The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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What tho Much-Talked-of Board of
Health Accomplished In 1808.
I'lie followlnc nnnunl report of llio
bourd ot health vni wtlimlttfd tn select
council nt lt regular nivvtliiK tut
To the; Jldiicnalili'. Hit Selii'l mill torn-
moil Poiiiii'lls of ('in City of ('iitlnmiliili.'.
Hentlrincn: 1 riviut'tlvely ciilitnlt the
upprti'lci tcnort tif tlii- iifful'H "f llio
boiinl nf henltli lor the yar l-''":
For leiiMoii.x, with which ou an il
rtml. acqiiiilutc-il. tin wii left
without u tiuorutii en the llrst MuilJ.v "I"
last April, cltiee which time nn meetlnu
have bien held. Tin- ailmliilMtrattoii
thnimht it nihiniilile to continue the
imytnent f tho ntllcrrH' al.irle mid too
ufltcrni In turn hove execnierl the ruullne
work nH In former jciirn. to the l'it of
thHr nhlllty.
Tho 11111117 of death, Willi iiml inarrlaRi
leports luiB hiiffrrcd no Intrntiptloii and
there will ronseoiicntly I"' no onils-HlniiH
In the reeoulH of the rcl-tliitliii depart
ment. Tho undertakers! ut the ellv with on
exception haw llled wIllliiKly mil
promptly i-crtlllcuti-x of deaths and lmp
lived up to the ri'ipilrf ments of the local
rules and slat law In every detail. This
Ktatemcnt deserves emphasis In view of
tho fact that certain newspapers have
placed them, as well as the olllcets f
the hontil. before the public In a fals--llRht.
The health of the city has not been as
Hood within the past live yeais. a? It
In 1M8. The death ftom all causes num
bered only 175 which, based on a popula
tion of 17,000. dves us n death rait p.r
1.000 of 10 3-17. In 1S97 It was 1.1 "-!'. base J
on u population of li,0in. The basis was
Inwered In accordance with a del lease 111
the number of roKlstercd voters.
There was nothlns In the natuie of an
epidemic. According lo Hanltnr.v l'ollce
man llarrett's report there were PI new
eases of diphtheria and 17 e'ises of searlot
fever, as ntfainst 114 and '. respeetlvely
In 1SU7. .Measles cases number "ft." an I
typhoid fever rs.
Houses placarded "IS; houses l mill
Katcd, 2S; visits to Infected houses. "IN;
plumbing Jobs Inspeeted. 21; iiulsanc-f
complained of. SM; nuisances abated, 'isl;
school permits Issued, 2.1: eaicasses dis
posed of, docs. :il ; Iiors, I: cows, 2.
Last October the water supply of the
Kallbrook and Newton company was in
danger of typhoid infection. Hundreds
of homes ol this city obtain water for
domestic purposi3 from that source and
their escape from tho deadly fever Is
due largely to the vigilance of the sani
tary policeman
There wete four cases of typhoid l'ecr
In the famllv of Chduneey l.amoreaux.
who tcsldes In Fell township about thief
mile-i from this city anil only .. shoit dis
tance aliow a stream which is one ot
the feeders ut the Fallbronk reservoir.
In tho natural course ut events the sew
iikc of that Infected house would have
contaminated the strinm and hundreds
it deaths mlsht have lesulted. The con
ditions are almost parallel lo those ex
istlnK near 1'lymouth sonu years auo
which caused one of the most horrible
epidemics on record. However, the sanl
i iry policeman Instituted some rlslrt rulet
which resulted In the destruction by lire
..1' till iniectious matter, lie made fre
lUent visits to the home and In his wirk
had the vuluable co-operation of the
ompany's olllclals.
The total receipts of the secretary's ol
(lee for the year derived from the iuUr
ment of non-residents in city cemeteries
and from transcripts and pitr permits
amounted to $42.50.
C. H. Muun. KeeiPiniy.
Ordinance Reducing City Engineer's
Salavy Select Council Doings.
Select council warmed up last even
ing over the ordinance taxing two and
one-half per cent, the gross receipts of
the Traction company. Mr. Nealon
made a spirited address on the subject
and wound up his remurks by regret
ting that the body is a corporation
council and predicting the defeat of
the measure.
Mr. Monnlon said if the friends of
the ordinance would consent to have it
laid over until one treating all corpor
ations alike could be prepared, h'j
uould vote for it, otherwise he would
oppose It. A vote was insisted upon
and a tie resulted. Chairman Swlgert
declared the ordinance lost. Messrs.
Thompson. Nealon and Hattle voted fur
It and Maunion. Katon and Swlgert
against it.
Mr. Nealon Introduced two ordinances
-one reduclim the city engineer's sal
ary to $700 a year and the other pro
viding for a street commissioner at a
salary of $J0O u year. The engineer
now gets $1,200.
The Carbondale Telephone company's
application for franchise was referred
to tho street committee. The boatd of
health report went to the estimates
committee and the controller's1 report
was referred to the finance committee
without reading.
Hlds for coal were opened as follows:
Sherwood. Jermyn, $2.2." n ton for stove
coal: J. G. Ilrandow, $2.-10; John Booth,
$2 45. Tho highest bidder got the eon
tract. He bid on Delaware and Hud
son coal, which the committee consid
ered worth more than the difference.
Mary J. Haley died yesterday morn
ing at 4 o'clock at the home of Iter
father. Thomas C. Haley, of Farvlew
streeet. She was born In this city
twenty-six years ago und has teslded
here all her lifetime. A large circle
of friends and relatives mourn her
sudden death, which Is attributed lo
heart failure. She Is survived by Mr.
nnd Mrs. Thomas Haley, her parents;
three sister, K0tie, Lizzie and Mw, P.
l' Langan, and one brother, James.
The funeral will he held on Wednesday
morning at 9.15 o'clock. Interment to
bo made In St. Rose's cemetery.
Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, aged llfty
flve years, born In Ireland, died ut
her Brooklyn street home Sunday. She
Is survived by two sons, Henry and
George, tho former of llrooklyn street,
this city, and the latter a resident of
Olyphant. The funeral will be held
thin afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Short ser
vices will be held In St. Hose's church,
after which Interment will be made In
St. Hose's cemetery.
Mrs. Laude Wright will leave today
for Detroit, where she will spend .some
Mrs. J. J. Monahnn Is In Philadel
phia. C. R. Spencer Is III.
Isaac Singer is In New York on bus
lnesa. Mayor James J. O'Neill nnd City-
Clerk Frank Clifford are representing
f .
Nervous Exhaustion
is roliovotl by
Horsfford's Acid Phosphate
the local lodBO of tho Knlcltts of Col
umbus nt Philadelphia.
Not half of tho Trinity church cou
Kretmtlon lm been wnlted upon by the
sollcltlnc eotnmltteo and the ninou-it
ft ubscrlheil for tho proposed new church
In nearly $10,000.
Messrs. AUolph llrutincr, August
llrunner, Veter Mppcrt, Louis llriin
ner, Joseph Scheck, Cnrl noesltigor,
AtiKiist Nelson. Henry Hold, -William
.limp. .Martin llellHtrotn, Henry Utteh
ert. Mlohnol Nelseli. A. A. KiiRle. Louis
llehknp, Fred Eehrneder nnd Professor
Haft, of the uertnnnla HIiirIhk elub, of
this city, uro In Hnwlcy nttendlliR Hi"
twenty-fifth anniversary exercises ot
the (leruiiinlti .SltiRliuT society of tint
Stee Hhevoik, a IIutiKtirlnn residing
on the hill ut Alnylield. wont Into tho
hoitm of Joe Iliirnoek. u fellow conn
tryniim, yesterday afternoon, and got
Into nn altercation with Harnoek'H
wife, whom hr kicked mid choked In
u most brutal inlinner. The woman,
who was alone, her husband bolnp at
work at tho 'time of the assault, vvns
discovered lying unconscious on tlio
lloor. Her injuries were found to be
of such ii .serious nature that medical
aid hnil to be obtained. Later a war
rani wns sworn out for Shovock's ar
rest and placed In Constable Hoslo's.
hands. The constable wns still looking
for the offender at it late hour last
The school dheetorrt will hold their
regular monthly mooting this evening.
Mrs. Hlchnrd Hunt, whose critical Ill
ness on Sunday alarmed her ft lends,
revived somewhat yesterday and there
are hopes for her recovery.
Hon. l K. Timlin, who has been
hpending the past two days heie at his
home, will leave this morning for Hnr
lisburc. The Schubert choir of male singers
of North Scranton who, It will be re
membered so charmingly entertained
the Knlfhts of I'ythlas at their anni
versary several months ago, will glv
a public concert, in Kntorprise hall on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 12.
Mrs. James Shield", of Third street,
has been ill for several days with an
attack of grip.
W. 15. Swlck.the newly appointed Jus
tice of the peace, received his com
mission on Saturday last.
(Jeorge Matthews and Honry Morooin
will leave today for New Orange. N.
J., where they expect to remain for
some time.
Mrs. ivter Merrltt, of North Alain
street, was taken suddenly ill tin Sun
day. The coiigi.'gallon of the First Tlap
tlst church are making a strenuous ef
fort to ft"p themselves from the bal
ance of debt standing against the
church building.
A social will be held in Knlei prise
hall this eveninir.
A party of young people from hero
will bave a sleigh tide up to the Der
rlngton farm at (ireeulleld this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. "W. Grant, of South
Main street, pent Sundny with friends
nt Hnuiey.
The fair for the benefit of the Sus
quehanna Street Baptist church, for
which great preparations are being
made, will be opened In Lloyd's bnll,
Tuesday evening, March 7. and wir. be
continued for four nights. Hev. George
Hague, who is soliciting articles fir
the fair. Is meeting with great success.
Miss Nellie Hughes, of West Pitts
ton, Is the guest of friends at this place.
The members of St. George's mission
will hold an entertainment and suclal
in 'Edwards' hall next Saturday even
lug. "In Atlantic Clt" wus presented by
the Wills Comedy company at the
Father Matlunv opera house last even
ing before a large audience. This even
ing they will present "What Happened
to Smlthjaw." and tomorrow evening
"Two Old Cronies" will be .ilayed.
Mrs. W. J. Lloyd, of Taylor, ."pent
yesterday with Mrs. T. P. Jones, of
Lackawannn street.
Mrs. James McHale, of Siisiiuehanna
street, is seriously 111.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lou Potter, of Carbon
dale, were the guests of Miss May Mc
Nlcol over Sunday.
Mlssvs Hlla Faust and Lizzie noss,
of Scranton, visited friends In town
K. C. Harnden, manager of the
Weston Mill company's olllce at Car
bondale, narrowly escaped a serious
accident at the Delaware and Hudson
depot Saturday. Mr. Harnden was
stnndlng on the platform of the rear
coach of the noon train, talking to an
acquaintance. When the train started
the .lar caused hint to lose his hold on
the iron brace, and he fell between the
trucks. A brakeman, who saw hint
fall, rushed to his rescue and pulled him
out of his perilous position Just In time
to save him from the wheels, which
grazed his leg. Other than n few
bruises, he was uninjured.
The Willis Comedy company will ap
pear at the Father Mathew opera house
this evening.
Mrs". William Mason, of Blakely, Is
confined to her house with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. John Prnbert have re
turned from their wedding trip.
As a result of a fall on the slippery
walks, Mrs. K. Jenkins, of Susque
hnnnn street, sustained a broken arm
yesterday morning.
The Willing Workers of the Blakely
Baptist church will hold a Japanese
social at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs1.
J. W. Patten, of Delnware street, next
Friday evening. A cordial Invitation Is
extended to all.
On account of the death of Bishop
O'Hnra, the Sisters' fair, which was to
have reonened last Saturday evening,
will not be In progress again until next
Miss Ollle Murphy spent yesterday
at her home in Scranton.
Miss Mabel Mason, of Hyde Park, Ih
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Mason,
of Lackawanna street.
Mrs. HIchard Wllllnms. of Susque
hanna street, while on her way to
church yesterday morning, slipped nnd
fell on the sidewalk, fracturing two of
her ribs. She was removed to her homo
and medical aid summoned.
The einploves of Storrs' mines will
receive their pay today, commencing at
8 o'clock.
Mrs. L. John, of Parker street, Provl
denco, wus a visitor yesterday nt the
homo of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Wil
son, on Main street.
Sawklo trlb". Improved Ofder of Hed
Men, will hold their rcfular council
meeting In Odd Fellows' hall this even
ing. If M. Jones, proprietor of the Ameri
can house on Lincoln Htreet, which
was lpcently dostroyed by fire, has
commenced business In the bulldlm,
formerly occupied by Butcher John O.
Miller, on the Boulevard road.
All members of Prlceburs Citizens'
hand are requested to meet In Cen
tral hall nt 7 o'clock this evening, to
make nrraugements for ro-organlzu-Hon.
Now Culm Washory District Meot-
ing Personal Nows.
A large culm washcry being erected
near tho Connell colliery Is nenrlag
completion. Tho breaker Is quite sim
ilar to tho ordlnnry coal breaker, ex
cept that It Ifl constructed for tho
cleaning of small sizes of coal hoisted
In years gone by, when tho machinery
used In coal breakeis was not so per
fect as that now In service. The
above washery; Is being built by An
thony Brothers, of Trenton, N. J. The
company has already built u number
of culm wnsherles In thlfl city during
I tho past year or so. The water gener
i ally used to enrry the culm to thi?
breaker Is done away with, as the
height of the dump will permit the
coal to teach the chutes by gravii.v.
The machinery will be run by a larno
engine and will be fed by steam from
two pressure boilers. This will fur
nish employment to a number of Idle
J. B. Hurschell, of Hyde Park, was
a caller on frlelidM In this place Sun
day. Mrs. David S. Price and son, llt,
of Clark's Summit, are visiting at the
hoiit" of tho former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John K. Davles.
This evening the district meeting of
the American Protestant Ladles asso
ciation will be held In the rooms of
the Pride of Lackawanna lodge, So.
IS. of this town. Grand District De
puty, Mnn. Hebeeen Hood, of Shenan
doah, will be present. Oother district
deputies from tho surrounding districts
will also be present at the ineetlnv.
All members are urgently requested 'to
be present.
Mrs. Thomas Kcynolds Is quite skk
at her home on Washington trent.
Messrs. David J. Davis. David Bow
on, William Williams, Peter, John i-r.u
Anthony Connors, of this place, enjov
ed a sleigh tide to Plltston Sundny.
Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of Prlceburg, spent
the Sabbath with her mother, Mrs. It io
ert Llewellyn, of Fn'on street.
Mrs. William Bevan, of Pottsvllle,
who has been vltdtlug ut the home of
Mr. and Mrs. David Hevan, of Noun
Taylor, has returned home.
A suggestion has been made by some
of our citizens that a reception bo
given to our soldier boys on their v.
turn from Camp MacKenzie.
The school children of Mr. Samuel
.1. Phillips and Miss Bessie James, of
No. :: ischool, of North Taylor, enjoyed
a sleigh ride to Pittston yesterday.
Mrs. John Francis, of Feltsvllle, Ii
Tayqlnrvlll.- lodge. No. 162. KnUhts
of the Pythias, will hold a social oa
Feb. 13.
Another choir has been organized In
this town to enter the chief competi
tion at the eisteddfod on Washington
birthday. Prof. John Francis Is the
director. Thl is the third choir to be
organized to enter the above compe'l
tion In this town.
Mrs. Walter James, of North Taylor,
Is slightly Indisposed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mllford Morgans
wish to return their sincere thank? to
those who so kindly assisted them din
ing the recent lllnis and death of tin r
son, Mllforn.
The funeral ot the late A. F. Yot
will be,met here by many of the friends
of the tlecensed on the arrival ot the
cortege from Scranton und will accom
pany It to West Pittston cemetery,
where Interment will take place.
Tho Huntley-Jackson company gave
their initial performance last night to
an audience that filled the house from
the first row In the ore lustra to Mie
top notch in the gallery. "The World"
was placed on the stage In good shape
and the scenic effects were good.
The building directly opposite the
Ferry bridge was leased yesterday 'or
a term of years by Henry Melster end
he proposes to supply the city with a
long felt want public bath rooms.
M. W. O'Boyle, who is interested in
a million dollar contract In Mexlco.took
his departure for that place last night
and was accompanied by ex-Chief of
Police McGrath and Beit Johnston, of
Mrs. A. L. Pryden, of Dunmore, re
turned home yesterduy, after a week's
visit with friends on the West Side.
Mary Slmlson, an Italian woman, who
was a tenant in Bohan's "Block of
Blazes," on South Main Ptreet, died on
Sunday, and, It having been ascertained
that her death was the cause of ne
glect, the coroner was notified nnd he
ordered an Investigation. This will be
done, as a jury has been empannelled.
William Brown has been appointed
flit bos-s at Law shaft; Patrick O'Brien
at Sparrowvllle; Thomas Murray at
Xo. 13. and John Brown at Old Forge
colliery. Heretofore the work was donfl
by ono man. but the company decided
to have two at each colliery.
The supper and entertainment, which
was to be given by the indies of the
Primitive Methodist church has been
postponed on account of the evangel
istic meetings, which will begin on tho
14th Inst.
Misses Clara and Gertrude Dnvl of
Jermyn, nro guests of their aunt, Mr.s.
a W. Lower.
All persons over the nge of IS years
are privileged to attend the progress
ive euchre party to be conducted by
the Ladles' Catholic Benevolent asso
ciation, In Herbert's hall, this evening.
Admission, 2) ce;tls.
Mrs John Swartz, of New York city,
I visiting at the home of her par-
Happy marriage,
Healtfi, Energy
ami Long Lite.
A magically effective
appliance ami n mouth's
course of restorative rem
edies teuton trial and ap
proval, without expense.
Sot a dollar netill paid
Vldil Ttmll Arj hiMm fo
and acknowledged by thf patient.
The Erie Medical Company's Appliance and
Remedies have been talked of und written about
till every man lias heard of them.
The likiicH medical authorities la the world
liavo lately commended them.
They ses marvellous power to vitalize, de
velop, restore, and sustain.
They create Tlgor, healthy tissue, new life.
They stop drains that sap the eucrey.
They cure all effects of early crll hatlts, ex
cesses, overwork,
Tliey give full strength, development, and tone
to every portion and orwtn of the body,
I'alluru Impossible, ugc un barrier.
No c. O, I), scheme, uor deception; no exposure
--a clean busluess proposition by a company ot
Mgh financial aud professional standing. Write
for scaled Information.
Erie Medical Go.,Buffale,N.Y.
vSm. & (it rwBn
w7t S tu I 5j
enls, Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Morris, of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan and
family, of Patterson, N. J., uro visiting
tho hitter's bister, Miss Nohn, ot the
North Knd.
Miss Anna Stnhlhobcr, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with Miss Kate Campbell,
of Grove street.
Tho members of St. Mary's choir will
bo treated to their annual sleigh vldts
this evening. Supper will bo served at
HIchard Dceble has removed l;ln
family from Carb.indnle to the old
homestead on the West Side.
Miss Gertrude Hamlin, nged 21 years,
died on Sunday afternoon nt tho homo
of her parents In Mooslc nfter under
going an operation for appendicitis.
The attending physicians were Drs.
Purge, Brown and Watson. She did
not regain consciousness nnd passed
awuy us In peaceful sleep. Deceased
wus n faithful member ot the Presby
terian church and un active worker In
the Young People's Society Christian
Endeavor. Tho funeral will take placo
this afternoon. Interment will bo In
Matey cemetery.
Thete was a llttlo illMlrulty at tho
Lehigh Valley station at Laceyvllle the
other evening and at u consequence
tho olllce of station agent at that place
became vacant. C. II. Stacker, who
cnine here from Meshoppen to wotk as
night operator, was advanced through
the various grades until ho enme to be
freight agent. He now goes to Lacey
vllle, on the recommendation of Station
Agent Phillips, of this place, to tuke
the vncont position there. Urndley W.
Wiikenian, who lutu been acting as day
operator, takes the place vacated by
Stocker. It has not been decided who
will have the day job. II. D. Turn, the
present night operator, Is working at
It temporarily.
C. Horge Little, of Scranton, Mpent
Sunday nt Tunkhannock.
L. S. Parlow, who Is working for
Paul Billings & Co.. at Wllkes-Barre,
was home over Sundav.
The directors of the Tunkhannock
Water company held a meeting ut the
olllce of the company. Saturday even
ing, and transacted routine business.
Hepresentntlve A. If. Squler came up
from Harrlsburg on Saturday. He went
back yesterday.
Byron Carey, sentenced at last term
of court to fifteen months In the peni
tentiary, Is 111 at the Jail here, and
Sheilff Gregory has been unable to get
him down to Philadelphia.
William M. lintt, Jr., of Lafayette
college, came up Saturday afternoon
for a short stay with his people here.
Mr. and Mts. J. U. Carpenter, of
Wllkes-Bnrre, were In Tunkhannock on
George Hoberts and Clarence George,
of the O. S. Mills Hardware company,
left on Sundav for Sayre to take care
or the arrangement of the store In the
firm's new store at that place. They
expect to open between the 15th and
20th of thin month.
Another change In time on the Valley
road went Into effect Sunday. The
only Important change Is In the time
of No. .", which now leaves Wilkes
Ttarro at 11.13 and Tunkhannock at
1L'.02. There are no mornliifr trains, and
Tunkhannock people have Riven up
hope of acaln possessing such a lux
ury. They iro down tie road at 11.42
and up at 10.28.
The death of Marguerite Havden oc
curred Saturdayevenlngnt 11. SO o'clock.
The funernl will be held from the house
on Monday nt 2 o'clock.
Tho last fall of snow brines crowds
of young people from up nnd down
the valley to town, making the place
ring with the merry peal of sleigh bells.
Misses Maggie and Alzina H'ltor. en
Joyed a slelirh ride to Pcott Monday,
where they are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Jones.
David Vail was a caller In Scranton
Mrs. M. Gllhool Is slightly Improved.
Mrs. Henery Revels and daughter,
Annie, and Sallle, colled on Scranton
friends Monday.
Miss Maria Gllroy Is on the road to
Henry Otts and Jacob Wagner visit
ed the Scrnnton people Monday.
Miss Maggie Kane, of Laurel street,
Is slightly Indisposed.
Mr3. Wnlsh, of Pine street, won a
very hnndsoine dinner set which s-he
received for holding the lucky ticket
of Mrs. Jess Sheridan's tea club.
Thomas Price, of Riverside, fell Sun
day and broke his collar bone. Dr.
Van Doren set the fracture.
John Klnback visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A, Klnback, at Archbnld,
Mr. aud Mrs. .lay liarrett are the
guesits of WUkes-Harre relatives.
The Delaware and Hudson Grassy
Island employes were paid their month
ly earnings yesterday afternoon.
A horse owned by Samuel Weiss ran
away yesterday afternoon at tho Dela
ware nnd Hudson depot. fl'h" wngon
was overturned and the driver thrown
out. No damage was done to the out
fit. Peckvllle conclave. No. "C.. improved
Order of Heptasophs1, will hold a pub
lic Installation nnd entertainment nt
their rooms in Ledynrd ball, Friday
evening, Feb. 10. Tho public Is most
cordially Invited. Admission free.
Solid ThrotTjfn Vostibuled Trains.
consisting of Standard Pullman and
Wagner Huffet Sleeping cars, and lux
urious vestlbuled day coaches, lighted
by gas nnd heated by steam, arc run
every day between New York and Chl
clgo via the Lackawanna and Nickel
Plate roads, making tho most comfort
able and cheapest route from New
York, Scranton, Illnghamton and HI
mlra. to Cleveland, Fort Wayne, Chi
cogo nnd thowest. The dining cars
anil meal stations on the Nickel Plate
road are operated by the company, and
serve the best of meals at reasonable
prices. Tho through day conches are
in charge of colored porters, whose ser
vices are free to both first and second
class passengers. Rntes via this route
are lower than via other llne.
For Information, call on any ticket
ngent on the D., L. & W. R. R., or ad
dress F, J. Moore, general agent, Nick
el Plate road, 291 N. Main St., Buffalo,
N. Y.
A Hotel on Wheels.
No hotel Is ninro luxurious and com
plete In every detail for comfort und
convenience than Is the "Lake Shop
Limited." This palatial truln runs
regularly between Boston, Now York,
Buffalo and western cities nnd on It tho
passenger will find luxurious accom
modations, a perfectly appointed din
ing car, complete library, bath room,
barber Rhop und nil conveniences which
one looks for In a first class hotel. Tho
train an It runs Is worth a small for
tune, and It will bo ono of tho oxperl
enccH of your life to make a trip on
this perfectly equlnped train.
Tho Only Itomcdy In tho World, Ex
cept n Surgical Operation, That
Will Certainly Cure Any
Form of Piles.
Tho study of physlclnns, the experi
ments of chemists, tho loudly ndver
tlsed pretensions of nuncUs, have been
for yenrs expended In one direction;
to find a. pile cure that will cure.
Tho results have been a number of
harmless, and In most cases useless
ointments, suppositories' and even In
ternal remedies, which the public have
weighed In the balance ot experience
and found wanting; nearly all of them
gave some relief, but nothing approach
ing a radical cure resulted from th'se
The remedy required Is one that Im
mediately stops the pain so severe In
most cnees of plies, nnd then by con
tracting the small blood vessels (capil
laries) to their normal slzo, produces
u radical cure by reducing and finally
absorbing the tumors nnd healing the
Inflamed, raw mucous surfaces.
Until two yenrs ago, no such remedy
had been produced, but at that time
suppository wa pluced upon tho
market, which has since proven Itself
to be tho long sought permanent cure
for this common and distressing trouble
It has rapidly become famous through
out the United States and Cannda, nnd
Is now sold by nearly all druggists un
der the nnme of the Pyramid Pile Cure.
It Itf now the best known, becausp Its
merit and safety have advertised It
wherever used. It has ben advertised
by word of mouth, from one sufferer to
another: people who had tried every
thing else, even submitting to painful
and dangerous surgical operation with
out avail llnally hnve found that piles
may be cured without pain and without
expense, practically, no tho Pyramid
Pile Cure I sold for the nominal price
of SO cents and $1.00 per package.
The Pyramid Instantly stops all pain
and at tho same time contain no cocaine
morphine or narcotics; the ntids and
healing properties contnlned In the re
medy speedily remove, cause a health
ful, natural contraction and absorption
of tumors; it will cure any form of
rectal trouble except cancer and ad
vanced fistula, which by the way,
nearly always rernilt from neglecting
proper and timely tteatment for piles.
As above stated, can furnish you with
the Pyramid Pile Cure at 30 cents for
ordinary size or $1.00 for large package.
A book on cnuse and cure of plies
sent free by addressing Pyramid Co.,
Marshall, Mich.
"A Grip of Steel."
There is an abundance of action In
the lomantic melodrama, "A Grip of
Steel," which was produced at tho
Academy ot Music last night by Hub
ert Goillard, a very forceful actor, who
was seen In the role of Honjarre, allan
Oaston Lemalre, alias Captain Her
cules, the possessor of u grip of steel,
with which he exterminates his foes.
The drama Is In four acts and thir
teen scenes, all of which are admirably
I presented. A considerable portion of
the scenery Is very beautiful. The
company supporting Mr. Goillard con
tains some very capable people. Among
them are Miss Caroline Cooko, Charles
M. Lane, Frank M. Allen, "Walter CI.
Horton. A. J. Kraiiz, lone Matthews,
Kva. Westcott nnd Luclle Allen Wal
ker. The drama will be repeated this and
tomorrow afternoons nnd evenings.
"O'Hooligan's Wedding."'
A three-act comedy.entltled "O'Hooll
gan's Wedding," produced under direc
tion of Harry West, the German dia
lect comedlun, pleased the patrons ot
the Gaiety theatre yesterday and will
doubtless draw large houses during the
week. "O'Hoollgan's" Wedding" Is of a
more ambitious style of burlesque than
the nverage of Its class, and the thread
of thf plot runs entirely through the
The company Includes some very
good specialty artists, among whom
are Billy Barry, Jr., Harry West, Phil
Dalton, Misses Cooper, Conne.v nnd
Gilbert, vocalists and dancem Mr.
Harry, who Is u son of the late well
known comedian, nnd Hnrry West wero
assisted materially In the fun-making
by Messrs. Dalton and Ilunnello. The
singing of Misses Cooper and Gilbert
and the terpslchorean work of the Pal
mer slstera and Miss Conner was
heartily applauded. "O'Hoollgan's
Wedding" will be the attraction nt
the Gaiety for tho week, with mati
nees dally except upon Wednesday.
Primrose & Dockstador.
Local managers of theaters, whet.t
er In large cities or small towns, are
now being held responsible for the .'lass
of performances offered In tho houses,
they control and make or break with
their patrons accordingly. Itinerant
showmen have caused the larger and
really more pretentious organzatlons to
suffer by their misrepresentation.?. Of
course when a thoroughly first claws
company, bended by men us well know,
as Primrose and Dockstader, announc-s
a date In any town It Is entirely a differ
ent matter, as neither a manager of a
theater nor his patrons have any doubt
as to tho worth of such a company.
Therefore the Lyceum managnmsnt
announces that on Wednesday. Feb. 5.
Primrose and Dockfltoder's Big Amer
ican Minstrels will prove tho wlsdo n
of their choice In the line of minstrelsy.
Miller's "Heartsease."
It Is said that Henry Miller In hU
costume of Eric Temple in "Heaita
ease," which he plays in tills city at
the Lyceum, Thursday, Feb. 0, l a
striking resemblance to the best known
portraits of the Composer Mozart. It
may be that sonic similarity of feature
and, as tho action of the play oe.:urs
at the time when Mozart was at the
height nf his fame, the similarity of
costumes In responsible for this Idea
It may be not out of the wnv to state
In this connection that there are no ili
solutely correct pictures of, Mozart be
hoved to be In existence. The fact that
the character Mr. Miller assumes is
that of a young musical composer ma:'
also have Its Influence In the supp-ised
similarity. "Heartsease,"' which wns
the first play Mr. Miller, as a star, pre
sented to tho public, Is the wor'i of
Charles Klein, who l well known lo
the public as Sousa's librettist .vlth
tho opera "Kl Capltan," and of J. : c.
Clarke, a well known Journalist, of
New York Press.
"The Ivy Leaf."
Jlnvu you ever noticed how easy It .s
to fall Into old ruts? How you (
things one day Just us you did them
tho day before? How would something
novol Htrlko you? A play with a novl
plot, worked up In a novel manner'.'
That was one tho ruling Ideas in the
mind of Con. T. Murphy when he wrota
nnd staged tho play "The Ivy t.eaf, '
which Is tho attraction at the Acad
Nineteen Days
For February Business.
Big Bargains Will Make Big Business
The Great Store never presented more Bargain Features
than just now. Every department has good things to offer.
February a Short Month, and a Busy Month here.
This store is a good place to tic to. Reception Rooms
are large and roomy and comfortable meet your friends
there. Elevators carry you to all five floors. Restaurant in
basement good food and quick service.
Come, whether to look or buy. Store is yours to enjoy.
If Bargains attract you so much to our good and to yours.
Extraordinary Cheapness All
In Winter Underwear
comes, and it's out of season.
will be a lively place today.
Children's natural gray
small sizes only. ljiy kind.
vests. 5c
Children's natural wool vests, 14 sini II
sizes only; wetn ISe. ; reduced e..
Hoys' natural gray underwear, shirts
and drawers, all sizes; were "3c. ; cr
reduced to ' ot"
Children's line wool underwear, mosily
shirts, all sizes lo 3!s.; was t3c; T'l,.
reduced to i1'
Misses' combination suits, all sizes In
cent aud gray, was 'J.'e. ; reduced Q,,
to ,v-
Clilldiell's ribbed iilid tleeced cotton
vests In all sizes; were Lite.; I An
daced to
Women's line
pants, positively
duccil to
merino vests
worth I'c; re-
Women's line wool libbed underwear,
never sold under "Pe. ; reduced Jftr"
to '
Women's combination suits, al
ways JWo.; reduced t
Muslin Underwear Is Selling Fast.
Your neighbor, who has seen the Muslin Underwear
display here, has probably told you of it fineness and im
mensity. There has never been such a show in Scranton
or any interior city. Main floor of the store is a veritable sea
of white and prices are rock-bottom.
Jonas Long's Sons
emy Thursday. Friday and Saturday.
If you have any of the human senti
ments In your makeup you cannot full
to be pleased with this performuin e.
Its plot Is u marvel, Its working up u
revolution. A clever company lntr
prets a tale that appeals to all clusses
and conditions. A vivacity to the whule
Is Imparted by a liberal supply ot love
ballads, choruses and pretty dnncliiK.
It was gotten up to amuse and It ful
fills its promise.
"Hotel Topsy Turvy."
After delighting play-goers for V)l
nights at tho Herald Square theater,
New York city, arousing the rlslbles of
Parisians for two years In Paris, and
now said to be convulsing audiences
at the Comedy theater. Loudon, "Ho
tel Topsy Turvy" will endeavor to
amuso local amusement seekers at the
Lyceum on next Friday, Feb. 10. It Is
a merry musical comedy depleting tho
brightest, metiicst and most novel hap
penings that could be conceived by
three of tho most famous writers of
this class of entertainment, Maurice
Ordonncnu, Arthur Sturgt and Kdgar
An Honest Medicine for La Grippe.
George W. Waltt. of South Gardiner,
Me., says: "I have had the worst
cough, cold, chills nnd grip nnd have
taken lots of trash ot no account but
profit to the vendor. chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Is the only thing that
has done any good whatever. 1 have
used one 50-cent bottle and the chlllo,
cold and grip have all left me. I con
gratulate the manufacturers of an hon
est medicine." tor sale by all drug
gists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and
retail ngents. ""
Los Angeles and the Pacific Coast
and Return.
Special Excursion from points In
Pennsylvania Maryland. District of
Columbia. Virginia. West Virginia
Ohio, New York and New Jersey, on
the occasion of the National Educa
tional Association meeting nt I.os An
geles, Cnl., In July, 1S'J9, at reduced
rates. For full particulars, nddnrs
John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
C. M. & St. P. f. 4Sfi William St.,
Wllllamsport, Pa. "
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Health is Wealth.
latolduuder poaltiyo 'Written Ounrantco,
hyanthorlztvt agents only, to euro Weak Memory,
Uizzineea, Wakefulness, FitP, Ilyeterin, Quick.
neee, NlKbt Losaeti, Kvil Dreams, ack ot Conti.
denco, Kerrouancos, Lassitude, fill Drains, Youth
ful Errorc, orExcoasbo Ufo of Tobacco, Opium,
or liquor, which lead to Mltery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At storo or by mail, $1 a
box: six for tf; with written cunrauteo to
euro or re run it money. HainploiincU.
nse. containing fivo days treatment, with full
Instructions, S cents. One sample only eolu to
eacn person, ai storo or uy man.
GTned Label Special
Extra Strenalh.
For Imnotonlv. Loss ot
Power. Lost Mnnhood.
.ft a. bun nix for 5. witlil
ise&JflPj'.vrltteu . cuarnuteeSJ
iBBPOREorbvmall. AP
For Sale by William O. Clark, j6 I'cnn Av.
Scranton, I'a.
"i2"rl '"' " ... j- utAUST"!
our Winter Underwear must
now while you most need
not when warm weather
Lackawanna avenue aisle
Women's line
nnltliiil wool, searlot
wool and white
wool underwear, ill
$1.23; reduced 5r
ways $ and
Men's line Hue
lined under-Kur- "ln
.: ledncid to .... J""'
nients. always ':
Al en's wool llecce
lined underwear. A Ac
; reduced to f sw
iilltve Millie
Men's ii.iliniil wool unil camel's
underwear. A iiiallt that so"d for
T.'c. olid vl'e. . teiltlcxl In
Mn's inn -m Aiiiti.illiin wool under
wear Hint are w niili S1..V. reduced OSip
to -"JW
You Cannot
Miss This Sale
Count Yourself a
Money Saver.
Manufacturers of
Telephone Call, 3333.
(1IVE5 TttL
bcrunton and WUItm-llirre, lx
llolleri, lloUtlrnanJ Panipln; Mi:'il i J." y.
ficiifint Olllce. sierautoa, I'.i
HO NOT 1KIMI1I t ln not Suf-
er Luiurrr Tht lota arid itnbtllont at
II ftr till be rfviorriito u Tti very
woritcn-i( TSrrtoua Debility ar
bulutfiv I'urfiJ
iy j-;ur;c i u
TAIILF.TM.OlTe prompt rtlltHuln
oninia, fallioir mttnory and tti at
nJ drain of vital pofteri.lncunrd by
lmnart vitTor and Dolvncv toe vrrv func
nniicrriiona orrirrsiriui cat it inn.
tion Bract up tho ayaUni, Uiv jtm bloom to tb
t?hrk and luiirt to lb t ye of -HT -Vountr or old
Qneftoc botrenrwi vital energy tAUA t,0I t
.QC9mpItttfuaianteedrurTftTVor money re
funded. t'4ii b carried In ttt '' pocket. Poll
everywhere or mailed In plain wrapper on lecelp'JI"
trie by TitK pmmrr tu Cutea Bill. raluiv,''
Sold In Sciunton I'a. liy Matthew
Bros nnl MrOnrrah & Thomun. (.ruKKists.
JXr-Acnoui lth ntre rftlllog Wem
ory, I ia potency, HtwpIeioebS, etc., cautej
by Abuse or other Kicmms and Iadft
JQL cretlODi, 77ii yuUkly ant urtlu
rff TMlore Lofct Vitality in olJ or yoanf.anl
j ftfc&iuaaioriiuur, uuiaeuortQiiruse.
5frrevat lnianitv aar Conaumntlan if
tttkftaiutiuiB, Their uho howa .rtmcdlute improve
meat una effects n tlllltR nhera all nther fa.ll In.
ilat upon karlus the c-nuino Ajax Tablets. The
uirucurcu luouauaaaaati vmicuroyou. tiei
I, U . eln k po.
drew mum Kuarsnie loeueciucure i
each case or refund tha monav. lMcat
rackaa, Qr ail pkcea (full treatment, for 13.60. Hy
mall, ia plain wrapper, upon reeelpt ot prlr. (Urcolir
For mile In Bcrantcn, Pa., by Matthew
Bros, und II. C. Sandmen, druggists.
1 WA dij?