THE SCRANTON TRIBUJN 15-FRIDAY, KUtfllUAKX 24, 0L8Ji). 8 PROTEST AGAINST DISCHARGE PAPERS SENT BY OFFICEItS TO LIEUTEN ANT GOVERNOR QOBIN. Brush Was on Eire Lust Night and Bmoko Filled the Cnmp Purpose of the Railroads to Raise the Rates on the Soldiers Coming North Abandoned Third Brigade Com plimented for Its Work In the Di vision Drill on Monday. Special to tho tforiuitcm Tribune. Camp MaeKenssle, Augusta, Ga., Tel). 23. The dissatisfaction which has been bo keenly ffilt by cvfiy member of the regiment ' account of the wretched form of tho discharges which tho rov eminent Intended giving lias found ex pression in a manner both practical nnd emphatic. The olllcers talked the matter, and the more they thought of the Question tho mere set they be came In the opinion that the present discharges arc a discredit to the coun try and almost an insult to tho men. As a result, n petition was gotten up and circulated yesterday and signed unhesitatingly by the ofHcew. It is nddresscd to Lieutenant Governor Go blti nnd usks him to use all his influ rncr In order to procure for tho mem bers of the Thirteenth, which was al ways the llnwer of Ills command and in which ho took pardonable pride, proper and satisfactory discharges, such as (ire cxpresslv called for ly the annv regulation. This petition was pent to Lieutenant Governor Gobln last night and there Is no doubt entertain ed hero that lie will do his best in tho matter, it Is needless to say this ac tion on the part of the olllcers Is wor thy of the highest commendation and Is receiving ftom the enlisted men the praise nnd approbation which 11 so richly deserves. It looks now as though the purpose of the railroads beginning to raise the rates ior discharged soldiers will not nvall. There arc already signs of u break apparent, In which case tho reas onable rates to be obtained by going In a body would in all probability cause the regiment to return home practically intact. SMOKE AND SAXD. Camp is enveloped this evening In blinding clouds of smoke and sand. The brush to the southwest Is the scene of raging Jires and a utrong wind sweeps over the exposed camp grounds. Po dangerous Is it that no tires are lighted. A spark would suffice to destroy the whole camp. In other respects tho weather is very pleasant and tho gen eral health is good. Tho work of pre paring for muster out goes on unin terruptedly. The Thirteenth, regiment took part Monday morning in the division drill and review which. It is expected, were the last military exercises in which the old command, as at prcsunt constituted, will ever appear. The olllcers and the men gave tho usual good account of themselves, and went through the dif ferent complex evolutions with that case and correctness that come from experience alone. As a result of the drilling at Monday morning's manoeuvres, the Third bri gade has received very flattering com pliments from the higher military authorities. This was best attested this afternoon, when the following com munication was received nt the head quarters of the three regiments: Heailquurters Third Urlgade, l'lrst Divis ion, Second Army Corps, Cinnp Mac Kcnzle. Augusta, Ga.. Feb. 3. 1S09. Circular No. 4. The colonel commanding the brigade de sires to convey to the officers and men of ihe brlgado his thanks for the thorough and satisfactory manner in which the tirlgaclu evolutions wero uerformed this morning. Major General Young, com manding the corps, and Major General Sumner, commardlng the division, both declared that the evolution'! of the Third lulgadu were Mmply perfect, and per-lornu-d simultaneously and every officer .ind man, seeming to have caught the spliit to move at the sound of the bugle, (icnerals Young and Sumner request that the olllcers and men of the Third brig ade should bo Informed of their com mendation. The colonel commanding tho brigade directs that tills circular be read to the men. By order of Colonel. Hoffman, commanding tho Brigade. W. Inglis, Adjutant General. HEAD AT KOLti CALL. This order was read to all the com panies of tho regiment at retreat roil call, and all tho boys were glad and accepted this high encomium from the corps and the division commanders In the same spirit in which It was given. HEART DISEASE. SOME FACTS REGARDING THE RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLES- Do Not Bo Alarmed, but Look for the Cause. Heart troubles, nt least among the Americans, are certainly increasing, nnd wlillo this may be largely duo to ho excitement and worry of Ameri can business life. It Is more often tho result of weak stomachs, of poor dl restion. Ileal organic disease is incurable; out not one case in a hundred of heart trouble is organic. Tho clnfe relation between heart rouble and poor digestion Is because 10th organs arc controlled by the same vreat nerves, tho Sympathetic and neumosastrlc. in another way, also, the heart is fi'ected by the form of poor digestion, vlilcli causes gas and fermentation rom half digested food; there Is a eellng of oppression and heaviness in lie chest caused by pressure of tho ills ended stomach on the heart and lungs, nterferlng with their action; thence ilsea palpitation nnd short breath. Poor digestion also poisons tho blood, laklng it thin and watery, which ir itatcs and weakens the heart. Tho most eenslblo treatment for eart trouble is to Improve the dlges lon and to Insure tho prompt nsslml ttlon of food. This can be dono by the regular uso ifter meals of some safe, pleasant and ftectivo digestive preparation like Itunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may e found at most drug stores, and which contain valuable, harmless di rective elements in a pleasant, con 'onlent form. It is safo to say that tho regular, (erslstent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time wWll cure ouy form of stomach trouble, 'except enn ler of the stomach. Full size package of theso tablcta lold by druggists at SO cents. Llttlo wok on stomach troubles mailed free. Address F. A Stuurt Co., Marshall, rtlch. Pills and Purgatives. which act quickly on the bowels arc dangerous, and destroy the mucous linings of the stomach and bowels. The Carlsbad Sprudel Salt acts gently, but effectively. It is a positive cure for constipation, stomach disorders, kidney and liver complaints. Mrs. M. 15. Goodwin, of Edin boro, Pa., writes: I had my druggist get a few bottles for me audit has helped me so much that I want others to learn of its merits." Beware of imitations. The genuine imported Carlsbad Salt has the signature of "Bisner & Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. It was the last compliment of tho regular army oiIlcer3 to the volunteer troops, nnd speaks for Itself. t Sergeant Eugene V. Smith, of E, re ported to his company Sunday night nfter an absence of several months, lie was taken sick at Camp Meade on tho Cth of October, and on the 10th was taken to the division hospital, where a severe case of typhoid began to de velop. Later on the patient was re moved to St. Agnes' hospital, Phila delphia, where, he says, he received the most scrupulous care nnd attention. When slifllclently recovered Sergeant Smith received a furlough from the war department, and recuperated fully nt his home In Mayfleld, Sergeant Smith Is now In excellent health, find his manv friends in the regln'ent, and especially the members of his own com pany, gave him n warm welcome on his arrival here. ' Owing to the transfer of several of the non-commlssloncd olllcers" f Com pany II to the Third United States En gineer corps, the vacancies have been filled by order of Captain Corwiu nnd the approval of Colonel CoUrsen. Cor poral AValter A. Crown has been ad vanced to a scrgeantcy, and Company Clerk Charles Constantino, Wagoner Martin J. Goodwin and Privates Will iam (!. Martin and William Uaker now wear the stripes and chevrons of a cir poral. Private Patrick J. Itirrett has been named as wagoner. The "ecip lents of these new honors) are popular members of the company, and are re ceiving congratulations from all sides. They are first-class soldiers, and in every way fitted for their present posi tions. HAVE REPORTED FOR DUTY. Quartermaster Sergeant Leslie Frut chey, of H, lias invested in a complete new suit for his trip north. Kegltnental Adjutant L. T. Mattes and Sergeant Major William McCul loch are happily once more able to at tend to duty. First Sergeant James M. Rafter and 'Corporal George Schmidt, of C, have been slightly indisposed the past three days. They were around the company street todav, and tomorrow will bo off the sick report. Doth were troubled with a cold. Private Willis Kimball, of R, who was treated In division hospital for some time, Is nov enjoying good health. Privates James Tlghe. of II, and his brother, Private Lawrence Tlghe, of A, have been called home by reason of the death of their mother, who resided In Green Rltlirc. Private Daniel Jordan, of D, sang an offertory yesterday In St. Patrick's church, Augusta, and was highly com plimented on his good work. Sergeant Major William McCulloeh officiated at guard mount Monday morning for the first time In two weeks. Ills foot is now an well as ever, Richard J. Hourke. PITTSTON NEWS Dead on the Valley Tracks An Ice Gorge in the Susquehanna Resi dents of the Flats in Peril. Yesterday morning shortly after day light, tho remains of an unknown man were found along the tracks of the Lehigh Vnlley road and from his gen eral appearance and from the effects found on his person he must have been run down by a passing train during the night. There was nothing on his person that could reveal his name, but in a pocket book was a bunch of keys and a golden cross, upon which was engraved In golden letters what would lead to the supposition that he had been a member of some Slavonic so ciety. Th deputy coroner was not ified, also Louis Selbel, of tho Pitts ton poor board, who ordered the re mains to be removed and this was dono by the Polish undertaker and last night they wero still In that establishment for identification. If this is not suc cessful tho victim will be Interred to day at the expense ot the poor board. At noon yesterday the ice In the riv er in this vicinity and down towards Wllkcs-Barre broke up and for two hours the unusual and exciting scene was witnessed by hundreds from the bridges and the embankments. Tho Ice became gorged, however, on the eastern shore and at 3 o'clock again became blocked. The water has risen several feet and at any hour we may be compelled to witness one of the highest freshets seen on the Susquehan na In several years. The residents ot Ulver street are not a llttlo frightened In regard to the probable outcome and many have made every preparation for n hasty removal from their homes In cose we should have a repetition ot the occasion that swept away tho three bridges. Along the west shorts the Ice Is piled twenty feet high from tho river bod and the water will have to rise as high as the level of Sustiue iianna avenuo before It can bo floated down the stream. We wero informed last evening that tho water and Ico was spreading over the Hats on the West Side nnd those residing thorn were busily engaged in moving to a place of safety their crops, farming utensils and other uotacjicd goods. The Misses Clara Lungford, Bessie llrydeu and Jeanctte McMillan, of the West Side, attended tho oratorical con test nt Wyoming seminary yesterday. This, the defeat of the paving pro Ject on tho West Side on election dny, the Gazette has dubbed tho Garden village "Mudvllle." Tho present con dition of tho streets would that the name Is both aptly and appro priately applied. Will Rossard now presides over Win tie's cafe, on North Main street. Tho death of Mrs. Wllllnm McCoul ough, who was born in this city, took place In Kingston on Wednesday, she is survived by several brothers and sisters, some of whom reside in Avocit. Tho funerul occurs this af ternoon, and thu remnlns will be brought to this city for Interment. ESTIMATED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Concluded from Pago 3. Twentieth wnrd l.'JlV wo 1'a.iinSlpth u-ilfil II 10 (111 Total ward appropriation J15.W1 V0 Repair of asphalt S17,K0 CO J.OIU1 ......flUtUi'U w ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT. City assessors' sulury, li'jS J 3Xfl 00 Assistant us3casora S.uu" "0 Total 0,000 00 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salary of chief of police, per an num i l."0 00 Clerk hlro SOU U0 Salary of captain of police, per uiinum I.WO0O Salary of four lieutenants of po lice, per annum 4,000 00 Salary of detective of police, per annum 1,000 00 Salary of three desk sergeants (J'JOO each per annum) 2,700 00 Salary of fiS patrolman C$M0 each pur annum), plus $100 extra for detective 52,300 00 Salary of polico surgeon, per an num 2W00 Rental of tho Second precinct sta tion houso 300 00 Rental of tho Fourth precinct sta tion house S0OO0 Rental of the Third precinct sta tion house SCO 00 Feeding prisoners EW 00 Repairing station houses 1.7) CO furnishing center station house., S00 00 Lighting and heating 2.7J 00 Keeping hoise3 WO 00 Repairs of harness and wagons... 10" 00 Eighteen telephones 900 10 Photographing crlmlrals 23 00 National bureau of Identification. 123 00 Desk for detective bureau D'UI Printing, stationery and postage 17) 00 Incidentals -WOO Total SiW.MO fl FIRE DEPARTMENT. Salary of chief oreliicer, per an num 5 1,'JODOO Clerk hire, per annum WO W Salary of live engineers of lire steumeis i.W") (0 Five stokers of lire steamers 27) W Salaries of permanent men: Two men for the Nepeuno En- glno company 1,110 00 Tlireo men for tho Nay Aug En gine company 2,010 00 Two men for the Frmklln Engine company 1,410 00 Two men for the Crystal Engine company 1,110 00 Three men for Hook and Ladder company, No. 1 2.010(H) Two men for General Phlnney En gine company 1,1)0 uO Three men for Relief Ermine com pany 2.010 W0 Three men for Chemical Engine company 1,1(0 00 One man for Liberty Hose com pany T20 09 Olio man for Cumberland Hose company 720(0 Three men for Columbia JIomi company 2,07'J 00 Ono man for Excelsior Hose com pany 72iUW One man for Century Hoso com pany 720 00 One man for Wllinm Council Hose company 720 flO One man for Niagara lioso com pany 720O) On man for Eagle Hose com pany 72m 00 Light nnd bent l,r.M oO Rent of fire alarm 1.10O i Maintenance of lire alum (SI boxes, nt $27.70) 2,.int r,C Parade ami inspection "MO GO Repair of apparatus and harness. mk) tH) Rent of engine houses "I'M 00 Purchase of hydrants ) on Repairs and erection of hydrants ;m rti Incidentals and delegate to chli f's convention loo 00 Veterinary nnd mediclno for hordes -co on Purchase ot hose 2.0n on Supplies w 00 Telephones for chief loo Ml Substitute for vacation and sick ness :,o 00 Keeping horses (13 at $110 each).. G.'lim on Repair of hose 50 00 Salary of six assistant chiefs ($100 per annum GOO no Total $41,321 Wi BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DEPART MENT. Salary of building inspector 5 1,300 00 Printing and stationery fin 00 Incidentals 23 00 Total t J.5S3 00 HOARD OF J Ii:LTH DEPARTMENT. Wages of crematory employeo .-...$ s.soo 00 Runnlg expenses of crematory,,.. 1.000 00 Plumbing Inspector's salary l,00t) 00 Incidentals W go Purchaso of crematory lol ::,000 00 Repairs to crematory soo fO Interest on crematory lot 130 (0 Salary of health olllcer, per an num l.ono no Salary of food Inspector per an num P0Q 00 Salary of secretary, per annum. . WH no Dockets, stationery und printing.. 400 00 Incidentals 23 00 Total $11,223 00 SCRANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. For salaries and labor ($S0 per month) $ 5.7C0 00 Delivery stations and reading rooms 2,100 00 For incidentals ($230 per month)... CO Insurance" and Improvements U40 00 For books ($230 per monh( 3,0u0 00 Total $1I,S00 00 PARKS. Nay Aug Superintendent, pcr- nnnum $.. 000 00 Policeman, per annum WOW NAY AUG PARK. Fencing and walls on cliff $ 700 00 Pavilion and band stand O.tfX) 00 Benches lOo 00 Opening walks, driveways nnd work on grounds COW 00 Lumber for outhouses 130 00 Pipe fences (cliff and falls) CM 00 Team work on grounds wo (0 Tools and repairs ,.,,. 100 oo Water pipes .jyo w HO.-0 M00 Swings jsouo Flower beds and shrubbery tm 00 Lo 7J0 00 Tanks 6ioo Lakes and swimming pool 27) 10 Miscellaneous nnd sundries ' 500 00 Deficit, fiscal year 1MS( roads, pa vilions, water pipes nnd care of animals) , 2,500 00 Total S1S.223 00 CONNEU. PORK. Painting tower $ uooo Iron fence nnd gate o 00 Storehouse 7500 Fencing nround closets r,o 00 nants and flowers 100 00 Improvements (reservoir, etc.) .. ion 00 Help 223 00 Superintendent's salary 0:oil Police C300 Should bo in ctcrv fumih- Ph niedlclao chest and every traveller's grip, They are lnralMblowhcu Ilio atoraarh U cut ot iirrteri cure JieiiUrbr, Mllouiucm, ami U liver truublei. MM and efficient, a cguu Hood' lloso 100 tij Incidentals ,.... loom Totiil 1.4SI no.. Woodtuwn-Bhrubbery und flowers ana work on grounds 5 23000 Totnl $20,025 00 HOARD OF REVISION OF TXAE3 AND APPEALS. Scrvltos of M10 board, year Itt'S, live members, 120 days, nt $3.00 per each $ )H0 Ptirchaso of assessment books ... loo (0 Printing and ntatloncry 23 00 Totnl 1,1123 M GENERAL CITY ACCOUNTS. Water rent, Providence Gas and water company $ 1,000 CO Wnttr rent, Scranton Gas and Water companw 4,000 00 Water rent, .People's Water com pany 2S0 00 Electrlo street lighting (ESI., lights) 4R.174 !)J udgments und Incidentals IT.Oo Oj Insurances 1.000 00 Stnto tax 011 loans 2,111 00 Total $72,1'.S 03 INTEREST CONTINUES. Dr. Robertson Freachc3 Another Able Sermon. Itev. Dr. Robertson spoke to great audiences yesterday. The big auditor ium at the I'onn Avenue Eaptlst church was crowded to tho doors last evening to listen to his earnest ad dress on David's sin and his penitence after Nathan's accusation, "Thou Art the Man." His discourse was confined to three points: First It shall be ill with tho doer of evil be he saint or sinner. Second Penitent confession is the way to and the way back to God. Third God's forgiveness is immed iate and complete. Ho illustrated the gnawing dcatruc tlveness ot a sin In a man's life by giving a graphic description of the his toric catastrophe of tho Tay Uridge because of one blistered girder. Ho supplemented this by suddenly ex claiming Impressively: "The sinner has his own hull now," continuing with a rebuke to tho scandal monger and the one who rejoices or shows no real sor row for a brother's downfall. "He simply shows you what you'd do, given the opportunity and the temptation," remarked tho speaker. Whenever you witness another man's slip say to yourself: 'It is his turn to day, tomorrow It may be mine.' " One of the beautiful thoughts which shlnu like gems from his sermons was: "I think God tells the lights of heaven to burn low and he leaves the doors ajar for tho sinner sorry for his sin to slip In." This was in allusion to a touching illustration ho had just given in the story of his own little son, who had crept down ut half past three in the morning to say he was sorry for the transgression of the day before. The meetings will be continued every afternoon and evening except Satur days. FUNERAL OF MISS LEE. The remains of Miss Lizzie Lee, who died in Binghamton Wednesday morn ing will be brought here today for In terment, arriving over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road at 12.33 o'clock p. m. Interment will take place In the I lathedral cemetery. The remains will I bo conveyed direct from the train tj 1 the cemetery. CURED BY CUTICURA I was troubled novcral years with chronic Eczema, on my head and face. I took medi cal treatment from two doctors and several lotions, but received little relief. At times, tho dreadful itching becamo almost intoler able. When Iwashcatcd,thoEczeinabecamo painful, and almoit distracted tne. I tried CtTicuRA RcMUUES. Tho Eczema rapidly tlisaprttared, and am will, with no trare of any cntuntous disease. J. EM METT ItEKVES, Feb. S3, 1803. Pox 135, Thorn town, lnd. SmnrCCRE TJuiinjr.rnt Tofti-hiko. Puno-ciiinMi'oin,wiial.osspIliii!.-Wnn tathwlth Cimron Snip, i-tntlo cnolntlrg' with tlrilcici, and mllduoMiaot CiiTjciiu 1Uiqlywt. Sold (Ttry where. Potrr nli.oe. Coi p., Sole IViim.. Dottca. "llo loCureToiturinR Skin Ui,fucj"';eo. FEB. 20 We will sell at greatly reduced prices, best quality 8(1 suver-ware INCLUDING T?a S?fs, Water Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Btiffer dishes, Trays. And number of odd and end pieces. MERCEREAU & CONNELL 130 Wyoming Avenue. Fire Plug's Frozen $100,000 Worth of property destroyed by fire in Scranton within a week. DEFENDER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Arc Simple, Cheap, hlT.-ctivc Have your buildinp equipped with them and be protected against (ire . W. S. Fl'lLliR, (,'cncral Agent 513 Lackawanna Avenue. THE DICKSON M'Ffl G3., bcrantou and Wllkea-ilarre, t'o. Manufacturers of LOCOfflOTIVES.STATIONARY ENGINES Uolleri, HolstliiEanJ Pumping ,Mj;iiu.-y, General Olllco, Scranton, Pa. Conn i2JH12","WA:SHINGTON AYENJUET This Men's Furnishing Store Gains new friends daily fastidious friends, Yes, the men who are most particular about the style of their outfit tings are the ones we aim to please. Come today, Mr. Criti cal see what jaunty, dressy neckwear we have gathered fr you. The savings will surprise you or we miss our guess. Linen News Always interesting news to the patrons of this Linen stock. Interesting, because it tells of substantial Linens at substantial savings. Two under-priced items: 62-iiicli Brown. Table Damask, extra heavy weight, iu Kftor vfi a fine rauge of patterns ; regular 68c value, at CvrL J 2 i-inch Full Bleached Heavy Bamsley Nap- (fc fl RA . kins. Very exceptional value at Pl.t?U Per c,oz Second to None Wash Goods in every sense of the word. Wash goods to satisfy the longing for a pretty dress. Wash Goods to meet the necessity for a cool costume. Wash goods that are cheap enough to permit anyone to buy just what she prefers without much outlay and, finally, Wash Goods that wash. The sum of excellence is this pretty, cool, cheap, absolutely fast color. Connolly CRUSTY Somo men arc "crusty" when tho broad doesn't suit them. They blnmo tho cook, but it may be ho Isn't responsible. Possibly she told the man of iho house to order "Snow White" Flour and ho forgot to say "Snow White" and the srocor font up an inferior grade. Mcr hhould bo more cartful and they will Ret better bread. It makes quite a difference what kind of tlour the cook has. All grocers sell "Snow White.'' "We Only Wholesale It." TIIEWESTONMILLCO Scranton. Carbondale, Olyphant. L OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Hitsl. ncss nnd Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodation? Kx tended According to lialauce.1 and Kcsponslbillty. 3Ier Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital Surplus, $200,000 400,000 W3I. CONNELL, President. HENKYBKLIN.Jr., VicePrcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier The vault of this hank It pro. tcctcd by Holmes' Electric Pro. tcctivc System. THE lOul POWDER CO. Rooms l and '2,Com'Uh BTd'g. SCRANTON, t'A. Alining and Blasting POWDER Muds m Jlooulo uiul Ilutbdali) Worki. LAPLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrlo ilattorlei, Klectrlo Kxploden. lorujplodliijr blunts, Hately I-'imo uud Resauno Chemical Co's iiSvb3 "I"Ef f AND Ollvand 127 and 129 Washington 3 -3 Spring 1899. o 4 Oil Ju o 11 Our new lines are now many exclusive novelties not Carpets Wilton Axminster Velvet Body and Tapestry Brussels Ingrain WINDOW SHADES Williams & EcAnuIty Interior Decorators. LACKAWANNA MANUFACTURERS OF . HIE Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Ilnrdwood Aline Rails sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hwnlocli Prop Timber promptly Furnished. MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on thc Buffalo and Susque. hanna Uullroad. At Mlna, Potter County. PnM on Coudcrsport. and Fort Allegany Uullroad. Capaoity 400,000 feet per day. GENEUAI. OFFICE-Uoard of Trad Building, Sorunton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. THE STANDARD'S CLOSING SALE OF SHOES And Rubbers is the great event of this city. The prices are lower than the manufacturer asks. No wonder the people buy, but do not neglect this chance all goods must be sold before April 1st. For Sale, Also, Cheap Shelving, settee, safe, two tables, mirror, two street cases, four bicycle lad ders and track, partition: window fixtures, etc. X A few weeks and this opportunity and these $ j .-,ri-nc oro nmnn Rnv while thev Inst. M uni.v,j uiv oul,w' "J ' Standard HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITY. WHEN IN STRONG AGAIN! au 0 t cKlsSA eSSss vigor to thi whole beine. All drains and losses are checked ftrmannith. Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often wornenliemitito Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed scaled, Priced pefboijb tones, with Iron-clad lecal euaranleetocure or refund Iho money, ts oo. Send for frer book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. For Sal c ny.iuuri u. nu.i.,t-, ynu Spruce htrcct IDallac Wallace Avenue. II II Ullu bo on exhibition and embrace to be found elsewhere. Lac? CUrfains Renaissance Irish Point Brussels Dresden Nottingham WALL PAPER LUMBER CO, J W Shoe Store, 217 LACKA. AVE 2S DOUDT, TRY They hire itnod thetmefyeara. 0 and tmc uued tnouianc:, 01 caiei of Nervous Uneases, such at Debility, Uutinets, Slccpleti. ness ami Varicocele, Atrophy, &c. They clear the train, ttrenjlhea the circulation, make digestion perfect, and itnturt a healthy i-imrm.icist, cor. vomitm avenue Spring 1899. o , t r.. ...