The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 20, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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February Specialties,
All the Monthly Periodicals,
for Fob'y. nro now hero,
also nil tho Fashion Hooka for spring
Pockot Diurica for 1800,
good varioty yet.
Art Calendars for 1800,
nt cut prices.
v a tE KTf i isj e s
An clorjnnt assortment of
now and attractive) lovo roiiis,
for ull ages and conditions.
Blank Account Books,
all desirable sizes and styles,
from vost pockot Memorandums,
to Bank Ledgers.
Mercantilo Stationery, all sorts,
Ofllco and Desk llequisites,
nil woith having.
Ladies' Stationery,
all desiiablo stylos.
' Engjaving and Printing to order. ,
Games of Amusement
ior winter ovenings,
Iho standard sorts nnd now things.
All tho now and Standard Books
in various bindings
at popular prices.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
r$ and
;-$ See oiu window '1 lie
iS largest line ever
bi ought si
" c,
" to Scranton.
Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women
Ofllca Houis
!) to Jo i. m
I to :i ii. in
At Htnidenco 7 to Up in
OHi cc llllnnn Ilullillti?. Opp. roilollico
RcMdeufe "J 10 Houlh .Main Avenua
Hnw opened a (leneriu Insurance Oillce tn
tf III
KM Htook Compnnle represented, ljirjo
-I ii- especially oollcltod. 'lelepliono 18 Hi
;o8 I'enn Avmiie. A. I) VVARflAN.
li otir hills tod i) and the
dlo omit.
Mips Aguth.i Sim cm y, of llonctdule. Is
M-lthig irlends In this cltj .
Attoinej C. It. Pitcher, of I'rlee sticot.
Is tn l'hll ulclphU today on business
Mr. 11. M Stratlou Is l.iplilly recover
ing f i otn her i to nt alninitng lllins-.
Attorney ami Mis. ('limits lliiwltv. of
Munsoj avenue, uro vistiln,; In l'luludel
Phi i
Ciller I. .1 Illckev, of tho city Ihe ek
p.irlmint. Is hloulj lccovt'iliig Hum a sc
i nuts llluehs.
I ither I. nolle, of l'ittston, who Ins
b .n MtlouMi III nt rheumatism, is pro
i, miiid out of dtiiiget by his physician,
it millions
Mrs w u. J(s i.p, ji , and d.uiKhtr
1 iv retiiimd Horn Philadelphia, vvhero
tin1 l.tltir underwent a hcilnus opeiatljn
ulili h bus pioved iiillu,j fcucc-rssful.
il Coons., who was loimeily cm-
plujeil Ii) the Dcliiwiito, X iiKawami i and
Wc-icrn comp.iny in tho cu
I icitv of tlcKi t agent 1ms been relntat"d
is the conip.inv in uspounllilo position.
rMeinil utid Mis II M Hides will go to
('oliinilius, ( t ml v to .ituiid tlio (Oli
ve otlon of Veiling MtiiM I'lirlhtlan U8-.0-(i.itlon
piesldi mill ffi ii t.u lea. Col
i.m 1 llniib Is to iniiUu one of the Impor
1 mt iiiMnssen ol the vtl. mi tilt Mih
lot Whit tin iiiik .Minn Chiistian
Assocl.itlnn Will lie- ill Iho Twentntll
eniuiy. '
I'liul) Ri.iilier " I . (jililln loecived tlu
highest m uKli g tor a eonipliuentaiy c
lillnt lit the State l'licitouiiiliers' cniiven
tiop held lust vmlU nt W llUia-ilaiu. Ai
It. nu ollioer of tin oignuU.itlon 1 o
e mill not eitit tlio iokuIiu eunipelltloii.
'the plicitoRi.iphs tid win simply
ihu-e finin hi- well, with no at
tunpt ut niuKing u idtpliv foi tho oc
nsimi Major John V Totlcn of New j'orl:,
gein n 1 otgiiiilzor ol tho I.eigno
) KepiibPiun i lulls of tne United States,
spun buinliy vlth his fneiid, Dcimty At
i any i mini Klelu, In this city Jla
1 r Totton has hem pionilnent In New
ioik otiuo nnd National heague polities
rm mail) vi .13 and has hosts of fi lends
IhioiMhnut tl.o V-nltod Slnlcs Ho U now
ting ns pi ss ngi ut for that fnnnui
milonl mgaiiizittrin the "lianda ltnssi,"
v ileh uppen-s at tho I.vceuiii on S Uuiday
afternoon ind iveinug
To Be Comoiued nt the Board of Tindo
Regular Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Scianton Board of Trade will ho held
tonight at 8 o'clock sharp. The pres
ident will announce the standing com
mittees for tho ensuing eurt and thu
manufacturers' committee will present
an Interesting report on tho possible
Industilal outlook for the piesent year.
In addition to the above Captain
Theodore H. Dibblo will ex
emplify the comfort and adapt
ability of tho "Student Gilll," by pre
senting to each member in attendance
u souvenir in tho shape of a descrip
tive booklet and a lunch of ioast duck
nnd applo sauce, prepared and cooXed
"while you wait."
A Wonderful Success.
The Buffalo National AcotvleiiH Gas
company, of Buffalo N. v., nro placing
on tho market on thltty ilajs' trial, a
machine for tho manufacture of acety
lene cus, which is bound to take tho
Dlace of all other lllumlnants. This
machine Is the latest Improved, and is
recommended by all stand.ud Insur
anco companies. We light churcUs.
stores, factories, residences and coun
try homes, also put In plants for light
ing towns. We wunt good representa
tives. William J. Bhlffer Is a candidate for
constuble of tho JJIchth ward.
The WIlUcs-Earre ltecord can be had
In Bcranton at tho i.ews stands or Ileis
nan Bros., 401 Bpruce and (03 Llndjn
pnrfcaut Mac, Laclecwanna nvenus.
Gave n Spurious Dollar to Three
Boyo nnd Sent Them Into a Con
fectioner'o Shop to Buy a Pie In
stead of Bringing Back tho Change
They Returned with the Shopkeep
erHe was Arrested Attor a Strug
gle and Is Being Held to Await
Commissioner Colbom's Action.
A frumpish looking fellow Rising the
mime of Thomas Duffv was arrested
In Duninore last night for attempting
to pass counterfeit money.
Several times during tin- day the po
lice lecelved notice of miuiIous coin
helng proferred at the different busi
ness place that keep open on Sun
day. About 8 o'clock In the evcnlns?
a messenger summoned Otllccrs Sic
Grnll nnd Sauer to John Kvnu, con
feet liinuiy .shop, near the cornel s.whuio
I it was said one- of the- counleifcdtor3
had been apprehended.
I Arriving theie they found DulTv In
I tln custody of tho sluipkeepei. Ah
' llvnns stntoil that thtro inivs eatno
I Into his store and bought u pie, In
najnn-nt fir which they profened a
I rrude- counterfeit sliver dollar, Qucs
I tlonlng tho luds ho Iciuuod that a man
Iliad glen them the money with ln
i stiuctlons in huv u pli for themselves
and bring hlin hack the rlinuge. Tin1
man th-v Mill, was waiting out-ldi
foi them
Mi. llvim iKcompauled the lads and
thev polntid out Huffy as the man who
had given tin-in the money Mr. lo
ans took him by the aim and sent for
the ollkers Duffy tried to get away
hut bjstnndcrs caine to the shopkeep
er's assistance and ho was safely held
until the otllcets m lived.
The pilsoner stoutly denied that in
was the peinon who gao the lads tli "
dollar but tho liojs weio positive In
their statements that he was tho guilty
paitv. He was locked up and United
States commissions A. .1. ('jillioin no
tified When bombed at tho station
house only threu pennies we-to tumid
In the prison-t's possesslent.
Another man named Iliggtns who is
a pal of Duffv was lining sought for
by the police last night A party an
swering his desfilption was also try
ing to shove the iiueer at seveial
places about the roiners dm Ins the
afternoon and early oenlng.
Both nie residents of Dunmoio but
have boon away from tho boiough for
borne time, lctuintng only last week.
Cominlssloner Colhoin will Investi
gate the matter toduj
Cciemony Pel formed in Fhst Pies
byterian Chuich.
Horatio 8. Keller, of 111 Mlillln ave
nue, and Mis Lllllo Msfnnwy Joseph,
of 153 South Hyde avenue, weio
united In marriage by Rev. James JIc
Leod nt 2 ir o'clock Satuiday aftei
noon at the Tlrht Presbyterlnn church,
on Washington avenue. Only the im
mediate lelatlvei of the eontracMng
parties weio present. The bride '
attired In a traveling costume of brown
mnteilal and was unattended. Mr.
and Mis. Keller left on the 3 30 Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western train
for Now York, AVnshlngtnn and lSUh
mond on a ten-dav's wedding ttlp.
Tho groom is a well-known Insur
ance ngent with olllrej In tho Llbnry
building on Wvonilng u venue, and the
bride Is tlio daughter of Mrs. Maiy
Joseph and Is the contralto soloist 'n
the First Presbvterlan chinch quar
tette. Both aie veiy well-known yung
people Upon tholr leturn thej 'vill
tuko up their lesldence with Mi. Kll
ei's patents, on MKlllu avenue.
Two Mine Employes Biought to tho
Lackawanna Hospital.
John Mec'lohko), emplojcd as a
dilvei ut the Steiilck Oeelc colliery,
I'eeUvlllo, was Klckid on the head by
Ills mulo while at wink Tilday after
noon. Ho was biought to the Lacka
wunna hospital and it was discovered
that he was suffeilng fiom a com
pound fraetuie of the skull. At a late
hour ltifct night he had recovered con
sciousness and It Is expected that he
will continue to impmve.
John Heffron. emploved as a miner
in the Grassy Isluid collleiy at Oly-
phant, was caught beneath a heavy
tall of top coal Satuiday morning In
his ' pluio" and was severely Injured.
Ills baik Is wrenched and the ilesh
lacerated In a hickenlnc manner. He
w.ib temoVLil to the Lackawanna hos
pital and bis wounds dies-sod.
Miso Besac, of Gicen Ridge, an Un
fortunate Woman.
M!s Faille Besao was unfortunate
enough to swallow a pin which she
had In her mouth which busy making
a dre'is at her jeslcienco on Carouse
avenue Satuiday afternoon.
The pin had lodged in her thioat in!
suen a manner ns to necessitate an I
operation to remove it. The operation1
will piobably be pet formed today. I
Dangers of tho Grip.
Tho greatest dansor from Ea Orippp
is of Its resulting in pneumonia, if
reisonnble care la used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken,
all danger will bo avoided. Among tho
tens of thousands who have used this
remedy for la grippe ve have yet to
loam of a blnclo case having resulted
In pneumonia which shows conclusively
that this remedy is a certain preventive
of that dangerous disease, it will cure
la grippe in less time than any other
treatment. It Is pleasant and safe to
take, b'or sale by all druggists. Mat
thews Ilios, wholesale; and letall
- " - - .I.
Tho banks of this city will bo closed
on tho following days of this month,
they being legal holidays: Monday,
Feb, 13, Lincoln's blithdayj Tuesday,
Feb. 21, election day; and Wednes
day, Fob. 2.', AVashlngton's birthday.
, C. w. Ounster,
Secretary Scranton Clearing House As
sociation. A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby ugres
to refund thu money en a SO-ccnt bottle
of (lic-uno's Warranted byiup of Tar if it
falls to cure your cough or cold. We also
guarantee u JI-cent bottlo to provo satis
factory or money refunded, J. O. lionet &
Bon. Dunnioie, Pa , John 1', Donahue,
Scianton, l'a.
His Namo Is John Wilson and Ho Is
a Jexsey Tiamp.
It was admiration of hl cool, com
placent nme that won him his fine
doin. "Was up that way and thought I'd
dtop in on a lslt. Liked the place
erv much and decided to stay a
while." Thus lesponded John Wilson,
a shaggy, dlity Jersey tramp when
Mayor Bailey yesterday muinlng in
police court asked htm to explain how
he come to bo found Riving "at homes"
to himself in Dr. CI. U. Hill's rustle
lodgo out on the boulevard.
He wasn't a blt.pcrtrubed when 1'ark
Superintendent Phillips and Mounted
Olllcor Dyer routed him out Saturday
afternoon and was the personification
of easy noucholenco when taken be
fore his honor for a hearing.
It was cry evident' that a sojourn
at the county Jail during this spell of
had weather was very much to Mi.
Hobo's liking. To send him theie
would be too much of a good thing
Them was only one thing to do and
the maor did It gave the alternative
of getting out of town Inside of an
hour or subjecting himself to a bath.
Ho got.
Ho declined to state how long he had
been a guest of Dr. Hill, but It la sup
posed he has been In the lodge since
befoio the blizzard. When the otllceis
caine upon him Saturday he was
mopped up on a downy couch In the
lounging loom smoking a butt of a
cigar and leading an illustrated
Ise on "The Care of Alllg.itois " while
on the led hot rook stove in tho next
loom there slnmurcd a tomato can
full of beet btew. Quito a stock of
edibles hud been laid up by His Nerves
and civ on thing about the place Indi
cated that lie had invited himself to
stay all winter.
In Pour Out of the Five Cases the
Wife Was the Libellant New
Case Tiled and Another
Dlvoiies weie gi anted S.Uiitday In
the Conkliu, Dunn, Dctei, Nenl and
Loilng cases
Grace I). Conkliu wa iilluwed a dl
voiee Horn K. Conkliu on the
giound ol desertion. They were mai
licd In I'lngliainton, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1S32,
by Rev Austin Grlll'n, of tho Methodist
Kplseopnl chinch. Tho deseitloli oc
luired Aug. i'o, 1S0C. One of hei com
plaints vas that while they lived in
lilnBliamton her husband hired detec
tives to watch her.
Charles W. Dunn, of 430 South Ninth
street, wus granteu a divorce fiom
Maria Dunn on the giound of unfaith
fulness. He alleged that he letuineil
home unexpected em night when they
weie living at No. 2t! Lackawanna ave
nue, and found hl.s wife In company
with a xour.g man named Stevens.
When naked to explain she answered
that she didn't have to, and that she
ptoposed to do as she pleased. They
wore man led July 28. 18S2, by Aldciman
C. W. Uoesior.
Nettle Ncal. of Catbondale, alleged
deseitinn as the ground for dlvoica
fiom John II Neal. They were mar
ried Oct. 22. J SSI. by Rev. G A Can-,
of the Baptist church of Klikwood, N.
Y., and ho left her in April, 1836
Esther L. loilng, who was divorced
from riza Allen Lorlng, nlo chaiged
desertion. They were married after a
two weeks' acquaintance, on June IS,
18'"!. by Itov. S. I- Matthews, of tlio
.Scianton Street Baptist church Af
ter a two weeks' honeymoon the hus
band left tajing ho going to look
tor work In Chicago. That Is the last
she ever hoard of him.
Esther Dexter, of Dunmoio, made
cruel and batb.irous treatment the
giound upon which bhe. asked for a
divorce from John Deter. Among the
ottenses charged against him was an
attempt upon lnr life with a pocket
knife He was also accuse)! of at
tempting to assault bis 14-ycur-old
A libel in dlvoteo was Hied with
Piothonotary Copelanil, Saturd.iv, by
Jennie M. .m Gorder. vho wants to
be fieed from her alleged cruel hus-b-ind,
William E. Yniv Gender. They
were married Oct. 20, 1S90, and lived
together only two yeat?
Clementine Rcnwlck discontinued
her suit for a limited dlvoteo fiom
Robert Renwick, begun in September,
ISO", and instituted a now suit for ab
solute divorce.
Has Her Husband nnd a Touner
Neighbor Attested.
Miss Mil a Nlcholls and Seymour
Ensten, the latter a married man, were
given a healing befoio Alderman
Millar Satuiday morning, both having
sorlou3 charges piefened against
them Mrs. Sevmour Ensten appeared
as protccutrK. She charges her re
cnlcitiant husband with deseitlon and
non-sypport, and tho young woman
with using unlawful means to entlco
her husband from his own fireside.
Both vverc held In ball for their ap
pearance at court and in default were
committed to tho eounty lull Mis.
Ensten stated that thoy and the NIch-1
,)lls woiKea neisuooring iatms up at
N'ay AuB' mul not ,onff aR0 ,ler nus"
bn,ld Ieft ncr for the othf,r woman'
Smoke The Popular Punch Cigar, 10c
1 can Sweet Clover Corn
1 can Atbutua Corn.
1 can Cold Packed Tomatoes
3-lb can Macaroni and Cheese,
3-lb can Pork and Beans.
Vj-lb can Cevlon Java Coffee.
1-lb Reliable Paklng Powder.
1-lb Triumph Unking Powdei.
1 can Puritan Condensed Milk.
1 can French Sardines.
3 Eng. Smoked Rloaters.
Box Boned Herring.
1 bottlo Ollvec.
10 bars Archer's Scouring Sonp.
0 boxes French Shoo Illacklpg.
3-lb California Prunes.
1 bottlo Cole's Tooth Powder.
Broken lots, after Inventory, to close
Phial Preparations for Getting Out
tho Vote Have Been Made Chair
man Millar Says That If Republi
cans Vote n Victory Is Assured.
Republican and Democratic Over
seers Appointed Saturday to Super
vise Counting of Ballots in t'to Eli
ferent Election Distiicts.
This will be a lively diy nt the Re
publican and Democratic hoadijunt
tcts. All the campaign planning was
completed Satuiday and today will bo
devoted to putting Into execution the
pluna for getting out the vote tomor
row. Chnltmnii Millar, of the Republican
city committee, has fiom the opening
of the campaign striven earnestly to
get the full Republican vote out to
inouow. "Give us tho full Republican
vote," Chnliniau Millar freeiuently told
the candidates and committeemen,
"and wo will win. This Is a Republi
can city, nnd If the membeii ol the
party do theli duty we will have sev
eral hundred votes to spate."
Ariangeiiients have been made lor
leeching the lotuins totnoirow night
In the looms of the Central Republi
can elub In the )'ilte building, and
the Demon at J will listen to the le
turns In theli he.idipnrters In the Lib
city hall building, or. AVashington nve
mi" Eollowlng nro the candidates Re
publicans will vole ior tomorrow.
Colitrolli-r-r I WIDMAYEJl.
School Dlrretoi-.10IJN COritllUt MOIi-
Assesvois-aWII.YM JONES. I'lItl.U'
Couit on Satuiday appointed the fol
lowing oveitccrs of election who will
sci v tomoiroiv
l'list Wuril-MiHt illstilet Wal'ir
Ktiitiedv, Sieund illstilet. Charles Kiilne,
'third dlstilet Ihomas Walktns, l'ouith
district. Lewis 11 John, Fifth district,
William CuiiMne.
sJecond Wind Klr-it dlstrlit, John L
W'olk, Scionil dlstllet Charles V Tvi
wllllger, Thlid illstilet, 1'. 1. Olve .
l'ourth illstilet. Ism It. Edwmds l'lfth
distilut, John I.enah.iii
Thlid ward First dl-itilet, Joseph Stew
art, Second district Olios S lckei.
Pourtli Ward Pit st district, Edwin E
I.oide, Second dlsnkt, Hugh 11 Jones,
Thlid illstilet, Thomas- J.. W'atklns,
rout th dlstllet, John Held
l'lfth Wind 1-lrst district. Hajdcn
Evans. Second dlstllet William It. Lewis,
Thlid illstilet. Janus llrovMi, l'ourth dls
tllet, D.ivicl 1. Williams.
SKth wind- I'lrst illHtriet. John I. Bax
tel Seeond illstilet Tliomis 11. Buddy:
Thlid dlstrlit Eiluaid Harris.
Seventh Ward ITist district Theodore
Lell, becond illstrlet John V. Walsh
Eighth Woid Elrst district, 1'ied Dun.
Second district, Kred Zlzleman.
Ninth Ward-rirst dlstllet, C. E Chlt
teiuleii. Second dlstrlit, it. II Jielwln,
Third illstilet, George Parrott.
Ttnth ward Pirn district, Joseph
Wntrous Second dltilot, Edward iliogg.
Eleventh Ward Plrst district. Chailes
llcler; Second dlstikt Charles Weber,
Ji : Thlid illstilet. W A. Schemer.
Twelfth Wat d Plrst district, John
Mailig.ui. Second ill-tilct, William Cor
coran. Thltteinth Ward-Plist dltilct. Sol
Miller, Second district. B. T. Jiino;
Tiiiru nistriet, u. s. .ur
Pourteenth vsnrd Plist district. W. I!.
Stephens; Second dlstllet, M il Belli
hnrdt Fifteenth Waul-First district William
Lewis, Second district. John Edwards
Sixteenth W'.ud First dlstllet, S W.
rinn. Second district, Ocorge C Jones
Seventeenth Ward First olsttlot, Prink
S Hall, Second district, Heinv C Dlnun
lei Eiuhtoonth Waul 1M N Shlrer
Nineteenth W ird First district, Rich
ard Hofff Itlugei, Second district, Henry
Mohro, 'lhlid district, Clulst Boo,
Fourth distill t August Prnnlz
Twentieth Wnrd Fhst dlstrlct-l'liarles
Shnrrll, Second district Charles Werner:
Third dlstrlit, Alfred Burnings, Fourth
district, J W. Berghmisci.
Tui-ntj -first Wnrd Pint district, Hen
ry Jlfkins, Second dlstrlet, William Giay
Flifct Wind Kirat district, James I.ot
tus, Second district, M. J. Walsh. Third
dlstllet. Lawrenco lluinei: Fourth ills
tilet, Edwaul Gilllin; Fifth district
Thomas Melvin.
Second Ward-Plrst dlstllet. P. .1 llo
gan; Second dlstllet, Anlhony Uuddv ,
'111 Ird district Michael Walsh, Fourth
illstilet, E A. Knight; Filth district,
Martin MeNlsti.
Third Ward Plrst dlstrlet. James Mc
Donough, Second dlstllet, Michael O Ileit
is. Fourth Wnrd -Plrst district, Thomas
Gllroy, 1r ; Second illstrlet, JI. J. I'ahey;
Thlid district, Thomab Langun; Fouith
district, Win JlcAndrew.
l'lfth Ward-Plrst district, Thomas
Bush, Second district, Thomas J. Hurst;
'third district. James Regan; Fourth dls
trlet, J. II. Hammcs.
Sixth Ward-First district, P. W. Cos
tcllo: Second district. Joseph Drury;
Third district, John Mullancy.
Seventh Ward First district. James J
Padden, Second district. 1". V. ticnnlon,
Third district, Thomas J Gerrlts. Jr.
Eighth Ward First district, Thomas C.
Jfelvin, Second district, John J. liana
ghan Ninth AVartl Plrst dlstllet, John
O'Hoele; Second district, JI E McDon
ald, Third district, Robert J. Mm ray.
Tenth Waid First district Jllchael
Jllehler; Second district, John J. O'Neill
Eleventh Waid Fit fat district, Charles
(1 F.osar; Second district. W C. Klein.
i. i-.osar; econn uisirict, vv
'llilrd district. Prank McOrath.
Twelfth Ward First district John P.
Kelly. Second dlt-tilct John Mawn
Thirteenth ward- First district Thomas
J. Mnddon. Second dlstllet. V. P Brown;
Third dlstllet. n-mlel J Paeo
Pourteenth AVard First district, M J.
dun oil; Second district, Mlchnel Flvnii
Flftoenth Wnrd -First dlstrlet, Charles
Andres, Second district, Walter Need
ham Sixteenth Ward-rirst ilisttlrt Theo
rahrenholt; Second district, John A.
Seventeenth AVard-Plmt distil t, W A
Wilcox; Second district, P W. Stokes.
Eighteenth Wnrd John I'lannery
Nineteenth Ward -Plrst dlHUict. V W.
A'aughii Second district Ambrose llerz;
Third district, Fred I.. Snjder. Fourth
district. John J Munay.
Twentieth Ward-First district John P.
Gibbons; Second dlstrlet Michael Cus
lek; Third district J E O'Malloy; Fourth
district. Edward McQuIre
Twenty-first Wnid-Thlrd district Mat
thpw l.oughnoy, Second illstilet, Thomas
Found That Michael Cox Died from
Natural Causes.
Michael Coy, of 2007 Rock street,
South Scianton, who was tound dead
In bed Saturday morning and whoss
death was jeported to Coroner Rob
erts, died from a long standing caso
of miners' asthma, inducing heait fail
ure. The coroner held an nutopsy ea
terday afternoon and ascei tallied tho
cause of death and granted a certlfl
rate for burial.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over FIFTY VEAftS
bj MILLIONS of MOTHERS for theli
Is tho beat lemeUy for DIAItliHOEA.
Bold by Drurglsts In every part of tho
world. Ho suro and ask for "Mrs. Wins
low's Soothing Sirup," and take no other
kind Twcntv-llve cents u bottle.
Slgnor Pnveao Will Be Seen at
Music Hall,
At Music ball this evening will oc
cur the fencing bout in which Slgnor
Oeneioso Pavese will meet a nu.nber
of local swoidsmen whom It Is re-
'ported will Include Captain Mortis,
Ale?: Dunn, Jr., Edwnul Rccum, James
Heckel, and It lb said sivcral Wtlkes
Barrcans who were voluntects In tho
Cuban win, mid who desire ptuctlco
In tho art of handling the swonl.
Slgnor Pavese will appeal here un
der the management of Jaek Shelly
and under tho n;ipleon of the tttillan
association of Pennsylvania. Tho Slg
nor is the champion Rwordsman of the
world and bear1 medals and the cham
pionship belt In support of his claim.
Ono Hundred Less Applicants Than
There Woro Last Year.
Only a few more than sK bundled
applications for liquor licenses had
been filed with Clerk of the Courts
Daniels up to noon Saturday, the lim
it of time allowed for presenting p'U
tlons. Last j car theie were T01 appllcmt".
About COO Iicollse were giuntod an-I
taken out
Charles Bennett, the Blind Musician,
Found Unconscious on tho rioor
of 2Ils Homo Died a Pew
Hours Latei.
Chailes Dennett, a blind ltiiiti, who
has been a famllnr llguie In the streets
of this city for a number oC jturn,
died under suspicious circumstances tit
him home, 430 Aswcll eouil, between
Luzerne and Hampton stieets, West
Scianton, ut an e.itly hour Saturday
For sumo time pievloUb to Thuis
duy evening Domett and his wife wero
vii-ltlng at Jlnltbi-ij Luzerne eounty,
and tho formei returned to the home
last evening about 9 o'clock. Previous
to ids coming, a woman whose iden
tity has not vet been levcalol, was
sec-en bv the neighbors about the place
nnd not being able tn gain admittance
to the place by the eloor broke a win
dow, and In ictlring fiom the piemlses
bioko the lock on tho door nnd attei
wnrels fastened It so tint when Den
nett tiled to enter he could not do so.
Nelghbois came to his assistance nnd
helped him through the window. The
net door neighbor, a man named
Giles, met Dennett shortly aftorwauU
ns he was leaving the house und Den
nett told him he wan going to a fi lead's
house neal by .Meantime Mr and JIrs
Giles entcrtalneel borne company, and
after their departure Giles lieaid two
men appromh the house and enter.
The- Giles had letlied. but Mr. Giles
tlestlnctlv recognized Dennett's voice,
but could not tell who the other man
was. This was about 11 o'clock Thurs
day night nnd shortly nfter the men
entered the hoiiho Giles fell asleep and
heard nothing about the blind man un
til Fiiday afternoon, when Jlia Den
nett teturncd home. She entered the
houso and found her husband uncon
scious on tho floor with bruises on
his forehead and u laigo swelling on
the back of his head, which may have
been caused by his fulling and strik
ing the lloor.
Dr. Geoigo Reach, of 2)1 South Main
avenue, was called and said lie be
lieved It was a case for tho coroner
to consider. Dennett remained as
found until enily Saturday morning,
when bo died.
Coioner Robot tn was notified short
ly after his death and went to the
hoiibc and made imputes in the enso
and decided to hold an Investigation.
Tho above facts weio gleaned by the
coioner In his preliminary Inquiry.
Jn consequence of this, Dt. Roberts
has empanelled the following Jury, who
will hold a meeting this afternoon at
the AVest Side pollco station, where
all e-oncetnod will bo present them
selves, to hear testimony In the case:
T. T. Morgan, Reese Jlorgan.John Flan
Igan, W. W. Jones, William Gibbons
and Eiihard Price
Dennett wnn about ."5 jears of ago
and Is survived by his wife and ono
son. For many yeats ho was led around
the city by a boy who sang songs and
plaved a luimonlca on the streets and
In public places.
BUISHINE. In Scranton. Feb IS 1ST9,
Mis Ellen Urlsblne. of 019 Cherrv htreet.
Sho is survived by her husband and four
JONES In Green Kldee, Fob. 19, 1S'
Miss Gertrude Jones, at the icsldcnco
on Woodlawn avenuo. Funeral today
at noon. Scrvlees at tho Uiilversallst
church, Pino street. Intel meut at New
A'lcnti i, O.
KltAP.CElt-ltl Duunioro, Pel) IS, 1 '93,
John Kraeger, TO joars of ago nt tha
residence on Cherry street, Dunmoro.
Funonil Wednesday afternoon at 2 30
o'clock Interment at Dunmoro ecmo.
LEWIS -In West Scranton, Feb. 13, 1SU
AVilllam W. Lewis, at tho residence. S05
Fourteenth street. Funcial AVednesdey
nfetrnoon nt 2 30 'oclock. Services at
tho Tlrst Welsh Congregational church,
lntermont at Washburn street ceme
tery. MOItltlSON. In South Scranton. Feb "7.
Miss Sirnh Morrison, at the residence,
Sll Stone avenue. Funeral this morn
ing with services at St. Peter's cathedral.
Interment at th Cathedral cemetery.
O'HORO.-In Scranton, Feb. 17 Patrick
O'Horo. at the home of Dr. J J. Sul
livan, corner of Waj no avenue and Will
lam street, North Scranton The te
malns were removexl to the home of his
daughter Mrs. John Metzhlser. of JX;
Irving avenua Decides her ho Is sur
vived by ono sister, Mrs. Prank Whip
ple, of St Louis, and ono brother, Jll
chael O'Horo, of Hazleton. Tho Mi
neral will be held Tuesday nt 8 .10 a. in.
QUINNAN-In Scranton. Feb 9 isoi.
James Qulnnan, of Sixteenth Htreet
Funeral Tuesday moinlti" at 9 10 o'clock,
with high mass of reiiulem nt St Pat
rick's church. Intotment In Cathedial
BCIIUMACIIEn - In South Scranton
Pub 10, William Schumacher fi veais of
age, son of Mr nnd Mrs. Peter Schu
macher, of 710 Willow street. Funeral
tomorrow afternoon Interment at No
5 Catholic cemetery.
THOMAS -At Lnnsford, Pa . IVh is
1M9, William D Thomas a well known
rullroud contmctor. Tuneral WVduea
WARSLVN.-In Scranton, Feb IS, ISM. r
II Warman, 17 years of nge, at tho tosl
doneo, 112 Mulberry street Funeril
AVcdncsday morning nt 10 o'clock Pi I
vnto except to immediate relatives and
lodgo members. Interment nt Forest
Hill ccmeterv.
WILLIAMS -In AVest Scranton, Feb iS.
1n99 Mrs Jano Wl!llum. ail jears of age
at tho residence, ISO South 111 do Pink
nvenuo. Funeral Xuosday afternoon at
2 Si o'clock. Scrv ices nt the First Wel-ih
Congregational church. Interment ut
. AVushbura street cemutery.
All of tho Oniceis of tho Preceding
Year Weie Re-elected Dlnnor Was
One of Stcwaid O'Nell's Rest nnd
Was Partaken of by About Eighty
of the "Members Colonel H. M.
Bote3 vWho Was Again Electad
Pusldcnt of tho Club Piesided at
the Diuuei.
The -'iinntnn club held Its annual
meeting Sattudtiy night, electing ofll-
ters and eujoviiig an claboiate dinner
All of last icni s olllcets were ic
olectcd. Thoy ate President, Homy
M. Doles; vice president, Thomas It.
Wntklns. secretary and ticasurer,
Janus W Oaktoid; directors, Hcniy
J. Anderson, Hemy Delhi, jr. It. Jt.
Doles, Charles R. Connell, J. DenJ.
Dimmlck, E. L. PuHer, Thomas E.
Jones, IL W. Kingsbury. I. W. Oak
ford, W. W. Scranton, 11. P. Simpson.
C. S. AVeston. V. II Stingo-,, Everett
Wnrren, T. IT. Wntklns.
Tho house committee Ij composed of
J. DenJ. Dimmlck. chaltman; Edwnul
L. Puller, Henry V Kingsbury, lluny
P. Simpson, C K. Weston. The com
mittee' on admissions Is Henry Delia,
Ji , ehatimiiu, Aithiu- H. Chilstv, Jo
seph J Jeunvn, William H. Jesstip, Jr.,
Orlando S. Johnson, 1 uther Keller,
AVIIllnm A Jliv. Piauk E. Piatt, John
Simpson anil L. A. AVntus.
About eighty membeib of the club
sat down to the annual dinner. The
menu wa one of Stew aid O Veil's best
Cape I'ml Ovmcii
Ciiiwiiiiuuc I'ltutaulciu
Cilery Olives
Uollcd Salmon Ilollund-ii-c Sauce
IMilslemte 1'ot.itoes
Chicken l'attles
Tenderloin of beef laidcd, with Jlush-
Peas Potato Ctoipiettcs
Soibet Ciciiu do Vloh I Clgareues
v Game.
Rrollrd Ouail mi Toast
Lettuce Salad
Cinuinenbcit nnd Rouiiefoit I'lm-e
Toasteii Ciaekeis
Cafe ) li.ars
Colonel Doiis jiieslded and mado one
of tho sevoial happy post-prandlal
Valley House Again Thieatened by
Twice dutlug lat week and within
thieo (lavs, the Lackawanna A'alley
house building, on Luckaw anna avenue,
was thieatened by lire und but for
prompt action on the p.ut of the Phoe
nix Chemical company, serious dam
age might havo lesultcd in each in
stance. Tlio first llio oecuued AVeel
nesday at 12 28 o'clock, and the second
Satuiday night at 7.57 o'clock.
Tho former was discovered in tho
entrance to the barber shop beneath
McGarrah & Thomas' drug store at 20)
Lackawanna nvenuennd was supposed
to bo duo to a plumber's curelessne-s
Tho later lit o wa-s found In the celling
just above tho entrance to tho above
drug stoie and lb atti United to an unin
sulated electric wlie. This celling is
of matched and varnished pine and the
Hie burned thiough the floor Into tho
pallor above. A .till alarm brought
tho Chemical company to the scene and
the flremen cut through the floor, pour
ed on some water, and extinguished the
llames. The damage amounts to n fuw
Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban Tormally
Assumes His New Office.
At the late mass at St. Peter's cathe
dral, yesterd ty, lit. Hev Bishop Ho
ban formally .innouincd to tho congri -gation
his assumption of the Episcopal
See and that he had petmuneiitly tak
en up his residence bote.
He ajked the prayeis of the people
for his success) In the great woik that
has been placed In his care and said
ho confidently expected the same heai
ty co-opciatlon ns was given with such
lovo and affection to Bishop O'JIaia
AVlth such support, he said, there was j
nothing ne was unwilling 10 unaeriaite
Ho also preached the sermon, taking
ns his text the theme of tho gosj el of
tho day, "Temptation "
Was 111 at Canton, O., Only Tlnej
Days with Pneumonia
Mrs. Frank E-olph, of Phlln btioet.
has received sad news announcing the
death of her husband in Canton, O.,
Saturday evening, whote he was su
perintendent of the btanch of the In
ternationa! Correspondence schools.
Ho was taken sick with nneuinonla
Wedncscluv and death followed quickly.
In fact Mrs. Dolph was not apprised
of his illness until it was too late.
Deceased was an exemplary man, well
known here, and Is survived by his
wife and four chlldien, three glils and
a boy.
Held Saturday Afternoon fiom
Luke's Church.
Services weie conducted at St Euk. t,
church on Wyoming uvenue, by th"
rector, Hev. Rogers Istael, Satuiday
afternoon over tho remains of tho lato
Miss Milda K. Kracmer, sister of Miss
Kraemer, of tho Lackawanna hospital.
Only immediate liieiub and lelutlves
were piesent.
Smoko The Pocono r.e. Clgai.
".. 1 S B Cures a cough or cold
Dr.OlJli Si" 9" day f It is the
w - m ,
li, st roiivh rfmfilv fnt
nUlrenT CurcswlicMip
ic cciil'Ii and cronn
VUUgll OyrUJI,i,CcciiKli and croup
wtthout fall I Uoctois recouuaeud it Price ii c
141 to 149 Marldiai Stm SmVn ?i
PAINT DEPARTHENT.-Pure White Lead, Colors
j and Varnishes.
20 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton PL
Wholcsulc niul Kotnll
Ready Mixed Tinted Paint,
Convenient, Pconomlral, Durabla.
Vnrnlsli Stains,
I'roduclns Perfect linllatlonof lSxpaailT
Rnynolds' Wood Finish,
Ftpcclnlly DciisiuhI for Inilda Worn.
Marble Floor Finish,
inunblennd Urlee IJnlolcly
Paint Varnish and Kal
sominc Brushes.
M.inul.ietuieel by
Ask your grocer Ior It.
Hot House Cucumbers,
Hot House Tomatoes,
Green Beans, Lettacs,
Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Salsify,
Strictly Fresh Eggs,
Creamery Batter,
Grapes, Orangss and Fruits
Pierce's Market
-IN -
j; On the Square joj VV nililiiRtrn Ave S
4 44-f -f-f -f---f-r-f-f -f-f-f-f4-
Nine Day
Remain for secur-
ing the wonderful
x February
Trade Sale
$jd 7i Kedioom Suit out
lit, including solid oak Milt,
mati esses, woven wile spring,
2 pillows and comlort, in all
ten pieces for $19.00
12 styles Fancy Rockers
worth from $5.00 to 58.00.
All to go at the uniform pi ice
ol $3-95
225-227 Wyoming ton
ltuuckccpr einlJe, trc lor the
asking tu out-ul-tuwn .
4444444444444 444444444
i 4