'"TtH 'W THE St'll.VN'TOX TlUBUNK-r MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 189D. Connell Building Desirable Offices SUITAHtiE KOIl LAWYERS. Full Privileges of Law Library JtAVK A KKW IiAltOKIt HOOJIS V, KM, ADAITKO I'OIt ARCHITECTS. APPLY TO J. L. CONNELL, Room 302 Council Uuiltllni;. REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! We offer lor sale NEW HOMES'" at the following prices : .$1,600, Pierce, will bo assisted by llev. John Rob citson, V. D tho noted Scotch divine. Tlo nubllo Is invited to attend. or Continental hill, a brnltcman on tho Ucl&waro, Lackawanna and Western tnil- rotid, lmd his left nrrn badly frozen while attending IiIm duties Friday morning. Ho was Immediately mmovul to tho Moaos Taylor hospital. His case presented sorl ou3 aspects tmd it was thought necessary to tininittato the member. However, It showed signs of Improvement and Is now out of danger. ARM 13ADL.V PKO.UN -K. Jcnnltupf. I'AY-DAYH.-The Uelawnro and Hudson company paid the trainmen north of Scranton and the employ is of all the re pair shops ut CurbondAlo Hiitr.idny. Tho Del.iwutc, Lackawanna and "Western company paid part of the trainmen Sat urday and will pay the rust today. ThU ends tho company's pay-days for Scran ton and vicinity. FAUKWKLL PARTY.-A very Jolly crowd of young people assembled at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Flank Terwllllgcr on Wyoming ovenuo last Friday evening, whero they were very pleasantly entcr talned by their daughter, Mlf.s Resale Tcrwllllger. Tho occnMon was a farewell party and the guests thereby enjoyed themselves until a lato hour. Miss Ter wllllgcr will leavo next Monday for KM r town, Wayno county, where she Intends to reside with her grandparents. The evening was passed away In a very in Joynblo nninne. Those present wuv: MIsm-s I.lllii I'cnnii. Ocrtrmle T'-i-wlllb.-er. I'nssio JlottRht, Hachi'l Terwllllgcr. Crln- sey Smith, Myrtle Foster, Nellie nim., Margaret McLaughlin, Mnley TvrwllltRrr, Sadie SwhiRlo, Oliuut Mitchell. JMlth T-r-wIlllRer and Messrs. Fred Lotz, Frank Keller, Fred Foster, Henry Pllnor John Klzer. Kdward Oeorgo and Pauley Hlaugh. THE NEW CATECHISM, McLeod Bead It with Comments Last Night. Rev. T)r. McLeod spoke last evening at the First Presbyterian church on operation a little over sis yearn, but $A Cftrt ' (,r'Btlnn unity with his text tnK"ii i Hning that time has certainly, as the TiOUU ! fnni Kph., Iv:5. He spoke particular- I report statistically Indicates, made u ANNUAL RDPORT OF PUBLIC LIBRARY IS BEING DISTRIBUTED BY LIBRARIAN H. J. CARR. Contains a Coucico Statement of tho Past Year's Work - Bequost of W. T. Smith to Bo U3eil for a Special Put'poso War and BicycleB Had Thoir Effect, on tho Ciruulation. Appropriation Asked for Branch Stations Interest in l'iotion DecreasesStatistics. When in these days of Sensational Advertising lively one claiming to have the best goods ntthe lowest prices, WE simply desire to say that we have done our utmost to furnish the best waresdiul latest novelties, at prices as low as consistent with good merchandising. In order to keep this stock clean, tree from odds and ends, and shop-worn goods, we have arranged all such pieces on separate tables at prices much less than cost. Look them over if you find what you want, you get a-lurgain. Odd Tumblers. Cups and Saucers. Plates, Platters, Vegetable Dishes, Etc. Sweeping raliicllon in prices on Lumps. OaTVCaXV n k h . k . n n . n k k t .n . n k n , . ; . v. k . . n j 9 Librarian Carr, or th Scranton Pub lic library, ban Issued the printed pamphlet containing the eighth annu al report of the library, n resume of its work for the past year and other sta tistical Information. It Is concise and thorough. As In otlnr yeats tho your IS'J.i indicated at its close ,i uUong and natural progress. During the year the branch rooms at tho Green Rltlgo library, and those in South Scranton at Humphrey's build Ini?, opened lato In 1M17, were continued and another branch opened In West Scranton tit Ihi Welsh Philosophical library rooms 134 f Wyoming Avenue. VALk IN AND LOOK AROUND. R-one to pay n store bill, which ho owed. UeturnlnR' home, the man evidently slipped anil Jell down nn embankment close-by where he was found dead. In falllUR he struck against a alone and his face and forehead were bruised. The fall undoubtedly tendered him un. of readfr? was i 42. on Friday. July S: and the largest similar number was 3.H6S on Tuesday. March 1. The total issues of the clrcuIatitiR department show a considerable decrease from those of immediately preceding- years. kliidlcitlnn: nf such falllnR off Were Ilrst apparent in Match and April Inst, conscious aau lie ieinawieu in mat cun It then seemed to be chlelly owing to dltlon some time. When lie recovered tin; unusually mild and pleasant wreath- i HUlllciently to renllr.o his predicament, tsr prevulent Unit spring, wlileh luvored he evidently tried to creep up the em n ,..,.., inn iii rh.. use of hlcvpleH. huiiktnent. but his feet and hands bP- Kach is lllllng a long felt want and Later the war with Hpnin broke out I Ins frozen he was helpless. ItlH hands are conaucteu at jireseiu witnoui any , ,mj interest was transferred to our- showeu ovuieiues oi ins navinR oriusea material extra expense so lar as the ,ent j,pr0,nCniSi This state nf ntfalrs them In trying to extrlcato himself, central library's appinprlation is con- uig not WVi similar conditions being ; There was no Indications that Roai cernect. lleiptui co-ojieration anil pri- vtni t.wi fmm vale contributions iroin outside soilrci'H are thus responsible. Though the re port is designated the eighth annual the library has only been In active '$2,300, $2,500, $4,300, $ 5,000 $ 9,000 $13,000 Call at Our New Rooms, Yaders Bank Building. LTRADERS REAL ESTATE CO CHAS. SCHI.AC.iER, Manager. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat i flicellotus tt a. in. to l'J.tHi p.m; U to 1. Williams llulldlus. Opp. l'ostollio. XQ CJfiOESE mhB0 f f ------ 4 CITY NOTES -- VAN HORN HKAHINCi.-Ou Wednes day the Van Morn e.n-e will boaigued be icn the board of pardons at Jlatrisburg. OKKICK CLOSED Today being the day of observance of tho aiiulvei.-ary of l.in .obi's blrthd.iy.thu internal revenue olllee Jill be closed all day. ly of the pity that churches Fhouid have petty disputes over matters re gardlncr their doctrine and In compar ing points rofc-rred to the army, raying that if ofllcera and men allowed their patriotism to be diminished by small jealousies and bickerings the foe could scarcely be dispersed. In the church we should follow the King and Head In unbroken lines. Dr. McT.eoil then took up tho umv catechism just noted In the New York Sun, which hns been accepted by tho free evangelical churches of Kngland. As for himself he was fascinated with It and desired to let his congregation hear what the Cnhinits, Armenian. Presbyterians, Concregatlonnllsts, l'.ap tlsts, Quakers and others could thor oughly accept. It Included what they all do bellpve and nothing they do not believe. During the reading of tho catechism the reverend sneaker made comments on various questions. RESCUE MISSION CELEBRATION Programme That Will Be Observed at the Rooms Tonight. An Interesting programme has been piepared for the anniversary celebra tion of the Itescue Mission at ill Franklin avenue this evening, aud Is substantially n follows: Music Second l'n'sbyteilan .Sunday Schnul Or- Lhe.-tra. Hong Service. Prayer. Heading of Scripture. Singing. Testimony Service. Intensely Interest ing). Singing. Jllftorleal Addrcs .1. A. Lansing Music. Short Addresses, Hev. J. A. Lansing, Ituv. Aliich and Other l'.islois. Singing. Refreshments. The public. Is cordially Invited to this celebration. A special desire on tho part of the directors is, that all the converts for the past seven years, and a large number of the subscribers should lie present. RAILROAD WRECK. deep and wonderful Impression upon the public at lurge. During the year death removed from service in various capacities, AV. T. Smith, Attorney Mllo J. Wilson, of the board of trustees, and Miss Emma. A. Thompson, of the library staff. The.e are the llrst thus to be removed while In active erice and the loss In e.vh Instanc.' is keenly fell. THE SMITt. HKQPEST. The lute W T. Smith, who made many gifts to the library while In life, loll a final bequest of $1,000 at hht de mise, and by unanimous consent, t'lhi gift will be set aside to form the nu cleus of u special .-notion to be known a-- the Wllll.tm Tollman Smith Kimd Library on .Mines and Mining. W. .1. Welsh, from the i Hindis, and Utorncy 11 M. Hannah from the bar, weie ap pointed to tuHvi'dl Messrs. Smith and Wilson, deceased, respectively. IIcv. Daniel .7. Miu-dnldriek and l!ev W. J. Ford were appointed to the vacancies HOWLING GAM 17 Tile first time of a Kites of games ot ten pins will he play.-d tonight bctwi.en teams representing tho Nxcvlslor and Scranton JJlcyclc clubs. 'I lie games will be plnyiri on tho Excel sior s alleys. WILL ELLOT Ol.TIfEHS. At the reg ular meeting ol Company K. Eleventh leglmint, to be held at he aimory tonigot, i. Ulcers to succeed Captain James O. Dlmmlek and Lieutenant Gee. leslgntd, wilt be elected. OPENING OAV.-Sl. Luke's parish house will be formally opened Immediate. l. following the conclusion of Lenten sen ices. Work, is still being done upon Jt I)lhop Talbot and other church dig nitaries will be present. I LOSI-71) TODAY. At the postotltcti today i ho money order and reglstei whi tlows will be closed all day; tho stamp and delivery windows will be opened only between 7 a. in. and 12 noon; and the car- llers will make onlv the morning delivery. CLEAKING LXCIIANC.ES - Following tm. the exchanges of the Clearing Iloutm association for the week ending Fib. II, vki ,eb. 6. Sr-Mb'(.!5; Feb. T, Mr.ti.T77.:M; Feb. -i. JlSfi,Wi!).(); Keb. !. JKi-.'.lKi.iiO; Feb. 3Ci, $97. 1 1.."; Feb. 11, SflM.MiJA:,: grand total. 7tK,6KS7. DISLIKES SC1JANTON.-Kevenue In-' Hiccior Slack, of West Virginia. Is lying gt,,;oI1rsi,n;ae,!:rel,otfa,l .::a ! Biu "! j, fwtur. to leg. He fell down the steps at Sander- . Give Philadolphia Two. sons pharmacy Friday night. Ilia wrath. The bill Introduced by Kepresentn- Several Empty Cars Smashed Near Bridge Stroet. A northWnund coal train was held up in the arch . ay through which the Delaware and Hudson company's tracks run beneath the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western stone bridge at Eridge stieet. Saturdav morning about ii.l'.O u'cloek. As the train of empty mrs were passing through the nivh, one jumped the tracks, ran a short distance on the ties, and ihen filled up. Two cars were brcken lnti kindling wood and old Iron and sever al others wrecked. No one was hurt, the brakemen be ing on other portions of the train at tho time. North and "outh hound passenger trains exchanged passengers by transfer, but several freight and coal trains were delnyed The wreck age was pot liearcl until about noon. all over the United States. HOOKS ON HAND. The number of hooks mi hand Dec. 31, lS'.'S, was 33,73:', accounted for as follows: From 1 SOT, 30,r81: accessories for lS'JS were 3,706, being 770 from gift and exchangee, 2.1271 hv purehnse, :1I6 periodicals: bound and 40C United States documents deposited. Deductions of the year numbered !:JS volumes; or which HS7 were discarded because of wear and tear. 2fi on uci:ount of oilier damage or loss (mostly paid for by the persons responsible), and '.'! ex changed. The list of gifts and ex changes numbered S.iO bonks and 3.715 pamphlets ami current numbers. In reference to the circulation ot various book", a classllleatlon of each on a percentage basis indicates that demand for the fiction class Is decreas ing with corresponding benefit to the other classes The pei;-ontago for 18'S is as follows out of a possible 700: Philosophy. li.7.: theolog.v 1.21: so ciology, 1 .fit philology. O.'.'l; natural science, 1.1- useful aits. S.22: due atts, 2.1!'; poetry and drama. l..,3: oth er literature. :'.72: geography and trav els, 2.17: biography, 2.10; history, 2.S2, periodicals, bound and unbound. 2.6S; fiction, adult and juvenile, 7I.'.'2. caused by tic resignation of Eev. P. J, M.-Manus and Itev. Joseph K. Dixon, I APTEft MANY LONG YEARS respectively. , i Last 'year the lecture room ut the library was lively used. In every in- .William Hawley Will Have to An .. i.., i... i...- .. i.i-.i. i...nr.,. ' .siuill-e ut-lllH it Uict-UOK "linn iimiii.il- ed association of sonn- sort with the work and progress of the library. The reference anil reading rooms of the library from a general standing point were used In even a larger measure than In any previous year. The librar ian was assisted during the year by seven regular and two substitutes, or extra assistants. A considerable balance remains on hand to the credit of each classified expense account, which Indicates most scrupulous care, not due in any s'mo to a false economy, but rather a re gard for future necessltv In making up tne iciiiurtit amount oi appropria- i tenco In th lion tor cacti succeeding year, ouiy that which Is actually necessary u asked for and these balar.ies arc not llgured in. thus becoming In a largrt sense reserve accounts for any emer gency which is bound to or cur during any fiscal year. Thus in the case of the branch Jibrariis, where il was found necessary to get additional lie'p and minor necessities (alUother ex penses being borne fioni an outside, source), those balances became highly useful. APPHOPIcIATION ASKED. aeh was Intoxicated. The coroner appoint ed the following1 jury, who will hold nn Impiest some time this week: Carroll W. Gublg. William Hroderlck, Martin Median, Henry Myers, John I.angan, burgess, and Geoige Lawrence. LOADED CARS RUN AWAY. swer for a Highway Robhery Committed in 1887 on Road Leading to Moosic. Dashed Down a Steep Grade and Collided with an Engine. A wreck oecured on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad at ltock Junction near No. 7 reservoir Satur day morning which resulted in the demolition of two cars and consider able damage to he locomotive. Engine No. I. In charge of Engineer Curtis Wilds, Fireman James O'Don nell and Conductor Heilly, left Dun more depot at 0 o'clock Saturday morning for Gypsy Grove with two earn loaded with supplies. At Hock Junction the dtaw head pin droppfil out allowing the cars to go backward, down the steep grade at the No. 7. Coming up the grade was engine No. 21'. in charge of Engineer Dan Gill bride. Fit cnum Peter Hobday and Conductor Michael Kelly. Knglneer Glllbrlden saw the cars coming and reversed his engine but not soon enough to escape a collision. The cars with their contents were totally de molished and the fionl of the engine was badlv wrecked. No one was In jured but the crew on Knglne No. 29 received a severe shaking up. BIG DEED IS DRAWN UP. U Si ft.' ft.' ft,' ft? X. ti ft.' K a A" &' Si if a A? ft.' V ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? a? v ? ,' ? ft? A? ft? ft? ft? ft? A? ft? ft? ft? X a? ft? v ft? ' &? n ft? ft? ft? a ? a? v &? n E WmWt erii fi4?KJ eim Scranton Store 124-126 Wyoming Ave. An imfioi taut aires', was made by the West Side police Saturday evening, when William I low ley. of Lai a vet to street, was taken into i u--tody on a charge ol drunkenness. Twelve- yeais ago a highway lobbery was commit I ft1, on the public road lead ing to Moosic, in which Hnwiey. a man named Sweeney and others were impli cated. Sweeney is now serving a sen- Eastern penitentiary lor I Ills pari of I he Job. ' Howiey was indicted at the June teim of court in 1SS7. but was never tried The culprit was shadowed for n, j long time bin evaded arrest. Lleuicn I mil John Davis and John ElMs. now ' deceased, weie delegated to make the arrest together with ox-Patrolman Mo , Andrew. The two first named Moors were watching for the prisoner at Ll I lis' home, and Incidentally wilting for Mi-Andrew, when Howiey learnt d that I he was b'lng "hadowed and made his scopt. He ."nt In the dlvrctlon ol the As compared with the appropriations ! V'st mountain and was traced as far for previous years the request for UiH !ls Kancoin. when the tiall was lost, year is very little larger in the general , Howiey went west, where he n nml'ieil fund. However. $3,000 is asked in ad- several years. After n long noence dltlon, to be used for insurance $0), !'' returned, but continued to ewulo and delKery station and reading rooms, U'o ollieeis. S2.10P Fnless tills last Item Is pro- i When It was learned StUuday that vided for tho present bianeh stations ' 1"' ttil wanted County Detective Ley nrist cease unless private lurds are "ll" "'" notified, and, seuiiing the forthcoming. ' Indictment, placed him under arrest. S, far as the actual condition of Yesterday aiteinoou at 3 o'clock ho Hie Miliary is concerned the following-, vas taken to the county Jail, vheie he may be of interest: Registrations of I v"1 "uU trial. iMib were as imiows: .New. l.sil; re A $4,000,000 Instrument Ready to be Recorded Today. One of the largest deeds over drawn in this county will be recorded today or tomorniw. It Is the Instrument pub lishing the transfer of the title of tho Capouse and Pinu llrook collieries from the Lackawanna Iron and Coal com pany to the Scranton Coal company, of which The Tribune has, previously, told at length. The consideration is $4,000,000. It will require $4,000 worth of revenue stumps to make it leenl In the eyes of Uncle Sam. Tlie deed was drawn up by AV11 lard. Warren & Knapp and engraved from a special design on heavy bank note paper, its printing alone cost sev eral hundred dollars. NEW BISHOP'S FIRST CIRCULAR CRIMINAL COURT JUDGE. there.it is great. SPECIAL SEItVICE.-Eaeh evening tlve Adams, of Philadelphia, at II:irrit- burg to provide for two additional during this we.-k a special service will Judges lor rniiaaeipnia county who be lu-ld in the Penn Avenuu Uaiitl.it will have powers only to try matters church. I'lie n.istor. Hex. ltobeil F. Y. V A luUAUAAiU -. Women's Storm Overshoes First Qualify Women';; Storm Water proof Cloth Uppers, black ileece lined, formerly sold at i.oo. Oiu 1'rlce 5ic. Mostly all sixes, tor to day's selling. of a criminal nature, is likely to In hu on a spirited light in the house. There is a strong feeling against glv- " t lug Philadelphia any more judges, and, t i moreover, the bill will be attacked on the ground that It Is unconstitutional. K! Women's Storm Rubbers Good quality regularly sold at other stores for I 5oc. Our Price 29c, to fit all sizes shoes for today's selling. Come early to get your size. (HI Cn.. C... TIW ('iiivu .1UCV1, Ik --Jfc Anthony Hope's Latest, "Lady Ursula." Ileldlemun, Spruce street. Go to Lane's for your meals. Spruce street. . Smoke The Pocono 5c. Cigar. DIED. registered, Lt; total, 3,i;fi5, of which o,rr.(i were city residents, 'J'5 non-residents, and v.) of teachers' or otner spe cial cards. In addition to the y.tib3 cards that expired by reason of their TODD B. HALL AT LYCEUM. ft," ft' t,' tt V ft.' ft. X' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Muslin Underwear cheaper than you can make it And in every I'cspect satisfac tory, too. Such underwear as we have been selling during the month of January and that which came in under the new purchase this month is worthy of being sold at no less than double the price we ask. However, inas much os there was a great ad vantage to us in the purchase, we have decided to close out the entire stock at the same low prices originally quoted at the opening of this'sale. Take these for Instance for ladles' 19b Moth 'rH r cr iliihbnnl irowns ol good muslin, tucked yoke and trimmed with cambric ruffle. One ol the banner bargains ot this great muslin underwear sale. for ladies' S9C gowns of good muslin, Mother Hubbard 3"C style, tucked yoke and trimmed with embroidery. 49c for 69c trimmed gowns for 79c for 89c KQ-' trimmed SQC trimmed - gowns yj gowns t 1 for ladies' 19c extra quality cambric corset covers, Ij&zC nigh neck and trimmed with fine embroidery. for ladies' 29c cambric corset covers, V or square neck 1 VC and elaborately trimmed with embroidery. for ladies' 9C cambric coiset covers, V or square neck OyC with cluster of tucks, trim'd with lace and embroidery. Big sale of ladies and children's reliable hosiery Ladies WAV, hose at .It; Warranted absolutely fast black, with double toe and spliced heels, in lact, cheap at 12 I-2C Special while thev last 5C Ladies 15c hose at Se Another grand lot warranted fast black and equal to any sold at 1 ;c. Special dur- Q ing sale OC Ladies' 29c hose at 19c Fast black, line cotton hose, with spliced heels and toes, regular price 2i)c. Spec- ial while they last 1 9C Children's fi)c plaid hose at 25c Also an important item, all sizes Irom ; 1-2 to cl line ribbed plaid hose. worth sou. Special while they last .Z5C Children's 12 l-2c seamless hose at 7c Fast black, libbed seamless hose that are good value at 12 1-20 Here today at the low price ol C An Immense Audience Greets the Famous Baltimore Detective. riiu Lyceum Sunday meeting Is the two-year limit, V:: others weie rur- . onlv tmi. thnt pet,lnH "to ))0 llirKPiy al rendered or canceled simner, inakin a total of ;',,.'0,j, leaving 7.051 cards in force nt the end of the year IS'.i.s. There are also "M extra or student's cards now valid (Issued to regular card holder?, hut not Included In the regis tration ilmires above), upon which may he drawn additional hooks other than prose-Hot ion or juveniles. From the circulntiuir dc-puitun-ntf. open SOj day'o, 1S:i,Cii" volumes w.-iv is- tended in all kinds' of weather. While many of the chinches reported hut a small audience yesterday, the Lyceum meeting had an immense audience. The music was excellent, consisting of a beautiful rendition of Haydn's "Credo" by Hauer's orchestra and two brass in struinont quartette selections by Messrs. Mlllhaus, Stnnton, Moore ami Turn. The nddiess by Todd 13. Hall, of Unltl- tnoie. was unique anil very telling. It Was Bead in All the Catholic Churches Yesterday. The first circular from Bishop Ilo ban to the people of his diocese was read at the several mouses- In all the churches yesterdas . It contained the rettulations for the observance of Lent, which are sub stantially the Mime as those of last , venr. and an announcement that a collection will lie taken up next Sun day for the NcKro and Indian mis sions. AcconipanyltiK the bishop's X circular was another from the com- X nilttee on home missions, Cardinal X millions. Archbishop Kyan and Arch- : X bishop Keane. setting forth the weak I X and needs of these missions. , X X KEOGH TO MEET ALL COMERS i X i a Is in Boston for Two Weeks with an ' X Open Challenge. Jerome I!. Keogh, the world's chain- ff plon pool player, left for Uoslon, Sat- y urday, to begin a two weeks' engage- ' a meiu at Klrwin's parlors giving ex- ; hihltlons and meeting all comers. jl' He offers. $-.' to any player who will i y An event in dress goods f and desirable silks Making room for new spring goods about to arrive. Not only a lew lots at a special pi ice, but a score of fabrics and styles at prices positively less than New York cost. 12 l-2e dress goods at 5c Make no mistake about this lot, hvery yard is equal to anything sold anywhere at 12 1-2C. They are double iold goods and come 111 some very de- C suable checks. Special while the lot last; 33c All of our ioc bro caded silk. Special. One lot black French serge 40 inch, 09c grade. . Special 4VC. All of our $1. 00 silks, black and colored, in one ,. lot 59c All ol'our 7c Fancy silks, in one lot, choice of . any 49C All of our .$; and $6 colored h wool dress patterns, choice of any 437 .120 C.U.ri.V.-In West Scranton, Keb. 12, lb!0, .Mrs. Mary Calpln, ffi years of age, at the resilience, corner of Kourth street and Uellevuo lane. Funeral announce ment later. CONItAU-In Wilkes-Banc, Fob. 11, lxtf, Nicholas Conrad, 70 years of age, ut tho resilience, 31 Hickory street, fj. ner.il this morning nt 9.M o'clock. Mass nt St. Nicholas' church. Interment nt tho Darling Street cemetery. KVANB.-In 'West Scranton, Feb. 11, ISM, Benjamin v.. IZvumi, aged CO years. Fu ncral annoum-eim-nt later. OANNON.-In West Scranton, Feb. 11, 1193, .Mini Margaret (Jannon, 1." years of age, at the residence, 551 Fourth street. Funeinl this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment at tho Cathedral cemetery. MI'ItrilY.-in West Scranton, Fob. II, JS'tS, Thomas Dowoy, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murphy, of ;C3 Coar place. Funeral this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment at tho Cathe dral cemetery. SIMONS.-In Hcrantoti, Feb. 12. at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Jamas V. Carey, East 131m street, Mrs. Simons, aged CO years. Funeral iiniiouncvinent later. BIH'U ll. liumc u.c. lllW ,,;i IC1I- IHl. Ill wnH , mm tJ,u Mtl.y , ,,S mvl( he reference and reading rooms; a clu.stlan life and work, but told In total of 1.S.4U volumes. I. ally aver- ! )U(;h u hll)Cl!I,, ,,,, ,h(lt it hnil ago for the year was 4,1. The largest of ih,3 e,emollt of Soif.pra!So. Issue oi any one day was 0,i o Sat ln parti hi, H1. -.J T ,V ' ... a ,r i , ""y 'hsuo ' Introduce to you Jesus, my friend. Ho 2 to. on 'lhuiTday, Dec. ? Sniallest j avwi , a wrctk01, dctceVP, , rI:i,. daily number of volumes i the hands tlmore twuty yenrB agrt nm Ho stood by mo ever since. The devil told mo He couldn't f-nve a detective, but tho devil is a liar, for I have been both n Christian and a detective ever since." Many Incidents which have come under Mj. Hall's own observation were re lated to prove that it did not matter how wicked n man might be, Jesus was able to savo and keep him. About one hundred and fifty men le malnej for nn after uervieo. at which twenty-five or more men save Mr. Hall their names nnd said that thev would live for Clnlst with Chrht's help. Secretary Mahy nnnounceij that the music would be furnished next Sunday by thn Ladies' Cymbal quartette, of New York, a splendid Lyceum attt ac tion, and that tho speaker would be Dr. John Robertson, tho famous Scot tish evangelist, who comes to the city to hold evangelistic meetings In tho Penn Avenue Unptlsl church. DEATH OF MICHAEL ROACH. Hair Vigor i will restore gray cr S faded hair to its ongi- j nal color. ) This is the whole S story, and an ounce j 1 of fact is worth a ton S J of argument 1 Coroner Decides There Wrs No Evi donco of Foul Play. Coroner Roberts went to Arehbald on Sa tin day to Inaulre into the death of Michael Roach, who was found dead a short distance from ids home on Fri day last. An autopsy was held, but thus far no traces of foul play have been discovered. Roach wan seen on a I street .cur in Jenuyn, where he had defeat him: $10 to any player who will make 125 ball to his K.O and. will give a jointed cue to any player who will make 100 balls before h" makes 130. He will appear each afternoon, and evening. CITY COMMITTEE MEETING. Campaign is Progressing in a Most Satisfactory Manner. There was a meeting of the Repub lican city candidates and the city com mitter Saturday night and the reports inndo show that the work of the cam paign Is progressing in a very satis factory manner. Thl week meetings will be held In different parts of tho city, at which matters of interest to the voters in this campaign will be discussed. FRACTURED HIS LEG. Henry Hurley, of Orchard street, a Hteel blower at the South mill, fell on a slippery sidewalk, near the corner of Penn avenue and Mulberry street, Sat urday night and broke his left leg. He was assisted to the Scranton Pri vate hospital and after tho fracture had been reduced by Dr. Thomson, ho was removed to his home in a cab. RELIGIOUS NEWSNOTES 'The Elements of John the Great" was the subject of Rev. L. Tt. Foster's discourse at the Sumner Avenue Pres byterian church last evening. Rev. A. 1.. Rnnier, of St. Mark's Lutheran church, spoke on "The Sub limity of Christian Love," yesterday morning, and In the evening on "Sin." Rev. Dr. Dlrd, of the .People's con gregational Prohibition church, preach ed a sermon Inst evening at Co-operative hall on "Only One Step at a Time." The congregation of tho Hampton Street Methodist lCplscopal church were 2.98 Bargains in domestic goods Very special today slih'tlng prints We shall place. on sale one hundred pieces ot hill standard shirting prints that would he considered cheap at 4 cents per yard. While thev last English cailllU'lfS We shall also place on sale one lot of fine, solt lmished hnglish cambrics, slightly soiled, but great value. Regular price 12 i-ac. Crash One lot pure linen crash, 7-cent grade, special . ........... MllSliil One lot, yard side uncleached muslin, special One lot yard wide bleached muslin, extra quality, soft finish, a bargain at oc, special Flannels All ot our genuine Honesdale llannel in checks, plaids and plain, price everywhere 35 cents, special 2C One lot all wool skirting llannel, 30-cent grade, special A sale of remnants There are more than 3,000 yards in the lot and comprise a grandTtssortment ol India linon. checked and striped nain sook, seersucker, dress ginghams, outing tlannels, 1-rencT? lawns, etc. . the real value ol which ranges Irom 8 cents to 20 cents per yard. Special, n k t ! k ".- h n & .. A ." . it . . .t X . , .X it X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .X X X X X X X X X X .V J X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X xx X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X , it A A 'A "A U i ' 'A "4 "A A "A "A 'A A 'AX All of our til. 2; and ijmo black figured, also plaid and striped silk ol every c description, special. . y5C All of our all-wool flannels and Scotch tweeds, price has been 3;c, special lyC All ol our 4qc all-wool dress goods. Soec- . ,, iii T :... 21c One lot all-wool dress goods, price has been 7,c and Ssc, special. 3S)C 2c ot or 5c 5c 3c 4c 1 in 7k 17c 4c 1 ivin n descriptive sermon on "T teruay oy use congregation or me Well of Living Water." last i-wnli . Scranton .Street Raptlst church, bv the pastor, Rev. J. Henninger. ' Rev. V. A. Xordt. pastor of the HI ck- l.e IVie nnrttnl - ' . . .. .. .. , I C,.., 11. -.1.. I.... ..1....W.1. ,lll.. Rev. II. A. Uriini. OI ine innuir 1 my .-siit-ui iin-ujinmu . niiiwi, iivm- Piaco African Methodist Episcopal church, occupied the pulpit of th Washburn Street Presbyterian church last evening. Rev. J. It. Hweot spoke of "ChrlM's Lovo for tho imperfect." yesterday niornlnfe, at the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church, and in the evening on "Divine i.'redentlals," Rev. Thomas Xenix, jr., tho evangel ist, had charge of the services held in the First "Wotyli Ruptlst church yes- ered the llrst of his Lenten sermons last night. Ills text was taken from Luke xill:3t-?l, "Then He took unto II Im the twelve " At the Jackhou Street Raptlst church yesterday, thu pastor, Rev. Thomas de flrurliy. preached ln tho morning on "The Military and tho Christian Life." ln the evening tho second illustrated lecture on Pilgrim's Progress was giv en, Communion was qbserved in the evening.