The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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John Ammonnnn Succumbs to Heart
Failure in the D. & H. Yard.
Thli city wns Hiiocked yesterday
tnornlnrr nliortly after 10 o'clock bv
news of tlip denth of Delnunie nrul
Hudson KtiKlneer John Y Ammcrman,
of No 16 Carman stteet Lust week
Mi. Atinnmnnn ran tlta locomotle on
tlv llnnemlnle branch between tho
Maple OH, and Wnymiirt. He came
ionic to spend Hunduy unit In the morn
Inn went to the lallroad yard to pet
onto Information pettalnlng to hlr
work He felt oi well uh usual when
he It ft home At n point neur the
round-houne lie stepped up on a Hat
hottomed cm. and, after walking
Rhort distance, stepped off nnd sank to
tho ground with the remark "I guess
I'm done for." Friends who were near
carried him Into one of the ofllcoi, but
lie drew niiH a few breaths after the
Tall. His death Is nttilbuted to heatt
weakness, with which he bad been
troubled some for a ouple of jtnrs.
The lemalns weie at once convoyed
to tho home, whcie Mrs. Ammeiinan
was In 111 condition to iecele the sad
Intelligence, ha Ing been confined to
her bed fur a week
Deceased was ilftv-VPii vears old,
nnd a much respected cttlren. Ho be
longed to tlic Methodist I'plseopal
church nnd wnn n member of the
Mnsons, lltotherhood of Locomotive
Knglneers nnd Ornnd Aimy of tho Ho
public He Is surled Ii. a wife and
one son, Fredeiltk K, Ammerniali, a
The f uncial anangements have not
been made. Interment will occur In tho
family plot In Dyben y cemetery,
Honesdale, where Ml. Ammerman
burled a chaimlng daushter a few
j. ears ago.
The Symphony orchestin, made up
of local musicians, under the dliectlon
of Ernest Thlele, will give a public
rehearsal nt the handsome home of G.
S. Kimball, on Spring street, tomor
row night. Pome Scranton talent hns
been engaged for the occasion. Fol
lowing Is the proginmme.
(a) Illgaudon ltameau
b) Swedish Weddlfig March,
Soedei man
Symphony Orchestia.
(a) Murmuring Zephyrs, Jensen,
(b) Fantnsle Impiomptu Chopin
MIs-s Jennlo IUithvvulel
Cavatin.i Hohm
Miss Kdlth Davis
Valtz song from "Ilomeo nnd Juliet,"
Sirs Katlirv n Thlele.
Andante from "Sixth Symphony,"
Sjmphony Oichestra
'I'llo C Minoi, Op. 1 Beethoven
Miss Iluchwnld, Mr. Thlele and C.
(.0 Cradle Song Tschalkowskl
(b) Charming Mnrgueilte Anon
Mrs. Thlele.
Souvenir de Moscow Wlenlawskl
Kmest Thlele.
Intermezzo ... . Mascagnl
Mrs. Thlele and Oichestra
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Hock Cliff Water company wag held
Saturday morning In the Miners' and
Mechanics' bank building, and the old
hoard of directors weie re-elected They
hip Messrs W A .May, of Scianton
Thomas I.evison, K M. Peck. H. H.
Paterson, William Boweis and L A
Patterson, of this cltv W A May
was elected president nnd L. A. Pater-
-on secretarj and tre.isuioi The yeai
lias been a ery piosperons one foi the
i ompanv fi the are able to declare a
dividend of fi pei tent on all stock. (
i: A rtoynolds. of tlioflim of Bob-1
Mis & Hevnolds, news dealers, met
with a palnlul accident esteidiy
morning at 9 o'tlock He was on a
wagon In chaige of the Sunday papers
helng brought down tioni the I'nlon
t-tatlon As the ehlcle tinned fium
Salem u enue into Main hticef It
slewed and stiuek the street cai tinck
throwing Ml Iltvnolels foielbl to the
ley pavement He hiistained an abra
sion of the left cheek and an Injury
which cauced h lump as large as a
hen's egg oei the lett tempU
Mis. Eliza Block who died at hei
home on Aichbald stieet of gilp nt
the age of 72 vonrs, was burled In
Urookslde cemeteiy vesterday after
noon. The funeral services weie con
lucted bv Be G. A. Place. Ph. D.,
nt the Methodist church. Deceased
leaves a husband, one aou and three
daughteis. The last named au Mrs.
John Ustabiook. of this city, and Mm
dames Brandow and Lewis, of f uuque
lmntiu LOST A HAND.
Delawaie and Hudson ti.Uniiidii
Prank Mennlg. of New ("emeterj
stieet. this dtv, had his tight hand
i rushed while (oupllng cats near May
'leld Saturday morning. He was placed
n the Carbondale hospital, wheie Dr.
1 A Kelly and Dr. D L. Ballej am
putated the membei
Miss Hazel. Wheeler entertained the
L ri. c. dub Saturday afternoon.
Opeiator Liwler has charge of the
new telegraph station established at
the "Lookout."
A. U. Cook, of Blrkutt stieet, lb suf
'ering a fructureel anklo sustained bj
'ailing on an ie sidewalk neai his
MIbs Ada Seddon, of Susquehunnu,
is the guest of Mrs. J V Morgan, of
Washington street
Mis. T. L McMillan is on the sick
Mrs J. A Schei met horn Is In Jersey
City, whero she went to attend tin
funeral of her little niece, Miss Kitty
V H. Htnnsbury, of High street, who
was seriously 111, is convalescent
Mr and Mrs. Lewis Potter, of South
"Washington street, are entertaining
Miss May McNIcol, of Olyphnnt.
Mrs. Maxey. of t'huich street, en
tertained Mhft Alice Box, of Forest
City, last week.
Owing to tho lateness of the season
W. H. Dlmock, of this city, has decided
not to accept the position offeied him
for this year by the Uhoy Stock com
pany and has so notified the manager.
A icturn letter states that tho pluce
will still be open for hlrn next season
nnd he may Join the company whon It
rtartH on the road again In August.'
Dr. K. C. Wheeler ami J, u. Morgan
wero among tho Carbondallann. who
spent Saturday evening tn Scranton.
Alt tho railroads In this vicinity arc
doing a brisk business and next pay
will bo a big one.
Councilman G. 11. Van Gorder la con
velceccnt. i m i
Mrs. nilraboth Coon, mother of Mrs.
Anthony I'rynn, of Bacon street, with
whom bIid resided, was found dead In
her bed at G o'clock Saturday evening.
Deceased, who was formerly a resident
of Frnckvllle, Schujlklll county, had
resided here telnet last September. On
Nov. IS she was pelzcd with an apo
pletlc stioke, from which she had since
been an Invalid. She was, howevei.
ablo to be around downstairs until Sat
urday, when sho kept her bed. Her
death was eiulte unexpected, and a se
vere blow to her daughter She wus
Ii years of uce, nnd vwis born In St.
Blnzey, Cornwall, England. Sho Is mn
vlvcd bv a son, James, of Frackvllle,
nnd three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Bird,
of Frnckvllle; Mrs Anthony I'rynn, of
this boiough, and Mrs. Thomas "Wilton,
of England. The funeral will take place
on Wednesday afternoon. Services at
tho house.
The funeral of the late James Con
nors took place on Saturday afternoon.
Brief services were held in Sacred
Heart church by Hcv. M. V. Lynott,
and Intel ment was made In Calvary
cemeteiy, Mayfleld. The members of
the Miners' and Laboieis' Benevolent
association attended In a body, and th
pall-bearers, who were chofen from the
organization, were: Michael Teury,
Michael Joyce, John Stanton, John
Greenslndo, George Williams and
Thomas Champion, Jr.
Mis George I'runer and sister, Miss
Katie Stevenson, of Scranton, spent
jesterday with their parents, Mr and
Mrs Ilichard Stevenson, of L street.
Mrs. A. Kmory and grandson, Joseph
Day. of Cemteiv street, have returned
home after n three weeks' visit with
AVIIkes-Bnrre friends.
Frank Muldlln, of Third street, is
seriously 111 of pneumonia. Willie, his
little son, Is also threatened with the
same disease
Frank Belshor.who after three years'
residence In the Klondike, came home
on a Islt a few months ago, w 111 leavo
again for Dawson City on Tuesday.
Frank is one of the lucky ones, nnd Is
estimated to be worth a quarter of a
million dollars, all of which he amabsed
In Alaska
C L, Bell expects to go to New
Orange, N. J In about a Couple of
weeks to construct some houses for Dr.
"Wheaton, of Scranton.
Mrs. George Blake, of Second street,
is quite 111 of grip.
Curt Bolls, of South Main stteet, a
driver In the Delaware and Hudson col
liery, was squeezed between mine cais
Saturday and quite painfully Injured.
Willie Friend, of Scranton, was a
visitor lieie yesterday.
This evening at 7.30 o'clock Rev.
Hopkins, the eloquent divine from
Wales, now supplying the First Welsh
Baptist church pulpit at Scianton, will
preach at tho Welsh Baptist church In
this place. Rev. Mr. Hopkins 13 an
able speaker and the church auditor
ium should b filled to its utmost cap
acity. William Richards visited friends in
Hyde Park yesteiday.
Miss Sarah Davis, of Hyde Paik vis
ited friends here the latter part of last
The coming cantata, "Merry Milk
maid," which Is to be produced In
Weber's link on Feb. 13 and 14. by the
ehoii of the Calvary Baptist church,
promises to be a grand nffali. The
choir consisting of seventy-five voices,
under the direction of Professor David
K. Jones.have been under caipful train
ing for some time Tickets are selllni;
veiv rapldlj.. Admission only lfl cents
Mls Gladvs Samuels, of Main stieet.
was tho guest ot trlends In Hvde Pnrk
The funeial of James Sullivan took
place from his late home yesterday af
ternoon. Long before the appointed,
hour his home was filled with sympa
thizers and friends The Forvlces ver
held In the Taylor Catholic parish bv
the Itev. Father Moflltt Burial was
mode In the Minooka f'atholli ceme
tery Mis. Thomas Piendeipitst of Depot
street. Is linpiovlng fioni her recent
Allss Mnrv A. McOraw. of Siuth
Scranton, was the guest ot fi lends In
this place vesterdnv
Mastei Robert Goidon spent the Sab
bath with his patents. Mi. and Mi.s.
William Gordon, of Scranton.
Umblem division, No 57, Sons of
Temperance, will meet this evening In
Van Horn's hall.
Druggist Charles Watkins, of Oly
phant, wps the guest of his mother.
Mis W. W Watkins, of Gtove stieet,
on Saturdaj
Mrs. Margaiet fnblelgh f Main
stieet. is quite hick at her home.
Every member of Mluooka tribe. No.
247, Improved Ordci of Bed Men, hip
requested to be urgent at next Wed
tipsday's meeting.
Mr. Patilck Mulherln. of the Mini of
Mulherln & Judge, and son, Hnny. arc
in Georgia
Mr. and Mrs. D. B Hughes, of Hyd
Pntk have teturned home after visit
ing friends in this place
Miss Murgnret Price, of Hendhum, Is
visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas James, of Hyde Paik.
Miss Helen Davis has returned to her
home in Hjrie Park, after visiting
fi lends in this place.
Miss Margaiet Martin, of Edwards
ville. is visiting Miss Delia Williams,
of Ituilroad street.
Mi. and Mrs. William Moigans of
Providence, spent the Sabbath with tho
hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
X. Lewis.
Assistant Superintendent Phillips, of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company was a business visitor In
this pluce on Saturday
Foreman John It. Johns, of this place'.
Mulled friends In Hyde Park yestPrdny
Ellas Thomas, of Providence, visited
rnl itlves In this place yesterday.
The Pvne inlnps will resume opera
tions tho coming week.
The Advancement Social club wilt
meet in special &essiou this pvcnlng In
their rooms In Van Horn's hall Everv
neinhtt Is uigently requested to be
The remains of tho late John Stew
nrd, of Old Forge, were laid at rest
In the Marcy cemetery yesteiday after
noon Services were held In the hcuso
by the Rov J. L. Race. Tho pallbear
eis were' William Mavers, Isaac Daw,
Wallace Ormston, John Rvans, John O.
Jones and Mr Plougliwrlght.
Mr. Fred. L. Foster will ictlre from
thn store the first of the month nnd go
on the road as n tinvellng salesman.
Mr. Flunk Bailey, of Wavcrly, U ne
srotlatlnij with C. Matthewson for thu
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Things get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with hypophos
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich hlood.
tnc amlfiru all clruggUts.
SCOTT K. UOWNfc, ChemUti, New Yotk.
store, now under the management of
Mr Foster.
The funeial of Mrs Wheolock, widow
of the late Pied. Wheolock, took place
at the Baptist church last Thursday.
Miss t'airio Gieen is spending a few
days with fi lends at Staikville.
Mr. and Mrs. Amzl Harmon have le
turncd fiom their wedding trip nnd are
receiving the congratulations of their
mnny friends.
Net Tuesday evening, Jan. 31, theiu
will be a special meeting of Pnulowni
lodge. Daughters of Rcbekah. AH
membei s of the degiee stnff are te
quested to be present at 7 o'clock.
Miss Bcitha Knapp, of the Moses
Taylor hospital, has been spending this
week with her paientp on Main stieet.
Tho Sons of St. George, Rose ot the
Valley lodge, No, 87, nnd the Friendly
Union, No. 8, held a tcunlon In O'Mal
lev's hall on Saturday evening. Dele
gates from various societies through
out the county were present. After a
brief proginmme was rendeied, re
freshments were served and a pleasant
evening was spent
On account of the Illness of Father
Carmody, Rev. P. J. Goff, of Scranton,
celebiated high mas In St. Marj's
church yesterday.
Miss Mary Ilutledge Is seriously III
of pneumonia at the family residence
on South Main stieet.
W. II Ashlo and daughter, Bessie,
have returned to Hnckettstown after
a few davs' visit in town.
All members of tho L. C. B. A. soci
ety are lequestcd to be present at the
meeting tomorrow' evening, as Impoit
ant topics are to be discussed.
Early Saturday moinlng Hie broke
out In a tenement house occupied by
a Polish family and theie being no pro
tection In the settlement, three houses
were soon reduced to nshes. A double
frame building owned by Michael
Burke, of Scranton, and on which there
was no Insurance, nnd two single
dwellings, the piopertv of Andrew
Montlbella, were the loseis. The lat
ter can led $S0O Insurance, which partly
covers lily loss The lire was caused
by n heap of mining clothes Igniting
by being placed too near the stove.
This is the second flie in that locality
in less than a month
At a Republican caucus held on Fri
day evening the following names were
placed on the ticket: Plist ward
Councilman, John Meade, high con
stable William Low , auditor, E. C
Kellum: school dliector, Thomas Hard
ing, constable, Patilck McIIale. Sec
ond ward School director, Jacob Webster-
constable, Alfred Green. Third
ward Councllmen, Jame Giaham and
Jacob Frederick, school directors,
David Davis constable William
Misses Bltdpllu Dee-hie, Agnes Sutll
eilund. Fiances Millet PiPiiel Davis
and Thomas Mlllei attended the Sons
of Temperance banquet at Tavloi, Fil
day ovenlnc
James W, Smith, who has been nt
Hanlsburg and Washington foi tho
past ten duvs, letunit-d home Snlui
day evening.
G. F. Tavlor, opeiator at the Dela
waie and Hudson depot heie, wns Sat
uiday tiansfpriPd to Gieen Ridge
whete he will be on night diit.
Linemen are today stringing wires
fiom the Ontario breaker to the elec
tric light plant for the extension of the
fire alarm sj-Htem The new gong at
ihe plant wus put In plnce and tested
Satuiduv and ptovedveiv satlsfactoty
Mr. and Mr" Ira Jenkins nnd Charles
Bogar. Jr. visited Carbondale relatives
Several shots and dark forms hust
ling ovet boatd fences in the vicinity
of Mr. Kennedy's residence, on Hlckorj
stieet, caused no little excitement about
U o'clock Saturdaj night It seems that
chicken thieves weie operating, when
they were dlscovend and a bombard
ment by nelghbois wns opened up at
once. It Im not known If any of the
shots took effect Tho people ot Peck
v Hie have sustained so manv losses of
chickens of late that they do not In
tend to show any niouy to nnv thief
caught In tho act of appiopriatlng
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You arc perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results fiom cold or
fiom an attack of la grippe. During
the epidemic of la grippe a few yeurs
ago when so many cases resulted In
pneumonia. It was observed that the
attack was never followed by that di
sease when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy was used. R counteracts any ten
dency of a cold or la grippe to ie
sult in that dangerous disease It Is
th best temedv In the world for bad
colds nnd la grippe Every bottle war
ranted For sale by all druggists
Matthew Brof.. wholesale and retail
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Oldest Ettublltheil Mojeln the Cltj.
Dealer 111 STOCKS, COT TOV, (1AIN and
PltovislONS, on martin o.- lor deliver,
OITICU: Rooms joq and no Hoard of Trade
Dulldlnjr, tcmnlon, I'a.
U G, LA UAlt, I, !'. FULLEll
-irii.i-if-iri-"i-i" i" - - - -,-,-! in fi rjLru-rjuul
Wall Stieet Review.
New York, Jnn Js The market was
quite tod.iv The opening was
utrong In fplti; of the iiiigularltv in ihu
London market, ticcuusr In part ot the
abbcnco ot disquieting I'lilllpplne advices,
which aoarentlv hntl lmn expected oy
tho nailers, who t-tnrtcd covering Fliort
contracts l'rtscntlv thuc was it le
ncwed attack on values on predictions ot
im unf.uoit.blo bunk statement but tho
Htatcmeiit proved favorable This wns
tho signal for tho icpui chase of stock goU
earlier, which guvo a strong tone to the
closing Total sales of stocks today were
K7.SW ohaies
Quotations furnished bv I.AHAIi &
H LM,lt, atock, grain and cotton Inok
eis rooms wi mul jio. Hoard of Trade
building, Scianton, Pa.
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing est. est lng.
Am. Cot Oil .... o ..ii "ii X
Am. Sug. lie k Co . 131 Ui". Ul ina
Atch.'io & S. !.. Ji1. .'.'t 225. J)
A T & S. P., IT .. 0!Ti i."i HTn CJ
Am Tobacco Co ... 147 117 11V. lH.-
Hrook II T ''- ! ., "jit :i;
Can Southern Cu'j til 'ioU' (.1
N. J Central 101 lir. 10J'4 lwl'j
Ches. A. Ohio Li' ji .NU ."J'j
Chic H C, V . . .. 17' Is', 17'8 i7
Chic, it N W Its ll'i 119 149
Chit . n. U I) .. .. 13Si !-'. H7'2 IDS
Chic. Mil A. St. 1 .129V l-'Tj 1J UV,
Chic It I & I' . .121 1J1, 11.-, l.i)i.
Clile . St P. M & O SS M OS 9S
C C C & St I. V-H' : 'h o.
Con. (Jus . . . ,1'iJ 1 il 1 i . 'Uj
Dtlawaie A: Hud ...115 115 111" 11)
n. y, i. e &. v v'h r.' r,-t
I'til. Steel, IT ... i7 S7' si, bd'n
1'e.i steti, Com . r.!i4 ; vi, Mij
3en Klettilc 111".. 111', 111U 111'h
l.ouls & Nnnh . . (.. r,s (,sis CV4
MnnliHtt.ui Ek llfiV. Ilfii, 113, IT.i,
attt Tiactlon Co 217 21S Jlli4 217
M K .V: Tex, I'l .. ,, 17J4 'si8
.Mo Pacific, no 17' 17'. 4i.
Nat Lead :!M4 .T 3S JV-
N Y Central Ui,' 1 ifil llii , i y!
Out Ar West ZV,t .'2 1
N'oith Pacific . Rl r.J Vi . j2
Nor IMilfle, Pi . , SO'. Mi v)is vi"..
Pacific .Mull .. 31 -ic 0! -i,
People's Claw lis 11M, ll(,i. jp.s.
Phil, .t Ittad . . 2JU L'J'i 2u'i " 2'ii
P. & 11, 1st IT ..i.l ;-t 2 fi-l
Southern II. R. IT., la "i hi. W)
Tenn , C & Iron . 17 17 !fi'7 ti)'t
I'nlon Pacific . . ! is 47 473,
I'nlon Pae. IT M Sl sen, M'i
1 1. s. iiubebr . . 5j-B ni-ij r,2 r.2
' ? l-e-Ulur Pr . 74 71', 7 .'A Tl'i
AVabish. IT 23TK jjt 2,ss -5
Wi'st Union nyvt ,t illit Tt,,t
,.,., Open- Tllglf- Low- Clos-
VMILAI lug. est 1 st. lng.
Mny .. 7S4 7Jv ;i,-i, W
July 7V4 7'.'. TPi Tl'
May 1014 ;:ji; ii, j
J,H. "'"' "'',, "'1" "'
May 2 2ST, ssi -:s
'u'' -.j W Li. Ji.-
Jjiiuarj 10.3". ion" lft:;.-, 10:'.
May . .... UMj7 10 7" 10 IM 10 0)
Junuaiy r. 7" 5.7." R.71 .1 73
Muv 5 "17 IiOj u'jj "i'l-)
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchango
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Tar of 100.
STOCKS Uld. Asked.
Scrantnn & Plttston Trac. Co. ... 20
FIrbt National Hank iog
Elmhurst IJoulevard joj
Scranton Savings PnnU 233
Scranton Packing Co j;
Third National Pank 3S5
'I hroop Novelty Alfg. Co si)
Scrantnn Hallway Co :3 ...
Dime Dcp & DIb Hank .... Uj
Kconomj Light llcut & Pow
er Coinpanj 45
Scranton Illuminating, Heat
&. l'owcr Company S3
Scranton forcing Co :oo
TiudeiV National Hank 139
Lacka Lumber Co 130
Lack. Trust & Safe Dep Co., 160
Mooslc Mountain Coal Co HSU
Scranton Paint Co go
Claik i. Snover Co., Com 400 ...
Clark A: Snover Co. Pr 125
Carson Coal Co 109
Scranton Axle Works so
Scr Iron fenco &. Mfg. Co 100
Scranton Pus Hallway, first
mortgage, duo 1920 US ...
Pc-plo's Street Hallway, tlrst
mortgage, duo ll'lS 113 ...
People's Street Hallway, Uen-
erul mortgage, due 1421 . lis
Dickson Manufacturing Co .. .. 100
Lacka. Township School 5 ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp Co . . 10.2
Sit. Vernon Coal Co M
Scranton Axle Works 100
Scrunton Traction l. bonds 103
Carson Coal Co 100
rhlladelpbla Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Jun. 2S. Wheat rirm and
Vie higher, cemtruct griide, January. Ma
MHic. Corn Firm nnel He. hlghei'; No 2
mixed, January, old, 4JJiu4Jc; January,
in Underwear Sale Begin
Thousands of people are waiting for it. Thousands of people
who know they can save money here. Thousands of people who
know that every garment we sell is dependably made. Other
thousands who will come by solicitation of their friends will find
The entire main aisle of the store from Wyoming avenue to the elevators
a veritable sea of white garments
Every woman will be charmed by the sight. Enormous quantities of every item
producing a brilliant, dazzling array at prices that will stand the strain of comparison with
any store in the universe. The biggest event of its kind ever known to Scranton.
Think of it nearly 22,000 pieces of Underwear
Produced by two of the biggest fa:tories in the United States made it a time when
business with them was dull and bought at a price less than the bare cost of the trim
mings. The bargain chance of a life-time with NO exception.
The selling begins Wednesday with the opening of the Store
s Long's Sons
new, 31"J,a42c. Ooals Firm: No. 2 white
clipped, 3Ca2o'tc ; No. S vvhlhte do , 33a
3Vc, No. 2 mixed, do.. 34V.a33c. Hutter
Steady, fancy western creamery, l"c ;
do points, 2uc. Eggs Unchanged, fiesh
nearby, 19c, do. western, 19c, do south
western, lse ; do fcouthern 17c Cheese
Firm. Refined Sugars Unchanged Cot
ton Stcartv Tnllow Firm, city prime
in hogsheads, 4e , countrj, In barrels,
4'',c ; dark, do., Vtc. , cakes 4ic ; greas-.
2'ia3'iP Live Poultry Steady: fowls. Sa
10c , old roosters, B'ln'c , spring chick
ens Sa9c , turkejs, SalOc ; ducks, 9al0c;
gcose, 8a9c Dresed Poultry Unchanged,
fowls, choice 10c; do fair to good, SaP'i-c :
old roosters, i)4a7c; spring chickens,
cholcu western, 10'Lallc , do fall to good,
H.ilOc , turkejs, choice to fancy, llallc :
do fair to good. SalOt : ducks, Sa9c He
c elplh Fiotir, 2 500 barrels und 4,000 sacks;
wheat. 12tt,tXO bushels, coin, lsS.000 but-h-els,
oats. S.OOO bushels Shipments
Wheat E0OIK) bushels, rorn, 27) 000 bush
els, oats, 7.000 bushels
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Jan. 23 Flour I'll mly held
but quiet, winter patents, $3S3a4 10, do
straights, JJ70aJ&0, Minnesota patents,
$l20a4 4O, winter extras, J.'. 70.1 f .10 j Minne
sota bakers, $3 1GaJ40, winter low grade,
$2t0a2 63 Wheat Spot quiet; No 2 led.
SiiUac, fob, alloat to arrive; No 1
northern Duluth. Slo f o. b . afloat snot.
options opened firmer on a demand of
shorts, both local end outside trade was
lehs active und later In tho session real
izing made nn unfavorable impression on
the market, particular Jul wheat,
which closed Jjc. net lower, Market wab
llnally '.c higher and the general clos
ing touo unsettled, March KVJiSuHe
closed S'i'jC , Mav, 61 9.1fa82'p , closed
Slc , Jul.v, 7D5dS0e c losed 7S:c. Corn
Spot sti'.tdv. No 2 tS'talljijC , fob.
afloat, options afttr u stead opening
with wheat jlelded to general unloading
and closed easier at 'c not decline, Ma
4u1ia44 3-1'jC . closed Hc : July, 4438u44V .
closed 41Jt Oats Spot steady; No. 2,
ufe No J, ,11'se , No 2 white. 3otsc. No. .!
white, Soc , track mixed, western, 33a36c ,
tiack whitt state, CCilOe-.; options dull.
Cut Meats Steady; pickled bellies, SaSc;
do shouldeis, 4c , do. hams, 7c. Lurel
Quiet, western steamid, (CO'i, rellned,
epilet, continent, $6 20, 8 A, $6 30, com
pound, 45sa4'ic Hutter Steady; western
creamer . 13r,16lse . state dali v 13al7c ,
elo creamer llalb'c Cheese Stead ;
large white, 10ic tmall white, fnncv,
llallic , lingo colored, lo'ie ; btnull do,
Jalc Hggs Steady, state nnel Penns!
vanl.v lsilOc , western fresh 19c ; south
em, K'ialS'ie Petroleum null' refined
New York. $7 40: Philadelphia and llal
tlmore $7 13; elo. In bulk $4 13.
Chicago Qrain Market.
i.'hleago, Jan 2s Heavy realizing sales
lodii caused n setbick In the ptlce of
wheit After 1111 udvnnco of ic earlv
In thu session Muv left off ut a decline of
Jjc compared with last Saturday's clos
ing prices final figures today showed fic
advance- Corn dropped iac , but was
still .a'e higher than .1 week ago Oats
declined v.a'tc piovlslops looked strong
ut 0110 time but closed without notable
change. Cash quotations wcio ns follows:
Flow SteaeJ , winter straights $3 50a.
1.70, do patents $J90al; fcprlng special.!,
$12'a4 10, hard patents, $3 70aJ'K) seift
pi'ent S140.,1C0. btrnlgllts, $310a'I2O,
No 2 spring wheat 7,ia73c , No. X do . CSu
73c., No 2 red, 70a77c : Ne. 2 corn, 37V-P.;
No. S elolw corn, 7a3St , No. 2 oats,
2Sf , No. 2 white, 30i,a31c . No 3 white.
:j)a30iji : No 2 ive, fS11i5,.c . No. 2 bar
ley, itaSJc : No 1 flax seed, ?l pi N W
$120, timothy seed, $.' 42'i, pork. $10 33a
10 10, lard, $j73aD.77a, shoulders, 4'Jal5,o ,
short clear sides, 3 10ir20, whlske, per
gallon, $127, suguis, unchanged
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Jan 28 Prices of cattle un
changed, lienev cattle, $0aii.".i) choke
steers, $3C0a5,9', medium steers, $.ia5 23,
beef steers, $3!)0a4 K), bulls $2 70a4 23, cows
nnd heifers, $3S0a4, western tesl steers,
$4H'ari87, Texas steers. $3 73a3, culves
$1 50t7 Hogs Advanced 6c, fair to
choice, $182'sa4, packer Jots, $3 CS.lJ bO
mlM'd, $JL.5alh7H. butchers, $!i.,;a3 93
lights $3C0a3 73. pigs, $1 23a3 O) Sheep
Actlvt. prices nillng unchanged; inferior
to prlmo sheep, $Ja4 30, earllngs, $4 10.1
4 55; explort heavy sheep, tllOnlSO.
lumbs. $3 75a5 Receipts Cattle 200 heud
hogs, 15Xn) head, sheep, 2,000 head.
Buffalo TJIve Stock Market.
Hast HulTnlo, Jan 28 Cattle Steady
Hogs Fnlrly uctUe and firm, good to
ciioitei x oncers nnu iigui mediums, t'iot
n 13, roughs, $3 23a3 50; pigs, fair to choice,
$1Wa3 83 SheeiFalrl active, lambs,
pholco to extra, $5a5 10, culls und com
mon, $3 23a 10',; sheep, choice to selcctrel
dr. e. a. wes-i-H
tSTRed Labol Special
txira strenmh. i
For Imnotencv. I, nun n(
Power, iibet Manhood,
Sterility or Uarranneu
,i a doii six lor (3, wltti
Itvritten cuumnteea
vn ntitrA in luinaua a !...
Wm, a. CUrlc. jjO lcuo Ave, Scrn(on,Pa
$2 50a3 90.
$ 1.33a 1 DO) culls and common, 1
East Liberty Cattle Market. 1
Kast Liberty, Pa.. Jan. 23 Cattle
Steady: prime, $5 25a5 40, common, $)23i
3 90. Hogs Steady, prime lieav, $!02'4a
4 05; best mediums. $4a4 02'2; best York
cs, $3 90a3 93, common okers, $3 80a1S5:
pigs, $3.7ia3.80, skips. $2a3 23; roughs, $2 50
a.150. Sheep Steidy und unchanged,
choice lambs, $'ui5 10; common to good
$J30a4 90, veal calves, $t COa7.50.
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New York, Jan. 2S Heeves Feeling
stead, cables firm. Calves Veals, firm;
Sohep nnd Itmbs Sheep stead . lambs,
slow, sheep, fair to good, SI 10a 4 2'i Hogs
Nomlnall firm at $4 10a I 2".
Oil Market.
Oil Clt, Pa, Jan. 2S. Credit balances,
$1 Hi, certificate market, no bids or offers,
runs, 3S9U barrels, shipments, t,4,74't bat
tel n.
Excuse for Exhibition.
Small wonder that my lady has
A little mouse for pet
for 'pon my word hei ankles nr
The very trimmest et
A perfect method to deTolop,
strengthen, enUrje all wcaL,
(turned, feeble portion of tho
body. Effect! of errors und
excesses cured. A ilmple 1 Ian,
Indorsed by physld&ns Ai
pllance and treatment cent 011
fiDDroral. Nn man In ml
ranee. Writo for explanation and proofi; mttiKd
In plain, sealed letter. Correspondence eon
Mercereaii & Connell
Established 32 Years.
idSM5' Watches uowin
Ihe laigett
lock of
Sterling Silverware
and Novelties.
A 111
-or Fine Diamonds
M-'o," Rich Cut Glass
Fine Jewelry
Clocks, Etc,
in our nkw sronrj,
No. 130 Wyoming Avenue
iiil'S 0
Alnnufacturers of
a m mu si, still, pi
'lclephone Call, 2333.
I mn
W..J3 taken la lux
If your present tenant is
not going to renew his
lease with you now is
the time to secure a new
tenant. Don't Wait
until all the desirable
tenants have been gob
bled up by wide-awake
landlords, who get in on
the ground floor by using
I printers' ink.
But Advertise
your property in the "for
rent" columns of the
whete it will be read by
the class of people who
make good tenants.
The Cost
will be only one cent a
word, paid in advance,
and you may save the
loss of a .month's rent
by making a small invest
ment in this manner.
Cklthtittr't rnill.h nitnsod Hri4.
Original od Ooly Veaolne.
ftfl liT tfUtbU ladic tik
UujcUtfur CMchnitr$ k;.ilut PU
ioriti mrM in iica ana rij bi
oxti f.ftil iib fclu rUUt 1V
tiOAt u4 imiutUn It Driftifti riral4&
la tnri for ptrtUvltu letifivalfclj at
HlIf Tor I dlJ in ttlUr kT Ut
f MkIL 10,000 men paptr,
ChUtiHlM 1hnlfkll3..llHltMi limUL
Boll bj U Lcftl Draf tifti. 111 IL 1A I'A.
orr.lmDstancr. HlaanleuneH. &Ca. maoi.J
br Abu or okr jCjcmm sal lndli-
cretlOBf. xicj quickly
ana urii
rtitcre Kit Vltlltr ta oUorioane.oti
flit upoq bitioB (ho fDnttina AJax Tualtf. TLi
litracurtdtuoumndtaiM willouraiaa. W1t b
Ulrftltta(U4raiitatetffKlrur cnpta U
racbotuor fund tti tuooe. IVto vUUIQitii
lckfl or li pkii (fall trnta.atl for K.M. T)
all. In plain wramier. nivin raMlnt ( rrlfta. Vlrenilar
'" AJAX REMEDY CO., ?,taT,.7.e
For nnla tn Hcrantcn, Pa., by MaUlicwi
Bros, uud II, C, Bandcrecn. drljcaist,
m 51 xSs
1 TS 5
-m. ubi. wan lorveuvir, vviuior msxi
a Inn. Tfaetrut hhenvi lELUCdlfctB 1bidxi
1 (StoU rilltE olira all Dlfctr fill In