam heat, every conveni ence. Apply Owens Bros., 001 Madison avenue. OFF PES IN COMMONWEALTH Building; single rooms and suites for term of years with vaults. One suite of six connecting olllces with three vaults or three suites of two ofllces, each with vault. Moderate price. Rellnlshed to suit tenant'). Inquire at room CO1) on 0th iioo. FOK RENT DESK ROOM OH SHAKE of ofllces second floor, tront. Coal Exchange. Pall at room IB. FOK RENT Qulncy. SECOND FLOOR. 701 FOR SALE the fixtures In Langfeld's stole and must dispose of them this week. FOR SALE-SPLENDID HOUSEHOLD goods, cheap. 530 Washington avenue. FOK SALE-PIANOS AND ORGANS AT Guernsey Brothers' rooms, 7-S Burr building. Goods the best, prices the low est, terms tho easiest. A call will con vlnco all. DESIRABLE LOTS ON COLFAX AVE nue. Tor particulars uddress Box 345, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE-TEN R-l-P-A-N-S FOK 5 cents at diuggists. One gives relief. FOR SALE OR RlzNT. FOK SALE OH KENT-HOFSE NO 1113 Mulberry street. Inquire ot John Knoble, K01 Stono avenue. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 233 Colfax aveeue; Just ci mpleted. All modern Improvements ILrdwcod finish, sanltury plumbing, electric lluhts. etc. Price reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Broadway, New York city. HELP WANTED-MALE. EXPERIENCED ROCKMAN WANTEO None but good hammormi-n nrcd apply. Apply to B. S. Phillips, 721 Wet Elm St EDFCATED SOLICITORS ON SALARY and commission for Eastern I'enn svlvnnla. Refeience required. Address Box 2S1 Wllkes-Hntre. Pa. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. LADIFS TO DO ZEPHYR WORK. Ex perience unnecessary, good paving, easy woik sent to vour home. Write for sample and materials. L'nlquo Embroid ery Co , 102 Fulton street, New Yoik. LADIES TO EMBROIDER-GOOD PAY- lng. easy woik sent to your home; wrlto for sample and mateilals. Fnkiuo Embroidery Co., 102 Fulton St . New Yoik. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-PLEASANT F'-'rfNISHED rooms; conveniences. Room? frum '1.50 up. 522 Mulberry street. BOARDING. GENTLEMAN CAN FIND BOARD with pilvato family. Homo comforts. 213 N Main avenue. CITY SCAVENGER A.B. BRIC.GS CLEANS PRIVY VAl'LTS and cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS. Proprietor Leave ordeis 1100 Nortli Main avenue, or Elcke's drup store, corner Adams and Mulbei ry. Telephone 9340. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T KELLER. SCALP TREAT ment, 50c. ; shampooing, 50c ; facial massage, manicuring, 23c; chiropody. .01 Qulncy. LEGAL. OFFICE OF THE COLLIERY ENGI ncer Company, Scrantoni Pa., Jan. 6th, 1809. Special Notlco to the Stockhold ers: The Boatd of Tiustecs of this com pany has called a special meeting of thn stockholders to be held at tho ofllce of tho company at Scrunton. i.achavvann.i rounU, l'ennsylvanla, on Friday, the lUth clay of March. A. I) 1S99, at 2 o duel. p. m for the purpose of voting tor or against uu Increase of the capital i-toe'k of said cnmpativ from 1 2."O0o0 to 1 500.000. STANLBY V. ALLEN, SccictaQ. NOtTT' E TiTiTaNnTtai7m EET1 NO O F the stockholders of tho Dickson Manu facturing Company will 1 held at tho olllce of tho compan, In thi cltv of Scranton, on the 8th day of March. lkijl ut 10 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of elect ing dliectors. cting upon the chango of tij-laws, providing for tho time und pi ice of niejetlng of dlioetois. and the mode of amending tho by-laws and such other muttcis us may come befoia thu meeting. L. F. BOWER. Sccumlj. SITUATIONS WANTED TVfi ?5TUATIONWANTED-Y A YOV man 17 years cf age. would ill.u work p rcposltoij or uny kind of woik. Ad- .. i, i i .Via v., 7 mini str,.r. ln diuss D9B II ' .v,-.,., .,, - .--- --.-., bondale. Pa BITI'ATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG ku work ni n n IS vpiiih of aire, would Ilk In an olllce, or anv kind of woik. Address Anxious, caro oi Triuuno oiucc. SITUATION WANTED-WAPUINO OR Ironing, or nny kind of house cleaning, bv tho duv or will tuko wuHhlmr home. J Mrs, Lee, side door, 420 Franklin avenue, Exchange. X WANTED. TWO GENTLEMEN WISH A FUR nlshcd room with conveniences within ten minutes walk of Court House. J. G. 11., this olllce. WANTED-PASE OF HAD HEALTH that IM-P-A-N-S will not benefit. Send S cents to Hlpans Chemical Co., Now York, for 10 samplus and 1,000 testimonials. PROFESSIONAL. AnCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS, AUClHl'LCi, Conncll Building, Sctantou. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash. nv Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT. Price llulldlng, 121 Washington avenue, Scrnnton. T.' I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS. Traders' National Hank. DENTIST1 DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PHI vate Hospital, cor. Wyoming ai d Mul beriy. DK.' II. P. REYNOLDS, OPP. P O DR. C. C. LAUHACH, 113 Wyoming nvc WELCOME P SNOVER. 331 Washington avenue. Hours. 0 to 1, nnd 2 tn3 HAT MANUFACTURCn. TOLLFS, im SPRT-CE STREET. MAKES your hat to order and thev lit. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, lw AND 127 FRANK Iln avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proptletor. SCRANTON HOl'SE. NEAR D., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYErfi FRANK E. BOYLE ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. AMLI.AHD. WARREN fi. KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Ke publlcan building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSFP ft: JESSFP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth building. Rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W OAKFORD ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Rooms CH, 315 and 516, Board of Trado building. D B. REPLOGLE, ATTORN BY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security Mcars' building, corner Washington avenue and Spruco street. JAMES J. II. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law 301 Commonwealth building. Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms D03-504. 0th floor, Mcars building L A. WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-l.AW. r.03 Board of Tiudo building, Sciantot , Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTOHNEY-AT-I.AW. Commonwealth building. Scranton, P" PATEHSON Ss WILCOX. National Bank building TRADERS' C. COMEGYS, building. 9-1-1 REPUBLICAN A. W. BERTHOI.F, Mears' building. ATTORNEY. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS r7c L FHEY, SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank Building, 1.' Wjomlng avenue. MARY A SHEPHERD, M. D., HOMi: opathlst, No. 22S Adams avenue. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH lngton avenue. DR. K. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, comer Wjomlng nvvnue and Spruce sucet, Scranto.i. Ofllce hours Thursdnjs and Saturdajs, j a. m. to C p. m DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS, 2J7 AND iS Hc'tid ot Trado Uiill.llng. Ofllce boms, S to 9 a, m , 2 H 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Kel dence, 200 Madison avenue. DR. C. L FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rimture, Truss Pitting nnd Fat Reduc tion. Oftlco telephone 1363. Houis 10 to 12. 2 to 4. 7 to 9. DR. S W L'AMOHEAFX. OFFICE 3Jt Washington avenue. Residence, 131 M11I beiry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kldnevs nnd genlto-minarv organs a specialty. Hoars, 1 to 4 p m. W G. ROOIC. VETERINARY Sl'H geon, Horses, Cattlo anil Dogs treated. Hospital, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2C72 SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa Courses preparatory to college. law. medicine or business. Opens Sept. 12 Send foi catalogue Rev. Thom as M. Cnnn. LL. D., Walter II. Uuoll, A. M. SFEOS O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurseiymen: Fto:o 14(1 Washington avo nue; gieeti bouse, 1550 Nor'h Main ave nue; btoie tekphene, 7S2. WIRE SCREENS JOSr "iv'UETTEL. REAR 7,11 wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., turcr of Wire Sneens. MISCULl.aNEOU'S ilAt'EIVS OKCHESTRA-MFSIC" I' OR ' balls, picnics, purtles, nceptions, vved eiliigs und eonctii work furnished. Fur tcuns, address R. J. Bauer, conductoi. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert s music store. MECAROEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twlno Warehouse'. ISO Washington nvenue. Sciunton, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lcliisl Valley KailroaJ. In Effect Feb. 5, 1S99. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Philadelphia and Now York via D i- II It. It., at 13 n. m. end 12.03, 2.1s, 427 Black Diamond Exprtt-w. and 11.30 p. m. Sundavs, 1 eM H , 1.5. - p. m. For White Haven Haxletnn und prin cipal points in tin coal ret-lons, via D. ,v H It. H.. C4:i' -14 '"", -7 ' F.u Pottsvllle, (-.13. 2 IS p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading. Hnr Hsburt, and pilnclpul Intermcdiato Mu llens vli D UK- It 6 -.5 a. m, iot, "IS 127 Llack Diamond Expiess, 11, .n Suiid is, D II. 1-5S 7 18 p. in. Tor Tunkbamiock. Towunda. Blmirn. Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intetmedi- ate ataions, vu . " - ... ji, it, u 12 55 ulld 5.35 p. m "or' Geneva. Hcchester. Buffalo, Nlag- . 11,1a ini ti 111 till .... . ' nra Falls, Chicago and all points west vl i NaTti II. H.. 12 03. 3 33. Black Dl.ii,, i Express, 7.48 and 11 So p. m. Sundny3 D te . 11. U a. in . 7.1S p. m. iiniiirinn narlur and sleeping or r.eiiir.1. ...- ' l.. ,t. n,i .,11 ...l.. . V ' I Wllkes-Bairo and New ork. PhllaJel uhla. Buflnlo and SumioiifIoii Brldstc , KOI.LIN II. II.H1 R. Gun. Hupt., niiuiii lieiuiinem I'a. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Aft., 20 Cort land bireet, New oik. W. NONEMACHER, Division Pass nger Accnt, Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. :fnr tickets nrd Pullman reservntlnna amilv 309 Lackawanna avo., Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule n I'.llsct May 19, 1S9?. Trains Leave Wllkos-Barro as FoN lows: 7.30 a. m weok days, for Sunbur Harrlsburg, Phil.ndalplila, Daltl. more, Washington, and for Pitts burp and tho Wost. 10.15 a. m week days, for Hazloton, Pottr.villo, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburs, Phlladolohla. uaiumoro, Washington and Pitts burg and the Wost. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris bupfj. Philadelphia, Baltimore, WaihlnKton, and FittsburS ani tho West. "00 p. m., wook days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburcr, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. k. WOOD, rjen'l Pasi. AirenL J.U. HUTCHINSON, (ieneral IjfiijtiS Del., l.ticka, uiul Woatcru. Effect Monday, Nov. II, ISOS. trains leave Scranlcn as follows: Ex- HSbi.!n0rr.0W 'rk, "nd u11 polllta east ..? w' 5-llJ- 8-u0 u,'a 10-u3 " ". 12.60 and " p. ni. nllin VnJ .r,or J:Kon, Trenton, PhlladcU Piua and tho noiuli r, in k rm n,i mes n m bb and 3 33 p. m. VvV?r?ann uccomniodntlon, CIO p. m. mlrnP c' or UiiiBlmniton Oswego. El Morris Cn0rVlr.,,B'll',lh' Uansville. Mouni lions nt n?.w"-, m" maklns eoso connec nomiwnVUftu!0 t0 I,olnls ln t west, fii!1.""11 southwest. Ulnchr..011 accommodation. 3-'0 P- no. Tcin?mt011 nni1 way stations, 1,03 p. m. rinJS.0!? nccommndntlon. D 10 p. m. ":, ri frtTlIc.i and Richfield Sprit) i, "V.i ," m- ""d 133 p. m. Dnrrr ."""mberl mil. Plttston. Wllkc vllle mmoufh' I'loomsburg nnd Dan unil.'rri!.L ,lnf cl"s" connections nt North BnliTmn"1 ,fP.r Wllllamsport. Harrlsbuiff, Nortimi ". "uigtoii anil tho soutn. , iVOrtnillnbcrl.ailil niwl Inlnrmnrlln.n 1 tlnn. rm .Jim" aim liucrmcuiaio sta- """" u'w. 'V.Vi 03 a. m. and 1.53 and D.40 p. .11. "us Li. V?n"d intermediate stations, Viie.iS.. ,!,?,n- " Flj mouth ond Inter KhutslSn'p' 35 n,,d S' " m' Vor nll'expVTralnsand B'CCpInB CCaChCS on x.., ihL . IM Information, pocket tlrne- ?ii.i.rlc' npDl' ,0 JI' L. Smith. DH irict Iassengcr Agent, depot ticket of- Delnw.nv and Hudson. ?cf?.'n1?un,Inyi rcK s,h lri'ns will leavs Scranton as follows. I or Catbondnle-C20, 7.M, S 53, 10.13 a. mVr i;"on: " -10' 3-52. CM. 6.23, 7.57, D.15. 11.00 p. m.; I.F, a. m. . !" "J". Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton New Lngland points, etc. 6.20 a. m . t.w p, rn. For Honcsdale-4!.20, 10.13 n. m.; 2.20, 5 2i p. m. , For WIIkc-Barre r.47, 7 4i. 8 4. 9.38, i0.iJ ,5-..m 123, 1 2J, 2.1S, 3 3J, 1.27, CIO. 7 4". 10 41, 1110 p m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc.. via Lehigh Valley R.allroad-6.15 a. in., 12 03, 12S. 4 2, p m.: with Black Diamond Ex pi ess. p. m. For Pennsvlvanla Railroad points, 6.43, O.:" a. m.; 2 IS. 4 27 p. m. For western points, via Lehigh Valley Rallioad 7 4S 1. m.; 12 03. 3 33, with Black Diamond Expiess, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Train will arrive In Scranton as fol lows. From Carbondalo nnd tho North C.40. 7.11, SIS. S.34, 102S 11 5S a. m.; 1.23, 2.15, 3.23, 4.2!, 5 41. 7.41. 10.2S, 11.27 p. m. From Wllkes-Barie and the South 6.15, 7 48, ,(4S, 10 OS. 11.55 a. m.: 1.18. 2.14. 3.4S. 6 20, 6.21, 7 51. n.0.1. 10 05 p. m.; 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY' TRAINS For Carbondalo 9.07, 11.31 p. m.; 1.53, 3 52. 5.51. 9 53 p 111. Tor Wl!lces-Barre-9.1$, 11.43 a. m.t 1.53, 3.28, 5.43. 7.48 p. m. Lowest lates 10 all points In United States and Canada J. W. B11RDICIC. O P A. Albany, N. Y. 1 1. W. CROSS. D P. A . Scranton, Fa. Central Railroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Stations in New Yet k Foot of Liberty street, N. R., and South Fcriy, Whitehall -trcet. Anthrarlto coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1898. Tialns leave Scranton for Plttston,, etc, at S.20, 1010 a. m.. 1.20, 2 25 " 20, 7.10 p. in. Sundays 9.00 a. m , Too'' 7.10 P in For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.30 "'For New York. Newaik nnd Elizabeth, v "0 (expiess) a. m.. 1.20 (express), 3.20 (ex inWs) p m. Sundajs, 2 15 p. m. Train iiiilnir 120 P. m . urilvcs at Philadelphia, Reading. Terminal, 7 03 p. m and New VlVdr' Mauch"chunk. Allentown. Bethle hem Huston and Philadelphia. 8.30 a. m., 1 -i ! "0 n m. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. rv,r " Baltimore and Washington, and points south and west via Bethlehem. I "111! m 1.20 p. 111. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. S ,i . ,, " i, Grove, etc.. at Por 1.011B i.."""-. hSOn. m, lail'-m.;, h 'l-.iV lTcidiiig, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg, v u Allentow 'f: 8.30 a. m.. l. p. m. Sun- ''"'."wl.usville, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. 1 l ",l. " Vinv,. New York, foot of Lib- .r.v stree North River, ut 4,00, 9.10 (ex presa ) a " l L ' (e,kUre33 ' ,'- Sundays, j "a .1. m. , ., --- T Y'oik, South Ferry, foot Whitehall street, at 9j a. m. Si arriving or depa ?v,is terminal can connect ui Leave .-"- nl v cu a. in., j.-o i. in. parting irom under cover th,V!, n the elevated railroads, Broadway 'i'Vo cas aael ferries to Brooklyn and cabin cas. maj.iB quick transfer to ,1d 'from Gnrand"centraiqdepot and Long lB", vrph!iadelplila. Reading Terminal, Leav e 1 '"ivj" 'm Sundays, 6.13 p. m 7,,U-,h tickets to ail points East South0 imd West nt lowcstPrato at th. ftutlon. p Sup, IT P BALPWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J-lie and Wyoming Valley. .-. c. ifuU IC'lfi T ,1 is lea'o Scranion for' New York. Nevvmirc nd Intermcellato points on V rallioad also for llnwlev and local rn, M'lhi. Ill i-lRT. Of H. ii)Hl. ' J 1U1U Al-'." --- . ," -V',.,.. and 3 13 and 9 OS p. m. 10 23 a m SCItAVIO DIVISION. iii liffpci octoiicr mini, isns. North lloiiiul. Muutli Hound. LACKA- ,f!B?ST-r. mnnufac- TwirjriiiWTw' 1 1 I J. n ,1 ftTmt "Mi H VF feat's I n A 1 1 ' II Jl?74cMTiVillliiii BOB ,801 1 MS1 lij gas I jT Ti MAirlvo Leave a m ! 7SSN Y Franklin Kt .... 7 4) T i West 4'.'nd street .... 7R3 . 700 Weehawken ... 810 ., m e MAirlvo l.e avo r m r m 10 13 1131 c anoiu 2i6is5 ,1(140.... lN Hnncoclc .... 3'l!43 1031 .. Uf'V biaillKtlt ... a S3 4 40 1 to ai .... IS oil I'l eston Parle ... S!J1 A. ,1015 .. U4o. Wlnnrod .... 2 41, fcoi I 100'.... I 'J S.-.I I'oyntflle .... 260 K14 , H.W.... 12 141 Orson .... 2 58,' 6 S3 9 10.... Mi'll Vleisaut Mt. ... 3 r 6 "lo I i 0..., li r," I'nlondalo ... S09 624 92 11401 I'oi est city .... 319 SM 0M. . 1184 Caibinda'e .... H84 tf4 I 907 . fll'O Ml'H bridge ., 18381653 I 4i. 1112,1 Mayllcld .. IS 4S1 6 m I RSH... llil .lermjn .... 345 6W . H6.1.... lll Archibald .. 361 SOD 1 bmi .... li lv Winton .... 8f4 &u I b46 .... ill 111 PeCkVlllO .... 86V, (118 H4i ,11071 Olviliant ... 4(M 621 M'i .... lit oi Vrlccburg .... 40ll2l 8 II 031 'Ulioop ... 4 10 7 811 .... 11 ail rrnvldcnca , 14'63i e i: . . fio."7 l'Bik Place .... f 17 6 J 8 Jo,.... iiusi t-cranton .... i!6Jo i ill U n Leave) Arrive r mV u Huneliyonly o.AM.l t BlxDltlea that tralna stop on signal for pas - nnlnsSi ri nnrl OCItl Uiinrtntrnnlv nih.rl,.!,. dallv ' vcept i-unday. I hccurii tatia .lu, ontnilo a Western before nurcUalni; tickets and aie money. Warier Duflt s.pcr and free re cllmneclialrcar New York to Chlcini vifhout rhauge. I'lrucnprrr e,t;wjj Cljacccd lo 'vvt Ccnlei I cr.illli'. J O, AndcrcoD, Oen. rasa Arjrt. T. riltcroft, 1)1?, ma, .i!t, beranton, Va.