The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Indicated by Rov. W. L. Do Oroff,
of Topcka, Kansas Ho Is Super
intendent of a Sunday School
Union Out There Tells Something
About tho Mormons Funernl of
Enoch Harris Church News.
Lively Debate St. Paul's Corps
Looking Up New Membeis.
ITho West Sldo oniee of Tho Trihimo is
lit Jenkins' drug store, cornel Main una
Jackson, una is In clnrgn of V. It.
Hitches. News and advertisements re
ceived at this olllcc
Itcv. W. U DcGroff, superintendent
of the Atneilcan Sunday Hchool union,
of Topeka, Kan., uddiessed the con
gregation of tho Washburn Street
Presbyterian church last evening on
"The Uocky Mountain District." In
his opcnlnB remarks ho quoted pas
sages from the Gospel of St. Matk,
and from the second chapter of Phlllp
lans, and used that sentence "Look
not every man on his own things, but
on the things of otheis," os the basis
of Ills remarks.
During his address tho speaker said
he had spoken at the Washburn Street
church live years ago, and has la
bored nearly ilfteen years In his pres
ent Hold of work, his work being In
the Interest of the Sunday school and
the children. The teirltory In what Is
known as tho Rocky Mountain district
Is seven hundred and eight times the
area of all New Ihiglnnd, having at
least half a million children out of the
folds of tho Sunday school, mid un
cared for from a religious standpoint.
When the sotlety was organized
there was 3,000,000 children out of the
folds, and now theie ore 11,000,000 nn
carcd for, so far as the Gospel Is con
cerned. Instead of being a missionary
from China, ns he was thought to bo
by r small boy whom ho spoke to
once, ho Is working right among the
children of the United States.
Referring to the childien of Utah,
the speaker said they ate subject to
Mormon teaching. He read a song
which he obtnlned In a Sunday school
In Utah, and the title of the song was
"I Want to Ho a Mormon," which
they teach the little ones, and the
closing lines are as follows:
"I'll be a little Mormon
And follow HrlFliam Young."
He said "There the church places
the book of Mormon above the ruble,
nnd the only safeguard against such
teachings Is to liberally teach and cir
culate tho woid of God. The Mor
mons teach that Maiy and Martha
were the wives of Jesus, and that lie
had many wives." Referring to his
associate In the work there he said
the latter had occasion to pass through
a country dlstiict and found a town
where nothing but Mormonism was
They visited camps In Wjomlng
where 4,000 and 5,000 souls were lo-
F E5iBIJwh5' cough and risk
pr.tsugi sxsfUs.v
Cough Syrup-Idyo0",e.r?Pnrnofcv.y
cures throat and lung troubles. Price a 5 cents.
Our Annual Sale
Of Men's White Shirts
Begins on Saturday.
This opportunity comes but once a year, and
thousandsof thrifty buyers take advantage of it
The shirts offered are exactly the same goods
as we sell the year round. Same quality, same in
finish, same iu perfect fitting qualities. Every shirt
(if the proper size is selected, aud we have them for
short, tall, slim or stout men,) will fit like a glove.
This is positively guaranteed.
Now Look at the
Bargain Inducements
Men's Dress Shirts.
full length, any size. Relnfoiced
back and front. Patent continuous
facings, etc. The shirt that ordi
narily brings 372.
Annual Sale Price, 25c
ly cut and properly made. Each
shirt Is stamped with, the size of
lollar required to lnsuie a comfort
able fit. Tho best half-dollar shirt
in Scranton.
Annual SnU Price, 3!?c
every practical Improvement that
any other shlit can have. Long or
short bosom, any length sleeve, pet
cnt neckband, made of Walnsutter
muslin, with continuous facings, ic
lnforced back and front, etc.
Annual Sale Price, 1lc
nil the above Impiovcmonts and a
few extras, such as open or closed
fronts, extra oualltv of linen In
bosom, etc. Theie Is not a better
ehlrt sold In this city for U.00.
Annual Sale Price, 5'Jc
Globe Warehouse
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Things get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with hypophos
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
oe and ft no j all drugglM.
SCOTT & BOWNi. Chemists, New York.
catcd without a pteachcr, and It was
llfty-one miles to the nearest church.
They found tho natives working on
Sunday the same as other days In the
The American Sunday School union
has an abundant field to wotk In at
home, and Intends to send tho Sunday
school mlsslonnry In an undenomina
tional manner to woik among these
dlstilets. The union finds Its best Held
among the mrnl dlstrlets. The coun
try In the Rocky Mountain district
possesses the most eneigetlc class of
people to be round In tho United
States, and those residing west of the
Ohio river have developed a lemark
able energy, which was undoubtedly
Inherited from their forefathers.
In IHah the larger poitlon of the In
habitants are Scandinavians, but In
his district there aic hundreds of In
dians who have never had the pilv
llege of reading the word of God. Kev.
DeGioff expressed the wish that his
talk would be the means of bringing
to mind the needs of the people In the
district he represents, and believes the
childien there are appealing to the peo
ple of the Uast for their sympathetic
and financial aid, which Is necessary
to carry on the work lie closed by
Inviting contilbutlons which may be
sent to his address, or left with Rev.
J. 1. Moffat here.
St. Paul's Pioneer eorrs hold a meet
ing In Masorlc hall on North Main
avenue estei day afternoon nnd decided
to maki an effoit to liicie.iso their
membership. A contest wns atinngecl
with First Lieutenant John Larl.ln
lf'idlng one side rnd Second LIeutn
apt Trunk Cairoll on th- other side.
The cnntfst will cuiitlnif until the
legulnr ir.petlng for installation of n'H
eois mi Tulv 1, when it will b- Itildrd,
ami the lo-'ing side will piovldc a ban
ciuet foi the winners.
The annual ball of the rnrps, width
was lcstponed en Feb. W on account
of the blizzard will be held on tho
evening of April 10.
It is expected that the ranks will bo
greatly strengthened bv the proposed
contest and the members on both sides
Intend w 01 kins diligently to out do each
The weekly drills held by the corps
In St. David's hall ato well attended
and Captain Walter McNIchnls is
and caiefully cut and Mulshed as
the caiments for adults. Sizes, 1-'
and 14 Inch. The usual 50c. uualltj.
Annual Sale Price, .Sac
Men's Night Shirts.
tilnuned floats und cuffs, 01 Inches
long, full width, every seam gus
setted and a good quality of twilled
muslin. A marvel at the figure
Annual Sale Price, 35c
SHIRTS, eitra well made, Plain
or fancy trimmed, etc.
Annual Sale Price, 4:ic
A really high class garment, as good
as pains and care can tuui out.
Annual Sale Price, fiijc
plcnsad at the Intcicst manifested in
the woik,
The funeral of Enoch Harris was
held Saturday afternoon from his late
home, 601 South Main avenue, nnd was
attended by a laigc concouisc of rela
tives und friends. Brief services were
held at the residence, after which the
cortege moved to tho Flist Welsh Con
gregational church, where public ser
vices weie conducted by Rev. David
Jones, pastor of tho church. His text
was taken fiom Exodus, xv:23, "And
when thov enmo to Marah, they could
not dtlnk of tho wnters of Moiah, for
they were bitter; therefore the name
of It was called Marah."
In the couiso of his rcmaiks ho spoko
of how deceased had been blessed by
Uod In having 1 cared a laige family,
who today nre able to light the battle
of life for themselves. Ho also spoke
comforting woids to the members of
the family nnd relatives. At the con
clusion tho assemblage was peimlttcd
to view the lemalns.
fine notlcenblo fe.ituto of the proces
sion vwis the laige number of old resi
dents who vvcio In attendance, many
of whom had known deceased for foity
11 ve ycais or more as a West Side resi
dent. Although neaily 68 years of age,
Mr. Harris died joung In yeats in com
parison with tho ages at death of mem
beis of tho same fumtlj who have pre
ceded him to the grave, the majority
ot whom having exceeded eighty
It was Mr. JIairls' delight to iclato
how In ISM Ins had the plcasme of
viewing h giandmothci' being bap
tized In a well-l.nown river of Wales
at tho age ot 10." jean.
Heautlful Hoial designs, wen strewn
upon and about the en"ket. umoni:
them being a btoken wheel, presented
by membeis of the famllj', and casket
bouquets by Miss Jennie and Robert
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Job lluirls, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Council. Mrs. Thomas
Phillips, Mrs. Malnwailng and Miss
Kate Williams.
Out of town relatives In attendance
weie: Mis. David Hill. Mi. and Mrs.
George Davis, Mis. Isaac Stickler,
Lansford; Mis. John Rlchaids, Mary
Evans and Hannah H'ehnuls, Kings
ton, Mrs Samuel Wlllii'iis and son, of
Lattlmer; Mis. Max Morello, New York
city; Mr. and Mrs Edmund Thomas,
Lackawanna; Mrs. T. C. Evans, Nantl
coke. The pall-bearers weie selected from
members of Silurian lodge of Odd Fel
lows, which society attended and con
ducted tho services at the grave. In
terment was made In Washburn street
Rev. L. R. Foster, M. A., pastor of
the North Sumner Avenue Presbyter
Ian church, occupied the pulpit at both
sei vices vesteidaj-. At tho evening ser
vlee Mrs. Foster sang with pufect
effect a solo entitled "Neath th. Shad
ow of Thy Wing," accompanied by the
ehuieh oiganlst. Miss Mno Evans
Rev. Eoste, took his evening tet
from Matthew III, second verso. "Re
pent ye for the kingdom of Heaven
is at hand." It was a very eloquent
This evening the Women's foreign
Mlsslonaij soolotj- ".ill meet; Tuesd.ij
evening ihe Young Peoples societj of
Clnlstlan Endeuvoi, Wednesday even
ing the Ladles' Aid hoi lety. Thuisday
evening pnijer sei vices will be held,
and on Frldaj' evening tho chinch choir
will leltearse.
Ne?.t Sunday Rev. L. M. Hughes, of
Wntorbuiy, Conn., will occupj- the pul
pit at both morning and evening ser
vices. The chinch choir is preparing an
Easter piogiamme of qunttettes, duets
and anthems.
At tho coneluslon of the usual bus
iness of Ripple Division, No. -IE, tons
of Temperance, at the meeting Satui
day evening a debate was entered
into on tho question "Is the United
States Justified in the Expansion Pol
lcj ?" The aflii motive -irto was upheld
by Thomas V. Davis and David Hop
kins and tho negative side bjr John
D. Lewis and William H. Harris.
Tho points on both sides were argued
intelligently and alter some considera
tion the judges, Luther Lewis and
John M. Edwaids. decided in favor
of the negative side W. D. Bateman
leclted "Is Mairlage a. Failure"" while
tho Judges were deciding the contest.
The meeting was well attended by
membeis and fi lends and was closed
with the singing ot "My Country 'Tin
of Thee "
The rcmalnH of the Infant child of
Mi. and Mis. John Regan, of "06 West
Lackawanna avenue, were Intel red In
the Cathedral cemetery yesterday af
tei noon.
Many fi lends and relatives attended
tho funeral ot the late Mis. Sophie
Shoemaker 011 Satuiday afternoon. Tt
services were held at the 1 evidence, 200
North llj'de Pnik avenue, at 2 30
o'clock Rev J. P. Moifatt. pastor of
the Washbuin Sticet Presbyteilan
church, lefeircd tcellngly to the de
ceased's life and Impressed his listen
er with his sympathetic woids Tho
lemains weie pilvatelj1 Intetred In tho
Dunmore eemeteiy.
The pall-beareis were sl giaudsons
ol the deceased.
The announcement is heie made for
tho Hist time that David Prosser, of
Olj pliant, and Miss Elslo Powell, of
Herilek Centie, Pa., were united la
man iage ut tho parsonage of the
Wafchbuin Stieet Presbyterian chinch
by the pastor, Rev. J. P. Moffat, on
Jan. 19.
Edwatd Stephens and Miss Chailotte
Thomas, both (, this tltj, weie mnr
iled at tho paisonage by Rev. Moffat
on Fob. IS. lioth couples weio unat
The ilrst session of tha Methodist
Ministerial association will open In tho
Slmpron Methodist church
this evening at 7 30 oVloclc.
Gounod's mass to St. Cecelia will
soon bo sung by the choir of St. Pat
rick's chinch with mchestrlil accom
paniment. The luneial of the late Mrs. Homy
('. Shaip will bo held this afternoon.
Services will be conducted nt the les
ideneo of Dr. L. It aibbs ami inter
ment will be made In the Foi est Hill
cemetci y.
The three-year-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Willlnm AVhlte, of Lafayette
called Grnln-O. It Is a delicious, appetiz
ing, nourishing lood drink to take thn
filaeo of coffee. Sold by all grocers and
Iked by all who used It bei.Vusu when
properly prepared It tastes llkoKho finest
coffee, but Is freo from nil Its Injurious
propel ties Oruln-o nlds digestion and
strengthens tho nerves It Is not a stlm
uliint but a health Jiullder. and children,
as well us adults. c.Ta drink It with gloat
benetlt. Corih about U as lnuoh us cof
fee. IS and SGc.
street, died on Saturday and will be
burled this afternoon. Interment will
bo made In Cathedral cemeterj.
Tho funernl of tho lato Mrs. Charles
F. Weber will bo held tomorrow nfter
noon ut 2 o'clock. Services will bo con
ducted at tho house, nnd Interment will
bo made In tho Dunmorc cemeterj.
The Christina Endeavor society of
tho Washburn Street Presbyterian
church will hold an entertainment and
soclnl tomorrow evening, commencing
at 7.30 o'clock. Refreshments will be
Tho following patrolmen will do duty
on this Bldo during the coming month:
Hart, Lowry, Collins, Mocker, Saul and
Pair j-.
Frank Stettcr, of North Mnln nvenue,
Is confined to his home with pcumonla.
Mr and Mrs. D. E. Evans, of Kings
ton, arc tho guests of tho foi mer's sis
ter, Mis. Mary J. Tyler, ot South Hyde
Park avenue.
Miss Clara Reed, of Noith Sumner
avenue, Is visiting friends In Carbon
dale. Mis. William H. Fieemnn, of South
Mnln avenue, has gone to Minnesota
to visit hot- daughter, Mrs. Von
Thomas H. Hi own, of Stoneborough,
Ohio, is lslting lelatives hcie, nftcr
an absence of fourteen years.
Piof. John T. Watklns will partici
pate lu a minstrel peiformance to bo
given at Great Rend In the near futme.
Mrs. Jumes Jeremiah, of Lafayette
meet and son, James, are confined
to their home with the grip.
Mis Danle! Jenkins, f Pittston, who
has been the guest of relatives on
North Eromlny avenue for neveral days,
will return home this morning.
Miss Maud Savngo and Erasmus
Ames Announce Their Marriage.
Ceiamony Pei formed at Biug-
hamton Saturday.
Friends weie mode awaie yesteiday
of the man iage of Miss Maud Savage
to Erasmus Ames, w hich took plate
Saturdaj-. The ceiemony was per
formed, so It Is said, at the parsonage
of the PieHbjteilan church In Blng
hamton nnd Rov. Kill, assistant to Rev.
Nicholls, ofllclated. The announcement
comes as a nreat sui prise ti all, with
a few exceptions of their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames arc staying at
the residence of the bilde's parents,
Mr .and Mrs. Robeit Savage, of Gieen
Ridge stioet. The joung ladj is well
nnd favoiablj' known. Mr. Ames is a
cletk in the main olilce of the Erie and
Wjoming Valley railroad here.
, The following letters remain unclaimed
at the poio!llce for the period ending
IV b. 23. l&'n. l'eis-ors calling for tl eo
letters will please sa advertised In Scran
ton Ti Inline Mis Annie Dnoil, 2!.' Elm
street; Jilts Marj Flanagan, Mrs. Mar
tin llldglln, Mill stieet Thomas V. Jones,
Adams avenue. James 1 Judge, Potter
street; Miss Elvira Jenkins 10J Maillsm
avenue; Mrs. I.ucj Kelly, care of John
Kelly; Mrs. T., Maggie Rellly.
Willow street; Jl J. Iluddv, cornci of
Grove street and Qulncy aveniio; Leonard
Sharp, Francesco. Chores, Grablello
trononi, Ulvlannl Gatteino, Jauos Zo
John Tlcriuj, of Elm street, fell upon
the Ico while teturnlng from work Sit
ii! day and sti iking his head Inflicted a
deep wound In the scalp. Ho will not bo
able, to leave the hous-e for several days,
Michael JkDornell, of Willow btreot,
who Is employed as a bartender In the
hotel of JIi. J. Langun at Pat k Place, was
bi ought homo yesterday suffering from a
sprained ankle.
William Wicks, of Depue street, ag d
2S cais, died at his hemo Saturday after
a few months' Illness with pneumonia.
The luneral will take place this utter
noon at 2 JO o'clock from tho lesldence.
The Foresters and Sons of St. CSeorgo
lodges will attend In a body. Interment
will bo made In Dunmoro cemeterj-.
Tile funeral of Patrick JIuriaj-, of Spen
c r street, took plaeo from his resldenco
Saturdaj" afternoon ut 3 o clock and was
largely attended. Interment was made In
St Jluiy's cemetery.
Tho executive committee of the Twen
tieth Centurj dorcing class are request
ed to meet at the residence of William C.
Hi ovvcr, on West Drinker stieet this
evening at 7.43 o'clock. Ruslness of im
portance is to bo transacted nna e,erj
number is requested to attend.
There will be .1 meeting of the members
ol the Curfew club at their rooms on We3t
Drinker street this evening. All mem
bers will please be governed accordlnglj'.
Jlectlng to htnit at S o'clock sharp.
JllhS Ida l!lc.eckcr, of Old Forge, is be
lug enteitalned by Jlis Jessie Jledvvaj",
of Webster nvniuc.
Jlrs. Jacob Fletcher, of Hat per street,
has been called to West Point, N. Y.,
owing to the tcrlous illness of hei slstei.
Misses Nelllo Ucujaniln of Holllster
vllle, und Kathcrlne, of Pittston. were
tho guests ot their sister. Miss Bessie,
on South lllakely street, Sunday.
George Plnkncj, of Prcscott avenue,
who spent scvoial weeks with Pittston
friends, t etui nod home Sotunlij.
The happy home of Jlr. and JUs. Henry
Kraus, of South Illakely street, has been
made still happier by the appearauie of a
joung daughter.
Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Percy Cole, of IIonedale,
010 tho guests of Jlr. und Jlis. Samuel
Cole, of llrook stieet.
Theophllus Plnkney and Wesley Flench,
of Ashley, spent Sunday with their pa
rents here
Thomas Keir, of Scranton, spent tho
dav with . Edward Jlllncj', of Harper
The election of a chief of tho Dunmore
flro depaitment for one j-eor will Uko
place tonight In the boiough building. So
far tho ptescnt chief, Jame? O'llota, N
the only asphant. Charles Harper, of tho
Neptuno company, not being a candidate,
as announced.
Tho annual meeting ot tho Independent
llosn eompinv for tho purpose of elect
ing odlccis for ono year, will bo held In
the company's rooms Wednesday oveulog.
All members ara urgently icquested to
All members of the lodges of tho An
cient Order of Foi esters nnd Sons of ht.
George are requested to meet In thcii ie
speitlvo 100ms ut 1.10 o'clock this after
noon to attend the furcral of their de
ceased bi other, William Wicks, of Depuo
Professor J. 1J. Hawker, of Scranton,
entertained a good hlzed uudlcnro ut the
Giecnwood Presbyteilan church Satur
day evening with an Illustrated lecture on
tho "Rise and Fall of tho Spanish King
dom." John Rurko cliculated among fi lends in
Forest City Sunday
M. J. JlcCica, tho bustling Jlluooka
icpresentatlvo of tho Times, has been
added to tho rcpnrtorial staff of that pa
per Mr. JlcCrea will look after tho in
terests of the paper In South Scranton.
Tho Lackawanna township school board
will Journey to Lincoln Heights today to
Kchct a site for a new J1.000 school
building u that locally. The action of
the boa ul In erecting u building in a ills,
tilet when taxpayers aro clamoring tor
nuncMitlon to the city Is not favoiably
view id by many of their cuiiHtltuvuts.
Suffered four years with female trou
bles. She now writes to Mrs. I'lnkham
of her complcto recovery. Head her
DEAn Mns. riNKffAu: I wish you to
publish what Lydla K. Plnlchum'a
Vegetable Compound, BnnnUve Wash
and Liver Pills
have done for
I Buffered
for four years
with womb
trouble. My
doctor said I
had falling of
tho womb. I
also Buffered
with nervous
.-- IIUOUUUUU .ll.l.K,
nll-gono feelings, palpita
tion of the heart, bcaring-dovvn sensa
tion and painful menstruation. I could
not stand but a few minutes at n time.
Whon I commenced taking your med
icino I could not sit up half a day, but
beforo I hud used half a bottle I was
up and helped about my work.
I have taken three, bottles of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
used one packago of Sanative Wash,
und am cured of all iny troubles. I feel
like a new woman. I can do all kinds
of housework nnd feel stronger than I
ever did in my life. I now weigh 131 !
pounds, licforo using your medicine I
weighed only 108 pounds.
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
weak woman that ever was, and my
odvlco to all who aro suffering from
any feihalc trouble is to try It at onco
nnd bo well. Your medicine has
proven a blessing to mo, and I cannot
praise it enough. Mrs. Lucr Goodvaim,
Holly, W. Ya.
Traveled Thousands of Miles in tho
Wake of the Raleigh Uncle
Sam Does Not Spate Trou
ble or Expense.
A letter that Is veiy much of a curi
osity came Into the Scranton postofflee
Saturdaj. It had traveled completely
around the world, nnd from the multi
tude of markings oil tho fiont and back
of tho envelopo it must have passed
thiough about every civilized country
on the globe.
It was mailed at Scianton nt 6.30 p.
m., December 2, 1&97, and addressed to
"Thomas F. Roach, U. S. S. Raleigh,
Navy Department, Washington, D. C."
It also bore directions that If not de
livered within live days It wa3 to bo
returned to u certain lock box In Scran
ton. It got to Washington December 2,
ISO". From Washington It went to
London In care of IJ. F. Stevens, esq ,
Trafalgar square, Unite I Stntes dis
patch agent, from which point it was
sent to British, P. O., Smyrna, Turkey,
wheie It received a postmark dated
December 22. 1837.
On February 7, 1R9S, It turned up In
Nagaskl, Japan, but evidently too lato
to catch the Raleigh, for its next stop
ping place was San Francisco, wheie
it at rived Jlay 10, 1S9S. From San
Francisco it was sent to Hong Kong,
China, and thence to Manila, where
the Raleigh, just about that time, had
a pressing engagement.
In due time Uncle Sain succeeded
In earning his tvvo cents by dellveilng
tho letter on the Rallegh, but It was
only to find that there was no such
man on the ship. Then It was return
ed to Washington and referred to the
navj department. There it was dis
covered that there was no such man
in tho navj. The letter then went
to the dead 1 tter office and on Feb. 23
last was letumed to the sender in this
The letter went ftom Sei anion to
Washington, to London, to Turkej",
bock by waj' of New York and San
Francisco to China, from China to the
Philippines, from the Philippines back
to Washington nnd from Washington
to Scranton. If It had travelled In a
dhect line over this route It covered
fully 50,000 miles As it, of course,
didn't go as the crow flies, It piobably
! not much out of the waj- to saj'
that the letter traveled 60,000 miles.
Some country or other, likely Eng
land, stamped the "eight pence" on
the front of the England. As the let
ter wns delivered to the addressed par
ty England will have to whistle for its
eight pence.
Moosic Man Committed to Jail by
Alderman Howe to Await Trial.
Patrick Ruike, of Moosic, was com
mitted to the county Jail by Aldeiman
Howe on Satuiday In default of $300
ball. Defendant was charged with
committing an nbsault on Louis Helsh
kositz, a peddler, of JIaikot stieet,
Noith Scranton.
It Is alleged that while tho latter
was exhibiting his waies In Burke's
house last Thursduy he was assaulted
and lobbed and afterwaids thrown
Into the stieet. Heislikoslty returned
to the house and lecoveied some of
his goods, but claim.-, Ruike had stolen
several articles.
Laboier Caught Beneath a Fall of
Rock at Johnson's.
John Lowiskl, employed as a laboier
In the Johnson colllerv nt Prlcebuig.
was caught beneath a fall of rock
while at woik In his chamber Sat
urday morning. AVhen jemoved from
under tho debris lie wns unconscious
and bleedy freely from four ugly scalp
v ounds.
Tlrs Injured man was hi ought to tho
Lackawanna hospital, where It was dis
covered that his .right thigh was frac
tured. Ho Is also suffeiing from con
tused wounds on his bodj Late Inst
night he was In a piecarlous condition.
Sunday Service Established on the
Delawnio and Hudson.
Beginning yesteiday, a Sunday mall
was put on between this city and Car
boudale. It closes nt the Scranton postofflco at
11 o'clock a. m., und opens at 8 o'clock
p. nt.
A remedy recommended for p itlents
allUcted with tho Grlppo Is Kemp's Hal.
sum, which Is especially adapted to dlai
cases of tho tin oat and lungs. Do not
wait for tho tiist Hjmptoms of tho dis
ease, but get a bottle today and keep It
on hand for uxo tho moment it Is needed
If neglected tho grlppo has a tendcucj
to bilng on pneumonia. Tho Balsam pro-
nti flilu liv, kcontni- tlin , nlltrli Innun
'"s. y
1 All druggists sell the Balaam.
Were Arrested nnd Given a Hearing
Before Alderman Lentes First De
nied the Allegation, Then Con
fessed Their Guilt Each Gives
?500 Ball Sub-Committee for TI1I3
Side Make Great Headway In Their
Preparations for tho Firemen's
Fair Memorial Sermon.
An ovcrpowcilng desire to own a
flock of fine bred pigeons, which were
the pioperty ot another, has brought
four young lads to gilcf. Tho envied
man Is Joseph Heen, of Cedar avenue,
who owns a large number ot pigeons
and values them highly. Recently he
missed several of them and Constable
Joseph Woolkers was put on the caso
to run down the supposed thieves. H
succeeded nnd Jlr. Heen went befoi
Alderman Lentes Satuiday and gave
Information for the arrest of Camper
Snyder nnd Charles Rellly, of JIooslo
street, Chailes Eveihart, of Prospect
avenue, and James Cawlej', of Hem
lock street, on tho chat go of larccnj-.
Hen alleged that tho boys were
guilty of stealing his birds. AVhen ar
raigned for a hearing the lads stoutly
maintained they were Innocent, but
after much questioning by Constable
Woelkeis, Everhardt confessed his
guilt. His companions thereupon nlso
confessed their complicity. Tho alder
mnn held the young defendants In $f00
ball each. Mr. Heen Is willing to settle
the case, providing that his loss Is
made good.
The sub-committee of the general
committee of local firemen, who have
In chatge tho arrangements for tho
proposed firemen's fair, to be held to
defray the expenses of the annual state
convention of llremen in this city next
October, met In the Neptune engine
house yesterday afternoon,
The sub-commlttce Is composed of
the four permanent men of the hoso
companies of this side, and the dele
gates from the hose compnnles to the
general committee. iPeter Robllng, jr.,
presided at j-esterdaj-'s session and
Sterling Simrell was secietary. At a
meeting held last Sunday, tvvo com
mittees were appointed to canvass the
various business men of this side and
the central city. The committee, com
prising Permanent man Knellar, of the
Century; William Fickus, permanent
man of the Neptunes, and Fred. Boyer,
nlso of the latter company, made a
lengthy report.
Over $100 In moncj vvus donated by
prominent people to the committee dur
ing the week. The merchants contilb
uted largely, giving fancy and useful
articles tj be used in the booths at the
fair. Sterling Simrell and Thomas Don
Ian, of the William Connell Hose com
pany, who comprised the other com
mittee of solicitors, reported that they
were out but one day and secured $2i
In money and many articles.
The committees will renew their ef
forts this week. The next meeting will
bo held Sunday aftcmoon next at tho
same place.
The evening service at the Hickory
Stieet Prcbyteilan church last night
was held in honor of the memory of
the immortal Woshingtan. Rev. W.
A. Nordt, pastor of the congregation,
pleached an able and eloquent sermon,
touching on the grand life nnd brll
llnnt achievements of "the father of
his country." i
The membeis of the Junger Jlaen
nerchor nttended the service In a bodj
They sang several musical selections,
accompanied by the church orchestra
The edifice was filled to Its utmost
despite tho Inclement weather.
Rev. John Robertson, of Glasgow,
Scotland, officiated at tho gospel ser
lces of the Young Women's Christian
association j'cstoiday afternoon and to
accommodate the Immense numbei pre
sent the holding of services was tians
fetred to the German Methodist Epis
copal chutch on Piospect avenue.
Rev. Dr. Robinson gave a practical
talk to the young women, urging them
to carrj on with vigor the noblo and
Inestimable work In which they aie
engaged. A splendid programme of
music was given.
The Etectrlc Social and Athletic club
met in regular session yesteiday after
noon. The committee in charge of tho
recent ball of the club made n report,
stating that the net result of the un
dertaking was over $30.
JIIss Maine Coyne, of Oenet street,
has returned liom East Stroiidsbuig,
whera she visited her sister. Miss Kate
Coyne, and Jllss Gertiuue Magee, stu
dents at the State Normal school.
Michael Ratter, the South Scranton
lepiesentatlve of the Times, will be
come a member of the local staff of
that papei today. Jllchael Mcf'ie.i, ot
Mtnooka, will succeed Jlr. Rafter in
the South Scranton depai tment.
Jllss Mamc Owens, ot Cfc-bondnle,
Is the guest o' the Jlisses Cunningham,
of Hemlock stieet.
Told About Obndiah's Wife and tho
Cruse of Oil.
Rev. John Robcitson, D D., preachei
two gieat sermons yesteiday at tho
Ponn Avenue Baptist church to largo
congregations. His morning's address
was on the stoiy of "Obadlah's AVlfo
nnd the Cruse of Oil." The speaker
emphasized the thought that to the
query whut she had, the woman said
nothing, and that it Is to this nothing
ness which the Lord wishes us to have
aud then to depend on him for the
future supply
The beautiful simplicity ot tho fam
ous speaker's Illustrations, his direct
ness of application and Intense earnest
ness aie having a marked effect on
those who hear him.
Government Takes Ofllclnl Recogniz
ance of the Craze.
In response to numerous lequests
fiom stamp collectors the postottlco
department has put on sale 50,000 com
plete sets of newspaper and
pound-postage stumps, remaining In
stock after these stamps went out of
uso last Julj'.
The sot Includes one each of tho
one, tvvo, live, ten, twonty-llve and
llfty-cont Mumps, nnu tho two, live,
ten, twenty, lift)' and onc-huiidicd dol-
A cold Is dntiRM
oua. Don't let it
jet the start of you.
A few dotes of hit
Cold Cure will
brcnV. up any form
of cold la a few
hours nnd parent
grlppt, dlplithcTli
and pncumonln It
rlinuld be In every
home nnd CTery rest
poi ket. It Is better
ihiin a life Insur
ance policy.
a ibl. aulde to ttralth
IW Arrh Phil"
M 1l (JroOTtata. "e.
nl Multrnl m!lr frfc
A iiur(iumh:r & reis. usjsci.
II. U. L.U.NU, Munazcr.
CoinuiciicliiK .Monday, l'ch. 27
Dally Matinee, Commencing Tuesday.
You All Remember tr
Bennett & talton
And Their Own Orchestra.
1'ieiomlng a Ciinllons Ucp?rlo!ro
Evening Prices 10, 20, 30 cento.
Matinco Prlces-10 cents.
Ladies tlck-ts will belisucJ for .Monday night
" RKIS & IHJRtlUNDBR, Lessee!
II. K. LONU, Manager.
Thursday Eve., March a
A Gonerom Comic font
Hoyt's A Milk White Flag
Full of Farcical llllnrlousnesi.
IVIary rvlarble
And a host of fertile e micdlaiM "and female funsters.
PIUCES:5, B0, 75 and 51.00.
n 3
Days Only
Monday Alntinse, Feb. 27
Opera, Comedy, llurlcsque und Minstrelsy
A Symphony in iilack
NHXT Commencing Thuisday Mntlueo
Vlaieh Und. Mile Ani's Merry Mouuulis
Vaudovllllo Co A Symptionj' In VVlillo
Malliitei Daily.
lar stamps. The sets will sell for
?5 apiece and can be secured at
eveiy fitst-class postolllce. Postmas
ter Ripple has received a limited num
ber of thcse sets nnd will dispose of
them to tho liist applicants.
Thorn is V. Davis, aged 61 jears died ut
his hume, 3J9 South Main avenue, Satur
day morning, after an illness of -cveial
months. Deceased was horn In Merthyr
Tjdvil, Glamoiganshire, South Wales, and
came to this eountiy In 1M,7. locating lu
the Noith Bud of this ctt, afterwaids n
rnoving to and Plymouth, Ho
1 etui ued to Scranton lu l&su, and has slnco
resided lure .Mr. Davis was lax collector
for tho SKt' enth and Twentj-llrst wards.
He is survived by his wife, three sons and
two daughteis, Albert. David J., Jonah,
Martha and Muj The funeiul will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o eloi k at tho
house. Interment will be made In th
VVushburn Stieet cemeteij.
Toll ine mighty-minded maiden,
With an Intellect divine,
Aim jou, sili nce-crowned marvel.
Psychologically mine."
Dops jour leslwteilng apparatus
Note the waves of my delight,
When nu visual end organs
Uf jour optics get a sight.'
Your medulla oblongata
Dlsti Unites your i-cnsor foice,
Does sensation of my meaning
Thiough join eortex pleico pel force?
Intro-poet jour lmno-,t being,
D01 s vour consciousness not svvaj'
With selection
Oi Intuitional plaj V
Wonilious bring, iioblem- laden.
All in j- tamest pk-adlngs bleu.
With an nudltorj' fusion,
Spt.ilc a calm. icfiectl'V "Yes"
Mniy P. NK011 In Boston Budget
A laige attendance of pilvato cltlzo 11
nre icqmsted to call nt Manner's I'har
maej when In need of a tonle in convat
esieiuo fiom unv Illness. Bmulslon of
Cod l.lvci oil with Ilypophocphltei is
one of the best Innsr stiengthentis and np
petUeis known Liu go dollar Mae, 00c.
H20 Green ltldgc Street.
Clilehctter1! EntUib Dliuss3l Drind.
"Ivrt iKvuvnnnlhrr. ktfattdancti
1 fr tt it on I UMUtioni At Urotf iiti.or Mttd &1.
I W JJ In itirapi for rortteaUtt inUniXiUla to4
"lUller fur I.rclUo," (nitric, tj rtar
!ii i".um iPiumoniui mi f pira
Boli bj all Local Dnijli'i. PJII LAUA., 1A
4XiJWrfous JiUeaies railing Moo
ory( Irapotencj, HIoeplocimoHt, ete cauhuI
br Abu iti or cither Kicnu"eii find India
riction, ITieu fjutektv nnd surelit
reitora Lot liality io oM or jounc. acl
(Itauiauforttudy, bu lonwormai
Lliovnt Inianltr aa ContomDtk
lion if
IttXon in timo. lbelrmo hows itLmcdUto Improve
mom una turn n i uiui nero an oinr loiiin
itlit up03 huvinft tho Ednufno Ajax TabloU. Ther
harocuroathouijDdiaud will euro rem. U a rive a poo
itlrt) written Riinrnniuu to effect a cure Eft Q in
cachccuittor re (und the moner. PrloowVU I wirir
rackaiioj ur tlz pkgea (full treatment! tot (ISO. Uf
ranil. in plain wrifor. min rclptof rrlelrcaur
For sate In Bcrantcn, Pa., by Mutthews
Bros, und II. C, Sanderson, diuggisti.
1 mJ3v