The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    , Xffrf
Her Thrcc-Ycnr-Old Brother Poured
a Quantity of Iodine Into Hor
Eyes Was Only Tlaylng Doctor.
Tho Child Suffers Great Agony.
Dr. Walsh Is In Attendance Per
iodical Flooring of Cellars Evi
dences tho Urgent Heed of Sewers.
Association Notes Other Notes.
Agnes, tho four-months-old child of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Trnnk Toole, of Cedar
avenue, near the city line, was the 'vic
tim esterday of a depict able accident.
The threo-j ear-old hi other of the baby
poured Into her ejes two ounces of
Iodine, which will In all ptobablllty
blind the little one. Mrs. Toole had
the di up to paint a bruise on one of
tho other children's body, and, after
llnlshlng, laid tho bottle on a table.
Leaving tho baby In the t'indlc. Mis.
Toole went to another room While
ongnged thoie, her son tool; the Iodine
und In n innocent, childish wav vent
over to tho cradle and spilled tho con
tents on hi baby ulster. The major
portion went in her eyes
Dr. John J. Wulsh was htin tally
i ailed to attend the child. He is doing
his utmost to sae the sight of tho
baby, but entertains slight hopes of ac
complishing his offents. The torture
the little one suffois is beyond elcseiip
Tho silj-sith antilversaiy of the
birth of Mrs. Theodoto Hesslncor, of
Willow stieet, was fittingly observed
at hor losltlenio bv n nutnbe- of her
friends. Pleasant dtveislons weio In
dulged in and refreshments were
btn ed
Mis Hosslngor was the lcelplcnt of
several useful pres'-nts Those present
weio Mi. and Mr. Finnic, Rev. and
-Mis Xonlt, Mis. M. Hosslnger, Mis.
I'nnk Wushburn, Mis. Mary lit Id, Mr.
nnd Mrs Geoige Yunkeit and Miss
Minnie Kolh.
j'kgent xnnn op a pi:wi:u
That the Seventeenth main district
s-worlsa necessity is appaient. for the
heavy thaw of the pist few days lias
nueii giea damage to tho collars
and ground floois of the hulldincs on
Plttson avenue osperlallv those situat
cd betwein Aide- ant' Willow streets
Inclele ntnlly it might be ald that a
similar state of affalts follows every
hoavv lain 01 thaw and the usidonts
are made victims of a small Hood, their
cellars being covet ed with water King
ing in depth fiom eight Indies to sev
eral feet Yesteidav theie was a large
influx of water In these old time re
ceptacles. The cellar beneath the
Scheuer bakery on PittMon avenue con
tained live feet of water bv netuul
Jacob D"muth. the holelman has
over three feet of water in his cellar
3-, Thf best remedy for
v Hhoophie; cough Oivc
It.n f f. i A 1 1l..lPe
COUffll SvrilD -ouB'i,'P relief will
vul,S" JJ MF corai at once and the
sufferer will soon be cured Price uuly 25 cts.
Our Annual Sale
Of Men's White 5hirts
Begins on Saturday.
This opportunity comes but once a year, and
thousandsof thrifty buyers take advantage of it
The shirts offered are exactly the same goods
as we sell the year round. Same quality, same in
finish, same iu perfect fitting qualities. Every shirt
(if the proper size is selected, and we have them for
short, tall, slim or stout men,) will fit like a glove.
This is positively guaranteed.
Now Look at the
Bargain Inducements
Men's Dress Shirts.
full length, any size. Reinforced
back and front Patent continuous
faclngb, etc. The shirt that oiell
naiily bilngs 37'i
Annual Sale Price, '2nc
i cut and properly made. Each
dilrt Is stnmped with the sle of
cellar leaultod to Insure a comfort
able fit. The best halt-dollar shirt
m Scranton.
Annual Sale Price, U3c
eveiy piactlcal improvement that
nny other shlit can have. Long or
short bosom, any length sleeve, pat
ent neckband, made of Wnlnsutter
muslin, with continuous facings, re
inforced back and front, etc.
Annual bale Price, 'lie
all the above Impioveinents and a
few extras, such as open or closed
fronts, extra qualltv of linen in
bosom, etc. There Is not a better
lilrt sold In this city for Sl.Ou.
Annual Sale Price, 5i)c
Globe Warehouse
and Jt. C. Schaeffer, adjoining, about
tho Rame depth. Harry Klaunilnzer's
holds ten inches, and his nelghb'i, Mis
ltocho, has two Inches less In htr cel
lar. Every property holder noted hav
suits instituted against the city asking
damages for injuries done their prop
erties by tho absence of proper ssw er
ase. Y. W. C. A. NOTHS.
The I.ojalty club will meet in regular
session nt tho rooms tonight. The feat
ure of the session will be a Washing
ton blithday anniversary social. Homo
mado candy will he scived and un ex
cellent programme will bo rendered.
The gospel meeting of Sunday after
noon will be held at the Oerman Metho
dist Episcopal church on Prospect ave
nue and Dlrch street, of which con
gregation Iiev. Oeorge Bubech Is past
i)i. Rev. John Robertson, of Olisgovv,
Scotland, will preach tit the ron Ices.
Rev. Mr. Robertson Is conducting
evangelistic services ut the Penn ave
nue Raptlst church and tho South
Scrnnton association Is to bo congrat
ulated upon securing Ills set vices
xuns OP NEWS
Tlie Ladles' Aid society of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church
gave a Washington supper Wednesday
night at tho chinch auditorium. 11
was a success in every detail.
rrank Dambocher, of Cedar avenue,
has accepted a. position at the new
shoe store of Joseph Schrolbci Pitts
ton avenue corner of Alder sticet
Daughters have been born to Chailcs
Sehneidci. of Plttston avenue, and
(.'hut lis Murseh, of Ulrch stieot, and
a son to John Halm, of Neptune place
Miss Carlev, of Hugai Notch, and
Miss McHale, of Plttston avenue, have
returned from a visit lieie,
Reasons Why Its Consumption. Has
Lnrgely Increased.
From tho New York Run.
An incicased consumption of hoisc
inent Is ronorted In Herman cities ns
a result of the scnioltv of beef and'ptlsonei declined to make any state-
mutton There still ovists in the sm u- ' ment, but acknowledged having corn
ier cities of the emplie a prejudice milled the assault and intimated that
oenlust hoise meat, and the consump-
linn Is not as gion't in pioportlon as
In the linger places, but It is steadily '
grow lug
The consumers of hoio meat In Ger
many me exclusively the pooler tlass
se but th"v- comprise nine-tenths of
the population and thuie is thcrefoie
a w Ido lipid for this food Most Ger
man earn fiom to cent to $1 a daj,
and ale wholly unable to supply their
families with tho aine quality of meat
that the Amei lean workman consumes,
lieet Is liom l"i to 30 cents a pound,
and mutton and othei meats are cor
ttspoudlngly high Until pcontly plen
l of horse meat has been piocuiabl"
at 7 cents a pound, nnd it is still sold
foi about half the in lee of other meats.
The Ueiman w 01 Kingman must keep
up his. boililv sttength, even If his food
Is ot a eoaiser natuie, and this is the
icason wh ehoan linise meat, intui
tive as It Is, has gradually gained
ground In hplte of tho prejudice against
it, until tho consumption In the larger
cities is almost as gieat us that of beef
or mutton.
Pat "Chates" the Railway.
"Well' said Pat. chucking, "I've Jut
1 hated thl" ould railway company nlcclj.
"How bii""
"W'hj, 1 ve taken 1 return ticket, and
I'vo no Intuition of going biek at all, at
all "-Tlt-Iiltx.
and carefullj cut and nnlshed as
the gntments for adults. SUes, 1.'
and H Inch. The usual COe. quality.
Annual Sale Price, Hoc
Men's Night Shirts.
trimmed fronts and cuffs, 51 Inches
long, full width, every seam gus
setted and n good quality of twilled
muslin. A marvel at the tlguro
Annual Sale Price, ilflc
SHIRTS, extra well made. Plain
or fancy trimmed, etc.
Anntiul Sale Price, .'i;ic
A really high class garment, as good
as pulns and care can tutn out.
Annual Sale Price, (52Jc
Prisoner Is Distinguished, But tho
Law Respects No Person Charged
with Maltreating His Wife and
Held in Ball by Alderman John.
Musicalo at St. David's Church.
Funeral of H. Burschel Lectuio
by J. Archie Jones Ladles of the
Chuich Serve Supper.
t'i'lio West Slilo olllce of 'i In Tribune l
nt JeiikltiH' iltug stcre, coiner Main and
Jickson, and Is In chargo of V. It
Hughes. News and advertisements re
ceived ut this otucc
Tho most distinguished prisoner that
has ever occupied a cell In the West
Scrnnton police station lor many a day
spent several houts with Lieutenant
Williams and his associates last even
ing. His name Is C A. Shores nnd
he is a representative of the Safety
Investment Pullding and Loin ossocl
ntlon, of Syracuse. X. Y with otllces
In the Mears building. Shoies claims
to have spent ten years in tho service
of the difterent Xew York daily news
papers and has also boon li.entllled
with dlftetent Insurance companies at
various times.
Ho was arrested on a ch.uge of as
sault and battery prefeired by ills wife,
who swore out a. wairnnt befoio Al
dcrtnun John for his an est. Prom tho
evidence given befoio tho aldeimnn nt
the hiarlng last night Shores was In
toxicated when he letutned to his home
on Monday last and created .1 distutb
ttme with his wife. They leside at
l.'tQ Tenth slreot. When the woman te-
1 monstrated with hlin Shores assaulted
her, dlscoloilng one
of hei eves and
tilid to bite olf one of hor thumbs.
the women was demented The al-
dciiiuu held Shores under ?400 hill I
for his nppeaiauce .it court. Ho claims
to have ft lends who will go on his
bail bond, but up to a Into hour Inst
night he still had the fi lends, but no
ball piece.
The musicalo given nt St. Divld's
Upiscopal chinch last uvenlng was v cll
attended. Tho affair was under the
direction of Prof. Claik S Thomas,
who was ablv usslbted b some clever
talent Pi of Thomas gave 11 piano Re
liction, "Meditation," which was well
rendered. Tho "Handicap March" was
plavod by the impeilal trio, Piank
V Hopler, harmonica and guitar; Pied
Cole, banjo, and Hov.aid Wllhelm, vio
lin A piano solo by Miss Laura Jar
vls, "In the Rank and File," showed
good tcaihins.
13i other James gave a deseilption of
musical productions In the cathcdtols
and chinches of vailous cities of tho
vvoild and the trio plnved "Tho Xor
mandv Match' Mis. -Myrtle Scibeit
and MIfcs Minerva Hopp plaved u piano
duet,' Parade Review," anil tho tilo exe
cuted the'Tv.In Star Maich" A piano
solo, "Chaim of Spring," was rendered
by Miss Lillian M. Toohe. J. P.
Toohey gave Impeisonations and the
Imperials played ' 1Z Capitan " The
conceit was thoioughly enjojable and
appi eclated.
The membeis of Camp 178, Patiiotlc
Oldei Rons of America, weio treated
to n well mennied ndilrnss on the T.lfi
of Washington" at the meeting last j
evening In their headeiuaiteis, coinei
of Main and Jackson sheets, by Past
Ptesldent J. Aichle Jones The speak
er leferred to the eaily career of '
Washington and spoke about the pel- I
lod when tho American colonics ic
voltcd, touching upon his military ca
reer and the service he lendeied his
countiv. Tho bilef sketch Ml. Jones
gave was not hlstbilcal, but more
eulogistic of Washington, lie spoke ot
the feeling of awe and venciatlon that
the guat genei.U cieated, and aUo re
fened to his famous battle with the
elements In nothing the Delavvaie.
The tenlble match of the bare-foot
anny was mentioned, and also the daik
elujs at Monmouth Jlo said the heart
ot Washington beat with joy when
his deeds weie accomplished, and e
piessecl tin belief that Washington
was the peer of any man in nny way.
The talk was thoioughly patriotic. The
membeis of the camp enjoved the ad
dress and .no tieated to talks from
dlffeient membeis every few weeks.
At 2 30 o'clock jesteulay afteinoon
Rev. Jacob Sehoettlo of tho Oeimin
Independent Piebvteilin church, con
ducted short sei vlce-s at the home of
the lato Henrv Ruischel, in the nar
of (ill I South Main avenue. Th" re
mains were aftoiw arils borne to tho
church on Chestnut sticet. where tho
services weie held. The pastor lead
a scriptural lesson and offend pi.iypr
and the assemblage 'ang "Jous j.ovei
of My Poul."
Rev. Scoottle pi cached the rmon
In tho Geiman language Tho icmalns
tested in an oak cesket. pi iced In front
ot tho pulpit The floral offeilngs weio
numerous. Including a rlllow with the
woiei racncT upon .c, aiu a sucai '
of wheat, together with i-eveial cisket I
bouquets. The pall-be.uets weie Ch n
les Yoos, John Wclsrriilue.Henry Kings
ley, John West Geoige D.iuhenhelser
and Geoige Keenc. Albeit Henno and
John Hoover wore the llowci-birois.
Intel ment was mado in WMhhuin
street cemetery.
Tho funeial of tho lato Mis. Mattha
Williams, whoso death occurred at hei
home on Continental hill, was he-Id yes
terday afternoon. Services were con
ducted at tho residence and luteimeut
wa made in the Tnlor eemeteiy.
Tho remains of the flvo-months-old
child of Mr. and Mis John Hcriity. of
Pleasant street, were- Interred In tho
Cathedral eemeteiy yesterday after
noon. Tho funeral of the latu Mis Rem,
of Ninth street, was conducte-d nt St
Patiick's church yesterday afternoon.
Rev. D. A. Dunne officiated. Intel ment
was made in the cathedral cemetery.
If not, drink Qraln-O mado from puro
gliilns A lady wittrs "Tho (list tlino
I mado Uraln-O I did not llko It but
after using it for one week nothing
would Ineluro mo to go back to cotfee."
It nourishes and feeds tho system. The
children can dilnk It freely with gieat
bcnellt. It Is tho strengthening sub
stance of puro ginliiH. (let 11 pack
age today from your Kiocor. follow
the directions In making it und mi will
havo a dollclous nnd healthful table bev
cruicu for old und vounir. Kc and SSc.
Scqtt's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with Hypophos
phitcs is pure and palatable.
For years it has been used
for coughs and colds, for con
sumption, for those whose
blood is thin or colorless,
. whose systems are emaciated
or run down.
For children it means
health and strength, stronger
bones and teeth, and food
for the growing mind.
Baby gains in weight and
thrives when Scott's Emul
sion is added to its milk.
50c and ft no, all druEglU
SCOTT & 110VVNE, CUemliu, Iew York.
The ladles of the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church, whose names begin
with the lotteis in tho alphabet from
K to It served an excellent supper In
the class room of the chuich last eve
ning, which was pattonlzed by a largo
number of the congregation. Five
tables were set and each one was occu
pied steadily fiom C to 8 o'clock Tho
following ladles were at the different
No. 1, Mis. George Lewis and Mis.
Albert Lewis; Xo. L Misses Kate Ma
son and Emma Lewis, Xo. 3: Misses
Bessie Xeeley and Anna Renchler; Xo.
4. Mis. J. Plununer Acker and Mrs.
Thomas Lcvshon. After the supper Ice
cii-aiu and cake was served.
Mis. John Owens, of Xorth Sumner
avenue, Is suffering from tho effects
of Injuries sustained by falling down
stairs recently. Mis. Owens has been
Incapacitated lor several ycais and her
incicased bunions havi been a source
f ueh dlscomfoit to her,
Her husband, John Owens, the well-
known jeweler and watchmaker, has
been confined to tho house for some
time with an attack of the giip, and
was able to be out for tho llrst time
George Orient, u Russian tailor, was
m tested cm Xoith Main avenue at 6
o'clock Wodncclnv evening by Patrol
man Parry on cornpl lint of the parents
of several bov- whom he is alleged to
have f lightened lie was taken to the
police station and given a hearing be
fore Alderman John on a chaige of elis
oiderly conduct.
At the heating It developed that Or
rent had frightened the children with
a rubber article, which they mistook
for a lovolver, and caused his an est.
lie was dlsehaiged.
The Young People's society of the
Pirtt Welsh R.iptist chuich will hold
their usual weekly meeting thU even
ing. The subject to bo discussed is
"Milton's Eesay on License Printing,"
which will be led by Mlts Elizabeth
Hughes. Otl cr lltciaiy and musical
features will be ..Cded.
The f unci a' of the- late D. F, Vnn
liusklik will take place this afternoon
at two o'clock. Set vie os will be held
at the lesldenco. 315 Locust stieet, and
interment will be made in the Wash
burn stteet cemetciy.
Contioller-clect Esdias Howell, of
Washburn stieet, has been overvvhelm-
eJ lth c
ongiatulatory letter.) mil tel
om his frlenels throughout tho
1 countv and has been busy lecelvlng
' vi-dtois at his 1 evidence ever since his
election Mr. Howell has been Indis
posed lor several days, but Is now able
to bo aiound.
The many ftlcnc's of Hoiaco John,
Joseph Evans nnd Samuel Smith, v. ho
W'ie burned by an explosion of gas
iu the Dodge mine some time aj,o, will
bo pleaded to learn that they aio able
to move aiound in the hospital and
expect to bo dischnigeil soon
ltev. J. P. Moffut, of the Washburn
Street Presbyteilan 1 hutch, recently
united In mui 1 Inge Edward Stephens,
of Tenth street, and Charlotte Thomas,
of 111 Xorth Lincoln avenue.
Mr Evan J. Davis, of Xoith Main
avenue, slipped on the lee in the vard
in front of hei tesldence on Tuesday
evening and fiactured her wrist.
T. Ellsworth Davles recently re-
1 celvod woid that Mrs. Mary Maddocks,
slhter of tho late Thomas D. Davies,
died on Jan. 2i at Xo. C" Divslog
stieet, Ebbvv Vale, South Wales, at
the ago of CO jeais. Deceased was tho
onlj sister ot Thomas D. Davles. Her
death was veiy suelelen and was duo
to heuit failure. She Is survived by
her husband, two sons and two daugh
ter. The I. W. II. circle of the Hampton
Stieet Methodist Episcopal church hefi
a pop corn social at the church last
I evening which was well patronized.
i The Sllutlan Lodge of Odd Fellows
' vv 111 meet at their hall tomorrow af
ternoon at 1 o'clock to attend tho fu
' neral of the late Enoch Harris.
John Uoston, .1 well-known rhaiae-
( le,. m poj,co courti ag tommitlod to
1 UlD count Jan ye.sterday by Alderman
,lolm for ,llUty ,jays !n default ot a
fllu. in,I)0&ea fol. uiunkenness.
Rlclmul Lonergan, of Chestnut sticet,
Is ennllned to his home b lllnei-s.
Kdwln A Clark, of South Main ave
nue, is visiting his brother, Fied, nt
Ynle College, Now Haven.
Thomas W. Thomas, of Xorth Sum
ner avenue. Is visiting relatives in Kan
tlcoke. Miss Berth 1 Dean, of Washburr
stieet, is spending a few days at the
Stroudsburg State Xeimal tchool.
E. E. Robatlun, of South Hde Pails
avenue, was in Hnrrlsburg yesteidav.
Rev. Abtahnm Jones, of Williams
buig, Iowa, bi other of Rev. D. P.
Jones, who occupied tho pulpit of tho
Tnhernacle Congtcgatlonal chuich last
Sundu, will lenvo todnj for Elsjis
burg. Tioga county, wheic he v.lll
preach next Sunday. Mr. Jones was
formeily pastor of the congregational
chureh in ("uibondale, and has many
friends In tho Lackawanna valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Engel, of Wash
burn stieet, have letunifd fiom
week's stny in Xew York city
Mrs. Daniel Jenkins, of Plttston, Is
the guest of Mrs. It. J. Hughes, of
Notth Eromley avenue.
Miss Jeanette Ashton, of Plymouth,
Is spending a few dajs with the Misses
Paibara nnd Eliza Lewis, or West Lo
cust stieet.
Mr. William Margetson died at his
homo on Carmnlt street at 8 o'clock
yoslerday morning after a severe at-
tack of Drlglit'a disease. Deceased
wns horn In England 51 years ago and
came from there direct to Pricobug
about twelve years ago and has resid
ed here ever slnic. He was a member
of the older of the Sons of St. George
nnd the I. O. It. M. and is survived
by his wife und six children, two tons
and daughters. Intel ment will be In
Prlcebutg cemetery on Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Tho vote In Priceburg on election
day was as follows:
Klrt ward Auditor, John Husband,
R.. SI: J Oliver, Cll., 87. School direc
tor, C Lletner, 1IG7. Council, J. X.
Jninos, H., 89; J. Aitkcn, Clt., 101. High
constable, A. Haiwin, It.. SC S. Cnirls,
Clt., SI. Constable, It. Uarron, ., 12J,
D. Moiris, CO. Judge of election, J.
Tlrwntka, It, 89. Inspector, Thomas
r.anott, Clt., 7"; Thomas Sharpless,
It. D-.
Second ward Auditor, John Hus
band, P.., 100; Jnmcs Oliver, Clt., 78.
School director, three years, John E.
Ely, 1010: Joseph Hall, Pit., SO. Coun
cil, three years. John Lark, P.., 10f
Henry McGarrlty, one venr, It., 101,
Jnmcs Cnvgll, Clt., 7!) Geoige Knnpp,
Clt., 7i. High constable, Andrew Har
wln. It., 104. Samuel Cairis. Clt, 78
Constable, Henrv Derks, It., 10G: Geoige
rield, Clt., 75. Judge of election, Ste
phen Eeddoe, 11., 106: John Unrron,
Clt., 75. Inspector of election, Henja
tnln Jnrvls, It., 105; Walter Dlndon,
Clt., 75.
Thlid ward Council, John O'Hat.t,
People, 99; C. D. Snyder, R., 68. Audi
tor, J. Husband, R., C7. J. Oliver, Clt.,
11. High constable, A llarwln, R.,
67, S. Cnrrls, Clt., 11. Constable, Reese
Davis, n Jacob Yerintksv, People.
MUs Mary Ellon Wrlghtson. of Hall
stead avenue, is dangerously ill.
The Xorth Scranton branch of tho
Young Women's Clulstlan association
Is now a settled fnct They have or
ganized and are located In a building
opposite the Christian chuich. On dona
tion day many useful things In houso
furnlshlngs were presented. Piobablv
the most acentablo gift was the loan
of a piano, which was seemed thiough
tho efforts of Prof. C. P. Whlttcmoie
from the linn of L. II. Powell & Co.
Patrolman Pony at rested a. Polandor
Tuesday evening on Xorth Main ave
nue, who was acting in a suspicious
mannci. At tho police station a large
case-knife, remodeled Into the shape of
a slllletto, was found on him. The
knife was sharpened on both edges and
had a blade sK inches long. At a hear
ing befoio Alderman Roberts he wis
fined $3 for earning concealed weap
ons. Mr. and Mis. X. W. Ronjamin, of
Main avenue, celebrated the foity-sixth
anniversary of their wedding. Many
fi lends gatheied at the residence and
a social time was enjojed.
Mis. Chailes Thomas, of Philadel
phia, is visiting relatives on School
The choir of the Puritan chuich mot
last evening for rehearsal. They ex
pect to compete in the coming eistedd
fod at Olyphant.
Miss Llzrlo Tillon is visiting friends
In Honesdale.
The Father Whitty society held a.
business meeting last evening.
The Lidios' Aid society and tho Ep
porth league of the Xoith Main Ave
nue Methodist church held a. social last
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad
company are extending their Mniket
stieet machine shops and evpect to
equip them with machinery of tho
latest design.
The nimory building is being pushed
rapidly toward completion. It is ex
pected that it will bo ready for occu
pancy by April 1.
Tho stteeU of Xoith Scranton are
again a mass of mud. The people aie
unlously awaiting tho new pave.
Ono of the Roughest and Most Pic
turesque Places in Mexico.
Pioin Modern Mexico.
Eight miles due east, ovi'r the moun
tains from Catoi co station, on the
Mexican Xatlonal lailioad, is the city
of that name, a city along whose steep,
winding streets neither wagon nor cart,
neither stage nor 'bus, nor nny other
wheeled vehicle was evei known to
pass, although it has often boasted of
a population of 40,000 souls. Tho city
takes Its name from onco being the
stionghold and tho piopeity of a band
of fourteen of tho most daring, des
pei ate, dangeious and successful rob
bers that ever laid tribute on toads of
Mexico. They discovered, and for manv
jeais wotked, the ileh deposits of sil
ver that abound in this entile section
of tho countiy deposits, tho value of
which, if cunent report be ttue, for
hundreds of yeais outiivaled the mvtu
Ical ilclies related of Ophlr. Strange to
relate, every piece of machinery, eveiy
pound of f 1 eight, and every passenger
to nnd from Catorce, Is transported to
day, as for centuries past, either on the
backs of men or mules Catorce is one
of the raopt interesting places in Mex
ico. Here are found the customs of
Mexico in their puilty, unaffected by
tho intluenco of the stiangei. Difficult
of access, tho town can onb bo reached
by horseback or on foot. Catoice has
reldoni been visited by any except those
making business trips. Tho tide up the
mountains into thu town Is something,
once accomplished, alvvajs to be le
mombeied, partly lrom Its element of
personal peill but moro because of tho
beauty of the landscape encounetied at
every turn Glancing down, as you
near your journey's end, you catch a
gleam of the white walls of Los Ca-
toico outlined ngilnst the gieen of tho
mountain side. Thousands of feet be
low shimmer tho wateis or a moun
tain stream. The shifting eoloilng of
the mountains, as light and shade chase
each other over their rugged expanse.
tho la owns and greens of the vallev
below, and tho hills in tho hazy dis
tance am "beautiful exceedingly." Th
eRnl do Catorco is built on the side of
11 tavlne near the top of the lange, und
has a varying population of f 10111 8,000
to 40,000, as tho mines nie paving well
or poorly. Here are found all varieties
of silver ore from eaiboiiatcs to te
fiactory 01 e, ubsaing $15,000 to the ton.
Catorce has a fine cathedial, ilelily
decorated, and a pietty plaza, the only
level spot In tho place. To uic a 1 all
road phrase, it is u combination of cut
and fill, so that to tumblo into It on
one side und out onthe other would be
extremely dlsastious, Thu streets are
neatly paved, and iun up and down
hill, many of them at an angle of 45
A lemcdy recommended for pitlents
nllllcted with tho Urippo is Kemp's iUI
sum, which is especially adapted to dis
eases of tho throat nnd lungs. Do not
wait for tho Hist simptnms of tho dls
cube, but get u bottlo today mid keep It
on hand for uxo tho momi nt it is Decided
If neglected tho gilppo his u tendency
to bilng on pneumonli. Tho lialsam pre
bilng on pneumonli. Tho lialwim pre.
titH this by keeping the cough loose,
I druggists sell the Balsam.
Dunmoro Lodge, No 107, Knights of
Fylhlas, Attended in n Body
Lodge Quartette Sang nnu Rev.
W. F. Glbbono Preached the Ser
mon Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Ehrgood
Entertain Friends Eugene Mnlloy
Run Down by Horses Smnller
Items of Intci est.
Tho loinuln- of tho late Tho'ias
Olencioss, who wns killed bv a (all
of 1 oof at the Xo. r collleiy of tho
Pennsylvania Coal .ompauy Monday
moinlng, were l.itetred In tho family
plot In the Dunmoio cemetery yester
day afternoon. The services were con
ducted nt the residence on Main stieet
by Rev. William P. Gibbons, pastor of
the Presbyterian church. A huge ei--tege
of fi lends were nioseut
'Che Dunmoro Lodge. Xo 16J,
Knights of Pythias, of which tho de
ceased was u member, attended In a
body. Tho pall-bearers weio. James
Quick, William Urovver, J. W. Plnnell.
William Jones, Thomas R. Young nnd
John Ellis. The uower-bearois were:
Messrs. James Bruce and Ernest Finch.
The Knights of Pjthlas quartette,
composed of William Jones, James
Rruce, Joseph Heal and J. W. Plnnell,
sang the hymn selections for the ei
Mi. and Mrs. P. E Ehrgood, of Duel
ley nnd Thlid stioet, weie sutpiised
Tuesday evening by a few of their
f 1 lends. A delightful time ensued. Mlsb
Genevieve Ehigood and Mr. Smalliidge
provided amusement, the tormor 011
the piano and the latter on the con
certina and lite. Refreshments were
served by Mis. Ehigood Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mis. Maurice Gard
ner, Mr and Mis. Cook, Mi. and Mrs
Smallrldge, MIsfos Lou Matthews of
Green Ridge; Glace Gatdnor nnd Mis.
Harry Gaidnor, of Scianton
Eugene Malloy, the 2- eat -old son
of Mr. and Mis. Patrick Malloy, of
East Drinker street, was iuii ovei es
terday afteinoon but luckily escapcel
injury. Tho little one stood In tho
street, and not seeing a team coming
dnitcd out in front of It and was
knocked down by the hoises. Upon
being examined he was found to bo
unlnjuied and only suffeilng from the
The members of the Methodist Epis
copal chuieh will hold a cottage prajer
meeting at tho homo of ..lis. William
Selgle, on Thlid street, this afternoon
at 2 30 o'clock. All are welcome.
Tho Ladles' Aid of the Piesbvtei
lan church will solve a supper in the
chuich pailoih Tuesday evening. The
price of the supper will bo 15 cents and
Ice cream vv 111 be served
All members of the Knights of Honor
are lequested to meet In Washington
hall tomorreiw evening at 7.30 o'clock
to receive their policies.
Miss Lillian Bioael, of South Elake
ly street, entertained a number of her
out-of-town friends at her home last
evening. A good time was enjoved by
all piesent.
Mrs. William Webbei and daughter,
Ressle, of Avoca, spent the day at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Young, on West
Di Inker stieet.
Miss Muiy O'Neill, of Carbondale,
called on Cherry stieet, fi lends jes
terdav. Miss Lbzie Decker, of Avoca, who
was visiting West Di Inker stieot
friends, has 1 etui nod home.
Mrs. R. Scholia, of Swaitz street
who was quite IU for seveial weeks,
Is Improving.
William Wicks, of Depue sticet, is
quite ill.
Mrs. Sophia Shoemaker, of 2C0 Xorth
Hyde Park avenue, died Wednesday
evening at 10..10 o'clock, after a few
weeks' illness from bionchltis. De
ceased was over 90 years of age and
was born in Gilboy, Schoharie countj.
New York, and camo to the Lackawan
na Valley In tho early sixties, locating
in the borough of Hyde Paik, and has
lied theie continuously wince Her
husband, William Shoemnker. died in
1SS2. She is survived by tin en "-ons
and foul daughters, 'Ynnl Shoemaker,
of Tacoma, Wash.; Hyron Shoemaker,
of Wllkes-Ilirie; Gordon Shoemakei,
Mrs. S. W. Iteynolds. Mrs. T. J. Lure
and Mls Sarah Shoemaker, of this oltv
Tho funeial will bo held Situidav af
ternoon at 2 o'clock Soivlees will In
conducted at the house by Uov. J. I'
Moffatt. of the Washburn Sttoet Pies,
bjteilan chuich, und the Interment will
be luiwite.
Mr- Michael died siuldi nl
at her home on Oak stieet. Taylot.
Wednesday night. She retired eaily
that evening and at about D.'ii o cluck
she nwoko and summoned the mem
bets of hor family to hei bedside sin
complained ot being very 111 ami u ph.v -slenn
was summoned, but despite ev
eiy effoit -ho died In 111 teen minute"
Deceased was llfty-nlne joais ot at,)
and was greatly respected. Hei d.itiKh
ter, Mis. Mailin Hart, ot West Sunn
ton, and two sons, Mai tin and Da')i I
Gllvary, of 'lavloi. survive lur. Th
tuneial will be hold Satin do moinlng
with u mass of ronulem ut the Tnvlor
atholio chinch Interment will bo nmdo
in L'athodial eemeteiy.
Joseph "W. Ceiiitiolly died vei sudelen
ly at his lesldenee In Aillngton
Heights at "20 o'clock yestetday moin
lng. Deceased had retlienl the evening
befoio appaiently enjoviiig the be-t of
health. About 2 a m hu awoke and
complained of feeling ill. A phvslciau
was summoned, but he was be und
medical aid. Apoplexv was glvui ui
the i-auso of death. He was 10 years
of ago ami is sutvlved by his vvll'
and ono son. Deceased was engaged
In the meat bublnes Ho was a mem
ber of Colonel T. D Lewis Council,
Xo. 10ir, Junior Older of Amu lean Me
chanics and the lodge will have "haig
of the funeral, which will bo held mn i
th ipsleleneo Sunday alioinoou i ,
odoek Interment will be n i
Poiest Hill eemeteiy.
Pairlek Munav, of Spenee r sue. t
died yestetday afteinoon aftoi a.i II
ness of a few duys. Deoe.iFod was
taken 111 Monday with u pain In his
side. Mnco then he rnphlly glow wnisu
....,,. , lth .,,,,,.. nH l muivI-i.iI In
until death cami. lie is stuv I. elbj
wife. Thd funeial will take place
He Is sutvlved by ills
Strong Assertion m o J 11 t What
the llctncillra Will Do.
Ituojon rimrinUn
lbt hln tthfumnllim
Cure will mro untlf
All cants ot rheumi
tlttn In fr hours,
tint tilt Ij-plU Cut
will cure Imllgcutloii srnl
sll utomach trouhli;
tlin his hldivj- curs
U1 curn OO per rrnt.
of nil carps nt Udooj
I rouble, ttiat Ms Cs
tsrrh Cure will urs
rstartli no manor heir
Una sIrikIIiir, that his
llesilactip I'urr will curs
ntir kind of hfJnchi In
h tcvf inlnulrs, thst
lih Colli IVirs will
iliiltkljr brral. up tcj
form of rold snd sn on It rough I ho enllro list of
tfinMlIrs At all druKitlsls, LV rent n vlnl
If yu nenl inwl'ral srltlcs write l'rof. Munjoa,
1CU5 Aich st , l'hlln II li stitolutrlr (rre.
rx' IIURUUNDI'K & RLIS, tesitel
II It I.UNII, Mimauer.
Balance of Week
Dime Matinees Daily.
MATINKi: Pltlt IJS 10 Cents
E IJNMXG PltlCCS. 10 3) mid 50 Ccntf..
Sdtutdav Special Matinee 10 nnd 20 Cents.
Commencing Monday, Teh. 27
Unity .Matinees, Commencing Tucda.
You All Kcmc-inber r
And Tlulr Oven Orchestra.
l'lesentlug a t linllomt He pertolro
MONU ci:nin(1
Evening Prices 10, 20, 30 cents.
Matinee Ptlces 10 cents.
Ladle tlckits will be lisue J (or Mondaj nlslit
II. k. LeJNti. Manager.
l-riday Fveninp. Fjbrunry 2-1,
America s runnitt V omiiti,
la tho Hi cut Lviulilns '-ticcci'ei.
f AT Tllli
should bnu
1 Don't be misled b the title)
PRICES J5c We, Tie. $1 00
Saturday, February 25
anel his
Management Leigh Lvnrb.Llmutilni; I.llcry
Italy's Greatest Band
And the licit bund ever heard la Vmorlea
AsulitcJ by
MlSb LMILIO Di: CIOUAR.A, Baritone
Pincns-Ij, 50, 75 and Jl 00
MATlNi:C PItICi:S-Adults Wc
clt en 2;e.
Commencing Monday, Alutlne: Peb aolh
Sheridan & Faust's
big double: CO
UMRA Mallnce Toda) --E.VTR V
Ihitlrc change of program beginning to.
morrov.. Two new burlesques
men low afteinoon at '' o'clock fiom the
lesldenco Intel ment will be made In
St. Maij's eemeter.v.
WOUDS OF PftAISH bestow oil upon
Hood's Sarsaparllla by tnose who have
taken It Indicate that it Is restoring
henlth to thousands of people, and it will help vou also
HOOD'S PILLS .lie easy to take,
ia to opotate. cure biliousness in-ellgc-tlon
Danbl Claik. of Benton. " vlsUlng
friends on Capouse avenue
The Women's ChiUtlan Temperance
union held a meeting In the llbiary
.vesti'idav aftunoon
Mis Win n. of lienton. is the guest
of Mi L It Pinch, on Capouse ave
nue. Mis P .1. Colo, of Caibouel.ilt Is vis
itlng her elausjhtet. Mis Wan en Kim
ble', of Monsej avenue-
Tho Men's union held a very Intel est.
Ing political meeting in tho Pie-bv.
lei Ian chuieh pallors last evening
The deputi shuiiff sold out V II
Dunn's htoek of goods at his store oi
Kant Maiket stieet yesteidav. Th.
goods wine biiiiKlit bv Itlce, Levy 1
Cn anel Aekeillian
The nsldents o Itlehmont Paik ar
cliiulallng u petition asking tho el'v
loiuulW to pio.vlde for the opening ut
nf Capouse avenue thiough the park
Mis. Kiuil Kec ne. ot i
v'xiilng lelatlves on nituuut stieot
V lirje attindaiice ot piivatt clllzo
an rnjin steel id e.ill ut Vlnonci i'har
in ii ) when In need of a ionic In ..oiiva
MtiiiK noni anv Ulnet-H Emulsion ot
Cod l.lvei Oil with lie pi phosphites If
enie of the hem lung i-tun;tli nei- mil np
pcilz is known 1 ,i I go dull ii sUc Wc
2 Green Ulilffc Mrect.
wtrriou iiurar kalltos Uecn
cry, I topotoncr, SlfMfileuneiifl, eto . cauppj
by Almo or othr zceuoa una Indli
S efr"i cieuom, in i qiiiwcIi ana turrlu
"T reUiroX,otltaUt7 tn ulJorrouDg,aJ
fsr. rtuciaufaritudi, ImiloKj or ruirrlu.
TJaJCS front Intanltr ane UaniamDtlaa II
zr ft.
Jn.ra iu iiido. lliBirnii bhown ioLmodtata improT.
ait ana effecta n C'UhR nharo all other folilu.
elat uponlnvinc Ilia ganulns AJm Inblttt. Tlifj
baro cured tbouiai tit an i erilcuro;oa. VVoplvoapqi.
itira rrrittoa suartntue to u&ect a rura Cfi fi Y"C
oarliocoor refuod tho muuey, 1'riceuv U lwijec
oail iirei or tlx vliiiai, (full trentoentl tor (SCO. 1
jinll, in plain wmiicr. uin rurfli tQtrrto. Clrcutai
Vox snla Iu Sciantcn, Pa, by Matthem
Dros, and II. U., druggists.
lmtwt'a tFZ
A M n i u A IIVm S w-c
. ftjtTrGV&ittMm4