The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Ceremony Was Porfoimed in Bing
hamton by the Bov. L. C Floyd,
D. D. Entertainment und Social
Given by Class No. 11 of tho Simp
eon M. E. Chuich Services in the
Plrst Presbyterian Church Bov.
B. Bock, D. D., Will Broach in the
Plymouth Congregational Church.
The West Side onicc. of The Tr II une Is
nt Jenkins' duue Mori' corner Main ami
Jackson, and Is In charge of V. 11.
JliiKties. NmH nml uelveitlsciiieiita re
ceived nt tlil ollltt 1
The many fi lewis of Archibald U.
Jones, or Price stieet, will bo surpiis'd
to leurn of IiIh nmrrlage to Miss tHta
Bunki'ily, of Meridian sheet.
The )oung couple unknown to I heir
parents, mint time 111,0 went Ih'ig
lijintun. where they weie united In
tho holy bonds of wedlock bv Rev. L.
C Flo)d. D. V., presiding elder of tho
Chenango district of the Alethodlst
l.plsi eonfeionio. and founeil)
ji.istoi of tin. Simpson Alethodlst Ih'is
.opal (liurrh of this hide. Immedl tte
lv aftir thp knot wns tied nnd tnn
Kiatul.itlons were given by those who
witnessed the eeieinony Mr. nnd Mis.
Jones ti tinned to this i Itv nnd !: pt
the umiilagc u net tot until n few du)s
ugo, when It linked out
The veiling people will resldr, after
atari h 1. will, the btlde's parent". Mr.
nnd Mix Jones hae been busv, since
tin niurilnge boi ume known, leeching
the eongiutu'utloiis of tlml: man)
fib nils.
Hntb are well known vnttng people.
Mr .tones is a pioinlnent yotinc min
nnd m eniplnyed In Fonto . Shear's
luirdwine stoic on Washington avenue
Mi. Jones. Is the dunghill of Mi and
Mi i:noi h Ininkeilv of Muldliin
liie. She ls an in coniplislied voting
ImH being an excellent inusli Ian and
vnv pionilniiit In i-lulex on
the Wist Sldi Sh,. j aNo i memtu i
of St. aids Kplscopa) i lunch choir.
nn excellent dialogue. The programme
closed witti'ii jccltattoii' by llfty Slut
tcri , '
nnsT iiAPTisT ciumciit
AIotnhiK and evening seniles will be
held In the Welsh Uuptlst chuich at
11.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m.. respectively.
Sunday school In the Plymouth Congio
gatlonal church at ? 30 p. m and Uup
tlst Young People's union In Ivnrlte
hnll nt C p. m. The oullnauie of bap
tism will be administered In the even
ing service.
Hlinda) evening closes the sales of
levlval service which has been con
Untied thiottgh flo week", two weeks
being aided bv an evangelist. As lias
bun said before the splilt nnd deter
mination of the people nine been foi
ilblv shown by tho continuance of
these meetings after their Hie: not
hue their efforts been without an
abundant rewind.
Now that they aie at nn end. all
foue and energv will be put forth to
raising fundh for lebttlldlng If one
inny Judge by the advance mmle In the
llrst Week, eie long this side will be
the possessor of a ptcttv church edi
fice. Thlttv-slx bouts hni. not elapsed
nftcr the deslruition of theit cliutih
wh'ii the dovology was sung with
neai ly S.'.OOO raised among themselves
and the.v not licit in eaithly goods.
Rev. It. Rock, V. I), of Shiimokln.
will preach In the Plj mouth Oingtf
gallotial i lunch tomortow tnoinlng and
i veiling. The tnoinlng service will In
the iegular t oinmunlon eivlce The
theme of the evening setmon will
"The Powu and lmnnnttllIl.V of Pel Inlltteiice "
Rev. IJl. Uock nicupl"d the pulpit ol
the iluitch lust, Sundav. pleaching
fotieful scimoiis. Thete will bo special
music b the iholt, under the diteetlon
of Mi. 1). i: Hughes.
it was st'ccr:!-.
The f ntcrtfilnmint and social given
bv diiss'Xn 11 of the Simpson Metho
dist Kplsiopil Sunilu) school. Mi. llob-
i rt Hlrtle). teacher, nt the home of
Miss Altle Sluttei. on Notth Main ave
jine, lust evening was luigol) attended
nnd pinvcd u success. Mi llhtlev was
t hah man.
The first uiliuhc- on the piogiamin
wa-' a violin solo bv John Thmuu'
whii h w.u ecellcnll tenileiod It was
followed b a lecltnlliin by Miss C'oi i I
llallet (lung Reese not guvi a se
lection, followed b a solo reiideted 1; !
rrnncls Robeits
Allss Muliil Gicenwooel executed i!
lecit.ttion in tine style a song, en
titled 'The Wcai y Gleanei " b Jllssoa
Kobetls, Guenwood, Slutti' and Hal
let, wa well leciivid Mlsi ilinnle
Roberts next ga a leiltatton aftir
whit h the niembiis of the ilj gave
fM B, 7m Is a wonderful icmedv
tLlnOUII Sl'li;ltMi tm
n i r relief at once case-,
Lourili r"vrunc,cus,,u"f iiHsnum-
""&'' Ji MlJflwuiiiatTonniiiUi H3
liealiug luQuencc soou effects a cure l'riee i-,
Miss Hannah Jenkins, of l.uzernc
stnet, Is spending u few weeks In Nov
Yoik city.
Itobert Hvnns. of Lafajett- sttect,
has recoveied fiom nn Illness
.Miss Jemima Thomas, of IHllevue,
will leave this morning for New York
Hduuul Lold of Lalavotte street, is
on the slik Ut
Mbs Mamie PMlllps, of Jackson
stieet, Is in New Yolk.
itev 1 S. Hopkins has iclurncJ
fiom a . nt .Slatlngtc:i. Pa
Mis liimdolph Junes of Jackrn
stnet, is sttficilng with tluoat ttouble
Mi. John T Klihtiuls t Tenth
stieet. bus lettuned fiom a business
u ip to New Yoik.
Miss M.iv .tonus, of Price -ft, Is
on the sick list
Mis l.ameiiaii'; and son, ol lUdin ,
N" Y, have tetuiucd hoine from .i s-
1 with Mis Charles Connnlh, of
iut Nsi.ii stieet
Mi. William Davis, of AMil'iv, it. the
guest of lelatlws on this t.lde.
A woman with tho blucsisn very un
comfortablo person. &ho Is illogical,
unhappy and froctucntly hysterical.
The condition of tho uilnd known as
"tho blues," nearly always, with wo
men, results from clihcascd organs of
It is a bource of wonder that in this
age of advanced medtual science, any
person should still balluvo that mere
force of will and determination will
overcome elepressed spirits nnd nerv
ousness In women. These troubles nro
indications of disease.
Every woman who doesn't under
stand her condition should wrlto to
Lynn, Muss., to Mis. Plnkham for her
advice. Iter advice is thorough com
mon sense and is the counsel of a
learned woman of great experience,
lte.ul thobtory of Mrs V S. Hk.nnktt,
'Wcstpliull.i, Kansas, us told in thu fol
lowing letter:
"lb AT Mns. Piskitam: I have suf
fered for over two years with falling,
enlargement nnd ulceration of tho
womb, and this spring, being in such
a weakened condition, caused mo to
flow for nearly six months. Soma time
ago, urged by friends, I wrote to jou
for advice. After using the treatmen.
which jou advised for n short time,
that terrible flow stopped.
" I am now gaining strength and
flesh, and have better health thou 1
have hnd for the past ten cors. I
wish to say to all distressed, suffer
ing women, do not suiTer longer, when
there Is ono so kind and willing to
aid jou "
I.j di t H. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is a woman's remcdj' for wo
man's ills Jtore thnn a million wo
men have beeu beuehted by it.
While the remains were being removed
tho quartette lendeied "Tho Chris
tlan's OoodnlRht " The cortege moved
to the Plttston avenue cemetery, where
Interment wns made. The pull-bear-ets
weie- Peter .nng, Chatlcs JCiing,
Joseph Hal men, Henry Satttes, John
Arnold unit William Hanimen, sr.
lleniy Imge, Charles Huesncr, Cleorgo
Klrehoff and Pied Kelleimau weto
the How el -bearers. The floral designs
were many and beautiful.
oavi: ANont.o's pohms.
The regular meeting of the Loyalty
club at the- looms of the Young Wo
men's C'litlHtlaii a soelallott on Ccelan
avenue last night were unusually In
teresting, follow Inr the business ses
sion a highly onjovnble entertainment
was given, the feature" being an ex
cellent tableau pi eduction of Jean ln
gclovv's poems, "Songs of Seven." The
poems weie lead by Miss Hsthet' How
lands, assistant secretary of the South
Sernnton rooms. The parts repie-sent-eit
wenv Seven times one, "Exalta
tion," Miss Cassle Zlegler, seven times
two, "Itomance " Miss Kate Ludwlg:
seven times tluee, ' Love." Mis? Ma
mie Gibson; ge'V'cii times four, "Mater
nity," Missis Minnie Heler, I'mnia. and
Maltha Kennachei, sseven limes llvc
"Widowhood," Miss Jennie Me-veis;
seven times six, "diving In Manlngc,"
Misses Lulu Sclieuer and LIUIc Null:
seven times sevn, "Longing for
Home." Miss Kate Opper. Tho pro
gramme vsas leiiileteel In a pleasing
tuamiei and was much appreciated
Miss Nellie. A. Lowiy, state secretin y
of the Young Women s christian m-so-i
latlon, will lead the gmpel Mrvlcis
at tlic looms tomouow afteinooii. Spe
cial music will be given, and all women
uiu Invited to be piisint.
blrtlu'.ij by holding an enteitalnnunl
mil social in Mears' hill next Wtdncs
Inv evening
Miss Kate Majnnid, of Chestnut
street, Is suiiottsly ill
Tin social, which was to hnve been
held at the home eif Mis John Locunls
on Lincoln avenue, last evening, has
bciii iinli finitely postponed.
I The ttinetal of Henlamln V.. Hvans
will be h'ld this nftcliinnn at 1 o'clock,
lioni his late lisiileiiee, ",07 South Hvde
'Park ncntte. Iuteimcnt hi Tousl llili
come tc 1 j
1 ltev D Hoik, of Sliamokin will
oicupv the pulpit' of the Plv mouth
j Colli,' cgatlcmai ihuieh tomoirow
' moiiilng and evening.
Tin funeial of the l.Ue Nicholas,
Liebtidu took place from the lesldenie
on Twenty-fouith stieet at L'liO o clock
jestetday. Iltlilal was made In the
Wnstibuin stieet cemctu.v
Mr. nnd Mis. T, C. Davis, of Spring
Stieot, Entertained Frionds Thurs
day Night Schubort Gleo Club
Are to Givo a Concoit at Jormyn.
Bov. W. H. Shauger, of Dovor,
N. J., Will Loctme Mondny Night.
Opening Bocoption nt tho Y. W.
C. A. Booms Monday.
Btpplt DIvNIon, Soni of Tenipetanee.
will debate em the subject ' Is the Uni
ted States .Instilled in the i:xpinInn
Pollcv " alter tho tesiil.ll business ut
the rieetlng this evening
The Industiial school and Mission
band of the Seranton Street Haptlst
ihuieh will eilebiate its second blilh
ilay at Ivoilte hall on Soutli Jlaln ave
nue, this afternoon Misi Anna Mm
gan will be in c harge.
Camp y3i. Pattiotlc uidir Sens of
America vlll iclebiate Washlngton'3
The Young People's Cnlon of the I Thmsday an
Hist AVilsh Haptlst eliureh held a well I V0"1,'1, n'"tJ',Wd,S
ittended meeting last evening. The I "'Jm ' to Hoc lock
For Saturday
Today we will devote our attention
mainly to high class hosiery selling, as
One Day
Reductions in Price
The numbers submitted will all be ta
ken from regular stocks and are as fully
guaranteed as though they were bought
in the usual way at every-day prices.
Two Illustrations
Will suffice to show the strength of the
inducements offered:
I 51ilPQ' ine Gauze, Fast Black Cotton Hose, made
L-clUlCZ? from finest Egyptian Combed Yarns, full
regular made, high spliced heels, double soles, 7Ci
27c a pair, or 3 pairs in a box " -''
Yxtc? Heavy Two-Thread Derby Ribbed Cotton
OUyo Hose fast black, double knees and very elas
tic. The very best thing made for hard service.
ftatuie of the evening was the atlilie.-,
on "The Viosu or Milton" by MM
Catheiine Phillips.
The stations of the cro".s Weie rent
ed at the Lenten set vices at St l'i:
llcUs church last evening
ltev. U I. IJvjns will punch at tho
Bellevue M. chuich tomouow.
The billies' C.v quartette, of
Jamestown. X. Y which Is composed
of Mls Anna i: Il.illstiom, mezo to
prano. Mls- Charlotte Armstioim.
violinist. Miss Kdna MaiK, eoiiiutlsi,
aue. Mbs Annie Waiel, piotiNt, will
Klv nn entei tainment at the Juckson
Sttcet H.tptlst ehittcli on the eveini; j
of I'eb J2
A Sundav school will be oiR.mlzed to
mouow afteinoon at 210 o'clock b the
icetoi of St D iv Ids chuich at the ies.
deuce ot Mr (iPorKe Olietdoilei, Eliza
beth hticet, Tilpp paiK.
A Inisc number of younr people of
this s-ldc formed n patty who injove-d
a slilRlirlile to Plttston Thursdav oven
lii!?. At that cltv a dame and supper
was Klven. Tliosc who attended vvete:
Misses Annie Ilcirmin, M.nv Harlclne,
Uosl AMnklet, IJz.:le Morrison, Miule
O'Donuell Lottie- Wlr'h, Ihnma and
IjII Whtli. Mae P.uchall, Mnttsle
f'airoll, Annie lit awn, Lena Stliie.Knto
Oentci, Hannah Joidati, 15. Shcildui,
Xellle OIIiI-ji, LUle Stumin. Tlllle
Kolb. L Haitman, Lena llerunan, An
nli Ketnev.
Messis Jcgic Itelnhait, John O'tliicn,
Joseph lhoKitii, C.eoige Koster, Pled
Srhuler, (ieorse L uiber, lleniy Leweit,
IMwnid Tobln, Will Siheuei, Jtoward
Hue I;, Piaiik "VVettei, AVIIIIam Kucch,
John Hilllclc, Chaib'S Ash, Josenh Let
ter, Thomas tliiliv, Patilck iVinner
ton, John Jlelionald and L'dward Pat
ion, of JS'evv Yoik city.
Miss Coiinne Klaumlnzei, daughter
ol Mr. and Mis Jinny Klaumlnzcr,
of Plttston avenue, was eight jeais of
iinl In honor of the
is Klven at her home
The Aunoiy has been engaged by
the Older of United American Mechan
ics for next Wednesday evening, -when
the follow lnij ptogt amine will be ren
dcicd: Opening Singing 'Amerlca"....Auillcnco
Ilecltatlon Selected,
Miss Plorcnco Urobst
Song. "You Will Get All That's Com
ing to You" llert Orecn
Instrumental luict,
J. A. WlNon and Uaiigh'er
Vocal Duet.
Mrs nabrlrl and Miss) Pislmr
Itceltatlou, Sclielcd,
Mls Plotenec lhobst tette Selection,
Prov iilrnce Qu lrtettn
Coinle Sile-ilions ...Mr. Lury KetiicK Song and Djncc, "Jnlianius
ltutiibuga" Mr. W. 11. Oieca
Selection In Klociitlnn
Miss Vetdle rievvell. Wllkos-Huiro
Vocal Duet, ' Oh. Tell c s. Merry Htrild,"
Mir. L AV. Klesllns, Mrs W. 11. On on
Heiilnllon MIps t.ols Itcco
Song. "Mid tlie Oreen Holds ol Vli
glnla Par Avvaj,"
Mr. Julin Hughes
Instrumental Htictlon, "Countij Club,"
Miss Pi auk Guv i r
Comic Song. Selected,
Mts. 1'iank Aiubevv
Quartette. Selection,
AilliiRtou Unuble- (Juartelte, Imiiniure
Sokctlons in Klutiitlui ,
Mli Veull Clew 'II
Hoi ilatloii Mastei Anilj K jit
Duct, "Thu Uncle itakets' Picnic,"
Messrs. Tlioiujs and Orctn
ttei Itiitlon, "A holiller'i l.otlu."
Mi"s Annie Kelhltng
Selection .. .Aillngton Double Qmrtfttc
On lunation l.llnt Sl-lort
i:il Gteen's Cake Wulk (Irccu llni.
After this will be a laughing: faiee.
butle.sitilng the Inlation of a candidate
into the mj.stcries of tin lodge.
noon nt 2.H0 o'clock. Kev. William Kd
gar will olilclate. Interment In Dun
moi e cemetery.
On next Wednesday evening the an
nual roll call of the Ninth Main Ave
nue Baptist church will take plate.
The paving ordinance passed second
leading before the city council on
Thuiwiliiy evening.
Miss Laura Pish Is visiting In New
Mrs. Prank Sllkmau has letuined
from a llt among Carbondali fi lends.
Mi. John Lewis has accepted a pos
ition In the hardware store of V. U.
Cow les.
Hev. lloiaee Peckover, late of tbl
place, Is pluasniitl sltuatid In Mi -shoppen.
The ladles of the Cliilstlau ehuuli
w 111 conduct an old fashioned ten next
Wednesday evening.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Welsh
Congregational chuieli aie making
pieparatlons for a giand concert on
St. Putrlck'H day.
Five new mciubera have been added
to tho roll of the Christian Undeavor
society of the Presbyterian church in
the last two ek.
John Slavlnl Injured tils foot liadlj
with nn axo while dialling the side
walk In front of his residence.
Michael Moian, n cur runner In the
Toggett's fieek mine had his hand
badly smashed while trlng to make
a coupling on the lis.
The Anthrncite Wheelmen will hold
nn Important meeting In their club
looms on Monday evening.
What it Does
llostetter's ytonmch Bitters cures
malm la and bilious attacks. It cures
nervous prostration nml exhaustion.
It makes the nerves strong. It make?
rich, red blood TT . . . .
iirmiicsh,.,. Hostetter's
healthy fibres. It CJAmnrll
banishes dysi.ej.- OLUlliaLU
sia, indigestion
mid constipation. It
does all these thlngt.
Misses Klauinliuer assisted by her
mother and iister, Missob IMna acl
Prances Klaumlns'ii, entertained the
guets. Tho time wns plcnbantlj spent.
Those In attendance were Misses Gei
tuule Illdenbaeh. Ildith Hoffecker, An
na I'obinson Katie AVIttz, Caule Plel,
gen, Charlotte Schneider and l'mma
Hthel Ainold, Heaslo Itellly, Dora Ho-Koch.
i:nti:utiniH) ntn:xDS.
A veiy leaant evening was spent
at the home of Mi. and Mrs T C.
Davis, of Spring street, on Thursday,
when Mi. and Mr Thomas Henry un
til mined John Phillips' class of the
Puiltan Congt (rational church. After
enjov Ing themselves In game", etc., all
adjourned to the dining loom, vvheie a
bounteous lepast was enjojed. aftei
which the evening was spent In lecl
tntlons, vocal and music.
unpt'm.icAN p.onoroii TicivUT.
Trcasurn Louts Uncle
Street Conimlsiom r- Prank AVngncr.
Justic of the Pence Juntos Quick.
Councllmcii A. D. Blueklnlon, J. L.
Med way.
School Diiectors Prink Montgomciy,
Tliomis Kngle
Atitlltors- l""or three years Anil AVush-
ei , for ono year Clarence Zimmerman.
Aich AVnshei, the ltepuhlican candi
date for auditor for tluee yeais, was
boin In Dunmoie on May 11, 1SCS Mi.
Washer has been un active workei In
the tanks of the Hepubllean paity for
muny jeurs He Is an active member
of several fiJteinul societies. lie has
si i veil one viar In the ollleo of auditor,
giving a vet j satisfactory account of
himself, and theie Is no doubt In the
minds of the taxpjuis of Dunmnie
that if elected Mi. Washer will make
a very elliilent and painstaking oflle
lal. Republicans and Domociats are wink
ing haul for victory at next Tuesdaj's
election Hut tin re should be no doubt
about the lesult and will not be If all
Republicans do their duty. Two ears
ago, after trvlng toi foitj. jeais, the
Republicans! gained control of the boi
ough office! and hnve since admlnls
teied the affairs of the town honestly
and progressive.
Thu Republican rally held at Repub
lican beadquaiteis last evening was
well attended The speaker of the even
------ BUROUNDI'R & Rlils, Lesl.
II k. I. ONO, Aluna'er.
Balance of Week
MATINP.U-10 coins
UVUNINU PHlCi:a-10o , Me, 50c
Week of Feb. 20.
DiiH3 Matinees Daily, Except Monday
Mnniisement of Wlntlirop n Snclllu;.
l'leseiitlngii mpcrtoilo of plnji
MATIN'I'U PItl('i;S-10 Cents
13VI2MNO PIUC'KS, 10 20 and ") t'oilts.
The latter was furnished bv Mrs. Dan
iel Moigans. The vocal pait was well Ing was 11. C Revnolds, of Sct.inton
Funeral ot Mis. Geoige Neher Loy
alty Club of Y. W. C. A. En
teitain Other Items
of Interest.
Not In iim" was theie a funeial In Id
In this section of the clt.v so laigel
attended as that of Mis Geoige Nehe-i,
which was conducted at the f.imil
home on Plttston avenue jesteiduv af
teinoon The old homestead was
tluonged with n lends and neighbors
who were picscnt to p.rv a llnal mail:
ot lespect to the nunioi of the de
leased. The n mains icposed In the
pal lot ot the home in a handsome
couch casket, almost enveloped with
lloial pieces
Sei vices weie held at the- house and
thu Illckoij Slieil Pi CsD.vlerliut chine h
of which congieji'itlon deceased was a
devoted meiubei. Hev. W. A Notdt,
pastoi ot tlie Picsli) teilan chinch, of
11c luted at the senile1 At the home
a leivent jnajei was offeied and thu
casket was closed The pioccsslon then
moved to the chuich. As the lemalns
weie hot in' Into Uk edlllce the hmn
"In the Silent .Midnight AVatc li ' was(
sung bj a ipiaitetti composed of Mis
Jacob Tiestei. JIIsj I.jdlc Nordt. (lus
tave Reppeit and Jacob Umlih The
set vices weie opened bj pinei by
Hev. Mi Noidt. tollowid b.v the soi-
mon Hev. .Noiut tooiv iiih i t riom
Jeiemlah. chaptei '11 vert-e "The
l.inil hath appe-uteu of old unto mi
snjlng jtiil havi loved thee with nn
everlasting love, thetefoie with loving
kindness have 1 iliawn thee." All.
Nutclt paid an able and eloqiunt tii
btite to the good lite spent bj Mis.
Nehei. She was n dose friend of the
pastor, and as a fileud nnd a tiuu
Chllstlan he spoke of her life. Her
summons to the woiid bejond was an
Inestimable loss to hei family and
i hureh
At the eotielusi in of the sermon the
qua! title Hang Miall We Alut liijond
tin Itlvei' Puiei was again uf-
feieil and the seivlis were closed.
xrns or xnws.
The sixth annual ball of the Hlcc
trlc Social and Athletic club was held
at Gei mania hall last night. In every
detail It was a success. The attend
ance was laigu and comprised the
popular oung people of this side. Rob
ert Hvans was mustei of ceiemonles
and chairman of the committee of at
langements. Piof. Johnson plujed tho
dance inulc.
I-enten set vices were held last night
at St. Maty's Catholic chinch. Hev.
Petei Christ pieached
The .lunger Macnnerchor will meet
In special session tomouow afteinoon
at 1 ,10 o'clock.
Joseph Schreiber, for many vears a
milk dealer, has opened a wholesale
mil tetall shoe stoic- in the llartmnn
building, on Plttston avenue, cot net of
Itlvei stieet.
Chief Hlckey, of the file ilepai tnietit.
Is leeoverlng fiom his illness
lendered by Airs II O. I.loyd and John
Phillips, nnd the recitations bj Mrs
Thomas Peulkes and Master llujilen
Those present were' Mr. and Airs.
John Phillips, All. and Airs.
S. Jones, All and Airs Howell Davis,
Air. and Airs. t. C. Davis, Mr. and
Alls. Thomas lleniy, Mis. It. O. Uovd,
Alls. David U. Rees, Atrs. Morgan AA'at
klns, Alls Ann Humphre., Airs. Thos.
Foulkes, Alaster Harden Ij. Davis, Dan
lei Aloigan, Misses Alaitha Rees, Alary
Jefueyrf, AI. A. Powell, AInggle Dals.
At the moiiilng set vice tomorrow In
the North Alain Avenue Hnpti chuich
Rev. AV. G. AVntkins will complete his
sciles of set mono on "The Holy Spirit."
Preceding the evening sermon a song
service will be led bv the choli, un
der the dliection of Reese Watklns
Those- praise st?i vices are becoming
popular and helpful.
Seivices at the Piovidencc AVelsh
Haptlst chinch tomoriow at the usual
bonis Preaching both moiiilng and
evening by the pastor, Itev. AV. P D.i--U.
Illble school nt J p. m, W. T.
Ihomus, supeilntendent.
Sizes 6 and 67 and 7 Sizes 8 and 89 and 9
Price 12c I4c lJrlce 10c
Worth 1 8c sc Woith 22c
1 8c
These for Saturday Only.
What do the
Globe Warehouse
Pnuvssii, w. H Putnam. Ph. D., toi
meilj, iiisttuctor Of Hnglisli at the
Kingston seinlnaiv, died at New Yoik
cltj Tuesday. Piofessoi Putnam will
be lemeinbeiod b munv peoide an a
most smiths-till teachei of Hngllsh. He
oecupled this chair at tlie seinlnaiy
for some six jears-, and then became of the AVest Plttston high
school, wheie he lcmalncd two 01 tluee
e.irs. He then became assoiiattd
with Piofisaoi Pottei, f linnet 1), of thu
Wllkes-Haue high school. In the book
publishing and cihool supplv business
In New Yoik cit, under tlie Hun name
of Potter & Putham This business
was piospeting und lapidly gi owing.
The Ihm bad become well known
tlnoughout tho middle and eastern
states Dr Putnam leaves In deep be
reavement a wife and ono child.
The death ot Aleiedlth Hv'aiis en -cm
rd at his home. 241 Noithampton
stieet, AVIlkes-Ram, Thuiriihiv even
ing at t! o'clock of genet al ilcblllt).
The dec i used was u native of Abur-
die, Wales, and came to this count! y
ton ouis ago. He was 71 jears old
and Is suivlvcd by his wife and eight
chlldien. Tluy aie Hvnn M. P.vans,
John Al Hvaus, IMwaid At. Hvans,
Alls. Robe it Jones, of Ohphant, Alls.
Rlehaid Aloigan, Altt David 1. Coates,
Alts. Janus Davis and All" Joseph
Iiniven, of Wilkes-Harie. He has a
laige- number of iclutlves lesldlng In
this valley. The funeial will take plai e
this afternoon at 2 o'clock and Inter
ment will be in Holleiiback cemeteiy.
Alls Hannah Hundley diuel at the
home of her son, Thomas Hundley, S.!C
Orchntd street, esteulu morning. Sim
was 9! euis of age and was a well
known mid respected woman The fu
neial will take place Monday moiii
lng A mass of leeiulem will be cele
brated ut St Petet's cathedial at 9
o'clock Interment will be made at
Cathedial eemetetj.
Anthony Paired died at bis home,
010 Providence load, yr.dnesday, at
the age of di yeais. The funeinl will
be held today at 2 o'clock. Interment
will be made In tho Cathedial ceme
The Tiresorao Caller.
uh Miss MutlilUle, I brcet 'on once
ugulu A'ou Ilrd ine a constant us a
plieiut, do ion not?"
"es monsieur. That Is. to some ex
tent you nre not like nil pluimts."
"Anil wherein do 1 differ? '
".Most plunots have regular oiblts and
It tukes jeuis to cover thoni, but jou
ill,, nt,, nml , I i,rv tilfrlit P1,-v plitnd
tyfcVlVWIWfcfe"W I'laln-Dealer.
II. K. LONO. Mannscr.
Thursdeiy, Feb. 21
Mr. Digby Bell,
supported by Liuiru loyen Utll iinel a Spae
tally Helectoil ( ompjii' , in
V Itoinnutlr tomeilv lirnins, fiom tho
pen ol Vim l'riiceH lloiltfinii llurnell, nu
thor of "V koilyof CJiiallti," fie
I'ltlt I.S-'jric, -l)C, 7 jc nml si no
Don't glvo them tea or coffee.
ITavo you tried thu now food drink
called GltAIN-O? It Is delicious!
and nourLminij and tukes tbo placo
of collie.
llto moro Oridn.O you fivn tho
children the moro health you distri
bute through their sj stems.
Graru-Owmadeotpiirugialn?, nnd
when properly prepared tastes liko
the choice grades of coffee but costs
about $ as much. All eroceM eell
it. 15c. and 25c.
iry urainui
IniUtthstyouTBrocerelTcsyoiiGUAlN-O tr
Accept no Imitation. m
On Alonday evening the Rev. W. II.
Shauger. of Dovei. N. J. will delivei
his lecture entitled "fen Nights In a
Rat room," lllustuited with stcreoptl-
eon views. In the Ninth Alain Avenue
Hiptlst chuich, under the auspices ot
the Alen's League The lectuie Is one
which has been well leeched wherever
it ins been delivei cil anil lias been a
great help to the temperance i ause,
A package social will be held on next
Thursdav evening bv the Kpwoith
League and Ladies Aid six let) of the
Alethodlst chinch
The Not tli Seranton bianch of the
Young AVomen's Christian association
will hold Its opening leceptlon in tlieii
looms, opposite the Clnlstiur chuieli
on Alonday afteinoon. All Indlin aie
Invited to attend.
A part) of out Noith lhul )oung
people enjo)ed u sleigh tide to Avoca
on Thuisday evening. The load was
made up of the following joung people:
Allss AI.uv Devlne, Aliss Kadle Aloran,
AIlss Agnes AIcDoimott Alls Alame
Aloian, AIlss Alice Leouunl. Albs Itei
tha I'vans, ,M1m Alaigaiet AVIllis,
Alessis. Rosa Pi lie, Frank Davis,
John Devine. Hdvvuid AliNamaru,
Flunk Rlchiuds, Dan Thomas. Thom
as Owen". Hauy Davis, John Owens,
Titus Hdwatds, James Aim lis and l'd
ward Reese.
A j omit: lady di iv Ing n cutter had a
nauow escape fiom seveie tnjuiies on
Thuisday evening. Site was coming
down AVest Maiket stieet whin the
noise took flight and turned suddeiil).
upsetting the cuttei The )oung lady
clung heroic all) to the lines and suc
ceeded In holding him until help eume.
AVIlllug hands soon patched up the
bioken huiuess and the ) ouug lady
diove on
The HUmbert Glee club of Ibis end
will hold a gland conceit at Jeimvn
undei tho nusplees of the Ptlmltlve
Alethodlst church of that place on
Washington's blithdn), Feb. 2.'
Thursday the )oung son of Alt. and
Alia. John Guughan, who died of ellpli
therla, was burled, and Alury, their
daughter, Is now seriously 111 with the
same disease.
"Rumbles in tlie Old AVoiId" was tho
theme of n tectum given In Cetitie
moielnnd Thursday evening b) Rev.
AVIIIIam Rdgat.
The funeial of the lute Airs A'uuglm
will take plate Horn the family ten-
Idence on Aluiket stieet Alonday after-
A remedy lecommennen roi paueius
altllcted with the Urlppo is Kemn w Hul
sum, which Is expccl.rtl) ad ipteel to ells
eases of tho throat und lunrfs Do not
vvult for tho llrst Bjmptoins of the elli;
case, but get n bottle loiluy and keep It
on bund for usn the moment It Is needed
If neglected ihe grlppo has a tendency
to bring on pneumonia. Tho HaUam pie
cntu this bv keening thu cough louse.
1 All druggists tell tho Calsuiu,
who delivei ed nn esecllent address in
the absence of Chnhmnn II Al. .Spen
cer. AVIIIIam AVilson was choen and
served duting the evening
The Ladies' Home and Foreign Alis
slonary oclety of the Presb) terian
church wete enteitainci at the home
of Air" Geoige R. Smith, on Kim stieet,
Thursday afternoon The occasion was
the annual meeting of the soclet) nnd
a large number were present. The
meeting was interesting and among the
business transacted was the election of
otllceis for the ensuing year. They .lie
as follows. Piesident. Airs. AI. V. Close,
Mist vlce-piesldent, Airs AVilllam Ro)d,
second vice-president. Alts AVIIIIam l
Gibbons; sectetary. Alls. J. G. Hone,
secretin) of liteiatuie. Alis Nettle L
King; tiensuter Alls. George 15. Smith
Seivices ut the Presbyterian chuich,
Rev. William V Gibbons, pastor, for
Sunday nre as follows Morning ser
mon, subject, 'The Ne.unesr of God."
10 TO o'clock Sundav si hool at noon
Junioi Christian Kudeavoi, II :u p. m.:
Senlot Chtlstlan ihideuvor. 6 30 p m,
ovenlnt; seimon, subject, ' Lc-ons from
the Life of Joseph," 7.10 o'clock. All
aie welcome
Lady Atundell Lodge, No. 41, en
Jo)ed a sleigh lide to Avoca Thursdu).
wheie they weie entertained din Ins
their stny at the home of Alts. AA'llllam
Cntheiwood, on Main stieet All-.
Catheiwood ptoved an excelled entet-
tnlner and all present had an esc client
time Those comptlslng the patl) wen
Airs Alan Powell, Alls. Alatv A. IV
puy. Alts Joe Seigle Alts Thomas Kd
dy, Airs. AVIIIIam Coultei, AIi Jisse
Hiadv Airs Alex Gleneioss Alts
James. Airs Jones, Alls AVilshlie, AIis.
Cookslas, Airs. Charlotte R.itei, Atis
Alailew, Airs. Campbell Allsse-.
Ada AA'abber. Lillian Tudge. Ida Pow
ell. Agnes Glencios'i Re.ssle Stout,
Kmll) Hi own, Kllen Rtown and Master
James Depit)
The following )oung people of this
place enJo)ed a sleigh tide to Pec
vllle )esteniav afteinoon Susie K-l-1),
Floieme and Agm- Sliepheid, Min
nie AVebbei, Alai) Gliluio-s, KU.i
hh), Loietta How lev KlUabelli and
Alut gat et Crane. Dorothv and IM i.i
Kellam, Helen Faun Jesle Aloffatl,
Alaigaret Uiyilen, cSeitrude lluglies,
Kllsvvurth Pimbildge, Thomas eillmai-
tln, Thomas Jeffie). Geoige Wintets,
Waltei Van Camp, Thonius O'Alulliv,
Fieel and Douglas Aloflatt AVajne
Sklnnei, Fied Ueavei, Albert Pifti,
Chinles Costletz, AVIIllnm Dolphin,
Stephen Fairer and John Miepheid
The olllciuls of the Tiipp Avenue
Cbiistiau illble sehool are gieutlv
Iileased with the piogiess that the
chlldien aie making In lalslng lunds
towaidi the election ol a wing to the
piesent edlllce. It K iuti tided to Imil I
rooms that will uccominodute io
huiidied scholuis. The chlldien aie all
uiged to be piesent tomoriow aftei
noon. In the evening Rev. R. It. Mul
gln will ii each a pel nam on 'Chi 1st
in Prophecy "
Pei sons 1101111111, tickets tor tlii- old
folks' lonceit. v hlih was to hav been
until thut time oi ele luivo th 'i inon
du) evening, under the iiusplies of the
Young People's Filmdh e'lulc ot St
Aluik's Kplscopal chinch, and vvhlih
has been postponed until the (list week
In April, can either keep the tltktis
until Hint time or else huv their mon
e) refunded by going to the peisons
who they ptuchased their ti l;ets of.
The funeial of Allss Kate Kelidon,
of Kim street, will take place fioin
the home of her puients this morning
at 9 30 o'clock. A iceiuleni mass will
be celebrnted In St. .Mary's Catholic
chuich. lnteiment will be mudi in the
family plot In St AIai)'s iinifi-u,
Allss Almy Alclaughlln, of Huiiier
stieet, Is couilned to her homo with
an attack of iheumutlsm
A minor was In tli dilution to tin '
led that a soldier by the name of
Thomas, a former Diinnioiiai' hud
been killed elm Ing a ihaige upon i'io
Filipinos at Alanlla. The Hist name is
not clear as to vv bethel John m Wil
liam. No positive Infoi mutton con
cerning tho uunor could be leurned
last evening, 'l'liu supposed soldier,
Comincnvlnc Mondu, Alatinec Pel) 13th
33 PEOPLE 30
TCncbnutlng Aluslc, llenutlful eostunioi,
I UUU) I OMICllllllll.
Matinees, Alon. lues riiurs. Trl a 11 J bat.
NHXT-The hest yet. sherlelin & Paut'
Metropolitan llurlesquers.
howevei. lived on Hast Ditnkei stte t,
Spoit Hill, near the A'. M. T L and I),
soclet) '8 hall.
AIlss Alaiy Ale Andrews spent Thurs
dav n the guest of her biothei, Itev.
It A. AIcAndrews lector of St. Alat)'s
chuich at AVIlkes-Rntie
James Kimble and Hans Disk of
South Canuun, spent vesteiday with
fi if lids on Hutler and Hlakelv stieets
William Hallll ot West Diltikir
stnet. who has hei n 111 kltll
t)phoid lever Is linpiov ing nlielv
Ali-s 1:. u Itulgln has hceu coiillm d
to hei 100111 the paM ek sutlning
from an attuik ol iiiute phut vngltis
At piesent she Is 1 onvnlesi ing and 1 -pc
ts to be out In a few el ivs
All and Alls a AI. lingers, ot Dun
duff aie the guests of Mi and Mis.
T 1 Litihwoith. of Chistnut stint
AIlss Alnbel Ullikens of chestnut
stteit, is able to be uiound aguln aft' r
her 101 nit illnc-s
D. P Hat tin. a foi met lesideut of
tills town, and who vvus siiiciintend
mt ol the water wotks at Wiulnngton.
D c" . has taken up his lesldenie on
Klin stieet ac,alii.
Haidens the Tourist and Stiengthens
His Health.
Tlie live ve us that I spent in Siberia
weie lot mi 11 education In life
and human ihur.ietvi 1 was bioiig' 6
Into ciintui t with nun ot all d s( t .
lions, the licst and the waist llios"
who stood at thi toi of soi it i) un 1
those who vegetated ut the virv bot
tom tin ttatnps and tin so-called In
cut rlgihle eiimliiuls 1 ample op
poiluulties to watih the wfus und
habits of tlie peasant in tlleli dullv
lite und still mine oppoi utilities to ui
pi 1 1 lute lmw little the state adinlllis
nation could give to them, even though
it was unlimited bv the veiv best in
tentions Final!), m.v extensive Jour
nevs, dining Willi li 1 tlaveled ovet r,0 -mm
miles in cuts, on boaul stiamers,
In bouts and tsjieclull) mi hoisebaik,
hud a wondiiful eltecl In "tiengtheii
lug ill) health. The) also taught mej
how llltle man icallv needs as soon us
he conies out 01 the etu hunted elide
ot 1 onve utboiul 1 Ivllintton With a fetv
pounds of blcitd mill u few ounces (
tent In a Uuthei bag, a kettle and 11
hatchet hunting ut tlie side ol tli
saddle und undei the sqildle a blankei
to be spread at tin amp the upon
In d ol fitshl) cut spiuee twigs, a niun
leels woiideilully Independent ev-u
uiuiilst unknown iiioiiiiiatiis 'title kty
clothed with woods and in vvjiitei tune.
Slbciin Is not the laud Initial In sno
und peopled with elles only, U)a,i ll'l
Imagined to In, oven bv man) Rus,
skuis In lis soutiieiii pans it Is un
1 hh in natural piodm lions as ate t
southern p 11 ts of Canuda und be-udi-s,
hulf u million of natlvi'i it Ims q. popu
hit lun of moii than '.000 000 us lb r
otighl) Russian us chut t the north o(
tiXit-ri0U IHsrttittlilllag Mem
"1 .ji4ivriou jrtr railing ajm
S C or I n-PoUjncj, hIvvpleiinMS, to . oubJ
.. vl bi Abuso or other 1 leetofcs and lndlt
creiton. jneit qmchiit aim Murrtu
THtttoroLrwtMtnUtr in olJ or joudb n-3
tit u maaiof study, burianwpr mrrUujr.
luaiuaiptiuu i
tt uedlau lnjorova
meotnuii fffoi-trt a ( (JUE where all nther Uil Iu
i-ruvaat Imuntty au Conaumpttoa
toi r
takea'iu tiuie. Ihelruw uhow la tacdjat fa-prov
msDmaa fawiH n i uut, where qii mner uii xb
fiit upoa LqtIur tho ieuula At luLUtt. Thei
f tare cure Ithoukandaauel VflllcoriJiou Vocttftpo.
tie nrltlBQ k-uuranto to effect u cure CA OTC In
oachcaMor refund the luouey l'rltw w w I wiii
lacltaKei or eiz pk tfull tremtmenU for 1260. lif
nail, la plain wrpir, uion rHlptof price, CtrcuUi
Tor sale In Scrantcn, fa., by Matthew
Bros, and II.- C. Btinderecn, drupplsy,