The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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February Spocialties,
All tho Monthly Periodicals,
for Fob'y. arc now hore,
Ubo all tho Fashion Books for spring
Pocket IHnrlcs for 1800,
pood variety yet.
Art Calendars for 1800,
at cut prices.
An elegant assortment of
new and attractive love gems,
for all ages and conditions.
Blank Account Booke,
all dcslrablo sizes and styles,
from vest pockot Memorandums,
to Bank Lodgers.
Mercantile Stationery, all sorts,
Ofllco and Dosk Requisites,
all worth having.
Ladies' Stationery,
all desirablo styles.
Engraving and Printing to order.
Games of Amusement
for wintor evenings,
he standard sorts and new things.
All tho now and Standard Books
in various bindings
at popular prices.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
' ..
S See our window. The $:
js largest line ever brought &
j to Scranton. Js!
Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women
OtTlce Houri . n 19 10 n. m
1 to :t p. in
At Residence . .." to 8 p m
fJIIlce W'llllnni llnlldlng, Opp. I'oatotllco.
Mesleleuco 'Jill outli Main Aomie
Hi opened n Genera. Jnsuranco Office lo
.. liweiniiieiDii
ctl Mods Comrnnlei represented. 1-irsJ
-i et.icclall follolteO. 'telephone 180'J.
oS Peitn Avenue. A. IJ. WARHA
Vi-kv liMldnei, ol this ,li, t-p it
Sunday at IIuniMl.ile.
"MI-.S Hc'le Crow, ul Alontlii'-e. Is the
Uiiest of Miss Mubel I.n n.ud.
Sheriff ('. IJ. 1'ivoi Dtiiimil I mm a si. 15
New York clt jioteiday.
Oe-putv AUorne.v (Juural Pied I'leltz
'1 tinned to Hiitilsuiiiir jtpril.i.
V V. Wood and William 1 iliei, of
lonosd.ile, wtie In the Ity esterdu
Mlsh Lizzie Slunk v, of MlIs-i:.ii!'
sptnt Sunday with fi lends in the cllv
Henry KMicr, president of the Na
tional Toliaeco Woiktia' union Is In the
Mls- Wlnlfird, of Cm bund lie,
h the tin st ot hei slstei, Mis. I. l
l.iitan, of rii'iikllu avenue
Mis S. Ilashuhei, of Itochfilci. N V
lsltlng hei sls-tei. Mrs. Foi (Soldsmlth,
t 1, .7 North Washington uentie.
Miss Kate Cm tin. who has been ih"
. in st of MHs MnilJaUt llcilim, it Dtlli
11 .re has hum m el to tin home III Wtll
1 nspoit.
Mrfj.iuil Mm Alfnd IJ111M and little
filler, IJIaliu. letuiiitd Situid.i on
steamship I'alatla fiom 11 tut wicks'
lt in Austila and Cti mam .
1 It lit relhnaii. ot th- I'nluslt of
misjhani.i, who was visiting foi u f'-w
lavs at tho home of Mr and Mis J v.
'iiwtll, nn Linden street u tinned v.s-
Iday to F'hiladelphla
Mbert W.iwm mprf Jli mil Mil- W
Wuthon. is eiltlealh ill at Amhfist
Muss, while he H a studuit at Amherst
ollege. He is III with twd old fevf.
lln parents hae luen .11 bin buNldi lot
lome time
Pittston Gas Plant Under a New
The plant of the I'lttston (ins com
P nil has passed Into the bands of a
new management, the formal tiansfer
)f the same having been completed at
1 meeting held Katmdnv uTteinoon al
lie First National bank In Pittston.
Chose Inteiested will take chatge of
he plant immediately.
At the met tins ro definite plans for
the futuie weie made and no other
business of Importance was conMdeied
The new company comprises Lyddon
-'lick, P.. J. Mulligan, Billings. J. Plan
ilgan nnd Abram Neahltt. Those for
iirly Interested are Andrew Uivden
nomas Ford, W. L Watson, S. M.
Jaike and William Abbott.
Ikey Soidman Is Doing Detective
Work on tho "Hill."
Clay avenue property holdcis have
dded another pilvate watchman to
heir force. The new acquisition Is De-
eetlve Ike Stldman. of Corcoran mur-
ler fame.
No more butglar stoiles are antici
pated from the "hill," or at least fiom
'hat portion over which the rcdoubt
ible Ike suiveys with his eagle eve.
Ihambovlain's Cough Remedy
Hlsgen Bros,, the popular South Side
Irugglsts, coiner Mth-st. and Went-north-av.,
say. "We sell a great deal
of Chamberlaln'H Cough Remedy, and
Und that It gives the most satisfactory
results, especially among children for
ipyere colds und croup." For sale by
ill druggists. Matthews Bros., whole
ale and retail agents.
Smoke Tho Populai Punch Clgur, 10c.
' -- - .
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money en a DO-cent bottlo
if Urecne's Wurrunlcd Byiup of Tur If It
tails to cure your couth or cold. We also
guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satis
factory or money lofuneleel, J, a. Hone &.
Ion, Dunniore, I'u,; John 1. Donahue,
icranton. Pa.
Rosidonts on Lower Linden Street
lloport Losses
.TutlgliiK from tho MiiiiDlnlitii Ik-Iiib
muilo, the leeFldents on lower Linden
Kjcct nic, or vvoio, IjeliiK iniulu tilt;
victims of two clever Kiioak-thlevca.
Yesterday onu nelson, who refused to
glvo hit name, but Is the proprietor of
a bonrdltitr house on Linden street, wont
before n central city aldcrmnit and
Hvvore out u warrant for the nil est of
two unknown men, chnrfilni? them with
having Ftolrn a muse containing a
largo sum of money from bis residence.
He felt HUie that lie would iccogtilze
the feloWH nKuIn If lie how them, nn 1
vun willing to look mound for them.
He further stated that the two men
whom he accused of taking bis mone
had visited several of hln neighbor,
but he did not know with what sue.
cess. The fellows came to hli evi
dence and asked for lodging. Thy
vveu shown a room nnd seemed satin
fled. They left, stating that tbe
would surely letuin. A few minutes
later the nut so was missed.
The two atc deseilbed as being tather
.voting and of medium size and weight
lloth were plainly but neatly attlted In
dark clothes. One, who gave the name
of J. Hauls, was smooth shaven, and
hnil blue eye-'. The other wore n sandy
moustnehf and his eyes were grayish.
Whereer they sted they had a suit
able story jendy to secure an oppoi
tunltj to rany out their fell designs.
Cost of Maintaining; Our Law Break
ers in tho Eastorn Penitenti
ary and Industrial Reform
atory at Huntington.
The iount cotnmlssloneia jesieidny
1 delved from the Hastcin penitential y
the bill foi keeping pils-oners ftom this
county who are dolnif time In thai
Institution. Altogether Lnckavvfmn
prisoners spei.t 21.f.01 days Inthe peii'
tentlaiy cluting the jeai. The late Is
twent ents a dav, making the tola!
bill of the county $4,S1L.20. Thete Is .1
credit of $;3'.C5 for labor done by pils-
oners, which leduees the bill to H,77G -GV
Clothing to the alue of $SGS.9"- was
furnished to dlsehatged conv lets, w hit b
makes the bill Lackawanna must pav
$3,7S". fin.
Among the L.ickawanni lirlsonei"
who earned nothing duting the jear
were Peter Humbach, Augustlno Xolll,
I'asiiuella Paretto, Thomas 1'. Clilflln,
Joseph Iloschino, Prank Uombro.s'a
and Franz .Sthuenneman. Amounts
earned bv some of the men con ieted
of giae offenses tue us follows: John
V. Hostoskv. $1C20, Joseph Wisniskj,
$IC4,5; Frnnlc Hurchlno. $". AV. J. 'n.
Dyke. $C4 (!.': Leonaulo Jlua, $1; Mag
gie Comwij, $M40; John Ciime, $10 W,
Max Koehlei, JI3.15, litahain ilieen,
J30 JO.
The bill foi maintaining the Lacka
wanna colony nt the Pennslvanln In
dutittlal iefoimntoi nt Huntington
was also utelved. It Is as follows.
August Schultz, SC" da s John Green,
.1.l"i das: ("ieorge Tiaub, 10 ilays: Will
lam Simpson, "fi"i dnjM: Amzi Miller, 310
da: Ilaiiv ("ham, "" days; John A.
Woelkers, 305 da: Walter Majoi, 21!
days. David McManus. 179 das; John
Petei Lnnz, C7 days; Thomas McDon
ough, f.7 diivs. Total, 2,fiS7 dajs at .'".
cents, 3GCG 7..
Conti actor V. O'Hara Impaled on an
Iron Fence.
Contiaclor Vincent O'Hai.i met lth
a painful accident eailv esteld.i
morning while walking along Lacka
wanna avenue. Just In flout of P. J
Mangan's hotel, at 30.' l.ack.iwanm
avenue, he slipped and falling stiue'e
his chin against one ot the pickets of a
small lion fence 1 .ill used to gimtd the
hotel nppioach A lacerated goi-h was
indicted In the Meshy 'pan of the i.eck
beiuath the chin,
A f 1 lend assisted Mr. O'Hata to his
fed and they then went to the Lack
awanna hospital where the wound vvjs
diessfd. He was then removed to his
lesldenee on Capouse avenue. The
wound is not dangerous, though e
tleinely painful. Fortunately, a tw
das ago Mr. Mangnn had the picket
points bluntid, utheivvlse Conti.irtor
O'HaiaV Injuiv would have ijeci dan
Edward Malonoy Injuied by Cais in
Johnson's Mine.
L'dnaid Maloney employ eel as a eli Iv
or boy In Johnson's mine, met w in
a aeilous Injury jesteiday about i'M
o'clock while at woik. He was bung
ing a loaded tilp of cais down u inn,
when the "stietchei" got caught, thicw
the Hist car oft the Hack und pitched
young Maloney headlong and dlieetlv
beneath It. His lett aim was ciushed
between the elbow and shoulder and l.e
was biulsed und 1 ut about the body
and face.
The Injuied lad was taken fiom be
neath the car and icmoved to the
Lackawanna hospital, where It was
found necessary to umputate the aim
at the elbow. He bote hid suffeilngs
without? mm mur and 1 allied well fiom
both shocks. Maloney Is 10 years of
age and a son of Mr and Mit-. 1.
Maloney, of River stieeet.
Election of Ofilceis.
t the annual meeting of tho Tiad
cts Real Hstate company the follow
ing clirectoi3 v. eto elected: Chailes
Schlager, C. D. Jones, H, A. Kaufhold,
A. D. Stello and Luther Keller, who
elected tho following otllcers! Presi
dent. Charles Schlager; treasuter, A.
IJ. Stello, Becretaty, Thomas Palmer.
The company's offices 1110 on the sev
enth lleor of the Tir.deis' bank build
ing. Bargain Day Every Day
I'ntll Feb. El". A S set of teeth, $1:
$s set. $0; a J3 gold crown, $3; $y gold
now 11, $5: $10 crown, $7; a J' gold idl
ing. $1: a $5 gold tilling, $3: 73e. amal
gam, fiOc.; 11 BOc. amalgam, 23c; $1
cleaning teeth, 23c.
Boston Dental Parlors.
Lurkuwanua und Wyoming avenues.
forest Hill Cemetery Association.
F. L. Hitchcock & Son, Insurance and
IWi Kstate.
P. L. Hltchcoch, Attorney, huvo been
lemoved from 401 Lackawanna avonuu
to rooms 50C7-S Commonwealth build
in?. Select Your Own Goods
when you, call at our establishment,
and we will sell thum to tho highest
bidder. Lavldow Hios., 227 Lacka
wanna avenue.
The Wllkes-Iiarre Record can be had
In Scranton at the rows standi of Itcls-'
man liios, 401 Spruce and COS Llndjn
TVeetV, Mac, Lack&vvamia avenue.
Only Way tho Large BUI for Elec
tric Lighting of Firo Department
Houses Could Be Explained Last
Night A Committee Was Ap
pointed to Make an Investigation.
Bills of Vlowors on Soction D of
Fifth Sower District Not Looked
Upon with Favor.
Another Investigation of tho bills for
lighting the lhe engine houses Is on.
At the bl-wcekly meectlng of tho
Joint auditing committee of councils
last night, bills for the lighting of a
ntmihei of the derailment houses for
the quarter ending Jan. ,11, 1S9J, were
protested agalnut by Chief Mickey, and,
after some discussion, teferrcd for In
vestigation to a special committee, con
sisting of Messis. Thomas, Jackson and
The objectionable bills showed that
either the lltemen me using u temiiik
able amount of light or that the elec
tric light company' meteis ate wink
ing over time. Mete are the bills for
three months:
Xnv Dec. Jan.
ClXHtals 2-1.07 20..!! 2J.-I
Nay Aug 2'H MOO 2AVJ
Hook and Ladder. ll.uJ !!." Ml
I'hoenK Ill f..75 l.'J
Keller f..ll 7 J.
Originally the city buildings. Includ
ing engine houses, were lighted fiee.
Councils allowed a second iimiiuni to
extend Its lines through th t in 1
the first compan. theieui 1 lost I
ti furnish municipal light net on
longei. One of the com'utilts was
contracted with to supplj lights nt so 1
lr tic h per lamp. The bills weie ln.i
high, it vvns thought, and the contiai t
w is ylv en to iinolliet compnny. Now
ibis oilier company's bills ate higher
Mill and the auditing committee wanta
to Know the cause
Chief lilckev positively avers that
the lite conn i, I
anuunt ot I1
the cl trie
on the mattet
The chief fuithei
1I1 not use the
Hired fot. What
1 1 v hits tu say
w loped bv tli i
said that the only
way he could explain Hie change In
the contiuct was that some of the coun
cllmcn weie "Interested."
A foi met, similar Investigation
bieuiglil from the electilc light c 0111
pnuy, then furnishing the light, the al
legation thai at i.oine of the engine
houses where big lighting bills accu
mulated, the lliemen weie v.ont lo
stay up late of nights playing poker.
The assertion, however, was not pi ov
en beyond reasonable doubt.
The prebcnt rate for municipal lights
is 25 cents a night for etc lamp" nnJ
llve-clghts of a cent an hour for In
candestents The bill or John J. Fahev, C. K.
House-, D. J. Davis and his substitute,
Geoige W. Jenkins, for making the
view of Section D ot the PIttli sewer
district in Providence was parsed, with
the usual gioan which necompanlea
the passage of vlewcis' bills.
They averaged 123 days woil. at $3 a
day and the total bill amounted to
$l'j"jn.riO. Councilman lloss tald "it' a
shame The wotk could have been
done In fifteen days." Com t had ap
proved the bills however and theie was
no alternative but to settle.
Testimony in Rebuttal the First
Offering of the Respondent.
Wednesday the Extunineis
Will Sit at Winton.
The In ft batch of t.stlmdny on the
part ol M. J Kelly, the lesponelcnt In
the contest which was begun bv W. S.
Langstall lor the olllcc ol coU.ty tteas
uivr, was taken jesterdav in the ar
bltiatlou room by Hxamlnci.s W. R.
Lewis and T. J. Duggan. In the morn
ing Hon. M. IZ. McDonald, ccuinsel for
Mr. Kelly, went before coui t iTiicl asked
to have the older made .Satuiday by
the couit revoked. The order dliccts
the respondent to clo-e their testimony
on Aug. 15.
All. McDonald thought the older
ought to be ic-called until such time
as they have finished examining wit
nesses in rebuttal. Theie was c .possi
bility, he hdld, that it would not take
them long theieaftet to close the ensu.
The judges thought In that event the
oidei could do 110 Inn 111 and It was al
lowed to stand.
Tllu witnesses csamlned yeiteulay
weie- Stephen C'avvley, Second wuid
Olypliant; William Shea, Fnt wind,
Dickson; John Hcffron, riit vatd,
Olvphont: Stephen I'tenelio, Third
waiel, Olypliant Patrick Kun, Flist
waid, Olypliant, Maitln Walh, Flisi.
ward. Olyphant; Putilck Kune. Thlid
waid of Olyphunt: Jlartln JIcGowan
and Michael McCoimack, Throop.
These men had their voles knocke I
out during the examination In chlet be
cause they did not have their nntuinll-
zatlon papers und tax reelpts with
them. All hut one of these wltnerses
produced the neresaiy papers yester
day. The examiners will hold another
meeting in the nibltiatlon room today
and on Wednesday will sit in Reddlng-
Miss Kellogg will serve
Burnliam's CLim Bouil
lon und Rurnhaiu's Clam
Chowder. If you desire
Pure Food Products
These Are the Best.
In fact Burnliam's Clam
Bouillon is the only prep
aration of its kind known,
If you will allow Miss
Kellogg to serve you,and
also demonstrate how eas
ily they are prepared, it
will well repay jou for
your tiifle.
ton's hotel, Wlnton. Attorney It. II.
Molgate, who represents the contest
ant, objected vlRotoiMy lo havlnir a
hearing at Wlnton and will appeal to
ccurt to change the ruling ot the ex
Hold an Enthusiastic Meeting Last
Night at Headquarters.
The llepubllcan city commute" un
der the able direction of City Chairman
W. H. Millar has already systematized
the work of the campaign In nn ad
mirable way and the reports received
show that the wolk being done Is hav
ing an excellent effecl.
A meeting ot the general committee
of the Republican city organization w m
held In the Central Kcpubllcan club
rooms last night and It was .1 large
und vety enthusiastic scswlon.
Much routine business was tranaactel
and eloquent speeches were made by
Chalinian Mlllai, Attorney at. W Lo
ry, C. M. Chittenden and Thomas H.
Dale. The hut den of the addressts
won an appeal to tho party workeis to
prove to the evening on election div
that there ale no dissensions In the
Republican tanks that cannot be set
tled within patty lines.
Will Likely Bo Mustered Out in
Georgia, but Regiment Will Re
turn Practically Intact,
It Is Expected.
The expected letter ftom Colonel
Couiaen replying to the entertainment
committee's query ns to tho probabil
ity of the Thirteenth lcglmem coinlm;
home Intact wn received yesteulay by
Chnitnuui Ftank M. Vandllng. In it
Colonel Coumen fcajs thut the men -a .11
vety likely bo mustered out th'.-re, bat
that fully !)3 per cent, of them will
come home In a body. The letter in
f'.ll leads as follows-
lleadqu uteis Thirtienth Iteslmeiit. ivmi-
sylvanl 1 Volui tetr Intnntry.
Camp MicKenjsle, Ou., Peb 1, IS'n.
P. M. Vumlllng Sot anion. Pa
lleiu Fileud: Vour tcleginni received
Jewtcrday which t mswered brlflly, und
will soon write you mote fully as "prom
ise el. From all we learn It is the Inten
tion of the government to muster the
regiments out here. Tho Fifteenth Penn
sylvania weie mustpreel out here, and left
for home last Monday. The men tecctvej
one elav's pay and S!0 which Is lor pri
vate's about $4tf Corpnials und sergealus
receive more Thei .ill want this und I
euiinot place myself In opposition, though
ll bus been my ismit dns-lro to bring mv
leRlment linnn 111 id, with coloi.s Hying
and baud playing In fact that only has
kept me In the seivlre but "'W.OOO on one
lile unit some fu-s anil feathers, on the
other do n it The time has hecn
Vety shin t foi utiy dUi uasieii of the mil.
let, but 1 nn ine'tneil to believe 1 can
bring the regiment home almost intact,
near enough foi ell purposes nnd the men
will hivo their cxtia $40 01 $"0 In their
pockets. Wn hive definite eiders from
lhe vvur depirtmcnt and otllcers appoint
ed to tondutt our music! out So I con
sider that as settled I will advise you
of out movements In time for am ur
miigeuicut you mnv elcslre to make at
home. Very trulv vours
Colonel II. A. Course u
Trill tccuth Regiment. P. V S.
This means that the leglineiit will
not be home for some time yet p w
slbly a month. In lew of this tact
and the Indefinite natute of the Infoi
niatlon concerning the home-comltig,
nothing Is being done Just at presemt
by the lellef association. The commit
tees will, however, pieservo their or
ganizations and when the time for ac
tion e nines will be- leady to do their
duty. y
Theie vvai a gieat deal of coulee lure
yesteulay as to whethei or not -he
Filipino Insui lection would affect tho
home-coming of the Thliteenth and the
fl lends of the soldier boys were caused
no end of anxiety theieby. Theie so-'tni,
however, to be no gooel giounds fur
featlng a recall of tho musteline out
older. Theie aie now forces enougn
In the Pacific to take care of the nuair
genis and if mine' aie needed they pan
be supplied bv tilt legltnehts stl'l un
elei oidets.
Remains of Late Charles Tury to Be
Buried by G. A. R.
The lemuins of the late Ch.ules Tmy,
w ho died early Sunday morning In his
looms at lhe Grand Cential unni-v, on
Lackawanna avenue, of which I J I.
Dm kin Is propiletm, will be slven a
piopei bv the members of the
(iiaml Aunv us ot this i Ity !)e
i cancel was a vctei.m of the Civil war,
luiviiur enlistee! In Company A, Twen
tieth Pennsylvania volunteeis. In which
e-Chlef of Police William T, Simpson
ahi served.
Deceased leceived a wound In the
ilKht thlRh and never fully recoveied
fiom It He diew a pension and was
known heie by many old soldiers. He
was 111 but a few dais, and was at
tended bv Dis. Kearney and Reedy.
The1 dlt oct cause of death was pleuro
pneumonia Deceased was "i years of
nse, and once stated that he had a
cousin nnmeil Flood, who lesldes In
South Scranton He also said he hod
relatives In Jenny n nnd iPlttsbuifj. The
lemalns weie removed to Pi Ice's under
taking establishment, on South Main
avenue, and piepaied for Initial
Adjutant George S. Ilioek of Lieu
tenant HziaGiillln post. No 1 :n, Otuud
Army of the Republic, viewed the le
muins yesteiduy and stated that the
Grand Army veteians would see that
they weie given a proper Intel ment.
Coroner Roberts has already viewed
the remains and will conduct an In
quest In a clay oi two.
INSURE YOURSELF aijalnst the
attacks of fevers, pneumonia and other
serious and ptostratlnit diseases by
talcing a few bottles of Hood s Sar
sapaillla now.
HOOD'S PILLS ote tho favorite
family cath.utlc. Kasy to take, easy
to operate,
1847 Roger Bros. Silverware,
Now you can buy them ut your own
prices, us all goods uro sold at auction
to tho highest bidder. Davldow Uros,,
227 Lackawanna avenue.
r. L. Crane offcis all cloth jackets
nt half-price,
Smoke The Pocono Cigar, Co
All goods sold for what they are, and
the highest bid takes them.
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup
Ilns been UbPd for over 1'IKTV YHARS
bv MILLIONS of MOTHl'HH fot their
ciuLrmiiN wiiii.i: ti:i:tiiino with
Ih tho best remedy for DIAUItllOl'A.
Sold by Druggists In every pun of tho
world. Ho sure und ask for "Airs. Wins,
low's Soothing Syrup," und tuke no othur
Mud. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Plan of Walling Up tho Opening
Was Successful, and It Was Not
Necessary to Flood tho Mine It
Was at First Feared Such a Course
Would Have to Bo Pursuod Penn
sylvania Coal Company Will Tako
Additional Precautions to Provont
Mino Fires.
No. 11 ohaft of the Pennsylvania
Coal company nt Pittston lcsumcd
woi It yesterday after a suspen
sion of two months, owing to
the lire in No G shaft. At the
time the Hie vvns discovered It was
thought that nothing would prevent
tho drowning out of both places, as the
one communicate) with tho other, but
a now and novel Idea and an excelle'lt
one was suggested by the olllclals, that
was In the walling up of seveial open
ings and Hushing the slope where the
Hie waq located. As has since been
pi oven, tho scheme wns a buccchs, aril
In a short time the tepalrs In No, C
will be far enough advanced to lesuine
w or!:.
This Is not nnlv a laige saving
to the company In the matter of ex
penses, but will glvo employment lo
nearly one thousand employes at once.
The company has decided to be moie
cautious In the tutuit, so that occur
rences of this kind will not be lepeated
nnd to that end have engage addition ll
lire bosses and others, whose duties will
make It an Impossibility for a lire to
make nny progress befoie Its dlse iv
ory. It was In this same shaft that a
file wns discovered several yeais ago
and It iaged for month before It wis
extinguished, nnd the cost of this ex
perience i tin up to many thousands of
The spot w here this fire oc
cuued Is today a curiosity and has
been visited by many distinguished
people fiom dlffeient parte ot the world.
The loot' Is consumed for n distance of
fifty feet tow at els the sin face and iep
lesents a huge dome.
Ill Health Compels His Rethoment
from Two Positions.
. D. Jenkins, ot Capouse avenue,
has leslgnud bis position with the Stev
ens' Coal compan v und the meicantlle
1 fhm of Jenkins & Co., at Pittston as
general mannge-r nnd piesldent nnd
treasurer lespectively.
Mr. Stevens' ipsignatlon went Into
effect yeterd.iy II. V. Kingsbuiy, of
this city, foimcily manager ot the
Suunton Supply and Machinery com
pany, and Inter societal y and manager
of the Lackawanna Lubricating winks,
will succeed Mr. Jenkins
The retirement of the tatter wns- due
to tailing health. Mr. Jenkins- was
connected with the coal companv unet
stoic since Julv, IVH In no small de
gn e he, by comprehensive knowledge
of business nitalis, contllbtlted to the
success of the company, from which
he lias resigned. When the Stevens
company changed ownership two yeaM
ago, he was letained to till the posi
tions entrusted to him under the out
going nunagement. He will assist his
blieiessor for a shoit time
At the conclusion of the nieetliu
yestcidny the following i evolutions
vne drafted und adopted:
Whereas l'luougli lueieesing 111 health,
nnd by the udvlee of his phy -de bins, .Mr D
D Jenkins lei i ,n yens a stockholder
and for several years the guicial niaii.i
Kcr of this, funnel ll neces
sary to heer his e onnectinii with the
Sie veiis Coal cominny, and
Wheiens, Ills fidelity to the eonipiiiv
while occupying lhe position of generil
malinger has len constantly viewed with
satisfaction by tho dlieetois, ilierefoie
be ll
Resolved. That It Is with Keen ifRut
that his rexlgnntlnn Is heuby accepted
and that we rccoru with It. the hope of
ic turned health nnd an e must dclie loi
his futuie welfare and pio"peiit, nnd
further be It
Itcolved That those ieolulloiis bo
"piend upon the minutes of the meeting
and tint the seciitaiy l Insttiietnl to
rorwinl a ce i .ultab' i-nKios-iil to
Mr. Jenkins.
Ceremony Was Pel formed Yesteulay
in New York City.
Flunk Cailueci. the well known rftorte
eontiucteif und one of Mcianton's l 'ail
ing business men, wiih unlteel In ninr
ihieei In New Yoik jesteiday to Mlhrt
Louise Celine, diiUKhter of Peter CVt
Ine, the Xoith Main avenue mei chant.
The ceiemon was iierfouned by Uev.
Tather Honnventurn, a jieisonal tilend
of tho gtooni and one of the most in em
inent Italian pilests In New loik 'in Sihroeder vvuh Bioomsman and h's
daiiRhter, Jllfis Cella Selnoeder. bildes-
mald Other Seiantonlans win wit
nessed the ceremon woie Aichltect
L C. Ilolden. Nicholas Confoitl, l'eti
Stljip and Albert Zenke. - vv 'ddliur
bieakfast at Heiveisl'ri, on Tweny-flist
all eel, followed the ceremony.
Mi. and JIis Cailucel will Kiend n
couplo of weeks tuuilng the &outh and
en their letuin will icside temporal lly
at 312 Millltn avenue. Theli perman
ent home Is undei couiso of construe
tlon at tho coiner of Clay avenue and
Gibson street. It Is to be a Mono villa,
built after the Italian stile, .mil will
be one of tho most beautiful resiliences
In the city.
OvvlnB to the seilous Illness of Mr.
Carluccl'8 sister, which accounts for
the wedding belnft held In New York,
no reception has as yet b en planned.
Remains Will Not Be Biought on
Here for Burial.
Tho John J. Caiey whos violent
death In Yuungstown. Ohio, was an
nounced to Ills frlendR heie thtoui'h
the medium of ihe police, Is a former
icsldcnt of Olypliant The widow wait
ed upon Chief of Police Uurrell ycstei
day and staged that owing to her pov
erty Bhe would not be able to bring tho
lemalns here for bulla!. The chief
thereupon notified the authorities In
Younsstown to inter the remains
Carey wont away last April, taylim
lie Intended to tiy his fortune In 'he
Mcwt. He wiote several times dtul'ig
the early part of his absence, but noth
ing was heard of his whereabouts re
cently until word of his death In
Youncstown was leceived.
mmM 19 .II") a The best remedy for
U I OU 1 1 S "hoop!" (-cough 'Give
77 , rT Hie child Mr. Uutl'a
LOUiTll oVrilD Co"B''hriip,rcllefi)l
wul,o" J "I' come at once and.ti.e
sufferer w 111 eoou be cured. Vilce oub y cts.
Horses and Apparatus Stationed nt
Different Places.
Ycstetdiiy the Crystals moved out of
their Linden f,tieot quarters, on which
the work of icmodellng Is to begun this
w cek.
The horses and the hose wagon ate
stationed temporarily In Tropp's burn
In Forest couit, between Mulberry and
Vine streets. The engine Is In the
street conunlssloner'H shed In the rear
of the city ball. The permanent men
will have their extorters In the barn.
What tho Result May Be.
Any cough neglected may sap tho
strength and undermine the health un
til recovery Is Impossible. Coughs
nnd cold leads to lung ttouble If not
stopped In time. Take Dr. .Alexan
ders Lung Healer, It stops that cough,
cuics that cold, strengthens the lungs
nnd prevents consumption. Ask for It
and tnko no other. AH deulors sell It
at 25 cents a bottle.
Wo Can Oivo You $3 Vnluo for $1
and It would bo no loss to u?, as mos
of the goods have been pawned and left
here for small sums. Davldow Bros.,
227 Lackawanna avenue.
Finest wines and cigars nt Lane's,
S20 Spruce street.
Smoko The Pocono Be. Cigar. '
"Welchel's auction
nt 2.30 p. m.
snle opens today
$400 Pianos
Given Away
are going to
give to our
ers free of charge
2 magnificent pianos.
This is the
royal gift ever
by any store in the
state. Call at our
store and see them.
Owing to putting in new liont
and lowering lloor ol our store, we
must reduce our Luge ami fine
stock of
Diamonds, Washes,
Jewelry, Silverware,
Clocks, Mtisic Boi$?s,
and Ciif Glass.
Sales Daily, 2,30 and 7,30 P.M
Commancing Sat,, Feb, 4.
All cars stop in Iront ot stoic.
Nothing misrepresented. It will
pay you to attend these sales.
205 Lacka.
Opp. I), I,. A W Depot.
Clarke Bros
141 to 149 Meridian Strejl, Scmloi, Pj,
PAINT DEPARTnENT.-Pure White Lead, Colors
aud Varnishes,
iniffi is.,
20 Lackawaaai Ave., Scranton Pi.
Wholesale and Retail
Ready nixed Tinted Paint,
Convenient, Kconomleiil. Dumb'..
Varnish Stains,
l'roduclns Perfect lmltAtlonoriSxptailT
Rnynolds' Wood Finish,
l.njuclnlly Deiignedfor fluids Wori.
Marble Floor Finish,
Durable and Uriel Quickly
Paint Varnish and Kal
sominc Brushes.
M.tMl VI 1 1 ItKltS or
Pure, Fresh Milk deliveied at your
door evciy 11101111110; in time
:i()S Sprui-c St.
22U West Market St.
111:5 Jackson St.
.'1.JI Pittston Ave.
Mouse) Ave. anil Larch St.
Fancy Suspenders,
Dress and Driving Gloves,
Bath and Night Robes,
Umbrellas, Mackintoshes,
Etc,, Etc.
Lacfcawnna Ava.
Hot House Cucumbers,
Hot House Tomatoes,
Green Beans, Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Eg Plant, Salsify,
Strictly Fresh Eggs,
Creamery Butter,
Grapai, Orangjs ani Fruits
S We refer to uur K
mm mm
I $2.50 and $3.00 1
M W-i
m Ma
S vvhull we have reJiiveJ to S
I JiflND&PflYND, I
. mm
S On Hie Square. 30.) Washington Ave S
Mining and Blasting
Undent Mootic ami Kuilulalo Woic
Uectrlo llalteriet Klcctrlo KxploJar,
loi ciplodlui bliijit safely t'eua iiuJ
Repauno Chemical Cd's uxSL'ivn-