The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Thieves Break Into tho Stores of
Ball & Brown and Tea Company.
When Hell A Hrnwn. hordwnre mer
chants of Salem avenue, opened their
store yesterday they found things In
a disorderly stiite which Indlonted that
thieves had boon there. Upon lnvestl
Ration they found tlu-ve had been stolen
six dozen table knives, pocket knives,
revolver?, utniminltloti and 1.13 In cash.
In the Grand Union Tea company's
store next dom- nothing was taken hut
on ulster of o. I,, rttey. the manager.
Entrance was gained by prylnv up
the rear window. Tineks In the snow
led to Church street la the alley be
tween the Wheeler and Avery resi
Negotiations Aro in Frogrens with
That End in View.
It was rumored last night that tho
Anlhtuolt- Land and Imm-oveinent
oompa.ty had purchased Hotel Amerl
can; that Its proprietor, S. II.
William.!, would take chain.? of
Hotel Anthracite and thui the
American would be clos-J as n
hotel and converted Into a business
Mock. The T"llmne correspondent saw
a member of the i-oinpany who said
negotiations are under way to that end,
but that the proposed deal has not been
consummated. It may be today.
An outline of this plan wus given in
The Tribune several months hco. Tlv
matter has been tulked of ( u- more
than a year, but the parties interested
have been unable to come to terms,
v The Hotel American property Is valued
at $75,000 nr.d much Interest attaches
to the proposed change.
"iesterday morning at P o'clock Mis.
Catherine Davis, of No. HO South
Church street, died. Exhaustion caus
ed by grip brought her life to a close.
She was born Juno if. 1S17, In South
Wales and came to this country In
1832. being1 one of Carbnndale's early
settlers. Two sons and a daughter
survive her. They are' Daniel II.
Davis and M.-s?. William Davis, of thi.i
elty, and John it. Davis, of Baltimore.
51 d The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at P. o'clock at the house.
Hew T. E. Jepson will ofliclJte. Inter
ment In Muplcwood.
Th CVii'bar.dal" Cycle club is prepar
ing a programme of amusements for
tho coming' spring tliat cannot fail to
Interest thp members. Th" principal
featute Is to lit u pool tournament in
which the entries ar. already so nu
merous that the contest Is expected
to last it month. There are n number
of crack players In the club and the
prizes for which they will contest will
he handsome cues. A committee will
arrange the matches for each evening.
F. P. Kr:v
vho h:iw bppn rvrosprln-
tlon cler'.c o
t B. A. Kelly's drug store
years, lias purchased a
o store and will enter into
himself the first of April.
' lrlnnds will be pleased to
bright prospects thy will
i part with him. He Is a
to In this city.
for several
business for
While man:
learn of his
be pained t
nodal favor 1
"William Hughes sustained Injuries?
while at work In the Ontario end West
ern Mayfleld yard, which necessitated
the (imputation of the toes of one foot.
Ho was coupling cars when his foot
was caught by a wheel. Dr. Thomp
son attended to the unfortunate man's
Misses Martha Singer and Cella
Moses are visiting friends in Seranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Meyers, of
Maytield, have taken up their residence
In this city.
P. F. Hughes Is out ngaln after an
attack of grip.
P. S. Joslin paid Seranton a business
visit yesterday.
C. 11. Lathrop. who has been confined
to his 1 ouse by illness. Is able to again
perform his duties at the Leader of
fice. Mr. and Mrs. It. 15. Van Herein ox
jicct to soon move Into the Hunt resi
lience, on North Church street.
Frank Hollonbeek is on 'lie sick list.
Miss Jennie Purple spent yesterday
In Foiest City on business lor the
Purple Undertaking company.
Professor Peters will organize his
French class In the Ilurke building this
evening at 7 o'clock.
Revs. T. F. Coffey. ,T. .1. tirlffln and
V. A. Nealou attended Father Fiu
nen's funeral in l'iltston yesterday.
Father Coffey was celebrant at the
funeral mans.
The funeral of Mrs. Hunslckc-r will
bo h!d Monday nn.nlng and will be
private. The remain? will be taken to
Collegevllle f.u- Intel ment.
Miss Bertha Grimes lias recovered
from an attack of the grip.
Mrs. 8. A. Wilcox and daughter are
visiting friends at Plttston.
Miss Holllstcr's orchestra concert.
Which was to have been given In t lie
Bnptlst eliMrch last evening, war post
poned indefinitely on account of xlcK-ncs-s
among member of the orchestra
Weak Men
Or No Ex
panse for
A courso of remedies the marvel of medlcr
iclencc nnd Apparatus Indorsed by phyilclai
TAVMEXT. If not all we claim, return them i
eur expense.
DISCOUP.AGED, men who suffer from tho effee
el disease, OTerwnrV, worry, from folllei or ex
cesses, from unnatural drains, weuVness or lack c
development of any portion of tlio body, failure
of Tltal farce, unfitness for marriage all such
men should "coma to the fountain head" fori
icicnllflc method of marvellous power to vltallu
deTclop, restore nnd sustain. On request wo wil
lend description, with testimonials, In plalii
lealed enTelope. (No C. 0. V. Imposition or other
leceptloa.) Address
bmoki MBk OHM imswtci pi
fi lw fttH ft
Dr. and Mr. J. W. Knedler arc re
ceiving tho congratulations of friends
over tho arrival of a little daughter In
their home.
Invitations aro out for a "phantom
party" to be given by Robert Christy,
at his homo here on Feb. 23.
Mrs. A. R Clay It: recovering from
her recent Illness.
The King's Daughters and Sons of
tho Presbyterian church gave a social
at the tmtuse on Tuesduy evening. Ow
ing to tho Int'lemency of the weather
but few ere there, hut n good time
was reported by thosofwho were brave
enough to venture out.
C. J. Powell, of Seranton, mode a
business trip here on Wednesday.
Hev. C. A. Spnlillnz will preach In
the Haptls church Sunday morning
and evening.
S'-hool tas closed here on Friday,
Monday and Tuesday, owing to Inabil
ity to lvat tho school house on ac
count of frozen pipes.
Sttet Commissioner Byron Bucklng
liuin has had a large foieo of men tu
gaged in sliovollnir snow on the bor
ough streets during the past three daw.
A large number have been enjoying
similar exercise on the Boulevard.
Mis. E. M. Keene, who Injured her
baek by n fall on the lee a short time
ago, Is slightly Improved.
Politics Becomes Interesting; Night
School Largely Attended Churoh
and Personal Nowa.
The candidates fir election are: Re
publican nominee. David II. Evans,
Citizen nominee, James Thomas. The
light for constable In the ward Is also
watched with Interest, the aspirants
nre Richard Morris the present Incum
bent William Jonefi, the Citizens' can
didate. Night school sessions In this borough
are being quite largely attended. The
students are taking advantage of the
opportunity afforded them by the hoard
of directors.
A sleighing party composed of young
people from this town will journey to
Milwaukee this evening to attend a
Taylorvllie Lodge. No. CfiS, Indepen
dent Order- of Odd Fellows, will meet
in their rooms this evening.
Mr. Thomne Paterson, of Mooslc, was
a caller on friends in this place Thurs
day. Miss Lizzie Davis, of fJreen Itidge,
is visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
Evan L. Davis, of Main street, for the
past few dayj.
An entertainment under the auspices
of Mrs. Dibble' Sunday school class
of the Methodist Episcopal church will
be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 2,1,
in the church auditorium. Some of
Taylor's best singers, musicians and
elocutionists are being engaged for the
Tho family of the late Mrs. William
Fallon, of South Taylor, extend their
sincere thanks to those who assisted
them during their recent trouble.
Mr. John Davis, of Avoca, called on
friends here the former part of the
The family of the late Mrs. Thomas
Prendergast desires to thank nil those
who sympathized with them during
their late bereavement.
Mr. James Gllgailon, of the United
States infantry, now stationed at Por
to visiting his sister, Mrs. Mich
ael McDonald, of Main street.
Miss Edith Watkins has been taken
111 by a severe attack of grip.
The Taylor (Jlco society, under the
direction of Richard Watkins, aro re
quested to meet in the parlors of the
M. E. church this (Saturday) evening
at 8 o'clock sharp.
David J. Jones and William D.
Thomas announce tlimcslvc as can
didates for school directors In Taylor
Rev. and Mrs. L. It. Foster, of Sum
ner avenue. Hyde Park, were visitors
In this place on Thursday.
The residents of tills borough nre
making many complaints about the
condition of the water furnished them
by the Taylor Water company.
A delegation of members fiom the
Daughter of Pocoliontas from Ply
mouth paid a fraternal visit to the
Lackawanna Council, No. 54, of this
place, on Thursday evening.
The Schubert Olee club, of Provi
dence, assisted by Llew Herbert, Mrs.
Lewis and Miss Cora Orilllths, will
give n concert in Enterprise hall on
Wednesday evening, when the follow
ing programme will he rendered: nice,
"The Martyrs of the Arena," choil;
ong, "The Anchor," Wulkin Isaac;
song, selected, W. '.. Hopkins: vocal
solo, "The Sermon That Touched My
Heart," Thoman Jones: duet. "Tho
Martial Spirit.'- Joshua John and T.lew
Herbert; recitation. Miss Coia Urlflln;
glee, "The Hrldge," Schubert nice club;
song, "lU'dotiln'g Love Song," Llew
Herbert; "Howell and lilodwen." Mrs
Lewis and Mr. John; vocal 30I0, se
lected, John T. Evans: recitation, Miss
Cora lirillln; vocal olu, Joshua John;
song. Mrs. Lewis: t-ong. W. 'A. Owens,
vocal trio. Mrs. Lewis, Lk-w Herbert
and Joshua Johns; iluaie chorus, "De
struction of Gaza," Schubert lllet. club
Mrs Illchard Hunt, whoso serious
Illness of heart and kidney trouble
has been mentioned from time to time,
died at her home on Mam street at 9
o'clock yesterday moinlng. Deceased
was born in Hodmiti, Coinwull, Eng
land, fifty-right years ago, aim" has re
sided In this borough for l he past
twenty years. She was of a modest
and retiring disposition and was p.vj
sesssed of many good virtues Unit en
deared her to a large circle of friends.
She lb survived by her husband and
three daughters, Misses Heatrice iid
Ada and Mrs. William Wills, all of
this borough. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon at half past
2 o'clock. Services In the Methodist
Episcopal church.
The entertainment under the auspi
ces of the Women's Home Missionary
society, held In the M. E. church on
Thursday evening, was a great suc
cess, musically and financially, -with
one exception, the programme was
carried out as published. Miss Edith
Davis, the violinist, who ha become
a warm favorite at concerts, was so
heartily applauded on her difficult solo
that she was compelled to resopnd to
an encore. Miss Jennie Ilattcnberg
rendered her piano solo with much
brilliancy. Mr. Uarglll made hla first
public appearance In local concert sing
ing and rendered "I Feur No Foe" and
"Will o' the Wisp." two difficult solos,
In a mofit charming manner. All the
other numbers were also enjoyably ren
dered mid the ladles of the society
ought to be encouraged by Friday's
success to make fuelr concert an an
uual affulr.
Mrs. Murphy, of South Scltanton, vis
Ited her daughter. Mrs. Michael Mc
Dermott. of the East Side yesterday.
There will he a special meeting of
tho members of tho Uushbrook Lodge
No J&pptit
If such is your condition,
the genuine Johann Hoff's
Malt Extract will afford in
stant relief if taken with your
meals and before retiring.
is nature's own remedy for
loss of appetite, sleepless
ness, imperfect nutrition,
dyspepsia, etc. A record
of over fifty years has proven
this to be true.
Dr. W. N. Bradford of Cam
bridge, 0., writes: " Johann Hoff's
Malt Extract is a certain tonic and
invlgorator. It Imparts energy and
vivacity and supplies resistance to
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
Avoid Imitations
of Odd Fellows at their hall at 7.30
o'clock this evening.
Mrs. Alfred Uutterworth and sister,
Miss Hoollhan, are visiting friends In
A child of John Maine, of Third
street, Is ill of bronchitis.
Mrs. Hugh Ebdon and family, of
Pcckvllle, spent Thursday with her sis.
ter. Mi. Frederick Horswell, of Main
Hev. C. A. rtenjamin will preach In
the M. E. church tomorrow. Morning
subject, "The Conditions of Christian
Dlclpleshlp." evening topic, "Our Con
quering Chi 1st,"
Joel Morcom, of Fourth street. Is ill
of grip.
Tile special meeting of the school
board will bo held next Frlduy even
ing. W. O. Hill visited Clifford yesterday.
Mrs. Luther Keller and her sister
Sarah, were visiting In Taylor and
Seranton yesterday.
Mr. W. I). Hill will preach in'the
Primitive Methodist church tomorrow
Thomas Davis, cf. Second street, vis
ited Carbondale relatives yesterday.
Two sleighing parties went from here
yesterday to Olyphant and Providence.
The Title American Ivorltcs ar"
making great preparations f.: their
eisteddfod which will be held in tins
Susquehanna Street Baptist church on
St. David s dnv. A choir from this
place, consisting of eighty members,
under the leadership of Professor John
J. Parry, will compete with a choir
from Taylor and one from Providence
on the selection "Jesus Lover of My
Soul." Thiee glee clubs, one from
Taylor, Providence nnd this place, will
also compete for a prize. It i sexpect
ed that this eisteddfod will be one of
the most successful ever held nt Oly
pliant. Last night a sleighing party from this
place enjoyed a ride to Blown Hollow.
The following composed the party: Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. HartK Misses Agnes
Williamson, Georgia Thomas, Carri
Crippen, Jessie Pettlsicw, Maggie .Mc
intosh, Messrs. Willie AVInters, David
Metthews, Will Wlddowflcld ind Will
James Hogan, of Dunmore stieet, Is
confined to his home with the grip.
Hev. George Hague attended the fu
neral of the into a. J. Morton, at
Kingston yesterday.
The young people of the Blakely Bap
tist church will hold an entertainment
and serve nupper at the residence of
(1. M. Hull In Blakely next Wednes
day evening. An enjoyable evening is
as'Ulcd for oil who attend.
A missionary meeting vlll l0 held
in the CoiiKregaliona! church next
Monday evening under the direction of
the Young People's Christian Endeavor
Hev. Rogers Isr:"l. of St. Luke's
church. Seranton, will conduct Epis
copal services In Edwards' hall tomor
row afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
Miss Agnes Martin, who has been
spending the past weeks at her
home bote, returned to the Emergency
hospital at Carbondale yesterday.
Hev. P. J. Mitrphv attended tiie fu
noral of Rev. Father Finnen, at Pltts
ton yesterday.
Frank Thomas, of Kingston, is vis
iting relatives in town.
Miss Knte Gordon, of Seranton, vis
ited friends nt this place yesterday.
Bowave of Danger Signals.
IJIsgcii Bros., the popular South Side
druggists, corner Kath-st. and Went-worth-av.,
say: "We sell a. great deal
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, und
find that It gives tho most satisfactory
results, especially among children for
severe colds and croup." For sale by
all druggists. Matthews Bros., whole
sale and retail agents. '
The voters of Blakely borough should
bear In mind when voting for the bond
Issue that the purchasing of the neces
sary transformer depends on the bond
Issue. With the transformers the elec
tric plant will bo placed on it paving
basis, without them the plant will he
a burden on the 'taxpayers' hands. It
behooves every voter to cat his ba'Iut
In favor of tho $.',000 bond Issue.
Council will meet In adjourned ses
sion Monday evening, Feb. 20.
W. 11. Walker, coal Inspector at the
Raymond colliery, has been tr-intf Tied
to the Brlsbln colliery at Hydo Park.
James W. Smith has Just completed
the first month's collection In the First
ward for commercial lights. U iimcmnu
to IS3 and next month's collections v n
double that amount. Thee aro also
a large number of residence. not yet
connected, on account of th? horaugh
not having tho necessary tr.uu-forniers.
John R. Bryden, superintendent of
the Sterrlck Creek colliery, h.ts been
transferred to the Sandy and
Drlsbln collieries at Seranton. Mr.
Daniel Doris has been given chaise
of I ho Sterrlck Creek.
Tho subscription ball given by the
Central Wheelmen at their hall Thuifl
day evening wna a brilliant success.
The decorations were very artistic,
consisting of hundreds of different col
ored electric lights, festooned and In
many pleasing designs. Tho hall wu3
beautifully decorated with the national
colors and draperies. Tho music was
furnished by the celebrated Orpheus
club, of Seranton. The refreshments
were furnished and served by Caterer
Huntington. This Is tho first of a ser
ls of dances to be given by tho com
mittee: Messrs. T. P. lSenjamln. Thiim
o Glover, Robert Klpple, Charles Wil
ey and Fred Horry. The follow Ins
from out of town were present: Misses
Florence and Orace Slekler, Ilos-j and
Maine Lehr, Grace Wlnchcll, Frncella
Wlnchell, Seranton; Mlsn Uerry, Miss
Dennis, Carbondale; Messrs. Ueutnlsh
and Crago, Seranton.
Pcckvllle Haptlst church, Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at
10.30 n. m., aubjeot, "Trial the P.evtai
er of Character." Sabbath schojl tit
11.30 a. in. All are welcome.
Services In the M. E. chureh tomor
row morning and evening. Preaehlnrr
by the pastor, Hev. S. C. Slmpklr.a.
Thrme for the morning sermon "The
True God, ' evening, "God's Exiles.''
Sunday school in the afternoon at 2.30.
Hpworth League at C o'clock. A cor
dlul welcome to all.
Mrs. S. C. Slmpklns nnd Mrs. Wil
liam Habcock were visitors in Seran
ton on Friday.
Mrs. E. II. Barber and daughter,
Grace, visited friends In Sci'unton on
Mr. Thomas J. Shafcr and Miss Em
ma Mertley were qiileUy married by
Hev. S. i!. Slmpklns last Wednesday
evening at the home of Ine bride's
sister In Jessup,
The Young' People's society of the
Presbyterian church will hold a Val
entine social at the home of Mr. A.
W. Hrundage, on Monday evening, Feb.
20. A fine programme has been pre
pared. Refreshments will be served.
Admission ten cents.
Services In the Presbyterian church
tomorrow at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Subject for tho morning, "Strong In
All Things Through Christ." In the
evening there will bo a Miss Frances
Wlllard Memorial service, under the
auspices of the W. C. T. V. A fitting
programme has been prepared. All
are welcome. Hev. S. H. Moon, D. D.,
The W, C. T. V., of Pcckvllle, will
hold commemorative services in the
Presbyterian church tomorrow even
ing in memory of the late Frances E.
Wlllard. The Haptlst congregation
will join in the services. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
Mrs. George May, of HIakely, spent
yesterday with Mrs. W. S. Hloea.
Miss Carrie Frazler, of Bell Place,
is critically ill.
Miss Julia Brong, aged about fifteen
years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Brong, of Hickory street, died last
evening. Funeral announcement later.
William Goyne Is 111 of grip at his
residence on Main street.
Special services will bo held In tho
Langcllffc Presbyterian church bes'n
ulng tomorrow morning, when the
pastor. Rev. T. D. Smyth, will preach
on revivals. In the evening Rev. L. E.
Van Hoesen will preach. Monday ev
ening a meeting for young men will be
held, when an addresw will be made by
Rev. F. T. Allimon, of Plttston. Tues
day evening, sermon by Rev. J. P. Mof
fatt, of Seranton; Wednesday evenln.",
Rev. H. J. Hammond, of Olyphan'.;
Thursday evening, Rev. W. F. Gibbons,
of Dunmore'; Friday evening, Rev.
James McLeod, of Seranton. Every
body welcome.
Th breaking of the furnace in the
Presbyterian church has prevented ser
vices from being held during the pre
sent week. The special revival servi
ced, which were postponed, will !. held
nt a later date. Tlero will ha servi
ces on Sunday morning: at 10.30 in the
class room, which will be heate.l by
stoves. The pastor. Rev. L. E, Van
Hoesen, will preach. The Epworth
League will meet at C p. m. There will
be no services in the evening and the
congregation will worship with the oth
er congregations In town.
F. P. McGrall and son, Glen, lme
returned home after a several days vis
It with friends In Wllllamspnrt.
Mr. E. McMonigal. of Wllkeri-Rarre,
is substituting George Graham, as typs
on the Argus, the latter being quite
111 of grip.
Mrs. Itobert McKay has returned
home after spending several days with
her daughter, Mrs. Rose Xowlln.
Mrs. G. W. Gay, of Orange, Is visit
ing at the Snyder residence.
Tho Standard Democratic club will
meet this evening. A full attendant-.-)
Is requested, ns Important business
will be transacted.
The Juvenile Order, Sons of St.
George, will hold their quarterly meet
ing this evening. All are requested
to bo present, as the Daughters of S
George will serve refreshments after
business is transacted.
M. J. Bosley and John Widdul at
tended the meeting of the Sons of St.
George Uifit evening.
Mrs. John Curran, of Pcckvllle, is
spending a few days in town.
The Ladles' Auxiliary, St. Aloysi is
society, will meet on Monday evenln-r.
The early residents of Avoca Jld not
forget the labors of the late Rev. Fath
er Finnen among them when the par
ish was tributary to Plttston. Severed
hundred visited St. John's church on
Thursday to view tho remains of one
who no diligently looked after their
The snow plough. In charge of a
large force or men, invaded this town
on Wednesday evening ami, after clear
ing the Traction road, they left the
sides In a deplorable condition. Sev
eral cutters were tipped yesterday, but
no serious results followed, the heavy
banks serving as a padding. Tho of
ficials of the town acteei very unwise
In allowing them to get away so eully.
Tho mercantile appraisement list Is
now being published In tho county
newspapers. The day of appeal Is
fixed for Saturday, March IS, 1S93, at
the commissioners' ofllee.
C. E. Frenr, ilroprletor of tho "Wlnola
house, at Lake Wlnola, was In town
on Thursday.
WllburLott, of Nicholson township,
was In Tunkhnnnock yesterdny.
H. W. Bardwell and Thomas Cala-
Dr. Gliurcot-B Tonlo TahlctH, tho great Par.
laluu reniodv, in a gunmuteed euro for tint
Drink Habit; also nervousness uud melan
choly canned by over-ludulieacc.
it DiJtroy the Appetltj lor Alcoholic ami
all Intoxloutlnir lluvem;;e, nnd leaven mun
un lie Rhould be. It cuti be utttntiiUtero.t
without the knowledge of the patient whsro
neces-mry. Hond for pamphlet.
Win. (1. Clark, .136 Pjnn A vj,. f.v 1 1 1 1. .i
nan are engaged In dellverlnc tho bal
lots for Tuesday's election to the Judges
of election of the various districts.
Asa 11. Frear, Justice of the peace
of Overlleld township, was In Tunk
hnnnock Thursday.
Tho voters of the borough will vote
on Tuesday next on the question of the
extension of the sewer system. The
sewer was put through the First ward
two years ago, and now the question
Is whether the Second ward shnll be
sewered. Tho estimated cost Is $6,500.
E. C. Frear, president of the Wlnola
Oil, Uas, Development und Improve
ment company, drove over from I1I3
home In Overlleld township on Thurs
The cave-In that occurred on Thurs
day morning In the vicinity of the old
Henecn field, and 11 portion of the old
workings of the Ravine shaft, which
Is operated by the Newton Coal com
pany, hns proved to be more serious
that wan at first contemplated. Two
of tho houses that were In the midst
of the disturbance and owned by Cole
man Shlrler and Andrew Chtirnoy.were
badly shaken, so much so that the oc
cupants were compelled lo move out.
The wnter main was broken und for
several hours the water poured Into
tho mine.
All the public schools were closed
yesterday, out of respect to the late
Father Finnen. During tho hours of
the sen-Ices nearly alt the business
places on Muln street were closed.
Every coal mine In this valley was
In operntlon yesterday, owing to the
sudden demand for coal In all the large
cities. It Is an ill wind that does not
work good tor somebody, und our peo
ple can afford to allow the present con
dition of things to prevail for an In
definite period.
Today more than n quarter of a mil
lion dollars will be distributed among
those engaged at work In and nbout
the mines, nnd for the next week or
ten days business will receive an Im
petus that should 'be agreeable and
profitable to those engaged In business
A city council was organized last
night by the class In oratory at the
rooms of the Y. M. C. A. and If they
succeed In having only a portion of
the fun that Is nt times realized down
at the city hall they have engaged In
a very Interesting scheme,
"Uncle Dick's Darling," which wan
produced at the 'Lyceum In Seranton
a short time ago. will be seen at Music
hall next Tuesday evening.
An Erie and Wyoming Valley train
struck a team of Evans' Brothers at
the Port Griffith crossing yesterday,
severely injuring one of the horses and
partially demolishing tho wagon. The
driver escaped injury.
Charles King, a former Plttston boy,
but now of New York, Is visiting his
sister, Mrs. Dr. E. B. Long, on the
West Side.
The death of Mrs. Margaret Jones
occurred yesterday afternoon nt the
family home on Railroad street, after
an Illness of several months. She was
a native of South Wales and had been
a resident of this place for thirteen
years. The deceased was a kind and
Chrlstlun woman and a constant work
er In her Master's vineyard. She was
a member of tho Welsh Congregational
church and the funeral, which will oc
cur on Monday, will be from that place.
She Is survived by a husband and one
son. ,
The miners will be uccommodnted
throughout today with chanse at the
Young Men's Christian association
rooms. This is quite an accommoda
tion, from the fact that all the banks
close at noon.
The basket ball contest between tho
Rloomsburg Normal school team nnd
the Young Men's Christian ns'-lation
first team, can be seen tonight at Phoe
nix hall. It will be a hot and interest
ing contest.
Rev. L. C, Murdoch, of Kingston, will
address the young men at the Young
Men's Christian association rooms to
morrow afternoon.
Mrs W. L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. R.
II. Hughes and Mrs. J. L. Cake are
registered nt the St. Dennis, New York.
Advice was received from New York
yesterday of the death of W. II. Put
nam, who was a former principal of
the AVest Plttston schools. This an
nouncement will be received with sin
cere regret by many on this and the
West Side. He was a victim of pneu
monia, superinduced by an attack of
the grip
nre making a drive In heavy leather
goods anil their shoe emporium, ad
Joining the Miners' Savings bank, is
headetuarters for both boots and bar
gains. You nro Invited to call and in
spect the largest and mort complete
stock In the city.
at the Susquehanna house on South
Main street, and who has one of the
best appointed hotels in tin city, has
Just received a cargo of line old blend
ed whiskies. If you want nnythlng for
medicinal purposes you cannot make 0.
mistake nt his elegant quarters.
will serve an elegant gentlematis' lunch
this evening that cannot but tickle the
palate of the most fastidious epicurean.
at their splendid hotel on North Main
street, have made unusual prepara
tions for their guests today and during
the coming week. The very best in
the market Is none too good for "Jim"
and "Dom." to handle. A fine hot
lunch is served all day, and meals can
be served day or night by an A No. 1
will Just be the place to drop into this
evening ns Mine Host Hughes has pro
pared a feast fit for the gods. Roast
pig with oyster dressing will be thy
menu, and you should not miss It. ',
the popular clothier of North Main
street, opposite the Eagle hotel, have
Inaugurated u special sale of the bal
ance of their entire stock of winter
clothing, which they Intend to move
at prices much below cost. You now
have a rare opportunity to buy an Ul
ster, Overcoat or W inter Suit that will
pay you to make the Investment even
If not badly in need of tho urtlcle.
Como in and see us anyhow.
Miss Knlo Gallagher, of Seranton, Is
the EUest of Miss Mamie Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. a. S. Brown, Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. S. Yeager, Mr. and Mrs. S.
J. Hornbuker, Buela Brown, Howard
nnd Mary Yeager nnd Mao Horhbuker
on Tuesday evening,
W. A. DePew is 111.
Miss Bessie Maroney Is 111 with the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Verdan Smith, of Nich
olson, hnvo been pjiendlng a few days
Pe-ru-na Is One of the Best Medi
cines in the Land.
0r--- wKsTI jrT$$r
Columbus", Ohio, Nov. 26, 1S97.
Dr. S. IJ. Hartman, President Pe-ru-na Drug Mfg. Co.:
Dear Sir: I believe the use of your medicine, Pe-ru-na, to build up a
broken or debilitated system nbout tho best treatment that can be taken; It
ndds vigor and lends additional strength; It Is certainly one of the very best
medicines In the land. Respectfully, E. J. Pocock.
iPe-ru-na cures catarrh. It Is Dr. Hartmun'r. great prescription for all dis
eases of the mucous membrane. Pe-ru-na acts directly on tho nerves, and
makes the membranes healthy by regulating the flow of blood. Where the
membranes are healthy there can be no catarrh.
Mr. Ralph W. Chullp, Laporte, Intl., writes: "I want to thnnk you a thou
snnd times for what your medicine has done for me. I cannot praise It
enough, nor do I think any one troubled with catarrh, who will try just one
bottle, can help but see what a wonderful medicine it is. I have been
troubled with catarrh for the past eight years, and seven yearn ago It be
came chronic.
Mr. Ralph W. Chullp. months ago I had to quit work. 1 lost In weiffht
from 105 pounds' to 110 pounds. My doctor advised me to go out Into the
country. I did so for two months nnd was taking medicine all the time, but
got no relief. My anpetlte was gone. I began having heart trouble. Dlnzy
spells that would get so bad I would stagger when I walked. "I was com
pletely discouraged.
"I am now 30 years of age, and I thank Pe-ru-na for the way I feel today.
I trust I have not Intruded upon your ttmo with this long letter, but I
Mrs. A. C Hildebrand.
Mrs. M. E. Bland.
mailed free to women only on application."
with the latter parents, Mr and Mrs.
Henry Travis.
Mrs. Griflin. of Seranton. called on
her t-lster, Mrs. O. E. Vuughn, on
Miss Bessie Yeager returned home
on Tuesday after spending a few days
with relatives in Green Ridge.
Miss Mable DeWitt has been spend
ing a week at Maple Lake.
The Patriotic Order Sons of Amer
ica will give an entertainment and sup
per In the I. O. O. F. hall Feb. 22. Ad
mission to (he entertainment, 10 cents;
supper, 15 cents.
Mr. James Kelly Is suffering with
blisters on his hands from shoveling
Mr. Harry DeWltl, of Rowlands, Pa.,
Is vlsltlnj; C. II. Clouso and his uncle,
Mr. George DeWitt.
Mr. Oren Wombacker has returned
home nfter being storm staid In Dale
vllle for a few days.
A Sunday school Institute will be
held at Dundaff on Tuesday next, and
Rev. G. H. Stone, of tho Forest City
Methodist church, Is down on the pro
gramme for one of the addresses. A
number of the borough Sunday school
workers expect to attend.
A Washington supper will be held In
the Methodist parsonage on Wednes
day evening next.
On Monday evening next the Ep
worth Leugue Reading clrclo will meet
ut the home of Mrs. T. C. Manzor.
Dr. F. L. Grander has Just been ap
pointed physician to the board of
Lemuel Jones, who has been em
ployed In the barber shop of Hlehnul
Gray, left for Seranton on Thursday,
whero ho will resldo In the future.
A young man named Hlgglnson. who
resides at Rlchmondaln, .was Injured
In No. 2 shaft of tho Hillside Coal and
Iron company on Thursday. A slltrht
"In the last eight years I have taken enough
different medicines, nnd tried different Inhalers,
that were I lo make mention of them thev would
easily fill a page. I became so bad a year and a
half ago that I took treatment from two different
catarrh specialists.
"The first doctor removed n growth from my
right nostril; he helped me some. I doctored with
him about two months, but ho could not stop the
discharge from my head, which was dreadful. I
have used ns many as six and eight handkerchiefs
In one day. I paid this doctor one dollar a treat
ment. I was advised to quit him and try another
doctor. I did so, and he began giving me medi
cated air treatment that did me some good also,
hut could not stop the discharge from my head.
"Finally my stomach became affected, and eight
graterui it seems as nougii 1 couiu never :uop
talking or writing praise of the medicine. And I
will be th" moans of selling many bottles of Pe-ru-na,
as all my friends know Just how bad I
have been."
Mrs. A. C. Hildebrand. Milton, N. C writes:
"By refere -co to your files, you will see that I was
very u. . and pronounced Incurable by-two of the
best docto s In this country, when I commenced
tho usw of your medicine. I have used nine bot
tles of Pe-ru-na and 1 think that I am perfectly
well. Of cmrse, Pe-ru-na is what did tho work,
and I consider It the grandest medicine In the
world. Mine was a noted case in this county and
everybody thought I would die I never lose un
opportunity to praise your medicine."
Mrs. M. E. Bland, Hartwell, Ga., writes: "I
trust no one would think from this that I would
wlwh my name In public from any cause only to
let sufferers know where they might find relief
from many pains. 1 can truly say I have been
much benellted by the use of Pe-ru-na. I feel bet
ter than I have for years. I have suffered for
years with chronic catarrh, bronchitis, asthma,
and female trouble, of which I have been much
helped by Pe-ru-na.
"I know the virtue of Pe-ru-na. If for no other
reason. It would pay to keep It for colds and
coughs. It keeps off colds, It prevents grippe, and
builds up the nerves?. 1 gladly recommend It to
all." A special book for women, entitled "Health
and Beauty," Is Issued by The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, and
fall of coal caught him and ho was
thrown forward against a car. His
face was cut somewhat and his jaw
was broken.
ServU'os will be held In Christ Epis
copal church each Friday evening dur
ing Lent.
"Baptism" will bo the topic of tho
sermon at the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning, r.nd In tho evening
tho subject will be "Who Can Stand
Hfnro the Cold?"
Michael Cawley, jr., has enlisted In
the regular army and has left for
Porto Rico, where his regiment is at
present stationed.
Carpenters are busily engaged erect
ing tho tower at Johnson's Coal com
pany's air shaft, which was recently
destroyed by tire. A temporary engine
house Is also being built until the fine
weather sets In to be replaced by a
first-class brick building.
Earington Lodge, Sons of St, George,
will hold their regulur sesslun this ope
ning In Odd Fellows' hall.
LEARN TO SAY "NO" when a deal
er offers you something "Just as good"
In place of Hood's Sorsaparllla. Thcro
can be no substitute for America's
Greatest Medicine.
HOOD'S PILLS euro nausea, sick
headache, biliousness and all liver ills
Price 25 cents.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho