The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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It "Wna in Honor of His Fiftieth
Birthday Presented with a Hand
sorao Reclining Ohair hy the Club
of Fifteen Ofllcers Chosen for That
Organization Sraokci Conductod
liy James Council Lodge of Odd
Fellows Lawrence Giles, of Pitta-
ton Avenue, Stabbed by His Sistor.
It unse ilft tMi" iiM" H'nbi thai
Peter Uippi". tin Iclel kiuwii ami
impcdc-cl I ltll'll (if tlltH side, "if xli
ort'd Into the wm Id. At hi it"hloiuo,
W Hickory tuet, he vnn rImmi u sui
pilse Inst nlRht which was In tho trued
Ft-nso of tin- woiil a mirpi lt HIh
Vlfo ami a number "f hoi women
friends decided dun'uiro to
hmc a icception at the Dippre hiunc
Htcml in lionot of the eent of e.tei
ilny. Inltntlons wei uuletl.v !-cnt to
the fi lends of the family and the I'lub
of Kit .Veil, of which oiK.tniallnli Ml.
Dlppro l n niemhii. AV.ieti n large
Uelepatlou of the suels nrihttl at the
Dippre home he ui. injoinir u iiuUt
11.1 u.
Follow Iiik shortly otino tli membeis
of the flub and theh whet and guests.
I'liu host was ntml iimKiiitiiluti'il
und the fcitlvtien were comment eu. Mi.
Dlppiu wns haiiiNoineb icineiiibi'ittl bv
Ills lilendx, and especialh In his biotli
or members of the ('tub of Tifteen.
who presented him v Ith a huge and
cotnioi table lecllnliiK c littli.
John J. (fOidon win attended the
liunot of making the speech oj ihi-u-t.itlon.
On behali of tin dub he nm
Ki ltul.ited the hot, ii-Mired hlni of the
deep oeii'-e ot ie?pect and allecllon m
teitalned for lilm b liK btotheis and
wished him many happi utuim of the
Mr. IDIppie lesponded feelingly -lendlnir
Ills sincere jrrntltudv to the
donor". Supper w.i einl and the
Kalheiliifv adjourned to (Id mania hall,
wheie the leinalninir li nils weie pilled
In dauclnif. The Ktiests weie Mi and
IIih. James llest, All. and Mis. John
Demutli, Mr. and Mis Christian rirk
ns. Mr. nnd Mis. John J. fJoidon, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hit haul Wnlle, Mi. and Mis.
Mu' ISns.u, Mr and Ml- Philip Kos.n.
Mi and Mis. I'chwiul, l.uiiK and .lost-ph
Knellai. Mi aid Mi-- Mathl.i
SehiiHltltM Mi and Mi Kiecl HoliueK.
.Mr and Miri Pled Phillips, Mi and
Mis jDhn Phillips m, and Mi- Wil
liam Poole Mi. and Mis. Jacob Hoff
ner. Mi. and Mis ciiaiic- Haft, Mr.
anil Mis Climbs Cmdv, Mi. and Mi
Cluls Palls. Mr and Mrs Anthonv
Hale, Mr. and Mis Hemy Klfeit, Ml.
and Mis Cluls iti.u Mi mid Mis ,l-
npll Couiad.Ml. and Mis Joseph Klein, i
Ml. and Mis Jacob Itet hlei Mis Min
nie Casper Mis John fhl, .Mr- c
Tilprei. Mhses Canie Kt llaiinan. Anna
Jtenehier, Annie ami M?7le t'hl, Mamie
and Kate Hoai. Maine and Anna nip
pie, Chailes Mlllei Jiveph and John
Haas John Hitlm fins MaKlnan, Potei
IJThe best remedy lor
i-iiuurtn nuu auuilb
tough Syrup ril'S;
urouclmisaud mupicut cuiisuiuptiou l'ticc J5c
In Our
Cloak Department
Following the plan we inaugurated last week, to clean
out an entire line of Ladies' and Misses Whiter Garments, we
have gathered every garment in stock f c'nildrens wear,
and grouped them into three great lots tit ni following prices
$1.79, $1.98, $2.
We have lower priced garmeuts in stock than those
refered to above. Nothing but good medium and high
grade Coats and Jackets come in under this sweeping price
cut, and the figures quoted above do not represent half
actual values in most cases.
Sizes 4 to 12 years are complete, and every new ma
terial, cut aud style that led duriug the height of the season
are still represented, but there is not a single ounce of out-of-date
stuff in the lot.
Note the clearing prices
$1.79, $1.98, $2.98.
There is Still
A Good Assortment
Of ladies' garments in the THREE PRICE SALE
now going ou. As an illustration of the unexampled val
ues which this bargain opportunity ofFor Is, take a look at
one of our windows which contains examples of the
$7.98 Lot.
Other clearing lines at
$1.39 and $4.98.
Globe Warebodse
hate hllloune
and I'll J com
plexion. Oliver
liniCRS livens
'up the liver,
cler up the
com ilexlon and
makes you well
McCormlck, Thomatt Mutray, Hemy
Jiulse, Pied Huesner, Casjier Taunler,
12. M. Williams and George Hosar,
orricniis chosi:n.
The Club ot Fifteen held a meetlni;
last nlKht ut the riuniteiH at Hotel
Host. Olllteis Tor the onsulnp year
were elected. The result of the ballot
hue was as appended: President. John
J. Guidon, lte piesldent. (Jus) Mil
Khian, treasuiei, Clnlstlan FkUus:
beerotary, Martin li. Plaliertj : ser
?ennt at aims, Hairy Safl,
Philip Giaf, tinsttis, Fred Huchner,
Fied Phillips ami Tlionuis Muirn, who
will seive foi tjyhtedi, twelf and six
months iesptctli
An Invltatloi fii a; the .lunger Mnen
iieichoi leipu siliu' th club to attend
tiie sixth annual dance and toucert of
the society, to be held at Gerinanla
hall Feb. 14, was icceixed and accept
ttl. Tilt i lub will .asstmble nl 111"
rooms the nli;ht ot the ball and with
their wive-, will attend the affair In
a body. A t ontemplUcd social session
was postpone I owing to the Ulppn u--leptlon,
above notnd.
James Connell lodge, li'dependtn!
Ouiei of Odd Fellows, met in legulir
sot h Ion ul thoi- quutteis at 1'iuehnn
hall Inst nlgnt. At tho com ltislon of
the nieetieg a smoker wnu given, Lou
is G. Helmut, presided uer tiie bes
slon. An entei talning piogiamme was
(uiiled out in detail. C.iptal.t James
Moir. Attorne A A. Vosburg neputy
(Si.titd Master c.ulwgan ami Geurge C.
CJiIswold inaile Interesting addies-es
Tl.i Odd Fellows' ciuaitett
the musical numbeis.
It was an i-iooble oc ension and was
atlentlttl b members of Hobeit liutns
Moscow. Lincoln, l.ackawanni and sin
uiiuu lodges
Law it nee .'lies, of Plttston ovenut
in ai the titv line, had a qliauel with
his -islei, l.illie Giles, a few tlas age.
which rt suited In a Unite being plunged
Into tie ouiii, man's aim mar the
elbow, the -ttel going in lull length.
When lit attempted to wlthdiaw it
tin blade limit". Dr. J. A Manltn
was tailed and ostiuittd tile liistiu
nii'iit. It is l'.aied thuf blood polsou-
lnt will deoloi.
.vi its of x r:vs
Comet lodn". Knights of Pythias at
a meeting held Tuesday night. Initiat
ed thiee membeis into the tits: and
second (legret ot the oidoj" with the
lank of page and esqulie iespectlelv
A social session followed.
.Mr. and Mis. Herman Kckel, of Alder
street. hae letuintd fioin a lll nt
Geoige ltosai, of Birch slieel, lias
iecoeud fiom a -evtre attack ol gliii
Arn Bolncr Considered bv tho Exoou- ,
tivo Committee of tho Congrega
tion Funeral of Mrs. D. P. Jones.
Bon John Injured at Tripp's Cross
ingWilliam B. James Died at
Spokane, Wash. His Remains
Aro Boing Brought to This City
for Interment.
The members of the Stiunton Sti
llaptlst chinch congregation are bold-
luir nlirhtlv meetlnus In the lectin e
loom of the Flist Welsh Baptist chinch ,
on South Main avenue, and last night,
thelt regular prefer meetliig night, was
devoted to their customary sen Ice, at
which a ery Inrge ofwmblage was
piesent. Feivent prayers were offeicd
for the testoratlon of their edifice at
an cany mue aim mucn inie.est
...n.,lf....l.,.1 t. tl ,-,.. ..oj ( m li nl 1.' '
iliaiiiivniiu in un- ri(iHi u-in u. ij
as lepoited by the pastor and niembeib
of eommltttes.
Tho executive committee of ton on
ways and means: A. H. Holmes, chaii
mau. William M Fowler, secretaiy; 11.
11. Stiles, tiensurer; Janiei. M. lantern,
J. S. Gr, Hev. S. F. Matthews H. G.
Moigan. Chailes McGoern, H. G. lied
doe, William Mc Clave and G. A. Wat-
kins, are alo holding nightly meetings
peifectlng plans of protedure
along the proper lines, tow aid lulngtug
ubiitit liultful lcsults. Last evening
they met and fot initiated a plan which
will undoubtedly lie veiy beneficial, but
which is not et wholly peifected, and,
owing to the nbsence of the seeietarv,
Mi. Fowlei, can not be made public
al thl t time.
A pioposition lm bt on made by
Hit haul 1. ltennie, father of Miss Ma
bel Hennle, the accomplished pianist,
who made siith a. favoinble linpiesslon
at the lecent concert glseti by Hauei's
band, to gie a conceit at the Ljceuni
1 on Thursday owning, Apill 'J, the pio-
teeds ot which will be devoted to the
chinch to help defiay the lebullding
I expenses. Tho pioposition was eiy
tnvoiably leteived, but no at Hon was
taken at lunt night's meeting. It Is
proposed to Include in the piogiamme,
If possibly which Miss Hennle will
ghe, selections b Bailel's full oiclles
tra of twenty-tle pieces, solos b 1'ui
ftssor Veinoii Hughes, of Hiooklyn, N.
Y. I'lof. Daniel I'lotheiot. of Mil
waukee, Wis and othei famous vocal
ists, cot net solos In Prof. Joseph Sum
ineihlll, well known here, nnd a for
mer member of Battel's oichestia, re
citations by Miss Webb pili'e medal
ist of Tot onto college, and othei talent.
The conceit will undoubtedly be one of
the tint fit evei giwn In this city and
tin Intel est and sjnipathv felt in ne
liall of the church will add greatly
to the attendance.
The membeis will meet again tonight
at the same plate at 7 .!l) o'clock and
sen Ices will also be held Filday and
Sattiulay evenings. The Sunduj sei
Wie.s will be held in the same chuich
In the moinlng at 11.30 o'clock and In
the evening at 7.30 o'clock.
The lenialns ot the late Mi" U. V.
Jones, wife of tiie pastor of the Taber
nacle Congiegatlonal chinch, weiv
borne fiom the paisonngo at 1J9 South
IIde Paik avenue nt L. !0 o'clock es
teula afternoon to the audltotium ot
the church adjoining, wheie an 1111
usunllv latge assemblage of the mem
beis and friends of the congregation
and tho deceased weie gatheied. Shoit
sei vices weie held at the house prior
to the wi v ices, timing which
a child of Mi ami Jiiii William P.
Williams, the lattc 1 a daughtoi of Hev.
D, P Jones, was 1 hi istueil.
At the chinch thi hjinns sung at the
bei vice weie the tavoilte selections of
the pastot, and ihe piajeis und ad
dt esses weie made in the Welsh nnd
Ihigllsh language. Among the speak
cts In attendant e weie Hev Hugh
Davis ot the Welsh Calvlnlstlc Metho
dist chuich. Htv. H. I. Hvans, unat
tached, Hev Thomas de Gruchv, of
the J.icksm Stieet Jiaptlsl chuich:
Hev. Tlieophllus U.ivis, tit Plains, Hev.
J. C IMwnuls, f Kingston, Hev. P.,
S Jones of Noith heinnton Hev. I)
M George, of PltUtnii, Hev. W. J.
intimitis of Wilkes-Haue; Hev. Ivor
Thomas, or Tavlor, Hev. I). 15. Hop
kins'. (,f iot Aiddulals, South Wuler,
and Hev. 1). C Phillips, of Noith
Scranton. The lcmaiks made weie
eulogistic of tin deceased, and were
earnestly -ind snipatheticall C
pi essed.
Tiie lemalns wne lewed hj the as
semblage, and atierwaids home to the
Washbuin stiett temeteiy, wheie in
terment was made The mouineis and
fi lends walked fiom the chuith to the
cemeteiy, theie being no canlagts,
and rndeitakei William Pi lee, Jr., had
thaige of the funeial duff tlotw Among
tin inunv beautiful Iloinl tilbutis were
a Ivie, "At Hest," I10111 the ladles of
the t hill til, and .1 pillow beating the
word "Mothei." The pall-beaieis weie.
f elected from the membeis of the
church and congiegatlon, among whom
weie William H., Hie haul K.
Thomas, David H. Hvans, Thomas D.
Kevan, Samuel Hojrers and Htese W.
Llov d.
A small gathering was held nt the
home of Miss Lizzie Schneldi r, on Hj.
non stieet, Tuesday evening. One of
the most plenbing events of the even
ing wns a lnuehlng hoIo by Miss Anna
McF.ldden, and a duet by Ml 'f Majino
McDeimott and Jacob Hel lenbaiigh,
also a tlog dance bj Domli.lck Gra
ham and Willie Panons,
Among the Invited guests weie the
Misses Kltt McAndtew, Matv Kellev,
Kllen Kellv. Ntllle Walsh, Nellie Mc
Permott, Nellie Williams. Annie Mty,
Mary Collins, We.ilthj Traosue Annlo
Houii, Maggie and Katie Kannon
Messis. Cliaii s HoinbVcker, Anthu.iy
Ilrckman, Petei Hoicli, Peter Giaha n,
Patrick Haggeity and Wlllio Slagur.
ri.ibli-llRhtf weio taken by Thalia's
Kennedy, when all iepalr?d to heit
hninca, declailuw" Mlba Wllhant? v
charming hosteoi.
The funeial sf i vices over tho lemalns
ot Solomon Jerinyn, which were
'.nought heie on M inday fiom Arkan-
as. weie held at the residence of tho
leceaset'-H ulster, Mis. Thomas C
b well na tho handsomest, and othcis
aio Invited to cull on nn tlruiiKlat nnd
it a frt'o trial tiottlo of emp'H Hulsum
foi tho Throut and Lungs, a itmctly that
is Btiuriititecd to euro and relievo all
'hronla and Acuta CourIis, Asthmu,
Dronrhltla and CoilbUmntlon. Prlco 23p.
J and Wc i
I There is a
f Class of People
Who nro injured by Iho use of cof- 3
E foe. lleeently 1 hero has Lccn placed Ej
in nil tho Grocery stores it new pro- 3,
piratlon cnllid ORAIN-O, timtlo of J
- iiro grama, mat mites wiu nmi.o vi.
- coffee.
Tho most tlolicnto stomacu ro- a
r cpIvm it without dUtrcss, nnd but Ej
few can tell it from coffee.
E It does not cost over n much.
E Children may drink it w ith great ben-
eflt. 15 cents nnd 23 cents per pack-
ago. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O.
uetfTry Qrain0!
- TrultlhatyonrgroccrElvesyou01?AtN.O
- accciiinoimuauotu
Jones, corner of Hynon antl Twelfth
street!!, at 1J o'clock yesterday. The
services were conducted by Itev. Hugh
n.ivls, of the Welsh Calvlnlstlc church,
and a large coneouise of friends tit
lomltll. The ne( ensctl is suivlvcd by
bis brother, William Jerinyn, of Con
tinental Hill, and three daughteis, who
leside In Nnntlcoke. The remains won?
taken to Plttston, uccompanled by sev
einl relatives of the deceased. Mem
bets of the Gtand -tmy of the Kepuh
lie hero and at PlttFton had charge of
the lemnins and provided the pallbear
eis Det eased was a former resident
here and was quite well Known among
the older residents of the Fifteenth
wnwj, ne vas a member ol Colonel
Monies post, No. VJ, Grand At my of
the Hepubllt.
hen john iNjrnnn.
Heii John, a well known chauicter
mound town, was wnlklng along the
Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western
lallioad tiacks In the vicinity of Tilpp's
ciossmg at S o'clock jesteulay morn
ing when he was utiuck with nn en
gine unci sustained painful injuries
about tiie head and bod. He was
found by Pnttolinan AVIlllani Math
thews, who took him to the West Side
station house, where his Injiiiles weie
Mis. Samuel H. James, () Jackson
stieet, has received word from her son,
Thomas James, who Is now at Spokane,
Wali , that himself and Joseph Mor
gan, who left heie last week, will ar
rive heie In a few da.s with the le
nialns of her son, William 11. James,
who died In Spokane on Jan. 21.
The deceased Is survived by hl" wife
and one child.
pi:hsovai. mhntion.
Walter II. Jones, of Xotth Hvde Park
avenue, 11 student at Hloomshurg Stat"
Normal school, has been electtd jiresi
dent of ills ela-s at that Institution
His many acquaintances will bo pleased
to learn of his selc tlon.
Kvcry thins will be sold to the high
est bidder. As we are going In the
Jobbing business we 111 e now ottering
to the people in Hvde Park all our un
redeemed pledges at auction and they
will be sold legal die 3 of value. Davl
dow Hros.
Mis William P.ury. of Noith Hyde
Park avenue, is iciy ill at her home.
Missis. George W. Claike and Hen
ly H. Hamfoid, of Claike Bios' de
partment stoics, leturntd home jester
ilav moinlng fiom New Yoik, where
they have been selecting their spilng
stuc k ot clothing.
Hvtivbody invited to the auction
sale which ivlll be opened this evening
140 North Main avenue. Davidovv Hios.
Prof, and Mis. George Howell and
daughter, .May, of Scranton street, will
leave todaj for Philadelphia and Pitts
bui g.
W. M. rowler. of Jackson stieet. Is
In Albany, N. Y.
Part of the stock of Davidovv Bros.'
uniedeemed pledges are now fot sale
at auction ut 140 North Alain avenue.
Attend the sale, Ifwill si' rely pay you.
The voung people of the 1'irst Welsh
llaptlst church will hold .1 i 'gular
meeting in the lectin o loom of the
thtirth toinouow evening, at which
time a icceptlon will be ttndued the
He,-. D, D. Hopkins, of Pont Aiddulals,
South Wales, who is lining an eight
weeks' engagement as supply p.utor at
the tliui'h. A programme of musical
and merit will be lulcispeisd
b an addtc ss of welc ime and a re
sponse by Hev. Hopkins The young
people of the other ihuiches arc in
vited to be pie.-ent.
Client baigilns can be ttlnlncd at 141
Noith Main avenue. All goods will bo
sold at auction to the highest bidder.
Davidovv Hios.
A social and entertainment will bo
given by the Luther league of St.
Maik's Luthtran chinch tomorrow
e enliig at the home of Mis. Milton
1101117. 1.110 Jackson stitet.
Auction sale ot fine watches unie
deemed. 10 North Main avenue.
Thomas Ford, who vuis au steel ear
ly yestetday moinlng for nctlng sus
piciously around the pic mites of Henry
Greenwood, on North Gai field avenue,
was given a hearing befoie Aldcinmn
John yesteida and lined M.
Auction sale of unredeemed pledges
140 North Main avenue.
A committee meeting was held nt St.
Djcvid's Kplscopal cmnth last evening
to make atrnngements for holding a
social ut the uidenee of Mr. and Mis.
Daniel Dislnger, on North Main ave
nue, on Veh 14.
Hveiybodv attend the gieat auction
sale. Will b open tills evening fiom
T to 10 o'clock
The funeral of Ilthel Decker, daugh
tei of Mr. and Mrs John J. Decker, of
1012 Price street, will bo held this af
ternoon at the family residence.
Auction sale of silverware of nil
kinds. 110 Noith Main avenue
It Works Wonders.
The effect of a few doses of Dr. MeT
andei's Lung Healer on tint goro
tin oat or weak lung Is wondeiful. It
relieves asthma. It cures a cough. It
prevents the dreaded pneumonia and
Blip eo common at the present time.
Twenty-five cents buya a full size bot
tle and is sold on a guarantee.
John Nee, inclciiundunt candidate for
Hiipuvlsor, haa adopted n. new mutliod
of campalBnlng, and fiom present in
dications the Democratic aspliantvvlll
huvo rather imieh Hailing. Itenjamin
J rem, Hepuhlican candidate', Is hust
llng nnd expects to make his opponents
JIqksIo Cavvley, a foui teen-year-old
daughter of Hugh Cavvley, of Htafford
stieet, died yesterday after a shoit Ill
ness. Funerul announcement later.
It Includes Mcdway and Blaokington
for tho Council, Englo and Mont
gomery for School Directors, Wag
nor for Street Commissioner, and
Englo for Treasurer Crawford
County Primary Rules Reported
and Adopted -Wilson and Bronson
Declined to Run for Re-Election.
The Hepublleanti held their conven
tion In Hoyle'svliall last evening. At
8.13 o'clock Hursess Powell called the
convention to older. Harry M. Spen
cer was chosen permanent president
and William S. Potter permanent set
letary, both being fleeted by acclama
tion. Buforc proceeding with the nomina
tions, when the credentials wete being
examined, It wns found necessary to
contest the cicdentlals of James Hon
nlgan ami Sylvester Smith, of tho
Tourth ward, both claiming the place
as delegate. Chairman Spencer ap
pointed a committee of three, composed
of W. II. Orinin, Kobert Plttock nnd
Samuel Hadden, to decide who was
entitled to the chair. They seated
Fallowing weie the nominations:
Oouncllmen, foi a term of three years,
J. L. Mcdway and A. D. Ulacklnton,
nominated by acclamation; school tll
lectors, for three years, Thomns H.
Hngle, thirteen votes; Frank Montgom
ei, thliteen -votes; Charles Oliver,
four votes; D. F. Altemnse, two votes,
stieet commlsslonei, A. J. Wldner.
seven votes; Frank H. Wanner, nine
votes; treasuior, Louis Hugle, nomi
nated by utclumntlon; justice of the
peace, James Quick, ton votes, John
Deveron, six votes; auditor, for tlnee
years, Aich Washei, ten votes; G. W.
B. Allen, six votes; auditor, for one
year, C. W. Zlmmeiman, nominated by
The ticket to be plated In the He'd
for the boiough election to be held
Feb 21 Is as follows; Councllmen, J.
L. Medway and A. D Ulacklnton,
school tlliector", Thomas B. Ungle nnd
Frank Montgomery, street commis
sioner, Fiank K. Wagnei ; tiensurer,
Louis lngle. Justice of the peace.James
Quick, auditni, for three veais, Aich
Washei, auditor, foi one eai, C'laience
W. Zimmerman.
The delegates who nominated th
ticket, with the respective ward, am
us follows. Flist waul, First district,
Josh Waifel and Samuel Hadden: Flist
ward, Second district, David Decker;
Second waul. First district, Angela
Vlto Sablr; Second waul, Second dls
ti let, Harry M. Spencei; Thlid ward,
Flist district, Nelson Krotzer; Third
waul. Second district, O. Con ell and
W. II. Giitlln; Thlid waul, Third dis
trict Frank DeBow and Hobeit Plt
tock; Fourth ward, Sjlvester Smith;
Fifth ward, John Bainey, Sixth waid,
Flist district, William S. Pottei and
Kobert Kankln; Sixth wnrd. Second
district, Charles Webei and George
William R. Wilson and Jacob Bron
son, the nresent school directors, weie nominated for re-election, but
while this choice was being discussed,
Burgess Powell stepped to the front of
the ptatre and said he had lecelved a
letter from them, saying they would
not accept the nomination. Their
names were withdrawn. The name of
William H. Huber, for school director,
was also vvlthdiawn.
L M. Bishop, J. L. Medway, Daniel
Powell, William S. Potter and S. B.
Buckley, the committee appointed at
the last borough convention to submit
the proposed Ciawford county rules
and regulations, were piesent. After
the tepoit was lead by Secietaiy Pot
ter, they wete adopted and the com
mittee discharged.
All delegates were notified to assem
ble In the rooms of the Neptune File
company between 7 and s o'clock this
evening to appoint a boiough commit
Stmiiel Snick, an Kile and Wyoming
Valley b.-akoman, met with an accident
yesterday which may lesult in the levs
of one of his arms. The accident hap
pened at tho Gypsy Glove collleiy while
he was In the act of coupling cais.
Befoie he could draw his hand out the
cais had come togethei, crushing the
member to tho elbow. He was taken
to the home of Mis. Young, on Butler
street, wheie he Is boarding, and a phy
sician called in. Alter an examination
the latter pionouncecl the tase to be
u serious one, but he hopes to save the
The funeral of Mis. C. M. Dodge was
held from the deceased's lute homo on
William stieet yesterday. Hev. W. V.
Gibbons, pastor of the Hrtbbyteiian
rhuich, conducted the seiviee, which
began at 1.30 o'clock. Following the
sei vices the lemalns weie conveyed to
the Delawaie and Hudson depot and
placed aboard the 2.S0 train for Hones
dale, whete Inteiment was made. The
pall-bc.iiers were Messrs. Howard Gib
bons, L. M. Smith, S. H. Hutkley, G
V. IJ. Allen, Dis. Chamberlain and
The tuneral of Thomas Qultm, thc-two-yeai-old
bon of Mr. nnd Mrs,
Thomas Qulnn, of Ward and Haipet
streets, who died Monday morning af
ter a week's illness with pneumonia,
was held at the home of hid parents
at u o'clock yesterday afternoon. In
terment was mude In the family plot
In St. Mary's cemetery. The pall
beais weie Messrs, John Drown, Thom
as O'Hoio, Hdvvard Scott and Patiick
Mrs. James Madison, of Sherwood
avenue, was ngie'eahly surprised by a
number of her friends at her home
Tuesday evening. The mirpilse was
complete In every manner. Mrs. Mad
ison proved hcr&elf equal to the occa
sion, howevei, and soon impi essed hoi
guests as to her ability as an enter
tainer. Mis. William Cockiell, of Taylor,
spent tho day with Mrs. I'etei I'ick
ney. of Piescott avenue.
Theto remnlns nt the post otnee a
photograph of live children, which H
addressed to Mro. Charles Dialnard,
1307 North Twenty-seventh street
Omaha, Nebraska. The package was
nn. p. n. uiest.r
tSTRrd Label Special
Extra stronath.
tA. Ymtisij Tn nil
rut AiuiiuwuMft uubo ui'
Powor. Loat . "Wunhood,
atermty or uarreDnefe i
.tl a bozi eix for 25. with
'written cuarautce!
rn mi vain Vlr(aua At titnrtJl
ocruncor uy mull.
di. a. Clarke, J26 Pcnn Ave., Scranton, I'
vf JSS
wrw Alt
Johsnn Hoirs
placed In the Dunmore post oftlce Dec.
1C, 1S9S. The person who posted It Is
lequested to call at the ofllce and get It.
The Friendly Circle, of St. Mark's
Kplscopal church, Is making prepara
tions for the Old Folkes concert to be
produced In Washington hall, Tuesday
evening, Feb. 14.
Tho funeial of Uitheiine, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mnddtn, of
Oiove stieet, will be held at 2.K0 o'clock
thin afternoon. Interment in Mt. Car
mel cemeteiy.
Mine Foieman Kdvvnul J Hughes Is
conlined by illness to his home on South
Hiakely street.
Bill Indorsed nt Harriaburg by Sena
tor J. C. Vaughan.
At Harrisbuig yestetday Senator I.
C. Vaughan Introduced a bill appropri
ating $119,37.1 to the Lackawanna hos
pital. , The sum Is Itemized as follows. $31.
600 for maintenance, $0,500 lor new file
pi oof wing lor women; $15,000 lor a
chlldien's ward, $7,00 for purchase ol
an adjoining lot; $17,1 for Hie insurance.
M.Hgeiy, the young daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. M. Cole, Is very ill.
Mr. Hihault, of Cnpouse avenue, has
moved his family Into a new house on
Delawaie street.
Miss Stella Jeffries, of Union. N. V
Is spending a few days with Miss Floi.i
Dony, of Mousey avenue.
The savings bank collections tor the
week nmotinted to $10.SS.
A. I. Fowler, of New York stieet, who
has been spending a few days in New
York, has returned home.
Hev A. F. Chaffee Is ill Union, N.
Y., wheie he was called to assist at a
wedding ceiemony of one of his forinc r
A bilthday paity was tendeied Hex
ford Treverton last evening at his home
on Honesdale stieet, the occasion being
his thirteenth birthday.
One of the Green Kidge Suburban
stieet tiii' collided with a meat wagon
of Cuddy Bi others, on Washincton
avenue, yesterday, disabling the car.
The wagon and dilver escaped unhurt.
Mis. I. II. Stevens has returned fiom
a. tour days' visit to Prompton.
Miss Helen Hale, of Hlmhurst, Is
staying with Mrs. Fled Peck, of Ca
pouse avenue,
Hev. James Hughes will dellvei his
lecture on "Afiica, the Land of Gold
and Diamonds" at the Green Kidge
Baptist church Thmsday evening. Sll
vei offerings will be taken.
Ifyouhavea Cold or the Grip,
try Manners' Grip Tablets.
920 Green Kidsc Street.
Mercereaii Zt Connell
Established 32 Years.
A partlculnity
fiio line ol
now in.
The largest
stock of
Sterling Silverware
and Novelties,
S" Fine Diamonds
A beautiful
show of
Rich Cut Glass
Fine Jewelry
Clocks, Etc.
IN ouii Mt.vv yior.i,
No. 130 Wyoming Avenue
Bicycles, Skates, Sleds,
Games, Sweaters,
Athletic and Gymnasium
Now on Exhibition.
Wc are authorized agents
for the Eastman Kodak Co.,
and carry a complete line of
supplies for the amateur and
professional photographer.
211 WashlnlDi Avi
Opposite Court House.
PChlefcMter't EacUih Dlamtad llr.
P -CIrv rll.IuJ Oolj Ue.nlnt.
v wj kuivii, l,awill 1P1
Prufflit for Chtchttttrt Engluh Dil 4
inWia Brand in UeA avncl (,aU mtialilo'
ittCltl 11 tvl With LlUt libbAB Xatli
Jaoolbrr. lteu$t dingirtt tuUtitw V
'tiont an J imitation Al Prtif diu.r feat 4a.
la t no pi fir rtrticiitu itiilDMoUU tit
ILllef fur T.AlinttU. t !
T IIaIL 10,000 fmlBl4Ji Jtmm4rpwt
told fcj 411 LcJ Praciliu. rill LA UX l'A
r) A)
I m n
Dr. M. L. Ravitch, of Lexington, Ky
writes: " I have tried Johann Hoff's Malt
Extract and find It to be the best on
the market, In fact, I would not
tflWp arw nthr. In tinnV anm-
mlc women with delicate X
stomachs or Intestinal
M mmi
"ta- URaUNI)l'. A KCK Leuicl.
II. K. I.'JNO, Manager.
Balance of Week
MATINrli: Pr.ICL'S-ltf CentB
LVI1NINQ PRICKS 10. SO and M Cents.
TKinryus Monday, Feb, 6
Shirley and Lambeck's
Cheat McMo-Diiitiui
Hie romnntle lilt of llio season Agient
production of woi baud meilt.
Reuutar mutinee-i Tuesday and Wednesday
MATlNHll I'll ICIIS -13c
-'t., "5t
II. K. LONO, Manager.
kVcimi Thursday, Feb. 2
file hrlKtituU aiitt merrleftt of nil operatic
The Circus Girl
l'roni Vustlu Unly'M New ork ami Loudon
llic'iities. A cunt of metionolltiin
ntoiltes; llrllhtiil, umusliij,
1 he musical tilumph ofhutli countries
PllICHS- 23, '.0, 73 and $1 OU
Friday Evening, Feb. 3
Churlei I'rulinun, Presents
Julia Marlowe
I II Dllliii-haiii, I:,T.
th Her Latest bucceis
A Itomaiitlc lliaum of tin Napoleonic era.
l m $1 y).
Commencing Thursday Matinee, February a.
The Spectacular Phantasic
m. Miss Cora ltoutt X'TKA.
of 'eolv Dinner I'amo
Mutineers Thursday, I raluj and Saturday.
HEXI-O'Hooligan'a Weddlnj? Farca Coraady.
Need the strenuili that eonich
trom ealing plint "f whole
iiu, liourltlitii food Itrcid
Is uuivei sully recognled atone
of tho best. But It must bo
cood brtad. It limit ba Ilp-lvt
and Bwei'i Soui heavy bioad
is vcrj lnjmlou'-
"Snow White"
l'loiir inaUt's Hi, llelit en. it
tasting vvhiiiehoim kind of
lireud. The kind that mmi
ishes, HtrfiiBthens uud imig
orntes-. The kind a working
man iipodh and tht kind his
wlt ought to knead for him
All grocers sell It.
'We Only Wholesale It."
Scranton, Carbondale, Olypliant.
At Retail.
Coal ot tho best quality (or domes tlo un
and ot all sizes. Includinn UucltwLtat und
Dirdscjo, delivered In uny part ut tin
city, at the lowest price.
Ordeis received at the ofllce. first Door.
Commonwealth building-, room No. 6;
telephone No. 2G21 or at tho mine, tele
phone No 272. will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
I AZtttSvrvaua JJIea. Tiltlac Altar
';1 orr, lmpoteDcj. HleeplostmtM, to . curi
".ri li; Abuae or oth.r Kiovwci ond Iali
ro.wr. Ijqit Vltttlill la oldorrouaz M
it c
tr in oldarvouacr i
la. old c
TU Iitu maQ lorfctudy, ba txinu or uarrltmi
orftluar. D
r uarn
f a'lo time Xhelruto ihowi ia modUte fmpror
hnwi In madlitA IffiDToTA
mentsnd stlocU n OU1US nbare all other fall la.
I lit uiKn li'lB tn ctnnlo Ajt uaonif.
lafscuraatboutiuiaiaiia wlllctntroa. WaetT'
cure rou. We el po
llira wrltt.n mitrtnloa to tax a our
iAih nuu nr r.funil tli. Ian..,. Vrtrm
nckai.i or ill: vVt (full trutmMtl Ul fXML U
nil, la tula "IPIr, sppn et CTJm. (iMulxi
For sale In Scrantcn, Pa., by Uattbeftq
Bros, und II. C. Sanderecn, drucsUt