THE SCRANTON TRIBUJNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1G, 1890. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS TARMER UNDERWOOD'S AND THE EAGLE. OAT Erie Brakomnn'a Cure for Ague. Mr. Towksbury's Queer Bunk Mr. 3illing8, of Brookdalo, Oporalas a Crow Hntchory AdvortlBod for ft Wife. ipcclul to tho Scianton Tribune. Susimehnnna, Feb. 14. At tlio Cns cade, Farmer Untlervvoeid's tiger cnt trotted out toward the barn last f atur 1ny In Heatcli of mice, and she cairled In lier teeth a piece ot meat for her votinir. A bulil eagle, which has been buvorlntr over the farm foi seveinl ibts, donee ndeil upon pups nnd whirled lor up Tlu path f ncent, to thu vi of the spoiMatorM watching the scene, was clcaill Identified by, loose fo.ithois violently tewed ftom the point f compass Soon tKe sinigKllntj pair attained n ljlddy eminence and caino to n standstill in tae sk The eagle's luiRe wlntrs had diopped now and then, Hid he had ejlviii plain cldpnce of pain, vet lint nnre had Ills awful grip lnl.ixtri. At length he began to fall villi a lapidltj which every moment Im reused, nnd the two milmalH Bliuclc tlu'gioundnt tin-Fame point where thev hud it ptK'dUtitmd onrh other. 13ut the bltr c.inle was mono dead, and Itlssv, mm sunn iik File Mt the earth hpnrath htr leet, shot nva to the barn ftlll Kiii.Nlng b i Mt of The mt bad nil the eagle's thiont nnd laid open hie hi east Aftei hi death In midair. howeei tlie had been too ileer to iela hei hold nnd thu fell to the gri'tind but hud let hei enttrij scno ,11 a pauii lititi t. e ise the the descent Puss was none the worse from her nttli foi Illu uinotiB the i load's I'UiAC.RAl'HIC PlCKFPS. The Klip shops lue been placed on full time The load Is spilntiuly handi i aped on necount of t Inilc of motive powei There Is a irpoit that a large iiilinbpi of hioomntivi's will bo eon tim ted In the shop here on in r unt il the heavy tall ot snow, the big revile steam lotaiy miuw plow left on .Monday for the New Yoik divis ion, to ele.u the dilfts fiom the Hacks. The Susqui h.inn.i shirt fnc-torj has oneo mote shut down lndellnltolv. The liiaii'igement mild not j-vcuii' sutliclent femnle help Thomas J. Nle huNon has been ap pointed postnuistei at Lunesboro, vice Noah Hlsbee, leslgned. Mi. Hlshee will leniove to Bliighamton. The funeinl of Mis. Mary Ann Hi bnrg oeeuned on Sunday nfteinoon fiom (Jtnoe Episcopal church, Oak land Tl.E AGUi: (TEED. 'Talkln' about the ague," said an Kile biakeninn, theie was Sol Simson Sol Uhed to bieak on the Delawaie ill Moti. lie lind the ague awfully. Had it so bad that some of his teeth shook lit, und he shook the buttons off his ' oat. A lot of his ti lends had sure ores for the ague, and each gave him the prefect Iption. At last, when he ha 1 thirteen prescriptions, he took them ill to a Port Jet vis dtug store and had them put up. He took them home and put the m all into one jug. Then he diook the jug, mixed the thirteen pre scriptions thotoughly nnd took thtee doses. He never shook again until the hearse sttuck a stone ' l.V SUSQUEHANNA COUNT V. Foi est City yearns for n. county In idge, a new railroad station, a board of trade, a poor farm and a lot of other things not et classified. Fet baps if he asked foi less she would lecelve mote A wild cat weighing twenty-five pounds was recently killed at Fotest Lake The net meeting of the Siisinjehnn na County Medical society will be held in Monti nse. Hallstead. Montrose nnd (Si oat Hem no preparing to give their soldlei hojs a rousing "welcome home." lIO.Mi: MADE CHOW'S HEADS Mr Hillings, of Ibookdaie. nas taken a eouyupl to furnish a New York niilllnoi v manufae tuier with eiow heads loi tweiU-fle cents h piece It cost nothing to got a dead eiow Alive it Is an elusive bird, and ammu nition Is expensive Hillings, howovci, Is an unlet prising speculator Hi- has dlscovt'ied u scheme by which a max imum numb, i of ciows" heads can lie got with a minimum of expense He has set up ii chicken Incubator In which Is placed oi laid the eggs of about 100 hen now that have been trapped and lonltned, with peihaps a dozen cock rows Within fifteen davn the little cuatures are hatched, ami a 'uttilgh later they aie toady to bu b, 'leaded it is understood that the head if a crow i hlek Is wotth just as much .is that of the adult of the satin species. At the unlfotm rate of four for a dollai. dead, thev wll pay the tuoducei Hillings has the only eiow hatchery In the woild, and h is pioud of his achievement A (iCEER HANK Ml Tewstiur. of Aratat, having $.'.'" to pay on n mortgage, carried the money In n leather wallet In his lilp-poekot for a ear. A few dajs ago ho went to Catbnndale to make the payment. The wallet also contaln id hlB nianlage certificate, which he Intended having framed A few das later be mislaid the wallet. He began to recall where he had been and re ini'inbeied having sit back in the barn jne evening fixing a harness In the LOCATION. The site of "New Orange anil land controlled by this Association is bimilar to that on which the other Oranges are situated. In some respects it is even more desirable, 120 to ISO feet above sea level. In this connection it is worth while to mention that Orange properly of itself is considered the cream of New York suburban real estate. Lots $325.00 Payable Monthly. 308-309 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. wooo!ooo5:a;5eoas!J! barn were- two calves, ona ot which had a propensity to cat everything It ran across. Ho the calf was killed, nnd, sure enough, In Its stomach vvaa found the purse nnd Its contents. He found simply ono long string of leath er, llhi notes were almost a mas3 of pulp. About $150 were Identified, but tho lcinalnder were uiuccognlzablc as bills. Ills marriage certificate was ruined. Tcvvksbury took the money to a Catbondnle bank, made the noees paty uillduvlt and sent It with thu money to the treasury department In Washington. OUT OF THU OUDtNAUY. A few yenra nt;o a Unadllln mnn advertised for a wife and succeeded In getting one. Last week she died and a few days later be eloped with another man's wife and man led her. Up tho river a few miles the Chapln girl In tho month of May planted three ncrcs of potatoes and In June and July kept them well nnd thorough ly cultivated and besides that did all the sewing for thu family, milked live cows, fed calves, pigs and chlckcm?, shot three crows, killed four snakes set the dog on four tramps, nttendod thirteen dances nnd four picnics, read nfne dime novels and sat up four nights in thu week with her beau And yet some people continue to nik "what is theie for a woman to do?" Whitney. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. The Jefibrson Company. Joe Jefferson In feature and In man ner was In Scranton last night. Tho manner was the host part of him, ac cording to the verdict of the old-tlmern w bo saw "Hip Van Winkle" at the L -i rum theatte It was a disappointment that the whole Impersonation of the father was not apparent In any of the thtee -vms, Thomas, Joe, jr., and Will iam, who assume prominent characters In the old and familiar play, but what was lacking In tho physical icsein blanco of Thomas to his sire was eml nentlv balanced by the striking count erpart his acting showed lie has the same mannei, gesture, voice, attitude and dialect, each or all of which im pressed the spectator In a remarknble degree and fotclbly retailed the Hip of Joe Jeffei son, the father. Joe, Jr .while tacking the peculiar dtatnatlc qualities which made his elder famous and rich. Is a temaikable facial counterpart of him. Joe, jr., bote the part of Denlck Van Deeltman. Of the play Itself, It has been but slightly changed. "Altered," pel haps, Is the better wotd, for It differs so slightly In phrase and situation that none but tho most critical of older theatre-goer" could note the dlffeience. The storv centering as It does on Rip, loses nothing In the telling so long as Thomas portrays the pivotal (Igute He has to acquire, of course, the essence of naturalness which his father con tained In the part, but judging from his acting last night It will come quickly. Evidently the met It he po'Hesser as Hip Is Inborn and not mechanically ac quired. A very capable company, In which Hdna Carey Is "Oretchen," William Jefferson "Cockles," Harry Odlln "Nick Vedder," and Ulanche Bonde "Meenle'," contributes materially to pteserve the humor, pathos, comedy and real delicacy ot a pure play that has too often been abused by incom petents Two youngsters, Vlrgle Gln don and Hnrold Walsh, appeared to better advantage In the juvenile char acteis of "Little Meenle" and "Little Helndtlclc" than would be expected of the usual type of child-actors Rarrlng some settings' that were rather too modern to Insure a proper Imptesslon of an earlier century, noth ing was lacking In the staging. The audience was small-sized, but thor oughly oppieclatlve, nnd evidently left the theatre In a frame of mind calcu lated to warrant n more genet ous pat ronage If the young Jeffei bons come to Scranton again. "The Tornado Today." 'The Tornado" was produced at tr i.idcmy of Music last night before i delighted audience by the Hunt'v Jackson company. That drama will be lepeaud this afternoon and evening. "Tho Telephone Girl." ' The Telephone Girl" Is the title of the new Casino candidate for public lav or at the Lyceum this evening, and It Is to be aided to this end by the two stais who head its extensive list of en ti't tablets, Louis Mann and Clata Lip mati, both being already well-estnb-lNhed In good repute through tho agency of the many popular plavs thev have appeared in fiom time to time. Along with its Casino piestlge, "The Telephone Girl" beats the same trade mat k of authorship us do "The Lady Hluvev," "The Helle of New York," 'In Gay New Yoik" "An Anietlcan Heauty," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," and many other Casino successes, the book of all tho lot having been wtltten by Hugh Morton, the music by Gustavo Kerker, and the stage direction by Heoige W. Ledeier. Tho Hist act of ' The Telephone Girl" Is a skit upon the aggravating telephone bureau known to the suffering public as "Cen tral," with Its switchboards run by a bevy of good-looking git Is. The second act is In the luxurious diawlng-room of a music hall illvlnlty. In which unbounded felicitations ate the mle. Metropolitan Burlesquers. Shotldan S- Faust s "Metropolitan Uuilesiii'ers" now big show U to be pn-senti d at the Gaiety commencing Monday matinee., Teb 20, for five mat inees and six nights Tho organization, 8 PA 6 PA. PA A0 PA A0 s MP O PA Ap HA which Is composed (of the most expen sive white and colored talent, Is under the management of Phil Sheridan nnd Jack Faust, who have up to the pres ent time always succeeded In present ing the cream of the vnudevlllo stage, nnd have thin season far exceeded their former efforts. Tho Hillnmn Company, Next Monday, Feb. 20, the Maud III1I mau company begins a week's engage ment at the Academy of Music, pre senting n repertoire of popular shows at popular prices. Miss IUUman lsta clpver and vet rattle artist and has be- l come a big favorite here In past yenus. She returns this season supported by the strongest and best company she , has ever had, prescntlnu a strong list of plays, many of which havo never been seen befote nt popular prices. I Kach play is mounted with epeclal i bconery and effects carried by the com pany. Numcious specialties are Intro duced at each performance. The open ing bill Monday evening will be "Spec I ial Delivery," a strong drama, for the ! pioductlon of which Mnnngcr Snelllng has the sole light. Commencing Tues day there will be dally matinees, with I a chance of bill at each performance. Tho Grip Cure That Doos Curo. Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets re moves the cause that produces La Grippe. Tho genuine has L. 11, Q. on each Tablet. 25c. UUNNINO SOUKS, the outcome. oC t neglect, ot bad blood, havo a never-fatl- ing Calm la Dr. Agnew's Ointment Will . heal tho most stubborn cases. Soothes ; lunation almost Instantly after first ap plication. It relieves all Itching and Itarnlng Skin Diseases In a day. It cuios Plies in 3 to 0 nlehts 33 cents. Sold by Matthews Uros. and W. T. CUike. 'ii. THE MARKETS. Wall Stieet Review. No York, Feb. 15. Many stocks were malerlalh n-vunced on the Stock cx- i chatiju toilus, with dealing considerably i buuei than esterday Generally tho ently market was more animated than of 1 ite, and strength developed on pool I manipulation and commission house Luy Ing Northern I'aeitlc cemmon received ptonounced bupport apparently on pool buMng und on large dealings ndvanced tint i points. As Northern Pacific com I mon was tho featuie of strength so was Darlington prominently weak. The lovv ist tigure was on the announcement that nothing bad been done regarding refund ing at today's meeting In Hoston. This tu ought large realizing sales, hut tho stock lecovetlng, left Its net decline only 2 points. The wiakness of Hurllngton had but little effect on tho other elrang I ers which dlspl.ivid more or les strength at intervals. j no nign priceu invcai inent sharei were conspicuously btiong, csncclall New Yoik Central and l'cna svhanla Thero was considerable cover ing of short sab?s by traders while stock was supplied b houses with Hoston and Chicago connections Thero were some simp recessions duilnr the afto-noon, at tho time when Burlington and Sugar wero fieely offned down, but piices picked up and continued to Improve to tin close, tho bailor In tho recovery being Northern Pacific, common. Total salob were Cli.100 shares A bilsk Inqulrv prevailed for somo of tho prominent bond Ihsiios to day but tho maket gtnerallv displayed an Improved tendency. Total sales VI,- r.TO,ooo. Carrington & Co's. Letter. New Yoik, Feb. 15. The market opened slight! better than close and during tho earl part of tho dav advanced sharply lu certain stocks, notably United States Ilubber common, Hurllngton nnd Quln;y, Missouri Pacific and the Coalers. Hur llngton and Qulnc was by re newed rumors of refunding which was denied later in tho day, causing a sharp set-back In tho stock. Tho market la ery professional and there are very few evidences of any concerted action by lfidirs looking towatd higher prices. The heav storm has nit down business In tho past two dab to such an extent th it tho undertone of the market Is ver euil tiaceable and the hands of manip ulation havo been plainly In evidence While we are bullish on the outcome wo do not wish our customers to get In bllnd 1 and for that reason havo been very can ful to advlso purchase only on weak conditions. The stocks we have called voiir attention to have nil dono will In tho market and If vou have not taken a pioflt it Is all our own fault. The Coal- rs nro natural) affected bv tho e.-y severe weather and Heading first pre firrid, Dtlawaro and Hudson and On tario nnd Westirn are all purchases on inv decline Ycu may be suro of this there will be no refunding plan announced In Hullngton nnd Qulncy stock before first of next July at very earliest The recent movement In tho stock has been duo entirely to the forcing of shorts to cover nnd the movement Is trnccable to this and nothing else Mr. Keene. who lias been reported as n large buyer, has sold tho greater pnrt of his holdings within tho Inst two davs and although It Is possible the stocks mav reach higher levels we would not ndvlse Its purehnso nt the moment On all weak spots M R., Ametican Steel and Wire, American Malt ing enn be purchased but only on pe riods of weakness There has been no new of any moment to Influence tho matket and aside fron. what may do vClop in congress ur from Manila we look for nothing of Importance until money becomes the featuie. which It will un doubtedly do between now and the latter part of March We do not wish to be understood ns talking high i.ites, with the iden of ci eating nny scare but It Is Just possible the movement to the Intfc ilor which always comes In the spring of the ear maj be of enough volume to ills turb matters at this center a condition vhloh would undoubtedly tiring nhout fur ther ll(iildntlon In tho stock market. Tho market during latter of dav sold off per rpptlbilltv and nlthouch nt no time vvnk showid verv little disposition to make fin the i material advances We see no riason to thangp our oplnl-ip. t Is a sale on all stint p bulges for subsequent pur chases on weak snots Total sales stocks. Cl.T.e, bonds. $1,513000 Quotntlons furnished bv LAnAR A FUULHR stock, grain and cotton brok ers rooms 203 nnd 210, Hoard of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est est Ing. Am rot. OH Rill Hug. Ri'g Co , A tell. To & S. Fe . A , T K- S. V.. Pr . Am Tohneeo Co . 3G ,112 , 2-"l . CKi lts'1 D2H fill Wi in, HP'i 141K 12f!Jj J1S nil 20f!ii iitJ mo 14'4 SO'i 4S7, 112 n-'H 1!14 117 -. tmJ IV 1121', 42". ini; 71V. r,." J .'Mi loo : lll'i S2s! 1 wl 0'U 20 1B F3li 12i'. Vl 91 50''', 201 llt'i lf1 U M 4S nm mu 2154 rsi 41 S7 list, v, 71 r.Fl 224. fill, 12'i 42H 41 ta , 5J, V -2 '1 1'I7 w; Mil 2m T.-r 1 1' V.Vi K 1t''.' 117'4 !2U R0 20- inA loo H'l SC.1V 13'i 11114 CHS iii'5 ea filU m " mv. ;ni K3 14ri' H!6 127 JIS's n Ml 11 ill 1B0 11 11 112"i " 112 217 ?.Vlj , Urook R T 'an Soul hi rn .. ' N J. Central . .. , ("lie's & Ohio ... 1 Chle. ft O V ... . 1 I'hlc. ft T W . Plile u A, o n,le , Mil St P Ctilr , R I ft P . e'hle St P M. ft O r r. v & st. I, . e'on Gas . . Delaware ft Hud I) L ft W . N Y 1, 13 ft W . Fed Steel, Pr Fed Steel Pom . . Gen rieetlle Louis ft Nnsh Morihntlan Hie Met Tnietf-m Po M K ft Tex, I'p . Mo Pa. Ifle . . , Nat rsd N V Centra! int ft Wist . Niith Pu Ifle Nor Pnrllle Pr . Pacific Mull People s (Ins Vhll S Rnd P .; R 1st Pr Southern R R Pr Tenn , C ft Ron Fnlon Pi'lflo . T'nlmi P.u Pr V B Rubbni 4'. U it; 22 ',14 TIK 51 K 112'i 2'lJ 1 411, 411) 4 71 r.'.'i Ml lli't KM 47 fti'4 FINANCIAL. LaBAR & FULLER BROKERS. OUeit UstabllihtJ llojtoln the City. i.ini'.8J'!l..msh,0CKS' PTTON, GRAIN and l'KUVIIONS, on margin or for delivery. OI'FICB: Uounis 3119 and io Hoard ol Trde llulldlnii, tcranton, I'a. L G. LA BAR. L. F. FULLER The People's Exchange. MMMMAAAAAMAMIiMMnMIVWIMMalM A POPULAR CLEANING HOUSE for the DcncM of All Who Have Houses to Rout, Kent Kstntu or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cos! Ono Cent u Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Arj In serted Free. FOR RUNT FOR RHNT-STOHK ROOM OVKR. M7 l.ackawnmm avenue. 1'iaiu enass front. Inquire Krotosky Bros. FOR RHNT-HOUSKS NOS. 330 AND 32 . Not th Washington avenue, below city building. Suitable for phslclans' olllces und residence. Apply to Henry Uclln, Jr., 101 Conhell Dulldlng. FOR RKNT-UARHLR fcllOP, stnnd, !23 Franklin avenue OLD- STOHH-JWOJj STL'AM HHATHD, FINH basement; water clo?ct, cold vaults: central ; bevcral lines street cars; good windows; electric and gas lights; good business Jones. 311 Spruco street. FOR RHNT-STORi: ROOM, NO. 207 North Washington avenue, foimcrly occupied by J. W. Guernsey. Stcnm neat, elevator, rear entrance. For terms apply to Jones Pros., 311 Lackawanna avenue. FOR HIJNT-MY KUSIDKNCH. COR ner of Washington avenue and Olive street. All modem Improvements, in nulro S. Morrl, No. (02 N. Washington uvciiuc, or Mortis Urns'. Shoo Store, No. mo Lackawanna avenue. I OR RKNT-TWO FLOORS. 40x60, heat Included, centrally located; low rent. Inuulic 137 Ponn avenue. FOR RHNT - HOUSn G21 MADISON avenue, steam beat: cvr conveni ence Apply Owens Bros., fill Madison avenues. OFFIeJHS IN r-OMMONWKALTH liulldlng, single rooms nnd suites for lerm of venrs with vaults Ono suite of six connecting offices with threo vault" or three suites of two oftlces, euch with vault Moderate price. Refluisbed to suit tenants Inquire nt room boi on dth floor FOR RKNT-m:sK ROOM OR SHARK of olllces, siiend floor, front. Coal Exchhrge rail at room 1C. for bi:nt-si:cond tloor, -oi Qulncv for sale; VOR SALn-PIANOS AND ORGANS AT Guernsey Brothers' rooms, 7-s Burr building. Goods tho best, prices the low est, terms the easiest. A call will con vince all. DESIRABLE LOTS ON COLKAX AVK nue. For particulars address Box 3f, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE-TKN R-I-P-A-N-S FOR B cents at druggists Ono gives teller. FURNISHED ROOMS. TWo"FtTRNisiIED llOOMsT"sTliAAI heat; nil conveniences. 407 Madison avenue. FOR RLNT-PLHASANT FINISHED rooms; conveniences. Rooms from 1 50 up, 522 Mulberry btreet. U. S. Leather. Pr .. 72 l 7m TOi Wabash. Ir 22 21 22't 2! West. Union 93U MH 9J' 03'i CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Open- Hish- Low- Clos- WHEAT. lug. eit. em. Inc . May 7JVi 71 72 11 July 71'i 71H 71'4 713. CORN. May . .... 1S .17 'ifl's .' July 37l :i7'4 .ii 37i OATS. May 2SRg 2SB 2S1 ?S1 JulV 2G'i 2li'4 2i.'i 2hL PORK. May '197 1003 '.i 0i 30 0.1 LARD May K02 5.G3 5 CO 6 CI Scranton Board of Trade Excbanga Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK8 Bid. Asked. Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co. ... 20 First National Bank ioo LTmhurst Boulevard kxj Btranton Savings Hank 235 Scranton Packlns Co 95 Third Notional Bank 355 Throop Novelty MfK. Co so Scranton Railway Co 23 Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank iso Economy Light Heat ft Pow er Company a Scranton Illuminating, Heat ft Power Company S3 Scranton ForglnK Co :oo Traders' National Bank 139 Lacka. Lumber Co jjo Lnck. Trust & Safe Dep. Co.. 160 Mooslc Mountain Coal Co ll!U, Scranton Patnt Co 80 Clark ft Snover Co., Com 400 (Tlark ft Snover Co., Pr 125 Carson Coal Co 100 Scranton Axlo Works SO Scr. Iron fence & Mfff. Co lw BONDS. Scrnnton Pass. Railway, first mortKaRo, due 1920 115 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due lbl8 115 People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1"121 .... 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School X 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. G 102 Mt Vernon Coal Co 85 Scranton Axle Works 100 Scranton Traction 0 bonds... 105 ... Carsoa Coal Co 100 New York Grain and Produco Market. New York, Teb. 11 I'lour Inactive and nominally easier; Minnesota patents $i'i0n!20; winter straights Jl33a3.t,5. Wheat Spot btrong. No. 2 red, sTie f. n l)., alloat , No. 1 northern Duluth, STic. f o. b afloat spot; No 1 nirthern New York, S2'(,e. t. o. b. afloat; options had 11 weak opening as a result of Improved weather west and lower cables, houHis upnloaded foreigners traded both was, 1 learanres light, export trade small and vveaknei continueil until checked In tho afternoon by toverlm? on predictions of lain west, to bo fol lowed by cold wave, closed firm at a pir tl it ',4e net advance, March closed 82c. ; May, 77'ic ; July, 73a7.Vc Corn Spot firm No 2, 43TnriM:C. f o b ailoat, options after a weak ttort on cables and liquidation rallied later vlth wheat and closed steady at 1iC net decline; May cloed 41lBc : Juls, I2'e. Oats Spot ftrong; No. 2. 35ie. No. 3, 3.1c. No 1 white p . No. 2 do "ib'Sa37c : tri"Ic vvhlto 37a41c : trnck mixed western Sii'jii .'.7 ; options dull. Butter Firm, western creumery. 17ui'c do. factorv. ll'salie ; Illglns 2.1c ; Imitation oreamerv, Halle ; state dalrv, br.a23c ; do creamery, 17a 21'.e Pegs rirm. stato and Pennsyl vania. IWfcc. ; western fresh. 23c., south ern, 20a30e. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce Philadelphia. Feb. 15 Wheat-Wan V lower, contract grade. Fcbrunry. 7l,iii7uC 1 Corn Weak und ic. lower. No. 2 mixed, reiiruary, iS'iuwc. unis rirm nnu iiuc higher. No. I v-hlte t lipped, 3"4.i40c.., No 3 do, do.. SSaCS'tc. , No. 2 mbeil do., J7'..l tie-. Buttei Firm and lc higher, fancy western creamery, 2e . do prints, 2c Eggs Firm; fiesh neerby, .l"c . do. west ern, toe ; do southwestern, 30e do south ern, 29c. Cheese Firm Refined Sugars Unchanged Cotton Firm and 1-lCe high er, middling utilands. fie. Tallow Firm. 1 city ptlme, In hogsheads. 4c , country do. , do banels 4'iC dark do. IV- ' cakes 4c , grease 2'4a3'ie Llvo Poultry nicaei tuvws, jus,unc , uiu luuiutfrs, ic , spring chickens, leallc; tutkeys, irx , ilncks, lOalle. , geese, PalOc. Dressed Poultrj Flim; fowls choice 12c ; do. fair to good. HallV.c. ; old roosfrs, Sc. ; spring chickens, choice, 12'Ac. , do. fair to good, lOalle ; turkeys, choice to fanev, 12a1ic. ; do fair to good, 9a!0e. ; ducks, HalOc. Re ceipts Flour, kiW buirel and cnoo sacks, wheat, !.Joo bushels, corn, 4SO00 bushels, oats, 3.000 hushels. Shipments Wheat, none; corn, 300 bushels, oats, r.OA) bush els. Chicago Live Btock market. Chicago, Teb. 15 -Cattlo Slow, fniiev cattle biought $3 WaO. choice steers, $3 50a 5 75, imdluma do,, $4 75a4!ifl', stackers and ftcders, $1 60a4 75; bulls f2.73ul 25, cows and belters, $3C0nl.7O; calves. $5a7 50. Hogs Lower: fnlr to choice, $1 72V4a3 k5, puckl.lg lots, $3 53a3Kl; pigs, $2 50a2.75 Hlnep Falrly animated! lambs, $l.7i; common to prlmo sheep, $3.75u4 30; yearlings, $4.i3a WANTED. WANTED A COPY tory of Wyoming. G., Dunmoio, Pa. OF PECK 8 HIS AN m. L. Marcy, M AVANTED-CASE OF BAD HEALTH that R-I-P-A-N-8 will not beneilt. Bend 0 cents to Rlpons Chemical Co , Now lotk.for 10 samples and 1,000 testimonials. HELP WANT ED-MALE. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON'T pteparo for any civil service exam ination without sieltiK our Illustrated catalogue, ot Information Sent freo. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C WANTED - RESPONSIBLE FIRM wants ofllco manager at Scranton; sal nry, $1,200 jcat, JC00 cash and best refer ences required; commercial reference fur nished. Addresi Postofllce Box 312. Phlla. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. woluc roirLAnisiN their Town homes. Easi work and good pay. Call and oxnmlne work. Room 10, over tho Golden Gato Cafe, 211 Adams avenue. LADIES TO EMBROIDER-GOOD TAY- Ing, easy work sent to your home, write for sarnplo nnd materials. Unique Embroidery Co., 102 Fulton St., Now ork REAL ESTATE. TOR SALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 233 Colfax avenue; Just c mpleted. All modern Improvements Ilerdvvood finish anltary plumbing, elrcttlc llghtH etc. Price reasonable. Addiesa Frank T. Okcll. 220 Bioadway, Now York city. LEGAL. OFFICE OF THE COLLIERY ENOI neer Coinpuni, Scranton. Pa.. Jan Cth, 1S91. Special Notice to tho Stockhold ers: Tho Baard of Trustees of this com pany ha3 cilled 11 bpcclal meeting of tho stockholders to be held at tbe ofllco of the company at Scranton, Lackawnnna county, Pennsylvania, on Friday, tho 10th day of March, A D. IN1D, at 2 o'clool. p m for tho purpose of voting for or against an Incrcaso of the capital stoe'e of said companv from $1 230 000 to $1,300,000. BTANLEY P. ALLEN, Secretary. INRE: SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF contract. In Orphnns' Couit of Lacka wanna County, No. 701, Series B To all parties Interested as heirs of John Shafor, lato of tho Borough of Dun more, Pennsylvania, especially Mrs Kate Bartbel of Jamaica, New York, and tho descendants of a deceased sister sup posed not to be lesldcnts ot tho United States You are hereby notified that Petor II. Kurflleh, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, has presented his potltlon to said court set ting forth a parol contract or agreement between himself nnd bald decedent, for the conveyance or devising to said peti tioner of a certain piece or parcel of land sltuato In tho Borough of Dunmoro, County of Lackawanna, State of Penn sylvania, bolng lot No twenty-one (21) on Chorri street, In said Borough, us per map of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, tho samo premises convened to said de cedent by P. G rrlt7. ot. ux. Nov 26th. 1S9S, bv deed recorded In said County. In Deed Book No 57, at page 203, and that upon said petition 11 citation was award eel by said court commanding ou nnd every of you to appear In said court on Saturday Feb. 23th, A. D 1S09 to an swer said petition and show cause. If any vou havo why the docreo asked should not bo made. THOMA3 r WELLS. r.1-10-17-24. Attorney for Petitioner. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man driving delivery wagon or coach man for a private family; Jut dlschaiged from tho Thirteenth regiment; must havo work at once. Addtess C , !U Price stieet, city. SITUATION WANTED LADY ItboK- kceper would like position; several j cars experience In doublet and single en try, reference furnished. Address C. G., Trtbuno otHee BUTCHER SEEKS A SITUATION, thoroughly experienced In all branches of tho business Address Butcher, 210 Spring street, Providence SITUATION WA NTED - BY YOUNG man us clerk or shipping clerk, hard ware preferred, can repair stoves, take caro of horses and drive; good reference. Address F. 11. It., Tribune. SITUATION V ANTED-TO GO OUT BY tho day washing, Ironing by tho day. Mrs. Lee, 420 Franklin aveuut, side door. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged lady as housekeeper In a small family. Address 417 North Main avenue', city. SITUATION WANTED-FIRST CLAhS chef cook, hotel or restaurant. Ad dress 233 Pcnn avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BV A YOUNG man in general store, S years' expctl ence, also a first-class meat cutter and can furnish No 1 reference s. Address G. M , tills ofllce, 01 bo si, Jermyn Pa. SITUATION WANTED-FIRST-CLA3S chef, cook hotel or restaurant Ad dress 2J3 Penn ave. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING Ironing or nny kind of house cleaning by tho day or will take washing home Mrs. Lee, side demr, 420 Franklin avenue. A FIRST-CLASS CHRISTIAN MAN. ago 30. wants a trustvvotthy position of any kind. Would nceept small salaiy and board best reference F. It L . Tribune ofllce. 4 70 Receipts Cattlo, 17 310 head, hogs. 43.O0O head , hheep, 22,HOO hi id Buffalo Llvo Stock Market. T-cuf TtifY.,l, Tv V T-l. 1'. -Pnlllft i Fably steady Hogs Falrh active, good to iholce Yorkers and light nudlums. $115 n4), roughs, $J30uJti5. pigs, fair to rhoele, $1 7Cat.03 bbeep and Lambs Falrlv steady; lambs, choice to extia, $1 13.1.1 20; cuIN and common. $la4 til sheep, cholco to selected withers, SI50i4l3, culls I and common, $2 73a 1 25. New York Livo Stock Market. New York. Feb 13 Bcoves ActlVP and hgher; eows, higher; medium to choice steers, $1 lOaR; oxen and stags. $.'7ria5 25, bulls, $J71i4, ciiw's $2.Wjli3 Calves Firm, veals $Ca9 Sheep HlKliori mnln, firm, ordlnnry to good heep, $li3 12'4; prlmo lambs, $0. Hos Higher at $1 50a 4 CO, closed weak. I Oil Market ' Oil City. p.t , Feb 13-Ciedlt bilancei, 1 1 15; certificates, no bids, shipments, t), 1 727 barrels, rtns, 3 123 banels , People Won't Know That you have bomethmg for rent, for sale or for exchange, unless you tell them; an.l the only way to tell them is through the columns of a newspaper of large circulation, like THE TRIBUNE. TRIBUNE "WANT ADS." WORK WONDERS. TRY THEM. YOU WILL BE THOROUGHLY CONVINCED, Owe Cent a Wono. Six Insbhtions por Be, a Wono. CASH IN ADVANCE, PROFESSIONAL. ARCWTCOTa EDWARD' II. DAVIS. ARC1I1TKC1 Connell Building, Scranton. -, 13. L. WALTF.H, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COO Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ay., Scranton. FREDERICK I,. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price Building, 126 Washington avenuo, Scranton. T I. LACEY R- PON ARCHITECTS, Trnders' National Bank. DENTISTS PR. I. O LYMAN, SCRANTON I'ltf vato Hospital, cur. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS. OFF P O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming ave WELCOME C SNOVER, 311 Washington avenue. Hours D to 1 nnd 2 tol HAT MANUFACTURER. TOLLES, 401 SPRUCE STREET. MAK your hnt to order nnd thev fit. HOTELO AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE 123 ANDlif ltANK- lln avenue. Rates ressonabie. r ZEIGM3R. Proprietor. SCRANTON 1 IOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W passenget depot Cnnduced on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYER! UtANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND (.ounselloi-nt-I.avi. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. AT torno.vs and Counsellors-at-I,aw. Re publican building, Washington uvenue, bctantoti, Pu JE3SUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law trommouwealth building. Rooms 1. 20 nnd 21. JAMES W OAKFORD ATTORNEY-AT-Uivv. Rooms 514. 315 und 010. Board of Taido building D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estato security. Mears' building comer Washington avenuo and Spruco street. JAMES J. If. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY -at-Law SOI Commonwealth building. Sci anion. x EDWARD W THAYER. ATTORNEY Rooms S03-OOI, sth lloor, Mears building 1 A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, T02 Board ot Trado bulldlnc, Scran'oi , I'a. C II. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Commonwealth building Scranton, P" PATERSON ,l WILCOX, TRADERS National liank building C COMEGYS, 3-13 REPUBLICAN building A W BERTHOLF, ATTORNEV, Mears' building MIDWIFC MRS. GABLE, GRADUATE MIDWIFE 1518 Washburn street, Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms and be-.t attendance for a limited number of pi tlentu. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS FR. C. L FREY. SCRANTON SA 1NUS Bank Building, 12- Wjoming uvenue MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D, HOME opathlst, No. 223 Adams avi title DR. W. 13 ALLEN, fl2 NORTH WASH Ington avenue DR. It TRAPOLD SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, cornet Wyoming avc-nuo and Spruce street, Scranton Ofllco hours- Thursdajs and Satuidajs, 'J a, in. to C p 111. DR. L. M GATES. ROOMS, 207 AND 20S Boat el of Tinelo Building Olllce hours R to 1 .1 m. 2 tj 3 and 7 to S p. m Resi dence, 300 Madison avenuo. DR C. L FREAS SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Ofllco telephone 1JC3. Hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. W L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE Ml Washington avenue. Residence, lil8 Mul berry. Chronic diseases, lungs, hcatt, kldnevs and genlto-urlnaiy organs a specialty. Hoars. 1 to 4 p m. W G ROOK VETERINARY SUR geon Hotses, Cattlo nnd Dogs treated Hospital, 321 Linden street. Scranton Telephones 2072 SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKVWANNa" Scranton Pn Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens Sept 12 Senel foi catalogue Rev. 1 horn as M Cann, LL D , Walter II Bt-cll A. M. SEEDS G R. CLARK (W CO . SEEDMEN ANP Nurserjmcn, sto-o 140 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nuo; toro tolcphcne, 7fc2 WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL, REAR Hit LACKA wanna averue, Scranton, Pa. manufac turer of Wire Screens. AfsC.L,i(vrou3 BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC "b OR balls, picnics, parties, recent tom, ved dlngs and concert work furnished For tcims, address R. J Bauir. conductor, 117 Wjomlne avenue, over Hulbcith music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, tvlno Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue. Scranton, Pn. SCALP TREATMENT. rvwwvww MRS L. T KELLER, SCALP TRh.A'1 ment, COc. , Hhampoobig 50c . facial massage, manlcuiing, 25c , chiropody ,ul ()ulnci. CITY SCAVENGER AB BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY Al Lib and cess pools no odor. Impioved pumps used. A BRIGGS. Proprietor Lcavo orders UOO North Main avenue or Klcke s drur store, rcrnci Adams and Mulberrj Telephone IMti BOARDING. GENTLEMAN i'AN with pilvalo fiinlly 213 N. Main avenue FIND BOARD Hume comforts RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lchlfjli Vallov KalIro.i.l bystem in Effect Nov 11, 181s TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Philadelphia ami New ork via D A: 11. R R , at U l a m end 12 0! 2 1s IT Black Diamond Lpres and 31 Ju 1,' ", bundus D ,v. 11 1 3 7 l p. m For White Haven llnzletun Pottsvlllc and principal points lu the toal regions via D f H R. R. ''45. J lb. and 4.27 p m. For Bethlehem. Laston Itemllng dm. rlsburg and principal Inte 1 mediate stu tlnns via D & H R It, 0 i3 u. m i.'in 2 18, 127 Black Dlanioinl l.xpicss, Uji Biinila8. D &11. 1 58, 7 is 11 m For Tiinkbnnniick Towanda J3lnilra Ithucn. Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stulons, via D. 1. & V. R K s os a. m , 1J 55 mid 3.J5 p m For Geneva Riihestit, Buffalo Nlag ata Falls Cblcago mil nil puhits west vl.i D &H R.R 1?'';., ," IJlack Uliimoii.i Expicss. 10 41 ami 1130 p ni fiunduss, D A: H . 11 U n in . 7 48 p m Pullman parlor mid sKeping or LehUh Valley parlor ears on all trains lietue. n Wlllies-Bnrto und Niw York, Phlla.lel phla Buffalo and Huspenslon Bridge ROLL1N II WILllt'R, Gen Supt South Bpthleheui Pi CHAb. S LEE Gen. Pass Agt 20 Cort- land stieet. New ork, v W. NONEMACHER, Division Pass- nscr Agent, botith Bethlehoni, Pa ii'or tickets and Pullman reservations apply 309 Lackawanna ave, Scranton. Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLES, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule h 1'llect Aloy 19, 1S93, Trains Lcavo Wllkos-Qarro ns Foi. lows: 7.30 a. m,, wook day3, for Sunbur . ., ..,...,, i-iniaaaipnia, uai(N more, WashlnRton, and for Pitts, burp and tho Wost. IO.IS a. m., wook days, for Hazlolon, PoiULl?'JoadlnS' Norrlstown. and Philadelphia; and fop Sun. bury, HarrlsburK, PhllsdolDhls, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts. burp; and tho Wost. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris. burg. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and PlttsburK and tho Wost. "00 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Wei.. Lacka. una Western. Trn.,Tcct Mnlny. Nov. H. 1803. trains lcavo Scranton as followa. Ex. 140 Bief1rReWn.York.nna nl1 "s cast 3 3J V, in. 1005 a' m,: 12'55 nnc !n'"2Ur",1and03Tphn,510' M B"d 1Mi l13xnrosnsnnfLnc,c,?m,."0,'n,lon' 30 P- " m a P 1' U HBliamtim Oswego, ra M .1 r'ls nn.V'Vf ,, 1MU Dansvlllc, Mount Illnchnmf ""onimodatlon. 3.10 p. m. NlrhU P",ton and wav stations. 1.03 p. rn. ri..? "'fommodatlon S 10 p. m. 2 31," n? S,rdl "annd "lc,'nela BPri"I" For v'n?,??' 9r n m- B"'l 1 85 P- " Barrn pi,t.Um.1!erlan1' nttston, Wilkes ville m?iV.mou '' "msburg and Dan in b'eiW,'"? l'l?.e cemnectlons nt North Si1,'" ?.r Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, NorTho,,W,,lslll,nBtoM "nd tho south, tlons ; reM,,i"nrA'lml ",ul Intermediate sta Jiions, 000 100; a m , and 1 65 and 5.40 p. 0srann,!lic,ln"d bitermedlnto stations, meil?. i1.1?."- m PU mouth und Inter- iffio:i21,'3I1r,,,idsw ''n1' Fof iii''J11" Parl?r and sleeping coaches on an exprrog ttnlns tni,i,r. llp''llIt'(I Infoimatlon, pocket tlmo- wit rPtC' '","15' t0 -M L Smith. Dls. met Passenger Agent, tlcpot ticket of. Dclawnro nnd Utttlsoti. 1ri!.l,?iV,",", ?.'1'- 5tn- t,aln'' wl lpavo ocranton n follnvvs- ,v,r.0Call,ontln,p-,,a,i 'W. 8M, 10.13 a. iir l".0"' 1L"!' 2a)- 302' 323' e' 7-57. 0 1 11 00 i. m , 1 id a. m .. xr AIl''mv: Sarntogu, Montreal, Bos ton New hngi.uid points, ote.-O 20 a m, r .J'"1' lotiesdale t, 20, w 1 a. m , 2.20, ,n.Knl Wilkes. Bane 0.13. 7.13. SAX 9'JS. - ,V ,'..m ' i20"'' 1-'1 2" 3 31, 127. CIO, e.l1! 1041, 11 Id p. rn. . Ju.l'.Ni.w'.,v"rk Philadelphia, etc , via Lehigh ullej Rallrond-fi.l'i n m.. 12 03, 12S 12. p m , with Black Diamond Ex press 11 CO p m For l'ennsvlvnnla Railroad points, 6.43, 0 3S a. m ; 2 18. t 27 p. m For western points, via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-7 4S p m , 1201, 3P3, with Black Diamond Express. 10 11 11.30 p. m. Train will unlvc lu Scranton na fol lows Fiom Cnibond.ile and tho North (1.111. 7 fl, 8.8. 0 14, 10 3S. II BS 11. m ; 1 23. 2.15, 1 23 I 23, 5 4 I 7 11 10.38, 11 27 p. m. I' rom Wllkcs-Blrre nnd the South-fi.b. .IS 48, 10 0S II&-11 m.. LIS 2 14 3.49. u 20. G .'1, 7 53 0 03, 10 03 p. m. , 1.13 a. m. SI'NDAY TRAINS For Carbondalo 9 07. 1133 p. m.; 151, 1k2. 3.31, 9 53 p m For Wllkes-Batre 18, 11.41 a. m.: 1.3S, 3 2S, 5 43. 7 IS p 111 Lowest rates to all points In United States and Cinada J. W. BFRDICK. G P A . Albany. N. Y. II. W CROSS, D P A Scrnnton, Pa Central Knilroud e( New Jersey (Lehigh and Siisiiueli.inna Division) Stations lu New Yitrk Foot of Liberty strei t. N R . and South Ferrv. Whitehall street Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing ileanllness and eomfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV 20, 1S03. Tialns b'.ive Scranton foi Plttston. Wllkes-Biilie etc , at 8 "0, 10 10 a. m , 1 20, 2 13 3 20, 7 10 p m Hundavs 9 00 a. m, 1 00 2 13, 7 10 p in For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.30 a m For New York Newaik and Elizabeth, S SO (I'xpress) a m 1 20 (evprets), 3.20 (ex piecs) p. in Sundass, 215pm Train leaving 1 "n p m arrives nt Philadelphia, Reading Terminal 7 03 p. ni., and New York. 7 0" p m For Maueh Chunk Allentown, Bethle ln 111 13a-ton and Philadelphia, 8 30 a .n . 1 "11 3 20 P in Suudaj . ". 13 p m For Hiltlmote and Washington, and points until and west via Bethlehem, s'O i m 1 -0 p m Sundas 2 13 p. m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc, at B.:oa m. 1-0 ! , ,, , , lor Rp.iillnB. Lebanon and Harrlsburg, vU Alb-ntuvvn. ! 30 a. m., 1 20 p. m. Sun ,1 n 15 p m For I'ottsvllle 8 30 n. in. 120 p. m 11. turning, leave New York, foot of Lib ntv stieet North River, at 4.00, 910 (cx ptcn.3 ) a in 1 5" 1 express) p. m. Sundays, 'Leave" New York, South Fenj foot Whitehall street at 0 03 a m., 123 p. m. Pissetigers an King or departing from nils terminal can connect under cover with ill the elevated railroads, Broadway cable "as. and fenles to Brooklyn and si in Islands making niilck transfer to "nil from 111 and Central depot and Long 'I'eo'Fhuadelphla. Rending Terminal, 'tila ni,3Wp m Sundajs. C15 p. m llrougli tl.kets to all rolnts East Smith anil West at lowest rato at tho "'j'1'!'" OLIIAFSEN Cen Supt. II P BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Ast. LIe and Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Effect Sept. 11th, ld'JS. 'Plains lei"" Scranton for New York, Now bin B and intirmidluto points oil File iJtlrojd also foi Hawlej unci local ooints, at 7 03 a m and 2 25 p m Trains iirtvp at Scranton fom abovo points at 10 21 a m, and '.15 and 9 0S p. m. scit vvro IU VISION. Ill i:fr.Tt October :10th, I.SU8. North Hound. MiutU nound, 2US 'JOll 204J30Q a M statioDs W v. . I 5 aba A u i- u.Vrrlve Leave a m ra'iN Y Franklin St. .... 740 .. 7 10. West Atui street .... 7M . 700 Weehswken ... 810... a m p i Arrive leave r it p m 101 I 1 151 I IPs ISffi 't(. 12 40 15 2V It! I4 12 "8, II Ml It !' 1131 1 ados-la Hancock Htarllebt Preston park Wluwood I'oyntello t)rsou rieasant Mt I'ulomlnle l'uie'st cily caibmdaie liitelirldKO -Majllcia .letinyti Arcblbild lntoii I'eckvtlle OlypliaDt l'rlciburp Throop Provldcnco I'ark Place i 161 i .10 till 4 SI !i 2 4 4A 1!J1, 4 S3 J 4i t a-. 2 50 5 14 !M 5 2.1 3 CO 6. nn 3 09 34 Sl. Hi 8 84' 5 54 11140 10 31 10 10 15 10 0 W fin 0 40, 9'( 0.' 9 11 (C fll 0 111.'.. 13 38, B t.6 ')0 13 4S H 01 Ill SI Ills1 II 15, 11 It1 11 or 11 ov 1101 1101, lias: 4ft S03 6 09 111 8 63; S51 i'M 8 54 8 48 859 1S M 4 01 8 81 8 4.) 4 01 8 It 67 8S1 8 S3 C3o 83S AW 8 35 8 1! 4 141 41 I 8 30,. A ill 10 5.S bcrantoo Ia i I.edTe Arrive UP u t Sunday only t Blgninea that, trains stop on signal (or pas seusers. , v . '1 1 alas iwi and WW Sunday only, other train dallr except fiunday. " ecure rates via Ontario a Western to.'ora purcliaaUaf tickets and savo money. hrouai vv airier outlet a.u per &a re cllnmir chair car New YcrS to 3ilert ctJ'Jioui fivvoCeiitm vr.Ylllo. wwwwu w ,.. . J. O, Andercon, Oen. paa Ast. T. Flltcrott, l)lr, l'tbs, z.Bt,'bcraiiton. rif