The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Women's Hanfcchiefs
Away Under Value.
WE OFFER today two lots of Women's Hand
kerchiefs that should produce some of the
greatest selling this store has ever known. Both lots are
strictly all linen goods and guaranteed by us. Whether
or no your handkerchief deeds are pressing this is a
happen-stance that you cannot well afford to miss.
LOT NO. 1 comprises ono hundred und fifty dozon of lrund-em-broidered
initial, hemstitched handkerchiefs that aro to go at
19 Cents
For which equal values have never
in many instances, JD coins.
LOT NO. 2 consists of Pure Linon Hoinstitched
Handkerchiefs, with embroidered and laco edges; always
15c and 25c to go today at
Coats and
Spring is Just
aiound the cor
ner; that's why things are to go at almost
your own price. Here they
are :
El Lnillt-H nnd Misses' Coats of
Kerne anil Uoucle Vurloty of. col
01 ; Kino all Silk Lined. Ken
hut prices hno bec n !vi n OR
ami $10.00 .VO
20 Iidlei" Itliick Kerrey Coats.
This season's style. Kornuily CQr
J2.50 OJ'
Misses' Skirts, Hell Shape of newest
materials; Vcleteen bound, lined
with percallne. Six to four- C -in
teen jenrs 4i.oy
IjiiHph' Ilrilllantlne Skirts, Kliuired
ratterns.,,ews,HrnKstvle-.,;e,- ogc
...II.... ll...t. .. I. ..,,- 1,n.,n.l '"!
IMllllVI llll'-U. ttmrnvi, uui'i"' .
Agents Seek Equitable Allotment.
Common Council's Doings.
About the onlv thing" that enltvenet
common council meeting laxt evening
were the addresses of Jeremiah O'Hearn
and P. F. Mofiltt on the Insurance
liiestlon. The former said he was not
out for favors but blmple justice, and
desiied to know why other agents had
necn given more than he.
Leonard Campbell, chairman of the
committee that made the recommenda
tion, said it was because Ml. O'llcain
had made no application.
P. F. Mofiltt called attention to the
fact that he has been a taxpayer for
ycais and that his parents before him
had been, hence he thought he was en
titled to a big slice and said he
ouldn't be backward about asking fur
it all If he thought they would give it
to him.
Fur the past thiet e'Ut V. It.
Baker has held the lion's shine, having
Placed JH.OUO with his companies..
The following resolution intioduced
by Leonard Campbell was adopted
That insurance on city propel ty bo
awarded as follows: To Com h age-no,
$2 600;. J. H. Brldgett, S2.500. J. II.
Iteese, J2.D00; P. F. Mofiltt, $2,300 on
city building; W. It. Baker, $1,500 on
Mitchell hose house: J. O'Heain $1.OT0
on Columbia hose house.
This Insurance Is to take effect Mauh
G. U. Van Gorder intioduced an or
dinance providing for llusstone side
walks on Terrace street, between Sixth
and Seventh avenues. It was refeired
to the street commltte.
An ordinance annexInET Fust waul
territory along Garfield avenue, Spring
street, Lincoln avenue. Laurel and
Grove streets to the First sewer dis
trict was also leferred to the commit
The Ilonesdale District Ministerial
association will hold Its last meetim?
ror this conferenco year In the First
Methodist church In this city, Monday
"venlng and Tuesday, Match 1" and 11.
Rev. A. J. Van Cleft will deliver the
address Monday evening. The commit
tee especially Invites a full attendance
as this will bo the last general gather
ng of the ministers of the district dur
ing Rev. W. L. Thorpe's sol vices a.i
presiding elder, tho piesent conference
year closing his term of six yeats.
The New Century club held its trl
annual social at the home of Mis. L.
A. Bassett.of Lincoln avenue, last even
ing. Tho rooms were handsomely dee
orated and the gentlemen fi lends of
tho organization wore delightfully en
tei talned bv a fine literary and musi
cal programme.
Mrs. George Schnff, of South Main
itreet, Is entertolnlnir her nelce, Mts.
Thomas Riley, of Oneontu, N. Y.
Fred panle resumed work In the
Jorth Main street machine shop yes
erdov after a brief Illness.
Mrs. Porter Williams, of Park street,
s at Harford at the bedside of her
nother, Mrs. Peck, who Is seriously III.
Miss Idu Snyder Is convalescent.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Abbey's son.Vere,
b seriously 111.
Miss Myrtle Wolf, of Scranton, Is
flng entertained by tho Misses
Ida and nna Harlor, of Darto ave
nue, J. E. Dennis, of Erook street, return
ed to Pen Aipyl yesterday.
Miss May Buike, of Prooklyn street,
It's Just as Well
That you should see the
Coming Fashions in
Spring Dress Goods.
First display of the sea
son at the Globe Ware
house today.
bean offered under 25 couts -aud
Wall Paper
The choicest
productions of
all the manu
facturers at about half the prices
charged by exclusive wall paper
r.ijier In scroll, floial and n-t
new and wortti H'c. cf
double mil
Hall, and dlnlim' loom paper In Unlit
nnd dark shades of Terra Cotta
Giien and liinwn with idc-iKintlv kIIcImI
borders to nnteh Awi S e I 2i?
dtniblo rcll: now 13c. and " ''v'
liiRntln or f-It tut" r, :,0-m wide In
.ill ciIoih with blended bolder and
I'.er dm, ,'l'e nil - C
I" llOllllie DMl
Is entei I lining her cousin, Miss Sadie
Spcllmi'ii. of Ilonesdale.
The Mm of Mr. and Mis. It 11
Holds Is on the sick list.
Newsdealer W J Robert" 1
filled to his home by Illness.
Attorney Seniles, of Susquehanna,
called on fi lends In this city ycsteulay.
Miss Maiv Gallagher is In New Yoik
cltv on business.
Mr. and Mis. J. J. Relgeluth's t-ou.
Donald, Is seriously HI
Mrs. l'. F. Hope, of Philadelphia, is
visiting fi lends In this city.
J. Franklin Ciowell Is in the city
Mis A. I listed and chlldien havj
leturned from their Scranton Isil.
J J. Walsh, of Mavfield, who foi a
number of years has been employed by
Simpson .t Wutklns at their Duryea
colllei. has been piomoted to assist-
" "V. r . """"" ' "'. 'v ' . , ;
..... l.l .-,. .,,i,li..,..- niwl I J f 1 t!1ilUjint i
JlltWUIi l hvilViiil r-v .j
company's property. He Is this wool;
engaged In surveying the pioperty nt
the Noithwest colliery. His r.iunv
fi lends will be pleased to hear of his
I5e. Father Malone, of Susquehanna,
will in-each in Sacred Heart chinch on
Wednesday evening. Father Malone Is
well known In this vlclnltv and some
years ago, before entering the mln
Istiy, was weighmnster at the Key
stone colliery at Mayfleld.
J. C. Tinner, a former well-knovvii
Mayfleld lesldcnt, now of Luzernj
borough, was a visitor heio on Satur
day. Mr. and Mis. Heibeit Yost, of Scian
ton, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs.
C. U. Holmes, of Rushbiook street.
Miss Mary Bums, of Avoca, spent
Sundny at tho home of her mother in
Mr. AV. D. Hill, the well-known In
surance agent, has been confined to his
home for several days with an attack
of grip.
Mrs. X. W. Williams, of Greenfield,
spent Saturday heie with her sister,
Mrs. W, J. Cramer, of Bacon street.
Mrs. Burns, of Mayfleld, yesterday
removed her household goods to Avoca,
where she will In futuie leslde.
Mis. White and son Harry, of Ob
phant, aie visiting her patents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas P. Williams, of Rush
biook stieet.
Frank Jones, Thomas Jones, Charles
White nnd John Gtlfilths, of Olyphant,
visited f i lends in this borough on Sat
urday. Mr. Richard Latcham of Scranton,
Is visiting Mayfleld frl lids
Noah Pugh, of Poplar street, May
fleld, is quite ill.
Miss Lottie Reynolds, of Forest City,
v Islted friends In Jermyn yesterday.
Pay sour taxes todaj and save the
five per cent, penalty.
Eugene Hutchlngs, Willie Stevens nnd
Willie Pairv, of Mayfleld, attended a
surprise party In Olyphant on Satur
day night.
Mrs. Owen Owens, of Mayfleld, Is le
coverlng from her long and severe ill -
Miss Lizzie Jones, of Noith Main
street. Is vlslilng Dumnnro friends.
Paul Cure of Scott; Thomas Lough
ney, Tree!. Rlchtnieycr and Tom Jones
wcro Archbald visitors Sunday.
Prof, Rogeis, of Jermyn, visited his
brother hero on Washington's birth
day. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Buckingham at
tended a meeting of tho Order of East
er n Star, at Scranton, last evening.
Mrs. F. J. Amsden, of Scranton, was
the guest of Mrs. Schoonmalter at "Oak
Terrace" on Frldoy last.
Prof. E. B. Rogers spent Saturday
and Sunday with friends at Btrouds
burg. Mr. J. II. Snyder and daughter, Mrs
A. II Cobb, have returned from a trip
to New York where they attended the
funeral of Mr. Snyder's brother.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, of Madl
sonvllle, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. G. D. Detrlch.
The Ladles Aid Society of the Bap
tist church, will hold a dime social on
Friday evening next at tho horn of
Mr. Byron Buckingham. Proceeds to
apply on the pastor's salary. All are
cordially Invited.
In respond to Invitations sent out by
Mr, Robert Christy, a merry party ot
young people Rather cd nt hla homo on
Thursday evening; Inst. In a short time
after their arrival they were trans
formed Into a weird group of phantons
and with Miss Uessle UuckltiKham pre
siding at the piano they began their
ghostly march throuch the spacious
parlors and called forth much merri
ment. In a Fhort time, however, masks
wcro thrown aside and in Knmcs and
music tho hours passed quickly by. At
II o'clock elegant tcfreshments were
solved by Mrs. Christy and the wo'
sinii' hours arrived before the reluctant
farewi lis were said and the young1 peo
ple dispersed to their respective homes.
Those present were: .Mlsess ejarric
Schickel, Jennie Dunning. Mame,
Hhodes, Jessie Ilardenbureh. Inez
Hlcsslnir. Hesslo Buckingham, Lou
Dunning, Nellie lluber, Grace Stanton,
Cora Now and Mamie Dunnlne nnd
Messrs. Ocorge Schlebel, Walter Scott,
V.. 1J. Ilosers, Mortimer Edwards, Ed
gar Mnchetto, Harold Machette, Our
flcld Edwards, Elmer Williams, Chas.
Davis, AVI11 Jenkins, Percy MtodcH,
I'rcd Davis, Dorrance Fuller, Harry
Christy, Charles New, Ilobert Christy,
Friend Hhodcs and Walter Stanton.
Antluacite Glee Club Ee-Organized.
Benefit Hafile Personal News.
The Anthracite Glee club, a musical
organization of this town, met on Sun
day nfternoor. In Llewellyn's hull and
le-organized as a permanent tug mira
tion. They will enter the competition
at the Olyr.hant eisteddfod mi tins
"Sailor's Chords" tomorrow, St David's
day. The following otllcers were elected-
President. John F. Tubb: secrc
taiy. William H. Thomas. Professor
Samuel Evans was selected as director.
The club Is composed of the following
well known singers: First tunm-. Wil
liam Jones, Morgans, Marry
Kvans, W. II Nicholas, John G. Price.
Divld J DaIs; second tenor, Ilobert
Llewellyn, William H. Thomas. David
Jones, Hlchanl Wlntoi. Hairy Smith,
Daid T. D.ivK William lteeso. tltst
bass, James E. Watklns, Thomas
dwells, Ednund Jones, Rlchaid Wat
kins, William Hosklns, William Giif
tltlis. John 1!. Thomas, John T.
Thomas, second bass. David Grllllths,
William G. 'lowells, Job.n F Tunis,
John T. Jones, William Williams.
Thomas Fiar Is
A laille for .i sc-t of mining toolF for
tli benefit oi Mis. Charles Guild, will .
be held at the lesldtnce of James Pou- I
ell, corner of Main and Onk si reel, on
Monday evening, Match 20 Com t it
tee. G. J. Powelt, John Nallon, Drlnev
O'llaia and Dald Giimths. Tickets.
25 cent.s.
The "Meuy Milkmaid" will be icpro
duced by the choir of the Cnlvaiy Bap
tist church, on .March 13 and H un
der the direction of Professor Dald
12 Jones
The collleiles of the Delawuie, l.uck
awanua and Western companv are
walking foui eight-hour days this
Mis. O. loues Is slowly iecoellliT
fioin hei recent Injuilet. which sb'S
Mistalned bj falling down a lltgnt of
stairs last week.
Mr. and Mis I low aid Johns, of Jfvdo
Paik, spent tne Sabbath with relatives
lu Ibis place
We congratulate Professor David F.
Jones on his meilted success In win
ning thhd piize nt one of the musical
c ein-er Uoilc at Bostoi' Jfor the Pest
congregational tune 1'iofessoi Jones'
selection wa, the hjmn "God Calling
yet," and out of one bundled competi
tors he was successful.
The menthols or the Welsh I'oiigre-
BJtlonnl ebuich are making wnango-
ments to conduct an eisteddfod In the
chutch nudltorium on Apill 17. The
committee ate hard at woik on the
same and will have the niogiamme
readv for publication dining the com
ing week.
The Taylor united choir, under the
dliectlon of Rlchaid Watklns, aie le
quested to meet at the Calvary Baptist
chutch this evening for rehearsal, The
above choir will compote on the chief
prize at Olyphant eisteddfod tomor
row .
The usidents of North Main street
mo dissatisfied with the light furnish
ed at the corner of Main and Oak
James Inglls spent the Sabbath with
friends at Ransom.
Benjamin Reese, who was Injured In
Taylor mines on Saturday week, I? re
covering slowly.
Mr. James Mullen, of Church brrec,
died Sunday morning, death being clue
! yesterday afternoon was a genuine dog
NO SLEEP FOR THREE MONTHS,"- The cont .. between
Thomas and Butler tieet.
Ono Cause of Sleeplessness That Can
be Overcome.
Mr. Win Ilundschu, of 40th street,
Cotton Alley, Pittsburg, Pa., oxptessos
remedy for that common and obstinate
disease, piles: "I take pleasure In stat
ing that I was so afilloted with piles
that for three months I got no regular
hlcep; I became completely prostrated,
the doctors did me no good; my brother
told mo of the new remedy for piles,
tho Pyramid Pile Cure; I put chased of
my druggist three 60 cent boxes and
they completely cuied me. I am once
more at work and but for this excell
ent remedy I would be on my back.
I tuko great pleasuie In writing this i
letter because so many people are suf
ferers from this trouble who like my
ferrs from this trouble who like my -
self did not Know vvhete to look for a
permanent, safe, reliable cure.
Experience with tho Pyramid lilei
Cure for the past three years has do-
monstrated to the medical profession an
well as to thousand of sufferers from
plies .that it Is tho safest and most
effectual pile cure ever offered to the
public, containing no opiates or pois
ons of any kind, painless and conven
ient to handle, and being sold by drug
gists at COc. and $1.00 per box, is within
the reach of every sufferer.
Very often two or three boxes havo
mado a complete cute of chronic cases !
that had not yielded to other remedies
for years.
There Is scarcely a disease more ag
gravating and obstinate to cure than
the various forms of piles, and It is a
common practice to use ointments,
salves and similar prepurutlons con
taining dangerous poisons to remove
tho tiouble. The Pyramid has super
seded all of these Ineffectual remedies
and no ono suffering- with any rectal
trouble will make any mistake In giving
tho Pyramid n. trial.
If In doubt ns to the nature of your
trouble send to Tho Pyramid Drug Co.,
Marshall, Mich., for a valuable book on
piles, describing all forms of the dis
ease and describing tho method of cure.
Any druggist can furnish tho Pyramid
Pile Cure as it Is the best known and
most popular remedy for plies and If
you ask him he can doubtless refer you
to many people In your own vicinity
who have been cured completely by It,
to heart failure. He Is survived by a
wife and (wo daughters, Mary, of thl
place, and Mrs. John Itagcn, of Provi
dence. Funeral will lake plaeo Tues
day at 10 o'clock. Interment will bo
made In tho Archbald Catholic ceme
tery. Miss Maggie Kane, of Laurel street,
Is able to be out nealn after un Ill
ness of three weeks.
llev. A. Broderlck, of Susquehanna
Is visiting friends In town.
Mrs. Charles Dougher sustained a
fracture of the arm by falling whllo
aomlng from church.
Tho friends of Miss, Maria Qllroy
will bo glad to hear o'f an Improve
ment In her case.
Miss Nellie Price, of niverslde, en
tertained Miss Gibbons, of Scranton,
Miss Nora Healy, of Scranton, Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Thomas
llenly, of Main street.
Miss Julia Cox, of Scranton, Is be
ing entertnlned by Miss Kane, of
Laurel street.
Mrs. Sarah Slmrell. who has been
nursing her dauchter C'anie, of ning
linmton, through a long illners of ty
phoid fovei, leturncd lume last Fri
day, and reports that Mrs. Reardsloy
has fully rccoveied.
Mr. James Boyle, of Scranton, spent
Sunday here with his mother. James Is
now connected with the Agents' Sup
ply company, of Scranton.
.Messrs. Ira Gardner and S. N. Slm
icll spent Sunday with telatlves In
Red Jacket lodge. No. 521, 1. O. O.
F., confeired the thlld degree on tlneu
candidates last Satin day night.
The ncetyllne gas plant recently
placed In the Odd Fellows' hall is to be
lemoveil, as It is inadequate to supply
the neeesusry light It will be re
placed with a linger one with double
the capacity.
There will be a special meeting to
night iTutsdajJ of the membcis of
Factory vllle encampment, I. O. O. F ,
for the purpose of piacticlng the de
gree woik. All members ate lequested
to be piesont.
The ladles of the Methodist Episco
pal church leallzed about twenty-IHe
dollais from the ten cent supper
sened at the loll call last Friday even
ing. New maple syiup will soon make Its
annual debut on buckwheat cake...
Win in sugar pal ties will also soon he
n ,miei
John Johnson, a resident of the tyvvn
shlp, died last Thursday morilng tiwi
Brlght's dlseaie. Intel ment was made
Saturday In the old Depot ct-mctety.
The Young AVomen's Chiistlan Tem
perance union will bear In mind that
their tegular meetings are held the first
and thlid Mondays of each mo.ith.
Next Monday afternoon wilt be the
Hist regular meeting loi Mnich.
The evening sen vices of the annual
roll call of the Methodist Hpiscopal
chinch last Filday was composed et
the following piogiamme. The speak
ers were Rev. James, of EatoiiViiie;
Itev. Dr Ri tutelage, or Haiford.
II. H. Wilbur, of Tunkhunnock. and
Rev. J. S. Lewis. The vocal music vw
furnished bv the church male quai
tette, and .Mrs. H T Juyne. Miss
Spencer captivated the audience with
a tecltatlon
Next Filday evetilnq. Match ', at th:
Methodist chinch, theie will be an en
tertainment under the iu'plees uf tl.e
Women's Christian Tunpeiance u'lloii
An Honest Medicine tor La Grippe.
Geoige V. Waltt. of South Gaidlnci,
M ., :ays: "1 have baa the worst
cough, cold, chills and grip and have
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit to the ondoi. Chamber lulu's
Cough Remedy Is the only thing that
hus done any good whatever. I have
used one ;0-cent bottle and the chillis,
cold and grip have all left i.e. I con
giatulate the manufacturers of an hon
est medieir.V i-or sale by all drug
gists. Matthews Bios., wholesale and
retail agents. "
Success of the Pittman Company.
Bottleis on the Anxious Seat Per
sonal Notes.
The 'ani Pittman Comedy company
mule a vciy favoiable imwossion last
i evening at Music hall before an audi
I ence that occuried every seat In the
! auditorium The play presented was
one of their htandard creations. This
I company Is entitled to the- patronage
of our old time theater people.
The only excitement on Main street
Tho brewer.J of this vicinity aie plac
ing some of the bottlers on the anxlcus
scat because the latter have been uslni
the kegs of the former for tlm manu
facture of what Is known as corn beer.
A United States oilieer was in the city
I tcr ?ay. w t Ue from ashing.
ton. to Investigate this mattei In the
1 Interest of the Internal revenue. Tho
' brewers think that they ore responsible
to the government from the fact that
I tho package with their name contains
goods that lequlre the usual stamp.
The brewers are getting tired of this
kind of generosity und yesterday no
tilled those who have been ensaged In
this kind of business to desist. But
i the government ofllcer will do tho rest.
The funeral of the late Mts. John C.
"llliUms took place at Wilkes-Purie
; ysieruny cue.oou,,. .. ,- im-auu.
, -., T 1...-1....1
the mine superintendents of the Dela
w -to und Hudson company, and her-
"e"- wen- rrsldents of this cltv for
""'V vfars' A l'nus lo,uee' "' - f
hNnlU, blirS, a, mcmuPr' ,,-",InUc(1 "R
a, uociy. iius loage pays ti.uuu on tne
death of a member. Mrs. Williams was
a daughter of the lute Gilbert Jones.
and was known here for her good
Christian traits of character. Her
many gifts of charity will never be
Mrs. Charles Arvidson, who has been
seriously ill for tho past week, Is on
tho mending list.
Phil. Harris and William Speat, of
Now York, were registered at tho Sin-
clalr hoiiRe yesteiday.
James Tlgue, u familiar figuro on our
streets and tho health ofllcer of this
city, died suddenly yesterday morning
nt 2 o'clock. A week ago he was en
gaged In tho active piusult of his du
ties, nnd on Satin day succumbed to
the Inevitable. Tho deceased was
known as an honest and upright man,
and whllo ho was often handljapped
In the pursuit of his duties, ho had a
certain ambition about him that made
an Impression,
Tho Henry arattun society of tho
city, one of our most piogresslve Irish
organizations, will make a proper ob
Ecrvanco of Robert Emmet's birthday
on March 4, ut tho Keystone hall. An
excellent programme has been pre
pared. There will be no paiado on St. Pat-
fffff I Iff 1 rfiil ''-wfmWmM
"Tired and broken down women,
whose lives are made miserable
through the blighting Influences of fe
male complaints, why do you suffer?"
"Why will you allow .olirself to be
come 'blue.' discouraged nnd despon
dent?" "Why will ou enduie the tortuto of
backache, headache, bearing clown
pains, nervousness and other weak
nesses caused by rheumatism or head
"It you sulfer thus, 11 Is wholly need
less and entirely your own fault."
"Thete Is help tor you and for all
other women who buffer this way."
"Let mi" lead you these wolds,
which weie lecently penned by a wom
an who suffered, who enduted, who
rick's day it, this city. This decision
was arrived at on Sunday afternoon
by the seveiul societies, in lerpect to
the memory of the late Veiy Rev. John
Flnncn. A special mass was obetved
jtsterdiiy tuoinlng In St. John's church
In uccoi dance with his lequevt.
- -
LJJAItN TO SAY "NO" when u deal
er offeis you something "Just as good"
In (dace of Hood's Sarsapaiilla. There
can be no substitute for America's
Ureutest Medicine.
HOOD'S PILLS cuie nausea, sick
headache, biliousness and all liver Ills.
Pi lee 2", cents.
The Sraiidaul Democratic club will
meet this evening. All membeis aie
lequested to be present.
The Ladles' Aid society of the .Meth
odist i:picopai chin ch will hold a
business meeting In the claus looms
this afteiitoun.
The Ladles' Missionary soclet of the
Langcllffe chinch villi meet at the
home of Mis. XV. F. Pier on Thursday
Mis. A. O'Malley Is spending a few
davs with f i lends In Kingston.
The contest tor a horse between
Postmaster Dleble, of this town, and
Thomas McLaughlin, of Green Ridge,
was decided on Saturday evening. Mr.
Deeble turned over to the Surslleld
society $735.05; Mr. McLaughlin, $425.25.
After financial affalis were settled tho
members at' the society held a smoker
and spent a. few sociable hoius in
honor of the event.
Joseph McDermott, of Giovo btiect,
is suffering from a severe attack of
Miss Mame O'Malley is visiting
friends in Scranton.
The manlage of Miss Ella Early tn
James Glnty, both residents of this
town, wus solemnized In St. Mary's
chuich on Saturday evening. Rev. M.
F. Crane performed the ceremony.
Rev. Dr. Mills, pastor of the Memor
ial church at Wilkes-Barre, will preach
In tho Langcllffe Presbyterian church
this evening.
Ycsteulay afternoon the remains of
Mrs. J. II. Christian wcro laid to rest
in Marcy cemetery, and a large num
ber of sorrowing friends from this and
surrounding towns nttended. Rev. J. R.
Wagner. of Luzerne, preached an Im
piesslve seimon and voiced a deserving
tilbute to the memory of the deceased.
The pall-bearers were C. H Druffner,
William Laird, E. C. Kellum, E. E.
Snyder, F. E Dommornuth, William
Brown . Many floral tributes wero
placed on the coffin by loving fi lends.
Among them were bouquets from Mr.
and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Druffner, Misses Graham William
and Edward Laird. Miss Mame Hlnes,
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. J. Brown and Mrs.
Held nnd sister, of Peckvlllo; Mrs. Mc
Cullough, of Wllkes-Barro. und a hand
some pillow Inscilbed "Mother." In
terment was made In Marcy cemetery.
Rev. 1.. E. Van Hoesen attended an
Epw oith league convention nt Salem
tegular meeting of the Wilson Fire
company will be held at their looms
Free UUtrlliatloii for a Time.
Oulcle, Instructor aud Krlcnd for Men of
All Aces and Statloiu of Life. HlMtratPci.
Iatest rode of polite behavior OK MEN,
icocMlly and In buklnns. Suggestion! for
business encresi. .
How to cnln physical and nervous Tlgor,
strength, confidence-cure rfTecU of errors
nnd excesses, nil bodily weaknesses peculiar
to men-remove all obstacle to happy aud
c inRnAN.
P. O. Drawer 231, Buffalo, N. Y.
sought and found relief"
' Mrs H P. G. Cauies, one of the best
known ladles In BuUer, Pa, fays:"
"For neatly tluee yeais I was under
the doctot's cute, a constant sufferer
from female weaknesses In the most
aggravated form."
".Medicine did me no good and my
suffering was so gteat that nt times
I felt that death would be a relief."
"At Inst our druggist lecommeuded
mo to tiy a remedy about which I had
heard much, but knew little."
"I took his udviee and be (cue I had
finished one bottle, I wus astonished at
the manelom change it made In my
"I am lejolced to sa that It com
pletely cured me. 1 am now feeling
peifeetly well, able to attend to all my
this evening. A tet will be mnde with
the Miller snnko piotector to piove Its
efficiency. Ail members are requested '
to be present
The Delaware and Hudson mine de
partment have removed all the ma
chinery from Plane II engine house.
There was twenty-eight cur loads. Th
cats wre hauled up Plane 1 und
switched to the light track, w hell they
weie taken to Olyphant where the ma-
chineiy will be unloaded und housed i
subject lo the older of the mine de
partment. A bonnet social will be held bv the
Epwortb League on Tuesday evening.
March 7. at ihe home ot Mr. and .Mis.
J. G. Hell, of Main street
.Mr. John l.ciblnson. aged ru .vais. a
lesldcnt of Grassy Island, died at his '
home at thut place on Sunday after- ,
noon, alter an Illness of onlj t'iurdus' i
duiatioii. De.-eused leaves a wife unci .
seven ehlldteii. Tie seiviees will lu
held at :."0 o'clock Wednesda.v, at the
Methodist Episcopal chuich, Rev. S. C.
SlmpKins oflh lating He was a mem
ber of Wnwilipa tillie, Improved Order
of Red .Men. No. 211, of this pluce,
whose members will attend the funeral
In ct bi'U. Interment will be made lu
Prospect eemeteiy.
In Spite of the Opposition of Certain
Literary Critics.
From the New York Sun.
While Professor Brander Matthews
has been .standing guard ovei the
English language, his older enemy.
Romantic Fiction, has broken out of
the. donjon keep, leaped over the moat
and Is again In what Professor Mat
thews would call "our midst." Two
versions of the elder Dumas's "
Trois Mousquetalies" are to be pio
duced on the New York stage next
spring. We tremble to think of the
thousands of persons who will be led
by this means to make the acquaint
ance of our old friends, D'Artugnun,
Athos, Porthotr and Aramls. We trem
ble to think of the old fogies who
ought to be Improving their minds with
the immortal works of Professor Mut
thews and Mr. Hamlin Garland, but
who will take down their dog-eared
copy of the "Three Guardsmen" and
waste the precious houis even as Mr.
Thackeray used to do. They may not
be able to go to the theatre, thoso old
leprobates, but they can still lead of
Athos, Portlier, Aramls and D'Artag
na Kor the instruction of the yuung and
the confusion of the old Professor
Matthews t-hould show once mote the
I ehsentlal fustaln and futility of thlt
absurd story. He should not neglect
to remark that nobody could really
drink eo much Spanish wine iw H said
to have run clown the distinguished
gullet of Athos; thut Porthos was a
person ot shocking taste: that Aiamls
dissembled too much and that D'Art
Hiriuin could never have been elected
a member of the American Peace so- I
cletv. Then the Infernal lmpiobabllltv
of the fellows! The Hon. Aladdin At
kinson or wime other Boston statisti
cian has computed that there Is enough
,-llnt nf steel In the "Thiee Mltsktt-
I eer-s" to read a whole volume of the
Pnlted Stutes Census by. How much
1 moi o profitable It is to read the Census
I than to read Dumas Is evident to all
I good men.
As to the amount of fighting In this
I regrettable book. It Is Incredible and
disgusting. Dumas should havo made
bis swashbuckler'! resort to arbitra
tion. Then at Professor Matthews will
not fall to demonstrate, there Is so
much motion in tho book that several
gentlemen who rldo the wooden horse
for their liver's sake, scout the story
as a hash of improbabilities. Finally,
I the wretched composition Is Interest
ing, and consequently immoral and In-
1 tolerable.
Professor Matthews should ho sum
to rate 8lr Walter soundly, too. It Is
notorious that "Quentln DurwaicV
started Dun us on his career of crime.
As for those absurd watchwords, "Oiu
for all" and "All for ono." how much
better It would have been If Dumas
had given his years to serious study
1 and anticipated the great modern abra
cadabra of Sixteen to une.
lor Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tha
Signature of
duties and I belime I owe my life nnd
continued good health wholly to tho
use of Winners Safe Cute."
"This Is only one ease among thou
sands In which Wnrnei's Safe Curu
has been the means of cluing the dis
tressing ailments peculiar to women."
"Time and again it has proved to bo
uncqiialed lot I'iving quick and perma
nent icllef."
"No woman who wlslas to escape
nilseiy, to mold stil'feilng, to leplac
delicacy and weakness with health und
sttength. can affotd to he Without this
srand disco vol y."
"It Is a lemedy that can he rolled
upon, a remedy that novel' falls and
one that has pmecl to be women's
best friend."
Forty Men L.ving on Christmas Isl
and, Which Was Said to Bo Worth
less, l'rom the Sun
There Is no speck In the ocean blc
enough to set foot on where men aio
not settling down uowuduys, if they
think there Is a e bunco of making .t.
little money This is how It happen'
that about toity men are living to
day on Cluistmus Island, one of the
lonelv spots In the Indian Ocean, about
200 miles south of Javu. The Island
Is shaped something like a dumb-bell.
Is about ten miles long and In Its
widest pait has a width of about flvw
In 1SST the Biltlsh suivejlng vessel
Kljlng Pish was ordered to make an
examination of the iland. It found
an anehoiagii place In one of the lit
tle havs and a number of men wero
landed. They lepoited that the Island
was of little value, und no serious at
tempt at e.p!oiatloi wus made. A few
yeais later It was dls-covered that ilch
beds of phosphate of lime are on tho
Island, and In 1S3S Mr. Andiew Iloss,
brother of the man who owns the
Cocos Keeling Islands, made the join -ney
to (in Minus Island and decided
that nione-y wus to be made by set
tling there, lie went back for his fam
ily and a few men from Coeos and
then leturncd to the Island. Near the
shoies of Plying Klsh Cove a uuml r
of substantial houses havo been erect
ed. Wells have been vunk and fruit
ttees and coeoanut palms planted, and
a small experimental plantation of cof
fee has also been made The tesults
thus tar leave no doubt that the isl
and Is well suited for coffee growing.
In Mav. lust vein. Mi. Boss had lust
Unpen ted a number of coolies from
Java to make the necessary piepaia
llons for working the valuable deposits
of phosphate of lime. The population
then numbered about fort v.
Most of the Island is covered with
forest. Its climate Is delightful, and
during the greater part of tho year r -sembles
a hot summer tempeied by se.i
breezes. In .the ilch phosphatlc soil
the trees grciw tn great height. Ani
mal life is seldom abundunt on aceanio
islands, and Christmas Island Is no
exception. Tirol e are onlv five species)
of mammals, two kinds of nits, a.
shrew mouse and two bats. The pies
euee of the iats and the mouse mtll
be accounted for by supposing that
they drifted to the Island on filiating'
wood, while the bats i cached It bv
lllght ov ing to the abundance of food
end the absence of enemies, the r.itst
swarm everywheie. Birds of passage
appear in the uiiny season, and In
clude m.inj vailetles
eaitn is
issoldundcr positivo Written Uuarantco,
ilenco.NervouMicea, Latitude, fill Drains, Youth
ful Urrorc, or Excoseivo ltci of Tobucco, Opium,
or Lmnor. which leads to Jlleery. Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At ftoru or by mcul, $1 a
box: us fur fi; with written jiuarunteo to
cure or refund money. Sample pneu
asc containing hv-o dnjsr treatment. vItu full
InstructtoDB, lb cents. Ono enmplo only sola to
cscu person. Aisiorooruyuiuu.
t2J-Rcd Label Special,
txtra airengin. I
For Impntency, Lous otS
i..nA,. TuRt. MnntinnH.
Bterthty or fiarronnessA.
Jl n uoxt erz mr J, vwig
'. " . ", 1ft.XZ A ,.-..??
u-niicn 2EUU1 uuiut-L.
iBEPOrt&orbvpmll. APTfcK
per bale by Wll lam O, Clark, 316 Penn Av
Scranton, I'a.
1H .M T lit HI'AIH : iQr.otur
r Lonir Tint joy and tniMtlom of
if on b rteifj 10 )u Tr vtr
worn rait ot Ntrvou UeMtliy r
btoliittl rurr. by IM'.aFl'f'IO
1A III.RTM. Ulte uraim t relief tuln.
aori i
and drain of lial poTt,incuiiJ tjr
&innr rotioorr add me !
inuiiciTiiPiii vrricfiifivi iij jrm
dip art vtit-or and rutencT loaf art funo
Orac up 1 ha jitam Ulva sfX. bloom 10 i&a
rnctkaaad luitra lo tha eye of fAyountr orold
unrouc poirvntwariiai an trey lAJO
boiai at
or roomy r
pocket. Pali
lunarq tan dc rarrifa in n
rrjbara or mailed Iq rlaln wrapper on lecflp'J
prlca by 1IU rmrirTT i'v.t (alio U. Calie,Vr
Bold In Rcranlon, Pa., by Matthew
Uros und McUarraU & Tiiomus, UiuggUta,
I lt3afetL riivIW I ''-Ai iTfrw'
tGTft VI