The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    '.'Mi Hrwp"
Tjvas Hanging Around the Manvillo
Engine Houso Late Tuesday Night.
Is Thought to Havo Escaped from
tho Hillsido Homo Young Mon
Will Debate in St. Mary's Hall.
Hoptasophs Install Officers Cor
poral Finn, of Company H, in the
Ttegular Service
Word was sent to tho Providence
police station last Tuesday night that
a man was hanging about the engine
house at tho Manvillo breaker and act
ing In a suspicious manner. Patrol
men Rodham and Thomas were sent
to tho place to arrest tho fellow. Upon
reaching there they found tho man to
bo David Williams, who used to reside
In North Scrnnton several years ago.
Ho was brought to tho station house,
where he Is still hold, pending an ox
uminatlon into his mental condition.
Williams was, up to n short time ago.
nn Inmate nt the Hillside Home and it
is not yet known whether he was al
lowed to go or simply went. He suf
fers from a peculiar form of insanity,
imagining himself to be a doctor, law
yer, preacher or phrenologist at differ
ent times. Previous to his failure of
mind he carried mall for some time
nnd was at one time nn active mem
ber of tho Niagara Hose company.
When found he hud a small grip in
which were Mime cards marked "Or.
David Williams" and some bottles la
belled "Rone Sot Bitters."
Tho Father Whltty society and Mar
iiueltc Council, No. 123. Young Men's
Institute, will conduct a joint debate
tonight In St. Mary's hall. The ques
tion for debute will be "Resolved, that
the Democratic and Republican parties
should adopt the Crawford county sys
tem for voting." The members of the
council will argue tho negative side
and the Institute boys will uphold the
After the debute an entertainment
will be held. There will be nn ad
dress on "What you guln by being a
member of a temperance society," by
Thomas Homer, solos by W. A. Lynott
nnd John Poland and John Gallagher,
declamation by Thomas Grady, select,
reading by C. H. O'Uoyle and several
phonograph selections.
Providence Conclave of Heptasophs
met In Chappell's hall, Tuesday night,
and otllcers for the ensuing year were
duly installed by District Deputy Wal
ter Hendricks. The officers Installed
were: Archon, James Reed; provost,
K. A. PIddleman; prelate, Warren Snif
fer; treasurer, George Orlflln; financier,
B. B. Atherton; secretary, A. D. Miinii;
Inspector, C. B. Reese; warden, Harry
Palmer; sentinel, Patrick Cannon. The
usual Installation speeches were made
g im D. . 1 1 J Will cure incipient con.
LlaDLllI sumption, bronchitis.
r, , r, grippe, asthma, and nil
Cough Syrupffir-tcrtUKfn'i!;
You can always rely on it. I'rice only 55 cents.
Spring 1899
We are today making" our first
display of Crepons in styles that will
be worn during the approaching
season. The patterns are distinctly
new, and the weaving a distinct im
provement on that of former seasons,
inasmuch as the make is firm and
will no longer pull out or ravel in wear.
Silk Stripes
On black grounds, raised rich silk effects, etc., are
are among the novelties peculiar to this season. As
for the prices we have them at all figures, but
suggest that a look through the following will yield
satisfactory results :
38-inch Crepons, 7 new styles 45c
40-inch Crepons, 6 new styles 69c
42-iuch Crepons, 6 new styles 1.00
40-inch Crepons, 6 new styles 1.25
45-inch Crepons, 5 new styles 1.50
Silk and
Wool Crepons
Magnificent new creations at
$2.00 and $2.75.
Extra rich, heavy weave Crepons, high novelties
of rare merit.
Fancy silk stripe Crepons in all the popular tints,
(black grounds)
Globe Warehouse
by the newly-seated officers and others
by many visiting brothers. After tho
business of the evening was concluded,
refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Finn, of Wood
street, recently received word from
their son, Corporal Walter Finn, of
Company H, Thirteenth regiment, stat
ing that ho had secured n transfer to
tho Third Engineer corps, and that the
corps was under orders to go to Cuba.
The corp.o has since been ordered away
and is now en route.
Corporal Finn Is well known here, and
was highly thought of by his comrades
of 'Company II. He was a member of
the Guards for over n year previous to
their being mustered in at Mt. Gretna
last May. By his good qualities and
merit he arose from tho ranks to the
corporalshlp. He reported himself as
being in excellent health when writing,
and was looking forward to tho trip
to Cuba with eagerness.
Invitations are out for the banquet,
of Colonel T, D. Lewis council, Junior
Order of American Mechanics, to be
held on the evening of Washington's
birthday anniversary. The affair will
bo held In Leonard's hall, on West
Market street.
The street car men were making
strenuous efforts to open the il'eckvllle
line last night nnd nt 10 o'clock had
reached within two miles of the con
necting point of the Carbondale road.
Miss Jlame Sheridan, of Plttson, is
visiting friends here.
Mrs. A. B. Alvord, of North Main
avenue, Is recovering from a recent ill
ness. Loyal council, No. 5, Daughters' of
America, will hold a special meeting at
7.3 Oo'clock this evening, unfl all mem
bers are requested to be present.
Miss Ella Hart, of Carbondale, who
was visiting friends here, has icturned
The death of Mrs. J. 13. Sands, widow
of the 1'ito Captain J. E. Sands, died at
the residence of her daughter, Mrs. II.
F. Filmorc, tn Walnut street, Forty Fort.
Monday evening of grip, after nn Illness
of tevoral weeks. Dowsed was 70 yars
of ago and Is survlxcd by the follwolns
children' T. C. Sands, of Forty Fort;
Mrs. II. F. Ackley, ol Foity Fort; Mr.
C. W. Thompson, of Greenwood, and
Mrs. H. A. Fillmore. Services will bo
held Thursday meriting tn. 9.Jfi o'clock.
Remains will be taken to Arohbald, Pa.,
for interment via Delaware and Hudson
allroad, letniui? Wilkes-Parro nt 11
Mrs. Mary Hennlgan, of Olyphant, died
at hr home Tuesday night. She was a
resident 01 that town for over twnty-five
yeo.ra. The funeral will tako place tlds
morning at '.) o'clock, when a mass will
be said In St. Patrick's church, after
which tho remains will be taken on the
Delaware! and Hudson train, leaving Oly
phant at 10J3 for Arc' jald, where In
terment will he trade in tho Catholic
cemetery at that place.
Nicholas Llebtrean, one of the oldest
residents of West Scranton, died Tues
day nlclit at the residence on Twenty
fourth street. Deceased was HI more or
Itss for two years, but tho serious
ohango camo only recently. He came to
Hyde Park when It was sparsely settled
and has resided hero since. He Is sur
vived by one soti. John Lle.btrean. and
two daughters, Mrs. Philip Pfaff and
Mrs. Frank Slppel, all of this city. Fu
neral announcement later.
Miss Kato Reardon, of 151m street,
died last evenlnu after a long illness.
Funeral announcement will bo tnado later.
Former West Sldo Boys Home on a
Furlough, but Aro Ordorod Back.
Expect to Sail from Now York
Aboard tho Shorldan Social Con
cert at St. Mark's Church Begin
ning of Lont Burial of Mr. Evnns.
Robort Morris Lodge Notes Lesser
The West Side oHlco of Tho Tribune Is
at Jenkins' drug store, coiner Main und
JaekBon, nnd Is in charge of V. It.
Hushes. News and advertisements re
ceived at this olllce.J
It Is a far cry from Manila to West
Scranton, but not an Impossible feat
when It is known that two members
of Battery F, Sixth artillery, who were
spending a furlough among: friends
nnd relatives In West Scranton were
ordered back. The gentleman are
Wlnson Morgans, a nephew of Mrs.
Daniel Jnines, of South Main avenue,
and William Jones, who formerly
boarded with the family. Roth aro
young men of athletic build and havo
been in iho service for two years.
They have not seen any active service
as yet outside the regular army rout
ine, but expect to get a portion now
that they arc recalled to their com
mand a week before their furlough ex
pi t'f e.
They nre ordered to report at For
tress Monro?, Virginia, without delay,
and Mr. Morgans will leave hero this
morning at 9 o'clock for Wllkes-Earre,
stopping there a few hours to visit
relatives. Mr. Jones will Join him in
the afternoon, both leaving Luzerne's
capital on the Pennsylvania railroad.
In conversation with a Tribune rep
resentative last night, Mr. Jones stated
that he expected that Rattory F would
be hurried to Manila and in all proba
bility they will bo transported on the
whip Sheridan, now in New York har
bor. Ilotlt boys aro representative
Welshmen, and arc imbued with the
spirit of patriotism and some future
day these West Scranton boys may lig
ure prominently In tho taking of the
islands now In dispute.
Tho choir of St. Mark' Lutheran
church will give u sacred concerr at
the church on Saturday evening. The
following programme will be given;
Duct, "The Comfortei,"
Mrs. Charles Kramer. Mrs. A. L. Raiuer
Recitation "Little Jim,"
Naomi Orillitha
Whistling Duet. "The Mocking Dlrd,-'
D. F. Hughes, W. J. Gaul
Solo, "Ora Pro Nobis".. ..David J. Jones
Cornet Solo William Morton
Accompanied by Mlts Anna Morton.
Solo, "The Star of Rethlehuin,"
Mm. A. L. Ramcr
The Village Rell Quartette Selected
Mess-rs. Wesley Jones, Frank Jones,
Thomas Roston, J. Renjamin Evans.
Organ Voluntary, Haydn's First Mass,
"Glory He to God" ....K. It. Protheror
Solo. "Thltiklim"....Mrs. Haudolpli Jons
Recitation, "Wayward Life,"
Rcssie Dlehl
Accompanied by Miss Mnrgatct (ilhhs.
Whistling Solo Minerva JIopp
lias.-. Solo, "The Olden Story,'
Thomas 1'os.ton
Mandolin and Guitar.
Miss Bessie Fraunfeller. Mr. Ed Mnrsn
Solo, Selected Mrs. Norton Williams
Duet, "What Aro the Wild Waves
Mrs. A. L. Raiuer, Mr. Jos. Atherton
Recitation, "Asleep at tho Swllch,'
Mrs. W. N. Smith
Mrs. Randolph Jones, Mrs. Roston Will
lams. Solo, "Taps" Mr. David J. .Tones
The Vlllago Hell Quartette Selected
Whistling Duet. Imitating Rlrds,
11. F. Hushes, W. J. Gaul
Anthem, "lie Shall Como Down I.Ike
Rain" St. Mark's Choir
Arrangements aro being made by
Messrs. Roger Evans, E. E. Robathun
and Howell Harris, the committee for
the observance of St. David's day,
March 1, by the lodge. The committee
havo arranged for an elaborate ban
quet to be held at Hotel Rudolph, and
an excellent programme of s-peecr-muklng.
singing, etc., will be firovided.
Tho banquet will not be a public af
fair, but for inemlK-rri of the lodge
A regular meeting of the Iodjo will
Ik held tonight, when business of im
portance will be transacted. All mem
bers of the organization are requested
to, bo present.
The lodge Is now In good shape, nnd
a large membership is bping carried on
the rolls.
The membois of I he Scranton Street
Raptlst church have accepted tho offer
made by the lodee nnd hold meetings
In the looms on Sunday.
Tho Lenten season was begun hero
yesterday with the usual Ash Wednes
day services at St. Patrick's church
and St. David's Episcopal church. At
the former lust evening. Rev. J. R.
Whelan preached the sermon and a
large number of tho parishioners were
in attendance.
At St. David's, the rector. Rev. E. J.
McIIenry. officiated at tho morning, af
ternoon and evening set vices. The
next evening rermon will bo preached
at St. Patrick's church tomorrow
The remains of the late Renjamin E.
Evans, whoso death was reported in
The Tribune on Monday, nro still at
the homo of the deceased's sister on
South Hyde Park avenue. Relatives of
Mr. Evnns', who reside in Gibson, Sus
quehanna county, wero untitled of his
death and arrangements were initio for
tho interment then?, but owing to the
Ask you Grocer to-day to show you
a package of GllAIN.O, tho now food
drink that takes tbo plaeo of coffee.
Tho children may drink it without
injury as well a tho adult. All who
try it, liko it. GltAIN.O baa that
rich seal brown of Hooka or Java,
but St is made from puro grams, and
tho mostdollcato stomach receives it
without distress. . tho price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 conUper package.
Sold by all grocers. ,
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
IntUt tbat your grocer grree you QRAIN-O
Accept no Imitation.
What it Does
Hostctter'fl Stomach Bitters curea
malaria and bilious Attacks. It cures
nervous prostration and exhaustion.
It makes tlio uorves strong. Tt innkci
rich, red blood j.4.4..9
flnniich.soi. Hostetter s
ldmusclonud w"
healthy fibres. It QffllTl'lpIl
banishes dyspep- i31.Vs111.IILa1
sin, indigestion .,,,
aud constipation. It KllTfT
docs all theso things. A---
snow drifts It was dangerous to ven
ture tho Journey.
In all probability the btirlul will be
made tomorrow, but the arrangements
were not fully completed last night.
It was tho deceased's wish that In
terment bo made In Gibson, und If the
roads nro passable, the wish wilt be
complied with.
Ripple Division, Sons of Temperance,
will give nn entertainment in Evans'
hall, corner of South Main avenua nnd
HatKton street, on Saturday evening.
Tho following programmo will be ren
dered: Solo Miss Margaret Thomas
Recitation Thomas Ellas
Paper, "Our Order" Joshua Ellas
Recitation Brother Stone
Recitation William Davis
Paper W. O. Rateman
Solo John Evans
A'Bocln session will follow the en
tertainment. On Saturday evening, Feb. 23, a do
bate will be given at tho rooms on the
subject "Is tho United States Justified
in tho Expansion rolicyY" Thomas
Davis will be the leader on the affirm
ative side and John Lewis will load
the negative speakers.
The members of the Jackson Street
Raptlst church will celebrate Wash
ington's birthday with a grand con
cert at tho church in the evening.
They havo engaged the Ladles' Cym
bal quartette, of Jamestown, INT. V.,
which is composed of Miss Anna 13.
Hallstrom, mezzo soprano; Miss Char
lotte Armstrong, violinist; Miss Edna
Mack, cornetist, and Miss Annie Ward,
pianist. Tho quartette comes well rec
ommended and their performance will
undoubtedly be n rare musical treat.
Miss Armstrong is a native of West
Mrs. Renjamin Maxey of Forest
City, called on her son, Mr. Renjamin
Maxey, of Jenkins' pharmacy, yester
day. Rev. J. R. Sweet, of North Hyde
Park avenue, Is in Rlnghamton, N. Y.,
attending the session of the Winter
Major Eugene D. Fellows, of the
Thirteenth regiment, returned to Camp
MacKcnzio last evening after a short
Councilman R. H. Wllllnms, of Acad
emy street, who was indisposed for
several days, is out again.
Mrs, Render and daughter. Miss Mol
lle, former residents here, now of
Philadelphia, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Render, of Sumner avenue.
Joseph Heffron, of Musgrave's drug
store, visited relatives in Wllkes-Barre
Sunday evening.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Sheehan, of Ninth street, whose death
occurred on Tuesday evening, will be
burled In thu Cathedral cemetery this
Tho funeral of Mrs. Jane Symor.s
vlll bo held today at 11 o'clock at
tlio home of James V. Carey, 922 AVcst
Elm street. Interment will bo made
at Ashley.
The funeral of the Inl'j Daniel M.
Lewis will bo held this afternoon. Ser
vices will be conducted at the house,
42.1 Decker's court, and burial will be
mnde In Washburn street cemetery.
A high mass of requiem will bo ctl-
I ebrated at St. Patrick's charch this
morning at 'J o'clock over the remains
of the late John R. Larkln. Interment
will be made in tho Cathedral cemo
terj. An Initial supper will be served at
the Simpson M. E. church this even
ing by tlio members of the Ladles Aid
society whose names begin with tho
letters L, M, N. O, P, Q. It and S. The
supper will be served from 15 to S
All memers of St. Paul's Pioneer
corps aro requested to attend drill this
evening In St. David's ball.
The Trbiuno was in error yctUcidnv
in stating that the next meeting it the
board of trade will be held the second
Tuesday In August. It should have
read the second Tuesday In March.
Thomas Smith, of Garileld avenue,
an employo of thu Cliff works, was
squeezed In a planing machine yester
day morning and one of his hips were
fractured. He was taken to tho Lack
awanna hospital. Mr. Smith is unmar
ried and lived with the family of Ed
watd Hawkins.
Thomas J. Reynolds was yestsrday
appointed by the court an Judge of
election In the Second district of the
Fifteenth ward.
A nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mr.
E. T. Wagstaff, of M03 Division street,
suffered a fractured leg above tho knee
on Tuesday while playing. Dr. J. J.
Carroll was called and attended him.
Camp No. 38:i, P. O. S. of A., will
hold a special meeting this evening
at thu home of Thomas II. Davis, on
North Main avenue, to make final ar
rangements for the entertainment to
be given In Mears' hall on thu evening
of Washington's birthday.
The Electric City Wheelmen will hold
u special meeting thte evening to con
sider the advisability of purchasing a
propel ty to bo used as a club house.
A. social will be held at the home of
Mrs. J. S. Loomls, 122 North Lincoln
avenue, tomorrow evening. Clam
chowder will be served and u cako
walk will be a feature.
Tho Interment of the flve-weeks-old
child of Mr. and Mi. Charles Wat
kins, of 3 Dodge avenue, whoso death
occurred yesterday, will bo privately
made In the Washburn street ceme
tery this afternoon,
Tho directors of the West Side hank
held a meeting last evening and trans
acted business.
Harry Olbbons, of Luzerne street,
had one of the lingers on his right
hand badly burned last evening by
taking hold of a live wire.
A horse attached to a cutter ran
away on Main avenue at 11 o'clock
last night and narrowly escaped col
lUlon with a street car near Price
Tho Tripp Park property Owners'
association will meet on Saturday
night to discuss the proposal to build
a hall fon meeting purposes and hose
Projjrammo That Will Be Observed.
Mftrrlago of Q. Charles Lewort and
Misn Barbara Blrtcl Obsorvanco
of Ash Wednesday by tho Churchos
of This Part of tho City William
Hointz, of South Washington Avo
nuo, Injured Personal Mention
and Short Nowe Notes.
Every arrangement wns completed
yesterday for the entertainment at the
Young- Women's Christian association
rooms on Cedar avenue tonight. Tho
well known Touhlll family, of Pittston,
musicians of much note; George Carr,
tho banjolst of this city; Miss Rlanche
Eanfleld, soprano soloist, and her sis
ter, Miss Flossie Ranlleld, elocutionist,
of Pittston, comprise the talent who
will participate at tho concert. The
programme to bo observed is appended:
Waltz, "Sweet Memories,"
Touhill Family
March "Hotel Hart" Alexander
Touhlll Family.
Solo "Sho Was Rwd in Old Kentucky,"
Mlbs Blanche. Ranflcld.
March, "Niagara" Mann
Touhlll Family.
Recitation, "Tho Rook Agent,"
MIfs Flossie Ranfleld
Uanjo Solo Selected Mr. Geo. Carr
Flower Song Lango
Touhlll Family.
Mandolin Solo, "American Warblor,"
John A. Touhlll, Jr
"Annie Laule,"
Misses FIoshIo and Rlanche Ranlleld
Vienna Ma Hello Touhlll Family
Ranjo Solo Mr. George Carr
Vocal Solo, "Just aH the Sun Went
Down" Miss Rlanche Ranlleld
Harmonica Solo John A. Touhlll, Jr
March, "Stars and Stripes Forever,"
Touhlll Family.
Charles G. Lewort, of 729 Willow
street, nnd Miss Barbara Rirtel, of 620
Fig street, were quietly united In mar
riage yesterday afternoon In tho pri
vate ofllco of Alderman Lcntes, of the
Eleventh ward. Mr, Lentes was ac
corded the honor of officiating nt the
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Lewert were
unattended, and at tho conclusion of
tho ceremony left on the 3.33 o'clock
train on tho Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western road for New York city,
to remain for one week.
Roth Mr. and Mrs. Lcwcrt are promi
nent and much esteemed young people
of this side. Tho groom Is head book
keeper at the M. Robinson brewery,
and Is a leader In several organizations
of South Scranton. He Is the basso
soloist of the Junger Maennerchor and
Is a member of tho Scranton Saengor
runde. Mrs. Lewert is one of the
prominent young society women nnd
enjoys tho respect of a wide circle of
friends. The numerous friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewert sincerely wish them
a life of much happiness and success.
Services incident to the advent of the
Lenten season were hold in St. Mary's,
St. John's and tho Sacred Heart Catho
lic churches of South Scranton yester
day morning. Masses were celebrated
at the churches at 7 and S o'clock.
Rev. G. J. Stopper and Rev. Peter
Christ, of St. Mary's: Rev. J. J. Mc
Cabe and Rev. ,E. J. Melley, of St.
John's, and Rev. D. 13. Zarwarlzc, of
the Sacred Heart congregations, offici
ated respectively at tho masses said at
the hours noted.
During the Lenten period services
will be held at St. John's church, Tues
day and Friday nights. A sermon and
benediction will be given the first night
and stations of tho cross the latter
night. At St. Mary's church, stations
of the cross will bo held Wednesday
night and Friday afternoon. Friday
night, sermon and benediction will bo
held. At the Sacred Heart church the
sermons will b given Tuesday nights
and stations of the cross Friday nights.
A Democratic rally was held at the
Twentieth ward last night in Rattle's
hall, on Prospect avenue, under the
auspices of the John E. Roche club.
W. G. O'Malley, president of tho club,
presided. Attorneys M. F. Conry, M.
J. Donahoo and Hon. John ip. Qutnnan,
C. G. Roland and John Gibbons were
the speakers of the occasion.
The committee of management of the
sixth annual ball of the Electric Social
and Athletic club, which ovent will
be held at Germanla hall Friday night
next, have every arrangement perfect
ed for tho anxiously awaited occasion.
William Heintz, of South Washing
ton avenue, tho well-known cigar
maker, Is confined to his home, suffer
ing from a badly wrenched back. While
descending the "Cowfield," yesterday
morning, he fell and was precipitated
down the deep embankment facing
Maple street. He was removed to bis
home nnd n physician was called to
attend him.
Pittston avenue, between Hickory
and Willow streets, is in a deplorable
condition 3ince yesterday morning,
when the strong inys of the sun played
on the banlM of snow nlong the. thor
oughfare at these points. To add to
the condition of the streets the patrol
men notified the residents that the gut
ters must be opened Immediately. This
being done a small Hood ensued, and
many cellars were the receptacles of
the heavy streams. The culverts wero
blocked and last night Alder street, at
either sldo of the avenue, was hardly
navigable. The Imperative necessity
of the much delayed main sewer of tho
Seventeenth district Is upparent in
every part of this elde tho past few
James Connell lodge, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, met In regular
session at Fruehan's hall Inst night.
An interesting feature of the meeting
was n talk given by George W. Stone,
of Company II of the Eleventh Infant
ry, who Is now at his homo bore on
n sixty-day furlough. Mr. Stone gave
hi a experience at Porto Rico.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Dyke, of
Hobart, N. Y., are guests at the resi
dence of Harry 1C, Klauminzer.of Pitts
ton avenue.
The funeral of Mrs. George Neher,
of Pittston avenue, will be held to-
remedy recommended for patients
allllctcd with the Grlpno is Kemp's Ra.
sam. which Is especially adapted to dls
cutt'S of thu throat and lunys. Do not
wait for the lirst symptoms of tho dls.
case, but get a bottle today and keen It
011 hand for uso the moment it Is ncded.
If neglected tho grippe has 11 tendency
to bring on pneumonia. The Ralsam pre.
vents this by keening the cough loose.
I All drugulsts sell the Bulsim.
Dr. Burchmore, of
Suffolk Dispensary.
The Suffolk Dispensary is one of the most active and useful charities of
Roston, Dr. Rurchmore has a large private practice and Is a specialist in wo
men's diseases.
The termination "Itls" means inllummatlon. Cystitis is Inllainmntlon of tho
bladder. Nephritis and pyelitis are dangerous Inflammatory conditions of thft
IPhysIclans with their usual caution rarely use language so direct and
posltlvo as that employed by Dr. Burchmore, but they rarely have such a
remedial agent as Warner'H Safe Cure to talk about. Dr. Hurchmore de
clares with that feeling of responsibility which never deserts a conscientious
physician, "it has cured acute Rrlght'a disease." He credits Wnrner's Safo
Cure with greater power than Is possessed by any other medicinal product
known to man. Notice, please, that It calls Safe Cure a specific, meaning that
it has a positive effect In tho cure of certain diseases. There ure only a
handful of specifics. Other remedies aro more or less uncertain In their ac
tion. In putting Wnrner's Safe Cure upon tho scientific roll of honor, the
eminent physician pays It a compliment which his fellow-practltloners agree
is rlchlv merited.
Not from the observation of one case, nor of a thousand, have Dr. Rurvh
more's conclusions been drawn. At the Dispensary he has seen every form
of kidney trouble, Including all variations of Rrlglit's disease, and lie Is him
self a noted specialist In women's diseases. Wnrner's Safo Cure lias stood a
Wjvero test of the general nnd hospital practice of so eminent a man. No
man or woman should for a moment feel despondent, even If troubled with
any form of female or kidney and liver diseases, when o great a remedy Is
within their grasp.
liimaUNDUR & RBIS, Lcueel.
II. K. LUNG. Manager.
Balance of Week
MATINP1E 10 cents.
Week of Feb. 20.
Dims Matinees Daily, Exaept Monday
Mtuiuzement of Wlntbrop G. hnclllng.
l'roaontlag a repcrlorle of play.i.
EVENING PRICES, 10, 20 and 30 Cf nts.
morrow afternoon. Services will bo
held at tho Hickory Street Presbyterian
church, of which congregation sho was
a devoted member.
Treasurer Louis Encle.
Street Commissioner Frank Wagner.
Justice of tho Pcacu James Quick.
Councllmen A. D. Rlacklnton, J. I
School Directors Frank Montgomery,
Thomas Engle.
Auditors For three years, Arch Wash
er; for ono year, Clarence Zimmerman.
A Slavlck political club was organ
ized here recently. Meeting will be
held on the last Sunday In every month
at 521 Throop street. A special meet
ing will bei held next Sunday, as Im
portant business Is to bo transacted.
The officers of the club ate: Presi
dent, John Novak; vice-president, John
Halzln; treasurer. Andrew Chronts;
secretary, John Matcska.
Jamce Spain, general manager of
the Dunmore Electric Light company,
who was conilned to his home on South
Rlakely street for the past week with
Injuries received while at work at the
Knights of Malta, will meet In Masonic
plant, Is out again.
AVilliam Purcell, of East Drinker
street, has returned from a visit In
New Jersey.
St. Stephen's Commandery, No. 2SS.
ball next Monday night. The regular
meeting, which was to havo been held
last Monday night, had to be bo post
poned on account of the storm.
The Young Ladles' Mission Circle of
tho Presbyterian 'church will meet at
the home of Mien -iUth Wert, on North
Rlakely street, this evening. Part of
the business to bo transacted Is the
election of olurcrs for tho ensuing
A "Holiness Convention" will beheld
in the Kingdom Mission, on Delaware
street, all day today. Many prominent
speakers will be present.
Edward Swurtz, of Electric avenue,
ban returned from a trip through Geor
gia. .Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Depuo street,
leaves for a visit In Wayne county to
day. Leo Qulnn, the four-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Qulnn, of Ward
and Harper streets, Is very 111.
George Phillips, of Rlgg street, Is
spending it few days with his parents
at Sterling, Pa.
Margaret, tho infant duughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Tadger. of North Ap
ple street, is seriously ill.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Claik, of Hones
dale, called on friends on South
Rlakely street yesterday afternoun.
Rov. A. J. Van Cleft, of South Rlake
ly street, spent yesterday at Wllkets
Rarre. Georgo Wilson, of Spencer street,
spent yesterday with Peckvlllo friends.
Miss Mny Maynard. of Susiiuehanna
county, called on Miss Nellie Dean, of
East Drinker street, yesterday.
Vivian Gates, of Raltlmoie, Mary
land, Is the KUtat of F. P. Woodward,
of Qulncy avenue.
Electric Engine company, No. 4. of
Dunmore, have postponed tho mas
qucrado ball which was to bo held on
Feb. 13th to Mnrch 10th, the tickets
now out will be accepted at that lime.
Boston, Prescribes
Safe Cure.
Physicians nre notoriouslycntitlous In
recommending anything, and they rare
ly use language direct and positive.
Yet Dr. Burchmore, one of tho leading
physicians of Ronton, has written thu
following letter which Is unmistakable
In tone. Ho surs.
UuHoii. Oct. 1st, IbPS.
"Gentlemen: 1 take great plenhiuo in
sending to you my cudoisement of your
excellent remedy, as then- Is no question
regarding its rental kublo thorapeutlo
value. 1 sseak from my experience or
IU umo In tho Suffolk Hospital and Dis
pensary, during my term of service. It
lias cured Brlaht's disease. uI.iIrHoh In
sipidus, chronic inteistttlal nephritis,
cystitis and pyelitis. I have watched very
carefully tho roults of this xreat rem
edy, Warner's Safe Cure, upon patients
mulcted with any of tho many dlscnnea
of the kidneys and urinary organs. From
the benefit derived J feel it Is moat as
suredly a spcclllc of great alue.
A'ery truly.
C. F. R. Hiirclimnre. M. D.
-w HlilS & nUROUNDER. Lessee!.
II, R. l.ONU, Manager.
Thursday," Feb. 16
Tho Lyceum announces the Presentation
Through Messrs. Geo. l.eilercr and
Geo. B. McClcllan. Managing Dl
rictors of the New York Cas
ino, of the
Casino's Great Success
Of nearly 130 nights at that Theater
Rook by Hugh Morton, Music by Gus
tavo Kerker, Staged by Geo. W. Ledcrer.
tho Notel Trio who have given the
Casino Its Greatest Successes, Including
The Complete Casino Production.
Wholly Feminine Chorus. ,
Lavish Scenic Appointments.
EVENING PRICES-M. 50. 75, J1.00, $1.30.
Cammenclne Monday, Matinee Feb. 13th
30 PEOPLE 30
Enchanting .Miulc Beautiful Cost union,
Funny Comedians.
Matinees, .Mon. Tuea. Thurs. FrL and Sat
NEXT-The best yet. Sheridan & Faust's
Metropolitan Burlesquers.
Tho Odd Fellows will hold their reg
ular meeting tonight.
Next Monday evening tho Heptasophs
will hold an important meeting.
The Junior Order of United American
Mechanics will hold nn entertainment
In Morel's hall tonight.
Charles Callender, of Phllo street, is
ill at his homo with grip.
A horse belonging to T. E. Carr &
Son, attached to a r utter, ran away
on Capouse avenue last night, causing
considerable excitement. The animal
was caught near the Delaware and
Hudson switch. Tho cutter was dam
aged. Mr. Webb, of Marlon street, has re
moved his family to Adams avenue,
A pleasant surprise was tendered
William Gilford, the blind musician, nt
the home of Charles Rarrowcliffe, on
Gardner ut'enue, Tuesday night, and a
beuutiful cushion wns chanced off for
his benefit. The evening was spent in
social enjoyment and refreshments.
The lucky number was held by Mrs.
Fred Lelir, of Sanderson avenue. Thosf
piesmt were: .Mr. and -Mrs. Charles
Rarrowellft'e. Mr. and Mrs. William
Perry. Mr. aud .Mrs. Thomas Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, Mr. and
Mrs. John Laniard, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Alien. Mis. R. Radders. Mrs. Otffotd,
and the Misses, Hattie Thomas. Anna
Durkin. Eva. lluvelaee, Ida Thomas,
Ressle Lewis and 'Messrs. Ren Lewis,
William Glfmrd, Joseph Hedcalfe and
Clayton I'.irrovvcllffe.
A large nttendanc of private citizen
aro requested tn call at Manner's Phar
macy when In need of a tonic in conviii-
scnncii from anv Illness. Emulsion of
rod Liver Oil with llypophosplilte.i is
one of tho best lung strengthencra and ap
petizers known. Large dollar size. 00c.
020 Green Itiilgc Street.
A-LltHtrvoat IlMf Falling lUm
orj, ltmotimcj, HletrleMaMi, to., (uwl
b Atmio or other ticwin and lndlt
crotloa. They quickly unit turtlj
restore Loat Vltulltr la older josnx.tni
Btamaniornuay, ou-usss or mmu.
Pnut lmanlti anir OomumpUon it
ThalriLA ..howl lnmedlmta traara-a
W.b a f'llll.T &,.. all AftiMV Tall
ffacti a cunt; vnara an oinar rail in.
slit upon iin?iDC thu irannln Ajar. TaMeu. .oar
Lata curod thousands and will cut ion. We lt a pot.
itiia trrlttan aaaranUa to Bict a rure Cfl iT6 la
wcheaaaor return! tho moutr. l.lceAUlj.rjr
ei or nil ukEtt ((all trtatmtntl (or tXM. Ji
mall. la plain nrnpprr, upon receiptor rrl. CirenUc
'"'AJAX REMEDY CO., 'jffiS.lP''
For sale in Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthewa
Bros, and II. C, Bandereon, druggists,
( ul m In I Jni
meat and