The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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    -aiSVg -- -rr -. - '.
Aguinaldo, Brought to a Realization
of His Mistake, Calls for a
Cessation of Hostilities.
No Change of Policy Is Contemplated by the President.
Insurgents Will Be Treated with Liberality The Ten
sion at Washington Relieved by the Last Despatch from
General Otis Filipinos Are Returning to the Towns
Displaying White Flags, and It Is Believed That
Aguinaldo's Influence Has Been Destroyed,
.Manila. Feb. .!, 11 a. in The FIII-,)liii-
at Cnlunoau opened Hie last
evening Just bet'oto midnight upon tlte
Kaiii'its outposts., on tne eMieine left
of tin Ameihun line.
They maintained a rusllmlo of mils
kttiy. supplemented by an occasional
lnpi liiini two bin guns, for about
twenty niinutes. The Ainei leans did
not uplj.
AVashington, Feb S. Thoie was an
almost complete leleaso tod.iv nt the
tension under which the lapld ocoui
l ud of ixcnts in the Philippines bat
boll tin oiile litis of the adiulnlstintinn
mil tlit Hist "tattling news fioni
Mimlli Satuiduv night This iviib
In ought about thiough the tcceipt of
the follow Ins bulletin fioni (Jenei il
Otis summing up the latest lesults of
tin lighting be has had with the na
tives Manila, IV b ..
Sitiiniioi nipldlv impioxlng. Kecon
iiss,ict niiulii to .smith sovciil
jillm to I aKimadu Inv to southeast
. ihi mill s ililsltir Miaggllng iiisuiguu
uoip- hi various directions, i ncountornl
oi ilitlilnl opposttlcn Aimv dlslnti -s
t I nml nitiver iitmnlm, to vlllif-is
ilH'lix lug white dig N'eir Calooc an six
inll- inn til, (tiimx made u stand behind
t utii in tiiin l I- 'h it,(d by Kails is
tinuiis lid l t'riloiiil I'miston Close cn
iinntii iiM'itlnc hi lout ol the uiunv.
with In aw loss Loss to Kim" i" .! ii
1 rum Alliml Killed. 1 mill wouniUd
tin tin Ith Atihmldo Issunl 11 ing pi" '
1 in 1 1 ton i lunging Ann with inltl i
nw .mil diiliir'd war Stindiix bsuid m-
Hi. i calling all to n sist fueUn luv.i
1 n hl liilliniici thiiitiKli till- section
1 slimed Nnxx applies toi i lossallm
ii linslitltlts .il. d ii liferent , b.ix do-
I liln d to IIUSXXi 1
Tin Insurgent expedition of tiIliu In
. it Ml lliglll of Itll lltllellllul 1'lOXOMt
M.nsh il Gi with ailinlialile dlspiul
tn n ol tumps difiatnl ixeix iitlitlllit
iti mild luislness lesumod nittxes
r -imtriil i ml elm rial righting it li
lin ot Atnelli Hi tioupi a nxilatlnii in
nil inlnliltiiliti- (Mgiiull Otis
The xiai) n ml tli.u Agulnuldo's In
ihii in e lud been destiny eel and that
the Filipino hndei was seeking n cas
sation of hostilities and a eonftiuiie
xx as most an ptable and was IntiipiPt
ed as tin admission thai In had ual
ized bis tenible mistake
It l eutlie'x Improbable that ho will
l able to lestoie anxthlnc; like the
'tutus iin oi to obtain anthln? HUe
iln aanio tunis ns weie possible last
weilv No one heie now knoxxn Jiwt
liat ("Senei il Otis IntunU to impose
in tin wuy ol teinis Societal x AlKei
thin atteiniKii lopeatid his statement
i f xestcuhi) that lie had Rlxeii the R n-
lal no Insti uc iiim simi Hie battle
and saw no um-uii for KhlnK an He
i 1117011. lit- said, that C!i neial Otis b -in'
mi the i,iouu(l and hu ins ptoxed
lis lltnisis was in beltei position to
.1. il with tli situation than liny one
in W'ashlliKI m. Should the Kewitil
.isk piiniilon tlutefnre to do iny
thniff it will bu ki anted luimedlatt l.
.should he axk fm lmtiiii tioiiri on any
i. Int." said Si 1 1 etui v AUer. 'In will
i. ulil to eilolse Ills? own di'i retlim '
In thl lexx of the uis. Il will be
si -n that no one heie urn ull at pies
ent hox. Otis x 111 iut to- mil AKUiiia'
do h applltatiop Mut the opinon is
piiss(d b nun lieie who Knoxx (5m- dtts' expei lent e xxllh thf Indians
t li.U he w 111 make the laiu doxxu of
amis the louditlon of deallnt? xxltlt the
insiiiKnitK at nil, and It! that ondl
tion Is met, ot (muse it will mean i
hpmIx ti'imln.'ltion of the lebulllon
..I.ST ul'" CASHAhTinS
Tin udjuuitit ueneial ban letehod
the lulloxxlnir additional list nf cmiii'tl
tlef at Manila.
.Militia. Vib.
Adjutant (ieinuul. Waslilnmua.
Vdilltlaniil ciimaltliK
1 xxcntli'th Karsas Klllui l'liid l.l u
leiiHiil Altrcd i' Alfoid 'omparix' II.
t'llx ue I'lmiltH II. Prim Uouudiil.
'oiliiuinx II, AiUIHil Allliui l' Ni Una,
I'miitt p.uitel V llexxitl and John llllll
i.iii Comtiaiix D Ki.xmoml Chirk-, i mn
juii I. 8c lectin i ,lu Sheldon mid I'll
x in t. Wlllliim A .M((!iiix arid llim-st
I ill. C"unip.ui M IMi'iud Icliel
I'niiit'eiitli liifi.mij ixiiiod. i'oniiau
II Jiliiiten Itails-oin ri.iHH and Nixxioil
llmx Wnundid r'nmpai A I'llxnti.
I m iK A. I'oiiden. Ccnupany H ilium ,b n-t-'ti
oinpany D. i:imer Ii Ilnuh. fota
imiiv i XliholiiH N Fount , I'ompauy
It I'ntpoiul Hanrord H.-iinlnrftoii ,imi
Piiutto John llrady. Comp in I Wllllum
H Kcnncilv and Charles A (51 niton.
I ampam (5. ('orporiil Hpiuici, Cniniuny
3. I.tpstoiiih lluxx.ud Mlddlototi,
1'rlxaten John Cmey, I'aiikk,
llHllPH Head and 1'iod (leiihf Com.
mux U. Jalin i'liwri-, William I Inward.
lumen Ixntif and Jirry A. Ilitkiithurn:
'ompuny M, James Miller
First Idoho Wounded: Sertteant Will.
lam Tetter and JrlxaUs .loliu M. i.ut
1in. Cmiip m O. Jamis Uau; Comp.inv
K, Iknrx M Knlklns
First AV.iHlilPRtou Wmtmlrd Compmv
51, John II. Si aili. Coiporal Charles A.
AliRUstoln, missing, l'rhate. Ox'al F. (51b
snii I'll st Montana Wounded C'onipan.x II,
Pi Ix ate (liorKo W. Hoxxl.ind
Thbd artillerx ICIlled Hattor ;. I'rl
xate 1! inn x Ilium Wounded liitttry
!j. SerRiaut IJ C. SI"eioutli, Hatteix (5,
1'ilxates Iliinuiii Hansi n and A. J) l'lillo.
1'list Wxonilnt, Woiunlid. Comp m F,
Pilxate H.inj 11 Ciuulnii
(SlBiicd) Oil'.
Theie is no reason to biliexe that
I he president has ohanpred his policy
lespcttliifr the treaty of the Filipino"
because of the battle and it is believed
that If thej aie content to p.-oflt by
the sex oi c lesson admlnlsteied to them
he x 111 be w Miner to lecdxe them as
enltiff childien and tieat them with ns
Kieal a degiee of libetalltx as their
state and a due leff.ud for the intei
ests of the T'nltid States and of chill
zation xx 111 peimlt
It is thought at the wai department
that the laine number of woundid
Filipino in the hands of the American
foicep, xxhlle they will pioxe some-
x hat buidensome and will make a
heavy dratt on the loaources of the
medical department xxlll pioxe n prood
thlnnr in the end The wounded Fili
pinos rated tor In the Ametlcan hospi
tals and ted with American intloiis. it
is bdlexid, will make vor effettlxe
missionaries xxluii the.x letuin to thep'
oxvn people The Idea ot wounded mls
oneis b.'lnR laretullx nursed and cat oil
for, it Is said, will be a wholly new
experience to the Insurpront"
The- situation is likened to that elst-
intr In Cuba be fine the assault on San-
tlncro. The Sn.inlsli iiHsoi.ois mniin . .
d at San Juan and HI Caney x,ilil very '
lianklv after the battle that thev would
not have u-slsted with one-htlf the do-
teiminatlon they did had thev not been '
it'iieatedlj assutod by the Spanish nu
thoritles that the Aineilcaiisi nevi r
took pilsoncrs except to scalp and tor
tuie them and that It was far lietter
to die fighting In the tienches than to
fall into the hands of the lenioiseless
noi them lux-aders.
One officer in tlie depaitment today
ri (alien in tills, connection his epei
bnee bofoio the attack on Caney
when be was one of a leconnolteiing
.......... l... i. .. ..... . . . . - ..
pany which wont up to the edge or tlm
town mm gathered in a largo paitx of and the othois scattering Subsequent-
paciflcos who weie out hunting man- 1 the Ameiicans lecotinoiteied and
groves. The prisoner wiuo simply tounil the village of Sin P"dio com-
limp with terror when tho weie pK-tely desettcd
maiched back to Shaftefs headquai - Tiicy did not bum It and today tho
lets. Alter thej hud been ted nnd vlllagoi-s letmned in small parties
iiuestioncd thev win tin mil lo.,s,, ,.alills bamboos to vxhi. 1. white ihig.
the P captu.e being mj,ie onlv to pto- wwe tatwA They kept, hovvev.r.
rs -na-i'benZirs.r rlrtB" ,,n ih, oi,Kr
lunilnn nf tlin ,11, I. It ,1 1. . .,.-.
the rilinlnos will prove quite as ,,s-
ceplible to piaotlcal mlssloii.ny noik,
SPWISH ppnaivrnj
riie j (.palliation of the Spanish
tioops the Ihlllpplma Is i now be lug
,..-. .u.u.i ,...., riM i.ineiil! ctis
hub nuiiiifu un- ut;iiii iiiii'iu inat no nac I rouuii avaiij, i oui leeiun lntantix
in Manila r.fiOrt pilsonets to retmn to and Flist Ninth Dakota infanii on
Spain. Of thesi j W.l have alieiidv tin. light, did some let oimolterlng tu
be en shipped, and ot the leiualning dn.x, but othuwlse has been taking
8.CIH) ho piuposifi to ship 120 illieeis lnittte-is easllj. The First Washington
and l.soo men on two of the Spanish Infantiy, the Flist Iduho intantry nml
tiansportatlon eompanx's steamers now the Nculli Dakotas uje swung out fiom
at Manila It Is expected these ves- block-house 11 lo the old Spanish
sols will stait about the llth instant tienchtb southwest of Malnte fun,
The tollowlng eablegium uas ii.- when' the Fourteenth lnfantiv Is imar-
el ted nt the nav.v department tod.iv I toied
lioni Admlial TJevvej in ackmuxledge
ilitiit of Societaiy l.oug's fongiatuH
toil' inesiMgo ot vesteidav
Manila .Vb
Sicutary ol the Now:
The (oimii!iii(lei-.ln.chli-f, otllteu and
men thank the pin-ldent and the sec.
lotaii of the navy fo- (ungiHtuhtloiis
Secretaiy Alger today locelvod th
following cable rfiain fiom Geneial oil i
In repl to his message of congiatuli
tlon cstcida:
Minli.i Cob s
Since ie ih inks toi iimgtatulailims All
credit duo to heuity icspemse of troops
to en dels e f ollkeis. Otis.
Piovost Guaul has the City
Guuul has the
in Control.
Manila, Feb. S Noon Last ovi-iiIiik
as th' Fllirinns at Calooean vxoro evi
dently mussing forli night attack upon
the Amerliun left wing, companies 11,
(! ami I oi tho Twentieth Kansas in
faiitix. wen ordcied to attack and
dieixt! the sharpshcioterri from a bam
boo jungle in front ot the Hi hit? line,
wnere they had caused ('onaldeiublc.
nnnojance all the nftornoon. Two bat
tallons charged brilliantly, driving tho
ein'tnv like 1 1 aft mill petii tt itltio- t the
eiv lieait ct Cnloocnn
J'ltst Lleutinant A ". Vlfoid. u
cabled last nlirlic, xxas Itlll'd wnlle
Icnllns ills tompanv. tfv xx-i's not in
the forche'id. Settrcant Jay Sheldon,
Coini'i ny I xwis sei! xxoitiidid.
I''M Mini 1 Hewitt (lleiliti '), l.l
nest Flitz, John (llllllra and twu otii
et 1, inomliiN of Column. v 15, wore
sllqbMx wounded.
Thirty deid I'lllplnos weie nuut I
it tlte linii and then xxeto niiny
mo xxounded. The srimbn.ut Cou"ord
and f nlltin kept un nn Incessant nto
from II e buy, the Conceit il dropping
mtiiiv shells In the tow n with tolling
e'ffeot. In order to mold ncrld'Hts
f j om this sotitco. 5enernl )tln was
compellid to lecnll the ICansas battal
ion aftel burning the otitklits of the
town Hither the phells of the Ameil
(111 wai ships or the natives thernseHes
111 oil n numbir of buildings Uhln the
toxxn limits Prisumablx- this was the
insult of the shilling N'o fm tlier at
tempt to ntt'icU illlilliff the -lUtht v as
inatli h cither side.
The Sn.inlsli p iji -i generally eoui
ment In lax. nable terms upon the ad
miiuble oidir in ilntalned in Manila.
The Fnlon Iti ilc i-axs: "W aie sat
islled that tin Amoiluins. xxho are t ir
the trio iter pait volitntceis, fought
itiollv and with jieifoel dl-clpllliu
though xxlthout ontrcncnnHrU, at the
virii us points dot ended atul clemnn
sliated the spltit xxhlih tinlmttte'S
them The Flllliinos who ue lueus
toined to llrht In tienehes and w I tit
guerilla methods, also lottsht l.iuely,
but with less pieclslon and lcgulT
itj." The situation today Is ptnctlcallv tm
(hanged. The Ameiliaii line hn not
been appreclablx extended and the
t loops gonorallx aie taking ninth need
id tost. Iteconnalssanees show that the
Filipinos- nlc jn force In the villages
of Fasig and Paianaiiue, jnobalily 7,00(3
men at the latter place, within stiong
fortification" All Is quiet along1 tho
line when this dlspatdi is Med at noon.
,1 in n. in The urovost iruiiul Is In,""11" ene tmee cousins ngiei u
ibolute conttol of Manila. All
of a native upilsing in the city weie '
..i .i 1..1..1.,.- ..jn.i.i.ih in in ".j in-..
dispelled by the piomptltude which
(Uiollcd the otitbienk on Mondav even- !
ing. The streets were desetttd last
evening bv 9 o'clock and not a light
was to ho seen In the native titiaiter i
The Filipinos accustomed to Spanish , tarnation and bolrttd theli national
methods, ate constantly inquiring: or . Hags over the icsldence ol the thief jun
tho American soldleis when the pi Is-I lice,
oneis aie to be executed. Thev so in I Be comber .U tile chief justice decided
unable to realize that ordett' have not
alieady heen Issued foi tho cxi cutlon. tion and that Mnlietoa i anus was King. uPi xxhore fiesb beef ot beef on the
Indeed, headquattei.s Is besieged by I The Amcilcan and Hiltlsh consul 1m- I hcuif ooiilil not bopioourod Thestilc
xxoinen anxious to plmd for the lives medlntelv ltcognled the new king. I tm es of General Miles made publicly
or tneir relatives anu irieuti" '
All is quiet lii Cavlte Owing to the i of supplies In the adjacent village '
of San Itoque. Cominlss iry MllllKen '
has been authorlyod to sell necessaile- '
to those able to paj for them; and
there will be a dlstiibutlon of fteo ra- I
tions to others The rebels, it appears,
had loon-holcd a chtiicli tower In Ch-
vitc evldontlj with a ptupose of tici u-
pvlng It with shatushootets.
Senor Aglllos, the rillpino e-com-mlsf,lonoi,
made an unotliiial visit to
Gc ncral OtN todn Tomorrow- is the
(list dav of the Chinese new veai- and
iiiders have been issmd prohibiting i
lliowoiks. I'umplng at the watei woiks
has been tismued.
General Hale's lulgide consisting of
the First "outh Dakota Inftntry. Flist
Colorado Infant) y and Fli-st Nebtaska
Infantry flippoited bv a battevv of the
TJtnh light ai tlll"i .v ev tuples the most
I'dxanted post in tin Ameiicnn Iin,
fullx ten miles from the ban- of sup-
I'"01- I' has .111 almost peifoct posl-
t,on- Klur Fl1"'' ot tlu' uuu "UHeiy.
htllUoncd ou a lliu Ue'',nd the vvniei
oiks command tin vulby to the light
find left and the foothills In front.
Two companies of the Color idos up
poit the Twentv-thlid lnfantiv, vvnii h
Is encamped neai the water vxoiks,
while the Nobiask.i air encamped at
the leseivoir, three miles to the icai.
Outposts line the lldgi iveilooklnc- the
valley, while a sand hag outturn hment
with gun cpauleim nts fionts the ilxer.
lestoidav the L'tuhs dtopped sl i Us
into the villages across the iixn Tin
natives dlsappeaied amo.ic the' hills
. . . CT '
the main bedy letlilng to the light
.. 1 ... ... . .-. .,... -. . ...
"s "" "l'lnl to ("B.llll WU'ir CXpCTl
e,"n" rth ,l ''XrnlQ ,,,,,,,r ,1,a" " eel"
i "'ll I , ., ,
' ' w no was l"
, , lWsng the capture of the water vx oiks.
"Hd It lemmded lilm of a iitlililt ililve
, on the Coloiacio plains. itc-iiBiimen Dusauc, cue
A lew native houses Horn whiib
shots have been fired, weie humed, but
most of the otheis an. i liber xiuuiin
oi maikod with white ilai.'M eil. tho Poipohe would open io on.
The eneinv Is obviously coutoiitiat-d , l'"' t,nul- Mutaafa upon lielvlnir
at Paranaeiue. Geneial King's bilgndo, S-UuidVn ultimatum vvlthdnvv his ann
whlch Includes the Fitst Callfoinlu In-i d kuuiiI fiom tlu couit nouse and
fantrv, Flist Idaho Infantry, Flist mi .Ian. T the chh f justlti with u guard
W omlng infant t.x and Flist Infantiy "f twenty live men landed Tin chief
has been eompelltd to desttoi the v II- Justice and the two consuls walkul to
Inge of San 'Pedm Mm ate as the na- tin tuuil house and afler an om it i j;
tlves moving from house to house Hied colloquy with the Ameilcan nlllcltls
from tin- windows us the Ameiliaiis , Chambeis ordeted tho dooi biokeu In
advanced The Foiiilh eavnlrv 1ms . vvith a sledge hiinuner. Tin session of
liugeli eniiyeil loiaglug tor food. ..Ml
that 1" left of Puiu and Santa Anna Is
occupied bv the Callfni nliins.
Will Look After tho Meat.
Washington I'tb. t The Inqiilty lute,
the chnlgiB ugalnst the chaiaeter ol tlu
aimy meatt piuferred hi Geneial Miles
will fulloxx- close upon tho ptesuiilntlriii of
the r pin t of tho commission to Investi
gate tho omliict ot the w.u. The com
mission xxlll coiistltuto the court Tin
lute I'ngnn court martini will be rente
sentod In tlu niHiubershlp
Schooner Ashoie,
Lowes, Del, Fob. 8 Tho throe. uiasttd
si'hooiu i Geotgo U. Dudley, liom Now
Haven, for Norfolk, Ik iishoio on Cobb's
Island Sh Is hi an easy position and un-damuged.
lie 13 Not Pleased with Mi. Sibley'a
Hmrlsbutg Keli S - Senator William
Fllnn, of 1K glienx (halt man or the
antl-gimy ItipublUan legislators, hud
his attention i ailed today to the inter
view of Congiesninn Joseph Sibley on
the senatoiial situation.
This Is u rem itkublo iittulunri to ceme
limn mix IiLiiiociallu sfiuui The iiiol
chiiill.iliii con tl at tloli to be (il.uid upon
the iidxtco of Mi. Slblej lo work tipju
the lines whhh Wllllum II. Andrews ad
vlnts ami Itisim the tletllon of Senitnr
(Jun. Is that the Vi natiro county eim
gicssm in Is title! ly lmioriuit of conditio is
as ihex aituallx exist Tluie. has mxer
hi on at nnx- time nnx efloit on the part
of the iiiitl-Qiiux Itipiibllcnns to prac
the deception towaid the Dmioeiats r
tins pulille
It Is a tribute to the Intcgiily nf otlinr
DemiK utile lu.dits that Mr Sibley and
Ills si home Htund nltne. aid Is ojipo u il
bx all of the l)i trn'i rnllc leadns In and
out of tin ligM.itun xxho h i- Keiii
hi re most of tin tlmi since tin opmlng
of tliepMimt of lite ItglHlit'iri.
Chief Justice, Had Ti ou bio in Choos
iag a King German Consul Would
Not Kecojjnio Timus.
ban Fiantlsoo, Feb. S The steamer
Moina uuived from Samoa today
bllnglng full details or the lecent out
bleak at Apia to the Associated FiesB,
fiom its toiiispi.ndent at that lilace.
lie vxiltes that while Chief Justice
chambeis vxas conldeiing the claims
of the llvnl tandldutes for the king
ship the Mataafa natives, who weie nti
lneilcally the stionger, vxoie openly
Mippoitcd bx- the German oillclals and
the entlte (lerman population begin to
talk of Immediate war in case the de
cision xv cut against him. The life of
he chief justice was tlneatelied b one
to ii-oiie a proc lamutlon putting the
' Justice and ms residence under,
- .-
tllu piotcctlon of the tieaty poweis.
l '' h0'"e tcaion the ueunan consul
moKenis worn ami dec nncti lo cany out l
the agieement The Hrltlh and Amcr
''"! consuls thereupon issued a proc
that Mataafa vxas ineligible foi olec- I
(lie iiceision was receiveu xxiin oiiiiu-
cms silence by the nitlves. Within an
hour the consuls the president tnd
the Geiman and Hiltlsh captatnn held
a meeting The (ieimin consul and
piosldent declined to lecognlye Tanus,
and went oxet to Mataafa, who was
waiting at Mullu, the western pmllon
of Apia
With 3,00 moif mill r arm Mataafa
suuounded the lojal troops, 1,200 In
number, who occupied the centtal por
tion of the towns.
The Malletnans lacked aims and am
munition. In a few linliis the lebel
fotces had smrounded the lesldence of
the i lilef justice, who was guaided by
.()() lo.xal natives, and Captain Sturdj,
of II M. S Porpoise, landed twenty
flvi sailors under Lieutenant Gaunt.
The if Idi me xx at' b u i leaded and the
men stood to anus until the next inclin
ing, win n the chief Justice and family
weie taken to the bench
Dining the night the Malic toa people
sought tefilge 111 boats and weie hud
dled together undei the guns of the
Pot poise. Aftei the lotieat Horn the
Tlvoll to the Mission it was found that
King Tanus had bet n left at the Tlvidl.
Captain Stutd.x and Consul Maxse went
to tlu hotel and biought the king sife
lj bick It was a brave deed, and, al
though the iwiwt- xxtio Hied upon
repeatodl.x , thev escaped uninjured. Ry
the tllebt of the Mallctoa men to the
Poipolbi, the lebels weie left In ab
solute i)Ousesslon of the town. All
Samo in houses xxeie looti tl and binned.
In this extiemltj the consuls, the piesi-
! ''' ,u an'1 ""' lt',llll,1? .Mataafan chlcts
' i int.. ti. nm.niiiit In ill nSMl V .. 11 f, 11T1.1
came to agi cement to pieseive lift nnd
piojieity and to kei p unlet.
A government, with the
piesident as the executive head, wan
apploxed bv all consuls pending the
seVtiem.:;,, :,r the w hole question by
their lespeitixo governments
Tho FiltMi and Aniotloan crnsuls
at,ieed to thb inoMslonil auangement
vx Ith the undeistaiidinq; that It was in
no wise to niftct the Pan Up treaty or
anv olllclal of the poweis or any ofll
cer undei It nnd that the Malletoa
people who hid bieii taken on bomd
tin i'cupoise should be allowed to go to
theli homes, tlnlr uims being letnined
em the Poiiiolse The flint net ot th
' j)roi islonal g .veinnicnt. how.
,, w ,Ked (1etet mlnation of the (J i-
, , ,eia, u, ss1111K ,, asc, ndeneo
, Snmon) afu,ls. ,Jy ,,,. n()tloi.
.,. .....vUIiii.iil inn i ninont nliollsl,.,!
the supitiiii couit and tlnn dee Idee!
that tho ptesldint was the acting
justice, and that Chh 1 lusthe f'li tm
ln ri no longn held cnllie. Tin v selyoe'
the supieme eoutt and placed now
looks on nil the doors. CI . f Justice
Cliambeis and the lltltlsh and Ameil-
tan consuls issued a pioelamation that
the emut would be opened by him as
usual In the morning Captain Stuidy
of tin 1'oipolso (,avo uoth e that If
anv leslstiiuce to the opening or the
C'lUt t K.V lUsliee e namneis was olfer-
..... .i .
the court was then held
All Is now quiet so far ns lighting Is
concerned Tho chief justice has sent
his family to Auckland, and lit-, him
self, Is In tho Pot poise
Kveivthliig point)- to nuotbei light
nrnont' the natives at no dlttaiit time.
During the flghllng betwett tho mi.
tlves Mntnafas paiti lost IP killed
ami 11 wounded and the king's puty
lost I killed and S wounded
Diaastrous Blaze.
Helmout, I.i. Feb S-Tlilrlcui biislii"ss
IlouMos and a uumbii ol pnxuto Iiousum
xxoro clestinxod by Ilio today. Tin loss
will loach II'iiMniO. The wain mains ne
tiron ami the llamis xxno only siibdiud
after the onluos fiom neighboring toxxiiH
hud arrived. Many peisuus aio humtluM,
Tho War Investigation at an End.
No One Receives Ccnsmo Savo
Gonoral Miles Commission De
cides That the Embalmed Roof
Wii3 an Emeigency Ration It
Also Finds That Secretary Alger
and His Subordinates Wore Effi
cient, Experienced and Faithful.
Washington, Feb R -The war lines
tlgatlng commission has now complet
ed Itf labois and Its lepoit vv 111 be in
the hands of the luesldent tomouoxv.
The commission held a session today
that extended well Into the nfteinoon,
going ovei details. Tomoirow the
membeis of the commission will meet
at their old olllios.foimnllv attach their
slgnatuies to the mlglnal document,
and proceed In n body to tho executive
mansion to infoim the president tint
they have completed their mission and
lucent their lepoit. The lommlsslon
then will cease to exist. The i om
mlssion's quarteis will bu vacated. The
repoit makes an important fontuie of
the beef issue and dismisses ns a gen
em! proposition the ch.ilge.s that have
been made against the bief furnished
the annv. It Undy, it is tindeistood,
Oeiuial Jllles and JIajor Dalj. the
thief surgeon who made, the U'lMiit re
gal (led as the mot sonsational for
vxaulcd to the commission by General
Mn, a Au , .. ,oa , , .,,
ttt ltne,.(. tnc, commission It is
ulieistood. goes on to point out the
uiiueiBiooii, tines on to ponu oui me i
11asH 0 tnj(ll ,,,, i)rnitted to the ton-
Unrv UI ortsetttnK tlll!1 testimony. As
to ,,,,, nf tll( canne,i ilf,of n, ,,
found to hi objectionable the commis
sion points out the effect of the tiopl-
eal climate In pioduclng liquefaction of
the fat lit the meat anil the consequent
rendoilng o tho contents unpalatable
Most of the beef, though. Is found to
have boon satisfactory for emeigency
on the beef, and bis public expulsions
In other wavs. It is understood, are
subject to a sex ei e ciltlcism The
methods and manner ot loading tho
tianspcuis In General Shaftet's Cuban
epedltion aie also discussed and re-
sponsibllltv placed for the lesull".
' .,.., T,rtT ,T,,T,
The lepott savs that the evldemo be
fore the commission shows that Stcio
taiy Algei exerclsi-id proper diligence
and supetvlslon and that his suboidln
atcs also weie efficient, expeilented
and faithful. The commission Is a unit
on Its toiKut and tliete Is no minoiltv
At the outset the commission divided
Itself Into sub-committees for the sep
arate i onslderatlon of designated
blanches or the main subject of In
quliy. Those sub-committee lepotta
will be added to tho minolpal state
ment of conclusion haildod to the chief
Thirteenth Regiment Will Be Mus-
teied Out on That Day.
Special to the Sfianton tribune
Camp MacKcnzle Augusta, (Ja , IVb.
S -The bujs ot the Thliteenth aie in a
quandaii mid fail to quite understand
the effoits xxblch seem to be made by
file nils at home to have the legiment
musteied out In Sctanton. This1 move
ment Is not populai here and the bo.xs
do not tavoi the idea of waltinjr to be
musteied out at home, jiji tltulaili as
this xxould cost each mun about $10
and result in a total loss of neail 5.30,.
U00 to the entire lejslment.
Colonel Coursen 1 of one mind with
tin- men In this i aspect and so are
I theoni.e,. Pilendsand well
wlshtiM of tho men ut homo may not
apple elate this tact, but this Is ex
actly the wax the que.ston stands now.
It will save much tiouble and be a de
cided advantage fiom a financial .stand
point to all to bo musteri'd out here,
ami otir couespondent has ample ica
sim to know that this Is the wish of
the bovs It Is piaetitally a leitutnty the nglnient will go home Intact,
and ol thin Colonel Com sen cuti ii.ilus
no eloubt vi hatsoevor.
Tin Fifteenth Minnesota tiotiblt has
entirely subsided Passes aio now- be
ing Issued and the aims luvo been ic
tuined to the uflondlng tiglment To
day, foi the flist time since Sunday,
commissioned ottlceis have been al
lowed to have the camps.
The members of the Thliteenth arc
happy It has Just been announced
that the government considers the old
National Cuaiel men as having been
I In Its set vice fiom ApHl J.", and will
thoitftne allow them pay and clothing
money liom that date up to the lath
of May at which time, technically
speaking, thoy become United States,
soldleis. The inufittilng uilleois have
ni lived In camp nnd have given In
stitutions to proceed with tho tegular
loutlne at imii'.
The piellmliiaty phisioal examina
tions have boon began and also the
vvmk ol pi ep. u ing all books and lec-
. 1. . .f. ,...- -..-.,-..-- !' ------. ..--. v, .w-..
u..i .nose c w,c oeec was Mien as ou.u , Th(? oUlm ,, , p ,.niUnR for nulnv ,,. IunRpl. , ,,ml))t as t t, ,.
IK" Sffi 'oluat-tU' xv restate" dStmL 'S l"'" " 1""'
Miowed it never was Intended to be u.Vuui SS Ku of the "'"''' "'"1 that the bolting element is
anv thing but an emergent intlon. Austro-Hungailangovernment The de. 1'1"1S ' eume In which the promo.
J.t7,,V,Tr,"iy-.Vl"!:Tr P.vrt,om-i fcnctlon is ZZ upon a tion of the., fattional stiengtl, is the
hhif iiiiiu ir-'iimu cih'Uinl nil' m.i"l
::::!: .?":li! .iuuz ."?:;: ;rti
date nf musleilng out the regiment
and all aio now eagcili looking lor
vvaid to that clay Tho cold lust night
and today was quite seveto and has
caused uiuih suffering, It was at fiee
Ing point dining tho nay and this felt
to be an extieme.
l.k haul J. llmuke
Big Fire at Philadelphia.
' i aslilliglon, Fub. S. The tlvo-slory
building. -M-'. SH .uid 21C Ni xx sltecl abovo
Unco stlett, occupied by a iiumbi'i of
Uiuih was gutted bv lliu tonight I'ho
losses uggiigato iiboiu iV)lnX The
heaviest loseis weie tho Tcthnli Klectila
conipany, WJ.WKt. Hnuchei MauufatturliiK
(onmauy tlntware. tl5(ni, Aniulcan
I'tuil Itutton cnnipiny, Sflu (y. 'j'iio io
inalnliig losses vxuo chlillj bv vvulor.
McCarroll Bill Pnssos House.
llunlsbuig, Feb, 8. The MiCairell bill
passed llrst leading In the house this
morning without ii blnglu dlsseiitiug vote.
Weather Indication Today:
fair and Cold.
1 Unit nil-Agiilu lido Silos foi 1'cate.
Var Investigation JJndid.
Deiiioerritle legislators Will No Loliher
He .lolllid by the Amis.
U (leiioral Antl (Ju.ultcs Meet In I'hlla
dliphla. Financial and Common lul.
3 hocal Thousands Viewed the Dead
lllshop's Itemalns.
Dramatic Scene In Coutt.
1 IMItorlnl.
Novvh and Commetil
." Local Kstlm.itos of City Kipensos.
Ciinilnnl Court Proceedings.
i) laical Wist Sctanton and Siibuibiiii.
7 News Itoutid About Stranrnn.
S Local lnsoh em x Procec dings
Industrial Notts
The State Department Declines to
Pay Indemnity on Account of the
Men Killed at Lattimer Riot.
Washington, Feb. S. The state de
partment, after mature consldeiatlon,
has declined to lecognlye the claim of
the Atistro-Hungarlan government for
Indemnity on account of the Hungailan
stiikeis killed by .Sheriff Martin's popse
at Hazleton, Pa., Soiitember 10, 1S97
special opinion prepateel by Solicitor
W. L Penlleld, coveiing the entile
Held of national responsibility In such
ernes of mob violence or rioting, which
piobablv will foim the basis ot future
detisions In that line In his opinion.
Solicitor Penlleld goes over so much of
, ,; '" , - , , : ,
tlu' ''Vldence ptoduccd upon, the ttlal of
Sheriff Mat tin ns seemed to bo neces
saiy to establish the facts bi lolly, nnd
then concludes wl'h a statement of the
pilnciples by xxhith the department of
statu is bound.
He says
No goxciimitnt It sales the absoluti s'
i urltl of all foreigners who in t) h ipp "n
to be X' Ithln Its teriitory. Aliens, us well
as nationals, ate bound to respect the
law the Institutions i nil the constituted
authoiltles ot the slate whose teiiltory
thej itsidolti Tilt y are ticatcd the sain;
is nationals and In the loiter thev aie
In case of Infraction of the penal lew.
nio-eouted and punished In panic ulu
if thi'l take pait In ,n Iumuii clloii m
In a clxil war, tho ttoatment to which
thev expose themselves In such luxxliss
actions affords no legitimate gioiind tin
diplomatic intervention.
In conclusion, tho I.aitimer slilkeifl
weie dlstutbers of the laibllc peace and
violators of tho law The were liqildlv
drifting Into a state of petty wai. It wen
the ilutv of the sheilf! to take moustlies
to prevent as well ns to suppress elxll
tumults and dlsoideis On previous oc
iiisleins he hod commanded them to dls
pi rsn and they oheveil Thej weie pei
ftetlx familiar with his olfle lal )iiiition
end the nature of the nuthoiltx In a
eicisod 11 the j had obi veil his laxx fill
command no blood would have Ijln u shed
and In their lawlessness and aggiisslxe
conduct challenging tin embodied loice
of the state thej placed themselves bo
jond the piotecllon of the law To to
ward tho wounded living and the Inns of
those si ilu undei such i licumstunci s
would be offering a premium to lawless
ii' ss and Inviting renoxxed outbreaks and
llots This goxermient is theieforo un
able to admit the justice of the el dm
Petition Asking Couit to Appoint
Him a Supreme Court Judge.
A petition containing the following
heading Is being calculated among the
membeis of the Lackawanna bai by
Attoinev James V. Watklus
To Ills I'xcelleniy W. A. Stone Oov
1 1 mo ol l'eiinsx lvmilii
Ae. tile lindt-isltncd mimbcrM of the
bai of l..u kaxvumia cotintx unite In u
ilucsthiB tho npliiilntmont of Hon H VV
Aiihbalil. of laukawnnua. to till the xa
c incy In the Supiimo eoiut. c.iumiI l,x
the death of the lite Mi JustUo Will
lams The petition has been signed bv. the
members ot the bai genoiallv, li respec
tive of political lines Similar peti
tions ate being clitulatid In other
counties In this pait of the sta't
lion Tne Tell Upon Him, Bieukiug
His Leg.
Mb hail lllne hie v tmpluveel as a la
boier at the Delawaie, l.aekawaiiua
and Westun maehlui shops, was pain
fully inluied "isteidai moinlug ut t JO
o'i loi K. He was moving a tiuek upon
which weie piled mine it on tltcs. One
oi those rolled oit and knocking flinch
le down. In oke the light leg, and dis
located the ankle.
lie vxas leinoved to tlie Moms Tayloi
I lK''M'ltal' "llP,e " "ils "Jll l1.1,1; .lu
I f,-a tu" ,W11, " iu.,""mi "e left lX
is aKo biulsed.
, as Ttanstened Horn Baltimore to
This City.
A lorn,' standing lequhltlon foi in
as-Isiani inuuev onbr clttk foi th-
Si l anion pobtoitlct has it lost been
j,i:uit"d Aniioiiiltemi nt of the tians-
linn Mis. l.Illlan ixoilin liom inc i:.u.
bv tostmustei Klnnlu xesteulay.
Mis ICelUn s transfei wus the lesiilt l When the heating begnn. l)i. P F.
cd hot own iipplhailon. she is a .sister Uunstei, one of tin physicians, who e
ot Arthur II lluitley, who loi manv ' amlnod Mis. Iliandu when sh wsa
yeais was ojiiplnj el In the Sctanton . commlttecl to tho Hoim. was ptescnt
iiivtemlee. She was dli cc tm y deik in as ie Mis Uiunda pi .mptlv
Uclllmi'ie 'objoited to Jllllse (illlisler condlictlll't
the hearing beeuuse he I a bi'.itlu r '
Oaklaud Baton Sold. U Uunstei Ilu nttotney. A A.
l.c..xlm.ioii K F"' S air. n ht.ui.i 'hase. had some II i' .llltlutlty in t
wlm yisieriluy puul. ied im fiiinoiib tint- ting .Mis. Hiunda to n-aso piotestlng
ling stallion Oiklind Ilarou fm JlO.nwi. Mis II nndii rli .tens to llili suit
todux sold the horse to Alldl'WV McDow
ell acting I't I'dxvnnl Winter, ut Pcim
Hvlvanlti x.illcx stud Moirlsxllle. lu . for
Steamship Anivuls,
.New Yolk. Feb. S-Sall-d Si l.oul
Southiiiiiiiioii. Majestic l.lxeipnol: West-
lliluuel, Aulxxciii Houthaniploii- Ai
llvid: St Paul, Now Yeik; S.iule, Next
Ynik for lliemeii. Sailed: I.aiin, liom
ilKinili. New York. Ttottenlam Ar
llxed: Stutemlt.m, New- York.
The Democratic Managers
Have Discovered the
No Longer in Doubt as to tho Posl
tion of Their Alleged Trionds.
Indications That a Surprising
Departure Will Be Made in a
Few Days.
Special to tl Sci at, ton Tiibuue.
HairMmig, ia i,.,. s. The devel
opments of the past few dtivs indicate
that the senatorial battle Is draw Ins)
to a dose. The Dcmocintlc maiuureis
end In view. The Democtats have been
tojed with and jollied from the very
( oinnieiicemont of the fight. They have
been told that Quay Is a veiy. very bad
man and that he in ut the head of ti
veiy bad machine, and that tho thine,
to do in the interest of better govern
ment and public moials was to mo
vent his rotuin to the 1'nlted States
senate All this had a veiy pleasant
sound until the Domociats boenn ic
review the situation In nil Its phases,
Natumll y they came to the conclusion
that If Quay is a man of the charac
ter desciibed b the Independents, the
latter .should not hesitate to send u
reputable Democrat lo Washington lr
his place Tbis suggestion was not at
all acceptable to the bolteis, who it
alUe that they have gone too far, as)
it is in the way or disregarding party
pilnciples and consequently the har
monious feeling hetetofore existing be
tween the anil-Quay people and the
Democtats has boon almost entlielv
wiped out. Now the situation 1p le.ii.
The Deinciciats aio Incensed on account
of the lefloction on their paity. as Con
giossinan Slblev's statement Indicates,
and It is onlv a question of time when
thev will he "tinned loose" and un
hamptiod bx caucus Institutions, will
vote as theli individual views dictate.
This course would offend no honest
Demon at In tho state who has kept
tabs on all the reatuie.s of the fight.
The mlnorltv lepiesentatlv cs have vli
tu.illy been Infouiied by the Independ
ents that It would bo a calamity to
send a Detnoi nit to the 1'nlted Stati s
senate, and till- imputation will be io
sented, it is quite lllcelx. in a manner
not at all pleasant to the factional cn
mles of Quax J. 1. 1),
No Change in tho Ballot tor Senator
JTairisbiug, Feb. s Theie Is sllll tin
( haiiia ill the soiiatoiinl election.
Hugh H. Ilistbiuu gained two votes
today. Kclinlstiui and Mai tin changing,
from Colonel i:. A. Iivlii. Noitun vxent
from Irxln lo Stone. Senator Qiuv
was again tliii teen votes shuit ot tin
niimbti neiesfciuj to elect. The vote
(mux tiU
.links AIJ
Dilcll u
Stone o
Stewart n
lliutburn i
lluir B
lulu a
itiic- a
.Mil UK 1
'I ubbs V
Smith I
el row , 1
(titer S
Wliltucr -
Tolul ... .....'!
,'i 1 1 unui v iii a ili.ili" 11') nalreel, 11; xxlthout tie lis 1 no iholi'i.
Did Not Want Heating- to Pioceed
Befoie Judge Gunstor.
Tlu-ie xxas a healing liefote .ludgix
I" W (iuustii xistiiday In tho
Iliamla habeas cm pus proceedings.
Mrs Anna Hi inula has been eoiitined In
the Insane ihpaitment of the Hillside
Home since last Max and liei mother,
Mrs Phoebe Mai In tie. is an.XloilS
have hei lelc.ised It xxas shown at
the heai lug vesieiduy Unit Mr. Hinn
ila's iiilallves uie ullllng to eaie for
.... .mu.. .imW,, 7i,..,efo,e, ,,
dunged bet from uistodj,
again d 'li ! '. ! I'oiir Distilct .1
unlaw fully b o ix .15 hu of ncr llhety
as ilii aMet 1
t -t-tt t-t-i-H-t-f t-r-r-1-t' ff
4- Washington IM S-Foiccast fot
- 'I luilnlaj : For custt'in I'eillisylxji- -
4- iiln. fair: continued cold; brisk -
-f weiiteily xxlnds. -f
-t-ttt fff tt-f-f ftf -M--t"H-t- -ff -rl-