The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 03, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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February Specialties,
All tho Monthly Periodicals,
for Feb'v. nro now hero.
Tao all tho Fashion Books for spring
Pockot Diaries for 1800,
ifooa varloty yet.
Art Calendars for 1800,
at cut prices.
v a lentFn e s
An ologant assortment of
new and attractive lovo gems,
for all ages and conditions.
Blank Account Books,
all desirable sizes and styles,
from vest pocket Memorandums,
to Bank Lodgers.
Mercantile Stationery, all sorts,
Office and Desk Requisites,
all worth having.
Ladies' Stationery,
all desirable stylos.
Engraving and Printing to order.
Games of Amusement
for winter evenings,
the standard sorts and new things.
All tho new and Standard Books
in various bindings
at popular prices.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
; Is the fiuest and most
permanent photograph J
Zs, known to the profess-
ion, to be had only at g
Specialties Surgery, Diseases or Women
OfJIce Hours I) to 10 n. m
l to n p. m
At Keiidoneo 7 to 8 p. m
Ofllco William HuUtllng. Opp. roatofucs.
Residence 210 South Mala Avenue.
IJhvt opened a General Insurance. Ofllco in
L'eH Block Companies represented l.nrsa
-i.c especially solicited. Telephone. 1803.
;o8 Penn Avenue. A. . WARflAN.
Miss liertlui Pom ell, of 1031, l.lwlsn
street, save a thimble tea on Tuesday
afternoon In honor of her BUcst, Jllss
Hess, of Uethleliem.
K. 1. Under went to Washington, 1).
C . yesterday.
Jllss I.lla A. Stewart Is the guest of
Mrs. ('. I.. "rcy.
A. V., of tho editorial stuff ot the
llepubllcau. Is 111,
Nov. John Henley and John T. Dronimn,
of Mount l'lensuM, wero In the city yes
terday. John J. CiIe.iFon, of this city, has re
turned from un extended stay at Xew
York city.
Jliss Delia Moore, ot I'lttstou avenue,
has accepted the portion of head sales
lady at Mycr Dtivldow's on Lackawanna
Mrs. Charles L. Autr, of Harrison ave
nue, will so to Gravity, Wayne county,
unlay ,u attend tho funeral of her uncle,
Ashur Knslln.
Mrs. Joseph Cross Mid daughter, Miss
Nora Cro?s, left yesterday for Now Ucrt.
ford, Mass., to visit Miss Sadio Cross,
onufihter of the former.
John Saltry siient Inst night at I'ltts
tou with William K lluike, of this city,
who Is a member uf Jacksou-Hrosuuhan
Comedy company now playing there.
Miss MarRaict Mayoek, ot Miner's
Mills, and her guest. Mlis May Boyle, ot
Now Mllford, wero the guests of Miss
Josephine Healey, of Uunmoio, yester
day. George Miller, formerly ot thi
Academy of Music, was In the nlty yes
terday. Ho Is manager of. 'The Circus
Girl" company which was seen at tho
Lyceum last nlcht.
Rov. and Mrs. A. V. Chaffee, of Green
Hideo, havo returned from a visit at
Illughamton, where Itcv. Chalr'ee olliclat-
ed at the wedding, Wednesday evening,
of Miss I.ucy R. Mitchell and Krncst J.
Mellarg, both of that city.
A. T. Unynsford, for five years one ot
tho most valued members of The Trib
une's city staff, has resigned to accept
the general for this region of tho
Vnlnn Mutual Life Insurance company,
of Portland, Me. Mr. Unynsford will
have his ofllco In the Mears building and
for tho next six weeks will be assisted by
c. It. Harrington, of Philadelphia, an
executive agent of tho company. Tho
qualities that won for Mr. Itaynsfo.-d.
such an enviable place among tho news
paper workers of thl3 city aro suie to bo
if great service to him in his new voca
tion. Notice.
The banks of this city will be closed
on the following days of this month,
they being legal holidays: Monday,
Feb. 13, Lincoln's birthduy; Tuesday,
Feb. 21, election day; and Wednes
day, Feb. 22, Washington's birthday.
C. W. Gunster.
Secretary Scranton Clearing House As
sociation. -'
To tho Voters of tho Tonth Ward
I am a candidate for tho Republican
nomination for common council. Prim
aries will bo belli .Saturday, Feb. 4,
from 1 to S p. in. C. E. Reynolds.
A special meeting of tho Knights cf
Columbus will be held at their roomo
tonight at 8 o'clock for the purpose of
completing arrangements for their re
ception und on Wednesday, Feb. S.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. V. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
i iii
Finest wines and cigars at Lano'o,
120 Spruce street.
A Card.
We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
to refuitJ the money en a to-cent bottla
til Ureone's Warranted Syrup of Tar It It
falls to euro your cough or cold. We also
nuarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove sattc
factory or money refunded. J. G. Bonu &
Bon, Dunmoro, Pa,; John 1. Donahue,
Bcrsnton, Pa-
Four Men Injured by Flying Pieces
of Rock Throe of Thorn Aro in a
Very Sorious Condition Foreman
Boozy, Who Had Chargo of tho
Men, Escaped with Slight Injuries.
Men Wero Working on the Now
Pipe Lino Cutting at Elmhurst for
tho Scranton Qa.n and Wator Co.
Four men wero injured, three seri
ously und one slightly, yesterday morn
ing by nn explosion of dynamite at tho
scene of the new pipe-line cutting, now
being made by the Scranton Gas and
Water company, near Elmliuist. The
Injured arc;
Anthony Forrori, Italian Laborer.
Luigl Scarini, Laborer.
Francesco Grippo, Laborer.
Patrick Beezy, Foreman.
The first three men aro now at the
Lackawanna hospital, and Ferrcrl anil
Searlnl nro In a precarious condition,
though Dr. John Corser, senior house
surgeon, has hopes of their ultimate
recovery. Grippo Is only cut and
bruised about the face and chest, but
may lose hla eyesight from the effects
of the concussion. Foreman Ueezy,
who resides at Ktmhiirst, Is only bruis
ed nnd slightly marked by Oylnj? grav
el. He will be at work again today.
Scarlnl Is the most dangerously In
jured of the quartetto. Itm fuc an
Dr. Corser expressively puis It, "wai
like an open rose." The mouth and
chin aro cut and bruised out of all sem
blance. The Hose and upper lip nre ter
rible to behold. Tho right eye Is en
tirely destroyed and the left little bet
ter. His cheeks, neck and scalp are
also cut and contused. It took con
siderable time for Drs, Corser and.
Gates, of the hospital, to urrange the
man's features so that they would bo
presentable. If he recovers he will be
totally blind In the right eye, and
small hope Is entertained ot saving the
left. He Is an unmarried man.
Ferrerl, who In all probability caused
the accident, la not so seriously In
jured. He has an eight-Inch, half-moon-shapod
scalp wound Just above
the left ear, which may have been
made by the pick ho held when the
explosion occurred, and which was
thrown upward and out of his hands.
Ills right eye ball Is terribly lacerated,
and ho can barely see with his left.
His face, neck nnd scalp are also cut
and contused. He is married and has
two children. The three men aro resi
dents of the Italian community at
Bunker hill, Dunmore.
From nn Interview with Superintend
ent Robert Reeves, It was learned that
tho laborers themselves are to biumo
for the accident. When Superintendent
Heeves was notified of tho affair he
went up to Elmhurst Immediately,
made nn Investigation, and held a talk
with Foreman Beezy at his home. This
is the Substance 'of the hitter's story:
The pipe line, which Is a new one,
Is being cut from the big Elmhurst
reservoir, nlong the creek, on the Erie
and Wyoming Valley railroad side, and
down towards Scranton. Just below
the Erie and Wyoming Valley station
a bed ot rocks was struck and blast
ing berame necessary. Wednesday af
ternoon, Just before quitting time, sev
eral holes were charged with the in
tention of blasting and then clear away
the debris In tho morning. After all
was ready It was found that the
charges would not explode, being too
cold. It .was decided to wait until
morning and then try again. The work
of cutting extends ubout a mile In
length and about 200 men are always
at work thereon.
Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock
the men were started above and below
tho Joint where the blasting was being
done and Foreman Beezy, assisted by
sonio workmen, started to drill new
holee, intending to leave tho old holes
as they were. Tho three men who were
afterwards Injured kept crowding too
close to the placet when the charges
were In, and wero warned back twice.
While Foreman Beezy was busy and
his back was turned, they got close up
again, Ferrorl leading. A few mo
ments later tho explosion occurred and
It is 'thought that Ferrcrl had stuck
his pick Into one ot the holes. It
Is not known whether the charge ex
ploded or Just the fulminating cap, an
either would do the injury resulting.
The effects ot the explosion were all
on the right hand side of tho men, and,
although there were about forty men
In the danger zone, no others were
Tho injured men were given such
aid as was possible at tho time and
later were brought here to tho hospi
tal in wagons furnished by Charles
Uattnyllo and the water company.
Was Hold Before Reforeo 0. A. Van
Wormer Yesterday.
Beforo Attorney C. A. Van Wormer,
the local referee under the provisions
of the now bankruptcy act, a hearing
was neia yesteraay in the case of C.
M. Sandcrwn and II. AV. Bellman, who
ask for a final discharge In Insolvency.
It Is the first hcarlnr of tho kind held
before Mr. Van Wormer.
Some tlmo ago they were In tho coal
business at PIttston, under the title of
the Phoenix Coal company, and be
came insolvent. The petition sets forth
that the liabilities of the company were
178,000 and tho assets nothing.
The final discharge of the petitioners
Is opposed by the Second National
bank, of Wllkes-Barre, and tho People's
Savings bank, of 'PIttston, creditors of
the company. Messrs. Sanderson and
Bellman wero the only witnesses ex
amined yesterday. Another hearing
will be held on Feb. S.
It Is Now Beforo the United States
Bankruptcy Court.
Tho recent sensational failure of
Tucker & Maxey, who conducted a gen
eral store nt Carbondalo for a short
time, Is now before Referee C. A. Van
Wormer, of the bankruptcy section of
the United States district court. A
schedule of the liabilities and assets of
the firm was filed with Mr. Vun Worm
er yesterday.
It shows that tho Indebtedness of the
firm is $33,?.S'5.81, and the assets $2,575.
20, Tho bankruptcy proceedings in
this case wero brought by the credit
ors and are of the character known as
Involuntary. Beforo the proceedings
are ended some very sensational de-
vcloptnonts are looked for. Soon after
tho failure Tucker & Maxey wero In
dicted for conspiracy and larceny by
bailee nnil the cases acalnBt them aro
now pending. They wero on tho list
for this term but wero continued early
this week.
It Boro Every Evidence of Having
Been Badly Treated.
A gang of machinists ot tho Del
aware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road company returning to their
homes last night from work found at
tho Tripp raVIno on Xorth Main ave
nue, West Scranton, a horse and bUBgy
without any driver. Tho carriage and
harness wero badly shattered and the
animal plainly evidenced the horrible
111 treatment It received. The meu
decided to proceed further and notify
tho police.
Patrolman McColllgan was met and
informed of the affair. He hastened to
the ravine. Reaching there he found
the horse dead, minus tho carriage und
harness. The head of tho animal was
sticking through the boards of tho fence
on the end of the ravine. The body
was still worm. Detective Molr will
pursue tho case.
Entered tho Home of Colonel Boies
Last Night and Succeeded iu
Getting1 a Considerablo
Amount of Booty.
While tho family ot Colonel Boies
wero at dinner lust evening a burglar
of tho "porch climbing" variety was
operating on the second floor with con
siderable success, lie secured one gold
and one silver watch, two pearl breast
pins and ono diamond and ruby ring.
He would bavo secured a much richer
haul had Mrs. Boles' diamonds nnd
other Jewels not been In a vault nt the
Safe Deposit Company bank.
It was remarked by one of the fam
ily while at dinner that a draught of
cold air seemed to be coming lrom tho
library where a window had been open
ed on account of the room being over
heated. This was a reminder to Mrs.
Boles that the vault containing valu
ables which is near tha library, was
open and that some one might, enter,
accordingly a servant was ordered to
close the vault.
On going up stairs afterward It was
found that the draught came from the
second lloor and that some one bad
entered and thoroughly ransacked three
bedrooms, notwithstanding that a maid
was sitting in a room where she was
in full view of them all the time.
The entrance was made from a win
dow In the front of the house opening
Into Miss Boles' bedroom, which had
been readied by the trellis and porch.
An ofllcer was summoned but the only
clue found was the foot prints of a
man in the snow.
Executive Committee of Firemen's
Fair in Session.
A session of the executive commit
tee which has in hand tho arrange
ments for tho coming firemen's fair
was held yesterday In Chief HIckey's
office and arranged to distribute tho
solicitors' books, so that the collecting
may begin next Monday. Each book
contains on the lnsldo of the cover the
All persons aro hereby notltied that '.lie
persons presenting this book and whose
names appeal' on tho cover of same are
authorized by tho executive committee of
the stato firemen's convention committee
to make collections for tho purpose of
defraying tho expenses of tho state fire
men's convention to be held In our city
October, 1S99.
Resolution passed by executive com
mittee Junuary 20.. isati.
C. I). Wcgman, President.
William Tannler, Secretary.
P. J. Hlckey, chnlrmau; Joseph Dan
ner, Joseph W. Hall. A. L. Lewis, It. J.
The committee accepted with thanks
an offer from Bauer's band to glvo
concerts afternoon and evening on the
opening day of the fair.
A bicycle from Bittenbender & Co.
nnd a carriage from A. R. Gould &
Co., were the first articles donated.
A letter was received from Jermyn &
Duffy notifying the committee that It
might come down to their store nnd
help themselves.
Inquiries about the parade, to be
held In connection with the state con
vention, were received from the Hu
mane Engine company of Norristown.
and the Darktown Fire brigade, ot
A meeting of the general committee
will be held tonight in tho common
council chamber.
Chief Justice Chambers Makes a
Long Report.
Washington, Feb. 2. The state de
partment has been Informed that Chief
Justice Chambers, ot Samoa, has made
a long report upon the circumstances
attending the recent uprising at Apia.
This report was addressed to each of
tho three powers under whoso author
ity the chief Justice holds his commis
sion. The copies sent to Germany and
to Great Britain have reached their
destination, but that sent to the state
department hero is still on the way.
It Is said that tho full mall reports ot
the recent occurrences cannot be ex
pected to reach Europe until the 21st
Inst, and the United States a week
Sweet Clover Corn,
10c per can
Sweet Clover Peas,
10c per can
Garden Sifted Peas,
!5c, 2 for 25c
Red Labeled Selected Peas
18c, $2.(fo per dozen
Baked Beans,
3 lb can 10c 1 per doz
Attorney R. H. Patterson and Josoph
Jorrnyn Aro at tho Head of a Com
pany That Has Paid $235,000 for
tho Carbondalo Water Company,
Which Is Capitalized at $23,000.
Proporty Owned by tho Company.
It Has an Almost Inexhaustible
Supply of Water.
Attorney R, H. Patterson and Joseph
Jermyn, of this city, wero In Carbon
dalo yesterday afternoon, when they
closed a deal for tho stock ot tho Crys
tal Lake Water company, agreeing to
pay ten times its face value. That
means that for the $23,500 capital stock
the holders, most of whom are Carbon
dallans, will receive $233,000.
The ofUcers of the company aro: J.
B. VanBcrgeii, president; S. A, Mc
Mullen, vlcc-ptesldent; Alfred l'ascoe,
treasurer; C. K. Spencer, secrctury.
Other large stockholders are Thomas
Dutfee, Joseph Bltkctt, Mrs. Harriet
Raynor and C. R. Manvllle. President
VnnBergen has the largest block of
ptock $2,700 which Is now worth $27,
000. John Jermyn heads the capitalists
w ho gain possession und who will uso
the inexhaustible supply of water com
ing under their control to feed a largo
portion of the Lackawanna valley. The
property Involved Is the Canaan street
reservoir, No. ! pond, Bronnell swamp
and about 40 acres of land In that
vicinity, together with the plpo lines
and olllce in Carbondale. The Still
water dam und Fallbrook system tiro
not affected.
The Crystal Lake water company
wa3 Incorporated In 1S67, shortly after
the conflagration which destroyed half
the business section of the town. It
was brought about by the refusal ot
Insurance companies to accept (Carbon-
dale risks. II. D. Judwln headed a
committee that solicited funds from tho
business men In slices of $300 from
those on Main street and $200 on Church
street, to provldo waterworks, primar
ily to enable them to act Insurance,
the furnishing of water at that time
being of secondary consideration. Every
man that subscribed considered it more
of u donation than an Investment.
A few years later a hundred per cent,
stock dividend was declared, so that
the original Investors are now getting
twenty dollars for one actually paid In.
Tho corporation refused $500 a share
for the stock a short time ago.
The company had a large force at
work all last summer clearing Bron
nell swamp, preparatory to the erec
tion of a huge dam in No. 3 ravine,
which would flood 100 acres. There Is
nn artesion well in the swamp said to
have a How equal to the demands of
thl? city. There Is every reason to be
lieve the work will go on In the spring
as planned.
This transfer, coming on top of the
option on the Electric Light company's
stock at two dollars for one, has re
newed faith In the future of Carbon
dale. The electric light deal will bring
$100,000 into thnt city, making with tho
water money $335,000 cash which will
have to seek new Investment.
Spent a Pleasant Evening at
Homo of R. J. Foster.
Tho entertainment last evening at
the home ot R. J. Foster, under the
auspices of the Guild of St. Margaret,
was not only most enjoyable but remu
nerative. There was a. very largo at
tendance and tho delightful programme
was enthusiastically received. Much
disappointment was felt that owing to
a severe cold Miss Freeman was un
nble to sing. Otherwise the programme
was carried out In detail. Miss Al
len's violin solos were beautifully ren
dered and the Insistent encores accord
ed her was a proof of the Intense ap
preciation which Is telt In a wide cir
cle for the work of this gifted towns
woman. The duet with Mr. Eugeno
Ham was among tho best features of
tho evening. Mr. Ham's flute solo was
also much enjoyed, Miss Blackman
played brilliantly a piano solo, and
Mr, Thomas Glppel's tenor numbers
came In for hearty applause.
Previous to tho muslcale, Miss Pad
dock, of Philadelphia, gave a talk. Her
charming personality and pleasing
manner added much to the Interest
taken In her subject, which related to
the work of tho Girls' Friendly Soci
ety. She gave many valuablo hints
regarding plans and purposes which
may bo applied to tho beautiful work
carried on by that energetic organiza
tion in St. Luke's church.
The final portion of the evening was
devoted to a clipping frolic, when nu
merous parkages, whose price ranged
from ten ito twenty-five cents were
purchased by the company, the denou
ment occasioning unlimited amuse
ment. The affair was a great success
In every respect and will probably be
repeated with variations sonio time
during the season.
No Testimony Will Bo Offered
All of tlio testimony in the Alder
man John P. Kelly imoeachment case
has been heard and Commissioner J.
W. Carpenter will at once prepare hl3
report and nubmlt it to the court. By
the latter It will be sen,, to Harrlsbunr.
The report consists of over D00 pages
of testimony.
It was the original intention of those
who had charge of tho Impeachment
proceedings to offer testimony in re
buttal, but that plan has been aban
doned. For La Grippo.
Thomas Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash
av corner Jacltson-at., one ot Chi
cago's oldest and most prominent drug
gists, recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for la grippe, ns It not only
gives a prompt nnd complete relief, but
also counteracts any tendency of la
grippo to result In pneumonia. For
sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros.,
wholesale and retail agents.
Tho WIIUcs-Barre Record can bo had
In Scrarton ut tha Lews Btands of IleU
man Bros., 401 Bpruco and (03 Llndsn
rvecr; Muc, laickuwanna avenue.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS
by MILLIONS of MOTIIKRB for their
I the best remedy for DIARRHOEA.
Sold by Druggists In every part of tho
world. Bo sura and OHk for "Mrs. Wins.
I kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
nw'fl Pnnllilnrr Kvrim " nnrl tnlcn lift
Baptiat Ministers Fllo Their Objec
tions to Boxing Bouts.
Others among tho tellglous denomin
ations of tho city aro taking up the
matter of opposition to the conduc
tion ot boxing bouts In tho city. The
most recent protest to that effect was
the one filed with Sheriff I'ryor yester
day by tho members of the Baptiat
Ministerial Conference and Blgned by
Rev. W. G. Watklns, secretary of the
Following Is the text ot the commun
ication sent:
1G33 North Main avenue.
Hcranton, Pa .Inn. 31, 1SW.
Mr. C. E. Pryor, Sheriff of Lackawanna
Dear Sir: At a meeting of the ltaptlfct
(Ministerial conference held yesterday,
Jan. 30, 1S90, a resolution was adopted
strongly contemning nrd protesting
against tho recurrence of the prUo fights
or so-called boxing exhibitions which oc
cur from tlmo to time In the city, and
within your Jurisdiction. Tho secretary
of tho was Instructed to con
voy to you the sentiment of the meeting
and respectfully request you to exercise
the high powers ot your olllce In enforc
ing the law relative to this matter.
i ours very sincerely,
tltev). W. G. Watklns,
'Weretary of tho Conference
Police Force Matters Will Adjust
Themselves Satisfactorily.
As the matter is viewed In city hnl!,
the home-coming of Chief ot Police
Robllng and Patrolman Day will not
result In any dismissals from the pollco
force. They wilt not bo mustered out
until about tho first of April, It is safo
to say, considering that they aro to bo
retained on furlough for thirty days
after leaving1 camp, and by that tlmo
the appropriation ordinance, It Is ex
pected, will have made provision for
the appointment of a number of new
policemen. Fifteen are asked for, and
it is onfldently thought that two at
least will bo allowed. This will make
place for Patrolmen MeColtlgan and
Collins, tho last appointees, or tor Cap
tain Robllng and Sergeant Day, as tho
case may lie. Councils passed a joint
resolution reserving tho places of the
latter two, so It Is proper to consider
'Patrolmen McColllgan and Collins? as
the ones to be provided for.
Captain Robllng will, of course, re
sume his place at the head of tho force,
Thief Gurrell's uppolntment having
been made only temporarily, and, It
might be added, much against his
wishes. How long Captain Robllng
would be continued as chief depends.
Observed by tho Members of tho
Zenith Literary Society.
R. D. Richards, of 614 Pine Btrcet,
entertained the members of the Zenith
Literary society at his residence last
Tuesday evening. The affair was an
elaborate one, being the observance ot
the fifth anniversary of the organiza
tion of the society. In addition to other
pleasant diversions, the members were
treated to a discourse upon "Our Socl
ety'fl Past" by R. D. Richards and
"Benefits Derived from Organization"
by A. P. Clarke.
Later In the evening those present
enjoyed a bountiful repast. Those pre
sent were It. D, Richards, president;
Edward Davis, vice-president; W. W.
Sloat, secretary; A. P. Clarke, treasur
er; C. G. Pease, chaplain: C. A. Beem
er, P. J. Bennett, R. H. Ronney. Har
ry Caryl, John M. Frances, Milton
Moore, Clarence Osland, W. W. Shaw,
Chester WIcbs and II. T. Yost.
Nothing Further Learned of the
Whereabouts of Pius Sweeney.
Plus Sweeney, ot North Scranton,
who disappeared on the day ho
wns to be married to Miss)
Moran, of Hudson street, about
a week ngo, has not yet been heard
from. His friends aro yet doing their
utmost to locate him.
It was recently learned that
Sweeney on the day set for
his wedding, purchased, at Steele's
gent's furnishing store in North Scran
ton a hat nnd gloves, which he paid
for. It was also ascertained that he
went to a central city clothing house
and purchased a suit of clothes. He
ordered them altered and pressed, stat
ing that he would call for them later.
The clothes still remain at the store,
as do the hat and gloves at Steeele's,
Good Investments.
Special opportunities exist today for
furniture nnd other woodworking
plants, for all factories using Iron and
steel and for textile mills of all kinds
and for shoe and leather manufactures
In the South, nlong the Southern Hall
way. In many places there are open
ings for electrical plants, for whole
salers and other business men. Men
seeking investments In manufacturing
industiies, in iron, coal or timber
lands, in farms or In other ways, or
desiring homes in good sections and
healthy, pleasant climates, Investigate
tho Southern Railway territory. It lies
In eight stales and extends along 5,600
miles of track, stretching from the
Potomac and the ocean to tho Missis
sippi, and the Ohio to the Southern
seaboard cities.
Send for our publications. Tell u
what you are looking for and we can
locate you advantageously.
M. V. Richards.
Land and Industrial Agent, Southern
Railway, Washington, D. C.
Royal Arcanum.
T hereby wish to return to the mem
bers of the Royal Arcanum my heart
felt thanks for the prompt payment of
draft for $3,000 (threo thousand dol
lars), the amount of the certificate
which was held by my UusLiand, Thomas
.1. Moore, in Scranton Council, No. 02'i,
Royal Arcanum. Margaret Moore.
Royal Arcanum.
Myself and family return our heart
felt thanks to the members of the
Hoyal Arcanum for their prompt set
tlement of the death claim on my hus
band, John W. Marshall, a draft for
tho full amount, three thaupund dollars,
havlns been paid to mo In twelve daya
after his burial.
Mrs. Clara V. Marshall.
Notice to Telephone Subscribers.
The employe8 ot tho Central Penn
sylvania Telephone and Supply Co. are
all funlshed with a badge. Admit no
one to your house or ofllco to Inspect
your telephone unless they can show
the same.
r- BTB--HH1-1
colds iu the rh-kt nr
LPlaCiUII SFold u "e elicit" oi
W i ri nines aucl Incipient
yUUKU Hyi Unreliable. It is splendid
lorcuuarca. lasicsgoou. uo:cs ore small, ttc
At a Meeting of tho Soldiers' Relief
Association Hold Yostorday Aftor
uoon in tho Board of Trado Rooms
tho Initial Stops Woro Taken in tho
Way of Arranging for This Impor
tant Evont Committees Appoint
ed to Take Chargo of Arrangements
for the Reception.
Preparations for a big reception for
the homc-coinlng soldiers wero set
afoot yesterday afternoon ut a moot
ing ot tho Soldiers' Relief association
In the board ot trado rooms.
A full representation ot the original
membership wns In attendance, .n !
Frank M. Vandllng, Colonel Cleun;.
Hallstead, T. H. Watklns, Colon.
L. Hitchcock, Attorney C. E. Dam.
Hon. E. N. Wlllard, Major W. tf. Mi
lar and Colonel U A. Watres v. ere
added to the rolls.
Reorganization was effected with
Captain W. A. May as chnitman;
Charles E. Daniels, secretary, and D.
B. Atherton, treasurer.
After somu general discussion, It was
decided to divide the work among com
mittces.lmvo them suggest proper steps
to be taken and the ways and means
thereto, and to hold another meeting
next Saturday afternoon nt 3 o'clock,
to draft a programme.
The committees uie;
Finance Colonel U. H. Ripple, Hon. L.
N", Wi'llurd, Conrad Sehrueder, Colonel
George M. Hallstead, A. P. Bedford.
Entertainment K. M. Vandllng. Colonel
F. L. Hitchcock, T, 11. Watklns, T. II.
Decorations Colonel II. M. Boles, L U.
Sturges. Henry Ilelln, Jr.. ,T. E. Pnrrlsh.
Music Oonrml Schroedor, C. . iio
laud, D. 13. Atherton.
A reception committee of fifteen, com
posed of tho members of the associa
tion, and having President Luther Kel
ler, of the board of trade, as chair
man, was alno named. This commit
tee will meet at 4 o'clock this after
noon In the board of trade rooms. Th
entertainment committee held a brief
session at tho close of the meeting, as
did also the finance committee.
While nothing In detail was decided
upon definitely. It was agreed that
nothing would ho left undone to make
the soldiers' welcome a hearty and en
thusiastic one. A few things talked of
were a parade, with a battalion of the
Eleventh regiment, N. G. P.. escorting
the volunteers, a nupper at tho armory
and some formal address of welcome.
Tho probability of the regiment com
ing homo piecemeal will cause a chango
of the plans that have been In the
minds of those who are actively Inter
ested in giving tho returning soldiers
a proper reception.
Lewis A. May & Company,
bankers and brokers, 31 and 33 Broad
way, New York, members of the New
York Consolidated, and Produce ex
changes. Branch office, Mears build
ing, Scranton. M. S. Jordan, manager.
Telephone, 0003.
i s a Railroad Man.
Scranton, Pa.. Jan. 27, 1899. Mr. C.
D. Lown, a clerk In tho freight de
partment of the 13. and W. C. railroad,
in tins city, says he has been taking
the well known medicine, Hood's Sar
saparllla, and it has given him u bet
ter appetite.
Owing to putting in new front
and lowering lloor ol our store, we
must reduce our large and fine
stock of
Diamonds, Watches,
Jeutelry, Silverware,
Clocks, Mtisic Bos,
and Clif Glass.
Sales Daily, 2,30 and 7,30 P.M
Commencing Sat., Feb, 4,
All cars stop in front of store.
Nothing misrepresented. It will
pay you to attend these sales.
205 Lacka. Ave..
Opp. D., Ij. it V. Depot.
141 to 149 Meridian Stmt, Scmlm, Pa,
and Varnishes.
20 Lackawanna Are., Scranton tx.
Wholesale nnd Kctnlt
Ready Hlxcd Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Kconoailcat, Durable
Varnish Stains,
I'rodticlnjl'erfect linltmionof EipaailT
Reynolds' Wood Finish,
F.speclnlly Designed for Inilcti Work.
Marble Floor Finish.
Uiirable and Drloi (iulctcly.
Paint Varnish and Kal-'
somine Brushes.
MANiFrrt:iti;ns ok
Pure, Fresh Milk delivered at your
door every morning in time
for breakfast.
:!()S Spruce St
'I'M Wcsl Market St
1113 Jackson St.
331 PIttston Ave.
Mousey Ave. anil Larch St.
Fancy Suspenders,
Dress and Driving Gloves,
Bath and Night Robes,
Umbrellas, Mackintoes,
Etc, Etc,
Lackawnna Avs,
Hot House encumbers,
Hot House Tomatoes,
- Green Beans, Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Salsify,
Strictly Fresh Eggs,
Creamery Butter,
Grapes, Orangss and Fruits
Pierce's Market
S Full of interest for everybody! 2
S Our great sale of men's bilongings 3
S now at its height.
These special values for lhU occasion: S
S All COc. neckwear to bo at .'.'J "
U for $1.00.) a
S All 23. neckwear to bo nt 19 5
S Wc. fancy hose, pljlds and 5
S Btiipca .09 a
"5 Kc. fancy hose, plalua and a
5 stripes 19
S 15c. natural wool hose, 3 pahs S
S tor S
S Mn. silk handkerchiefs, fancy
ss border uD
" 25c. silk handkerchiefs, funcy 3
S border 19 S
S Wc. Japanetto handkerchiefs... .10 a
S Jl.OO Percale shirts 75
S $1.50 Madras shirts 1.00 3
a SUM derby hats 2.00 a
a J2.50 derby hats 1.75
a On the Square, 203 Washington Ave "
Rooms 1 and '2,Coiii'Mi BTtVg.
Mining: and Blasting
Made ut Moosk- and ItiuUJula Worlit
Klectilo liutterlei, Klectrlo Kxploderi,
lor explodlns blusit, Malety Kme ua4
Repauno Chemical Co's nxKiSsivn
Pure White Iead, Color.1