The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 04, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    W "
Eye, Ear, NoSe aud Throat
OnicHonril-Oft.m tol'J.nop.nj 2 to 4.
Williams Uulldlng, Opp. l'ostotlloe.
4- -M- -r
-f 4 -f "- 4- -f -t-
1AY-DAY3 The Delaware und Hudson
(.ompntiy paid tho employe at the Dick
son and Von Htorch collieries and the
icpalr shops', nil ut North Scr.uil'jii, es
terday. LADIES WILL, Ci:i.i:UItATi: -Tho la
dips branch of tho tiarmont Workers'
union will celebrate- the nrst unnlersjr
of tho organization of the branch with u
ilanco at Economy hull net Tuttdiy
linCTL'Itn LAST NMGllT.-Hev. It 1'
Y. l'lcrce ruo n lecture last nlRht at the
Term A otitic HaptUt church. Ilia theme
was tho "Intcriiatlonul Sumlaj School
Lpssottt." 1'iofcssor H.uln Kuin and
tho church choir led In song scrku whljh
ptecedtd tho lecture
DOOIt Iilll'T UNLOCKrD -t'atrolmnn
llitKBerty, who U on the WoshliiRton ao
nue po-tt, found tho loor of Tronic
O llara's cljrar store on Spiutc street, un
locked last night. Nothing seemed to bo
missing and as Jit. Ullnta hud Mmp'y
)icglectcd to tot the nprltig lutch on the
lock, tho I'-itrolman cilly locked tho
rUNKKAL. TODAY -The funeral of
tho lato O. II. Jadnln will bf held from
tho residence of his parents Mr. and .Mrs
V. V. Jadwln, 711 Ad.tms aeliue, thin
morning Short serlces will be con
ducted at 3U 13 o'clock and the remains
will bo taken to Cnrbondnto Ia the 12
o'clock Delaware and IludMin tr iln foi
"booster" to supply additional power to
tho Dunmoro lines of tho Sctanton Hall
way compary was recently placed In op
eration Thursday at the power house of
tho tumpnny on Prcldence Trans
mission of power will be glcn the V. est
Sldo lines b it similar means within n
few weeks.
Gr.lST STII.Ij Unnn. Prliato rnnk
II. Oelst, who was arrested In McAdoo on
a telegram from this city, on tho chargf
ot deserting from tho rourtcenth regi
ment I'cnnsyUanla vditnteeis, Is still at
tho Ptntlcn houe Word of his deten
tion has been sent to Camp Marlon, Sum
men ille, S C , where the regiment is M.i
tloned, and a detail Is expected any da
to tako him thete for court-mirtlal.
TAYI.OIl HUnnDAnY. Burglars en
ttred tho homo of Scott Ilendershot, mi
Main street, Taj lor. last Thursday night
and carried off $17 in money and a watih
and chain Kntrnnco was nude through
the kitchen window. In Mr. Hendor
fdiot's room hung a pilr ot trousers (nil
the pockets of which was taken tho watch
and n. bunch of Ues A bureau drawer
was unlocked with .i kev and the mono
found theicln.
IS IMPROVING Thonns Pickard '.f
Aiohbild. who wa Injund In the Dilt
wato nnd Hudson nt that place Thurs
day, and was brought to the I.ickn
wanna lio-nltnl Is recoeilng Ills In
Juries consist d ot the loss of the flrU
two flngets of the light hand, both hands
lacerated and the light i"ik cut in e
einl plicc- He was cmplojed In cutting
lock In a tunnel and n cutrldgo explod
ed in his hand Ills hearing Is nlo se
orcly nffrcted liv tho concussion
Two Boys Injured While Sleigh
Riding in Gien Ridge.
Bniton Smith and Ttank Bannister,
both joung bos, wcip Injured yester
day In Gteen Ridge while enjoying tho
fine coasting on the hillv streets. Young
Smith's thigh was broken nnd his body
bruised, while the other lad is only
heveiely bruised nnd has a few small
cuts on his face. Tho former met
with his accident at noon, and tho lat
ter early In the evening.
Smith, In company with several other
lads, was riding down tho dreen Rldg
street hill They had hitched their
sleJs together bv using the ropes at
tached. When they were oomlng down
the bill one of the ropes became loos
ened, the lear sled was twisted around,
nnd ran Into the Iron barred fence ln
front of A. C. Nottleton's, corner of
Adams luenuo and Green Ridge
street. Smith wns thinwn against the
fence and sustained the above injuries.
Ho was icmoed to the residence of his
father, I'. P. Smith, coiner of Monsey
nenue and flreeu Ridge street, and
Dr. Wentz attended him.
Bannister, who is a son of Finnk
Bannister, of Cnpouse avenue, was
coasting on the Marlon street hill nnd
he too ran into a fence. Ho was 'tak
en home and his wounds dressed.
Welchel's auction sale opens todny
at 2.30 p. 111.
I L.. Crane offers nil cloth Jackets '
at half-price. ..
Shoe Specials
For Today. . . .
Ladies' Dress Shoes, made of selected kid stock, patented
leather tips, some with cloth tops; have formerly been &old at
3.30 and 4.00, with light and heavy soles, all sizes and widths,
Special for Saturday, $1.85.
A special lot of Misses' Button Shoes, proper styles, rcgu-
IUI 1 .ju.u,
Special Today 98 Cents.
In addition to these shoes there will be the following
special for Monday:
Women's Toilet House Slippers, made of fine kid
and patented leather, one strap, Adonis style, with
silk bow and buckle, which regularly sells for $1.75
and $2.00.
Special for flonday, $1.00.
Schank Spencer
410 Spruce Street.
Concluded from Page 1.
when they will bo removed to the catho
dinl nnd exposed to state on a cata
falque to bo especially constructed. The
Interment will bo In a crypt, beneath
the sanctuary of tho cathedral, where
custom, rather than nny prescribed
law, dhects that a bishop shall be
Formal announcement of Bishop
O'llnra's death will bo sent today to
the prelates of UiIh and adjacent prov
inces nnd accompanying them will bo
Invitations to attend the funeral cere
monies. It Is expected that Cardinal
Gibbons will celebrate tho mass and
that Archbishop I J. Ilyan, of Phila
delphia, will deliver the sermon. Mon
slgnor Mtutlnelll nnd n score of other
dignitatis ot tho Catholic church will
probably bo In attendance, while pilests
to tho number of hundreds from all
otr Pennsylvania, and nearby states
will swell the throns that will assemble
to do honor to the illustrious' dead pro
late. Tho pall-bearers will be laymen, se
lected from among the members ot
the cathedral parish. A guard of hon
or, similarly composed will keep con
stant 'Wgll over the tctnnlns. Those
who will act In this latter capacity
nnd the hours when they will servo
will be made known today.
ins succcsson.
With tho death of Bishop O'Hara,
lit. Kev. M. J. Hoban, who wus his
co-adjutnr, succeeds to the Scranton
see, having been appointed co-adjutor
bishop with the right of succession.
Ho will formally assume charge of the
diocese at tho expiration of thirty das,
when tho month's mind requiem mtifls
will mark
the close of the pe.lod of
mourning for the dead bishop.
Tho funeral draperies of the church
will be removed and tho prelates who
participate In the month's mind will,
at the conclusion of tho mass, tako
part In the ceremonies with which tho
new bishop's regime wilt be Inaugurat
ed. Bishop Hobun's full title until such
time ns he Is relieved of his foreign
see Is lit. Itev. M. J. Hoban, Bishop
of Alalls and Scianton. There Is no
prescribed form of notifying Rome of
a bishop's demise. It will be done In
this case Informally by Bishop Hoban
in due time.
One who was intimately associated
with Bishop O'Huia in life has writ
ten the following estimate of his char
acter for The Tilbune.
'With the tolling of the catlwlral
bell theio nnand away tho houl of n
ttuly lUutitilnus man, n pious pi lest
ond a prelate, than whom his church
had but few, if any, contemDoianeou
superiors To the tommunitl the knell
tnaiued the loss or one wno nau con-i i"i nuere one picture was mirouuceu
trlbuted as much If not more than I Into a family the whole household
any other to Its welfaio, both Fplrlt- could at once become a permanent cus
ually and materially. To the diocese tomei , tho lltm was willing to make
which he governed It told of the do-1 one plctuie for nothing Just to Intro
partuie of Mm who had glen It Its' duce the work. Then It was that tho
spiritual life. To his Intimates tho Uctlm would produce the photograph
message brought grief nnd pnln. To
his beneficial les It meant the loss of
the best of friends.
'Especially was the tidings sad to
those who grew up under his spirit
ual guidance, and who, looking back
on the x carts gone by, can plctute In
the mind how the progress of his llfo t
cmld be marked, as Is alstance by '
milestones on tho road, by tho sane-
tuarles of the Host High he has estab
lished throughout the length and
breadth of tho territory entrusted to
his caic.
"IJishop O'Hara was a simple, hum
ble, modest man, jet his sterling worth
made men realize that he was great,
and that his gieatness was not of nn
ordinary stamp.
"Those who knew him bent lovered
him; and een the casual acquaintance
was Impressed with tho fact that great
ness had Its homo ln him.
HIS cuicr AIM.
Though lie gave only minor atten
tion to mateilal progress ho vas not
heedless ns to Its claim upon the atten
tion of the priesthood. 1IU chief nlm,
though, 'was to leao behind him a
spiritual progenv, well Instructed In
their faith, firmly attached to their
God, superior to this world's tempta
tions and bound together by bonds ot
Christian love.
"lie ias thoughtless of toward; ho
found that In doing his duty well. Hl3
self-denial was ono of ht3 chief char
acteristics. He was of tho broadest
Intelligence and hence of tho broadeHt
views. No ono ever yet had caut.0 to
complain ot his llllbernllty. Ho wus
Rtnnnnh In his nwn viflW.s hilt rnsnrpf-
ed the honest lews of his neighbor,
m llfo wo,i: va3 )joth niodel and a
motlvo to thoeo who would achieve
Pond Disappears nnd Two Coal Cars
Go Down.
About an aero of land aboo tho
Franklin mlno at Newtown wns affect
ed by a cave yesterday and a largo
pond near the cave disappeared Into
tho mine.
About forty feet of tho track of tho
Empire branch of the Jersey Central
railroad was affected, a big holo open
ing alongside of the track. Two gon
dolas were standing on the rails and
they toppled over on their sides and
fell Into the holo. One of them went
down quite a distance, but both of
'them can bo pulled out.
The cave was expected nnd no person
was working In Its vicinity. There was
a steep pitch In ono of the breasts and
the rock at the top of tho pitch becamo
loosened, which allowed the earth to
run down Into tho mine, affecting tlu
surface Wilkes-Barro Times.
It. Nelson LaBar Wants to Get His
Building on Hio Own Lot but
Won't Be Permitted
to Movo It.
There Is a very curious condition of
affairs now existing nt Electilc City
park In North Scranton, according to
the statement of It. Nelson LuUar.
Thnt gentleman some tlmo ago liought
two lots In Electric City patk adjoin
ing one owned by Margaret E. Dyer.
All three lots wore unimproved.
Mr. La. Bar decided to erect n resi
dence on his lots, but through soma
blunder or other the building was
otected on the lot of Margaiet E. Dyer.
She cnteied no objection until tho
building wns almost completed nnd
then she took possession nnd refused
to allow Mr. Ln Bar to move tho build
ing to his own lota, when ho discovered
tho wrong location.
Mr. La Bar yesterday began an no
tion In nniilh. nn.l I.. l.t l.MI ... -..
;n ,, " ' . " ", ?1
I - --.-J .ui, umi in- Jiu-j ii-illlll'U
tnnt Margaret E. Dyer Is about to dis
pose of the propetty. Ho pras tho
court to restrain her from doing so or
from encumbering tho property In any
way. Ho also prays the court to make
an order permitting him to move tho
buildings to his own lots. He Is repre
sented by Attorneys Vosburg & Daw
Worked tho Picture Frame Game at
Norwich, N. Y.
Three men recently registered nt tho
Eagle hotel, Norwich, N, Y, who Bub
scribed their names as T. J. Gaffney,
.T. T. Powers and J. J. Mullen, of
Scranton. The Norwich Sun lias this
about the kind of a game they wrjfted:
'They represented, they fiatu, ti latgo
Philadelphia firm that made a'
of picture frames, but had recently
become tho possessor of a secret by
which wondetful results wero obtained
In a new process for enlarging pictures.
They wctc suio that the quality of the
work could but demand the attention
of everjone, und the ptice was t,o low
pel haps the only existing picture of
soma deiir relative or friend and the
man would walk nway wl. It, leaving
a iccelpt and a promise that tho work
would bo delivered ln a shoro time.
I Two or three days later another repre-
sentatlve of the same firm called. He
showed a large line of earnples of plc-
ture fiames, nnd said that the firm
had sent him to sell a frame for the
plctuie that was being enlarged. 'In
asmuch as the enlargement was to ba
done for nothing, It would be no more
than fair for the same firm to sell tho
fiame for It, and an examination of
the samples and prices showed that
the figures asked wero very low. Tho
fiame did not h.ue to be paid for until
it was delivered with tho picture. A
deposit of one uollar as a guarantee of
good faith is all that was asked.
"Those who paid tho dollar have
heard nothing more about It, although
three weeks have elapsed."
Under this heading short letteis of In
tel ebt will be oubllshed when accompa
nied, for publication, by tho wrltor's
name. The Tribune will not be held ro
uponslblo foi opinions hero expressed
Answer to Jnines Haswell.
Editor of 1 he Tribune.
Sir: 1 saw ln j esterday morning's Trlb
uno where Ml. James liuswell, munuger
ot tho Not til End Sturs, bald that ho bus
challenged the Scranton team a number
of times, but they havo failed to answer
his challenges. Now In reply to the samo
I will say that up to tho present tlmo I
have fulled to see nn challenge, from
Jlr. liuswell except the ono ln yestciday s
papoi. Now In regards to playing his
team noM, Tuebduy night, Tebruury 11, I
will say the Scranton team will not
play his toam on that date under tho ni
rangements ho wishes to mnko for pujlrg
tho Scranton team's expenses for their
efforts, but will play his team under uny
of tho following arrangements, one of
which ho can nick out:
Tlrst, wo will play his team for half
tho locelpts after tho tor tho
hall and music Is paid for. Second, that
I will pay with him tho cntlro expenses
and tako half tho receipts, or after tho
expenses are paid, to glvo CO per cent, to
the winner and 40 per cent, to the loser
after any of tho expenses are paid, tho
winner to tako all tho receipts. Now
also to let tho publlo know that tho
Scranton team noer intendod to play
nt tho Scranton Tribune ofllco or Mr
Hang's cafo on Linden street, but simply
named those two places whero Mr. Has
well and his captain could call and make
any arrangements he wished for tho
games with us. If Mr. Hnswcll wishes to
accept any of theso arrangements tho
Scranton team will play his team Tues
day evening, Tcbritary II, at 8.15 sharp.
As wo don't want to have about a week's
newspaper talk about tho games wo will
meet Mr. Haswell any morning, noon or
night nnywhero he should wish It to be,
and will bo only too glad to mako all final
arrangements with them for the games.
Hoping that Mr. Haswell will bo satis
fied with this, wo remain yours truly,
Charles Zang, captain, and George Nel
son Teets, manager ot the Scranton
nasket Hall team
Scranton, Teb. 3, 1EM.
Go to Lane's for your meals. 320
Spruce street.
WEIR-WKIR.-At tho MethodUt Episco
pi! pirsonage In Dunmore, Pa., Jan.
30, 16, by Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, Mr.
Peter Weir nnd Miss Millie Weir, both
of Moostc, Pa.
His Dofonso Is That Ho Had No
Intention to Keep Monoy Duo
Toico Brothers, of Wilkes-Bnrro.
Was Unable to Collect Full Amount
of Some of tho Premiums on Insur
ance Ho Wrote, and Could Not Pay
General Agents Until Ho Received
Monoy Himself.
Curtls E. Holmes, a piomlnent citi
zen of Jormyn, was on trial befora
Judge Gunster ln court room No. 2
jcetorday on a charge ot embezzle
ment, preferred by Fred Telce, Jr., of
the firm of Telce Bi others, general
Insurance agents of Wllkes-Bnrro.
Holmes was engaged by Telce Brothers
to represent the Capital Flro Insuranco
company, of Concord, N. H., at Jor
myn and its Iclnlty. The agreement
under which he was emplojed pro
Idert that ho should make dally u
ports of buslnesfl done to Telce Broth
ers and at the end of each month re
mit ln full the amount of premiums
Heltnes neglected to do this tit the
end of October, nnd according to th
testimony offered yesterday Fred Tele?,
Jr., went to Jcrmyn to see him. Holmes
was not prepaid! to settle. Ho said
he had not been able to collect tho full
amount of the premiums on tho Insur
ance ho had wrlttsn, and would not be
nblo to pay the $200 ho was ln nn ears
until he did .so.
Telce told Helmes that it he into
Insurance on the ciedlt system ho did
It nt his own risk, for they had not
authorized him to do business lu that
way. He made a foimnl demand for
settlement In full and when Helmes
did not comply ho waa Indicted. At
the trial ot tho case yesterday Attor
ney Edward McGovcrn, of Wllkes
Barre, and Attorney F. R. Stark, of
Scranton, conducted the prosecution,
and Hon. John I'. Kelly and Attorney
Carey, of Jermn, the defence.
When the case opened Mr. Kelly
made a motion to quash the Indict
ment, but Judge Gunster tefused It,
and when tho commonwealth rested he
asked the court to Instruct the Jury to
find for the defendant for the teason
that tho commonwealth had not ehown
that tho Capital Fire Insuranco com
pany was authorized to do business ln
this state. This motion was also re
fused by the court. ,
In his defence Helmes stated that he
has not embezzled any moneje due to
Telce Biotheis. To compete with tho
other agents writing lire Insurance In
the lelnlty of Jormyn he was com-
peneu to ncccpc pa. jmy ul ,..u.
lima. .v x.w ,,.., -"-"
upon ntm no ouereu in kivc- mm ihuii'
I than tho full nmount of premiums then
I in his possession but Telce Insisted on
i tho amount of picmluird called for by
tho policies As he had not collected
' the amount he could not pny It, und
t-o Informed Telce His arrest followed.
If he had been glen sufficient time
he could have collected tho full amount
of all the premiums and turned it oer
to the flim ho bald.
The CJSe the first ono called be
fore Judge Gunster osteiday morn
ing, and was on trial all day. It will
be resumed thUs morning and probably
go to the Jury about noon.
Verdicts of Not Guilty.
Patrick Murray lives on the Pouth
Side nnd was Indicted for assaulting
and battering John Love. The case
has been on tho list for several terms
nnd tho prosecutor not appearing a
erdlct of not guilty was taken and
Loe dliected to pay the costs.
Mrs. Ellen Noono and Mrs. Mary Mc
Keiii'le nro neighbors nt North Scran
ton. One day they had a disagree
ment and Mrs Noone was arrested for
assault and battery at the lnstanceof
Mrs. McKenzIe. Before the case was
called yesterday they settled their dif
ferences and a verdict of not guilty
was tnken by agreement, tho piosecu
trlx agreeing to pay the costs.
John Panko was indicted for false,
pretences at the Instance of William
Craig, nn agent for the E. Robinson
brewery. It was alleged that Panko,
who was In the saloon business, secured
credit by representing that he was the
ow ner of real estate, when as a matter
of fact he was entirely Innocent of
lands or estates. Since his Indictment
Panko has partially settled his Indebt
edness and n verdict of not guilty was
taken, Mr. Craig paying the costs.
John Plnltow, who was tried Thurs
day before Judge Gunster for kicking
and severely bruising Willie Richards,
of Bellevue, was esterday returned
not guilty by the Jury. The costs were
dlldod equally between prosecutor and
Action in Other Cases.
In the following cases, nil of which
have been on the list for sevoial terms,
neither prosecutors or defendants ap
peared and ln each a nol pros was en
tered at the rcauest of District Attor
ney Jones: Eva Cutchen, nssau'i and
battery, Frank Bllsco, prosecutor: John
Kapuslnskl, assault nnd battery, Julia
Salack, prosecutrix; Bridget Connor,
common scold, Mary Jordan, prosecu
trix. Martin llurke, selling liquor with
out a license, John McHale, prosecutor.
A capias was Issued for John Consh,
of Taylor, who Is chaiged with felon
ious wounding. He did not appear
when the caso against him was cnlled.
Matthew UraItch, who was con
victed earlier In tho week, was sen
tenced to pay the costs and stand com
mitted until the sentence Is compiled
w 1th.
M. Roscnbluth, who was convicted
of assault and battery, was sentenced
to pay $15 and costs and stand com
mitted until this Is done.
The case of tho commonwealth
against Michael Golchcskl, who Is
charged with burglary by Annie Hnr
wln, having been continued until the
next term, GoIcheBkl, who Is In Jail
awaiting trial, was released on $500
ball to appear at tho next term, his
own recognizance being taken.
In the case against George A. Sum
meis, of Gouldsboro, who was tried
Thursday for cutting timber on the
land of T. M. Lynch, the Jury yester
day returned a verdict of guilty, but
recommended Summers to the meicy
ot tho court.
A Very Busy Week.
Although only one caso was tried be
fore n. Jury yesterday, and during the
greater pait of tho day court was not
In session in the main court room, the
Continued on Page 12.
Makes a Strong Spoech Supporting
tho McCarrell Bill.
Yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer
contained tho following report of the
speech made on Thursday In the house
of representatives by Hon. P. E. Tim
lin, of the Fourth district:
I camo here to do what Is right and
Just, and will bo carrying out tho wishes
of my constituents by voting for the pass
age of tho McCurrcll bill, regardless cf
uuy action that may bo taken by this
caucus. A similar bill was presented by a
former Democratic representative from
my county, ex-Senator M. 13. McDonald,
nnd another of llko character by another
of my predecessors, Hon. J. 1. Kelly,
who earnestly advocated tho passage of
tills legislation. I know, ns they knew,
that tho sentiment of tho community ln
which I llo Is In favor ot this bill. If
this Is a political measure, as Is Claimed
by tho opponents of the bill, I dcslro to
sny, that I agreo with them; Its origin
and birth was with tho Democratic party.
Former Senator Gordon was nmoug tho
early advocates of this bill, ns was ex
Senator Wallace and others who havo
figured In Democratic councils. At any
rate, tho Democratic members hero
should not bo influenced by tho followers
of snlto and hate, who nro back of tho
opposition of this bill: If these bolting
Republicans and tho others who want to
build a political organization at our ex
pense expect us to blindly follow thcln
thoy will find that they nro mistaken.
This bill is beneficial to tho laboring
classes who mnko up tho voting popula
tion of my district It Is a fnlr and just
measure, regardless of who may bo bene
fited by Its passage. The equity and Jus
tlco of tho mensuro should bo considered
aside from faction or political grounds.
Wo havo been misquoted and misrepre
sented in tho Wutiamaker press, and
have been used as tools by tho men re
sponsible for these report. I, for ore,
propose to oto on nil measures nr I deem
beBt, nnd in tho Interest of my constit
uents I shall vote for this bill.
Howard Davis Begins His Duties ns
Manager of Advertising Monday.
Commencing Monday Howard DaIs
will hnvo chnige of the advei Using
depaitment of The Tribune, succeed
ing W. W. Youngs, who bns been con
nected with this paper for a number
of years.
Mr. Davis position as cashier W 111 be
filled hereafter by Alfied John, who
has been ono ot the accountants In
Tho Tribunes counting loom for votue
Tho Disturbance is Wholly Attii
butcfi to Smuggling.
Washington, Feb 3 The Inulun dls-
tin banco at Juneau, Alaska, as repent-
ed ln press dlspatrhis, occasions no
apprenenMon among the oluclals h-"-c
of a general conflict between the whites
and the Indians. No olllclal word of
the affair has reached heie. Tho dls
tutbincc Is attilliuted wholly to th
smuggling of liquor Into the teultory
nnd Its tale b the whites- to tho In
dians. There Is no need of nppiehonslon ot J
nnythlnB nko nn uprising for theie are
I icsa than 300 of them nil told, men, wo-
men and chlldien.
Death Due to Inhaling Illuminating
l'hlladelphla.Feb. 3. Walter T. Short,
stage caipentcr of tho "Milk AVhlto
nag company," now pKijlng nt the
Auditorium, was found dead todny ln
his room at 821 Walnut Ktreet. Tho
police say he committed suicide by in-
haling Illuminating gas, but hlsj friends
and associates bcltevo It wus an acci
bhort, who was St years old, had re
ceived a telegram Thursday night say
ing his father was seilously III ln Den
ver, Col.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Washington, Teb. 3 'i hose Pcnnsl
lanla, pensions havo been issued. In
crease Andrew J. Archibald, Lenox,
Susuucliunna, (12 to JIT, Oscar L Haines,
Liberty Corners, Uradford, ti to JS. Orig
inal widows Rebecca Richards, Wind
ham, Uradford, JS.
Tho Black Grifto-Hugh MoWlntors fight
which was to hae taken pluco at Muslo
hall on last Thursday night has been
tiuiisferred to Namlcoke und will occur
at Music hall ln that borough on next
lhursduy ecnirg. Special train ar
rangements will bo mado to accommo
date crowds fium Scranton, Carbondale
and Nanticoke.
Signor Generoso Pacse, tho Italian
fencing master, who holds tho world's
champion belt und who la now stopping
In tho city, received a challcngo jestei
day to meet Scnnncplcco, another cele
brated swordtmnn, beforo tho Emplra
Athletic club of Wilmington, Del., on
Kcbrunry 0. Tho challenge was prompt
ly accepted. Mnnager Jack Skelly is will
ing to back Paieso against nny man
ln tho world for a pursa of 3J.500. Paese
Is to meet ten local swordsmen at Music
hill, this city, on February 20.
Tho bowling contost that Is to occur
next Monday evening Is causing much
Table Linens and Sheetings
The greatest opportunity of the season to buy
Table Linens, Napkins, Crash, nuslins, Sheetings.
Prices were never so low.
52-Inch Cream Linen Damask 25c
50-Iuch Cream Liueu Damask 29c
58-Ineh Cream Linen Damask 35c
Large assortments of higher-priced goods at equally
low price.
P. C. Muslins
Best Lockwooil 54
Debt Lock-wood. 0-1
Rest Lock-wood 9-1
Best Lockwooil 104
C. Muslins.
C. Muslins.
C. Muslins.
Best Bleached 5-1 P.
C. Muslins..
C. Muslins. .
C. Muslins. .
Best Bleached 0-1
Best Bleached 94
Best Bleached 104 P. C. Muslins.
When in these days of
Sensational Advertising
Eveiy one claiming to have the best goods at the lowest prices,
WB simply desire to say that we have done our utmost to furnish
the best wares and latest novelties, nt prices as low as consistent
with good merchandising.
In order to keep this stock clean, tree from odds and ends, and
shop-worn goods, we have arranged all such pieces on separata
tables at prices much less than cost. Look them over if you find
what you want, you get a bargain.
Odd Tumblers, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetabto
Dishes, Etc. Sweeping reduction In prices on Lnmpd.
Millar & Peck,
;f. . . v, v. n : n . n
Scranton Store 124
? The underwear sale
and its saving chances
After having done an immense underwear business in the
month of January it is all the more gratifying to us to acknowledge
the success ol the continuation of this sale during the month of
February. Primarily this was made possible by an advantageous
purchase a purchase that saved us and incidently YOU a matter
of forty per cent on regular prices.
This sale will continue vigorously, all goods lemaining at
lowest prices marked. Every garment is excellent in every re
spect and quantities aie equal to any demands.
Only the GOOD at bargain prices here
the inferior at no price
i a."
I v
Corset covers
Ladies' cambric coiset coveis,
high it , plain, regular ,
price i ., 5-pcuai cut puce 4C
L.uli",' cambric corset covers,
high neck, trimmed with ein
bioideiv edge, legulai fl i
priceiQC, special cut . Ji'zQ.
Long skirts
Ladies' muslin skiits. etia
wide, with double ruffle and
cluster of Uick. tegular
price sqc, special pi ice. 37C
Ladies' extra quality muslin
skiits, extra wide, having double
ruffle tiimmed with lace or em
broidety, regular price ,
69c, special cut pi ice. . . 4-vC
i jf
I j,
Ladies' extra quality muslin
suirib, Having uouuie runic trim-
med with embioldery, legular
priee 9SC, special cut
price &C
. Ill ST.
' tt
, tt
( '
tt Cut price sale of
men's correct furnishings
Neckwear Your choice ol our complete stock of Neck
wear, in new and stylish eiTects, and all styles, best silk and
satin goods, in (act all ot those that were twenty-five
cents formci ly 1 5C
50c neckwear is now 35c, or 3 for $1.00.
One lot Men's Natural
j; sizes, 30, b aim 42. urawers
Regular price 5. 1 . 00. 1 0 close them out
One lot Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, ex
tra value 50c. Special
One lot Painteis' White Overalls and Jackets, cele
brated "Freeman's"' make, regular price 50c. Special...
One lot Men's Full Seamless
c. bpeciai
- -
' U 'A U 'A U "4 'A "A "A "A "A 'A 'A A A U
comment ns tho Ulk team has never been
beaten. They wero bentcn oneo by tho
Backus team, but the Backus team wus
composed of Borne of tho Klk toam and
tho Blk team do not consider that ns a
defeat. Tho teams will lino up ns loi
lows: Elks C. Towler, C. Relhl, II. Dlmler,
G Phillips, Joe Mndcnspacher, C.
i:cclsIois-C. Wormscr, II. Langftld,
M. Rice, M. Krotosk, M. Simons, S. liar,
Lackawanna Ave.
Wyoming Avenue,
. t. n i k v. n . v. . n . ..
- I26 Wyoming Ave.
Ladies' Muslin Drawers with
cluster of tucks, worth
19c, special cut price.. 1 1C
Ladies' muslin drawers, with
cluster of tucks, trimmed with
embroideiy, worth 39c, .
special cut price 24-C
Ladies' Mother Hubbard
gowns, tucked yoke, trimmed
with cambric ruffle, regular
price 49c, special cut
price ZC
Ladies' muslin gowns, Mother
Hubbud style, tucked yoke,
trimmed with embroid-
civ, special cut price. ,
Ladies' muslin frowns. Mother X
1 Hubbard yoke, with embroiderv -
'.. ..-'
insertion and cluster ot tucks,
trimmed with embroidery, regu-
lar puce 69c, special .
cut price 4yC
All-Wool Shirts and Drawers.
sizes, 30, 44 anu 40.
Half Hose, regular price
UU 'A 'A "A 'A 'A "A "A "A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'AAA A
Special Attention Given to Bnsl
ncss and Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodation! K.
tended According to Balances and
31er Cent. Interoit Allowed on
Interest DcpoaiU.
WM. CONNBLL, President.
1IENUY BELLY, Jr., Vice Pros.
W1LLIA.U II. PECK, Cashier
The vnult ot this bank Is pro
tcctcd by Holmes' lilcctric Pro
tective System.
At Retail.
Coal of tho best quality far domestic us
and ol ull elzea, including Uuckwiieut and
Ulrdseye, dollvored ln any part ot tba
city, at the lowest price.
Orders received at the ofllce, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. fi;
telephone No 2531 or at tba mine, tele
phone No 272. will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mlno.
bciuutou and WllkeS'Oarre.Cx
Uollcri, llolstlnj; aaJ I'omplaj Machinery,
General Offloevboranton, Ta